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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1905)
!THE MOENING OSEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MABCH 29, 1905. 5 AH ARTFUL DODGER Balfour Refuses to Join Issue With Opposition. HIS WHOLE PARTY ABSENT Vote of Censure on His Fiscal Policy Carried Without a Dissenting Vote-Speeches Mads to Empty Benches. LONDON, March 2S. In the House of Commons tonight a vote of censure of Premier Balfour's fiscal policy was unan imously carried Ministerialists abstaining from voting. The session was a repetition of the ses sion of March 22, when a resolution In troduced by Mr. Alnsworth (Free Trade liberal), condemning the government's proposition to Impose a general duty on manufactured goods, was -carried by a vote of 254 to 2. The Ministerial front benches tonight were entirely deserted, and only about a dozen Unionists, princi pally free traders, were present, when Mr- Walton (Liberal), moved a resolu tion as follows: "In view of the declaration made by the Prima Minister, this Souse thinks It necessary to record its condemnation ox his DOlicr of fiscal retaliation." The opposition had hoped that, in view of the fact that this was a vote or cen sure, the government would take up the challenge, and would not adhere to Its declared Intention of ignoring finance res olutions of private members; but Mr. Bal four declined to be drawn out, and the opposition was drlxen to address denun ciatory speeches to empty benches and reap the indirect -benefit of the effect of the government's refusal to fight when challenged. Mr. "Walton's motion was carried with out a division. In reply to an inquiry by Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman, the speaker said the motion had been record ed as carried, nem con. At a Cabinet meeting held March 21 it was decided that In future the govern ment would not use pressure upon Its followers la regard to the opposition's resolutions framed to commit the govern ment on the finance Question. The fol lowers of Joseph Chamberlain took sim ilar action, and decided not to take part in debates or divisions on resolutions touching the tariff or fiscal question. The action of the government was equivalent to a declaration that the fiscal question is not a critical party issue. POPE LEO BLESSES BASILICA Gorgeous Ceremony in Honor of Du plicate of Lourdes Church. ROME, March 28. Above the grotto which stands before the famous tower of Leo IV in the Vatican gardens, where the late Pope spent his Summers, has been built an exact fac, simile of the Basilica of Lourdes. The new building was solemnly blessed by Pope Pius X to- oay in tne presence or a large assem blage. The expenses were covered by subscription opened in France by the Bishop of Tarbcs. The facade of the basilica is decorated with portraits of Pius IX, Leo XIII. Phis X and the Bishop of Tarbes in imitation mosaic. The Pope arrived on the spot in a car riage, escorted by Noble Guards in bril liant uniforms, and was received by the Papal Court, which made a striking ef fect with its gorgeous costumes in the blazing sun. The pontiff, who was warm ly cheered, assumed the pontifical robes and proceeded immediately with the cere mony of blessing the basilica, which was most brief. Afterwards the Pope imparted tljo apos tolic blessing to the 10,000 persons present. Including about 750 Americans, Spaying special attention to the French pilgrim age, which came to Rome under the-lead-ership of the Bishop of Tarbes on 'pur pose to be present at the ceremony. The Pope showed great satisfaction at today's function. He said that all his life he had desired to visit Lourdes, but had always been prevented. As he was now in the Vatican as Pope it was out of the question to go there. Therefore, he was most pleased to have a reproduc tion of the basilica of Lourdes in the gardens. The Bishop of Tarbes collected 515,000 to defray the expenses of the work. the object of trying to settle the Colom bian debt. The council lnformsthe As sociated Press that it does not see much hope of arrangement in Colombia's pres ent financial condition unless Panama can be prevailed upon to assume a por tion of the debt. Persian Kham Can't Get Out. ASKHABAD, Caucasia. Russia. March 28- Refuges from Kuchan, Persia, report that the palace of the Khan is being be sieged by an armed mob. The popular resentment against him is Intense in con sequence of allegations that he has been exploiting the people. The refugees chaie that Mohammedans from Baku are re sponsible for exciting the population against the Christians. Towns Taken by Arab Rebels. CONSTANTINOPLE, March 2S. Ac cording to a dispatch from Hod el da. dated March 23, the town of Sanana. capital of Temen province. Arabia, was still holding out when the message was sent, but Tama. Yerim and Aneysa. southward of Sanana, and Hadlah, north ward, have fallen Into the hands of the insurgents and the mountain fortress of Ibb was surrounded. Great Men and Children Mourn Him. AMIENS. France. March 28. The fu- ROADS ARE ACTIVE Southern Pacific Adds Two Observation Cars, ROUTES TO THE INTERIOR Both the Northern Pacific and the O. R. & N. Railroads Are Plan ning to Run Lines Into Central Oregon. The new observation cars which have been secured by the Southern Pacific for trains 15 and 16 of the Portland-San Fran cisco overland service will be put in com mission today, the first car leaving the WILL REPRESENT WASHINGTON AT THE EXPOSITION MILITARY POLICY OF BRITAIN Army Needed to Defend Frontiers, Not Compete With Military Powers. LONDON, March 28. In the House of Commons today Secretary of War Arnold Forster. on a motion in committee on the army estimates, made his annual state ment. He defended the policy the War Office and said the record for his admin istration showed that a number of changes had been made looking to placing the army on an efficient footing. The regular army could not be reduced because Great Britain was the only country in the world which was obliged to maintain an army on a war footing in times of peace. The danger of an invasion was not real. The, principal duty of the British army was to fight across seas and defend frontiers. They must eliminate the Idea of competition with great military "coun tries of the world and should merely apply their whole attention to supplying an army capable of defending the fron tiers. The lesson of the Russo-Japanese "War was that quality and not quantity produced success in modern warfare. Mr. Arnold-Forster outlined the changes made and contemplated, and said it gave, him great pleasure to be able to say that the Dominion of Canada had under taken from a certain date to bear the cost of guardianship of the great imperial fortresses situated In that country. He added that it would take seven years to make an impression on the great prob lems of army reorganisation. "What then could be expected in seven months? He urged the House to deal with the ques tion from a patriotic ana not from party or political standpoint. BL fight between the Hill and the Harriman interests may result any day in abroga tion of the compact entered into two years ago between tnem wnereoy eacn agreed to keep off the grass of the other. Mr. worthington is fully as reticent as his predecessors regarding the plans of his company. If It has any plans ror opening up Central Oregon. His disin clination to talk on such matters is, in measure, explained by his recent ar rival and consequent unfamiliar! ty with the situation. But from a man prominently inter ested in Central Oregon development It Is learned that not all the surveyors now in the . Central Oregon field are Northern Pacific men- According to his version, and he is in close touch with railroad affairs affecting his re gion, the O. R. & N. is making- great effort to locate an economical line of easy grade through the center of the state. The Columbia Southern, for somo distance north of Sbanlko and for sev eral miles bevond. passes through a region that would be productive -of lit tle or no revenue for a railroad. Fur thermore, construction of the road south of Shanlko for many miles would be very expensive work. East and West Line. To escape this expensive construc tion and at the same time reach the producing section by the shortest route, it Is said that the O. R. & N. will eventually throw a line across the state from east to west. This would brlnr the fine wheat lands of the Agency Plains and Haystack country in easy communication witn .foruana by way of the Willamette Valley, and feeder thrown south tnrougn central Oregon would tap the rich pine belt of the Deschutes River. The lumber traffic which would bo developed In that sactlon is one of the most alluring factors of the situation and its logical route to market is by way of an east and west road, instead of by an exten sion of the Columbia Southern, the haul over the latter road and the O. R. & N. to Ontario, Or., being several hundred miles longer than by a spur leading "north from Bend to the pro posed east and west road. It 1s the opinion of nearly all Port- landers who have visited the field that either the agricultural resources or the timber resources would be suffi cient to warrant the construction ot the road, and to a large number of the dwellers In the central and southern part of the state it is a matter of in difference whether it is an east and, west or a north and south road that enters the country. The peculiar ad vantage of the timber traffic out of that country lies In the fact that It would In no way Inerfere with the de mand for lumber from east or west of the Cascade Mountains, as the white and yellow pine of the Deschutes re gion fills a demand separate and apart from the fir. spruce and hemlock east of the mountains. ere ace to poisons used in proprietary med icines. It is true that some medicines contain poisons in small percentages-, but tne use is not nearly as general as- In physicians" prescriptions. A great many drugs which are recognised by every phy sician as helpful In small doses are pois onous when taken In excess. An elderly druggist told me a few days ago that he bad personally examined more than 100.000 physicians prescriptions!, and, by actual count, 0 per cent of them con tained an opiate. Tet analysis shows not a trace of opiate in the largest sellers among the proprietary remedies. Strychnine Is another dangerous drug largely prescribed by physicians. It Is used as a tonic and stimulant. Tet this is a drug- rarely found in proprietaries. The maker of a proprietary medicine must be more careful about the use of any poison than the physician. The phy sician is In a position to direct his doses and to watch, the results. He is able to take chances which no maker of a gen eral remedy will take, for fear that the direction on the bottle will not be ad hered to. There are thousands of physicians whose Interests are opposed to proprietary reme dies. They are ready to denounce a ready made remedy at the slightest evidence of harm from it. Yet how seldom we hear of any harm from proprietaries. I have myself never heard of a single authenti cated case. It is the lack of poison, rather than its presence, which forms the real objec tion to proprietaries. It is by using a poison which the medicine maker avoids that the physician often secures a greater effect. The maker of a remedy has too much at stake to use anything which will result In occasional harm. And this caution leads him often to omit Ingredi ents which he knows to be valuable. Proprietary remedies are used not alone by the poor who cannot afford to call a physician. They are employed by those to whom expense is of no .importance. And in ordinary ailments, when a physi cian is called, he prescribes a ready-made remedy. Proprietary remedies are at some time taken by all of us. They are found In nearly every home. And I know of no business where fraud has less chance of success than in medi cine. A worthless remedy Is very quickly found out. A sick -person will not long continue a remedy which does not help. The lack of merit in a food may remain long undiscovered, but if a medicine lacks virtue the fact is at once apparent. When I need a remedy for any ordinary ailment, my choice gees to a remedy so good that it made its maker rich. A DEFENDER. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It b Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp-Root, VVIII . Do for YOU, Every Reader of The Oregonlan May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail. THE USB OF MEDICINES. ELMER E. JOHNSTON. EXECUTIVE COMMISSIONER. Elmer 3J. Johnston, of Everett, "Wash., -who Is "Washington's Executive Com mieeloner, is regarded as one of the best fair rnea in the country. His experience bas been a varied one. He first took charge of the Washington exhibit at the Pan American Exposition, at Buffalo, after it had been -wofully mismanaged. In & abort time he brought order out ot chaos, and returned from the exposition -with many prizes and honors for the state. He was In charge of the St. Louis exhibit; In fact, ho -was the coramlaslon. Everything was done under hlo direction, from the erection of the building to the installation of the exhibit. He reluctantly accepted the present commlsolonershlp to the Lewis and Clark Fair at the urgent request of the commission. He has a marvelous knowledge of "Washington" resources. Reply to Mr. Bok's Charge Against Use of Patent and Proprietary Medicines. I am not a maker of patent medicines. nor have I any Interest In the sale or them. I am simply a user, like the rest of you. Patent medicines are rnenos oi my youth, and friends of my family They have hemed me when I needed neip;.ana If they need help now I feel like defending them. It Is only fair reciprocity. neral of Julea Verne took place today in the Church of St. Martin, and was at tended by representatives of the literary. scientific and geographical societies, and many school children. The widow, ac companied by her sons and daughters, walked at the head of the funeral proces sion. Military honors were accorded the deceased, as he was a member of the Le gion of Honor. The burial took place In the Madeline Cemetery. In the City' s Trouble Shop MARRIAGE WILL BE ANNULLED Propaganda Expects to Grant Peti tion of Princess Rospigliosi. HUME, March 23. The Princess Ros pigliosi, formerly. Miss Marie Jennings Reid, of Now Orleans. Is seeking annul ment from the Church of Rome of her marriage with Colonel Frod H. Parkhurst, of Bangor, Me., who was her first hus band. The case of Princess Rospigliosi will soon be discussed before the Congre gation of the Propaganda, and it is gen erally bellevod by ecclesiastical authori ties that annulment will be granted, as the Parkhurst-Reld marriage was cele brated with a dispensation. Parkhurst being a Protestant. The marriage Is con sidered null and void. It being established that Colonel Parkhurst was never bap tized. The, Princess, who Is a Roman Catholic, was divorced In 1S33 from Colo nel parkhurst, and In 1201 married Prince Rospigliosi. The division of estates Milued at $15,000,000 depends on decision ot the case. Hope Panama Will Share Debt. LONDON. March 28. Negotiations have been opened by General Holguln, the European representative of the Republic of Colombia, with the council of the corporation ot foreign bondholders, with ELECTRIC light bills may be heavy, but it is better to pay them than to tap the company's, wires and have the doors of the penitentiary staring you In the face. At least, this Is now the opin ion of Sing Chong, who was yesterday held to await the action of the grand Jury. Judge Hogue listened to the testi mony In the case, and set bail at $400. Sing Chong, at the outset of the hearing. buried his yellow face In a handkerchief and wept, but the scene did not Impress the court, apparently, and it will take something stronger than tears to save the prisoner from a term In the "pen." John Rabyor. Jalntor in the Oddfellows' Hall, First and Alder streets; Louis Pape, chief Inspector for the Portland General Electric Company, and others, testified. They declared that Sing Chong tapped the wires on the top of his building at 230 Alder, and used the current for light ing his celestial den. He had cut off the Insulation from two wires, they said, and had lapped them around the big feed wire -and thereby got "Juice" without money and without price, until the sad night of the discovery and his arrest There has been considerable complaint in oertaln Quarters to the effect that Chinese in America are ill treated, but such cannot be said of L5n Sing, and Highbinder Jong Chong. Ltn was lined $30 by Judge Hogue three days ago for break ing a lamp in a Chinese store while he was drunk. "You fine Lin Sing too muchee," said Highbinder Jong Chong to Judge Hogue yesterday, upon mounting the witness stand, after a rehearing of the case was granted by the court. "Why?" asked Judge Hogue. "Well, him good man: him allghtee." was the answer. After some further discussion Judge Hogue set aside his former sentence and reduced the fine to 510. Then Highbinder Jong Chong , was "velly" happy and went away with a "fiend" rejoicing. "I'm too busy to come into the Muni cipal Court." Such was the answer sent back to Judge Hogue yesterday morning by William Iscnsce. who conducts a machine shop at 29 North Fifth street, when Judge Hojgue dispatched Special Policeman Mal let to summon him. Iscnsce is charged with a violation of the sidewalk or dinance. It being alleged that In front of his establishment there are obstructions. "Well, let a warrant be Issued for Isen see, and place him under $20 bonds." said Judge Hogue. Lter however, an "attorney entered the courtroom saying he represented Isensee, and asking for a delay of a day or two. He said he would see what could be done. To this Judge Hogue agreed. v Isensee was one of the first to be ar rested for refusal to comply with the ordinance, but when he appeared In court he promised to remedy matters and his case was continued, pending an adjust ment of the affair. Union Depot this evening at S:30 o'clock. The sister car will be started from Oak land on train 16 at the same time, and win oe sent north to Roseburg. The cars will be used on these two trains between Roseburg and Oakland. one leaving the Oregon city at 4:40 o'clock m tne morning, thus giving the passen gers the benefit of it all during the day In the run through the mountains, and the next day into Oakland, while the other car running north will reach Roseburg at 11:33 o'clock In the evening, thus giving the beet view of the Shasta country for tne northern run, as well as for the southern. New Observation Cars. One of the new cars will be on evhlbl- tlon at the Union Depot this afternoon from 2 o'clock until the time for the- train to leave In the evening. The cars are of the most modern structure, and are very nandsomoiy furnished. They contain large general drawing-room for the use of the patrons of tho line. The sides are made of heavy plate glass to as great an extent as is possible, so that as nearly an unobrtructed view can be had by the oc cupants as may be. The rear platform is very large, and will accommodate party of 10 or 15 persons without crowd ing. In the library compartment will be kept all of the latest magazines and pa pors. while a choice library will be fur nished for the comfort of the guests of the road.. In the front end of the coach Is the smoking-room and buffet, from which will be served cigars and refresh menta The use of the car will be free to all persons holding Pullman tickets, and with the installation of the new coaches the Portland-San Francisco service of the Southern Pacific will equal that of any line running into Fortland. Roads Watch Each Other. Should the Northern- Pacific extend tho line of Its protege, the Washington & Columbia River Railway, from Pendle ton Into Morrow County and Interior Ore son. as it appears to contemplate doing. the O. R. & N. undoubtedly would throw a line of its own Into that region, prob ably running east and west through the slate to meet the invasion a route which it has already projected thus abandon ing the policy that has kept Interior Ore gon undeveloped within the zone of tho Harriman roads. Plans for .i Harriman line from the Willamette Valley Into Central Oregon were considered by A. L. Mchler. when he was president of the O. R. & X.. and by E. E. Calvin, when he was general manager of the O. R. & N. and tho Southern Pacific in Oregon, and it Is understood they are now being studied by -Mr. v ortnmgton, tne new general man agcr. Two routes over the Cascade Mountains into Eastern Oregon from tho Willamette valley have been Investigated. one of which may lead up the McKenzie River from Eugene, the pther up the Santlara from Albany over the line of the Corvallls & Eastern, which now termi nates at Detroit, some 20 miles west of tho summit of the mountains. O. R. & N officials profess themselves In dense ignorance of the designs of the northern racinc in Oregon and Wash Ington and pretend to discredit the re ports of Northern Pacific schemes south of Pendleton and In Wallowa County and In the Clearwater country. They will not admit that the Northern Pacific In tends soon to build a short-cut road to Lewistpn and Lo Lo Pass. .every once in a wnue. tney say "the O. R. & N. sends a surveying party Into the Clearwater country to relocate the lines of projected extensions; noth Ing more. Then the Northern Pacific becomes alarmed perhaps and sends sur veyors, too. But this is all that comes of the surveying expeditions save for a The fact Is that the term ''patent medi cines." as aDDlled to advertised remedies, is a misnomer. "Very few of the remedies advertised to the laity are patented. The real patent medicines are advertised to Dhvslcians alone. They are brought Into use almost solely through physicians' pre scriptions. Practical y all the synthetic cnemicais produced In late years are protected by patents. The most valuable products used by modem physicians are patented, xne coal tar preparations which are most widely used. and. the most effective germi cides. are among them. All physicians prescribe these remedies, yet they know that their owners control a monopoly. The largest pharmaceutical hus?s are not those which make remedies advertised In the newspapers. They make the reme dies which are advertised to physicians alone, and they control those remedies ab solutely by a patent or trademark. If the medical profession ceased to use these patented remedies, half the prescriptions which are written would need to be al tered. This does not bear out Mr. Bok's the ory that the discoverer of a remedy of real value gives It freely to the world The custom with those who Invent such remedies today is to patent them and con trol them. Just as docs the man who In vents a new machine. And the medical profession recognise and approve the method, for every modern physician pre scribes patented remedies more frequently than any others. And enormous enter prises are built solely on this fact. The mere fact, therefore, that a man controls a remedy, cither by a patent or trademark, does not argue against It. It is rather evidence that the man has something which-he considers worth controlling. If the man. in addition, spend? large sums In advertising, whether to. physicians or to the laity, it forms to me further evidence of value. Nothing is more cer tain than the fact that a worthless article cannot bo advertised profitably. Those who know advertising know that the cost of selling a bottle or package to new user Is several times the profit made on It. The only hope of profit comes through continued use; and, without merit, continued use cannot be expected. When a man has made a success In ad vertised a medicine. It is to me the best evidence possible that be has something good. A physician may put up a prescription for some individual case without giving much thought to IL But if that physician Is going to spend a fortune on advertis Ing. with no possibility of getting his money back unless he satisfies millions of users, he Is naturally going to put up the best prescription he can make. If he Is wise he will get the best . prescription for his purpose that any man can make. Tben there Is the question of alcohol which Mr. Bok seems to consider such a perilous one. All the fluid extracts and tinctures used In medicine must employ alcohol as a solvent and preservative. ! Prohibit a physician from using alcohol in his prescriptions and you would make the practice of medicine impossible. If a physician must use alcohol In certain pre scriptions, shall we complain that a ready made medicine employs it for the same purpose? If we are going to avoid the use of alcohol we must banish the extracts and essences used in our kitchen. Fluid ex tracts, whether they are medicinal .or cu linary, cannot be made or preserved with out alcohol. The use of alcohol In medicine Is ap proved by the pharmacopoeias of all na tions. It Is In. accord with the practice of all medical authorities In the world. The abuse of alcohol Is another mat ter, but the cost alone Is enough to pre vent abuse. Alcohol costs about C60 per gallon. It Is too expensive for any medi cine maker to use more than he needs of it. And he cannot hope that people are going to take the medicine because of the alcohol, when good whisky can be pur chased for one-fifth as much. A dose ot medicine which contains even SO per cent of alcohol does not seem to me a very dangerous matter. That means one-fifth of a teaspoonful of alcohol at a time. Physicians do not hesitate to give brandy to a child in teaspoonful doses, and brandy Is half alcohol. "When one compares medicine with wine or beer, he should also compare the dosage. One j takes more alcohol In a .glass of wine than AT THE THEATERS What tho Press Agents 8ay Elks at Columbia Tonight. Tonight the antlered band of Portland Elks will gaily cavort at tho Columbia, and there will be hilarious times In the pasture. Every member of the. popular stock company will be on his or her met tle, knowing that the "Best People on Earth" are In the audience, and "A Con tented Woman" will go with even mora than its wonted vim. Only a few more performances and the final curtain will ring down on the tal ented aggregation of players who have never failed to please and delight their votaries. Fill the house to the limit. shake the building with plaudits, for it will bo many moons before Portland looks upon their like again. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS Wonderful Shenke Family. Greater than all acrobats, tho mar velous Shenke family is making a tre mendous hit at the Star afternoon and night, receiving; from five to six; en cores at every performance. No one should miss seeing- the great acrobatic feats of tumbling and pyramid build' ins displayed by these smart aero bats, who have no equal. Another great feature of the bill is Senor Rl cardo Ruiz, the eminent Spanish con cert violinist, who actually makes the violin talk. The rest of the bill Is complete with comedy, singing and dancing, and all OVERWORKED SCHOOL CHILDREN IN PORTLAND Will Be Interested In This Incident. Miss Effa Gould, of Coldwater. Mich. writes: "I was so tired, run down and extremely nervous that I was obliged to stay out of school, and the doctor thought 1 would have to give up entirely, but he advised me to try the new cod liver oil preparation, Vlnol. I did so, and two bot tles have made a wonderful Improvement. I have resumed my school. work and feel strong and well now. I have the greatest confidence in Vlnol and feel -ke recom mending It to every tired-out, overworked school girl or boy, as it did so much -for me." Our local druggists, Woodard, Clarke Co., say: "There is no doubt Vlnol Is the best medicine in the world for growing school girls and boys. It is not a patent EFFA GOULD. lot of rumors." But there are signs-- that big secrets I he takes In a great many doses of medl are being guarded Jealously by the one I cine. road against the other, end that the J, ' Mr. Bok Is also most unfair in. -ids r&f-J It used to be considered that only urin ary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of, order, you can understand how quickly your entire body Is affected, and how every organ seems to fall to do its duty. If you are sick or "feel badlv." begin taking the great kidney remedy. Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will neip ail the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. I was out of health and run down generally: had no appetite, was dizzy and suffered with headache most of the time. I did not know that my kidneys -were the cause of my trouble, but eosaehow felt that they might be. and I began taking Swamp-Rcot. There Is such a pleasant taste to Swamp-Root, and it goes right u uw cpoi ana arrres aixease out ot me sys tem. It has cured me. mailing me stronger and better la eyery way, and I -cheerfully rec ommend It to all sufferers. ur&ieruuy yours. MRS. A. I WALKER. 331 East Linden el. Atlanta, Qa. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for many kinds of diseases, and u permitted to continue much suffering and fatal results are sure to follow. Kid ney trouble Irritates the nerves, makes you dizzy, restless, sleepless and Irritable. Makes you pass water often during the day and obliges you to get up many times during the night. Unhealthy kidneys cause rheumatism, graveL. catarrh of the blad der, pain or dull ache In the back, joints and muscles: make your head ache and back ache, cause Indigestion, stomach and liver trouble: you get a sallow, yellow complexion, make you feel as though you had heart trouble: you may have plenty of ambition, but no strength; get weak and 'raste away. The cure for theso trouoles is Dr. Kil mer s Swamp-Root, the world-famous kidney remedy. In taking Swamp-Root you afford natural help to Nature, for Swamp-Root Is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that Is known to medical science. How to Find Out If there Is any doubt In your mind as to your condition, take from your urine on rising about four ounces, place It in a glass or bottle and let it stand 24 hours. If on examination it is milky or cloudy,. if there is a brick-dust settling, or if small particles float about In it, your kidneys are In need of Immediate attention. Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and Is used In the leading hospitals,, recommend ed by physicians In their private prac tice, and is taken by doctors themselves who have kidney ailments, because they recognize in It tho greatest and most suc cesful remedy for kidney, liver and blad der troubles. B DR. KTTiIHKK'S iff 11 SWAMP-ROOT ill jH Kidney, Liver and Bliddsr IB 1 1111 M7 take one, two or Vtstm j HA 1UI tsjpocafoJbf3rdorafirisels I jjB Children lesscccrdlBg to sg. If Iff RbshI Kay cotaaesce with smiilldcses UIB DbsbI and laerease to foil dote or more, 1B IjHI u the case -nxiaU seem to require, j BH jl This great remedy ceres aS I H l kidney llrer. bladder and Urle 1 Hi 1MT Acid troubles and disorders dao 1 'KM iiiiB to weak Iddnejs, ssehaseatarra I HB I H of the bladder, gr&rel. rhetaea- I MM : S ties. lumbago acd Brighra Pis- J j V ease, -which is the wont form c jj 'ill PREPARED ONLY BT ' ul DR" KILMER & co (Swamp-Koot Is pleasant to take.) If you are already convinced thai Swamp-Root Is what you need, you can purchase the regular 50-cent and $1 sizt bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham- ton, N. Y.. on every bottle. EDITORIAL NOTE So successful Is Swamn-Root In promptly curing even the most distressing cases of kidney, liver or bladder troubles, that to prove Its won derful merits you may have a. samnle bottle and a book of valuable lniormation. both sent absolutely free by mall. The book contains nany pf the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. The value and success of Swamp-Root is so well known that our readers are advised to send xoi a sample bottle. In sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton. N. TM be sure to say you read tnis generouB offer in Tne .fortiana .uauy urego- nlan. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. in all is one of the strongest' bills of two seasons. Real Shenkes at the Grand. Commencing Monday. April 10, the Grand will present to the Portland pub lic the "only real and original Shenke family" of unsurpassed acrobats. This family of great acrobats, famous the world over. Is at present playing an engagement at the Acme Theater, Sac ramento. Cal. There Is no other acro batic family of that name in the world, and any aggregation other than thai playing at Sacramento which uses the name of Shenk: has no right or titla so to do. BUSINESS ITEMS. If Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. 'Wlnslow'e Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and diarrhoea. PERFECT HEALTH medicine, but a delicious cod liver oil ureparatlon. containing In a concentrated form all the strength-creating, body-build ing elements of cod liver oil, but without oil or grease, and It cannot upset weak ened stomachs as do old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions. 'Vlnol contains just the elements neces sary to make for each child new vitality, sound flesh and muscle tissue, strong bone structure, rich, red blood, and cre ate strength. "We ask every mother In Portland to try Vinol for their children, on our guar antee to return the money if it falls. There Is also nothing equal to Vlnol to create strength for old people or people who are run down, tired and debilitated If you try It and don't like It we will give your money back." "Wobdard, Clarke & Co., Druggists. Perfect health, a most desirable physical condition, free from all indications of NERVOUS DEBILiITY, Is prized above all other earthly attainments. And yet there are thousands of men, so-called out of respect and according to custo'm, who, if their dreadful secrets were known, are but poor specimens of true, robust health. Such miserable mortals need not continue on the downward road, that much traveled thoroughfare that leads to either a. SEA OF PHYSICAL. "WRECKS, the ' MADHOUSE, or the DISGRACEFUL. GRAVE OF THE SUICIDE. The tIme-trIed,ompetent and trustworthy physicians of DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO.'S MEDICAL. INSTITUTE cure and restore the most complicated ailments of men. They arc all graduates of the best MEDICAL COLLEGES In EUROPE AND AMERICA. They have all. had years of experience in HOSPITAL and PRIVATE PRACTICE before they began their successful career as SPECIAL ISTS. They are too honorable In their business dealings to DECEIVE A SUF FERER, and have a reputation to maintain. They are conscientious, careful and painstaking- doctors, and are PER MANENTLY LOCATED IN PORTLAND. Any one wbo Is the least doubtful about their ability may deposit fee and pay. WHEN CURED. They treat all PRIVATE, NERVOUS and CHRONIC DISEASES, and cure In a shorter time and for a smaller fee than any other doctor or institute In the- NORTHWEST. Call, if .pos sible, for free consultation and examination, or write. We treat successfully and confidentially by mall. Send for question blank and Instructive book, mailed free, sealed fh plain wrapper. OFFICE HOURS 9 to S and 7 to & Sundays and Holidays 10 to 12. Dr.W. Morton Davis & Go. LEADING SPECIALISTS OF THE NORTHWEST, "ESTABLISHED 1SS. Van Noy Hotel, 52 Third Street, Cor. Pine, Portia nd,Or.;