f 10 THE MORNING 'OBEGONIAN, TUESDAY, MARCH! 21, 1905. HE SUES THE ELKS A. M. Cohen Claims interest In the Lot RIGHT UNDER FORECLOSURE Plaintiff Says He Was Under Age ' at Time Title to Site for the New Building Passed to f the Fraternity. Ajiuitnras filed in the United Stales Court yesterday by Aaron M. Cohen against Portland Lodge, No. 142, B. P. O. E.; T. B. Howes. W. H. "Upson and T. B. McDevltt, as trustees of such lodge, and the Portland Trust Company of Oregon, which foreshadows a cloud upon the title to the property upon which the Portland Elks are going to build their new home. The property in question is located at the northeast corner of Seventh and Stark Btreets, described particularly as lots 5 End 6, block S3, Portland, and came into the ownership of the Elks through mesne conveyances after a foreclosure of a mort gage on the premises for $1000 in favor of Joseph, Hume. The plaintiff in this suit is an heir of Nathan Cohen, who owned the property prior to the foreclosure, and this heir now teeks an accounting on technical grounds. The complaint alleges that Nathan Co hen died on September 16, IBM, leaving a will devising his real property in trust to I. Frohman, Emanuel Meyer and M C. Lyon, ior the benefit of the widow and children until Aaron il. Cohen should be come of age. At the time of Nathan Co hen's death there was an existing mort gage of $4000 which was foreclosed, but trie plaintiff avers that he was not prop erly made a party to the foreclosure suit, being then under age, and only became aware of his Tights in the premises last December, when the Elks applied to him for a Quitclaim deed. He immediately Bought legal advice with the result that the present suit was begun to regain his rights. The total value of the property Is alleged .-to be $50,000, in which the plaintiff has an interest of $10,000. The Portland Trust Company is made a party defendant on the allegation that it lent the Elks $50,000 on -the property last January. Counsel Have Lively Tilt. During the argument in the County Court yesterday to strike out the claim of. the estate of Richard Lynch against Charles E. Lockwood, attorney, amounting to $600, personalities were Indulged in by opposing counsel. "Will iam M. Cake, who appeared for Lock wood, accused Gus C Moser, attorney for the Lynch estate, of attempting to try the case in the newspapers. Moser denied the charge but admitted having made statements regarding criminal Information being barred by the stat ute of limitations. Both Cake and Lockwood Jumped to their feet to re spond, but Judge Webster closed the Incident "by saying that he did not de sire to hear argument about what had been printed in a newspaper. Gets Compensation fcr Service. ' A decision in favor of the estate of F. R. Strong, deceased, against the estate of Joseph Holladay, deceased, for $1700 ad ministrator's fees and $2500 extra compen sation was rendered by Judge Webster yesterday. Fred R, Strong for some years prior to his death cared for the property of the estate of Joseph Holladay. He conducted the Seaside House several Sum mer seasons, and also endeavored to sell the Willamette Mill property, and per formed much other work for the estate. Judge Webster also allowed certain moneys lent by Strong to the Holladay estate. Mary T. Strong, the widow. Is the successor in interest. Six Years Sentence for Burglar. George Mason, colored, who confessed to have broken into several Portland bus iness houses, . was sentenced by Judge Sears yesterday to three years in the pen itentiary'. Mason is an ex-convict, and after his arrest delivered a lecture at the police station to the officers concerning the fascination of the life of a safecracker and professional burglar. He received sentence on a plea of guilty to an infor mation charging him with having entered the store of F. Dresser at East Fifteenth street and Broadway, and having stolen therefrom various articles. Refuses Sheriff More Deputies. " Two additional permanent deputies were refused Sheriff Word by the County Court yesterday. Judge Web Bter and County Commissioners Barnes and Lightner decided that the Sheriff has as many regular deputies as his predecessor and has enough for all purposes. The Sheriff can appoint as many deputies as he pleases, but the order for the payment of salaries rests entirely with the County Court. The last county grand jury recommended an Increase in the Sheriffs force. Desertion Ground for Divorce Suit. Iva B. Meleen has sued X. F. Meleen for a divorce because of desertion. SEED P0B LITTLE GAEDEN PLOTS School Children Will Compete for Civic Improvement Prizes. The committee on parks, trees and grounds of the board of civic improve ment of the Chamber of Commerce is a busy organization at the present time. George H. Lamb era on, the chairman of the committee, is putting In the greater part of his spare time In placing the seed donations for the public schools in pack ages ready for delivery. This committee' has planned to begin a campaign for civic Improvement by per suading tne public scnooi children of the city to plant little garden plots and com pete for prizes to be offered by the com mittee during the latter part of the school season. Seventeeen schools have entered Into the contest, all those buildings of ten rooms and over being eligible to en try. The pupils and teachers are taking a great interest in the work proposed and all are anxious to receive the seed prom ised lor the gardens in order that the planting may begin as soon as possible. Yesterday Mr. Lam berson sorted out 000 packages of seed furnished to the committee by the seed stores of the city, and placed them in bundles ready for dis tribution among the children. These do nations can now be obtained by the schools and will be delivered in the next day or two. The special officer is at work noting those abuses which may be remedied, and the various committees and officers of the organization are all doing what duty comes to their lot. The Inertia of the movement's commencement has now been overcome, and the work is progressing smoothly. Caught Man Fishing. ASTORIA, Or., March 20. (Special.) Word has been received at the Fish Warden's office that Deputy Warden Webster and Water Bailiff Settem. who are patrolling the river on. the launch Elk. caught Anton Pedersen. of Al toona. Wash., fishing in the Columbia River near that place Friday night. Federsea was allowed to go, hut his net was taken. Fish Warden Van Dusen says' he will commence condemnation proceed ings In the Circuit Court to have; the net confiscated, so that it can. be sold, and will also file a complaint against Pedersea, charging him with fishing during' the closed season. IS. VETERAN HEWSPAPEE TtTAH After Thirty-Two Years I. M. King Returns to Visit Portland: When Portland was a city of hut 23, 000 and the East Side almost an un known region, there resided here a veteran newspaper man by the name of Isaac Manning King. He left for other fields in 1873 and after traveling to the most distant parts -of the earth has just returned to his old home upon a visit to his brother, C H. KIng.Vho re sides on East Thirty-seventh street It was in the year of 1870 that Mr. King first came to Portland after a de cade of experience upon the staff of Eastern publications. He is the proud possessor of a Congrossional medal, is sued to the veterans of the navy bat tles of Farragut's fleet during the Civil War, and has many reminiscences to tell of that sterling commander. As one of the reporters of the Port land Bulletin In the early '70s, Mr. King wrote the story of the great fire, and was a guest upon the first steamer to pass through the Oregon- City locks. He took an active part in the first cam paign of. Senator Mitchell, and was the official court reporter at the time of the sensational trial of the robbers that held up the Tompkins stage near The Dalles. For the last few years Mr. King has made his home at Salinas, CaL, but still takes an active part In newspaper work as the correspondent of the Asso ciated Press, the -San Francisco Ex aminer and the Monterey County Dem ocrat He marvels at the changes that have been wrought in Portland during his absence and thinks that this Is des tined to be the metropolitan city of the Northwest. The Exposition pleases the oldtime newspaper man, but he says that Portland will not be able to accommodate one-half of the visitors that will come to the city during the Fair. Civil Service Examinations. The United States Civil Service Com mission announces the following examina tions: April 25. Inspector of clothing. Quartermaster's Department at large, sal ary $950 per annum: April 25, bookkeeper, departmental service, salary $660 to $1200 per annum; April 26-27, field assistant in forestry. Department of Agriculturo and Philippine service, salary ranging from $1200 to. $1800 per annum. Persons wishing to compete should call upon Z. A. Leigh. Postofflce. city. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT, PORTLAND, March 20. Maximum tempera ture. 54 minimum. 46. River reading at 11 A. M.. 4.7 feet; chance la past 24 hours, rise 1.0 feet. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. 11., 0.36 inch; since September 1, 1004. 23.63 Inches; normal. S6.44 Inch to; deficiency. 12.75 Inches. Total sunshine March 19, 1906, 6 hours and 24 minutes; possible. 12 hours and 9 minutes. Barometer (reduced to eea level) at 5 P. M.. 23:71. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Is- P a s STATIONS. Ej 5 " ?2 2 P 1 p3f f I Baker City J40JO.04 irclc 42 T-. 52k.01 ca 53 0.02 ia 154 10.00 Blwnarck Boise Eureka .I58to.02 Helena. 51 0.00 Kamloope. B. C... JCSIO.OO jorth Head Focatello Portland. ... Red Bluff.. Roseburg. .. !660.42 4ISW K&cramento 62 0.00 6B Salt Lake City.. San Francisco... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island... Walla "Walla.... 152 T. 1 6 N G0"O.Ol! 81S 50 0.02 12 S 5410.121 4 IB 4S0.8Sll4S MIO.OajUIlSE WEATHER CONDITIONS. Good rains have occurred today In the North Pacific States, due to the Influence of a dis turbance, which Is this evening central over British Columbia. This storm aluo caused high winds and sales at the mouth of the Columbia River, a maximum velocity of 7S miles an hour from the southeast being re ported from the North Head station this even ing. Southeast storm warnings are displayed at all seaports in the district. The storm will move eastward during the next 24 hours and cause a continuation of rainy weather in this district Tuesday, with brlfk southwesterly winds, diminishing In force. FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight March 21: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; brisk, equally south to southwest winds. Wectern Oregon and Western Washington Occasional rain; brisk and probably high south to west winds, diminishing in force. Eastern Oregon and Northern Idaho Occa sional rain; brisk winds, meetly southerly. Eastern Oregon and Southern IdahoOcca sional rain. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. CLASSEETSD AD. HATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "House keeping Booms," "Situations Wanted," 35 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 carta lor 15 words or lass; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, SO cents, etc first Insertion. Each, additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 35 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line of each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at -this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp la required . on such letters. The Orejronlan will sot be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through, the telephone. NEW TODAY. Ardmore The most desirable building site in Portland; surrounded by palatial homes with an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; the only high class resident property supplied with bitulithic streets, cement sidewalks, Bull Bun water, sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take Washington-street car to City Park and get off at Park Ave. Por plats and prices call on or address W. H. Qrindstaff S46 STARK STREET. FREE LAND IN OREGON Under the "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state. WRITE OR CALL TODAY. Booklets and map free. B. S. Cook ts Ox. 251 Alder street, Portland, Or. FOR SALE VERT. DESIRABLE LOT ON Hoyt street, bet. 20th and 21st. Price $2200. W 72. Oregonlan. 12ISE Rain 6ISS Pt. cloudy 16B Cloudy 1413 Rain GfeW Pt. cloudr 4E Pt. cloudy 1 1 oti rw Is2lo!o9 90114 S IRaln OOj GjjE JClcrod'r . (54 0.27 (Cloudy Rain Cloudy ICloudy Cloudy Rain Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Beos&au SLW to $330 Per Day Aeaerdhsc to Locatlsa. 2. r. DAYXE3. Pres. Sfc Charles Hotel CO. ONCOXrOXATXD.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Room 50c te $1.50 Frrst-Class Restaaraat la Coaaectlen Wf&it KalLJ!aw7yLla?T spB BaaaPV793!SBBasaaai DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Who can nil or extract any number of teeth without in flicting the slightest pain to the patient. The largest and best-equipped dental office on the Pacific Coast. 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh 'Phone Main 2119. ' AUCTION' SAXES TODAY. Br J. T. "Wilson, at S6 East 6th. North, at 2 P. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At the Portland auction-rooms. 211 1st street, bet. Taylor and Salmon. Sale at 10 A. M. sharp. Gus A. Lowit, auctioneer. At Gllman's auction-rooms. 413 Washington street, at 10 o'clock A.M. S. L. N. Gilman, auctioneer. ' At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. S. RITE. AINS- WORTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX, NO. 1 Regu lar meeting In memorial hall. Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. By order WISE MASTER. HALL. OF INDUSTRY LODGE. NO. 8. A. O. U. W. Members take notice that the funeral of our late brother, Owen Caraher. will be held this (Tuesday) morning at the Cathedral, corner 15th and Davis sts., at the hour or o'clock, au members are re quested to attend. E. W. CROSBY, blaster Workman. JOHN W. PADDOCK. Recorder. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A. F. Sc. A. il. Special communication this (Tuesday) evening 7:30 ociocK. '.Masonic Hall, Burkhard bldg. "Work IZ. A. degree. All masons invited, in- order TV. M. J. 11. KiUHaiorsu, secretary. FORMER RESIDENTS OF WISCONSIN and members of the old Badger Society are re quested to attend a meeting to be held In Elks hall. In the Marquam building. Wednes day evening. MarclT22, at 8 o'clock. A large and enthusiastic gathering la expected. Let no Wisconsin! te fail to attend. ALASKA OIL GUANO CO. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the above-named company frill be neia in ue oxnee oi ut corn pan'. No. 4S Concord building, on Wednesday. April 10, at 12 M. BRTDON H. NICOLL. Secretary. ' EUREKA COUNCIL No. 204. K. I. of "S. Members of Eureka Council No. 204. K. L. of S. are requested to attend the funeral of our late sister. Ida Brakabusch, at 1 P. M., today, from Holman's undertaking chapel. M. L. JOHNSON. Cor. Secy. ORDER OF PENDO Members are requested to attend the funeral of our late sister. Ida Brakabusch, which will take place at 1 o'clock today zrom noim&n a onapei, corner vimra. ana Salmon. MRS. F. El MULCH. Councilor. MRS. ROSA L. MONDT, Secretary. BORN. DALLAS To the wife of S. S. Dallas, of Gales Creek, March 20. 1905, a daughter, the parents of whom are the best pleased couple In the world. Dr. C L. Large attending. DIED. MILLER Died March 20, 1905. Mrs. Annie "S. Miller, aged 20 years. 11 months and 27 days, at her late residence. 615 Uma tilla ave. Funeral notice later. STEINLEIN In this city, March 20. 1005. at the family residence. 11C3 East Salmon St.. Robert, beloved son of Charles F. and Hulda Stelnlein, aged 4 years, 7 months and 25 days., Funeral notice here after. FUNERAL NOTICES. CARAHER In this city, on March 18. 1003, at the family residence. 535 Clay sL. Owen Caraher, aged 64 years. 10 months. Funeral Tuesday, March 21. 1005, 8:30 A. M.. from the above residence; 9 A. M. from the Cathedral, corner 15th aad Davis sts. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. In terment Mt, Calvary Cemetery. Please omit flowers. C w ATTERTON On March 20, 1005. at San Francisco, CaL, Mrs. Jane Chatterton. aged 76 years. 1 month. 8 days. Funeral Wednesday. March 22. 1005, at 2 P. 31.. from the f-mlly residence, 215 13th st. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. In terment Rlvervlew Cemetery. BRAKABUSCH On March 17. 1003. at Sun nf side. Clackamas County, Or.. Ida Braka busch. aged 42 years. 1 month. 15 days. Funeral today (Tuesday). March 21. 1005. at 1 P. M. from Holman's ChapeL corner Third and Salmon sts. Friend respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Rlvervlew Cemettry. DUNNING. XeENTES GtLBAUGH. necessors to Dnnnlng Jc Campion, under takers and emhalmers. modern la ercij de tail, 7th and a'lae. I'bo&a Mala, 4VS. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO, Undertakers and emhalmers, bars sioTed te their sew bnild lag. Third mad Salmon Xady militsat. Telephone No. 307. J. P. TTXLET BON. Fcneral Director, cor. 3d and '", Office of County i- escr. Ladr assistant. Telephone No. 9. T. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East SS. ZELLER-BXBNES CO, UNDERTAKERS, Embalm ers. 173 Utu'l; East 10S8: lady as't. NEW TODAY. Incorporated for $25,000 I have secured Three Biff Concessions on the "Trail." at Portland, requiring- an outlay of $23,000. One-half ot this amount nas oeea piacea in at. jouis. I propose to Incorporate a company for J25.CO0, actual value, and offer one-half of this amount of stock for sale, said amount to be paid back to investors from fhe first receipts, -with interest, leaving the stock In the company net profit to you and placing: your Interest in first posi tion to be paid back before 1 receive my one-half back. When the full $2,000 Is paid back the profits are to be equally divided amonc the stockholders. Full In formation "will bi given. I cp" furnish best of St. .Louis and Portland references. For full particulars address W. F. W.t Hamilton and Maple avenues, fit. Louis. Mo. References also required. 5? PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Urst-Claas Check KescaeraaC Coaaeeted With Hotel. C. O. DAVIS, Sec aad Tress. THE: ESMOND HOTEL CSC1B AHE1S0I, WUHlf 'FroBt aad Morrises Streets PORTLAND - OREGON E7UCS 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL. TRACTS. Rates European plan, 60c. T5c J 1.00. $1.58, per day. Sample room in connectloa. AMUSEMENTS. . COLUMBIA THEATER A. H. BaUard, Letsse aad Manager. All Week, Matinees Saturday and Sunday, COLUMBIA STOCK COMPANY, In dramatization of MARIE CORELLrs - famous love story, "THELMA" Seats on Bale for All Performances. Down-town box office open all day at Dolly Varden candy shop, 327 Morrison. Phono Main 110. Evenings at theater. Main 311. Evenings. 00c, 35c. 25c. lCc Matinees. 2Sc, 13c. 10c ORDER SEATS EARLY. Marquam Grand Theater W.T.HI6LE Kldat Msaanr Phone Main 863. Tonight at 8:15 o'clock, v CBESTON CLARKE in the beautiful romantic drama, ".MONSIEUR BEAU C AIRE. An enchanting play. An excellent cast. Prices Parquet, $LM: parquet circle. $1. Balcony, first six rows, 75c; last six rows. Cue Gallery, 25c and 35c. Boxes and loges, $10. SEATS ARE NOW SELLING. EmpireTheater R!eencumag?r. Phone Main 117. Packed to the Door Yesterday. TONIGHT AND ALL THIS WEEK. MATINEE SATURDAY. A corking good show, the big New York success "THE MOONSHINER'S DAUGHTER" A sensational melodrama. Special scenlo production. Prices Evening, 15c, 25c. 35c 60c Matinee, 10c 1&C 25c. THE STAR THEATER FROSINI TWO" TERXAS. THE COLTONS ROSCOE ARBUCKLE BARNOLTJ'S TRAINED DOGS. CORDERO. ZANFRETTA AND CARL. HANSON AND DREW. New schedule of prices Evenings, 10c 20c uu znaunces, except aunoays ana noil daye. 10c Week-day shows, ";30 P. M., 7:30 r. m. ana u 1 GRAND Phone Main 992. The Best In Vaudeville I TED E. BOX. THE ONLY G ILBERT-S ARONY. JAMES POST AND COMPANY. SEFTON AND D EAGLE. THOMAS ELMORE. 4 MISS GEORGIA EMERY. MR. ALF BONNER. THE GRANDISCOPE. Prices Evenlnr. 10c and 20e- box .xt Matlneee (except Sundays and holldaye), 10c READINGS By ROSE EYTINGE At Parsons Hall; Postponed to March 30, April 6, 13, 20 Season Tickets S2 NEW TODAY. SOUTH St. Johns Lots for Sale . Between the car line and the boulevard, overlooking the river and harbor, close to the Dry Dock and within a few minutes' walk of all . the mills and factories now f located In the humming, thriving and rapidly-growing city of St. Johns, Port land's great manufactur ing district, LOTS 50x100 FEET AH clear. Hydrant water now on the tract and will be piped to every lot as re quired. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Charabcr'Commcrce PORTLAND, OREGON Kojrtrs and Tan I Ion ten. Sellinr Acents. at St. Johns. Office at the ead. of the car llae. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 315 Wercester Block ' General practice. IaTesilcatltms. .Estate work. Special aad periodical snAHs. Phase West IX. f nm SOxlOO. 7th St.. near Jefferson, It 1 III with, two houses, renting for $40 i JJ monU,iy, price i, jess than the lot is worth, so houses cost you nothing. Iu TT, Whjung co. -05 Ahinrton ciar. NEW TODAY. ABSTRACTS OB TITLK Oe? t iiri iT r i i .ii 1 t . la date. n m iwjuasa awraczs proElJuy. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa isaaroTjed Portlasd. Real Estata, cxccKrrx abstract a xrust co. XM-2U Cfeasaber ot Commerce. MQCn lOOxLCO. on E. ISth. near ITorri- luuU son St.: this orooertv Is avrav Wlow values: those tv anting a snap better iook mis up immediately. aAHITKOM & PATTEHSON, 222 Stark Street. FOR BAIX RKAXi ESTATE. BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR SMALL. IXVEST- menx aiontaviiia car line. 2 blocks from car; 60 fruit trees, young, all yielding; good assortment berates, flowers; good house, barn, sheds; ideal for chicken ranch; water plenty, first class; all In fine condition; retail butcher trade in city, established IS years, long lease, cheap rent, slaughterhouse on prem ises ; opportunity in neighborhood for vragon trade; 2 horses, wagons, everything com plete; will sell cheap if purchased quick; owner going East. B 78. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. $230. In Woodstock. Portland's most attrac tive suburbs, lots 100x100; every lot a cor ner.. We will loan you money to build; you can pay ustn installments. PORTLAND TRUST COMPACT. 10ar- Third Street. FOR SALE NEW 6 AND 8-ROOM HOUSE; Darn, stationary wascstana. concrete case ment, gas and electric lights, furnace, house tinted, pass pantry, large bedrooms, with closets in each, wood elevator, stationary waahtuba In basement; on Union-avenue car line. Ave-minute service, near good school, lawn, streeta Improved; houses now open for inspection; cash or Installments. Inquire owner, H. EL. Etemier. 122 3d st.. or at res idence. 652 Union, ave. North, one block south of houses. . ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of handling acreage; choice acre tracts tor homes, within the city limits or outside; terms to suit- A. C Churchill & Co.. 110 Second st. $373 Sfc LOTS (IF PLATTED). STREETS. water, car line and other conveniences, equal to lots, selling at $200 each; easy terms; also lots with building at bargain; owner going away. Call till Thursday. 10th house north Laurelwood station; af ter Thursday address C. L. Brubaker. Box 1078. Portland. FREE LAND! FREE LAND! A chance to secure a home and make money; only cost is for water right, which averages $10 per acre; under eta'.e controL For par ticulars write or call at office of Columbia Southern Irrigation Co.. S38 Worcester block. HOOD RIVER 10 ACRES. 5 MILES FROM tows on East Side; fine fruit land, partly improved, level and all cultivable; near school and church; rural mail delivery and phone; healthful climate; $125 per acre; fc-mlle from railroad aurvey. W 60. Oregonlan. NEW 8-ROOM DWELLING. JUST COM- pleted, on E. 12th. bet. Schuyler and Haif cock, Holladay's Addition; surrounded by beautiful shade trees and lawn; terms to eult buyer. Inquire next doer for key and terms. FOR SALE $500; ABOUT 2 ACRES FENCED ana cultivated: 10 large cherry trees, near Et. Johns car line. This property belongs to an estate and will be sold for one-third less than adjoining property. aBrown. 351 Stark at. A NICE HOME. EAST ANKENT Dis trict, 3-room house, largo and small fruit, garden, fine lawn, etc: $1330 If sold, at once. $375 down, balance $20 month. In quire of owner. 143 3d st.. room L FOR SALE. OWNER-ONE SMALL COT- tage. lot 00x100 leet; xenceu. lawn ana flowers; price $00. Call Sundays or even ings. 702 E. 8th. et. N., bet. Beach and Falling; Woodlawn car. SPLENDID INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY New, centrally located fiat property, leased for $1500 per year; price. $14,000; yields 12 per cent net; owners need capital elsewhere. F 76, Oregonlan. FINE 10-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. ON corner lot. ooxluo; not water heating plant. Apply on premises. 304 Ross st., cor. Broadway, 3 blocks from river. Phone Union 6032." ' A SNAP. $183010 BLOCKS NORTHEAST OF Steel bridge, a nice a o-room aouoie nouse ana full lot. COxlOO; good location; easy walking distance to center of city. Inquire B 73. Ore gonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $S0O FOR LOTS ON car line, beautifully situated and command ing magnificent view; only 6 left at this price. American Investment Co., 222 Falling building. FOR SALE TWO FULL 4-BLOCKS. CLOSE In. between Morrison and Madison-street bridges, on improved street: will sell at sac rifice figure, inquire at I urand ave. HAWTHORNE AVEL. NEW MODERN t.mim house with lance lotr nrlce. 23000; terms easy; buy of owners direct and save commission, i. to. oregonlan. FOR SALE BT OWNER GOOD C-ROOM MUD- ern nouse. e-iooi oueiumi, cement uoor. cor. ner lot. COxlOO; price $21 Co; easy terms. See eame at 134 E. 21st ot. North. FOR SALE 100x100 FEET, N. E. CORNER E. 34th at. and Hawthorne ave.; streets im proved: sewer, water, gaa. See owner, 382 E. sum at. i'none aeon Jtai. $2200 TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS, WITH rood house, plenty iruic. garden all in: Williams ave. car. Miller. 303 Chamber Commerce. land, orchard, good roads, close to city and lng bldg. TOR SALE. J240O TWO GOOD HOUSES ON lot 53x100. E. 0th and Caruthers. paying over 12 per cent on investment, inquire . Alder. 200 FARMS. SMALL- TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on o. . . electric line. O. R. Add! ton. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. 3c. NEW MODERN COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS. 1 blocks east of Morrison bridge, $2450; easy NETS 12 PER CENT, CORNER 50x73. TWO. for sale. 556 Delay st... owner." TWO LOTS. E. 12TH. NEAR TILLAMOOK. for sale, or will build to suit purchaser on easy terms. "hpne .ast G75. -KTIR SALE LOT 6. BLOCK 44. HOLLADAY'S Addition, fine cherry trees; $1500. L Van. duyn. owner, v asningion. IDT BOxlSO AND 8-ROOM HOUSE. TILLA mook st.. bet. Williams and Rodney avea. Apply at 3UU san .ruuaci st. 1673 QUARTER BLOCK. G ROVER ST.. South Portland, overlooking river. S. Ii. Rlggen. lis ADUgton Dicg. smn BALE MODERN HOUSE OF lo ROOMS 313 22d st. Price low. Owner. Mm W. A. Daly. 350 13th sr. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. $1050; 6-ROOM house. $1000: terms to suit purchaser. n. . ffTr S ACRES ADJOINING WOODSTOCK ON north, ngnt on car line, jonn uatman, 445 Sherlock bldg. ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LINE, fl MILES FROM McnUon st. bridge, Sallard. .XII waukle. Or. FOR SALE NEW. NEAT COTTAGE AT 43D and E. Taylor; very easy payments. $900 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BASEMENT. 50 root, lot; bargain 14 E. 31st-st, LAND SCRIP. rnnPCT BRI51SV1! SPnro Approved, unrestricted, ready for Immediate use. lowest riuuias. E. F. & F. B. Riley. 60S Chamber Commerce. WE HAVE PRACTICALLY THE ONLY valid forest reserve scrip on the market. We handle all kinds public land practice. Collins Land Co.. concord bldg. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. TIM bered. farm or grazing land; all slzee. lowest prices. L a. wompson. a 13 .uarquam. cicg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH- er guaranteed land cnp on hand ready to locate. Mcgtnnis & son. zii t aiung-Diag. FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT 13 ACRES. ALL CLEARED, house and barn, one mile southeast of Mount Tabor, very best land for berries and vegetables. Inquire at the Commercial FINE SMALL FRUIT ' AND POULTRY farm near Portland to practical, responsible f xr cikntM' jit n..Mk rvm- merce. !OS SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 80 acres of rich land, with small amount In cultivation; land all laya nicely, with plenty of live water; house and large orchard; within half-mile ot church. Woodman hall and 2-Voom school, and on good county road; 3 miles from Carrollton. ,a town on the Co lumbia River and N. P. Ry. Price. $650, with $350 down. 55 acres, with 40 acres under plow; all rich -land and lays nicely; live water: 300 bearing fruit trees; nicely finished 8-room house; large barn; chicken-bouse and wood shed; land fenced and croa3-fenced; on coun ty road one-quarter mile from school and 3 mllei from Carrollton. Price. $1500. with one-half down. Imus &. Willoughby, Ka lama. Wash. HANDSOME HOME3 AND FINE FARMS; best improved form on Cowlitz River, halt mile from town; 74 acres bottom, about all under cultivation; does not overflow; 8-room house, large barn; $7500. 80 acresL 3 miles from Columbia River town; good house, barn and other buildings; bear ing orchard; 4 horses. 2 cows; poultry; cheap at $2200 40 acres cultivated. HUNTINGTON & HUBBELL. Kelso. Washington. FOR SAL3-160 ACRES ADJOINING THE wty 01 rcnaieton, or.; good house, barns, etc; well and city water, telephone and electric light. For further information ad dress P. O. Box 412. Pefldletoo, Or. FOR SALE 74 ACRES OP TIMBER LAND on tide water or Shoal' Water Bay. Pacific County. Washington: timber, spruce and hemlock: will sell cheap If taken at once. Address N 3L Oregonlan. 23 ACRES GARDEN LAND. NEWLY PAINT- ea ana paperea nouse. bant, chicken-house, young orchard, etc; on car line at Beaverton; half cash. Box 73, Beaverton. Or. 640 ACRES CHOICE FARMING LAND. Eastern Oregon; Irrigating canal cuta tract" for sale cheap by owner. Address B 72. Ore gonlan. 120 ACRES. 12 MIXES EAST MORRISON onage; a cultivated: good Improvements; would exchange. W 55. Oregonlan. FARMS EVERYWHERE IN OREGON. large and small, all prices. Pacific Realty Co., 617 Commercial block. TIMBER LAND 3. 160 ACRES TIMBER IN MULTNOMAH County. 6.O0O.00O feet, good location; cheap for cash. Apply E 70. Oregonlan. 644 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND; 15 MILES jruiu uiaaia .trass, ur.; no agents, xr. O. Box 103. Goldendale. Wash. HOMESTEAD. 18 MILKS FROM CITY; BAR- gain. o. ii Buaa. 110 1st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, $2000 to lo.uou: also Business properties, saooo to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting St Co., 403 Ablngton bldg. WANTED TO BUY SMALL. WELL-Lo cated home on Installments; East Slue pre ferred. R 82, Oregonlan. WANTED FRACTIONAL RESIDENCE lot. West Side; give location and price. V 82, Oregonlan. 1'OR SALT. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BELGIAN Percheron stallion 6 years old. weight 1850 lbs.; can be seen at Elk stables. 4th and Burnslde sts., this week. FOR SALE ONE PETER SHUTTLE R truck. 3&. 4-lnch tire, second hand, price $40. Inquire at G. W. Cone's mill. St. Johns, for Bert WIckham. $45 BUYS GOOD SORREL HORSE. weighs 1200 lbs., good worker; also good small black mare; -price $30. 23 N. 14th st. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds ,ot vehicles Dougnt. sold and rented. Hubert & Hall, 264 4th, Phone Main 2203. TEN HEAD OF WELL-BROKEN HORSES. weighing from 1400 lbs. to 800 lbs. Call Regal Stables. 14th and Burnslde st. FOR SALE CARLOAD OF HEAVY horses; can be seen at Union Stockyards Stables, foot of 17th st. FOR SALE PNEUMATIC-TIRED BUGGY. two robes and harness. Inquire Walter Reed. 133 6th st. 6-YEAR-OLD MARE, PACER, HARNESS ana top ouggy complete. u o, ore gonlan. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. BUGGY AND TRAP. GOOD AS NEW, Ex change for team horses, v iv, uregonian. ' 10th st. Pianos. . WANTED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS. APPLY MUST SELL $450 PIANO, USED A FEW Pacific Coast Biscuit Company, 12th and weeks; $230 cash. Sixteen lessons Included. Davis. Answer today. Cash only. Y 57, Oregonlan. . . , WANTED COMPETENT GIRL TO DO COOK NEW PIANO, HIGH GRADE, TO TRADE lng and general housework, at 307 North for board or board and room. J5, Oregonlan, 22d st." Miscellaneous. WANTED A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN . . a small family. Apply 352 Morrison at. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? . Repair it with Elaterlte; it rolls, easy to GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. lay; needs no painting or coating; good over $12 per month. 719 E. Main, near 20th. old iron, tin cr shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte- Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD . wages. 731 Savier st. Small washing. DOG FOR SALE FEMALE ST. BERNARD; . fine watch dog; good retriever on land or "WANTED FIRST-CLASS TATLORESS. -water; 2 years old; will sell for $23. worth coat helper at once. B 82. Oregonlan. $100; has city license good till September; or will trade for most anything. Apply 72 6th. girl WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- FOR SALE-TWO VERY FINE REVOLVING work, small family. 143 K. 16th sU upright showcase eolden oalc woo ciue GIRtl for GENERAL HOUSEWORK; copper base; cost $u each; will sell fpr $2o. must be good cook. 640 Hoyt st. suitable for any kind of business. Address s UJffc G. W. Wilson Co.. 72 6th. RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- . - T7-T work. Apply 186 East 16th st. 37-FOOT LATJNCH, CABIN FORWARD . and standing roof aft: two-cylinder 12- WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- horsepower gasoline engine; price $000. Ad- . work; wages $25. 149 13th st. dress "Launch," care Letter Carrier No. . 2. Tacoma. Wash. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND TAKE r care of children. 368 El 15th. FOR SALE-TWO PLATE-GLASS SHO- care oi - cases. 12x13 feet long, oak frame, beveled LADY COOK WANTED HOTEL BERG. plate top and front, with pUte-glaes fixtures. 13tt antt Aider. as good as new; cheap. Roberts Bros., 8d . and Morrison sts. - ' ' FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL. HELP WANTED MALE OR TEXAIX. Hard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent prtvatp rrss rhortiianb Spetot lender. 48 3d at, 3d and Morrison. THOROUGHBRED GERMAN SPITZ PUPPIES unAinrTTDETP Q KTFlO(JT!.Pmp! s.tln. on exhibition at Fisher's Music Store. 190 3d. BK13?' ? .SiP5r4" bet. Yamhill and Taylor. men; If you want a position, caRandeee us. Portland Commercial Bureau. 722 -Chamber FOR SALE FRESH MILCH COWS: 3 ot Commerce. young horses; gentle.; well broken. S. King. , . v -oT-n-or -. rm mr-o- fcnirl? Hrpflr Or WANTED 5000 PEOPLE TO TRY MAPLE- isagie -wTecg. ur. 1m; ge. Jfc &t your grocer1 a; It is pure, sweet FOR SALE ONE GOOD FAMILY COW, and wholesome. fresh, with calf. Call at 243 Front st. i SITUATION WANTED MALE. TTPT.-p WANTED MALE. . , Bookxeevers and Clerks. THERE IS MORE DEMAND THAN EVER . for competent salesmen, bookkeepers, stenog- AD-WRITER. CAPABLE OF WRITING raphers and technical men. and we need men lst-class advertising matter, would like for many such positions nsw open. Pacific position with some house in city; willing Commercial Bureau. Seattle. Wash. to assist In other work; if. necessary. V 81, Oregonlan. WANTED COMPETENT BUSTNESS PRO- ducen of fraternal Insurance for Fraternal EXPERIENCED HOTEL CLERK. SPEAK- Union of America; best protection extant; lng foreign languages; first-class refer- ealary and commission. Fw Fi Roose. Su- ences wants situation. Address E. IS... preme President, Denver. Colo. Postofflce box 680. city. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; 8 weeks YOUNG MAN WITH 10 YEARS OFFICE fJSElfn SVf:Ult experience desires position; good references, earned while learning. Write for terms. Mo- TTnn Main ler's Barber College, 644 Clay. San Francisco. Phone Main J15J. WANTEDMEN AND BOYS TO LEARN Mlsoclameoos. pKca? UnflnilZrklwX PORTLAND HOUSECLEANTNG CO.- drSoT-tJrarsria ave St! Louis Mo All kinds of housecleanlng and Janitor serv- crssa 4073-75 Eastoa ave.. bf, Louis, aio. floora oUeL yards and cellars cleaned. WANTED BENCH HAND FOR SASH AND f n?uallLiner:RMldenCO, 3 St" door factory; must understand plans and wiuon. manager. details. Address with references. North A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD STANDING Bend Mfg. Co., North Bend. Or. wishes position tending bar; can .give ret- ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES; COM- rences. X 79. Oregonlan. tonTTlVoU1rrA6avdes Rectal 3IAN WANTS TO DO - SPADING. COMMON rE'e3ncyf a1 Cmof Commie. SpeCial rk by th or Experience unnecessary; send for particulars. sln,,T' g man' recrences- u Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y. 80. Oregonlan. wivTPTv-Vvrnr.PTTP trxnTT- MAN YOUNG MAN WANTS TO LEARN CANDY erences. Call 11 to 3 P. M.. room 10. 413 g011'8 Washlngton at., cor. 11th. 1 WANTED FTRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- SITUATION WANxjuu FEXAT.T. land and throughout state to solicit busi- " ' Dnmrllr. - " ness; good pay to good men. Call or write - 607 McKay bldg. , GERMAN GIRL WANTS PLACE FOR BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS. SALES- 5STg & Oaten. men; if you want a position, call and see us. to $30. Address u b Oregonlan. nfSdrerCW BUreaU T Cblunber YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS or commerce. waitress in hotel; has lots of experi- EXPERXENCED, WINDOW TRIMMER AND ence. X 81, OregonUn. ISte Zliy pwfedlress SCHOOL GIRL DESIRES PLACE IN PRI- ssas $- pe Addrea8 -xx- gssx16 r room and board- WANTED A GOOD ALLOPATHIC PHYSI- i T cian snd surgeon, to. take the place of a re- uressma&ers. Uredhyslcian. Inquire at drugstore. Glen- HRa THOMAS, WHO HAS BEEN WITH . Mrs. Dltchburn for the past 2 years, has WANTED GOOD FEEDERMAN FOR - opened parlors at 581 Holladay ave.. and It planer: also stickerman. Inquire at the will be to your Interest to call pa .her. Standard Box & Lbmber Company. 1 East 3368, HELP WANTED KALE. 50 PERFORMERS. AMATEURS AND PRO- ressionais wanted-for Portland's World's Fair and make big salary, easy work; we will make you first-class performer, short and easy system. Newman's Theatrical Cir cuit. 3281a Washlpgton and 331 Mt Morrison. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG LADY TO As sist In office work; good opportunity to get practical knowledge of bookkeeping. Ap ply In own handwriting. Y 81. Oregonlan. FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK SEE US. Ca nadian Employment Co.. 249 Burnslde aad 22GH Morrison. Pboae Main 3074. WANTED MAN. OUTSIDE WORK; MUST aeposit 3150; amply secured; wages $15 weekly. J SI. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WITH SOME CASH FOR BUJiacM mat win maxe per montn. K 81. Oregonlan. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE WE ARE still doing business at the same old stand. 267 Flanders. PAPER HANGERS WANTED S. W. COR- ner of th and Glisan st. Inquire In store. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT once: references required. 233 Stark st. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber Col lege, 741 Howard St.. San Francisco. GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGH-CLAS3 salesman. 215 Commercial block. WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD CLOTHING, shoes. 50 3d. Phone Hood 1S62. I PLUMBERS WANTED. STARK & DAVIS Co. 247 Salmon st. DR. WALKER, 181 1ST. CURBS ALL PRI vato diseases ot men. BOY WANTED GRISWOLD & PHEGLET. 131 6th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED. If you work, why not earn mora thaa a living? Bright, educated, earnest women have a mission. That mission should be to build one'b self aad help others. Be independent. Do good. The Viavl Company already employs aver 12.000 women. The work covers twenty-three countries of the world. We will entertain applications from capable women. Not canvassing, but a helpful, dignified work. Apply by mall only. Address THE VIAVT COMPANY. Lewis Building. Portland. Or. WANTED IMMEDIATELY SINGERS, performers, musicians, for vaudeville cir cuit, dramatic companies, ladies' band, quartets, sketch teams. Newman's Vaude ville Circuit. 32i Washington. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade; 8 weeks completes; tuition earned while learn ing. Halrdresslng. manicuring and fvfpl massage in 4 weeks; special terms now. Write Moler System College. San Francisco. AN ELDERLY LADY WISHING A HOME 14 miles from Forest Grove, for doing very light housework for a man and child, for her living. Address W. S. Clark, R. F. D., No. 2, Forest Grove. Or. GIRLS D? YOU WANT WORK. DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, 22ttyj Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED "HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill, Phone Black 2S81. MARRIED " LADY. WITHOUT CHILDREN, to do chamber work for rent ot housekeep ing rooms; must have experience. 120 Grand ave. . WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY RDPRESEN tatlves In Portland and throughout ths state: we pay good money. Call or writs 607 Mc Kay bldg.. - HOTEL COOKS. $25, $30; WAITRESS, HO tel. East. $20; housework, kitchen help (Exposition). Drake. 2054 Washington. WANTED ENERGETIC. COMPETENT So licitors for Oregon City, Dalles, Eugene, ad jacent territory. Apply today. 351 Oak. PARTY TO CARE FOR ROOMING-HOUSE, good locality, 11 rooms. In applying give references. O 82. Oregonlan. WANTED GLRL OR WOMAN TO KELT in restaurant at Seaside. Or. Particulars 141 7th st. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Apply 752 Lovejoy st., cor. 23d. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSE-