SHE. .HORSING 0'HEG.02?IAf, WffDSESDAY, MARCH 22, 1905. 15 RECORD OF IMPORTS Heavier in February Than in Any Previous Month. SMALL EXCESS OF EXPORTS Decrease in Figures of Shipments Due to Fall in Price of Cotton and Decline in Grain Exportation. "WASHINGTON. -March 21. The imports Into the United States" in February. 1905. were larger than in any earlier year In tho history of our commerce, and the excess of exports over imports -was smaller than in any month since June. 1807. The only earlier month in the history of our commerce In which im ports have pateed the $100,000,000 line was In April. 1S97. when large quantities of foreign merchandise, especially sugar, were being rushed. In to escape the Increased duties levied by the Dingley act. which went Into e,ffect in July of that year. The total value of im ports In that month (April. 1697), was S101. 222,400. while that ot the month of February, 1903. was $103,007,052. The imports of February, although a short month, were $103,000,000. as against $89,000. 000 In February. 1904; $62,500,000 In Febru-. arv. 1903; 5C8.000.000 In February. 1902; $84.-f-00.000 In February. 1901. and $69,000,000 in February, 1900. The exports of February. 1905. were $109,000,000, against practloaljy $110,000,000 in February of 1904; $125,500,000 In February. 1003; $101,500,000 in February. 1P02; $113,000,000 in February. 1001. and $119, 000,000 in February, 1600. The excess of ex ports over imports In February. 1905, was In round terms $0,000,000, as against practically $30,000,000 in February, 1904; $43,000,000' in February. 1903; $33,000,000 In February. 1902; $48 000,000 in February. 1901. and $50,000,000 lo February. 1900. For the elgbt months end ing with February. 1905, the imports were in round terms $729,000,000. as against $651,000, C00 In the corresponding months of the pre ceding fiscal year; while the exports wro ' ''1O.OQ0.000, as against practically $1,048. 000,000 in the corresponding months of the f-ereding year. , The excess of exports over imports in the eight month ending with February was $2S1, 000.000. as against $393,500,000 in the corre sponding month of the preceding fiscal year. Mi $491,500,000 In the 'corresponding months of (the I'scal year 1901. The February Im ports, as already Indicated, are larger than those of any earlier month in .the history of our commerce, and tho exports are smaller than those of any earlier February since 3900. with the single exception of February, 3902; and the excess of exports over Imports Is smaller than In any month since October, 1S95, except the three months of April, May and June, 1897, when Imports were excep tionally high by reason of preparation for the change in tariff which occurred In July of that year. These figures are from the official pub lications Issued by the Department of Com merce and Labor through its Bureau of Sta tistics. Tills reduction In exports is, as has already been Indicated, due chiefly to the falling, off In the quantity of wheat exported and a re duction in the price per pound of cotton ex ported. The wheat exports In the month of February amounted to only $103,C31, against $1,203,043 In February of last year, and the flour $2,675,145. against $5,611,841. The exports of cotton In February 'fell near ly $11,000,000 in value below thbee of Feb- ruary of the preceding year, and this was due entirely to the fall In prices, the quantity exported in February, 1905, being considerably greater than In February. 1004. Turning to the Import side, the large In crease In importations apparently occurs chiefly In manufacturers' materials and arti cles of food. The detailed figures of the Im port by articles aTe. only available up to the end of January, tho February figures not yet having been completed. The seven months ending with January, however, show an In crease of $33,000,000 in Imports of articles in a crude condition for use in manufactur ing and of about $30,000,000 in articles of food. The Increase in- Importations of manu facturers materials occurred chiefly in India rubber, nearly $6,000,000, raw silk $12,000,000. and about $8,000,000 In certain other article used by manufacturers. The Increase in Im portations of food stuffs occurred chiefly In coffee, about $17,000,000, and sugar about $14,000,000. la manufactures the figures for the seven months ending with January enow a slight reduction as compared with the cor responding month of last year, though in these statements with reference to details of imports It should be understood that the figures are for the coven months ending with January, the details for February not having been completed. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc There Is a revival in the Eastern demand for Northwestern wheat. It has not resulted in much business yet, but has caused holders to ask higher prices, which have to be met if the grain Is to be secured. Oats and bar ley continue qu4c$. and hay Is dull and weak. W HEAT 'Walla Walla. SCff87c; bluestcm, 94c. Valley, K7t ivr bushel. FLOUR Patents. $4,00 04.63 per bar rel, straights, $4.3004.45; clears. $3.85 4; alley, J4.J0&4.25; Dakota hard wheat. $G.5O0 5:30; Graham. $3.50 4; whole wheat, $4 ?4.25; rye flour, local, $5: Eastern. $5 6.10; cornmeal, per case, $1.90. BARLEY Feed, $23 per ton: rolled $24 023. OATS-No. 1 white. $1.37Ji1.42; gray. $1.60 per cental. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $19.50 per ton; mid dlings. $25; shorts, $22; chop. U. S. Mills. $10. linseed dairy foods, $18; linseed oil meal, car lots, $3 per ton; less than car lots. $30 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90 pcund sacks, $0.75; lower grade. $5 6.23: oatmeal, Bteel cut, 50-pound sacks, $8 per barrel; 10-pound Eacks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 50-pound sacks. $7.50 .per barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale; split peas. $1 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $L15; pearl barley, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes. $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per bale. HAT Timothy. S14&1G per ton; clover. $U312: grain $Ugi2; cheat, $1112. 'Butter. Eggs. Toultry, Etc The egg market held barely steady yester day, as receipt exceeded shipments and local sales. Net much poultry came in, which, was Just as well, as the demand " was Glow, ex cept for Spring chlekene. The butter market It unchanged. EGGS Oregon ranch. 18a per doien. BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery. 32 Vic per pound; fancy creamery. 30c x State creameries: Fancy creamery 27H3 32'tc; dairy, 1517c; store butter. I4ei5c: California. 2831Vic CHEESE Full cream twins, new, 14015c: old. lc: Americas, 14015iac POULTRY Fancy hens. 14&l4ic: old hent ere. lOfrllc, young rosters. ll4ffl2V-c: Springs. l'i2 pounds. 17f 18c; broilers. 1I$ turkeys, Alive. 17?lSc; turkey, dressed poor, l"'i?18c: turkeys, choice. 20$f22Vje; geese, live, per pound. S?e; geese, dressed. lOffllc: ducks, old. $Sy9: ducks, young as to size. $9C9.50; pigeons. J 1 1.25. equahs. $282.50. Vegetable. Fruit. Etc The steamer produce was landed yesterday in gooa condition, it was badly wanted, as Front street was almost bare of green stuff. Oranges and bananas continue scarce, but the market win do relieved m & day or tiro. t3ftET4 RT.PSTntnlr 1 - i.. i j uccwj, i parsnips, al.bu; cab- m cm r?atlfnrn1a 1U- 1t.i,. vn.7. LOO per box; parsley. 25c dozen; tomatoes. $2.25 uc, muuuoncr, per crate; egg plant. vvlluu, ceiery. J.uu per crate peas, 10c per pound; peppers. 25c per pound sprouts, fie. asparagus. 7tt4gfc per pound: rhu barb, $L25 ier crate : cucumbers, $2 per dozen CNTONS Fancy. Jf2.DOS3.10; No. 2. $101.50 buying price. ' POTATOES Oregon fancy, S595c; com- men. ujovc, uuisia price; .Merced sweets. lHf RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4 -crown. T-ic-6-layer Muscatel raisins, "He; unbleached teea Jrw jmmrn. w. xjonaon iaycns, iKrown, '""in wxni yuuuun, .-crown, si 75, California blacks. 551c: do white, none; Smyr na, 20c: Fard dates. 6c; plums, pitted, 6c. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy, $X.T5Q 2.60 per box: choice. $1L23: common, 509 75c: flgs. S5C0S2.5O per box. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $2,759 3.75: choice. $2.75 per box: oranges, fancy. $2.2 25 per box; choice. SL5O01.75: standard. $1.2531 J50: tangerines, $160&2 per box: grape fruit. $2.5033 per box: bananas, "S5V4s per pound. Meats and Provlalous. A new local provision price list quotes slight advances In lard, also In picnic i"ii. BEEF Dressed, bulls, 334c; cows, leSJjc: country steers. 45ic MUTTOX Dressed, fancy, 77$4c; ordinary, VEAL Dressed. 100- to 125, THSSHc per pound; 125 to 200. 5 05 Vic. 200 and up. 3HS4c PORK Dressed. 100 to 150. 5c per pound; 150 and up. 7VQ6c HAMS Ten to 14 pounds, 12Uc per pound; 14 to 10 pounds. 12iic; 18 to 30 pounds. 12 Vic: California (picnic). .8c; cottage hams. 9c; shoulders. Site; boiled ham, 20c; boiled picnic ham. boneless, 14c J3ACOX Fancy breakfast. 16c per pound; standard breakfast. 14c; choice 12c; English breakfast, 11 p 14 pounds, 12c; peach bacon, 11c SAUSAGE Portland ham. 12VJc per pound; minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17c; bologna, long, 54c: welnerwurst, 8c; liver. 5c; potk. 9c; blood, 5c; headcheese. 5c; bologna sausage, link. 4&c DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, BVic salt, lOc smoked; clear backs. 9c salt. 10c smoked; clear bellies. 14 to 17 pounds average He salt. 12c smoked; Oregon ex ports, 20 to 25 pounds average, lOVic salt, HHc smoked; Union butts. 10 to 18 pounds average, 8c salt. 9c smoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs feet. bar rels. $5; Vi-barrels. $2.75; 15-pound kit, $1.25; pickled tripe, -barrels, $5; H-barreis, $2.73; 15-pound kit. $1.25; pickled pigs tongues, fe barrels. $6; H-barrels. $3; 15-pound kits. $l-5u; pickled Iambs" tongue, -barrels. $3; rels, $5.50; 15-pound kits, $2.7C. LARD Leaf lard, kettle-ranuered: Tierces, 95ic: tubs. 8c; 60s. 9c; 20b. 10c; 10a. lOfic; 6s. lOVic. Standard pure: Tierces. Sc; tubs, 9Vtc: 60s. 9Vic: 20s. 9Wc: 10s. fiSc: 5s. 951c Compound: Tierces, 6c; tubs, 6Vlc; 60s. 6Uc;J Groceries, Nuts, Etc COFFEE Mocha. 2tSS2Sc; Java, ordmary. lo 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18020c; good. lOOISc; ordinary. 10&12c per pound; Columbia roast, cases, 100s, $13.33; 60s. $13.3S; Arbuckle. $14.38; Lion, $14.38. RICE Imperial Japan. 'o. 1, $5.3714; South em Japan. $3.60; Carolina, 44ifCc; brokenhead, 2c SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1-pound Ha lb. $1.85; fancy 16114-pound flats, $1.30; J4-pound flats, $1.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, S5c; red. 1-pound tails, $1.45; sockeye 1-pound tails, $1.65. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: -Cube. $&30; powdered, 50.05; dry granulated. $5,937 -extra C. $5.45; golden- C, $5.35; fruit sugar, $5.65, ad vance over sack basis as follows: Barrets, 10c; half-barrels, 25c; boxes, 60c per- loo pounds. (Terms: On remittance within 15 days, deduct 14c per pound; if later than 15 days and within 20 days, deduct He per pound; no discount after 30 days.) Best sugar granulated. $5.b5 per 100 pounds; maple sugar, isyitso per pound. SALT California. $11 per ton. $1.60 oer bale, Liverpool. 60s. $17: 100s, $16.50; 200s. $16: half-ground. ltOs, $7; 60s, $7.50. NUTS Walnuts. lSJic per pound by sack, lc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts, 15c; fil berts, 14c; pecans, jumbos, 14c: extra large, 15c; almonds, L X. L.. JS&c; chestnuts, Ital ians, 15c. Ohio. $4.60 per 25-pound drum; pea nuts, raw; 71jc per pound; roasted 9e; pine nuts. 1 OS 12 lie; hickory nuts, 7c; cocoanuts, 85J?lK)c per dozen. BEANS Small white, 4c; large white. 34c; pink. 3Vic; bayou, 314c; Lima, &&C Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc HOPS Choice 1904, 231i24c per pound. WOOL Valley, 19S20C per pound; Eastern Oregon, 12gl7c per pound. MOHAIR Choice. 25026c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up. lOglGl-c per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 13 pounds, 14 15c per pound;" dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds 17QHSc; dry halted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; (.culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scoreo, murrain, halr ellpped, weather beaten or grubby, 2&3c per pound less); salted hides, steers, sound, 60 pounds and over. 9310c per pound; 60 to 60 pounds, 8!6&c per pound; under 50 pounds and cows, 8g9c per pound; salted stags and bulls, sound. 6c per pound; salted kip, sound. IS to 30 pounds, 9c per pound; salted veal, wound, 10 to 14 pounds. 9c per pound; salted calf, sound, under 10. pounds. JOc per pound; (green, unsalted, lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less). Sheep skins; Shearlings. Nc 1 butchers' stock, 2530c each; short wool. No. 1 butchers stock. 405Oc each; medium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. GOJfSOc: long wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. $11.&0 each. Murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 12,14c per pouno; uorse niaes, sane a. earn, aeeorcinr to size. $1.502; dry, each, according to size, $10 1.50; colts' hides, 2550c each; goat skins, common. 10315a each: Aurora, with wool on. 25cO$L50 each. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 2j;4c; No. 2 and grease. 23c PELTS Bear eklns. as to -sixe. No. 1. S2.5Q 10 each; cubs. $162; badger, 25350c; wild cat, with head perfect, 25&50c: house cat, 69 vc; iox. common gray, iiUQfixc; reo, $3&3; cross. S515; silver and black, $10OS300; fish ers. $5C; lynx, $4.&og; mink, strictly No. 1, according to size. $12.60; marten, dark North- era, acroramg to size and color, $10a"15; mar ten, pale. pine, according to tlze and color, $2.50ff4; rauskrat. larce. 10015c: skunk. 40fa 60c; civet, or polecat, 5010c; otter, large, prime nun, (tiu; panmer, wun neao ana claws per fect, $205; raccoon, prime. 3050c; mountain wolf, with head perfect, $3.6005: coyote, ttOo 01; wolverlnp, $&S8: beaver, per skin, large. 5g6: medium, $3S4; small, $1L50; kits. BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. Q22c per ouna. CASCARA SAGRADA (Chlttam bark) Good. 4S4V4C per pound. OREGON GRAPE ROOT Per 100 pounds. $30. ' FEATHERS Geete. white. 35340c; geese, gray or mixed. 2503Oe; duck, white. 15220c; duck, mixed. 12015c Oils. GASOLINE Store gasoline, cases. 231ic; Iron barrels, 17c: 86 deg. gasoline, cases. 32c; Iron barrels or drums; 26c COAL OIL Cases. 21c: iron barreU. 13e: wood barrels, none; 63 deg.. cases, 22c; iron barrels. 151ac; Washington State test burning ous. except neaaiignt. ec per gainn hlgner. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. 6R: cases. 68c Boiled: Barrels. C3c; cases. 6Sc; lc less In o-Darrei lots. TURPENTINE Cases. S5c; barrels. 82c. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7 lie; 600-pound lots. 7ic; less than 600-pound lots, 8c LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyard Yesterday. Receipts at tho Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 46 cattle, 613 sheep and 94 hogs. The following prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers, $4; cows and heifers. $333.25; medium, $1.5002. HOGS Best large, fat hogs. $6; blosk and China fat, $5.2505.50; stockers, $5. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley. $4.5054.75; medium. $404.60. . EASTERN LIVESTOCK, Prices Current at Kansas City, Omaha and Cblcago. CHICAGO. March 2L Cattle Receipts. 4000. Market steady to strong. Good to prime steers. $5.15-6.25; poor to medium. $S.S505; stockers and feeders. $2.7504.60; cowr. $2,800-4.50; helf. ere. $305.15; canncrs, $1.5002.40; bulls, $2.40 04; calves. $380.50. Hogs Receipts, 35,000; tomorrow. 30,000. Market &c higher: mixed and butchers, $5.5 f 6.45; good to choice hear', $5.3535.50; rough heavy, $5.2025.30; light, $5.1503.40; bulk ot sales, $5.3005.45. Sheep Receipts, 15,000. Market for sheep and lambs steady. Good to choice wethers. $5.7506.20; fair lo choice mixed. -505.4O: West cm sheep. $506; native lambs, 5.502?7.75; Western lambs, $607.75. SOUTH OMAHA, March 21. -Cattle Re ceipt!. 8000; market 10c higher. Native steers. $S. 755.60; cows and helf ens, $3.0004.23; can- nera. $2.0002.00; stockers and feeders. $3.00 4.50; calves, $2.7505.75; bulls, stags, etc, $2.2584.50. - Hogs Recejpts, SOOO; market 5c higher. Heavy.' $5.0503.25; mixed. $5.1003,13; light, $6.005.17H; Plf $4.0004.75; bulk of sales, $5.1065.1716. Sheep Receipts, 3500; -market lower. West ora yearlings, $5.7306.15; wethers, $5.5005.73; lambs, $6.7507.40. KANSAS CITT. Mo., ilarch 21. CatUe Receipts 10.000; market steady to strong: native steers. $4.2005.60; stockers and feeders. $304.73; Western fed steers, $4.25 5.50; do cows. $3.25 04.50. Hogs Receipts 12.000; market strong to 5c higher; bulk of sales. $3.1505.35; heavy. $3.3005 40; packers, $5.2005.30; pigs and light, $4.3005.35. Sheep Receipt 4000; market 10c higher, .Muttons. $4.90 06; lambs. $0.6007.50; rangs wethers. $5.5006.60; red ewes. $4.90 6 5.63. Dairy Produce la Uio East. -CHICAGO. March 21- On the Produce Ex change today, the butter market was flrra; creameries. 20026c; dairy. 18022c Eggs strong at mark. aSHc: firsts. 15e: prime, 15016c; extras, 17c Cheese firm, 12013 lie NEW TORE, March 21. Butter and cheese unchanged; tElr ' etrcnter; Weetern Ctf, '17 Q-17iic - RUMORS OF DIVIDENDS REPORTS ARE MADE USE OF TO STRENGTHEN STOCKS. High Money Rates Cause Large Hold ers, to Transfer Their Securi ties to London. NEW YORK. March 21. The narrowing lim its of the speculation was a. tact clearly de fined by the day's events In the money market. and It Is generally believed that the money outlook is the factor making for restriction. Not only was the volume of dealings largely curtailed. 'but It caused prices to sag. The hope that yesterday" late ana strong rally marked a resumption of the upward move ment did. not last longer than the first neur today. Profit-taking was freely In evidence. and there was no substantial demand to follow the align topenlng advance In prices. There was a resumption of strength at some points during the rest of the day. but it was In the less important grade of stocks that failed to Impress sentiment In the same degree as sim ilar movements In stocks of the first class. Neither was there evidence of strength well sustained, the whole market chawing the effect of the diminishing demand. Industrials and epeclalties made up the largest portion ot the day's showing of strength. The Southern Iron merger report was revived In full vigor, and taa railroad equipment stocks still were responsive to the brilliant business .prospects In that department of Industry. The unvarying growth and ex pansion reported from all lines of trads ana Industry bad a natural Influence upon the securlUes representing different industries cov ered by these reports. In addition, there were many rumors that dividend resumptions and increases were in definite prospect, wnlcn eventuated la the Tennessee Coal dividend. The Corn Products stocks were ln contrast to the rule, and suffered from expressed doubts of the maintenance of the dividend. Justified, as tho market closed, by the announcement of a reduction. Sugar reflected the shutting down of Its principal jeflnery. In the Chicago Union Traction stocks, the obvious trouble was tne action against Its franchises by the Chicago city government. In the railroad department, while tho interest was small and the movements mostly abortive. the reports upon which they were based pointed to projects of grandiose proportions. Thus it was said that Pennsylvania was taking over Atchison with the purpose of guaranteeing a 5 per cent dividend on that stock. There were vague Intimations of an immediate dividend to be forthcoming on Southern Pacific Tne Chesapeake & Oho movement also was connect ed with dividend rumors. The easier tone ot the call money market was attributed to the passing of the effects of the Government's withdrawals of deposits from the banks last week. It was said also that same large holders of securlUes were transfer ring their fltock on a large scale to London, with a view to taking advantage of the lower money rate. The effect would be to relieve the local' money market of that much demand, and It is thought to confusa somewhat the estimates of the demand for our securities for foreign account. Time money was firmer- Ster ling exchange continued weak. Tb"o closing of the stock market was weak and at the lowest of-the day. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,635,000. United States bonds were all un changed on caUV STOCK. QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. AtchlRon 45,500 81 S314 S)Ji do preferred 1.100 103U 103 IBS Atlantic Coast Line.. 2.000 143i 142 14114 Baltimore & Ohio 7,300 loo 1054 lal4 do preierred 400 97 Vi 8 Canadian Pacific 26,700 ISOli 147T4 147 Central of N. J i Chesapeake & Ohio.. 43.900 CO 5bU ds Chicago A Alton 400 42U 414 41i do preferred 600 82 81 S0i Chi. Great Western., 2,900 241 23T 23Ji ChL & Northwestern. 100 241i 241 240l Chi.. MIL & St, Paul. 27,900 lSlli 1801i 180S do nreferred 1.800 34 33 3314 C C. C & St, L.... 9,300 111 10S4 10S14 Colorado & Southern. 900 25 24! 2iVx do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... 500 36 35 6014 35 190 376 34 46 mi 67fc 93 95U ICO 281, 0114 29 65i Delaware & Hudson.. 1.40O 192 190 DeL. Lack. & West, Denver & Rio Grande -100 344 31Vs do preferred - Erie 11.500 47 sis 6Si 94k 43 !4 671i 94i do 1st preferred.... eoo do 2d preferred..... 1.000 Hocking Valley .... 100 do preferred - Illinois Central 2.100 1C24 160?; Iowa Central do preferred 300 65 55 Kan. City Southern oo preferred 4t 06 Louisville & Nashv.. 8.200 143 141' 141i 169 Manhattan L. ...... 600 1634 163V 16S .300 SS S7U 87 Metro?. Securities ... 1 87 Metropolitan SL Ry.. 5, ,400 1241 123H 123 Mexican Central .... 5.400 25U 24 H 24H Minn. & SL Louis... .ZOO 62 Vi 6 01 4.700 120 1184 118 3.700 165 165 166 6.SC0 1084 10714 107U M.. St. P. & S. S. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific .... Mo.. Kan. & Texas.. ...... do preferred ....... 1,100 67 6654 0514 NaUonal of Mex. pfd. 100 -41 41 40 New York Central... 24.200 1634 1614 101H N. T., Ont. & West. 12,300 62 604 60 orioiic & western.. o,ow ao do preferred ..... 85; 2 Pennsylvania. 49.700 144 141-i 82 94T4 02k 142Ji 82' 4 iteaaing zs,nm 96S 92S "sVii S0H 71 654 944 do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... 100 92A Rock Island Co.. 1,000 700 200 34 80 71 264 3314 oo preicrrea ....... St, L. & S. T. 2d pfd. 7014 2614 bu L. boutn western. COO do preferred ....... 3,900 T4 685, Southern Pacific 42.300 694 63H ao preicrrea ....... Southern Railway ... do preferred Texas & Pacific...... Toledo. St. L. & W. do preferred ....... "Union Paclflo do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling & L. Brie. Wisconsin Central .. do preferred 000 lisi; nsvi lieu !W SMI Ml! 600 1.100 2.500 700 55H 35H 99H 39 394 3SU soil 68 131 994 224 46U. 24 6214 i3 8.600 oSi .5?14 S0.300 133 1.20O 100 400 234 L700 464 4H IS" 23: 1,200 00 63 62h Express companies Adams '. American United States Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper 62.500 244 22a 123 250 81 30 7914 3MV 991s 794 Amer. Car & Foundry 5.600 co preferred American Cotton Oil. do preferred American Ice do preferred .. American Linseed Oil 3.800 1O014 100 34 95 100 900 95 394 6 39 54 300 39 17 42 do preferred ..... American Locomptivs 17.700 48U 4SV4 4S11 00 preierrrG .30 11 lie 1164 Am. Tobacco pf. cert, 900 9614 95H 961 Aiuconm aiming la z.4t 10 V 113 1191 Brooklyn R. Transit. 5,200 Colorado Fuel &. Iron 30.700' 67 C614 53 ti 554 52H Consolidated Gas 4.700 207 W1i UO 1 Mr? . . v Corn Products do preferred Distillers SecurlUes. General Electric .... International Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred National Lead North American ..... Paclflc Mall People's Gas ....... Pressed Steel Car.... do preferred Pullman Palace. Car. Itepubllc Steel do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron... U. S. Leather do preferred T7. E. Realty. U. S. Rubber. Ct00 174 3.300 701i 14 67U 6.500 42V 1,000 iss2 its. 100 22H 7814 400 54 St S3 15.200 384 3S 1.600 102 iro 200 454 45U SJsH inos 7.2O0 11214 1104 1WT4 6.600 2314 H 3SH ?mi OI tyrsl tint 94 4 248 0311 500 24!) Z4 20 aioo 21s 6.700 '1.500 SO 7814 2614 6 S3 2.noo 94 134 914 914 1,000 1214 I5U 300 10314 103U 103J 30O 91-4 94 94 900 4ITi 41 41U do preferred . V. S. Steel .... oo ins 111 me do preferred 27,600 Va.-Carnllna Chemical 660 4H do preferred 34 34 OO 10s MS 1074 S0O 1R1LL 1E1 lcmr Westlnghouse Elec.. Western Enloa- . 1(Y oti2 -oi' r- Total sales for the day. 940.000 shares. BONDS. NEW TORE, ttons: U. .8. ref. 2s rg. do coupon.... V. S. 3s reg..., do coupon U, S. new 4s rg do coupon V. 3. old-4 reg do ycoupon. ... March 2L CJoiing quota- 10414 10414 10414 1044 13214 1054 1044 Atchison AdJ .4s. D. i R, G. 4s. . . N. T. Cent. lsts. Nor. Paclflc 3s.. Nor. Pacific 4s.. SOU 1614 100 76S 106 So. Paclflc 4s... .834, Union Pacific 4s. 10614 9214 lOSHtWia. Central 4s. -s. mocks at Load on. LONDON, March 2L Consols lor money. otii; consols tor account, 814 Anaconda ...... 64 Norfolk West do TrefrT! SS4 Atchison ...... I3H do preferred... 1064 "BalUroors & O..H2H iCan. tadle;,..aM4 9414 Ontario XfTmmr ant. Pennsylvania ... 7?"S suae. . 4914 . 47 r 4614 . 3iH .102 . 704 .J3614 .10114 . 3714 . 9Sii . 24 . 48 .. 90-4 De Beers lTHISc Railway. D. & Rio Grande Z5 do preferred... do preferred... 924 So. Pacific Erie 4S -rCnlon Pacific... do 1st pret... 83 S do 2d pref . ... 70 do preferred.. U. S. Steel do preferred.. Illinois Central. 167 Louis. Si N ash. i, 140 (Wabash Me, .Kas.' A Ti 32i do preferred.. N. T. Central.. 16S Spanish Fours.. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. March 21. The official closing quotaUons for mining 'stocks today were as follows: Alta .$ .03 Julia $ 106 Justice 06 Alpha Con . .08 Andes Belcher .18! -lSj .OO! .251 Mexican 1.45 Occidental Con.. .90 Ophlr 6.30 Overman 13 Best & Beloher. Bullion llPotosl ...7" "II 111 Caledonia Challenge Con.. . .13Savage 13 12iScorplon ........ .19 Chollar Confidence . Con.. Cal. & Vs. llsoisierra Nevada... .31 Crown Point 07iSllver Hill 66" Exchequer 45Unlon Con. J 35 Gould & Curry-. .14IUtah Con. 06 Hale & Norcross .45lYellow Jacket... .11 NEW TORE, March 21. Closing quota tions: Adams Con $ .25Llttle Chief $ .06 AHee TOiOntario Breece OlOuhlr C.50: Brunswick Con. Comstock Tun.. .03 Phoenix M .08 PotosI 00 1.43 Savage 11 1.05 Sierra Nevada... .27 3.25 Small Hopes 25 .04Standard 1.85 Con.. Cal. & Vs. Horn (Silver:.... Iron Silver hLeadville Con... BOSTON. March 2L Closing quotations: Adventure ...$ 6.00'Mohawk $ 53.00 Allouez ...... .22.00 Mont C- Sz C. 3.63 Amalgamated. 79.63 Old Dominion.. Osceola 23.50 100.00 28.50 106.00 7.SS 130.00 10.73 25.25 9.50 40.50 4.8S 13.75 111.00 Am. Zinc 12.00 Atlantic 16.73 Bingham 31.50 Parrot Qulncy ....... Cal. & Hecla.. 670.00 Shannon ...... Centennial "17.50 Tamarack Copper Range. 76.75iTrInlty ... Daly West 15.00 U. S. Mining. U. S. Oil Utah Victoria Winona Dominion Coal 30.00 Franklin 11.00 Gran by Isle Royale. . .. .6.00 25.30 Mass. Mining. 12.13 Wolverine . . . Michigan 14.25 Money, Exchange. Etc: NEW TORlt. March 21. Money on call steady. 3334 per cent; closing bid, 314 per cent; offered at 34 per cent. Time loans firm er; 00 and 90 days, 34334 per cent: six months. 3433!4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 34$44 per cent. Sterling exchange weak, with actual business in bankers bill at $1.850524.86 for demand, and at S4.S390ff4.64 for 60-day bills; -posted rates. $4.85 and $4.87. Commercial bills. $4.634. Bar silver, 6S'4c Mexican dollars, 44c. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds Ir regular. LONDON, Bar silver, firm, 26 13-16d per ounce. Money. liQ2 per cent. Rato of discount for short bills. 24 per cent; for three months' bills, 211 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. March 21. Silver bars. 5S4c per ounce - Drafts Sight, 74c; telegraph, 10c Sterling on London Sixty days, $.MU; sight. $4.864- Dally. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March 21. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances In the general fund, shows: Available cash balance $139,850,340 Gold 64,408,375 Bank Clearings. Portland $664,375 $ 95.470 Seattle .... . 942.074 91.832 Tacoma 541.430 113.763 Spokane 469.493 43,074 BULLISH WHEAT MARKET. Unexpected Strength at Liverpool Gives Prices Good Start. CHICAGO. March 21. Sentiment in the wheat market was bullish throughout. At the start May was unchanged to ic higher at $1.144 01.1SH. July was up HO 14. at 92 3924c Unexpected strength at' Liver pool, following weakness here yesterday, was partly accountable for the opening firm ness, ine Juay option was the enter attrac tion early in the day. A leading bull trader was the principal buyer. Owing to small offerings. May rose rapidly to $1.1514 and July to 93c The market then weakened somcwnai. an proni-iaKing. cut tne reaction was soon overcome by bullish news from the Northwest, Shorts were moderate pur chasers late In the day. The market closed firm with May 14c higher at $l-151i. Final quotations on July were at 9254r924c a gain of Uc. Corn ruled weak. May closed USic off at 4S;4c Oats followed corn. May closed SClic lower at 3114 63114c s Provisions Were weakened by profit-taking in pork. Tho market lacked support from packers. Higher prices tor. live hogs had a slightly bullish effect early In the day. but prices soon eased off. At the. close May pork was off 12 '4 15c: lard was down 24Cc and ribs were 1 714 c lower. Tne leading rutures ran ecu as toiiows: WHEAT. . Open. High. Low. Close May $1.144 $r.l64 $1.1414 $1.1514 July 02H .93U ,92i .92H September 8614 -S0?s .664 -864 CORN. May 4914 ,49i .4514 .4ST4 July 4914 - .494 -49 494 September 49 .4914 .4014. .49J4 , OATS. May 81H .314 -3i -3Ui July. 311 .3l4. .301, .SOU September . .294 .29, .29 .2314 MESS PORK. May 12.90 12.9714 12.85 12.83 July 13.124 12.1214 13.00 13.00 LARD. May 7.15 July. ".30 7.1714 -7.12141 "-12U 7.324 7.274 1 7.27H SHORT RIBS. May 6.95 7.00 6.90 July 7.15 7.1714 7.10 6.9214 7.1214 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Wheat No. 2 Spring. $1.1061.15; Nc 3, $1.0261.12; Nc 2 red. $1.15461.174. Com No. 2.' 474c: No. 2 yellow, 484e. Oats Nc 2. 31c; No. 2 white, 3363314c: Nc S white. 3103214c Rye No. 2. 7SJ4C Barley Good feeding, 35610c; fair to choice malting. 43645c Flaxseed No. 1, $1.23; No. 1 Northwestern. $1.38. Mess pork Per barrel, $12.80612.85. Lard Per 100 pounds. $767.0214. Short ribs sides Loose, $6.87467. Short clear sides Boxed. $767.1214. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 26.700 25.000 Wheat, bushels 43,000 - 65.700 Corn, bushels 729.700 202.200 Oats, bushels 461.400 256.400 Rye. bushels 8.O00 3,600 Barley, bushels lOO.OO? 280,000 Grain aad Produce at New Tork. NEW TORK. March 21. Flour Receipts. 33.- 600 barrels; exports. 2700 barrels. Market dull at ojd prices. Wheat Fecelpts, 1000 bushels; spot firm; No, 2 red Northern nominal elevator; No. 2 red. $1.1814 X. c b. afloat; Nc 1 Northern Duluth, $1.234 i. c b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. Sl.OS f, o, b. afloat. Wheat acted firm todar 'and was higher up to the last hour, when a beatisn Argentine crop estimate Impelled mora or less realization. The doee was Irregular, May at 114c advance and others 14c net lower, May closed $1.134; July, 974c; September, SOJiC Hops Easy. ' Hides Quiet, v . Wool Steady. ChaBges la Available Sap pile. NEW TORK, March 21. Special cable and telegraphis communications received by Brad street's show the following changes In aval I - abel supplies, as compared with last account: Bushels. Wheat. United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 3S5.000 Anoae zor xna m .urope, increaeec.. 500.000 Total supply, decreased LS34.000 orn. umiea siun ana nas. ease - of the Rockies. Increased 291,000 Oats. United States and Canada, east ot the Rockies, Increased. ..... ...1,182,000 Wheat at LUerpoel. LIVERPOOL. March 2L Wheat May, S4d: July. 6 914 VTktmt at TaeecB. TAOOJCa. 14rca 2L Wheat-UachangeU; Ches. & Ohio... 61 'Reading . - Chgo. CU West. 25 Kj do 1st pre... C if. i 8t P.1M I do 2d Tiref lOliilUe-a, ; efts),- ,-s- DEMAND FOR FINE WOOLS SMALL AVAILABLE SUPPLY OF DOMESTIC 'GRADES. Boston Market In Strong Position, but Inactive: Foreign Wools Are In Fair Demand. BOSTON. March 21. While toe Boston wool market Is considered by dealers to be in a strong position, business is light in most grades. The demand, as a rule, -favors the fine wools. The slow movement of domestic wools is due, in part, to small- available supply- Foreign wools are in fair demand and moving rather freely at sustained prices. Quo tations: j California Humboldt and Mendocino, 27ff 2714c; Northern choice. 25ff2Sc; average. 19 21c; middle counties. ISStCOc; southern. 1517c Oregon Eastern staple. 20921c; clothing, lSglOc: Valley No. 1. 25025c. . Territory Idaho, fine. 19920c; heavy fine, i&617c: fine medium. lSS20c Wyoming Fine. 1714lS4c: heavy fine, 153 16c; fine medium. lS319c Utah and Nevada Fine. 17818c; heavy fine, 15S16c; fine medium, 174S18c Montana Fine choice. 21822c; fine average. 19820c; fine medium choice, 21C22c; average, 19ff20c. ST. LOUIS. March 21. Wool-Dull; May me dium grades combing and clothing. 23Q24c; light fine. lS204c; heavy fine. 14i15c; tub washed, 3033714c- LONDON. March 21. The offerings at the wool sales today amounted to 10.800 bales. Good, soft-haired merino, greasy realized high rate?, the Continent paying is 114d for comb ings. There was a strong demand for cross breds and prices hardened. Punta Arenas wool sold briskly at full rates, Americans taking several lots. HIGH GRADE STOCK FIRM. Poor Potatoes Are Weak and Dragging at San Francisco. aVN FRANCISCO, March 21. (SpeclaU-Tbe potato market stands upflrmly for high-grade stock, but medium and low grades are dragging and weak. Oregon Burbasks brought by the Columbia sold more freely, with a range of $1 to $1.25, the top price being difficult to obtain, as offerings lacked quality. Seed pota toes move well at 9061. IS. Receipts of new potatoes were largeraind the market easier, at VS63c despite some shipping demand. Strictly fancy Oregon onions were firmly held at $3.25; inferior were easy at $3. Green peas were weaker under large arrivals. Asparagus was steady, with shipping demand good. Rhubarb was in large supply and ucsettlid. Sound oranges, especially small sizes, clean up well at flrni prices. Much poor stock is expected here as a result of the storms when southern districts resume regular shipments. About six carloads of oranges are already in hand for tomorrow's auction. Other citrus and tropical fruits arc steady. Three newly arrived carloads of Northern apples, chiefly Ben Davis, are on the market at $161-40. The speculative market for wheat closely lot lowed Chicago: Barley futures bad a light de cline. Spot prices of both cereals were steady. Black and white oats were weaker and choice red firm. Hay was lower. Fecdstuffs were quiet. Butter is steadier on account of large orders for Sound ports. Cheese is steady. Eggs are weaker. Receipts, 72,400 pounds butter, 7100 pounds cheene. 49,960 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Garlic SO 40c; green pear. 21464c; string beans, 15620c; asparagus, 366c; tomatoes, $1.5062; egg plant, 15c POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 18620c; roost ers, old, $565.60; do young. $6.5067.60; broil ers, small. $364: large. $4.5065.50; fryers. $5.5060; hens, $57; ducks, old, $566; do young. $8.5067.50. CHEESE Young America, 12613c; Eastern, 15616c BUTTER Fancy creamery. 23c; creamery eeconds, 23c; fancy dairy, 23c; dairy seconds. 22c BGGS-Store. 1646171ic; fancy raijch, 20c WOOL Lambs', 16218c. HOPS 23625c per pound. HAT-Wheat, $10613.50; wheat and oats. $9612.50: barley. $8610; alfalf, $8610.50; clo ver. $7Q9; stocks, $68": straw, 25650c 1 MILLFEED Bran, $20,50621.50; middlings. $26.50628.50. FRUIT Apples, choice. $2; do common. 75c; bananas. 75c6$3; Mexican limes, $45; ba nana?. 73c6$2.50: Mexican limes, $164.50; Cal ifornia lemons, choice. $2.50; do common. 73c; oranges, navels. 75c62; pineapples. $264. POTATOES Early Rose. 1.4061.60: River Burbanks. 75c6$l; sweets, 7560OC; Oregon Bur- banks. $161.35. RECEIPTS Flour. 2334 quarter sacke; wheat. 1057 centals: barley. 1430 centals; beans. 1400 sacks; corn. 6C0 centals; potatoes. 2631 sacks; bran. 665 eacks; middlings. 675 sacks; hay. 14T tons; wool, 2S2 bales; bide. 193. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. March 21. The London tin market was higher, closing at 136 2s 6d for spot and 1S4 10a for futures. Locally, the market was held higher, la sympathy with the foreign improvement. Spot demand. 22.659 29.80c Copper declined In London, closing at 68 3s 9d for spot and 6S lis 3d for futures. Locally, the market was reported: firm, with very lime. if anything, offering below 15.374c for electro lytic Lake. 15.37148 13.50c: electrolytic 15.: ei5.37tic; casting. H.S7415.25c Lead unchanged at 12 Ss 9d in London, and at 4.506-4.600 In the local market. Spelter was also unchanged in both markets. remaining at 23 7s 6d in London, "and 6.13 6.25 in the locar market. , Iron was firm at 54s 6d In Glasgow and 49a 414d in Mlddleeboro. Locally, the market was reported firm, with Nc 1 foundry North ern quoted at $17.95618.25: No. 2 foundry Northern. $17.5061S: No. 1 foundry Southern. $17.75318.25 and No. 1 foundry Southern soft. $17.75615.25., Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. March 2L The market for evaporated apples was held at full late fig urea, but buyers show little- interest tor the time being. Common. 46514c; prime. 5f 6514c; choice, 66814c; fancy. 7c. Prunes unchanged and quiet with quota tions ranging 214 6574c for California fruit. while Oregons sell as high as 7s for the larger sizes. " Apricots are quiet but firm with choice quoted at 10611c; extra choice, 1114 912,J4'c; fancy. 12615c Peaches unchanged at 1081014c for choice; 104 6104c for fancy; 1114 615c for extra. Raisins show no fresh features, save as the supplies of cheap stock are cleaning up. The tone seems to be steadier, Loose Mus catels are quoted at 4146614c; London layers, $1.0561.25; seeded raisins, 54864c Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. March 21, Tho market fo: coffe futures closed quiet, at a net decline of 5610 points. Part of the business was in the shape -of rarltehea from near to late months. Sales. 15,520 bags. Including May. 8.30c; July, 6.50c: September. 6-fSfj6.70c: October. 0.75c November. 6.65c; December. 6.8566.90c Spot Rio easy: Nc 7, 714c; mild, steady. Surar Raw firm: fair refining; 4 7-1 6c: cen trifugal. 96 test, 5c; molasses sugar. -4 3-1&C Refined, firm; crushed. $5.75; powdered, $6.15 granulated. $0.00 Grata at San. Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 21. Wheat and barley quiet, Oats weaker. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping. $L506L$3; mllllng,$l.656 1.HT14. Barley Feed. $124615; brewing; $L2116 1.30. ; Oats Red. $1.4061.70; whits, $K42VrO1.90 black. $1.321461.45. Can beard sales Wheat quiet; May. $1.45U oia; December, xis. . Barley Quiet; May, $1.184; December, 97c corn Large yeiiew. $xzi.iO. Stock Is Overascrfdy BOSTON. March 21 Subscription lists for an fasue of $25,000,000 of 4 per cent bonds by the American Telephone & Telegraph Company were opened today ny judder. Peabodr & Co. and Baring Bros., and as the issue was fouad to be largely oversubscribed, the lists were closed. It was announced -that,Loadon had subscribed for sore Uaaa ta bonds. ' This is the. first time. It Is said, that foreigners have bought largely of American telephone securities. New York Cattoe Market. closed steady at a net decline, of 1113 points. AT THE "HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. C H Patton. Boston !A Austin. Phlladelph J Jerome. N T G w Dorman. St Paul 1C J Fallon. Seattle M Tlllotson. N T E Spencer. Ogden IMrs C R Green. Aber 1 deen Mr Ana. Mrs J betas Man. Chicago Mrs R Farley. Springfield. Ill 3Tr and Mrs F W Thompson, do O W Cooper. Boston W G Taylor. St LoulsIC W Nlbley. Perry F Lelaad. S F T Keoghan. S F R Van Sands and U Harris. S F wife. Cincinnati. O L A Eppensteln. Chgo H Dymond and wife. G VT Helms. Vancvr T E Johnson iC H McWllllams. Wa St Louts A Ardrok. N Torfe C Clarke. Phlla Fortler. Berkeley terloo J B Nlnvier, Chicago W T Lewis. Racine D Duncan. S F I Burkhardt, v ancvr C A Meyer and wife. J V R Constable. N T Seattle D B Chandler, do R W Foster. N York J Maynard, Jr. S- F H Blettner, S F Mr and Mrs C Ces- IE H Marsh. Sandusky. Ohio Miss Marsh, do sine. BelUngham Mrs W H Herbert, do W M Wilson, do H L Maxwell, wife A H Baldwin. Wash and boyc Green castlc. Ohio ington. D C A Salmedlr. do J Galenzele and wife. H L Latey. S F A P Lange. Spokane Reading. Pa H L Frank, do O R Hunt. Chicago IW Bredenof and wife. Michel. N York Reading. Pa R H Chanoter and R B Dyer. Astoria wife. Boston. ICrfpt H L Steele. U S-A L W Brundage. Ta- D B Wilson, Denver coma THE PERKINS. O D Casady. ChehallstF B Walte, Roseburg- 11 L Herzinger. L J Porter. Idaho IMrs F"orter. do Granrevllle - Mre Herzinger, do IMrs J E Lancaster, Master Herzlnser. do! Eugene P McCabc Eureka Mrs 2 Bryan, Antelop C La Mare. Cot GrovtMIss Bryan, do W A Neman. S F IW H Iincaster. City D S Hunseker. EugenfMrs H M Branson. C A RIggs N York 1 Marshfleld R H Owen. Or City IF M March. Minn P M Flood. S F il F Bodl. Bonner iit A Jacobson, Astoria L Kusters, Olympla D L Keys. Perrydale L J Cody, -Duluth C W Johnson. F GrovlMra Cody, do C P Young. Oak Pt iB D Schaffer. Seattle Mrs J A Rundle. ID Sinclair. Winnipeg Waahougal. Wash Mrs W W Hicks and C C Haynes, F Grovel child. Winnipeg J Johns. Tacoma IS J Beck. Lexington C W Potter, KalamalG M Johnson, Mont A x iiaites. uity ij Anaerson. lacora B W Grable. Chicago E E Koontz, Athena Mrs Grable. do B F Pike, Moro Miss M W Paterson, (W E Leach. Lexlngtn San Francisco H Barnhart. T Dalles Arthur Dexter, do tD G Weston. Pt Hum ETA Akacs. chlcagolC W Mcrrls, Chicago C K Marsha'.lf II KlviD warren. La layette Mrs H. A Nudd. Ccn-A H Clifford. Or City tralla IMrs Clifford, do C Meletus. Seattle IW H Rlggs. Indepnd Mrs H L Sloody. Spo-G M'nlgan, S F kane. Wash THE IMPERIAL. C M Shelton. Golden-fW G Wood. Albany dale. Mrs a c koss, Astona j tr nisnop, aaiem liirs u a Alien, ao Mrs Bishop. Salem W F McGregor. As IS Edwards, do T C Shaw. St Paul toria IE II Watklns. Cath- M A McMlllen. Kan lamet sas City Rev Johnston. Wash W Vincent. Baker C W W Raymond, do TJ W Scheinent. S F W G Hopkins, Aberdn J H Nicholsen, L An W II Framm, iion tesamo T II Crawford, La G W JI Hurrall. Chgo J L Mitchell. Grass V D E Hoover, Rosebg C E Loornls. Eugeno F P Wilson. N York Mrs Mitchell, do M J Hickey. Wasco C L Freer. Sumpter T J Lean a. Seattle G M Minigan, St L Ray Logan. Moro W Dolf. San Fran C L Haun. Spokane J R Whitney, Salem THE ESMOND. E Bodlne. Kelso I E Mason. Boring Mrs Mason, do J R Blair. Elma Miss Nesbltt, Golden-I J O Emerson. Mayger dale A Lundin. Mayger , J Bonnlton. Clifton ! A Hasselburg. do A Bedell. City C Campbell. 'Astoria F Campbell, do .A Heyland, City H W Smith. DenveriH L Colvln. do W M Dustln. N Era J Thompson. Arllngtn J Brown. Rainier E A Pace. Kelso W P Mclntire. do A A Sicben, Astoria W S Worsley, do G Tolman, Illinois Mrs Tolman. do Mary Tolman. do C Johnson, Seaside tHettlo Tolman, do W E Conyers. Clats kanle D J' Bush. Sllverton Ed Bush, do A Olsen, Deep River iJ H West, Astoria R HenricL St HelenslMrs w est, do B Myers, do iF C Quinn. Quinn E Glazier. Stevenson x J- awitzer. ijunace J P McCrum. do IJ T Wallace. Estacada W B Carrolton. SeattllN J Dougherty, Mrs Carrolton. do I Shaniko J Johnson, do E -Hayes. Go'dendals G Turner, Roseburg- IL OTsen. Sllverton Spencer. Astoria ITheo Fisher, do s Spencer, do IG W Boles. Skamoka J Murphy. Baker CtylB F Allen. Grant's P( itrs Murpny. ao f jonnson, ancouver Mrs R Murphy, do Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma. 'American plan. Kates, S3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. First-class restaurant In connection. GEO. SKALLER & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS Pacific Coast Ofice uVun'.snt San Francisco NEW YORK STOCKS CHICAGO GRAIN FRsffB Our sew edition of the Khl" Imestors' Gnida Manna!, ll blsi as elegant doth bound bock containing mforutcn and advice to mvestors and ipecutators complete tutistics of all rail road and large industrial eetcrprues will bo furnished upon application, also Dill; Market Uttsr sent tree upoa request. We open accounts and' give quick execution. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER "SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers Steamers leave Portland dally, except Sunday. 7 A. M.: arrive daily at 8 P. M. Connecting at Lyle. Wash., with Columbia River Sz Northern Ry. Co. for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. Landing toot of Alder st. Phone Main 91 L 3. M DONALD, Agent. For South-Eastern Alaska Carryia U. 8. Mail and Exprea. S. S. RAMO.VA, 8 A. il. B. S. HUMBOLDT. 8 P. JL From Tacoma same' cay. 2:46 A. M. and 5 P. M. RAMONA March 6. via Vie. toria ana fcxagway; March la, via Victoria and Sitka. HUMBOLDT March 10, via Vancouver ana SKagwayi freh 2T. via. Vancouver and Skagway. COTTAGE CITC March 29, Vancouver and Sitka. All ships will make regular Southeastern Alaska carts ot call. Above sailing- dates sub. Ject to change without notice. S. a. Humboldt will not cau ai x-ar. iuu.iu. FOR VANCOUVER. rrrr OT5 SEATTLE leaves Seattle TnelaT9 Thursdays, Sundays, 10 P. M.; call at Everett and BelUaghaxn. Returning leaves Vancouver Mondays, w.eoneiaj -ui x.noaje, catling at Beuingnam ouu. aiMTsers connect at San Francisco with enm. j.civ steamers tor ports In California. lco and Humboldt Bay. For further Informa tion obtain loiaer. lugat is reserved to change steamers oe iuue uic PICKET OFFICES. Portland... 219 "Washington st. Seattle 113 James it. and docks Ban lYau clsco. . ... IO Market at. C d. uukaa, uen. fisn. Agt., 10 Markat st.. Saa Francisco, DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO NORWAY, SWEDEN & DENMARK Br the- fast I0,ow.ton twm-ecrew steamers. HBLLIG OLAV. from New York, May 10 ijAutu siAi. jus, - iiay - OSCAR II.. - June 7 HELLIG OLVf . ' " June 21 UNITED STATES. " " July 5 OBCAR J I., " " July 13 SC ANDIX A V I AN- AJtESI CAN LINE. No. 1 BrcMdway, New Tork. TltATXItXR'S SHOip LlMl a?0 Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeping-can daily to. Omaha, Chicago, Spokane: tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City: through Pullman tourist sleeplncrdtr (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Reclining chair-cars (seats tree) to the East dally. UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO- PORTLAND 9:13 A. M. 525 P.M. SPECIAL tor the Easi Dally. Dally, via Huntington. SPOKANE FLYER tf ;i? - :W A. xi-ii.ii. Dally. Dally. For Eaitern Washington, Walla Walla, Lnw. lston. Coeur d'AIenn and Great Northern points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. .... p V v KTVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and H:W P. M. 3;lP.M, way points, connecting Daily, Daily, wltn dteamer tor llwa. ' except except co and North Beach Sunday, Sunday steamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday, street dock (water per.) lu:U P. M. FOR LEWISTON. 5:40 A. M. About Idaho, and way points, Daily, 5:00 P. M. from Rlparia, Wash. ex. Sat. ex. Fri. iit-aiii uiivti, icira and wasnmgxon. Telephone Main 712. C W. Stinger. City Tide- j- aj. v.iaug. uenerai passenger aw. SANFEANCISC0&P0BTLAND S. S. CO. Ticket on sale at 248 WASHINGTON STKEET For S. S. Columbia, March 27, April 6. 16. 28; S. S. Sr. Paul. March 22. 27. April L 11. 21. Leaving AInsworth Dock at S P- M. Throusrh tlckata tn nnln Sni-; i Francisco. JAS. H. DEWSCN. Axent, Telephone Main 283. EASTvu SOUTH UNION DEPOT. Arrives. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS fop SaTrm KGi- 7:23 A. M. ourg, Ashland. Sac ntmsnto. Ugdtn, san F-rAicisco. iiojave. Lo Anselea. i-i'l rtiao.- New Lirleaus Ana the East. Morning u-urx cos aects at Woodburn (dally except Suu jiy) wltn train tor itount Angel, ouvcr- ItOn. iStOWTMVlllc. SyriBgfleia. Wtsa- S:30 A. M. 8:00 P. SL 0 Albany passenger noao A. M, connects at W ood- burn with ML Angel and Sllverton local. Corvallls passenger. Sheridan pasdenger. T:30 A. il. S-M P. M-v S5 A. if. IHiSOP. M. Daily. IIDaily. except Sunday. PORTLAND-03WEGO SUBURBAN SERVICa AND TAMHTLXi DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:39 A. M.. 1250, 2:05, s:3S, o:zo. 033, T:t5. ioav p. m. Dally, except busday. B0, esso, 10;25 A. il IUV, J-l-JU i. Ji. BlUUtJ, uuu, r A. M. Returning from Oswego arrives Portland dally 830 A. M.. 1:55. 3:05, 4:55. 6:15. 75. 93. 11-Ki t r DJlv- exceDt Sunday. 8:23. 7i2i. 80. 10-0. 11:15 A. M. Except Monday. 123 A. M. Sunday only. iu:oo a. Leave from same depot tor Dallas and inter mediate points dally except Sunday. 1:10 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:10 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper- j un ,n tnnmnuth and Airlift, connectlce with S. P. Co. train at Dallas and Inde pendence. pirgt-cjass tare irom, x-uroaoii w and Saa Francisco, $20; berth, $3. SaeeEd cuss fare. 13; second-class berth, 2.50. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Alia Jspan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITT TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and WVshmsw'Tstrists. Phone Mala 7UL TIME CARD OFTRAINS PORTLAND Decart. ArriTG, Fuget Sound Limited for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla, South Bend and Gray's Harbor points 8:30 am Norm Coast Llmltet. for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte. St- Paul. New York, Boston and all points East and southeast............. 3:C0 pm Twin City Express for lacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Helena, .St. Paul. Minne apolis, Chicago, New York, fcotton and all points East' ' and Southeast 11:13 pai 4:15 paf T:00aas 7:60 psa Puzet Sonna-KiTnsat city-St- Louis Special, for . lacoma, Seattle, Spokane, a Butte, Billings, Denver, " ' omaaa, Kansas City. Sc. Louis and all points East And Southeast.......-.... 8:20 am 7:00 am All trains dally, except on South Bend branch, senger Agent, a3 Morrison at., corner Third. Portland, Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. ff zvicf T L,eav es. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Dally. For Maygera, Kalhler, Dally . Qatskanle, West port, Clifton, Astoria, War :00 A. M- renton. FlaveL Ham- 11:10 A. H. mond. Fort Stevens. -t Gear hart Park. Sea side. Astoria and Sea. x shore. Express DaUy. 7-00 P. M Astoria Express. S:40 P. 3C." J Dally. ' "Comm'i Agt.. 28 Alder it. 6. F. & p. A, Phone Main 90S. City Ticket Office, 123 Tbfars. Sc., Pbase 9. 20VEELA2TD TEAIKS DAILY O Tha Flyer asd tat isft MaU. - SPLENDID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMXNX , COCKCEOCS XMPLOTS Tor tickets, rates, feMers ssmI faK in forraalloB. call oa ar aMreea K. DICKSON. City 3aBi cagey asMt TlefcH AgU 122 Tajr street. Ps4hud. Or. JAPAN-AMlfRICAN L!fSE' S. S. KANAGAWA MARU For Jaat, Cka sad all Ateic Pct,. wli