Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 22, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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vBritt's Condition for Fight
With Nelson.
Manager of the Aspirant Says Willie
Britt Came Out With a Cold
Blooded Demand That
His Brother Win.
(Special.) Billy Nolan, Battling Nelson's
manager, today made a statement -which
will set the pugilistic -world afilre, as it
casts a cloud upon .Jhe squareness and
fighting ability of Jimmy Britt, leather
weight and lightweight champion.
Nolan says that it is not because Britt
wishes to fight for the international cham
pionship that, he is sidestepping Nelson,
but simply because the latter refuses to
lay down to him. Nolan does not beat
around the bush, but comes right out
with the statement that Britt attempted
to frame a match up so that Jimmy could
not lose. In other -words. Nelson -was to
quit and Britt -was to be hailed as un
conquerable champion. When Nelson ab
solutely refused to be party to any such
crooked scheme Britt declined to post any
forfeits or sign articles for a match.
"It is not a bonus mat is standing in
the way of tho Nelson-Britt fight," said
Nolan, "but it is for no other reason
than that the Battling Dane declines to
lay down to Britt. Before forfeits -were
posted and prior to the terms of agree
ment being talked over, "Willie Britt, act
ing for his brother, came to me and said:
" "You know. Billy, this match -will
have to he fixed up for us before -we sign
anv articles. Jimmy can'.t afford to take
any chances, and Nelson -will have to
agree to quite or else there will not be
any fight as far as the Brltts are. con
cerned. "This line of talk staggered me, and I
told Willie that there -would be no such
arrangement entered into as long as I
managed Nelson, and if Britt -wanted to
fight Nelson he would have to go in and
win or lose on his merits. As soon as
Britt saw that he could not induce us
to cook the fight up so that no 'Britt
gravy' would be spilled, they refused to
post forfeits, and the International match
with Jabez White began to assume a
businesslike look.
"If Jimmy Britt wants to show the
Vpublic that he is a bona fide champion
lot him come forward and agree to fight
Nplson on the sou are. We do not "want
any the best of it: all -we ask for is an
even break, as both Nelson and myself
feel positive that Britt would not last 20
rounds in the next fight, provided the
referee allowed the men to fight strictly
according to rules."
Nelson has added Jo tho charges of his
manager. They have set local sporting
circles aflame. Britt has entered a gen
eral denial, but sticks to his plan to meet
White.- It is considered here that the
only answer to Nolan's charges can be
an agreement to fight.
Rules Made to -Govern the League
' Are Announced,
.afenhfr segregation of the M. A. A. C's
baseball aspirants into tho teams com
prising the club's four-team league, as
Just completed, follows:
Wbitoomb'e Jackrabblto Brown, Blsaillon.
"Whltoomb. Holman. Gersaner. Houston, Hard
er, Dougl&tv Sheridan.
Trimble Irish, Giants Holmes. McGulre.
Slnnott. Banks. H. Gearin, Harry IJtt. Caha
lln. Trimble, "Watting, "VV. 'Gearin, Keller.
McAlpln'e High Balta Honeyman, McMlllen,
Zan, West, Steadman, Arnold. Xombard, E. G.
Starr, rr. Zan, O'Shea, Dolph, Irwin, S, Hol
brook." Eastman's Little Potatoes W. Honyman,
Tlbbltts. Parrott, Van Deleur, Eastman, Mur
phy, Dunne, Reed. Stockton, Roes, McCraken,
The following rules have been made to
govern the league:
Losing teams may draft from club numbers.
but not & first-team pitcher or -catcher.
First-team pitcher or catcher not allowed to
play their positions oa any team.
No player to play on any but the team to
which he belongs. f
Games postponed on account of ruin or other
wise Khali b played off after the regular
schedule is completed.
All disputes shall be submitted to a commit
tee composed of the managers of the different
Even team shall pay the treasurer, before
any game Is played, (11.25, which. sballjbo
disbursed by him for baseballs, other necessa
ries and medals.
A schedule has been arranged as fol
lows: March 2510 A. M., Little Potatoes vs. Jack
rabbits; 11:16 A. M,, Irish Giant vs. 'High
April 210 A. IE., Little Potatoes va. High
Balls; 11:15 A. M., "Jackrabblts vs. Irish Giants.
April 910 A. M.. Little Potatoes ts. Irish
Giants; 11:15 A. IS.., JackrabblU vs. High
April 1610 A. iL, Little Potatoes vs. Jack,
April 2310 A. iL. Irish Glints va. High
Balls. '
April 30-10 A M.. Utile Potatoes vs. High
May 710 A. iL. Jackrabblta vs. Iri-sb Gtenw.
May 1 10 A. M., Little Potatoes vs. Irian
May 2110 A. iL, JackrabblU vs. High Balls.
Fell and It Was
MIsty'e Pride.
Easy for
Watson, the favorite, won the first race
by a head from Yolo Girl, a 100 to 1
shot. Sun Rose was the cause of a big
upset in the second. He closed at 25,
but one time as good as 100 could be had
on him. . The fourth proved disastrous
for the backers of Letola. At the post
the daughter of Star stumbled In a hole,
fell, throwing her jockey, but he escaped
without injury. With letola out of the
way. Misty's Pride took the lead and
made every post a winning one, -winning
easily. Weather clear; track good. Sum
mary: Four-and a half furlongs Iron Watson won,
Tolo Girl second, Avon Ella third; time, 0:5634.
Five furlongs Sun Rose won. Gloomy Gus
second. Velna third; time. 1:02?.
Six furlongs Tarn o'Shanter won, Toto Gra
tiot second, Edlnbo rough third; time. 1:17U.
Futurity course Misty's Pride won, Andrew
B. Cook second. Cigar Lighter third; time,
One mile War Times won. Profitable second.
Lady Faehlon third; time, 1:44.
Mile and 50 yards Andrew Mack won. Sou
friere second, Ethel Abbott third; time, 1:454.
New Orleans Results.
NEW ORLEANS, March 2L Fair
Ground results:
Jive .furlongs Lady Mercury won. Go to
Win second. Alice Lloyd third; time.
. Mile and a quarter Lee King won. George
Vivian second. Main Spring third; time,
Six furlongs Avoid won. Sir Carter second.
Geld Spink third; time. 1-.1G3-5.
MUc Careless wen. Spencerlan second.
Katle'Towers third; time. 1:413-5.
Seven - furlongs Hoceo won. Lady Bellalr
second. Meteoric third: ilmo. 1:30 2-3.
Cii furlongs Duke of Krudall won. Mayor
Johnson recond. Jake Sander third; time...
1:14 1-5.
Six furlongs Onyx . won. Missile second.
Flora Levy third: time, 1:16 4-5.
Hot Springs Races.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark.. 'March 2L-Oak
Lawn results:
Four furlongs Pretty Girl won. Osslneke sec
ond. Galmeda third; time, 0:49 3-5.
Five furlongs BeUlgerenr won, Angelita tec-
ond. Mirthless third; time. 1:01 1-5.
Six furlongs Klldoe won. Jigger second, Joe
Goso third; time, 1:15.
Mile and a sixteenth, handicap King Ells
worth won. Jack Toung second, Priority third;
ume, i:s.
One mile Cornwall won, Dollnda second, Tole
third; time. 1:414-5.
Winners at Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 21. Ascot
Mile Prince Palatine won. Miss May Bew
dlsh second. Holly Berry third; time, 1:424.
Four furlongs Neatness won. El Dlnero
second. Prince of Coins third; time, :48j.
Five and a half furlongs Americano won.
The Lady Rohesla second, Lare&tea third;
time. 1:07.
Free handicap, mile Fonc&sta won, Lus
tlg second. El Otros third; time. 1:40.
Mile and an eighth Briar Thorpe won,
Tryon second, Dungannon third; time,
Will Heer Leads In Target-Shooting.
OMAHA, March 21. In the second day's
card of 12 events of the Interstate tourna
ment, held on the grounds of the Omaha
Gun Club, 64 shooters participated. Among
the profesonals shooting at 200 targets.
Will Heer, of Concordia, Kan., was high
man, with 193; Fred Gilbert, of Spirit
Lake, la., and W. H. Crosby, of O'Fallon,
I1L, tied for second place, with 18J.
Will Form Automobile Club.
An automobile club will be organized
this evening at a meeting called for 8
o'clock in the Commercial Club. The
automoblllsts -will band together for the
general purpose of promoting good road
building, heading off adverse legislation,
and because they have In common an In
terest. Officers will probably be chosen
at some future meeting, the date for
which will be set at t6n!ght's meeting.
Anti-Pool Bill Signed.
JEFFERSON CITY;, Mo.. March 21.
Governor Folk today signed the Godfrey
bill passed by the Legislature, making
pool-selling and book-making a felony in
Missouri. The law becomes effective on
June IS.
Services for the Late John Talbot
Will Take Place Today.
Funeral services over the body of John
W. Talbot, a river man, will be held to
day at 3 o'clock in Finleys undertaking
John Talbot.
establishment by the local lodge of Elks.
"Jack" Talbot, as his many friends on
both banks of the Columbia knew him,
had traveled on almost every river boat,
having been of late purser on the White
Collar line. He died at his home, 7G5
Qulmby street, Sunday. The body -will
be shipped to Indianapolis for burlaL
What the Press Agents Say.
"The Moonshiner's Daughter."
There are probably a great number of
people -who have read of the moonshin
ers, but have never seen one and only
Icnow of him In the abstract. There Is
now an opportunity to see the moonshiner
as he really Is, at the Empire Theater,
where ' a sensational melodrama entitled
"The Moonshiner's Daughter" is now be
ing played. Two large audiences greeted
the play . Sunday afternoon and evening
and. Judging by the manner in -which
the company and play "were received, the
engagement ought to be a highly success
ful one. The-piece Is booked for the en-
tire week.
"Thelma" at the Columbia.
Marie Corelli's beautiful love play Is
the Columbia Stock Company's fare
well offering this week, and is draw
ing crowded houses at every perform
ance. Hundreds' of friends and ardent
admirers of this splendid company are
openly expressing their sincere regret
at the loss Portland will sustain when
it is gone. The last performance of
"Thelma" Sunday night. Matinee Sat
urday and Sunday.
Harry Beresford Coming.
That genuine comedy, "Our New Man,"
from the prolific pen of Charles T. Vin
cent, who is responsible for many laugh
producers, will be seen at the Marquam
Grand Theater next Monday evnlng.
March 27. with Harry Beresford as the
star of the performance. We are told
that he is a comedian of quiet methods,
of an oddly grotesque personality and to
possess the happy faculty of telling his
lines pantomimlcally as comprehensively
as if he spoke them. This Vincent play
Is a comedy farce pure and simple, and
delightfully diversified with many com
plications of a ludicrous and mirth-provoking
nature. It will be costumed most
excellently and cast with a company of
players that will do full Justice to its
exhilarating lines. t Advanced sale will
open next Friday morning.
Pollard Juveniles Coming.
The famous Pollard Juvenile Opera
Company, with a number of new children,
together with Daphne and several of the
old favorites, will berin an engagement
of two weeks at the Marquam Grand The
ater, beginning Tuesday evening, March 2S.
Froslnl at the Star.
Froslni. the headllner at the Star The
ater, is a musical genius who makes mel
ody flow from an accord eon. This, talent
ed man, late of the Conservator' of Mu
sic, Milan, raises this humble Instrument
to the dignity of a sonorous pipe organ.
To hear him play the overture from "The
Poet and the Peasant" is a delight to tho
critical jnurfc-lover as well as those whose
ears are trained only to lovo melody. All
the other acta are of the highest class.
Importers Anticipate Advance
in Tariff.
Orders Are for April and May De
liveryPrices Still an Obstacle
to Heavy Trading Gale at
Mouth of Columbia.
Shipping men look for a good increase
In flour exports to Japan ih the next two
months. A number of large orders have
been received In the past few days for
April and May delivery and from the in
quiries at hand It is believed that the
buying for several weeks will be heavy.
The revival in tho demand is due to the
advance in the Japanese tariff -which will
go Into effect on July L The advance is
understood here to be 15 cents gold per
barrel, and It Is to get In under It that
the importers of Yokohama and Kobe
have begun placing their orders in this
city. The last time the Japanese govern
ment advanced the duty on flour they put
it up 17 certs a barrel and tho export
business swelled to such large proportions
that the steamship company was hardly
able to take care of the offerings.
The movement is not expected to be so
heavy this time, but it will certainly as
sure full cargoes for the Portland line,
inasmuch as the steamers have been car-
rylng out an average of 60,000 barrels
on each trip during what was considered
the dull season.
A large proportion of tho flour shipped
westward of late has gone to Hong Kong,
the Japanese buying being of a hand-to-mouth
character. The backwardness of
the Japanese has been due in part to the
uncertainty as to the length of the war,
but more on account of the 'difference of
opinion as to values. It Is conceded that
if the Portland manufacturers would name
a price CO cents under their present quo
tations, the buying would be enormous.
Such a low price, however, 4s out of the
question with -wheat held at a high level,
a fair Eastern demand on and stocks in
this country very much reduced. Besides
this, .the Japanese are not likely to raise
their offers with a big American crop
In sight and lower prices for wheat sure
to comswlth the opening of the new
season. They are paying now all their
trade will stand, and therefore are buy
ing only to fill Immediate needs. Even
the slight tariff advance, the Importers
say. will check much of the consumption
on, the other side.
Should the war be brought to an end
soon, things would take on a different
aspect. Stocks of flour are not heavy
either In Hong Kong or the Japanese
ports, and the buying orders that would
follow the cessation of hostilities would
swamp the millers on this Coast and make
an Increase in the steamship fleets
Channel Course Is Signalled to Ara
bla From Tug Wallula.
ASTORIA. Or.. March 2L (Special.)
The tierman steamship Arabia arrived in
today, 20 days from Yokohama, with
full cargo of Oriental merchandise. She
arrived off the mouth of the river yester
day, but was unable to cross in owing
to the rough bar. This morning the tug
Wallula could not cross out to put a
pilot on board the Arabia, but by signal
ing she directed the steamship along the
course of the channel while the latter
was coming In.
Captain Melzenthln, of the Arabia, re
ports an uneventful passage across the
Pacinc, except that unusually heavy
weather was encountered during the past
three days. He saw no warships, but
while at Yokohama saw 9 vessels that
had "been captured by the Japanese for
carrying contraband goods.
Roughest Weather of the Winter.
ASTORIA, Or., March 2L (Special.)
Captain Reed, of the tug Wallula, says
the bar was rougher today than It has
been any time this Winter. The wind
was not very strong outside, but there
were frequent squalls, sufficient to raise
a nasty sea. The steamer Whlttler. with
the oil barge Santa Paula In tow, is out
side and there Is little hope of her being
able to cross in tomorrow.
Higher Award for Saving the Palmer.
VICTORIA. B. C March 21. In the re
trial of the salvage case of the British
steamer Vermont against the American
bark Abey Palmer, which was picked up
at sea, dismasted and disabled, by the
steamer, and towed to Victoria, Judgment
was given for 55500, increasing the former
award by $1300.
Two Men Lost in Gale.
HALIFAX X. S., March 2L With the
news that her fourth officer and her car
penter had been lost during a tempest,
the Allen Une steamer Sarmatlan arrived
here today after being IS days out from
Glasgow. The vessel is bound for Boston.
Getting Ready to Go North.
ASTORIA. Or., March ZL Special.)
The American ship Berlin, under charter
to the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Com-
About "Blood Purlflera' and "Tonics."
Every drop of blood, every bone, nerve
ana tissue in me ooay can oe renewed ih
but one way, and that is, from whole-
some food properly digested. There is
no otner way, and the idea that a modi- ,
cine In Itself can purify the blood or sup
ply new tissues and strong nerves is rl- .
diculous and on a par with the fol-de-rol '
that dyspepsia or Indigestion is a germ
disease, or that other fallacy, that weak
stomach which refuses to digest food can
be made to do so by Irritating and In
flaming the bowels by pills and cathar
tics. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure Indi
gestion, sour stomach, gas and bloating
after meals, because they furnish the di
gestive principles which weak stomachs
lack, and. unless the deficiency of pepsin,
and diastase Is supplied. It Is useless to
attempt to cure stomach trouble by the
use of "tonics," "pills," and "cathar
tics" which have absolutely no digestive
power, and their only effect is to give a
temporary stimulation.
One grain of the active principle In
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest
3.000 grains of meat, eggs and similar
foods, and experiments have shown that
they will do this In a glass bottle at
proper temperature, but of course are
much more effective in the stomach.
There is probably no' remedv so uni
versally used as Stuart's Tablets, be
cause It is not only the sick and
ailing, but well people who use them at
every meal to jnsure perfect digestion
and assimilation of food.
People who enjoy fair health lake Stu
art's Tablets as regularly as they take
their meals, because they want to keep
well; prevention is better than cure, and
Stuart's Dyspepsia TAblets do both; they
prevent indigestion and they remove It .
where It exists. The regular use of one.,
or two of them after meals will demon- J
strate their merit and efficiency better r
than any other argument. J
pany. will begin loading coal and salmon
cans at Portland next Saturday. The re
mainder of the cannery supplies will bo
taKen on at this port. The Berlin will
sail for Xushagak River. Alaska, about
April 15. She will be under the command
of Captain Petersen, who was master of
the bark Harry Morse last season.
Stormy Passage of Patricia. ,
NEW YORK, March 2L The Hamburg-
American Line steamer Patricia, from
Hamburg, came in today, four days late,
after an extremely stormy voyage. Her
2S00 passengers were confined to their
quarters during almost the entire voyage,
but beyond the discomforts incident to the
weather, they were well upon arrival.
Captain Magin says that the seas were
so' high that from the bridge, which is 55
feet from the water line, he was unable
to see over the top of- the high-rolling
Special Papers for North King.
ASTORIA. Or., March 2L (Special.)
Permission was received at the Custom-
House today from the Department of
Commerce and Labor to Issue special
clearance papers to the Alaska-Portland
Packers Association's steamer North
King. This will permit the steamer to go
to Xushagak River, Alaska, and return
without reporting at. any custom-house In
the north, unless the vessel goes within
SO miles of a port of entry.
Delegates Elected at Astoria.
ASTORIA, Or., March 21. (Special.)
At last evening's meeting of the Chamber
of Commerce, delegates to the session of
the Oregon Development League, which
will meet in Portland on. April 4, were
elected as follows:
Judge J. Q. A. Bowlby, F. J. Carney,
Judge F. J. Taylor. J. T. Ross, A. R.
Cyrus, A. Dunbar, C. G. Palmberger and
C. R. Higglns.
Duluth Man Gets Much Timber.
ASTORIA, Or., March 2L (Special.)
Deeds were filed for record today where
by the Nehalem Timber Company sells
to the Astoria Abstract Title & Trust
Company, and the latter sells to J. L.
Washburn, of Duluth, Minn., SCO acres of
timber lands, located in the southeastern
portion of Clatsop-County, for a consid
eration of J3000.
The transport Buford, anchored off the
Southern Pacific dock, began loading lum
ber from barges yesterday.
The Chrlstel will shift today from the
can dock to the Oregon Water Power
dock, where she will lie up awaiting busi
ness. The salmon ship Sargent will be brought
up Monday from her moorings to the
American Can Company's dock to begin
loading supplies for Alaska. She will sail
for the North about May 1.
The steamer Roanoke sailed for Port
Los Angeles and way ports with a good
passenger list, and carried as freight 10,500
sacks of wheat for the Southern Califor
nia city and a quantity of merchandise
for San Francisco.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ACTV-iTJTl March 51. Teft tin at 7 A- M.
Schooner Borealls. Arrived down at Tonsue
Point, at 330 A. -M. ticamrr .-ome tjiiy.
Arrived down at 5:30 A. M. Steamer North
lanA x-rrivA R-t 11:50 A. M. and left ud at
4 p. M. German steamer Arabia, from Hong
Kong and way ports. Outside at 5 P. M.
Steamer Whlttler and barge Santa Paula, from
S&n Francisco. Condition of the bar at 3
P. II.. rough; wind soutnwest; weather cloudy.
St. Helens, March 21. Pawed at 3:40 P. M.
Schooner Borealls.
San Pedro, March 21. Arrived Schooner Al-
n)i, rmm Wlllana. TTnrbOr.
San Francisco. March 21. Arrived Steamer
Alameda, from Honolulu; steamer Edith, from
Ladysmlth; steamer, ilontara. from. Seattle;
teamer W. H. Xrug-er. from Gray's Harbor.
Sailed Steamer City of Para, for Aneon; what.
Ing steamer JfarwhaJ, whaling; schooner X. H.
Marston, for Hllo; tsjeamer Breakwater, for
Coo Bay: eteamer M. F. Plant, for Coos Bay;
schooner Premier, for Port Townwnd; steamer
Senator, for Victoria and Port Townend.
Near the Junction of Snake
apd Columbia Rivers, In
Walla Walla County, Wash.
i i
! '.
B. K. Davte, Pendleton. Or.
T. A. IXa&sea, The Dalles. Ozv
Secly A Luzon building, Tacoma, Wash. '
Hereford A Fisher, 41-42 Jameson bloclc, Spokane, Wash.
District Attorney Denies He Is
After Matthews.
Departure of United States Marshal
Causes Speculation That He Went
South' to Make His Peace
With Heney.
SAX FRAXCISCO. March 2L (Special.)
Francis J. Heney. the United States
Attorney of Oregon, is at present in San
Francisco, as is United States Marshal
W. F. Matthews, of the same state. Their
presence here at the same time has re
vived the report that Matthews is to be
removed and that Heney is working to
that end. Heney, however, when seen to
night, stated that he has made no move
to bring about the dismissal of Matthews.
"I am not directly Interested in this
matter," said Heney, "and I can only say
that If Matthews is to be removed it is
not at my instance. There have been
certain elements at work to oust him, but
how far they have succeeded I do not
W. F. Matthews and his deputy, J. A.
Wilson, left Portland the middle of last
week with a party of Chinamen ordered
to be deported by the Federal Court. Mr.
Wilson is expected to return to the city
today or tomorrow, but the Marshal Is
not expected until the first of the week.
When it was learned that Mr. Matthews
had made his trip to San Francisco co
Incident with the arrival there of F. J.
Heney, It was rumored that he was go
ing with the view of meeting the District
Attorned and establishing peace between
the two offices if possible.
Washington dispatches would indicate
that an agreement had been arrived at be
tween the President and the Department
of Justice to the effect that Mr. Matthews
tenure of office depended upon the will
of the District Attorney. It Is said that
the Marshal had done things, or had not
done them, which had caused friction be
tween himself and Mr. Heney. It was re
ported that the political activity of the
Marshal and his affiliation with many of
the prominent men under Indictment was
looked at with unfriendly eyes in view of
the fact that he had to take so prominent
a part in the institution of court proceed
ings in June.
These and other things, it is said, led
to an uncertain condition of peacefulness
between the two Government officials,
the outcome of which was the visit of the
District Attorney, in company with the
Attorney-General, to the President, and
the tacit promise of the latter that should
any circumstances in the conduct of the
Marshal's office lead to the suspicion that
.Matthews' heart was not in the prose
cution of the land-fraud cases then his
head should fall at the simple request of
Heney, as that of John Hall had done
before him.
All these things have taken place while
Mr. Heney was in the East, and now that
he has returned to his home at San Fran
cisco prior to the resumption of his In
vestigations In Portland, it has been, sup
posed the Marshal took advantage of the
necessity of escorting the Chinamen to
San Francisco that he might have an op
portunity to show his loyalty to the
cause of the Government before the ar
rival of the District Attorney in Port
Watered by the Snake River Irrigation Co.'s
Immense Power Plant
Choicest lands in the Northwest. Warm, sandy soil, with southerly slope, insures, the
earliest crops of any place north of Los Angeles. Snake River furnishes the water ..
supply, which fs unfailing Xwo transcontinental railroads afford quick and
easy access to all the markets of the Pacific Coast, the Orient and the East.
5, 10 and 20-Acre Tracts Offered at From
$60 to $100 Per Acre
Strawberries grown in this neighborhood
-last year were on" the market two weeks
; before any others in the Northwest, and in
some instances netted the grower nearly
$700 per acre.
Can you afford to overlook this oppor
tunity? Prepare your ground and raise a
crop this year.
An investment in these lands means a
handsome income for life. To induce set
B. S. JACKSON, Gea'I Sales Agent, .248 Stark Streefc, Portia ad, Or.
A Dollar's Worth Free
To Any Rheumatic Sufferer
I ask no deposit no reference no security. ,
There is nothing to risk nothing to prom
ise nothing: to pay, either now or later. Any
Rheumatic sufferer who does not know my
remedy may have a fall dollar's worth fres
to try.
I Trillingl- make this liberal offer because
I know that Dr. Shoop'a Rheumatic. Remedy
may be relied upon ALWAYS to bring- the
utmost relief that medicine can. Tears be
fore I discovered this remedy, I studied the
nature of Rheumatism. For, Rheumatism. U
Chrystalized Poison!
Tour blood Is always full of poison the
poison you eat and drink and breathe into
your system. If. la the purpose of the blood
to absorb and carry off this very poison.
And the kidneys, which, are the blood filters,
are expected to cleanse the blood and send
it back through the system clean, to sather
more poison which, they. In turn, will elimi
nate. But sometimes the kidneys fall. And some
times, from some other cause, the blood
gets so full of poison that they cannot ab
sorb it all. This Is the start of Rheuma
tism. The poison accumulates and crystal
izes. The crystals look like little grains of
sugar or of fine white sand. The blood car
ries them and they increase in sire. Then,
when it can carry them no longer. It de
posits them In & Joint on a bone any
where. The twinge In your leg the dull ache la
your arm oa a rainy day these are the out
ward signs of the unseen crystals. And the
twisted limbs and unspeakable anguish of
the sufferer who has allowed his symptoms
to go unheeded and unattended for years
these art the evidences of what Rheuma
tism, neglected, can do.
I searched the whole earth for a specific
neuralgia, gout for all these are the re
sults of rheumatic poison la the blood.
Plainly, the first thing to do Is to remove
the poison. But this Is not enough. The
formation of the poison must be stopped,
so that Nature may have a chance to dis
solve and eliminate the crystals which have
already formed. Unless this Is done there
can be no cure no permanent relief. 1
I searched the whole earth for a specific
for Rheumatism something that I or any
physician could feel safe In prescribing
H01UCU11B5 mu we couia count on not only
occasionally, but always. For the ravage r
Mild cases are sometimes cured by a single package. On sale at forty thousand drug stores.
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy
XiOBgesi established.
saest saceeMzai aaa
reliable specialists
la dlseaae of mea.
as medical diploma,
lieesses and aewapa
per record show.
Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Debility, Blood
Poison, Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases
sad all diseases aad vreatosesses dae to laherltaace, evil habits,
ceases or the r fault of syeclac diseases.-
Office Hours'i 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.j Sundays, 30 to 13 oaly.
St. Louis ffiand Dispensary
Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Or.
tlement we are offering a limited number of
acres at these low prices and upon easy,
At the opening of the Clarkston district .
similar lands sold at$250 per acre, and now
are rated at from- $1000 to $1500 per icre.
At Kennewick lands which sold two years
ago for $40 per acre now command $400
and upwards. Kennewick is an object
Beyef A TTerrcemb, 10 N. Second street, Walla Walla. Wash
Jobh A- JLyeaa, Colfax; Wash. J. H. Elvrell, Vancouver. Wash.
J. B. Griaer, Chehalls. Wash. Frot t Bryaxt, Moro. Or.
C. d. Faxxew Jt C., Eugene, Or. . E. Z. Feryaor Astoria, Or.
' J. A. Heehalce, Oregon City; Or..
of Rheumatism are everywhar. and genuine
relief Is rare.
X spent twenty years In experimenting be
fore I felt satisfied that I bad a certain
remedy for this dread disease a remedy
which would not only clean out the poison,
but one which would stop its formation.
Certain Relief
The secret lay in a wonderful chemical X
found In Germany. When I found this
chemical I knew that I could make a rheu
matic cure that would be practically cer
tain. But even then, before- I made an
announcement before I 'was willing to put
my name on it I made mora than 2000
tests! And my failures were but 2 per cent.
This German chemical Is not the only in
gredient I use in Dr. Snoop's Rheumatic Cure
but it made the remedy possible made
possible an achievement which. I doubt not.
could have been made in no other way.
This chemical was very expensive. The
duty. too. was high. In all it -cost me $4.90
per pound. But what is $4.00 per pound for
a real remedy for the world's most painful
disease? for a real relief from the great
est torture human beings know?
I don.t mean that Dr. Shoop'a Rheumatic
Cure can turn bony joints into flesh again
that is impossible. But it will drive from
the blood the poison that causes pain and
swelling, and then that is the end of tho
pain and swelling the end of the suffer
ing the end of Rheumatism. That la why t
can afford to make this liberal otter that
Is why I can afford to spend, the FIRST
dollar that Rheumatic sufferers, the world
over, may learn of my remedy.
Simply Write Me
The offer la open to everyone, everywhere
who has not tried my remedy. But you
must write ME. for the free dollar package
order. I will send you an order on your
druggist which he will accept as gladly as
he would accept a dollar. He will hand you
from his shelves a standard-sized package
and he will send the blU to me. There ara
no conditions no- requirements. All that I
ask you to do Is to write write today.
I will send you my book on Rheumatism be
side. It Is free. It will help you. to under
stand your case. Address Dr. Shoop. Box
C 173. Racine, wis.
Above. all other thing:, vre strive to save the thoa
sands or young and middle-aged men who ara plung
ing toward the grave, tortured by the woes, of nervoun
debility. We have evolved a special treatment for
Nrvous Debility and special weakness that ii3 uni
formly successful in cases where success was before
and by otner doctor's deemed Impossible. It does not
stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently. It
allays irritations of the delicate tissues surrounding
the lax and unduly expanded glands, contracting them
to their normal condition, which prevents lost vitality.
It tones- up and strengthens the blood, vessels that
carry nourishment. The patient realizes a great blight
uas been lifted from his life.
We want all31EX WHO ARE SUFFERING from any
disease or special weakness to feel that they can come
to our office freely for examination and explanation
of their condition FREE OF CHARGE, without being
bound by any obligation whatever to take treatment
unless they so desire. We cura