THE. 'MQBSIXG til&WlSlkx, WEMDAYkz "1905;. OTHERS MAY ENTER Senate's Neglect Left-' Open ing in Santo Domingo. AMERICANS HOLD TWO PORTS members of. the river and harbors com mittee, -with their -Rives, vrho' arrived at San Juan March 17, on the United States transport Sumner, sailed from here today for San Domingo, after traveling: overland across tbe island. JULES YEJtNE OK HIS DEATHBED Great Novelist in Last Stages Diabetes and Paralyzed. of Dominican . Diplomat Denies Reader Negotiates With Morales, but Mrs. 'Reader- Says Loom Is Knows All Facts of, Deal. WASHINGTON March a. The pro jected .reorganization' of the force of American customs collectors- In Santo Domingo, -based upon the expectation ithat the " Senate would approve the pending treaty before adjournment, lias been In definitely postponed and it la impossible that any change will .be made In the near future beyond the relief of Com mander Lelper, "who Is now acting col-lector-at Monte Crlstl. Commander Leiper 1a called upon to gq North to put his ship out of commission at the Boston Navy-yard. The collection at Monte MsU and Puerto Plata will, therefore, be under Mr. Abbott's direction for the present. V Some apprehension is felt, here as to- the probable action of those. European powers that have claims against Santo Domingo, and It would not surprise the officials here if some attempt Is made to eecure Joint action by these powers to seise the customs revenues at some Do minican port. READER DID NOT NEGOTIATE Dominican Diplomat Denies He Even Saw President Morales. NEW YORK. March 21,-An official Version of the alleged negotiations be tween A. B. Reader and the .Dominican government was' given today by Emlllo C. Jubert, the Dominican Charge d'Affalres at Washington, who is "in this city. He said: ' "I -was in President Morale's office when Reader sent in his letter asking for an interview and pretended to be an agent of the United States. The President had "word sent to Reader that he could not grant an interview until he was present ed by Minister Dawson, and told him. if he had any business, to communicate It either through the Dominican Legation at Washington or the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Later, Reader sent a bundle of papers to Foreign Minister Sanchez, which was returned without notice being' taken of it. It Js absurd to say that there were any negotialons with Reader." "It Is up to Assistant Secretary of State Loomis to vindicate me with tbe Government on behalf of the republic of Santo Domingo," said Mrs. Ella Reader today. "He can substantiate my story in every particular, and in the -absence of Secretary Hay he will be required to do. ed. The Santo Domingo negotiations by which I was to be made fiscal agent of the republic were in the hands of Mr. Loomis. He, hlmeelf .went to Santo Do mingo some time ago in connection with them, and If he will break silence the truth of every assertion I have made' will be .fully proven." AMIENS, France. March 21. The condition of Jules Verne Is regarded as hopeless. Telegrams -of sympathy from all quarters of the globe have been received. Many of thsra are from chil dren and scientists. IS. Verne continued writing until re cently, when he was obliged to suspend all literary work and his duties as a Municipal Councillor. He occupjes the came room In which he wrote nls ex traordinary stories of voyages. Later In the day Mr. Verne's condi tion Improved. Tonight he was pronounced to be in the last stage of diabetes, and sustained a stroke of paralysis, affecting his right aide, which has since been ex tending. Jule& Verne vas born at Nantes, France. February 28. 1S28. He studied law in his native town and In Parla: In 1S50 he began to wTlte short pieces for the etage and was for some time secre tary of the Theater Lyrique. By his "Five Weeks in a Balloon," published in 1863, a romance baeed upon the dis coveries of modern science and giving with a remarkable appearance of real ity fanciful solutions of scientiflo problems, he became known. This work wan translated Into English, as -were all. his subsequent works of the same character, including "A Journey to the Center-of the Earth," "Twenty Thou sand Leagues Under the Sea," "From the Earth to the Moon," "Dropped From the Clouds," and "The Mysterious Island." One of his roost popular books is "Around the World in Eighty Days." which was dramatized In 1874. Scarcely less known la the dramatization of "Michael Strogoff." With Theophile La velle he also published an illustrated geography of France in 1867-8. He was the author of numerous other books. An unsuccessful attempt was made on his life in March. 1S86. HASDUG HIS OWN GRAVE CONFESSED BRIBETAKER FOUND TO BE' FALSIFIER. Colorado Investigating Com&ilttea Denounces State Senator Morgan May. Recommend Expulsion. DENVER. March 21. The Colorado General Assemble In Joint convention this afternoon exonerated James M. Herbert, vice-president and general manager of the Colorado & Southern Railroad, and Dan iel M. Sullivan, Postmaster at Cripple Creek, who bad been charged with brib ery in the Gubernatorial contest. On March 6, when the joint convention was hearing arguments in the Peabody Adaros contest. Senator Richard W. Mor gan, a Republican, presented a signed declaration that Messrs. Herbert and Sul livan bad offered him 1500 to Ivote for responsible therefor, and their lives be made the forfeit. The Moscow Assembly of Zemstvos is forcing the" hand of Interior Minister Bou llgan In the matter of the reform ukase of March 3. and has taken the bold step of requesting and practically demanding that the Minister Accept the services of Zemstvo delegates throughout the empire in drawing up the plan of the new gov ernmental organization to be created un der the rescript. A strong hint is given that the present Is no time for delay. Minister Boullgan is even told the num ber of delegates he -should summon from various urban centers. The action of the Muscovites, which will be communicated to the other Zemstvos. Indicates a strong determina tion not to permit the movement to slum ber or come to naught. DRIVEN TO PEACE BOMB THROWN AMID PATROL Polish Terrorist Wounds Eight Police and Soldiers With Missile. WARSAW, March 22. 1. A. M.)-A bomb thrown from the window of a house in Volk street at 9 o'clock In the evening Alva Adams, and that one-half of this j exploded In the midst of apassing patrol sum had already been given him. This i .composed of police and Infantry. Six money, he said, he had placed In the j soldiers and two policemen were danger hands of District Attorney George SUd- j ously wounded. They were removed to year, with, the .Russians until recently and now strong petitions are being made the Japanese government to recapture the island. May 7 Is the SOth anniversary Its occupation by the Russians and demonstrations are being made seeking have' it retaken by that. date. It is probable that an expedition will be sent, coincident with the movement against Vladivostok. Japan is feeling keenly the financial drain because of the war and much pov erty Is reported. Baron Bone, Minister of Finance. In a speech at Tokio, said the. war expenditure had already reached thousand million yen, yet he said, the nation stands well the strain. in tne session oi ins .uiet just ciosea. bills Involving 74.COO.COJ yen Increased tax ation, added to 62,000,000 yen of the previ ous Diet, were passed, aloo public loan bills amounting to l.SSO.000,000 yen. ORGANIZATION OF B0XMABERS Preliminary Meeting Is Held With the Tacoma Manufacturers. TACOMA, Wash., March 21. (Special.) Prominent box goods manufacturers from throughout the state met with the Tacoma manufacturers today, and per fected the preliminary arrangements for a state organization. The meeting was an executive one, but it was learned that the greater number of those present favored state organization, and another meeting will be held in the near future, at which time the manufacturers expect to organize formally. Some of the larger manufacturers of the state are already Identified with a Coast organization known as the North ern Box Manufacturers' Agency, which has its headquarters In Portland, the Washington members there being repre sented byA. A. Courtney. Mr. Courtney "was at itffe meeting today, and Is said to be one of the prime factors in the move ment for a state organization. It Is understood that the larger manu facturers, who are members of the Northern Box Manufacturers' Agency, have for some time been dissatisfied with the Coast organization, since It does not include in Its membership the greater number of the box manufacturers in the state! and an attempt will now be made to organize the state. LEAPS FROM STEAMER AT SEA Son of Philadelphia Millionaire Fol lows Elopement by Suicide. NEW YORK, March 2L Andrew M. Grls com, of Philadelphia, who disappeared from Philadelphia several weeks ago and was supposed to be In Europe, committed suldde on March 19 by Jumping overboard from the steamer Mlnnctonka from Lon don to this city. When ho Jumped over board the steamer was stopped and a boat was lowered, but he could not be found. It is supposed that he was tem porarily unbalanced mentally. Grlscom was a member of a well-known Philadel phia family. When Grlscom disappeared from Phila delphia, It was reported that he had eloped with a young woman, and that both of them had gone to Europe. Gris oom's mother, however, denied It. News of the suicide was made public when the Minnetonka reached thft port today. Governess Missing Also. PHILADELPHIA. March 2L Andrew M. Grlscom was, the son of W. W. Grls com. a millionaire resident oi aryn iiawr, a suburb. Young Grlscom, who was a student at the University of Pennsylva nia, left his boarding-house during the first week in February, and was not beard from until February 9, when he visited the New York office of the Read ing Hardware Company, of which his father is one of the owners. The boy made a request for mosey, and his father, upon being communicated with, ordered that his son be supplied with funds. Noth ing further was .heard from Andrew until February 20, when It was learned that he bad sailed for Europe. Later It was learned that Elsie Han som, -who had been a governess In the Grlscom family, had preceded young Grls com, and there were rumors of a contem plated elopement, but this was subse quently denied. When Griscom's father learned that his son was in Europe, he sent a friend to bring the boy home, and it is supposed that he was accompanying this man on the Minnetonka. CLERICAL GAMBLER PUNISHED CROWD THROUGH A.SMALL HOLE Four Prisoners Escape From Umatilla Jail for a Short Time. PENDLETON. Or., March 21.-(Spepial.) . Otto Hockensmlth, Tom Moss. Albert Murray and Maynard Brown broke out of the County Jail a few minutes after S o'clock this morning, just as they were .about to eat breakfast. Escape was ef fected by sawing one of the iron bars In two and crawling through a space barely seven Inches wide. Hockensmlth, Moss and Murray were captured this afternoon a few miles from the -city by Sheriff Taylor. Moss was to have been taken to Salem today to serve a three years' term for forgery. He is a dangerous criminal, having served time In Nebraska for forgery. Hockensmlth had pleaded guilty to forgery, but had not re ceived, sentence as yet. The other two prisoners were serving Jail sentences for pftty offenses. Big Lumberman Comes West. SEATTLE, Wash.. March 21. H. L. Jenkins & Co.. of Minneapolis., one of the largest lumbering firms of the Ml J- dle West, is completing the transfer of its interests to Seattle. The -capital stock of the company is $1,000,000 and it has already taken over the property of the Monarch Lumber Company at Blaine, this state, in which Mr. Jenkins lias been a stockholder for some time. Mr. Jenkins lias also recently organ ized the Jenkins Luellwlte Lumber Company of Spokane. The concern will distribute the proSluct of the western mills in Eastern Washington and will also manufacture Eastern Washington timber. Methodist Church Recommends Dis missal of Preacher Who Speculated. WILMINGTON. Del., March 21. Rev. Charles S. Baker, tried on charges of stock .gambling, high Imprudence and un ministerial conduct by a convention of the Wilmington Methodist Episcopal Con ference, has been found guilty and his dismissal from the ministry recommended. THE DAYS J3EATH ROLL. Descendant of John Alden. NEW YORK. March 2L Henry William Alden Is dead at his home in Paterson. N. J., aged 8a. He was a direct descend ant of the Puritan colonist. John Alden. Henry W. Alden went to California In ISO and-afterward founded an extensive mer cantlle business- in Stockton. He was tbe first Treasurer of San Joaquin County. John L. Boland, Confederate Veteran ST. LOUIS. March 2L John L. Boland, for many years prominent in St. Louis business circles, and a Confederate vet erah, is dead at his country home near here. Mr. Boland was born In Balllngton, Va.. and leaves three daughters and two sons. Wallace Shiliito, Cincinnati. NEW YORK. March 21- Wallace Shllll to. oldest son of the late John Shiliito, of Cincinnati, a leading merchant of that city, is dead at his home here. He was president of the company rounded by his father until his retirement from active business a few years ago. MUST GREAT VAXXEY OF THE SUNG ART. THROUGH WHICH RUSSIANS RETREAT. Thirty or forty miles or hill country he between Tie rass and Fenghauuein. and beyond the latter place bcgtas what 1 called the Great Valley or. the Sunparl. but i. In fact, an Immense plain, bounded on the eaat by "high ' mourrtalni. arid extending northward Into Siberia and westward into Monrolla. It la through this plain that the Russians xnuat retreat. Klrln, eat ot the railway, and Harbin, tbe mat northerly point on the railway where It branches off to Vladivostok eastward and to Siberia westward, are the centers of this wonderfully rich coantry. resembling In many rejects the northweai territories of Canada. From Tie Pass the railway runs over bill known as the divide to Kalyuan. 20 mllee. atrialng Into a valley, oa either aide of which rise hlrb hills, emerges on to the plain Jut northeast of the important Cblneoe city ot FenshauUeln. From there to Harbin haTdly a bill can be seen from tbe railway train. Bealdea the railway there Is & w&soa road from Tie Pass to Kalyuan. where It branches, one branch making a detour to the westward, skirting the mountains and runnlnc alrooat direct to Harbin. The other branch passes through the mountains to Klrln. from which center there are many roads. The distance from Tie rasa to Harbin la little leas than 300 miles, and except for tfle first few miles every acre la under eulUration or supporting herds of cattle, oheep and horses. Hardly a. pound of last year's crop of beans, or wheat left the country, the Russians buying It all. but storing It at stations along the railway. Immense h titers being erected for Its reception. The weather on the plain is much colder than in the Mukden section of Man churia, the thermometers In .the trains .dropping several degrees as the divide Is crossed, and continuing to go down until Lake Baikal Is reached. Capt. George T. Hodges, U. S. A. NEWBURGH. N. T., March 21. Cap tain George T. Hodges, chief clerk in the Quartermaster's Department, at West Point, is dead b.ere, aged 64 years. Suit for Robber Crossley's Money. ALBANY. Or.. March 21. (Special.) District Attorney J. H. McNary today began suit In equity court to determine the ownership of $916.25, money taken bit Crossley, convicted of bank robbery at Lebanon and sent to the Peniten tiary yesterday. The money is claimed by he "Fidelity Corapany.Nby the bank robber and by Crossley's attorneys. The latter have an assignment from the prisoner for the sum. All the claim ants for the money are made defend ants. The purpose Is to adjudicate the ownership. New Rural Routes in Washington. OREGONLVN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. March 21. Rural free-delivery routes have been ordered established in Washington April 15 as follows: Spokane, Moran rural station, route S, population 3S3. houses SS: Wenatchee, Chelan Count, route -2, population 516, houses 129. Jerome Stirs Up the Theaters. NEW YORK, March 2L District Attor ney Jerome has commenced an investiga tion of all the city theaters, and an en gineer is now .examining them. ... . ger. A committee was appointee to in vestigate this matter and all other re ports of bribery affecting members oi tne Legislature. This committee presented a report this afternoon to the effect that Senator Morgan was a confessed onoc- taker, and "unworthy of belief." The re port was adopted by a. vote of 73 to 2. Monran spoke in his own aeiense, ana declared he would push the prosecution of Messrs. Herbert and Sullivan In the criminal court. The committee asked leave to make rec ommendations as to action in the case of Morgan to the Senate, which was grant ed. It Is reported that his expulsion win be recommended by the committee. Investigation of other charges of brib erv in the Gubernatorial contest pub lished in the newspapers will now be made "by the committee. The committee again in is aiternoon issued subpenas for managing editors of three local newspapers and the edi tors of n. local "weekly magazine to appear tomorrow morning and tell what information they had on which to baep charges of corruption which were printed In their papers. GIVES BACK WHAT ST TAKES Repeal of Chicago Railway Franchise Saves Rights of Company. CHICAGO. March 2L Careful analysis today ot the ordinance-depriving the City Railway Company of any franchise rights to tbe streets of Chicago appears to show that the company's position. Instead of being damaged, is substantially improved. The ordinance contains a clause tbat the executive ofilcers of the municipality are to take no steps to interfere with the operation ot the company's streetcar, sys tem, nendlnfr demonstration of the re spective rights of the company and city In the courts. The case. It is stated, will go to the Supreme Court of the United States. A final decision in tne nugauon Is not expected within two years. Mean while, the comDany has a virtual fran chlse through the very measure that os tensibly Is a forfeiture. Separate Ballot In Tennesse"e. NASHVILLE. Tenn., March 21. Both houses of the General Assembly voted separately today .for United States Sen ator. The Democrats voted for Gov ernor James D. Frazler, the Republi cans for Congressman Brownlow. Gov ernor Frazler will be elected In Joint session tomorrow. the military hospital, caped. The assailant es GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS BURN .Rebels in Caucasus Resort to Arson and Riot. . ST. PETERSBURG. March 22.-A news paper in the Caucasus gives details of the burning of the administrative build lags recently In several towns in the Scharopan district, and of an agrarian riot on the estate of Prince Murat, at Reka, in the Zugdled district, at which tne pouce were obuged to nre on the riot ere, many of the latter being wounded. Colonel Allen Smith a Brigadier. WASHINGTON. March 21. Colonol Allen Smith, Sixth Cavalry, "has been retired with the rank of Brigadier-General. Congressmen Off to Santo Domingo. MAYAGOEZ. Island of Porto Rico. March t The H -Stonrreasmen, mostly New Colorado Eight-Hour Law. DENVER, Colo.. March 2L Governor Jesse F. McDonald today signed the lim ited eight-hour bill passed by the Legislature. BO VU WEAK. GLASSES? Properly fitting glasses -and MURINE promote Eye comfort. Murine makes weak Eyes strong. Druggists and opticians or iiurlae Eye Remedy Co.. Cbicascv INTERNAL DISCORD IS REVIVED Revolutionary Leaders Threaten the Officers Zemstvos Make Demands. ST. PETERSBURG. March 22. (2:20 A. M. Recurrences and extensions of agra rian troubles are noted, and near LIbau workmen and peasants are making cony mon cause. The Caucasus Is already tbe scene of armed resistance to the forces of the civil authority, and in the region around Kteff. where the peasants are increasing- bold, there have been many cases of violence. The labor leaders of the social revolu tionist persuasion . in the great Indus trial centers are plainly planning to syn chronize renewal of the strike with the climax of the peasant disorders, and. with the action of the troops In mind, have been serving notice; by anonymous letters and other warnings on guard officers here ana omaais iu ojner- ciuca uib.i it an other '"red Sunday" comas, and they or der the troops to nre. tney win ne ceid Schoolboy Pickets in Jail. WARSAW. March 21 (3:50 P. M.)-Ons hundred and twentelght striking school boys were arrested here In the course of the morning for picketing school build lngs and preventing other schoolboys from entering. More Trouble In Battle Provinces. MITAU, Courjand, Russia, March Agitators have succeeded in-stopping all work on 17. estates in the Grablnsky and Hazenpqth districts. Troops have oeen aispacned to tne aisturoea local ltlcs. Strike Renewed at Lodz. LODZ, March 21. The workmen number- of factories struck again today. A policeman was shot and se verely- wounded. His assailants escaped. New Governor of Esthonia. ST. PETERSBURG, March 21. if. Lo- poukine, chief of the secret police, has been gazetted Governor of Esthonia, Bal tic province of. Russia. HONEY TOO SAIELT INVESTED (Continued frcm First Page.) and- possibly .will .create'sufficient delay to permit the Russians to rcconcentrate, reinforce, partially reorganize and con struct works at Changchun and Klrln. It is reported that a portion of the Vladi vostok garrison has been withdrawn and proceeded to Harbin, but no confirmation of the rumor Is obtainable. Tbe discrepancy between the Japaneso and Russian reports of the number of guns captured at Mukden remains uncleared. The Japanese ara taking guns from wells around Mukden, and It continues to be suggested that the Russians bunea guns or threw them Into the rivers. The Japanese are continuing their search. The first Mukden prisoners are arriv ing in Japan. The government has- char tered and fitted out -10 steamers to as sist tho transports in carrying prisoners and wounded. Revised figures of the Japanesa losses at the battle of Mukden place the num ber at 50.000, and revised estimates of the Russian losses from the commencement of the battle of Mukden and ending with the flchtlnc at Tie Pass" place tho total at 175,000 killed, wounded or captured. WILL DEFEND LINE OF SUNGARI Linievitch Chooses Next Field of Bat tle and Wastes Country. P. M.J General Llnlovl tea's headquar ters has been established for the pres ent at Chen Chlawatzu, situated at the rosslng of the Sungarl River, whohce he Is directing the retreat of the three armies and disposing of the freuh troops of the Fourth Corps, just ar riving from European Russia. The protection of Sungarl bridge is vital to the salvation of the army, as the river Is not fordable below Kirin, and once tbe line of the river Is passed and bridge blown up, the Japaneso pur suit will be effectually checked. At the same time the second army is falling back of the line of the rail road, while the first and third and transports are retreating along the Mandarin road to Kirin. both destroy ing bridges and roads and denuding the country behind them and making it Impossible for the Japanese to livo In the Immediate wake of the retreat without their own commissariats. The Japaneso are advancing over the -grand trade" route, 20 miles west of the railroad. However, they could probably llvo on the country, the road just beforo the opening of the navi gation ot me j.iao xiiver Deing crowuea with Chinese nrovislons on the way to market southward. There is a ques tion as to which army will outmarch the other, although the General Staff seriously doubts the ability of Field Mashal Oyama's fatigued soldiers, with the difficulties of getting guns, am munition and provisions over tho ruined roads, to continue the pursuit Indefinitely. No Information Is obtainable regard ing the strength of the Japanese col umn advancing along the "grand trade" route, but the War Office says It is hardly large enough to const! tute a menace with the dispositions General Linievitch is able to make of fresh troops'. Nevertheless. SL Petersburg Is In the dark as to tbe exact situation, and considering the resourcefulness of the Japanese, there Is constant fear that they may manago to get astride of tne railroad and bar the Russian's retreat. RALLIES ARMY AT KUNTSALING Linievitch Choosing New Position Which Is Not Tenable. SPECIAL CABLE. ST. PETERSBURG, March 21. From the meagre reports that are filter ing through from the seat of war, it is evident that General .Linie vitch Is making a desperata attempt to rally the disrupted and disheartened Rus sian army at ituntsaung. so, far as known, the place Is not defensible against the Japanese army that has been operat ing In a flanking movement southeast of the retreating Russians, and which soon expected to turn in and attack the enemy with full force. Especially Is this true if the Japanese column that operating to the southwest of the Rus slans Is successful in effecting a junction with the southeast column In the vicinity ot .rvuuisaiiu. MAY HAVE ARMY SURROUNDED FIrlng'Near Tie Pass May Mean Bat tie With Rennenkampff. LONDON. March zL Russian official circles la London, although .without offi dal news, are Inclined to credit a Harbin story published In Paris corroborating the story of firing reported to have been heard yesterday morning about seven miles south of Tie Pass, with General Rennenkampffs division. The dispatch from Harbin points out that the only ex planation of a cannonade in that locality Is that Rennenkampff has at length ar rived at Tie Pass, where the Russian army was ordered to rendezvous in case of retreat, but only to find the place oc cupled by the Japanese. Consequently It Is feared that Rennenkampff is sur rounded. GAIN TIME TO REORGANIZE. Russians May Fortify New Lino From Kirin to Changchun. TOKIO. March 21 (3 P. M.)-No reports of the Russian retreat or Japanese pur suit were received today, which Is strengthening the belief that tbe Rus slans plan to hold the line from Chang chun to Klrln. The Japanese continue to follow closely General Llnlevltch's rearguard, but the damaged bridges Impede their progress THIRD SQUADRON SAILS EAST Vast Supply of CoaJ Awaits Rojest- . vensky at Jlbutil. CANEA. Island of Crete, March 21. The Russian third Pacific squadron, un der Admiral Nebogatoff, has left Suda Bay for Port Said. LONDON. March 22. The correspondent at Aden bf tho Daily Mall reports that 31 steamers, laden with 100,000 tons of coal, are waiting at Jibutll for the Russian fleet, which Is expected there at the end of the month. Fought Against Better Judgment. GUNSHUE PASS. IS MILES NORTH OF TIE PASS. Manchuria. March 2L Tbe Japanese losses are estimated at the Russian headquarters to be 100,000. some of the troops employed to coyer the re treat from Mukden, became Badly disor- (ranized. loslnjr their way In the hills east ward, and only now rejoining their own divisions. So certain was Kuropatkln of being able to hold Mukden that maps of the country northward were not even distributed. Ku roDatkin. however, resolved to accept bat tle against his better judgment, owing to the Impatience of St. Jfetersourg ior victory, and he was confirmed In this de cision by false calculations of Field Mar shal Oyamas strength. One of the main factors of tha success of the Japanese was their violation of Chinese neutrality, in the use ot the Sln- mlntln road. Appeal for Peace for Russia. ST. PETERSBURG. March 21. The Trade World, In an article viewing the suspension of Industry In Russia, directly or Indirectly produced by the war, the Immense losses suf fered as a result of the 350,000 tons of grain left rotting in the Volga dis tricts, owing to lack or transportation, and the hardships imposed on the peasants by the sending" ot many young ana aoie-Doaiea men to ino front, makes an earnest appeal ior Deace. saying: 'Do you think still, gentlemen Chau vinlsts. of a doubtful victory? Con elude peaco and allow a grand In dustry to revive, and set to work to regenerate the people. That is the victory Russia needs. Glory be to him who leads." Japanese Welcomed MacArthur. WITH THE JAPANESE LEFT AR MIES. March 21 (3 P. M.), via Fusan. General Arthur MacArthur, the American military observer with the Japanese ar mies, and Captain barker vv. west, nis aide-de-camp, who left Toklo March 9 for the front, have reached General OKus headauarters. General MacArthur said "I cannot express my appreciation or the kindness of the Japanese officials. Everywhere they have done everything to assist us." Field Marshal Oyama was enthusiastic ally received by Chinese oflcials at. Muk den yesterday. He visited the Imperial palace and viewed the treasures. Retreat Suspended for a Day. ST. PETERSBURG. March 21. A couple of brief telegrams from General Linie vitch, dated March 20, were given out to day. They merely say that the troops continued to retreat northward March 19; that he had allowed the men to rest March 20. and that he had Inspected .more arri vals from Russia and had found the troops in excellent spirits. May Wipe Out Whole Family. LONDON, March 22. The Toklo corres pondent of the Daily Telegraph says that the Chinese Governor of Llao Yang and 32 of his relatives have confessed. to act ing as Russian spies since the outbreak of the war. It Is ominously announced, the correspondent adds, that they will be punishing according to martial law. Reward for Teaching Them to Fight. BERLIN. March 2L The Emperor of Japan has conferred the Grand Cross of the Order of the Sacred Treasure on Ma jor-General Heckel, retired, formerly one -of. the principal instructors of tactics and strategy to the Japanese army. Civilians Flee From Vladivostok. PARIS, March 22. The correspondent of tbe Matin ,at Harbin reports that many civilians from Vladivostok are passing through Harbin, bound fqr Europe. TO PREVENT THE GRIP TjTti Bromo Quinine, world-wide Cold and Grip remedy, removes the cauae. Call for full "Women avoid suffering by using Parker's Ginger Tonic, as It is adapted to their ills. Parker's Hair Balsam aids the hair growth. People Who Put It In the Provident May Have' to Whistle. PHILADELPHIA. March 21. The Provident Investment Company, of this city, today made an assignment for the benefit of creditors. Later a petition was filed in tho United States District Court asking that the concern be de dared an involuntary bankrupt. 5t is expected that a receiver will be asked for within the next few days. The company was purely an Invest ment concern, claiming to pay a cer tain amount of interest for money en trusted to It for Investment. .The re puted manager Is W. H. Latimer. The liabilities are said to amount to nearly Jl, 030.000, and the assets are said to bf very small. Wounded Japanese Improving. L. Fugl, the Japanese who was se riously Injured through knife wounds said to have been Inflicted by Sakutaro Hanoaka, a Japanese ex-convict, is slow ly improving at the St. Vincent's Hos pital. The physicians hold out hope for his recovery. The police have been un able to apprehend Hanoaka. who Is be lieved to be hiding with friends. Captain Moore in Hospital. Captain J. T. Moore, of the first night relief of the police force, underwent an operation at the Good Somaritan Hos .pltal Monday. He Is-rapidly Improving Sergeant S. 'Hogeboom is acting captain in Gaptsin Moore's-absence.- -- -- 127 peop: Want to try an experiment? Then take any one of the hundreds of new medicines on the market. They come, they go, and are soon forgotten. Or want to be cured? Then take a medicine that has been tested and tried, generation after genera tion. A medicine that has been a household remedy for sixty years. Ayer's Sarsaparilia. Intelligent; thoughtful le are relying more and more upon his old standard preparation. - ' One of a series of nine Illus trations by Frederic Remington in Collier's Remington Number The day Frederic Remington began his career as Painter and Historian of the West " I was nineteen years of age and he was a very old man. Over the pipeS he developed that he was bom in western New York and had gone West at an early age. His West was Iowa. Thence during his long life he had fol lowed the receding frontiers, always further and further west. And now,' said he, there is no more West. " There he was, my friend of the open, sleeping in a blanket on the ground (it snowed that night), eating his own villanies out of his frying-pan, wearing a cotton shirt open at the throat, and -hunting his horses through the bleak hills before daylight;, and all for enough money to mend harness and buy wagon grease. He had his point of view and he made a new one for me." Ins ti utld. i Collier's Remington Number On Sale Everywhere, March i6 5 I aed by the, J. C Ayer C., i-r il t Km. AIM muetieri ef ATXX'S HATS "nGeB-7 tie teir. AYR'S CHSBXT CT0AL-T CMfe. ATSRS PnxS-?r easetiitioa. x iTKI AVS 0ea-?8rasaUrJA tad ar- THE HONOR OF THE GRAND AT THE ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION HAS BEEN AWARDED Hunter Whiskey FOR THE HIGHEST ORDER OF MERIT IN ALL THE ELEMENTS OF A PERFECT WHISKEY Said at all flmt-elt3 cafes and by jobbers. SOS, Baltimore, If d. SicK When your head aches, there is a storm in the nervous sys tem, centering in he brain. This irritation produces pain in the head, and the turbulent nerve current sent to the stom ach causes nausea, vomiting. This is sick headache, and is dangerous, as frequent and prolonged attacks weaken the brain, resulting t in loss of memory, inflammation, epi lepsy, fits, dizziness, etc. Allay this stormy, irritated, aching condition by taking Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They stop the pain by sooth ing, strengthening and reliev ing the tension upon the nerves not by paralyzing thenij, as do most headache remedies. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pairf'Pills do not contain opium, morphiner chloral,cocaine or similar drugs. "Sick headache Is hereditary in my family. My father suffered a great deal, and for many years I have had spells that were so severe that I was unable to attend to my business affairs for a day or so at a time. Burins a very severe attack of headache, I took Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and they relieved me almost Immediately. Sines then I take them -when. I feel the spell cominfr on and it stops it at once. JOHN J. McERLAIN, Pres. S. B. Enff. Co., South Bend. Ind. Or. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are sold by your druggist, who wilt guarantee that tha first package will benefit. If It falls he will return yoiir money. 25 doses, 25 cents. Nevar sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad X