Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 21, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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Concessionaires Eager
for Awards.
Many Fine Features Have Been
.Report of Concessions Committee
Shows Forty-Two Awards Have
Already Been 'Made Many
Applications on File.
With the opening day of the Lewis and
Clark -Exposition more than two months
eway nearly of the building, space
on the Trail is gone and there is an
attractions to the Trail, and when tha
available apace Is gone no more will "be
The Bridge of Nations and the ap
proaches, which constitute the Trail, are
nearly completed, only a. few more daya
work being required. Buildings Trill then
begin to spring up and at least two weeks
before the day of opening all work will
have been concluded. Like other por
tions of the Exposition the Trail wlU
be In good working order when the gates i
are thrown open, June 1-
Duties Which Theodore Hardee Will
Undertake at Fair.
Theodore Hardee, who is to bear the
official title of director of entertainment
and amusements, has come to take his
place as a member of the staff of the
Lewis and Clark Exposition. Mr. Hardee's
duties will be to provide for the official
visitors to the Fair, Governors, Mayors
and people of that description, and by
making the visits of these dignitaries run
smoothly, will be an important officer of
the Fair. He will arrange for the com
ing, the going and all the details of the
visits. He will also go to the various
towns and cities of the Northwest and
beyond to arrange for special days at the
Fair, and wUl, in this way, exploit the
Fair directly.
Mr. Hardee has just come from Wash
ington, and after he had prepared for
advertising the Fair In the capital. It is
doubtful whether anyone who visited
Washington during the inauguration cere
monies left it without having it impressed
upon him from billboards, grandstands,
street-cars, show windows and even from
the Capitol buildings themselves that
there was to be an Exposition here this
Summer. Mr. Hardee's work there was
very thorough and he did not let an op
portunity slip to advertise the Fair.
On the way west from Washington Mr.
Hardee visited St. Louis to extend aa
invitation on behalf of the Lewis and
Clark Fair to President Francis, of the
Charles J. Matx.
Charltfi J. Matz, for 25 years fcuytr
for the women's furnishing department
of the Meier & Frank Company, died at
7 o'clock yesterday morning In Dr.
Eimon'e sanitarium, San Francisco. He
had been Bast on a burins trip and
had stopped to see his wife and chil
dren, who were In that city tem
porarily. On Saturday he was taken
ill In a. mercantile bouse, but recov
ered, and his employers received a let
ter yesterday morning aaylng that he
would start home at once. Within an
hour came the message that he htA
died of acute indlgeoUon. He had been
with the firm rlnce the days Its store
was a small establishment on Front
street, and was well known to the
trade In Portland. He leaves a widow
and two children. His parents reside
in Illinois. Mr. MaU' age was 43
years. The remains will probably be
brought to this city for burial.
insistent clamor for concession awards
which is a close second to the demands
for exhibit space. This fact was brought
out yesterday by the report of the com
mittee -on concessions. The report shows
that 42 concessions have already been
awarded and that there are many appli
cations on file from which the best offers
may be selected.
The concessions awarded thus far are
principally amusement features, which
have been the most difficult to secure,
owing to the distance Eastern and Ori
ental concessionaires are forced to come
with their equipage and effects. At first
6ome of these concessionaires were in
clined to shy at the long trip across
the continent, but during the past six
months, with the rise of the Exposition
to general popularity, less trouble has
been encountered. As tho report of the
concessions cosomlttee shows, the unquali
fied success of the Trail Is now assured.
Director of Concessions Wakefield has
Insisted upon the very best attractions,
making his awards on the originality and
worth of the attractions offered.
Day and night the Trail will be an
animated scene, judging from the at
tractions which already appear on the
list included in the committee's report.
Among the features are infant incubators,
water chutes, temple of mirth, wild ani
mal show, diving elks, haunted swing,
the unavoidable streets of Cairo on an
elaborate scale. Davenport farm ex
hibits, haunted castle and other spectac
ular and interesting shows.
While many of the concessionaires are
Easterners the names of local people also
appear on the lists, while local capital
is behind many of the concessions that
are to be actively operated by others.
List of Concessions.
Here is the list of concessions and con
cessionaires to date:
Official photography Kleer Bros., ' Portland.
American" Inn Mrs. J. T. McCready.. Buf
falo, N. Y.
Launches, gondolas and rowboats Truscott
Boat Manufacturing Company, St. Joseph.
Official souvenir spoons C I. Watson, At
tleboro, Maes.
Bismarck restaurant Otto Mueller, Omaha.
Roller chains Major T. S. Clarkson, St.
Seating Major T. S. Clarkson, St Louis.
Vaudeville" theater George .labour. Portland.
Infant Incubators Schenkeln & Couney, New
York City.
Leather and alligator goods Henry Gross
man, St. Augustine, Fla!
Cascade Gardens and Terrace of States, I,
p. B. W. F. Williamson. St.' Louis.
. Water chutes J. C '.Marshall & Co., Port
land. Temple of Mirth Fernand Akoun, St. Louis.
French cafe French Cafe Co., Portland.
Certificates of visitation O. W. Forsyth, S-,attle.-
Japanese village Tumeto Kuahlblkl, St.
Diving elks W. H. Bames, Sioux City.
Animal show New Tork Animal Show Co.;
Official mailing cares, official stationary and
sews stands B. B. Bich. Portland.
Mtt"'! electrically generated Pacific Coast
Telharmoaio Co.. Seattle.
Temple of Palmistry Mrs. K. E. Dun ton,
San Francisco.
Haunted swing Oregon Amusement Co.,
Port Townseai, Wash.
Bestaurant Theo. Kruse, Portland.
Streets of Cairo and Oriental village Gaston
Akoun, St. Louis.
Eiralty's Carnival of Venice Bolossy Klralfy
Venice Co., Portland.
Land of the Midnight Sun Edward M. Bay
lies. 'St. Louis.
Boast beet sandwich Edward M. BaylUs,
St. Louis.
Darkness and Dawn Edward M. Bayllss, St.
Klondike mining exhibit George E. Ames,
Official ground plan print Union Printing
Co.. Portland.
Face creams and cosmetics Gertrude Eaxe.
Toy balloons and rubber novelties Harry L
Wilson. Port Towns enS. Wash.
Utah souvenirs and Mormon church publlca
tlons-rGoddard & Bull, Salt Lake City.
Advertising rocking chairs Clare Chamber-
lln. Portland
Souvenir colas Farran Zerbe, St. Louis.
"Davesport farms exhibit Homer Davenport,
New Tork City.
Toiler Indian exhibit C H. Pomeroy, Se
Roltalr Haunted Castle Roltalr Co., New
Tork City.
Roltalr Trip to Venus Roltalr Co.. New
Tork City.
Bobby Burns cottage,
Abraham Lincoln's log cabin.
While an Indefinite number of small
concessions wnlch take up very little
or no space on the Trail are yet to be
awarded, there will be but very few ad.
filtlons to the amusement features. It has
,been 'definitely, decided to confine Trail
St. Louis Exposition. Mr. Francis not
only accepted, but said he would bring
a whole tralnload of the directors or tnat
exposition and their families.
Secretary Taft and Speaker Cannon
May Visit Fair.
The proposed visit of a Congressional
party headed by Secretary Taft and
Speaker Cannon of the House of Rep
resentatives to the Philippines this
Summer has interested the members
of the various state societies that have
been formed in Portland and it is now
intended by the several leaders to in
vite the party formally to visit the
Lewis and Clark Centennial in an offi
cial capacity.
As it is unlikely that the Senators
and Representatives have already ar
ranged an itinerary there is little
doubt that tne Invitation will be ac
cepted. President Evans of the Indiana
Society, has a letter from one of tho
Congressmen from his state who will
be a member of the party, saying that
'ne will do all possible to persuade the
officials to come this way and it is
hoped that the acquaintances of other
Congressmen that reside in Oregon -will
write to the representatives of their
former districts asking the party to
irlslt the Fair.
That such a visit will be of great
good to , the Oregon country is the
opinion of everyone. It will give the
members of the lawmaking bodies of
the Nation a better idea of the needs
of the Northwest and serve to unite
the East and West in firmer bonds for
the advancement of the people.
Exposition Writers Send Out 5605
Articles In Seven Days.
During the past seven days the Exposi
tion press bureau established a new rec
ord in the matter of sending out articles
to newspapers lor publication. Tho report
filed in the exploitation department by
Manager Frank L. Merrick, of the press
bureau, shows that 5G05 newspapers were
supplied with articles concerning the Ex
position within the seven days. These
papers cover a wide territory In the West.
Middle Dest, and -East, and the combined
circulation reaches a total of several mil
lion people, a majority of whom will thus
learn of the progress of the Exposition.
Speaking of the press bureau, the Black
Diamond Express says editorially In the
current issue:
"If the Lewis and Clark Centennial to
be held at Portland, Or., June to October
next Is not an unqualified success, it cer
tainly will not be the fault of the general
press bureau, for rarely in the history of
world's fairs have the exploiting and ad
tertising arrangements been so promptly,
systematically and energetically inaugurated."
Eastern Company to Show Ideal In
dust rial Methods.
Work on one of the largest of the SDe-
cial exhibits to "be constructed at the
Exposition was begun yesterday. The ex
hibit is the one' which the National Cash
Register Company will Install. There will
be nothing about It, however, which will
savor of a bare advertisement. The in
tention is to show tho industrial plan pur
sued by the comiany. The employes of
the company live in a sort of ideal work
lngmen's community. Each is provided
with a cottage and a small garden plot.
There are also a library, a gymnasium,
and other institutions for the sole use and
benefit of tho community.
These conditions will be shown by stere
opticon views which will be displayed in
a big theater. It Is tho theater for this
purpose that the company will build. The
contractor, Fred Blumer, reached the city
yesterday morning from Dayton, O.
Plan for Idaho Building.
BOISE, Idaho. March 20. (Special.",
Plans were accepted today for the
Idaho building at the Portland Expo
sition. It will be 60x100 feet. The front
will be occupied by reception-rooms,
offices and other quarters, a broad rail
way leading past these to the exhibit
room in the rear. The building will
have projecting eaves and will be
rather ornamental. There will be wide
verandas in front overlooking the lake.
Commissioner McBrlde will leave in
two or thres days to let the contract
for the structure.
Wednesday and Thursday, March Twenfcy-$ecQiif
and Twenty-Third
Spring Opening at TEe Meier (& Frank Store
Every woman interested in Spring and Smmner apparel should moke it a point to visit the store tomorrow
or Thursday The displays will b&jvorthy of the greatest store attendance we ever recorded In every
department assortments and styles will he fonnd the largest and best Portland will see this season Every
effort has been made to gather stocks and merchandise that would be a credit to any city in the land Of
coarse a very important feature of the Spring Opening will be the magnificent showing of new
Millinery and Cloaks
The most varied and comprelynsive exhibit ever made west of Chicago Every style in vogue will be repre '
sented Every hat, every garment has that individuality, that beauty, art and becomingness that has made
this store known throughout Northwest as Portland's Leading Cloak, and Millinery House We have many
surprises in reserve for you Both in the Millinery and Cloak Sections we will make displays of imported
and domestic creations theequal of which have never been seen outside New York, Philadelphia and Chicago
Picture Department Specials
Etchings, framed in 2-inch fancy frames, size 8x22 no .
inches, $2.25 values OC
Water Colors, framed in wide frames, size 8x10 inches, LZf
regular $1.95 values, for O JC
40c Medallions on sale for, each 27 0
16x20 Posters with red and green mounts, black Qr
binding, 45c values w!C
Closing out all Oil Paintings at, each $2.50
Artistic Picture Framing to your order at the very lowest
prices. Second Floor.
Bargains in New Wash Goods
35c fancy white mercerized Waistings, this season's best
styles, on sale for Monday only at, yard OC
20c Embroidered Dotted Yoiles in a big range of patterns and
colors, best materials for waists and shirtwaist suits, A
great special value at low price of, yard Ii?C
Fil de Soie Foulards, silk finish, one of the season's prettiest and
most serviceable materials for waists and shirtwaist O Xes
suits, 35c value at this low price, yard .. &Jj
50c New Lace Hose for 3 1 c
Thousands of pairs of new Lace Hosiery,
our Spring importations direct from the
manufacturer in Chemnitz, Germany Fifty
patterns to select from Alio ver lace and
lace boots All sizesEvery pair guaranteed
fast colors and the best 50c values you
ever bought There's money to saved by
anticipating your Sum- Jfc 1
mer needs
25c Embroideries for 1 2l1c
15,000 yards of Swiss and Cambric Embroideries, 3 to 10 inches
wide, edgings and insertions in an immense variety of the very
best patterns, values up to 25c a yard, on sale for, yd.l2V0
3000 yards of Corset-Cover Embroideries, handsome styles, values
up to $1.00 a yard, on sale Tuesday and Wednesday
at the low price of, yard OJC
Imitation Irish Crochet Bands and Appliques, white and cream,
values up to $1.25 a yard, on sale for two days at, yard. .630
$ 1 Foulard Silks 79c Yard
Handsome new Foulard Silks, the prettiest styles and colors for
waists and shirtwaist suits, colored dots in navy blue, f
brown and green grounds, yard
Beautiful Dresden figured Crepe de Chine in a large Qrs
variety of styles, $1.00 values atA yard .
"Kajah" Silks in all the leading shades, yard $1.25
New Pongee Silks in all grades
Sole agents for "Mbneybak" guaranteed Black Silks.
Great Shoe Bargains Today
$3.50 Tan Oxfords and Patent Oxfords for $2.45 a Pair
iWe continue today and tomorrow the best
bargains of the season in women's low
shoes Four great lots, this season's most
desirable styles and leathers Women's
tan Russia calf blucher Oxfords, medium
heel, tipped toe Women's patent colt
blucher Oxfords, large eyelets, Cuban
heel, hand-sewed welts Women's tan and
patent colt, Gibson ribbon ties, large eye
letsAll sizes and widths The very best
$3.50ya!ues on jale today
and tomorrow at, pair
1000 pairs Women's best grade Storm Eubbers, pair .61
1000 pairs Men's Storm Eubbers, all sizes, pair ..620
Misses' vici kid and box calf lace Shoes, heavy and light soles, sizes 12
to 2, best $2.00 values, on sale for, pair. .tjsl.24
9 to 11, $1.50 values, for, pair. .$1.14 5 to 8, $1.25 values, pr.940
Little Gents' vici and box calf lace Shoes, 10 to 13, pair 1.34
Youths 'kid and box calf lace Shoes, 1 to 2, pair 1.54
Boys' vici kid and box calf lace Shoes, sizes 2 to 5, pair. , .1.64
Great Soap Sale
Fairy Soap, doz. cakes 350
Pear's Glycer Soap, cake... 130
Williams' Shaving Soap 40
Long bar Castile Soap, cake.. 40
Packer's Tar Soap, cake. . . .140
2-lb. bars Pure Castile. . . . .160
Conti Castile, genuine imported
Soap, great value, cake 590
Pure Transparent Glycerine. .40
Imperial Violet Soap, 3 cakes in a
box, 25c value 160
Fairbanks' Glycerine Tar Soap,
dozen cakes 350
Old-fashioned Glycerine Soaps,
great special value, cake 70
Buttermilk Complexion Soap, 3
cakes in a box, box 19 0
O-Kayed Toilet Paper, great spe
cial value, doz: rolls 350
500 Whisk Brooms, the best 15c
values for, each .'. .90
Great special value in guaranteed
Alarm Clock 630
Wire Coat Hangers, each 40
Our entire stock of lOe Writing
Tablets on sale at, each 5
75c Perfume, 'Qunce 390
Best Triple Extract in Peau de
Espange, Lily of the Valley, Hlio-
trope and Jockey Club, regular
75c value, oz .390
50c gold-mounted Back Combs,
great special value, each. . .37 0
15c Shaving Brushes 90
50c pure Badger-Hair Shaving
Brush, heavy bone bandle. .390
Bath-Tub Enamel, A-pint cans,
28c : pint cans 53c
Wire Photo. Backs, ea... 7-12
Special ValuesBoy s Clothing
For Tuesday and Wednesday we offer three
of unusual importance to economical parents.
Boys' two-piece School Suits; dark and medium
mixtures, good, serviceable garments for boys,
7 t 16 years, regular $2.50 and no
$2.85 values, for. P -f
Boys' fine all-wool two-piece double-breasted and
Norfolk Suits m fancy Tweeds, Cheviots and . ri
Homespuns, light, dark and me- tf 5 1 Av
mum colorings, .ou-qjd.o vaiues. . i
Boys' 65c and 75c all-wool Eiiee Pants, pair.49d
Stein -Bloch Suits for Men
This season's superb garments in the very
nfewest stvles and materials. Suits the eaual of tie
best custom-made Clothing at prices that mean a
saving of fully one-half on the custom tailor's
prices. e
Special value in Stein-Block fine gray Overplaid
unfinished Worsted Suits, this Spring's hand
some .styles, perfect fitting, extra f gf
good value at v.W
Stein-Bloch fine grade plaids and invisible over
plaid fancy Worsted Suits, the most striking
pjirments shown this season. atfc
" I 51-JUS w
Fine all-wool black unfinished Worsted Suits, just
the clothing for Easter Sunday CIA CC
wear, special value T. ..... . V 0 W
Men's fine all-wool, fast color, navy blue Serge
Suits, in single or double-breasted styles, great
values at $12.50, $15, $18, $22.50.
"HAWES" HATS Sole Portland agents for the
celebrated "Hawes" $3.00 Hat for Men; new
Spring blocks in Derbys and Soft styles now.
ready j best $3.00 Hat on the market.
t II
Buy Kitchen Goods, China, Glassware, Etc., Here This Week
$L2o Savory Roaster for... ,98 '
50c Family Roaster, 10x14
inches 39
15c 7-pih Hat Rack 12
3c Japanese Pot Brushes Id
75c S-arm Clothes Racks 62
25c Galvanized Pails, 10-qt. . .19
20c 2-hoop Cedar Pails 17 6
$1.00 Castiron Cook Pots 82
75c Galvanized Wash Tubs.. 63
90c Galvanized Wash Tubs. ..74c
$1.35 Family Scales for.. $1.19
Tin Measuring Cups 4i
1-quart Graduated Measures fi
14-quart Tin Dishpans 28p
$1.50 Universal Food Chop
pers $1.23
Asbestos Mats, each 4
20c Wooden Salt Boxes 16 c
$3.50 Clothes Wringers. ..$2.78
Guaranteed for three years.
"Peninsular". Polished Steel
Range, high wanning closet;
16x2 0-inch oven, asbestos-lined;
No. 6 and 8 covers; burns coal
or -wood; a perfect baker: fulte
guaranteed; a bcautifuF ranee,
and great value
$L2o set Mrs. Potts' Sad
Irons 89c
15c Dover Egg Beaters 12
50c Wall Coffee Mill 42
25c 100-f t. Wire Clothes Line 19c
$3.00 Adjustable Wringer $2.39
Clothespins, 6 dozen
8c Spring Clothes Hanger.. 5i
35c Zinc Washboards 27 p
$110 Copper-Bottom Wash
Boilers 78
50c 10-quart Sprinklers 42
20c Galvanized Oil Cans 15
30c 10-quart Dishpans 29
6c Tin Graters, large size. ... 5
30c No. 8 Tin Steamers 20
5c 9-in. Jelly 'Cake Pans.... 4
9-inch deep Pie Pans 3i
10c Bowl Strainers 7v
zuc -EiSiensiqn strainers. .. .loc
i 20c Drip Pans, 11x17 16
4-pmt Nickel Coffee Fot, reg-
yular $L10 value...; S9c
13-mch Nickel Trays, 35c
values for 27i
25c Crumb Tray and Scraper 19c
20c Fiber Wash Basins 15
10c Tack Hammers 8
Tacks all sizes, box..'. 2
Ever-Ready Cover Knobs. . . . l
10c Wire Tea Strainers 8c
Tin Match Safes 3$
Garden Trowels 4
Mrs. Potts' Iron Handles 11
Weeding Hooks 8
5-Hook Ha6 Racks 7
No. 8 Copper-Bottom Kettles 39
75c Rice Boilers, each 62
65c Rice Boilers, each 5451
6-Foot Ironing Boards p3
15c Mop Sticks, each 11
$1,00 Granite Slop Pails 86
35c Potato Ricers, each 27
Wire Egg Whips for 2i
10c Mixing Spoons 8
Good Grade Paring Knives. . 85
6-inch Butcher Knives 27
50c Butcher Knives..-. 39
35c Bread Knives 285
Christy Edge Bread Knives 2l
Cooks' Knives, 6-inch size. .&7(
10-inch Pastry Knives 62
90c Carvers, knife and fork,
cocobola handles .73
00c Ham Knives Sot 72
15c Nickel Nut Crackers 12
10c Wooden Towel Rollers.. 8
35c Double Knife Slaw Cutter 29 J
12c Wooden Towel Rings... 10
15c Double Towel Rings 12-
Paneakc Turners S
Cook Forks, extra heavy 16
10c Glass Juice Extractors.. 8
10c ?Tever-Slip Can Openers. . 8
20c Steel Mincing Knife 16
15c Steel Mincing Knife 12
12c Drip Pans, 9x12 10
10c Drip Pans, SxlO 8
28c Acme Frying Pans 18
18c Acme Frying Pans 14
15c Towel Racks 12
3-arm Towel Racks..... 28
Toilet Paper Holders 3
Metal Towel Rings 8
Dinner Sets
60-pe. white semi-vitreous
Dinner Sets ...t $3.88
100-pc. white semi-vitreous
Dinner Sets $6.19
60-pc. floral decorated semi
vitreous. Dinner Set $5.89
100-pc floral decorated semi
vitreous Dinner Set. .... $8.97
60-pc. decorated German
China Set $13.45
100-pc. decorated German
China Set $18,95
Famous "Elite" 4-coated Blue and
white German Graniteware, none
better; all at special low prices.
60c Covered Kettles for 48
75c Covered Kettles for 60
90c Covered Kettles for 72
$1.10 Covered Kettles for 88
30c Lipped Sauce Pans 24
35c Lipped Sauce Pans 28
45c Lipped Sauce Pans...... 36
50c Lipped Sauce Pans 40
35c Wash Basins for. ...... .28
45c Wash Basins for 36
50c Wash Basins for 40
35c Lipped Kettles for 28
45c Lipped Kettles for. T.... 360
50c Lipped Kettles for 400
60e Lipped Kettles for 480
25c Pudding Pans for 200
35c Pudding Pans for. 280
45c Pudding Pans for 360
60c Pudding Pans for 480
$1.65 17-qt. Dish Pans for $1.27
1 $1.75 S-qt Teakettles for. .$1.38
i II