Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Warsaw Workmen At
tacking Nonstrikers.
NiobilizationWil! Probably Cre
ate Great Disorder,
Polish Educational Committee Re
solves to Support Striking School
boys, Who Are Shown No
Forbearance at Capital.
WARSAW, March IS (10:45 P. M. Now
that most of the strikes are ended, the
workmen aro beginning to carry out the
threat of revenge on such of their fel
lows who refused to quit -work with
them. Saturday a foreman who had re
fused to Join the strikers was fatally
tabbed, and today a workman -who had
refused to walk out was shot and se
verely wounded. The authorities fear that
these incidents are only the beginning
of a merles of such outrages.
The working classes are greatly ex
cited in anticipation of orders for mobil
isation. The men are determined to offer
violent opposition. Scarcely a day passes
-without the appearance of seditious
pamphlets. One secret publication en
titled "The Barricade," which was re
cently circulated, preached revolutionary
doctrines urging -workmen to prepare for
the struggle and build barricades in the
The mobilization Is expected to begin
at Lodz tomorrow. "Workmen In sev
eral mills there are striking as a man
ifestation of hostility to such measures.
The school strike at "Warsaw is reach
ing an acute stage. The authorities to
day Issued a final order that boys not re
turning to school before "Wednesday will
be expelled regardless of their number.
The Polish Educational Committee, which
recently went to St. Petersburg, is an
gered at the government's non conciliatory
attitude and met here today and resolved
to support the boys in striking. More
troubles are feared!
"Warsaw and Lodz manufacturers have
been invited to send delegates to a meet
ing of industrial representatives from all
parts of Russia at Moscow on. Thurs
day to discuss the commercial situation
preparatory to making a report to the
Ministry of Commerce.
Japan Might Be Able to Make Good
Terms With Russia.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 20. (1:45
A. M.) While Emperor Nicholas, whose
word is final, still declines to abandon the
prosecution of the war, and the govern
ment maintains its ability to continue the
conflict, the Associated Press is In posi
tion to state that powerful Influences, in
cluding several of the Emperor's own
Ministers, are now strongly urging that
the time has come to indicate to Japan
Russia's desire for peace upon a reason
able basis.
Should Japan then attempt to impose
too onerous conditions, these influences
argue that, in view of the universal wish
to see the bloody conflict ended, Russia's
position will be strengthened abroad by
the alienation of sympathy from Japan
and the situation at home improved when
the nation is made to understand that the
Emperor's pacific proposals have been met
with impossible terms. One of the Em
peror's Ministers, in a conversation with
the Associated Press, said:
"We have suffered "bitter defeat on land
and sea. "Wo can. however, still con
tinue the war. But both countries have
suffered great losses in blood and treas
ure, and it would only profit the rivals if
both were to fight on until one or the
other is exhausted. Russia has had a
hard task fighting the war against such
adversaries 6000 miles from home, and I
conteifd she can make a dignified peace,
without glory, but not without honor
From Victor to Ally.
'As the victor on land and sea, Japan
can afford to remember, as Bismarck did
at the conclusion of the Austro-Prussian
war, that two countries which must live
through the long future as neighbors may
need each other's friendship. Japan may
consider the time propitious, on account
of the situation in European Russia, to
try to crush us.
"Suppose, lor the sake of argument, she
succeeds in Anally forcing a humiliating
peace; it could not be more than an
armed truce. Russia is too big and pow
erful to retire permanently from the field.
The clouds at home will eventually roll
away. "With the army and navy reorgan
ized in five, ten or fifteen years there will
come Inevitably our revenge. No perma
nent peace is possible now or later un
less Japan Is reasonable"
To the suggestion of the possibility of
an alliance between Russia and Japan,
the Minister said:
"A reasonable peaco must first be es
tablished." "What would be reasonable?" was
Giving Up of Manchuria.
"Broadly speaking, Russia's renuncia
tion of her entire Manchurian policy
should satisfy Japan's claims. She could
have her protectorate over Corea, such
privileges on the Kwan Tung Peninsula
and at Port Arthur as the powers -would
not oppose, and the Chinese Eastern Rail
way be placed under International con
trol, Russia maintaining her rights to a
railway line through Northern Manchuria
to Vladivostok."
"What would be Russia's attitude on
the subject of indemnity?"
"Russia never has paid indemnity, and
history practically affords no precedent
for indemnity when territory is not oc
cupied to insure payment, and Japan
holds not a foot of Russian territory. Ja
pan could, however, take the proceeds of
the sale of the property and rights of the
Chinese Eastern Railway which was built
tv 1th Russian money."
Proceeding, the Minister said the dif
ficulties of continuing the war was fully
appreciated, both from a military and a
financial standpoint, but neither was in
surmountable. He denied emphatically
that the negotiations for a French loan
was adjusted because Russia would not
make peace. He expected that these ne
gotiations would be resumed soon. The
success of the Internal loan, he said, is
assured. As for the question of a new
army, much depended upon the exact sit
uation -when General Llnlevitch got the
army out of danger.
Big Army Yet Remains.
The Minister said further that "complete
details of General Kuropatkin's losses
have not yet reached the government.
but it is already known that the Japan
ese reports are greatly exaggerated. The
reports that 60 siege guns and many hun
dred cars were left behind !s false, as
practically no siege guns or roiling stock
fell into the hands of the' Japanese.
"No new general mobilization has been
ordered, and it may not be necessary. Of
the 300,000 reservists mobilized last Fall.
140,000, and the Fourth Army corps, num
bering w.wo. are now beginning to ar
rive In the Far East. If therefore Llnle-
vitcb s army totals 200,000 when he reaches
Harbin (if that, for Instance, is to "be the
base), he will have an army of about
400,000, without summoning additional re
serves. Some regular units, like a divis
ion of the guards, might be sent without
further mobilization.
Estates Plundered In Southern Rus
sia and Landlords Slain.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 20. ;:35 A.
M.). The peasant disorders are growing
rapidly in Southern .Russia. Provincial
Journals bring alarming reports, showing
that an actual reign of terror already
exists in some districts. Not only are
estates plundered and buildings burned,
but landlords are brutally murdered.
In some places bands of armed moujlks
have taken to the forests and actual bat
tles have occurred between them and es
tate guardians. Millions of copies of two
documents, called "The Golden Scroll"
and "Division of Lands." have been cir
culated by agitators. Both tell the peas
ants that the Emperor has decided a di
vision of the land.
The provincial newspapers are urgently
demanding that the government take
energetic measures to check the move
ment before it is too late.
First Army Sustains Many Attacks
From the Pursuers.
GUNSHU PASS (About 166 Miles
North of Mukden). March 19. (Morn
ing.) The First army, which lias been
covering the retreat of Russian forces
from the south, is withdrawing slowly,
checking decisively attacks by the Jap
anese. The Japanese are conducting a
flanking operation on the right and
from the Russian column Japanese bat
teries are visible, keeping pace a short
distance away.
The Red Cross detachments at all of
the Intermediate stations to Harbin
are working night and day, operating,
bandaging and feeding the wounded.
The Chinese population are leaving
Gunshu Pass for Klrin and the labor
Question is therefore growing critical,
though Chinese receive the unprece
dently high wages of 40 to 50 cents a
Saturday, while the correspondent
was proceeding almost with the rear
guard, he stopped at a Chinese village,
where several natives came to the com
manding officer and asked permission
to accompany the column with their
families, saying the women feared the,
Japanese, who treated them worse than
did the Chinese bandits. Practically
the entire illage, accepted, the offi
cers' permission to accompany the rear
The Japanese have ordered all Chi
nese in Mukden having- Russian money
to appear at the police station and ex
change paper and silver money for Jap
anese notes Issued especially for Man
churia? The mistake was made "before the
destruction of several Russian commis
sariat depots of Issuing spirits' to pri
vate soldiers to whom officers had
given requisition slips.
Metropolitan Arraigns Russians on
Vanity and Impiety.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 20. (2:35 A.
M.). Metropolitan Antonlous has issued a
remarkable pastoral address arraigning
the Russians of today for vanity, frivol
ity, dissipation and impiety, the Just pun
ishment of which is humiliation of the
nation and. preaching repentance and the
fear of God.
"It is not the first time." the pastoral
says, "that on holy Russia has fallen dire
misfortunes; but then Russia was a
wholly different country, strong in the
love of holy religion and Impregnable in
devotion to the Emperor and the father
land. Now, while carrying on a great
war. Instead of congregating in, a spirit of
high and self-denying patriotism, internal
dissension reigns in the land, everything
Is overthrown, science is neglected and
what is holy is trampled upon.
"During the carnival days last week,
while our heroes were dying in unequal
combat, watering the battle-fields with
their blood, we dared even then abandon
ourselves to the usual excess and days of
feasting and unseemly dissipation. "With
right we are despised by all, mocked at
by all the peoples of the earth. "Wake,
then, holy orthodox Rusela; fear God;
cleanse thyself from the stain of the foul
ness of thy sins: repnt. enlighten thy
self, and God will give thee grace."
Japanese In High Spirits.
TERS. IN THE FIELD, via Fusan (un
dated). Everything now appears to be In
favor of the Japanese. They have a mag
nificent army in the highest spirits, which
Is rapidly recuperating from the efTects
of the recent battle, and which is fully
equipped with everything necessary for
Manchurian campaigning. Including great
quantities of supplies, accumulated dur
ing the -Winter, together with several
lines of communication and the best sea
son of the year before them.
Mistake Over Damage Claim.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 20. (3:35 A.
M.). The Russian press Is bitterly attack
ing the claim for damages for the sinking
of the British steamer Knight Command
er, on the theory that the demand is for
exemplars' damages put forward by the
British government In violation of Inter
national law and entirely apart ,from the
owner's claim, whereas the fact Is that
it is stanply the owner's claim, the mis
apprehension having been created by er
roneous report in English papers.
Torment and Tragedy in Poland.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 20. Henryk
Sicnklewlcz. the Polish novelist, publishes
today an article dealing with the Polish
school question, in' which he describes
school life in Poland as a "round of cha
grin, torment and tragedy." He adds:
"The years of youth are years of suf
fering and torment. It is only the fear
that their children might become social
pariahs that makes parents wish them to
obtain certificates."
Will Instruct In Submarines. .
BALTIMORE, Md..' -March ISTwo ex
pert machinists of this city will leave to
morrow for Ubau, where they will put
together and Instruct the future crews in
the management of four lake submarine
boats already on th.elr way to Russia,
they having been shipped in sections.
Theater Accident at Santiago.
The accident which occurred in the
Lyric Theater here Saturday night was
caused by the collapse of the gallery.
An anti-Catholic meeting was being
held at the timer Four persons vtczp
"killed and a great number Injured.
Why Conservatives of Russia
Want No Parliament.
Vladimir Gringmuth Shows by An
alogy That Parliament Would
Allow Undigested Nationali
ties to Destroy lt3 Unity.
ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 2S. (Corre
spondence of the Associated Press.) Much
has been said and written to show the ad
visability and even necessity of changing
the form of government of the Russian
state from an absolute monarchy to some
form of constitutionalism, but there is a
strong party within the empire which be
lieves that the only salvation for Russia
rests in the retention, for the present, at
least, of the existing form of government.
One of the ablest advocates of this view
is Vladimir Gringmuth. editor Tand pub
lisher of the Moscow Viedomosti. the lead
ing conservative organ, from whom the
Associated Press has secured the follow
ing article, setting forth one phase of the
argument against sweeping changes.
Mr. Gringmuth takes the view that to
hold together the vast empire, absolutism
and autocracy are Imperatively necessary,
that jjnder the influence of constitutional
ism and a parliamentary form of govern
ment the centrifugal forces would prove
too strong to be resisted by the present
bonds which unite the Russian peoples to
their Emperor. He says:
A full and accurate answer to the question,
why autocracy Is Indispensable to Russia,
'would fill a volume, eo many are tb reasons
which could to given to prove that RuNsla
cannot exist without the autocratic power of
Its Emperors. Among- these are forces of his
torical, geographical, ethnological, religious,
ethical and psychological nature, the latter of
which could hardly be presented la a clear and
convincing- fashion to those who hare not
studied Russia, closely at first hand and fa
mlllarixed memselves with the spiritual and
Intellectual qualities of the Russian people.
For these reasons I shall not attempt to dis
cuss tbe latter caucc -within the limits of
this sketch, the readers of which, unacquainted
With Russia, might easily take the dep convic
tions of a Rustlan for Idle talk. Inconsistent
with reality. I shall, therefore, restrict myself
to answering the question from the viewpoint
ot historical facta.
Force of National Unity.
First of all. to simplify the reasoning, let me
restate the question and ask: Why would a
parliamentary system cause the downfall of
Russia? This Involves no change In the sub-
stance of the psoblem. for, as a parliamentary
srstem must be the comer-stone of any con
stitutional regime, to prove that parliamen
tarism would wreck the Russian state will in
volve the corollary that autocracy is indispen
sable to this oountry.
My readers probably know that every civil
ized state must In Its evolution pass through
the following stages: Autocracy, constitution,
republic. This proposition may be considered
axiomatic by all who have in mind the history
of the past two centuries in Western Europe
and America. But one circumstance which
always accompanies such an evolution may
have been overlooked, a circumstance which,
with two exception. of which I shall speak
later, has helped the progress of all countries
and saved them from dissolution. I refer to
the existing centripetal force of a nation. The
more typical examples of this are Germany
and Italy, where tbe evolution from absolutism
to constitutionalism' went band In hand with
the powerful national tendency to mite in one
etrong whole.
In France, likewise, alt the great govern
mental upheavals, from the downfall of the
monarchy in 1783 to tbe establishment of the
republic In 1870. were accompanied by a strong
nationalistic feeling, and no one even thought
of the dismemberment of France, that France
which through the policy of Richelieu and
Louis XIV was -so firmly bound together that
even the German Alsace felt Itself an Integral
part. No need to mention the smaller states,
such as Greece. Belgium, Holland, which rep
resent etrongly united entitles, incapable of
division, since they have no parts.
And who does not know of the Ideal national
energy, of Switzerland, which will always re
main one. though composed of three different
Nationality Resisting Union.
But now for the other side of the picture. In
Great Britain we already see signs of an in
sufficient centripetal force, due to an limits
oient feellBg of national unity. In the eigh
teenth century it lost it American colonic
and the present relation of the mother eoantrj
to its foreign poscensions is weakening to
ouch an extent that the. very name of British
"Empire" is becoming questionable. We will
say nothing of Ireland, that eternal pen
wound in the body politic of the "empire."
In the same manner the relations between
Sweden and Norway are constantly growing
weaker; these two countries could not unite
into one -whole in 1614. and now they will
never do no. But the most striking example
of centrifugal, anti-government force la offered
by the Austro-llungarian monarchy. During
the unlimited autocracy of tbe Hapeburga
(since 16S0) It presented one political whole,
firmly united under that system; but when la
the year 184 S the era of democratic constitu
tionalism began, the monarchy was shaken to
Its very foundations.
Hungary separated from Austria, retaining
only an outward tie -which, if not today, will
tomorrow be broken. The Hapsburga have
forever lost the Italian province, have been
driven from Germany, and the Austria of today
represents a rabble of antagonistic national
ities, rendering aa Ideal political life Impos
sible. Ah Professor Gumplovlch. of Grata, an
expert In state law and sociology, writes:
"in Austria the parliamentary system has
existed now these 40 years and more, and what
Is the lesson it has taught us? That a parlia
mentary system for Austria Is an utter Im
practicability. It was transplanted hither from
the "Vect. but took no root. The more the
strength ot Germanic elements decreased and
that of the other nationalities grew, the clearer
could It be jeen that national struggles make
parliamentarism Impossible. Political and so
cial parties are possible In a parliament not
national. For a struggle between nationalities
to In every way different from a struggle be
tween parties within a nation."
Parliament Would Wreck Russia.
As with Austro-Hungary on a comparatively
email ecale. so with Russia on a colossal one,
and the peril with -which parliamentarism men
aces Russia is. therefore, infinitely greater
than that which the Hapsburglaa state faces.
The Rurslan empire is vast, but Its vastnem
Is still of very recent origin. Its western and
eastern frontier possession Finland, the Bal
tic provinces, Poland, the Caucasus and tne
Central Asian regions have not only not yet
assimilated themselves with Russia proper, but
they do not even desire to do to; they entertain
hopes of an independent national and even po
litical existence.
In view of this, their centrifugal force Is
much mora powerful and Intense than tiftt of
the smaller nationalities of Austria, -which can
not even think of complete political Independ
ence outside of the Hapsburg sway, those frag
ments of the Italian and Servian peoples who
are endeavoring to join themselves to the Ital
ian and Servian kingdoms alone excepted.
Let us now suppose that the autocracy, -whlcn
has created and preserved In Its entirety the
great united Russian empire, be swept away
and In Its place be substituted constitutional
parliamentarism. "What takes place la this
parliament? A process of disintegration as in
Its Austrian prototype, the fragments arraying
themselves, not Into political, but Into national
parties, which enter into an Implacable conflict
among themselves. This conflict -will put a
stop to the whole march of political life, and
will end only when all Russia has been redaced
to shattered fragments. In other words -when
Russia has ceased to exist.
Bulwark Against Tellow Race.
Such a prospect la of course, a consummation
devoutly to be wished for by all the enemies
of Ruesla. but we Russian conservatives look
with horror upon the prospect of such a fate,
and are endeavoring with all -our strength to
avert it. Sat the present enemies of Russia
There are plenty of pleasure outside the
home offered young people nowadays, and
you will learn some time that they are
determined to have them. It remains
with you to decide whether they will en
joy them in their own home or seek them
in those of others or elsewhere. The
means of making your own home just as
pleasant as any one else is now within
the reach of every one
There is absolutely no excuse now for
not possessing a good piano. Prices on
fine pianos to club members are smaller
than they have ever been heretofore, and
terms of "payment are marvelously low
and easy. Everything Is in your favor
now. Investigate and you cannot fail to
realize this.
Let this sale make a new epoch In your
home life. Bring music Into it and have
your children enjoy the advantages pos
sessed by other people's youngsters.
For 5117 (Club A) you can purchase a
new warranted piano that could not or
dinarily be purchased for less than $300.
and payments are only S3 cash and $1.23
a week. Prices In this club range on up
to 212, this latter price being for pianos
that sell regularly for $325.
The saving is Just as great and frequent
ly greater upon every piano In our seven
other clubs. Club "C" embraces 205 of the
average highest-grade pianos that are
found In the greatest number ot homes
and that sell regularly for from $3c0 to
$450. Prices to club members on these
pianos are $217 to $335, according to the
grade and make, and will be delivered on
deposits of $12.50 cash and weekly pay
ments of only $2.
In Club "F" are some astonishing bar
gains In used pianos taken in exchange
by us from people who .wanted dicker
ing. Weber or Kimball pianos or Pianola
Pianos. Here is to be found one or more
of almost every American make at prices
ranging from $133 to J1S0. Payments In
this club are $10 cash and $1.75 weekly.
Remember, this sale is within eleven
days of the .finish. April 3 it closes. Don't
let the days slip by without looking into
this. Come in today. A little investi
gation costs you nothing and it can save
you much. Eilers Piano House, 331 "Wash
ington street, corner Park.
In Western Europe would do well to consider
that they would also soon begin to feel the
consequences of the disappearance of great,
powerful Russia, then no longer able to resist
the menacing yellow Invasion, which would
sweep over its remnants to fall upon Europe
with all its destructive force.
Tblf, In a few words. Is one ot tbe chief
reasons why Russia needs autocracy, under
which, as has been shown by the history of
ages. Russia has been aWa to fulfill with such
success her great task. Parliamentarism, on
the other hand, would destroy Russia's Integ
rity, and with it Russia herself. L repeat once
more that I have here touched upon but one
of the principal reasons why autocracy Is neces
sary to Russia, that very external reason which
can be most easily understood by foreigners
unacquainted with Russia. Other reasons, ot
a more domestic character, would demand, as
I said above, too detailed and complicated
exptanat! ons.
Postponement of the. Russian Loan
Helps to Weaken Money Market.
LONDON, March 19. The recent
firmness and buoyancy of the stock
market has given way to some weak
ness or natural reaction, due partly to
the postponement of the Russian loan
and the feeling of unrest In Paris,
which was manifested in the selling in
that quarter brought about by events
in Manchuria. Money was kept short
last week by the requirements of the
stock exchange settlement and the flo
tation ot various new issues of bonds,
but supplies will become greater next
month, because of the postponement
of tbe Russian loan, which will cause
French banks to find difficulty in prof
itably employing their abundance at
home and naturally will Increase, the
balance "here, while the huge reserve
of the Bank of England points to prob
abilities of ease In tbe near future.
The conclusion of the heavy settle
ment showed a large bull account for
a rise; which the bears promptly took
advantage of. The speculative Ameri
can market, which recently has been
thought top heavy, being, perhaps, the
least sensitive and yielding to a larger
extent than the others, shows the most
loss on the week, though it finished
firmer under renewed support from the
Bigger Than French Battleships.
PARIS. March 19. La Province, the
splendid new ship of the French Line,
will be launched March 22. at St. Naz
al re. She will be the largest French
ship afloat, being of 19,160 tons, exceed
ing the tonnage of the largest French
battleship by 4500 tons.
Guards at Vesuvius Crater.
NAPLES. March 19. The activity of
Mount Vesuvius continues. The desire of
tourists to approach the crater, notwith
standing the danger, is so urgent that
extra guards have been stationed to pre
vent their passage. Detonations from tho
volcano are heard a long distance.
Inspection of Horses Ordered.
ST. PETERSBURG. March 19.-ln con
nection with the mobilization of a new
army an Imperial decree orders an in
spection of tbe horses in 22 districts of
the military divisions of Odessa, "Warsaw
and Moscow.
Mexican Dealers Charge There Is a
Trust at Work.
MEXICO CITY. March 19. Meat deal
ers are exercised over the rise in the
price of meat, which has been ad
vanced from 25 to 50 per cent in the
last month, and charge that there Is a
meat trust at work. The situation is
serious, as meat is almost beyond tho
means of the lower classes.
Railroad Incorporation Filed.
MEXICO CITY. March 19. Articles
Of incOfDOration for the T? In flrana
Sierra Madre & Pacific Railway, cap
italized at $3,000,000, have been filed
Cable to Be Laid to Galveston.
MEXICO CITY. March 19. The Mex
ican Cable Company is about to lay
a cable from Galveston to Coatzacoal
cos, about S00 miles.
Rebecca Jones Spent a Year in Jail
for Contempt of Court.
BALLSTON. N. T.. March 19. Mi -Re
becca Jones, who attained wide celebrity
some -o years ago m New York by refus
ing to answer questions In the Surro
gate's Court in the Gordon Fnmmnit
will contest, and suffered Imprisonment
over one year for contempt without yield
ing, died nere today aged 83 years.
Miss Jones for over 30 years was the
trusted servant of the Gordon Hammers
ley family. She was called as a witness
In the will contest and refused in iniw
questions regarding the family. The mil
lions went to tne widow of Louis Ham
mcrsley, afterward Duchess of Marlbor
ough and now Lady Beresford.
Big increase in Tax Roll.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. March 19. Soe-
ciaL) County Assessor Thrift says the
new assessment roll ot Coos County for
this year will be between $3,000,000 and
$10,000,000. This is nearly three times
what it was in 1S0L The increase is pro
portionate on all property. Improved
farm lands are Increased from $20 to ISO
.per acre.
Today 10 A. M. to 12 Noon
Hand-made Chiffon Braid
Street and Untrimmed Hats
Another exeat
a much better one than last week's special in a bargain
Three big tables filled with, ready-to-wear Hats, Street Hats, Untrimmed Hats, which
need but little trimming to complete them, and many other styles equally good. A few
details follow : Hand-made chiffon and fancy braid hats made over wire frames, the
brims of tucked and shirred chiffon, the crown of silk braid, hand-made, tailor-made
straw hats with trimmings of velvets, quills and ornaments. A shape for every face, a
color to suit every taste. We suggest that you come here sharply at 10 6'clock early
comers have best' choosing. All in all the most remarkable hat special you've ever had
a chance to buy.
Covert Jackets Special
tEW -Keaay toaay m tne uioaic More, a great special m the most
ui mc season: covert jacsets. ine jackets we otter at $i:.oU are well wortn several col
lars more.
Made of fine tan covert cloth. 22 inches loner, collarless and notch
(fancy braid trimmed, full leg-o
$10 Silk Petticoats Special at $7.29
No other garment is so
and rustle. We offer a remarkable value in silk petticoats for today.
Petticoats made of high-grade, all-silk taffeta the deep flounce is tucked and hemstitched
finished with pinked ruching and dust ruffle. Choice of changeable greens and purples, solid Parsifal
blue, tan, pink, gray, reseda and lavender.
$3.50 Mexican Drawnwork Waists $1.98
If you would buy dainty white waists the sort you'll want when warmer weather
comes at $1.50 less than real value, come here today.
These waists are made of fine white lawns the finest of exquisite Mexican drawnwork, with three side
plaifs to each side; the back of fine tucks and side plaits; the sleeves in the latest leg-o '-mntton
effect with tucked cuffs. Genuine $3.50 waists on sale today at
85c Belts 25c 35c Handkfs. at 17c
1 Today we place on sale
Goods Store S00 silk, leather and taffeta
Belts, plain and plaited, with gilt and sil
ver buckles; regular prices are 50c, 65c,
75c and 85c, now on sale today at the
veryjow price of 25i
Yellow Fever
Problems to Be Overcome by'the Administration
How Red Tape in the Commission Blocked
Sanitary Reform.
WHEN the American people un
dertook the great work at Pan
ama, It was with full knowl
edge of the history of the French
company. The first danger to be met
lay In the sanitary condiUons of the
'Isthmus. It was known that yellow
fever, practically extirpated from Ha
vana by the work of the American, was
rife In Panama and Colon. The other
great tropical disease, malarial fever,
equally recognised as preventable by
modern means, was admitted to be spe
cially severe and frequent in the canal
zone. Dangers known, remedies recog
nized, cost of extirpation a matter of
estimate by experienced men, common
sense, apart from the conscience of all
whose duty It became to arrange for
the work, would dictate that the very
first, the preparatory measures to be
taken, consisted In sanitary work. To
attract hundreds and thousands of men
of all classes to this unhealthy, well
nigh poisonous region, and to put life
and health at needless risk, without
previous sanitary preparation, would
seem idiotic, if not criminal. The purse
of the American nation was behind the
enterprise; therefore the cost of these
necessary measures could not be an ob
stacle to their energetic pursuance,
without rest or stoppage, until precau
tion was complete, and the engineering
and constructive difficulties of the
scheme could be met and overcome in
their due course.
So plainly was this seen by the Presi
dent and his responsible adviser, the
Secretary of War, that it was proposed
to appoint as a member of the commis
sion Colonel Gorgas, )the sanitary offi
cer, carrying the prestige of the suc
cessful work at Panama, whose reputa
tion was more than national; it was
world-wide. This step had the In
dorsement of the medical profession of
the United States. But In order to
secure unity and responsible and
prompt action, it was considered better
by the'President to suggest formally to
the commislon that" the medical depart
ment should be organized under one
supreme medical officer, and to this
post Colonel Gorgas was appointed.
His chief associate was Major La
Garde, who had served with him In
Cuba, and Lieutenant Lyster and Dr.
Carter, also' of recognized ability In
tropical sanitation, were given respon
sible positions.
The medical department being so of
ficered, it might be assumed that it
should be set to work without needless
Interference, and with entire confidence
In the measures It directed as prompt
ed by knowledge, experience, and a
deep sense of responsibility. That the
Canal Commislon should venture on a
course in direct contravention of the
President's well-considered Instruc
tions, entailing more than embarrass
ment, even the failure of the plans of
the medical department, and carrying
within it continuance of the perils to
life and health above Indicated, would
see'm incredible if the facts, alleged
were not supported by irrefragible evi
dence. It cannot be too strongly stated that
only imminent danger to the Indi
viduals sent or attracted to the Jsthmua
"by prospect of most Interesting and re
sponsible work In the engineering and
construction department, was Involved,
but also confusion delay, and embar
rassment in this vitally important en
terprise, amounting to national dis
grace. Information of the existence, of such
conditions having reached President
-xL "
two - hour millinery special today.
'-mutton sleeve, full satin lined.
dear to the feminine heart as the
in the Leather
We place on sale today 200 dozen women's
sheer linen lawn hemstitched Handker
chiefs with hand embroidered initials;
the real 35c quality, at the exceptionally
low price of, each XT
at Panama
Roosevelt and Secretary Taft, coinci
dent with the first report of the com
mission, dated December 1, 1904, steps
were at once taken by them to ascer
tain the facts by the report of a highly
qualified and experienced representa
tive. Dr. Charles A. L. Ileed, chairman
ot the Legislative committee of the
American Medical Association, was se
lected to go to the Isthmus and exam
ine and report on the state of affairs
there. His report, dated at Washington
on March 2. 1905, has just been made
public. This competent observer's
statement covers the whole ground.
With an abundance of corroborative
detail he supports the following con
clusions: .
"Instead of a free hand in devising and
carrying forward promptly and energet
ically the sanitary measures needed to
make the ground safe for the engineering
and constructive work, the commission In
stituted as late as August 23, 1904. the
framework of "regulations" under which
alone Colonel Gorgas and his staff could
operate. Thus, to quote Dr. Reed, "The
chief sanitary officer, whom and whose
department the medical profession had
asked to be made largely autonomous
whom and which the President himself
had obviously intended should be largely
autonomous, was. by the action of the
commission, more especially Mr. Grunsky.
subordinated to 'the Governor of the Zone,
to the chief disbursing officer, to the chief
of the bureau of material and supplies, to
-Mr. Grunsky. to the commission, to the
Secretary of War, to the President." And
this, he says, "is the state of affairs in
the isthmus .today."
Result: "St Major La Garde, superin
tendent of Ancon Hospital, makes a requi
sition for supplies, he must make it in
due form, take It for approval to the
chief sanitary officer, then to the Gover
nor of the zone, then to the chief disburs
ing officer, whence it goes to the com
mission at Washington, then to Mr. Grun
sky as committeeman, then back to the
commission, then. If allowed, bids are ad
vertised 'for, awards are made, the requi
sition is filled binder the supervision of a
purchasing agent notoriously ignorant of
the character and quality of medical sup
plies, then the material is shipped to the
isthmus, consigned to the chief of the
bureau of materials and supplies, who no
tifies the disbursing officer, who notifies
Colonel Gorgas. who -notifies Major La
WonderfuLChange In a Night
In -a Month Face was
Clear as Ever.
"I had eczema on the face for five
months, dnricg which timelwas in the
care of physicians. My face was so dis
figured I could not go out, and it was
going from bad to worse. A friend
recommended Cuticnra. The first
night after I washed my face with
Cuticura Soap, and used. Cuti crura
Ointment and Resolvent, it changed
wonderfully, prom that day I was
able to go out, and in a month the
treatment had removed all scales and
scabs, and my face was as clear as ever,
(sigsed) T. J. Soth, 317 Staeg Street,
Srooxlym. N. Y."
We feel certain that it is
at $12.50
popular woman s garment
collar effects, cloth strapped.
silk petticoat with its swish
Garde, who applies to the Quartermaster
for transportation," arid so ultimately all,
or so much of the requisition- as may not
have been stopped on the way by one or
other of these departments, reaches the
Similarly the efforts of Colonel Gorgas.
with the earnest support of Mr. Wallace,
the head of the Engineering Department,
to provide drainage and water supply for
the cities of Colon and Panama, the clean
ing of the streets, the drainage- ot fes
tering water pools, the abolition of the
cisterns whence come th"k germs of yel
low fever and malarial fever, have been
Impeded or frustrated. Choked by red
tape Is the record up to the date of Dr.
Smith's report of all these most Impor
tant measures.
Meanwhile, yellow fever and malarial
fever are abroad and already claiming
their victims a terrible responsibility. No
wonder that President Roosevelt and' Sec
retary Taft are up in arms and laying the
ax to the root of the tree. There scem3
something in the very essence of a "com
mission" that tends to confusion and im
becility In results. W. X.
Pope Lunches With His Sister.1
ROME, March 19. Today being hi
name day, Eope Plus X received thou
sands of .congratulations In person and
by message and celebrated mass in the
presence of a few Intimate friends. His
Holiness lunched with his sister and
later received the sacred college In his
library and thanked the cardinals for
their good wishes, without, however,
delivering a formal address, as was
the custom of Pope Leo XHI, who
chose such occasions for addressing the
world through the cardinals. '
The Catholic Club presented to Pope
Pius fruit and flowers arranged in the
form of a gondola, symbolizing both
Venice and a fisherman's boat.
Largest Blast Furnace in World.
ANACONDA, Mont., March 19. Ths
largest blast furnace in the world was
put Into successful operation here today
at the Washoe smelter. The big furnace
is as large as three of the ordinary size,
having an inside measuremenof 51 feet
by 06 inches The blast Is fed by 88 tuyers,
and In 24 hours charges of ore aggregat
ing 200O tons are turned into copper matte.
Give isttant relief in
Nasal Catarrh allay
Inflammation, xoatha
and heal mucous membrane, nr eaten the breath.
Best jrarde for sera throat. SOc Druggists oraail.
Quickly relieve Sour
1 Kansea. all forms otl
Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Snsar-eoated tahletaj
10c. or 25c. cCl. Hood Co., Lowell. JaassJ
IZ aiada by Xiood. It's Good.
Tutt's Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Tried Friends Best"
Forthirty yearsTutt s Pills have
proven ablessingtothe invalid.
Are truly the sick man's friend,
A Known Fact
For bilious headache, dyspepsia
sour stomach, malaria,constipa
tion and all kindred diseases.