THE HOBKIXa. OREGONI'AN, FRIDAY,- MABGH . 17, 1905. SLICED BY WHEELS Captain Samuel F. Scott In stantly Killed at Astoria STUMBLES IN FRONT OF TRAIN Engineer on A. t- C. R. R. Passenger Cannot Check Headway In Time to Save Master of the Schooner Chetco. A"TOR,IA. Or., March 16. (Special.) Captain Samuel F. Scott, master of the gasoline schooner Chetoo, was run over by a loopmotlvo on the Astoria & Co lombia River Railroad, in the west end of the city, about 5 o'clock this evening:, and almost instantly killed. The schooner was lying at the As tqria Lumber Company's -wharf, dls "charglng ber cargo of cedar, and Cap tain Scott, who had been spending the afternoon in the city, started down the railway trestle to go on board, nor. When he was a short distance from the Sanborn canery, the passenger train from Seaside came around the curve some distance ahead. Captain Scott was walking toward the train, and 'as he was within three or four steps of the crossing, he tripped and fell across the track. Engineer "Walsh, stho was on the engine, blew his whistle, and set the emergency brakes as soon as he saw the man, but was unable to stop the engine before it struck Scott, cutting off his left foot and tearing off Ids right leg Just below the bin- The man was thrown into the river, and he was dead when picked up a lew minutes later. Coroner Pohl has taken charge of the remains, and will bold an inquest to morrow. Captain Scott was a native of Nova Scotia, about 55 years of age, and was widely known among shipping men on the Pacific Coast. He was for sev eral years master of the British steamer Wost Indian, running from British Co lumbia, but during the past few years he has'llved In San Francisco. His only relative, so far as known, ia a son, who also resides in San Francisco. THOMAS IN IDAHO LAND OFFICE Charges Had Been Filed Against His Partner, C. M. Stearns. BQISB. Idaho, March 16. (Special.) C. D. Thomas stated today that he had resigned the position of Insuranae Commissioner. He had not qualified, but he thought best to resign formally be fore accepting the position with the Land Board relinquished by C. JL. Stearns. He makes a statement in which he says: So far as T have any knowledge of the case. Mr. Stearns was not asked to resign. My understanding Is that he re linquished the place voluntarily in order to take up some important min ing matters. A short time before the Legislature adjourned Mr. Stearns de cided to resign. When he laid the mat ter before the Governor, as I understand It, he asked that some Nez Ferces County manbe selected in his place. As chair man of the committee he recommended me. v The Governor had offered mo the In surance Commisioner place. He asked me to think the matter over while I was,, home closing up some business matters preparatory to niovlng to Boise. I finally determined to decline the position of Insurance Comlssloner and take the Land Office appointment." Mr. Thomas added lie was now en gaged In office work preparatory to the Carey act opening at Twin Falls next week. Thomas and Steams were part ners in business, in Nez Perces City. Nothing can be secured respecting the charges against Stearns, but It is ad mitted that charges were filed. Among those making them appears to have been a conductor on the Wallace branch named Pearly. This was In connection with some transaction in which tho conductor and others lost money. MEA'D THE GUEST OF SPOKANE Governor Has Not Decided on Polit ical Prizes for the City. SEATTLE. Wash., Marc 16. (Spe oia'J Governor Mead was the guest of Sppkane today. After an hour In sight seeing about the city, the Governor held a reception at his hotel, and was visited hy many local Republican politicians. The afternoon was spent in conference with political friends. This evening a public reception in honor of the Gov ernor was held at the Athletic Club. The party will go to Medical Laketo TOorow, and return to Spokane Satur day, remaining in the city until Monday, when they will go to Walla Walla. No political appointments will be announced while the Governor is in Spokane. He is canvassing the situation thoroughly before deciding Just what prizes the city shall draw. T. D. Rockwell Is now a full-fledged candidate for the Railroad Commission, igainst Dayton Stewart. E. D. Sanders and J. Schiller are also mentioned. A rumor is afloat that the Railroad Com missioners will bo given to Whitman County, and a place on the Tax Commis sion allotted to Spokane. CONNECT WITH PORTAGE ROAD Electric Line Will Run From Walla Walla to Wallula. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. March 16. (Spocial.) A number of prominent Walla Walla men, headed by George W. Ar mour, supported by California capital. will incorporate here in a few days to instruct and operate an electric line from horo to Wallula, to connect with a Mne of boats and the new Portage Rail read. The promoters of the nroioct ex- poet to get a large share of the wheat business of tho Walla Walla Valley. The Mne will run through College Place and tap the rich Wallula country, with branch to Milton. The Northwestorn Gas & Electric Com pany has already agreed to furnish power from their big plant on the Walla Walla River. The new company does not ex pect to get much passengor business. FOREST GROVE IS SPRUCING UP . Active Improvement Society Plans to J Receive Levis and Clark Visitors. FOREST GRtXVE. Or.. March 16.- Special.) Tho Civic Improvement So elety held its annual meeting In Vert's Hall last night, and outlined its work fr the next few months, with a special view to beautifying the city for the in flux of Lewis and Clark Fair visitors. The society has a large, active member slslp. Much has been done during the past year to improve the city's streets. Private property has also been greatly Improved; 100 new residences have been built, while many unsightly buildings and fences have been removed. Thou sands of rose plants have been put out by the citizens, who believe In follow- jg the example set by the citizens of Portland and making Oregon the rose istate. One of the chief objects which the Focletr has in view for tho coming year .k to secure a public park for the city An Ideal site la "the Congregational Church property, in the center of the city, and an attempt will be made to se cure this for park purposes. In the course of the meeting a speech was made by President Thoma3 llccus ker, of the Portland Civic Improve ment Society, who explained the meth ods used by the Portland organization Remarks were also made by Senator E. W. Haines and Professor Fernbam The following officers were elected for one year: President. Harry Haines: vice-president, Walter Hoge; secretary. Professor Farnham; treasurer. Mrs. W. A. Kane; executive committee.- A. G. Hoffman, 2iiss Estella Price. Mrs. d. A. Boldrick, W. N. Ferrln, Professor X R. Robert son and Fred Watrous. FORM ELKS' LODGE AT ASHLAND Visitors From District Points Aid In Initiation of Large Class. ASHLAND. Or., March 15. (Special.) The occasion of the Institution of Ash land Lodge, No. SM, Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks, la this city today, brought together a gathering " the mem bers of the fraternity from far and near. The Instituting officer was Deputy Ex alted Ruler George C. Btakeley of The Dalles, and the exercises attendant oc curred at the opera house this afternoon, followed by the initiation of a class of 27 citizens. This was followed by an elaborate banquet at the Depot Hotel this evening. The opera house, where the Institution and Initiatory exercises took place, was prettily decorated and, appropriately adorned for the occasion and the banquet hall was elaborately docked with the col ors of the order, exquisitely arranged. Hon. A. E. Re&mes acted as toastmaster. and there was a flow of wit, mirth and music as well as wisdom, arid tho new lodgfe started upon its career under most happy and propitious circumstances. E. V. Carter was elected exalted ruler, and George F. Wilson was chosen secre tary of the new lodge. Visiting Elks were present from The Dalles, a number of valley towns and from California. Let ters of regret were read from Senator C. W. Fulton. Hon. W. C. Hale, Judge L. T. Harris. W. L. r rat her, Hon. Max-Pracht, E. T. Staples', Chicago. BRINGS THREE BATTERIES. Number of Sick and Several Soldier Dead Also on Transport. SAN FRANCISCO. March 16. The Army transport Thomas arrived today from Manila, Nagasaki and Ponolalu. She brought the Ninth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth batteries of Field Artillery. 177 casuals. IS sick soldiers, five insane and 22 military prisoners. The Seven teon'th and Eighteenth battorles will be transferred to the transport Buferd. which is ready to sail for Vancouver Bar racks. Wash., where they are to be sta tioned. The other soldiers will go to the Presidio for the present. The Thomas brought the remains of Surgeon O'Noill and Lieutenant HoyL The former was killed during a raid made by ladroncs on a village in Cavlte, where a small detachment of troops under com mand of Lieutenant Kerr was stationed. Lieutenant Hoyt commanded a detach ment of Filipino scouts In Samar. About three months ago he and Mb little band of native soldiers were ambushed by out laws and be and his followors, number ing about 45, were slain. Soon after leaving Manila. John Frlndel, a private of the Ninth Battery, died at sea. The body was brought to port. THRUSTS KNIFE IN COUSIN. Quarrel Between Pine Valley Resi dents Started Over a Horse Trade. BAKER CITY, Ore., March 16. (Special.) A message from Halfway. In Pine Val ley, this county, says that Fred Maklnson stabbed his cousin. Charles Maklnson. yesterday afternoon as the result of a quarrel over a horse trade. This after noon a message was received saying that the injured man died early this morning. Late this evening a message phoned di rect from tho young mans home says he Is still alive but in a sorlous condition. The young men are very popular, the sons of two prominent owners in the valley. The man who did the stabbing is under arrest. Batteries to Come by Water. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash.. March 16. (Special.) Word has been re ceived at this headquarters that the sev enteenth and Eighteenth Mountain Bat teries, on the way from the Philippine Islands, will be transferred to tho trans port Buford and will come airect rrom San Francisco by water. There is reported to have been several changes in the officers in charge of these organizations during the last few weeks. but the roll before any alterations were made was: Seventeenth Batten Captain George G. Gatley, First Lieutenant Daniel C Craig, Second Lieutenants Louis C Brinton. Jr., and Dennis II. Currie. Eighteenth Battery Captain David J. Rumbough, First Lieutenant H. C. Will- lams. Second Lieutenants E. R. west, a. F. Brewster and P. H. Worchcster. Instructions for Taking Census. SALEM. March 16. (Special.) Secretary of State Dunbar today issued the blanks and Instructions to County Assessors gov erning tho taking of the state census of 1903. Supplies will be sent to each Asses sor In a day or two. The Legislature, at its last session, having failed to pass any act amending the old census law. Secre tary of State Dunbar has adhered closely to tho law, out of date thougn it is. Two blanks are provided, one for the enumeration of inhabitants and the other for the enumeration of industrial prod ucts. For the convenience of Assessors the military roll was included in the enumeration of Inhabitants. Tho Instructions given are very com- nleta and if studied and carefully fol lowed the census should give a very accurate collection of statistics. Infected Fruit Trees Condemned. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. March 16. (Special.) This afternoon County Fruit Inspector Beck condemned 60.000 fruit trees consigned to farmers near this place for SDrinsr planting. They were mxectea with wooly aphis and had been ship ped from a nursery in jacKson county. Missouri, under a clean bill of Inspection. The nursery will be notmea or tno ac tion of the inspector, and after a certain time the trees will be ordered burned. Tho effect of the wholesale condemna tion will be to disappoint a large number of farmers who Intended to plant their land to fruit trees hls Spring. Lena's Repairs at Mare island. VALLBJO. Cal.. March 16. The plans of the Russian government to have the Russian cruiser Lena, which has been lving at the Mare Jsland Navy Yard for many tnontbsrepalred at the Union Iron Works. San Francisco, have been aban doned, as President Rooevelt would not cive the desired permission. The work will be done at Mare Island by the regu lar yard employes. The boilers of the Lena are to be re tubed and the pumps repaired, and there is a creat deal of other work. Two month's time will be required to com plete the repairs. Boone May Recover. VANCOUVER, Wash.. March 16. Though one of the bullets flrod by the guard and sentries at the flying figure of Lieutenant F. M. Boone cracked the skull of the disgraced officer, he will probably recover. Tho other bullet that hit the mark entered the back at the right shoulder and ranged downward uniUr thi rihjL It bail net hrfn re moved. When he recovers Boone will be taken to Aleatraa Prison for a year, inJ then 'dishonorably discharged. GUILTY OF ROBBERY Dunn and Crossley Broke Open Lebanon Bank. THE JURY QUICKLY DECIDES Kingsley and Darland, Two Members of the Gang Who Escaped, Also Found Guilty, as Charged in the Indictment. ALBANY, Or., . March 16. (Special.) Ell Dunn and J. A. Crossley, alias .Rey nolds, were found guilty of robbing the bank at Lebanon the night of February i. in the Circuit Court here tonight The Jury was out an hour and 30 minutes before returning the verdict Judge Bur nett will lraposo sentence Monday at 1 o'clock. John ' Doe and Richard Roe (Kingsley and Darland), who escaped capture, were also found guilty as charged in the in formation. The defense- concluded the presentation of Its testimony at 2:30 o'clock this after noon, after placing several witnesses on the stand to prove an alibi for Dunn and showing that Crossley had plenty of money beforo the bank robbery. The remainder of the afternoon was given over to the pleas of the attorneys. Deputy District Attorney Gale S. Hill spoke for the prosecution and was fol- THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN SIX MONTHS FOR 75 CENTS. In order to advertise the LcTis and Clark Centennial Exposition, the City of Portland, the State of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. ThoOrogonian will mail the Sunday edition to any addross EAST OP THE EOCKY MOUNTAINS six months for 75 cents. This is less than the cost of the whito paper and .he -postage, which The Oregonian urill prepay. Orders from business houses or individuals in other cities in Oregon and "Washington who may avail themselves of this exceptional offer will receive prompt attention. This offer cspiros by limitation June 1, 1005. . THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oregon. Circulation Department. lowed by George W. Wright and John Ditchburn for the defense. A recess was thon taken until 7 o'clock tonight, when District Attorney John H. McNary con cluded the caso for the state. The case was given to the jury at 8:25 o'clock and the verdict guilty as charged was returned at 9:45. The testimony introduced in the trial of J. A. Crossley, alias Reynolds, and EH Dunn, charged with the Lebanon Bank robbery, is rather conflicting. The prose cution used a strong chain of evidence to prove that the robbery was committed by four. men. who walked from Albany to Lebanon the evening of the robbery, came back to this city on railroad tricy cles stolen from Southern Pacific section gangs between Albany and Lebanon, made their way "across country" to the West Side Railroad and took tho north bound Portland-Corvallls train at differ ent stations on the afternoon following the night of the robbery. The evidence introduced goes to show that these four men were Crossley, Dunn, Kingsley, and Darling. Tho two former, who are tho defendants In tho present trial and are prisoners here, have been Identified by several witnesses, who saw thm at Albany and at different places on the West Side, and the descriptions the witnesses have given of their com panions tally with the published descrip tions of Kingsley and Darling. The defense. In Its testimony, admitted that Crossley- was In Albany and at the' other places, where the witnesses for the prosecution have ldentlfled mm, nut De nied he was ever in or near Lebanon, and alleged he was up the valley on business. Dunn, the defense alleged, was In Portland when the robbery was com mitted, and the attorneys for the defend ants alternated to prove an alibi for him. Dunn and Crossley both admit they were In Albany together early m February, but deny ever being associated with any men answering the description of Kings- ley and Darling. The introduction of testimony began yesterday afternoon, and the evidence in troduced by the attorneys for the prose cution was as. follows: Dunn. Crossley and two other strangers were shown to have been In Albany to gether on the afternoon of February , the robbery being committed that nlght The two formor were also In Albany for two days several days before tho rob bery". F. M. Pomeroy stated that Feb ruary 3. and again on the 4th, Dunn and Crossley. accompanied by another man. were in his saloon near tho Southern Pa cific depot In this city. Crossley was In the saloon again the following Monday and Tuesday (the robbery occurred Tues day night), and Dunn was there several times, playing cards. He was positive as to tho identity of both men. W. H. Mllbollcn. of Portland, saw Dunn and Kingsley on the streets In Albany on the afternoon of February -tie was. acquainted with both men in Portland and positively Identified Dunn. Other witnesses saw one or both of the pris oners in this city at that time and several were positive In their Identification of Dunn. Employes of the Lebanon train testified that they saw four men, walking along the track about two miles from Albany going toward Lebanon on .the afternoon of February 7. The men were well dressed and strolling along leisurely without any apparent purpose In view, two of them about SCO yards ahead of the other two. The trainmen gave an exact description of Kingsley. they having no ticed him more particularly than the others because of his striking appear once. Dunn and Crossley answered the general description of two of the men. but they could not positively identify the two prisoners. The testimony showed that two railroad tricycles were stolen that night from section gangs between Albany and Lebanon. Mrs. G. W. Ches hire, living near the Lebanon Bank, heard men passing her house several times during the night of February 7. She looked out of the window and saw four men carrying sacks on their shoul ders and supposed some crime was being committed, but was at home alone and could not give an alarm. Mrs. M. J. Prosser. of Lebanon, heard men paslng her house several times at a late hour the same night. About 3:30 o'clock on the morning of February S. N. E. Manley, of Tallman, saw a railroad velocipede pass that sta tion rapidly. J. E. Skellcy beard a ve locipede pass his house at Goltra Sta tion some time early that morning. Testimony was Introduced showing that two railroad velocipedes were found in the Santlam Canal near where the Southern Pacific track crosses it on the outskirts of Albany on the forenoon of Fobruary S. Jacob Weiss testified that he found a revolver on the Lebanon railroad early on the morning following the robbery. and evidence was Introduced showing that It exactly Rtt,cd in every rejpect an I empty pistol holster found on Crossley vrhen he was arrested. rs. aunnie I'Schultx, of Portland, received from Reynolds. now known as Crossley, a mutilated gold .coin, which resembled in apearance money picked up in the bank after the robbery, and which had been battered by the force .of the ex plosion. James Johnston, a resident of Benton County, living on the road from Albany to Wells Station, saw four men pass his house, walking along the road, about 8 o'clock on the morning of February S. One carried a grip, and he was almost positive that Crossley was one of them. Different witnesses testified to seeing Dunn and a man answering the descrip tion of Darling at Wells Station the forenoon of February S. Dunn, who was positively Identified by different wit nesses, carried a 'grip. The two men ate dinner at the home of Mrs. Ella Williamson, who identified Dunn and described his companion exactly like the published descriptions of Darling. Both men bought tickets at Wells for Portland, taking the afternoon train. Other witnesses saw men answering the descriptions of Crossley and Kings ley on the road -from Wells to Suver. Crossley went Into a store at Suver, bought some soda water and stayed some time, saying he was from Albany. Two witnesses Identified him. Kingsley remained at Suver and took the train for Portland there while Crossley went on to Parker and boarded the same train at that station. He ate dinner that day at the home of Mrs. Julia A. Boone, at Parker, who Identified him. Sheriff Tom Word and Deputies Har vey L. Moreland and J. S. Downey, of Multnomah County, testified regarding the arrest and searching of tho prison ers, and gave different facts connecting them with the crime. The introduction of the state's evidence was concluded when court adjourned last evening. The defense began their presentation of their testimony this morning. Dunn himself was the first witness. He said he and Crossley were in Albany tho 3d and 4th of February. Crossley was looking for a good location for a sa loon, and he was to work for Cross ley. Ho returned to Portland on the afternoon train. February 4, he said, and had not been In Albany since then until he was arrested. He had never been in Lebanon, and did not know men answering to the names or descriptions of Kingsley or Darling. A. G. Hendryx, father of Mrs. Dunn, was the second witness. He swore Dunn was In Portland tho night of the rob bery, and was at home all evening. Elijah Hawkins, an ex-Army Captain. and his son. Fred Hawkins, a cement contractor, both of Portland, testified to seeing Dunn in Portland the day tho robbery was committed. D. M. Sterling, a marine engineer, now employed as a carpenter atr the Lewis and Clark Fair grounds, also saw Dunn in Portland February S. Charles Dell, an employe In Blazlers saloon, in Portland, testified that Dunn had played pool with him in Blazier'l all afternoon of February S, during the same time that the prosecution alleged ne was at wens btation and on the train on his way from there to Portland. Mrs. Ell Dunn was tho next witness. She swore Dunn was In Portland the night of the robbery, but under & rigid cross-examination she finally was forced to admit that she did not spend tho night of February 7 at home, thus showing a discrepancy between her statements and tho testimony of her rather. Hendryx, who swore both Mr. and Mrs. Dunn were at homo that night, lamng care of him when he was ill. J. A. Crossley took the stand and cor roborated Dunn's testimony regarding their business In Albany February and 4. He was in Albany again Feb ruary 7, and was hero the night of the robbery, but was not with Dunn that night, nor with Kingsloy and Darling, whom he did not know. He walked from Albany to Suver the next fore noon alone, and admitted the state ments of the prosocutlon that he was in a store at Suver and 'ate dinner at Parker Station that day. Ho said he took the train at Parker, intending to stop at independence, looking for his saloon location, but changed his mind after getting on the train, and went on to Portland. Ho denied all connection with the- robbery. The examination of witnesses for the defense was continued this afternoon. Great interest was taken in the trial and the courtroom was so crowded to day that people had to be refused ad mittance. Hon. O. F. Paxton, of Port land, was called on to assist the attor neys tor the state, and J. F. Watts, of Portland, was added to the list of coun sel for the defendants. NORTHWEST DEAD. -Soloman M. Walte". ROSEBURG. Or., March 11 Solomon M. Walte, a resident of Douglas County for tho past Zl years, died at his home. eight miles south of Roseburg. Monday morning, aged S2 years. He came to Ore gon from Ohio. His wife died on Septem ber 3, 1KH. He is survived by the fol lowing named sons and daughters: En gineer J. B. Waltej Albany: F. B. Walte and former County School Superintendent Douglas Walte, Roseburg: Casslus 2S, Walte, Round Prairie; T. C. Walte, Myr tle Creek;.. Mrs. Ed Cooper, Roberts Creek; Mrs. Ed Coleman. Forest Grove Mrs. William Bush, Portland. Hon. J. J. Foster. ASTORIA, Or., March 16. (Special.) Hon. J. J. Foster, an old and highly re spected resident of Wahkiakum County Washington, died at his home near Cath lamet yesterday afternoon from old ace His funeral will be held on Saturday, under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge, or which he was a member. The deceased was born In Spartanburg, S. C, In 1524. and came; to Portland In 1K. In 1SC4 he removed to Wahkiakum County, where he resided until his death. He was tho first treasurer of Wahkiakum County and also represented the district in the state Legislature William Butler PHILOMATH. Or.. March 16. (Special.) William Butler, f. pioneer of Polk County, died at the home of his sons. W. T. and Martin Butler, on Beaver Creek, March 14. Mr. Butler, was born in Ken tucky,' November 17. ISCn, and drove an or team from Kansas In Polk County. Cougar Had Killed Many Sheep. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., March 151 (SpedaL) A cougar was killed and brought to town this morning by A. G. Vanscholck, who lives at Wildwood. 15 miles east of here. The beast made a raid on some of his sheep last night. The dogs were put on Its trail early this room ing and after charing the animal- about a quarter of a mile treed it. The beast. was killed the first snot, it is seven feet long, and will be mounted. It had been a disturbing element In that locality for i the past month, killing many sheep NINE TRAINS STUCK Santa Fe in Deep Trouble in Southern California, SLIDES IN EL CAJ0N PASS Rain Continues to Fall, Loosening Rock and Gravel on the Hillsides Southern Pacific Manages to Move a Few Wheels. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. March IS.-South- crn California continues to be the storm- center of the state and rain fell over the entire section throughout today. The greatest sufferers from the pro longed downpour are the railroads. Only one line, the Sunset Route, of the Southern Pacific, east of here, is in operation and trains over this line are traveling far behind schedules. The Santa Fe is ex periencing much trouble, particularly in El Cajon Pass, where landslides have repeatedly covered the tracks deep be neath tons of rock and gravel loosened from the mountain sides by the heavy rains. Five westbound passenger trains ars stalled on the Santa Fe line Just east of the scene of the trouble and four be tween thepass and San Bernardino. It Is expected by Santa Fe officials to get some of their delayed trains through by tomorrow unless further landslides pre vent their movement. Three of the. long-delayed southbound trains over the Coast line of the South ern Pacific reached this city today. The trains had been since yesterday afternoon In covering the SO mile3 between Santa Barbara and this city. There will be no more trains isent north from here over the Coast line until the track is in shape to carry them without delay. Ssa Carries Away Driveway. SAN DIEGO. Cal., March 16. A severe rain storm has prevailed since last night. and considerable damage has been done to tho street's and to property by the flood ing of cellars. Street-car traffic has been Interrupted, the tracks being burled in sand. At Coronado c heavy sea la at tacking the bluffs, and much damage has resulted. A portion of the driveway along the waterfront has been carried away and the wall In front of Tent City has been shattered. Farmers Take to High Spots, PHOENIX, Ariz.. March 16. At 10 o'clock tonight a telephone message from four mllca north of Phoenix says that an other Cave-Creek cross-country flood, larger than any that has preceded, is heading towards Phoenix and that several farmers have been forced to move out of their homes to higher ground. Assistant to Attorney-General. OLYMPIA, Wash., March 16. (Special.) As a result of the additional appropria tion allowed the Attorney-General for at tending to legal matters in connection with the work of the tax and railway com missions, Attorney-General John D. At-, klnson has appointed Robert F. Booth, of Seattle. Assistant Attorney-General. This gives the office three assistants at US0O per year each. , It is not the intention of the Attorney General to assign Mr. Booth exclusively to the two commissions, but the entire work of the office will be divided among the assistants and be under the supervis ion of the Attorney-General. Mr. Booth was a Representative in the recent Leg islature. Senator Van de Vanter Little Better. SEATTLE, Wash., March 16. Spe cial.) State Senator A. T. Van de Van- ter was slightly better tonight, and his physician Is still hopefuL He had a sinking spell early this morning, but rallied during the day. He Is still de lirious, and his temperature is very high, but he retains some strength. Cases Set in Supreme Court. SALEM, Or., March IS. (Special.) Cases were today et for trial In the Supreme Court as follows: March 2S, Abbot vs. O.. R. & N. Co., and Abbot vs. Columbia Southern Railway Com pany. -March 29, Btata vs. Lauth and Scott vs. Christen son. ilarch 30. Montague va. ScMeffUn and Pow ers va. Poorer. RunawayLads Are Penitent. CHEMAWA, Or., Majrch 16. The three Yakima Indian boys who ran away were returned to the school last evening- by Chief Clerk Spink, who went to Port land after them. They were of a party of raw .Yakima pupils who were brought to the school laa.t week by Superintend ent Chelcraf t from the Yakima reserva tion. aid had never been away from SUPERIOR MERIT Remarkable Curative Properties of a Remedy for Indigestion and Stomach Weakness. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, a prepara tion for the euro of dyspepsia and the various forms of indigestion and stomach trouble, owes its great success as a cure for these troubles to the fact that It Is prepared for disease and weakness of the stomach and digestive organs only, and Is not recommended or advised for any other disease. It Is not a cure-all, but for any stomach trouble it Is undoubtedly the safest, most sensible remedy that can be advised with the prospect of a permanent "cure. It Is prepared In tablet form, pleasant to taste, composed of vegetable and fruit essences, pure pepsin and Golden Seal, every one of which act effectively In digesting tho food eaten, thereby resting and invigorat ing the weak stomach; rest Is nature's cure for any disease, but you cannot rest the stomach unless you put into it some thing that will do Its work or assist In the digestion of food. That Is exactly what Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do, one grain pt the digestive principle contained In them will digest 000 grains of meat, eggs or similar whole some foods, they will digest toe food whether the stomach is in working order or not. thereby nourishing the body and resting the stomach at the same time, and rest and nourishment is nature's cure for any weakness. In persons run down in flesh and ap petite these tablets build up the strength and Increase flesh, -because they digest flesh-forming food which the weak stom ach cannot do, they Increase the flow of gastric Juice and prevent fermenta tion, acidity and sour, watery risings. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can be found at all drug stores at 50 cents per package. "Risk and extravagance all taken out-of fa & r dealing. Your grocer's", moncybc3c: This your head to the left? Then there's no iise trying. It's too late! Noth ing in the world can scalp that has been smooth and shiny for years. It's too late! No use trying now! .. . Or is this yours to the right? Good. Only look out for dandruff! It leads straight to baldness. But there's use trying now, for Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, and checks falling hair. Uds by the J. C. Att Co.. Lowell, Jtan. Also naaoftatnrera of ATTSTt'S SIBSIPASILUL-For tto ilood. ATBS-'S CXSRXT f ECTORAL For eaaiis. home. They express penitence, and stem glad to be back where they can get three meils a day. Their experi ence as hobps has been a good lesson to them. Sewer Election Was Illegal. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., March 15. Special.) Judge Rigg has continued per manently the injunction against the dty restralnlng It from selling sewer bonds. He held the votes at special elections must be registered. Of 642 votes cast at the sewer election, he held that only 79 were registered. Pleads to'a Minor Charge. ALBANY. Or.. March 16. (Special.) RHEUMATISMintheSHOULDER 'Stop WITH AM HCCMCli-vS MASTER This psiafttl trouble can be relieved and cared by using an Allcocs Plaster, Warm the plaster before applying if not relieved by bedtime, place a hot water bag against the plaster on the shoulder. REMEMBER Th plaeten are zfied fr afpta c Tis!5T havf beS V 5f!ver 65 7J sokl, and iava mode more cares dan asy other crtsrasl remedy. Guaranteed not to contain oeuaaonna, opium.: Insist Upea TCtr. . .tr.r rM w. IN V tiOB UitT afldentlail Iastruo live- BOOK FOR MEN mailed free In plala W cllre the worst cases of piles la tw o or three treatments, without opAratioa. Cure guaranteed. . If yowannot call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment aucce8l. Office hours. 9 to 8 and 7 to 8. Sundays and holidays. 10 to 12. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices in Van-N6y Hotel; 524 Third at. cor- Pine. Portland. Or. VITAL WEAKNESS eac efltabUaked. sect taccewfal sad mfefele specialists fat dferaae its medical dfelewts, Weeases u' mws per reeerdft .show. Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Uebillty, Blood Poison, Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases aa all dlaesses ni rreaSese de taheritaaee, evil baaltx, ex etHjs er tke result ef eelc dtaeases. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE S5;Wg3 ' Ottee iH.evrai 8 A. X. to 8 P. M. Samd7S 12 ealy. St. Louis S.and Dispensary Cr. $: aaYarahlli Streets, PfIad, Or. make hair grow ori a bald ITER'S FILLS ? or C4tlStlM. AJSE'S CU&S-Te; awUrl ul ajru. John Scott, ti?e Crawfordsvllle boy found guilty of assault with criminal Intent in the Circuit Court here this week, was allowed Jo plead guilty to a charge of simple assault tonight and was sentenced to serve -six months in the County Jail. Fishing Ceases in the Columbia. ASTORLV, Or., March 15. (Special.) Reports from different parts of the river are to the effect that there has been no fishing since the season closed at noon yesterday. The river Is cing patrolled by officers representing t'.je fisheries de partments of both Oregon and Washfng ton. the Run & pvavm n . . Havh ABceck's. WEEK We treat successfully all private aar - tquj and chronic diseases of bb.?s. aim blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney nd throat troubles. fVe cure BXFHEUS (without mercury) to stay cured forever. In SO to SO days. We remove STRIC TURE, without operation of pals, in IS days. Wa'stop drains, the result of self-abuse. immediately. We can restor the sacual vigor of any man under 4 by -meaaa oi local treatment peculiar to ourselves. We fcure Gonorrhoea in a Week Tfce doctors of this institute- are an regular graduates, have had many years elperlencernave been known to PrtUurf ie tiava a. re&utatlos to msl. f. tain, and will undertake o case unis ' -certain euro can be effected. s undertake or charge no fee. Ccnsult- Above all other things, Tfe strive to nave the thon sands of young and middle-aged men. who .are .plung ing toward the grave, tortured by the woes of nervou debility. We have evolved a special treatment for Nrvoua Debility and special weakness that is uni formly successful la cosis where success was before and by other doctors deemed impossible. It does not stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently. It allaya irritations of th delicate tissues surrounding tbe lax and unduly expanded glands, contracting them to their normal condition, which prevents lost vitality. It tones up and utrengthens the blood vessels tnat carry nourishment. The patlest realizes a great blight has been lifted from his life. We want all MKX "WHO ARE SUFFERING from any disease or special weakness to feel that they can come to our office freely lor examination and explanation of their condition FREE OF CHARGE, without being bound b7 any obligation whatever to take treatment unless taay so desire. We cur