Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1905, Image 1

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    Jttwttitt $ mm
VOL.XLT. NO. 13,815.
Chief Mprmon Afraid of
Being Led Into Trap,
Denied This Before Congress
ional Investigators.
Ex-Senator Cannon Cast Out as Anti
Christ That He. May Have More
Liberty to Express Himself
Outside the Fellowship.
SALT TAKE CITY, Utah, March 13.
CSpeclal.) President Joseph F. Smith, of
the Mormon Church, today spoke In de
fense of himself and the position taken by
him on the witness stand before the
Smoot Investigating committee In Wash
ington. In his testimony President
Smith stated that, since becoming presi
dent of the church he had not received
any revelations. ,
Smith today said that he had had -revelations
in the past, and still continued
to have them. The reason "why he de
nied the fact before the committee was
because "they were trying to lead him
into a trap." Without mentioning names,
President Smith replied to the criticism of
himself by ex-Senator Frank J. Cannon
and Charles A. Smurthwalte. He spoke
of detractors as "antl-Christs." He said:
"In Washington I refused to say what
my inquisitors wanted me to say In or
der to get me Into a trap; that is to say
that God had given me revelations on
some new law or precept which was to
be included and written in the laws of the
church. Did you ever hear me deny that
I had been guided by God? No; no man
ever heard me say this.
Revealed at Baptism.
"When I was first baptized, God re
vealed to me that I 2iad done an ect of
which He approved.
"That was a revelation to me, and It
has been -a stay'and a staff to me In all
roy daily walks. God revealed to me that
Joseph Smiln was a prophet. He re
vealed to me that Brigham Young suc
ceeded to the presidency rightfully: and r
would not he without that revelation for
all the gold in all the world. He revealed
to me also that other presidents since
then have succeeded rightfully."
"I fervently believe that God has made
manifest to me many glorious things and
much more wisdom than is Inherent In
myself, and will continue to do so as long
as I am ready to listen when he speaks."
Speaking in his defense against charges
that have been made by .Mormons that
the president -of the church exercises
tyranny over members, he said:
Out With the Antl-Christs.
"Don't forget that from time to time
antl-Christs will come amongst you, men
who have corrupted and wasted their own
lives. God will deal with them. Only we
cannot live together with them. We must
dlsfellowship the antl-Christs, those who
raise their hands against God.
"Do we Interfere with their liberty of
speech when we dlsfellowship them? Not
at all, no; we only give them the more
liberty. We cut them loose, turn them
adrift, let them go. As long as they re
main in our fellowship they are neces
sarily restrained in their speech. We give
them freedom, we dlsfellowship them.
No member of the church of the Latter
Day Saints of Jesus Christ need have his
liberty curtailed. Tho antl-Christs re
lerrcd are presumably curtailed."
The antl-Christs referred to are pre
sumably ex-United States Senator Frank
J. Cannon and Charles A. Smurthwalte.
who have both attacked President Smith
recently, and Cannon was excommuni
cated, while Smurthwalte's case Is pend
ing. Apostles Penrose, editor of the Des
eret News, and Francis M. Lyman fol
lowed in defense of the president of the
, church. The latter spoke almost entirely
of Mr. Smith's goodness and powers. One
sentence was: "Whatever the Lord has
to say. Ho will have no difficulty in speak
ing through President Joseph F. Smith."
Revelation Among the Mormons.
Penrose explained what the Mormons
mean by the word "revelation, and how
their meaning of the' word differs from
the idea, which the word conveys In the
Old Testament. There MoseS had rev
elations, in which he saw God face to
face, and spoke to Him mouth to mouth.
The Mormons do not believe, according to
tho speaker, in such revelations at the
present day. A Mormon revelation is "the
spirit of God working within him." Con
tinuing, tho apostle said:
"As the prophets of the olden time had
one kind of revelations from God, so do
the prophets of today have another kind.
Joseph Smith believed In the living work
of God. Those who have succeeded him
have the same belief. They themselves
are prophets of tho Most High God, great
as any of the Eastern Hemispheres.
When President Joseph F. Smith said
that he did not have revelations, it was
in reply to a question from men who
would not understand the meaning of the
revelations. They were trying to lead
him Into a trap. They meant the rev
elations such as Moses had."
Embassador's Search for Jones' Body
PARIS, March 19. The adjournment
of Congress without making an ap
propriation for the recovery of the re
mains of Paul Jones, has not Inter
rupted the search. Ambasador Porter
has unofficially conducted the search
for tho Jast six years, personally meet
ing the expense. After determining that
the body was buried in St. Louis ceme
tery the Ambassador purchased the
right to make the necessary excava
tions, running subterranean galleries
under the buildings. This has already
resulted in the exploration of a quarter
of the cemetery.
Although it is possible the coffin may
have been surreptitiously removed. It
Is the Ambassador's intention to ex
plore thoroughly every portion of the
cemetery, so as to procure either the
remains or forever settle the question
of their recovery.
Frotest Entered by Italian Govern
ment for Operatinj Company.
NEW YORK, March 19. The Herald
this morning prints the folowlng dis
patch from Port of Spain, Trinidad:
News has reached Port of Spain that
the Governor of Barcelona, Vonezuela,
has received from President Castro or
ders to take possession at onco of the
coal mines of Guantanaricual, situated
near Barcelona, and leased In 3898 for
33 years by the "Venezuelan govern
ment to an Italian company.
The same day the Venezuelan 'troops
took possession of the mines by armed
force, as in the similar case of the
New York & Bermudese Company, this,
notwithstanding the protest of the Ital
ian government.
This action has been taken without
a judgment of the court of Caracas.
The Italian legation has been noti
fied and Baron Aliottl, Italian charge
d'affaires, Is represented as having en
tered a protest.
Colorado Sails In a Hurry."
NORFOLK, Va., March 19. The
cruiser Colorado sailed from Hampton
Roads this afternoon. It is under
stood she Is bound for Venezuelan
waters, though reports have her going
to join the combined fleet near Pensa
cola. The Colorado has not completed
the crew she Is supposed to leave this
port with, despite the fact that men In
tended for other ships In the Caribbean
squadron have been sent to her.
Three expert torpedo men were sent
to the cruiser from the League Island
navy-yard. They left Philadelphia yes
terday morning. The order for these
torpedo experts was received In a per
sonal telegram from Secretary Morton
and the men were taken from the tor
pedo boat Hopkins, now at the League
Island navy-yard.
The men from the League Island yard
were selected by Rear Admiral Dickens,
who is ranking officer at that station,
and to whom the order from Secretary
Morton was sent.
WASHINGTON, March 19. It Is be
lieved here in well-Informed naval cir
cles that the Colorado is bound for the
maneuvers about Guantanamo and
that she is now going to Venezsla.
This Government has vessels at Guata
namo and it is believed one of theso
ships would be sent If any were to go.
Bowen Wires of Protest.
WASHINGTON. March 19. Minister
Bowen. at Caracas has cabled the State
Department that the French Minister at
that place has protested to the Venezu
elan Minister of Foreign Affairs against
the action of the government, which has
given. notice to the French .Cable Com
pany of Its intention to annul its1 conces
sions and pelze its property.
The nature of the protest Is not given,
nor are there any details in Mr. Bowen's
Sigsbee to Join Barker's Fleet. .
WASHINGTON, March 19. Word has
reached the Navy Department from Ad
miral Sigsbee of hie departure in his flag
ship, the Newark, from Santo Domingo
waters to Guantanamo to join the fleet
of Admiral Barker. Tho movement Is
simply In accordance with the itinerary
heretofore mapped out.
Secretary Morton Going to Cuba.
CHARLESTON. S. C, March 19. The
dlspatcn-boat Dolphin arrived here today,
and is waiting for Secretary of the Navy
Paul Morton and party, who will embark
for Guantanamo, Cuba. Secretary Mor
ton and friends will arrive at noon to
morrow. Rights of Cable Company.
PARIS, March 19. A Caracas dispatch
says that the French Minister to Vene
zuela has vigorously insisted that Presi
dent Castro should respect the cable com
pany's rights. No further details of the
communication have been received.
Arrangements for Funeral of General
J. R. Hawley at Hartford.
HARTFORD. Conn., March 19. The
funeral of General Joseph R. Hawley
will be held in this city Tuesday. The
special car bearing the body will arrive
Monday. The body will be escorted to
the state Capitol by the Grand Army,
accompanied by Governor Roberts and
Mayor Heney, and will lie in state in
the rotunda until Tuesday afternoon.
The General Assembly will recon
vene Tuesday and it is practically ar
ranged that the two houses will ko
into joint convention where they will
be addressed by Governor Roberts.
Then they will adjourn for tho day.
From the Capitol the body will be
escorted by military organizations to
Asylum Hill Congregational Church,
where services will be conducted. The
burial will be at Cedar Hill Cemetery.
Special places will be reserved at the
church for present and ex-state offi
cers, survivors of. Hawleys old Sev
enth Regiment, the state judiciary, the
delegation in Congress and the G. A. R.
Exercises at the church will begin at
. Simple Services at Washington.
WASHINGTON. March 19. Brief fu
neral services were held today over the
remains of General Joseph R. Hawley.
They consisted simply In the reading
of the Episcopal prayer for the dead
by Rev. Mr. Harding, of St. Paul's
Episcopal Church. The services were
private, though in addition to the fam
ily there were present a number of in
timate friends, including General Black.
General Greeley and Senators Hans
brough and Wetmore. The honorary
pallbearers were Senators Piatt and
Bulklcy. of Connecticut; General John
M. Wilson and Admiral Van Reypen.
Subsequently the remains were ex
posed to public view and a large num
bcr of persons passed before the cas
ket Tomorrow the body will be taken
to Hartford.
Rights 'Granted Mad Mullah.
HOME, March 19. In concluding peace
with Great Britain through the mediation
of Italy, the Mad Mullah has obtained
permission to occupy indefinitely Ullg. a
village on Italian territory, ICO miles from
Obbla, which was the base of operations
in the last campaign led by General Man
Coast rights are granted to the Mullah
qualified by a prohibition of trade in arms
and slaves.
Four Men and Boy Come
Near Drowning.
Rescued by Tug When About
to Give Up.
James Shivley, Roy Shipley, Frank
Lannlng, C. W. Lannlng and His
N'ine-Year-Old Son "Narrowly
Escape Drowning..
Clinging to the side o? an overturned
boat, in the ml idle of the Columbia
River, James Shivley, Roy Shipley, Frank
Lannlng, C W. Lannlng, and his 9-year-
old son, Ben, were rescued by the tugboat
Star yesterday morning after having been
In the water for fully a half hour and had
given up all hopes of rescue. All are
from Portland and live on tho East Side.
When rescued the men and boy were
nearly exhausted and wereialmost ready
to give up. The boat, which was a. flat
bottomed, narrow ski ft. capsized In mid
stream nearly three-quarters of a mile
from either shore.
The accident took place at a point above
Vancouver at 10:30 o'clock In the morning.
The party had procured the boat to row to
Government Island, where they Intend
ed to spend the day fishing. Before start
ing the men realtzed they were taking
a chance, as the boat was old, and was
not made to scat more than two or three
persons. Everything went satisfactory un
til the boat reached the middle of the
stream, when Shivley, who was rowing,
noticed considerable water in the bottom
which had not been there before they
He asked for a pail to ball out tho
water, when, without warning, the boat
sank, throwing the occupants Into the
water. C. W. Lannlng and his eon, whom
he had clasped in his arms, were the
last ones to leave the boat, and in their
struggles, overturned the craft, to whlon
members of the party owe their lives,
as the boat otherwise would un
doubtedly have gone to the bottom of the
Father and Son- Sank Twice.
C. W. Lannlng and his son had the
narrowest escape, as they both sank
twice before they were able to secure a
hold on the overturned boat, in the
struggles of the men to obtain a hold
the boat was turned over two or three
times and It looked as though it would
not be able to keep all of them above
the water. When C. W. Lannlng fell Into
the river he bad his boy in his arms.
"Hold your breath," he said to his son
when they went under the first time.
They came to the surface and went down
the second time. This time the boy
grabbed his father with his arms around
the neck and wrapped his legs around his
They went down ten or twelve feet,
when Lannlng. realizing they both would
drown unless they were disongaged, tore
the boy loose. This act saved their
lives, as they arose to the surface at the
same time. When the boy came up he
was not excited in the least and did not
seem to realize the danger ho was in.
He did not swallow any water or become
strangled. "I guess we won't go fishing
any more on Sunday," he said to his
father, who bad obtained a hold, and
grabbed him.
Keep Heads Above Water.
By holding to the boat the men were
able to keep their heads above the water.
They immediately commenced to shout
for help. They cried with all their
strength without attracting attention, and
had given up all hope and were about to
resign themselves to their fate when they
heard the whistle of a tugboat. They then
knew thoy would be rescued if they could
hold out a few minutes more, which seem
ed impossible, assail of the men as well as
the boy were uttesly exhausted and be
numbed by the cold waters.
The tugboat Star, which rescued them,
had been stationed at a wharf some
distance away from the scene of the ac
cident. Captain J. E. Nelson, who was in
charge of the tug, had been watching
the overturned skiff several minutes be
fore he put out from the shore. At first ho
thought it was a log floating down the
river, but when he distinguished moving
figures around it, he knew there had
been an accident. When the boat reached
them the men were so exhausted they
had to be assisted over the gunwale.
The Star Is from Portland, having been
down the Columbia for the purpose of
towing barges laden with sand.
Two Spaniels Escape.
A peculiar feature of the accident is
that there wero two cocker spaniels in the
boat at the time it capsized, and that
they escaped drowning. One of the dogs.
which was a mere puppy, climbed up on
the shoulders of Shipley, where It re
mained until the men were rescued. tThe
other dog scrambled up on the bottom of
the overturned boat.
"I never knew how good a tugboat
could look at times until I saw it heading
for us at full steam, blowing her whistle.
said C. W. Lannlng last evening, after he
had recovered from the effects of the ac
cident. "We had about given up all hope.
and I don't believe we could possibly have
gotten to shore if Captain Nelson had not
happened to see us just when he .did. We
were at least three-quart eres of a- mile
from either shore, and. although we
shouted until we were hoarse, we failed
to make anyone hear us.
. "1 was rather afraid of that boat before
we started," he continued. "I told the
boys we better not venture out In it. Even
when we had got several yards out in the
stream I told them it was not safe, and
wanted to return to shore. I felt uneasy
because of my eon, as he was unable to
swim. The rest of the party insisted upon
making the trip, and said we were In no
danger whatever. Although the boat was
old. it was perfectly dry inside when we
left the bank.
When we reached the middle of the
river one of the boys noticed water in
the bottom. That was our first Intima
tion of any danger. The next second the
boat sank Just like a rock. We thought
at first the bottom had fallen out. This
was not the case, however. I think the
end of the boat sprang a leak. That Is
the only way wo can account for It.
Barely Saves His Son.
I bad a hard time saving the boy.
and as he was encumbered with a large
and heavy overcoat and had a fish basket
strapped over his shoulders, which I was
unable to unfasten when we were In the
water, this made him heavier than any
of us when his clothing became soaked.
We went down together twice. The sec
ond time I was compelled to release ilm
from my grasp, as ho had so entangled
my arms and legs that I was unable to
swim to the surface. He came up at al
most the same time I did. Even when
we ail had hold of the boat It looked as
though we would have to swim for shore,
as tho skiff threatened to sink to the
bottom almost any moment. As it was,
all we could do was just to hold on with
our fingers enough to keep our heads
above water. The boat would not have
stood our full weicht.
The boy was as brave aa any of usfT
He didn't lose bis head in the least. He
hung to his fishing rod, which was the
only thing saved. We lost a lot of pro
visions and fishing tackle. When the
crew of the Star pulled my son up with
the aid of a line they had thrown to us,
they said he was the heaviest of any of
us because of his water-soaked over
Tug Comes Just in Time.
"I was fully ten feet under water be
fore I realized we had capsized, so sudden
ly did the accident occur," said Frank
Lannlng last evening. "I only went under
once. When I was under I heard Frank
Shivley yelling. 'Help, help, for God's
sake, help!' I thought he was drowning,
but when I came to the surface he had
hold of the boat. Then we all yelled, but
without effect. I believe we would have
been drowned If Captain Nelson had not
seen us and come to our rescue when he
did. We couldn't possibly have swum to
the shore with all our clothes on."
C. W. and Frank Lannlng are brick
masons, and havo resided In Portland for
years. CW. Lannlng lives at 160 East
Twenty-eighth street, north. His brother
Frank Lannlng, James Shivley and Roy
Shipley, live in the same neighborhood.
Shivley is a harnessmaker. and Shipley is
a painter.
Federated' i-Union Cotrrfrttetee to Call
oh Tnterurban Officials.
NEW YORK, March IS. A committee
has been appointed by the Central Feder
ated Union to call on the officials of the
Intcrbo rough Company find request the
reinstatement of the employes of the sub
way and elevated systems who recently
went on strike.
D. W. Burley, assistant grand chief of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers,
arrived from Cleveland today. He was
sent to Grand Master Stone to do what ho
could in behalf of the motormen.' So far
500 of the 000 strikers are back at work.
The Weather. i
TODAT'S Cloudy to partly cloudy, with show
ers; south to west winds.
TESTERD.A.TS Maximum temperature. 68
der.; minimum 46. Precipitation, 0.29 inch.
The War in the Tar East.
British military experts see chance for Russian
army to be saved. Page 0.
General Llnlevltch report the- capture of Fako-
man, norm, cf Tie Pais. Page 6.
Japanese find no difficulty In tailnr Russian
positions when ordered. Page 5.
Fcellns strong In St, Petersburg toward mak
ing overtures for peac with Japan. Page 3.
Rom la.
"Warnaw workmen take vengeanoe on men who
refused to strike. Page 3. ,
Order to bgtn mobilization of troops will lead
to public outbreak. Page 3.
Peasants In Southern Russia, pillaging estates
and killing landlords. Page 3.
Conservative' Rurstan editor gives argument
against a parliament. Page 3.
Panama. Canal Commission replies to criticisms
made by Dr. C A. L. Heed. Page 4. .
Spirit of graft in certain Government circles.
Page 3.
Some public men believe Commissioner Garfield
was fooled by the Beef Trust, rage 3.
PrwMeni Castro, of Venezuela, seizes coal
mines worked by Italian company. Page 1.
French Minister at Caracas protests on action
of Venezuela, toward cable company. Page J-
Bulgarian bands are hara awing tho Greek fron
tier. Pago 1.
International Chamber of Agriculture meets
with favor in EHrope. Page 1.
Presdtent Smith, of Mormon church, explains
why he denied receiving revelation! before
Smoot investigation committee. Page 1.
Ten rescuers added to 14 slain In explosion in
West Virginia, mines. Page 4.
Erie train goes over bank near Hammond, Ind.;
12 injured, two may die. Page 4.
Ex-Governor Adams given, warm welcome home
to Pueblo. Page 4.
Arrangements for funeral of General Joseph R.
Haw4r at Hartford, Conn. Page. 1.
Paclflo Coast.
Aeronaut killed and companion fatally Injured
at "Wallace. Idaho. Page 1.
Prominent Irrigation lata confer two days at
the University of California. Page 4.
Crook County cattlemen advise organization of
state association. Page 5.
Port land and Vicinity.
Returning officers and men on the Butord tell
of activity by insurroctos In the Philippines.
Page 13.
Four men and a boy narrowly encapo drown-
' lag in the Columbia by capsizing of their
boat. Page 1.
Coroner's jury will investigate the death of
the prisoner whom Detective Day shot, and
manslaughter may be charged. Page 1.
City pastors talk on live themes. Page 9.
Exposition visitors deluged by sadden chowers.
Page 12.
Colin H. Mclsaae returns from the Xast and
announoes great sum of money appropriated
for Fair. Page 9.
E-ldent that Northern Pacific Intends to build
north bank line. Page &
Direct primary law may cauee sudden death of
central committees.
Man -Shot by Detective
Diea in Hospital.
Officer May Face Charge of
Louis Schumer, Shot While Attempt
ing to Escape From Detectives,
Dies From His Wounds) and .
Investigation Will Follow.
May an officer" cf the Police, Depart
ment of the City of Portland with Im
punity shoot a - man. whom he has
arrested on a criminal charge -who tries
to escape?
la such officer immune from any legal
responsibility for his act?
These are two questions the Coroner's
Jury which will Investigate the death
of Louis Schumer, who waa -fatally
wounded by Detective Joe Day's revolv
er, must determine.
A convicted felon who seeks to eecape
may be shot down by officers of 'the law,
who In so doing commit no offense before
the law. but it Is a, question whether
Day, who has the reputation of being
too ready with his revolver, may not
cave to answer for manslaughter for
killing an unconvicted man one merely
charged with an offense, whom he had
placed under arrest.
In this connection, the following statr.
ment from the police manual furnished
ail members of the department, is sig
nificant: "Revolvers of uniform pattern; must be
used by all members of the force, to be .
carried when on duty; they must be used
with great caution, and only in self
defense." LoulB'Schum'er, who was shot by Detec
tive Joe Day at 7:30 o'clock' Friday night,
farhlle' attempting to escape from 'that offi
cer and hla companion. Detective "Werner,
died at Good Samaritan Hospital at 8:20
o'clock last night, from the effects of tUe
gunshot wounds received.
Deputy Coroner A. L. Finley Immediate
ly took charge of the body and ordered It
removed to his undertaking establish
ment, where an autopsy was performed
by City Physician Zan and Assistant City
Physician Slocum. The outcome of this
autopsy was not given out. being reserved
to be introduced in the form of evidence
at the inquest over the body of Schumer,
which will be held either this afternoon or
tonight. District Attorney Manning or
Chief Deputy Moser will be present at the
inquest and will decide whether Detective
Day shall bo held to answer to a charge
of manslaughter.
" Wife Refuses to Visit Him.
Schumer was shot because he passed a
bogus check and attempted to escape
when placed under arrest. Ho died alone,
"his wife even Tefuslng to go to him after
he had been removed' to the hospital. An
attempt was made last night to locate
his parents In Seattle, but it failed. It
was learned that his wife left Portland
for Seattle Saturday morning, when her
husband was lying at the hospital in a
critical condition, and she left no address
to which news of his death could be for
warded. The authorities were informed
that the dead man's parents lived at 3202
Tenth avenue South, Seattle, but a mes
sage to that address was returned read
ing, "No such address."
Friday afternoon Schumer passed a
check for $13.50 on the Pacific HoteL An
hour later the proprietor, W. H. Lehman,
presented the check at the First National
Bank, and was told that Schumer had no
funds in that institution. Lehman then
went to the police station, told his story
and offered to go with officers to Schu
mers home to recover the money. Detec
tives Day and Weiner "were appointed by
Captain ilooro to go with Lehman.
Schumer lived at Eighteenth and Ra
lelgh streets. The officers, together with
Mr. Lehman, got off a car at Eighteenth
and Savler streets, and came face to face
with Schumer, who was awaiting a city
bound car.
That's the man." said Lehman.
Flees From Detectives.
Detective Day stepped forward and
placed Schumer under arrest- The pris
oner asked permission to return home be
fore being taken to the station. This
was denied him. With an oath he broke
and ran.
"Stop, or 111 shoot," shouted Detective
"D you, .you couldn't shoot anything,"
was the response.
Detectives Day and Weiner gavo chase,
Three times Detective Day warned Schu
mer, and then, when the man, did not
halt, raised his revolver and fired. The
bullet struck Schumer in the right heel.
but he continued running. Detective "Wei
ner then fired, without effect. Detective
Day fired again, the ball ball crashed Into
Schumer" s right leg; Just below the knee
and he fell to the ground.
He was ordered removed to the Good
Samaritan Hospital, and Detective "Weiner
sent word to the man's wife that her
husband had been shot and that she had
better remain at home for the time being
and not come to the scene of the tragedy.
"There's no danger of me going down
there," she replied. "I know why he was
shot; he has been passing bad checks.
I was about to leave him because he
wasn't straight, and now I wllL"
Sha did not go to the hospital, thon-gft.
notified that her husband's wounds were
serious, and Saturday morning took the
train for Seattle, In which city she Is now
supposed to be.
Schumcrs Dying Statement.
"I made no attempt 'to resist arrest
when the officers approached me," Schu
mer stated at tho hospital Friday night
when asked for his version of the shoot
ing. "I told them I was willing to go
with them If they would let me return
home first, only half a block away. Day
refused to let me go. I told him I was
going anyway. I started and Day struck
me with his revolver. Then I struck him
with my fist. I then turned up Savier
street, and Day fired. When the second
shot struck me I fell down. The check
was given me and I did not know It was
It has been proved since that Schumer
did know the check was worthless and
that he wrote It himself.
While the physicians who conducted the
autopsy last night would not give out the
result, it was intimated that death re
sulted directly from the gunshot wound,
and was caused by excessive loss of blood
and by a blood clot forming over the
"This is a serious matter," said Deputy
Coroner Finley last night, "and under
the circumstances I think In the inter
ests of Justice and in Justice to Detective
Day an inquest ought to be held. I shall
hold one tomorrow."
Conditions Determine It.
"Every case of this kind must be de
cided by the special conditions surround
ing it," said Deputy District Attorney
Moser last night. "Authorities say that
a man arrested for a felony may be shot
by an officer if the prisoner attempts to
escape, and the officer is powerless to
stop him in any other manner. The idea
conveyed In these authorities Is that the
officer shall use every precaution to wing
the man and to prevent the prisoner's
death. As to shooting a man when arrest
is made on identification and when the
arresting officer ''has no warrant, authori
ties differ in different states and cases.
As I said, it depends on the circumstances
of the particular case. I am not ac
quainted with all the facts in this case
and cannot state now whether J believe
Detective Day exceeded his authority."
When asked last night whether Detec
tive Day would be detained pending an
Investigation, Mr. Moser answered that
he would be subpenaed as a witness at
the inquest, and that his detention would
rest with the Coroner's Jury.
Only In Self-Defense.
The police manual carried by detectives
"has the following to say concerning re
volvers r
'"Revolvers of uniform pattern, must be
used by all members of the force, to be
carried when, on duty; they must be used
with great caution, AND ONLY IN
Louis Schumer, the dead man, was a
physical giant.. Ho was' 6 feet 2 Inches
tall, weighed over 2SG pounds, and . was.
considered by all who knew him to be a
powerful man. By trade he was a team
ster, having worked for several firms In
the city. He had been under police sur
veillance several months prior to his ar
rest by Detective Day, and was looked
upon as a man starting out on what offi
cers call "the check route."
Detective Day's Record.
Detective Day has been a member of
the Portland Police Department for 30
years, being, with but one exception, the
oldest officer on the force, in point of serv
ice. During his tenure of office he has
made many notable arrests, and has also
been frequently made the butt of ridicule
because of eccentric actions In various
While engaged in his official capacity.
Day has, on many occasions, used his re
volver. He is regarded as a man who
will shoot when he warns a prisoner of
his intended action, unless the prisoner
submits. He Is an exceptionally nervous
man, and has often been severely crit
icized for acts committed during the heat
of passion. He Is a strong advocate of
the "stool-pigeon" "system. In vogue here,
and which means the protection of petty
criminals, whose Immunity Is given in re
turn for information of the operation of
professional crooks.
During the past two years Day has had
considerable trouble as an officer. He
was bringing a noted forger from Mon
tana to Portland -more than one year ago
and let him escape. He later recovered
the prisoner, who Is now serving time at
Salem -Penitentiary.
Although the rules of the police depart
ment specify that no officer shall receive
compensation other than. hi3 salary, or
rewards, when passed upon by the Chief
and Executive Board, Day admittedly ac
cepted room and board at a leading hos
telry for many years. For this he has
been criticized, but never punished, or
even reprimanded by his superior officers.
However, ho recently had a fistic en
counter with an employe of the hotel and
left the place.
Greek Village Attacked and Ail the
Male Inhabitants Slain.
CONSTANTINOPLE, March 19. Advices
received from Salonlca state that the
Bulgarian bands are again causing trou
ble and that reports of outrages are com
ing In rapidly. The result of this is that
the relations between Greece and Bulgaria
are again stretched near to the breaking
point, the former government alleges that
the Bulgarian government Is not making
any effort to keep these bands under con
trol but permits them to ravage at will
on condition that they confine their as
saults to Greeks and Turks.
At a monastery near Vodena a band
of armed Bulgarians attacked a party of
Greek priests and the latter must have
been klllled had not a party of Greeks
come to their rescue and attacked the
Bulgarians. Tho latter were beaten back,
leaving 15 dead behind.
Angered at their losses the Bulgarians
attacked the village of Mossimerion and
ruthlessly massacred all of the male in
habitants and carried off the women and
children. They then terrorized the entire
district of Vodena and so far have man
aged to escape tho troops that were sent
to punish 'them.
Kaiser to Visit Morocco.
TANGIER, March 19. The" German
Minister here has been officially not!
fled that Emperor William may visit
Morocco March 31, durinir his cruise of
the Mediterranean.
1 ' . :
Aeronauts Are Plunged
to the Ground.
One Is Killed Instantly; Other
Will Probably Die.
Horrible Sight Witnessed by a Crowd
of Spectators Gathered From
Wallace, Idaho, and Other
Towns Near By;
WALLACE, Idaho, March 19. (Special.)
V. A. MIddlekauf was killed and L. M.
Odell seriously injured by falling 300 feet
from a balloon while giving a double as
cension here this afternoon. The men
were seated in a parachute and when they
had ascended 300 feet the lower part of
the balloon tore away. Tho parachute
would not open, and both fell among the
spectators with terrific force-
A young boy 'was caught by the falling
balloon and badly burned. MIddlekauf had
nearly every bone In his body broken
while Odell had none. The latter Is in
jured internally.
Several hundred people had assembled
in various parts of the city to witness
the ascension. Many were present from
tho canyon towns, the Northern Pacific
train being held until after the two aero
nauts had made their "parachute Jump3.
Bag Rips Away.
As soon as the balloon left the ground.
to the horror of the nearby spectators,
the lower part of the bag could be seen
ripping away. Warnings were Bhouted to
the two unfortunate men, but they could
not hear the alarm."
Although, the flight took but a few mo
ments, Odell, who is the more expert of
the two, could be seen attempting to force
his parachute open, but on account of the
short distance it would not yield- Both
men were close together, and while Odell
endeavored to open his parachute he could
be observed holding "his compardoix.bjt.ihe
shoulder In an attempt to save him lfi
his parachute opened. MIddlekauf made
no movement, simply clinging to the
Ground Dented by Bodies.
The thud made by the two men when
they fell could be heard for over a block,
the ground being indented where they
alighted. Both struck the ground near
one another and at the same time, both
barely grazing the furnace where the bal
loon was inflated.
Odell fell in a more relaxed manner,
and his fall was partially broken by MId
dlekauf, which accounts for his lesser in
juries. Both, were rendered unconscious
by the terrible fall, but Odell soon recov
ered, and, although in frightful pain, waa
able to talk.
Steps Toward Establishing Interna
tional Chamber of Agriculture.
VIENNA, March 19. A further de
cided step toward the establishment of
an International chamber of Agricul
ture, proposed by David Lubln, of Cali
fornia, and initiated among the powers
of the world by the King of Italy, was
taken today.
At the invitation of Reichsritter Ho
henblum, the head of the Austrian De
partment for the Protection of Agri
culture and Forests, there assembled
here today representatives of the ag
ricultural interests of Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Spain and Italy, for the
purpose cf Informing themselves con
cerning the proposed chamber. The con
ference was opened by Mr. Lubin, who
read an interesting address, fully ex
plaining the plan and scope of the en
terprise. Several members, including
Prince Borghese, of the Italian com
mittee, to which was Intrusted the car
rying out of the preliminary arrange
ments of the conference of nations held
in Rome, were present and reported on
Members of the congress will com
municate to their respective organiza
tions the Information acquired, at to
day's meeting through the "Commend
able, foreslghted, initiative of the King
of Italy," which was declared to be of
the greatest importance and value to
national and international agriculture.
King Victor Emanuel's efforts were
fully indorsed, and the conference ex
pressed a hope that the' co-operation of
tho existing agricultural institutions
would be secured in .furthering Inter
national communication In the solution
of agricultural problems.
. The conference especially recom
mended the holding of International ag
ricultural congresses at propitious
times and the establishment of an - In
ternational agricultural association to
fix and control prices of grain.
Great Hole Stove In Steel Ship Off
Block Island in a Fog..
BLOCK ISLAND. R. X, March 19.
The steamer Spartan, of the Boston &
Philadelphia Steamship Company, ran
aground on the southeastern end of
Block Island 'during a .fog early today
while on her way from Providence to
Philadelphia. A 15-foot liole was stove
in the ship's bow and soon the vessel
sank eo her decks were awash.
Tonight the vessel Is rapidly break
ing up. The crew of 23 remained aboard
the ship during the day but were taken
off tonight. Wreckers have been sent
to lighter the cargo. The Spartan is a
steel ship of 159S gross tons.