THE M0K2OJS5 OKEG020AN, MAKCE zy3 1U0D. HART 18 THE WINNER Gets Decision Over Johnson in 20th at Bay City. DID MOST OF THE LEADING Colored Man Makes a Chopplng Block of Louisville Man's Head, Without Apparent Effect on His Activity. SAX FRAXCISCO. March 2S. (Staff Correspondence.) After- 20 rounds o'f hard and grilling- fighting, Marvin Hart, of Louisville, Ky., was given the decision over Jack Johnson, of Texas. A big crowd -saw the fight and they eaw the giant black Johnson, a 10 to 4 favorite, get the beating that has been coming to him for many months. This man of color has been touted by certain fight fans as the only big fel low In the fighting game capable of hooking up with Jeffries. "Well, he Is simply a shine, a very black one at that. The fight tonight at "Woodward's Pavilion was talked of because in eoxne Quarters it was believed that the win ner would be In line to meet the cham pion. "Well, the fight is over and not a man who saw the fight a good one at that will conoede that Hart is In Jeffries' class. Even if Johnson had won and had Jim let down the bars on the color line, not a man who saw the looping negro tonight would give him a look-in with the ex-boilermaker. Jeff could take Johnson and , Hart on in .the same MARTIN HARTS RECORD. Born September 16, 1ST 6, In Jefferson County, Kentucky. Height, B feet, 11 inches; weight, 175 pounds; color, white. 1900 ' February 12 Knocked oat "William Shlller, at Xoulsvllle; 4 round). April 2 Knocked out Cfaaxlea MeUner, at Xoulsvllle; 1 round. May 10 Knocked out Tom Williams, at Louisville; 2 rounds. June 12 Knocked out Xiouls 8etfksr, at Louisville; 8 rounds. June 28 Knocked out Harry Rogers; at Louisville; 14 ronnda. August 13 Won on foul from Kid Hu bert, at Louisville; 7 rounds. October 12 Knocked out Kld-Huhert, &t Xoutsvllle; 6 rounds. December 12 Knocked out ' Peter Trainor. at Xoulsrllle; 17 rounds. 1001 January 14 Knocked out At Wernlg at Louisville: 11 rounds, February 25 Knocked out Jimmy Ryan, at Xoulsrille; 8 rounds. March 29 Knocked out Tommy West, at Louisville: IS rounds. May 24 Knocked out Dan Creedoa, at Xoulsvllle: 6 rounds. Hot ember 1 Knocked out Jack Bcans cholter, at Xoulsvllle; 10 rounds. December 17 Knocked out by Billy Hanrafcan, at Xoulsrllle; 1 round. 1902 January 20 Knocked out Billy Stilt, at Xoulsvllle: 2 rounds. - April 7 Knocked out Dick O'Brien, at XoulsvUlc; 4 rounds. May 8 Knocked out Kid Carter, at Ioulsvllle; O rounds. August IS "Won from Bllrj- -Ettft, Chi cago; 6 rounds. October 16 No decision with- Kid Car ter." at Philadelphia; 6 rounds. November 10 lost to Jack Root, at Chicago; 6 rounds. November 19 No decision with Phila delphia. Jack O'Bryan, at Philadelphia; 6 rounds. ' 1903 April 2 Won. on foul from Jack Bon ner, at Xoulsvllle: 4 rounds. May 15 Xost to George Gardner, at Xoulsvllle; 12 rounds. November 10 Xo decision, with Jo Choynskl. at Philadelphia; 8 rounds. December 1 Won from Kid Carter, at Boston; 15 rounds. 1904 January 5 Draw with George Gardner, at Boston: 15 rounds. January 25 Draw with John- Wlllo, at Chicago; 6 rounds. March "Won from Sandy Ferguson, at Hot Springs; 20 rounds. April 20 Won from Gua RuhUn, at Philadelphia; 6 rounds. May 20 Draw with Qua Ttuhlln. at Philadelphia; 6 rounds. PORTLAND BASEBALL TEAM, WHICH WILL PLAY RKADING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT SEATED: PREXCTC. HOUSEHOLDER, SWINDELLS. M'CREDIE (MANAGER), CILPATBIC K. STANDING: ST. VKA1X. CATES, ESSICK, GARVIN. JONES. ATZ. nighf, and beaP'both "of them u easy as water runs down hllL There :may be some 'attempt on the' part of some-' of these San Francisco fight promoters to pull off a match between Hart and Jeffries. If they do they should be ar rested for obtaining money under false pretenses. Of the fight there is little to telU John son in the first two rounds looked like an easy winner. He thought he had an easy mark In Hart, and thought he could, as he has always in his fights, loop along and win on points. There was a surprise in Btcre for the negro and for the crowd also. For Hart began wading into' the big piece of dark meat in front of him. After Hart started he never let up. Throughout the whole 20 rounds he was on top of Johnson. First he would poke his left into Johnson's face and then he would whip his right to the stomach. Only once or twice did Johnson assume the aggressive. When he did he would smother Hart with .wallops and jabs. "But it never lasted long. Hart, who is clumsily clever, would cover up and get out of trouble. Hart Is the first fighter that this negro champion has met. He simply laid on top of him and fought MARVIN HART DEFEATS JACK JOHNSON IN TWENTY-ROUND CONTEST MARVDf HART. him every second of the thr co-minute rounds. Before the big fight and after Fred Landers beat the local pride,' Toby Irwin, In ten rounds, Jabez White, the English champion was introduced. White looked like an old man. If appearances count lor anything. Britt will whip him In a hurry. W. G. M. HHART DID ALL THE FORCING That Is Why Greggains Give Him the Decision. WOODWARD'S PAVILION, San Fran cisco. March 2S-Marvin Hart was award ed the decision over Jack Johnson in a 20-round contest tonight that went the limit, but ho was far from demonstrating that he had qualified to meet Jim Jeffries. Hart was as badly punished, a man as has lateen seen in tho ring for a long time, but he was game to tho core, and kept Coring into the big colored man all during the fight. Johnson's much-vaunted cleverness did not count for much. While be w&3 able to hit Hart frequently, his blows did not seem to damage the white man from Ken tucky. The sympathies of the large crowd present were openly with Hart, who was the abort-ender in tho betting, and every lead he made at Johnson, whether he landed or not, was greeted with yells of Joy. Hart managed to deal the -only effective Wow in tho 11th round, when he landed a right swing on Johnson's jaw that stag gered the black man and nearly knocked him over. Referee Greggains stated that he gave tho decision to Hart because all through tho fight Hart did all tho forcing and leading. According to Greggains, If Hart had not pursued his tactics, there would have been no fight, as Johnson merely contented himself with countering. Hart's face was battered to a pulp, but John- son's- blows did 'not seem to have much sting to them. Johnson. did a great deal of uppercutting. but Hart covered up, and the blows did not seem to hurt him. The general opinion of those who wit nessed the fight was that neither man would stand any chance with Jeffries. The champion would probably beat them both in the some night. Jabez White, who arrived yesterday from England to fight Jimmy Brltt. was introduced prior to the main event. Battling Nelson also appeared, and said that he would fight Brltt at .any time. Britt did not appear, and it was stated that he was in the country. BRITT AND WHITE MATCHED Weight Is Fixed at 133 Pounds and Date Is April 25. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. March 21 (Special.) Jabez White and Jimmy Brltt were formally matched this afternoon to fight for the lightweight championship, nominally held by Joe Gans, of Balti more. They will meet April 25 In Me chanics' Pavilion. White and Britt met for the first time at the conference. The club gives them SO per cent of the gross receipts. Mitchell, acting for White, thought CO and 40 was a fair pro portion, and Britt at once agreed to it. On a $40,000 house, which the fight is ex- pected to draw, the winner will receive J12.0W and the loser 59000. In addition to this, Britt will receive a bonus, which usually amounts to about $3000. The weight was fixed at 123. The Queensberry rules were agreed upon. It was decided to select the referee 12 days before the fight. The question of bandages was the last detail decided upon. Mitchell wanted no bandages, possibly thinking White's small, bony hands would do greater execution without them. Brltt said, he was accus tomed to using bandages. It was finally agreed that soft surgical bandages be used. They are to come from the same roll and are to be adjusted in the ring". RACED HER FIELD DIZZY. Mlsty's Pride Wins the Handicap In Fast Time. SAX FRANCISCO, March 2S. Seven high-class sprinters met In the handicap. Mlsty's Pride raced her field dizzy, and then won In a hard drive from Letola. Weather cloudy; track fast. Results: Three and a halt furlongs Sir Edtrard won. Tolo Girl second, Canopa third; time, :42Si. Futurity course Best Hair won. Redan second, Tam CShanter third; time. 1:11. Mile and a sixteenth Eiherln won. Cin nabar second. Flaunt third; time. 1:48. Mile Xorthwest won. Melsterslnger second, AI Waddle third; time, 1:414-5. Five and a half furlongs Mlsty's Pride won, Xetola second. Princess Titan la thtrd; time. 1:07. Futurity course Military Man won. Judge second. Eckersall third; time, 1:10. TWENTY - TO - ONE SHOT WINS Tangible Springs Surprise In Large Field at Ascot. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. March 28. Tangi ble, at 20 to 1. furnished the big surprise at Ascot today, winning from a large field ITS FIRST GAME IN LOS ANGELES THURSDAY with ease. Elverraco was the only favor ite to reward Its backers, the other races going to horses quoted at liberal odds. The free handicap at one mile furnished a splendid race. Ethylene, El Otros and Elle running on even terms for a quarter of a mile and finishing noses apart. Weather clear; track fast. Summary: Six furlong Birdie Stone won. Dr. Tom second. Dusky Secret third; time. 1:18U. Mile and a sixteenth Tangible won. "Upper cut second. Miss Mar Bowdlsh third; time. 1:50. Six furlongs Elrerraco won. Funny Sides second. Beautiful and Best third; time. 1:15. Mile handicap El Otros won. Ella second. Ethylene third; time. 1:41. S Unison course Sportsman -won. Seaside second. Kins Thorpe third; ,tlme. 1:10. Six furlongs Mac Flecknoe won. Amlnte second. Pose of Bllo third; time, 1:15H. Coach for Whiman Athletes. WHITMAN COIJ.FXyE. Walla. Walla, Wash., March 23. (Special.) Charles F. Xaraopp. A. B., now Y. M. C A. director at the University of Colorado, has been chosen by the trustees as gymnasium di rector and athletic coach of Whitman College. He will assume his duties next September. Karaopp is one of the best-known ath letes of the West, being guard on the All-Western football eleven this year. He is also a trackman, with a fine record in shot-put, hammer and quarter mile, as well as a baseball player. He will coach JACK JOHJfSOX. all these athletics and also haw Mhitm of the now gymnasium. He is over six ieei tan. weigns a and of very attractive personality. Ho belongs to the Beta j.neia -fi iratcrnity and is an active Y. M. C. A. man. Pugilist Cranston Exonerated. PHILADELPHIA, March 23. Dorsey txanston, better known as "Kid" Dorsev. a colored pugilist, was today exonerated by the Coroner's jury of all responsibility for the death of John Hall, colored, who died followinir a hoxlnsr hnnt -with Tlnp. sey last Thursday night. Others under arrest in connection with the case were aisp aiscnarged. Remainder of Mars' Crew Found. TOKIO, March 2S. Two firemen of the British steamer Mars have died of ex posure. The rest of the men rescued have arrived at Hakodate. (The Mars, a steamer of 2497 tons ter, commanded by Captain Ruffell, sailed from Barry, Wales, on November 2S last, bound for Vladivostok. On March 17, while attempting the passage of Soya Strait, she was caught In the Ice and finally stranded off Rural Promnntnrr part of the crew effected a landing on the Island of Hokkaido, but the others were missing, including eight of the of ficers, who were last reported in a life boat being carried seaward by the Ice. The above dispatch very likely refers to the misslQg portion of the crew picked up by the Japanese, who have kept up a continuous searcn ror mem.) Lease of Sailors' Home. SAN FRANCISCO. March 2S Yha Board of Supervisors today granted a five years' lease of the Sailors' Home to the Sailors Protective Society. The home for 25 years had been conducted py tne Ladies seamen s Friend Society. KDNKLE. TAX BU REX S CHEAPLY . BiJUurl. ARE WORTH SEEING Shippers Want Transports Here During Fair. WOULD INTEREST VISITORS Large Fleet Is Lying Idle at San Francisco, and Some of Vessels Might Be Brought Here With out Cost to Government. The shipping men of the city have begun an agitation of the subject of having sev eral army transports hero during the Fair. The matter ha3 been talked over on the water front since the arrival of the Buford. It is believed that if the proper representations were made to the War De partment, an order would be Issued, for stationing several of the steamers here this Summer. There are always several transports lying idle at San Francisco, and they would be under no more expense here than there. A great many people are waiting pa tiently for the Buford to move to Green wich dock, so they can make a closer In spection of her. To many landsmen, an army transport is more Interesting than a warship. It Is a fact that when a cruiser or gunboat has been thrown open to the publlo here, the majority of visitors- have taken more interest in the sleeping, liv ing and eating quarters of the men than in the big guns or machinery. On a mod ern transport, the first consideration is the comfort and accommodation of the soldiers. On the Buford, which will carry about 1000 men, these details are arranged on a scientific plan, and the troopers are better cared for than are the passengers on many a commercial liner. The other transports in service on the Pacific are equally well arranged. Six transports are now Iyinr disengaged in San Francisco Bay, and thiee more aa on the way to the Coast from the Philip pines. Those Idle at San Francisco are the Warren, Crook. Meade, Solace, Dlx and Thomas. The Sherman is on the way across from Manila, the Logan la proceed ing eastward from Honolulu, and the Sheridan is en route to this city from the Philippines, via Nagasaki. The last named steamer Is due here April 20, and It Is be lieved that if a request were made to Washington, her stay here could be pro longed for several months, after which her place in this 'harbor might be taken by another of the transports. The cost of maintaining the vessels here would be practically the same as at San Francisco, and they would have the further advan tage of lying in fresh water, while, if re quired for active service, no time would be lost in getting them to San Francisco. The officers and men of the Buford are in hopes that they will be ordered here on their return from Manila, as they would much prefer spending the Summer in Portland than at San Francisco or Mare Island. The presence of such a craft in the river during the Fair would add to the attractions of the event, and could prob ably be brought about by some of the commercial bodies here making the re quest of the War Department. TWICE STOPPED BY JAPANESE British Steamer Ocean Monarch Has Encounters With Cruisers. SEATTLE, March 28. Japanese cruisers twice stopped and boarded the British tramp steamer Ocean Monarch, which arrived here today, 26 days out, while she was in the Japan Sea, on her voyage to this port from Kobe. On both occasions the Monarch was in formed of the cruiser's desires by a shot fired across her bow. The first encounter occurred during one afternoon, the cruiser sighting the Monarch from a considerable distance and overhauling her rapidly. The sec ond time was at night, tho Monarch's first warning that a cruiser was near being when she found herself in the glare of a searchlight, a -shot across her bows following immediately. The Monarch had no cargo, being in ballast on her trip over and, after ex amlning the vessel and her papers, the boarding officers allowed her to pro ceed. Her officers report a rough voy age nearly all the way over. They say the coast of Northern Japan and Si beria Is so thoroughly guarded that it would be impossible to make a success ful attempt at blockade-running. SUPPLY SCHOONER WRECKED C. Kennedy Is Lost on Laysan Island, but Crew Is Saved. HONOLULU, March 28. Tno United States gunboat Petrel, returning today from Midway Island, via Laysan. brought the crew of tho schooner C. Kennedy, which left here on February 9 with sup plies for the cable station on Midway, but was wrecked on the Island of Lay san. The crew and some of the cargo of the Kennedy were saved, but the vessel is a total loss. The wreck of the schooner occurred March 3. the vessel being driven on a reef at daylight by a tremendous storm. Captain Schlemmer, his two mates and the crew of six Japanese succeeded in reaching the shore, after encountering great peril and losing all their boats. They were rescued by tho Petrel qn March 23. TWO VESSELS STORM -TOSSED San Francisco Ships Reach English Ports After Narrow Escapes. LIVERPOOL, March 28. The British bark Gunford. from San Francisco, Octo ber 27, which arrived at this port re cently, encountered a hurricane March 35 and was thrown on her beam ends. It was found necessary to Jettison a con siderable portion of the vessel s cargo. The British ship Thalatta. from San Francisco. October 31. which has arrived at Ipswich, reports ihat during a hunt cane beginning March 14 she was on her beam ends for 4S hours. The vessel and her cargo are much damaged. CREW IS STILL MISSING. Tug Dauntless Saw Nothing of Men of the Klose. ASTORIA. Or.. March 28. (Special.) The San Franchico tug Dauntless, which has been .searching for the derelict schooner C. A. Klose, arrived here this evening. Captain Shea says he ran as close to the shore as possible all the way up the coast, but saw 'or heard nothing of the crew of the Klose. Rushing Work on Lawton. VALLEJO. Cal., March 28. A rush order has been receix'ed at the Mare Island navy-yard to complete the repair work being done on the transport Law ton, as It Is desired to place the vessel in commission within six weeks. The statement that the Russian vessel Lena will be repaired by the Union Iron Works o'f San Francisco has been confirmed. Ran Blockade Six Times. SAX FRANCISCO. March 27. The sec ond mate and three seamen of the Ger man ship Cassius arrived hers today from the Orient .on the mall steamer Doric. t . GRAY'S TWENTIETH CENTURY STORE The store where latest style and best quality Men's Apparel can be found. The store where particular men are sure to find what they wish. The store where misrepresentation Is not permitted, that a sale may be made. The store where utmost courtesy Is extended to every cus tomer. The store which gives a positive guarantee of satisfaction with every article sold. The home of KENSINGTON and CHESTER FIELD Clothes, the finest hand tallored ready-for-wear CLOTHES produced in America. Any Coat which breaks back in front In twelve months' wear will be replaced with a new one, free, Haberdashery and Hats the choic est product of the best manufact urers of this and foreign Countries. Our reception room Is at the dis posal of anyone, wishing to write a letter, use the free phone or sit down and rest. You're heartily we!- come. R.M.GRAY 269-271 Morrison Street The Cassius succeeded in running the Japanese blockade of the port of Vladi vostok no less than six times, landing a cargo of coal there upon each occasion. Her captain, after making all the money he could out of the Russians, ran Into Kobe, where he succeeded In making a sale, of the steamer to the Japanese. The Doric also brought over the captain and chief engineer of the British steamer Sidonla, which they took out to Japan and there sold to that government. Lindstrom Will Build Barges. ABERDEEN, Wash., March 28. (Special.) John Lindstrom ha3 signed a contract with the Columbia Contract ing Company for the building of three barges, each 9 feet deep, 34 feet beam and i 130 feet long, at a total cost of $22,000. Marine Notes. Tho schooner S. TJ Alexander has cleared for Redondo with 810,000. feet of lumber. t The China steamer Arabia shifted from Albina dock to the mills to load flour. She will sail Thursday morning. The German bark Nomia will leave down the river this morning, bound- for Taku. She carries 1,794,802 feet of lumber, worth $13,890. J. C Hinds, formerly first officer of the British bark Dumfriesshire, has been given the berth of master of the British ship Lonsdale. The steamer Cascade went down to St. Helens yesterday to load ties, and will come back to St Johns to finish her cargo for San Franc'sco. The transport Buford will move from her anchorage In the stream to Green wich dock Friday afternoon at- 2 o'clock. She will sail for Manila Sat urday noon. The steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay, arrived early this morning. The steamers Aberdeen and Harold Dollar are due from San Francisco today, and the Aurella tomorrow. The German ship Henriette arrived up yesterday afternoon, and moored at Balfour. Guthrie & Co.'s new Centen nial .dock, just north of the Albina ferry landing. She is from Antwerp via Port Los Angeles and brings ce ment and other general cargo. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. M&cch 28. Arrived down at 4 and sailed at "6 A. M. Steamer Columbia, for San Francisco. Arrived at 2:30 and left up at S P. M. Steamer Alliance, from Eureka and Coos Bay. Arrived at 3:30 P. M. Schooner Eric, from San Franclsso. Sailed at 5 P. M. Steamer Bee, for San Francisco; steamer Whit tier and barse Santa Paula, for San Francisco. r AS TO COLDS -1 Feed a cold yes, but feed it with Scott's Kmul sion. Feeding a cold in this way kills it. You cannot afford to have a cough or cold at this season or any other. Scott's Emulsion will drive it out quickly and keep it out. Weak lungs are. strengthened and all wasting diseases are checked by Scott's Emulsion. It's a great flesh producer. Well tend Tea mil ale frae. ! SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, Nnr York. I Condition of the bar at 5 P. M.,"-moderate; wind northwest: weather cloudy. Sydney, N. S. "W., March 22. Arrived preach bark Martha Roux, from Portland. New York, March 28. Arrived Rhyndam, from Rotterdam. San Francisco, March 2S. Sailed at 11:30 A. M. Steamer St. Paul, for Portland. Arrived Steamer Peru, from An con, etc; steamer Coro nado, from Gray's Harbor; steamer Central la. from Gray's Harbor; schooner Henry "Wilson, from Gray's Habor; schooner Eausallto, from Gray's Harbor. Sailed Steamer China, for Hong- Kong-, etc; schooner Charles Hanson, whaling; steamer Eureka, for JCanalmo; steam er Wellington, for NanaJmo. Periodic Pains. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pairr Pills are a most remarkable remedy; for the relief of periodic pains, backache, nervous or sick head ache, or any of the distress ing aches and pains that cause women so much suffering. . As pain is weakening, and leaves the system in an ex hausted condition, it is wrong to suffer a moment longer than necessary, and you should take the Anti-Pain Pills on first in dication of an attack. If taken as directed you may have entire confidence in their, effectiveness, as well as in the fact that they will leave no dis agreeable after-effects. ,They contain no morphine,, opium, chloral, cocaine or other: dangerous drugs. Tor a long time I bar suffered greatly -trith spells of backache, that seem almost more than I can endure. These attacks come on every month, and last two or three days. I have never been able to get anything that would give me much relief until I be began the use of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Plfe, . and they always relieve me in" a short time. My sister, who suffers the same way, has used them with the same results." MBS. PARK, 721 S. Michigan St, South Bend, Ind. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are sold by your d ruga 1st, who will guarantee that the first package will oeneflt. If it fall3 he will return your money. 23 doses, 25 cents. Never sold It 23 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind SCIEMTIFKALIY PREPARED flDXHOMEJAlTORYDiFARN THIS TIME TESTED FAMILY REHECYHAS NO EQUAL