THE MOKNIX.. OBEGOSIA, TUESDAY, 21,.. 1905. LANDS IN LOTTERY flush to Tract to Be Reclaimed ' - by Twin' Fails Works. Mm COME FROM OREGON ijown of Shoshone, Idaho, Is Crowded and Surplus of People Find It Difficult to Secure Places "S - . to Sleep at Night. BOISE, Idaho. March 30.-(SpecIaL) There Is a great influx of people- to Twin IFalls, in anticipation of the opening of the last Installment of the lands of the tract to be reclaimed by the Twin Falls Irrigation works. This lot will embrace 70,000, some 200,000 acres having been pre viously opened. A .'Insular feature of the rush Is that there are a great many pebple from Far "Western points. For some days large parties have been coming from Oregon, "Washington and Northern Idaho points. A large number are present from the Coeur d'Alene region, and all hold pow ers of attorney from others to locate land. The opening will be by the lottery system, the order of choice being deter mined by drawing. The town of Shoshone, the nearest rail way point, has been crowded for ten days, people finding It difficult to secure cota on which to sleep, and every avail able conveyance Is engaged in hauling passengers to the new town. The draw ing will occur Thursday. CHARGES APPARENTLY TRIVIAL Special Government Agent Inquiring Concerning Baker and Lindsley. SEATTLE, "Wash., March 20. (Special.) William H. Ramsey, special agent of the Department of Justice, Is In Seattle pursuing the investigation of the charges that have been made at Washington against State Representative J. B. Linds ley and State Senator George H. Baker, recommended by Senators Ankeny and Pllee for United States District Attorney and Marshal, respectively. The LJndsley investigation is practically. If not entirely, concluded. On the face of the charges the most serious objection urged against Mr. LJndsley was that of friendship toward the "Washington S'atcr Power Company and tlie Pacific States Telephone Company. The charges of fac tional political activity are not sufficient to influence the appointing power. There has been nothing developed thus far In the Investigation Into charges n gainst Senator Baker that warrants a defense by the latter. Unless the political enemies of Senator Baker are able to Bhow some serious -reason why he .should not be appointed. Mr. Ramsey will not call upon the Senator for an answer. The first person whom Mr. Ramsey summoned to a conference this morning was state senator C. F. Clapp. He en tered the lower house in 3S97 from Jeffer son County, the same year that Senator Baker made his Legislative debut as Won a Countess in the Park Miss Smith, of New York, Weds the Man Who Saved Her From Runaway. Xew Tork Sun. .IC A fieen afternoon In last October Jean Valerie Manuel do Caserta. quite low In mind, was shelling pea nuts In Central Park for the greedy squir rels and discussing with Captain Jim O'Kelly (R. N.. retired) the peculiar hu mor of the Count, his grandfather, in willing him an estate In Bilboa which he might not enjoy until ho had a. son of his own. Captain O'Kelly was busy with the sparrows and gloomy thoughts of his own. Neither had an Idea that Luck was hid ing Just around the curve of the East Drive ready to shower fortune. There came to the cars of the two, quite suddenly, the drumming of hoofs some where behind the trees far up tho drive., O'Kolly'e ears caught a woman's shrill' call for help. The squirrels and sparrows scurried and fluttered, away hb a. black horse, bit in teeth, foam-flecked, thundered around a curve of the drive, at One Hundredth street. The bridle rein was swinging over his head, the saddle- had slipped to his flank, and a white-faced woman was hanging desperately to the pommel, slid ing nearer and nearer the ground with every lunge the horse made. The Count took one side of the .roadway, tlie Captain the other. There was the chance that one might Jump and grip tho bridle if the other failed. Then the black was upon them In a swirl of dust. The woman, they saw had fainted. O'Kelly leaped for the bridle rein, just gripped it and' hung on while the Count, with a trick the: Foreign Legion teaches even better than Wyoming, vauted to the back of the runaway, slipped, set his teeth, stuck and got his muscular fingers around the horse's windpipe, choking it desperately until the black, stopped, fagged out. Both men were sweeps for looks, just then, clothes In rags and- ribbons, blood streaming from a cut In O'Kelly's arm and the Count's shoulder, where the sad dle had torn It. "While the Royal Navy man soothed the horse, the Count lifted the girl from the saddle and laid her on the grass. She came to in a few winks, and the one thing she did not say was. "Where am I?" She used her scant breath In berating as a lady might a goggle-eyed person In a rubber coat who had tooted a horrid horn under tho nose of her horse. Then she thanked the Count and the Captain very prettily, telling them the Count In particular, the Captain says that they had without doubt saved her life, as she oouldn't have kept her hold much longer. Then she gave them her card, from which it appeared that she was Miss Kstherine Isabella Smyth, or 60 "West Seventy-Mxtli street. "Would the Count and the Captain take tea with her? In deed they would, and over the samovar they estimated Miss Smyth's attractions with enthusiasm at least the Count did. the Captain says. Sho was something more than Sa, -undeniably pretty and as undeniably well bred. She was as frank and breezy as a wind from tlie "West, and they found her charming the Count grew poetic, the Captain says. The long and short of it was that the Count fell in love with her and she with the Count. The Captain was delighted and 'crumbled advice as was his way. The Count proposed, was accepted and a "West ern Union Message informed an old gen tleman in Philadelphia that his dough ter was about to become the Countess de Caserta. The old gentleman was Thomas Smyth, who had made his millions out of coal mines. He was long on horse sense and short on romance, the Captain uuts it! The mer sage gave him a bad quarter of an hour, and he dldnU. waste any time getting to this city to Interview the daughter and the Count. He looked over De Caserta. and told Miss Smyth in . positive sort of way "that he didn't want any foreign nobility In his family." He said ho had got along without a Count for 60 odd years, and he thought he could struggle along a while longer. Tho captain proved himself a brick right there. He knew many things about the Count and he recited , an Iliad of South Africa and-Algeria-Jto .the old gentleman JRepresenfatlve from Klickitat. Clapp and Baker were friends ior years,- for the two went to the State Senate together in 1S, but during the last session something oc curred to strange them- Senator Clapp was one of two members of the State Senate -who refused to sign an -indorsement of Senator Baker. "Whatever he may have urged for or against Baker Is not known, but Jn any event the- case against the Senator has not yet reached a serious stage. Unless the Department of Justice desires tq make public the charges, Senator Baker's accusers will remain hidden behind a cloak of secrecy, with the only danger of exposure being that the fight becomes serious enough to warrant a demand on Senator Baker for an answer. Before any report is made to the department the case of the '''prosecution" will be fully heard. There must be something beyond fac tional hostility shown to warrant an ad verse report or any reference to Senator Baker of charges against him. ENDOWMENT OF WILLAMETTE Association Formed to Put Financial Affairs on Better Basis. SALEM, Or., March a.-(Special.)-For the purpose of placing the financial af fairs of Willamette University on a bet ter basis, the "Willamette Endowment As sociation was incorporated hero today by a number of prominent business men. The object of the association is to create and manage an endowment fund, the pro ceeds of which shall be devoted to the aid of "Willamette University. It is understood that the desire of the friends of the university has bee'n to place the endowment fund In the control of men of such well-known business ability that all persona who feel inclined to aid the school will feel assured that funds be queathed by them will lje carefully man aged, so that no losses will be suffered and the money will be so invested that it will bring the largest possible income. The management of the endowment fund will be kept separate from the manage ment of the university. The Incorpora tors of the Willamette Endowment Asso ciation are: Philip Buehner, president; C. P. Bishop, first vice-president; R. J. Glnn. second vice-president; T. S. McDaniel, secretary and treasurer: A. M. Smith, J. I. Jones, H. E. Neal, R. A. Booth. W. D. Fenton. E. S. Collins and Samuel Connell, directors. The association will have its principal place of business in Portland. The ar tides of Incorporation filed today specif: that "if Willamette University should ever cease to exist, the fund shall be held in trust for the aid of some other educational institution to be established and con trolled by the Methodist Episcopal Church." Rancher Cleared of Murder. BAKER CITY. Or.. March 20.-(SpccIal.) The grand Jury examining Into the case of the State vs. A. D. Barnard, charged with murder, returned not a. true bill this afternoon and the defendant was dis charged. This case came up from Hunt ington. Barnard In a. drunken row stabbed and killed John Brown, & railroad man. Barnard Is a young ranchman, and tho c-ldence showed that Brown assaulted Barnard after the latter had had a row with the bartender and had been thrown out of the saloon. Brown apparently being the aggressor. The case of the State vs. Maddcrn. on a charge of murder in the first degree, will come up for trial tomorrow. of Philadelphia, making out the Count a man of honor and some exploits of note. It was true that the Count was a hit hard up, but what of that? Should Riches balk at Love when Romance leads on? Old Mr. Smyth thought that was pretty, but he was set in his way. No! And there was an end to it, said he. His -daughter told him coolly that he couldn't help it She had a half-million of her own that her mother had left her. she said, and If papa didn't want to gie In, why he could go, straight hade to Phil adelphia, That's Just what papa did. omitting quite the parental hlesslng. On February 2, in the afternoon. Miss Smyth and the Count de Caserta were married .by Dr. Houghton at the Little Church Around the Corner. Captain O'Kelly gave the bride away and some friends of tho bride. Jeanne Tracy Rich ards and W. L. Richards, of the Hotel Bristol, were the witnesses. The very first thing Miss Smyth did then was hand the Count a check for Ja,000, so he would feel Independent. Just one week later they sailed for Europe, landing at Havre and going then to Paris. Yesterday Captain O'Kelly got a French carte de posto from the Count and Countess. It made him chuckle over his cigarette and coffee. "Now, Isn't he the lucky young dog?" said O'Kelly. "Where would he have been if he hadn't been grumbling to me and feeding the squirrels In the park that day? Good fellow, gentleman all through. blood as good as tho King" of Spain s. Yet for four lean years he knocked around New York, selling cigars, peddling life Insurance among the Spaniards and the French and turning an honest dollar wherever he could. "De Caserta comes of a line that is a branch of the House of Bourbon. He had some rough service with the Foreign Legion in Algiers, where ho got the nick name 'ce dlable Caserta. Then he went exploring li South Africa and got to know more about the Transvaal than Oom Paul. He found a likely spot going cheap, squeezed a bit of money from home, bought it and settled down. Along came the ruction between the Boers and the Ultlanders and the Count took a hand. President Steyn, of tho Or ange Free State, made him chief aide-de-camp. "When the bottom dropped out of things Steyn sent 250.000 to The Hague in case he might need it In his old age. and De CaseTta was chosen from 11,000 men to carry the funds. He got it out of the country under the noses of the British and delivered it to Steyn's agents In Hol land. 'When he got back a former Boer spy named MacGregor betrayed him to the redcoats at Capetown. The Count was sentenced to bo shot as a spy, but somo friends of his in Paris used a bit of in fluence with Downing Street and they let him go." "When the war was over he wouldn't take the oath of allegiance, so they confiscated his arm-and exiled him. That was how he got to New York. "I got to know him through a letter of Introduction he brought from an old pal of mine in the Royal Navy. Captain Ba ker. "His wife. It seems, wanted tq take a quiet look at life without being tied to a chaperon, and when her dad objected she had a bit of a quarrel, left Philadelphia and came to the Aylsmcrp apartments at 60 west Seventy-sixth street. "She had plenty of money, was or age. and so the old gentleman's objections didn't go very far. That was several months before the little incident in Central Park. "The Count will have money of his own some day as It has turned out. His grand father made a will leaving a valuable property in Bilboa, Spain, to him only on condition that he married and got a Bon Some day," the captain went on, "I am going to hear ot the birth of James O Kelly Jean Valerlo Manuel de Caserta. That's the best I get" The Count and Countess de Caserta. will return to New York about the 1st of -June. They will make, their home here' and In Parls. ROBBERS IN PRISON Forty Days After Cracking Lebanon Bank Safe. TWO MADE THEIR ESCAPE Ell Dunn and J. A. Crossley Under Sentence of Five Years In the Penitentiary Fight for Sum Held by Cros3ley. ALBANY, Or., March 20. (Special.) Judge Burnett this afternoon sentenced Ell Dunn and J. A. Crossley. convicted of the ""Lebanon bank robbery, to Ave years in the Penitentiary- Sheriff "White took them to Salem this evening. Tlie motion for a new trial was overruled and the defendant's attorneys were given 30 days in which to file a bill of exceptions. The men were convicted, by circumstan tial evldenco of robbing the .bank early on the morning of February fi. They were seen at Albany with two others. Kings ley and Darland, and on tho day pre ceding the robbery Vere seen near here, making for the West Side railroad. The bank safe was burglarized, the burglar proof chest blown open and $5300 taken. At the trial an alibi was attempted of proof by Portland witnesses for Dunn, while other Portland witnesses tried to establish the fact that Crossley before the robbery had a largo sum of money. Both men denied having known Kingsley and Darland. Crossley had over 5S00 when arrested. Attorneys this afternoon attempted to se cure the money on an order. The money is also claimed by an insurance company carrying burglar Insurance on the bank. Litigation will follow over the possession of the money, which is in the State At torney's hands as not admitted in evi dence. The prisoners reached the Penitentiary In 40 days from the date of the crime. Search for Klngaley - and Darland, the ther two men Implicated, continues. MASKED MEN GET THE PAYROLL Carriers for Oil Company Stopped a Few Miles From Berkeley. BERKELEY, CaL, March 20. Ten thousand dollars in gold and silver, the payroll of the Pacific Coast Oil Com pany, at Point Richmond, was taken by two masked men from John Daly, a liveryman of Oakland, and A. Roach. his companion, half a mile east of Stege, in Contra Costa County, at about 9:45 this morning. Tie money was in two canvas sacks and the gold was In mostly 320-pIeces. The holdup occurred In a lonely spot known as "Death's Cut," where the San Pablo road crosses the Southern Pacific tracks, about six miles from North Berkeley, and about four miles east of Point Richmond. Daly was driving a bay horse hitched to a light rubber-tired road buggy. Having assured themselves that the money was In the buggy, the robbers tied the rig and. marching their vie tlms 100 yards up the road at the point of their rifles, they bound, gagged and blindfolded them. Then, dragging- them to the side of the Toad, in a most brutal manner they threw them into a mud puddle, having first tied their feet to the fence. ' Some one will come along in an hour or so and release you, cheerily re marked the taller of the two robbers, who seemed to be the leader, as they left the scene of the holdup and drove away in Daly s buggy. From the conversation of the thugs Daly was able to gather that they were well acquainted with tho affairs of tho oil company. The taller of tho two robbers remarked to his companion while searching the men that this was better than working for the oil com pany. Tlie robbers took only pocket knives from Daly and Roach, and in their hurry overlooked 560 in Daly's pocket. Roach managed to work loose from his bonds, and. untying his companion, returned to Stege. where they told their story to Station Agent Grady. Their appearance bore out the story of the brutal treatmont they had been sub jected to. Grady procured a rig for them and they drove on to Richmond. where thd authorities were notified. Armed posses are now searching for the robbers. One Caught, Other Is Surrounded. RICHMOND, CaL. March 20. The horse and buggy taken from Daly and Roach this morning was found at west Berkeley tonight, about dark, with flOOO In the buggy. A man answering the description of the robber who wore a 90tt hat was Aught between San Pablo and Gateley ranch this evening, and was taken to San Pablo. The heavy man Is ftill at large in the hills near Pinole. Sheriff Veales posse is In pursuit It Is thought that one of the men toot the rig to Berkeley and then went north and was Joined by his companion later. It is supposed that the rest of the money is hidden along the road near Stege. The other man is purrounded. SALOONS ON A BUSINESS BASIS Proposal to Los Angeles Is Made With Backing of Coin. LOS ANGELES. CaL," March 20. A" syn dicate of Los Angeles capitalists has made in good faith a proposal to the city At torney and Board of Police Commission ers to have the present J200 liquor licenses revoked, and instead 50 or 75 licenses is sued to tlie company. Tho members would place their saloons In charge of compe tent nfrsons, under such regulations as do not now exist in any American city. Treating would be considered a misde meanor. Coffee and soft drinks would be served, as well as Intoxicants, and a for felt would be paid for every drink sold to an intoxicated person. The drinking places would be made attractive and the prices uniform. But for the fact that this proposal is seriously backed by a number, of men of wealth, it would be taken as .a Joke. A formal offer is made to guarantee the city J1S0.OX) per year for the exclusive privi lege, and to spend a liberal amount In public Improvements. The syndicate will make the offer, and If it Is refused will assist In the present strenuous campaign to bring to a vote In Los Angeles the ques tlon of saloons or no saloons. SALOON TO BE WITHOUT LIQUOR Church People of Tacoma May Open Temperance Plrce TACOMA. "Wash.. March 20. (Special.) A call has been Issued for a raassmeeting to be held Tuesday evening at tne .First Methodist Church to consider plans to establish a temperance saloon and game room in the heart of the business section. The meeting will be held under the aus pices of a committee of young men, con sisting of Rev. John "W. Berger. assistant pastor of the First Presbyterian Church; Attorney Dls H. Rowland and Mr. Fries, or me vjaiiey supply company. iter. -Mr, Berger. who Is chairman of the commit tee, said today: "Wc jyrc endeavoring to establish a tern pcrance saloon, on Pacific avenue. and-J, the meeting has been called to further arrange for the enterprise. A stock com pany will be organized and the money so raised will be nsed in starting and fur nishing the place. The temperance sa loon will be provided with a bar and soft drinks' only" will be sold. Lunches will also be served. A reading-room, smoking room, pool tables and possibly a bowling alley will be provided." FIGHT ON WITH, BAKER SALOONS Sheriff Said to Be Responsible for Effort to Enforce Law. BAKER CITY. Or.. March 20. L. R. Rusk, James Sellers and Thomas Wright, all of Bourne, were arraigned this morn ing in the Circuit Court on the charge of violating the Sunday closing law, They were allowed the statutory time to plead. Another batch of Indictments is expected at any time. Over 100 indictments have been brought against Baker City and County liquor dealers by the grand jury now la session. This crusade against gambling and Sun day liquor-selling Is laid at the door of Sheriff Brown, as the result of threats said to have been made last Fall by the ealoon element at the time of the former crusade. Trials are set to commence "Wednesday morning. Senator J. L. Rand entered a plea of not guilty Saturday for the numerous liquor dealers to appear. "When the trials came up last Fall, Juries in the Justice Court elther.returned not guilty verdicts or failed to agree, until the. saloon men 'called a halt and proposed to enter a general plea of guilty and al low the court to fine them. It cost them $10 each and costs. In the present cases the saloon men are-likely to demand Jury trials for each case, when it would require all Summer to clear the docket City and county have always been wide open night and day. Sundays and Saturdays, until last September's movements. BIG SPRING NEAR HOOD RIVER Council Secures Option to Supply the Town With Water. HOOD RIVER. Or., March 20.-(SpecIal.) The City Council sprang a sensation tonight when the "Water Committee an nounced that an option had been se cured on a cold-water spring running 60 inches of water within five miles of town. If the plan of the Council works out it means municipal ownership of a water system for the City of Hood River. It is estimated that this water can be brought in a pipe line to the city at a cost not to exceed 110.000. The City Coun cil and private water companies hays been-, sparring for bargains over the question of water for fire and domestic purposes for the last five years. The result of the Council's Investigations will ba watched with Intense Interest. LEAVES MONEY TO OLD FRIEND Cowlcho Hermit CommlttedSulclde When Tales Were Told. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.. March 20. (Special.) The body of Louis Christian son, who committed suicide on the Co wlche, was brought to thl3 place today and buried. He left two letters, one ad dressed to an old friend. M. L. Tucker, and the other to" a neighbor, Peter Swan son. In the letters he said when they were received ho would be gone out of the world and asked Tucker to take all his property, as he had no heirs In Amer ica. In" his letter to Tucker he said: "I have heard that John Russell, In the Tletor Basin, has been .telling something about me which I cannot bear and live." "What tills was no one seems to know. He told Tucker that he would find S520 In sandbox In the henhouse. Tho estate Is worth about JS000. LOOT SAFE IN BROAD DAYLIGHT Strangers Send Lone Clerk Down Cellar, and Then Help Themselves. "WALLA WALLA. "Wash.. March 20. (Special.) Tlie grocery store of W. Sims was held up In broad daylight this morn ing and nearly $1400 taken from the safe. About 6:30 two men came Into the store and asked "W. N. Estcs, a clerk, who was sweeping out for some codfish. "When he returned from the cellar the men were gone, and Mr. Sims, on coming down an hour later, found that the safe, which Estcs had left open, had been rifled. Most of the loss was in the shape of ne gotiable checks and notes, aggregating 5103), besides 5TS9.SO In cash. Up to late this evening no trace of the culprits lias been found by Sheriff or police. SWITCH-ENGINE CUT OFF HEAD Northern Pacific Section Foreman Slept on Ralls in Butte Yard. BUTTE. Mont. March 20. Dah HIckcy. isortnern raanc section, xoreman. was decapitated by a switch engine in the yards hero this morning. Ho went to sleep on the track. Hlckey was 60 vcars old. unmarried and bad no relatives here. and his home Is not known. "Secretary of National Convention. PENDLETON, Or., March 20. James H. Gronn will take up the duties of secretary-of. the National Livestock As sociation May 1 at Denver. Tho cxecu tive committee of the National Livestock Association Is composed of representatives from tlie following National organlza tions: "Wool growers. cattle-growers, horseralsers, goatraisers. swinegrowers. stockyards, commission men and packers. The manager of the committee Is ex-Sen ator W. A. Harris, of Kansas, who makes his office In Chicago; F. J. Hagenbarth. of Salt Lake. Is president of the assod a tlon. Mr. Glvlnni now secretary of the Ore gon "Woolgrowera' Association, is a na tive of Idaho and has resided In Pendleton tne past, uve years. Mead to Visit Walla Walla. "WALLA "WALLA. Wash.. March DO. (Special.) Considerably preparation Is be ing made for the reception of Governor Albert Mead, who will arrive here tomor row afternoon. An Informal reception will be held at the penitentiary tomorrow evening, given by Warden' F. A. Kecs. who will entertain the executive during his .visit , "Wednesday morning the Governor will speak to the students at Whitman Col lege, at chapel service, and during tho afternoon will attend a conference of lead Ing Republicans. In the evening he will be given a public reception at the Com mcrclal Club rooms. Not Ready to Make Decision. SALEM. Or., March 20. (Special.) The Supreme Court today declined to render a decision at this time upon the motion of the First National Bank of Portland to dismiss Multnomah County's appeal in the suit by the county against the bank to secure the cancellation of certain tax sale certificates. The court holds that since the motion to dismiss the appeal Involves the merits of the controversy. It will be better to continue the motion until the argument of the case on its merits, when both will be heard together. Case Settled Out ofCourt. ASTORIA, Or.. March 20. (Special. The case of A. M. Smith et aL vs. the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, which has been pending in the Circuit Court for some months, has been compromised. The suit" was to determine the ownership of quite tract of water frontage in this city. It is understood that under the terms of the settlement Smith is given a deed to a strip 113: feet wide on the south sido or tne tract and xne railroad com Tan" Rets the remainder. SEES EYES OF DEAD Converted iilan Confesses Mur der, of Eight Years Ago, THREW BODY IN MAINE RIVER One Result of the Revival Meetings Just Ended in Oakland Under the Auspices of the Trav eling Evangelists. OAKLAND. CaL. March 20. Asserting that he had been converted by the evan gelists who have been holding meetings In -this city. Earl R. Bodlne, who says he Is an ex-convlct went before Chief of Po lice Hodgkins today, accompanied by some of the evangelists, and confessed that eight years ago, near Fort Fairfield. Me., he shot and killed a companion, disposing of the body by throwing It into the Afis took River. He says that as the body disappeared beneath tho water the dead man's eyes glared at him, and ever since he has been unablo to rid himself of those haunting eyes. An investigation Is being made of nis story. The authorities believe that he is telling the truth. SHOT STOPS SALEM JAILBREAK Sheriff Fires at Prisoners as They Are About to Bend Bar. SALEM. Or.. March 20. (Special.) A shot from the revolver of Sheriff "W. J. Culver put a timely end to an attempted Joilbreak this afternoon and prevented the escape of four and perhaps nine counti' prisoners. "With a bar on the Wall window sawed off and the bar bent so as to permit the passage or ineir bodies, the criminals were about to de part from the County Jail when Sheriff Culver discovered them and put a sudden stop the effort C. P. King, awaiting a hearing on a charge of larcany, was tho leader in the attempted break, and was assisted by Roy Conklln, Arthur Frcel and "Wan Leo, all In for larceny. Freel Is an ex-convlct and a hardened criminal. The men made a saw from the steel taken from the sole of a shoe. "With this they had evidently worked several days at opportune times sawing the bar and had completed the work today. Late this afternoon Mrs. Culver thought she heard a sound as of sawing and re ported the matter to her husband, the Sheriff. Going to a window above the Jail, Culver looked down and saw a pris oner bending the bar to make an opening for escape. Drawing his revolver he fired down at the window below him. the bullet crashing against the stone sill within a few Inches of the prisoners hands. Tlie conspirators beat a hasty retreat, and when Deputy Mlnto rushed down to look after tho men, he found them pale and trembling with fright The men were to be locked in their cells at 5:30, and they planned to escape before that hour. This Is only one of many attempts that havo been made to saw out of this jail and some of the efforts have-been successful. HUNGRY JUROR CANN"OT EAT Jewish Rabbi Is Put in a Position Where Religion Is an Annoyance. SEATTLE, Wash., March 20. (Special.) H. Genss tonight was a very hungry man. The Jewish rabbi, -who Is a well- known orthodox Jew of Seattle, refused to eat the food served to the J. H. Leroy Jury in the boarding-house where the members take their meals. Tho jury has been kept locked up, and Genss Is one of tho 12 men. When the jury was locked up today pre paratory to being taken to dinner, the rabbi pleaded with the court to be allowed to go home. a3 he was hungry and could not eat what was served to the other men without violating his religious scruples. The court could not see his way clear to allow the rabbi permission to seek food that ho would eat, and ordered the bailiff to lock htm up with the rest of the jur ors. He was taken to the boarding-house and compelled to sit at table and watch the 11 men satisfy their hunger while he went without his meal. This Jewish rabbi, who does the killing and dressing of meat and poultry for a large number of the most orthodox Jews In Seattle, cannot conscientiously eat food that Is forbidden to his religious follow ers. BRISTOW ASKS FOR EXPRESSION Special Government . Commissioner Investigating for Panama Railroad. SAN FRANCISCO. March 20.-Joseph L. Bristow, the special commissioner ap pointed by President Roosevelt to Inves tigate the commercial conditions sur rounding the Panama Railroad, met with the Chamber of Commerce today as a preliminary step to his work In San Fran cisco. The session was executive, it be ing thought that a free expression of opinion and more detailed information would be forthcoming if the public was excluded. Another meeting will be held tomorrow. The principal matters discussed were the ways and means of discovering Cali fornia's actual commercial Interest In the Panama Railroad and in tho line of steamers belonging to the railroad which ply between Colon and New York. TAXES FROM LAND NOT PAYING Initiative Petitions Preparing, and Will Soon Be in Circulation. SALEM, Or., March 20. Petitions are prepared and will soon be in circulation for the Initiative upon a mil autnonzing and requiring the levying of an assess ment upon all property In the state not heretofore assessed since the year I860. If enacted Into a law by the people In June, 190S, the bill will have the effect of en riching tho treasury of several counties of the state to the extent or hundreds of thousands of dollars, the principal part of which will come from the railroads and wagonroad companies holding extensive land Interests In the state and that have escaped taxation up to tho present It Is estimated that at least ten town A "baby who frets, worries, cries or sleeps poorly is prob ably poorly nourished unless there is actual disease. Mellin's Food provides plenty of good aerifih jnent; easily digestible and' does away with all fretting and crying. Try Md lin's Food, we will scad yea a sassf !. HELLRt'S FOOD CO., SOftTOH, MAM ShiCS Of !Tlrt It. hl trartnn fTvlintV alone are held by railroads upon which no nave been paid since aw, wnicn would mean about $200,000 due, If assessed under the proposed act Many sparsely settled counties in the state would ex- ceea wia acreage in such land. WESTERN PACIFIC IS FINANCED Construction Plans on Boca & Loyal ton Rallrcad Are Advancing. SAN FRANCISCO. March 20. The Western Pacific Rallwas- Company re ceived the -following telegram from its New York office today: "You are authorized to state that the Western Pacific Railway Company Is fully financed and construction will be gin without delay; that the Boca & Loy alton Railroad has been purchased and that plans of construction are being ad vanced as raDldlv aa nnsoihl tVi-it- Wllaton H. Brown & Bros of New York. win De me general, contractors." Asks for Salmon' Data. ASTORIA, Or March 20. (SpecIaL) Fish Warden Van Dusen has received a telogram from Senator Fulton, stat ing that Secretary Metcalf, of the De partment of Commerce and Labor, wishes the Warden it send him -at once the cost of the principal salmon hatcheries in the States of Oregon and Washington, the capacity of each, ex pense of operation, number of em ployes and such other information as will be useful to him In establishing Ash hatcheries in Alaska. Mr. Van Dusen Is preparing a de tailed statement regarding the con struction and operation of hatcheries in this state and will forward It to Sec retary Metcalf. Astoria Streets to Be Cleaned. ASTORIA, Or., March 20. (Special.) The City Council at its meeting this evening passed ordinances creating a street-cleaning: department and au thorizing the committee to purchase the tools and machines necessary for its maintenance; fixing a license of 550 per year on billposters and granting 35-year franchises to W. W. Whipple and J. R. Clinton, of Seattle, for gas, electric light and telephone systems. Dr. R. J. Filklngton was reappointed City Physician for the ensuing year. Doors for Fort McKInley. SEATTLE. March 20. One. bid. sub mitted by Wheeler. Osgo-d &. Co., of Tacoma, offering to manufacture 17S3 doors for 53554.79, was opened by United States Quartermaster Frank A. Grant in this city. today- The doors are for use by the Government at Fort McKlnley, Philippine Islands. To Observe Work of Japanese Navy. VICTORIA, B. C, March 20. Captain F. J. Drake, United States Navy, ordered to Japan to observe the work of the Jap aneso navy on behalf of the United States Government, sailed for Yokohama to night by the steamer Empress of India. Graves Succeeds McElroy. TACOMA, Wash., March 20. (Special.) Carl B. Graves succeeds McElroy as Northern Pacific- counsel at Seattle, the latter voluntarily resigning. NORTHWEST DEAD. . Captain Charles Hamblln. ASTORIA. Or., March 20. (SpeclaL) The remains of Captain Charles Ham blln, who died at Rainier Saturday, were brought here today for burial. The funeral will be held from the Pres byterian Church on Clatsop Plains this afternoon and the interment was in the Old Pioneer Cemetery. Captain Hamblln was born In the East about 75 years ago. came to the Columbia Kiver on a sailing- vessel and ror a number or years ran a nloop be tween Astoria and. points around the mouth of the river. During the lat ter portion of his life he resided near Morrison Station, on Clatsop Plains. He left a widow and one daughter. Alexander Begg. VICTORIA. B. C, March 20. News has been received here of the death In New York of Alexander Begg, historian, who wrote histories of British Columbia and the Canadian Northwest and who was at the head of the Crofter colonization scheme, which aimed to have 10,000 Scotch crofters brought to the Vancouver Island coast War Makes Army Increase Needless. BERLIN, March 2a In the Reichstag today Herr Bebel, the Socialist leader, taking part in the debate on the army Increase bill, averred that the proposed Increase was unneces sary. Germany s alliances were an adequate counterweight to the alliance of France and Russia before the Far Eastern War, and, if the war ended now, Russia would require a long scries years to recuperate. Every month the war lasted added a year to the period essential for Russia to repair damages, For a long time, therefore, Germany had nothing to fear from the dual alliance. DeeLrliive Aeorigiaall Bo jom t&ink it wmild Kave been, so widely imitated if it liwJ rvot jMstiiied Our Clednvs HAND SAPOLIO Jt ensures ah enjoyable, Invigor ating bath; makes every pore , respond, removes dead skin, ENERGIZES THE WHOLE BODY tarts the circulation, and leaves a Slow equal to a Turkish bath. ALL GROCERS AMD DRUGGISTS BLOOD Xa ths trort dlaeaaa on earth, yet th easiest to cure WHEN YOU KNOW "WHAT TO DO. Many hive PliUDla. POISON pou on the akin, sorts in tao tnoutn. ulcere, falllnjr hair. bane paint, catarrh, and rton't know It is BLOOI? POJSON. Send to DR. BROWN. 935 Arch sU, Philadelphia. Pa., for BROWN'S BLOOD CUKE, t 00 per bottle;. Uita one ateth. Sold 1st Portlaad only by KBANK lKAU. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. ATLS YOI3 M U. S. BMtHwBi ferfe ytm the test saedM irto er eriy tfee cast oi wrttteff xaateriais sad sfnwtyt. Many people owe their present good health to the fact that they consulted Dr. Pierce by lettery giving him all possible in formation about their condition, symptoms, etc. t and received inVerarn good medical advice ichicli cost ihsm nothing. Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, founder of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N1Y. Dr. Pierce by no means confines himself to prescribing: his well-known medicines. He tells you in the most common-sense way what ails you, what you ought to do, what line of treatment should be followed cut in your particular case, and if your case docs not indicate the need for this proprie tary medicine, he tells von tilainhr and frankly what you do need, and the best possxoie metnea or improving: your health. Dr. Pierce treats many chronic cases at a distance, through the mail and all you. have to do is to write him your symptoms. "During my two years cf saarrisd life not had good health." write Mrs. Daisy Stad- . Card, of 6c3 6. Esplanade Avence, Leavenworth. Knni. i wu all rsaoira, and my hcbanS got me to write to Dr. Pirce. I get an early reply telling ine wht lbs trouble was. I com menced taking Dr. Herce's Fa-rorite Prescrip tion, and also the 'Pleasant Pellet. and now can say that I feci Uie a new nnnr. J do all my worJc and do net feci tired out like I used to. I hare taken eight bottles of ths 'Favorite Pre scription.' It makes cae feel -well and stroag." D& Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure dizzi ness' and side headache. (Established 1879.) " Cures White You Sleep." . Whooping-Coirgh, Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. ConWencecahboplacedin a remedy, which for a quarter of a century has earned unquali fied praise. Ask your physician about it- CBES0LE5E It a boos to asthmatics. Sb4 pntil ttr 4 icrlgtb bcUt. OesaUa AntV feptlo TTirot T2 lets (st tb Irri tated throt, i yoar dnjf lilt ct ftoa si. 10c la TksYapa-Crasolene Ci, ISO Fulton SI. N.Y, C. GEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Is called great because his wonderful cares are so well known throughout the United States and because so many people ar thankful to htm for zavln? their lives from OPERATIONS He treats' any and all diseases with powerful Chinese herbs, roots, buds, bark and vega tables that are entire ly unknown to medical L-ol.nrA In thin eanntrr. and through the use of these narmiesa reme dlML This famous doctor knows the action o' oveT-500 different remedies that he has Successfully used in different diseases. He SaSees to cure catarrh, asthma, luns Smble ; rheumatism, nervousness, stom irfi. liver kidneys. fenmlQ trouble and all prWate diseases. Hundred, of teiOmonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. CONSULTATION FREE Patients out of the city write for blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Addres THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 253 Alder Street Mention this paper. Portland, Or. Stairway of 251 Alder leading to my office. Scott's Saniai-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE TorinfiamsiatiaB orGaUrrhof taa Bladder and insetted bAa ueri. HO StTXS 0 ?T. Cure auicKiy ana seraaasatir tne worst eases of SesatrMes and Gleet, no matter of bow loaf standing. Absolutely narmiesa. Bold b? drarateia. Price fl.G0. or bj mail, yMt paid. U, 3 boxes, p.75. TXESAXTAL-rEPSjlii& f?stfefmfpine, CM WOODABD, CLARKE CO., PORTXAND. Ms fltll non.olX.BOOt remedy fcr Gonorrhoea, GUeC Sperms tor rb tea, Whltec, unnatural Ar charsef . or as inflagia 1 ecasetfee. tion of mucous Btec ImEtMsCHOItacCkVhraBes. iroa-oirijent. 3M by PCTgsjtitav er seat ! clln..Trwr. Jkr cipreM, . preld, tot I'm ilar wHwmti I Coat 1 Shirts 1 M The best for all occa- p sions. Patterns exclusive; i 1 colors fast If H $1.50 and more jl a CLUETT, PEABODY A OO., B Xmkvn ofClnettaad Arrow Cnllnrm. IS m mi ntm - ulinr n- 4C2