Itr the uonmisa oBE&oyiAff, Wednesday, maeoh 22, 1905. RUSADE OKI Great Revival Meetings Begin Today. DR. CHAPMAN WILL SPEAK Nine District Gatherings in Portland. STRONG SERMONS PROMISED How the Work of Converting Souls Will Be Conducted and the Way in Which It Is Hoped to Reach Ail. REVIVAL MEETINGS TO BE HELD TONIGHT. Taylor-Street Methodist Church Rer. W. E. Blederwolf, evangelist. First Congregational Church Rev. Henry Ostrom, evangelist. First Presbyterian Church Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, evangelist. Fourth Presbyterian Church Rev. Daniel S. Toy, evangellsL People's Inetltute Rev. J. B. Snyder, evangelist. Forbes Presbyterian Church Rev. Thomas Keedham, evangelist. Sunnyelde Congregational Church Rev. R. A. AValton, evangelist. Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Henry W. Stough, evangelist. Centenary Methodist Church Rev. John H. Elliott, evangelist. Portland's awakening: Is at hand. To night In nine different places of worship a series of the greatest revival services ever known in the Northwest will begin. Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman and his coterie of evangelists will start a three-weeks campaign for the salvation of souls and the advancement of the moral welfare of the city in general. Other cities throughout this broad land have listened to the sermons of Dr. Chap man, and many sinners have been made to realize the road to repentance, and it is the desire of those having the revival services In charge to persuade as many as possible to attend the meetings here. Dr. Chapman says that he is an old fashioned preacher, but those that have had the pleasure of listening: to his dis courses maintain that he preaches re ligion In the most modem sense. His re vival pictures of a lake of brimstone, up through which the faces of human beings peer, features set In agony, as the flames ecorch them, finally going down into a bottomless pit of everlasting physical and mental torture will never be forgotten. Dr. Chapman does not fall to preach about the "judgment," and he does not hesitate to picture the results of sin, but through the whole series of sermons he does not allow the emotion to become so worked upon that reason Is In the least overbalanced. He seems to Teallze that when a person "gets religion" it must have some substantial basis if It lasts. Is Likened to Moody. Mony of those that have listened to the teachings of Dr. Chapman have said that Moody, the great revivalist, could not do more than he. Beginning at Atlanta and traveling ever "Westward. Dr. Chapman and his assistants have held successful meetings in all he large cities, and he now comes to Portland for the final gatherings of the season. The final arrangements for the meet ing were made at a gathering of the ushers at the First Presybterian Church last night at which Rev. C. T. Schaeffer, the personal representative of Dr. Chapman, gave full instructions in the manner in which the crowds arej to be handled and the methods em ployed by the various revivalists in conducting their services. At each of the churches where services are to be held are to be sufficient ushers to see that every one has a seat, and after the sermon and during the "after" meetings, -which are a special feature of the revivals, these ushers will con stitute a band of personal -workers whose duty it will be to urge unbe lievers to go to the altar and confess their sins. No Set Programmes at Services. There is to be no set programme at nny of the services in this city. A text will be selected by each ,of the preachers and a sermon delivered, but by the audience the speaker -will judge what to say and how much. Rev. Mr. Schaeffer said last night that In many of the places visited the services were held as late as - o'clock A. M., and that often there were two or three "after" meetings. For the first week there will be few daytime meetings, but It Is now plan ned to hold noon meetings next week In many parts of the city. Rev. Charles Stelzle. who makes & specialty of ad dressing gatherings of union laboring men. will probably be here and -will conduct meetings in factories, ware houses and public places "where labor Ing men can hear him. He is a union man and is said to have wonderful in fluence over his shearers. Banners Announce Speakers. Stretched across the front of "every church where the revival meetings are to be helO are huge banners telling who is to speak at that particular place and the name of the singer accompany ing him. The city has been divided Into nine districts, and It is intended that those living in one district shall attend the meetings in the district In which they reside. W hlle Dr. Chapman s name is best known by the public, he Is by no means the only one of the revivalists wjth a reputation as an evangelist. Dr." Henry Ostrom Is said to be one of the most loquent speakers In the "United States, and his power as a pulpit orator is rarely equalled. Rev. w.- E. Riederwolf. who ts to conduct the services at the Taylor street M. E. church. Is known as the greatest evangelical worker among men In the country. He Is said to have an un usual gift of convincing men that they should become Christians, and has to his credit as many as 500 conversions In a single night. Dr. Chapman and his co-workers will arrive this morning from California and after a rest they will take up the final plans for the work here. At 4 P. M. they are to meet the ministers of the city, the members of all the finance com mittees and ushers .of all the churches at the X. M. C A. 'auditorium. At the First Presbyterian, church this evening a space will be reserved In the gallery over the central aisle for deaf mutes, and Mrs. J. H. Olbson will In terpret to them In sign language the ad dress of Dr. Chapman. Central District Organized. Rev. Andrew Montgomery, chairman of the Central East "Side district, in the evangelistic campaign which be gins in the Portland churches this evening, reported yesterday that his district Is well organized. Meetings will be held in Centenary Methodist Church. Last evening the canvass of every house In the territory had ,been completed and a printed Invitation left to attend the meetings. The finance committee is composed of "W. H. Mark ell, chairman: Dr. J. A. I. Hewitt. O. M. Scott, Elmo Harvey, Rev. H. C. Shaf fer and Rev. "William E. Randall, and the committee of ushers is composed of Professor R. R. Steele, chairman; George A. Thompson. J. "W. Euston, J. J. "Wiggins and A. R. Fraser. These ushers are also the workers. The speaker and evangelistic singer for this district are Rev. J. H. Elliott and Charles E. Rykert. WOEKS SAME OLD SWINDLE RestaurantKeeper Gives Four Meals and $2.75 for a Brass ping. Four common, every-day working- (Rev. J. "Wilbur Chapman Seated Third From Left.) WILBUR CHAPMAN' AND HIS EVANGELISTS AND SINGERS, "WHO OPEN THEIR men, with every appearance of absolute honesty, reaped a harvest of shekels by working the ring game yesterday on the East Side. First they went into a restaurant on East Burnside street, near the Burn side bridge, kept by a comely young woman. Here they discovered they were short of ready cash, after each had fumbled deeply down Into his pocket They were dismayed and em barrassed by tho discovery that they had not a cent. One finally remarked: "I have it! My gold ring!" The very thing and worth 510. if a cent. "Would the fair restaurateur take tho ring In pay for four meals for four honest workingmen who were too far from their homes to eat with -wives and babies, and give back tho change, say about 52.75? "Certainly," said the comely restaurant-keeper, who dropped the ring in her cash till, transferred 52.75 there from to the leader and gave them all a fine meal. Thanking her for the ac commodation and assuring her that the ring was 18 karats pure gold, the four walked out. The restaurateur was not long In finding out that the. ring she had accepted could be had at about 50 cents per bushel. - But she may have the consolation of knowing that there are others on the East Side "who were taken in by the same gang. JL Rock Island Officials Predict JOHN SEBASTIAN, passenger traffic manager of the Rock Island system, sat in room 210 at tho Portland yester day afternoon and, assisted by Fred "W. Thompson, the general "Western agent from San Francisco, told of traffic con ditions as regarded the Rock Island, and discussed what would make Oregon the state of the Coast. The fact that they were in the apartment which had been the headquarters for Francis J. Heney during his Investigations into the land frauds seemed to trouble them little, nor did the spirit of confession prevalent in the rooms make them divulge any of the innermost secrets of the company. Yet the talk was Interesting and had to do with Oregon and Oregon's good. "The Rock Island will have a through train service Into Portland In a short time, I hope," said Mr. Sebastian after a little preliminary talk. "When I left Chicago the matter was being discussed, and though I do not know what arrange ments have been made. I trust that through cars will be provided by the con sent of the other companies. "The position of the Rock Island. In view of connections here," continued Mr. Sebastian, "has been weak, but in spite of that we have been pleased at the business done with this territory- Many people have come ovor our line to the state and the business is rapidly Increasing- In view of this Increase and of the heavy business expected incident to the Exposition, special arrangements are be ing made for the service here." "The Exposition Is going to be a great magnet by which to draw tourists to Or egon," Interposed Mr. Thompson. "Tho people of the East are all thinking of a trip to Portland during the Summer. I find this true from the Inquiries made at. my office In San Francisco. IUused to be that the people who came tSf Califor nia returned to tholr homes by the same way or went straight through, once they had started, but this has changed and those who Winter in Los Angeles or other places ask for stop-over rates by way of Portland when they start home. The work of advertising, recently undertaken. Is bringing Its fruits, and Oregon will be much the gainer in the immediate fn turc." "Yes." agreed Mr. Sebastian, "Oregon Is now beginning to do what Southern Cal ifornia, especially, has been doing for the past 15 years. The people of that sec tion have been holding up the wonders of their country Jor. years, and their work has made the State, in large part, what It is. Oregon Is beginning this work and al ready the effects are showing; STUDY THE BIBLE Orientals . -Easily Grasp Its Imagery. DR. PATTON ON THEIR kWORK He Finds That Natives Seize the Meaning of Mystic Passages In Scriptures More Easily Than Occidentals. "God gave the Oriental the faculty for understanding more of the Inner meaning of the Bible than -we can. We Americans are too busy doing things to Tead the mystic passages of which the Bible is full. "We are naturally too materialistic, while the Oriental Is qualified to grasp the meaning of pass ages which to us mean little. There is little of commerce, manufacturing or farming in the Bible, but there is much of the Inside man that the Oriental can find which we cannot." This Is a new view of the missionary subject as presented by Rev. Cornelius H. Patton, D. D., home secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. He spoke last night at the First Congregational Church. "Dr. Ament, one of the best students of the Bible in the mission field, has told me that he had sat with satisfac tion and amazement and listened to sermons by native Chinese preachers. They caw new m&anlngs in many por tions of the scriptures." Dr. Patton had been speaking of missionary work as an Investment. This phase he pointed out as an investment to the Christian world: more material Investments had been benefits to tho commercial world. "What the American Board has been doing since its first five mislsonaries started out in 1S10 was told by. its home secretary. He laid stress- upon the diversified agencies employed, the educational and medical particularly. Of the 70,000 students In the schools of the board, scattered all over the world, the majority were, of course, in the 1200 common schools, but some in the 18 universities and the 14 semin aries. Mdre than 300.000 patients had been treated in the hospitals and dis pensaries of the board during the past year. Dr. H. M. Tanney, the Pacific Coast "There Is a great deal of room here," continued the speaker, "and there are a great many advantages of which the Eastern people have no Idea. The low rates of the Fair, the interest ' that is being aroused and the knowledge of the country that Is being gained throughout the East will bring Thousands of people here to reside. Oregon has been unknown. The people have been too contented, but now they are- waking up and the state will grow. The people that are needed will come. Those who visit here during the Summer will tell others of what they bavc seen and some of these will decide to move to the state. Then there Is the colonist movement now on which will bring, thousands of people here, the most of-ihem to reside." . representative of the American Board, is traveling with Dr. Patton. He made a short address. The papers in San Francisco havJ made much of the threatened rellow peril of the Japanese." said he. "There ' is no danger from this source. Our missionaries have bound the two conn tries together too closely for that. The Japanese looks up to America. Our misalonaries have said that Christian ity in Japan is not to be measured by the number of converts who entr tho churches. Christianity there has en diffusive and the whole country Ttas been brought over to Christian ideals and ways of thinking." A warm welcome was extended to the representatives of the American Board by the Congregational' Church. Preceding the addresses in the audi torium, a reception was held In the assembly-room and many had an op- j Patton. PATTOX HOME GIVES A TEA Excellent Musical Programme Is Fea ture of Occasion. One of the Patton Home's most en joyable teas was an event of yesterday afternoon, the programme which had been arranged being one of much In terest, and the Home's well-kept rooms looking their freshest with pretty dec orations of Spring flowers. Mrs. "W. S. Cutler and Mrs. Alex CAMPAIGN IN PORTLAND TONIGHT. Donaldson were at the teatable, and on the reception committee were Mrs. D. M. McLauchlan and Mrs. John H. Bur gard. Miss Jessie Kenyon, who Is consid ered one of the most brilliant young pianists in Portland, gave several numbers. Including "The Gondolier," by Kevin; a dainty composition called "Cherry Blossoms" and "Butterfly," by Lavalle. Miss Lenna "Wenderoth. a debutante singer of whom her teacher, Mrs. Ed ward Aldcn Beals, is very proud, sang In public for the first time at the tea, her sweet mezzo-soprano voice being well suited to her songs, which were Tostl's "Beauty's Eyes" and "Ben Bolt." the latter being her encore se lection. Miss Marguerite Egbert recited "The Freckle-Faced Little Girl" and "Be linda." giving each with very good ex pression. "Cavatlna," by Raff, and a bolero by Bohm,. were charmingly played by Miss Ziphrah Harris, violinist, and Tom Dobson sang "Love Is a Bubble," and the popular Irish love song, "Shoogy Shoo." Mrs. J. F. Logan was Master Dobson's accompanist, Mrs. Beals play ing for the other singers. Besides the numbers just mentioned, every one appreciated the very enter- Immense Growth for Oregon JOHN SEBASTIAN AND PKED W. TIIOiTTSON. "The colonist movement brought 38,000 people Into California last year," supple mented Mr. Thompson, who handled a great deal of the business himself. "And It Is safe to say." argued Mr. Se bastian, "that those 33,000 will bring near ly as many more. It is often the case that where one man comes to the "West from the East and likes the country, he Is responsible for a small party of his old friends and neighbors making a journey to the new home." "It is such things that has made Cali fornia, as Is shown by the difference be tween the southern and northern part of the state." said Mr. Thompson. "Los An geles and the southern part knew the value, of effort, -and you know the result. Northern California people were content LOUIS PASTEUR, THE GREAT TRENCH SCIENTIST. IN HIS LABORATORY. ( WHITE CLOVER BUTTER ICE CREAM AND CHEESE IS MADE FROM PASTEURIZED CREAM White Clover Butter is packed in airtight and germ-proof cartons. For sale by dealers. White Clover Ice Cream supplied to the trade, families and entertainments. All of our products are unequaled for purity and delicious flavor. T. S. Townsend 44 - tainlng readings of Miss Josephine "Watkins. IN AID OF ROYAL AECANDM Supreme Orator From Chicago Ad dresses Portland Councils. Robert Van Sands, supreme orator of the Royal Arcanum of Chicago arrived In Portland yesterday. Last evening he addressed a union meeting and class in itiation of the Portland councils In the Auditorium Hall. There were about 200 members of the lodge present. Governor Chamberlain was to have delivered the address of welcome to Mr. Van Sands, but he was detained at Salem. A letter from Minister John Barrett, who la sta tioned at Panama, was read expressing regrets that he could not attend the meet ing. After the business of the evening was dispensed with, light refreshments were served. Mr. Van Sands was expected in Port land several days ago, but he wag delayed by washouts near Los Angelas. He goes from Portland to Seattle, where he will install the grand council officers of "Wash ington. The members of the Portland councils are making an effort to Increase the mem bership of the order In Oregon to 1000. There are about 7C0 members of the order in the state at present. If 1000 members can be obtained It will call for the elec tion of state officers of the Royal Arca num. It is expected that the desired number will have been obtained during the Exposition when the officers to be elected will be Installed. If that Is the case the grand council will last several days and members of the order from all parts of the state will attend, Fred W. Fa u I kins, Newspaper Man. CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, March 21. Fred "W. Faulkins. editor of the Cedar Rapids Gazette, died today at Excelsior Springs, Mo., of heart failure. ed and did not care whether or not any new people came to the state. That part of the state did not grow. Now they are waking up to what has been missed, and much is being done to build up the district. Northern California Is having the same growth that Oregon is having." Mr. Sebastian is very enthusiastic in regard to the future of Oregon and looks for great development In the next year or so. Both he and Mr. Thompson will do all that Is possible through their of fices to benefit the state and the Exposi tion to be held here during the Summer. Mr. Sebastian and Mr. Thompson, ac companied by Mrs. Sebastian and Mrs. Thompson, left Portland laut night for Seattle, where they will spend a day or .two before ther return of Mr. Sebastian to Chicago. Company 46 Second Street Phone Main GOOD ROADS NEXT Big National Convention Is Assured. WILL MEET HERE IN JUNE More Than Fifteen Hundred Dele gates to the Session of This Important Association Will Come to Portland. Portland, March 20, lOOS.-Colonel W. H. Moore, President National Good Roads Association, St. Louis, Mo.: Ex position management desires onr Na tional convention. June 14 to IT. Only open dates In June. Wire answer. GEORGE! E. CHAMBERLAIN, Governor and Vice-President. . St. Lbula, Mo.. March 20. 1005. Hon. Georjra EL Chamberlain, Governor and Vice-President. Portland. Or.: Answering your wire, no correspondence or definite arrangements made with Portland Expo-' a ltlon Company. If necessary expense are guaranteed, you are authorized to boot roads convention Jane 14 to 17, Inclusive. Will visit Portland soon to complete details. Answer. "W. H. MOORE. Portland, Or., March 21, 1805. Colonel W. H. Moore, President National Good Roads Association, St. Louis, Mo.: Mat ter In hands Lewis and Clark Exposition officials. They will communicate direct. GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN. The foregoing telegrams summarize the action taken by the good roads peo ple of Oregon, with Governor George E. Chamberlain as their National vice-president at their , head, towards the securing of the convention for Portland thte year. As the matter now stands, the National convention has been turned over to the Exposition people, but although they have made no direct orrer to tne Na tional board of the association, it is known that is It now but a matter of a lew hours' time until this is done. It has now been decided .that the Fair man agement will grant the days 'from the 14th to the 17th of June. Inclusive, for the assembly of the National convention of the Good Roads Association, and the National President. "W. H. Moore, will be notified to this effect by this morning. This convention will Insure the pres ence In Portland of more than 1,500 dele gates, coming from every state and ter ritory within the bouncarles of the Tnlted States. These delegates repre sent the feeling that goes to make model cities and states, aside from good roads. and it Is a matter of some pride to the Portland people that this convention has been secured for Portland this year. While several of Portland's workers have been Instrumental in securing this National convention to be 'held In Port land, the real honor belongs to Colonel Hydrozone Cures Sore Throat A Harmless Antiseptic Endorsed bythc medical profession. Send ten cents to pay postage on free trial bottle. Sold by Lead ing Druggists. Not genuine unless label bears my signature: 62M FriF.ea St., N. Y. Write for free booklet on Rational Treat ment of Disease. Portland, Qregoji 4077 Henry E. Dosch, who has from the very first worked insistently to secure this meeting. Reads "Merchant of Venice." About 100 of the leading representative women of the city gathered yesterday morning at the home of Mrs. "W. S. Ladd. 233 Sixth street, and greeted Marshall Darrach, who gave the first of his series of Shakespeare recitals. The play he selected for reading was "The Merchant of "Venice," and his versatility In assum ing the various roles was remarkably good. Mr. Darrach has undoubted talent for artistic work of this kind. Tomorrow morning he will read at the home of Mrs. C. H. Lewis, Nineteenth and Gllsan streets, the play selected being "The Com edy of Errors." Treasurer Will Get Tax Moneys. A return of 5500,000' taxes will be made to County Treasurer Lewis today by John "W. Ferguson, chief clerk or the tax department In the Sheriffs office. This will include all the moneys received up to and. including March 10. The bal ance of the collections, amounting, to a large sum, will be placed In the hands of the treasurer within a few days. of your blood. Keep It pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla. I NOT MEDICINE i ' Babies don't need medi cine older chiS3ren Tery rarely. Better Dcmrishment will generally et them right. Scotfs Eamrisicn as ,tbe right kind cjrxmrzsbcaent and the kind that inStdo- them the most: good. Scottfspianvlsacci contains nothing! 1ha .-chil-dren shodd not have aod everything' that they shookL xrrrBow3ri, rwianst, New SSy r JVC "Tame en every pucti Every Sealed Package ot Lownmy's Qhooola&m Boa horns j 1 c anamnf in "Ky In Tvf-f I ::tr.. . z i i l A miarantee sIId in each nack- age of half-pound or more. I Th LBwnejrFxcksemare Fall WttgktA Send for theLersmty Receifi Book. BOSTON, MASS. i