THE ItORKIKG OEEJGONIAN, FRIDAY)- 1IATICH 31, 1305. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF XKE OSEGONIAVS TELEPHONES. Hunting-Room. .-7 Mtin Canaglng Editor. Sunday Editor Jffft ;ity Editor Mln 160 ioclety Editor J5a6Hf "oraporinr-Room H4nS tuperfntendent Building R4 2820 Cast Side Office ...East ei A3IC&ESEENTS. 4ARQUAM THEATER (Morrison between 6th and 7tb)-Evenlne at 8:15. Pollard Lilliputian Opera Company. In "The Geisha." tOLUMBIA. THEATER (14th and Washington) Evening at 8. "A Contented "Woman.' STAR THEATER tPark and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30, 7:30 and 9 P.M. RAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous, vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:20 P. M. 3AKER THEATER (3d and- Tamhlll. Con tinuous vaudeville, 2:30. 1O0 and 8P.1I. Civil. Service ETAvnfATioxg. The Unt ied States Civil Service Commission an lounces the following examinations for ;he Panama service, to be held in this city April 26: Trained nurse, salary $50 a month, -with board and Quarters, age limit SO to 25 years; bridge carpenter, salary HOO and 51000 per annum." An. examina tion will also be held April 25 for position sf transferer (male), at J2033 per annum. in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing At Washington, D. C Applicants should ipply to Z. A. Leigh, Postoface, city. Excursion for Pupils. Principal Mil ler and W. H. Schooling, of the Arleta district on the Mount Scott Line, are making" arrangements for an excursion of the pupils of the higher grades through Portland. There will be about 60 pupils 3f the higher grades who will go. They will Inspect the docks, and then go to Portland Heights, from which they will have a full view of the city. One object at the trip is to gather information, out of which to prepare an exhibit for the Fair display. Baptists Visit Fair. Upon the invlta Uon of President Goode, of the Lewis and Clark. Centennial, the several Baptist min isters who are in attendance at the evan gelistic services In Portland this week visited the Fair grounds yesterday. At the White Temple this morning they will listen to a special address by Rev. Thorn as Jseedham, and later there "will be t discussion of the methods of securing cou verts and conducting the work of the church. , Found Guiltt of Fiohtinq. Lou Bad abaugh was found guilty of fighting, after a Jury had heard the evidence In the Municipal Court yesterday morning. He Is the young man who hurled a bottle that struck the right arm of Mrs. T, Platz recently, and was fined $50 for the act. Judge Hogue will pass sentence later. Midwat Croc League to Mebt. The Ladles' Civic Improvement League, which was recently organized, with Mrs. Mar garet Holmes as president, will hold meeting this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Portland Crematorium for the purposo Df appointing committees and laying plns fon community betterments. Wakt Woodworking Plant. The Mon tayilla Board of Trade will meet this eve rung In Darnell's real estate office to con elder a proposal for the erection of woodworking plant on the railway siding cosing Jjr. wimam ieveney, sec retary of the board, will report his inves tlgatiors of the benefits to be derived Church Meeting Postponed. The an nual business meeting of the First Pres byterian Church was to have been held Iastjuight, but on account of the small at tendance, the meeting was postponed un til April 33. when the Chapman evan gellstlc services will have been concluded. Lite's. In order to make room for our arriving Spring stock we will sell today andtSaturday 60 high-class tailored skirts ranging in price from $12.50 to 523.00 for Sd.on, Also 60 waists ranging in price from n0. to $17.60, for 53.00. Booked for Drunkenness. John Casey was arrested by Sheriff Tom Word at lifltuX. M. yesterday at Third and Ash street. . The prisoner was taken to the City Jail, -where he was booked on charge of being drunk and disorderly. Pulpit and Its Mission. Rev. Adolph Abbey will speak on "The Pulpit and Its Mission ' at the Talmud Torah Synagogu at 6:4E o'clock this evening. The ritual of the regular services will be read by Shappo, of Chicago. Drj Shapo Wj Speak. Dr. J. Shapo, of Chicago, will officiate at the Congrcga tion JNevah Zedeck Talmud Tonah this evening at 7:20. Dr. Shapo only arrived in Portland yesterday. MONTAVILLA BOARD OF TRADE MEETS. The Montavllla Board of Trade meets this evening. It is expected that a proposi tion for establishment of a factory will be received. The steamship "Aberdeen" sails from Couch-street cock for San Francisco dl rect Saturday evening, April 1; at 6 P. M. Cut rates. -F. P. Baumgartner, Agent. Main 861. Pi re rose trellises. II. Claussenius Son, Plumbers, 415 Washington street. B. and R., homeopath! cs. now 07 Wash., Knight Drug Co., agents. 'Phone 2635. The Calumet Restaurant, 143 Seventh. Fine luncheon. 35c: dinner 50c Dn. W. L. Wood has returned. Office Oregonlan bldg. -411-12-13-14. Young Men's Democratic Club meets tonight in Allsky Hall. .Social and Club Events DR. EDNA TIMMS gave the Homo Training Association a sensible and instructive talk yesterday upon the sub Ject of "The Adolescent Period." Dr. Tlroms said that the school courses were too crowded, and that for the benefit .of the health of the growing boys and girl jstudy should be made lighter, home study being entirely dope away with. This has been accomplished in some cities already with excellent results. Chronic disorders are more frequent among scholars who sit in school all day as In such cases the brain is developed at the expense of the body. Too much candy and pickles and too much social activity were mentioned also as detri mental to the Health of many young people. Dr. Tlmma recommends that medical In spectors be appointed for reboots, and that separate lectures be given to girls and boys In order to protect health. Mrs. Walker led the question discussion, during which the correction of children in public was considered. The general de cision was that children .should not be punished or reproved before guest, but when, as they often do, they take ad van tage over their mothers in the presence of company, it Is advisable to removo .ucm from the room and administer disclpus in private. The Rose Society held an Important ses slon yesterday in the Chamber of Com merce. Mrs. George H. Lamberson. act ing president, presiding. Plans for the Juno rose show occupied most of the time, as the members are enthusiastic In vhelr desire to eclipse all previous displays in this one. which will be one of the most Important features of the Lewis and Clark Fair. Space for the rose display has been sc oured, after much effort, from the Lewis and Clark State Commission, in the north east corner of the Forestry building. Dur ing the rose season it is desired to have the -space set aside by the commission for the Rose Society a perfect bower of roses, upholding and maintaining Portland's reputation as the "Rose City." The best specimens will be placed in vases for ex hibition purposes, and the surplus handed out to visitors. Outlying districts like Portland Heights, Sellwood. Mount Tabor. Piedmont, Sun nyelde, Woodlawn and University Park, could -send In their flowers to some des ignated point in the business part of the city, when they could be fathered lip fcy , the express. Members of jocal clubs furnishing Toses tor the exhibition will have active com mittees at work, arid an effort will be made to secure passes to the grounds for these -workers. Arrangements will be made also for the collection from some central point of roses sent in from Port land Heights, Sellwood. Mount Tabor, Piedmont, Sunnyslde, "SVoodlawn and TJnl- erslty Park. The neighboring towns or Hlilsboro. Forest Grove, licMlnnville, Oregon City. Woodburn. Salem. Albany and "Vancouver, besides the smaller places. mil be Invited to participate also. w. 8. Slbson. chairman of the arrange ments committee, announced the follow ing committee yesterday: Thomas u. Greene. Mrs. Benton Killin, Frederick V. Holm an, Mrs. G. H. Xamberson. HeardintheRotundas B are a very quiet and unas suming people up there at For est Grove." said State Senator E. w. Haines at the Hotel Imperial last even ing. "We have been drifting along in an even tenor of a way for years and have had very little excitement in our home town. When we feel as though we would lilce to be livened up wo come to Portland. "But at last we have suffered a re action. We have been too quiet.. We don't have to come to Portland any more for excitement because we have plenty of it at home. Forest Grove is in the throes of a liquor war. The ques tion uppermost in our minds Is to whether we are to have a 'dry town or a Vet town. We have a "dry" town now. 'Our minds will be put a.t ease next Monday when Judge McBride, of the District Court, will decide the question. At the last city election a Mayor and three Councllraen were elected, who were In favor of licensing saloons. They are in the majority as there are only sir members of the Council. It was understood at the time that saloons would be opened. One man went so far as to erect a building to be used as a saloon. "But some of our people tip there do not want saloons. They carefully scanned the city charter and came to the conclusion that the members of the Council did not have the right to license saloonc They got out an Injunc tion to prevent the opening of the sa loons. The other faction filed a demur rer. The case has been argued. Judge McBride will settle the question for good and all Monday. "It 1b pretty hard to tell how tne case will come out. Some believe that within a few weeks here will be sa loons running at full blast. Others are of the opinion that we will continue 'dry.' We have one great satisfaction up there, however. Forest Grove Is growing faster-than ever before. More than 100 new houses have been erected up there within a year and lots of East ern people are coming to our town to locate. The town will continue to grow whether we get It 'dry or 'wet, " PERSONAL MENTION. W. F. Matlock. Mayor of Pendleton, is a guest at the ImperJaL Leo Spiegel, a Boise merchant, is in the city. Ho Is staying at the Imperial JHotel. J. T. Bridges, a former grain man from Boseburg, Is In Portland. He Is thinking of opening a store in Forest Grove. ' Miss Thcrise Friendly and Miss Bo salle Friendly, of Eugene, are in Port- PLANS OF THE W. C. T. SBBBBBsV9KraPHKDlslSBS' PSiSSBBSVfnMBliSBBBSBBBBBBi hands of this committee: Mrs. Whltestdes. Mm. I IT. Addlton, State President Mrs. Amos and. Mrs. Fulton. Committee in charge oFw. C T. U. literature at the Ex position. Mrs. Mapea, Mrs. Marks and Mrs. English. The official trip of National President Mrs. Lillian M. T. Sterens. and the first vice-president, Mies Anna Gordon, was announced a conference at Modford. May 17 and IS: evening mass meeting and rally at Albany, May 19: meeting in this city. May 21, and at La Grande, May 28. Stat President Mrs. L. F. Addlton will meet the two visitors at Medford and will hold institute in Marion. Lane, Linn, Doug las and Jackson counties. Mrs. Ansa Ncwa.ll, Mrs. Graves, Mrs. Sleeth and the state president were asked to canvass the state In lecture work and to open up work in unorganised counties, like Lincoln. Klamath and Wallowa. Reports of new organl zatlonA in this county, Douglas. Linn, Vamblll and Clackamas counties, were most gratifying,- and the organisation of four new. flourishing Loyal Temperance Le gions were alM brought up. Juno 27 aad 2S will be special W. C T. V. days at the Lewis and Clark Ex position, and June S will be flower mission day. Mrs. Sarah Peak. 233 Madison street, this city, was appointed state superintendent of flower mission work In place of Mrs. Mary E. Townsead. who has resigned because of ill-health. land for a few days' stay. They are at the Portland Hotel. Mrs. Gilbert Hunt, wife of the Mayor of Walla Walla, accompanied by her two daughters, is spending a few days In Portland. They are registered at the Imperial Hotel. NEW YORK. March 3d. (Special.) Northwestern people registered at New York Hotels today as follows: From Portland T. B, Wilcox, at the Holland. From Seattle Mrs. M. Bennett, at the 33reslin. KED EYES AND EYELIDS. Granulated Eyelids and other Eye troubles cured by Murine Eye Remedy, It don't smart. Sold by all druggist. RATIONAL TREATMENT or Stomach Diseases 9 CANS : Discard Injurious Drugs A Haralts Pewarfe! Gwatdsle Endorsed fy Letdotg Phjrstasns. Send twenty-five cents to pay postage on F ru Trial BottU. Sold by leading druggists. NOT CINUing WITHOUT Mr SISJtATURC: 62M prince St. New York. Wane ros Free Beetorr ea KtTiocM. Tx im en sBncuc N Sfycozsne JAP BREAKS' DOWN Hanoaka. Is Now Losing His Stoicism. BIG DEVELOPMENT EXPEGTED Wlth the- Strongest Circumstantial Evidence Against Him and the Testimony of New Witnesses the Future Looks Dark. Developements of great Importance yes terday, will cause a postponement of the preliminary hearing of Sakutaro Hano nVn, scheduled for today in the Municipal Court The prisoner is charged with mur der In the first degree, for the killing of L. Fugltaro. Detectives Hartman and Vaughn1 have secured new and positive evidence, and have decided to ask for a con Jnuanee. Hanoaka Is now confined In the County Jail, and his former stoicism is leaving him Until yesterday he has neen coioiy indifferent regarding the crime of which he is accused, but bis attitude has un dergone a remarkable change. He mani fests great Interest when talking to the detectives about the murder, and there are Indications that he is materially weakening. When the case comes dn for hearing, which will Drobably be tomorrow. startling developments are expected. From the time of Hanoawrs arrest ax Harrlsburg and his return to Portland by Detective Hartman. up to aad mciuaing the day of the coroner's inquest, the pris oner showed no signs of Interest in the outcome. Since he was virtually held re sponsible for Fugitaro's death, however, he has noticeably changed in his de meanor. It la the belief of the officers that Hanoaka and his friends fully be lieved the coroner's Jury wo Jld be unable to connect him with the crime, It all of the Japaneso witnesses held their silence. and that the verdict was a distinct blow to the man and hla intimate acquaint ances. Two additional Japanese, who know im portant things regarding the stabbing of Fugltaro, and one white man whose testi mony is said to be valuable, have been secured by the detectives. The testimony these three men are sold to be able to give, and the blood stains on Hanoaka's knife blade and his clothing, are believed by the officers to be sufficient at least to send the prisoner to the penitentiary for a long term. The two Japanese who were out at the banquet, presumably by Hanoaka. and who swore at the coroner's Inquest that they never knew Hanoaka previous to the cutting affray, are now known positively to have been friends with him for years. Because they are linked together with him in the strongest of secret bonds, it has been learned, they have thus far re fused, even under oath, to testify against him. Insist Stratton's Mine Was Salted. WASHINGTON, March 30.-A petition for a writ of certiorari has been fiied in the Supreme Court of the United States in the case ot Stratton's Independence Mining Company of England vs. the trus tees of the estate of the late W. S. Strat ton, the Colorado mining millionaire. The case involves a suit for damages in the U. ARE DECIDED UPON The approaching tour ever the greater por tion of Oregon by tcmpcrsacft workera, plans for -work at the Lewis and Clark exposition and routine business formed the programme yesterday at the midyear executive meeltnc of the State Woman's Christian Temperance I don. held In one ot the halla of the Young Men's Christian Association building. Mrs. L. F. Aidlton. the state president, pre. sided, and there were also present: Sirs. Ida Martters. Rotebunr. recording secretary; Mr. Hesele J. Shane. Portland, secretary; Mn. Ida. M. Courtney, secretary Loyal Temperance Le gion, Mrs. X. A. Naah, Mrs. E. Dalglelsh. Sirs Sarah Keller aad Mrs. L. A. Ka&h. Fort land. Mre. St. B. Push, Albany, and Mrs. it E. H oxter. Forest Grove. Satisfaction vu ex pressed over the selection of state headquar ters In the Goodnough building. Fifth and Yamhill streets. Thl la the first time In the history of W. C T. V. work In this Kate that headquarters, have been established here. Th installation of the educational exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition -rcae placed in the sum of JS, COO. 000 in the purchase of Btrat tons independence mine at Cripple Creek. In their petition the purchasers set forth that they paid J10.OQ0.000 for the property, and this they assert was 76.000. 000 more than It was worth. They charge that the ore was "salted," and say that in other ways Mr. Stratton made the mine appear far more valuable than it realty was. The case was decided by the Circuit Court ot Appeals of -the ESgfith Circuit lavoraoiy to the Stratton estate, and the purpose of the petition is to have the case brought to the Supreme Court for review. Y. M. C. A. 2TIGHT SCHOOL. The Spring term of the Young Men' Christian Association Night School will begin Monday. April 3. Courses -will be given in algebra, architectural drawing. antnmeiic. bookkeeping, chemistry. Eng. llsh grammar, geometry, mechanical drawing, mechanics, manual training. penmansmp, plumbing, reading and spen Ing. shorthand and typewriting. Apply at Association building, corner Fourth and Yamhill streets, for particulars. Awaiting Mr. Chadwlck's Papers tuuviiLAjj, o.. March 30. At the conclusion of a conference today between Nathan Loeser, trustee of the Chad wick estate, and Mrs. Cassic L. Chad wick, the bankruptcy hearing, which was ched uled for today, was postponed until next Monday. Mrs. Chadwick had promised that after" the trial Bhe would do all In her power to assist the authorities In clearing up her affairs, and she is now awaiting the arrival of important pa pers. which, she asserts, will be of ma terial aid In accomplishing the same. Wltl Not Give to Sectarian Colleges. NEW YORK, March 30. The Time to day prints an Interview with Andrew Car negie, in the course of which Mr. Carnegie declared that sectarian institutions were not eligible tobls gifts. He added: -"As a matter of fact, however, most ot the colleges which started as sectarian Institutions have' broadened their basis voluntarily, and while still sectarian "in ' name, perhaps, admit students "of al creeds and Impose no hard and fast con ditions. I do not object to a school 'con ducted under the patronage ot a denomi nation if It prospers by reason of tch patronage. In the case of a school so, strictly guarded that It makes the accept-. ance ox its tenets a condition of matricu lation. I am free to say that it would not Interest me." ELBE DT THE CXITTEHT0H Inmates Are Greatly Alarmed at the Flames. Intense excitement prevailed at the Florence Crlttenton Refuge Home last night, when tire broke out from a defec tive flue. A still alarm was turned in to fire headquarters at 5:30 o'clock and Engine No. 9. at Sunnyslde, was dis patched to; the scene. It was a long dis tance, but a fast run was made, and the flames extinguished with but nominal damage and no Injuries to Inmates. There are twenty babies at the home, and several women, in addition to the reg ular staff. As soon as the flames were discovered, the alarm was spread' through the house, ana there were hurried prep arations for vacating, in case of rapid spread of the fire. Because of the discipline prevailing at the home, it was but a -brief time until all of the babies and the inmates were ready to be removed to places of safety. should the danger increase. The first thing to be done was to call for fire apparatus. The nurses, under direction of the superintendent, next made arrangements for ths soeedv removal of the babies, should the flames get beyond control. All hands stood ready to act in stantly. In case of necessity. It was a long distance from Sunnyslde station to Thirty-first and Gllsan, where the home is situated, and It was necessary for Engine No. 9 to make a circuitous route, owing to the bad condition of the streets. Therefore, it was quito a while before the firemen were on the scene. Upon the arrival of the firemen it was found that the fire had not spread much. fortunately, and the firemen cut off some shingles and soon had the blaze out, HAEEY MATHTTR TAKES POISON Despondent 'Because of Ill-Health He Ends His Life. Despondent because of 11) health and al most Insane from pain, Harry Mathur, a traveung salesman for the Dayton com putlng Scale and Cheese-Cutting Com pany, residing at 10S West Park street. committed suicide yesterday afternoon be tween the hours of 3 and S o clock by drinking carbolic acid. He left a wife and two children Burnette, aged 16, and Lloyd, aged 14. The Mathur family came to Portland from Minnesota about nine months ago. Mr. Mathur had been troubled with eevere kidney trouble for the past three years, and thought a change of climate would help him. However, his disease nad ad vanccd to a stage where the change did little god. Recently he had been subject to attacks oi tno oia ailment, wnicn were of such a nature that he often became ir rational. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock bis wife left the rceidenco to go down town She returned at 4:15 o'clock to find her husband dead in bed. An empty vial marked carbolic acid, lying beside the boay, told the story. Mr. Mathur bad been attacked by the disease during his wue s aDsencc, ana n is inougnt mat ne took the acid while temporarily insane from pain. Coroner Flnley was called, and upon in vestigation decided that no inquest was necessary. The body was removedto Fin ley's undertaking parlors. " Mr. Mathur and his wife were proml nent in the forming of the Minnesota State Society of Oregon. Mr. Mathur was also a member of the A. O. U. -W., hav ing. Joined that order In the East. STRUGGLING FOE SLACKTH0EN Popular Candidates Are Receiving Heavy Votes for Prize. The vote will be counted In John E. Coffey's store at 253 Washington street at 8 o'clock tonight to determine who is the most popular Irishman in Portland and who Is entitled to receive the silver mounted blackthorn as a present from the United Irish league of Portland. The committee has changed the voting place from Allsky hall for the reason that the ladles auxiliary of the A. O. H. will have a whist party and supper in the hall that evening. In order to see that the black thorn gets fair play three newspaper men. Joseph McQueen, C E. Williams and S. B. Best have been requested to act as judges and count the votes and if rumor has it right they will have their hands full dur ing -the last hour as several ot the candi dates' friends Intimate something will bo doing to advance the popularity of each contestant. More than 1207 votes had veen cast up to last evening and those holding books must have them in the hands of the Judges before 9 o'clock to night In order to get the votes in the count. Dan McAllen. Lawrence Shana ban, John B. Coffey and John E. "Woods aro reported to have struck a "Hold on Cork. Kerry is Coming" gait with results varying every hour as to the lead, while John Manning. M. F. Mailey, James Frainey and Chas. Duggan are bringing up the rear stili in the ring and hustling. A largo vote is expected to be cast be tween S and 9 o'clock tonight. WHERETO DIKE. An th delicacies of tha season at tM Portland Bcctanrant, fine, privat apart menu for partfe. 9S TVasb na&r (tfe. Why it sellsifa the best: Whitx Bock "Wjltib. Sparkling, stimulating and uncqualed in softness, purity. Blending and tonlo quali ties. To regulate the stomach, liver and bow els and promote dire5tlon, take one of Carter's Little Liver Pills every night. Try them. Bunwtfa Extract ef V&allla, le tbe standard JTerrwnere. Sold by beat grocer. TWO RIVERS IRRIGATED LANDS Low price, easy terms, and will pro duce annually many times present price per acre. A Special Excursion Will leave Portland Saturday evening arriving back. Monday morning. No loss of time. Lew round-trip rates .'arranges by calling on E. S. JACKSON Genera! Sales Agent 24S i STARK ST. RUNS DOWN A SGOW Craft Is Cut in Two by the Steamer Aitoona. NARROW ESCAPE OF BOYS Gerald Crawford Thrown Unto the River, While William Smith Catches a Line and Climbs Aboard ttie Steamer. WlUliam Smith, aged 16. and Gerald Crawford, ased 18. both of Oregon City. narrowly escaped death on the river about thirty miles above that place at a o ciocx Wednesday afternoon- The boys were bringing a scow from Salem to Oregon Cltv. and at the txInt mentioned the steamer Aitoona ran Into them, cutting the scow In two. Both boys had a nar row escane from drowning and Smith re ceived severe bruises about the head- and shoulders as the result of the collision. We were about thirty miles atiove Ore gon City near a bend in the river." said Smith last night "The steamer Aitoona suddenly rounded the bend, running at full sneed. The steamer did not whistle and made no effort to give us room to get out of the way. We did our best to get to one side of the stream out of the steamer's track, but we didn't have time. She ran us down. The ucow was cut in two. I was thrown against one side and my shoulders bruised, and Crawford was thrown into the water. He had a smau rowboat at the back end of the scow and he got into that. When they saw I was In the water the steamer tnrew ma a line, and I got it aad pulled myself on board. Then they told me to hurry and get in the rowboat. that they didn't want to carry me. They compelled both or, us I to take the boat, though we were wet to the skin, we had to row to Ore gon City in that condition and we both caught cold. It is true that we are to sue for damages." The damage suit will be filed In a tew days, the attorneys retained by the young men having gathered sufficient evidence, It Is claimed, to show that tne proper precautions were not taken and that the boys were not treated humanely after the accident. The boys lost their clothing and supplies with the scow. "Patsy" Cardiff Under Arrest. "Patsy" Cardiff, who broke Into no toriety years ago by fighting John Sullivan, during which the latter broke his arm, was arrested last night on a warrant for threatening: to kill his wife. He will have a hearing today be fore Municipal Judge Hoguc. Overstocked Just now we have too manv of the fin est pianos in the world. STEUTWAT. hjaTET. EMEBSON and many other splendid pianos are crowded into our ware rooms untu it is next to impossioie to move about. COME AND REIJEVE TJS OF THE Uw.GESTION WE WILL. MAKE IT AN OBJECT FOR YOU. "We also have a number of USED SQUARE. GRAND AND UPRIGHT pianos which we simply must get out of the way. "Why net try one? We will allow you all you Day for it later on toward the purchase of a new one. EASY PAYMENTS. See ua now. You will not regret It. We have a good used Piano for 51 50 SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. 372 'and 374 Morrison si.. Cor. W. Park. KREISLER VIOLINIST Direction LcU Sters Wynn Coman. EMPIRE THEATER Tuesday Evening, April 4 8:30. PRICES Lower noon First 10 rows, S2; last 5, JL30. Balcony: first 3, $1.50; last 5, $1.00. Boxes; J 15; lose. $12. Bale of seals tomorrow. April 1, at 10 A. 1L Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon "The School ot Quality" MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE Ope all the year. CsfaJegw free A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B.. PRINCIPAL $4350 LOVEJOX STREET, NEAR T WENT 3T-TH1RD, SEVEN- ROOM HOUSE AND FULL LOT. HOUSE IS PIPED FOR FURNACE AND HAS GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. NOTHING TO EQUAL THIS FOR THE MONEY IN THIS FINE LOCALITY. GEO. M. STRONG. 113 SECOND ST. 5 Connoisseurs Understand That Thers Is Nothing', Better Than - - , YELLOWSTONE "Whiskey. TDJd,. mellow and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant ROTHCHILD BROS., PORTLAND, OR., Sole Agents. W. Corner THE ONLY ELECTRICAL HOUSE IN THE NORTHWEST THAT MANUFACTURES Switchboards, Steel Boxes ACCESSORIES GET OUR ESTIMATES WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS Xo. 61 SIzth Street. Phone TIME TESTS WALTER 133 SIXTH STREET Wa do crown and bridge work with out pain. Our 18 years experience In plate worlc enables us to fit your mouth comfortably. Dr. W. A. Wise has found a safe way to extract teeth, absolutely -without pain. Dr. T. P. Wise la an ex pert at sold filling and crows and bridge work. Extracting free wbes plates or bridges are ordered. WISE BROS., Dentists Falling bldg.. cor-. 3d and Wash. sts Open evenings fill 8 P. II. Sundays from 9 to 12. Or. Mala 2029. SR. T. P. WISE. Removal Notice On account of insufficient room and the outgrowing ot our present quarters, wo will be Installed In our new building at 3S5 "Washington st., In the new six-story building on tne corner of west iaric ana Washington sts., on or about April J. Grand Prix. Parish 1900; Double Grand Prize. St. Louis. 1S04. COLUMBIA PHO NOGRAPH CO.. GEN'L, IK Seventh St., Portland. Or. PRICES FOR J LOWER Qn&Urr considered, thaa say other Needles, Oil, Repairs OS AT.f. aUEES AX SINGER STORE 48 TFaa&lBxtom, 9S4 M arrises Street. S46 Williams A-veae (East SUe.) TEETH A $12.00 FCXXi BET GUARANTEEP TOR $8.00. Evenlnxf. Monday and Thursday, -until S. Iri Prt, J). D. B. EREE LAND IN OREGON I Is rke ricbest grim, finyt a&4 Rock sccuoa In tbwatU. Thoanni of acres of land at actual ceC f krigstica. Deei direct from State of Oregon. WRITE TO-DAY. BOOKLET aad MAP FREE. Dsschats Irrigation and Power Cora- INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS G. SMITH & CO. Fourth and Washington Streets Tablet Boards MARINE WORIC A SPECIALTY Portland, Or. Main 1696. PORTABLE CABINET OVEN For hotelsj-restaurants and bakeries;. Can't be beat for bread or pastry. Oc cupies space of refrigerator. We manufacture every kind of hotel range,, portable and brick-set. Drop us postal card for prices. LOEWENBERG & GOING CO. PHONE MAIN 968. Ttks "S" Car, . 13tS aad Inisj struts The merits of all claims. We have been fitting eyes in Portland lor over 20 years and if we hadn't fitted them correctly we couldn't make this assertion. REED THE OPTICIAN OREGONIAN BUILDING New York Dental Parlors OPEN DAY AND NIGHT From 8:30 A. M. Until 10:00 P. M. Our specialists c world renown -will treat all who come with the courtesy and cara that the New York Dentists are. so well known by. Wo do not try to compete with cheap dental work, hut do all kinds ot first class work at about half that charged by others. All operations are guaranteed pain less. You can have your, teeth, out la thai morning: and go home with your NEW TEETH "that fit" the same day. All work guaranteed, with a protected jruaranteu for 10 years. TEETH EXTRACTED- AND FTLZiED AB SoiA'TELY WITHOUT PAIN, by our lata scientific methods applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agents or cocaine. These are the only dental parlors la Portland having PATENTED APPLIANCES and Ingredients to extract, fill and, apply: gold crowns and porcel&ln crowns undetect able from natural teettt. All work dono by GRADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years' experience, and each department In charge of a specialist. Give us a call, and you will find us to do exactly as we 'adver tise. We will toll you in advance exactly what your work will cost by a, FREE EX AMINATION. x SET TEETH $5.90 GOLD CROWNS ..08 GOLD YHXING8 $1.98 SH.VEB nr.TJXGS 5 f& PLATES New York Dental Parlors Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 10 P. M. : Sundays anoV holidays. 8:30 to 2 P. 3L SIAIN OFFICE: Fourth and Morrison Streets, -Portland, Or Ihe Portland Do you lova gocd inusicr Tlou can select your choice from a port folio of. E00 pieces of popular music of the world, and Professor Am sterdam aad nls Hungarian, orches tra will render It for you. Everything to eat and drink, and It costs no more In the Portland Hotel R&tkskeltar than elsewhere in the city. Every wcelcday night from 3:30 to 12. gchwab Printing Go 21 EST WORK. XT-dSOSJltX fziCJCS ITAKI SXltXJET DK, W. A. WISE.