THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MAUCH 24, 1905. 15 BUYING OF STEEL Heavy Purchases Made by Pittsburg Company. EVENT OF WEEK IN THE TRADE Indicates Favorable Market Prospects for Coming Year Large Sales of 'Pig Iron Structural Material In Demand. CLEVELAND. March 23. The Iron Trade review this week says: The purchase of 20,'0O0 tons of steel bllletn by the Pittsburg Steel Company from the United States Steel Corporatlonand the Re public iron & Steel Company, deliveries ex tending to the middle of is the event of the week. A conversion deal involving the purchase of 100.000 tons of Bessemer pig Iron from merchant furnaces was under con sideration by the same company, but this plan was given up end the large contract for steel is tho outcome. About 10,000 tons of basic billets and GOOO tons of Bessemer bil lets a month will be delivered, the basic ateel being furnished by the steel corpora tion. The announced price is $23. Fltsburg. which would indicate- an entirely favorable view of steel market prospects for the com ing year. Merchant furnaces have made further pig iron .sales to steel companies In the week. Out Cf 40,000 ton of Bessemer and basic iron eoid at $15..r0 at Valley furnaces, a Western Pennsylvania steel company took 25,000 tons. A Youcgstown Interest has bought 65,000 tons of Bessemer Iron that will be converted and rolled Into akelp for it at Valley Steel "Works. On behalf of the National Tube Company, an lnqu'ry for Bessemer Iron is up. Foundry pig Ircn has not been particularly interesting dur ing the week. The market is still at $13.50 for No. 2, as It has been for weeks, though one leading company has put Its Quotation .t $1375 for further forward deliveries. Plate and structural lines. In which ton nage runs up Tapldly. made a stronger show ing during the week. Plate mills are two to three months behind and boiler works are now reinforcing the steel car works in the urgency of their demand. Eastern business in structural steel coming out well, barring the holding up of some work In New York. A Boston bridge company booked 2500 to 3000 tons lor Baton and Albany, N. T.; the Erie system 5000 tons, and for new industrial works 3500 tons was closed. Railroad bridge work under inquiry represents 15,000 to 20. 000 tons. -Cleveland railroads have definitely decided on a programme of track elevation end depression. The expected advances in black and blue an nealed sheets and in roofing were made last week, and steel hoops are $2 a ton higher. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc FLOUR Patents, $i.C04.S3 per bar rel, straight. 34.30 &ri.15: clears. s3.S5)4: Vailey, $4.1b4.23; Dakota hard wheat. SG.MKjj l.ou, uranuni, iJ.wgi, wnoie wneat, $4 4.25; rye flour, local, S3; Eastern, S3 I). 10. cornroeai. per case, SL'JO. BARLEY Feed, $23 per ton; rolled S24 25. OATS No. 1 white. $1.S7&1.42; gray, 1.50 per cental. MILLSTUFFS Bran. 8.60 per ton; mid dlings. $25; shorts. $22: chop. U. S. Mills. $19, Unteed dairy Xoods, $16; linseed oil meal, car lots. $29 per ton; less -than car lots. $30 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 80 pound sacks, $0.75;. lower grade, $5 0.23; oatmeal, steel cut, 00-pound sacks, $8 .per barrel, 10-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4 per bale; split peas. $4 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $1.15; pearl barley. $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour. 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per bale. HAY Timothy. $14&10 per. ton: clover. S11&12; grain. $1112; cheat, $11012. Butter. Eggs. Poultry, Etc The poultry market continues rather alow, but prices are etlll firmly maintained and a better trade is looked for In the coming week. Eggs moved well yesterday, and were quoted firm. The butter market continues weak and Front street dealers look for a de cne next week. EGGS Oregon ranoh. lSJMSHc per dozen. BLTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery, 32 He per pound: fancy creamery. 30c State creameries: Fancy creamery. 27 hi 32c, dairy. 15617c; store butter. 14815c; California, 2Sl731c. CHEESE Full cream twins, new, 1415c; old, lbc; Americas, 14 15 Vic. POULTRY Fancy hens. UtfUMs: old hens. f3fll3V: mixed Chickens, 12Vi14c; old roost ers. lOgfllc; young roosters. HH!?12tic; Springs, l4S2 pounds. 17lio; broilers. ll pounas, 2223c; dressed chickens. 14&15c; turkys, alive. lOgiSf; turkeys; dressed poor, 174018c; turkeys, choice. 2022c: geese, live, per nound, SgVc; geese, dressed, 10012c; ducKs. old. $S&D; ducks, young as to size, $y050; pigeons. $191.25; equate. $22.50. Vegetables, Fruit. Etc Front street was almost bare of salable produce yesterday. Not only was garden trucK scarce, but the supply of oranges nearly gave out. Five cars were .due yesterday, but were stalled on the road, and will not arrive until -Saturday. Good ripe bananas were also scarce. The steamer Sunday will bring up a good supply of green fctutf and a car or two may arrive in the meantime. A car of red Australian onions, the first of the reason, rtavhd the market yesterday. VEGETABLES Turnips, $1 per sack; car rots. $1.25; beets, $1.25; parsnip-. $1.50: cab bage, California. lHc; lettuce, hothouse. $1,250 1.60 per box; parsley. 25c dozen; tomatoen. 52.23 per o-ate; cauliflower. $2 per crate: egg piaat, I2fcc ptr pound; celery. $3.50 per crate; peas, 10c per pound; ptppers. 25c per pound; sprouts, li.-, asparagus, 7ttc Pr pound; rhu barb. $1.25 ier crate; cucumbers, $2 per dozen; ar tit botes, 75c per dozen. ONIONS Oregon Fanej, $2.$0J3; x0. 2. Slff 1.50. buying prices; Australian, 6c per pouna. POTATOES Oregon fancy. 85SlWc; com mon, C3S0c. buyers price; Merced sweets, liic RAISINS Loot Muscatels. 4-crown. 7?ic; flayer Muscatel raisins, Jic; unbleached eeu less Sultanas, Bt. London layers, S-crown. whole bcxes of 20 pound. $1.85; 2-crown. $1 75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. Osfofcc per pound; sundrled. sacks or boxes, none; apricots, 10llc; peachesv l)10Vtc; pear, none; prunes. Italians. 4fcf6o; French. 2ViQ3Jic; flgs. California blacks, Aic. do white, none; Smyr na, 20e; Fard dales. 6c; plums, pitted. Cc. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy. $L759 2 50 per box; choice. $161.25; common. 503 76c; fijts. S5c4jf2.60 per box. TROPICAL FRl'ITS-Lemon. fancy. $2,755? S.i5. choice. $2.75 per box; oranges, fancy. $2 232.50 per bcx: cholee. $1.5031.75; standard $1.2561.50; tangerine-. $1.502 per box; grap fru'.t, $2.50g3 per box; bananas. 5b5Uc per pound. Hops, Wool. Hides. Etc HOPS Choice 11MM. 2Jfc624c per pound. WOOL Valley. llnT-Vc per pound: Eastern Ortgtn. 12t)"l7c pet pound. MOHAIR Choice. 23fT26c per pound. HIDES Dry hlJe No. 1. 10 pounds and up. 16SliVtc lr Puund; dry kip. No. 1..5"to 13 jKiunds. 146 15c ler pound; dry calf, Nc 1. vndtr 5 pounds. ITS 18c. dry salted, bulls and etigs. oae-ihlra lets than dry flint; (culis. jnotli-enten. bacly .ut, scored, murrain, hair salppcd. watl.erteten or grubby. 2tfvC per pound lew); Halted bides. sU-ere. sound. 00 pounds and over, pioc per pound; 50 to tw pounds. 8Vic ptr pound; under 60 pounds auii cow. btrc per pound; salted stags and biaia, bcund. e per pound; salted kip. uound. 15 to 30 pounas. yc per pound; salted veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds. So per pound; salted calf, sound, usdvr 10 xunds, 10c per pound: (green, unsatted. lc per pound les; culls, lc ptr pound lew). Shep skins: Shearlings, Nc 1 butchers' stock. 233oc each, short wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. 404r5vc each; medium woo. No. I butchers' stock. GOysoc. long wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, f lfl-50 each. Murrain pelts, from 10 to- 20 per cent less, or l2dPl4c per pcur.d, horse hide. altcd. each, a coo nil ug to else $1,503:2; dry, each, according to size, $10 1,50 colts hides. 25950c each; goat skins, common. 10&15c each; Angora, with wool on. 25t0il-50 each. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 3Vilc; No. 2 and grease. 2&3c. I'ELTS Bear sklne. as to size. No. 1. $2.50 CJ10 t-ach; cub. $l$f2; badger. 25350c; wild cat, -with head perfect. 25060c: house cat, 6 10f, fox. common gray, 5&370e: red. $336; cross. $5916; Ilver and black. $10og3u0; Ush ers. fr6; lynx, $4X0; mink, strictly No. l, according to alxe; 51(12.50; marten, dark North, ern. according to size and color. $10915; mar. ten. pale, pine, according to rUe and color. $2.6034: msskrat. large, 10915c;. skunk. 409 60c; civet, or polecat. &910c: otter; large, prime akin, $6tf 10; panther, with head and claws per fect. $23; raccoon, prime; 30930c; mountain -wolf, with head perfect. $3-S0Sf5; coyote, Oie I; wolverine. $698: beaver, per skin, large, S5&6: medium. $304 small. $161.50; kits, dCt75c BEESWAX Good, clean and pure, SOSZta per pound. CASCARA SAGRADA (Cblttam bark)-Gooa, 4g4Vlc -per pound. OREGON GRAPE ROOT Per ' 100 pound. $384. FEATHERS Geese.- white.- 33fM0ej geese; gray or mixed. C530c; duck, white, 15tj20i; duck, mixed. 125? 15c OH. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 23c; Iron barrels. 17c; 88 deg. gasoline, .-ases. 32c; iron carrels or drums. siic COAL OIL Cases. 21 Vic: Iron barrel. 13c; wood barrels, none; 03 deg., cases. 22c: iron barrels. J5c; Washington -State test burning oils, except headlight. jc per gallon higher. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. 01c: cases. 60c. "Boiled: Barrels. C3c; cases, CSc; lc less In a-Darrti lots. TURPENTINE Cses. S5e; barrels. 2c WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7 Vic; 600-pound lots. 7c; less than 600-pound lota. Sc. Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, bulls. 304c per pound; cow 465fcc; country steers. 4tf5ec. MUTTON Dressed, fancy. 775ijc per pound; ordinary. 5$6c; Spring lambs. (peKs on), $2.60 73.50 each. VEAL Dresred. 100 to 123, 7J4SHe per pound: 125 to 200, 5Qc; 200 and up. 3Vi4c PORK Dressed. 100 to 150. 8c per pound; 150 and up, 76 Sc. HAMS Ten to 14 pounds, 12Vic per pound; 14 to 10 pounds, 12&c; 18 to 20 pounds, 12ac; California (picnic). 8c; cottage hams. lc; shoulders. 6V5c; boiled ham, 20c; boiled picnic ham, boneless, 14c BACON Fancy breakfast. 10c per pound; standard breakfast, 14c; choice. 12c; English breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds, 12c; peach bacon, 11c SAUSAGE Portland ham. 12VjC per pound; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17fcc: bologna, long. 6c; welnerwursL SO; liver, oc; pork, 8c; blood. 5c; headcheese. 5c; bologna sausage, link, 4 Vic. DRY SALT CURED Regular s-bort clears. 9Uc salt, lOVic smoked; clear backs, Oc fait. 10c smoked; clear bellies, 14 to 17 pounds average, 11c salt. 12c smoked; Oregon ex ports, 20 to 23 pounds average. lOVic salt, 11 Vic smoked; Union butts. 10 to IS pounds average 8c salt, be smoked. PICKLED GOODS-Pickled pigs' feet, bar rels. $5: Vi-barrelf, $2.75; 15-pound kit, $1.25; pickled trlDe. -barrels. $5: U-barrels. $2.73; -15-pound kit. $1.25; pickled pigs' tongues. Vt- Darrew, -barrels, $s; jD-pouna Kits, i.iA; pickled lambs tongue, -barrels, $9; Vi-bar-rcls. $5.60; 15-pound kits, $2.75. LARD Leaf lard, kettle-randered: Tierces, Hc; tubs. c: 50s. ac; 20s. ioc; 10s, ioic; 6s, lOHc Standard pure: Tierces, Syi.c; tubs, eVic; 50s. Obic: 20s, OVic; 10s, Hc; 5s. bKc Compound: Tiercee, Cc; tubs, 6Uc; 60s, Clic; 10s. Cc; 6s, ffjic Groceries, Nuts, Etc COFFEE Mocha, 20328c; Java, ordinary, lo 020c; Cotita Rica, fancy. 182uc; good, ltioibc; ordinary. lU(12c per iound; Columbia roast, cases. 100s. 513.3b r 60s. $13.38; Arbucklb $14.S8; Lion. $14.38. 1UCE Imperial Japan, No. 1. $5.37H; South, ern Japan. X60; Carolina, 4VWjCc; brokenhead, 2ic. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tall. $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.40; 1-pound cats. $1.85; fancy It Impound fiats, $l.bO; H-Pound flats. $1.10; Alaska, pink. 1-pound talis, 85c; red. 1-pound tails. $1.45; cockeyes, 1-pound talis, $1.85. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube, fCSO, powdered, $0.o5; dry granulated, $5.V5, extra C. $5.45; golden C, $5.35; fruit sugar, $5.95, ad vance over sack basis as follows; Barrels. 10c; half-barrels, 25c; boxes. 60c per 100 pounca. (Term: On remittance within 13 days, deduct V4c per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct Vsc per pound; no discount after 30 days.) Best sugar granulated, $J.&5 per 100 pounds; maple sugar, 15&1BC per pound. SALT California, $11 per ton. $1.60 per bale, Liverpool. 60s. $17; 100s. $16.50; 200s. $1C; half -ground. luOs. $7: 50s. $7.60. NUTS Walnuts. lS&c per pound by sack, lc extra for less than tack; Brazil nuts, 15c; fil berts. 14c; pecans, Jumbos, 14c; extra large, 16c; almonds, L X. L., 16?4c; chestnuts. Ital ians, 15c, Ohio, $4.50 per 25-pound drum; pea nuts, raw. 7fec per pound: roasted, 'Jc; pine nuts, 10&12Vic; hickory nuts, 7c; cocoanuts, 85 90c per dozen. BEANS Small white. 4c; large white, 3Hc; pink. 8 Vic; bayou. 3 Vic; Lima, 6c UTESTOCK MARKET. Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards Vestc-dor. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 87 cattle. The following prices were quoted at the .yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers, $4; cows and heifers. $338.25; medium. $1.6062, HOGS Best large, fat hogs, $6J block and China fat. $3.2505.50; stockers, $5. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley, $4.504.76; medium. $464.50. EASTERN I.1VKSTOCK. Prices Current at Kansas City, Omaha and Chicago. CHICAGO. March 23. Cattle Receipts, 7000; market, strong to 10c higher. Good to prime steers, $5.15Q6.25; poor to medium, $3.S05; stockers and feders. $2.0034.75; cows, $234 4.50; heifers. $305; canners. $1.5052.40; bulls, $2.5004; calves, $37. Hogs Receipts, 30.000; tomorrow. 23.000; market. 5J?10c lower. Mixed and butcherr, $5.155.35; good to choice hea7. $5.25&.37Vi: rough heavy. $5.135.25; llRht. $5.1075.25; bulk of sales. $5.106.30. Sheep Receipts. 14,000; sheep and lambs, steady; good to choice wethers. $3.75 C30; fair to choice mixed. $4.S05.30; Western sheep. $5.30 C.30; native lambs, $5.507.C3; Western lambs. $0.40 7.C5. KANSAS CITY. Mo., March 23. Cattle Receipts 4200; market steady. Natlva steers. $4.2507.25; native cows and heifers. $24.S0; stockers and feeders. $34.00; bulls. $2.75 4. 15; calves. $2.50 0.50; West ern fed steers. $4.255.50; Western fed cows, $3.23 & 4.50. Hogs Receipts 8000; market 5c lower. Bulk of sales. $3.03 Q 5.23; heavy. $5.23 5.27H: packers. $5.10 5.25; pigs and light. $4.25 e2.13. Sheep Receipts 3000; market strong. Mut tons. $4.00 C; Iambs, $3.507.C0: range wethers. $3.406.50; fed ewes. $4.5065.59. SOUTH OMAHA. March 23. Cattle Re ceipts 1300. Market lower. Native steers. $3.755.C0: cows and heifers. $3g4.1C; can ners. $23; stockers and feeders. $3.75 CT 4.50; calves. $2.75 5.73; bulls, stags, etc. $2.25 4.23. Hog Receipts. 20,000. Market 5c low er; heavy. $3 S 5.03; mixed, $4.97H 95; light. $4.07Vi5.05; pigs. $4.234.75; bulk of sales. $4.07Vi5. Sheep Receipts. 500. Market steady; Western yearlings. $5.75 9 6.23: wethers. $5.255.73; ewes. $4.755.40; lambs. $0.50 07.40. j London Wool Bales Close Strong. . LONDON. March 23. The second eyries of the wool auction sales closed today. A good selection, amounting to 7000 bales, -chiefly New Zealand was offered. There was an active demand, and the highest prices of the series were realized. Slips were In better requst. When series opened, merinos were eunchacgetJ to 5c cheaper, good qualities bringing tho January rate. Later, .all grades weakened, but toward the close, under vigorous competl tlon and a distinctly stronger tone, flne-halsod Improved, and at times advanced above the January level. Medium and coarse crosnbred followed a like trend, declining 1015 per cent below the first series, while the finest grades remained about unchanged to 3 per cent lower. Keen competition near the closing of the day brought about a reaction and a general ad vance of about 5 per cent. Cape of Good Hope and Natal wool opened In buyers' favor. but recovered. Best snow whites were scarce and sold it extreme rates. The sales closed strong. Of the 165,038 bales catalogued. 84,000 were sold ts the home trade, 70,000 to the Continent, 6000 to America, and 20,009 were held "over for the third series. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. March 23. London reported an unchanged market for spot tin which re mained 1 36d 5s. while futures there wer a shade lowerat 1 34s 12d. Locally the market was nulet end trtthont mnterisi change on the average. "Quotatlbns ranged rs.TOJ.bTVjc Copper was a little easier In London, wlvh spot closing at 67 10s 6d. and futures s, Locally the market was quiet. Lake is etlll quoted 15.S7Vi815.50c. though It is ld that in some Instances these quotations can be shaded on small lots: Electrolytic held 15.230 15.37HC ana casung 14.S7V4155. Lead, unchanged, at 4.50? in the local market, and 12 8s Ui in London. Spelter, steadier, at 23 Cs In Xondcn. but weak here and closed 6$f6.loe. .Iron closed 81s fid In Glasgow, and 48s In Mlddlesbcro. Locally iron -was unchanged. No. I foundry Northern quoted $17;t0316J3; No. 2 foundry Northern, $17.30 IS: No. 1 foundry Southern , and No, 1 Xoundry Southern SOft, $U.75SlS-i5. ,. v BEAR RAID ON STOCKS WEAKER CLASS OF HOLDINGS SHAKEN OUT. Health of the Market Is Considerably Improved, and Substantial Re covery Takes Place. NEW YORK. March 23. Tho bear party fell upon the .stock market in the early deal ings today and raided prices In all directions. The result was to shake out the weaker class of holdings so effectually (bat the health qZ the market seemed considerably Improved ana mere was substantial recovery. There was a very notable revival of some of the rumors which- have figured in the speculation for the advance when the check to the decline was effected today. For the few days past the market has been en the down grade, and the interest in these rumors has grown so feeble that it would be difficult to understand the previous force they seemed to have. On the recovery today the story was heard of a coming merger of Southern Iron companies, although new auspices for the project were presented. The professional element among the oper ators eeemcd: convinced by the events of the last few days that a considerable decline In prices was before the market stilL This served to encourage the organization of the bear party and the -elaborate scale of opera tions on which they proceeded. It was be lieved from various indications and Intima tions that very extensive liquidation bad been accomplished already on the part of those who had accumulated stocks on the largest scale oa the score of merger rumors, professed expectations of dividend increases and other Influences which' had carried prices to the excessive level before the reaction. With this liquidation effected, it was assumed that the market would, no longer have tne benefit of the power of the organization cup port which had guarded it until this specu lative liquidation was concluded. The bears were therefore hopeful of Inducing selling by driving down prices. The events of the morning proved tne justice of their expectation. The extent to which the reaction had run at the low level or tne morning induced caution on the part of the bears and prompted large covering of short lines. The manner in which the rany was extended also suggested that a considerable element among the professionals had turned to the long side of the market again on the assumption ttiat the market was ripe for a further rally. The day's fluctuations were almost wooiiy due to such considerations as these and news of actual conditions bearing on values ptayea little part in the market. The assembling of the British Cabinet was made the occasion fnr ih revival of neace rumors in tne -far East. An increase in the dividend rate by one of the great foreign capper companies was a sustaining influence for Amaigamaieu Copper. Tho dose was nnn ai aooui XBonds were irregular. Total sales, $3,733,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on CH.1L STOCK QUOTATIONS. Sales. High. Low. bid. Atchison .... do preferred ....... 23,800 K bi &T 300 102 Vi 102 102. 5.200 140'5i 138 14W4 15.460 10S 107 IMS' .... - US 35.500 148Vi 149H 14hH "WOO "674 55r 37 900 41 41 40V 300 so?; bO 60 Atlantic Coast Lnle.. Baltimore & Ohio.... do preferred Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do preferred Chi. Great Western.. 4.200 23 Vi 28 SVi 1.700 23SV4 236Vi 2S7VS Chi. & Northwestern Chi., MIL & St. Paul 43.800 lbOVi 1S lSJHt Chi. Term. & Trans.. do preferred C. C. C. & St. L.... Colorado & Southern. 400 19 17? lb 3,800 35 Vi 35 35Vs isOO lOTVk 17U 17Y 1.500 23H 23 23Va do 1st preferred. ... wo w do 2d preferred..... 600 34 Delaware & Hudson. 300 101) OeL. Lack. & Weat.. ...... ..... Denver &. Rio Grande 100 33 do preferred 600 8S9i Brie 43.700 45Vi do 1st preferred.... 2.400 SOU do 2d preferred..... 2.200 07 Hocking Valley do preferred - Illinois Central 1.400 160 Iowa. Central ....... 200 27 do preferred Kan. City Southern.. Six) 28 CO 00 34 34Vs lb7Vi 188V, S3; 88 44? 71 00 Vi 33H SS 4 7y C7 to 83 1M Vi 63Vi 27 Vj 27 b do preferred aw w C3 Louisville &. Nashv.. 13.300 140Vi 130V 14U Manhattan L. 0.900 llKffi 167Vt 187. Merop. Securities ... Metropolitan SL By.. Mexican Central .... Minn. & St. Louis... M.. St. P. & S. S. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific .... Mo.. Kan. & Texas.. 13,100 S6ft b6Vs 86i 11.200 123 122 123V 6.500 24Vs W 800 117?i 117 117 600 lOCVi l3Vi 186?; -Jul iftrtv. KiMt 1MU 10.500 lOOVi 10&H 105 400 31 30 30 700 03 C4V 04 do preferred Xntlonel of Mex. nfd. 40 New York Central 63.ll0 100 158 13t N. Y.. Ont. & West.. 13.100 S9fi 57 Norfolk & Western.. 0.000 85 84 84 do nreferred .... ...... ..... ..... V2 Pennsylvania . 101.500 141 140 141 P.. C. C & St. L.... COO KVi 80 S Heading S7.100 1 92 93 do let preferred.... 400 J2 si ai do 2d tj referred. 80 Rock Island Co 21.900 33 32tf do preferred. 3,700 79 70 St. U & S. F. 2d pfd St. L. Southwestern.. 200 20 29 do preferred 1.000 04 02 Southern Pacific .... 54.100 07 03 33 78 01 25 63 06 do preferred 1.100 118 117 11 Southern Railway ... 7.500 34 33 34 do preferred 200 tf5i i Texts & Pacific 5.900 37 37 Toledo. St. L. & W. 200 38 37 do preferred 1.300 57 50 Union Pacific 25W.300 12S 127 do preferred 100 OTH 99 99 37 3a 126 Wabash 2.000 do preferred 2,000 Wheeling & L. Brie. 100 23 45 18 23 51 22 45 44 18 22 59 10 Wisconsin Central .. TOO 200 22 50 do preferred Express companl Adams American 244 100 228 22S 226 126 250 United States' Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper 85,300 Amer. Car & Foundry 5,600 7S 37 99 34. "5 To" 35 98 33 '5 "lV" 7S 37 do preferred American Cotton Oil. do preferred American Ice do preferred Amerlean Linseed Oil 1.100 400 33 SKI 100 "ioo 6 SHY. 16 do preferred American Locomotive 10,500 4 47 45 do prefered 400 118 113 IIS Amer. Em. & Refining 2S.5O0 100 do preferred 1.600 122 120 121 Amer. bugar Kenning s.vuo 131 139 141 Am. AO Da ceo pr. cert. euo iHiVi 95H 93 Anaconaa tuning w. laxi 113 ll(r?i lie Brooklyn R. Transit. 17.200 06 Co 03? 03 uoioraao t uti & iron lw. wo oTU 53 37 205 14 C3 Consolidated Gas 100 203 265 13 2U Corn Products do prrferred Distillers' Securities. General Electric ... International Paper.. do preferred" International Pump.. do preferred ....... National Lad North Amerlean Pacific Malt 2,600 14 5.700 63 3.09O 42 40 41 400 185 1S4 1S5 1.1 no 2114 21 21 33 S3 12.300 aov; asvi au 000 100 109 100 700 14Vi 4.H4 4MJ People a -Gas . . 0.700 HO?; 109 110 Pressed Steel Car.... 3,700 38 37 do preferred 100 at 93 247 247 20 19 Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred Tean. Coal & Iron... V. S. Leather.. do preferred U. S. Realty V. S. Rubber do preferred 3xo 6.000 2.800 1.000 9.000 2O0 247 78U 7 20 2 92 91 12 1 103 500 104U 104 1.800 PS 0Vi 92 ..... .IK) 41H 500 111 09.600 34 40 40U. 110 11 34 38 94 33 34 V..S. Steel.. do preferred Va.-Carollna Chemlea! do preferred ....... WcsUnghouse Elec Western Unlen 39.tV- 94 700 34 ..... 1K 400 IPO 300 92 1 IV' It 92 92 Tetal sales for tho day. 1,435,500 shares. Ex dividend. BONDS. March 23. Clotlng quota 10Utchlon Adj. 4s 9BV 103tD. & R. G. 4s. .102 101N. Y. Cenu lsts.100 104?; Nor. Pacific 3s.. 78-j 132SjNor. Pacific 4s.. 100 132iSo. Pacific 4s... asj 104IUnIon Pacific 4i.lOO 101WIs. Cent, 4s... 04 XEW YORl tiens: T2. & r-f. 2s rg. do coupon. V. S. 3s reg... de coupon. U. S. new 4s rg. do coupon. U. a old 4s reg de coupon. Stocks at London. LONDON. March 23. Consols for money. D13-1U; consols ler account. 91 3-JO. Anaconda . C (Norfolk & West. 66 Atchison 90 do preferred... 94 do preferred... 103 (Ontario "& Wert. 39 Baltimore & O.110Pennsylvanl& ... 72 Can. Pacific 131 (Reading . 48 vneo. esc y.uv. .. 00 jjj prei.... 47 C. GC Westrn. 24 do 2d pret 46 Ci M. & St. P..lS4So. Rsllwav -sr. Do Beers 17 do preferred. 7. 102 : 34 Rand Mints. 10 1 91jSo, Pacific 08 4C (Union Pacific .132 S2 do preferred.. .101 09 lU. S. Steel 33 1G1I do preferred... 96 144! Wabash 23 , 32 do preferred... 46 164 'Spanish Fours... 90 do preferred.. , Erie do 1st pref. .. . do 2d pref Illinois Central Lculs. & Nash . M.. Kas. -t Tex. N. Y. Central.. Money, Exchasgc, Etc NEW YORK. March 21 Money on call. firm. 3(3 per cent; closing bid. 3 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans easy; CO and 90 day?. 23 per cent; six month. 3. per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 3iC4 per cent. Sterling exchange weak, with actual busi ness ia bankers' bills at $4.847034.8475 for demand and at $4.S3S034.S3S3 for 60 days. Posted rates. $4.S464.S5 and. $4.8684.87. Commercial bills. $4.83. Bar silver. 57c Mexican dollars. 44c Bonds Government, steady; railroad, irreg ular. SAN FRANCISCO. March 23. Silver bars. 37C Drafts Sight. 7c; do telegraph. 10c Sterling en London. CO days. $4.S4; sight. $4.ECs. LONDON. March 23. Bar silver, dull. 26 9-164 per ounce. Money. 464 per cent. The rate of discount In the .open market for short Mils is 2 3-1682 per cent; for three months' bills. 2 3-1682 per cenu Bank Clearings. Clearings. Balances. Portland $564,840 $100,237 Seattle. 671.918 113.8S9 Tacema . 444.830 123,477 Spokane 440.S37 34.234 Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, March 23. Today's etate- rnent of the Terasury balnces In the general fund shows: Available cash balance $140,221,520 GoW 1 65.831.839 SOUTHERN WOOL ARRIVES. Definite Prices Not Yet Established at San Francisco. ' SAN FRANCISCO. March 23. (Special.) Prices were sharply reduced la the local wheat pit, following the Chicago slump,' but offerings J wete light. Spot wheat was easy, but no lower. May barleybpened at $1.1S, and had a 2c rally, as the cash market showed more strength. Oats were dull, but steady. Feed stuffs were steady. Hay was weak. About 1000 bales of Southern wool has arrived here since the season opened. Recent rains interrupted shearing and stopped shipments for a short time. No definite prices are yet established. Receipts of oranges are temporarily light. as most of the blockaded fruit has arrived. Liberal supplies of freshly picked fruit are said to be headed this way. 'Fully eight car loads are expected for tomorrow's auction sale. Sound email navels are active and firm. Much decayed stock Is offering. Lemons and grape fruit ar la ample supply for trade wants. Apples are generally dull and easy, though extra Newtown pippins from cold storage occa sionally sell above $2. Most of the potatoes here are off-grade and weak. Hardly 10 per cent of the arrivals are choice, and such utock readily commands top quotations. Stocks of onions are- moderate, but deteriorating, and causing an easy market. Fancy hard Oregon are held at $3.23. Earjy vegetables are In lighter supply and prices are steadier. Canners are the principal buyers of asparagus. Butter and eggs are In heavy supply and weak. Cheese Is steady. Receipts, 81,300 pounds butter, 83,700 pounds cheese, 51,000 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES-Garllc 8811c: green peas. 294c; string beans. 10820c; asparagus, 4Q0c; tomatoes, $1.232; egg plant, 13820c POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 16820c; roos ers. old. $5gC.50: do "young. $0.6087.50; broil ers, small. $384: large, $4.5025.60: fryers. $5.506; hens. 4387; ducks, old, $586; 69 young, $8.5087.60. CHEESD Young America, 12813c; Eastern. 1591C& BUTTER Fancy creamery. 23c: creamery seconds, 23c; fancy dairy, 23c; dairy seconds, 22c EGGS Store, 16917c; fancy ranch. 19c WOOL Lambs', 10818c HOPS 23023c per pound. HAY Wheat. $10313.50; wheat and uf $9812.50; barley. $S?10; alfalfa. $8810.60; clover, $789; stocks, $687: straw. 25850c MILLFEED Bran, "$20.50821.60; middlings, $26.50928.50. FRUIT Apples, choice, $2; do common. 75c: bananas, 75c8$3: Mexican limes, $484-50; ba nanas, 73c8$3; Mexican limes. $485; Califor nia lemons, choice, $2.60; do common, 73c: oranges, navels. 75c8$2; pineapples, $284 POTATOES Early Rose. $1.4031.65; River Burbanks, 75c8$l: sweets, 75390c; Oregon Burbanks. Sl1.33. RECEIPTS Flour. 32.600 quarter sacks; wheat, 792 centals; barley. 655 centals; oats. 2174 centals; beans, 2CS3 racks; corn. 854 centals; potatoes. 3440 sacks; middlings. 340 sacks; hay. 147 tons; wool, 13 bales; hides, 996. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. March 23. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alta $ .03Uul!a .0 Alpha Con. Justice ......... .00 Andes Beloher Best & Belcher. BuiUon Caledonia Challenge Cos. . . Chollar Confidence Con.. Cal. & Va. Crown Point. .... Exchequer - Mexican Occidental Con.. Ophlr 1.53 .90 7.00 Overman .1 49iPotosI .13 .15 .19 .10 Savage Scorpion Seg. Belcher... Sierra Nevada.. .3' OSjSIlver Hill .4'jUnlon Con .05 .01 uouia & curry. lSiUtah Con... .06 Hale & Norcross .OOlYellow Jacket... .14 NEW YORK. March 23. Closing quota tions: - - Adams con $ .20 Little Chief $ .06 Allee. 93 Ontario 3.25 Breece 23 Ophlr 6.30 Brunswick Con. . .04 Phoenix 05 Comstock Tun. . .OS Potosl 10 con.. Cal. & va. I.40isavage 12 Horn biiver i.TOisierra Nevada... .33 Iron Silver 2.73(Small Hopes 23 Leadvllla Con... .OllStandard 1.S3 BOSTON. March 23. Closing quotations Adventure $ 3..0Mohawk $ 51.50 Alloue: 22.30'Mont.-a & C-. 3.63 17.8SiO!d Dominion.. 20.00 Amalgamated. Am. Zinc... Atlantic Bingham .'. . . Cal. & Hecla. Centennial . . Copper Range Daly West... Franklin . D ran by Isle Royale. . Mass. Mining Michigan .... iw;u5ceoia .. 99.23 18-OOiParrot ... . . 27.50 .. 102.00 7.50 Otilncv 602.00Shannon . 17.00,Tamarack .. 123.00 75.2; Trinity .. 10.ia 15.00 10.00 3.63 U. S. 3Ilnlng.. U. S. Oil 24 9.50 Utah . 40.30 4.30 4.00lVictorIa 11.00 Winona 12.7; 11 Wolverine 11 LOO Dried Frnlt at New York. NEW YORK. March 23. The market for evaporated apples is firm, though actual business Is moderate, owing partly to 'scanty offcrlnga of choice and 'fancy, while holders of prime are asking prices above the views of buyers. Common. 483c; prime. 583c; choice. 030'ic; lancy, c Prunes show no Improvement on spoC with buyers taking only small lots. Quotations for California grades range from 2c to 3T:c while Oregon are held as high as 7c for the largest sixes. Apricots unchanged at 10811c for choice: HffI2c for extra choice, and 12813c for fancy. Peaches rule firm at 10310c for vchoIce; 10K10c for extra choice, and fancy. 110 12c Raisins show no Improvement on .spot, but are julte firmly held, owing to stronger ad vices from the Coast. Loose muscatels are quated 4.0c; London layers. $1.0391.25. and seeded raisings. 5CCc T Dairy Produce la the East. NEW. YORK. March 23. Butter' Very firm. Street prices, txtm creamery. 2SS2Sc; offi cial price, creamery, common to extra, 203 2Sc Chee:e and eggs unchanged. CHICAGO. March 23. On the produce ex. change today the butter market was firm; creamery. -W3-c; dairy, iQ23c Eggs, steady at mark, cases included, 16c; firsts 10c. prime firsts 17c, extras 18c Cbeete, steady to firm. 12813c New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 23. Colton futures closed within a point or two of the est net. 1 mil points mgcer. D. i R. Grandi Downing, Hopkins & Co, Established 1893 J WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Roonj 4, Ground Floor GOOD WEATHERFORCROPS BEARISH NEWS CAUSES A BAD BREAK IN WHEAT PRICES. May Option at Chicago Closes With a Loss of Nearly Two Cents Cash Markets Lower. CHICAGO, March 23. The wheat market was weak from the start. Opening trades were marked by a decline of over 2 cents In the price of the May delivery ana lc in juiy. in itial Quotations on May were off HQ2Uc at Sl.12Kei.13tt. July was down HSHe " HSKc, at 81Q91UC Heavy receipts In the North west bad much to do with the opening de clines. Lower cables were also a factor. Weather extremely favorable for the rapid growth of the new crop attracted, however. most attention. The market lacked any definite support, news from the "Winter wheat belt being of such bearish character as to dis courage the demand. The July option was under considerable selling pressure during the last part of the session, declining to 00 Vic Cash news from all markets was bearish late in the day. The market closed weak, with May lic off. at 1.12Ti. Final quotations on July were down Tide, at D0c Notwithstanding the sharp break In wheat prices, the corn market was comparatively firm. May oned unchanged to Uc lower, at 4S84SKC sold between 4SSc and 47!iirjic, and closed at the top. Weakness of wheat had a depressing effect on the cats market. May closed 303ic A large Increase In stocks, and liberal re ceipts of live hogs caused weakness In pro visions. At the close May pork was off 2Q 3c. at 112.77. Lard and ribs .were each a shade lower at $7.077.10. and S8.t7ViS8.S0. The leading futures ranged as foll'iws: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May S1.12V 51.18H ?L12 I.12:i July 81 .1U '.0i September 65 .oM9k .84?; CORN. May 43 .461 -474 July 48V1 -4S .48 .48V September ? .-tars "; OATS. May 30 Vi .SOTi .30Vi .30V4 July 20VI .30H .30VI .30 September 2s .2ai .29 . -2UVi MESS PORK. May 12.72V4 12.80 12.72 Vi 12.77VJ July 12.87V 12.02 Va 12.83 12.82 LARD. May 7.07V4 7.10 7.05 7.10 July 7.22Va 7.22Vi 7.20 7.22 SHORT RIBS. May 6.87 0.00 . 6.85 8.00 Juiy 7.Ut t-ViVi . Cash, quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Wheat-No. 2 Spring. S1.0S51.13; No. 3. ?1.02S1.12; No. 2 red. Sl-13gl.T. Corn No. 2, 47c: No. 2 yellow, 48c Oats No. 2, 30Vr: No. 2 white. 32U&33V4c; No. 3 white. 30v;e32c Rye No. 2. 7S78c Barley Good feeding, 3S340c; fair to choice malting, 43847c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1.23; "So. 1 Northwestern, fl.37. Mess pork Per barrel. $1 703 12.73. Lard Per 100 pounds. $0.97 67. Short ribs sides Looee, $6.7537. Short clear sides Boxed, S77.12. Clover-Contract grade, $13.33. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 23.700 35.100 Wheat, bushels 62.000 2S.S00 Corn, bushels ...443.400 212.200 Oats, bushels 2SL300 21D.SO0 Rye. bushels 7,800 Barley, bushels C0.S00 6.800 Grain and Produce at New York. . NEW IX) RK. March 23. Flour Receipts. 37,500 barrels; exports. 12,700 barrels; mar ket, dull and partially lower. Minnesota pat ents. S5.759&20; Minnesota bakers. $14.50; Winter patents. S5.35e5.C5; Winter straights. $5.1535.25; Winter extras. $3:5034.15; Win ter Iowsgradcd, $3.4034.05. Wheat Receipts. 40,600 bushels. Spot, steady. No. 2 red. nominal elevator: No. 2. Sl.lGS f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.21& f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, $1.08 f. o. i). afloat Affected by a steady run of bear crop and weather news, wheat slid off to the lowest point of the year on new crop months today and was also weak In May, through heavy stop lose selling. Part .of the loss was eventually regained on covering, but still the market closed HQiic net lower. May, S1.10M2. close S1.11V. July. 94tt5Kc closed 859ic: September, 87K9S8UC, closed 8Sc Hops Easy. Hides Flnn.- Wool and petroleum Quiet Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. March 23. Wheat and barley, stronger. Spot quotations: Wheat-Shipping. Sl.50ei.55: milling. $1,559 1.67?i. Barley Feed, 31.S2U61.S3U: brewing. $1.23 61.30. Oats-Tted. $1.4061.70; white. S1.4291.G0; black. Sl.3291.45. Call board sales: Wheat May. $1.44 bid. $1.45 asked; De cember, $1.27 bid. Barley May, $1.20; December, S7Vc Corn Large yellow. $1.3591.40. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, March 23. Wheat Unchanged; bluestem. 84c; club, S6c Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. March 23. Wheat May, 6s 8d; July. 6s S?W. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. March 23. Coffee futures closed steady at an advance of 10 points. Sales reported of SO. 250 bags, including -March. 6.25z; May. 6.4098.45c; July. 6.559a.60c; Sep tember, 6.6096.55c; December. 797.C5o; Feb ruary, 7.10c. Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7, 7c; mild, steady. Sugar Raw nominal; fair refining, 44c; centrifugal. 06 test. 4 27-32c; molasses sugar, 4c. Refined, dull; crushed. $5.75; powdered, J 0.15; granulated, SS.GS. . 1 Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, March 23. Wool Steady; me dium grades combing and clothing, 23325c; light fine. 18320c; heavy fine, HfJ13c; tub "washed, 30937c BURLINGTON TRAIN WRECKED Tvo Cars Leave Track, and Thirty- Three Persons Are Injured. . LINCOLN". Neb., March 23. Burlins ton train No. 4, coming: from Grand Is land to Lincoln, was wrecked In "West Lincoln today and . 33- persons more or less injured. C. E. Star bird, of Wash ington. D. C, and Charles S. Gadskili, of Alma, Neb., are badly injured, per haps fatally. Both are in a Lincoln hospital. The smoking-car and rear coach turned completely over. The en gine and baggage-car did not leave the rails. The roost severely Injured are: T. C Bell, conductor, Lincoln, badly cut about head and face; E. El Weel, Grand Island, bruised: Mrs. Amanda Dixon, Panama, contusion; W. H. Brott. Peoria, bruised and cut; J. L. Layton. Denver, bruised; O. W. Winkler, Glen wood, la., cut and bruised; C. S. Paine. Lincoln, contusion of leg; Mrs. W. M. Bobbins. Tork, bruised; Mrs. C. Van Vleet. York, scalp wound; Charles S. Gaskill. Alma. Neb., ribs broken; Addi son Walte, Syracuse. Neb., ribs broken; George Reader. Grand Island, bruised; E. Emmons, Omaha, sprained- back; C E. Chamber of Commerce Starblrd. "Washington. D. C. laceration of scalp; Mrs. P. Lang, Kentucky, ankle hurt. AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. L R Plechner. St P 1W R Spinney. N Y G G Bnrbee. "S F II I Seddon. N York G London. Havana Mrs W H Klechner. Pittsburg W H Klechner. do Countess Le Rouge. Copenhagen. Den V M Vubcnr. N T J N Wheeler and wife. Crookston, Minn T Brown, wife and daughter. Chicago (Mrs E P Gaffney. I Seattle J V RItts and daugh E T Barnes. Salem A E Hausen. Salem O T Emrlck, Clevelno S Rosenbloom. Plttsbg C A Sanford and wife. ter. Butler. Pa J M Whlted. Seattle W S Pugh. Pittsburg Mrs T J Leaner, Lan sing, iucn S L Blumauer. S F H V Reeves. N Tork M J Mulhall, N T F C Wilcox, Blng- bampton G H Clark. Lincoln, Neb T T Goodwin S Hamburger and wife. Chicago H Moss, Lancaster. Pa" W I Sutton. S F E C Cleveland. S F J A Bennett. St Joe C P Bishop. Salem M Kuhn. N York Courtney. N D S D Burge. N York A S Rowan and wife. New York W Pattle. Worcester, Mass . A L Goodwlllle, Benrl D Wilson. Kas C, Mo R Love and wife, St Louis W C Kerr, Seattle ID J Moore, Seaside JO R Hunt, Chicago C S Jones. Jfnuaaeipn C Street, Seattle F W Thompson ana wife. San Francisco J W Palmer. Seattle A J Hyley. Pittsburg W T Branch. Tacoma H S Stak. N Tork J B Hardy. St Paul J B--Bailey, Harrls- burg. Pa Mrs J B Bailey, do L Jlamondon. N Y U A Latcher, Cold- water. Mich W Berdan. Seattle IR B Colley. Seattle IL T Anderson, do I THE PERKINS. J P Anderson. TacomlB F Lauchlln. Dallev W McBratney. Idahofj B Small. Cleveland A P Baer, Annsrllle W W Larssen. spoKu Mrs Baer. do Mrs E S Collins, Os- F Mulkern. Mllwauk I trander Mrs Mulkern, do jive Anderson. Seattle G W Sherman. RosbglF D WInton. Astoria H V Bagby. P Town-R A Jayne. Sprgfleld send W A Williams, C Rck A B Christie, do Mrs R Whitney, Pen- E M Day. Belllnghm! dleton M W Gartner, Mc- IC Wllklns and three Mlnnvllla ( children. Pendleton F D McKay. City Miss E 11 Crelsoe, do A H Underwood, Al-iG M Duffoe. Seattle bany IMIss Capon. Monmth M McAlpln. do A A Jaj-ne. Hood Rlv J F Bode. Bonner MtJE Anderson. Seattle R H Owen. Or City IMrs T P Fish. Toledo E F Goodwin. Los An IL L Herztnger. H D Clark, do I Grangevllle H Turner, Salem Mrs Herzlnger. do John Fulton. Wasco iMaster Herzlnger. do David Fulton. WascolB F Owsley. Dayton Chas Levy. San FraniB F Jones. Toledo W A Lowman, Ana- rDr J A Gelsendoffer, cortes i N P Sanatorium J H Troutman. Uma-jF T Hurlburt. Shanlko tllla tA II Allen. Sand Point L A Anderson. Kans IW J Davis, do W J Breckhlll. Kans Mrs O M Kellogg. Ho L J O'Hara, Toledo J qulam. Wash R Woodard. Cascade! Mrs P E Dowdy, do Mrs Woodard. do IV E Moulton. Tacoma Master Woodard, do v THE IMPERIAL. J H Ackerman, Salem! F A Green, City A A Smith. Astoria II M Ramsey, La Grd Perry C Dennis, do S J Dennis, do E C McDougall. Seattl C J Chin and family. A D Burr. City J P Flynn. City A G Thelen. S F Mrs Thelen. do P Collins, D Moines Mrs Collins, do G C Kellogg, Jllinols Mrs J Henderson, Mt Angel Tillamook' Mrs W A Merryman. Pendleton , Mrs M M Grlswo7dy'- Salem E V. Ferguson. As tor J Schmidt. San Fran P C Anderson. Tacom H S Burrows, Grand A F Carey. Philadelp! Forks G Reed. City Miss M Stupple. Mt Angel M Saunders. S F Mrs Burrows, do J S Cooper. Indpls H F Tollver. Kas City V A Berglund. Astoria A Meyer. Pe Ell. Wn THE ST. CHARLES. D B Burkhlser. Pay ette. Idaho A McGregor. Hd Rlv G M Whltson. City F Walsh. Albany i E M Roberts. Greshm H L Slmpon. Camas! Mrs J Sweeney. Kels? R Barr. Woodland Mrs E Randall. Kelso R Smith. Chehalls iW xeou. Rainier G W Smith. NewberglJ G Perry. W Salmon T H" Parrihs, do 7. Sonnerfleld. Kings V R E Morris, Eugene Pat Burke, do C B Qulnn. do G W White, Rosebur? Bertha Slower. Okia B Wilson. Clatskanle A Harley. do IMrs Wilson, do Maggie Cade, Salem IN Johnson. Hlllsboro W F Harris. Florence C Calavan. McMInnvIl Mrs Harris, do ' P J Miller, lone Mrs D Laurint, Eagle Wm O'Connell D Sllva R V Parrott Cliff S E Tupper. Hlllsboro It F Hurn. Chehalls !h J Turner. City R Russell. TroutdalejJ G Young, St Helen3 Al Lundberg lAnurew Lewis R W Crane. Condon IW Huntington, Catlln Mrs Crane. Condon IV Carlson. Stella Miss Grelmer. CondonJ J Brain, Rainier ' L West, Scappoose F Martin, Cathlamet THE ESMOND. B II Sale. Grays RIvrlH Berger. Seattle Mrs Sale, do IMrs H Berger, do J B Wedby. sauvies Miss F Berger, do !J P McCrea. Astoria G Foster. Goble H Parmalee, Buena Vista Mrs Parmalee. do J Stephens. Glencoe Mrs Stephens, do IN Patterson. Yuba IMrs Patterson, do Miss Parmalee. do J McCreedon Haute ' Terre iH Johnson, Kalama IL Apperson. Butte (Mrs Apperson. do H Spears, Kelso J M Collins, Albany IMrs Collins, do Mrs McCreedon. do J Atkinson. Topeka Mrs Atkinson, do F C Qulnn. Qulnn N Strldell, Stella .1 s i.yon. la center D W Bush. Sllverton Mrs Bush. do F Bush, do L Bush, do G H Neville, Skamo- G W Walker. Kelso H Spears. Kelso M J Wamper. So Bend H smith. Seaside L J Gray, Woodland C P Young. Oak Point J Moore. Sauvies J JI Jones. Salem fJ B Hayes. McMinn- ville G Eleo. Astoria H WetzellA Astoria J Daly. Scappoose Mrs Daly, do Mabsl Daly, do S Johnson. Spokane Mrs Johnson, do F B Roberts. Montsno Briefer. Dnlrv IB F Allen. Grants P iP Baxter. Kelso !C N Davidson. Mayger M J -tirian, Kamier ,H Merrill, Rainier Tacnsaa Hotel. Tacoma. 'American plan. Kates. S3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. First-class restaurant In connection. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers Steamers leave Portland dally, except Sunday. 7 A. M.; arrive dally at 0 P. M. Connecting' at Lyle. Wash., with - Columbia River & Northern Ry. -o. tor uoidenaaie and Klickitat Valley points. Landing foot of Alder st. Phone Main 914. S, M'JJU.nald. Agent. For South -Eastern Alaska Carry Is K U. S. MaU and Express. ia.jc a, o, CUXiAUt. will, V A M. S. S. RAMONA. 0 A. al. IFrom Tacoma same aay. 3: A. M. and O P. M. I RAMONA March C, via Vic toria uuu UKnajr; jarwtt ta, HUMBOLDT March 10. via March 23. via vancouei- m cugway. COTTAGE C1T1C Match 2i. Vancouver Clttra All ehlps will make regular Southeastern Alaska ports of call. Above sailing dates suo itct to change without police. S. imruboiat wtu pob VANCOUVER. . CITY OF SEATTLE leaves Seattle Tuesdays. Thursdays. Sundays. 10 P. call at Everett and Belllnshaai. Returning leaves Vancouver Xloncays. wbidciuj .uu iiocj", caniag at Htaaraers connect ft San Francisco with com winy steamers fur ports la California, Mex ,nH Humboldt Bay. For furtner infom.i. Uoa obtain tolder. Right ts reserved to caanae itcjners or imubk t, TICKET OFFICES. Portland 219 Washington r: Seattle............ ....113 James Ht. and aocks Sn Francueo.... Market at. c u. vusiass?, uen. i'asi. .gt.( 10 Market sc.. San Fraccl:c. -. I TRAVELER'S GCEDX. HORpr line 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Throurh Pullman standard mil tnnHa ili)en lng-car dally to .Omaha, Chicago. Spokane: tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeplcg-car (person ally cucdcct-id) weekly to Chicago. Rcllnlng ctalr-cars tseats free) to the East dally. UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO. POKILA.Ni tl:13A.M. Dally. 3 P. M. Daily. SPECIAL, for the Ll34 via Huntington. SPOKANE FLYER ltt:15P.M. 13:00 A.M. For FSt . lVuhlnnnn w. n r litou. Cceur d'AIene and Great Northern points. ATLANTIC EXPKE&S. .,, v ,r .... . for tho .Uist via Hunt- 8-Jis K' ' lngtoa. Dally. Dally. vlUVEB SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M. 5:00 P. it, way points, connecting- Daily. Daily, wltn ateamer for Ilwa- except except co and North Baca Sunday, Sunday. steamerHasbalo, Ash- Saturday, street doak (water per.) 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore- 7rM . ,r .... goa City and XamhUl 'm,11- DaHv River points. Ash-street J- dock twaur permitting) aun ex. aun. FOR LEWT3TON. 3:40 A. M. About Idaho, and way points. Dally, 5:00 P. M. from Ripurla, Wash. ex. Sat. ex. Fri. TICKET OFFICE. Third anrt Washlnrton. Telephone Main 71Z. C W." Stlntre- City Tick- el Agent; A. L. Craig, General Passenger Agent. SAN FRANCISCO &P0RTLAND S. S. CO. Tickets on sals at 248 WASHINGTON STREET For S. S. Columbia. March 2T. April 6.' 16. 28. S. S. St. Paul. Mar. 27, Apr. 1. II. 21. May L Leaving Alnsworth Dock at 3 P. M. Through tickets to all ncinrs bevond San Francisco. J AS. IL DEWSON. Agent. Telrpbone Main 2US. EAST Via SOUTH UNION DEPOT. , Arrives. OVERLAND iiX.- PKEiiS TRAINS tor Jsalem. Kone outs, Asmand, aac roniento, ugoen. iuu SO P. M. 7J5A31 3:00 P. M, j runcuco. Jiuja vc, Lou Angelea, tA .'aso. Now Orleans .aa the Erfsu Morning uuln coc .ocls at Voodburn Jaliy except Sun y) with train lor 3:30 A. M. rount Angei, cilvcr- itun. iJiOWEJvllle. suringneia. tvesa- M;00 P. M. Albany cassenget noao a. M connects at Wood- burn with Mt. Anee. 'ud Sllverton WcuL 7:S0 A. M. 114:50. P. M. Corvallls passenger, jneridan pasbecger. 3:50 P. M. 1185 A. M. Dally. ltDally. except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVIC3 AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:30 A. M.. 1230. 2rt5. 3:35. 30. 83. 7:5. 10:10 P M. Dally, except Sunday, 0:20. 6tS9, 80. 10:23 A. iL. 4:10. 1I:3U P. M. Sunday, oalT, a A. M. Returning from Oswego arrives Portland daily S:30 A. M.. 1:33, 3:C3, 4:53, 6:15. 73. 9:53. 11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 6:23, 73, 9:30. 10:20. U:45 A. M. Except Monday. 12:23 A. M. Sunday only. 10:00 A. M Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter mediate points dally except Sunday. 4:10 P. M. Arrive Portland, 10:10 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, connecting with S. P. Co. trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. First-class fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Francisco, $20; berth, S3. Second class fare, J15; second-class berth. ?2.50. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Alia Japan; China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 71&." TIME CARD . OFTRAINS PORTLAND Decart- Arriva. Fuget Sound Limited for Tacoma, Seattle. Olympla, South Bend and Gray's Harbor points S:30am 4:45 prs Norm Coast LI ml tec for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte, fet. Paul. New York, Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00pzs 7:00 aa Twin City Express lor Xacama, Seattle, Spokane, Helena, St. Paul. Minne apolis. Chicago. New York, " .boston and all points East and Southeast 11:43 pm 7:00 pa Paget sound-Kansas City- bt. Louis Special, lor 'aacoma, Seattle, apokane, " Butte, BUUngs, Denver, 22 Omaha, Kansas City, Su Louis and all points East and Southeast.... 8:30 am 7:00 aa All trains dally,' except on South Bend branch. a D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas senger Agent. 233 Morrlsaa-dt.. corner Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Silk ff suracr lav. UNION DEPOT. . Arrives. Dally. For Maygen, Rainier. Dally. Clatskanle, Wentport, Clllton. Astoria, War-S-OO A. M. reoton. FUvel, Ham- 11:10 A. U mond Fort Stevens, Uearhart Park, Sea side. Astoria and Sea ihore. . Express Dally. 7-CO P. M Astoria Exprrsj. i 0:i0 P. it a A. STEWART. J. C. MAYO. Cornm'l Act-. 245 Alder et. G. F. & P. A Phone Main 908. City Ticket Ofnec. 122 Third St,, Phone 63 2 OVERLAND TEAINS DAILY 9 The Flyer and the iast Mali. SPLENDID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES For tickets, rates, folders and full faf formation, coll on or address II, DICKSON, City Passenger aa Tteke Agt-, 152 Third street. PortlaMc. Or. JAPAN-AMERICAIS LINE . S. S. KANAGAWA MARU For Japan. China and all Asiatic Prtc yftM . late Seattle about April SV