Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 18, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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Is Still Young. Despite His Eighty-Six Years
THERE Is an elderly man, looking
possibly 60 years old; living just
across the way .from Mayor "Wil
liams, on Eighteenth street. It la Lieutenant-Colonel
Theodore J. Eckerson,
who entered the United States Army 67
years ago. Prom that it would appear
that ie could count more than the &2
Autumns that the Mayor lias seen. In
fact fee Is 86.
This young old -man has lived retired
in Portland for a long time. When lie
was placed on the retired list tie came
to Portland because the best portion of
his life had been identified with Oregon,
the case with many another well-known
Army officer. -He came and lived her
because it had come to be his country,
though be had served in all portions of
the continent and those who nave been
fortunate enough to know him, and, his
wife have heard many tales of the time
when this was the frontier.
Colonel Eckcrson has lived very
quietly, like all men who "Save suffered
hardship in youth and known stirring
times. The petty activities have had no
attraction for him. Ho has not been
prone to look upon his own eventful ca--reer
as anything out of tne usual, and
-has taken it all in the line of duty.
But he has a biographer. Lieutenant
'Colonel J. A. Watrous, also retired, has
'.been tattling of tho doings of his com
patriot, and there has appeared in an
Eastern paper a full account of the life
of Colonel Eckerson.
"I do not know where Colonel "Wat
roufl may have secured his information
regarding my career," said the old sol
Uler when shown the article, "but he
has it correct."
The story as told by Colonel "Watroua
Colonel Eckerson was a printer, but
from early boyhood had desired to be
come an American soldier. That ex
plains why he ran away and enlisted
in th Third United States Infantry
December 20, 1838. He 1b now 86 years
old and has been in the Army 67
After serving five years he re-enllst-ed
in the same regiment, and then en
listed in the First United States Artil
lery, with which he served until 1853,
when, by good fortune, he was promot
ed to military storekeeper. He served as
a private through the Seminole and
Mexican Wars. For a time he waa clerk
at brigade headquarters in Mexico and
had opportunities to meet many of the
officers. Among them were Lieutenant
U. S. Grant, of the Fourth infantry.
From the Mexican War to his death
General Grant was a stanch friend of
Soldier Eckerson.
At the battle of Churubusoo Private
Eckerson was one of six, including Cap
tain Smith, of the Third Infantry, to
volunteer to scale the walls and enter
the Mexican fort. For this service he
was given a certificate by the Secretary
of War. That was before medals were
Sergeant Eckerson met Captain Grant
at Vancouver Barracks in the early '60s,
soon after the Captain was assigned to
that station. Other officers at barracks
in those days were Second Lieutenant
Philip H. Sheridan, Captain Ruins In-g-alls
and Captain McFeeley, all of
whom afterwards won high rank.
Through the efforts of Captain Grant
these officers became interested In
Sergeant Eckerson, and joined in a
successful request that he be appointed
military storekeeper. That placed him
In charge of the arsenal at Vancouver.
In one of the Indian wars Military
Storekeeper Eckerson was a greater
man than the Brigadier-Generaral com
manding the department. The com
manding officer was at San Francicco,
nearly 800 miles away.
In 1855 the Governors of Oregon and
Washington called upon the military
storekeeper for arms and ammunition.
The Indians had been committing nu
merous depredations, had killed many
settlers, burned houses and stolen
stock. A general uprising of settlers
resulted. The settlers were anxious to
punish the savages, but they were
without arms and ammunition. Hence
tne call of the Governors for guns,
powder and lead. Eckerson submitted
the request to General John E. Wood,
commander of the Army on the Pacific
Coast. General Wood promptly returned
answer that the request must riot be
granted, saying there was no authority
for it
By this time the Indians were re
doubling their efforts and scores of
innocent women and children were be
ing slaughtered. The Governors re
newed their demand for arms. The
storekeeper had heretofore always
obeyed orders. Should he disobey now?
He was close enough to the scene of
action to -crltness the smoke of the
burning himes.
Early on morning he asked himself:
"What aro these guns for, and why is
this ammunition here? I will Issue all
they ask for. If it costs my commis
sion." The guns were issued, 3000 of them,
w ith the necessary ammunition. Good
uru wns made of them. The savages
were severely punished by the settlers.
Captain Eckerson promptly reported
his action to the Secretary of War, at
that time Jefferson Davis. Mr. Davis
approved the action of Eckerson and
directed him to accept the receipts of
the Governors of Oregon and Washing
ton for the arms and ammunition, and
to 'drop them in his next report. The re
ceipts of the two Governors are now
in the possession of the Oregon His
torical Society and highly prized.
While a Sergeant, Eckerson was di
rected to take six men across the Co
lumbia River from Vancouver, in a
yawl, and arrest an Indian chief, who
had murdered some woodcutters, a
short distance up the Columbia. The
camp was safely reached and an effort
made to arrest the chief, but he stoutly
resisted. A halfbreed told the Indians
they had hetter submit: If they did not,
a large force would be sent over and
likely kill him, whereupon the chief
was given up.
When they were in the middle of the
stream, on the way back, the water
fairly boiling, the Indian sat upright,
placed a hand on either side of the
yawl and began to rock it. It was In
xlanger of overturning. That was his
aim. Eckerson struck the chief a stun
ning blow on the head thus saving
the .lives or the party.
The Indian was delivered and placed
under a heavy guard, but was not
tried. He attempted to escape. The
guard planted a bullet In his brain and
he was "a good Indian."
A halfbreed rode Into Vancouver
Barracks "and reported that the soldiers
at the Cascades had been surprised by
a band of Indians and taken refuge in
the blockhouse. Second Lieutenant
Philip H. Sheridan, later General, vol
unteered to go to the rescue. Taking
20 or 30 men. he loaded a supply qf
ammunition and provision on the
schooner Mary. Two old howitzers
were taken.
Sheridan, after sailing as close to the
blockhouse as possible, double-sotted
the howitzers and fired Into the sav
ages, that being their first Intimation
of danger. A few shots scattered them
and the little force commanded by Ser
geant McGrath was overjoyed.
While General Grant was at City
Point, early In 186a. he recalled his old
friends. Eckerson, through an appllca-
....... ............,
tlon, and asked President Lincoln to
commission him Captain and Assistant
Quartermaster. Here is General
Grant's letter:
"Headquarters Armies of the United
States. City Point, Va., Feb. 3. 18C5.
To the President of the United States:
I most heartily approve the application
of Theodore J. Eckerson for the ap
pointment as Assistant Quartermaster
in the Begular Army. He has served
for more than 25 years Jn the Army
and has maintained high character. He
Is efficient and well acquainted with
the duties of almost every department
of service. I know him personally and
can vouch for what I say of him. He
will make a most excellent Quarter
master to have on the Pacific Coast,
where he has been long and favorably
known. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General."
He was appointed and served with
great credit, retiring as Major over 20
years ago, receiving a new rank under
the act of April 23. 1904.
While President. General- Grant ap
pointed one of Major Eckerson's sons a
Lieutenant in the regulars and sent
another son to West Point.
There Is an Interesting story con
nected with the appointment to West
Point. Major Eckerson had been anx
ious that his boy should go to the
Military Academy. While on leave, he
went to Washington. They called upon
the President, who said there was no
vacancy at that time, but that he
would keep the young man in mind.
Two or three days alter that the Ma
jor and his wife were on the White
House grounds when he heard some
one call:
"Major! O, Major!"
Looking back, he saw General Grant.
walking towards them. When ho
reached them the President said:
"Major, I thought you and the young
man's mother might be glad to know
that I have Just nominated your son to
West Point; one of the candidates who
had been nominated has failed, thus
leaving a vacancy."
Lieutenant-Coldnel Eckerson is a
member of the society of the Sons of
the American Revolution, his grand
father having been a soldier in the
New Jersey Continentals, and he was
It Is Planned to Have a Central
Meeting Place.
The presidents of the several state so
cieties In Portland met In the rooms of
the Commercial Club yesterday and de
cided that permanent headquarters to be
used by all the state societies should be
engaged. W. M. Cake was elected chair
man ol the meeting and presided over
a stlning debate as to the merits of state
societies, which served to make every
president present more enthusiastic re
garding the work of the new organiza
tions. The societies, through their several pres
idents, expressed a wish to "get to
gether" and work through united effort.
It was universally conceded that It would
be better to engage one headquarters for
all the societies, a move that will admit
of more pretentious headquarters being
engaged and at the same time center the
Interests of the several groups.
No decision was reached beyond a deter
mination to engage a headquarters, and
a committee of three was appointed by
Chairman Cake to look over the town and
discover available apartments. A meet
ing will be held In the near future, pos
sibly In the same place, at which time
the committee will report and definite
action be taken.
New Band at Sllverton.
SILVERTON, Or., March 17. (Spe
cial.) Sllverton Is to be well supplied
with music this season, for in addition
to the Marine Band, which has done
such good service for a number of
years, a new band has been organized
by the young men between tho ages of
15 and 20 years, to be known as the
Crescent Band. They have secured
Gustave Oppllnger for Instructor. Last
evening a St. Patrick's hall was given
in the opera-house under the auspices
of the band, the music being furnished
by Steolhammer's Orchestra. The mem
bers of the band are:
Robert Mount, Oscar Bentson, H. S.
Plllsbury, Arthur Steelhammer, C B.
Bentson, Frank Wray, Cal Schlador.
Willie Steelhammer. Albert Durant, Al
bert Desart, J. K- Kaser, George Steel
hammer. Milblrd Wray. Albert Lichty,
Lloyd Riches, Joe Ludowltske, Oscar
Law Students Give a Banquet.
The Junior class of the University of Ore
gon law school gave a banquet Thursday
night in honor of Lieutenant Richard
Wctherill. of the Nineteenth Infantry,
who Is soon to leave for the Philippines.
During his stay In Vancouver Lieutenant
Wetherlll has been an attendant at the
law school and belonged to tho present
Junior class. The affair was given at the
Calumet and was largely attended by
tne memners or the class.
For table linens, napkins, towelB, hemmed
sheets and pillow cases, blankets, auilta.
curtains and draperies. We are head
quarters for the wide-awake cash buyer.
recently made an honorary member of
the Spanish War Society. He has long
been a member of the Loyal Legion and
the Grand Army of the Republic.
"Fifty-five years ago, when Colonel
Eckerson was stationed at Vancouver
Barracks, he wrote a poem one day and
published it in an old periodical, the
Oregon Spectator. Secretary George H.
Hlmes, of the Oregon Historical So
ciety, dug this np one day a few years
ago, and It was thought fitting to place
the original In the corner-stone of the
monument to Lewis and Clark, which
was laid May 21, 1903. The poem fol
lows: Oregon.
Thro' the mist of coming years
From this vale of hopes and fears.
There's a future bright appears,
Bolueg on;
And thy sons, ami 4 their toll.
On this far. far distant soil.
Shall be proudly seen to smile. '
Oregon J
Tho no more a foreign rod
Is extended o'er thy sod.
But thy hills and vales are trod
By the free;
Tho the children cf the North
In their might have sallied forth.
To assert Columbia's worth
Tet alas! the parent hand
That should nurs so. bright a lasd.
Doth but faintly, feebly stand
For Its son;
While with anxious eyes we look
On the homes ve once forsook.
Fierce and savage tribes to brook,
Oregon I
But we laugh despair to scorn!
Tho forgotten and forlorn,
"We predict the coming mom
Thro the gloom;
"When thy sons and daughters fair.
Sweetly reft of grief and care.
Shall a Nation's bounty share.
And a home!
For the day Is drawing nigh
"When a long-negleeted cry
Not In vain shall raise on high.
"We are Onel" t
And thy sons, amid their toll
On this fair though distant soli.
Shall In sweet contentment smile.
Mrs. M. Lincoln, Who Oregon Regi
ment Remembers, Is Here.
Mrs. M. Lincoln, the Methodist deacon
ess who represents the Red Cross Society
at the Presidio, San Francisco, is spend
ing a few weeks' vacation in Portland,
the guest of Mrs. Osmon Royal, &U East
Morrison street.
Members of the Second Oregon Regi
ment who served in the Philippines re
member her kindly ministrations, the care
she took of them In the hospital, and the
letters she wrote for them. For five years
Mrs. Lincoln has devoted her entire at
tcntion to the welfare of soldiers. Her
work at the Presidio Is so highly appre
ciated that the officers with their wives
and daughters contribute enough from
their own purses to enable her to continue
her chosen work. It Is expected that she
will give an address on her experiences
with Army men before returning to San
Nevada Pauper Dies Leaving Gold
Coin In His Cabin.
1 RENO. Nev.. March 17. William Prll-
man, E0 years of age, died in the asylum
here yesterday, apparently a pauper. At
one time he was well to do. He came
from Rye Patch, ?ev.. a few days ago,
When the old man passed away a message
was sent to a friend at Rye Patch, who
immediately started a search of Prii
man's cabin, and beneath a board found
c can containing $1500 in coin. He ar
rived here today with the money and ar
ranged for the old man's funeral.
Prilman. It appears, dreading to die a
pauper, buried his money before he lost
his mind, and then forgot it. It is prob
able that more wealth is hidden about the
cabin, and further search will be made.
Castro's Suit Is Dismissed.
The suit of Louis Castro against the
Portland Baseball Company to recover
S70 balance alleged due on a contract
to play ball for the season of ISO, was
dismissed by Judge Sears yesterday on
motion of Dan J. Malarkey. attorney.
The litigants settled the case. Castro was
hired as shortstop and was dismissed be
fore the season closed. He obtained other
employment and consequently his attor
ney agreed to compromise the case.
Exile Prom Home.
Every year sees thousands of pale and
emaciated people leaving their homes for
the benefit a change of climate affords
them. A large number of these poor
sufferers who are thus exiled from home
are affected with throat or lung troubles,
asthma, bronchitis or consumption, which
can invariably be traced back to a severe
cold. Xo one would neglect a cold could
he foresee such a termination. To go to
a warmer climate for one's health Is ex
pensive and seldom altogether . satisfac
tory. The prompt use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy will save an this expense
and worry. This remedy Is widely known
for Its prompt cures of caucus and colds
and thousands have testified to the perma
nent reuer. uier iislvo received oy its use.
or saae oy ut arugguis.
Clash Between Longshoremen
and Sailors.
Policemen Detailed to Portland Mill
Prevent More Serious Disturbance
War Regarded as Inevitable
Between Two Unions.
There was another chapter in the
water-front strife yesterday that, in the
opinion of shipping people, brings closer
the threatened war between the rival
unions of sailors and longshoremen. The
trouble took place at .the Portland lum
ber mill, and led to the arrest of Charles
Buck, a Sailors' Union man. The pres
ence of police prevented any serious dis
Men belonging to the Sailors' Union
were engaged In loading the barkentlne
T. P. Kmlgh at the Portland mllL A
dozen or more longshoremen were em
ployed on other vessels at the same dock.
The bitter feeling between the two organi
zations had opportunity to crop out with
the men thus working side by side, and
from taunts they nearly came to blows.
The sailors say a longshoreman named
Connelly started In to abuse them, pay
ing particular attention to Buck. The lat
ter, expecting trouble, had armed himself
with a revolver, which he drew when the
excitement was at its height. He did not
use It, however, but sought refuge from
the angry longshoremen In a near-by sa
loon. A policeman was quickly on his
trail, and found Buck in the saloon with
his weapon still in his band in readiness
for business. The officer at once dis
armed him and took him to the station.
Several officers remained on the scene
during the rest of the day, which proba
bly prevented a further outbreak.
Gus Johnson, another member of the
Sailors' Union, living at the Hotel Rhein
pfalz, who has been employed on the
Emlgb, complained at the police station
last night that he had been assaulted In
the evening at Second and Burnslde
streets by a longshoreman. He was told
to come around In the morning and swear
out a warrant against his assailant.
Captain Ipsea, the master of the
Emigh. complains sorely of the trouble
caused him by the conflict between tho
two unions. He says he has already lost
two days on account of It, and fears his
sailing may be further delayed. The cap
tain declares that, unless the trouble Is
soon settled, he will apply to the Chief of
Police for protection for his men.
The longshoremen still insist that they
have no intention of hampering the load
ing of the Emigh or any other vessel that
may have a contract with tho Sailors
Union. They say they are being unjustly
treated, but will do nothing to embarrass
the commerce of the port. They lay all
the blame for the recent disturbances on
the sailors, who, they say,, have con
verted their union headquarters into a
regular arsenal, with the Intention of car
rying things with a high hand. "Go
through the second-hand stores In the
North End and try to buy a revolver,"
said one of them yesterday, "and you will
not find a single one for sale. The sailors
have bought them all up."
This tho Sailors' Union people indig
nantly deny. They declare that above all
they are opposed to violence, but they
do not propose to be browbeaten by the
longshoremen. "We are infringing on no
law," they say. "We are entitled to this
work, and when we sign United States
articles, we believe we are entitled to
Big Bark Will Take a Cargo of Lum
ber to Melbourne.
The British bark Dumfriesshire, after
being Idle In port for seven months, se
cured a charter yesterday. She was taken
by J. J. Moore & Co., of San Francisco, to
load lumber here for Melbourne. The
brief cablegram that Captain Fernaux re
ceived from the owners contained no fur
ther particulars.
The Dumfriesshire arrived here August
29 last with a cargo of coal from Swansea.
The ship Is in the combine and as Its
owners held out for the union rate of
27s 6d for grain, they were unable to se
cure business, rates of non-union ships
declining far below this figure. If the
lumber cargo can be secured without de
lay. Captain Fernaux expects to be on hlj
way to Australia In five or six weeks'
time. He thinks his vessel Wll probably
take coal at Newcastle and return to this
coast for new crop wheat, arriving here
about next New Tear's day.
The Dumfriesshire will carry a cargo of
about 2,250.000 feet of lumber. Her en
gagement leaves but three free ships in
nort suitable for this kind of business, the
Christel, Lonsdale and Pythomene. They
have a combined capacity of 4,600,000 feet
and will probably be engaged for lumber
carrying before the new wheat comes on.
Largest Steamer of the Royal Mall
Packet Line.
BELFAST, March 17. The launching
this week at Queen s Island of the Royal
Mall Steam Packet Company's new steam
er Aragon, built by Messrs. Harland &
Wolff, was a notable event. The naming
ceremony was performed by Lady Fitx-
The building of this steamer marks an
epoch In the history of the Royal Mall
Company, for besides being the finest
steamer In the fleet, the Aragon will be
the largest steamer engaged in the South
African trade. Her dimensions are
Length. 627 feet 6 inches; beam, 90 feet.
with a gross register of about 10,000 tons.
Sne Is designed to carry a large quantity
of cargo, but her passenger accommoda
tions are her chief feature.
By the adoption of Messrs. Harland &
Wolffs latest balance quadruple type of
engines vibration is greatly reduced. There
Is a double set of engines for the twin
screw. The Aragon, which is a schooner'
rigged vessel, will start on her maiden
voyage to South Africa on July 19. The
launching took place in the Abercom
Basin. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Pirrie entertained a large number of
guests at luncheon at Ornlston.
Portland's Shipments Last Month
Larger Than Any Other Port.
February proved a dull month in the
line of wheat exports all over the coun
try. but this city led all othar ports, ac
cording to the bulletin of the Department
of Commerce and Labor. The shipments
from the district of the Willamette were
110,045 bushels, valued at fl.438. Puget
Sound s exports last month amounted to
SS22 bushels, worth "32-13, and San Fran
Cisco shipped only 117 bushels of- a value
of 2121. Shipments of all other points
were 3103 bushels, worth J3S31.
In flour exports. New York was In the
lead with 132,165 barrels; Philadelphia
shipped 89,28 Ibarrels; Puget Sound, 62,730
barrels: Superior. Eusbz barrels; Baltimore,
51,375 barrels; Portland. 42,936 barrels, and
San Francisco, 23,01 barrels.
Profits of Compulsory Pilotage
VICTORIA. B. C. March 17. Th Board
of Trade, at a general nyeeang. has
adopted the report of its special commit
tee named for the Investigation of pilot
age matters generally, the net finding of
which committee was embraced in the fol
lowing paragraphs of an extensive report:
That there are about 1100 vessels entering
the port of Victoria from sea annually;
that about 100 per annum are docked by
pilots, leaving about 1003 which are docked
unaided; that there are five pilots en
gaged to do the work; that their average
earnings for ten years amounted to about
$15,000 per annum (actual earnings for 13
months ending December. 1903, 515,331;
ditto, December 31, 1S01, 512.2CS.3T); that
this tabulation of facts would show that
compulsory pilotage Is unnecessary; that
a docking master appears to oe ail tnat
Is required. At present all vessels coming
to Victoria bring grist to the pilots mill.
If they use the pilot they pay full fee; If
they do not. they are assessed half pilot
age dues.
Disabled Bark Sighted.
ASTORIA, Or., March 17. Captain An
derson, of the schooner Luzon, which ar
rived in last evening, reports - that on
March 7. while in 29 North, 120.30 West,
he sighted a bark with the fore top mast
and royal mast carried away. He was not
close enough to distinguish her .name, but
from his general description she Is be
lieved to be the German bark Henriette,
due here from Port Los Angeles. He says
that there were no signals of distress fly
ing, and the vessel appeared to be all
right otherwise.
Hawaii Reaches Gray's Harbor.
ABERDEEN", Wash.. March 17. (3 De
dal.) The big steel barkentlne Hawaii
came Into port last night and is lying off
Hoqulam awaiting examination by the
customs officers. The Hawaii Is the first
steel sailing vessel to put Into this har
bor. She came from Japan and made
the good record of 30 days for the trip.
She will take away a cargo of 1.200.000
feet of lumber for a Japanese port at the
Western Mills and at Bryden t Leltch's.
Chinese Crew on Navy Collier.
NORFOLK. W. Vs.. March 17. Th
United States collier Ajax has arrived
at the Norfolk Navy-yard from the Asi
atic station, after two years service in
the Orient. She has a complete crew.
With the eXCeotlon of br TliHnAHn- nf.
fleers,, and is the first vessel of the Ameri
can navy ever to arrive at this navy
yard with a crew of Mongolians.
Will Try to Rais the Elder.
CaDtain Conwar. sunarintnndnt- -nf th
water lines of the O. R. & N. ar rn re
tain Turner left last nleht on th Ww.
vest Queen for Goble, where they will
assist todar In an attemnt to th.
George W. Elder, now hanging on a sub
merged rocic in the Columbia River near
the Oregon shore.
Cargo of the, Klose.
ASTORIA. March 17. RruxMal rr
American schooner CL A. TClnsi ri9iw
at the custom house today for San Fran
cisco witn a cargo of 505,000 feet of lum
ber, loaded at Vancouver, Wash.
Marine Notes.
The Armv trrtnmnnr RitnM I-
San Francisco Sunday.
river yesterday morning barley-laden for
Work has started at the foot of Oak
street on a wharfboat SO feet lone bv 30
feet wide, which will be used as a landlng-
piace ior launches.
Before acceptance by the .Govern
ment the Arago will be given a thor
ough test in all respects during the
next two weeks.
The steamer Asuncion arrived un yester
day with 20,000 barrels of crude oil from
San Francisco. The Whlttler is due with
10,000 barrels of oil and ten drums of dis
The Government tug Mendell In
service at Fort Stevens in connection
with the Jetty construction, will bo
brought to Portland within a few days
zor repairs.
This boat was lately completed under
contract awarded to the Willamette
Iron Works and the results obtained
on the builder's trial, trips were en
tirely satisfactory.
The steamer Nome City shipped yes
terday from Inman, Poulsen & Co.s to
the Eastern & Western mill to take on
200,000 feet of lumber, and will go back
to the upper mill to finish.
The schooner Alexander T. Brown, char
tered by the Government from the Globe
Navigation Company to transport lumber
from the Philippines, arrived at Astoria
yesterday In tow from Winslow.
The gasoline launch Gazelle had a suc
cessful trial run In the harbor yesterday.
She Is to feet long and has the engine
formerly in the Jessie Harkins. She will
be used in the harbor during the Fair.
The Indrapura, formerly of the Port
land & Asiatic line, has been chartered by
tne ucciaentai ec uneniai line to load at
San Francisco for the Far East. The
steamers Adato and Corner! c. both In Ori
ental waters, have also been chartered
by tbe company.
The new coast survey steamer Arago,
The Flood Plays Many Pranks.
Rev. William Alexander Smith, prom
inent as the author of many works on
Oriental travel, has written an entertaia
lng account of his experience in Kansas
during the floods In 1S03. He says:
"We lived a full mile from the nearest
point of the Saline River, but when the
river overflowed It sent a flood clear Into
our dooryard and we had to go about In
boats, many of our neighbors suffering
sad experiences both from loss of life
and property.
"We wife and myself had an experi
ence quite unique and thereby hangs a
tale. My wife for years past, and my
self as well, had been annoyed, pained
and worried so greatly at times by dys
peptic trouble as to take much of the
joy .of living out of life.
"I had seen Postum so liberally spoken
of and we suffered so much from coffee
that one day, some months ago, I decided
to try some Postum for ourselves. We
liked Its aroma and taste, so we were
satisfied from the start and we quit
"Gradually my digestive organs have
grown healthier and stronger, my sick
headache left and we both could eat al
most what we pleased without discom
"But was this a result of the discon
tinuance of tea and coffee?
"The flood came and found us out ofJ
Postum and shut off from all supplies In
the village for eight days. But we got
hold of some left over tea. and a little
coffee and this we used as long as It
lasted. This was the only respect In
which our meals were different from
what we had been using, but a change
came over us. My wife thought I had
more temper than grace, while I, in my
turn, thought well, never mind, only she
did not seem .to appear to be the jolly
creature she was before flood? days. She
said she did not rest well and that made
her irritable and on my part I suffered
pains In my digestive organs night and
day that would have caused the meekest
man 'to speak unadvisedly with his
"Well, the clouds cleared away, the
vflood abated, dry land appeared and we
made ready to visit the grocery store and
my wife suggested that we needed more
Postum. To tell the rest In a few words,
when Postum came back the domestic
atmosphere became more genial. In fact
about normal. Our troubles and sick
feelings disappeared and there can be no
doubt they were due to tea and coffee, for
they quickly yielded when Postum was
X I .V.I.
to be used by the United States Engi
neers' Department In making sound
ings In connection with their harbor
Improvement work, will be taken over
by the Government officials today for
Its two weeks official test.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA, ilirch 17. Arrived down at C and
sailed at 3:40 A. M. Steamer Alliance, for
Coos Bay and Eureka. Arrived down at 6 and
sailed at 0:15 A. M. Steamer Redondo. for
San Francisco and coast port. Arrived at 7:05
A. M. Schooner Alexander T. Brown, from
Wlnaow. Balled at 8 A. M. British steamer
Raa Elba, for Tslnxtau, and schooner Beulah.
for San Francisco. Arrived down at 10:30 A.
34. Schooners Polaris and C A. Kloae. Sailed
at 1:30 p. 2t Schooner C. A. Klose, for Saa
Francisco. Left up at 11:40 A. M. Schooner
Luzon and gaso!lne ichooner Chetco. Arrived
at 1:30 p. M. Schooner Churchill, from San
Francisco. Outside at 5 P. 31. A four-masted
echooner. Condition of tbe bar at S P. M.,
smooth; wind southeast; weather cloudy.
San Pedro, ilay 17. Arrived Schooner Maho
kona, from Portland.
Saa Francisco, March 17. Arrived Steamer
Senator, from Victoria; schooner Hugh Hosan,
from CoQUllta River; barkentlne Argo, from
Wlllapa Harbor; brig W. G. Irwin, from Roche
Harbor; steamer Signal, from Coos Bay; bark
Fresno, from Port Gamble; schooner Fred E.
Sander, from Port Gamble; British ship "William-
341tchell. from Antwerp; British ship
Kirkcudbrightshire, from Antwerp; barkentlne
S. G. Wilder, from Honolulu; bark Amy Turn
er, from Hllo. Sailed Steamer Santa Monica,
for Gray's Harbor; echooner Winslow, for Van
couver. Cleared Steamer Dakotah, for Shang
hai; whaling bark Gayhead, whaling; hark
Edward May. for Honolulu: et earner Sierra, for
Honolulu and Sydney. Sailed German schoon
er Neptune, for Jalult.
Hoqulam, Wash., March 17. (Special) Ar
rived Steamer J. M. Coleman, schooner Orient
and barkentlne Newsboy, from San Francisco;
barkentlno Hawaii, from Japan, for orders.
Sailed Schooners Oliver, Oken and yMo and
steamer Homer, for San Francisco.
Nonunion Men Escorted Through tho
Mob by Girls
CHICAGO. March 17. Girl leaders
have escorted hundreds of frightened
strike-breakers to safety from the big
clothing factories in the wholesale dis
trict, which were besieged by 400 gar
mentworkers. The company adopted
this strategy when it was feared the
police would be unable to prevent a
serious clash between the union and
nonunion workers.
After It was thought the disturb
ances were ended plate-glass windows
valued at 9500 In the offices of Lamm :
Company were shattered by strikers,
who sought revenge for the arrest of
three pickets for beating Emll Wlnnes, a
nonunion worker and watchman.
An hour later bottles and stones were
hurled through the windows on the
street level, and much damage was
caused. The police claim the bottles
contained acid Intended to destroy
clothing material. Several shots were
fired at the fleeing strikers by watch
men, but they escaped.
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