Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 23, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. XLV. !NO. 13,818.
Czar's Ministers Are
United for It
France Chosen as Me
dium "of Negotiation.
Russia Will Cede No Territory,
Pay No Indemnity.
Term 'Will Soon Be A6ked, Grand
Dukes and War ..and Marine
Ministers Alone In
ST. PETERSBURG. March 23.-12:33
A. 31. The party within the Govern
ment -which Is urging the Emperor to In
dicate to Japan. Russia's willingness to
end the war it a reasonable basis can be
reached, as related In these dispatches on
March 20, has been greatly encouraged the
last few days and an actual pacific pro
posal must be Just ahead. The subject
has occupied much of the attention of
the conferences at Tsarskoe-Selo.
Certain Grand Dukes, supported by
General Sakharoff, the Minister of "War;
Admiral Avcllan. the head of the Admir
alty and what is known as the war
party, are still bitterly opposed to the idea
of peace under present circumstances, but
with the exception cf the Ministers of
War and Marine, the Emperor's Minis
ters, backed by MJ'Witte. solidly favor
this course, and the convincing arguments
they offer are telling. French Influences
In the same direction are now being sup
ported by German opinion. The rumor
noted by the Associated Press last week
that Emperor "William had tendered his
good offices now seems to be confirmed.
France the Intermediary.
The Associated Press is In a position.
to assert, however, that, if Emperor
Klcholas decides to approach Japan It
will be through France, and that nego
tiations will be conducted either between
M. Delcasse, the French Foreign Minis
ter, and Dr. Montono, the Japanese Min
ister at Paris, or M. Harmanfi, the
French Minister to Japan, and Count
Katzura, the Japanese Premier at Tokio.
Tho Russian Government now feels cer
tain that Japan will not make the first
move nor disclose her position until over
tures are made authoritatively In the Em
peror's name, on the ground that he
alone Is capable of binding Russia. It Is
quite possible that Japan's attitude in this
regard has been exposed through unof
ficial attempts to ascertain terms. Japan,
it will be remembered, took the same po
sition when Herr Detrlng, the German
Commissioner of Customs at Tien Tsin.
without plenary powers, sought to .ob
tain Japan's terms for ending the Chi no
Japan eso war, declining to treat until Li
Hung Chang, accompanied by General
John W. Foster, went to Tokio clothed
with full powers.-
Hostilities Will Continue.
Furthermore, in Mew of the possibility
that no basis of agreement might result,
even should the Emperor now approach
Japan with pacific proposals. It is re
garded as entirely likely that hostilities
would continue, again following the pro
ceedings of the Chlno-Japanese war, until
negotiations ended. The Chlno-Japanese
negotiations were begun in December, and
peace was concluded In the following
April. Meanwhile the Japanese made a
winter campaign in Manchuria.
In the conferences concerning the ques
tion whether Russia should now indicate
her willingness for peace, all agree, first
ly, that preparations to continue the war
shall not be relaxed, and, secondly, to re
ject humiliating terms. There would
probably be two points on which Russia
would be found implacable, namely, ces
sion of territory and Indemnity, to nei
ther of which. It is said, would Emperor
Klcholas ever agree.
Substitutes fbr Indemnity.
It is pointed out. however, that. If
Japan seriously desires enduring peace
on collateral questions, Russia might be
ready to offer liberal compensatory con
siderations. For instance, in lieu of di
rect Indemnity, she might turn over to
Japan the proceeds of tho sale of all the
rights and property of the Port Arthur
& Dalny and the Chinese Eastern Rail
ways, and liberally pay for the mainte
nance of Russian prisoners In Japan, and.
while refusing to cede Sakhalin, might
grant rights to the fisheries there, or
even relinquish all the valuable seal fish
eries on the Commander Islands. It is
possible, also, that satisfactory arrange
ments might be made regarding Russian
naval strength in Eastern waters for a
period of years.
Its First Word Is for Peace.
The Son of the Fatherland, which has
again been revived at the expiration of
its three months' suspension, inaugu
rated its reappearance today with a plea
for peace, declaring that the Manchurlan
adventure has cost $1,000,000,000 jC$250j-
000,000 for the Chinese Eastern Rail
road: 5250,000.000 for Pert Dalny and Port
Arthur and $500.000.000for the war) point
ing out that if the money had been spent
at home it would have given approxi
mately $10,000,000 to each province for
schools, roads, sanitation " and lighting.
The paper adds;
"Contrast the two pictures and then say
whether poor, beggared Russia should
continue the war."
.Extensive Contracts to Be Let for
New Russian Navy.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 33.-02:35
A. M.) The prospects of American ship
builders having a large share in the re
building and enlargement of the Russian
navy are growing brighter. An exten
sive naval programme, which in a few
years will restore Russia to an equality
with the first-class sea powers, has been
practically completed, but has net yet
received the final assent of Emperor
The policy of the Admiralty will be to
use the rebuilding of the navy for the de
velopment of the shipbuilding Industry at
home. In order to render the country in
dependent of foreign construction in fu
ture. At the same time it is realized
that, on account of the extent of the
programme, it will be impossible to con
struct all the ships in Russia without en
tailing too much delay. All the foreign
shipbuilding Interests are enlisted in the
rival ry.
The Admiralty is inclined to show spe
cial consideration to the claims of Rus
sia's French allies, but American propo
sitions also, are regarded with fay or, and,
when the orders are distributed, Amer
ica, next to France, is likely to get the
largest share, since there is mason to
believe that American enterprise may
also undertake the construction of a
great shipbuilding plant at some port of
the Baltic or on the Gulf of Finland.
On, pcoount of anti-British sentiment,
the ftwopositlons of British shipbuilders
are receiving scant consideration.
Kaiser's Ideal of Her Is as a Peace
able "Neighbor.
BREMEN, March 22. At a hanquet in
the Town Hall tonight given in "honor of
the unveiling of a monument of Emperor
Frederick. Burgomaster Pauli made a
speech, in which he referred to the first
German fleet having been sold under the
auctioneer's hammer, and said that the
model of the Admiral's ship was In the
Bremen Town Hall.
Emperor "William replied, saying that
when he was a youth he stood by the
model and felt deeply enraged at the dis
grace done the German flag. That, per
haps, showed him how to comprehend the
task of the German empire. He had
sworn an oath of fidelity to the flag, and
that when he became the head of the
government he would "do everything pos
sible to let bayonets and cannon rest, but
to keep the bayonets sharp and the can
non ready, so -that envy and greed from
without would not disturb us in . tending
our garden or in building our 'beautiful
"I vowed," tbe Emporor continued,
never to strike for world-mastery. The
world-empire that I then dreamed of was
to create for the German empire on all
sides the most absolute confidence as a
quiet, honest and peaceable neighbor. I
have vowed that, if the time comes when
history shall speak of a German world
power or of a Hohenzollern world-power,
this should not be based upon conquest,
but come about through mutual striving
of nations after common purposes,"
The Emperor" continued:
"After much has been internally done In
a military way, the next best thing must
be the arming of ourselves at sea. Every
German battleship is a new guarantee of
the peace of the world, and the leas ready
will our foes be to attack us and the more
valuable will we become as an ally.
"Tbe duty of youth is to avoid every
discord. Give them the conviction that
God has great things in store for the Ger
man people. "We are the salt of the
earth, but must prove worthy of being 'so.
Therefore, our youth must learn to deny
themselves what is not good for them.
Then we will be regarded on all sides
with esteem and love as a . trustworthy
people. y
"With all my heart I hope that the
golden peace will continue to be preserved
for us."
The Emperor closed with hurrahs for
After the banquet Emperor William and
Prince Henry took the train for Cuxhaven,
where they were received by Herr Ballln,
director "Of the . Hamburg-American line.
The Emperor went on board the steamer
Smurthwaite Charges His Accuser
With Practice of Polygamy.
SALT LAKE CITY, March 22. Charles
A. Smurthwaite, who is in process of ex
communication from tbe Mormon Church
because of his alleged apostacy in criticis
ing the acts of President Joseph F,
Smith, as charged by his teacher. H. H.
Goddard, today filed charges with the
bishop of his ward In Ogden against
Goddard, charging the latter with living
with two wives and having children by
them, contrary to the revelation known
as the "manifesto," and contrary to the
laws of the state.
This Is the first time a direct charge
of violation of the ecclesiastical and state
laws in the matter of polygamy has ever
been preferred by a member of the
church, -and the incident is regarded as
significant, as the case, if brought to-trial
in tho bishop's court, "will force the
church to declare Its position on the
question of polygamous cohabitation.
But Appeal May Tie Up Extradition
Proceedings Indefinitely.
MONTREAL. March 21 The application
for a writ of prohibition on the ground
that Extradition Commissioner La Fon
taine was, not qualified to hear the
Gaynor-Greene case was dismissed by
Justice Davidson today and the case will
now be tried on Its merits by Judge La
Fontaine. Gaynor and Greene are want
ed by the United States Government for
alleged frauds in connection with the Im
provement of the Savannah harbor.
Attorneys for Gaynor and Greene have
intimated that they will appeal from
Judge Davidson's decision. If this is
done, it will postpone the extradition trial
,for a long time, t
No More Money for
Dredgingr"the Bar.
Engineers Will Soon Let It for
Columbia Mouth.
Construction oft Lower Lock Begins
In Early Summer No Danger
a3" Not Getting Further
ington, March 22. The work of improve
ment, at the mouth of the Columbia River
this Summer will be confined exclusively
to Jitty extension, in accordance with the
provisions of the late river aftd harbor
bill. The Chief of Engineers' will soon
award the contract for furnishing stone
for tbe jetty and as soon as possible
thereafter delivery will commence and
the Jetty will be pushed seaward.
It has been finally determined to abandon
dredging on the Columbia River bar. Ma
jor Langfitt is not impressed with what
was accomplished by the dredge Chinook
last season, and inclines to the opinion
that the money required for operating
this dredge might better be expended
on permanent work on the' Jetty. This
view is now concurred in by the depart
ment officials. "What will be done with
the Chinook has not been determined.
She may lie up at a dock or be sent to
some other locality where dredging pro
duces better results.
The Government will have to pay more
for stone this year than it did under the
former contract, but the. exact figure is
not yet known, as all data Is not now
at hand.
The engineers are not ready to com
menoe construction of the Dalles-Celllo
Canal. Major Langfitt has been directed
to, submit to the "War Department a plan
fob utilizing the $300,000 carried by the
river and harbor hill. It Is believed this
amount will be ample to construct the
first or lower lock. While there Is only
350.000 cash available, the balance of tho
$300,000 will be available within a year.
and a contract to absorb the entire
appropriation will he made when Major
Langfltfs plan is approved. He win fol
low the general plan of the Engineer
Board, but that board worked out no
details; it merely determined the route
of the canal, agreed upon its principal
features and estimated the cost of its con
It is expected that work on the canal
will begin some time early in the Sum
mer. It is the understanding of the En
gineers' office that Congress will hereaf
ter continue to make appropriations for
this canal until it is completed. Chair
man Burton admits that the appropria
tion this year commits the Government
to the project and insures Its completion
at a comparatively early date.
Cushman's Choice Wins Long Fight
for Tacoma Appointment.
ington, March 22. The President today ap
pointed Henry L. Votaw Postmaster at
Tacoma, in accordance with the promise
mado some time ago to Representative
Cushman. Postmaster Cromwell has made
a persistent fight for reappointment, but
met Cushman's opposition, which proved
strong enough to defeat him.
Wickers tarn Holds on Till Fall.
ington. March 22. The reappointment to
day of Judge James Wickers ham to his
place in Alaska means that he will hold
onto his job throughout the Summer and
until Congress meets next Fall. His no ml
nation will again be sent to the Senate In
December. He will then be summoned to
Washington to explain the charges that
are lodged against him, and his fate will
be determined In accordance with his ex
planations. If he can successfully com
bat the charges he will be confirmed, oth
erwise the Senate will reject his nomina
tion and the President will appoint some
other man.
Notes of Northwestern Affairs.
ington, March 22. Senator Dubois of Ida
ho has accepted the invitation of Sec
retary Taft to join his' party -going to
the Philippines this Summer. Mrs. Du
bois will also be of the party.
Charles O. Worley, an employe of the
Coeur d'Alene Indian reservation in Idaho,
will be placed in charge of that reserva
tion when It Ls segregated from the Col
vilie reservation In Washington In ac
cordance with the recent act of Congress.
New York Board of Trade Adopts
Draft of Bill. .
NEW TORK. March 22. Plans for the
correction of the rebate and unlawful dls
crimination evil on tho part of trans
portation companies by the Interstate
Commerce Commission were outlined in a
report submitted today to the New Tork
Board of Trade and Transportation by
the board's committee on railway trans
portation, and adopted.
The plans of the proposed law contain
a suggestion that, whenever the Inter?
state Commerce Commission shall, after
full hearing, ascertain that an unlaw
ful rebate is being given . or discriminat
ing rate lower than the published tariff
has been made or charged by any com
mon carrier, the lower rate shall be held
to be a new and reasonable rate, and
shall take effect and become operative
Immediately, and shall he substituted tor
the rate complained against.
The plan also provides that, whenever
a complaint shall relate to any regulation
or practice affecting the transportation
of persons or property and the commis
sion finds such regulation or practice to
be unreasonable, the commission shall
order what shall be a just and reasonable
practice or regulation to be followed In
the future.
Tho report also provides that the
owner or. operator of private freight cars
shall be regarded as a common carrier
and subject to the provisions of the pro
posed law.
Powder at Princeton, Ind., Spreads
Death Among Miners. -
PRINCETON, Ind.. March 22. Six min
ers were killed and four Injured, two
probably fatally, by -an explosion' in the
mine of tho Princeton Coal Company this
The dead: Hudson Weatherly, Edmund
Gelser. Albert Gclser,- Harry Taggart,
William Biggs, George Dill.
The injured: John Dill, seriously
burned and will probably die; William
Jones, seriously burned, will probably die;
Joseph Ward, will recover; penerai uoie,
will recover.
The cause of the disaster is not known.
save that it resulted from a powder ex
plosion. The miners were making their
blasts previous to leaving the mine, and
the- greater part or. tne miners naa as
No American Syrians Expelled.
WASHINGTON, March 23. In answor
to an inquiry from the State Depart
ment. Minister Powell has cabled from
Port au Prince, that Syrians who have,
by naturalization, acquired American clti
senshlp. are not subject to expulsion from
Haytl under the decree Just promulgated
ordering the deportation of Syrians irom
the republic. The State Department
made this inquiry following an appeal
made to it by a delegation of Syrians
who, sought to prevent the execution of
the decree, but, as it appears that no
American citizens are involved, the De
partment has been obliged to Inform the
Legation that It cannot Interfere. Some
time ago Minister Powell found Srnum
ber of Syrians in Haytl in possession of
fraudulent American naturalization pa
pers. He promptly reported the fact to
the Haytlen government, which imme
diately took up the papers and these men
were expelled with the other Syrians.
General Bliss Ordered to Islands.
WASHINGTON. March 22. Brigadier
General Taeker H. Bliss, now with the
General Staff, and president of the War
College, has been ordered to the Philip
pines. He will leave the United States
about July 1, sailing on the same vessel
with Secretary Taft. It Is expected that
General Bliss will take command of one
of the departments in the Philippines.
Change of Attaches to Japan.
WASHINGTON, March 22. The Jap
anese Government has been asked to
allow Major Edward tJ. McClernand to
take the place of. Colonel E. H. Crow
der as United States military observer
with the Japanese army. Colonel
Crowder ls suffering from 111 health.
and it ls necessary for him to return
The Weather.
TODAY'S Occasional nUn; southerly winds.
TESTE RD AT S Maximum temperature. S3
dc; minimum, 40. Precipitation, 0.24
Tka War la the Tar Xat.
RunUn ministers almost unanimously agree
to ask terms of peace. Page 1.
Russian army occupies new line of defense.
Pace 2.
Japanese armies advance on flanks, but cen
tral arxnr rests. Page 2.
New army to be rushed forward by Russia
with Grand Duke Nicholas In command.
Page 2.
Americans .will get contract -for rebuilding
part of Russian navy. Page 2.
Balfonr dodges defeat on fiscal Issue by not
letting his party vote. Page 3.
Queen Alexandra, given ovatfon at Usbon.
Page 3.
Kaiser proclaims German policy of peace.
Page 1.
Kossuth party decides to obstruct Hungarian
government. Page 3.
Nobles demand peace and prompt call of
national assembly. Page 1.
Peasants burn and loot estates ot land
owners. Page.l.
Government decides to allow teaching of
Polish' language. -Page 1.
Inaction on Dominican treaty causes danger
ot revolution and foreign Intervention.
Page 1.
Secretary Hay will not resume office and -has
tendered resignation. Page 1.
Cacal Commissioners say they afe not get
ting a square deal. Page 1.
Ptfoi fcr beginning work on Columbia Jetty
and Celllo Canal. Page 1.
Startling testimony against Supreme Judge
Hooker of New Tork. Page 5.
Ylce-PresMent Fairbanks boomed for Presi
dent in tbe Booth. Page 5.
Dora ce tic.
Witnesses testify before beef trust grand Jury
with great secrecy. Page 3.
Several staiee Join In campaign against
Standard Oil Company., Page 3.
Great flood In tbe Ohio River. Page 1.
Rudolph Spreckels sued by Austrian doctor
for his zee. Page 3. ,
PacMo Ceost.
Fourteenth Infantry coming directly to
Portland from uo FUUppines. Pare 4.
Northern, Pacify): survey parties are working
In Umatilla County. Page 4.
King County pioneer sues from grave for
revocation of divorce. Page 4.
Willamette "Valley Development' league will
be organized at Salem today. Page "4.
Commercial aad Maria r.
"Weekly review of local produce and jobbing
markets. Page is.
Stock prices suffer from lack of demand.
Page 13.
'Chicago wheat lower on good crop- reports.
Page 13.
i!ot of oats taken to San Francisco on
Olympla will go to Orient. Page 13.
Steamship Arabia, arrives after rough voy
age with late news from Orient. Page 6.
Attempt to float steamer Elder falls. Page5.
Automobile entbuslaats meet to form club.
Page 9.
rrtiad asd Yidatty.
Revivalists open great religious campaign in
Portland Page S.
Oregon Development League work will not
be checked. Page 10. -Site
selected and ground broken for T. W.
C. A. building at Fair grounds. Page 12.
Judge Hqgue advocates new ordinance re
garding closing oC saloons. Page 12.
"William Bowes, who escaped from County
Jail, recaptured near Scappoose. Page 8.
Scandal may result from building of First-
street bridge. Page 14.
Democrats dodge about in effort tp decide- oa
Caaamaie asa piauorsa. . x-age a. - -
Can Never Return ta
Official Duty.
With Broken Health, He Made
Sacrifice to Duty,
Letters to Friends Hold Out No Hope
That the Great Secretary of
State Will Resume the
' Portfolio.
CHICAGO, March "22. (Special.)
Private advices received In Chicago
from friends of Secretary of State John
Hay indicate more fully than recent
press dispatches that the distinguished
American, now on his way to Europe,
has no expectation of ever resuming
his official duties and that he feels
his physical condition to be quite seri
ous. Three personal letters to Chl-
cagoans, one from the Secretary him
self and two from close personal
friends of his, "show this.
T need a long, long rest," he nim
self wrote to an old-timo acquaintance
here, "and I must have it, even at the
cost of many ambitions for the work I
have under way. I am very tired and
not well, "the springs of youth are not
what they were. Some one else must
go on with what has been started dur
ing my time here."
In tbe other two letters these sen
tences occur:
"The Secretary is really weaker phys
ically than he thinks. He has waited
too long to take his rest, but, of course,
has held himself to the task through
the Importance or the questions before
him and his extraordinary eense of
duty toward the Government - Ha has
Immolated him elf for 'duty, and we all
feel "keenly the painfully evident
break in, his vitality.1
Resignation Offeree!, Not'Accepted.
Lacking- the brilliancy of Mr. Blaine
in some respects,' more conservative
and with, a wider knowledge of foreign
affairs in other ways, John Hay, In
handing his resignation to President
Roosevelt before his departure (It was
not accepted), left tho State Depart
ment probably the most widely re
spected man of that office in the -last
4Q years.
As years -go in the present century.
he Is not an old man, having been born
In Salem, Ind., in 1838, and graduating
from Brown University 20 years later
to become a lawyer in Springfield of
this state, where he made the acquain
tance of Lincoln.
In the early days at Springfield "Mr.
Hay showed' a capacity to turn his
hand to most anything. He was nerv
ous and versatile, a rhymester, a
prose-writer, fond of "Western life and
spirit, companionable to a high degree.
Career In War and DIpfomacy.
Lincoln quite evidently took his
measure that way, for he removed him
to Washington to be his secretary.
with John NIcolay, a position he held
frcm 1861 to 1865, except for a. brief
period spent in the Army under Gen
erals Hunter and Gllmore. where he
attained to tho rank of Major and re
celved the brevet of ColoneL After the
war he wa3 a newspaper editor, at
tached to American legations abroad
and in political life.
His present term of office began in
1897, when President McKinley made
him his chief adviser on foreign rela
tions. His administration of tbe office
has been distinguished by candor. He
has had no sympathy with the old
school, which believed that a diplomat
could sometimes tell the truth with
safety because no one would believe
Canal Commissioners' Heads Will Go
' Off Under Protest.
"WASHINGTON, D. C, March 22. (Spe
cial.) The President and Secretary of
War Taft are conferring tonight on pro
posed changes in the personnel of the
Isthmian Canal Commission. It is thought
that an announcement of the removal of
the present members and the appoint
ment of their successors may be made
Chairman Walker and the members of
the commission have practically decided
that they will not tender their resigns
tions until requested to do so by the Pres
ident. They feel keenly' the fact that
during the recent criticism of their man
agement of affairs they have not been
requested by the President to present
their side of the case. Their friends de
clare that snap Judgment Is being taken
and they are quoting against the Presi
dent his famous motto: "A square deal
for 'every man; no- more and no less."
Presfdent Grants Commission to
Lieutenant of Philippine Scouts.
WASHINGTON, March 22. The Presi
dent has appointed Sergeant George 3.
Thompson, of the Twenty-fifth Infantry.
to be a .Second Lieutenant In the Philip
pine Scouts, thus adding one more negro
to the command force of the Army.
- Lieutenant .Thompson was appointed oa
his: merits, paving received high com
mendation for heroism and efideney dur
ing the Insurrection In tho- Philippines.
He is,one of the crack shots- In tho Army
and Jias received several medals for rifle
and' pistol snooting. He is now stationed
with his regiment at Fort Niobrara, Is en.
Polygamy Practiced In Hawaii.
WASHINGTON. March '22. Although
the officials of the Department of Jus
tice are noncommittal on the subject, it
is known that reports have reached the
Department that polygamy Is being prac
ticed In some parts of the Hawaiian Isl
ands, and United States Attorney B reck
ons, at Honolulu, has been Instructed to
makean Investigation of the subject.
President's Family Going Yachting.
WASHINGTON, March 22. The Pres
ident's yacht Sylph has been ordered
from Washington to Jacksonville. Fla.
The order came from the White House
and it is supposed the boat will be used
by some members of the Presldent'3
family for a cruise In Southern waters.
Secretary Morton Goes to San Juan.
WASHINGTON, March 22. Secretary
Morton. Just before leaving for
Charleston, made a. change in his itin
erary. Instead of going first to Ha
vana, he went to San Juan, which
place was not Included in the original
They Want Reforms, but First of Ali
Demand Peace.
MOSCOW. March 22. At a conference
summoned by the Moscow nobility, meet
ing here tomorrow, the representative of
the Bessarablan nobility will present reo-.
olutions adopted by that association urg
ing that the conference declare Itself i
First For speedy termination of the
war.- ,
Second For the right of nobility, Zemst-
vos -ind other local organizations to a
voice in measures for local safety and
for quieting the peasant and other dis
orders, i
Third For no Interference with the
working of Interior Minister Soullgan's
commission, in the interest of perfect
freedom of opinion.
Fourth For representation by nine
members on the commission, three each
representing the nobility, the Zemstvos
and the cities.
The Bessarablans also demand a speedy
summoning of the commission. ,
The indications are that the final rec
ommendations will find special favor with
the conference, and that Minister Bouli
gan will be petitioned to announce the
composition of the commission and begin
work immediately, in order to avoid fur
ther delay In working out the reforms
contemplated in the imperial rescript of
March 3.
Committee of Ministers Votes to Al
low Teaching of Polish.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 22. Tbe
abandonment of the compulsory use of the
Russian language, and prohibition of in
struction lit Polish In the schools of
Poland, one of the main features of the
governments Polish policy for the last
30 years, was reached at a special meet
ing of the committee of ministers- yester
day, a large majority, beaded, by Prcsl
dent Wltte, .favoring a. discontinuance of
the attempt to Russify Poland by this
method, and asking- the Minister of Edu
cation. M Glosoff. to submit a plan
whereby instruction may be conducted
in Polish and the native language be
made one of the principal subjects of
study, instead of requiring Polish to be
studied from Russian text-books, as at
It was pointed out that this measure
accentuated, Instead of healed the breach
between the two nationalities.
Another meeting of the ministers, held
at the office of Minister of Agriculture
Termoloff, under whose supervision are
the higher educational instructions, de
cided that it was inadvisable to attempt
to resume werk at the universities and
other closed 'places of instruction until
September 14.
Widespread Outbreak of Rebellion In
, Rural Russia.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 23. In con
nection with, the peasant revolt there
have been 500 arrests in the Dvinsk dis
trict, where besides sacking and burn
ing property and compelling the owners
to seek refuge in the towns, the rioters
are killing cattle and felling trees.
In the Kleff district it Is reported
that forged documents have reached- the
local authorities ordering the sale of
state lands to peasants at absurdly low
prices. These documents are believed to
have been circulated by revolutionists in
order to promote a revolt of peasants.
The employes on 20 estates in the Ll-
bau district have gone on strike.
Count Klelnmichel's estates at Gomel
have been devastated and plundered.
Troops have been sent there to suppress
the outbreak.
Notices have been posted In the Baltic
shipyards and the state cartridge fac
tories inviting the strikers to -resume
work and appealing to the men's good
sense of the necessity for executing or
ders for the army and navy. A con
cession of ten hours a day arid eight
hours for night has been offered.
Liberals Grow Impatient at Lack of.
Progress by Ministers.
ST. PETERSBURG. March 22. The lm
patience at the delay In the realization
of all the projected reforms ls having
an exceedingly bad effect. The endless
commission work is making little prog
ress. It is now announced the Kobeko
Press Commission will not finish its la
bors until Fall, and M. Bouligan's rescript
commission has not even organized, al
though it ls announced that something
will be done at the meeting of the Com
mittee of Ministers on Friday. The Lib
erals are acting In unison, demanding
that half the members of the commission
shall be representatives of the Zemstvo.
Domas and Frogresslonal bodies, and
these demands are being supported by
the adoption of resolutions over the em
Soldiers Shoot Them Down After
Outbreak "in Poland.
WARSAW, March 22. Serious agrarian
disturbances occurred today at Kulno. It
is reported that the military fired on pea
sant rioters, and that several of the lat
ter were killed or wounded. The Gov
ernor of Warsaw, with the public prose
cutor, has gone to Investigate the affair.
Will End School Strike.
WARSAW. March 2 (11:30 P. M.)-A
private telegram received from St. Peters
burg today announcing the attitude of the
committee of Ministers regarding the use
of the Polish language in the schools Is
received here with the liveliest satisfac
tkra. The school strike will probably be
syeeuHy ( ended.
Storm Is Brewing Over
Santo Domingo.
Revolution Also Imminent
Against Morales.
Belgium Has Already Made Demand
and Morales Expects Others to
Follow American Con
trol His Only Hope.
SANTO DOMINGO, March 22. The news v
of the postponement by the United States
Senate of a.-tion on the treaty with Santo
Domingo makes the situation here acute.
and an Internal uprising seems to be Im
minent, based on the cry that President'
Morales has been discredited in the Uni
ted States. President Morales states that
he is prepared to put down any revolu
tion, but that a more serious matter, in
his mind, ls foreign complications grow
ing out of Belgium's pressing demand pre
sented on March 21.
Belgium wants the customs receipts of
a port of Santo Domingo to the extent of
$25,883 a month, according to a former
agreement on which no payment has
been made for three years.
American Control or Ruin.
This first demand is construed as a
direct result of the failure of the treaty
between the United States and Santo
Domingo. President Morales anticipates
similar demands by other foreign powers,
which he will be helpless to resist- He
says he wants to pay all the republic's,
debts, but sees the ruin of the country
with every port in tho hands of different
foreign powers and no revenue for the
government. While he 'sees no light
ahead, he has blind faith that "right "will
triumph." In the course of an interview
with the Associated Press he said today;
"It 13 entirely possible that the United
States mar have to send an- ultimatum
here on account of the Dominican govern-
ment being unable, though not unwilling
to meet Its obligations. It is utterly im
possible for the government to pay the
sums due foreign governments unless the
United States pn procure from foreign
powers a postponement of their demands.
Otherwise, those demands will be pressed.
I have no moral or physical force to re
sist them. With the custom-houses in the
control of the United States the resources
of the island will develop speedily, and
all demands will be paid, with the result
that the country will be educated to
peace and permanent prosperity.?
Expect Foreign Grab Game.
With two Dominican ports now in the
hands of the United States and the fail
ure of the treaty, Dominicans believe
that a grab game by foreign powers will
begin at once. An Italian cruiser was
here a few days ago, but withdrew to
Kingston. The American gunboat Castlno
is here with 150 menr the cruiser Chat
tanooga ls at Samana Bay; the Detroit
ls at Puerto Plata, and the Dixie is at
Monte Chris tl. K ear-Adm lr al Sigsbee.has
gone to Guantanamo for a consultation
with Rear-Admiral Barker.
With" the seizure ot Dominican ports
by foreign powers, It is argued here that
the Monroe doctrine will be nullified as ,
regards this republic With the United
States in possession of two ports, It
would not be logical to oppose the seizure
of other ports by foreign powers. At the
same time the only hope of President
Morales ls that In some way the United
States can secure a postponement of
seizure by European powers. No steps
to this end have been initiated here. No
reply has yet been made to the Belgian
No Money to Pay His Army.
President Morales has about 1200 men
under arms ready to crush the first up-
arising, but, should the custom-houses be
seizea, ne speeauy wotuu ub wiuiuui. iiuaa
with which topay his army, which wouldw
immediately desert.
The United States transport Sumner haa
gone to Kingston, Jamaica.
- Italian Warship Leavs Island.
NEW "ZiXEtK, March 22. The Italian
warship Calabria, has sailed for Kingston.
Jamaica, cables the Herald's correspond
ent at Santo Domingo. Her Itinerary to
Havana and La. Guayra has been altered
because of an unexpected cable dispatch
from Rome, and her trip to Kingston is
presumably taken because Jamaica Is
Mrs. Chadwick Promises Revelations
in Bankruptcy Case Today. .
CLEVELAND, March 22. Mrs. Cassia
Chadwick stated tonight that she would
go on the witness stand- in the bank
ruptcy proceedings against her tomor
row and make known all the facts in her
possession that will aid her. creditors.
Some of her disclosures, she says', may
not be pleasant, but she will not say
anything that cannot be backed up by
documentary evidence.
Sons of Soldiers Made Cadets.
WASHINGTON. March 22. The Presi
dent has designated principals and alternates-
for examinations for admission to
the "United States Military Academy in
1SC6L Among the principals are Thomas
Jackson Christian, a grandson of General
Stonewall Jackson; Burton Toung Reed,
a grandson of Lieutenant-General S. B.
M. Young; Charles Walter Rowell, grand
son of the late Major-General Frank
Whcaton. All the nominees are sons of