r - I ' " . . THE' MOBNING OBEGpiflAN, WKDKKSPAY, MAKCH .29, liJUoJ . . TOR -SALE. USAXCIAX. I BUSINESS CHANCES. srcrxT- tt.v i,c.t,..., " t " I I . I I BUSINESS CHANCES. I StJSIVESS THUECTOHVL I uttbtvino . Rooms AVI til Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tL 1C5-1G7 10th st. cor. Morrison: there are a lew vacancies; fine rooms, nicely inrnisneo, steam heat throughout - tne house: porcelain bath. Dlenty o hot water. handsome dining-room, table and service nrst-ciass. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL. .Market rt.. bet. 3d and 4th: steam heat, elec tric light, porcelain baths; elegant outside rooms -with nrst-ciass board two people. sis, ot) ana (U month. Telephone Main uil. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TH YEAR rooms with board: use of se wing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Arabel Russell, superintendent. C10 Flanders. THE MANITOU. 261 1STH ST. BEAUTIFU steam-beated rooms, abundant hot water, ex cellent table: strictly home cooking. Phone Main I2C3. THE HARTMAS. 426 ALDER AND 70 W. Park Single and double rooms,, good home coo ting by white labor; transients onciteo HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elerator; bllllard-room; transients: both car lines. NICE ROOM St WITH GOOD BOARD; WOLLD like two gentlemen. 208 lltb st. FIVE COMPLETELY FURNISHED ROOMS, hot and cold water, large yard, flowers, walk' lng distance; nice neighborhood; references required. 4C1 iv. parte FURNITURE FOR SALE OF G-ROOM FLAT. S42 Clay st.; furnished very nice; price rea sonable; rent 225. Call soon: leaving the city. $30 FLAT SIX BOOMS. BATH. NEWLY papered, every convenience. furnished complete lor housekeeping. 30S College. MODERN FURNISHED FLAT. FIVE ROOMS, adults; five minutes- walk from Postofflce references. Telephone Main 6828. tWO SUITES OF ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR Housekeeping. "n and 512 per month. 3 E. Oak. Phone Union 812. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FLAT FOR rent, n months; centrally located; no chll- oren. jj tsa. oregonlan. FOR RENT 1-ROOM UPPER FLAT. MOD- ern Improvements. Phone East 834. Address 353. Sacramento et. NEW MODERN UPPER FLAT OF FrVE rooms, unfurnished, at 569 0th. Inquire at Oil DID. FOR 2 MONTHS. "WELL-FURNISHED SIX room flat, cheap to right parties. Phone Main 5640. Housekeeping Booms. THE ONEONTA..J.87 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM' hill New house, elegantly furnished apart- menu. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms: hnt mt cld water; ga6 range In each kitchen; steam neat ana D&tns; tree pnone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOtlSKKEEPIV and-single rooms In nicest brick block on EfijtKM,: pns rnnm Tintfe -it., vil. juoa union ave. 1'none union 3263. GOOD, FURNISHED HOUSEICEEPING Fuite, week; single housekeeping room. $! week; sleeping-room, SI; close In. 86 10th, Ttt O SUITES OF ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR houeeKe.plng. $11 and $12 per month; no vi.uurcii. .xiis jsact oak. Phone Union 012. "ft ELL - FURNISHED SINGLE AND housekeeping rooms. In new house, $1.50 and $2.50 par week. C57"4 1st St.. South. bUlltl or TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSB- Keeping rooms, witn gas stove furnished oniy per week. 362 E. Yamhill st. VERY ment, bath. PLEASANT ROOM WITH BASE- Kitcnen lurmshed lor housekeeping iciepnone, 200 11th, near Tayler. i I RNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES, from $10 up; also transient and board. Hotel Northern. 12th and Marshall. E CONNECTING ROOMS FURNISHED FOR nousexeeping; running water in kitchen; con -enient ana central. "J ft 11th st. $ 1 75 PER WEEK LARGE, CLEAN, FUR nlshcd housekeeping rooms; bath and laun ary. 184 Sherman, near Front. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. SIN gle or In suites, at 641 Pettygrove. corner jutn st., near air grounas. TWO OTt MORE ROOMS. GROUND floor; also sleeping: very desirable; "West jtsna. I'hone, 70S Everett. FINE SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. larg. airy, bath. gas. telephone. Freshly painwa. 03 morrison st. 360 GTH ST. WELL FURNISHED HOU5B- keeplng apartments; light front rooms; good location; nomeiiKC. SUITE FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, well furnished and convenient, walking dis mnce. mi iui St. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms: batb, gas, heat; very convenient. 00 -lsz st- TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP mg rooms; nam. gas ana phone. 188 W Park. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite, JI modern tonvenlences. 44" Main st. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient: bath, electric light. THE HALL. N. E. COR. 5TH AND HALL Housekeeping oultes; also single rooms. 2 ROOMS WITH HOME COMFORTS; BATH ana piano oita jenerson, cor. Stout. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms. 414 salmon. No children. ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE housekeeping. 71 N. 9th st. FOR T. ELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. ALSOvHOUSE- ncrpilli;. lo ."v. J4UI et. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING Ir.qulre 651 Morrison st. ROOMS INIOELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING Houses. Jiui-Bi.s. I'LATS AND COTTAGER VCm lent, all parts of city: we have a. list of evry empty house in Portland; no charge for renting house. Hours from 12 to 6 i-. ax. i. oevuriz iz sons, 173-175 1st. FOR RENT HOUSE AND S LOTS. GAR oen, low or fruit, chickens. 2 blocks west ...viiii-ui. iui. ocolj. car; terms. 51 ner month; Frank Carson. siuau oanuren. inquire Mrs. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST.. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. IV ittiJST BEFORE MAY J. 15 -u au-iwni noure. Aooress, stating loca tion and price C 06, Orcgonlan. 7i . TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone o iooa umce. 110 K. 3d st. GOOP. CLEAN, wood car line. ROOM HOUSE. SELL- near Powell st.. $12.50. Phohs Scott 3238. Furnisheu Houses. BROOM COTTAGE, NEATY FURNISHED. stfl range. ga stove; rent S33. 447 E. Davie. r.Ti00.If, Pl'RNISHED; MODERN. "CLOSE In. Phone Union 40C3. House for Rent I-urnltur for Sale. E-AMB FRN1TURE FOR SALE cheap; table, gap p:atf. heating stove, chairs. .t,-!'. ur- Ca Couch sL. or phone Front 871. after 4 P. M. BfnmSM HOL'pJ.B 1X CIT; GOOD JUS? w ??w bonanza during Fair: lease ard Tepe MairM.SO.11 th,S W PMS- FURNISHED: ALSO m iri1n.Arst-cJats """room nJukU1 Ctay a batCTla: ,U healln' HOUSE FOR RENT - CONVEVIFN'T -m r.css: furniture Xo hi?. COTTAGE OF T ROOMS. RENT $27.50; 5 Oregoiilan. " ea.ateiy V 95. FURNITURE. ELEGANT, NEW nntvvr town, cottage suitable 15 roomers durin'J Fair, best location. B 95. OregSSaS K NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM FLAT MOlT rlson ft; furniture- for raj c , " " OtU 40S Ablngton bldg.. afTer 5 p& :S-BOOiI HOUSE: ALL OCCUPIED- LIGHT housekeeping; paying basis: a. n SI300. 633 and 555 Morrison 1 ' Price' BBAITIFULLY FURNISHED vrvr r,.. howe. near Fair, at taorlnce. modern la basement. B 97. Ort-ronian. m Jte FOR SALE ELEGANTLY FPRNIKHvn lrvs of 7 rooms, bouse fer tit S . 2C3 Moutgoatry tC Avsr Ilonses for Bent, furniture Tor Sale. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. AT 211 1st St.. will bur roar furniture, snot aii or will sell your furniture far yon at your residence or at salesrooms, 211 1st st., on PHONE MAIN 5G55. AT 54S 3D ST. THE FURNITURE OF modern 10-room house for sale and house for rent; very moderate rent: splendid price for roomers and boarders.. Call from 2 to o r. ju., or pnone Main 5777. FINE FURNITURE 9-ROOM BOAHDIxn house for sale. 7th; Income S225 month. a &, uregonian. 10214 12TH ST. FURNITURE OF G-BOOM nat cneap 11 taken at once. Summer Resorts. FOR BENT ONE OF THE BEST KNOWN and roost popular pleasure resorts and Summer hotels In the Northwest for the season; accommodations for 123 guests xurnisnear nrst-class patronage. Address mm reierences. js. &5. Orcgonlan. Stores. LARGE STOREROOM ON MORRISON ST. mr rem. r.xiuren ior sajev mature of E. jueiton, wo orcgonlan bldg. FOR RENT NICE LARGE STORE. Park and Oak. Inquire Star Theater. COR. Offices. Ui)lKASLB OFFICES TY1I lrv-T trrro niture for sale; -excellently located; rent uiuuciAic ADPiy -aia Aoicgton blag. DESK ROOM WITH ROLL-TOP DESK; USE iTA V Jaain tH, bet. and VI U1U mi. uriuiss AND NEWLY FURNISHED VLY" "meooaus. aijijcjt ciQg.. sd and Morrison. FOR REOT NICE LARGE OFFICES ON 6TH at., near Washington. Inquire Star Theater. Winter and Summer Resorts. HOJEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. SEA " open ounng ail and Winter, Pasturage for Rent. v-wor. iu i-OKTiiAND; STOCK ALSO " oy tne month, 339 Sherlock bldg. PERSONAL. GREAT FACE SPECIALIST HERE W Au gustus Pratt. B. a. M. D.. the world-famous American Face Specialist of New Tork and -1V1 : "iui "i" ca,.ci piosuc operator, will positively remedy all defects Wr ViU7 '"Tlakle anJ'all facial blemishes by hU ri ""i"" ?"0 process, aeiiing-illrsch building. Washington, bet. West Park and 10th eta., where engagements can now be "i""- " w or cati ur. ratt Instltnte. t-"Y, . . - A. jlu 10 B. 1. M. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL. FROM Texas, most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world; rheumatism, paraly sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old ores yield to Ko magic; cures in H to 20 days; sample can. 60c nostnaid TMtlmimiii. f. Agents wanted. M. E. CUnton. 015 E. Couch i-oniano, ur. i'none union 3452. ik2dL VA1. KDTICE MAnlVT? ir Ttr-Tiv- only graduate dermatologist In Northwest, permanently removes birthmarks, plttlngs. wrinkles, sagglngs, ears, eczema, pimples, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Derma tology taugnt ror professional purposes. Re moved to suites 51. 52 and 63. SdUng-Hlrsch xutn. I'none jaam 7tKJ. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE. GRADUATE uennaioiogisi; scienunc. leatural, correcUon lst. beautlQer and restorer of vouthfninpc may be consulted dally free; every affliction of the liuman face and scalp successfully ncnteui uutiuio nnoKies. scars, oiemishes, etc. removed. Sanitarium end school of der matology In connection. Parlors 304 Morrl icn. xeiepnone it 00a zssz. ' 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFEHrNG FROM irreguiar. painiui or stoppages, leucorrhea (white) and all diseases of woomen. old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230H Yam hill st., Portland. Or. Private waiting-room ior iiuira. vjiuuirauon tree. or -write. inciose iv 2-cent stamps. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET.- SYPHILIS BLOTCHES. OL.D BORES. NIGHT EMIS- D1UJ.O, VAiiiiTjVJU.ib, t 1 UROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cureu. ur. ttatKcr. ioi 1st St. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our palnle&s method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation iree; private ana tinray connaentlal. X Ra dium Institute. 3d and Morrison. Alltky bldg. NOTHING PRESERVES YOUR APPEAR ance like a strong, healthy body. Sextne Pill give you vigor and strenrth. si o box. C Doxes S5. Full guarantee. Address J. A., ciemenson. aruggist. Portland. Or. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES SI A monuj jum uuuuuf cieanea and preasec 'outions wea on. nps sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing o.. in n asmngion, opp. uordrays. SPECIALIST 1-CMALI2 DISEASES. 23 years' experience with the "German Self flora" treatment. Never has- been known to i-tui. ruuuc i"t in. ui uw jura. tz. UOUIa, J3V"ww AUiUUlU, Ul. ENJOY LIFE BY GETTING PERFECT strength by using Pal mo Tablets, the serve ana mannooa ounaer. Price SOc box. o ror -ou. Aaaress -Brooke Drug MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts .:ic u.uuuics. uus manias treat ment, S2; 3 months'. S5. Sent securely rcaicu u f.wuuu, viarke t VIM. VlUUlt. viiAL.lXj.-DU PONT ET ue s n-oui Attuici. .amic a great tonic for i j m TT t nlocrl -Berni. uu numudwu, uk, rgniiDO, Or. LADJES. ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH .tansy iut. iur i-nc uy icaaing Druggists S2 per box; safe and reliable. S. G Skid more Si Co.. special' agents. 151 3d sL NO-GON. TH-ti irAoTxii INJECTION: IT sticks longer 100 cures quicmy; price XL Address J. A. uiemcnson. oruggist. 2d and lamntll sis., x-onurna. ur. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- iasv repmruis . JTOuvcrj-, two storeis ituiuiuiu 'luiiuua ana iu. We print your name on 30 calling cards nmn. er elze and style. 25c; 250 business cards. sL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE ACCU- uvi.j.tti4iimjr uitca at .yssells FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR inn. -iei. Aiain 4S58. flftii 1 J3U1 JIEHEDITirS TTM- nreuas; repairing ana recovering. Oth-Wfcsh. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR SOC AT HOLLA- iunio. Mtvt -iayior. oeu sa and 4th. BALM OK FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. Awcr el. rnonc JUain 4532. ITNANCIAL. FIVE PER- CENT MONEF WE BUY OR nuua you a nome or loan on yoor propertj-: monthly payment; investigate; open Satur day evening. 17 Labbe bldg., 227 Wash. LOANS ON THE E AS 5VPA YMENT PLAN TO saiariea people; lowest rates; strlctlr confl- Dekum. 3d and Wash. sta. Phone 224. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, iittuiB.cie. MtuvuL Bircurciy; sosy pay ments: largest business In 49 Drincinal ritiM Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. Clay 1758. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL- ariea people; low rei raica; conncentlal- will advance money on any good security t 21S Ablngton bldg. Phone Red 1726. S5 LOANS AND UPWARDS. ON ALL KINDS 01 Kcuniii wai acim.y, v. a. Hathaway room 10. Washington bldg. Clay 1S14. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS An other securities; lowest raxes. S. w Klnr room 45, Washington bMg. Hood 415. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM S5 TO room 5. Washington, bldg. Clay 73. $1000 OR 52000 TO LOAN ON GOOD REAL i."lrr! A t give location. B 90, Oregonlan. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED, 50 PER CilSf naluatloh; low rates, w. S. Warf Allskv b. SUte funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E Thomss state age, aimtnotaah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. Six per cent money to loan on CUckamas Co. 1S.UU0. -. - - . w wiiam. or tmmeree. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE- LOANS.. 5 AND w j-ci vtui. cuojiij. -j i-auinr hide. S500.000 TO LOAN AT 3 AND C PER CExf! Watches, diamonds; easy payment? dUmoads .-uufeui. 11 . ... ui-m. uid ucnun. jiav SB. PRfVATB EARTX .makes real esute. personal. umus. v jaarouam aieg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any -wage-earner needing money before pay-day can get It from us; no commission or Interest In advance; so mortgage or In- dorser required. Repay weekly, monthly ar scrm-montniy in amounts xrom si and up wards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one pay-day. and nave six mcntns ume. u. aesirea. NELSON & HINDLEY. 308 McXay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PSOPLE noioing -permanent poauons and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses & specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton building. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 21T OREGO nlan bldr- loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motormen. conductors or ctner salaried employes. Just on his sole. In sums of $10 to 5100. Returnable In v convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payments sus pended in case of sickness. ConSdentlaL No inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month, ij-month. Week. S50 Repay to us $13.33 or Sd.65 or S3.Z3 125 Repay to us t 0.65 or $3.35 or $1.63 SIS Repay to ua t 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 &PECIAL NUXtUES. Proposals Isrltesl. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLHi3-De-pertment of the Interior, Offlce ot Indian Affairs-. Washington. D. C., March 13. 1905. Sealed proposals, IndoVsed "Pxopojals for doci, nour. etc." as tne case may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Af falra, 265-267 South Canal street. Chicago. 11L. will be received until 1 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday. April 25. 1905, for furnishing for the Indian service, beef, flour, bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other articles of ubslotesce; also for groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, glasa, tinware, wagons, har ness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc. cnool supplies, jand a long list of miscella neous articles. Sealed proposals, indorsed Proposals for rubber goods, hardware, etc," as the case may be. and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 002 South Seventh -street. St. Lonls, Mo., will be re cti ved until 1 o'clock P. M.. of Thursday. April 27, 1905. for furnishing for the Indian Mrvjce, rubber goodo, boots and shoes, hard ware and medical supplies. Sealed propo sals. Indorsed "Proposals for blankets, wool en and cotton goods, clothing, etc," as the case may be, and directed to the Commis sioner of Indian- Affairs. Nos. 110-121 Woo, ter street. New York City, will be received yjCii1 I lock- P. M.. of Tuesday. May 18. 1005. for furnishing for th Indian sen-lee, blankets, woolen and cotuSn goods, cloth mar, notions, hata and caps. Bids must be made out on Government blanks. Schedule s.Tfn aJI neiy information for bidders ??H "J funilhed on appllcatoin to the In dian Office. Washington. D. C; the U. S. Indian warehouses, llO-isi "Wooster street. New York City; 255-287 South Canal street, ehlcago. 111.; 815 Howard street. Omaha. Neb.; 602 South Seventh street. St. Louis, Moi" H? WaWnKton street. San Francisco. V Camralenarlps of Subsistence, U. S. 7u' C0!'0"'. Wyo.. and St. Paul, Mlnn.7 i- -Sart,'nnaster- u- 6- A, Seattle, Wash,; and the Postmasters at Sioux Ctly, Tucson. Portland. Spokane and Tacoma. Bids will I?.rt3 at the hour and days above stated, and bidders are Invited to be present at the fni?.TJjeaepartmenl re-rvea the right to determine the point of delivery and to re- S" ?nd blda-.or an" Pt of a bid. E- Leu pp. Commissioner. 1 POST OFFICE DEPART1IKT W'tctxrvr, ilvfS03""' Diriment. In the City of Washington, until A o'clock P. t,',. "iu2e .J 100?. for the Conveyance of .tr" 13 Pursuant 10 act of March 3. Ic91. on the muln himiii.n.. . i. . . Bidders are Invited to submit proposals for service on said route under a contract for j - Ju-to ror ten years, which shall commence July 1 J805. Schedule: Route ciT tT-i;;.! tn.' 1TXm fcn Francisco. ai.. to Tahiti. 10 trinsvi vr ,i,w. . i 1 ulc approved by the Postmaster-General.' in vessels of the third-class; time. 14 days. Bond required with bid. $20,000. The right Is reserved to reject all bids. Circulars con 5 n,J'.a' copr f. ae ct. a description of the route, instructions to bidder, and blank forms of proposals and bonds may be ob tained of the Superintendent of rnr.im , '"j. uciiariratm, arier .March 1, 3Wu- R- J. Wynne, Postmaster-GeneraL int. -LUBinitrr court rc tup United States for the District of Oregon. Iif the matter of the estate of S. n. Ras mussen. bankrupt. The undersigned will re ceive lealed bids for the stock and fixtures i-umiMius ia mis estate at Dayton. Or amounting to about $8000 and the stock of goods and fixtures at Sheridan. Or amounting to about $4000 (both stocks consisting principally of hardware tin ware, farm Implements, harness and ve hicles), until Monday. April 3, 1903. at 12 o clock noon. Separate bids will be received ror the stocks and a cash deposit of 10 per cent of the bid will be required. Right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. The inventory may be seen at my office, and mV'r01 raa.y.be lnsPctea y applying Helder. at Sheridan. Dated at Portland Or.. March 20. 1905. R. L. Sabln. trustee Front and Ankeny sta. ' GENERAL DEPOT. Q. M. DEPT.. JEFFER- sonvllle. Ini!.. if.irh . q . . : posals. In triplicate. Indorsed on cover "Pro posals for Q. M. Supplies," and addressed to undersigned, will be received here until 10. o'clock A. M., April 23. 1903. for rolscel- ""m'" Buyiiiica requirea tor Manila. P I. a per schedule which will be furnlahed on ff'SSS l. thl" oe.Pot and the depot" at San Francisco and New York City. Pref erence given to article of domestic produc tion or manucturc The right Is reserved to reject or accept any or all bids or any n7,.w.Jl'' rJ- V Marshall. Assistant i-ucnii, uepot wuartermas 8fkl5.J?I?5 "ILr'-.BE HECEn-ED AT : ,r,r; , " "",ccr -"y an. up to 1- o dock M. on Tuesday. April 4 1905 SehnSrK ,?oa"n to the Shavef School building. Separate bids will be fn- follows: FlrSu brick work? pla tering. concrete works, etc.; second, carpen C:SZ0TK . e "' ,h,rd- and glSng; fodrth. painting; fifth, plumbing and draln- S5StCe?Ul.,5? 5" f 10 Pr of the amount of the bid must accompany the same Plans and specifications can be seen at the School Clerk's office. The School BSfes th8TS?lt to reject any wd all bids. Thomas J. Jones, architect. PROPOSALS FOR COALOFFICE OF GEN- ; ' ouCTiiiienaeat. Army Transport Serv ice. San Francisco. Cl. r i-T Sealed proposal In triplicate for furnishing . -nuva Army transports at San FrancUco. average steam coil, is may be required, will be received at this L,UnU,! ?2 M-. ril 25. 1905. and then opened, information fumlahed on applica tion. Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed "Proposal for Coal." addreLed to C. A. Devol, General Superintendent. , I9E TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for the construction of Dank ku'Wlng at PHaerlU Or! will b5 received at the Belvedere Hotel PoVVi.nrt untH Saturday. April . leS" It 2 l4 ir where plans and sDecificatiAr.; K'-., Prinevlllc"' Bank. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF RECErVER-S SALE NOTICE . 6i "U"1 lne undersigned re celer of the West Coast Sash & Door Company, duly appointed such by the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mult nomah County, in the suit of the First Na tional Bank of Portland. pWnUfFkta the T est Coast Sash & Door Company de fendant, will, by virtue of an orteVif'safd Circuit Court of the State of Oregon"" Multnomah County, duly made and en tered on the 20th day of March. 1903. offer for rale and aell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand at the County Courthouse door In the City of Portland. Oregon, on Satan)- . day of ApriL 1003. at 10 o'clock A. M. the real property belonging, to the defendant Test Coast Sash & Door Comnonr to gether with the mill, machinery, stock on hand, snd goods In process r mnr,.,. ture. In the possession and under th. trol of the receiver. All bids taken at such sale subject to the approval and confirma- N. E. ATET! Becelver of the West Coast Sash & Door Company. OFFICE OF OREGON & CALIFORNLV RAIL- i -wut: u4 auucnoiaerr meet ingStockholders are hereby notified that the annua! meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon tt California Railroad Cnmnm tim be held at the office of the company 543 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Or., on Tuesdar the 11th day of ApriL 1905. at the hourof 11 o'clock A. M, tor the punote. cf electing directors for the ensuing year, and the trans action of such other business as may legally W. W. COTTON, Secretary. Portland. Or.. March 10. 3905. ADMINISTRATRIX FINAT. x-n-rrr. Notice Is hereby given that th n.i j has filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County, ber final re port and account as administratrix of the stat of Edmund C. Masten. deceased, and V,. WMlnMllir V tart, -r . . fi? at St30 A.- M.. 'has been set by Aid coort for the hearing ot said rroort JZw jectlons thereto and Tor the tilraent thereof. France Y. Ma'.a. i!r?.tni of the etsate of Edmund C Masten. deceased. TO WHOM XT MAY CONCERN: LEDERER -tiros., contractors ana builders, partner ship has been dissolved. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT & CO. 125-6 Ablngton, Block. Phone Main 158. We make a SPECIALTY OF ROOMTNG JIOUSES. and have many of the MOST DE- SIKASLE LOCATIONS that ua for sale. Good locations are going fast. -Note our partial list below of both large and small ones, if these don't suit you. call in. 48 BOOMS Best part, of Morrison sL, very cheap rent and good long lease. If you want a good transient house and money-maker, don't fall to see this. Price for this week only. $0000; part cash. 52 BOOMS Nicely furnished, good 1 oca tlonr faoiu full all the time: dolnr mori birslness; 3 years lease; rent only $70- per month; nevr souse, sew zursurusgs; 33250. part cash. 32 BOOMS Bon Ton location: rent $175 good lease: steam heat- hot and cold wa ter In most all rooms; now clearing about 5175 per month. A cheap price for 34000. 28 ROOMS Steam heat, newly fiflrnlshed and remodeled: 2 years' tease; rant only .3150 per month. Price. 33000. 21 BOOMS New. modern building, new ly furnished, swell location, every room takes; rent only 3135; 3 years' isase. pickup for $2500. 20 BOOMS Best location in dry for high-class transient or steady roomers rent $100. clearing good money now and during the Fair you can make all the money you want. Price, $3200. 16 BOOMS Elegantly furnished, first- class location, cheap rent. A special offer this week for 31500. 12 ROOMS Nob Hill location; up-to-dati In every respect: most exquisitely fur ' Dished house; strictly modern: hot-water beat; cheap rent and good lease. A sgap 12 ROOMS Hot and cold water lu near ly all rooms; best location In the city clearing above all expenses $55 per month. Price. 31300. 10 ROOMS New brick flat, vacant: will sell lease for 2 years; right In center of town; an nice, iigni, outsiae rooms. RESTAURANT. Good, first-class place, doing very profit able business: good lease: reasonable rent right downtown; best location. Price right. CIGAR STORES. . We have a nice list and good locations places that will bear close investigation. GENERAL MERCHANDISE 3 first-class places, at Invoice. Will bear Investigation. WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WE WANT 10 TO 15-ROOM HOUSES ALSO 20 TO 40. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Bile 106H Third St. FORD'S ROOMING-HOUSE AGENCY. 163H in su a nneiy lurmshed 28-room house and saloon In connection, bet. Morrison and Taylor on 3d St., can be bought very cneap; it is ono or best "buys on the mar ket. $2100 will handle 33-room corner brick will net $200 per month; If you see It you win buy; in the heart of city. 11-room flat, open lease, fine furniture, moaern; jirhj win nanaie it- bee it. Empty storeroom, -suitable for saloon. Half-Interest In a good paying saloon, 3250. GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS WE ARE In touch with all lines of business throughout the Northwest and are In dally receipt of lniormation regarding business opportunities. Every proposition submitted to us thorourh- ly Investigated before piesentatlon. and must te bonafidc Parties- looking for permanent business locations m city or country are In vited to call on the Ames Mercantile Agency, Aoingioa oiog. S 12,000 CLEAN STOCK OF CLOTHING and gents furnishings In best business towiiMn etate. population 4000; Une loca tion, long lease, good trade established: can be had for 75c on the dollar. It taken at once; will stand Investigation; proprie tor's sudden loss ot health cause for sac rlflce, K 88. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST PAYING restaurants In the city; cost $2400 to fur- nun place; business causes owner to leave city soon; will sell for $1000, part time; tnis place is doing a line business and 1 money-maker: will bear the strictest In vestigation. See Ford. 183 H -1th, room 39. FOR SALE A LARGE TEAMING BUSI sers. well established in Portland, doing over $30,000 per year business; net income 3,500; will Invoice over 34000; price 33500: reason for selling, have other business that takes up too much time; a bargain; investi gate It- Address A 300. Oregonlan. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE in good location In small tosrn on railroad. or will exchange for other property; stock ranch In Eastern or Southern Oregon pre ferred; value 33500? will give good discount for cash. Address P 93, care Oregonlan. WANTED STRICTLY BUSINESS MEN. with $1000. superintend branch offices for reliable mercantile corporation; salary, ex penses and large dividends paid; age, former occupation and references must accompany application. Aaarees r ,i, oregonlan. WANTED MAN TO TAKE STOCK IN ORE- gon corporation and act as secretary and treasurer: oalary. 3150 per month: this Is fine opportunity for bright business man; state age and reference. Add run G S3. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE STOCK GENERAL SIER chandlse. splendid farming and lumbering town; population 1000; big opening, pros perous business, $4000 to $G00u cash neces sary. Address tr. o. iiox 175, Springfield. or. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you have stocks or bonds for sale, offer them tnreugn me to investors. Georre M. Kellogg, broker. 345 Elllcott Square, Buf falo. r. x. $3500 CASH BUYS A BUSINESS DOING $23,000 per year business; net Income $3500 per year; tnis win invoice more than price asked; must sell at once. Address B 500. oregonlan. FAIR GROUNDS FURNITURE 11 ROOMS; unfurnished. 20 rooms, unfurnished. Ground for booths to lease, cott upscur. Main 0273. I CAN SHOW YOU THE VERY BEST proposition In 20 rooms In the city; good money-maxer ana price very reasonable Lee Auto Co.. 15th and Aider. - ROOMING-HOUSE. 23 ROOMS. FURNISHKn rent ; lease; gooa location: houtlteepIng ana transient; , f-uw. xmiucia ec smith. Iti3 -fits ru, room SUBURBAN DAIRY. 22 COWS; MILK route paying monthly; will eell alt or part 01 stocit. muss a. smith, 1G5J4 4th room u WE HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND SHARES 01 uregon securities -jompany stock for sale. L. Y. Keady & Co.. S04-S08 The Dekum, FOR SALE OySTER-HODSH AND IlEt lauram; ey icnac, one-half cash down: lease. L. T. Lewis. 93 Stark st. FOR SALE, BY OWNER HOME BAKERY. ni iuuuuuii en-- .m uiuaey-maKer during Fair. Phone Main 6736, aftenoon only. WANT TO BUY STOCK OF MERCHANDISE irooi ouw vo ,wu, must De cheap Ad dress P. O. Box 464. Chehalis. Wash." j' . FOR SALE COUNTRY STORE. GENERAL merchandise, near car line 20 miles from Portland. Address M S7. Oregonlan. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. FOR QUICK SALE $1250 required. Shaw's business. Paclfle Realty Co.. 617 Commercial block. MODERN .RESIDENCE. "WALKING Dis tance; large room, suitable for two- sia month. 292 10th, near Jefferson. ESTABLISHED REAL ESTATE LOAV buslness; farm, city; lists, funds, plenty bestflocatlon. Y 94. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED NEWSPAPER MAN- WITH money can pick up snap. PaciacRealrr Co 617 Commercial block. ' ' FOR SALE $3000 STOCK DP.T GOODS clothing ana shoes; investigate. xfdni Box I. Pro-er, Waaa. BidGEST SNAP IN PORTLAND 1 2-ROOM lodging-house, furnished, 5-year lease. P H. Shultx, 244 2d sL FOR SALE OLD ESTABLISHED " MAVU facturtng and Jobbing businese; price. $3S0. T SS, Oregcnlaa. FOR SALE 2-CHAra. BARBER SHOP IV good country town. For particulars address F 94, Oregonlan. FOR SALE DELICATESSEN ANT) r i: v-.-tr room? doing a good bwrlntss, Adrfr- 08. Oregonlan. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP- VNT tools, with 3 years' lease. '410 Belmont tt. East Side EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM. TODAY 3 P. M. TODAY. PARDON ME FOR PLAIN SPEAKING, But unless vou have a strone arm snd 1 willing heart,, do not pay any attention to wis aaverusement, r "WORKINGMEN'S HOUSE. DOWNTOWN LOCATION. 25 ROOMS. RENT $75 RENT $75. GOING FOR $850 FOR $850. Going- for $eCO today. Add $300 In Im provements, and good, hard work, and you wa :u ior invw. it you are late, who to blame? v Try the successful agent. . J. H. H. ANDERSEN. 191 Morrison. Phone Main "3910. FAIR GROUND BARGAINS. LILLIAN DE KF3JLTP.R 20 Years In Portland Will Tjvit Tun TJit-hf 23-room henue. fumlehed. leaee-. rent nald up unUl January, 1906. aM for $1400; best v-usau ui ciiy, u maze money. Grocery store, doing a big buslces-t cheap, iteaaurant, lots of money taken in; fine during Fair: look this im. Meat market taking is money, from morning Unfurnished roomlng-hou-. If you wast space for booths outside x- ur grounas, 1 can locate you. If you want vii S come ouy at sir grounda. aii juaco propositions. LILLTAX TIP! TTTlTr-n Inquire 88S Upshur St., .half block east of s-v. roont Main oisi. SEE THESE BARGAINS. 6S rooms Modern corner, brick, partly fur. 52100 roomBPaxt housekeeping, rent $63 T.-r)imrE,esanUy fu"-'aed. modern and ... f A snap Newly fu-nlihi r.tit-nt - 7.in -rS?? baraIn for the right 'partyl 210-214 Ablngton, 1C6$ 3d st. WE ARE FORMING A SYNDICATE TO BUY r-t". Pjcpeny wnica we have carefully proves by develanmmr This i 1, f1"? lxl the cost price wfth safe people afevestmeat. More than half al- VCTJj " cu- rr particulars call on . PM13011- Ward & Co.. 408 Chamber of rZr SADDLERY BUSINESS ior sale In i?itM- v. 1 Tn? amount to 'about $2300; reason for ZZZ ZX, iiouoway is auperlntendlng hid gold mine at Goldfleld. Nev. Apply toJohn wiuicry vxj.,- 11H .Front St. OWNER OF -A MANTIFACTTTRTViri tj -ra nees wants a reliable man as partner: $1200 required, fully secured, which will pay T.T.otrv' , lt3 montn; di easily learned. Call 248ii Stark et. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO TAKE PART yuicrest in established real estate and bus mess cuance oince to handle loan depart iww rcquirea. v s, oregonlan. JSOOPURCHASES MY HALF INTEREST IX omce ousiness; cause of eale. must- go East; exceptional opportunity for Auurm o o, uregonian. WANTED A GOOD LODGISfi-HOnsi- or' 45 rooms; must be ood location- Vm pay cash. Call bet. 12 and 2 P. M. or may nil.B. A. M.. iOO -tin st. YOUNG MAN OF BUSINESS EXPERIENCE "-"J to iow to invest la a paying .-uoiuno. insurance ana real estate ferred. O 96, Oregonlan. - pre J?oit &AL,&xRESTAURANT, FINE LOCA "on, gooa ousiness, lease; cheap. Invej- u.uic -ii at i i4tn sc. near Wath nisiuu, ia aining-room. BAKERY AND RESTAURANT FOR SALE; oncK ouiiainj-. center location; only one In ran. Woodburn. Or. REFINED CAPABLE BUSINESS wmfAN wisncs to meet elderly gentleman with money; object, business proposition. H 98, OPENING FOR ACTIVE MAN TO INVEST a xew inousana aouars in established manu facturing and Jobbing business. E 94, Ore FOR SALE FINE GROCERY BUSINESS. DO ids aiew per montn: about Ta- it J. V. Crelghton & Co., JCSJi 3d at., room A, XXlli UAI.tS OLD ESTABLISHED ME1T iu 1-juiv.rj rnarner. aomg good business; good reasons for selling. Call 112V4 First st. FOR SALE A GOOD FURNITURE, HARD- ana unuertaKing Dusiness Ip a uour- isning town. Address Box 37. Lebanon. $630-PURCHASES INTEREST IN MER- cantiie Dusmess clearing 3150 monthly. J. v. v-reignton & 00.. 163 3d Bt.. room A PARTNER WANTED FOR A 8TORE. $430 TV easjiy learnca; chance to iuua a montn. uau 2iSiS Stark st. " An 1 1S1J-DKUG STORE IN PORTLAND. out huuu, nve uregon town; give par ticulars In answering. It 90, Oregonlan. ENERGETIC MAN WITH $200 CAN BUY A ummew ana maxe ii every week; experi- nivc uuqrosaatj-. call -Wj SiarK St. $SC0 PUTS A GOOD MAN IN SALOON Busi ness; receipts 325 to $30 per day. J. V, -.reigmon as ia.. 115;4 3d St., room A. $3000 CASH WILL BUY THE BEST Lo cated restaurant In Portland; lease till 1906; .Luuices v tn, "jregoman. LODGING-HOUSE RARE CHANCE: 10 .vuuu. ut wnica arc lurrusneu; goes to- it ;ur iov. waii i:-i3ii stark st. uubat OPPORTUNITY FOR A YOUNG man to go into the real estate business; uou requireu. -v so, uregonian. fl'oW KOOMINOHQU5B FOR $900: GOOD location: iook at it and yon wllr buy. J V Crelghton, 1631a 3d room A. I WOULD LIKE A PARTNER IN MY ES- laousnea real estate business; half-Inter est, $450. W 90. Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER, $250. BUSINESS ES- taousnea years; 5100 monthly assured; fFOR SALE CHEAP GOOD BUSINESS. IF wrcci tip-nnice unnecessary. In- ulro owner, za- iionigomery. CANDY AND CONFECTIONERY STORE ON principal street, oojng good business; fully vH-tivu. i iii, urronian. NEW GROCERY. CENTRALLY LOCATED; f- '"uu.);""c- ior saie Dy u. lien Kiss land. 002 Commercial bpc FOR SALE RESTAURANT DOTVn nnrm uuo.... rui 6uimU4. BIClUieSS CKUSQ Of v. ..!. njiAii U.IO , L $500 INVESTED IN CORPORATION rt-. cures position In Seattle; salary $75 to be- Eiu. uit wmnncrciu U10CK. rooms; central; long lease; no agents. Ad- MANUFACTURING BUSINESS; $3000; PAYS w lr rnuain. j. v. V.Teighton 4: Co 163"i 3d st., room A. " I HAVE A NOVELTY. VlLL SELL LIKE ui uu ii laKen at once. T 98 Oregonlan. ' WANT $500 TO -$2000 IN A MECHANICAL . ot. vvgonian. WANTED LOCATION FOR DRUG STORF- - v. to. vregoman. WANTED A PARTNER IN BUTfrtTT-- shop; good location. Y SO, Oregonlan. FOR SALE WELL-PAYING BUTCttt-t shop, cheap. Phone East 1124. GROCERY BEST CHANCE TODAY FOR $725. Particulars 24SH Stark it. BE3TAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP. AD- dresa R 94. care Oregonlan. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD TITR nnp. gonlan will pay $10 reward for the ar rest and conviction of any one caught steal ing The Orogonlan from the drwr. r 1.. subscribers. Circulation Manager. TFtTx!ru " BAJGB ENGRAVED ua same Oy proving property and paying expenses by LOST IN FRONT OF THE M.(T?nTiiir Theater and Dr. Hockey' office, a UdvTi gold watch. Reward will be paid. Call -n N. 24th st. 31 LOST BETWEEN HIGH SCHOOL ivn Columbia st.. pair of glasses. Finder ni.-A return to High School or phone Main 43S3. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- a ,cM.ai.cvi uai iciumec same rtatr in 44. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST AN OPPORTUNTTT. If YOU DON'T oiuo a Avoiua )iiee. Cor. 7th and Morrison sta. ,ta LOST MARCH 28. ONE K. . p. CHARM -Finder please, return to 251 6th, recelve"rel ware . LOST SPITZ PUP. FINDER 'RETURN TO x ai . utwcijr, -.x s. ram St. i - i Art. WE HAVE WITH US ONE OF CALIFOR nla'a greatest artl9ts. Call and see her at 331 14th. sr. Grace Cady. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND. TOUCH TYPEWRIT lng; famous budget bookkeeping. actual busi ness practice; positions found for graduates; cay and night schooL Holmes Business Col lege. Y. M. C A. bldg. Mala 613. 1 Coal Dealers. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO. OUR LEAD ers are: Washed Sootless Range. $5; Lump. $5.50; Australian Lump, $6.50; Rock Springs Lamp. $7. Delivered. No screenings. Full weights guaranteed; Phone Main IMS. J VULCAN COAL CO.. dealers, best coals; foundry and smelter coke. 323 B et. Asucyers and. Analysts. THS-T. H. FISK ASSAYING OFFICE ANA lytlcal chemists and metallurglsta. Prices: gold and silver, $1; copper, 50c 204 H Wash. MONTANA st. Prices: ASSAY OFFICE, 208 STARK Gold. $1; copper, $1; silver. 50c PAUL BAUMBL. ASSAYEP. AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 223H Stark st. J. A. MOE. ASSAYER AND ANALYTICAL chemist. Sth and Ankeny sta. Attorneys-at-Law. bldg. I make specialty of defeating tax titles. j Carpet Cleaners. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and compesded air combined; carpets cleaned on floor without removaL Main 5534. East 2394. WE CLEAN TOUR CARPETS ON TiHJ floor; guarantee to raise so dust. Phono v.ia; oji tor a free demonstration. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, general juuuiu-r. contracting. w stark. .Black 914. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS, SHELVES. .uuiu-ea uum ana repaired, sua 4tn. may 174. Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. DBVENY & ESTELLE D EVENT. THE uaijr "citauuo cairopcoists; parlors 'rooms 203 Drew bldg., 162 2d ot. Phone Main 1S0L This Is the long-haired gentleman. He la the man you are looking for. Clairvoyants. THE GREAT, ONLY AND ORIGINAL BUDAH BERNIQITG. SPECIAL. 3 DAYS ONLY. READING. 23c BORN WITH A DOUBLE. VEIL. EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDLV. TELLS YOUR NAME. JELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY. FooIUvely mentioning your sweetheart's full name. Settles love quarrels and promptly reunites mo wparaiea. no matter now long standing. London's most famous palmist and clalr- vojant. is acknowledged by press and pub lic the greatest living DEAD TRANCE MEDIUM. She tells what you came for before vou utter a word; does -not ask questions, .no umiiici iai juur irouuie may oe. Call and she will guide you with certainty higher than human power. Tells you the truth; good or bad. 2ylfc MORRISON. COR. STH. SAME FLOOR AO uuaio.N JJEXTAL PARLORS. CLAIRVOYANT. VAN CORTLAND. $10 COMPLETE LIFE READING FOR SOc 313H WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH ST. . I do hereby agree and guarantee to make no cnarge it x rail to tell your name, occupation and what you called for. promise to tell you whether husband, wife or sweetheart is true or false; whom and wnen you win marry, and how to win the man or woman you love; in fact, I will ten you every hone, fear or ambition bet ter than -you can tell yourself; or make no cnarge. HOUrtS 0 to 8 P. M.. dally and Sunday. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. 313H Washington St, Also private entrance on Sixth street. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. - . 25c, 25c, 25c, 25c. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, 303U WASHINGTON ST.. COK. STH. SPECIAL. 3 DAYS ONLY. READING, 23c. THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HBWILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION. YOUR MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME, AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and what you canea ior, turnout asictng a question will tell the name of your sweetheart or anything' you want to know. He eenda you away mucn wiser ana sappier than when you called. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed In business? How can I make my home happy? Hot can I marry the one I choose? How can I marry well? How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make anyone love me? How ean I get a letter? How can I get a good position? 303tf WASHINGTON ST., COR. STH. MMEv DR. HERZOG, FROM BERLIN, SCI- entinc reveaier. telle life from cradle tc grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad. vice, sure help, ml take impossible; restores lost love and unites separated by sympathy; locaies uuntu treasure, u ee. si; letter. 32 207 Park. MME. ADWARD CRAMER. SPIRITUALIST medium, can De consulted on business, law- BuiiH, icve, matrimony: unites me seDarated. .no matter the .distance or cause'; satisfaction guaraauieu. ou is. itn at., near isverett. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, peita, furs,Wool, mohair, tallow, old rucoer ana 01a meal ana general commiialon merchant. Front ot., near Main. Portland, ur. jasn aavancea on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS ana communion merchants, Sherlock bldg.. x-oniana, ur. ALLEN St LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO- duce merchants, Front and Davis sta., Port land, or. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost fraternal society or r. .; protects the living. J. L. Mltchel, Sup. sec, 612-015 Marquam bldg. Hard ware Portland Hardware Co. solicits opportunity to quote prices, io ibi, cor. Aicer. Main 1334., DAYTON HARDWARE CO. keep fine line ana oaa goods :n hardware. 194 1st. Hotel, Restaurant and Camp Ranges. Cribben & Sextos Co., 17th and Upshur sts. iargesi sioca coiei, restaurant, camp ranges, gasoline stoves and refrigerators la city. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING SAW- rallls. logging machinery: hydraulic pipes, castings. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. a ALB EE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave. Dayon Hdw. Co.. Agts. W F. & J. Barnes Co. btar lathes, scroll saws. etc. 194 1st. Massage. JUST OPENED THE CRYSTAL BATH parlors, full line of baths, massage and electrical treatments; chiropody and derma tology; select; reception room No. 2. the Kingston. lOOfi 3d; private entrance Taylor. PARLORS AT THE MARQUAM, 145 6TH St.. rooms 1-2 Under c rat-class manage ment; lady, with young lady assistant, stranger In city, gives vapor baths, mag netic treatments, alcohol rubs, etc NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED If you would-be cured, try vapor tub bath; etfentlflc massage and sea salt glow; rheu matism cured. The Frances. W. Park and Morrison, room 12. Red 2S3S. TWO LADIES. STRANGERS IN CITY, GIVE first-class cabinet baths and magnetic mae sage for rheumatism and nervousness; also electric treatment. Call at 163 Park, cor. Morrison. EXPERT LADY CHIROPODIST GIVES electric massage, also scalp treatment, etc; patrons can rely, on skillful treatment. 144 Vi 6th. Hours. 10 A. M. to 9 P, M. YOUNG. EXPERT MASSEUSE. NEW .TREAT- ments, ceugaitni. invigorating, ir you wleh a luxury, please call 3134 Washlncton st room 39. Private entrance 6th st. VAPOJZ AND SPONGE BATHS. MASSAGE and magnetic treatments, py experienced young lady. 3514 Morrison at. room 16. YOUNG LADY FROM ST. LOUIS GIVES massage, vapor uu iu oatrus; tun baths a specialty. 110 & 4th, cor. Washington. YOUNG LADY. STRANGER FROM THE East; scienunc massage; sponge and alcohol baths. Room i, 1454 0th est. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATHS AND MAS- sage ueauueni. va otn at. Main 3936. SPANISH TOUNG LADY GrV32S'.MAGNETIC massage at 144i 6th 'st., room 7. Junk, Hides ana Pelt. ,,HAX.K- & CO.. PURCHASERS OF Si.tiV P x,'90i' Iurs- tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 342 Front st. Electric Goods. Telephones, Etc DAYTON HARDWARE CO. OFFER llOW Prices. 194 1st st. Main 1221. Harness and. Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO WHOLE aWLe"2ad harnes3 mfra. leather and saddlery hardware. S0-S8 1st, Main ""it BR?.MAJf -FATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfra. 'saddlery hardware, leather, all kinds. 72I74 zih. s Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO Es tablished 1S5S. Leather and findlnss Stockton sole leather and cut stock; Hull line Eastern Jumbos. lbO Front st. THE (B RE YM AN CO.. LEATHER MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds, 72-71 5th. . orthwest Viavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON sts. Call or send stamp for Health Book. Osteopathy. DRS. ADD EC & NORTHRUP. 41C DEKUM bldg. Phone Main 349. ExamlnaUon free. Patent Lawyers. R. C WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. 004 Dekum. Paints, Oils and Glass RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. DAYTON HARDWARE CO.. AGENTS LIN coln Paint & Color Co. 194 1st- Physicians and Surgeons. DR, MRS. CAREY-TALBOTT. DISEASES of women. Office 766 Qulmby st. near 23d. Bobber Stamp. P-,rC- STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL. Mala 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. Safes. DIEBOLD Manganese circle doors, bankers' comfort; Dlebold fireproof and burglar-procf. the best; repairs and jail work. D-is, tk! 3d! THE MAN WHO KNOWS THE GOOD AND bad Points of all safes buys the Herrlng-Hall-Marvln. 70 6th sr., Portland, Or. Second-Hand Machinery. J- SIMON & BRO.. DEALERS IN ALL kinds second-hand machinery, pipe, cable, beltln;. hardware: highest price pa'.d for scrap iron and metals. -444 Front. Main 2002 Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. bth and Hoyt, Phone Main 140S. POT.LAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 343 1st, near Market. Phone Black 3133. Spiritualist. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 163 4th St.. Bussel bldg.: hours 9 to 5. REV. RICHARD ARYGALE; SPIRITUALIST, teacher occult nhllnmnhv rr.o.nil .1 development; consultation free dally, even, lnga, 263 Sth. ' MRS. SOPHIA B. SELP. SEERESS. GIVES readings daily and teaches spiritual unfold ment. 1454 6th St., room 5. Clay 1948. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CONSULT- mmy at -ii Aiaer, cor. llth. Main 6179. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, removed td 1454 6th -, mum snungs aany. Hood 1943. LARSTSN. the Palmist, returned. 5?nior,Mn readings. 30c. 162 2d St.. near Morrison st. Storage. STORAGE WAREHOUSE GOOD LOCATION low rate of Insurance. Apply 16 N. 1st st! Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and ship ped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Office 12S 1st. C M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 83 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; "commodi ous fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sta. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT sr., nousenoia goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines aad all movable articles at reasonable prices. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO., 54 THIRD ST.. huuiduo ua retail, aena ior catalogue. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repairea. coast Agency 231 Stark. TeL I40T v Wholesale "Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY cor. N. Front and Davjs-sts., Portland, Or. BANKS. LADD & TJXTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1830. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorzble terms. Letters of credit issued available in Europe and all points In the 'United States. Slant exchange and telegraphic transfers soldi on New York. Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San -Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montano ana untisn. oaiumbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President. B. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts "of the world; Collections a specialty. WELL FARGO & CO.. BANK Corner Second and Washington. F. L. LIPMAN President (San Francisco) Hi LEA BARNES Cashier WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier (Portland) General banking business transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office. Toronto, Canada. Capital paid up SS.700.000 Reserve 3,500.000 Transacts a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward and Interest allowed on minimum monthly balances. Rates on application. -44 WAaUlrtUTUJi Si'. E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a general banking- business. Drafts issued available In all cities of tha United States and Europe, Hong Konsr and Manila. Collections made on -tovorable terms.- Presldent J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President - W. B. AYER Cashier R, W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier ...... A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS' Cashier J. W- NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier -W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier ..B, V. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available In Eu rope aad the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago. s,t. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco- arid the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit. on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-tha- Majn. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen, cnTiEiiania. oiocanoira, 01. x-eieraourg, .Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made- on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. NO. 109 THIRD ST. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. CAPITAL. '$300,000. We conduct a general banking business. -w receive savings deposits. We Issue time cer tificates and certificates of deposit navahix upon 10 days call, 30 days' call" or 90 days call, with Interest at 34. 34 and -4 per cent per annum, respectively.-Call or esd for our book of ... ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. I. COHEN.,: :PrIfl.-,fr H- L. PITTOCK Vlce-Prestdpn B. LEE PAGET 8eertar-r J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary - r . . r -