THE HOBKISG OBEGONIA2f,t jlATURDAT, MAECH 18, . 1905. IS WEATHER TOO COOL Warmer Temperature Needed to Promote Spring Trade, BUT IMPROVEMENT IS SHOWN Unprecedented Imports of Foreign Merchandise in the Month of February Exports Are Also Larger.' NEW YORK. March 17. H. G. Dun & Ox's Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will ay: Higher temperature is still needed to bring out full Spring activity at many points, but Improvement Is discerned In almost all de partments. Mercantile payments are also more prompt. Railway earnings, which have been Jailing behind In comparison with last year. wfre 8.1 per cent larger for the first week of March and there is comparatively little com plaint of freight congestion. Manufacturing plant, especially In the iron and steel In dustry, show great activity. Flood have done some damage on the Pa cific Coast, but farming prospects there, as in most other sections, aro decidedly favorable. Large farm reserves of corn and oats are not accompanied by depressed prices and the email wheat stocks are neutralized by most profitable Quotations. Foreign commerce relations show unprece dented Imports In February, and for the last week at this port alone there was an Increase of $6,375,168 compared with the corresponding period of 1004, while export rose $1,759,818. Hide continue firm. Failures this week numbered 250 In the Vnlted States against 228 last year, and 26 in Canada compared with 21 a year ago. Bank Clearings. NEW TORK. March 17. The following table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows the bank clear ings at the principal cities for the week ended March 16, with ibe percentage of Increase and, decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: Inc. Dee. 88.2 .... 10.6 .... 28,5 .... 27.3 .... 3.1 20.4 .... 11.2 5.3 .... 11.1 12.2 7.6 30.5 6.4 15.8 .... 7.8 0.6 .. 15.4 .... 17.0 .... 23.1 .... 4.2 .... 6.2 .... 4. 10.4 10.6 4.3 39. 5 .... 24.2 .... 33.6 .... 85.5 .... 73.7 11.1 85.7 .... 100.5 22.9 .... 12.0 .... .9 .... 50.5 .... 8.0 .... 16.5 .... 32.1 21.2 .... 4.8 33.0- 67.9 .... 2.7 1.8 .... 11.8 11.8 1 7.6 .... 12.5 .... 53.2 .... 19.3 .... 1.9 50.9 .... 4.8 7.8 7.3 2.4 .... 7:s .... 22.2 .... 11.8 58.9 ... :68.B .... 11.6 21.9 'i'.i 43.5 47.9 S3.1 10.9 11.2 46.4 60.7 .... 11.0 22.0 .... .2.5 .... 3.8 .... .2 10.6 .... 46.9 .9 .... 7.4 .... 11.5 .... 8.8 20.5 61.5 49.5 .... 91.9 .... 1 1.2 4.4 .... 57.0 .... 16.1 61.5 .... 47.1 .... 32.9 .... 19.8 .... 4.9 .... 17.6 .... 35.6 6.0 .... 17.2 .... 16.1 .... 45.1 4Ti New York Chicago ........ Boston Philadelphia ... St. Louis Pittsburg .... M, San Francisco .., Cincinnati Baltimore ....... Kansas City ... Kew Orleans Minneapolis ..... Cleveland Louisville Detroit Milwaukee , Omaha Providence Loo Angeles .... Buffalo Indianapolis EL Paul Memphis St. Joseph Richmond Denver . . . . . . Columbus Seattle 'Washington Savannah Albany Portland, Or, ... Fort Worth Toledo. O Atlanta Bait Lake City... Rochester Peoria Hartford Nashville Spokane, "Wash. Des Molnea Tacoma New Haven Grand Rapids ... Norfolk Dayton Portland, Me. .... Springfield, Mass. Augusta. Ga. ..... "Evansvllle 61oux City , Birmingham .... ..11,071.617,000 .. 195,036,000 .. 152,490.000 .. 128,077,000 59,650.000 -42.472.000 S3.350.000 22.039.000 25.860.000 22.888.000 18,769.000 10,042.000 14,132.000 12.862,000 10.100,000 8.677.000 8,749.000 7.802.000 S.4S7.000 0.513,000 5,131.000 6,150,000 5,372.000 . " 4.856.000 4.781.000 5.855.000 8.203.000 0,478,000 0.101,000 3.246.000 3.62.t,000 4.731.000 3.729,000 3.821,000 2. 694. 000 8. 449.000 2,920,000 3.283,000 3.249,000 2,000,000 2,545.000 2.829,000 2.727.000 1,927,000 L704.000 1.450.000 1,666,000 1,497,000 1.601.000 ,. 1.647.000 1.612:000 byracusc Worcester Knoxvllle Charleston, S. C Wilmington, Del... Wichita Wllkesbarre Davenport Little Rock Topeka Chattanooga Jacksonville, Flo.... Kalamazoo, Mich. . Springfield, III. ... Fall River Wheeling, W, Va... Macon . Helena Lexington , Akron ............... Canton, O Fargo. N. D Toungstown ...... New Bedford Rockford. Ill Lowell Chester. Pa. ....... Blnghaxaton Bloomlngton, HI. . Springfield, O Greeneburg. Pa, ... Quincy. Ill Decatur. Ill filoux Falls. B. D.. Jacksonville. 111. ... Mansfield, O. Fremont, Neb Cedar Rapids ...... Houston Galveston 1.191.000 1.418,000 . 1.151.000 1.139,000 1.026.000 1,107,000 823.000 827,000 881.000 .982,000 976.000 1,142.000 817.000 922,000 830,000 852.000 021.000 789.000 864,000 500.000 760.000 725.000 672,000 554.000 563.000 400.000 S75.O0O 440.000 623.000 410.000 332,000 464.000 S21.O00 216.000 302.000 335,000 284.000 446,000 11,001,000 9.136.000 Totals. IT. S...., Outside N. T.... ...52.OO0.O3S.O0O ... 928.421,000 CANADA. 25,789.000 18.535,000 5.398,000 2.101.000 L557.000 1.380.O00 1,622.000 1.005.000 871.000 67,000 768.000 Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Vancouver, B. C. Quebec Hamilton 8t John, N. B... London, Ont, .... Victoria, B. C... Totals. Canada ....$ C Balances paid in cash. rACTFIC COAST TRADE. Good Reports Received With Improvement in Lumber Demand. NEW TORK. March 17. Bradstreefa to morrow will say: Spring trade and outdoor activities gather force as the month advances. Lumber and building materials show moot activity. All reports Indicate great activity in railway circles. Gross receipts for January gained 0 per cent while net Increased 12 per cent. A feature of the Spring outlook is the confi dence in a very large amount of building bolng done in nearly all parts of the country. Pacific Coast lumber Interests report continued Improvement. From the Pacific Ccast good reports come, particularly from Los Angeles. Wheat, including flour, exports for the week ending March 16 were 895,742 bushels- against 1.2S5.956 bushele last week and 2.606,124 bush els this week last year. From July 1 to date the exports are 45,594.104 bushels against 112.930,409 last year. Business failures in the United States for the week ending March 16 number 186 against 190 last week and 103 last year. In Canada failures for the week number 22 as ag&lnst 40 last week, and 17 In this' week a year ago. CHANGE FOB BETTER. Tacoma Hop Firm Believes Conditions WIG Soon Improve, The following letter to the ."hopgrowers of Oregon and Washington hai been issued by l6aac Plncue Bon. of Tacoma: It is reported that some of -the largest lionses In the East are selling out and this is being used as an argument to induce growers to sell. Now it is a peculiar thing that these bouses would hold hops for three months on a declining market and sell Just when tho change Is here. Their answer would probably be that they now see their mistake. Wo would like to ask them this: If they made a mistake last Summer in selling 1904 hops at SO and Si cents more than they needed, ex pecting hops to go higher, and made a third mistake in holding these 30 and 31 -cent hops until tho market dropped to 25 cents, does'it not demonstrate that tbey are not "infallible and may be' making a mistake again in sell- lng out now (if tier are jelling)? The fact of the matter is that a. large percentage of Use sales being made between dealers sow. both In Oregon and New York, aro "wash sales, that Is. fake sales, e Imply made to in fluence the market- Wires are being sent out from New Tork City that Pacific Coast hops aro being offered there freely at any price. The truth is that there are not 750 bales of Pacific Coast hops in New Tork. A month aro the bears ufri-l ervinir that lVi-r vu,M y. nn . i crying that there could be no recovery la our market because English growers -were going to pieces and selling their hops. Now when the English growers have pooled they say the dangerous feature is the large Quan tity pooled, which is & menace to the market. The true situation today is that the English market is firm and advancing and the Contl rental markets are the came. Almost every tale of hops that was held by weak speculators In the country has been bought up, and the only hope for the bears is to break the market before the weather is the East gets warm and brewers demand deliveries. They are now making their last desperate effort, the success of "Which depends upon the grower. The grow ers are the only holders of hops now excepting three firms In Oregon and Washington, who will hold until July, regardless of what grow era may do. When the buyer tells yon in one breath that bops are going down and in the next tries to buy your hops, tell him that you do not want to see him lose any money and you think you win carry tnem a little longer yourself. Pay no attention to any reports you mar hear. as anything is liable to be eald at this time to demoralize the grower. The btara realize that they must win soon, or not atall, and wlH let nothing stand In their road in their en deavors to do so. Let us fight the battle to a finish, PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc WHEAT Walla Walla, nominal. Sic; blue stem. 82c: Valley, 87c per bushel. FLOUR Patents, 84.6004.85 per bar rel; straights, 54.3004.45; clears. ?3.S54; Valley. 4.108-4.25; Dakota hard wheat, 46.60) 7:50; Graham, $3.5004; whole wheat, (4 04.25; rye flour, local, 25; Eastern. $3 5.10; cornmeal. per case, SLVO. B ABLET Feed, $23 per ton; rolled $24 Q25. OATS-No. 1 white. SL37j4SL42; gray, 1.50 per cental. . MILLSTUFFS Bran. $19.50 per ton; mid dlings, S23; shorts, S22; chop. U. S. Mills, $19; linseed dciry foods. SIS; linseed oll mcal, car lot's, $29 per ton; less than car lots, $30 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90 pound sacks, $6.75; lower grade. $5 Sf 0.25; oatmeal, steel cut, 60-pound sacks. $8 per barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4 per bale; spilt peas, $4 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $1.15; pearl barley, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes. $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per bale. HAT Timothy. $14 16 per ton: clover, $UQ12; grain. 511012; cheat, $11012. ' Batter, Eggs. Poultry, Etc Indications point tc a lower egg market next week. Speculators are not buying freely for storage and outside orders are also falling off. The drop in the East has enabled Seattle buy ers to land Eastern eggs there cheaper than they can buy them here. The local demand is also a little slower and stocks are accumu lating. Jt is not likely that the price wilt decline far. Poultry is in fair demand, good stock selling well. There is a strong inquiry for Spring broilers of 1HQ2 pounds. Ducks and geese are firm. Choice turkeys are In demand. Country and California creamery but ter is quoted weaker. Store butter la firm. EGGS Oregon ranch. 16c per dozen. BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery, 32Hc per pound; fancy creamery. 30c. State creameries: Fancy creamery, 27l.4 32Uo; dairy. 15017c; store butter. 14015c: California. 2Ve31"4c CHEESE Full cream twins, new. 14015c: old. 18c; American, 14 015Uc. TOULTBI-rancy hens. lS?lHc; old hens, 13343 'ac : mixed chickens, 12&'18c: old roost ers. lOllc; young roosters. ' HH12Vic; Springs. lht(3 pounds. 17619c: broilers. 13114 pounds. 22625c; dreesed chickens. 14-15c; turkeys, alive, 17218c; turkeys, dressed poor. 1718c; turkeys, choice. 2022"4c; geeae, live. per pouna, &jto; geese, areseeo, italic; ducks, old. SSfrd: ducks, young as to size. $939.50; pigeons, $1L25; squabs, $2&2.50. Vegetables, Fruit. Etc Fruit and vegetable receipts, were light yes. terday, but a good working supply had been carried over, granges' are growing scarce and ripe bananas are also hard to flnd Four cars are due .Monday, but may be delayed. VEGETABLES TamlPH. $1 oer sack: car rots. $L25; beets. 31.25; parsnips. 51.50; cab baccCallfornla. iy.c; ljpttjice, hothouse. $L25j i.ou per oox; parsiey. -uc cozen; lom&ioes, sz3 per crate; cauliflower, $2 per crate; egg plant. 7rc per pouna; ceiery, per crate; pea. 10c per pound; peppers, 25c per pound; sprouts. Gc; asparagus. 8c per sound: rhubarb. 8c per pound: cucumbers. $2.25 per doten: "artl- -chokes, 75c per dozen. ONIONS Fancy. S2.fi0O3.10: No. 2. Siai.50. buying price. POTATOES Oregon fancy, 90cg$l; common, OcgSSc. buyers' price; Merced sweets, RAISINS--Loose Muscatels. 4 -crown, tv.c: 5-layer Muscatel raisins, 7c; unbleached teed less Sultanas, CMc; London layers, 3-erown. whole boxes of 20 pounds. $L85; 2-crown, $1 75. per pound: sundried. sacks or boxes, none: apricots, 10llc; peaches, 9S10&:; pears, none; prunes. Italians. 45c; French. 2Jt?JJic: flgs, California blacks, 5c; do white, none; Smyr na. 20c: Fard dates. 6c: plums, nltted. 6c DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy. $1,753 2.50 per box: choice, $iei.25; common. 500 75c; flgs, 85ce$2.S0 per box. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $2,753 3.75; choice. $2.75 per box: oranges, fancy, J2.fJ2.25 per box; choice. $1.50Q1.75;standard, $1.25ttl.50: tangerines, $1.502 per box; grape fruit. $2.5003 per box; bananas. 55c .per pound. Groceries, Nuts, Etc Arbuckle and Lion coffees each declined 60 cents a hundred yesterday. COFFEE Mocha, 2GQ2Sc; Java, ordinary. io 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 1820c; good, 1652.18c; ordinary. 1012c per pound; Columbia roast, cases 100a. 13.88; 50s, $13.83; Arbuckle, $14.S8; Lion. $14.38. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5.87: Ssuth ern Japan. $3.50; Carolina, 4&&6C; brokenhead, 2c. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. $1.76 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.40; 1-pound fiats. $LS5; fancy lBl--pound flats, $1.80: Ji-pound flats. $1.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails, 85c; red. 1-pound tails, 51.45; cockeyes, 1-pound tails, $1.83. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube, $6.80; powdered, $6.05; dry granulated, $5.95; extra C. $5.45; golden C. $5.35; fruit sugar, $5.95, ad Yance over sack basU as follows: Barrels. 10c; half-barrels, 25c; boxes, ,50c per 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance within 16 days, deduct Uc per pound; if later than 15 days and within SO days, deduct o per pound; no discount after 80 days.) Best sugar granulated, $6.35 per 100 pounds; maple sugar, 155? lso per pound. SALT California, $11 per ton, $1.60 per bale, Liverpool, 60s $17: 100s. $16.50; 200s, $16; half-ground, 100s. $7: 60s. $7.50. NUTS Walnuts. 18?ic per pound "by sack. 1c extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts, 15c; fil bertz, 14c; pecans. Jumbos, 14c; extra large. 16c; almondis L X. L-, 16c; chestnuts; Ital ians, 15c. Ohio. $4.50 per 25-pound drum; pea nuts, raw. "Vio per pound: roasted, 9c; pine nuts, 1012tcr' hickory nuts, 7c; cocoanuts, 85300c per dozen. BEANS Small white, 4c; large white, 3c: pink. 3J4c; bayou, 3Je; Lima, 6c VSTeats end Provisions. BEEF Dreesed, bulls, ZQ4c; cows, 4354c; country steers. 4CHc MUTTON Dressed, fancy, 7C7He: ordinary. 5Sa VEAL Dressed. 100 to 125. 'MQSMc per pound; 125 to 200, 65c; 200 and up, 3H64e, PORK Dreesed. 100 to 150. Sc per pound: 160 and cp. 7Hc HAMS Ten to 14 pounds, 124c per pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 12c; 18 to 20 pounds. lZVic; California (picnic). c; cottage bams, 8c: shoulders. She; boiled ham. 20c; boiled plcnlo ham, boneless, 14c BACON Fancy breakfast, 16c per pound; standard breakfast, 14c; choice. 15c; English breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds. 13c; peach bacon, 11c SAUSAGE Portland bam, I24c per pound; minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17Hc: bologna, long, 6c; welnerwurat, 8c; liver. 6c; pork, Oc; blood. So; headcheese, 12Uc; bologna sausage, link, 44c DRT SALTED MEATS Regular short cleari. 9tc salt, 10fc smoked; clear backs, 9c salt. 10c smoked: Oregon export, 20 to 25 pounds, average, 1014c salt- liuc smoked; clears. Oiie salt, lOJio smoked; clear backs, 9c; Union butts, 10 to IS pounds, average. $0 salt, 9c smoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs feet, -nar-ls. $5; -barrels. $2.75; 15-pound kit, $L25; Pickled tripe, la-barrel. j5; t.-barreli $2.73; 16-pound kit, $1.25; pickled pigs tongues. Vs barrels, $6; V&mtcIk, $3: 15-pound kltt. $L6o; pickled lambs' tongue. H-barrels, $9: U-bar-rels, $5.60: 16-pound klta, $2.76. LAi??tUe-.??n1r'e1; Tierces. 8ic; tuba, 9c; 50s. 9Hc; 20s, 9&c: 10s. lotfc: &, lOUc Standard pure: Tierces. S⁣ tubs. "8c; 6us. SJic; 20s. 9c; 10s. SHc; 5s. flUc. Compound: ?Ierf?r" Xc; 60s. 63ic; 10s. TKc; 6s. tz. Sops, Wool, Hides. Etc HOPS Choice 1904. 23HQ21c per pound. WOOL Valley. 190200 per pound; Eastern Oregon. 12lc per pound. MOHAIR Choice. 252tJc per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 18 pounds and tap. 16P16tjc per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 13 pounds. 14215 per pound; dry calf. No. L under 5 pounds. 17018b; dry salted, bulls and stags; one-third less than dry fllntr Ccalls. moth-eaten. badlV etrt. sr-r- TnitrT!n ' TssItw slipped, weatherbeaten or grubby, 2S3c per wuna Jessy; saiuo Bices, steera. sound. t pounds and over. 910c per pound; 50 to 60 uu.. ortyry per pouna: unoer potmns and cows. 609c per pound; salted stags and bulls, scund. Cc per pound; salted kip, sound, 15 lS pounds. 9c per pound; salted veal. -uiuiu. w u j pounos. sc per pound; salted Calf, sound. Under 10 oounfl nr ivmni- Cgreen. unsalted, Ic per pound less; culls, lc per pound leoO. Sheep skins: Shearlings. Nc 1 butchers stock. 25830c each: abort woof. o i 1 butchers Stock. 40&50c each: Tn!Iti-n wnol No. 1 butchers stock, eogsoc: long wool. No. I b.n,tchr. ei-50 each. Murrain pelts. w -v per cent lew, or 12214c Kr pound: horse hide, salted, each, according to ikX. " liH vTj cca acconung to sue, 1Q jjjucb, oxswc eacn; goat calns. 25cSL50 elc'lT n; . Angora, with wool on. TALLOW Prime, per pound. SUgHc; No. 2 and grease 23c Z. .t'l. "" Danger. sa&SOc; wild cat, with head perfect, 25550c: house cat, 6Q 10c; fox. common gray, 50970c; rd, 5335; cross. $5(315; silver and black. ?100soO: fish' ers. $56; lynx. $4.50S?; mlnk strictly No. 1. acccrdlngto tizt, $132.50; marten, dark Northl 10 size ana color, $10315: mar. ten, pale. pine, according to sue and color. S2.50S4: muskrat. large, 10Q15c; skunk. 409 60c: civet, or rolecst. swine--t. l.-.-. 5WP fSg": Pander, with head and cUwi per raccoon prime. 30350c: mountain wolf, with head perfect. $3-50g3; coyote. UOc f. r-41-1. euu, iq i.kju; Kit. BEESWAX Good. rlen nr,A ns.. CASCARA SAGRADA Chlttam bark) -Good. 44Jc per pound. OREGON GRAPE ROOT-Pcr 100 pounds. .FEATHERS Geese, .white, 35040c; geese. 3. MpTiseScf4' ucK wh,te 15S30?- Oils. v An advance was announced" yesterday in lin eeed oil. raw cases being quoted at 66c and boiled cases at 68c Turpentine in barrels is quotable at 82c. GASOLINE Stove gasoline. eacc- !3tc Iron barrels, 17c; S3 deg. gasoline, cases, 32c; Iron uaireis or arums. 26c. COAL OILCases. 21Uc; iron barrel. 13c; wood barrels, none; 63 deg.. cases. 22c; iron barrels. 15V4c; Washington State test burning headlight, lie per gallon higher. nl.rUSEiD OJL-Raw, barrels. 61c; cases. OCc Bailed: Barrels. 63c; cases. 6Sc; lc less lc o-barrel lots. RPENTINE-Cases. S5o; barrels. 62c WHITE LEAD Ton lou- 7Vic; 500-pouna lots. 74c; less than 600-pound Joti, Sc LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards Xesterdoy. Receipts at the Portland Union Etockrards yesterday were ISO cattle, 1343 ehcep and 52 hog. Tho following prices wer onottd at the ya-da: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers. 44: cows and heifers. $3S3.25: HOGS Best large, fat hoxs. 16: blaeV ti China fat, $5.2505.50. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Vl!-r $4.2564.60. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Kansas City, Omaha and Chicago. KANSAS CXTT, March 17. Receipts. 1000: market steady. Native steers, 5i.00S4.75; na tive cows, $2.0034.76; stock era and feeders, S3.O0S4.65; Western fed Meera. $4.6525.40: Western fed cows, $3.00S4.50. Hogs Receipts, 5000; market stronit to r,r higher. Bulk of soles. 54.00S5.10: heavv. $5.0505.15: packers, $4.9505.10: riffs and lights. S4.902.05. Sheep Receipts, 1000; market sttadr. Mut tons, $1.8585.00; lambs, 5 0.5037.25;. range wethers. $5.256.40; fed ewes, 55.S0g5.85. SOUTH OMAHA, March 17. CatUe Re ceipts, 1500; market steady. Native steers, $3.7525.60; oows and heifers. $2.504.25; can ners, $2.0093.00; stockers and feeders. 53.003 4.50; calves. 32.75g5.75; bulls, stags, etc. $354.25. Hogs Receipts. 6500; marllet 5 higher. Heavy. $4.9562.10; mixed, $4.9035.00; light. $4.8095.00; pigs. $4.0034.75; bulk of sales. $4.9595.00. Sheep Receipts. 200; market steady. West. ern yearlings. $5.75S.5; wethers. S5.00 6.75; ewes, $4.7535.40; lambs, $fl.507.30. CHICAGO. March 17. Cattle Receipts. 2000: market steady. Good to prtmo steers, $5.10 C.25; poor to medium, 53.75S-4.65; stockers and fjeders, 52.504. CO; cows, 52. 75 64.50; heifers, $3.005.C0; canners, $1.602.40; bulls, $2.50& 4.00; calves. $5.00e0.75. Hogs Receipts today, 20.000: tomorrow. 15.- 000; market 510c higher. Mixed and butch ers, $4.9595.25; good to choice heavy, $5,159 6.27!$; rough heavy. $4.955.75; light, $4,953 6.17H: bulk of eales. $5.1035.25. Sheep Receipts. 6000; cheep and lambs steady. Good to choice wethers. $4,602-8.10: fair to choice mixed, 5i.752fl.40: tVestem sheep, $5.006.00; native lambs, $6.0037.60; Western lambs. $0-6O7.00. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. March 17. Official clos ing Quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alpha Con. Andes ..$ .lOjKenruck Con $ .01 .ipwcui ... .... 1.73 llOccldental . Con.. .90 Belcher ... .... Best & Belcher . Bullion .95 Ophlr 7.00 .14 .13 .10 .19 .06 .41 .66 JW -07 .02 .20 Overman ... . .44 Potosl .14 Savage ... ... .14 Scorpion ... .eojSeg. Belcher T. L65Slerra Nevada .OSISIlver Hill .47Unlon Con. ... Caledonia Challenge Coru Caoilar ... .... Confidence ..... Con. Cal. & Va.. Crown Point Exchequer Gould & Curry .lTJUtah Con. Hale & Norcross .70Tellow Jacket Justice 061 NEW TORK. March 17. Closing -quota tions: Adams Con. . . .$ .25 Little Chief Ontario ... Onhlr- ...$ .06 ... 3.75 Alice LOO Breece ... ..... 3.00 6.75 06 10 Brunswick Con.. .OSiPhoenlx Comstock Tun... .08 Potosl Con. CaL & Va.. LSSiSavage 12 Horn Sliver .... 1.60, sierra Nevada ... .35 Iron Silver 3.251 Small Hopes ... -25 Standard ... ... LS5 Leadville Con... .03 BOSTON, March 17. Closing quotations: Adventure ...$ 6.001 Mohawk $ 53.601 Allouez LOO Mont- C. & C 3.03 26.75 07.50 28.50 106.00 7.C3 182.00 1L00 25.75 9.SS 13.30 113.00 Amal gamated. . 79.13'Old Dominion.. Am. Zinc .... 1LO0; Osceola Atlantic 16.75 32.00 695.001 Parrot Quincy Bingham ..... Cal & Hecla.. Centennial ... Shannon lS.0OTamarack Copper Range. 76.00. 16.00 790 11.00; 'Trinity Daly West -. - U. a Mining. U. a Oil Dominion Coal Franklin ..... Granby ....... Isle Royale ... Mask. Mining.. Utah 6.00 Victoria' 25.00 Winona lL63Wolreiine Michigan 14.001 ilctal Markets. NEW TORK, March 17. The London tin market was firmer, with epct closing at 133 10s end futures "at 131 6s. Locally the market was easier and closed at 28.4022D.COc copper was lower abroad, closing at 68 5s for spot and ICS 12a 6d for futures. Locally the market is reported firm- Lake, 15.37HO 15.50c; electrolytic, 15.2515.37Uc; casting. 14.87ffl5.25c. Lead was unchanged at 4.4504.00c In New Tork. but was easier in London i X2 7s .fld. Spelter was unchanged at 23 15s In London and steady locally at 3 Vic Iron closed at 53s Ed la Glasgow and at 49s 7Hd in Mlddleaboro. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK. March 17. Evaporated apples are easier, but quotations unchanged. Com mon, iSVic; prime. 5iSUc; choice, 68Hc; fancy, 7c Prunes are less active and easier from 2e 5 7-16C Apricots are firm. Supplies limited. Choice. lOHS-Hc; extra, choice, llH6'12c: fancy. 129 15c Peaches are firm. Choice, 1010Uc; extra choice. iOHOlOc; fancy. 11H12c Raisins aro unchanged. Loose Muscatels. -teCUc; London layers, $L05S"L25; seeded raisins. 5HJ?ic ., Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK. March 17. The market for coffee futures closed at a net advance of 5S13 points. Total sales. C2.750 bags. Including: March, 6.156.20c; May. C30135c: June. 6.40c; July. eSOc; September, 6.S5S6-75c; De cember, 6.86.90c Spot, quiet. Sugar Raw. firm; fair refining. 4ic; centri fugal, 05 test. 6Hc; molasses sugar, 4ic London Wool Sale. LONDON, March 17. The offerings at the wool auction ales today amounted "to 12,550 bales. Americans, after keen bidding, secured about 1000 boles of croxs-breds and , severs! lots of light condlticned wools. " " UNLOADING BY POOLS MONEY OUTLOOK PRINCIPAL MO TIVE FOR SELLING OF STOCKS. Industriars and Speclaltis Advance, but Railroads Are Heavy and -Touch Lower Level. NEW TORK. March 17. The money outlook was a dominant influence in stocks today and the days price movement wag downwards' on tho average. The Industrial stocks and specialties were quite sharply divergent from the railroad list and furnished quite a large record of advances. This class of securities is largely dependent cq factors of individual ef fect, being less responsive to general develop ments than the railroad list. The Individual influences today -were not known In all oases. It was Inferred from the movement in the Metropolitan stocks that hopes were entertalnod of a share by those Interests In future Subway work. A common property interest might be traced in some of the other stocks which -Advanced and it was assumed pools were at work In them. The copper stocks and the railroad equipments had some share in the show of strength. On the other hand, the heaviness in the rail road list was quite general, although the move ment during the day was hesitating and Irreg ular. Prices touched a considerably lower level, however, than yesterday. It was sup posed that pools and speculative syndicates were unloading to a considerable extent and there was no doubt that the money outlook was the principal motive for this action. This was a sentimental influence to some extent as there was very little withdrawal of credits by calling loans, according to the reports of money brokers. There was. however, quite a large paying off of loans on call, which fol lowed the precautionary liquidation of stocks. It was said that a considerable part of the call loans paid off were liquidated with the proceeds of time loans. Operators In stocks hitherto have refrained very persistently taking out time loans, even at the invitingly low level of rates, being satisfied to rely on day to day accommodations. A feature of the day was the renewal of the demand for gold from France; which made luelt felt in London. This gave rise to renewed conjectures regarding a Russian, loan and was the cause of some une&sincas over possible disturbances in France This con tributed to the growing weakness of the later stock market. During the same period call loans fell to 2 per cent. The market closed weak at about the lowest. Bonds were easy. Total sales. $3,685,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. 'Atchison 13.500 90 SSU 834 do preferred 2.700 103J4 10314 103 Atlantic Coast Line.. 3.600 144 1427 1424 Baltimore & Ohio.... 13,700 101)U 107H 108 do preferred ...... 200 07 07 96 Canadian Pacific ....-20.200 14&& 145 147U Central of N. J. 200 Chesapeake &. Ohio.. 7GL500 50 67H 574 Chicago & Alton 300 43 42 41. do preferred 1.100 82 81 804 Chi. Great Western.. 9.2CO 24d 24 24 ChL & Northtwestem 600 241 240 240 Chi.. Mil & St. Paul 19.S00 lSlil 17o5 1794 a era. & urans.. 1,200 18 17 1,600 84 33 17 do srtsferred . ... S3 105 23J5 tlk '903 260 s 894 46W bOH es 94 04B 161 29 65 a. C, C &. St, L.... 200 106 103 Colorado & Southern. do lit preferred.... do 2d preferred..... Delaware & Hudson. DcL. Lack. & West. 2,300 23' jot ei 200 35 600 192 100 375 ei 35 191 375 35 90 161 29 66 29tt Deliver St Rio Grande 200 35 do d referred 1.400 80! Erie lo 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... Hocking Valley do preferred RUnols Central Iowa Central do preferred , 43.900 2.300 1.000 4 All 100 109 95 93U. 3,000 162 100 29H 100 56 eoo 294 Kan. City Southern.. do preferred Louisville & Nashr.. 141 Manhattan L 100 1694i 169U. 169U Metrop. SecurltleK ... 77.000 01 K7H 83; Metropolitan St, Ry.. 40.600 1254. 123i 123 Mexican Central 4.700 25U 24H 24H Minn. & St. Louis 69 M.. St. P. fc S. 3. M. .000 1164 "J US do preferred S.&OO 1624 162JS 163 ju.sEouri i-aciac .... cow iwVl iui4 no., itan. ft Texas.. wj &zy. do preferred 1.600 00 41 161 CO National of Mex. pfd. - 800 7ii Nev VrtrV mtn IT TO(l 4 1 92 143 M2V4 IMJs 92 91 So 71 26 N. T OnL & West. 18.700 6lii oou Norfolk & Western.. 3,700 86 83 go preterred Pennsylvania 46,400 1444 142t P.. C C. & St- L 300 S4T& 2X4 ao 1st preferred.... 400 do 2d d referred 200 92U ei'i 84ji 83li 71H 27 65V Rock Island Cc 12,400 do preferred 400 St, L. & S. F. 2d pfd, 800 St. L. Southwenterzi.. 3,000 80 71 26H 63i do preferred 10,300 Southern Pacific .... 21,100 03 00 oo preferred .... 100 118- 11SH 11H SOO 35Vi 34-i 34; Southern Railway 10,300 do preferred 00 90-4 Texas & Pacific.. 3.300 394 7.100 40T 3,500 59 38H Toledo. St. L. & W. 381-1 33lS 100 t 45 24" 63U -3i do preferred 69U Union Pacific ...... 113.400 134 1.000 100- 131H 99 22 455 isk 24 52Ti do preferred Wabash 1.400 234 do preferred Wheeling & L. Erie Wisconsin Central . 400 200 do preforred Express companies- 53 Vi Adams 24 225 130 250 American United Ctates , 100 230 100 132 220 132 Wells-Fargo .Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper 53.700 804 m 35 "3. "is 79 37 98 374 95 54 Araer. Car & Foundry 11,600 do preferred 400 American Cotton Oil. SOO 93ii S5 "oil 894 43 do preferred American Ice t 100 do preferred 100 American Linseed OH do preferred 100 42 47 American Locomotive 14.900 4St4 4CT4 do preferred 300 115TA 115U 114 Amer. 8m. Sc. Refining 80,900 103U 8SH ioiu Amer. Sugar Refining 7,'c00 44U 142J Am. Tobacco pf. cert. 1,000 97U 97 Anaconaa Mining: uo. .sco llSfe 11 Mi roosirn iu Transit. s.ioo &s fMi' Colorado Fuel & Iron 18.700 64 63 Consolidated Gas 2.000 20S Vi Com Products do preferred 1.600 4.000 2,600 800 400 Distillers' Securities. General Electric .... International Paper.. uo preierrea International Pump.. co preierrea National Lead 6.700 3S S3l North American .... L10O 103U 1024 1024 Pacific Mail 400 45U 40 urn m Peoplye Gas Pressed Steel Car.... 9.800 113U 4,200 3S 33 ss 9 Hi 92 do preferred 200 Pullman Palace Car. Republic Bteel 200 1.300 1.400 5,000 2. WO 200 2i5Vj 243 19TI 77 29. IB 74tt 23H ao crererrea Rubber Goods 6H do preferred 93 89 Tenn. Coal & Iron... 91U 12? 04H mi S3 12V, U. S. Leather do preferred .... 200 104 104 104 U. a. Keaity. SOO t 83 U. S. Rubber. 1,600 414 40 40W do preferred 1.500 112 111 llli U. S. Steel 34.700 S3U S5S S5U do preferred 20,500 B5v4 9 96 Va..CardlInk Chemical 200 25 Vi 35 35 do preferred ....... 107 Westlnghouse Elec... COO 1814 181U 150 Western Union 000 94H 91 944 Total sales for the day, 1,147,000 shares. Ex dividend. BONDS. NEW TORK, March 17. Closing quota tions: U. S. rel, 2i reg.l044 do coupon ...104"$ U. a 3s reg... .1044 Atchison AdJ in. 964 D. & R. G. 4s ..101 N, T. Cent. lstslOOii do coupon 1044Uor. Pacific as.. 76 U. S. new 4e reg.l32H I ao -s 100 So, Pacific 4s,.. 03 do coupon ...132H U. 8. old 4s reg.104 Union. Pacific 4s. 106 do coupon ...105W1. Central 4s. 044 Stoeks at Leados. LONDON, March 17. Consols for money. 91H: consols for account, Sl4 Anaconda 51Nor. Ss Western. SSi Atchison 02 H do preferred 04 U do preferred .106Vi Ont St Western. 62 i Bait. & Oslo ...112 Pennsylvania . 74H . 10H .. 49H - 47 . 404 . 30 H .1014 . 71 -135H Can. Pacific ....150H Ches. & Ohio .. 61H C. Gt. Western.JSH Rand Mines Reading ... ao 1st pref C., SL. Sc. St- F..IS5H ao sa pref DeBeers 17 U 1 So. Railway D. & R. G 36 do preferred do preferred 924 84 So. Pacific ... Union Pacific . Erie do 1st pref 834 do preferred ..101Ji do 2d pref ... 70KTJ. SL Steel r. SL Steel ..... S6T4 Illinois central .IB7H L. & N 1474 ao preierrea .. 88 Ji Wabuh ... .... 24- do preferred -47U iL. K. Sc T. ... 321 N. T. Central ..16744 Spanish 4s 914 Koaey, Exefcuage, iNe. NEW TORK, March 17. Money oa call, strong, StXt per cent: dosing bid. 3M per cent; offered. 34 per cent Time loans, easy; 60 I days, 3 per cent; 90 days. 34H r cent; wSx & 63H M 83Vi 3-B 70 J214 424 41U 4lg 90jI 1S3H isavj 23M 23U 23 79g 79. 79 88 ....1 83 months. 2Uf34 Ter cent Prime mercantile paper. 3494 per cent Sterile s exchange heavy, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at Ji.S6S084.863o for demand and at S4.S435fi4.8440 for 60 days. Posted rates, $4.S5M.Stt and f4.87JH.57H Commercial bills. J4.S4SI.844. Bar silver. 574c Mexican dollars, 444c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, easy. BAN FRANCISCO. March 17. Silver bars. fiT&c Sight drafts, TVic; telegraph drafts, 10c Sterling on London, CO days, 4.S5; sight, J1-S7. LONDON. March 17. Bar silver, steady. 2Sl-16d per ounce. Money. 2jf2H per cent The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; the rate cf dis count in the open market for three-months' bills Is 2H2S per cent Rank Clearings. , Clearings. 3 751.305 ... 1.009.749 4S3.211 457.353 Balances. S133.120 194.062 34.352 71.03T Portland .. Seattle .... Tacoma .... Spokane ... Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March 17. Today's state ment of the Treasury shows: . Available cash balances $143,548,680 Gold 63,415,772 OPTIONS SHOW IMPROVEMENT. Shorts Principal Buyers In San Francisco Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. March 17. (Spe cial.) Tho local wheat market showed im provement in all positions, encouraged by the stubborn strength of Chicago. Shorts were principal buyers of options, chiefly December, at a sharp advance. Cash wheat was strongly held and quoted lUc higher. Oats and other cereals were quiet and steady. Feedstuffs were in light supply and firmly held, but the demand was limited. (Swing to the abundance of green food. Despite the steadily improving crop pros pects, no vessels are being chartered- for fu ture loading to Europe, so far as known, but buslnees in this line will probably soon be an nounced at the minimum rates of the Ship owners' Union. A large Installment of Southern oranges, de layed by the railroad blockade, arrived and relieved the stringency In the market Ccld and threatening weather checked trade, but prices for email sizes and fancy navels re mained firm. Five carloads, including one of fancy Redlands, auctioned at L252 for fancy. 90cft 1.45 for choice and 65c(ftL15 for standard. Other citrus and tropical fruits were inactive. Apples were weak. The market la well stocked with ordinary potatoes, which remain easy. Fancy Bur banks are in good demand and steady. Onions are easy at the recent decline. Asparagus Is slightly higher. Rhubarb and peas are weak. Al) dairy products are'' easy. Receipts: 61,700 pounds of butter, 13,000 pounds of cheese and 41,400 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES GarUc. fc10c; green peas, 3-S5c; string beans. 15i$20c; asparagus, 363c; tomatoes, $L252; egg plant 15c POULTRT Turkey gobblers, l&320c; roost ers, old, 535.50; do young. SS.508T.50; broil ers, small, fJg4; large. $4.5033.50; fryers. 5.50$t; hens. 57; ducks, old. 5tfO; do young. $6.607.50. CHEESE Toung America, 12HI3c; East ern. 15916c BUTTER Fancy, creamery, 23c; creamery seconds'. 23c; fancy dairy, 23c; dairy sec onds, 22c EGGS Store. 174S19c; fancy ranch. 21c WOOL-Lamhs'. lOtflSc HOPS 23325c per pound. HAT Wheat J10&14; wheat and oats, $109 18; barley, JOg-lO; alfalfa, 58ei0.50; clover. 479; stocks. 037; straw, 4050c 1ULLFEED Bran. 520.50321.50; middlings. $28328.50. FRUIT Apples, choice, 2: do common, 75c; bananas, 75c6$2.50: Mexican limes, 344.50; California, lemons, choice, $2.60; do common. 5c; oranges, navels, 75cSf2; pineapples, $2 POTATOES Early Rose. Sl.50ei.75; River Burbanks, 75cSl; river reds, 65975c; sweets, 75cgtl; Oregon Burbanka, SI 1.33. RECEIPTS Flour. 2400 quarter sacks: bar ley, 6100 centals: wheat, 6000 centals; beans. 23 sacks; potatoes, 2300 sacks; middlings, 430 eacka; hay. 430 tons; wool, 376 bales; hides, 1140. Dairy Produce In the East. NEW TORSC. 'March 17. Butter and eggs. unchanged. Eggs Firm. Western firsts, 17c; Western seconds. 164c CHICAGO. March 17.-On the produce ex change, today the butter market was steady. Creameries, 21g2Gc; dairies, 18223c Eggs Easy at mark, cases included, 14Hc Cheese Strong, 1291334c ' New York Cotton Market NEW TOBK. March IT. Cotton futures closed steady at a net decline of 14 points. March, 7.63c; April, 7.67c; May. 7.72c; June, 7.60c; July, 7.69c; August 7.71c; September, 7.74c Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. March 17. Wool Dull. Medium grades combing and clothing, 21325c; light fine, 13320'Ac; heavy fine, lt&lSc; tub-washed. S037c SUED POE HEEL OH DEAD MAN Associated Henry B. Hyde With James and Sospy Smith. DENVER, ilarch 17. Charges of crimi nal libel against George J. KIndel, aris ing from the alleged publication and cir culation by the defendant of a pamphlet in -which the .picture 0 Henry B. Hyde, founder of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, appeared between the pictures o Jesse James and "Soapy" Smith, under the title, "Klndel's Famous Gallery of Dead Characters," are embodied in three Informations filed In the Circuit Court here today by District Attorney SUdger. A capias was issued for Mr. KIndel. KIndel is alleged to have published the offending circular February 20, 1S05, and to have circulated it by means of the mails and otherwise, Trtth the intention of Insinuating that Henry B. Hyde con sorted -with outlaws and confidence men. Charles Vy. Mitts. Inspector of agencies ofthe Equitable Society, who made the -affidavits on which the informations are based, said that the prosecution was in stituted after all other -means had failed to Induce the author of the circular to discontinue the publication of alleged de famatory Insinuations regarding one "who Is dead. The- circular had not Injured the company's business, and It was not for business reasons that the complaint was filed No notice was taken of an other pamphlet by KIndel, In which he made a direct attack upon the company. The object of thelactlon, Mr. Mills stated, was solely to stop all such attacks upon the character of the deceased father of the present head of the Equitable. Mr. KIndel was actuated In issuing the circular by the failure to realize the amount he expected on a 15-year policy In the Equitable, according to Mr. Mills. Will Protect Mines From Yaquis. "WASHINGTON. March 17. Recently the local agents here of tho Yaquf Copper Company, an American corporation, whose mines are located in the" state of Bonora, Mexico, applied to the State De partment to secure protection for its nrowrttp. The mines nrA nhnti i.1 distant from the nearest Mexican farri- tsoa post, aau me uves 01 me caretaKer and his family had been placed In jeopardy from bands of hostile Taqul Indians. Ambassador Clayton was com municated with, and today he telegraphed from the City of Mexico that the Mexican Minister for Foreign Affairs had Informed him that orders had been immediately dis patched to the- nearest body of troops to send protection to the mines. Pastor Resigns His Charge. ASHLAND, Or,. March 17. (Special.) Key, Konaia iiciiJilop. pastor of the First Baptist Church of Ashland for the past inree years, nas tendered his resignation to take effect On April L Mr. McXillop goes 10 maiasDurg-CaL LOOK FOR WHEAT FLURRY ACTIVE TRADING IN MAY DE LIVERY AT CHICAGO. Firmness Is Aided .by Continued Small Receipts In the Northwest. CHICAGO. March 17. Trading in the May delivery was the feature of the wheat market today. From the start this option showed con siderable strength. Initial quotations were-up At sH3ei.l3tf. July was unchanged 10 uc lower at OlHdOlUc. The firmness of May was due largely to continued small re ceipts in the Northwest and to a belief that a flurry In this delivery la possible. Shorts were active buyerayot May throughout the entire session. Higher prices at Minneapolis being the mala incentive. Prices reached the hiehest point of the day Just prior to the close. May selling at 51.144 and July at 0202c. The close was almost at the top, final quotations being: May. X1.14H. and July. 02-rig02c Strength of wheat wan the main influence in the corn -market. Ma? closed at 4&Uc. Business In the oats pit was extremely quiet Mar Closed at 31;i,g32e. Provisions were firm on a good demand from packers. May pork elated with a gain of 7Hc and lard and ribs were each up 2ViS5c. The leading futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. .SL134 $1.14; S1.13U "1-H?i . -01H .82 .31 .922 . .85i .6 .. .S5i -8tt CORN. . .48 ".49U .4SK .4S . .40 AOV . .40 .49?i .49 .4015, .4'J .4UH OATS. .' .314 -32 .31i .31T4 . .311 .31U .3U4 -31H . .2 .20si .29 ,29T MESS POTUC .12.80 12. W) 12.S0 12. S3 .12.97J. 13.05. 12.97H 13.00 LARD. . 7.15 7.17H 7.15 7.17H . 7.30 7.S2W 7.30 7.30 SHORT RIBS. . 6.92 7.00 6.924 6.97U . 7.10 7.17 7.10 7.15 July September .. May July September May July September ... July May July July .... Cash quotations were as follows: FIour-rEasy. TVheat No. 2 Spring, $1.CS31.12; No. 3, $1.02 1.11; No. 2 red. 31.14481.16. Corn No. 2. 4314c; No. 2 yellow. 484c. Oat No. 2. SIHc; No. 2 white. 34c; No. 3 whit j. 31L9Zlc. Rje No. 2, 78'Jc Barley Good feeding. 3S40c; fair to choice matting. 43347c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1.26; "No. 1 Northwestern, $1.38. Mess pork Per "barrel, S12.S0312.85. Lard Per 100 pounds, $7.Q24S7.05. Short rlba sides Loose. fs!874g7. Short clear sides Boxed. $5.8747.05. Clover Contract grade, 13.35. Receipt-. Shipments. Flour, barrels .., "Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels ... Oats, bushels .. . 41.S00 23.100 ... 44.000 ...517.400 ...261,000 481,000 230,500 209,000 21,000 26,300 itye. bushels 11,000 Barley, bushel 84,400 Grain and Produce at Ne-w York. NEW TORK. March 17. Flour-Recelpte. 13,200 barrels: exports, 12,200 barrels. Dull and unchanged. Wheat Receipts. 20.000 bushels; exports. 38, 600 bushels. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. nominal elevator and $1.1SH f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth. $12 f. o. b. afloat. From an easier opening, due to bearish foreign news and unfavorable weather, wheat had a strong rally, lasting most of the session. It was based on covering, notably of May, and the strength in outside markets. Close: May, 11.124; July, 88Uc: September, 90c Hops Easy. Hides Steady. Wool Quiet. European Grain Markets. LONDON, March 17. Cargoes are nominal today. California, and Walla Walla wheat, prompt, retain the same position aa yesterday, both being quoted at 33 shillings. The mar ket has been in rather an unusual state, as California wheat generally ranges a shilling above Walla Walla. The English country markets are firm. ''LIVERPOOL. March 17. May wheat opened today at 6s 8d. a decline of 4d as compared with yesterday's closing, and a further drop was recorded at the closing today, when the quotation was 6s S&d. July, closed at 6s 84d. The French country markets aro firm and steady. Grain at Son Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. March 17. Wheat and barley, steady. Spot quotations Wheat: Shipping", $1.30 $1.55; milling, $1,558-1.67. Bariey: Feed. $1.22481.25; brewing. $1.25 1-27. Oats: Red. $1.401.55; white. $1.423L60; black. $1.33 L65. Call-board sales Wheat: December, $1.28?i. Barley: Hay, 51.21 bid; December. 86T4c Corn: Large yellow, $1.331.40. Argentine Wheat Shipments. CHICAGO, March 17. Argentina, shipments reached 4,248.000 bushels this week. Last week they were 3.383,000. Shipments to India were 360.000 bushels against 832,000 bushels last week. s Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. March 17. Wheat Unchanged. Bluestem. 94c; club. 6&c. Hood's Sarsaparllla is peculiar to Itself in merit and curative power. Take only Hood's. ECrttOrtfctiTEWS. CNUUtiH ENNYROYAL PILLS . Wrlnai tm4 TIy G ex nine. . la XEB ul Coil BttkSU ben, tealti Hth bin rtbtm. Take no other. SeraM 1 waajrerovs 8abUtnt4eas aad Imlu. uemt. Bit f TTur Dntzltu cr vai 4c. ta mf Hfc. PartfotilK. TMttnoalaU taraVaJt. 39,999 TtMimmU!-. 8Mbr Ktttk-a till ppr. M4n, Snaaw. ,"H,A.. VlZ TRAVKLERS' GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers Steamers leave Portland daUyr""except Sunday, 7 A. M.; arrive dally at 6 P. if. Connecting' at Lyle, Wash., with Columbia .River & Northern Ry. Co. for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. Landing foot of Alder at. Phone Main 914. S. li'DONALD, Agent. For South -Eastern Alaska Czrrylzz V. S. Mail and Esurese. COTTAGE CITY, 0 A. 31. -S. S. RAMON A. 9 A. il. S. S. HUMBOLDT. 8 P. ii. From Tacoma same day. C:i5 A. M. and a P. M. RAMONA March 6, via Vic- via Victoria, and tlitka. HUMBOLDT March 10, via viuHiurur uuu aaagway March 23. via Vancouver and Skagway. " COTTAGE CITT March 28, Vancouver and Sitka. All ships will make regular Southeastern Alaeka porta of calL Above sailing dates sub ject to change without notice. S. S. Humboldt wUi sot call at Port Townsesd. FOR VANCOUVER. CITT OF SEATTLE leaver Seattle Tueedays Tharedays. Sandays. 10 P. M-;.caU at Everett and BelliaKbam. Returning leaves Vancouver Mondays. Veaedays ana Friday calling at BeUlsgham only. Steamers ceeJwct at San Francisco with com pany's steamers for porta la California, Mex ica and Humboldt Bay. For further Informa tion ofetata folder. Right !m reserved to choose eteamers oc sailing date. TICKJ3T OFFICES. Portland 249 Washington it Seattle 113 James at. -and docks Saa FraacUco .-.10 Market st. - C D. DUN ANN. Gen. Pas. Agt., 10 Mrket sc., Han 3"rancteeo. TXATELER'S GUUJaL tfP?to-W Shqv? Um ax Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY JSSPil1. -"a standard and tourist sle-p-SSnff "T t0 Omaiso. Chicago, Spokane; P"- dally to Kansas CUyj iiw b ul'aa tonrlat sleeplngar (person ally conducted), weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair-cars (seat free) to the East dally. UNION DEPOT. j Leaves. 1 Arrives. CHGOrpOOTLJB 9oTa:m7 3:23 P.M. SPECIAL for the Eist Dally Dallr vU Huntington. w SPOKANE FLYER l:13 P. M. 8:00 A M. ter?. Washington. wJila Wauf'L-w-lston. Coeur d'Alene and Great Northern potata. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. fl... ,r . ' lor tne Et via. iiuritl 8-I" lngton. Daily. Dally. RIVER SCHEDULE. OR ASTORIA and 8:0o P. M. 5:00 P. M. way points, connecting Dally. Dally, with (steamer for Hwa- except except co and North Beach Sunday, Sunday. 1 steamer Haisalo, Ash- Saturday. t street dock (water p-rO 10:00 P. M. iOR DAYTON, Ore- T. . c . . ' gon City and rarnhlll 7:gaM- 5:F"M Uv points. Aah-strett JL Da"f- dock (water permitting) Bun . Sua t?R LEWI3T0N, 3:40 A.M. About Idaho, and way points. Dally, 8:00 P. M. irom Rlparia, Wash. ex. Sat. ex. Frl. Telephone Main 712. C. W. Stinger. City Tick et Agent; A. L. Craig. Qeneral Passenger Agent- SAIfEBANCISCO&FOBTLAND S. S. CO. Tickets on sale at 248 WASHINGTON STBEET For S. 8. Columbia. March 27. April 8. 16. 23. S. S. St, Paul. March 22. 27. April 1. 11, 21 Leaving Alnsworth Dock at 8 P. M. Through, tickets to all points beyond Sa Francisco. JAS. H. DEWSON. Agent. Telephon Mala 2UH. EASTvu SOUTH UNION DEPOT. Arrireev OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS tor Salem. -Kojk-ourg. Ashland. Sac 8:30 P.M. T2S A. M, ramento, Ogaen, San .rnnci.-ico, joojavs, uai Acgtleu, Ei .'aao. New orlcdiu .nd the Else Morning trun con .ecu at Woodburn dally except Sun .ay) with train' for 3:30 A. : S:C0 P. M.i uunt Angel, BUvtr ton, HruwEvtli, 'springfield. Wend- ling xatroa 4:00 P. M. Albany passenger 10a0 connect at wood- (burn with M.U Angel ana biiverton locii. 1 7:30 A. M. 5:30 P. Mi ttS-25 A.--M. 4:50P. il. Sheridan passenger. Dally. IJDaUy. except Sdoday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICa AND YAMHILL DIVISION. T ....... altv fi. O.ttt. . . A. 1250. 2:J. 3:55, 530, 6:20. T:43i 10UO ty'. 1 laT'j, cjLL,eyt. ouAuojr, ou, iu, ov. io-25 A. 410, 11-30 P. M. Sunday, only, 9 A. M. V Returning from Oswego arrives Portland dally 8:30 A. II.. 1:55. 3:05, 4:55. 6:15. 7:35, 8t55. 11:10 P. .M. Dally except Sunday. 65, 7:25. 8UJ0, 1Q-J2Q, 11:45 A. if. Except Monday, 1235 A. M. Sunday only. 10:00 A. M. T.,m fr&m Kama denot for Dallas and inter mediate points daily except Sunday. 4:10 P. M. Arrive Portland, 10:10 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth, motor line sper- .... .iiir tn Mnnraonth and AJrlle. eonneetlnf with S. P. Co. traiiu at Dallas and Inde pendence. First-class fare from Portland to Sacramaet and San Francisco, $20; berth, 5. Second class fare. $16; eeccnd-claa berth, , Tickets to Eastern pointa and Europe. Al Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia. - Arnrv tipitt? mrPTfTTJ? MMner Thlrf a&a Washington streets. Phone Main TIE. TIME CARD OFTRAINS PORTLAND DeoartL Arrlra. Pnget Sound Limited for Tacoma, aeatue. uiympia. South Bend and Gray's Harbor points.. soara 4:4 pat North Coast Limited for Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane, Butte. St- Paul. New York; Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00 oca 7:00 aid Twin City Express for Taooma, Seattle, Spokane, Helena. St. Paul, Mlnne- ' a polls, Chicago. New York. Boston and ail points East and Southeast M 11:45 pm 7.-00 pal Pugec Sound-Kansas City- Bt. Jyouia ppecuu, lor Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane, ' ., Butte. Billings, Denver, ZSZI" Omaha, Kaneas City, St. 1 '- Xiouis and all points East and Southasjt.. ........ sQam 70t(ts All trains dally, except oa Seuth Hand briaclu A. D. CHARLTON. AS4ltaat General stager Agent. 2S3 Morrison St.. comer Tbtfdk Portland, Or. Astoria & Columbia ' River Railroad Ca Laaye. UNION DEPOT ArrtvwL' Dally, For Maygero, Rainiar, Clatskanle, Westport, Clifton. Astoria, war- Daily. S-.CO A. M. renton, FlaveL Ham 11:10 a. 3t mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park. Sea. side. Astoria and Sea shore. Express Daily. Astoria Expree. j Dally. i 7:00 P. M. :40 P. M. C. A. STEWART. J. C. MAYO, Cofflni Agt-t Aiuer Bb. Ij. J. as fV A. Phon Mala $09. City Ticket Oe&c 122 TiW St., Pkwe M. OVEELAITD THAIXS DAJLT O The Flyer aad te Xat HkiL . Br-XU-UAIS XQJIPSCSNX C0UKEJCOC8 XEIATU& Vnr Irtr(. ratea. foliar cmj s. IL DIOESON, City Juee-eger mm. 34ee" Agt, 122 Xh&a street, Port&MHL. 0. JAPAN-AWESlCAN LINE . S. KANAGAWA MAtj -For 3an, Chiaa a-ea all Aiiath. rcia. Zm Leave. Seattle bKt drJr .v