THE MOGr! OEGQIAy.: TUESDAY,, 1AGH 21, -1905. ktuatjon waxtjjo female. 3! COMPETENT NURSE WOULD LIKE CABH of Infant or of an invalid, Address W 81, Oregonian. MlceD an con. eHTUATIONS WANTED NEAT GIRL, housework, email family; housekeepers, cook. chambermaids. 2S0H Tamhlll. Phone Black 2SS1. - SCANDINAVIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 270 Burn side, itirnlsbes male and female help, all kind, free of charge. Main SPSS. SITUATION'S WANTED VERT CAPABLE woman, chamber-work; housekeeper, with girl 230H YamKU. Phone Black 2S8L COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WASHING. Ironing and cleaning, fall days only. Phone Main 37GG. XACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AT HOME: first-class work. Mrs. Haehlea. -Phone Union 1S44. . WANTED HOUSE CLEANING. IRONING or sweeping by a reliable person. Phone Main 4712. WANTED AGENTS. SOAP AGENTS WANTED GREATEST SEL ler known. Everybody buys; 30 days' credit given; experience unnecessary. Hancock Novelty Co.. Chicago. GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED TO SELL lots on commission. In one of the choicest suburbs of Portland. Address P. O. Box 70S. city. PHOTO COUPON AND PORTRAIT AGENTS, big money. Rembrandt Studio, Abington bldg. RANTED TO KENT. WANTED ROOMS In all parts of the city. Apply 202 Goodnough building, Exposition .Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 62C& WANTED RESPONSIBLE PARTT WANTS ' 7 or S-room house, nice locality; adults; possession first week April. Phone today West 1802. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, OR IIOOM AND board, by dentist, with wife and child. In exchange for dental work. C 80. Oregonian. WANTED A 0 OR 7-ROOM MODERN HOME, or a vacant lot; walking distance; West Fide. Q 82, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A S OR 6-ROOM COT tage or fiat; must be centrally located. R 40, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 1ST et., pays top-notch spot cash price for all Kinck ci rurniiure pnoue jiam oooo. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and thoes; highest price paid. Call at the -Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WANTED $800; SECURITY. 19 LOTS IN 8t. Johns. P 82. Oregonian. FOR KENT Rooms. NEW LAN OK HOTEL. European plan; clectrio lights and bells, steam Heat and elevator: baths free to sruests: rates 60c 75o and $1 per day; special rates uy tne weeic aegant care ana par in con' nection. Corner Cth and Washington sts. Sam Bauman. manager. F. Lange. prop, THE CLAYTON. 15 North 10th, cor. Burnside, near Washing ton: strictly modern: newly decorated throughout; finely furnished rooms, single or en suite, bath; location, neignbornooa ana conveniences unexeceiied; terms reasonable. pnone aiam avaa. LARGE. PLEASANT CORNER ROOM, nace, fireplace, largo chiffonier. leather couch., fine bed, piano, In small private family; reasonable rent to gentleman; close in. Main 4714. THE AUDITORIUM, 20SV4 3D ST.. BET. TAT lor and Salmon. 1 block south of Baker The ater Ekrjaatly new furnished. team heat; hot. cold running water in rooms; free bath: rooms with private baths; elevator; $3.60 per T.eek and up; 31 day; tourists solicited. Mi'ELT 3TTRNISHED ROOMS, BATH, gas and heat: 127 N. 22d St., bet. Ullsan "d Hoyt, one block from Washington or Morrison car line; easy -walking distance from Fair grounds. Phone Main 4091. THE MONNASTES. 2S5 1ST ST. (6. W. cor. Jefferson) Single rooms from $1 to $3; furnished housekeeping suites fiom $1.75 to $3 pr week; rooms per night, 60c and 25c; tourists eollclted. THE OREGONIAN ON THE EUROPEAN plap; rooms. 50c. 75c. $1 per day; beautiful brick .corner; large, light, sunny rooms by the week. $2 to $8 per wetk. 41 Ji North 3c, cor. Couch. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. 190V4 3d. adjoining Baker Theater; $2.50 per week and up; steam heat; special attention given to traveling public Phone Hood 657. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR rlton; best down-town rooms in the city: beat and sen-ice night and day; rates $3.50 per week and up. including bath; $1 day. OXFORD. CTH AND OAK fEURO pean) The most comfortable rooms la the Ity. everything new and modern; bell i nnnrctions with cafe and bar. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Must be neon to be appreciated; desirable lo cation; gentleman preferred. 390 Couch, or phone Front 67L after 4 P. M. CORNER 7TH AND WASHINGTON ST. Large newly furnished corner room, suit able for two or four persons. 313 is Wash ington, near 7th, room S. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH STEAM HEAT, bath, telophonc newly furnished: reasonable rest; reierences exchanged. Telphone Main NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ELEC trlc light, with use of phone and bath; close in, very reasonaDic sto park cl, cor. Main. IN riUVATE RESIDENCE. THE VERY best location, quiet neighborhood, large Ugbt rooms, phone and bath. 70S Everett. TOO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT able for light housekeeping If desired. 370 Mill st. Must be sen to bo appreciated. THE TEMPLE, 343 is YAMHILL. ST.. OP posite Hotel Portland Nicely furnished rooms, rates reasonable; transient. 125 13TH. NEAR WASHINGTON LARGE, rleas&nt front room; also room at $2.50; modern, tourists solicited. NirELY FURNISHED CLEAN AND LIGHT rooms, very reasonable, very best neigh borhood. 170 12th. THE TEMPLETON. 200 1ST NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; bath. transient solicited. 255 11TH ST. CLEAN. SUNNY ROOMfc beautiful grounds, bath, gas, baeoment-roo.n cheap, vvest oi. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE ON THE parlor floor; gas. bath, phone; close' In. 331 14th t. Cheapest and best-located rooms In Portland. $1 week up. unman, ist ana Aider sts. SS9. ALDER ST. VERY NICE FRONT ROOM. witn or witnout uuuru, an muvmicncta. THE LEWIS, 105 10TH ST. ROOMS. SIN gie ana cn suite, rnone iain 4331. TWO UNFlTRN:SHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Inquire 6S0 Mississippi ave. BEDROOMS. LEAN. BRIGHT AND PLEAS- ant. 195 10th u. cor. Taylor. Rooms With Board, THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY" HOTEL. Market st . bet 3d and 4th; team heat, elec tric light, porcelain baths; elegant outside rexmis wnn nrst-ciass board two people. 513, ana oo monin. "leiepnone iiam iSUL HOTEL BROWN. 271H GRAND AVETTUE -fieseani rooms, single ox en suite; elevator: ROOMS WITH BOARD COMFORTABLE. weIl.TXurnished rooms with good home cook- RST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD; 53 PER w-ikv -502 Clay, near 15th. Phone Main 609S. 313 MQRRISON ROOMS WITH BOARD. noi anqtcoia waier. i-none Main 4314. HOOU AND BOARD FOR ONE OR TWO gtn:leran;$25. 412 Hall at. FOX KENT. WKh THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO- tel. 105-167 10th U cor. Morrison; there are a Xew vacancies; fine rooms, nicely furnished, steam heal throughout the house; porcelain bath, plenty of hot -water, handsome dining-room, table and service first-class. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TH TEAR: rooms with board: use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Arabel Russell, superintendent. S10 Flanders. HOTEL BERG. 13TH AND ALDER NEW management, neatly furnished rooms, srst class board, free baths, steam heat. SELECT PRIVATE BOARD. 394 COLUM- bia, with fine front suite; modern con veniences and central. Main 2219. CHOICEST RESIDENCE PART OF CITY. thoroughly modern; no exorbitant charges. 575 Irving. Phone Main 5420. THE MAN1TOU. 281 13TH ST. BEAU- tlful, homelike rooms; excellent board ; for refined people. Phcne 1203. 394 ALDER, COR, 10TH NEWLY FUR- nlshed suite, also single room, -with board; good service; home cooking. NEWLY FURNISHED BOOMS WITH board, gas light, phone and bath; rea sonable. S2G Columbia st. NEAT ROOMS WITH BOARD, BATH. phone; price reasonable. 32 N. 11th at opposite Armory HalL 120 1STH ST.. CORNER G LIS AN, PAT- lng guests received; private, modern home, table first class. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD; HOME cooking; English family. 215 lZln St.. cor. Salmon. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD; HOME cooking. 515 Northrop, cor. loth erc. THE OZARK. 223 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot cad cold water. NEW. MODERN. ! UP-TO-DATE FLAT OF 6 rooms, unfurnished, at 669 6th. inquire at 671 Cth at. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE. WELL- furn lined flat; also elnzle room. C67 Irv ing st. $9 FLAT OF FIVE ROOMS. UP STAIRS, 172 Sherman st. Phone Main 4529. FINEST FURNISHED FLAT IN THE CITY; also single rooms. 470 Taylor st. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT. 5 ROOMS. AND bath. Geo. M. Strong, JIB za st. Housekeeping Booms. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hill New house, elecantlv furnished apart ments, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and celd water; gas range In each kitchen; steam neat ana Bains; tree pnone on cues uoar. 520 THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, facing street, ground floor; also two unstnlm. SIS: nhone. cas. sink. 254 Montgomery, cor. 3d; ten minutes' walk from Postoffice. vnn REST-jmitXISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms in nicest brick block on East Side; gas ranges, cam. etc iog&n ous., 1QSM Union ave Phone union zn. a KirCT.Y FTTRNISHED HOUSEKEEPING In modern flat. S blocks from Portland Hotel. Call afternoons, bet. 2 and 5, at 240 7th st. Phone Black 882. THREE OR TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping: at 675 Main St.: heat. Hrhts bath. Phone Main 4600. Must be seen to be appreciated. SW MTT.T.. COIL 6TH TWO VERY DEEIR able room furnished for housekeeping; gas. bath, pbtrtie; water in kitchen; select loca tion; reasonanie. FREE FURNISHED ROOMS TO PARTY who will care for ten-room rooming-house stood locality. Apply, giving reference. N 82, Oregonian. WELL-FURNISHED SINGLE AND HOUSE- keeDlng rooms for rent in new house. $L60 and $2.60 per week. 657 H 1st at, S. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. connected, running water, gas. private en. trance; very desirable. 395 Salmon st. BIIITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, witn ras stove rurnisnea; only $1.75 per week. 382 E. Yamhill et. nmviKHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. from $10 up; also transient ana ooarcu Hotel Northern. 12th ana niarsnaii. FINE SUITE HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS, large and airy; teiepnone. Dam ana, ga location nrst-ciaxa. oo Mumava u TTJT7- TIEIT.HR. 2U)U GRAND AVE. FUR nlshed housekeeping suites; auo single cieep- lng-rooms by day, week or monin. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT lmiisekeeDlnir: cas. pcone ana cam. ud Washington st. Phone Main S297. $1.75 PER WEEK: LARGE CLEAN. iUK- nlshed housetceepmg rooms; nam ana imn dry. 184 Sherman, near iront. 4S7 TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED UP- per room, new dwelling, modern conveniences. llgm nousc&erjiins, j n FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN very best neighborhood; phone ,ana bath on Nob Hill, ivs iivereit. . 3S0 CTH ST. WELL FURNISHED HOUSE keening apartments, light front rooms. good location. home-Uke. 872 1ST ST. 2 NEWLY PAPERED. FUR nlshed bay-window nouseKeeping rooms, ree pec table people oniy. NICE. LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE keeping room, with gas, bath and free phone. 442 Jefferson. NICELY FURNISHED CLEAN AND LIGHT rooms, very reasonable, very best neigh borhood. 170 12th. 1 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR HOUSE keeping. $10; also furnished rooms. ISO Sherman et. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite, all modem- conveniences. 447 aiaw st. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms: transient; bath, electric light. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Phone iiain sua. 3fg ciay st. THE HALL. N. E. COR. BTH AND HALL- Housekeeping suites; also icngie rooms. 2 AND S ROOMS. FLATS. BATH AND GAS, Phone Union 4063. Houses. IF YOU WANT TO AVOID iCcOLD AND A rood wettinc go to Gevurtx & bona ana get & house cottage or flat. We don't say have a big list; but all the available houses In the city, and most of them, good ones. Ycu will make no mlstako by calling on us. 173-175 1st SL Offico hours from 1 to t P. M. The rental department Is not con nected with tho phone. Call on us. WE HAVE HOUSES FOR BENT ALL OVER the city. We maintain this department, free of any charge whatsoever, for the benefit of those looking for desirable residences. and will be glad to assist you In any way possible. The Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE On aocount di It falllnr back on our hands. We have a 30-room rooming-house, all modern and fur nished up-to-date. East Side. One xf the biggest bargains In the city. Apply at Gevurtx & Gone. 1st and Yamhill. 694 2D. COR. MEADE S ROOMS. CEMENT basement, attic bath, fireplace; all modern and flrst-claas: . owner, sou ilerrlson. Phone Main 1013. FOR RENT HOUSE 7 ROOMS AND BATH, 347 Lincoln at.; rent $27.50 per month. Apply Goldsmith & Co.. 3d and Oak sts. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 216 STARK ST.. Rents and insurance, mono iiain su. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. OLD 4-ROOM HOUSE AND BARN WITH fine orchard on 30tn ana tiawinorne. stz month. 400 Chamber of Commerce. KADDERLY TRANSFER X. PROMPT AND reliable piano, and furniture movers. Phone Main 1CS5. Ofllce. 110 N. 3d st. DWELLING ON WEST SIDE WITHIN walking distance of PostofSce; healthy Iocs Uon. Apply 433 12th sr. GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE. WITHIN 2 BLOCKS of school and close in; a snap at $15. Phone Scott 323S. 3-ROOM COTTAGE. UNFURNISHED, $20. modem, worth $40; lease. Call today, 491 Market. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH; 693 Jefferson st; rest $20. Inquire 1 2d at, 7-ROOM HOUSE AT 534 TAYLOR ST. Furnished Xeocea. NEATLY FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 447 E. Davis; steei range ana gas .stove. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED tage. West Side Phone Main 304. COT FOR KENT. FersUhed Heaaea. ROOM NICELY FURNISHED MODERN flat. Inquire Flat A. Sc villa. 223 Market. Phone Main 516. v FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED complete; bath. 191 5th at., walking ais- tance; reference. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED COT- tage. West Side. Phone Main 354. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. PHONE1 Union 40(3. v Houses for Bent. Furniture for Sale. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. AT 211 1st st.. will buy yesir furniture, spot cash. or will cell your furniture for you at your residence or at salesrooms. 211 1st st-. on commission. PHONE MAIN 5W. SNAP-SOME FURNITURE FOR SALE cheaD: table, dresser, foldlnc-bed. chairs, etc Look this cd. Call 580 CoucH. or phone TOnt 671, alter 4 Jr. 21. 8 ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED: ALSO .ROOM In basement; first-class place for roomers; a bargain; UI health, mnst sen; six Dcaroers. 602 Clay, near 15th. FINE MODERN HOME SEVEN ROOMS. new furniture, fine lawn and best loca tion In the city. Call 212 Allsky bldg. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED S-ROOM FLAT; must Mil by March 20; price $ew; easy terms, cair ssth ta- sale, welf located housei low rnt; bargain in furniture. The Ames mercantile Agency. Abington bldg. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM FLAT FOR sale cheap If sold at once. 202 14th and Taylor. FURNITURE TWO 5-ROOM HOUSES; houses for rent. Phone Union 40C3. FOR RENT STORE. 23x180 FEET. NO. 146 rront at., bet. xorruot ana Aiaer. Appiy to E. A. Baldwin. S3 4th st. FOR RENT GROCERY STORE. WITH Liv ing rooms In 'rear; Good location, inquire 4 N. 3d st. STORES .FOR RENT ONE FINE LOCA- tlon for drugstore Apply 310 Mohawk bldg. O faces. DESK ROOM TO RIGHT PARTY: NICE Room 503 Mar- office, fine office building, quam bldg. OFFICES AND NEWLY FURNISHED lodge halls. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. , Winter and Summer Bef-orts. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH, SEA- Ide. win be open during till ana winter. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before -pay-day can gt. It from us; no commission or interest m advance: no mortgage or in- dorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or aeml-monthly In amounts from $1 and up wards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one pay-day, and have six months' time, it atsirea. NELSON & HINDLEY, 308 McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsioie nrms; easy payments ana sincuy coaaacn- tlal; also CHATTEL LOANS cn personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Abington .building. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO, 217 OREGO- nlan bldg, loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motonnen. conductors other salaried employes. Just on his note in sums of $10 to $100. iteturnaoie in con vEnient weekly or monthly payments. Pay- menu mispended In case of sickness. Confi dential. No inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe wage-earner, can get on his note, wiinout. mongsiie CanfldentlaL Month. H-month. Week. $30 Repay to us... .$13.33 or $6.63 or $3.25 $23 Repay to ns......$ 6.65 or $3.35 or $1.63 S15 Repay to ua 4.00 or $2.00 or LOO MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamsters, etc. witnoui security: easy pay- 1 ments: largest Business in tu principal cities. Tjolman. 223 Abington bldg. Clay 1768. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried teopie; lowest rates; confidential; will advance money -on any good securftr. Room 218. Abington bldg. Phone Red 1720. PER CENT HON ET WE BUY OR build you a home- or loan on your property; monthly payment; iuvquhk; open -Saturday evening. 17 Labbe bldg, 227i Wash. TniKB ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN to sanuiea peopie; suicuy conn- dentlaL .Employes- ixjun v-o, room 716. the IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 to $500 on ai Kcunuw, xv. 1. x.cJcerson t Co, room C, Washington bldg. Clay 73. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE- curlty: duuoics lYrrr ;uuiy. jj Nunn. Ks ancTiut. truant i;iay 623. $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS. ON ALL KINDS of security. "-iJir. room iu. """- wjr 1011. LOANS ON ruitiiuKu riASos AND other sccuriu. ju.w 0. w. King, room fcuui, a ia. CHANCE FOR IDLE MONEY PROPERTY paying S per cent net on $42,000 can be had tor $32W. I"- wo. bptviTR FUNDS LOANED. 60 PER CPvt valuation; u - . u. Aiisiry a. xtnt funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom State Sgt, JllUUUnou W :nm "j. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Co. lands. D. F. Riley. 606 Cham, of Commerce $600,000 TO LOAN AT B AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. i. iock. rvjui uvii ihc jailing Blag. PRIVATE PARTY makes real estate, personal. chattel, salary loans, wi juarqeam oiag. PxXlAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for thrDlstrlct of Oregon. In the matter of thy estate of S. N. Ras mussen. bankrupt. The undersigned -will re ceive sealed bids for the stock and fixtures nertalnlng to this estate at Dayton. Or, amounting to about $6000 and the stock of coeds and fixtures at Sheridan. Or., amounting to about $4000 (both stocks consisting principally of hardware tin ware, farm implements, harness and ve hicles), until Monday. April 3. 1905. at 12 o'clock noon. Separate bids will be received for tbe stocks and a cash deposit of 10 per cent of the bid will be required. Right Is reserved to reject any ana an oias. ins Inventory may be seen at my office and the stocks may be Inspected by applying to IL a MeCutchan. at Dayton, and F. K. Helder, at Sheridan. Dated at Portland, Or.. March 20. 1905. R. L. Sabln. trustee. Front and Ankeny sis. CONCESSIONS THE OREGON WATER Tower & Railway Company will receive bids for concessions at its new amusement resort known as "The Oaks," up to and lneludlscr Saturday morning. AH applica tions addressed to the company at First and Alder sts. Miscellaneous. OFFICE OF OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAIL rnmnur Notice of stockholders meet. KtArkheiders are hereby notified that the Oregon & California Railroad Company will be held at the office of the company. 643 Worcester bldg., Portland. Or, on Tuesday. th nth day of April. 1903. at the hour of annual iuc f -V4 11 nviock A. M, for the purport of electlnr directors lor tne eosuiss jcr, ana mo trans- action of such other business as may legally ccme before tne meeting. W. W. COTTON, Secretary. Portland, or, aiarcn iu, jyua. I.OST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE ORE- gonlan will pay $10 reward for the ar rest and conviction of any one caught steal ing The Oregonian from the doors of Its subscribers, circulation Jianager. T.OST OR STOLEN POINTER. COLOR liver and white about 6 years old. front legs bowed; license Nc 432; reward. Ad dress H. R- Everdlng. 140 Front it. TjOST-A WATCH FOB, NEAR NATTS DRUG store; souvenir St. Louis Fair. Return to Mlia Holmes; care Olds. Wortman &. Kins; reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- tresses renovatea asa returned same cay. Main 474. Portland Curied-Halr Factory. STRAYED-tFROM GRESHAM. S MARES, 2 - colts. j-Tacer score j. jli. jiipiey, i"crt lanc. Phone West 2046. BCSTSESS CKANCB8. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT Sc. CO,, U2-3-5-C ABINGTON BLOCK, 106H 3D ST. PHONE MAIN 156. We make a SPECIALTY OF ROOMING- HOUSES, and nave many of tho MOST DE SIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for sale. cs ROOMS Well-furnished, -very cheao rent. best place In city; guarantee clearing over $800 per monin: location win commana very large business during Fair. Price now, $13, 500. ! ROOMS Up-to-date, family hotel, hot and cold -water in all rooms: steam heat; very fine furnished; rent only $223; two-year iraze; tvu. SO ROOMS Good location, doing good busi ness, very well furnished; rent $175; lease; price only $3300. . 37 ROOMS boarding-house. 'elegantly furnished"; nest location In city; al ways fun; low rent ,wita lease. 23 ROOMS Two blocks from Portland Ho tel, newly furnished, newly papered and nalnted: is flrst-claas1 In every respect: hot water heat; thls Is best bargain In the city; only $30(10. 21 ROOMS All nice, large rooms. Moquet carpetsL all good furniture, very low rent; this Is surely a pick-up; only $2600.- 33 ROOMS Brick buildlnc elevator, rteam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, swell furniture, best location In the city. RENT f ONLY $60; price. $7600. IS ROOMS RixSt down-town, newlr fur nished house, newly decorated throughout, near Washington eC; this place la right; one year lease; rent reasonable. Price only $2300. 6-ROOM FLAT Well furnished, on 7th st.. four blocks from Portland Hotel; only $M xor lew cays. 6-ROOM FLAT Elegantly furnished, nolen- cia location; oniy aoia. 6-ROOM 'FLAT On Washington St.: ele gantly xuruiinea; ftwu. 16 ROOMS Very finely furnished, best lo cation for high-class trader low rent: $1400. S ROOMS Extra rood location: rent only $35; very nicely furnished. If you-want this lor OiD De at our office by 10:30 A. M. S-ROOM HOUSE-Eent $25. good loca- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. This Is the best proposition In the city: guarantee now clearing above all expenses. $1300 per month. CIGAR STORES AND SALOONS. We have a fine list of each that we will be pleased to submit to you. and all are good money-makers. General merchandise store. Jewelry store. 6th st. Lease on Washington st. of good store. Terms can be had on any of the above. All titles guaranteed buyers protected as well as sellers. SELLERS List you rooming-houses with us If you want them sold. BUYERS Come to us If you want the best -on the market. TAFT. & CO, 122-3-5-6 Abington blk, 10GK 3d st. WANTED PARTNER IN HOTEL BU3I- nesA. 1 have $3000 -worth of new furniture, carpets, ruga, etc, nwd in St. Louis' dur ing World's Fair. I wlU take In a partner and operate a hotel or rooming-bouses In Portland during Fair. I know how to get the people and- can make big profits. Amount necessary for half Interest. $3000: for third Interest. $3500. Address W. F. W, Hamil ton and Maple ave, St. Louis, Mo. GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS WB ARB In touch with all lines of business, throughout the Northwest and are la dally receipt of Information regarding business opportunities. Every proposition submitted to us thorough ly Investigated before presentation, and must be bonafide Parties looking for permanent business locations In city or country are In vited to call on the Ames Mercantile Agency, Abington bldg. FOR SALE BEST AND CLEANEST STOCK ary gooas, genu' furnishings and shoes in wniamette vauey; wen established, doing weU; located in lumber mill town. 1300 pop ulation; one of the largest mills In the state, with payroll of $10,000 per month; good farming country; best of reason for selling; stock will Invoice about $6000; must be cash. Addrets A 62, Oregonian. FOR SALE A LARGE TEAMING Busi ness, wen established in Portland, doing over $30,000 per year business; net Income $3,300; will Invoice over $4000; price $3300; reason for selling, have other business that takes up too much time; a. bargain; Investi gate It- Address A 300. Oregonian. 1 wanted A few men with CAPITAL to Invest In a new company Just Incor porated with best patent excavating ma chine for railroad, canal and mining ex. cavatlnc Company and machine in Port land: bears strictest Investigating. Ad dress D 66, Oregonian. "WANTED STRICTLY BUSINESS MEN. with $1000, superintend branch offices for sellable mercantile corporation: salarr. ex penses and largo dividends paid; age, former occupation and references must accompany application. -A.uarefa k 70, uregonian. FOR SALE SMALL CLEAN STOCK OF general merchandise; will Invoice about $2000; a big discount for cash or terms can be mace; it wm pay you to see this bargain. Call at Warren. Or, and see Invoice and stock. Geo. jr. cummin. $400 WITH SERVICES BUYS HALF OLD established business, clearing $300 month yearly; honest, sober man required: exDerl ence unnecessary; no risks; money secured. 227& Washington st, room 33, Labbe bldg. FOR SALE STOCK GENERAL MER chan cxr e, splendid farming and lumbering town; population iuoo; Dig openlnr. nros perous business. $4000 to $6000 cash neces sary. Address P. O. Box 173, Springfield. ur. "GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSTLER WITH a little capital to conduct a' tea. and roffM route In this city. Our salesmen will get an uie uuimcu you can nanaie; large profits; success assured. L 82; Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED OWNER OF THIS business has more than he can attend to and will take reliable partner; $1000 fully secured win maae you -uu a month; duties easily learnea. particulars X4Stt Stark st. WANTED RELIABLE MAN WITH $1500. which, win ce fully secured, to work for a business house; duties easily learned: will pay $100 monthly salary, besides large pronts. particulars sistt stark at. &.iuiu j- Avtua ai 41 iah uji $3000 to $5000 In established manufacturing and Jobbing business; If reference given is satisfactory will answer, not otherwise C si, oregonian. I STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you- have stocks or bonds for sale, offer them throuch me to investors. Oeors-e ii. Kellogg. broker, 345 Ellicdtt Square, Buf falo. 1. $3300 CASH BUYS A BUSINESS DOING $25,000 per year business; net income $3600 per year; this will invoice more than price asked; must sell aft once Address B 300, Oregonian. FOR SALE BARBER BUSINESS IN GOOD small town: house. lot and shop: snap for barber wltn utile money, write or call Frank Bartlett Rldgefleld. Wash. FOR SALE FINE NEW FURNITURE OF A 22-room house central location; investigate. J 72. Oregoniaa. FOR SALE BAKERY, GROCERY. ICE cream parlors, eaioon; ail or separate Call 2S9 5th st. FOR SALE SALOON. COOD LOCATION, not far from Fair Grounds. X 74. Ore gonian. FOR SALE CIGAR STORE, CHEAT BENT and lease 52 H 6th st, op. Postoffice BUSINESS CHANCES. SEE THESE BARGAINS. 23 rooms, transient, corner. lease. $1000. 40 rooms, all on one floor, cheap, lease, good corner, only $4S00. 30 rooms, central, brick, clears $200 month. $3300. Several 10-room bouses at reduced prices; can make terms on any. Corner grocery, with 4 living rooms, rent a snap, old-established trade, about $1500. Restaurant, everything new, only $730; an other 5550. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Abington. 106H Third st. STEVENS. VEASBY & CO.. SUITE 203 Allsky bldg., N. W. cor. 3d and Morrison sts. Business opportunities the largest and best list of rooming houses. Telephone Main 1976. FAIR GROUNDS FURNITURE 11 ROOMS; good location for business; cheap. 14 rooms, unfurnished. 20 rooms, unfurnished. Ground for booths to lease. SC8 -Upshur. Main 6278. WE HAVE SOME EXCEPTIONAL OFFER- ings In rooming-houses; don't overlook us In your calls- J. V. Crelghton & Co, 163H 3d st, roqm A. ' ROOMING-HOUSE. 14 ROOMS. FINE LOCA tion, good furniture, suitable for transients; $1000. Hatfield & Smith. 163H 4th at, room 32. SALOON RARE CHANCE. PRICE $030; anybody can take this saloon and make $200 and over every month. Call 21SH Stark st. LEASE FOR SALE. WITH BUILDING, fixtures' and stock. 100 feet from the Fair grounds; best corner; meet owner. M 82, Oregonian. IF -YOU HAVE $1000 SEE US; YOUR money Is secure and will net $130 per month. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 165 H 3d it, room A. BOARDING-HOUSE, v24 ROOMS- COME and look. Good location, lease clears $200 monthly; no agent; got to selL C 73, Ore gonian. FOR SAL'S BUSINESS SPACE. FINE Lo cation in Fair grounds; lot to lease near fair grounds. Address 842 Upshur st. WANTEDPARTNER IN RESTAURANT; must have good references: good proposi Uon. right person. A S2, Oregonian. A SNAP 24-ROOM JOUSB. CENTRAL: rent, $110; party leaving city; a money maker; rooms full. 40 Hamilton bldg. WANTED PARTNER $130. ABSOLUTELY secured; $100 monthly guaranteed and best references given, i si. uregonian. GROCERY STORE AT INVOICE PRICE. E3 . tabllshed trade, good location; must sell on account ceaitn. iw 77, uregonian. $500 INVESTED IN CORPORATION SE cures position In Seattle; salary $73 to be gin. '017 Commercial Block. $2300 TAKES DOWN TOWN CORNER SA loon; best buy in city, J. V. Crelghton &. Co., 165 H 3d st, room a. OPENING TODAY FOR MAN WITH $250 to make $23 a week; experience unneces sary. Call 248 Stark st. FOR SALE A GOOD PAYING BUSINESS; party nauu uj icaic utc , v-c w. Address E K. oregonian. V 1 FOR KALE-RESTAURANT. LONG LEASE. cheap rent: owners leaving city. Inquire 246H Yamhill at. FOR SALE GROCERY STORE IN GOOD residence district on iasi biae. 70, Oregonian. Address S OENUTNE BOW RAZOR. POSTPAID TO ANY address, only 73c Aaaress nucnanan o. Portland. Or. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP - AND tools, with 3-year lease 410 Belmont st., East Side FOR SALE OR FOR. RENT PARTLY FUR- nlshed lZ-ioom house, u 1-, uregonian. BOOTBLACK STAND FOR SALE; BEST part of cjty. T 81. Oregonian. PEBSONAX. GREAT FACE SPECIALIST HERE W. AU- gustus Pratt. B. S, it. D, the world-famous American Face Specialist of New York and Chicago, with his chief plastic operator, will Tirsltlvrlv remedr all defects of features. every wrinkle and all facial blemishes by his celebrated Immediate process. SelUng-Hlrsch building. Washington, bet. West Park and 10th sts, where engagements' can now be made Write or can Dr. Pratt institute, phone Main 706. Hours: 9 A. M. to 8. P. M, aauy ana unaay. REMOVAL NOTICE MADAME VAUGHN only graduate dermatologist in jiortnwest. permanently removes birthmarks, plttlngs. wrinkles, saggmgs, scars, ecsema, pimpics, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Derma. tology taught for professional purposes. Re moved to suites 51. 52 and 63. Selllng-Hlrsch bldg, Washington st, bet. W. Park and 10th. Phone .Slain 70S. AZA HOLMES-RIB BECKE. GRADUATE dermatologist: scientific featurai. correction 1st. beautlfler and restorer of youthfuiness. may be consulted dally free; every affliction cf the human face and scalp successfully treated: mature wrinkles, scars, oiemisnes, etc., removed. Sanitarium and school of der matology in connection. Parlors 364 Morri son. Telephone Hood 22vsj 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFEHLNG FROM lrrecular. nalnful cr stoppages. leucorrhea (white) and all diseases of woomen. old or younr. cured by old Dr. Kessier. zmh 3. am bill st, Portland. Or. Private walUag-room for ladies, uonsuitation tree vu cs write Inclose 10 2 -cent stamps. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affectlcns of private organs permanently js cured. Dr. w&uter. 13 1 1st st. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD DTomDtir to our Dainiesj metnoa 01 treatment we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; private and strictly connaenuai. x. Ra dium Institute. 3d and Morrison. Allsky bldg. ARE YOU RUN DOWN? NERVOUS DIS orders, atomacn trouoies, neuralgia, rneu matlsm positively cured; band rubbing Swedish Drotessional nurse. Helslcgfors srad nate. Office and residence, 7 E. 11th st. Phone East 260. NOTHING PRESERVES YOUR APPEAR ance like a strong, neaitny noay. Bexln -pills elve you vigor and strength. $1 1 box, 0 boxes $3. Full guarantee Address j. a. Ciemenson. aruggut. rotuana, ur. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 A month keeps your ciouiing cieanea ana cressed. buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. jrrompt wmmue .&iiu' ICg 1. . oOTTT.-irr FEMALE DISEASES. --.-.!- (.jmerience with the 'German Self. flora" treatment. Never has been known to fall. Phone East 782 or write Mrs. E. Gould, 1123 Hawthorne ave. xoruono. ur. ENJOY LIFE BY GETTING PERFECT strength by using Palmo Tablets, the and manhood builder. Prico 30c a box, 6 for $2.50. Address Brooke Drug Co, 67 N. 3tt st, roruuiB, ur. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. $2: 3 months'. S3. Sent securely sealed by matt. AgtnU. Woodard. Clarke i Co, Portland. or LADIES. ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy waieia uuj orugzuts; x3 Tver box; safe and reliable. S. G. Skid' mere s m . w NO-GON THE PASTE INJECTION; IT bUxs long"" nd cure" Quickly; price $U Address w. m YamhUl sts, roruanq. ur. We print your name cn 30 calling cards, prop er slxe and style. 25c: 250 business cards. $L Brown s acamjue --o runusa. ur. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE ACCU mjonsblv nlled t' Pharmacy. 221 vomica. Dei. ist and 2d. vnw -RWADY THE "MATRIMONIAL REG Jster jor March, price 10c Interstate Intro ducing OOCiely, Uvia. tuiutuu. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR home. Ida Rexnor. 127 11th. Phone Main 4358 Watches, diamonds, easy payments? diamonds oougnu . - w, BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. Aiacr 11. rouoi Ma.ia -to.:.. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 60C AT HOLLA- baCghS. iOla Adrian aoa itn. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaltisr. MTsa O. GOULD. 601 MAR QUAM BLDS. accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Art. -nrrr ttaVTJ WITH TJS ONE OF CALIFOR. nla'a greatest artlrts. Call and see her a331 Coal Destlers. VULCAN COAL CO, dealers, best coals foundry scd smelter coke .'323 B st. SUSINKetS DrxXCTOSY. AsMerers Bad Analysts. THE J. H. FISK ASSAYING OFFICE ANA- lytical chemists and metallurgists, .races; gold and stiver, $1; copper, 50c 204 Wash. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. . 203,. bTAlUv st. Prices: Gold, $a; coppsr, si; euver. ow. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. zaii stars ss. A VflK ASSAYER AND ANALYTICAL chtmlst, Sth and Ankeny sts. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND. TOUCH TYPEWRIT- Ing, famous budget bookkeeping; actual bus nets practice; positions found for graduates; daJmd night school. Holmes Business Col lege, x. il. C. A. bldg. itam oia. t Clairvoyants. GREAT CROWDS GATHER. - To hear tho words of truth as told by this wonderful man. whose revelation of the future are nothing short of the most miracu lous asmrtions ever uiterea ay any uum being. , ' -BTTT.T. T.TVB IS RRADIXC FOR 50C By Van Cortland, the world's greatest astro medium, clairvoyant and palmist. 313H Washington st, cor. otn st. T dn hcretav &2rei and guarantee to make no charge If I fall to tell your name, occupation and what you called for. I promise to tell Ton whfTii- hnhnrt or sweetneart is true or false; whom and when you will marrv. and how to win the man or woman you love; in fact. I will tell yon every- hope. fear cr ambition better than you can ten yourself, or make no charge. HOURS to 8 P. 2d, daily ana sunanj. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. 313ti Washington street. Also private entrance on Sixth street. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 23c 25c 23c 23C SIR- FRANCIS DRAKE, 303H WASHINGTON ST, COR. 5TH. SPECIAL. 3 DAYS ONLY, READING, 23c THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME; AGE. OCCUPATION. YOUR MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME. AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and what you called for, without asking a. question will tell the name of your sweetheart or anything you want to know. He sends you away much wiser and happier than when you called. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed in business? How can I make my home happy? How can I marry the one I choose? How can I marry well? How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make anyone love me? How can I get a letter? How- can I get a good position? 30314 WASHINGTON ST, COR STH. THE GREAT, ONLY AND ORIGINAL BUDAH BERNIQUE. SPECIAL, 3 DAYS ONLY. READING, 25c TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. BORN WITH A DOUBLE VEIL. EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDIA. TF.T.T.S YOUR NAME. TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY. Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full name. Settles love quarrels and promptly reunites the separated, no matter how long standing. London's most famous palmist and clair voyant, is acknowledged by press and pub lic the greatest living DEAD TRANCE MEDIUM. She tells what you came for before you utter- a word; docs not ask questions, no matter what your trouble may be. Call and she -will guide you with certainty higher than human- power. Tells you the truth, good or bad. 291 MORRISON, COR. STH. SAME FLOOR AS, BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS. MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN, SCI- enllnc revealer. tells life from cradle 10 grave Consultation on all affalra. Good ad vice, sure help, mistake Impossible; restores lost love and unites separated by sympathy; locates buried treasure. Fee, $1; letter, $2. 207 Park. Carpet Cleaners. UPHOLSTERER AND DECORATOR CAR- pets fitted and laid, furniture repaired, mattresses made over and to order. 390 0th. Phone Red 3152. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and compressed air combined: carpels cieanea on floor without removal, iiain 0334. ast sosh. WE - CLEAN YOUR CARPETS ON THE floor; guarantee to raise no dust. Phone Clay 331 for a free demonstration. Carpenters and W. L. BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, general joooing. contracting. 330 stark. uiacK ui-i. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS, SHELVES. nouses ouut ana repaired. 208 4th. Clay 174 Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. DSVENY & ESTELLE D EVENT, THE oniy scienunc cniropocists; parlors rooms M ifrew Dldg, 16Z 2d et. Phone ilaln 1301. This is the long-hatred gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. BERTHA A. TRULLINGER. MANICURIST. 331 Stark st, cor. Park, room 1. Hours 12 to 6. 7 to 8. Phone Main 1434. J. LINDELL. expert chlroDOdlst. all lnstrti. meats sieniixea. U2 Marquam. Black 2836. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pejts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commission mercnant. Front st, near Main, Portland, or. cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO, SHIP BROKERS ana commission merchants. Sherlock bldg. ALLEN St LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO- duce merchants, Front and Davis sts.. Port' land. Or. Dancing. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC lng. 280 14th. cor. Jeff. Waltzing, specialty. Dressmaking. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College Pat terns to measure AUaky hall -400, 206 Morr. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost fraternal society or N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mltcbel, Sup. Sec, C12-615 Marquam bldg. Hardware Portland Hardware Co. solicits opportunity to quote prices. 130 J ax, cor. Ajaer. ilaln 1334. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO, WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs, leather and sanaiery Kara ware. SO-SO 1st. Main 226. iME BREYMAN LEATHER PO . WHOrp; sale saddles and harness mfrs, saddlery hardware. leather, all kinds. 72-74 Sth st. Jijnk. Hides aad Pelts. j an-v.-N.iv & CO, PURCHASERS OF peits. wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers. """"J auu aacits. js f ront St. and Findings. J. A. SXJIUWBIUDGE LEATHER CO. Es- laDiisnea xb. Leather and findings aiocjcion sole leather and cut stock; full uuo xtstem J lira Dos. isa front et. THE BRHYMAN- m l,t!THRP irima boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, learner of all kinds. 72-74 5th. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO, MINING SAW- mius, logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, castings, ah kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H C ALBEE CO, SECOND-HAND machinery, -sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave Northwest Vlavi Co. LEWIS BLDG, PARK AND MORRISON sts. Call or send stamp for Health. Book. t : Osteopathy. DRS. ADDIX & NORTHRUP. 416 DEKUM bldg. Phone Main 349. Examination free. Patent Lawyers. P, a WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. T. J. GEISLER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. , Chamber of Commerce. Second-Hand1 Machinery. X sntON & BROS, DEALERS IN ALL kinds second-hand machinery, pipe, cable. belting; hardware; highest price paid for scrap iron ana metais. front, aiain 200: Palmtetry. Bohemian lady palmist and chrd-reader; readings. 50132 t 1st st, rooms 1 and 2 rkyrfctoai asd Surgeons. DR. MRS. CAREY-TALBOTT, DISEASES of -women. Offica 768 tjulmby st, near 23d. Xufcbtr Geds. RUBBER APRONS' FOR THE KITCHENS save washing. Ssnltary Supply Co., 303 E. Ankeny. cor. loin. BUSINESS DBKECTOXY. Massage. PARLORS AT THE MARQUAM. 143 a 6TB St., rooms. 1-2 Under first-class managa ment; lady, with- young lady assistant stranger In city, gives vapor baths, mag netic treatments, alcohol rubs, etc THE SOONER YOU BEGIN THE QUICKEJE you u wm. jfrocrastination is a thief o. time. Persian baths never fall. Persian va por, tub hatha and massage. The Frances 9th and Morrison. Red 2S3S. YOUNG. EXPERT MASSEUSE, NEW treatments, delightful. Invigorating if yoc wish a luxury, please call 313 & Washing ton st.r room 39. Privoto entrance Cth st YOUNG LADY CURES RHEUMATISM ANL nervousness by electricity; will also rcmov your corns and. treat your scalp. Give me s call 144 6th st. THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS. 2S7H AL der st. Young lady assistants; tub seai vapor baths with massage; also electricity Phone Main 5983. VAPOR AND HOT AIR BATHS. ELECTRIC treatments, magnetic massage; experienced lady. Suite 3-4, The Medina, 350 Wash ington st. YOUNG LADY FROM ST. LOUIS GIVES massage, vapor, and tub baths; tub baths i specialty. 110& 4th, cor. Washington. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHS, MASSAGH and magnetic treatments, by experienced young lady. 331 Morrison st, rpomfie. YOUNG LADY. STRANGER. FROM THI East; scientific massage, sponge and al cohol baths. Room 4. 145 6th at. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATHS AND MAS sage treatment. 20S Sth st. Main 5936: A FULL LINE OF BATHS AND ELECTRIC massage 343 H Morrison st, room 2. Paints, Oils and Glass RASMUS3EN &. CO, Jobbers, paints, oils gloss, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. 1 Safes. DIEBOLD Manganese circle doors, banker comiort; uieboid nreproor and burgiar-preot the best; repairs and J all-work. Davis. 6Q 3d THE MAN WHO KNOWS THE GOOD ANH bad points of all safes buys the Herring-Hall-Marvin. 70 6th st, Portland. Or. Stop Drinking. GUARANTEED cure; send 50c tablet form, mailed in olaln package, nas cured thou sands. L. L. C Co., 014 Grant bldg, S. F Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO, COR. Cth ana Hoyt. Phone Main 1403. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO, 348 1st. near Market. Phone Black 3133. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reUable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on alt affairs oi life, business, love, troubles; absent frlendi a specialty. 163 4th st, Russel- bldg, hours 9 to 3. MME. AD WARD CRAMER, SPIRITUAL! SI medium, ean be consulted on business, law suits, love, matrimony; unites the separated no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaranteed. 86 N. 7th st, near Everett. MRS. CLARA MALLORY. CLAIRVOYANT, clalraudlent. spirit card reader, borr medium; honest, confidential readingi when others fail; consult me 263 3th. Magnetic healing; consult P. E. Walker, whe diagnoses your disease free; gives tranci readings. $1. 204 -1th st, opposlteXlty Hall MRS. SOPHIA B. SETP. SEERES5. GIVES readings dally and teaches spiritual unfold ment. 143 Cth st. room 5. Clay 1948- MRS. LADD FINN I CAN CAN BE CONSULT. ed daily at 412 Alder, cor. 11th. Mala 6179. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, removed to 14$k 6th st, room 21; sittings daUy. Hood 1943. LARSEN. the Palmist, returned. Scientific readings, sue igz Zd st, near Morrison st Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and ship ped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of Act 12S 1st. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 347- C. O. PICK, OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK ana usuc. pnone 306. pianos and furniturt moved and packed for shipment;; commodi ous fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT St., household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Trunk Factory., PORTLAND TRUNK CO, 54 THIRD ST., wnoiesaie and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repairea. uoasc Agency 231 Stark. Tel. 1407 Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis sts, Portland, Or. BANKS. .MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK- PORTLAND. OR J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM i. Vice-President R, W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashtel J. KAN sACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. WELLS, FARGO & CO, BANK Corner Second and Washington. F. L. UPMAN.7. President (San Francisco) R. LEA BARNES.... Cashiel WALTER A. HOLT -.Assistant Cashier (Portland) General banking business transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office. Toronto, Canada. Capital paid up $8,700,000 Reserve ... 3,500,000 Transacts a general banking business. SAVINGS, BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward and interest allowed' on minimum monthly balances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD, Manager Portland Branch UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Cor- Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts Issued available In all cities of the United States and Europe. Hong Kong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President ......J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President . A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORP Second- Assistant Cashier . .B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available in Eu rope and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hone Kong, Yokohama. Copenhagen, Christlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg, Mos cow. Zurich, Honolulu Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, NO. 100 THIRD ST. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. . CAPITAL, $300,000. We conduct a general banking business. We rf celve savings deposits. We issue time cer tificates and certificates of deposit payable upon 10 days' call, 30 days call or 00 days call, with Interest at 3. 3 and 4 per cent per annum, respectively. Call or send for our book of - ILLUSTRATIONS. BEN J. T. COHEN .President H- L. PITTOCK "Vice-President B. LEE PAGET... Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Asslstas Secretary LADD &. TXLTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHES IN 1850. Transacts a general banking- business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections madt at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit, issued available- In Europe and all points In the "United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington and Idaho, Montano and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris, Berlin, Frank fort. Hong Kong;. Yokohama, Manila, and Honolulu. .- . - - , - ' A -"