1 THE MORNING OREGONIAJN, MONDAY, MABCH 20, 1905. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OREGOXIAX'S TEIXPHOJTES. Ceunri&jt.Room Main 687 Managing Editor Main C3S Bunder Editor Main 6233 City Editor ...Mala 1C Society Editor .'. Main 6233 Cotnpoda;-Eooza ...............24aiB 685 Superintendent Bulldln? Be 2S Et Side OZSice Eat. 61 TEX POIXAKS EEWAKD. Tbe Oregonlan Trill pay 510 reward for the arrest and conrlctlon of any one caught stealing The Oregonlan from the door of Its subscriber. CIRCULATION MANAGER. AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER (14th and "Washing ton) Evening at 8. "Tbelma." EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) Evening at 8:15. 'The Moonshiner's Daugh ter." STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous Vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 0 P. M. GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER (Morrison street, bet. 6th and 7tn) Matinee 4 P. M.. evening 8 P. M-, Eroeet Thompson Seton. Domestic Science School Bust. The School of Domestic Science presents a bustling scene these days, many of the classes being quite full, and all deeply interested in their work. Miss Tingle's merry laugh, her strong personality and her clear explanations make her lessons very attractive. Class records are kept. "My biscuits got the highest mark, and I never made any before," said one lady. A steady stream of visitors when class time is over shows how deep is the in terest In this much-needed science. A re quest bos come for three lessonB on the art of soup-making, and Miss Tingle will be glad to arrange a day for such a course. The preparing of various kinds of stock, the adapting it to different soups, also the clarifying of bouillon for com pany or invalids. Chinese Leave for Canneries. The danger of a tong war in Chinatown has passed, lor all of the warriors are leav ing for other fields, and the foreign city on Second street will In a short time be a deserted'-illage to a greater or less ex tent. This is the season of- the year when the canneries of Alaska call for the Chi nese workman, and yesterday afternoon wagonload after wagonload of baggage was hauled to the docks and depot for shipment, while more than 350 of the resl dents of Chinatown took passage for the canneries scattered along the Northern Coast. For this reason the rookeries over which floats the yellow dragon will be quiet for the next few weeks, and the chatter of the throng will become the murmur of the minority until the fishing reason has passed. "Want Triangle Dedicated. At the northeast corner of Powell and Mllwau We streets, Brooklyn, Is a triangular piece cut off from the city's tract, through which the street-car passes. Powell street Is being improved on the south, side, and Mlrwaukle street has been repaired on the west side. No disposition has been made of the peculiarly shaped piece. It is of no value, except for street purposes, and If allowed to remain as it Is at present. It will be the dumping ground for the surroundings. A petition has been circu lated asking that the piece be dedicated lor street purposes. It is desired to place a fountain on the corner of Powell and Mlrwaukle streets, in the center of this triangle, Saloons Found Open. Fritz place, on Burnside street, and The "Wigwam, on Fifth and Main, are tinder the ban for having remained open on Saturday night after 1 o'clock, the hour prescribed for the closing of such places. Police Ser geants Slover and Taylor discovered the violations of the ordinance and reported them to the Central Station. The matter will be reported to Chief Hunt, and war rants will undoubtedly be Issued for the proprietors of tho saloons today, when Vhey will "be- "brought before the Municipal Court to teir Judge Hogue how it hap pened that they did not observe the law. FUNERALB OT TWO VETERAfNB. The fu nerals of Christian L. Scherer, veleran of the Civil "War and member of Sumner Post 21, G. A. B., took place yesterday from his late home, -355 East Tamhill street, and the Interment was in Lone Fir Cemetery. Sumner Post had charge at the grave. Mr. Scherer was 70 years old. Also the funeral of Michael 1 Crane, an old soldier and member of Lincoln-Garfield Post, was held yesterday afternoon, and the interment was in Lone Fir Cem etery with appropriate services. He was 61 years old. Dangerous ' Intersection. Patrolman J. J. Murphy last evening reported the in tersection of East Morrison and Bast "Water streets, at the east end of Morri son bridge, in a dangerous condition. He said that the street repair man wanted him to hunt some nails with 'which to temporarily repair the intersection, but that he did not have time or orders to hunt for nails. The O. TV. P. is filling East "Water street at present, and the whole street is in a demoralized condition, but this intersection Is specially in a bad condition. Cars to Go Over Steel Bridge. "While repairs are being made to tbe Burnside bridge, the bridge will be closed to all traffic, and street cars will be sent over the Steel Bridge. A curved connection has been made at the Intersection of Vnion and Holladay avenues for cars on the "Union-avenue branches. A transfer car will be run between East Burnside street and Holladay avenue on Union ave nue, to form a connecting link for the East Side lines. Teams and pedestrians will have to -use the other bridges. Funeral op a Musician. The funeral of Alec Glenn, a well-known musical leader, who died suddenly at Astoria, took place yesterday afternoon from F. S. Dunnlngs undertaking chapel. Portland Musical Union furnished a band, which played the dirge at the services in the chapel and at the grave. Rev. George B. Van Waters. D. D., conducted the serv ices in the chapel, and the Knights and Ladles of Security had charge at the cemotory, giving the rites of that order. Died in Idaho. Tho funeral of Mrs. Christina "Wakefield, who died at Idaho Falls, Idaho, was held yesterday after noon from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Yost. 321 Beach street, at 1:30 o'clock, and also from the Seventh Day Adventist Church, East Eleventh and Everett streets, at 2 P. M. Interment took place in Lone Fir Cometery. Mrs. "Wakefield was the wife of C. Guy "Wake field, and was 25 years old. Ernest THOairsoN Seton this after noon, at 4, and again at 8 tonight, at the Marquam Grand. Both of these lectures will really be entertainments, as they will be profusely illustrated with original stereoptlcon slides of wild animals in their native haunts. Admission to the matinee. 25c to every one. Evening lecture, 50c. 75c and $1. f Farmers' Telephone Line. A. Mlenlg. of Sandy, who "has been working on a farmers' line to connect about 15 farmers in that neighborhood with a central at Sandy, hopes to have the line built early this Spring. The route has been selected. a.rnest Thompson Seton, at the Mar quam Grand, at 4 o'clock this afternoon and S o'clock tonight. Both of these lec tures will bo profusely illustrated with stereoptlcon views of wild animals in their native life. Steamer "Nome City' for San Fran cisco direct, sails from Couch-St. Dock Monday. March 20. at 6 P. M. Fare. $12.00 cabin. 5S.O0 second class, meals and berth Included. F. P. Baumgartner, agent. Main SSL S3. Roanoke (2400 tons) sails for San Francisco. Los Angeles, Coos Bay and Eureka Tuesday. March 21. 7 P. M.. from Columbia Dock No. 1. Ticket, office. 251 Washington street. Harry Young, agent. The .Calumet Restaurant. 143 Seventh. line luncheon. 5c; Cloncr. 50c t)z. Brown, eje and ear. Tho Slarquam. Pkepasxxo Educational Exhibits. The schools or Mount Tabor district No. a are engaged In the, preparation of an eaucauonai exmoii mat win oe a croait to that district. Professor E. G. Adams, the principal, is having the pupils of the Seventh grade prepare an illustrated ac count of Evangeline, pictures having been obtained for the Illustrations. It will be something unique and sure to -attract at tention. Also relief maps and Illustrated accounts of Portland docks are "being pre pared. Elegant new steamer Northland sails for San Francisco Monday evening. Cabin. 512.00; steerage. 58.00. Meals and berth in cluded. C. H. Thompson, agt., 32S 3d St, Concert by T. M. C. A. Glee Ciub Tues day night, assisted by Miss Ruth Eddlngs and Mr. George Lester Paul, 25c and 25c Best dry 4-ft fir wood, $3.75 per cord; sawed, 34.25. Hoover, 313 "Water street. Phone Main 4596. Ernebt Thompson Seton this afternoon at 4 o'clock and tonight at 8 at thb Mar quam Grand. BIG CEUSADE AGAINST VICE. Chapman Revivalists Will Invade the "Red Light" District. "When the Chapman revivals begin In the various churches up town the North End wiQ not be forgotten. At noon and each evening special services will be held at the People's Institute, Fourth and Burnside, and according to the Idea of the committee having tho meetings in charge the plan adopted In all tbe other cities visited by Dr. Chapman will be pur sued. The services at the Institute will be conducted by Rev. J. E. Snyder, and after the meetings have adjourned in the larger churches several of the revivalists will meet with as many Christian people as caro to go for a grand rally through the "red-light" district. A band of music will lead the procession, followed by auto mobiles conveying evangelists and sing ers, and behind thcee will march the faithful. Saloons, dancehalls and other places where vice is tolerated will be en tered and those present urged to accom pany tbe crowd to a great midnight mass meeting to be held in the open air, if the weather will permit. Rev. C. T. Sohaeffer, "the boys' evan gelist," told of the plans of Dr. Chapman and his coworkers in an interesting talk last night at the First Presbyterian Church, entitled "From Atlanta to the. Sea." He reviewed the work of Dr. Chapman from the first of the great revival ser vices, held at Atlanta many months ago. through New York State, then to Colo rado Springs, Pueblo. Denver, Los Ange les. Redlands. Oakland. Cal.. and finally to Portland. He said that In many of the places visited, during the last week of the meetings a special day was eet apart as "a day of prayer," during certain hours of which all business-houses were closed and the people attended the services. This will be done in Portland, and the visits to the slums will be a regular feature of the work. Tho evangelists will take turns in leading the local church workers into tho dens of vice after the conclusion of the regular services. At 10 o'clock at night the procession will start, and after tbe evening's campaign a great midnight meeting will be held right in the district. HE FALLS AMONG THIEVES. Stranger Relieved of His Money, and Barely Escapes With Apparel. Peter Lent is minus tho $3 though he recovered the pants. Peter is a stranger in the city; If he had not been he would have searched .for a room in another dis trict. As It was he fell in with thieves. Later he fell in with the police, who bundled him into the station, where he tumbled into the bed he has been looking for and sank Into slumber which it took hours to wear away. It is a sad story, but it is the usual one, the moral of which no one can learn. Mr. Lent has gray hairs in his head and Is old enough to know, but he was a stranger in the city. That, perhaps. Is the reason he partook of of too much of the mlnd-bewilderer handed out in small glasses in the vicinity of Third and Davis. That is also, in all probability, the cause of his seeking lodging In that locality. The big man whom Peter met was very kind. It was 4 o'clock in the morning and the stranger was very, very tired. He wanted to sleep. The big man said ho could deliver the goods and Peter ac companied him Into a ground-floor room of the Paris House. The big man only charged him two-bits and he thankfully went to bed. Ho had dreams however and awoke to see some one drop his trousers and leave the room. Fearful lest he might he" entirely parted from his property the lodger scrambled out of bed and was met by the big man, his bene factor. "You are in the wrong room," said his landlord. "You belong In room 5 at the head of the stairs." Lent donned his apparel and sought the head of the stairs only to find empty and unresponsive corridors. Then the of ficer on the beat found him and he told his troubles to Captain Bailey. The Cap tain said he would try to locate the big man of genorous disposition, but In the meantime Peter is out his S3. One Way to Get Opium One "Woman's Kin does, In "Which. There Wan a Purpose. SHE was faded and haggard and dim of eye. Her clothes were creased and wrinkled and spotted with dirt, but in spite of it all there was an almost obliterated trace of other days about the woman as she stood on the corner of Second street and Oak beconlng to a tiny Chinese boy as he toddled toward her In his bright silk togs, while the father of the boy watched from the other curb. The woman turned to the fireman lean ing against the post. "Can you give me two nlckles for this dime?" she asked of the man with the blue coat. The change was made and the woman divided her store with the small Celestial. Then she turned and went up the street. "Hop-head." muttered the fireman gaz ing after the retreating form. "She will be back tonight and trade the other nlckle for dope. Nothing like petting the kids to get a stand-In with the man who furnishes the stuff." It was dark and the rain beat steadily against the windows of the dingy store on Second street unnoticed by the stolid Chinese who sat by the stove and watched a smaller edition cf himself wrestle with the poker In his efforts to stir the fire. A woman came into the room, placed Ave cents on the counter and shoved it toward the man. "Smoke." she said, and waited. The Chlneso shook his head. "No can." be answered laconically, but as he spoke his face changed, for the brlgbt-hued figure with the poker was standing close beside the woman with a look of recogni tion In his eyes, while he drew from a miniature pocket the mate of tbe coin on the counter. The merchant drew forth a can of black and loathsome-looking mixture and put a portion on a fragment of brown paper which he placed in the woman's hand. Thus was the adage verified that "kindness done to the least of these shall be done to me." Lawns Injured by Children. PORTLAND. March 18. (To the Editor.) Discussions on "Clvlj Prlfle," Portland the .jtlruC etc . have berrf prettr weH thrutbed out In the columns of Tho Oreconlan of late. and "before the whole subject pets worn out I t, not mrseU alcse. oa the atreet aswa whlctt I reside for tier, are others. The street la an Bast Side residence street, and typical of many other?. Now, the trouble Is sot with the dogs and cats roc tins: and dlcgri&r up freahlr wn grass or flower seed. "We are ail ' accustomed to that. for. like the poor, "they are with u always"; besides, the Igor rotes will In due time reach Portland, and the does, at lease, will hare to take to tho woods! No. the drawback to keeptsc one's lawn. grass strip, sidewalk, etc. looking trim and ceat is the fact of children ranging from S to 14 years of age. malting the aidewalka a play ground, bicycle path and track for hem 6-made go-carts, frequently causing pedestrians of both sexes to be forced off the sidewalk. This Is bad enough, but matters are made worse by their not confining their wheels, carts, etc.. to the sidewalk, but continually cut up one's lawn slope and parking atrip In the natural course of play. Some choice plants In many of the parking strips last year had a very strenuous time of It. and one was constantly drlvlng stakes around them to keep their ene mies dear, sweet little school children from crushing the life out of them. "Whether plants and rose bushes will fare any better In the parking strips, this year In this particular street, I am unable to say, but certainly condi tions are no worse than oa many other East Side streets. Of course, the police cannot be expected short-handed as they are to worry over a little matter of children making use of a sidewalk for a regiuar bicycle playground: an appeal to parents of the children would be futile a!ao.v By all means let children play and romp, and have all the fresh, air they are entitled to they need It In their business, but If they could only be made to romp and play tag on their own lawns and parking strips opposite their own homes, how much nicer they would appear than on their neighbors lawns! This Is one of the discouraging features of .Clrlc Pride and the Home Beautiful, and so long as sidewalks are allowed, on the East Side, at least, to be used as playgrounds. I see no remedy. A DISCOURAGED ONE. DEATH, THE SECOND BERTH Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway Tells of Its Necessity. Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway addressed the society of Bible Spiritualists at its hall on Second street last evening, by spe cial invitation. She said in part: "I have chosen as my theme The Visit of Nlco- demus to Jesus by Night,' I wish first to say that I appear before you as an advo cate of no lem. T nVimiM fx1 drawn tn theso meetings- much more strongly than can now be possible. If. instead of adopt Ing the name of Spiritualism, which has come to stand for so much in the public mind which you cannot indorse, you would Trail yourselves by some such name as "Students of Psychic Law. However, the name of your society is not a matter for me to decide; and I trust you will pardon the suggestion, whether you con sider It or not. "Now to my subject: If you will turn to the third chapter of John, you will find that there was- a man named NIcodemus, a ruler of the Jews; and the same came to Jesus by night.. Did you ever notice that the average 'man of the Pharisees, of whom NIcodemus was one. Is so deeply lncrusted within the shell of some organ ized Ism that when his mind begins to ex pand In the birth throes of desire for more light along psychic or spiritual lines, his first Impulse Is to seek It In secret, or, as NIcodemus did. 'by nlghtr "The most wonderful part of the won derful career of Jesus of Nazareth was the simplicity and naturalness of his teachings. He broke the unnatural laws of the Jewish Sabbath-without fear of consequences, and wrought what the world in Its ignorance called miracles as naturally as he would sit at meat with his followers. He lived the 'simple life to the uttermost, and both by precept and example enlightened the dormant under standing of all who were willing to study the divine revelations of Nature. NIcode mus, being stirred by his teachings, but unable to comprehend them, said unto him: Rabbi, we know thou "art a teacher come from God; for no man can do these things that thou dost unless God be with nlm.' "Jesus answered and said unto him 'Except a man be born again he can not see the kingdom of God.' "Remember, always, that Jesus lived close to the heart of Nature. He recog nlzed the kinship of every sentient thing with the eternal mind, of which we are all a part. But NIcodemus. failing to comnre hend the supreme naturalness of this simple facyt, said: 'How can a man be born when he is old? "And Jesus answered, calling his at tention to a natural law that permeates, all physlclal life, by saying: 'Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.' And NIcodemus said: 'How can these things be? "Every physician knows, and every man, woman and child ought to know, that all embryo life, from the atom to the man. exists in water, and Is born In water. This is the natural birth. The tin iest seed cannot escape the environment of this natural law, nor can man escape it "But NIcodemus. though a master in Israel, failed to comprehend the primal, universal law, by which the great Teach er was attempting to lead him up to a knowledge of the ultimate birth of the spirit of man. which would only occur after he became a living soul. And Jesus added. In his effort to make his meaning clearer: That which Is born of the flesh Is flesh: that which Is born of the spirit is spirit.' "Still NIcodemus did not understand, and Jesus, being amazed at his Ignorance, said: 'Art thou a master in Israel and un derstandeth not thesa things?' ''Again he said: The wind bloweth where it Usteth, and thou nearest the sound thereof, but cannot tell whence It cometh or whither It goeth. So Is every one that is born of the spirit. "And yet." said the speaker, "we are gravely taught that the new birth is a mysterious, experimental change within these physical bodies-, in the face of the spiritual significance of a fundamental, universal fact, so beautifully explained by the great teacher that every child can be made to understand it. "Scientific research Is slowly, but surely, leading men to understand the true sig nificance of the new birth. The new, or second birth Is simply the birth of the spirit, through the chemical change we call death, which releases the soul from the body and permits It to return to God, who gave it. The change we can death is as necessary to our spiritual unfold ment as Is our first, or physical birth from the water In which we existed before we were born. "The secret of happiness hereafter lies wholly In cur efforts to do right In the body. "We must all sow as we reap. There is no escape from this law. It is as unerring as it Is universal. The law of retribution Is as universal as the law of evolution. "I know not how many aeons man ex isted as an animal before the eternal mys tery of life, that we call God. breathed Into him the breath of the spirit, so he might become a living soul. But let man become convinced without the possibility of a doubt that he must reap as a spirit what he has sown la the flesh, whether It be of good or evil, and the Inexorable law of. self-preservatlqn will lead him In the ways of righteousness." HAVE YOU A SQUARE PIAH0? It Is not yet too late to get rid of your old square piano. We fix them up at our shop and ship them to Central America. We will allow liberally for square pianos in part payment for a fine, new, up-to-date upright, or will pay cash for same. See or address Eilers Piano House, whole sale department, corner Washington and Park streets. WHKhVF, TO DINE. All tho delicacies of the season at tb Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart ments for parties. SOS "Wash., sear Sta. Burartfs Extract of Vanilla 1 Imparts tuseftor dellcawcf Carer, trxit. use u. AT THE THEATERS The Moesshlaer's Daaghter." Captaln Martin Preston. .'Jack Sherman Zcb Taylor May hood Latng Bed Henry. S.-A. Mitchell Jason Thee polls Dorkins...Sam Cottrell John "Whltesoa Andrew Quirk Uncle Pete. ................. .5am Lucas A mining expert "Walter A6htoa HsAk Baxter Herbert Spencer A moonshiner from habit. R. H. McXealy Hulda Ann Taylor Mabel Elmore Mammy Clndra Cassie Bsrcn Madge Preston Mae Abbott A great, big, generous melodrama is of fered for the delectation of Empire audi ences this week. "The Moonshiner's Daughter" Is above the average both as to the play itself and the company which appears in it There has been almost a surfeit of thrill ers dealing with the people who are en gaged in beating the Government by dis tilling illicit whisky, but this particular one of that type has the saving grace of originality on its side. True enough, the poor mountaineers have all the best of It as against the revenue officers, as might be expected, but when one of the best characters is sacrificed to the eternal fitness .of things through falling victim to a lynching party surely the credit of being original must be awarded the enterprising playwright. Uncle Fete, as played by Sam Lucas, is a very good negro character. He fur nishes much of the comedy and is In many ways essential to the piece, and It re quires a lot of nerve to dispose of him In so summary a manner. Cassie Burch, who has the part of Mammy Clndra, Is a decidedly good black face character actress, and tho songs In troduced by her and Lucas have a great deal to do with making the show go. The other members of the cast seem to fill the bill and few better all-round thrill dramas have been seen here this year. The scenery showing a still in a moun tain cave, the old mill, the rocky gorge and the backwoods home Is impressive and natural. The Empire clientele is loyal, and yes terday literally crowded the house at both performances. They were repaid with a very good performance. "The Moonshiner's Daughter" will run all the week, with the usual Saturday matinee. WHY GAMBLING IS WRONG. Seeks a Gain Without Giving Any Kind of Return. PORTLAND, Or.. March. IS. To the Edi tor.) Any and all of those Interviewed In The Oregonlan recently do not seem to me to have pointed out the es sential Iniquity of gambling or to have ex pressed the exact nature of the factors In volved. It Is to many a curiously elusive and Illusive subject. A clergyman In the East of some reputation not long ago said In sub stance that gambling Is wrong, but no one can tell why. Gambling In the broad sense of taking chances is universal, and. like almost every thing else is commendable or otherwise, ac cording to circumstances. To take chances under the guidance of cautious foresight Is the substance of legitimate speculation; in fact. It Is a motive power In human prog ress. The principle Is Inevitable, necessary, universal. Professor Lord Is right In say ing that gambling Involves no waste, !. e.. economic waste. In a personal sense it Is. of' course, a waste to tbe Individual, but of the same sort which may result from the expenditure- of cash for liquor or mince pie or some indifferent amusement, unnecessary or deleterious to the physical or mental wel fare. If men ever play with no conscious or unconscious desire to make something, probably a rare state of things, simply to win for the pleasure of winning. It does not differ In nature from any company which Indulges in a game of chance, the prize being sought not for Its Intrinsic value, but as an evidence of success. Just how far the faeclnation and exhilaration of chance-taking and competition are legitimate and when they become demoralizing and dangerous constitute, of course, another and serious problem. Gambling In the technical sense means play to win. not merely for the sake of winning, but materlap results. Here Is the essential Iniquity. One seeks gain at trie expense of another or others for which no return or equivalent of any kind Is given. It Is not robbery, since all agree to lose un der certain conditions. It Is simply Invoking chances with an Immoral motive or object, namely, to profit at the expense of others. A man Invests In a mine. Provided the enter prise be honestly managed and properly promoted. If one make. It Is not at the ex pense of others: If he -lose, no one profits thereby. This depends on the contents of the earth, which each one to the best of his knowledge has sought to estimate. In technical gambling It Is the reverse. Chances are taken not with a result equally favorable or unfavorable to all. but with the distinct motive. If luck -favor, to profit at the expense of some one else. Men unfortunately gain at the cost of others, making no return therefor. In a hun dred ways, by fraud, deceit, subtlety and often by the most smooth-faced hypocrisy. When they seek thus to gain under the law or dispensation of chance, or what seems to them to be such, though very likely It may be quite otherwise. It becomes gam bllng In the technical sense pure and sim ple, a practice which can hardly be too strenuously condemned. AH Indulgences, too, which tend toward this vice and In iquity should be placed under the ban of Christian civilization. GEORGE CROSWELL. CRESSEY. Wild Dream of Coos Bay. Chicago Post. Now if you go down among some of the cheaper cafes of the city and sit around with men that do great things, but never get their names In print men that smoke pipes, drink from deep steins and eat steaks two Inches thick you'll find Kan iff sitting with them, heavy-browed, brute-eyed, sullen. But Kanlff, who has the blood of a Pole and a Rues and a Mongolian woman in him, and who Is not a cow ard, knows a great deal, knows of underground things that happen hero in this Chicago, of queer things of Toklo and stranger ones of Moscow, and Kanlff is at home anywhere. It Is his business to know, but for whom and what he gets out of it I do not care. It Is not well to know too much of any man, not even your most Intimate friend. Kanlff told this story the other night, told it solemnly to' a solemn faced crowd, while the smoke hung heavy under the celling, and some women at a distant table sang the ?Ilserere" because they felt It. "When the" war with Russia began." he growled, "there wasn't a soft coal mine in the world that the Japs didn't have a map of and know whether they could reach it by water or rail. Won derful maps these brown fellows made! How dol know? The devil didn't I furnish the material for half a dozen of them and didn't I set my own eyes on the charts In Frisco? . "WelL one of the maps they made, and a great map It was, showed the whole Pacific coast from Cape Nome, off the beastly Bering waters, down to the Golden Gate. There were two special marks on it One indicated the un opened coal beds on the Alaskan Pen insula, the coast beds above. Cook In let, and the little fellows had charted out the ocean currents there, the water depths, thi character of the harbors, and a lot of other stuff, so plain any old sea captain could have gone in there blind with the biggest man-of-war ever afloat. "The other mark set off Coos Bay. on the southwest coast of Oregon, 125 miles southwest of Eugene City, on the Southern Pacific It Is the only shel tered harbor on the whole Pacific coast that has soft coal literally falling Into the water. Tou can ram a cruiser into the shore line and back off with a ton of coal" sticking to every bit of plate. "The harbor Is south of Umoaua Bay and north of Cape Gregory, and it's sheltered from all kinds of storms, and carries no bad bar, like the old Colum bia does. Now, the Japs marked that harbor up proper; they had soundings and everything else to Indicate Just how to get Into it easy and out of it quick, and last Fall, along In Septem ber, six of their big colliers that had quietly sneaked across the Pacific slipped in there one day and began loading like mad. "Violating neutrality laws? I'd like to know who observes laws of that kind when they're mighty certain they're not going to be caught. The Japs got away early one morning with all the coal they wanted, and were well out to sea, when of a sudden up bobs the armored Lena of the Russian navy. She was In bad condition, but she was looking for the colliers and got In a day late. "You know the rest. The Lena put into Frlsgo harbor and went out of the game. The Jap colliers crossed the ocean and got their coal safely Into port. That shows what maps afore hand are worth to any wideawake gov ernment. I don't know if the brown boys ever tried for the Alaskan coal, but if they did Til wager they got it. Their bureau of Information is the best I ever bumped up against and I know about as much as anybody in my line of work of how governments get hold of information that pays when a scrap is on. "Coos Bay Isn't very famous, al though it may be, but it has played a big part in coaling the Japs just when they needed coal for their operations on tho high seas." No one offered to dispute Kanlff's assertions. Kanlff has a way of sup porting .them not wholly agreeable to crJtics. Seattle Baby Is Beaten Portland Clalmn Cherub That Weighed More at Birth. PORTLAND will not take a back seat to Seattle. No, not even In the matter of babies. Word came yesterday morning from Se attle that a girl baby weighing 17 pounds had been born to the wife of Augustus Steele, who resides In Ballard, a suburb of Seattle, and that Seattle surgeons had declared that this Ballard baby, bless her ljttle heart, was the largest baby on rec ord. Now, without saying anything against the weight of tbe Ballard cherub, for that would be ungallant. It develops that an lS-pound baby was born In Port land about 15 years ago. Dr. A. C. Panton Is authority for this statement. The Bal lard baby Is beaten by one-quarter of a pound. "I remember the case very well Indeed," safd Dr. Panton, last night. "I was called into consultation by Dr. A. J. Glesy to help In a maternity case about 15 years ago, and the baby weighed IS pounds, but didn't live very long. The mother recov ered, and so far as I know is living to this day. The family was a Hebrew one. You must excuse my not giving the names of .the parents and the street where the baby was born, as the family might not care to recall the circumstances. Suffice it to say that the baby was born In Port land, and was finely developed." "A Seattle baby born weighting I7i pounds?" repeated one of the surgeons at the Good Samaritan Hospital, last' night. "That's either a big baby or a big .story. Babies born in the maternity ward of this! nospitai average from seven to 11 pound?. The latter weight Is a heavyweight baby." "In my practice. In dozen of cases I have noticed babies each weighing Hi pounds at birth," declared Dr. A. Tllzer. "The average Portland baby weighs from nine to ten pounds, but medical records In general phow that babies have been born elsewhere weighing 15 and 15 pounds each, and as high as 18 pounds, but I have never seen any of them." "I remember In the course of my prac tice a Portland baby who was born sev eral years ago. weighing 14 pounds." said Dr. D. H. Rand. "In many cases I have seen babies weighing 12 pounds and a lit tle over, but In my opinion the average -weight of babies. Is somewhere between seven and nine pounds." HALT ON NAVAL EXPANSION Tacit Agreement That No More Bat tleships Shall Be Built. OREGON'IAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. March 17. Unless sentiment ma terially changes, a halt will be called In the construction of battleships. Quite a number of prominent men In "Washing ton say that not more than one battle ship will be recommended at the next session of Congress, and possibly none. It Is also asserted that none will be pro vided for, and that this understanding was reached when the Senate did not con test with the House during the session of Congress just closed, and stand for one battleship Instead of two, as author ized by the House bill. Senator Hale Is one of the pronounced opponents of an exceedingly large Navy, and he thinks that the warning raised against a further Increase In the Navy, when the last naval bill was under con sideration, has been sufficient to Induce the Administration to come to a halt, and that the country will take up the matter CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bmgfit Bears the Signature of COAL Prices Reduced Australian (Richmond) Coal $6.50 DELIVERED Franklin Lump Coal ... DELIVERED, AH other coal proportionately low. Send for leaflet containing list: Telephones 229 and 237. THE PACIFIC COAST COMPANY CHAS. H. GLEIM, Agent 249 WASHINGTON STREET AT THE TOP OF THE LIST FOR MERIT OAKWOOD MALT THE CANADIAN MALT WHISKEY MOST OFTEN IMITATED ROTHCHILD BROS. FACX2TC COA8T AOMilB W. Corner Great Expectations As to the marvelous aid to comfort and convenience theuse of electricity is said to afford are "well-nigh realized when tested by actual experience especially if we are responsible for the installation of electrical appliances for lighting, bell ringing, annunciator buzzing and the many devices which, require the ue of an electrical current. Orders, please. WESTERN, ELECTRIC WORKS No. 61 Sixth Street. Portland, Or. Phone Main 1696. The Best I WALTER t J33 SIXTH STREET and see for itself that the Navy is large enough at the present time. Many Re publican members of the House balked more or less at the large naval appropri ation bill which passed the last session, but they did not wish to enter into a contest with the Administration, and there was a seeming understanding that the Navy would not be crowded during the next two or three years unless some unforseen necessity should arise. Will Attend Good Roads Meeting. A large delegation, representing the Commercial Club In the matter of good roads and headed by John 8. Beall as chairman of the club's committee, will be In attendance at the Good Roads Con veritlon to be held in Grant's Pass today and tomorrow. The delegates from Port land will take an active part in this con ventlpn toward the adoption of methods to secure better highways and will enter the convention fully Imbued with this Idea. Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon "The School of Quality' MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE "Open all the year. Catalogue free A. P. ARMSTRONQ, LL. B.. PRINCIPAL Why Endure Pain the excruciating misery of blind, bleeding, itchingpiles, when there is an absolute cure ? Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific is an internal remedy that painlessly produces a positive and lasting cure. Pleasant to the taste, it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine or other injurious drugs. Simply take a spoonful three times daily before each meal. Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific Tie Iatecssl Remedy For dyspepsia, incSgestion, constipation, biliousness, catarrh of the stomach and kindred aiknerrts R is the greatest' remedy that has ever yet benefited mankind. Think what a relief it would be to you to be rid of these troubles and to avoid the almost certain consequence of Piles. Dr. Perrin Med&al Co Helena. Moat $6.50 Df BOTTTTB yMil f Butte Trial staa ...........38 eeato Vedlasi stea ...v eeata rarg ate ..... .Le INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS G. SMITH & CO. Fourth and Washington Streets Lenses and Frames manufactured, correctly fitted and adjusted to visual requirements, are Just good enough for those who trust their eyes to our care and protection. REED THE OPTICIAN OREGONIAN BUILDING Have you visited the Portland's Turkish room the RathskeIlarT Good music every evening. Good things to eat. Good things to Urlnk. Tou meet In pleasing sur roundings. Prices no higher than other places about the city. PRICES FOR LOWER Q Trail ty coaildtrctl. tbaa say et&ar ' Needles, OH, Repairs TOR ATJ, 1UXSS AX SINGER STORE 854 Morrises Street. S49 Wllllaaa Arnae (East Sli. Fortlud. Oreses. ROSES The very best only, reasonable; also lilies, carnations, pansles, cosmos, geraniums, suitable plants for win dow boxes, etc; also fln cut Cowers and floral designs. BDKKHAEDT BROS.. 23d and GHaan. FLORAL PIECES SNAP SHOTS DEVELOPED ON3 DAT. FINISHED "PRINTS THE NEXT. "WE ABE HEAD QUARTERS FOR PHOTO-ENLARGEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. OUR "WORK. IS THE STANDARD FOR THE NORTH WEST. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. GEO. IT. STRONG, 163 W. PARK ST. tee:ti-i , Tt zaodtra d as til work. .Werl4-rcomM4 gyadaUsta, Lrrest yrieM 3trtei mtk arrt-fttaf werk. Go t th. NEW YORK DENTISTS rOUBXX AND 3COKXXSOX STS. FredPrelin.D.D-$ 495 Xtekan bMc OFFICE HOURS Tres I A. U. ta J P. It rrxNiNas, icon day AND THURS TJAT "UNTIL IF.U gchwah Printing Go,