i 1ST THE MOBNEKG OBEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 22. 1905. IN SELF-DEFENSE Jury Finds Charles Bock Not Guilty; ECHO OF UNION TROUBLES Defendant, a -Sailor, Carried a Re volver to Protect Himself From Assault by Members of the Longshoremen's Union. That, a man has a right to earn his dally bread, whether he belongs to a union or not, and that he has a right to defend himself when attacked, even by the use of a revolver, if necessary, is practically what a jury In the Municipal Court decided yesterday when Charles Bock was acquitted on a charge of carry ing' a concealed weapon. Bock Is a member of the Sailors' Union and was engaged In handling cargo of the T. P. Emlgh, tied up at the docks of the Portland Lumber Company. Patrol man Porter arrested him and took from him a revolver. Porter therefore appeared as complaining witness, hut behind the case stands the Longshoremen's Union, with which the Sailors' Union has been at outs over the Emlgh's freight. It la claimed the longshoremen refuse to work on the vessel themselves, and that they do not want the sailors to do so. There was but the testimony of Pa trolman Porter and Bock, but much time was consumed, as there were frecuent .tilts between attorneys. Judge Hogue also 'took part occasionally, as at tunes he thoceht the attorneys were not conduct ine the case along strictly legal lines. Deputy IMstrJct Attorney Haney appeared if or tha and Attorney Citron for the defease. Citron maintained throughout fthe trial that the Jury must either, by its decision, give a man the right to earn a livelihood azO. to defend himself when at tacked or say he could, not. Haney argued tthat it was purely a case of violation or nonvloMLUon of the law. Bock did not deny having the revolver. He admitted t""t he purchased it for the purpose of protecting his life, and said he carried it in a pocket inside ms vest, which left the handle in sight. After ar--guments by counsel and instructions to the Jury, it was but a few minutes when & verdict of acquittal was brougnt in. Toby Smith was then placed on trial. charged with assaulting Paul Tram. The defendant is a member of the Longshore men's Union and. the complainant of the Sailors' Union. The trouble took place over the Emlgh's cargo, as in the pre vious case. Judge Hogue expressed him self as of the opinion that the defendant was guilty, but withheld sentence until tomorrow, when the remainder of the as eault cases growing out of the trouble are to be called. Late yesterday afternoon Bock was again arrested, this time by Patrolman Roberts, on a warrant charging him with assault and battery. Andrew Matson is the complainant. He says Bock struck him with a stone Monday night. pATT.Y. METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. pnnTI.AVT). March 21. Maximum tempera ture. 49 dec; minimum. 40.- River reading at 11 A. M.. 6.2 feet; change In past 24 hours. rise 1.6. Total precipitation. D r. a. w a r, iL. 0.68 Inch; total since September 1, 1904, 2. afi Inches: normal. 30.01: deficiency. 12.23, Eatal sunshine March 20. 1!K)5. none; possible. 13 hours and 8 minutes. Barometer (reduced PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. 5. STATIONS. Baker City....... Bismarck Boise . Eureka........... Helena Kamloops, B. C Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Boscburg. ...... Sacramento. Salt Lake City... Ban Francisco... Epokane Seattle Tatoosh Island... Walla. Walla...., 61SE Cloudy OOllOSB (Cloudy 48 0.011 4KB Rain 158 I0.04 HIS Cloudy Clear 40 64 0.O4 LlOlSW 0.00 SW PL. cloudy 4GJO, 10 3 SW :Ciouay 10.68 K&in R&ln Cloudy 58 0.001 SB 64 0.14 S 58' 0.00 lOlSB (Cloudy 541 T I22INW lRaln 10.00 .W Clear Cloudy Cloudy 0.02(101 SW 48 k.oii c SE 48 0.32114 S juun 162 T (14 SW Pt. cloudy T trace. WEATHER CONDITION& Tnsettled, rainy weather continues this even Snr In the North P&otflo States and In portions of Northern California, At Boise the rain Ttwasi aooomimrBixi cy a tnrmflfT storm curing me eiternoon. It la cooler this erenissr In Southern. Idaho. Elsewhere vest of the Rocky Mountains the .changes la temperature have been email and t unimportant. The Indications are tor ooeaalcnal rain In ottils district Wednesday, MiLh hut little chance jin tarnfrracure, ( WTULTH13R FORECASTS. Forecasts mad at Portland it 8 P. II. for XS hours ending at mianigat. March 22: Portland and -vicinity Occasional r&ln; couth tftrest wlnos. : Western Oregon and Western Washington--t Occasional rain: south to treat -Kinds. Eastern Oreguo, Eastern Washington and j. aa.no uiouay to partly ciouay, with showers, ( CLASSIFIED A3). BATES. "BoomV" "Rooms and Board," "House- 'koepmg Eoonu," "Sltoatlona Wanted." 18 "words or less. 15 cents; 1C to 20 words, 20 cents j 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dls count for addltlrmnl insertions. UNDER AIX OTHER HEADS, except "Aew Today," 80 cents lor 15 words or les 20 to 0 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half j no further Hln(- an der one month. "NEW TOD AX" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per .line of each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the teiepnone. NEW TODAY. MORI GAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rates. Tltlu insursd. Abstracts turalshsd. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 7 Chamear cr Comaunk CTREE LAND IN OREGON I Under the Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state. WRITE OR CALL. TODAY. Booklets and map free. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder street. Portland. Or. inrn 100x100. on VL ISth noar "Nfor OioOU son st.; this property Is away below values; those wanting a snap better jook uus up immediately. SAHLSTROM & PATTERS OX. J32 Stark Street. 16fH AND KEARNEY 100x75. with two cottages: choice for flats or nne oweiung; sgwx). A. D. Marshall. Agent. SIDETRACK Best and cheapen Quarter or half block. ISth fct. A. D. Marshall. 82 3d st. OTTO & CROCKETT. 23S WASHINGTON PHONE CLAY 1RK.T. Restaurant, best location In city, cheap; low iwii wu nwuaa iw &euing; snap- ZCr anybody J.GJACK&CO. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE Our new Spring' stock includes every standard grade of Carpet in a superb variety of designs and" colors. Here are prices on a few of our many grades : Eoyal Wilton, sewed, lined and laid $3.50 Bigelow Asminster . . $2.10 Bussorah Axminster , $1.75 "Smith Axminster ..' $1.50 Best Velvets $1.50 Velvets $1.10 Body Brussels ..." $1.65 Tapestry Brussels. $1.25, $1.15, $1.00, 85 Ipgrains, all grades $1.15 to 45 86-88 THIRD ST. KXXIf-KXXSCKAX. rrss. iimmmtummmum uropn Plan DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Who can fill or extract any number of teeth without in flicting the slightest pain to the patient The largest and best-equipped dental office on the Pacific Coast. 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh 'Phone Main 2119. AUCTION 8AT.F.S TODAY. TJw T T TT7I1.A..'.. nlurmm ICO Wrt Kt at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At residence, 149 10th st.. near Morrison st. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auc tioneers. . MEETING NOTICES. Regular meetlnK this tWednesday) evening et 8 o'clock. Third degree. Visitors wel come. M. OSVOUJ, Becretarj'. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. "NO. 54. O. E. S. Stated communica tion this (Wednesday) evening. Social, uy oraer w. KATE M. STEAD MAN, Sec winrfTO UWTT1EVTS OF WISCONSIN and members of the old Badger Society are re quested to attend a meeting to be held in. Elks ball, in the Manjuam building. Wednes day evening. Marcn zo, ax o o ciock- a ws and enthusiastic gathering Is expected. lt no Wlsconslnlte fall to attend. nlar meeting this (Wednesday) evening In Ori ent Hall. East Portland. First degree for 20 onnrildates from the new lodge at St. Johns. Visitors welcome. W. A. WHEELER, ec WASHINGTON COUNCIL, NO. 3. B, AND S. M. Stated tesembly this (Wednesday) evening, at 7:S0 o'clock. Masonic Hall, BurkhanJt building. East Side. Work. Refreshments. By order of Th. I1L M. C M. BROSY, Rec poirrrJ1Avr iodgei no. 142. B. P. O. EL.KS The members will meet In our lodce- room In the MarQuam bldg., today at 2:30 P. M., to conduct the funeral services or our late brother, J. W. Talbott. of Astoria Lodge. Visiting Brothers Invited to assist, uy oraer of the Exalted Ruler. JOHN B. COFFEY. Secretary. DIED. PBTSER On March 20, 1503, at Seattle, Wash., Michael Peyser, aged 65 years. Re mains will be brought to Portland for Inter ment. Announcement of funeral later. RAYBURN In this city, on March 31, 1903. at 868 North 2ist st.. ana. Jiary itayDum. agea 65 years, 11 months, 20 days. Funeral an nouncement later. IAJNDHN In this city. March 21. 1905. Erich Lunden. aged 28 years. Funeral notice here after. rCNERAI. NOTICES. MILLER March 20. 1005, Mrs. Annie S. Miller, aged 20 years, 11 months and 27 days. In Sellwood. Funeral will take place from the Baptist Church, corner Umatilla avenue and East Eleventh street. Thurs day. March 23. at 2 P. M. STRANGE At her late residence at Sunny side. Or., March 20. 1905, Mrs. Annie Strange, wife of William M. Strange, aged S9 years. Funeral will take place today. March 22. at 1 P. M.. from the Sellwood Presbyterian Church at Sellwood. Friends Invited. TALBOTT Friends and acquintanees are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices of the late John W. Talbott. which will be held at Flnlero chapel at 3'P. M. today. after which the remains will be shipped to Indianapolis, ma., tor interment. STEINLEIN Trends and acquaintances are respectfully invltea to attend the . funeral services of Robert Stelnleln, which will be held at nniej-s cnapei at r. m. today. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. MOSHER In this city. March 20. 1905. at the family residence, 301 Marguerite avenue. Roy SI. Mosher. aged 29 years. 5 months and 20 days. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. today. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir Ceme tery. BERNAICH In this city. March 21. 1905. Mary L. M. Bemalch. aged 20 yearn. 2 month and 6 days. Friends and acquaint- ances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at SU Patrick's Church, corner 19th and Savler sta.. at 0 A. M.. Thursday. March 33. Interment Mount calvary cemetery. DUNNING. McENTEE ft GILBAUGH. successors to Dunning ft Campion, under takers and embalm ecs, modern In every de tail. 7ih and X'lae. 1'hono Mala 430. LpAj assistant. EDWARD DOLMAN CO, Undertakers and embalroers, hare moved to their stew build ing. Third and Salmon.. I sdr assistant. Telephone No. 6(t7. J. I FZNXEY ft SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Msdlton. Office cf Cosaty Cer oser. Jjadr asslstaat. Telephone No. S. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. li Zast Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East C2. ZEIXER-BYSNES CO, UNDERTAKERS, Embalmers. 273 Kai'l; East 1088; lady as't. NEW TODAY. WAT.1.EX fr 'M'nnWPir.T. mr m?m quarters for table linen, blankets, quilts, curtains, towels and napkins. We have no legitimate competition in the City of 9 & w. sonmxs, UXrmOMM, MM $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Day AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER A. H. Ballard. Lessee and Manager. Farewell Week of the Columbia Stock Company. Matinee Saturday and Sunday. COLUMBIA STOCK COMPANY. In dramatization of MARIE CORELLrs famous love story, "THELMA". Seats on Sale for All Performances. Down-town box office open all day at Dolly varaen candy shop, 37 Morrison. i'Donc Mam uu. wwunei at theater. Main sn. Evenings, 50c. 35c. 25c. 15c. Matinees. 25c, 15c. 10c ORDER SEATS EARLY. EmplreTheater ght2S&. Phone Main 117. . Packed to the Door Yesterday. TONIGHT AND ALL THIS WEEK. MATINEE SATURDAY. A corking good show, the big New York success THE MOONSHINER'S DAUGHTER" A sensational melodrama. Special scenic production. Prices Evening, 15c, 25c, 35c. 50c Matinee. 10c. 15c. 25c GRAND Phone Main 092. The Best in Vaudeville! TED El BOX. THE ONLY GlLBERT-SARONY. JAMES POST AND COMPANY. SEFTON AND D EAGLE. THOMAS ELMORE. MISS GEORGIA EMERY. MR. ALF BONNER. THE GRAND! SCOPE. Prices Evening. 10c and 25c: box seats. 25c Matinees (except Sundays and holidays), 10c THE STAR THEATER FROSINI TWO YERXAS. THE COLTONS ROSCOE ARBUCKLE BARNOLD'S TRAINED DOGS. CORDERO. ZANFRETTA AND CARL. HANSON AND DREW. New schedule of prices--Evenings, 10c, 20c and 25c; matinees, except Sundays and holi days. 10c Week-day shows, 2;30 P. M., 7:30 P. M. and F. M. NEW TODAY. i TO MONEY SAVERS "THE OLpEST TRUST COMPANY. IN OREGON." Will pay 4 per cent Interest oa any ana on Certificates of Deposit to ran twelve months rtraignt. i or sums or xaeo asa upwards we Issue our Coupon Certifi cates of Deposit to ran tor 6 years. ' with interest at 4 per cent, as per semi-annual coupons attached. For rams of S500 and upwards, we Issue our Special Certificates of Deposit, payanie on vo days- can witn interest at 4 per cent. Tness are zuuy de scribed In oar book of niastrslioss, which we will send you We wel come small sums -in our eATiags Department, and par 3. per ctnt Interest. Correspondence solicit ed Att questions answered by personal letters. iaad Trust Co. es uregos. 103 Third street. BEXJ. X. COHEN. President. H. L. PITTOCK. V.-Tres. B. LEE PAOET. Bee J. O. GOLTRA Asst. Secy. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate, City and Farm Insurance In All Lines A H. BIRRELL, 202-3 McKay bldg. Third t and Stark. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE CHOICE H-BLK. IN HOLLA day's Addition, owner. 169 1st st. 3900 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BASEMENT, 50 loot lot; Bargain n . am st. I"0K SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE NEW 6 AND 8-ROOH HOUSE; LW.IU. suuouary wasnstanc. concrete naae- .tinted, pass pantry, larre bedrooms, with eiQSta in ww 1 . ....In... washtuhs In basement; on Union-avenue car line, nre-mlnute service, near good school, lawn, streets Improved; houses now open for Inspection; cash or Installments. Inquire owner. H. E. atemler. 122 3d st or at res idence. 652 Union are. North, one block, south of houses. . FOR SALE. 3650. Choice lou pa E. 19th st, near Everett Water and sewer connections. Improved street and sidewalk. These lots lay nice ly. They are well worth the money. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 100 Third Street. A $1000-BUYS NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE IN heart of Sunnrslde. hot id cold water. Un proved street, nice yard and roses. $2300 Elesant new, modern 7-room house, worth $3300. swell location on S. Taylor st. S4150 Beautiful new modem T-room house on West Side, between 10th. and West Park; a snap. $3000 Or $300 down, fine S-room residence on Mt. Tabor, "swell location, larse grounds, all In frulu H. II. STAUB. 243H Morrison. . Phone Red 2371. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY oz handling acreage; choice acre tracts for homes, within the city limits or outside; terms to suit- A. C Churchill & Co.. 110 Second C :ew. MODERN. 6-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE In. East Side. S1S50; S-room house and 2 lots, close In. East-Side. 31930; corner lot, Karl and Mllwaukle sts.. '$350: '100x100, 44th and E. Salmon. 3500; 7H acres front ing on Tremont st.. $3000; 6-room mod ern bouse. E. 20th. 32450; easy terms.' Owner. 695 E. Washington st. Phone East 1626. FREE LAND! FREE LAND! A chance to secure a home and make money; only cost Is for water right, which averages 310 per acre; under state control. For par ticulars write or call at office of Columbia Southern Irrigation Co., 539 Worcester block. HOOD RIVER-10 ACRES. 5 MILES FROM town on .east side; nne fruit land, partly improved level and all cultivable; near school and church; rural mall delivery and phone: healthful climate; 3125 per acre; H-mlle from railroad survey. W C9. Oregon I an. NEW 8-ROOM DWELLING. JUST COM- pieteu, on li. izth, het, Schuyler and nan cock, Holladays Addition; surrounded by beautiful shade trees and lawn; terms to suit buyer. Inquire next door for key and terms. A NICE HOME. EAST ANKENY Dis trict, a-room house, large and small fruit, garden, fine lawn, etc; 31350 If sold at once. 3375 down, balance 320 month. In quire of owner. 145 3d St.. room 1. A BARGAIN FOR SALE BY OWNER, A nrst-ciass corner, with two cottages, close in. Pays over 8 per cent net on 3750; could easllm be made to yield more. For particu lars Spply to E S3, care Oregonlan. FINE 10-P.OOM HOUSE. MODERN, ON - corner lot. soxiuu; hot water heating plant. Apply on premises. 3S4 Ross St., eor. Broadway. 3 blocks from river. Phons Union 6032. HAWTHORNE PARK -r- THE MODERN S-room house, northeast corner of East Main and 13th et. ; can be bought reasonable (and on easy terms. See R. L. Cate & Co.,", 113 Second st. A SNAP. $185010 BLOCKS NORTHEAST OF Steel onoge. a nice jo-room aouDie nouse and full lot, 50x100; good location: easy walking distance to center of city. Inquire B 73, Ore gonlan FOR SALE TWO FULL -BLOCKS. CLOSE in, between Morrison and Madison-street bridges, on Improved street: will sell at sac rifice figure. Inquire at 221 Grand ave. FOR SALE BY OWNER GOOD S-ROOM MUD- ern house. S-foot basement, cement floor, cor. ner lot. 60x100; price $2100; easy terms. Seo uame at 134 E. 21st st. North. FOR SALE 100x100 FEET. N. E. CORNER E. 34tb st. and Hawthorne avc; streets im proved; sewer, water, gas. See owner. 3S2 E. 30th et. Phone Scott 3C51. $2200 TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS. WITH good house, plenty xruit, garden all In; Williams ave. car. Miller. 303 Chamber Commerce. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on U. w. f. electric line. O. R. Addtton. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. 5c NEW MODERN COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS. 12 diuc&s cask ui uiuu uuukc .tjv, easy terras. Kroner. 165H 3d st.. room B. GOING EAST WILL SELL TWO NEW bouses In Holladay Park Addition lees than cost. Inquire cor. 24th and Clackamas. FINELY IMPROVED 5-ACRE TRACT ON O. W. P. & Ry. line: at a bargain price for 30 days. See R. L. Cate & Co.. 113 2d st. NETS 12 PER CENT. CORNER 50x73. TWO. story brick: rents fw month; also saloon for sale 356 Delay st-, owner. TWO LOTS. E. 12TH. NEAR TILLAMOOK. for sale, or will build to suit purchaser on easy terms. Phone East 675. cv-in RAT-E LOT 6. BLOCK 44. HOLLADAY"S Addition, nne enrrry ucn; iauu. l. van- LOT 50x150 AND 8-ROOM HOUSE; TILLA- Apply at 309 San Rafael at. $3000 FEWEST QUARTER BLOCK IN IR- . ", 1 ' 1. ry 1 1 m 1, Strong. 113 2d st. KIR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS. 315 22d st. i-Tice low. uwner, Mrs. W. A. Daly. 359 istn st. I-ROOM COTTAGE, $1050 ; 6-ROOM house, $1900; terms to suit purchaser. Thone East 675. tvio BUYS ONE ACRE IN CHERRIES AND prunes at Stuert, on car line. Owner, 558 E. Alder st. ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LINE. 6 MILES FROM Morrison at. onage, v. a. ijiiiira. ixu waukie. Or. FOR SALE NEW. NEAT COTTAGE AT 43D and E. Taylor; very easy payments. $4350 LOVEJOY ST.. NEAR 23D 7-ROOM V-... ..,11 Inl Efrft.i. 119 M . ' FOR SALE FARMS. fiHARANTEED AS ADVERTISED ra acres of rich land, with small amount In cultivation; land all lays nicely, with plenty of live water: nouso and large orcnara; within half-mile of church. Woodman ball and 2-room school, and on good county road: 3 miles from Carrollton. a town on the Co lumbia Blver and N. P. Ry. Price. $3S0. with 3350 down. 55 acres, with 40 acres under plow; all rich land and lays nicely: live water; 300 bearing fruit trees; nicely finished 8-room house: large barn: chicken-house and wood shed ; land fenced and cross-fenced; on coun ty road one-quarter mile from school and 3 miles from Carrollton. Price. 31500. with one-half down. Imus & Wllloughby, Ka- lama, wasn. HANDSOME HOMES AND FINE FARMS; best Improved farm on Cowlitz River, half mile from town; 74 acres bottom, about all under cultivation; does not overflow: S-room noure. large barn: sraoo. SO acres. 3 miles from Columbia River town: good bouse, barn and other buildings; bear ing orchard; 4 horses. 2 cows, poultry; cheap at ijju; -to acres cultivated. HUNTINGTON & HUBBELL. Kelso. Washington. FOR SALB-160 ACRES ADJOINING THE city or Pendleton Or.; good house, barns, etc; well and city water, telephone and electric lignt. or runner Information ad' dress P. O. Box 412. Pendleton, Or. 26 ACRES. FINE IMPROVED. NEAR BEA verton. excellent hop land; good house, barn, horses, cows, farming implements, for $1000 less than It cost. Terms. T. W. Plttenger. room 9, 243 H Morrison. FOR SALE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH ment In the Okanogan Valley: new house. running water; part broke, fenced and In crop; win sell for cost of Improvements. Address Box 894. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE 74 ACRES CUF TTMBERLAND on tidewater of Shoal Water Bay. Pacific County, Washington; timber, spruce and hemlock; wui seu cneap xr. taicenat once. Address r 31. oregonlan. GOVERNMENT LAND. OPEN FOR SETTLE- ment; level bottom tana; no stone or tim ber; water and soil first class. Room 66. 640 ACRES CHOICE FARMING LAND. Eastern Oregon: Irrigating canal cuts tract: for sale cheap by owner. Address E 72. Ore gonlan. FARMS EVERYWHERE IN OREGON, large and smalL all prices. Pacific Realty 4,- 1-1 rMmn..M-,1 K1a.1t IMPROVED FARMS AND APPLE LANDS. B, I. Cate & Co.. 013 2d st, LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for Immediate use. LOWEST PRICES! E. F. & F. B. Riley. 008 Chamber Commerce. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY imeit reserve scrip on the market, tve handle all kinds public land practice. wmaa una. o.. concord bldg. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. TIM bertd. farm or grazing land; all sizes, lowest prices. K. B. Compsoa. 6 IS Marqusm bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maginnls & Son. 22f Falling bldg. SCRIP FOR SALE 2SO ACRES GUARAN teed; cheap. D. L. McLeod. 220 Falling bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. GOOD MODERN 7 OP. S-ROOM HOUSE. BE tween Morrison and Montgomery sts. and west to 14th st,; give exact location and price; no agents. G 77. OregoaUtn. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, S200O to 310.000: also business properties. 35000 to 320,000. Have buyers- L. W. Whiting & Co., 4C3 Ablagton bldg. WANTED TO BUY SMALL. WELL-LO-cated home on installments; East Side pre ferred. H 82, Oregonlan. ' WANTED A 0 OR 7-ROOM MODERN HOME, or a iracant lot; walking distance; West Side. Q 82. Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS. 160 ACRES TIMBER IJf MULTNOMAH County. 6,000,000 feet, good location; cheap for cash. Apply E 79, Oregonlan. 644 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND; 15 MILES from Grant's Pass. Or.; no agents. P. o. Box 19S. Goldendale, Wash. HOMESTEAD. It MILES FROM CITY: BAR gain. D. E. Bud 4. 110 1st, TO EXCHANGE. SECOND-HAND TALKING SiACHINES OT all makes bought, sold and exchanged: bargains In second-hand machines and rec ords. 190 3d st. GOOD FARM NEAR PORTLAND FOR sale or exchange for city property. Ad dress P S3. Oregonlan. I'OK SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BELGIAN Percheron stallion 6 years old. weight 1850 lbs.; can be seen at Elk stables, 4th. and Burnslde sts., this week. FOR SALE ONE PETER SHUTTLER truck. 3 Vs. 4-Inch tire, second hand, price 340. Inquire at G. W. Cone's mill, St, Johns, for Bert WIckham. HORSES, WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds or vemcits bougnt, sold ana rented. Hubert & Hall. 264 4th. Phone Main 220S. $45 BUYS BAY HORSE. WEIGHS 1100 pounds; sound, good driver, single or dou ble. Call 23 N. 14th st. FOR SALE CARLOAD OF HEAVY horses; can be seen at Union Stockyards Stables, foot of 17th st. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-ILVND. vehicles on coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. Pianos. MUST SELL $430 PIANO, USED A FEW weeks: $230 cash, sixteen lessons inciuaeo. Answer today. Cash only. Y 57, Oregonlan. NEW PIANO. HIGH GRADE, TO TRADE tor ooaru or ooara auiu iwui. .r. w ,uuHm, Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAKT lay; needs no painting or coating; good over oia iron, tin or buiusks, mt .c. iww, Elaterite Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR BALE NEW AND SECOND-HAJCD BIL. Hard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables. w:th privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-BalkerCdl- lendcr. 49 3d st. THOROUGHBRED GERMAN SPITZ PUPPIES on exhibition at t uners music store. iyu za. beL Yamhill and Taylor. FOR SALE ONE GOOD FAMILY COW. fresh, with calf. Call at 24S Front st. HELP WANTED MALE. 50 PERFORMERS. AMATEURS AND PRO fesslonals. wanted for roruanas worms Fair and make big salary, .easy work; we B-lll make vou first-class performer, short and easy system. Newman's School of Act- ing.-3ZGH wasningtcn ana x jiojtoh. we vppn TVir? Pfll.TlWTN'fl: Flrst-claia general etore salesman, Alaska, $125. General store man. Eastern Oregon, .nil rntirtA Trnrlinped shoe salesman. city; $C5. Portland Commercial Bureau, 722 Chamber of commerce. WANTED CAPABLE YOUNG- MAN TO assist in lumber otnee ana yara; one not afraid of work; stenographer preferred; wanted. Address In own handwriting. X tss. uregonian. THERE IS MORE DESAND THAN EVER for competent salesmen, bookkeepers; stenog raphers and technical men, and we need men for many such positions now open. Pacific Commercial liureau. beattie. nasn. WANTED IMMEDIATELY SINGERS. PER- formers. musicians, ror vaudeville cir cuit, dramatic companies, ladles' band. quartets, sketch teams. Newman's vauae vllle Circuit. 326H Washington. WANTED MEN AND BOTE TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne uros. Co., bcnooi or Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad dress 4973-75 Easton ave., St. lxuls. Mo. WANTED BENCH HAND FOR SASH AND door factory; must understand plans and details. Address with references. North Bend Mfg. Co., North Bend, Or. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good Income corresponding ror newspapers; experience unnecessary; send tor particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES ; COM- misslon; publications, newspapers, periodicals. Exposition Journal. Clyde's Special Agency, 638 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED. QUICK SECTION FOREMAN. $70; four sawmill men, $50; railroad surface men, $2- day, free fare Pac Coast Emp. Office. 1 N. 2d st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit busi ness; good pay to good. men. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. MAKE MONEY SELL SICK AND. ACCI dent benefits for Union Mutual Aid Associa tion; highest commissions to good men. 401 Marquam bldg. BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS. SALES- men. ir you want a position, cau and see us. Portland Commercial Bureau, 722 Chambc; of Commerce. WANTED A GOOD ALLOPATHIC PHYSI clan and surgeon, to take the place of a re tired physician. Inquire at drugstore. Glen coe. Or. CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE-DISTRIBUTERS "wanted everywhere; permanent position; good pay. American Union, Pontiac bldg., Chicago. , 3 BRIDGE CARPENTERS. R. R. WORK. $3.50 day. free fare: machine miner: others. HANSEN'S OFFICE 28 N, 2D ST. WANTED GOOD FEEDERMAN FOR planer: also stlckerman. Inquire of the Standard Box & Lumber Company. FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK SEE U3. CA nadlan Employment Co.. 249 Burnslde and 22tfVi Morrison. Phone Main 3074. WANTED CLOTHING AND SHOEMAN for Alaska. $125 month. Clerks Registra tion Bureau. 265 Morrison st. WANTED MAN. OUTSIDE WORK: MUST depestt L0O. amply secured; wages $15 week ry. P 81, Oregonlan. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE. WE ARE still doing business at the same old stand. 267 Flanders. DRAFTSMAN FOR FIELD WORK ON RAIL- road survey. Room 55. Worcester block, 3d ana uas: sis. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT once; rererences required. 232 Stark st. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber Col lege. 741 Howard st.. San Francisco. GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGH-CLASS salesman- zis commercial block. WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD CLOTHING, snocs. ou . ruoiic xiooa ico. BOY. 15 OR 16 STEADY INDOOR FACTORY work. .tToni. corner imtii. DR. WALKER. 1S1 1ST. CURBS ALL PRI--rate diseases of men. PLUMBERS WANTED. STARK DAV13 a. wo. j saisaoa zw . HELP WANTED HALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY .ABLE-BODIED. ai.cu uiea, ociween ages oi 1 aas u. citizens of United States, of food character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 34 and Oak sts Port land. Or. WANTED Men to learn barber trade: 8 weeks rampieics; positions guaranteed; tuition earned walls learning. Write for terms. Mo lers Barber College. 644 Clay. San Francisco. HELP WANTED matt: OK XEMAXJK. GENTLEMAN OR LADY TO WORK FOR rename Business house; pleasant and prof itable; experience unnecessary. Address R S3, care Oregonlan. PRIVATE CLASS SHORTHAND SPEEDY. easily read, easily learned; special rate. Call after 7 evening; suite 20S. Allsky. 3d and Morrison. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade: S weeks completes; tuition earned while learn ing. Halrdresslng. manicuring and facial massage In 4 weeks; special terms now. Write Moler System College. San Francisco. AN ELDERLY LADY WISHING A HOME 14 miles from Forest Grove, for doing very light housework for a man and child, for- her living. Address W. S. Clark. R. F. D.. No. 2, Forest Grove. Or. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG LADY TO assist in office work; good opportunity to get practical knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply In own handwriting. Y 81, Orego nlan. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DONT FAIL to see us. Over 1O0O positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, 22ttft Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT- ers. chambermaids, general workers. St, Louis Agency. 230 H YamhllL Phone Black 2S81. MARRIED LADY. WITHOUT CHILDREN. to do chamber work lor rent or housekeep ing rooms; must have experience. 129 Grand ave. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRESEN TS, lives In Portland and throughout the state; we pay good money. Call or write 607 Mc Kay bldg.. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO' Keep uouse la a smau iamiiy, uerman or Scandinavian preferred. Address T 83, Ore gonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED CLERK. Ho siery, knitware. laces, dress trimmings. Clerks Registration Bureau; 265 Morrison st. A FIRST-CLASS WOMAN FOR LADIES' tailor work. Apply Monday morning, 9 o ciock, room 16, Russui block. A. Keating. WANTED WORKING HOUSEKEEPER. Apply at 147 10th st.. bet. 2:30 and 5 P. M.; references. C S2, Oregonlan. HOTEL COOKS. $25, $30: WAITRESS. HO- tei, jast. ju; nouseworic. Kitcnen neip (im position). Drake, 203 Washington. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; must have references. Call between 11 and 2 at 63 N. 9th st. PARTY TO CARE FOR ROOMING-HOUSE. good locality. 11 rooms. In applying give reierences. o sz. oregoman. WANTED YOUNG LADY APPRENTICE. able to sew. Watson, dress and cloak- maker, us Taylor at. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO HELP In restaurant at Seaside. Or. Particulars 141 7th st. WANTED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS. APPLY Pacific Coast Biscuit Company, 12th and Davis. GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, ji per monin. lb t. Main, near -utn. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD wages. 731 savler 9t- small wasning. WANTED FIRST-CLASS TAILORESS, coat helper at once. B 82. Oregonlan. AN APPRENTICE FOR DRESSMAKING. Room 16, Russel block. A. Keating. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB- work. Apply 142 Union ave. North. i GIRL FOR .GENERAL HOUSEWORK; must be good cook. 549 Hoyt st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 569 Johnson st. WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK, FAM lly of two. 812 Johnson st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL. HOUSE work. 728 Everett st. . LADY COOK WANTED HOTEL BERG. 13th and Aider. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Booksrepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER. OR CLERICAL WORK. BY experienced young, man; Eastern references. Address 166 Whltakfr st. YOUNG MAN . WITH 10 YEARS' OFFICE experience desires position; good references. Phone Main 3153. Miscellaneous. THE PORTLAND HOUSECLEANING CO. All kinds of houeecleanlng and janitor serv ices, floors oiled, yards and cellars cleaned. Phone Main 46S2. Residence. 430 Hoyt st, I. Wilson, manager. WANTED POSITION IN SAWMILL AS EN glneer by man of anility and experience as all-around mechanic Address Y 76, Ore gonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAR ried man, experienced In management of ho tel and rooming-house. X 82 Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION. DO GEN eral housework or dishwashing In hotel or restaurant. W S3. Oregonlan. MAN WANTS TO DO SPADING. COMMON gardenor lawn work by the day or steady. J 62, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTS. TO LEARN CANDY- making: no wages expected. M 81, Ore gonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED, COMPETENT LADY STEN- ograpner desires permanent position; win be gin on small salary. Phone Main 4666. Domestics, SITUATIONS WANTED NEAT GIRL. housework.' small family: housekeepers. cooks, chambermaids. 230ft Yamhill. Phone Black 1S8I. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS head waitress in hotel; has iota or expen ence. X 81. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS PLACE; well experienced In boarding-house; -state full particulars and give pnone numoer. L 83. Oregonlan. HAVE EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID. waitresses (arm. trayj, casniersv laciory, office, kitchen help, housekeepers. Drake, -oaji Washington. SITUATIONS WANTED VERY CAPABLE woman, chamberwork; housekeeper, witn girl 2. 230 H YamhllL Phone Black 2881. SCANDINAVIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 270 Burnslde. furnishes male and female. help, all kinds, free of charge. Mala 30S3. 287 N. 17TH ST. A YOUNG GIRL WISHES a half day a work; must stay nome- ai msuu GIRL WANTS CHAMBERWORK OR WILL help do housework, sos xnnrman. . WANTED TO KENT. WANTED ROOMS In all parts of the city. Apply 202 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6266. WANTED TO RENT. 7 TO 10-ROOM FUR nuhed house: renter will occupy 3 rooms. balance for roomers; none but adults, re spectable, will be admitted; a cash bond. If necessary, that proper care will be given to contents, ii. tsi, ore soman. ROOM WANTED. SINGLE. WITH OR WITH out board, on the West Side, near 'Fair grounds prererreo; state run particulars terms, etc c oa, vregonian. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE TENANTS. 6 Address, stating rent, room 436" Portland Ho- tcL WANTED TO RENT A 5 OR 6-ROOM COT- tage or "nit; must do centrally located. 40, Oregonlasl WANTED TWO HUNDRED EGO INCUBAT- or. HO Grand ave., city. WANTED AGENTS- SOAP AGENTS WANTED GREATEST SEL- ler known. Everybody buys; 30 days" credit given; experience unnecessary. Hancock Novelty Co., Chicago.. GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED TO SELL lots on commission, in one or tne cnoicedt suburbs of Portland. Address P. O. Box 703. city. PHOTO COUPON AND PORTRAIT AGENTS, big money. Rembrandt Studio, Abington oiag. WANTED UP-TO-DATE PHOTO AGENTS. ladles or gents. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 1ST et.. pays top-notch spot cash price ror au klnoa of furniture -Phone Main 5655. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at ins "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED UNDERSTOOD OR OLIVER typewriter; state conaiuon ana price nimicu. J 83. Oregonlan. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT Rooms. NEW LAN G IS HOTEL.. European plan; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator; baths free to guests; rate 50c 75o and $1 per day; special rates by the week. Elegant cafe and bar In con nection. Corner 6th and Washington sts. Sam Bauman. manager. F. Lange. prop. THE CLAYTON, 15 North 10th, cor. Burnslde. near Washing ton; strictly modern; newly decorated throughout; finely furnished rooms, single or en suite, bath; location, neighborhood and conveniences unexocelled; terms reasonable. Phone Main 09S9. LARGE, PLEASANT CORNER ROOM. with every modern convenience; gas, fur nace, fireplace, large chiffonier, leather couch, fine bed. piano. In small private family; reasonable rent to gentleman; close in. Main 4714. THE AUDITORIUM. 208Vx 3D ST.. BET. TAY- lor ana saimon. l diock. south or saker The ater Elegantly new furnished, steam heat; hot, cold 'running water In rooms; free bath: rooms with private baths; elevator; $3.50 per week and up; $1 day; tourists solicited. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH. gas and heat; 127 N. 22d st., bet. Gitsan and Hoyt, one block from Washington or Morrison car line; easy walking distance from Fair grounds. Phone Main 4091. THE MONNASTES. 2S3fc 1ST ST. (S. W. cor. Jefferson) Single rooms from $1 to $3; furnished housekeeping suites fiom, $1.73 to $5 per week; rooms per night, 50c and 25ci tourists solicited. THE OREGONIAN ON THE EUROPEAN Slan; rooms. 50c. 75c. .$1 per day; beautiful rick comer; large, light, sunny rooms by the week, $2 to $6 per week. 41)& North 3d, cor Couch. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. 1905 3d. adjoining Baker Theater; $2.50 per week and up; steam heat; special attention given to traveling public Phone Hood 657. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR rlson; best down-town rooms In the city; heat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and up, Including bath; $1 day. HOTEL OXFORD. 6TH AND OAK (EURO pean) The most comfortable rooms la the city; everything new and modern; bell connections with cafe and bar. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Must be seen to be appreciated; desirable lo cation; gentleman preferred. 590 Couch, or phone Front 671. after 4 P. M. CORNER 7TH AND WASHINGTON- ST. Large newly furnished corner room, suit able for two or four persons. 343 li Wash ington, near 7th. room 6. VERY NICE NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two; modern conveni ences; reasonable Main 5694. 547 Tay lor st. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH STEAM. HEAT, bath, telephone, newly furnished; reasonable rent; references exchanged. Telephone Main 4503. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ELEC- tric light.- with use or phone and bath; close In; very reasonable. 210 Park et., cor. Main. IN PRIVATE RESIDENCE. THE VERY best location, quiet neighborhood, large light rooms, phone and bath. 703 Everett. TO RENT ONE OR TWO NICELY FUR- nlshed rooms, private ramiiy; batn. gas; as minutes' ride from city. Phone Union 1972. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING CHOICE IN A furnished room or suite, you can be pleased at 15 North 10th (cor. Burnslde); references. 27 SALMON ST. LARGE. WELL-FUR-nlshed room, centrally located; between two car lines; housekeeping privileges -If desired. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT- able for light housekeeping u ceairea. oiu Mill st. Must be sen to be appreciated. SUITE OF ROOMS IN PRIVATE RESI- uence; weu itiraisaeu, wtujuos nee j meals, if desired. W 82. Oregonlan. PLEASANT. HOMELIKE BOOMS. WITH kitcnen privileges; new nouse, lour diocks from Hotel Portland. 250 6th, FURNISHED FRONT SLEEPING-ROOMS; clean and respectable ouuaing. .apply une Drew, 162 2d. near Morrison. 125 13TH. NEAR WASHINGTON -LARGE, pleasant front room; also room at 32.50; modern, tourists solicited. THREE NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, bath, pantry, closet, can zorenoon or even ing, 482 E. Washington. FINELY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT room, $4.50 per week; private family; cen tral. 394 Yamhill st. FURNISHED OR "UNFURNISHB, LARGE outside rooms, smcuy private Tarmiy; gas. Main 5087. 508 Clay. FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE family: everv convenience; close In. 248 6th st, near Main. 255 11TH ST. CLEAN, SUNNY ROOMS. beautiful grounds, cam, gas, oasement-rootn cheap. West 761. 192 SOUTH 12TH NICELY FURNISHED front room, suitable lor two genuemen or man and wife. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAM- lly. near air, j sin st. xona, Morrison "M" car. SINGLE ROOM FOR RENT; WELL FUR. nienea m wutwuwn, .exueuuea. 004 .Li ving St, SINGLE FURNISHED ROOM, $1.50; TWO housekeeping. $s; ciose in. stj loth, near Stark. 41 ELLA NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. single orfen suite; moaern conveniences. Cheapest and best-located rooms In Portland. 91 wees up. uiiman. ii ana Aiaer sts. 889 ALDER ST. VERY NICE FRONT ROOM, witn or wnnoui ooaru; ait conveniences. $10 RENTS SLEEPING ROOM AT 390 jenerson st.; Dam, gas ana pnone. THE LEWIS, 195 IOTH ST. ROOMS. SIN gle and en suite. Phone Main 4334. THE Y. M. C A. HAS A FREE LIST OF furnished rooms In all parts cf city. BEDROOMS. CLEAN. BRIGHT AND PLBA3 ant. 195 16th st, cor. Taylor. Booms Witn Board. 170 IOTH LARGE, HANDSOMELY FUR nisbed front room, with board, suitable for two gentlemen or couple. SELECT PRIVATE BOARD. 394 COLUMBIA, with fine front suite; modem conveniences and central. Main 2219. NEAT ROOMS WITH BOARD, BATH, phone; price reasonable. 32 N. 11th st., opposite Armory HalL FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD; home cooking: English family. 215 12th st., cor. of Salmon. 829 QUTMBY. NEAR 25TH THREE BLOCKS from Fair; parlors, single rooms, hall rooms; board; bath. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD; $5 PER week. 502 Clay, near 15th. Phone Main 5009. 515 MORRISON ROOMS WiTH BOARD, hot and cold water. Phone Main 4314. ttOOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OR TWO gentlemen. $25. 412 Hall St. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD; HOME cooking. 515 Northrup, cor. 15th st. TUP ni-ntr uttt cr -ormvrs -nr.. K eulta or single, board; hot and cold water,,