Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 18, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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Detectives- Wound Es
caping Man.
Day and Weiner Fire Three
Shots; Two Take Effect
Louis Schumcr, a Giant in Stature,
!s' Captured After an Exciting
Race, in. Which He Is Se
verely Wounded.
Ixmis Schumer. a veritable giant, un
der arrest on a charge of forgery, was
ehot down by Detectives Day and
TWelner at Eighteenth and Savler
streets at 7:30 o'clock last night, -while
attempting to escape. One bullet
pierced his right leg . above the heel
and another entered the calf of the left,
shattering the bone and imbedding
itself in the flesh. He is now in Good
Samaritan Hospital, under care of As
sistant City Physician Slocum. He is
expected to recover.
It is alleged that Schumer, who is
aged 26 years, stands six feet and one
Inch in height and whose weight Is 238
pounds, passed a check for $13.50 on
W. H. Lehman, of the Pacific Hotel,
tlurlng the forenoon. It was written
on a blank of the First National Bank,
.was made payable to the order of
Schumer and was countersigned "man"
ager Star Sand Company:" "When Leh
man presented it for payment he was
informed there were no funds to
Schumer's credit.
At 7 o'clock last nignt Lehman called
at Police Headquarters and turned the
check over to Captain Moore, relating
the circumstances and adding he wished
officers to accompany him to Schumer's
home. Detectives Day and "Weiner
were assigned to the case and started
Xor Eighteenth and Raleigh streets,
-where the alleged forger lives.
Attempts to Escape Arrest.
At Eighteenth and Savier streets
Lehman saw Schumer and so informed
the- detectives. Schumer seemed to
realize he was about to be arrested
and assumed a defiant attitude.
Tou are under arrest," said Detec
tive Day, "and had better come along
without making any trouble."
"I'll not go with you until I go home
and see my wife," said Schumer, and
he started to go toward his residence.
Both Day and Weiner laid hold of
him, but he broke away and started to
Day and Weiner at first thought they
could outrun the fleeing man, and Day
got near enough one time to attempt
to strike him with a revolver. Schumer
cwsnt tmcfc his powerful hand, strik
ing Day In the side of the head and
'Quickly regaining his feet. Day called
out to Schumer to stop or be shot.
Weiner also warned him.
"You're not srame. You wouldn't
shoot anything," Schumer sang out, and
continued his pace.
"Quit running or I'll hurt you,
Schumer. Tou had better stop and
avoid trouble," was Day's final warn
ing. Two Shots Take Effect.
Still Schumer ran and became the
target for the revolvers of Day and
Weiner. Day was close on his heels,
and it Is believed- the only two shots
he fired took effect. Weiner fired once.
Schumer dropped on the sidewalk, but
never uttered a word. He was "game"
throughout the ordeal, and did not
Police Headquarters were notified
and a patrol wagon dispatched to con
"vey Schumer to Good Samaritan Hos
pital. There he was attended by Dr.
Slocum. He refused to permit the
house surgeons to attend him, as he
said he wished an Eagle to have the
When Schumer's wife was notified of
the trouble she replied that she knew
what he was shot for; that she knew
tie had been passing forged checks, and
that she Intended leaving him and go
ing to live with her parents. She re
fused to call upon him at the hospital.
It is believed by the detectives that
"developments will show Schumer to
have been engaged In the business of
passing checks for some time. His
.record will be investigated thoroughly
today. He has lived in Portland but
five weeks.
Mayor Denies Rumor That the Ax Is
About to Fall.
"I have no intention of deposing Chief
Hunt. I know of no reason why I should
. do so. My position is exactly the same as
Jt has. always been."
' The foregoing Is the statement of Mayor
Williams regarding the reported plan bf
the Mayor and police committee of the
Executive Board to put Charles H. Hunt
on the shelf for political reasons.
The rumor has been heard on the street
corners for several weeks. Members of
the police committee have vigorously de
nied it. Tho Mayor has refuted the re
port before, and did so again last even
ing. The Chief of Police has been under
an Investigation because of the charge
that he permitted certain saloons to re
main open after 1 o'clock. The verdict is
still locked in the minds of General Beebe
and Slg SIcheL of the committee. It will
probably be a declaration that Chief Hunt
is doing his duty and enrorcmg tne law.
Special values In "Queen" undermuslins,
skirts, crowns, drawers, corset covers.
knit underwear. Mount Hood shirts, men's
underwear, socks, corse ib, kiq gioves,
suits, jackets, house wrappers.
For Violating Liquor Ordinance.
The police are continuing the crusade
against violators of the l-o'clock closing
ordinance and the latest to suffer arrest
1b A. Shapiro, of the Maze Cafe. He was
: hooked at police headquarters yesterday
and will have a hearing today before
Municipal Judge Hogue. Sergeant Slover
caused his arrest. He is said to have
been selling liquor to two men In his
establishment at S o'clock yesterday
DtEin6jp of vision and weak eyes, carea
by Murine Eye Remedies. A home cure
c yUh&& amA cur o& VKXbc
Until 9:30
Principal Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns and PubKcatkHis April Delineator, Sheets and Patterns Now Ready
Sole Portland Agents for the Famous "Ostermoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses in all Stz& Lowest Prices
Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Best Materials and Workmanship Lowest Prices Guaranteed
Sale Extraordinary of New Millinery
"PhipRS & Atchison," "Gage" and "Burgesser
Hats on Sale Today at
'wKBmmmk from
Something -doing in our handsome new Millinery Store todayThe first time yon have ever
the opportunity to buy beautiful new headgear right at the beginning of the season at a
saving of 1-4 on regular prices Hundreds will take advantage so we advise coming down as
as possible if yon want the full variety to select from We offer for todpy only, choice
our entire stock of new Phipps CSb Atchison, Gage and Burgesser tailored and dress
hats This season's handsomest creations in all the latest shapes and trimmings
Hundreds of them for yonr choosing Store open tonight until 9:30
i a rff
Xf. Vil
New $3.50 Hats $1.98
For today 12 new shapes in Chiffon and imita
tion Hairbraid Hats, of elegant quality;
brown, navy, new green, cardinal and maize,
also black; made by one of America's fore
most designers of "Women s Hats,
$3.50 values, today
$7.50 Trimmed Hats $5
Great special lot of new and pretty Flower
Hats in the new Spring brown, Spring green,
Spring blue, Spring red, Spring violet; the
very best Hat value we have ever shown;
new and pretty shapes; they would be reas
onable at $10.00 each; today $5.00
Second Floor.
Children's "Bo-Peep" Hats
Opening sale of Children's Millinery; the new
"Bo-Peep" Hats, handsomely trimmed with
ribbon, attractive colorings, Cx
great value today at $&JJ
Children's "Wreaths, each, 39c and 59
Foliages, Forget-Me-Nots, Yiolets, Poppies.
Great Saturday Flower Sale. Bargains in
Roses at 10c, 15c, 19c and 25c.
Trimmed Leghorn Hats
The Meier (Mb Frank Store
Men's Wear Specials
The weekly bargain budget from
our Men's Wear Store announces
some exceptionally interesting
100 handsome Trimmed Leghorn 'Hats, trim
med with flowers, silk and mull, q p e
great Saturday bargain- at V
First arrivals of the new imported Milan
Straws, $1.25, $195 and $2.95.
"Will be found on sale here in the
bleached and unbleached, all
widths, at the lowest prices in the
city. Note the splendid bargains
in Bedspreads andTillow Cases:
42x36-inch hemmed Pillow Cases,
good quality muslin, best Q
value in town, each jfG
45x36-incb . hemstitched .Pillow
Cases, the best value we have
ever offered at this low j
price, each I 3C
Marseilles pattern Bedspreads,
very best designs, regular $1.25
values, on sale at, each....96
Marseilles pattern Bedspreads,
$1.50 grade, each $1.12
Fringed Bedspreads, pink only,
$1.50 values, for 98$
Fine quality Marseilles Spreads,
great value, each .'.$1.65
Book Department
Saturday bargains
5000 new Paper Books, Summer
reading, hundreds of titles, popu
lar authors 10 $
$1.50 edition of "Audrey" on
sale today at 39$
"Shogren's" Photo of Mt. Hood,
ready for mailing 25
"Spots," "Good Gravy," "Tell It
to Me," Ezra Kendall's books,
at 19$
Oregon "White Pine Souvenirs at
reasonable prices.
Easter Bible Sale now in progress.,
Book Department.
15 dozens pairs "Women's Lisle
Hose, double sole, white heel and
toe, the regular 40c values, in all
sizes, on sale at the low price of,
pair 27
"Women's fine French Gauze Lisle
Hosiery, double sole, garter top,
regular 50c values, , in all sizes,
at, pair 33?
300 pairs of Children's German
Lisle Hose, medium weight, 1-and-1
rib, double sole and knee,
sizes 5 to 9, 35c values, at. .23
Boys' Athletic Hose, 2-and-l rib,
heavy weight, triple knee, double
sole, all sizes, great special value
at, pair- 15 $
In the Children's Department
$3.00 Tan Oxfords
for Women $1.98
Easter Apparel; all the latest fash
ions. New, attractive garments for
misses and children at the most reas
onable prices.
Children's "White Persian Lawn
Dresses, made in fancy styles, em
broidery trimmings, ages 4 to 14
years, each, $9.00 to $1.50
Children's Reefer Coats, made in
Cheviot, Covert and Homespun
materials; box.and Norfolk styles,
with large sleeve; colors brown,
navy and light gray, 6 to 14 years
$15.00 to S5.00
Children's Coats in blue, and brown
Cheviots, tan Covert and gray
Homespun; plain box styles, also
"Peter Thompson" styles with
sailor collar, 1 to 4 years, each $9.50 to $6.00
Children's fine "White Swiss and Organdy Dresses, made in fancy
styles, trimmed in ribbon, fine lace insertion and edging, 4 to
14 years, $12.50 tb $6.00
Boys' Clothing Specials
Boys' 2-Piece School Suits, dark and medium mixtures, good,
serviceable garments, 7 to 16 years; regular $2.50 t ao
and $2.85 values, on sale for v
Boys' fine all-wool 2-piece double-breasted and Norfolk Suits, in
fancy Tweeds, Cheviots and Homespuns ; light, dark fl 1 (s
and medium colorings; regular $3,.50-$3.75 values. . v
Boys' 65c and 75c all-wool Knee Pants for, pair 49$
25c Ribbons 15c
3000 yards of 4-inch satin Taf
feta Ribbon, superior quality, all
the leading shades, best 25c
value, on sale for a few i t
days at, yard I
"Women's and Children's plain all
linen Handkerchiefs; great spe
cial value, each 4t$
Special lot of "Women's Swiss em
broidered Handkerchiefs; scal
loped and hemstitched edqes;
regular 20c and 25c values. 15
Women's plain Linen Hanaker
chiefs, y and -ia. hems; best
15c values; on sale for, each.9
"Women's fine ribbed, high-neck,
long-sleeve mercerized Lisle
Vest, pure white ; best 65c value ;
on sale for 47$
Women's low-neck, no-sleeve Swiss
ribbed Vest; lace or hand-crocheted
yoke; best 65c values; on
sale at 47$
Imported Swiss ribbed Vests, low
neck, no sleeves ; white, pink or
blue; all sizes; best 40c values;
on sale for 29$
values for economical men
Open tonight until 9:30
Men s Lisle finished black and tan
Hose, all sizes, great Saturday
value at 2 pairs for 25c; 7Cr
six pairs for - JQ
Men's Muslin Night Shirts, with or
without collar, plain white or
fancy trimmed, ail sizes, q
today t.OZfC
Men's Golf Shirts, in fancy stripes,
made 'of new Oxford materials, all'
sizes, great special values. . .69$.
Men's new Four-in-Hands and Tecks, splendid patterns,
strines and ficrnres. 50c values O
Men's "Web Suspenders, silk mohair ends, best patterns,
most stores get 35c for them, pair
Men's Egyptian Derby ribbed. Underwear, all sizes, 7Q
Shirts and Drawers, best $1.00 values C
Men's and Boys' new Overshirts in Madras, Chambray and Ox
fords, fancy stripes and figures, great Saturday AQf
bargains at ,0JC
Boys' "Arrow" brand Collars, 12 to 14, all models, quar
ter sizes, great value at, each
Men's Tan Shoe Bargains
For all day today we offer 1000 pairs of Men's tan. Russia calf,
Blucher Oxfords Gbodyear welt, all this season's best lasts for
men and young men ; all sizes and widths ; best
$3.50 values, pair
Men's vici kid Blucher Oxfords, Goodyear welt, all fQ
sizes and widths, 3.50 values, for
6 to 9:30 Men's Shoe Specials
Entire stock of the famous French, Shriner &Urner $6 Off
Shoes, all the best leathers and styles, 6 to 9 :30, pr.
Entire stock of French, Shriner & TJruer $5 Shoes, in C
all leathers and styles, 6 to 9 :30 only at, pair p
Entire stock of $4.00 Shoes, 6 to 9:30 at, pair $3.15
Entire stock of $3.50 Shoes, 6 to 9:30 at, pair $2.85
Men's $ 1 500. Suits $ 1 0.85
Special lot of Men's Medium Weight Suits
in all-wool fancy chevoits, fancy tweeds
and Cassimeres Splendid styles Best
$15 values on sale all day ft 1 Off
today at the low price of "'Q
Suits of equal grade would cost you $18
at the exclusive clothiers
Stein-Bloch Suits $20.00
Special value in Stein-Bloch fine gray Overplaid
unfinished "Worsted Suits, this Spring's
handsome styles, perfect fitting, tf yr ff
extra good value at V.VU
Stein-Bloch fine grade plaids and invisible over
plaid fanoy "Worsted Suits, the most striking
garments shown this season, &25 00
sll sizes
Fine all-wool black unfinished "Worsted Suits, just the clothing
'for Easter Sunday wear, special value iplo.UU
Men's fine .all-wool fast color navy blue Serge Suits, in single or
double-breasted styles, great values at $12.50, :$15, $18, $22.50.
"HAWES"Sole Portland agents for the celebrated "Hawes."
$3.00 Hat for Men; new Spring blocks in Derbys and
HATS Soft styles now ready; best $3.00 Hat on the market.
Great Sale of Kitchen Goods, Crockery, Cutlery, Stoves, Etc,
The Great Semi-Annual Sale of Kitchen and Household Furnishings started off like a lion yesterday The busiest day our Basement Store ever
experienced Thousands of useful and necessary articles every housewife needs are marked at the lowest prices of the year Sale continues until
farther notice Shrewd buyers will take advantage while assortments are complete
"Women's tan, lace and Blucher Ox
fords; this season's best models;
all sizes and- widths; low shoes of
equal grade bring $3.o0 a pair
"Women's $3:00 Vici Kid Oxfords;
patent tip, all sizes, 1 QO
new goods, pair r
"Women's $3.00 Patent Leather Ox
fords; all sizes, new QR
models; great vaL, pr. P
Johnson Bros.' famous $3.00 Shoes
for Spring wear; patent leather,
vici kid, lace and Bluchers; light
and heavy soles; all sixes; this
season's newest and 1
best goods, pair p ZJtJ
Special lot of Little Gents' Shoes, 10
to 13, tan, goat, vici kid and
kangaroo calf; also tan and vici
kid Oxfords; great ! 1 5Q
values, pair r
Broken lines of women's and chil
dren's shoes at ridiculously low
No. 8 Nickel Teakettle, best $1.25
value 99
4-pint Nickel Coffee Pot, regular
$L10 value 89$
13-inch Nickel Trays, 35c values
for 27$
25c Crumb Tray and Scraper 19J
Good Grade Paring Knives. . 8
6-inch Butcher Knives 27
50c Butcher Knives 39
35c Bread Knives 28$
Christy Edge Bread Knives 2l
Cooks Knives, 6-inch size..47c
10-inch Pastry Knives Q2$
90c Carvers, knife and fork,
cocobola handles 73$
00c Ham Knives for 72$
15c Nickel Nut Crackers... .12
Kitchen Table Spoons, set... 15
Teaspoons, set of 6 8
Corkscrews, each .1.2$
Solid Nickel-Silver Knives
and Forks, set.... $2.55
Silver Polish
Meridan Cream Paste, jar -.17
Thurston's Silver Polish lop
Magic Metal Shiner 12
$L25 Savory Roaster for 98 $
50c Family Boaster, 10x14
inches 39
15c 7-pih Hat Rack 12
3c -Japanese Pot Brushes. . . . L$
75c 8-arm Clothes Racks.... Q2$
25c Galvanized Pails, 10-qt...l9
20c 2-hoop Cedar Pails 17
$1.00 Castiron Cook Pots 82p
T5c Galvanized "Wash Tubs..63
90c Galvanized "Wash Tubs..74i
$L35 Family Scales for- .$1.19
Tin. Measuring Cups A.$
1-quart Graduated Measures Q$
14-quart Tin Dishpans 28$
$1.50 Universal Food Chop
pers $1.23
Asbestos Mats, each 4$
20c Wooden Salt Boxes 16
$3.50 Clothes "Wringer 2.78
Guaranteed for three years.
Cut Glass
Cut-Glass Nappies, best $5.00
values for $3.98
Cut-Glass Bowls, regular $6.75
values for $5.35
Cut-Glass Bon Bon Dishes, with-
handle; $3.00 values.... $2.37
Glass Horseradish Jar, 85c values
on sale for 68$
$12 Cut-Glass Bowls $9.60
$7.50 Cut-Glass "Water Bottle, on
sale for $5.99
' 'Peninsular' J Polished Steel
Range, high wanning closet;
16x20-inch oven, asbestos-lined;
No. 6 and 8 covers; burns coal
or wood; a perfect baker; fully
" guaranteed; a beautiful range,
S.'" .$26.25
"Peninsular" Planished Steel
Range, full nickel trimmed; 50
per cent more heating and cook
ing capacity than any other;
regular $37.50 C'i'i K(
model, on sale for.
$1.25 set Mrs. Potts' Sad
irons 89$
15c Dover Egg Beaters 12
50c "Wall Coffee Mill 42
25c 100-f t "Wire Clothes Line 19
$3.00 Adjustable Wringer $2.39
Clothespins, 6 dozen 5$
8c Spring Clothes Hanger.. 5$
35c Zinc Washboards 27
$1.10 Copper-Bottom Wash
Boilers 78
50c 10-quart Sprinklers.-, i.. 4:2$
20c Galvanized Oil Cans.... 15
30c 10-quart Dishpans 20 $
6c Tin Graters, large size. . . . 5$
30c No. 8 Tin Steamers..:.. 20
5c 9-int Jelly Cake Pans.... 4$
9-inch deep Pie Pans 3
10c Bowl Strainers 7$
20c Extension Strainers 16
20c Drip Pans, 11x17 16
Famous "Elite" 4-coated Blue and
white German Graniteware, none
better; all at special low prices.
60c Covered Kettles for 48
75c Covered Kettles for 60
90c Covered Kettles for 72$
$1.10 Covered Kettles for 88
30c Lipped Sauce Pans 24$
35c Lipped Sauce Pans. ... .28$
45c Lipped Sauce Pans 36 $
50c Lipped Sauce Pans 40
35c Wash Basins for 28
45c Wash Basins for .36
50c Wash Basins for 40i
35c Lipped Kettles for 28$
45c Lipped Kettles for 36
50c Lipped Kettles for 40
60c Lipped Kettles for 48
25c Pudding Pans for 20
35c Pudding Pans for 28
45c Pudding Pans for 36
60c Pudding Pans for 48
$1.65 17-qL Dish Pans for $1.27
$1.75 S-qt. Teakettles for. .$1.38
20c Fiber Wash Basins 15 $
10c Tack Hammers . 8$
Tacks, all sizes, box .. 2$
Ever-Ready Cover Knobs. . . . l
10c Wire Tea Strainers 8
Tin Match Safes 3$
Garden Trowels 4$
Mrs. Potts' Iron Handles 11$
Weeding Hooks 8$
5-Hook Hat Racks 7$
No. 8 Copper Bottom Kettles 39c
75c Rice Boilers, each Q2$
65c Rice Boilers, each 154$
6-Foot Ironing Boards z3$
15c Mop Sticks, each ll
$1.00 Granite Slop Pails 86&
35c Potato Ricers, each 27
Wire Egg Whips for 2$
10c Mixing Spoons 8$
Enamel ware
Very Best White Enamelware. .
90c Sauce Pots for 72
$1.00 Sauce Pots for 80
75c Covered Sauce Pots....60J
90c Covered Sauce Pots 72
50c Covered Kettles for 40
60c Covered Kettles for 48
65c Covered Kettles for 54
75c Covered Kettles for 60
90c Covered Kettles for 72p
25c Lipped Sauce Pans 20 $
30c Lipped Sauce Pans 24$
50c Lipped Sauce Pans 40j
60o Lipped Sauce Pans. .... .48
loc Soup Ladles...- 12t$
20c Soup Ladles 16
20c Perforated Ladles 16
15c Skimmers for 12$
7- inch Bakers, 18c value. ...15
8- inch Bakers, 20c value 16
9- inch Bakers, 25c value..,. 29
10-inch Bakers, 30c value 24-$
45c Galvanized Slop Pails... 36 $
$1 Willow Clothes Baskets 84.$
55c Splint Clothes Baskets 44$
15-inch Chopping Bowls. .. .24$
15c 'Rolling Pins, each 12
10c Wooden Towel Rollers.. 8$
3ocDouble.Knife Slaw Cutter 29
12c Wooden Towel Rings... 10
15c Double- Towel Rings 12$
Pancake Turners 8$
Cook Forks, extra heavy 16
10c Glass Juice Extractors. . 8
10c Never-Slip Can Openers. . &$
20c Steel Mincing Knife 16
15c Steel Mincing Knife.... 12$
12c Drip Pans, 9x12 10
10c Drip Pans, 8x10. 8
23c Acme Frying Pans'. 18
18c Acme Frying Pans 14
15c Towel Racks . 12$
3-arm Towel Racks 28
Toilet Paper Holders 3$
Metal Towel Rings 8$
Dinner Sets
60-pc. white semi-vitreous Dinner
Sets $3.88
100-pc. white semi-vitreous Dinner
Sets $6.19
60-pc. floral decorated semi-vitreous
Dinner Set. ...J. .$5.89
100-pc floral decorated semi-vitreous
Dinner Set $8.97
60-pc. decorated German China
Set $13.45
100-pc decorated German China
Set $18.95
. Crockery
Decorated Covered Chambers, 75c
to $1.00 values on sale' for,
each 62
Decorated Wash Bowls, worth
from. '60c to 85c, on sale for,
each 56$
15c Japanese Teapots. 11
20c Japanese Teapots 14
75c Slop Jars.. :! 62
6- in. yellow Baking Dishes. . . 6
8- in. yellow Baking Dishes.. 9
9- in. yellow Baking Dishes. .12
7- in. oval yellow Baking
Dishes 7$
8- in. oval yellow Bakjng
' Dishes 9
9- inch oval yellow Baking
Dishes .....11;