s THE MORNING OREGONIAN WEDNESDAY,; HAECH 15, -1905.. 15.' CROPS DOING WELL Not Damaged by Cold Spell Last Month, SOIL IS IN FINE CONDITION Work in Hop-Yards and Orciards i Actively Pushed Snowfall Is " Only Half That of Former Years. The craps ta ell parts of Oregon are In ex cellent condition. The February report of "the Weather Bureau, which waa Issued yesterday, says: The coideit weather of the "Winter occurred during the first naif of tae month, during "which time temperatures considerably below zero prevailed In the Eastern part of the siatc, while wct of the Caseade Mountains they ranged "between. 15 and 20 degrees below the freezing point. The latter part of the month was warmer than usual.' and there were several periods of warni, sunshiny -weather. The precipitation, while deficient In all sec tions, came at opportune tlraes. and was of great benefit. In the Grand Ronde Valley Fall wheat was covered with rnov, and thus protected from iie effect of the coM. frosty weather, but In the Columbia and Willamette Valleys and in Southern Oregon, the ground was bare, and much apprehension was felt for the safety of Fall i own grain. Jtiter developments demon ol'ateo, however, that wheat, rye and al awe through the cold weaitir practically un injured, and at the close of the month It was he opinion of correspondents that the condi tion of all Fall-sown grain was unusually promising. The &hwers and mild temperatures started R.-ars In the meadows and pastures, and ren dered the wil in excellent condition for plow ing and seeding. Work In the hopyards and orchards was actively pushed. Buds began 19 stMU. and in sections of Southern. Oregon early peeehea and almonde were In full bloom at tlie. close of the month.. Pastures continued short, and stock. was thin In consequence. Where there was plenty of hay for feeding, cattle Improved somewhat. Lambing commenced during the last decade, w'th generally satisfactory results. The month ef February closed with much lets than the usual amount of snow in the mountains of Oregon, according to reports received from about 50 Postmasters having of fices favorably situated for obtaining Informa tion of this character. The deficiency la very evenly divided, and appears to be about the came in all sections. AH correspondents agree that the amount of mow this year Is much less than at the same time last year, and about one-half as much aa that of former years. - PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc, The local wheat market Is dull -and almost featureless. The permission granted by the Illinois Warehouse Commission to deliver Ore gon red wheat on contracts on the Chicago Board of Trade has no effect on the situation here, for the reason that there Is but a small quantity not to exceed 500,000 bushels of this "wheat remaining unsold In the- Northwest. The holders, moreover, have held on tightly, antici pating tiuch action, and are in no mood now to let go, except at enhanced values. -There is no Eastern demand at present for club or blue- stem, and the weaker tone of the California markets also precludes shipping to that quar ter Prices are, therefore, almost nominal. WHEAT "Walla Walla. 83c; bluestem, 82c; Valley. S7c per bushel. FLOUR Patents. S4.tiOQ4.83 per bar rel, straights, $4.30&4.45; clears, $3.8504; Valley, $4.10ft4.25: Dakota hard wheat. $6.50& 7.50. Graham. $3.504; whole wheat, $4 4.25; rye flour, local, $5; Eastern. $5(9 5.10, cornmeal. per case, SL90. BARLEY Feed, $23 per ton; rolled $24 25. OATS No. 1 white, $1.35 1.40; gray. $1.40 Cfl.45 per cental. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $19.50 per ton; mid dlings. $25: shorts. $22; chop, U. S. Mills, 18. linseed dciry foods. $18; linseed oil meal, car lots, $2fT per ton; less than car lots. $30 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90 pound sacks, $0.75. lower grade. $5SC.25; oatmeal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks. $8 per barrel; 10-iound sacks. $1.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel; 10-pound sacks. $1 per bale; split peas. $4 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes, $1.15; pearl barley, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour. 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per bale. HAY Timothy. $14 10 per ton; clover. $11012, grain. $ll(3l12; cheat. $1112. Butter. Eggs, roultry. Etc There were no important changes in farm T-roduce yesterday. Eggs were quoted firm, and were in good demand,. Poultry sold at former prices. Butter was steady, with some Increase fhown in receipts. EGGS Oregon ranch, ISc per dozen. BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream er', 2c per pound; fancy creamery. 30c St&to creameries: Fancy creamery. 27 ?2'-c . dairy. 14fel6c; store butter. 1415c; California, 0fc3lc. CHEESE Full cream twins, new. 14 15c; old. 18c: Americas, 1415c POULTRY Fancy hens. 1314c; old hens. 124313c; mixed chickens. 13HSrl4tec; old roost ers. 10&llc; do young, llfctfl2iic: Springs, 1W to 2-pound. 17tfl8c; broilers, 1 to Im pound. 22&25i; dreuod. chickens, 14&015ttc; turkeys, alive. 16617c; do dressed, poor. 170 18c; do choice. 20&224c: geese, live, per !ouni. SWc: do dressed, per pound, 10011c; ducks, old. $SC9; do young, as to size, iOQ 10. pigeons, $131.25; squabs. $282.50- Vegetables. Fruit. Etc Two cars of swt;t potatoes and one car of -vegetable arrived yesterday. The green truck moved oft readily. Celery Is quoted higher, as no more car lots will be received. VEGETABLES Turnips, $1 per tack; car rots. 11.25: beets. $1.23: parsnips. $1.50: cab bage, California. lVo; lettuce, hothouse, 25c per dc;en; parsley, 25c dozen; tomatoes, $2.25 per crate; cauliflower, $2 per crate; egg plant, l2Ue ter round: celery. $S.50 oer crate: ptan, ics per pound; peppers, 25c per pound; sprouts, 6c; asparagus. c per pound; rhubarb. Ec per pound; cucumbers, vztjs per dozen; am ehekes. 75c ser dozen. ONIONS-Fancy, $8; No- 2, $1LC0. buying price POTATOES Oregon fancy. S0cQ$l; commm. TottRSc buyers' once; aiercea sweets. i"c RAIBINSr-Loose Muscatels. 4-crown. IKc: 6-layer Muscatel raisins, 7 Vac; unbleached eeeu- less sultanas. te; ionaon layers, s-crown. trhol boxes of 20 pounds. $1.85: 2-crown. $1 73. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, OgtJVic tier pound: fundrled. sacks or boxes, none; apricots, 10JJ1K'. peaches, 9S10Vc; pears, none; prunes. Italians. 4Jf5c; French. 2ViS'3?ic: flss, ."5silforala blacks. 5?ic; do white, none; Smyr na, 20c; Fard dates, ec, plums, pitted, ec. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apple 4-tler Bald wins. $1.2561.50; Spltzenberga. $1.752; cook, lng, 40ff80c; figs. S5cg$2.&0 pet box; cranber ries, per parrei. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy, $2,750 a 75: choice. $2.75 per box: Granges; standard. $L452; fancy, $232.25; mandarins, 6065o ser box: tangerines. $1.50S2 per box; grape fruit, $2.7531; per box; bananas, 535ic per pound. Groceries, Nuts, Etc CSOc; Costa Rica, fancy. I6if20o; gooa. juvibc; Cnunary. iimpi.c per puuna; uuuaisu luoat, cases 100s. $13.8S; 50s. $13.8S; Arbuckle, $14.88; Lion. $14.8S. uictj imperial jaran. r.o. 1. sa.iiM: couui era Japan. $3.50; Carolina, 4H9fic; brokenbead, t-ALMON Columbia River, 1-pound talle, $1 75 per dozen; 2-peund tails, $2.40; 1-pound tiats. 51.65; fancy ISlVs-pound Cats. 51.S0; H-Pound flats. $110; AluWa pink, 1-pound talis, 85c; red, 1-pound talis. $1.45; cockeyes. 1 .rouna tana si.t. SL GAR Sack basis. 100 pounds: Cube. 16,30: powdered. $6.05: dry granulated, $5.35; extra c , $3.45: goiaea d.K; iruu sugar, zo.i'o. aa xance over sk basis as follows: Barrels. 1V;; nalf-barrcla. 25c; bcxee. &0c per 100 pounds. Terms; On remittance within 15 days, deduct '4c per pound; If later than 15 days and within 80 dayc deduct He Jr pound; no discount alter so caya-l sest sugar granulated. per 109 pouncs; maple . ougar. lSalso ser pc una. EALT California, $11 per ton. $1.60 per bale, Liverpool. 60s $17: 100s. $16.50; 200s. $16; nau-Krouna, iwz. i; us, .m. "NUTS Walnut. 13?io per pound by aack. lc rxtm lor less tsan sacs; totviu nuts, isct ni berts. lie: pecans. Jumbos. 14c: extra larce. 15f. almond. 1. X. L.. 16ic; cheaujuta, Ital ians. 15o. Ohio. 24.50 per 25-nound drum: pea nuts, raw, 7ic perpound; roasted, 3c; pine- nut. I0g;l24c: hickory nuts." Tc; eoeeanuta. SIJSGc per-doien. BEANS Email white. 4c; large white, 3c; pink, 3c; bayou, 2c; I." ma. ,6ie. " Oils. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 23 Vic; Iron barrels, 17c; E6 dg. gasoline, esses. 32c; iron barrels or drums. 28 c. ' COAL, OIL dsn. 21"sc; Iron, barrel. 15c; wood barrels, none; 63 eg., cases, 22c; Iron barrels, ISfec; Washington State test burning oils, except headlight, c per gallon higher. LINSEED OIL Raw, "barrel!?, &6c; cases. 61c. Boiled: Barrels, 58c; cases, 63c; lc less In- 250 gallon lots. TURPENTINE Cases, 85c; barrels, 81c "WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7hc; 600-pound lots, 7ic; less than 500-pound lots. Sc. 3Icat and ProrUloni. BEEF Dressed, bulls, 34c; cows, 3VsS5Jic; country steera, 435c. MUTTON Drees ed, C07c per pound. VEAL Dressed, 100 to 125, 7Sc per pound; 125 to 200. 5tSic: 200 and up, 3Y&4c PORK Dressed. 100 to 150. 7V48Sc per pound; 150 and up, 7t7V&c. HAMS Ten to 14 pounds. 12Vc per pound; 34 to 16 pounds, 1214c; 18 to 20 pounds, 12Uc; California (picnic). 8Vic: cottage Varna, 9c; shoulders. SVjc; boiled ham. 20c; boiled picnic ham. boneless, 14c BACON Fancy breakfast. 16c per pound; standard breakfast, 14c; choice, 15c; English breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds, 13c; peach bacon, lie SAUSAGE Portland ham, 32"Ac per pound; minced bam. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17&c; bologna, long, Site: wclnerwursi, 6c; liver, 5c; pork. 9c; blood. 5c; beadebeeoe. lS&c: bologna sausage, link, 4c DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short clears, Sc salt. 10,c smoked; clear backs, Sc salt, loc smoked: Oregon export. 20 to 25 pounds, average. 1014c salt, llc smoked; clear 84c salt. 10Uc smoked; clear backs, Oc; Union butto, lo to IS pounds, average, Sc ro.lt, Va smoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled plga' feet, bar rels. $5; U-barrels. S2.73; 15-pound kit, $1.25; pickled tripe, --barrels. $5; -barrels, $2.75; 15-pound kit, S1.25; pickled pigs' tongue. -barrels, $6; li-barrols, $3: 15-pound, kits, $1.5u; pickled lambs tongue, -barrcls, $3; U-bar-rcJs. $5.50: 15-pound kitp, $2.75. LARD Kettle-rendered; Tierces, 84c; tuba, 60s. &5ja; 20s. 9ic; 10s, 10'ic: 6s. lOttc Standard pure: Tierces, 8c; tubs, Sic; 6w, 8ic; 20s, 3c; 10. He; 6s. 3J4- Compound: Tierces, OJic; tubs. 6c; 50t. C5ic; 10c. TUc; 5s, 7ric Hops, "Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS-Choiee 1004. 2tft25c per pound. WOOL Valley, 18ff20c per pound: Eaetern Oregon, 12917c per pound. MOHAIR Choice, 2526c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 10 pounds and up, 163-16i4c per pound; dry krp. No. L 5 to 15 pounds, H15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under -5 pounds. 1718c; dry salted, bulls and ptags. one-third less than dry flint; (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut. scored, murrain, halr- wippt-c, weatherbeaten or grubby, 2f5c per pouna less); malted hides, steers, sound, pounds and over. 910c per pound; 50 to 00 pounds. 6Vj88c per pound: under 50 pounds and cows, 60c per pound; salted stags and bullr, sound, 6c per pound; salted kip, aoond, 15 to 30 pounds 9c tier round: sal tod real. 'Jw7. V to 14 pounds, 9c per pound; salted j calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 10c per pound; igreen. unsaitea, lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less). SheeD skins: Shearlings. No. 1 butchers' stock. 25ffrwc each; short wool. No. 1 butchers stock. 40050c each; medhim wool. No. 1 butchers stock. OfKgSOc: long wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. $11.50 ach. Murrain pelts, frpm 10 to 20 per cent les. or 12314c per pound: horse bides, salted, each, according to size. ?1.502: dry. each, according to size, $1 L50; colts' hIdc- 2550c each; goat skins, common, 1015c each; Angora, with wool on, 25c0$1.5O each. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 2ie4c- No. 2 and grease, 283c. PELTS Bear tklas. ae to size, 2o. 1, $2.30 10 each; cubs, $12; badger, 2550c; wild cat, with head perfect, 25$ 50c: house cat- 5 10c: fox. common gray, 50t70c: red. $365; cross. $515; sUver and black. $100300; fish ers. $3'0; lynx, $4.5096: mink, strictly No. 1, according to rize. Jl2.50; marten, dark North ern, according to size and color, $10015; mar ten, pale. pine, according to size and color. $2.504; rauEkrat, large. 1015c; skunk. 400 60c; civet, or polecat, 5Q10c; otter, large, prime skin. $6910; panther, with head and claws per fect, $2&5; raccoon, prime, 30060c; mountain wolf, with head perfect, $3.50C; coyote. We &U wolverine. $668: beaver, per skin, large. $5i3C; medium. $33?4; small. $11.50; kits. 5075c. BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. 20a22e per pound. CASCARA SAGRADA (Chlttam bark) Good. 48414c per pound. OREGON GRAPE ROOT Per 100 poundfl $34. FEATHERS Geese. White. 33S40e: t-. gray or mixed. 2530c; duck, white. 15ff20e: duck, mixed. 12fJ16c LIVESTOCK KRitt'T, rrices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards Yesterday. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 400 hogs. The following prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers. $4: cows and heifers, $333.23. HOGS Best large, fat bogs, $6; black and China fat, $3.25gC50. SHEEP Beet Eastern Oregon and Valley S4.25g4.50. EASTERN' XrVESTOCK. rrlcei Current at Kansas City, Omaha and Chicago. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March 14. Cattle Re ceipts, 8000. Steady to strong. Native atecrs. $44."0; native cows and helfera, JZQi.iy, stockers and feeders. $34.65; Western fed steers, $465.25; Western cows, $3Q4.50. Hogs-Receipts, 14,000. Steady to 5c lower. Bulk of sales. $4.S59$5.00; heavy, $506.05; packers. $1.8005.00; pigs and lights, $4.10 4.80. heep Receipts. 7000; steady; lambs, lower; mutton:, $4.755.C5; lambs, $637.35; range wethers. $5.256. GO; fed ewes, $1.7533.25. SOUTH OMAHA. March 14.-C&ttle Receipts. 4000. Market steady and strong: native steers, $3.5O6.60; cows and heifers $39425; cannera, $23.00; stockers and feeders, $3.754.35: calves. $3.0CK3-6.00; bulls, stags, etc.. $2.25 S- 4.40. Hogs Receipts, 8200. Market steady. Heay. $4.854.85: mixed. $4.8034.65; light, $4,703 4.85. Pigs. $4!.C3; bulk of sales, $4.8034.85 Sheep Receipts, 5000. Market steady. West ern yearlings, $3.75S3.73; wethere, $5.2525.70; ewes. $4.7525.40; lambs. $6.757.40. CHICAGO. March 11. Cattle Receipts. 4000; market steady; good to prime steers, $5.75- o.-; poor 10 meaium,3.3-o.uo; stocxers ana feeders, $2.6004.63; cows. $2.75(31.60; heifers. $3&6.00; cannera. $L60S?2.4O: bulls, $2,503 4.00; x-alvee. $3J3.75. Hogs Receipts today. 18,000; tomorrow. 25.- 000; steady; mixed and butchers. $l.S035.07rf; good to choice heavy, $5g5.12H; rough heavy, $4.S0$4.85; light. $4?705.00: bulk of sales, $4.80$5.05. Sheep-Receipts, 18,000; sheep and lambs eteady; good to choice wethers $5.606.10; fair to choice mixed, $4.753.40; Western shep, $5.66.60; native lamba, $57.60; West ern lambs, $637.65. Mining Stocks. BAN FRANCISCO, March 14, Official clos ing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alta $ Alpha Con Andes Belcher Best & Belcher.. Bullion Caledonia ... Chollar Confidence ... Hale & Xorcrosa$ ,T1 Justice 00 Mexican ... ... Occidental Con.. LSO .V0 G.S7 .13 .12 .17 .21 .06 .40 .05 .63 .07 .13 .BOiOphlr TlCverman .52J .15! .67 L70 Potord Savage Scorpion ... . Sep. Belcher . Sierra Nevada Con. Cal. & Va. Con. Imperial . Crown Point .. Eureka Con.... Exchequer . Gould & Curry. .01 OSjSIlver HtU ... 40jUaloa Con. .. Utah Con. .... Yellow Jacket NEW YORK. March tlons: 14. Closing quota- Adams Con. . $ .25! .. LOS Little Chief Ontario ... .$ .06 . 3.75 . 6.50 . .03 Alice Breece Brunswick Con.. Coxnstock Tun-.. Con. Cal. & Va.. Horn Silver .... Iron Silver ..... Leadvltle Con... .25fOphlr .06 Phoenix Potosl Savage ... Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard ... . .08 . .12 L63 . .15 . .38 L70 S.25 .03 . .30 . LS3 BOSTON. March 14 Closing quotations: Adventure ...$ 6.75. Mohawk $5523 Allouex 23.75 Mont. C. & C. 3.75 Amalgamated.. SO.50 Old Dominion Am. Zinc .... lLOO'OscooIa . . Atlantic 17.75lParrot ... . Bingham 32.731 Quincy1 ... . Cal. & Hecla.. 650.00jShannon .... Centennial ... 1 8. 50j Tamarack .. 27.50 99.00 30:00 110.00 &25 135.00 Copper Range. 8L50iTrInlty 12.00 2S.SS Daly West 16.00 74.00 12.00 i:U. S. Mining. Dominion Coal. Franklin Granby ... . . Isle "Royale ... U. S. Oil 3.85 Utah Mctorta 41.00 5.00 11.75 118.00 6.25! 27.75; Winona Mass. Mining. lS.001Wolrertae . . . Michigan 15.00! New Xcrk Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 14. Cotton Futures closed firm at a ret gain of 19 to 25 points. March. T.TTSe; April, June and September, T.EOc; May, 7. Sic; Jdr, 7-61c; August. 7.84c CHECKS RISING TENDENCY REALIZING SALES OVERWEIGHT STOCK-MARKET. Urgent Selling Pressure Only at the High Level Brokers Fear Pas sage cf Transfer Tax Law. NEW TORK, Mareh 14. ReaHring sales out weighed the stock marked today and checked the rising tendency, but there were persistent revivals of speculative advances here, and there In the list which "kept up the tone of the market and gave it resisting power. The "urgent selling pressure was only at the high level, and with the yielding of prices the vol ume of offerings decreased to Ineffective pro portions. Credulity was rather severely taxed in some of the reports whlah have Inspired the rise In special stocks, owing to the entire lack of au thoritative confirmation. In fact, inquiries In official quarters to secure light on the re ports which hare made up the body of stock market Influences for sometime wee met with such terms as "buncombe" and "humbug." The profit-taking of the day was absorbed as utual, and advances renewed at many points. Some distrust continues to be expressed over the extent of the advance, and over the reli ability of the factors which have caused them and the high level of priors is regarded with apprehension In conservative quarters. One striking evidence of this is the fact that money "brokers In London, in connection with the cur rent ctock market settlement there, hesitate to accept American rails aa collateral secur ity for largi loans, owing to their fears that present prices are unstable. Foreign markets also are inclined to take a depressing view to day of the immediate outlook for peace. The bonds of both belRgerent governments were affected unfavorably by this prospect. 1 A growing Influence, in stock market circles Is the prospect of the enactment at Albany of a tax on otock transfers, which It Is feared would constitute a serious obstruction to a vcary large proportion of the operations sow conducted on tho New York Stock Exchange Much attention Is given in consequence to the discussion of measures of opposition. The consideration of the subject held Its part In causing tho falling ofl of activity in the trad ing. The $50,000,000 bond Issue by the Pennsyl vania Railroad was Just half as much as spec ulative rumor had pointed to. and the move ment of tho atock Indicated that this modera tion Ws a disappointment to the holders of the security. The changes were still running on the varying rumors of mergers, comrma tlons and dividend Increase, especially affect lng the Vanderbilt group. Smelting moved up again on a revival of lead merger reports. There were extraordinary movements in some of the closely held hlgh-pnocd stocks. Lack awanna rising on trivial buying to 400. The Ontario & Western movement was renewed strongly in the late dealings without further new developments and helped to break the ef fect of the profit-taking la progress, which made the closing Irregular. National banks will pay tomorrow the 15 per cent Installment of Government deposits held by them, thus completing the recent can. but -the money market was fairly undisturbed br this preparation. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, $4,440,000. "United States bonds were all unchanged on call, STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. Atchison do preferred Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore it Ohio.. do preferred Canadian 1'aclflc .. 13,00 92 91 5.7WJ 103 103 MO 1454 141 15,100 110H 110 91 1034 141 HUH . ... ..... ..... vo . 16.100 14t?k 117U U7U Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio. Chicago & Alton.... do preferred ...... Chi. Great Western. . L100 2033 2 254 1Z.1W DO 8.500 42T4 41, 42i 800 82U 81 bO 10.4W 24 21 241, ChL c Northwestern 6,100 246. 244 i ChL, Mil. & St. Paul 53,bOO 183 lbl 181T Chi. Term. & Trans.. 300 16 1 do preferred 500 :: CL. C. C & St. L.... 2,400 109 Colorado & Southern. 20O 25 32U 107 2iVa 32ii 107 5Vi do 1st preferred.... Co 2d preieirea 100 36, S 9,100 1919 192 Delaware & Hudson.. Del.. Lack. & Wet. Denver & Rio Grande 409 400 Sua 3ta S.0CJ 36U r.000 oon 3d 80H 47U 36 47V 07i go preferred Erio . 32.800 -7S : 2.000 S2H . 3.200 7otj 600 874 200 83 . 6.600 163 do 1st preferred do 2d preferred. Hocking Valley do preferred ... 054 83l Illinois Central . 161-? lOOVa 55 561 2UVs 2-t 65 Vi Cdfe 1424 143 Iowa Central .... 1.100 29Ti do preferred 1.400 5Gi Kan. vaty bouuern.. 800 SOW do preferred 6,200 C7H &S00 144U Louisville & Nashv.. Manhattan L. Metrop. Securities ... L40U ni'n al 3.600 85rft 84 L 81?i Metropolitan St; Ry.. 3,700 1Z3H 8.700 25 100 OOii 12fc 25Vi 1 'Vi 25Vi 60 117 1B1 lOUVi 32s 07 Mexican central .... Minn. i. St, Louis... M.. SL P. & S. S. M. WJ9 1.200 117ia 117 do preferred SQO lC2i 162 Missouri Pacific .... Mo., Kan. 8c. Texas.. 14.200 110U 1.600 33 lOO'l 324 67 Vi 41 o nrexerrea 3,800 C3J National of Mex. pfd. Ann 1 u. 414 New York Central... 114.600 167V 164Vi 1645. N. Y.. Ont. & West. 64.100 C9U 56A MJI4 Norfolk &. Western.. 6,500 b7H 86Vs 86t do preferred 1 82T& Pennsylvania 101.400 147U 145H 145S P.. C. C. & St. L.... 400 S3 S5V S4a Reading 75.000 87!i 074 37Vi do 1st preferred.... boo do 2d preferred Rock Island Co 15.400 do preferred 1,300 St, L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 200 St. L. Southwestern.. do preferred .... Southern Pacific ... 49,100 do preferred 300 11SV4 HSik 118A Southern Railway .. in Tvi tim. fa .4- do preferred ...... 1.600 89H 40H 38 58 89Vi ?Vi. 39H 331, 36 364 Texas & Pacific Toledo, St, L. & W 4,aoo 6,200 co preferred S.800 56 Vj 50Vi lS4Vi 135Ji 100 89 23 23U 47 46g Union Pacific 229,200 136U do preferred ... 1.500 100 Wabaeh ...... 2.600 23U 300 17V 10O IOVj i.rx 25 2,200 51U do preferred ....... Wheeling & L. Erie. lOVi 19 wlaconsln Central .. :i 21i4 do preferred Express companies 53Ti 634 Adams 211 American ICO United States ISO Wells-Far go 230 .Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper 38.300 Si 89 S5S EOVj 80 36 Vi 88 35 11 Amer. Car is Foundry 8.300 do preferred ... 5.700 200 965, 35Vj American Cotton OH. do preferred ....... American Ice SCO 1.600 5V4 3: 3oj 3a5 v.'.y. 42; 434 4SV 1144 114 do preferred American Linseed Oil do preferred American Locomotive Aa Tireferr ftd 5.S00 414 2.300 llRiT Amer. Em. &. Refining 68.400 102 do rrcfarred 5. COO I23il 122U 122U Amer. Sugar Refining 4.100 H5i 144U 141, jua. aocacco p.. cen. ouo nif, av, 8 i7i Anaconda Mining Co, 600 HSVi 118 x5 18 7S 38 Brooklyn R. Transit. 10.800 67 Vi 66 Vi Colorado Fuel & Iron 18,800 54 "4 S3ri Consolidated Gas ... 20.000 212 20S Corn Products 8.000 lSli IS do preferred 1.500 71 ZK Distillers' Securities. 8,500 40 3Si General Electric .... 1.400 183 1S7 International Paper.. 2.600 21H 23 Vi do preferred 1,000 81;i 814 International Pump do preferred 300 SS 87 National Lead 6.7000 354 35. North American .... 2,500 104 103 Pacific Mall 1,800 464 45V People's Gas 23.600 114 its ISTVi 23". filH SSVi 87 103 43 113 4reisea ateei var. rersed Steel Car.... 800 371 37U 3i do preferred ....... 1,300 oil gjwj ullman Palace Car- 2fY 5x3 "n -j Pullman Palace Car. 200 243 :i.i 43 Republic Steel do preferred ....... Rubber Goods do preferred ....... Tcni. Coal & Iron... V. SLcather....... do preferred U. S. Realty U. S. Rubber do preferred ....... U. S. Steel do preferred Va. -Carolina Chemical do preferred ....... 2.100 20 19U 7$ S4 76 25 25i 924 OlVi 4.200 92 91 900 12Vi 12U 2.000 10GH 105U Artrt ei4f 105j5 84i) 41H 1124 36 w2 1.100 46 100 1124 46,000 37 2L700 S7U 800 354 00 107 its 36H 804 314 Westinghouie Elec. loe Westinghouie Elec... 100 lsiu 1S1U-181 "Western Union ...... 1,000 0t 9itj 914 j.uuu wo tor ut cay, i,sni,vx) shares. BONDS. NEW YORKf March 14. Closing quoU tlons: Jff. S. ref. 2s reg.104; do coupon ...101 U. S. 3s reg.... 1044 do coupon . ..101V TJ. a new 4 s reg.lS2H do coupon ...132V; 17. B. old 4s rg.l04Vi do coupon . ..103Vi Atchison AdJ 4s. 87 Vi jj. : k. tj. 4s... 101 4 N. Y. Cent, liu. 1004 Nor. Pacific 3s.. 77 I do 4s loss; So. Pacific 4s... 854 Union Pacific 4s. 106 JWIs. Central 4s. 91 Vi Stocks at London. LONDON. March 14, Consols for money. 819-16; consols for account. 9111-16. Anaconda 6 '4 1 Nor. & Western. "19 Z Atchison 91 U I do J5 referred 94 -do preferred .lOsVlOnt. & Western. KS Bait, & Ohio ...113UtPennsyIvan!a .Can. Pacific . . . 132JilKaad- Mines . 81 S5, 35 35 80 mi fcoi 71 71 71A B00 204 28'.i 26 tOO 61 63 Vi 63 71 60fk 7UU Ches. A Ohio ... 57i C Gt. Western. 215; O. M. & SL P.. 1834 DeBeers 18 D. & R. G 37 do preferred . JJSU Reading ... ... 30"" do 1st pref ... 47 do 24 pref ... 8U So. Railway .v.. 37 H do preferred ..102 So. Pacific 72 tJ Erie 49 Vi Union Pacific ..1S3 do 1st pref 84 til do preferred .10? do 2d pref ... 72 U. S. Steel .. 37 n .. aoi .. 21 .. 47 .. 8I?i Illinois Central. 166H L. & N. 147 do preferred Wabash ... - JL. K. te T. 33S do preferred Spanish 4 .. N. Y. Central.. .171 3 loney. Exchange Etc. NEW YORK. March 14. Money on call. 2 65 per -cent; closing bid. 2n per cent; offered. 3ii per cent. Time loans, very easy; 60 days. 3 per cent; 80 days, 3U per cent; six months. 3U6SVi per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 3 414 per cent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual busi ness In bankers' Mils at $4-667524.8650 for de mand, and at $1.847094.8475 for 60 days. Posted rates. S4.S54jM.S7U. Commercial bllto, $4-S4H- Bar silver. 58 Vic Mexican dollars; 45c Bonds Government, steady; railroad, irreg ular. LONDON. March 14. Bar sliver, quiet, 27d per ounce. Money. 2V per cent. The rate of disccunt in the open market for short bills Is 2U&2? per cent; three months bills. 2462U per cent, SAN FRANCISCO, March 3 L Silver bars, 55 Vic Drafts Sight, Tiic; telegraph. 10c Sterling on London, 60 days. $!.S5U: sight, $4.8tf. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March 14. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances In the general fund shows: Available cash balances $141,318,800 Gold 56,673.398 Bank Clearings. Clearings. Portland S$2.692 Seattle 839,806 Tacoraa C16.C54 Spokane 425,560 Balance?. $149,758 22M.OS7 41.V32 23.483 FIRM ON SHORT COERING. Small Demand for Wheat and Barley at San lrandco. SAN FRANCISCO. March 14. (Special.) Short covering Imparted more firmness to' speculative- prics for wheat and barley, but there was no great demand. Owing to small stocks and good consumptive builnea", Ls In strong position for spot and near deliveries. Tho De cember option ls relatively weak, owing to prospects for a large crop. The oata market shows hesitation, pending the disposition of 248S tons brought here from the Sound by tho Olympla. The Impremlon prevails that the steamer will proceed with her cargo to Japan, or that the oata will be shipped there on some other vessel. Foodstuffs are In light supply and firm. Hay is easy. Chilly and threatening weather made the fruit market quiet, Tho feature In the citrus department was the special auction of six car loads of oranges delayed In transit by the storm, and only Just arrived. Fancy, In eluding one car of flno Redlands sunflowers, sold at $1.40 to J2.CC; cbolco at 75c to $1.40. and standards at C5c to $1. This makes 12 carloads of oranges auctioned on two succes sive days, and another auction coming tomor row, buyers are operating sparingly. Tropical fruits are steady. Apples are quiet and weak. Potatoes are steady. Onions are easy. As paragus Is declining under heavy arrivals. Eggs are firm. Butter and cheese are weak. Receipts, Including shipments delayed by storm: Butter. 115.900 pounds; cheese, 16,100 pounds; eggs, 65,800 dcxen. VEGETABLES Garlic. SglOc; green peas, 4g8c: string beans, nominal; asparagus, 3 6c, tomatoes. $lgl-75; egg plant. 12H815c POULTRY Turkey gobblers. lS20c; roost ers, old, $5$5.50; do young. $6.5037.50; broil ers, aiaall, $34: large. $4.5035.50; fryers, $5.5006; hens. $57; ducks, old. $56; do young. $6.5097.50. CHEESE Young America, 15916c. 3-3; Eastern. BUTTER Fancy creamery. 26c; creamery seconds. 23c; fancy dairy, 23c; dairy seconds, 22c EGGS Store. 1751 5c: fancy ranch, 20c. WOOL Lambs'. 1661SC HAY Wheat, 31Cffl4; wheat and oats. $109 38; barley. $91710; alfalfa, $8810X0; clover. $7 9: stock?. $&j?7; straw. 40950c MILI FEED-r-Bran. $239321.60: middlings. $26328.50. FRUIT Apples, choice. ?2; do common. 75c; bananas. 76c3$2.50; Mexican l!mr. V34.50; California lemons, choice. $2.&0; do common. 78c; oranges, navel, 75c31.75; pineapples. $2 64. POTATOES Early Rose. $1.5021.75; River Burbflnks, 75c$l: River reds. GS&TSc; Sallnaa Burbanks, 90cg$I; sweets, nominal; Oregon Burbanks. $191.40. V RECEIPTS Flour. 5700 quarter sacks; wheat, 5500 centals; barley. 4054 centals; oats, 49.7C5 centals; beans, C37C sacks; potatoes. 6381 sacks; bran, 920 sacks; middlings. 85 sacks; bay. 250 tons; wool, 233 bales; hides, Metal Markets. NEW YORK, March 14. The London tin mar ket developed a reactionary tendency follow ing the recent strong advance, and closed at 134 15s for spot and 133 15s for futures. Locally, the market yielded to the decline abroad, closing weak at 29.35329.65c Copper closed at 63 13s 9d for spot and 69 la 3d for futures In the London market. Lo cally, the situation was unchanged, with Lake quoted at 15J7Viffl5jS0c: electrolytic 15.259 iZTVSc and casting. l4.S7Viei5.25c Lead was unchanged at 12 Gs In London. and at 4.4584.60c In the local markeL Spelter was also unchanged in both markets. closing at 21 In London, and G.1GQ6.S0C In the local market. Iron closed at 54s &d la Glasgow, and at 49s 93 In Mlddleaboro. Locally, the market waa Ann: No. 1 foundry Northern Is quoted at $17.76315. C5; 'o. 2 foundry Northern, $17.50 18; No. 1 foundry Southern and do soft, $17.78 18.25. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. March 14. The market for evaporated apple ls rather easier In tone, with demand light. Quotations, however, are un changed. Common are quoted at 45c; prime, 5?iG5Vio; choice. 639Hc and fancy, 7c Prunes are In better demand on spot, and ruled flrm. -with quotations ranging from TVSc fcr 90-100 to 7Vc. according to grada. Apricots remain unchanged, with cholca quoted at 30VK?Hc; extra choice, HVi3J2ric, and fancy. 12S15c Peaches are firmly held, with choice quoted at l&SlOUe; extra choice, lOHGlOfic, and fancy. TiHt-M2c Ralslna show a further Improvement in tons. owing to reductions In supplies, hut prlcea re- unchanged. Loom Muscatels are quoted at 44 64c; London layers, $1.053L25, and seeded raisins. OViceHc Copper Stocks Advance. BOSTON, March 11. A sharp upward move. ment In coppers, especially In Copper Range and Osceola, marked the opening today of the Boston Stock Exchange Copper Range was Told for at 82. up K from yesterday's closing. A little later this stock reached S3, thereby crossing Amalgamated, which waa celling at SL Osceola opened past the 300 mark; many shares changing hand at 101, an adranca of 1V4 points from last night's closlngquo ta tlons. United States Mining waa up j to 27L and Greene Consolidated up U to 29J. Copper Range became irregular, and in the afternoon receded to 814. Osceola lost two points of the advance. Tamarack advanced to 112, a rise of 5 points. Copper, aa a whole, felt the Influence of the general bullish senti ment. Dairy Produce In the JCast. CHICAGO. March 14. Oa the Produce Ex change today the butter market waa firm; creameries, 21625c: dairies, l&SSSc Eggs., eary, at mark, cases Included. l&glSVc; firsts. 16Vic: prime Ant. 17c; extras, 16c Cheese, firm. 12S13ac NEW YORK. March 14. Butter Firm; street prices, extra, creamery. 2tS2oVie; oUclal prices do. 2CT-f26c: held. 2028c- Cheese, nnchangtd. Eggs, weak; Western firsts. ISc; seconds. lTVic CoCeo-aad Sagzr. NEW YORK. March 14. The coffee futures market closed steady at a decline of 5 to 10 points. Sales were reported of 75.750 hags. In cluding: May. 6596.S0o; July. 6.4036.45c: September, 6.60C.7Dc; December. &S0ee.S5c; epot quiet; Nc 7 Rio. 74c Sugar Raw-, nominal; fair refining, .dull; cruhe-N M-Ts; powdered. $6.15; granulated. STRONG FOR THE SEASON WOOL MARKET .CONTINUES GOOD SVlAPE. IN Only Weakness Is -Shown Hitherto Held Too Hlgh mestic Grades Dull. in Lots -Da- BOSTON. March 11. Considering the season, the wool market Is regarded as strong, the only "weakness being shown In lots hitherto held at prices above the going rates. Trade la dull for all grades of domestic wc-Jl. manufac turers showing a tendency to hold cff. Ter ritory wools are quiet at steady prices. Pulled wools arc easier. There Is a better situation In foreign grades. Quotations: Territory Idaho, fine. 18H?lc; heavy fine, 1617c; fine medium. lSn4?19c; medium. 229 23c; low medium, 234?2tc Wyoming Fine. ITveiSlic: heavy fine. 13 616c; One medium. ISUCISHc; medium. 23 24c; low medium. 23Q24C Utah and Nevada Fine. 17GlSc: heavy One. lo16c; fine medium. 17 Vic; medium, 2223c; low medium, 2324c Montana Fine choice, 21J22c; flno average. 10920c; fine medium choice. 21622c; average. 193200; staple, 22323c; medium choice, 249 25c v LONDON. March 14. The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 13.80S baits. The quality was good and bidding was spirited. Scoureds were In good demand, and flno light-conditioned greaelcs were In active were In active demand for all sections. France was a large buyer of cross-breds. which, were also taken by the home trade America se cured a quantity of superior Tasmania. New South "Wales and New Zealand greasics at full rates. CHICAGO "WHEAT MARKET, Closet Strong After Numerous Fluctuation Rain and Snorr Baals of Weakness. CIHCAGO. March 14 At the opening, senti ment In the wheat pit was somewhat divided, the May option being firm, while distant deliv eries were rather weak. Opening quotations on May were Uc lower to IVic higher, at $1.12i to $1.14i. July waa off A shade to eiic at 92T4c to 93c Rain and anow through out the West and Southwest formed the baste of the weakness of the July option. Reports from the "Winter wheat section Indicates that the crop ls in excellent condition, advices from Oklahoma being that prospect are the best in six years. May was In fair demand at the atart from ecattcrfd buyers, but with pit traders persistent sellers of July, the Msy option roon lost its firmness, declining along with July. A factor that brought out some additional selling was an Increase of 2.000,000 bushels in the world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstrecfs. Late In the day the markot developed considerable firmness, the strength of corn being the main reason for the Improved demand, although news "from the Northwest was considered bullish. May closed Vic up. at 11.13Vi. July closed at 0346&3&c Sentlment In the corn pit waa decidedly bullish, and prices of all deliveries made good gains. May opened a shade lower to a ssaae higher, at 43c to 49Hc, and cloeed at 494 40-ic Strength of corn held the oata market arm. but trading was exteremely light. May closed 4fit;c up. at 32V4S32UC Provisions were strong on active demand from shorts. At the close May pork was up 17Hc at $32.72. Lard waa up 10c at $7.07H. RIba were 7Hc higher, at $6.S7Vi83.0. The leadings futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. Open. High. ..$1.12 $1.14 Vb .92, .93H .. .S6Ti .S7',t CORN. Low. $1.126 .92 .S6Vt Close. May July September $1.134 .93 -S63i May July .13 .49Vi --49U 40H .50 .50 .40 -49U .40- .4B!i ie September .. OATS. March ... May .31K .S2!4 .31i .31, .314 -31H .20Ji .CO .294 MESS PORK. -324 July September 31H May ... 12.55 12.70 12.75 12.90 12,52Vi 32.70 12-72o July .. 12.00 .'LARD. 6.975, 7.10 7.12li 7.22S May a97H 7.12Vi 7.07Vi July 7.22b SHORT RIBS. May 6. SO July 7.00 6.90 7.0G 6.S0 6.97H 6.90 7.05 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring. $L101.12; No. .3. $L028L12; No. 2 red, $1.1431.16. Corn No. 2. 4Sc; No. 2 yellow. 4844fte. Oata No. 2. 32c; No. 2 white, 33 Vic; No. white. 31;e32ic. Ryo-Nc 2, 7SS7S15C Barley Good feeding, 3Sff40c: fair to choice malting, 43847c Flaxseed No. 1, $1.25; No. 1 Northwestern, $L37. Timothy seed Prime. $3. Mesa pork-Per barrel. $12.55212.70. Lard Per 100 pounds. $6.92&86.95. Short riba sidea-Loose, $6.758674. Short clear aides Boxed, $6.7536.S7Vi. Clover Contract grade, $12.83. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels "Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels ....... Oats, bushels Rye. bushels Barley,, bushels . 26,500 "37.000 603.000 589.600 4.000 130.900 24.500 132.200 403.4CO 322.600 3.600 24.200 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK, March 14, Flour Receipts, 35,000 barrels; exports, 7000 barrels. Market, dulL Wheat Receipts. 1900 bushels; spot lrregn lar: No. - red. nominal elevator, siasu r. h. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.224 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba. $1.09 f. o. b, afloat. Wheat waa more or less excited early. and extremely Irregular, witn a general down ward tendency at first, fellowed by full re coveries, due to the big corn advance, better Northwest casn aemana ana activity among special offers. Last prices showed ViQVic net advance. May closed si.iau; July ctosea 07 Vic: September closed OOVfee. Hops and petroleum Steady. Wool and hides Quiet, Grain at 6aa Francljco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 14. Wheat and barley, weaker. Snot Quotations WheatShipping. $L501.55; milUng, $l.&5fl 1.65. Barley Feed, $114&L2S; browlivg. $1,259 L27V4. Oats Red. $L40L65; white. $1.434 t?l.C0 black, $1.55-1. t. Call board sales "Wheat December. $L27t Barley December. SGHc Com Large yellow. $1.351.40. Changes In Available Supplies. NEW YORK. March 14. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Brad- atreet'a aaow tae xoiiowing cnacges in avail' able supplies, aa compared with last account: ' Buahels. Wheat United States and Canada. east of the Rockies, decrease 1.533.000 Afloat for and In Europe, Increase.... 3.600.00Q' Total supply. Increase 2,067,000 Ccrn United states ana janaaa. east of the Rockies, decrease 605,000 Oata unttea tstates ana i;nar.a, east of the Rockies, Increased 45,009 "Wheat at Tacoma, TACOMA. March 14. "Wheat unchanged bluett em, aic; cioa, boic Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. March 14. Wheat March nominal: May. & 9Ud; July, u 8Vid. x AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. H Levy, Caacad Lksj C if Culp. "Walla Wal T w Jackson ana vrr. New York H R Hoefler. .Vstoria w r awart and child. W H Metz. Los Angl umcago H D Allen and wue, Omaha D Ackerman. Seattle T Cantens. SeatUe Mr and Mrs H P Scott Wilmington. Del A D Melria. Wash DC Master Scott and T B "Wat era. Oshkosh maid. Wilmington A J NathJn, San Frn H P Scott, Jr. Wllmgt W I "Bherwood, Hon ellxville iir and -Mrs o Now land. Wilmington F C Clown, Jr. Spok Miss Kowland. Wilmr M B Frew. Chicago Master Now land. Wll Miss Hawkins. WUmn B Corshanser. Louisyl J Trlx. Detroit illaa crcom, N J T P Howard. Chlero Mils J Croom, K J J "B Bennett. AlbeqnitA C Gray. "Wllmln-itn M. C Bennett, ChlcagIN P Bond, BalUmora w Buckley, urnngtonivt, a. nyan. Jioston G E Wheeler and wt.F Dorman. S XT Sioux Falla .Mr and Mrs E E EI- P Doseh. Bridreporti menadorf. Spokane C E Price. N 7 (W B Dennis. Black Bt K H Leavltt and "WLIE XX Fowlc 8 F "USA C B Hollywood,. S 3?. Graham. Boston IW C G'rau. San Fraa It Whltcomb, SeattlA Sturm, Chicago M RIngwalt. S F IE Wolf, San Fran Gregory, Beaton I J B Sharpe and wife, Prelss. J T Hew York W Gans, 8 F LT n Vance, Phlladel McChesney. EverettlH Martin. San Fran Coyle. Chicago JA W Rlchman -and (J t arner. Kendaitvi wife. Un afi.ro a R Morrison. Mlnnnl J G Myler and wife, H M Dorrnan. Minnpls Brookfield G W Tackleberry. L A H Glbbs. X Dakt Mia E L Smith. Seatl E L Howe and wife. Jirs t. c Slelver. Ft Seaside waua walla C 11 Callender and Mrs F T Arnold. Fti wife. Astorl Walla Walla L Kalmuts, S F THE PERKINS. L Tucker. Los AnirLT A Tounr. Delano Geo C Sutton, do G P Lamberton. W W W Fowlr Dn Mn Miss Irene Rogers. Pendleton aj. a itanshaw. da Ira Bldwell. do Li O Hlllard, Pendlton H E Jones. rin 'John Scanlon, Centr'.la W E Hansen. do C P Poland. Olyropia H -C Adams. Tacoma E H liars. Saa Fran w .v Cox, Tacoma UV Heltman, San Frn C Hancock. Blar u K Mcuean. juncinu F W Schmidt, Pendlt G M Dow, do Snarley. Kan CItyl J Bann. T Dalles; iMr Mrs W Glover, Goldn-lMrs L ii dale t R'imilr Dow, do , Swlggett, Mrs J Eadicott, GldniW L Taylor, Spokaao Miss Endicott, Goldnd Dr J W Strange, j An. city 1 Roseburg, Or C "Wilson, dtv "iW D Strajntr. Roaebe E L Smith. Hood R" Kennedy. Aberdeen o wares, aioro IK r Allen, QreenDacK S Manley. TacomaiL M Paae. Salem. Or W P Anthony, SeatlllAddlsoa Page. do W" K Newell. Dilley IF L Stlnson. San Frn L J Palmateer. Blllsb S D Lemmon. Colfax s D Morris. Los AngllD H James. Salem air ana Mrs D M C TV Rychard. Eugen Mclnnls. Seattle IB S Heleden. Spokan U O Harvey, MlsourilUrs H E Healcy. H FersetL Falls CI Belllnzham T 31 "Brown. CentervllR O Healey. Belllnfcli C C Parker, Albany IC A Griffith. MlnnpU W Templln. Chicago tA L Cain. Washtgn A C Case and wife, F p Light, Pendltoa Fairfield, wash J M Brown. da E Slater and wife.j A Gelsendorffer, Salem The Dalles E R Gordon, Stockton THE IMPERIAL O Galther and wf.jL E Crowe and wife Chinook I The Dalles A J McCabe. city III N Frazer. Goldendl W T Stolr. Salem (Miss N Boyce. Vancv C B Simmons, Dallea'M A Phillips, Seattle E T "Wetherred. city G W Fprgusen. T Dl II F Tollver, Kan CIMlss B Duncan. Pendl Lee Morehouse. Pendl F C Burton. Cathlam P W DeHuff and wf. J O Madden. MlnnpU The Dalles G Roberts and wf. Hood River Mrs P C Noland. Creswell J A Shaw, Albany Hubert Morton. H R A R Byrkett. Bingen Rev E T Simpson. A B Brown, city W L Thompson. Pendlt Goldendale 7. H Webber. Eagle CiMrs Simpson and cnu H E Slmonds. Eagl Cj dren. Goldendale F Menefee. T DallesjMlss Falk. Goldendal Big Llpman. San FrnlE T Nichols, city Mrs II D Byrne. S FiR A Booth and wife. Mrs L O Jones. S Fi Eugene Mrs Olsen. Seattle (M G Bellinger. Salem C V Brown. Astoria ISlg Blatb. Chicago A A Harper. Minn Miss Pollock. B C T L Bro-vn. Salem L V Bruce. SeatUe A FranklLi. city tW F Zwlck, Seattlf G B Hunt and wlfe.lW Slnnott. Astoria Spokane IC W Knowles. Seaside THE ST. CHARLES E II Seldler F "Wlest. Stella C E Mendenhall. W E Clark, Deer Isl W F Adklns. Hlllsbro Sheridan Wm WhlUett. Pull-U A Smith man Mrs Smith E E Gleason. Castl R Cecelia Jones S Haves. Salem F R Stelnhouser, Nehalem T J Fleppln. Clatakan Amos Harper J C Fugate. So Bend D E Davis B R Whitney. lone C L Hamilton, Hlllsh J P Saylor, Latourell E L Keber. clt y Mrs Saylor. do Miss Saylor. do J Simpson. Boring Mrs Simpson, do H "West, Scappoose A H Andrews H Babler. Or Clty L F Jones Mrs Jones K O Runa A A "Wolf. Coburg Geo Lowe. do Wm Shanahan B J Lockwood. RMS D Miller. Gales Creek W A Graves, city J O Lyle. Lyle Or - r-. iiT: - "Walter Conner, city J W Strong, Woodlnd J W Phillips. T DUes Z N Seelye. Centrclla Emma Zeigler, S'F C L Rogers, city Albert Raymond, Ya Mrs H Malon S J Rose. So Bend F B Tetter. Brownsvl colt THE ESMOND. T Stanley, OmahalR Becker, Svenson Mrs Stanley. do F Bourn. Astoria F. Hartraan. do L J Gray. Wdodland S R Young, Salem F Sherer, Leland E A Pace. Carrolton Mrs Ella Pace. Kelso R S Brown. Manor A L Sherer, Cow Crk W B Shaw. Albany I A Shaw, Albany B Grlnde. Albany Minnie Shubcrt, - RIdxefield P Walling, city J E Wilson, San Fran J Adams. Astoria W Laver, Camas Mrs Laver. Camas J P Emerson. Mayger H M Nott. Ilwaco . H Memory. Collins Ida Laver. t-amas A Bedell city IF A Fluhrer. Mayger J E Tansler. Wal WallJ Wedley, Mayger J W Norwood. W W1E Haves. Goldendale R R McCurry, city ID W Pierce. Goldendl W Montnirue. Kelso u sorter, tima J W Standley, Brldg-JMra Porter, Elma cross IMlss Porter, iiima H Eddlngs. Spokane "J T Hawley. Hlllsbro J SIsson. Utica Mrs Hawley. do Mrs C Packing ham, JO P Carlson. Astoria rhieaco 1G Hall. Astoria C Illsley. Chicago u Bldwell. springseia F Laver, Camas Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma. American plan.. Bates. S3 ana up. Hotel "Donnelly, Tacoma. - First-class restaurant In connection. GEO. SMALLER & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS PadSc Coajt Oface nVffi.stret San Francisco NEW YORK STOCKS CHICAGO GRAIN 0aA Our new edition of tae r H r T IaYMtors' Gnlde&H&nn&l, 1 1 1 mm im an tlegant dcth bound bock ceataiaing mforoation and advice to iorestors asd speculators complete statlmcs of all nil. road and large industrial enterpmes wPl hy farcuhed open application, also Dally Kirkit Ltttir sent frea upon request. W e opca accoBBts and give quick exrcntitrn. TTlAVELEnS GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers Steamers leave Portland dally, except Sunday, 7 A. iL: arrive dally at 6 P. M. Connecting at Lyle. Wash., with Columbia River & Northern By. Co. for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. Landing foot of Alder at. Phone Main 814. S. M'DONALD. Agent Far South -Eastern Alaska Carrrlnx U. S. Mall and Erpresa. COTTAGE CITY. 9 A. M. S. S. KAMU.NA. 3 A. M. S. S. itUiLBULUT. 3 P. M. From Tacoma same day, Q:13 A. M. and 3 P.M. RAMONA March 8. via Vic toria ana acagway; aiarcn 18, via Victoria and Sitka. HUMBOLDT March 10, via Vancouver ana Skagway, March 22. via Vancouver and Skagway. COTTAGE CITY March S, Vancouver and Sitka. All ehipa will make regular Southeastern Alaska sorts of calL Above railing dates sub. lect to change without notice. S. S. Humboldt will not call at Port xownsend. FOR VANCOUVER. OTT OF SEATTLE leaves Seattle Tuesdays. Thuxidays, Sundaye. 10 P. iL; call at Everett and Beiungnam. turanuat i eaves Vancouver Mondays, weanescays ana Jinaaya, calling at Beiungnam omy. Steamers connect at San Francisco with com nnva steamers far ports In California. Her. loo and Humbold: Bay. For further Informa tion obtain loiaer. ugnt is reserved to change steamers or uwag u&lc. TICKET OFFICES. "Portland.......... .2t9 Washicxtnn .f Eeattle U3 Jamea et, and docks Baa Francisco 10 "Market , c u. jjuat., uec jrass. Agt., 10 Market at-. San Francisco. STEAMER "RE DO IN DO" After being thoroughly overhauled, painted and cleaned, win sail from GREENWICH DOCK for BAN FRANCISCO, at 6 P. M.. THURS DAY. MARCH 18TH. Has excellent passenger accommodations, both cabin and steerage. Fares $12.00 and $8.00 TAYLOR, Y0nG S: CO., Agent. .18 Sherlock bulldlnc TItAYELER'S GTJE0B. OlEGOfr SHOIJlJI am Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY through Pullman standard and tourist ale Ing-cars dally to Omaha, Chicago. Spokane; tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person- tuuaunwy weesiy to lucagc KwUliUng chair-cars (seats free) to the East dally. . UNION DEPOT. Leaves, Arrives. CHICAGO- PORTLAND 9:15 A.M. 5 25 P. M. SPECIAL for ths East Dally. Dally, via Huntington. ( SPOKANE FLYER 8:00 A. 'M. Dally. I Dally. For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Law. laton. Coeur dGene and Great Northern points.. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. R... .... . M for lha East via Huat S-J?,rTM "rf-ni lng to a. Dally. Dally. RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M. 5;j9 P. M. way points, connecting Dally, Dally, wltn uteamer for llwa- except except co and North Beach Sunday. Sunday, steamer Hassalo. Ash- Saturday. street dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore- . .. goa City and Xamhiil '"gliVy 5nato River point. Ash-street JB dock twater permiulng) "" HuB ex" bun- FOR LEWISTON. 5:40 A. M. About Idaho, and way points. Dally. 5:00 P. M. from Blparla. Wash. ex. Sat, ex. Frt. - TICKET OFFICE. Thlrrt r,A Vhlncton, Telephone Mala 712. C W. Stinger, City Tick t Agent; A. L. Craig, General Passenger Agent. SAlf-FB. NCISC0 &P0ETLAND . S. S. CO. Tickets on sala at 24S WASHINGTON STREET For S. S. Columbia, March 17. ZT. April 6. 18. -S. S. St, Paul. March 22. April 1, 11, 21. Leaving Alnsworth Dock at S P. M. Through tickets to all nolnra bevand San Francisco. JAS. H. DEWSO.N. Agent, Telephone Main 68. EAST via SOUTH UNION DEITOT. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS 8:30 P. M. for balem, lloso ourr. Ashland. Sac T5 A.M. ramento, Ugdtn, an .TancUco, aiojave, Los Angela. lii ana the East. ' Morning train con t Acta at Wuodburn S:00 P. M. uaUy except Sun i -ay) -witn train tor aiount Angel, bilvcr- lun. xirowndvilie. byflngflela. Wend- itug una jsairun. M:0OP. M. Alba ay passenger noao A. M. connects at wcoa tburn lth Mt. Angel and Sllverton local. Corvallls raasenger. Sheridan passenger, 6 :50 P. lls-,25 Aral. JH:50 P. M. Lally. lDally. except Sunday. FORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICS AND YAMHILL DIVISION. T-...-. "Pnrtlanil daily for Osweiro at 7:23 A. M.. 120. 2:C5, 3X5, 6:20. 63. T:13, 10:10 p. M. Dally, except aunoay, o:w, p.ov. -a. 105 A- M., tUv, tr. l. caaoay, vjmjt, - A. M. ," Returning from Oswego arrives joniana mwj 8:30 A. M.. 1:63. 3:05. 4:53. 6:15. 7:35. 8:55". I1U0 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 6:25, 75. 9 JO. 10-20. U: "3 A. M. Except Monday. 12-25 A. M. Sunday only. 10:00 A. M. Leave from sama depot for Dallas and lnter Briate nolnts dally except Sunday. 4:10 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:10 A. M. The Independence-jaonmoutn motor um ojrei atea dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, connecting with S. P. Co. tralna at Dallas and Inde pendence. Tv.r!Y, ta Sacramento and Sa? Francisco. 20: bertlu Secoad- far- ji5; eecondlasa berth. (2.50. TicketTto Eastern points and Europe. Also Jaoan. China. Honolulu and Australia. ESHr, TSiTiirc-T' o-BTi-TfTFL corner Third and -wiahUigt streets: Phoaa Mala 712. TIME CARD OFTRAINS" PORTLAND - Depart. ArriTe. Paget Sound IJmlted for Tacoma, be&iue. uiympis. South Bend and Gray's Harbor points...,. .... 8:30 am 4:45 pra 2orth Coast Limited for Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane, Butte. St. Paul. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast...... 3:00 pm, rrOOara Twin City Express ror Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Helena, St, Paul. Minne apolis. Chicago, New York. Boston and all points- East and Southeast..... .... II :45 pm 7:C0'pis) Puget Sound-Ixanaaa cnty- gr, iAUis Diinwi, ior Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte. Billings, Denver, Omaha, Kirsaa City. St, Louis and all points--East and Southeast.. 80 am 7:00 axs All trains dally, except on South Bend-hranch, t D. CHARLTON. Aasiatant General: Pas. senger Agent. 255 Morrises at,, corse; Third, Portland, Or. - Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Dally. For Mara-srs. Rainier, Dally. datakanle, "Westport, Clifton. Astoria. "War- 8:00 A. M. renton. lavei, 11:10 A. M. moad. Fort Stevens, Gear hart Park, Sea side, Astoria and Sea. shore. Express Dally. Astoria Express. Dally. T:0OF. M. 9M P. M. tt I OTTTWATIT. J: C MAYO. - Comm'l Agt., 248 Alder st. G. F. & P. A, City; Ticket Office, 123 Third St, Taoaa 63 2 OVERLAND TEAINS DAILY O Xh Flyec and the la 6P LEND ID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE XQinSMXN"C COUliXEOCS EMPLOYES X-or tickets, rates', fatten ad fall fa fonaatlank, call oh or address H. DICKSON, Cltr Pasewger ad Ticket Agfc, 122 Takd street. Jortlaad. Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. KAN AG AW A MARU 7er Jspaa. Chlaa aad all AsIaUe Peris, will Leavo Smttl Ayril . 'f ML ?OSBBK