THE: MORNING OREOOKIAK;- FKli)AY," MJlRGET 3l;-l!5. APPEAL IS TAKEN it Didn't Hurt a Bit" ALL GOODS BOUGHT ON CREDIT TODAY WILL BE CHARGED ON YOUR APRIL ACCOUNT School of Domestic Scleace. Tea Room Second Floor. Auspices Portland T. W. C A. MENU FOR TODAY. Tea Coffee. Chocolate. Milk In Bottles. Clam Chowder. Potato Salad. Creamed Eggs with Asparagus Tips - Four-Minute Eggs. Tongue Sandwiches. Hot ItolIs. Bread and Butter. Nuremberg Gingerbread. f leisher's Yarns Are made ef selected vreols, are carerally spaa aid have am evea, lefty thread. The "WerliTa Seat Art She Aua-Seeoad Kl&er. The "Quality Shop" Portland's Foremost Store, With Largest Stocks on the Pacific Coast. Churches Will Act on Rockefeller'sGift EMBROIDERY LESSONS TREE IN THE ART SHOP Annex, Second floor Sole Agents in Oregon for "Bonnet" Silks Agents for the world famous "Block Lights" they save half the gas bills third floor "Quick Meal" Ranges Gas and Gasoline Stoves bake quickly and save fuel. Third floor. MORAL. ISSUE-IS RAISED Committee of Preachers De cides to Agitate. "AMERICAN BOARD CONDEMNED AJIacts About the Rockefeller Gift . -Will Go Before the Congrega tional Ministers of the United States. '" BOSTON, March" SO. Despite the fact that the prudential committee of the American Btfard 61 Commissioners for Foreign Missions has practically decided to! accept the gift of $100,000 from JTohn D. .Rockefeller to,, further the work of the board, a committee representing the Con. gregational clergymen of Boston and vicinity who are opposed to the accept ance of the gift met today and decided to continue the -protest. It was agreed that a wide expression of opinion on the question was desirable, and for this pur pose a committee was appointed to sub mit the facts and documents in the mat ter to the Congregational ministers of the country. The prudential committee will not take final action on the acceptance ol Mr. Rockefeller's gift for two weeks, and it is the intention of the protesting committee to learn, if possible, the gen eral feeling among the clergymen of the denomination. Today's meeting, which was private. was attended by 15 members of the com xnitteeC Tonight the following statemont regarding the proceedings was issued by Rev. Herbert W. Gleason, secretary of the protestant committee: Submit Question to Church. The committee considered the reply of the prudential committee to the protest and was a unit In the conviction that this reply rale a still more fundamental and serious Issue, name ly, that the prudential committee disclaims all moral responsibility for discrimination as to the sources from which it receives money for Christian work. For this reason it eeemed to the committee all the more necessary to main tain the protest. Therefore, since the pru dential committee has deferred final actloa for two- -weeks, in order that aa wide an expression of opinion aa possible might be made upon the Issue, a committee was appointed to submit the facta and documents in the matter to the Congregational ministers of the country. Tbfas committee was Instructed to confer with the prudential committee and endeavor to secure, If possible, its co-operation in thl action. Dr. Washington Gladden, of Columbus. O.. and President Tucker, of Dartmouth College, were in communication with the committee by telegram and letter. Presl dent Tucker wrote in part as follows: , rVluBt Consider Source of Money, In retard to the ceneral position taktniby the defender of the action of the prudential committee in accepting Mr. Rockefeller's sift. that a missionary organization has no light to discriminate in regard to the money re ceived lest it pass unwarranted Judgment upon the business methods of the donor. X take Issue at once. The acceptance by the American board of a sift from this source, under the present conditions, must mean one of two thing: Either the board believes that the bus! ness methods Involved are correct or that tn el- are a matter of moral Indifference, to far as the reception of the money is concerned. For one, I do not like to se the American board take either one of these positions. Such action hurts the conscience of the coming- generation mora than that of the generation which is passing. It is not an incentive to missionary zeal. No organization set to the high and lasting ends of Christian service can allow ittelf, to he thought indifferent to the moral issues of the day whenever these Issues are necessarily affected by its action. BRIEF TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A newly arrived Russian at New York has been found to have leprosy. The Salvation Army has established fresh-air homo for Chicago waifs on farm of CO acres near Glen Ellyn. Baron Science "Hall, with a number of valuable instruments at Denison Univer sity, Granville, O., was burned yesterday; loss 5100.000. A homeseekers' train on the Canadian Pacific Railroad carrying COO passengers was wrecked near Dryden, SO miles from Rat Portage, yesterday. Several passen gers were slightly Injured. Part of the roof of the New York sub way fell in yesterday at the scene of Wednesday's Are, killing Sam Llllla and Injuring several other firemen. The fire Is still smoldering, and. as timbers give way, heavy falls of masonry occur. Michael Novackovich, an Austrian la borer, was . murdered with a hatchet at his home In Pittsburg while he lay sleep. ing in a bed early yesterday by his wife Annie. The motive was revenge for com pelling the woman to lead an Immoral life. She and 17 other foreigners have been arrested and the woman has con fessed , An endowment fund of 51.000,000 for the maintenance of the American Academy of Fine Arts, in Rome, is reported to bo rapldlj- nearing completion. The seventh contribution of 5100.000 is expected soon from Yale University. A similar contri hutlon will be made In the name of Co lumbia University. Three subscriptions to fill out the round million are expected by June L. State Insurance Commissioner O'Brion has taken charge of the affairs of the Northwestern National Life Insurance Company, ot Minneapolis, having found Its finances in bad condition. At his di rection President W. P. Bechtel, First Vice-President A. F. Tlmme and Secretary-Treasurer T. J. Saikett have re signed, and a committee ot citizens will - elect their successors. Sarah and Mary Hartigan. aged S and ll years, respectively, daughters of Dr. William Hartigan. a famous surgeon and professor in the University or West Vir ginia, have been kidnaped at Morgan town, "W. Va., and taken to Denver. A legal battle for the custody of the little ones Is promised between the father and relatives of his late -wife, as the children will share in an estate of 5300,000. Frank A. Sleight Dead. OREGON CITY. Or., March 30. (Spe cial.) County Clerk Frank A. Sleight .died suddenly, at his home in this city at 8:30 o'clock tonight. About ten weeks ago Mr. Sleight was taken with pneumonia, and was considered conva lescent, when a relapse came. Mr. Sleight .was born and reared DENTISTS WhQ are graduates and hold licenses in Oregon, are DENTISTS Who shoild Jo. all your work. DENTISTS Who are honost with you and do tvnat is best for your teeth DENTISTS Who warrant satisfaction In every case, are the DENTISTS to satisfy you as we do all others. Chicago Painless Dentists 305ii Washington street, opposite Perkins Hotel. Cor., of Fifth. Phone Main 3S80.- Open evening and bunuays. Good set teeth $5.00 Gold crowns 7&50 Gold fillings $1.00 Sliver fillings $ .50 We do strictly as wo advertise. And give you a ten-year guarantee. We employ no students at the Chicago Dental Parlors Best Bank References. near Rockford, I1L He was born Sep tember 27, 1850. He removed with his family to Oregon in 1SS9, locating at Oregon City in 1S9P. He was one of the Incorporators and stockholders of the Oregon City Canning Company, and was bookkeeper and assistant super intendent during its existence. He wan afterwards associated with E. E. Will lams, as head clerk and bookkeeper In tho mercantile business. While rais ing fruit on his farm near Canby he was, in the Spring of 1902, nominated on the Republican ticket for County Clerk, and elected in June. He was re-elected by an Increased majority at the election in June, 1904. Mr. Sleight made one ot the best officers Clack amas County ever honored with office. As a citizen he was honored and re spected, esteemed as a friend and neighbor. In his death the community loses a good- man, and the county a faithful and honorable servant. Mr. Sleight is survived by a wife and two children, one son, Roy, who is a student at the State Agricultural Col lege at Corvallts. and one daughter. Miss Bessie, of this city. BAD LUCK PURSUES THE O'BRIEN Shaft on Torpedo-Boat Breaks and Smashes Machinery. NEW YORK. March 30. Because of the breaking ot a high-pressure piston-rod on her preliminary trial trip off Firo Island, the torpedoboat O'Brien, which was to have had an official trial today off New port, has been returned to the drydock at the New York Navy Yard. The rod snapped with a crash that shook the little vessel from stem to stern. The shaft was 7 feet long and 14 Inches thick, and after it broke was swinging through the air, pounding and beating the machinery. The oilers and others who were working about the machinery hurried away. Chief Machinist Van Sickle ran Into the engine-room and succeeded In shutting off the steam. A great bar ot steel fell be tween Van Slckel's feet while he was at work on the steam valve. The O'Brien was taken over from the Nixon Shipbuilding Company when it was absorbed by the United Btates Shipbuilding Company. She has sustained Injury after Injury on all her trial trips. During the favorably to the Stratton estate, and tne officials were much elated when the col lapse occurred. Prunes May Be Damaged. SALESI, Or.. March SO. (Special.) There was a light frost la this vicinity last night, but whether It will do dam age to the prune crop Is yet uncertain. In low, cold places It is quite probable some damage will be sustained. 1 00th Friday Economy Sale A CENTURY RUN IS ROUNDED OUT TODAY! 100th Friday Economy Sale Just 100 weeks ago this store held its first great "Friday Economy Sale." A quick, retrospective glance may not ie amiss. My! how the store has grown I And yet as a good friend said yesterday "-You are more crowded than ever." Yes, the patronage has grown faster than we can build, and stocks have grown with it and the sale today wilt be a hundred times better than the first. -Blow well tho writer remembers that first "Friday Economy Sale." It was with fear and trembliner we launched it. 'Twas some thing of a new departure for this good, staid and conservative old store but it met the public's favor at once, and nobly they've responded to each recurring, weekly Friday Sale, in greater numbers each successive week, until the "Economy Sale" has become a feature and a fixture in the storekeeping plan. Our imitators have been many we've paid toe penalty oi. success oy oeing copied in mis as otner moves, oome stores nave iaiien into tne miuit oj. matting inaay a aay ot excuses xor pusnmg out unseasonaDie ana un wanted merchandise under the guise of "Friday Bargains." This we have never permitted ourselves to do. Every Friday Bargain advertised consists of a special purchase made for that day only a big value, that is "saved up," as it were, for that particular day, and sold only then, and at a price that in the ordinary course of business would mean loss. Each and every one of tho. items below, selected for Friday "Specials." represents New and Seasonable Spring Goods, at Prices Below That of, "Wholesale Dealers in most Cases, and not all the bargains are advertised ! 'Twill be a gladsome Spring b'argain day. Come and spend it with us. A Little Better than "Most Extraordinary" la the Offeriag of this RELIABLE Store for Friday la Portland' Foremost Apparel Salons and LARGEST SUIT AND WRAP SALESROOM WEST OF CHICAGO Please COMPARE today these regular 10.0 values of this store and the New York East Side product blazoned in print by minor stores as "$10.00 and $11.00 values." The contrast will still further strengthen our position as absolute leaders and dictators of low prices among the .suit and wrap stores of the West. Four Big Lots of Smart, New, Tailored, Tan Covert Jackets Pull $ 1 0 Values, Today Only at $5.75 FOUR STYLES IN THE GRAM) BARGAIN CONVENTION COMPARE VALUES TODAY. BY COMPARISON WE THRIVE AND GROW. " Every Jacket full satin lined and exquisitely tailored by expert artists in the sartorial line. All-wool Coverts, All $ 1 0.00 Jackets AND THE PRICE Today Only $5.75 LOT 3 Double-breasted, tight-fitting; 22-Inch hip length, over-cap seams. BIschofC sleeves and plaited Military cuffs; very handsome stitched vel vet collar effect $10 regular; special Friday at r. $5.75 LOT 3 Single-breasted Jacket; trig and trim; popular hip length; corset fitting; trimmed with 21 strappings, stitched collar, fly front, leg-'o-mutton sleeves Regular 510 value; special Friday at 95.75 LOT 3 Single-breasted, 23-inch hip-length, collarless, Blscboff sleeves: col lar handsomely trimmed with stitched taffeta bands and tiny braid, lapels stitched, fancy cuffs trimmed to match collar; frog and button fasteners Regular $10 value; special at 95.75 LOT 4 Single-breasted, fly-front with hard buttons, notch collar; 22-Inch length; leg-o-routton Bleeves; double stitched seams; fancy strapped and button trimmed Regular $10 value; special Friday at - 95.75 All very latest correct modes and new. arrivals, just from the hands of the tailors. Some steres would say $12.30 or $15 values. In our fair way of pricing and advantage in large buying wo are able to say our regular $10 values, special Friday only, at $3.75" Extra Special Women's $6.50 Walking Skirts $4.95 All-wool canvas cloth and Panama cloth "Walking Skirts, very smart, new styles, all in the latest round walking lengths. The canvas cloth skirt Is in seven-gored style, with double-stitch seams, trimmed at bottom with four stitched plaits and buttons; has full round flare; colors are gray, light, medium and dark, blues, browns and blacks splendid $6.o0 value, special at .....9455 The all-wool Panama cloth Skirt is a 60-plalted effect, with flare; the plaits all stitched and flare graduated; blacks; blues and browns. Regular $12.50 value special Friday ony at 97.0S Errata Through an inexcusable "blunder on the part of the writer, the story of the Walking Skirts was badly jumbled in last evening's papers. The Canvas Cloth Skirt is a regu lar $6.50 value not $12.50 and sells special today for 94.95 not $7.98. The handsome Panama Cloth Skirts are splendid regular values at $12.50. Special today as ad vertised for $7.98. M Th "Onfiiri Dun" Ste Has Peculiar Attractions for Misses Bijou Mllilacry Parlor Second Floor Abbcx. GREAT SHOWTXG OF MISSES HATS TODAY. During the grand opening displays it was impossible to show the Immense line of Misses' Hats we have prepared for the season. Today we -are making a special display of these, and invite all Interested to see them. The line embraces a variety of tho newest shapes, such as "Maxlne Elliott," "Charlotte Corday" ana -.tsana, .oiay styles, in Tuscan, fancy and plaid straws; trimmed tastily with flowers, ribbons, silk, ornaments, etc Values from 2.40 to 910.00 EACH. Extra Special Values in Silks. Mohairs and Suitings Sales of Covert Dress Fabrics Sentfc A&aex First Floor. ATTRACTIVE "CENTURY RUNS" OX FAVORITE MO HAIRS AND TAFFETA SILKS. Colored Dress Goods Section Novelty English Mohair Suitings, In checks, stripes and Il luminated, fancy weaves; splendid for shirtwaist and Fair suits; the best values ever offered at $1.00 per yard; special for Friday and Saturday only, per yard 0o CONSUMPTION Hope, fresh air, rest and Scott's Emulsion are the greatest remedies for con sumption, Scott's Emulsion will always bring comfort and relief often cure. Scotfs Emulsion' does for the con sumptive what medicine alone cannot do. It's the nourish ment in it that takes the pa tient in long strides toward health. . We'll teed jr?n . aunple Ire. - SCOTT fc BOWKi; , PwrrStmC Ye. Silk Department 3800 yards of Plain and Changeable Colored Taffetas; white, ivory, cream, black and all new colors in the lot The best 85c Taffeta ever offered; special for Friday and Sat urday only, per yard 8e Black Dress Goods for Friday and Saturday 50-Inch Imported Enylisb Mohair Sicilian; excellent weight, with rich silk finish; unequaled value at S5c per yard; special for Friday and Saturday only, the yard S6e Knitwear Aisles Contribute Liberally Of Exceptional Values la "Wean'i ud MImm' Hosiery and Underwear for the "Century Run Sale Friday Women's extra high-grade brilliant lisle Hose, all lace, assorted styles. Our direct Importation. All full finished, and a good $1.75 quality special, pair Women's black Maco cotton Hose, - with white sole, velvet finish, double sole, spliced heeL 35c qual ity, pair aee Misses' fine black lisle Hose, very fine ribbed, seamless, sisee 6 to 9i4. 25c quality special, pair. 37 Women's one Egyptian cotton Union Suits; Ion? sleeves and sleevsleee. 75c quality lor. suit .. Women's Delate! linen mesh Vests and Pants, the geaulae lines, mesh. $2.50 quality special, each f 1.78 $5.00 union Suits In same, suiCtfcjr Children's white "JT Knit Waists, splendidly made, 25c quality, each .He "Century Run" Sale Attractions in the Wardrobe Salons, Art Shop and Baby-to-Miss Stores Second Floor Abb ex. 30c ANU 83c CUSHION" TOPS 27c Women's Undermuslins Price CHILDREN'S $U SEW SPRIXG JACKETS JJ1.70. Cushion Tops In conventional and Oriental designs, stamped and tinted on Bellnen crash, art denims and -Java canvas; all with plain backs Regular prices 50c and 65c; special at .'. .. .27c Another Bample line of Muslin Underwear came to us through good fortune. We will sell them while they last at half price. There are all kinds and at all prices of gowns, drawers, corset covers, chemise and skirts in the lot. Come early and get a good selection. Children's Jackets of fine all-wool materials; large cape and collar; In silk ribbon and fancy buttons; ages 2 to 6 years; colors, red and- green Regular price $3.50; spe cial at fl.73 "Century Runs" IN WOMEN'S f URNISHINGS First Floor. -40c RIBBOXS 10c A lot of wide all-silk, satin and gros grain Ribbons,- 4 inches wide, in blue, pink, lavender, navy, black, tan, nlle, tur quoise; cerese, brown, red and cream; also a lot of fancy Ribbons. Regular values from 25c to 40c special, the yard ....10c WOMEN'S 9e HANDKERCHIEFS 12c A line of the famous Richardson's pure linen Handkerchiefs, U and -inch hems, regular value 20c special, eachl2&c 60c EMBROIDERY 15c. A lot of elegant wide Embroideries and Insertions, in nain sook. Swiss and cambric; beautiful patterns. Regular val-i ues from 30a to 60c special, yard ,..15e 35c PERSIAN' BANDS 18c. Persian Bands, 1 and 1 inches wide, embroidered, or cot t ton. for wash waists; large assortment, all colors. Regu lar values 25c and 35c special, yard 19c 80c YAK IiACE 19c A lot of black Tak Lace, for trimming skirts. 4 to 7 Inches wide, made of wool, slightly discolored. Regular values to 50o special, yard . .lGe 50c LACE 19c A beautiful lot of Laces, narrow galloons and bands, suit able for trimming waists and children's dresses, in ecru, white and cream. Regular values from 25c to 50c spe cial, the yard , lse WOMEN'S L36 GLOVES 95c. Two-clasp full Pique Gloves; colors and white; fit well and wear well. Regular value $L25 special, pair ,9Sc EMBROIDERED TOP COLLARS. We purchased at a very low figure about 100 dozdn. Em broidered Top Collars, of different styles. Your choice at, each ...5c, 7c and 16c SAVINGS WORTH MAKING IN" FOOTWEAR BUYIPfG A SALIENT FEATURE OF THE "Century Run" Sale in the Shoe Store Conditions Bettered for Mea. Pat ream ea the Fairway WW ABexr jrirst yj&er. In , our Mens -Shoe Department we have arranged for the sen so that it is now exclusive, the location being next to the Sixth-street entrance ana opposite the Sen's Furnishing Depart ment. It is now a strictly down-to-date aes'a shoe store. We gcr fpeetel ledneemeatji far Frl ay' BKyec as fHe-trax MSN'S SKOB6 KH. Men's genulae Russia calf Shoes, Tegu lar value $S.5 special, ?alr WOMEN'S 9CJM OXFORDS SX. Tan and black vicl kid Oxfords, patent tips, turn soles; all sizes and widths, regujar value $3.50 speeMI. pair Sl.Se ft RESULT OF I. C. SCHOOL VOTE AT 5 P. M. YESTERDAY Arthur Taylor, M. & A Shogrea..". ,109,848 Reginald Carter, Bell Boy, Ihef Norton OSJOSl Mae Hughes, Knight Shoe Company. 70,548 uujr .ib rut, 1 unwua ueuvery company. ........ . . 1 m. Charles Adler, Woodard, Clarke' t Co 33.057 I MS Arthur Lindborg, Llndborg Grocery G.23S 343,638 Scattering ce,33S Total 390,074. The "Century Run" Sale In the Man's Shop Flrat Floor Wert Aaaex. MEN'S COc FOUR-IN-HANDS 25c. Men's graduated Four-in-Hands. plain and fancy colors, reg- j ular valuo 50c special, each .....25c 1 MEN'S 73c MUSLIN" NIGHT SHIRTS 40c. A line of men's plain white twill muslin Night Shirts, extra well made, wide and long, regular value 75c special, each .49o The "Century Run" Sale's Domestic Aisle's Offerings First Floor. 25c I3IPORTED MADRAS 18c. Fine Imported Madras, 32 inches wide, for shirtwaist suits, waists and men's shirts; beautiful line of patterns. Reg ular value 25c special, yard .18c 31.00 HEMSTITCHED SHEETS 80c Extra size, best quality hemstitched Sheets, sizes 2&x2 yards, regular value 90c special, each .75c Sizes 2Hx2 yards, regular value $1.00 special, each.SOc The "Century Run" Sale Brinofcsavings to home-folk who have Spnhjg house renoyating in mind .. Fourth Floor. 2JM) CURTAINS $1.25. 100 pairs Ruffled Scrim Curtains, finished "with Battenberg edge and insertion, 3 yards long, regular value $2.00 special, pair , SL25 S2.00 BANFEMMES 9L25. Banfemmes, to match curtains, regular $2.00 special. -.$1.25 52-25 FEATHER PILLOWS S1.45. , Feather-filled Pillows, fancy satin finished ticking, regular value $2.25 special, each $1.45 The "Century Run" Sale's Economy Specials From the Third-Floor Stores. HAVILAND FRENCH CHINA, in sets or separate pieces, beautifully decorated with rose sprays, with full gold edges and stippled gold handles and knobs: 60-plece Dinner Sets, our $33.65 value special at S22.0O 100-plece Dinner Sets, our $44.35 value special at sae.85 112-piece Dinner Sets, our $50.75 value special at... ssase 117-plece Dinner Sets, our $62.00 value special at 8S0 HAVILAND DECORATED CHINA DINNER SETS, with decrt-ation of small pink flower, border design and stippled, gold edges, handles and knobs: w 60-piece Dinner Sets, our $34.00 value special at S22.75 100-plece Dinner Sets, our $48.75 value special at isstea 112-piece Dinner Sets, our $55.25 value special at ss&slr 117-rplece Dinner Sets, our $68.50 value special at... 4oe ENTIRELY NEW LINES OF REFRIGERATORS, porcelain enameled or zinc lined, perfect dry air circulators, no odor tbfeV6ry econom,cal ln thQ U3e of Ice. Prices very reason- NEW GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL KINDS Spades, Rakes. Trowel. La-wn Mowers, Garden Hose aad SpriaMers Si at Friday Ecoaomy Sale Special Pricea. JI st "Century Run" Specials In Small Wares Shop First FIoor WORK BASKET NECESSITIES, TOILET SUNDRIES AND STATIONERY AT ECONOMY PRICES. BEST AMERICAN SPOOL COTTON fdr hand or machine use: black or white: all sizes: 200-yard spools- best 6 cord thread; Special Economy Sale Price? 7 "vert, ill ENAMEL STOCKING DARNERS assorted colors Our 7c value; Special Economy Sale Price, each..".. .77;. 8 CUBE PINS Large size; best quality; 100 pins Vn'cube assorted sizes and colors Our 8c valuo; Special Economy aaie .trice, cube 5 S1!?1 ,SIDE COMRS of best quality; smooth "finVshOur 3oc value: Special Economy Sale Price, the pair. . . . ac BRUSH SKIRT BINDING in hlack and colors Our 5c value- SpeclalTEconorny Sale PrlceJthe yard... 777...... ..3 FANCY PERFUMED TOILET SOAPj hard milled; Y'cakea in box Our 15c value; Special Economy Sale Price, boxTsie FINE TOILET SOAP, three cakes in box; oatmeal, glycerine witch hazel and tar; Special Economy Sale Price, box. .19e CASTILE SOAP; hard milled: in long bars; lathers freelv Our 7c value; Special Economy Sale Price, bar ..e TOILET PAPER ln 5-ounce size rolls Our 4c value; Snecial Economy- Sale Price Two Rail fer 5e uuiu JLuuxn x -ikjts opeciai .economy sate Price at Two Packages for. Se WIRE HAIR BRUSHES black ebonoid back with very fine viico uui iiiii; vaiuc, oyeuiiu ccunumy aaie rice, ea. .3e POWDER PUFF BOXES of fancy metal Our 12c value Special Economy Sale Price, each xe SHELF PAPER; extra heavy;; smooth finish; fine lace edge-' in white only; 10-yard pieces; Special Economy Sale Price' the piece X ROYAL HIGH-GRADE WHITE WRIIfNG PAPER 1-pound packages; 120 sheets caper in package: ruled nnr value; Special Economy Sale Price, the package.... .15. RULED WRITING TABLETS; smooth finish; for ink white paper: note and packet size Our 10c value; Special Econ omy Sale Price, each.. ... PAPER LUNCH SETS; contain table cloth. 12 napkins and 12 doilies complete Our 25c value; Special Economy Sale Price, the set SEALING WAX SETS In neat cabinets; 5 sticks best quality . perfumed Sealing Wax, assorted colors, and 2 Wax Tapers Our 53c value; Special Economy Sale Price, seu....3Se ALUMINUM TOASTS, In assorted subjects, on hardwood backs: round or square shapes Our, 25c value; Special Economy Sale Price, each is HAND SAGS; 7-Inch nickel frames; braided handles, with Inside coin purse. Dresden lining; new styles; black, brown and tan leathers; Special Economy Sale Price, each - se FANCY HAT PINS. BELT BUCKLES, PINS, XTC-, AT ECON OMY SALE PRICES Trt Fleer West An ex. FAJPCY HAT PINS; extra long pins with fancy tops. In tur quoise, pearl, gilt and head designs Our 35c value; Spe cial Economy Sale Price, each.... .aee KELT BUCKLES of fancy pressed, steel Our 35c value; Spe cial Economy Sale Price, each.. .ae FANCY INDIAN" HEAD BROOCH PINS Our 35c value; Spe cial Economy Sale Price, each ....Me