THE MORNING OREGOKIAN, MONDAY, MABCGEI .27, 1905. 10,000 HOUSEWIVES In Portland are thinking about Spring housecfeaning and reno vating. Nearly every one of them expects visitors during the Fair. Every one wants her home to look well furnished and prosper ous. We have in stock MANY TIMES 10,000 Yards of carefully selected Spring carpets that we're anxious to have you see. The prices make a well carpeted home an easy possibility. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. MACK & CO, 86-88 THIRD STREET tKZrXZTSCKAIC. rnw. mm jm reiama ctkcts. mituii. iumi EsfopMaPkn . . . . ' . $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Who can fill or extract any number of teeth without In flicting the slightest pun to the patient. , The largest and best-equipped dental office on the Pacific Coast. 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh 'Phone Main 2119. AUCTION SALES TODAY. O. R. & N. Co. annual pale unclaimed per rons! effect, at 413 Washington St., 10 A. M. E. L, K. Gllman. auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom. 180 Flnst et., at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. A. F. &. A. M. Stated communication this (Mon day) evenlnr 7:30 P. M., Masonic Temple. Sd and Alder st. Work in M. M. Desxee. All M. M. welcome. By order of W. M. RUFUS R. BAKU Becretary. IVANHOE LODGE. NO. 10. K. OF P. Regular convention tonight at 7:30 o'clock in Pythian Hall. 8th floor Marquam build ing. Whist. Visiting Knights cordially ln ivlted. L. VEYSEY, C. C. FRED P. HOLM. K. of R. Sc. S. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO. 14. O. E. S. Stated com munication this (Monday) evening 8 o'clock. Burkhard bldg. Social. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Secretary. DIED. SLOCUM la this city, on March 20, 1B05, at 035 Savler street, Jennie1 Etta Slocum, aged 39 years, 11 months, 0 days, beloved wife of B. W. Elocum. Funeral announcement later. BROOKES In this city, March 20, 1805, Henry Harold Brookes, aged DO years. Funeral notice later. rUNEEAL NOTICES. SCHNEIDER In this olty, March 25, 1005. Eva M. Schneider, aged 36 years and 23 days. Friends and acquaintance are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, which will bo held at Flnley chapel at 2 P. M. today. Interment. Lone Fir Ceme tery. YOUNG In this-city. March 20, 1905, George Watt Young, aged 42 years. Friends can view the remains today at Dunning. McEn tee & Gllbaugh's Chapel. 7th and Pine sts., where they have been prepared for ship ment to Abilene, Kan. DUNNING. McENTEK & GELBAUGH. successors to Donning Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern In every de tail. 7th and 1'luo- I'hana Msln 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO, Undertakers anfi embalmers, hare moved to their new build lnr. Third and Salmon., Lady assistant. Telephone No. 607. J. P. FTNLEY ft SON. Funeral Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor eser. Ladjr assistant. Telephone No. S. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 2. NEW TODAY. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE, one block from car line, $1500. L. B. Thompson & Co, 22S 3d. 25x100 With 10-room bouse. 13 10th st., near Washington: price reduced for quick sale. Tills property has creat possibilities. Call onR.lL WILBUR, 306 McKay bldg. FREE LAND IN OREGON Under the "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state. WRITE OR CALL TODAY. Booklets and map free. B. S. Cook Co., 251 Alder street, Portland. Or. $50,000 with good chi Quarter-block. Third sL. brick improvement, now naylmr over 10 ner cent net. with good chance for increase. SI ? 500 Slotle ItjiJUU c,tj strictly t partv desiring a home will New 10-room residence and Dest portion of first class; any partv desiring a home will do well to In vestigate. COCA A n Washington St., 80x109; will JojUU 5Sv?iy handsome,y " Ira- HART LAXD CO.. 1P7, Sherlock bldg. R. M. WILBUR Offers for sale real estate for 130.009, renting for $3G00 25,000, renting for 2100 20.000. renting for 3000 12,000. renting for 1500 $500. renting for. 1020 6000. renting for 720 3S30. renting for 4S0 "Vvarobouse sites on East and Wet Side on track. Blocks from 516.000 to $50. XO. Quarters and halves In proportion. ExlOi). Flanders, between 21st and 23d.$lS00 tvxlOO. Flanders, between 21st and 22d, with bouse renting for f 40.00 3S50 WxlOO, Davis sU close in, very fine.... 3000 Real-estate investors will do well .to Mnsult Tne before buj'lng. R. M. WILBUR, JOS McKav bids. C W. JCSOWLBS, Mg. AMUSEMENTS. Marqi uam Grand Theater rAW-SK- Phone Main 80S. TONIGHT AT 8:15 O'CLOCK. That Odd Comedian, x HARRY BERESFORD, In the tunny farce, "OUR XEW MAX." It will make you forget your troubles. Prlce Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $1: last 3 rows. 75c; balcony, 75c and 50c; gallery. 25c 35c; boxes and loges. $7.50. Seats now selling Marquam Grand Theater W.T.MKStE Bifldict Kmzir PHONE MAIN SOS. All Week Beginning Tuesday Night. Mar. 2S. THE POLLARD LILLIPUTIAN OPERA CO. "The Belle of New York." Tuesday, Wed nesday ana Thursday Rights. "The Geisha." Friday and Saturday Nights. "Pinafore." Saturdav Matinee. EVENING PRICES Parquet, 75c; parquet circle. 50c; balcony, 50c and 35c; gal lery. 25c. MATINEE PRICES 25c and 50c Seats now COLUMBIA THEATER OPENING TONIGHT." All week, matinees Saturday and Sunday, COLUMBIA STOCK COMPANY, In Hoyfa screaming farce comedy. "A Contented Woman" Tonight Ad Men's Night, Wednesday, Elks' Night. Evening. 50c, 35c. 25c. 15c; matinee, 25c. 1UC, JVC Down-town box office open all day, Dolly varaen canay snop. 3T Morrison. Main 110; evening ai ineater, 21 ain oil. GRAND A BRILLIANT BILL! JAMES KEAXE. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." MR. AND antS. J. T. POWERS. TED E. BOX. THE LUCADOS. Tt I n" Ax-r wittprb DEELY AND SHEAX. MR. ALF BONXER Evening prices Lower floor, 20c; balcony. mawcees texcept cunaays ana noli days), 10c; box seats. 25c CTTAD THCATCD Park and WashloBton n i-AJLLL.1 8. Superb Acrobatic Marvels. SEXOR RICARDO RUES. BURNS AND WASHBURN. CLAUDIUS THE M'CARVERS. MAUDE CARTER ROSCOE ARBUCKLE. THE PROJECTOSCOPE. Prices OreheafrjL 5fer iilrntiv lOv Xtf, inees (except Sundays and holidays). 10c to any pan oi ine noure. continuous perzorm ances Sunda'. XEW TODAY. Ardmore I The most desirable building site 1 in Portland; snrronnded by palatial homes with an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; the only high-slass resident property sup plied with bitulithic streets, ce ment sidewalks, Bull Bun water, sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take Washington-street car to City Park and get off at Park Ave. Por plats and prices call on or address W. H. Grindstaff 246 STARK STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real astat at lownt rataa. Tltl insured. Abstracts furnish. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., CMQCn oh E. ISth. near Morri- gluuU son sL; this property la away below values: those wantinc a snap better look this up Immediately. SAHLSTROil & PATTERSON, 232 Stark Street. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms." "Rooms and Board," "Howe- kerplac Boona," "Situations Waited 15 words or leas. IS cents; 16 to 20 'word, SO cents; 21 to 35 -words. 25 cenUa etc Xo dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, excest "ew Today," SO cents for 13 trords or leas; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 Trords. 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY (range measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line of each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO AD YERT1SEMENT8, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan -will not b responsible for errors In advertisements tslrrn through the telephone. . XEW TODAY. THEIR fclGHT TO KNOW People who entrust their money to & bank want to Know sow strong it is. THE OLDEST TRUST COMTAXY TS OREGON." CAPITAL. $300,000. Folly recognizes this right, and "will gladly furnish deposltars a statement of Its condi tions, showing In detail Its ASSETS AND XJABITJTIES. It wants your business add wants you to know that It issues COUPON" CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT That pay 4 per cent Interest and run for five years. It also issues laterest.oeanng cerun cates of deposit that pay from 3 to 4 per cent mterefc, ana can bo drawn at any time Dy giving a certain number of dara' notice. Full particulars are contained In our boelc of "IIXUSTRATIOXS" Which we shall be glad to send you. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 8REQIK 103 Third Street. BENJ. I. COHEN" - President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEB PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate, City and Farm Insurance In AH Lines A. H. BIRRELL, 202-3 McKay bldr. Third and St&rlc FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE NEW C AXD S-ROOM HOUSE; oatn. stationary washetana. concrete Dase ment. ess and electric lights, furnace, houfs tinted, pass pantry, large bedrooms, with closets In each, wood elevator, stationary washtuhs in basement: on Union-avenue car line, flve-rolnuto service, near good school, lawn, streets improved; houses now open tor Inspection; cash or Installments. Inqulra owner, H. E. Stcmler, 122 3d st., or at res idence, 622 Union ave. Xorth, one block south of houses. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of hasdllns acreage; choice acre tracts for homes, within the city limits cr outside: terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co., 110 Second st. FREE LAND! FREE LAND I A chance to secure a home and make money; only cost Is tor water tight, which averages $10 per acre; under state control. For par ticulars write cr call at office of Columbia Southern Irrigation Co., &39 Worcester block. HOOD RIVER-10 ACRES, 5 MILES FROM town on iast side; one fruit land, partly Improved, level and all cultivable; near school and church; rural mail delivery and phone; healthful climate; $125 per acre; ii-mlle from railroad survey. W 69. Oregonlan. FOR SALE QUEEN ANN COTTAGE. 6 rooms. Data ana reception hall. oet plumb ing, wired and piped for gas: fine loca tion, part cash, and let to build on; will Fell at a very low figure if sold at once. L 81. Oregonlan. HOLLADAY RESIDENCE SITE. For sale At a bargain, by owner. If taken soon, one of tho Snest quarter blocks In Holladays Addition; nlgb. sightly, level, close In and good neighborhood. D 04, Oregonlan. $4TB BUYS AN INSIDE FRACTIONAL LOT, East Side, few blocks from -Steel Bridge. nice high lot. good surroundings, cheap for any one wanting a home in the post; mudt be sold. Call soon. Owner. 740 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE $1500 NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE, cistern, chicken-house and one acre of land. two blocks couth from Mount Scott car line; part cash, rest on time. Inquire at the store at Gray's Crossing. Parties going away, must soil. M M oregonlan. S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. ALL Uf GOOD order: 100x175 feet ground; set fruits. ber rlos, flowers, etc.; good barn; Joins on car line; splendid growing ruburb; a snap at $2000. lfenkle & Baker. 217 Ablngton bldg. 20 ACRES. FINE IMPROVED. NEAR BEA- Terton, excellent hop land; good house. barn, horses, cows, farming implements. for $1000 less than It cost. Terms. T. W. Pittenger. room 0. 245 H Morrison. $455-SPLENDID 7-ROOM COTTAGE. LONG modem 5-room cottage. Montavllla; S1U5. large lot, west slope Mt. Tabor. W 81, Ore gonlan. GOVERNMENT LAND. OPEN FOR SETTLE- raent: level bottom land; no stone or tlm her; water and oll first class. Room 68, Labbe bldg., corner -a and W ashington. COTTAGE. S LARGE ROOMS. PANTRY. hall and porch, full basement; on E. ltb et.: renting for $10 per month; $1000. Hat field &. Smith. 1G5H 4th St.. room 32. 10-room modern bouse and full lot. No. Zi'J 23th st-. tnear Savler, $8000; easy terms. For full particulars phone Mam. 310. $4C5 SPLENDID 7-ROOM COTTAGE, LONG Beach. Wash.; must have money; $950. modern 5-room cottage. Montavllla; $105. large lot, west a tope jul xaoor. BARGAIN FOR SALE BY OWNER A first-class corner lot with 1 store; 6 nice rooms upstairs; one 4 -room house; one barn; rent, tA. us 7 l'ettygrove st. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. WITH ALL MOD ern improvements, lot 50x100 feet. East fc-ice; sman payment aown ana easy terms. Phone scott 3543. $2300aHOLLADAYS ADDITION. 100x100. faclxur north and east. 9th and Broadway: streets Improved; sewer and gas. Owner, A HOTEL. GOOD IX) CATION. AT NAH cotta. Wash., three lots, barns, four cows. $2500. For Information. Mrs. L. Hughes, Nahcotta. wasn. FOR SALE 5 ACRES ON CANNON ROAD, three miles out: fine place to build a home: garden and orchard; selling cheap. Apply SSJ Morrison st. J27D0 MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. WITH large lot: Russell St.. near Union ave.; bear ing fruit trees. Miller. 303 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE S-ROOM CORNER HOUSE AND South Portland. Inquire 704 1st st.; or TOR SALE TOWN LOTS IN TOPPEVIRR Wash.. 1 miles east of Yakima, on N. P. R. R.; no agents; sold by owner. Josephine inline. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. v.. l electric line. O. R. Add! ton. Lents. Or. Take ML Scott car. Sc. TOO GOOD HOUSES. 6 AND 7 ROOMS. ON high sightly lot 55x100. E. 9th. two blocks from car line, $24uu. uwner, 32 Alder. GOING EAST WILL SELL TWO NEW houses in uoiiaoay fane Addition lees than cost, inquire ccr. in ana uackamas. FOR SALE-COTTAGE OF 4 LARGE rooms ana 00 in cneap. inquire 45 E. bet. Oak and Pine. Phone East 1124. FOR SALE 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. on E. Belmont; lot 0x50: Is paying 10H per cent net on price, x-sose tMt 1094. CHEAP RENTAL PROPERTY, PAYING J5 per cent oa price; jast bice, close In; $4500. Haiaen s tniic, itwt tn st., room 32. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS. 315 22d st. Price low. Owner. Mm. W. A. saiy. zxi istn st. tmvt sit.ti rT TRinr irrv & r-o-ro Western Nebraska. Address Rexford Simp- son, au joans, ur. HOUSE, 3 FULL LOTS. HOUSEHOLD FUR- miure. rresn cow. lw is. im at., N. junswonn ave. FOR SALE XEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OCEAN LOT AT CLATSOP Beaca. seaside. Or. Address P. O. Box S28. Portland, Or. $300 SUXXYSUJE LOT. IMPROVED street and sidewalk. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 22S 3d. ACRXAGD NEAR CAR-LINE. 6 MILES FROM Harrison st. cnacc C X. Ballard, xii. -vaulae. Or. FOR SALE XEW S-ROOM MODERX COT- l-re. aunt xor owner; ast sice, ii &s. Ore co nl in. 16 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND AT SOUTH Mount Tabor for sale cheap. Address G S3, Oreconlan. SOOp 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BAElAlEXT. 50- ioot tot; oarc&in 14 . sist st. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. TAFT & CO.. ' 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block. Main 156. FEW SELECT BARGAINS. 560 ACRES Good buildings; 400 acres, un der high state of cultivation; 15. acres In prunes; good prune-drysr; well fenced; 1 miles from town. Yamhill Co.; $17 per acre. 20 ACRES Good bottom land: 6 acres In hops; nlco little place; near good town. Polk Co.; $1200. CO ACRES Good buildings; 23 acres hops; good hophocse; well fenced: all good land. $5000. 50 ACRES All In cultivation; fair housw and 'barn; .25 acres hops; one of the banner yards la Polk Co.; last yearVi yield net ted more than Driee asked for dice: no dis count on this place In any way. $6500. s auus-Good bouse and barn; all wen fenced; 30 acres In cultivation; 2 horses, 2 cows, wagons, plows, harrows and lots small toolp; lots chickens; some fruit; 1 mile of good live town. Polk Co. $3000. 60 ACRES All In cultivation; good new house; big barn; plenty of fruit; 40 acres in grain; well fenced; 3 horses, 2 court, mower, rakes, harness, plows, harrows, all neces sary tools; lota hay In barn; a beautiful lit tle home; i mile from good live town. Polk Co. Price for everything, only $4500. EASTERN OREGON. 600 ACRES On tho big new ditch, right at the new town of Laidlaw. Crook Co.. Uavo the best bargain ever offered to any one wanting lands In that locality; will double the price aaked In 6 months. Call for par ticulars. TAFT & CO.. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block. Main 153. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. 80 acres of rich land, with 3 acres In cul tivation; 4 -room house; family orchard; live water; only one-half mile from town on the Columbia River and N. P. Ry. Price. f&OO. with one-half down. 2SO acres, with 60 acres of bearerdam land. In nrst-claea cultivation; 40 acres of valuable Cr timber; balance bru?h land used fpr pasture; land lays nicely; plenty of live water: fenced and cross-fenced; good family orchard; 2-story modern house with furniture, valued $2500; two large frame barns, nicely equipped for the dairy busi ness; with this place go 3 horses, 2 cows. hogs, all farming Implements, consisting of new hay press, 2 wagons, cart, 2 sets har ness, hay rake, mower, plows, harrows, cul Uvatcrp. tedder. spader and numerous small tools and dairying utensils; on county road and bank of Cowlitz River, with steamboat landing; one mile trom town. This is an Ideal rarm for gardening and dalrjlnr. Price, 10.000. with one-half down, balance on easy terms. Imus & Wllloughby. Kalama. Wash. 160 ACRES RICH BLACK SOIL; 6 ACRES nrnng iruit trees, winter apples, pears, peaches, prunes, cherries and quinces; abundance small fruits; spring water piped to mllkhouce and barnyard; fenced and crosa-fenced; 00 acres cultivated; fine tlm. ber for firewood; 8-room house and large barn, implement house, woodhoue. chicken house, granary and cellar; fine waterpower on one corner of place. Joining railroad sur vey; free rural delivery expected: 4 miles form boat landing; on county road. 20 miles east of Portland; team and all farm Im plements, bay, cream separator and dairy U5?U K0. w,lh r'-ace; perfect Utle; price $j000; might take some property In or near Portland an part pay. Address owner, Rachel A. Elite, Capehorn, Skamania Coun ty, Washington DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM? x ui 00 in x-ortiana about April 1 with a number of people who deslm to buy farms or land anywhere west of the Cascades or around Tho Dalles; want all sizes, from five acres up. If you want to sell, send me a complete description and lowest price, and give directions how to reach your place. I will charge a commission of 5 per cent to 5 30tV D,Prty-,r Address C. Chrlstensen, 406 Boston block. Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE-ONE OF THE BEST AND ---------- - ""ti Bt-ra 01 caoica land, well Improved, with all tho stock and fixtures MmnM. Mntini.. n. m Vl - work horses, wagons, harness, plow and har row and everything else pertaining to a first-class dairy farm. For terms see us. rarrlah. Watklng & Co.. 250 Alder at. REKT OTTVT?T? V nppnion nvr ttit --.. .... ui; w acres; magnmcent view of the river um 6iniiu panoramic lancocape oeyonc; rail road station and boat landing at plate: will produoe 20 to 25 tons of cherries this year: desirability for a suburban home unparal leled. Price. $3000. Cook &. Co., 251 Alder. v. w Hrttr -r"on. foniana's coming "iu, premer rural landscape or better soli exists anywhere: rare oppor tunity to get first choice. Cook & Co.. 251 Aiaer. $1000-80. ACRES. NICELY LOCATED IN COWlItX Count-. 1Vath - nuv 1 l. well. Apply 67 East' 0th st. North, near ti t 5 w "ursis uvery -etaoies, Cas- FOR SALE 12 ACRES. FINE LAND AND :.?." 'arKB amount cleared; balance Us i 8tJmI land- Sd house. II miles from t"' nuua roaa. t-miie irom S. P, R. R. Owner, no agents. R SS, Oregonlan. ORFJCiON mniftATPn i.ivn t- t,to iui" . , 1 "-" suck, aiiaua ana cio- .r. .,u ,,i mo nm; iraprovea or unim Vn a ' asy Parments. Deschutes Alfalfa ojuuiutc, im uregouian uicg. FOR SALE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH- uieai in me uicanogan valley; new house, running water: part broke, fenced and In crop; will sell for cost of Improvements. Aoorus Jux out. Seattle, wash. FOR SALE 74 ACRES OS- TIMBER LAND on uaewater oz Bhoal water bt. Piia. County. Washington; timber, apruce and nemiocic; win sen cneap n lateen at once. FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WRITE me it you want a siock. oairy. gram or fruit farm. In tracts to suit purchaser; prices reasonable. Perry Ellis. Capehorn, FARM-205 ACRES WILLAMETTE VALLEY river DQtiom lano. tescea ana imnroved? win wll any or all at a bargain. 'Berry Sc. Alex- anaer. r. cm si. o awivco in i i ucc r ruji j(Uoc;i5Ulttj, ur.; wm iraae. ana pay oinerence, for res idence proprety in Portland. C 83, care uregoniau. SNAP-SPLENDID 40-ACRE FARM NEAR car line, with an buildings and Improvements, ror $uow; terms, jr. Fuchs, 1st st. niPROVED FARMS AND APPLE LANDS. R. 1 cats & Co.. 113 2d st. LAND SCRIP. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip on the market. We handle all Kinds public land practice. coiiin Lona co., uoncom bldg; APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. TIM be red. farm or grazing land; all sizes. lowest prices, n. u. compson. ois jiiarquam Diar. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip cn hand Teady to locate. Maginnis & son. ra failing blag. TIMBER LANDS. , 644 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND: 15 MILES from Grants .pass, ur.; no agents. l o. Bex IDS. Goldendale. Wash. HOMESTEADS GOOD WHEAT LANDS. For particulars address Lock JBox No. ss. Heppner, Or. HOMESTEAD. ID Mn.ES FROM CITY: BAR- galn. u. s. Buaa. no ui. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, $2000 to 41U.WU; UW DUMUC MU(IUUC ll WANTED FOR CASH. CORNER LOT. either on East or West Side; give location and price. i. uregonian. TO EXCHANGE. FOR oALE OR EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE near city, new moaem a-room souse in North Irvine ton; fruit, nowers. lot cxioo. A 77. uregonian. WANTED CARPET OR FURNITURE EC Ex change for flrst-claes dressmaking. Address Y 82. oregonlan. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT. GARDEN TRACT OF 10 .or 05 acres, with .buildings. K 03, Ore- - goolaa. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicle 'and Harness. HORSES. WAGONS, HARNESS. ALL kinds of vehicles bought, sold and rented. Hubert & Hall. 2C4 4th. Phone Main 2203. FOR SALE G HEAVY HORSES. 5 WAGONS and harness. Frank Kublk. Woodlawn. Phone Scott 5600. 15 HORSES-BY W. E. JACOBS. ONE STAL Hon. 1650 lbs. 134 East 34th at. Phono Union 1632. 20 HEAD GOOD HEAVY HORSES, TWO heavy teams, harness and wagons, 154 N. 5th st. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. Ptaaoa. BEING COMPELLED TO TAKE A FINE modern upright Fischer piano In order to s curft a debt, and having no use for It, will sell It for less than half Its value. Call soon. 500 E. Couch. MUST SELL $450 PIANO, USED A FEW weeks: $230 cash, sixteen iesous mauue Answer today, casn oniy. i ai. utcswuwi. HAVING TO LEAVE THE CITY. I WILL sell my fine uprlgnt piano si uik '-"u- call at once, i-so t Ajur jfEW PIANO. HIGH GRADE. TOTRADE I or Doara or Doaxu nau Mlscellaneos DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It wltn taaierue; 11 reus, 10 lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles: best for nw roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL- jlard ana pool taoics; easy pju;cmj. ww tables, with privilege of buytag: modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-CoV lender. 49 3d at. BULL TERRIER FEMALE PUPPIES. cnampion siock. xor we cap. ihsiuk w Tefrlstratlon and will make show dogs. Phone Front 4S4. or address 413 11th st. PAIR OF 54 IN. X 16 FT. BOILERS. EX- tra heavy; complete At conaiuon. 111, without stack, $1000. f. o. b. S. D. Burns, 527 Brannan st-. San Francisco. POOL TABLE. For sale Brunawlck-Balke. together with cues, cue stand, counters, etc. Apply to S. Heltshu. 44 Front St., city. FOR SALE-pWATER POWER. ONE MILE River; also good farm. D. H. Gary. Wash ougaL Wash. SECOND-HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinas at lowest pncc, w ments. Ftfher Music Co.. 190 3d sr. SMALL CASH REGISTER. FAIRBANKS scale: Snell custilou irara coaaier uraw bike. 2o8 Clackamas, East Side. FOR SALE CHEAP 8-HORSEPOWER UP- ngnc Doner. v""-. .-v" Johnson. 10 SACKS OF OREGON WONDER SEED potatoes for sale. 110 3d st.. at jiuasons. GOOD SEATED AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE cheap. Address box 3H. trorvams, FOR SALE 47-INCH ROLL TOP DESK. 13 Alnsworth bldg. PASTURE FOR STOCK ON SWAN ISLAND. Phone East 2017. HELP WANTED MALE. OUR EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is conducted on strictly business principles. We Assist Competent Office men Assistant Bookkcopers. Bookkeeper. General office clerits. Stenographers. Hotel clerks. Correspondent clerks. Timekeepers. Accountants. Collectors. Cashiers. Shipping Clerks. Entry clerks. BUI clerks. General clerical, technical, commercial men. 504-505 McKay bldg., 102H 3d St., Portland. WANTED AN ERGETIC, INTELLIGENT man. between -o ana so years oia. witn some business experience, able to furnish rood references from previous employers. moderate compensation: give age. business experienced, names and addresses of reter- nceo. M si, uregonian. WANTED FOR U. 's. ARMY ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men. between ages or -l ana so, citizens of United States, of good character and temDeratn habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak sts., Port land, Or. BRIGHT. INTELLIGENT PERSON. WITH $550 and services, can secure interest in es tablished light manufacturing business: three months' work ahead: no competition: profits large. Arthur Driver, rooms 2 and 3, 43Vi 2d st. THERE IS MORE DEMAND THAN EVER for competent salesmen, bookkeepers, stenog raphers and technical men. and we need men for many such positions now open. Pacific Commercial Bureau. Seattle, wasn. BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS. SALES- men. If you desire positions, see us; we now have several desirable openings for good men- Portland Commercial Bureau, 722 Chamber of Commerce. TRAVELING MAN. WHO COVERS THE Willamette valley ana soutnern Oregon reg ularly, to carry a well-establixhed line of Kteves as side line. Montana uiove works. 82Vs Front St. BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS. SALES- men. If you desire positions, see us; we now have several desirable openings tor gooa men. Portland Commercial Bureau, 722 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 1000 R. R. MEN. NEW WORK. 100 other Jobs; name your work and we have It; also station work. Canadian Em ployment Co., 240 Burnslde st. Phone Main 3074. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN. single, to travel and learn good-paying business, who can leave town immediately. Call room' 13, 10 to 4 P. II., 400 Morrison. WANTED Men to learn barber trade: S weeks completes; positions Guaranteed; tuition earned while learning. Write for terms. Mo- let's Barber college. C44 day. San Francisco. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. School of Practical mumning. sena zor catalogue, ao dress 4973-73 Easton ave., St. Louis. Mo. TEN FIRST-CLASS GASFITTERS; PERMA- nent work guaranteed; wages Irom $3 to $3.50 per day for eight hours' work. Appjy at once, roniana uas lomnany. TO SOLICITORS AND AGENTS WE HAVE absolutely the best offers ever put In the field for canvassers. Sunset Magazine, 73S Mission at San Francisco. CaU inwnTTKrvr? 'solicitors north .-.. Karmfr nrn.r nuniicariona. newspapers. Clyde's Special Agency. 638 Chamner Ot commerce. MAKE MONEY SELL SICK AND ACCI dnt benefits for Union Mutual Aid Associa tion; highest commissions to good men. 401 Marquam oiag. YOUNG MAN TO MAKE HIMSELF USEFUL and collect; must live witn parents ana zur nlsh city reference; salary to start; ?8. B 84, DETECTIVES MEN TO LEARN: PAID while 'learning. Barrett, room 301. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. upen evenings. WANTED-tFIRST-CLASS SAWYER AND ohaper man; steady Job. Apply North Pa ctfic Planing Mill Co., 22d and Thurman eta. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER. $63 MONTH: also collector. $15 week. Business Men's Cleoring-tiouse, iuo jucivay mag. YOUNG MAN FOR ASSISTANT BOOKKEBP- er, wholesale bouse, city; $50 to $60. Call 722 unamoer ot womincrce. WANTED CITY SALESMAN TO WORK tne noiei. ttsiautiinu jmu uar .iraae. AO WANTED TEAMS FOR HAULING LUM ber: $2 per 1000. NordSy Lumber Co., 103 Sherlock biag. "WANTED A STOUT BOY TO' RUN ER. rands and deliver goods; small wages. -Room 64. Union block. WANTED EXPERD2NCED QUARTZ MTN. er, accustomed to development work. M 85, Oregonlan. ELOCUTION TEACHER TO GIVE PRIVATE lessons to class of amateurs. P. O. Box 228. WANTED BOT SHOVEL DIRT AND clean up yard. Apply 751 East Burnslde. FOUR FIRST-CLAS3 SOLICITORS AT once; references Ttquirea. zw siart n. WANTED DRIVER FOR EXPRESS WAG oj; must be rustier. Appiy-3tK stars si. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN, CITY, COUN- try; big wages. 315 commercial dik. WANTED-STRONG- BOY AT CONCAK noa's Market. 21st and Johnson sts. KELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- .uiu. ojn luruuguoui siaio uj nucu Busi ness; good pay to good men. Call or writs J.17 M-tr lij UVI AUUI DISK. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber Col- jege, il Howard st-. San Francisco. WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD CLOTHING, BOY WANTED F. W. BALTES &. CO., printers, ut ana oax. DR. WALKER, 161 1ST. CURES ALL PRI- w g;nm ox HELP WANTED FEMALE. CHEF. FRENCH DINNER SERVICE: cook, south; dishwashers, waiters, farm hands (Irrigation tannine): women cooks. $30; housework, waitresses, chamberwork. :u giris (vauaevme). lessons free. Drake's. Washington. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade; S completes; minion eamea wane learn ing. Hairdresslng. manicuring and facial massage In 4 weeks , special terms now. Write Moler System College. San Francisco. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. SINGERS, PER- lormers. musicians, tor vaudeville circuit, dramatic companies, ladles' band, quartets, sketch teams- Newman's Vaudeville Cir cuit. 326H Washington. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. over 1000 positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, 2ftVi Morrison. Main 1323. Wanted first-class lady rbpresen- uuives ia roruaua ana uirougnouL ufl stats; we pay good money. Call or write 607 Me Ka)r bldg.. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT- ers, cnamoermaias. general workers, it. Jmms Agency, 230', Yamhill. Phono Black 2S81. TEN LADIES TO LEARN CHIROPODY; expert teacner; terms very low. southern School Dermatology. 420 Jefferson. WANTED GIRL. GOOD. EXPERIENCED, tor waitress; can quicic; nice chance. Boa ton Kitchen. 128 N. 6th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, small family, good wages. Call 561 Hoyt st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSB- worx; no wasning; no cmiaren. Appij ui 10th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK- AP- ply before noon, 653 Hancock st. Irvlngton car. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; family of -4. 300 North 24th st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, three In family. 820 Corbett et. WANTED EXPERIENCED RESTAURANT waitress' at Morris . 327 Washington. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND care of children. 368 E. 15th. N. A GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK; NO cooking. 4ui Davis st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. LADY OR GENTLEMAN TO SOLICIT FRA- ternal Insurance; salary and commission, call 846 E. Belmont. Phone iast ;suai. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. SITUATION WANTED AS COLLECTOR ticket-seller or any kind of light work. J 85, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FrRST-CLAS3 UPHOLSTERER AND DRAP- ery cutter, many years' experience, coma act as a xurniturc salesman; oejt reierence. R 81. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION IN SAWMDLL AS EN- glneer by man of ability and experience as all-around mechanic. Address x to. ure gonian. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAR rled man. experienced in management or ho tel and roomlng-nouse. -V si oregonlan. YOUNG MAN, GRADUATE; WITH EXPERL ence In banking and collecting, aesires po sition; references. Phone Main 2S3L GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION to take care of horse and do garden work. Address Q 94. care, Oregonlan. STATIONARY ENGINEER 5 YEARS' PRAC- tleal experience: steady and sober; good ref erences. E 88. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION IN boarding-house or wash dishes. Japanese Mission. Phone Clay 854. ' WANTED SITUATION AS ASSISTANT baker; 7 years" experience on bread and cakes. X 01, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY A JAPANESE gooa ooy to ao nouseworK or aisnwasning. V OZ. cans Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS bookkeeper, as assistant preferred. ?t S3, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS COOK AND TO DO general housework. Address H 84. care Ore gonlan. TWO WOMEN WANT WORK BY THE DAY. Phone Hood C43. Rooms 3 and 6. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED POSITION BY LADY AS BOOK- keeper, cashier or bill clerk: ten year' expe rience: best references. Address Jcite Ad ams. 4446 Laclede ave., St. Louis, Mo. Domestics. FIRST-CLASS COLORED WOMAN WANTS cooking In private ramuy or general nouse work. Call at 33 North 7st st. WANTED SITUATION AS CHAMBERMAID by middle-aged woman- noom ooavi .fine. SITUATION WANTED TO DO GENERAL housework and. plain cooking. 166 isth N. Dressmakers. IMMEDIATELY SEWING BY THE DAY; work guaranteed and prices- very reason able. Main 5081. DRESSMAKING BY COMPETENT DP.ESS- maker at nome, or wm go out Dy aay. j-none Main 61S3. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES BY FIRST- claea areas master. i vz. care uregonian. Miscellaneous. BY REFDfED. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN OF experience, to take charge nicely furnished, respectable rooming-house; references ex changed. Address M. L.. 203 South Buckeyp, Iola. Kan. COMPETENT, GERMAN GIRL WISHES Po sition as housekeeper, cook. . housework; references exchanged; best wages expected. Q 87. Oregonlan. FTRST-CLASS COOK WANTS POSITION IN hotel or restaurant- 153 N. 6th st- Phone Main 6133. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI- tlon: commission ana premium; outnt tree; good territory open; cash advanced on orders each week: write quick and send reference with application. Address Washington Nurs ery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED TO SELL lots on commission. In one of the choicest suburbs of Portland. Address P. 0. Box 703. city. PHOTO COUPON AND PORTRAIT AGENTS, big money. Rembrandt Studio, Ablngton bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED ROOMS In all parts of the city. Apply 202 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark. Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6266. ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY young lady; references; West Side; In an swering give phone number. C 04, Oregonlan. Wanted to rent as os 6-room cot- tage or Sat; must be centrally located. R 40. Oregonlaa. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HORSES WANTED WANT TO BUY DRAFT bred range mares, entire band or caricaa lots; give description and price. Box '73. Callaway. Custer County, Neb. WANTED LOAN-300 TO $1200: 3 YEARS: 6 per cent bonus; on improved East Side Income property; title- and fire insurance. . C ?. care Oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and sbces; highest pries paid. Call at tan "Fair Deal:" 62 N. 3d. Phono Hood 517.' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 1ST et., pays top-notch spot cash price tor ail kind of furniture. Phone Main 5655. WANTED - TO RENT BARN OR .ABOUT 1CC0 feet floor space, suitable for storage; nrst floor preferred. II 00. Oregonlan. WANTED SECOND-HAND BUGGY. ME- dlum weight. Telephone suburban zsis. FOR RENT Rooms. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; electric lights and hells, steam heat aad elevator; baths free to guests: rates 50c. 73a and $1 per day; special rates by the week. Elegant cats andbar In con nection. Corner 6th and Washington sts. San Bauman. manager. F. Langs, prop. THE CLAYTON. 13 N. 10th. cor. Burnslde, near Washing ton Strictly modern. newly decorated throughout; fine furnished rooms, single or en suite; bath, location, neighborhood and conveniences unexcelled; terms, rea sonable. Phono Main 59S0. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D ST.. BET. TAY- ior and salmon, l block south or Baxer 'i ne aterElegantly new furnished, steam heat: hot. cold running water in rooms; free bath: rooms with private baths: elevator; $3.50 per week and up; $1 day; tourists solicited. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, BATH. gas and heat: 127 N. 22d St.. bet- Gllsan and Hoyt. one block from Washington or Morrison car line; easy walking distance from Fair grounds. Phone Main 4001. THE MONNASTES. 2S3Vi 1ST ST. (S. W. cor. Jenerson) smgie rooms irom i w o; furnished housekeeping suites fiom $L75 to $3 per week; rooms per night. 50c and 25c; tourists solicited. THE OREGONIAN ON THE EUROPEAN plan; rooms. 50c. 75c. $1 per day: beautiful brick corner; large, light, sunny rooms by tn week, $2 to $6 per week. 41ft North Sd. cor. Couch. THE -COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TBT AND MOR rison; best down-town rooms In the city: heat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and up. including bath: $1 day. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. lHi so. adjoining lia&er Theater: J J per wees and up; steam heat; special attention given to traveling public. Phone Hood 657. HOTEL OXFORD, 6TH AND OAK (EURO pean) The most comfortable'rooms In the city; everything new and modern; bell connections with cafe and bar. CORNER 7TII AND WASHINGTON ST. Large newly furnished corner room, suit able for two or four persons. 343 ft Wash ington, near 7th. room 6. TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT rooms, getleman or business woman pre ferred; 2 blocks from car line. 313 7th and Clay. ' FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH STEAM HEAT, bath, telephone, newly furnished: reasonable rent; references exchanged. Telephoca Main 4503. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ELEC trlc light, with use of phone and bath; close, in; very reasonable. 240 Park St.. cor. Main. LARGE WELL - FURNISHED FRONT room, convenient city and Fair; select neighborhood; phone, bath. 708 Everett. NICE FRONT ROOM, FACEn'G 2 STREETS: first floor: fine bath, electric light and tele phone. E. 7th and Couch. Phone 1316. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 3UIT able for light housekeeping If desired. 570 Mill st. Must be sen to be appreciated. MODERN FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for one or two gentlemen; centrally located; terms moderate. 4ft Grand ave., North. THE TEMPLE. 313ft YAMHILL ST., Op posite Hotel Portland Nicely furnished rooms, rates reasonable; transient. WANTED FIVE YOUNG GENTLEMEN to occupy three new beds; monthly; rea sonable; private family. 146 10th. ONE BLOCK FROM WASHEXGTON ST two large front rooms; also rooms at $1.50 per week up. 86 Park'st. MODERN RESIDENCE WALKING. Dis tance; largo room suitable for two; $10 month. 292 10th. near Jefferson. THE ANGELU3, COR. OTH AND JEFFER son Two beautifully furnished rooms, nw. modern, centrally located. 205 11TH CLEAN. SUNNY ROOMS. BEAU tlful grounds, atractlve. homelike place for refined people. West 761. GOOD, CLEAN. CHEAP FURNISHED rooms andUodglngs. 345 ISth St., S blocks from Fair grounds. WILLAMETTE. 144 ft 6TH ST., BET. MOR rison and Alder Cheap rooms; electric lights, free phone. 41 ELLA NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. 6ingle and en suite: bath. heat, phone, beautiful location. VERY COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS In private family; all modern conveniences. Phone Main 2196. ELEGANT, NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM for two, with or without kitchen; gas. bath. 14C 10th. Cheapest and best-located rooms in Portland. $1 week up. Oilman. 1st and Alder sts. FURNISHED ROOMS FROM $2.50 PER week and up, at 200 Jefferson at- THE LEWIS. 183 10TH ST. ROOMS. SIN gle and en suite. Phone Main 4334. Booms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. 165-187 10th St.. cor. Morrison; there are a few vacancies; fine rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat throughout the house; porcelain bath, plenty of hot water. Handsome dining-room, table and service first-class. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL, Market St., bet. 3d and 4th; steam heat, elec-. trie light, porcelain baths; elesant outsida rooms with first-class hoard two people, $43. $50 and $55 month. Telephone Main 5561. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION ISTH" YEAR: rooms with hoard; use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman' Exchange. Address Mrs. Arabel Russell, superintendent, 510 Flanders. THE MANITOU, 261 13TH ST. BEAUTIFUL, steam-heatea rooms, aounawi nov. water, ex cellent table; strictly home cooking. Phona Main 1203. HOTEL BROWN, 271ft GRAND AVE1IUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite: elevator; billiard-room; transients; both car lines. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board, gas light, phone and bath; rea sonable. 526 Columbia st. THE MONTGOMERY. 304 ALDER. CORNER 10th st. A few choice vacancies, rooms and board; first-class service. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board; choice residence part. 575 Irving. Phone Main 5420. DEIRABLB SUITE OR SINGLE ROOM, Ex cellent board, modern, private home. 120 N. 18th. THE OZARK, 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board: hot and cold water. 515 MORRISON ROOMS WITH BOARD, hot and cold water. Phona Main 4314. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD, $5 PER week. 502 Clay st. Phone 5030. FlaU- ; COMPLETELY FURNISHED ROOMS, hot and cold water, large yard, flowers, walking distance: nice neighborhood; ref erences required. 461 W. Park. FURNITURE FOR SALE OF 6-ROOM FLAT. 343 Clay et.; furnished very nicely; price reasonable; rent $25. Call soon; leaving the city. . ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FLAT FOR rent, 2 months: centrally located; no chil dren. D S3. Oregonlan. UNFURNISHED FLAT WITH BATH. GAS and phone: no children. 1047 Corbett st. Phone West 23S3. FOR 2 MONTHS. WELL FURNISHED STX room flat, cheap to right parties. Phone Main 5S40, SEC-ROOM MODERN" LOWER FLAT. IN very desirable location. Inquire 175 16th at. South. NEW. MODERN UPPER FLAT OF FIVE rooms. 560 5th st. Inquire at 571 5th. NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM FLAT. MOD ern. reasonable. Inquire 335 Market. $3 FLAT OF n ROOMS. UPSTAIRS. .172 Sherman st. Phone Main 4520. FURNISHED -S-ROOM: FLAT,. BATH, CAR. line. 230ft 16th st. .