Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 10, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Washington Houses
Social Session.
President of Ihe Senate-Coon
Is' Also Remembered.
Legislature Provides for Collection of
State -Liquor License and Takes
Transportation of the Insane
'From County Sheriff.
OLTMPIA. Wash II area 9. (Spe
cial.) The closing: hours of the ninth
Washington Legislaturft-were devoted
to a semi-social session, while House
and Senate -waited for the enrolling of
bills, that the measures passed might
be feigned by the presiding- officers in
open session.
The Senate passed a quiet evening,
and at times took recesses and repaired
to the' House chamber. In the House
tne doors were thrown open to visitors
and tne galleries were packed with
spectators. An organ was carried into
the chamber, and there -were; songs,
speeches, "josh" resolutions and all
manner of diversions to while away the
Early In the evening Speaker Megler
was called before the bar of the House
and was presented by Representative
Hare, on behalf of. the House, -with a
olld silver service of five pieces. The
Speaker responded felicitously to Ahe
presentation speecn.
In the Senate the- members had pur
chased a gold-headed cane and an Elk's
charm, which were presented to Lleu-ienant-Governor
Coon, by Senator
Two administration measures passed
the Legislature today. One, which was
suggested by the Governor in his mess
age, provides that liquor licenses shall
?jot be valid until there Is indorsed
"thereon a notation by the State Treas
urer that the 10- per cent of the licenser
required by the etate has been paid into
the State Treasury. The state has lost
many thousands of dollars by the in
ability of the Treasurer, with the means
at hand, to check up the licenses is
sued by cities and towns. It Is estimated
that the bill will increase the revenues
about $50,000 annually.
The other bill, which -was suggested
to the appropriations committee by
Governor Mead, and drawn by that
committee, gives to the State Board
of Control the custody of persons com
mitted to the penitentiary. Reform
School or Insane Asylums, from the
time of their commitment. The effect
of the bill Is to relieve the County
Sheriffs of the duty of escorting persons
to these Institutions, and under Its pro
visions deputies, wardens or other offl
cials "will be sent for the person com
i iltled. It is expected that the bill will
tut In two the transportation expenses
borne by the .state in sending persons
to these institutions.
The following have been appointed
on the Legislative committee to visit
the Lewis and Clark Exposition: Lieu
tenant-Governor Coon, Senators Rands,
Clapp, Kennedy. Moore, Hutson. Welsh,
ODonnell; Speaker Megler. Reprcsen
tatlves Falconer. Huxtalle. Lambert.
"Willams. Fulton, Reld, Vilas and Ma
Bill by Van de Vanter Is Advanced
on Calendar and Passed.
OLTMPIA, Wash., March 9.-(SpeciaL
The real work of the Legislature was
completed about 3 o'clock tills afternoon.
when the House -and Senate passed their
last bills and began the consideration of
only such measures as had passed both
houses, but had been amended by one or
the' other within the preceding few hours.
The House ceased to follow the regular
oraer or business promptly at. noon. In
accordance with a resolution passeUyes
terday that no bills would be acted on
aftor that hour. The Senate worked until
l o clock.
A suspension was secured of this rule
howe-cr, to enable each House to pick
out one or two Mils on the calendar. One
of these was a bill drawn by Senator Van
de Vanter, who. It was announced, was
lying at death's door, as the result of a
relapse. The bill bears the name of Ham
mer as the author, but It 'was Van dp
Vanter's bill, and the House consented to
advance It on the calendar and passed it.
The bill is of importance to Skagit and
bnonomisn counties, ana enables drain
age districts to extend their boundaries.
Goods Delivered to Lumbermen.
Prior to noon the friends of the railway
commi5slon made good on the last two
of the lumbermen's bills that were In the
contract by the terms of which the rall
.way commission bill passed. To reach
them It was necessary to advance the
bills, on the calendar, but this was ac
complished, the commission men and lum
bermen voting together.
Both are Senate bills. One requires rail
way companies to weigh cars loaded with
lumber at a Junction or some other point
within this state. It Is asserted that the
long haul across the Continent results, in
-xalny weather particularly, in adding to
the weight of the lumber or shingle cargo,
while the trip through the mountains adds
gravel and rocks to the load. The bill
also requires the -eompanlcs to weigh the
cars separately and at a standstill. The
other bill requires companies to weigh
the side and end stakes used in holding
the lumber cargo to the fiat cars as car
weight, and not cargo weight
A fight against both these bills was
waged by Houston and defended by Fal
coner. The bills were passed.
Appropriations for State Offices.
The appropriation bills for the main
tenance of the state offices and depart
ments and the higher educational Insti
tutions wero passed without amendment,
as heretofore printed. They carry SLSS9.
W0. including all funds.
An appropriation of $10,000 for legislative.
acpenses. and another $10,000 for carpets,
furniture, etc.. furnished the legislative
halls And committee rooms at the bgin-
-nlBg of the season, were adopted. This
-brings -the total cost of the Ninth Legis
' lature to approximately $100,000. '
Tbe'oll-icspoctor bill was passed by-the
Senate after It had been amended by, in
creasing the salary of the inspector to
$1800, The House concurred in the amend
ment. '
Fair -Fund 'Is Swelled.
The transfer of 57365 from theSt
Louis Fair fund to the Lewis and Clark
Fair fund was accomplished, by the
passage of the Senate bill by the House
and the House passed the other bill re
quested by the Fair Commission, which
prohibits scalping -of railway tickets.
The bill appropriating $5000 for ex
penses of litigating the boundary dis
pute between Washington and" Oregon
A total of 24 House bills were passed
by the Senate. Among them is Black
more's bill changing the name of
School for Defective Youth to the State-1
School, for the' Deaf and Blind.
This change was made desirable by
the passage earlier in the session . of
a bill creating a new school for the
feeble-minded at Medical Lake, to
which the feeble-minded Inmates of the
"Vancouver school will be transferred.
Anti-Graft Bill Passed.
What is known as the anti-graft bill
-was among the House bills that passed
the Senate. It prohibits employes from
receiving presents for favors given or
work done, and is Intended to do away
with the increasing practice of making
gifts to purchasing agents by those
from whom articles or goods may be
purchased. It includes within its pro
visions public officers and their em
ployes. A bill passed today establishing a
fish hatchery on the east bank of the
Lewis River, a tributary of the Colum
bia. A new game law creating the office
of Deputy Game Warden, prohibiting
the hunting of waterfowl on the Co
lumbia River in certain counties and
making other regulations, a synopsis
of which has been printed, passed the
Regulation of Nursery Business.
The Horticultural Society's bill., in
troduced in the House by Lee John
son, passed. It permits the Governor
to designate the location of the Horti
cultural Commissioner's office, provides
for the appointment of County Horti
cultural Commissioners and deputies;
licenses tree dealers and regulates In
a general way the nursery business and
care of orchards.
The McCoy bill, appropriating $12.-
000 for the purchase of 120 acres of
land to add to the farm of the Statu
Reform School at Chehalis, passed.
The Reld bill, providing for an excise
tax on express companies, was killed
by the Senate. The reason given for
the opposition was that the Railway
and Tax Commissions could handle the
Supreme Court Asked to Settle Ques
tion in Idaho.
BOISE. Idaho, March 3. (Special.)
An action was begun in the Supreme
Court this afternoon to test the consti
tutionality of the act abolishing Koot
enai County and creating the counties
of Lewis and Clark out of its territory.
Edwin McBee. of Rathdrum, presented
an application for a writ of mandate
against Edwin Doust. Sheriff of Koot
enai, and now Sheriff 6f Lewis County?
The petition is on behalf of Charles
A.y McDonald, Sheriff of Clark County.
It sets forth that he has made demand
on Doust for prisoners held for of
fenses committed in that portion of
Kootenai County now embraced In
Clark, and also for property belonging
to Clark County, -all of which has beon
refused by Doust. Ezra R. Whltla,
County Attorney of Clark County and
ex-Attorney of Kootenai County, Joins
McBee in signing the petition. The al
ternative writ was Issued returnable
on March 20 at Lewis ton, Ida"ho.
While Doust has qualified as Sheriff
of Lewis County, it Is understood he
wishes to have the matter settled. In
fact, all the parties in this action ap
pear to be antl-divlslonlsts, perfectly
-willing to have the act held unconstitu
tional. It Is therefore probable that
the -divlslonlsts will, come into the case
at some stage of the proceedings.
George H. Ross, Treasurer of old
Kootenai and now Treasurer of Lewis,
is understood to take the same stand as
Doust. and It is stated he will pursue
the same course -with respect to the
county funds. It will be set up by
Doust In his answer, among other
things, that the Legislature has no
power to remove a county seat, as. was
done in this case, and that it has no
power to abolish a county and leave it
without government for any period of
time. Further, it will be alleged that
no provision has been made for the
county debt, though provision probably
has been made for its distribution.
There are several other points Involved,
It 1b understood.
Trial of Foster for the Murder of
His Mother-ln-Law Under Way.
BAKER 'CITY. Or.. March 9. The Fos
ter murder trial began In the Circuit
Court here this afternoon before Judge
Eakin- A jury was secured without much
trouble. The result of the autopsy,
which was hold Juet after the first trial
last Fall, when the Jury failed to agree,
was made public In the opening state
ment of 'District Attorney Lomax to the
Foster has insisted from tho first that
the shooting was the result of a mistake:
that he took his mother-in-law for a
burglar. He stated before the Coroner's
Jury that he shot her while she wan
standing In the kitchen In -the dark, and-
that he fired five shots, one to frighten
the supposed burglar, and the other four
took effect In the body of the deceased
The District Attorney stated that the
evidence would disclose that eight bullets
were fired Into the body, and that the
course of the bullets was such that they
could not have been fired while the body
was standing erect, but, on the contrary.
the evidenco would tend to show that thr
bullets wore fired at the prostrate form
of the deceased. The Inference to tx
drawn Is that the state will try to show
that she was shot while she was In bed.
The statement of Senator Rand, for the
defense, was to the effect that they
would establish beyond the reason of a
doubt that the killing was the Tesult of
miBtaken identity.
Protective Association Organized.
PENDLETON. Or.. March 9. (Spe
claL) The business moo of the city to
night organized the Pendleton Protec
tive Association- The general plan of
the organization is along the same
lines as" the Portland association. The
officers elected were:
President. Leon Cohen: vice-president.
W. E. Brooks; secretary. Lee
Toutsch: treasurer. G. A. Bobbins.
Among the matters discussed at to
night's meeting were- the adjustment
of the electric light rates, excessive
rents and the peddlers' nuisance. The
association was organized with over
30 charter members.
More Washouts In Arizona. .
LOS ANGELES, March 9. Wastfouts
resultant from heavy rains in various
parts of Arizona are causing great delay
in traffic on both the Santa Fe and
Southern Pacific. Some of the trains
have been annulled. Floods in the vl
.clnlty of Tucson have caused damage to
tho Southern Pacific
King of All Conjh Medicines.
Mr. E. G. Case, a mallcarrier of Canton
Center. Conn., who has been in the TJ. S.
Service for about 16 years, says: "We
have tried many cough medicines for
croup, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
1b king of all and one to be "relied upon
every time We alfo find It the best
remedy for coughs and colds, giving cer
tain results and leaving no bad aftereffects-
We axe never without It In the
bouse." For salo by all druggists.
Referendum Petition Circulated
in Capita! City.
Hint That Kuykehdall Had a Per
sonal Interest in Drain Normal
Schoof When He Left Chair
to Support on Floor.
SALEM. Or.. March 9. fSpeclal.) Ref
erendum petitions demanding that the
$1,000,000 appropriation bill be submitted to
a vote of the people- were circulated in
Salem today, and, strange as it may
eeem, they received the signatures of
many citizens. Because . holding up the
appropriation bill will hurt Salem more
than any other "part of (he state it has
been thought that no petitions for the ref
erendum would be circulated here, and, it
circulated, that they -would receive few
This supposition was not well founded,
though it is etlU believed that the referen
dum movement will have less encourage
ment here than in other parts of the
Those who are signing the petitions here
are chiefly men who have been advo
cates of retrenchment in public expendi
tures and reduction of taxes. Men who
took a prominent part in the citizens'
movement in Salem a few years ago and
forced a reduction of expenses until the
city lived within its income are aiding
the referendum petitions- on the appropri
ation bills. They are not opponents of
the four-normal-school system alone, but
believe the Legislature was extravagant
in many ways and that the disapproval of
the people should be shown.
These men object to the log-rolling
method of passing appropriation bills, by
which the Legislature made up omnibus
bills which it was thought the Governor
would veto and the people would not vote
Men who favor the referendum listen
to the statement that holding up the ap
propriation bill will cost $100,000 In pay-
mont of interest and increased cost of sup
plies, and reply that "It will be worth all
it costs. The Legislature must be taught
some time that this way of doing bus!
ness won't go, and It won't cost any
more to do it now than some other year."
While the initiative method of settling
the Normal School question moots with
approval among men best Informed upon
state affairs, the leaders in the referen
don? movement refuse to see in that a
reason why they should deelst in their
effort to defeat the omnibus appropria
tion bill. The fact that tne menus, or
the Normal Schools express themrclvfe&J
as favorable to the Initiative plan only
serves to make the referendum leaders
more determined, for they do not believe
the friends of the Normals would help
the Initiative movement If It were
President Kuykendall, of the State Sen
ate, and Speaker Mills, of the House, are
coming In for a large part of the criti
cism in the discussion over the referen
dum. It is asserted that when Senator
Haines' bill to abolish the Drain Normal
was under consideration In - the Senate,
President Kuykendall left the chair and
took the floor to defeat the bllL It Is
said that in the- discussion he asserted
that he had no personal interest in the
matter except such as arose from the
fact that he lived at Drain many years,
began the practice of his profession at
that place and knew every hill and tree
and stump in that vicinity.
Now it is charged that President Kuy
kendall had a further personal interest.
since he has been for many years a mem
ber of the board of regents of the Drain
Normal and has a daughter on tho pay
roll at that institution.
Complaint is made against Speaker Mills
on account of a refusal to recognise Rep
resentative Smith, of Josephine, who de
sired to speak In opposition to raising
the appropriations for the normal schools.
Before the bill passed the House, in the
first instance, the proposed appropria
tlons were cut down about $20,000. In
the Senate the figures were put back to
the amounts the ways and means com
mlttee recommended. When the bill went
back to the House for concurrence in the
Senate amendments. Smith wanted to op
pose concurrence, but was not recognized
In response to his demand, his written
protest against the refusal to recognize
him was entered In the House Journal. -It
Is now alleged that if the raise in the
appropriations had been discussed the
House would have refused to concur.
There have been reforms in the manner
ofjlrawing appropriation bllla in recent
years, and tho present agitation Is pretty
certain to bring about further reforms,
regardless of whether the referendum
petitions shall be filed. A few years ago
it was the practice to make all the ap
propriations in one bill. At the last two
sessions the appropriations were separated
into three bills, and at this session seven
bills were prepared. Since the people
have secured the referendum power and
manifest a willingness to use It, it is
quite certain that no more omnibus ap
propriation bills will be passed.
(Continued irotn Firs Paget
the state little or nothing, that Is the
proper way out of the dilemma. But
as for promising to take up no othe:
matters of legislation than the appro
prlation bill, they will flatly refuse.
"Who is Governor Chamberlain," they
ask," "that he is more responsible to
the people than ircr
One member said yesterday that the
Legislature might properly take up one
or more of the gambling bills which
were lost, strayed or stolen at the regu
lar session. Another remarked that the
local option law needed reinedles
much as ever. A third said that sev
eral of the Governor's vetoes needed
attention from tne legislature, even
though jv precedent was set at the last
Legislature against talcing up vetoes.
A fourth announced that the Portland
charter ought to be amended so bs to
raise the salary of the City Engineer
from $2400 to $3000. A fifth declared
he was going to make an effort for the
repeal of the -Colwell bllL which will
tax the whole city 2 mills a year for
bridges. These- are some opinions ex
Senator C W. Hodaon Favors spe
clal session, but will promise the Gov
ernor nothing. Will serve without
Senator Herbert Holman No objec
tion to special session: is .willing to
serve without pay. but Is reticent about
agreement as insisted on by the Gov
Senator C. Wi Nottingham Thinks
special session opens a way out of the
difficulty and I willing 1o take up- no
other matter of legislation thin the
appropriation bill.
" Senator Dan J". MalarkcyFavors
special session without pay to members
and will agree to legislate on no other
matter than the appropriation bilL
senator SIg Sichel Not unfavorable.
Will not pledge himself to the Governor.
and if any other question than that ot
the Normals comes up as demanding at
tention, he would insist -on exercising his.
full prerogative as a Legislator.
au tne roregoing senators tnintc me
Normal Schools should be lessened in
Senator H. W. Coe Absent-from the
city. s -
Speaker Mills Noncommittal.
Representative S. B. LInthlcum Has
not fully considered the matter.
Representative W. M. Killlngsworth
Advocates special session. Wishes
Normal School system changed and de
clares himself In favor of one central
institution; will serve without pay.
Representative Albert J. Capron
Favors extra session and abolition of
superfluous Normal Schools and will
contrlbuto his services without com
pensation, but will make no pledge as
to other legislation.
Representative W. T. Muir said last
evening: "I am wllllng'to serve with
out pay, but I do not wish to be bound
by any agreement." He said that he
was opposed to so many Normal Schools
but that he would not say in advance
how he would vote in Salem.
Representative Elmer B. Colwell
said: "I think It is the duty of every
member to go to Salem without pay
and do what they had the chance to do
at the regular session. We didn't do
it and we should make up for it. It
will not take much time nor money."
Ready to Rid State .of Burden of Ex
tra NormaP Schools.
OREGON CITT. Or.. March 9. (Spe
cial.) Interviewed on Senator Haines
plan for a special session of the State
Legislature, members of the Clackamas
County delegation expressed them-
elves as follows:
Senator G. C Brownell I voted
against the appropriation bill, as I
thought the appropriations were alto
gether too heavy for a state having a
population ot less than 500,000. While
would be in favor of an extra session
and be willing to attend without pay or
mileage, still it might be a good Idea,
if it were not for the expense, to let the
people use the referendum and sit down
once tor an on the extravagant appro
priations that are made every
year. Many of these are absolutely
unnecessary, unjust and an outrage on
the taxpaying public. I think the Gov
ernor is right on this whole subject.
and it is Just these kind ot blunder
and actions that makes it possible and
entirely probable that George C Cham
berlain will be re-elected Governor ot
the state, as a Democrat.
Representative C. G. Huntley I will
gladly serve without pay at a special
session of the State Legislature for the
purpose of enacting separate bills for
the Normal Schools and for other state
Representative Frank Jagger I did
what I could to adjust these Normal
School appropriation at the regular
session, but it there Is any assurance
that the Legislature will cut down tho
Normal School appropriations I would
favor calling an extra session of the
Legislature. I would give my time
Would First Have Assurance That
Some -Normals Will Be Eliminated.'
M'MINNVILLE, Or., March 8. (Special.)
The Legislators of Yamhill County ap
prove of the plan of Senator Haines
for an extra session of tho Legislature
to settle the Normal School appropriation
trouble. Senator G". S. Wright gives his
hearty approval as he has considered and
suggested the same solution to several
of the Legislators. The Yamhill mem
bers worked against the unnecessary ap
propriations and are desirous of adjusting
the matter in the best possible way.
Senator Wright said:
"I am heartily in favor of holding an
extra session to settle this appropriation
trouble and will serve without pay pro
vided that the majority of the members
of the House and Senate will agree to
abolish all but one or two Normal Schools,
and vote for actual running expenses of
state institutions. I worked against the
bill when it came up in the Senate and
believe some of the appropriations unjust.
Some of the general appropriations for
the state institution aro Just and should
be allowed, but some of them I consider
unjust, and I would not favor an extra
session If all the appropriations were
voted for; that would but make a. bad
matter worse."
Representative F. H. Caldwell stated
that he would be willing to serve at an
extra session without pay provided that
all normals but one be cut out and no
appropriations mado for other than actual
running expenses of the state institutions.
He seems very favorable to the plan.
Umatilla Senators Would Save Money
for the State.
RENDLETON. Or., March 9. (Special.)
Concerning Senator Haines' scheme for
an extra session ot the Legislature, Sen
ator C. J. Smith tonight said that he was
in favor of the plan under certain con
dltions. He believes that something ought
to be done to relieve the Normal School
situation and that the cheapest and mos
practical thing- was to call an extra sea
sion and enact separate bills for the
schools. He believes that the Legisla
tors should be paid for the extra work.
but tha even if It cost tho state $7000
It would ne Detter tnan to pay out a large
amount of interest upon money borrowed
to operate necessary state institutions.
Senator W. M. Pierce Is also In favor
ot an extra session In so far as the pur
pose will be to provide means to conduct
tho Normal Schools by regular appropria
Cornett of Linn Will Serve Without
Expense to State.
ALBANY. Or., March 9. (Special)
Representative Frank v. cornett, ot
Linn, is inclined to favor Senator
Haines' proposal for a special session
of the Legislature. He said that he
believed that a session would cost the
state much less than a referendum vote
on the appropriations bill and would
also accomplish more.
"Personally, I favor the session." ho
said, "and will be willing to serve
without pay or mileage.
Senator Miller Believes In Referen
dum, Not Extra Session.
LEBANON, Or.. March 3. (Special.)
Senator M. A. Miller, of Linn County.
gave his views on the calling of an extra
session of the Oregon Legislature as fol
"Permit me to say that I am opposed.
The regular session opposed every pro
posal toward dropping one or more
of the Normal Schools from the list
of assisted enterprises, or any steps to
ward economy, but was extravagant in
the extreme. The State University, the
Agricultural College, the four Normal
Schools and Salem formed a combination
and through the ways and means com
mlttee presented the omnibus bill which
was passed and to which the people make
such serious oojecuon.
"Had It not been for the Governor this
bill would have been passed with an
emergency clause attached and would. If
they had bad their desires fulfilled, been
a law today. Therefore. I am in favor
of referendum to teach them a much
leeded lesson" and one that future Legls
latcrs will not forget. It may be that
some -of. the umbers of the Legislature,
like Paul of old. have experienced a
sudden conversion and now see the. error
of their ways, and would like to have an
opportunity to square themselves before
the people, but they should have tnougnt
of this at the regular session."
Is Appropriation Measure a Bill or
a Law?
EUGENE. Or.. March 3. (Special.)
On the proposal of Senator Haines, -as
publlshcdIh The Orcgonlan, tho mem
bers from this county were interviewed
this evening with the exception of Mr.
Edwards, who could not be reached.
Senator Booth said:
"I am not in favor of it. If they want
to bring the matter up to the voters,
let them take tho initiative and bring
it up at the next general election. It
could be done at that time without
extra expense to tho state. 'I am not
infavor of an extra session at alL"
Senator Kuykendall expressed him
self as follows:
"The proposal for a special session
does not grow upon me as I think over
it. There is doubt in my mind as to
our power to amend or repeal the bill
to which objection Is raised. It has
passed out of the hands ot the Legisla
ture and that body- has adjourned, but
it has not yet become a law. Can we
amend It as a law or can we recall it
as & bill and reconsider it? I think
we are liable to get into a legal tangle.
"I have not changed my mind as to
the bill. It is good and ought to stand
as it is. I do not say that I would not
consent to its division to savo money
to our state. I will not .bind myself as
to my action if a session Is called fur
ther than I am bound by my oath as a
Senator and my duty as a member to do
the very best thing according to the
light I may have.
"If called, I would favor tho Legisla
ture submitting bills to abolish each ot
the Normal Schools, so that the people
could definitely settle that question and
put an end to this strife. I would nave
the vote on them at the next regular
election, so as to give the present furore
time to subside, and to give the people
time to study the question."
Representative Griffin said he would
be willing to go back on a call of tho
Legislature for two or three days, and
the question of pay was no consideration.
Ho says:
"I am willing to do anything reason
able to relieve the present situation and
think the proposal as made by Senator
Haines in The Oregonlan is very reasona
ble. I do not believe in having all our
state Institutions suffer for the next year
and a half by calling the referendum be
cause some are displeased with the
Normal School appropriation. I think It
13 well for each institution to stand on
its own bottom anyway.
Representative Bingham when seen
"Certainly I would be willing to respond
to a call for an extra session without
expense to the state. I believe It would
be well for the people to call the Initia
tive on such appropriations, including the
Normal Schools, as might seem advisable,
and do not approve the calling of the
referendum. Such action would be a
great expense to the state, and I believe
it would be beaten in the end, but at the
same time I am not In favor of crippling
ail the state institutions because the
people are displeased with some parts of
tne general appropriation bllL
I think it would be perfectly proper
to pass separate bills for these appropria
tions, ana am willing, perfectly willing.
to see sucn divisions as may bo proper.
and will gladly go back without pay to
help the matter out. In fact, I am
anxious to do what I can to help tho
state institutions out of the threatened
Senator Tuttle Will Act as He Sees-
Fit Burns Wants to Be Paid.
ASTORIA, Or., March 3. (SDecial.
The members of the Clatsop County Leg
islative delegation do not tako kindly
to the scheme proposed by Senator Haines
lor holding a special session of the Leg
islature and two of them are opposed
to an extra session being held In any
way. Their views are as follows:
Senator Tuttle: "It the Governor
calls a special session of the Legislature
to consider the situation as regards the
appropriation bill, I suppose I will co
and I shall most certainly use my own
Judgment on any business that might come
before the session, but to go back to
Salem like a whipped schoolboy, volun
tarily, witnout pay, pledged to say that
I had been a party to an act to hold up
the state for any appropriation in the
nature of a graft, is the last thing I
propose to do. In my vote on the ap
propriation bill I acted in perfect good
faith, and I do not recognize the right
ot tne Governor or anyone else to tell
me Just how I shall vote or what shall
be the form of the bill I vote to send
to him. It Is his privilege to -veto, as
have discovered on several instances.
and it seems to me it. In some cases.
requires very little pretext. It Is al30 the
privilege of the people under the law,
a very small percentage of them, please
notice, to call a referendum on It, but
that does not disturb me. H am not
afraid of the result and any additional
cost that is brought upon the state there
by cannot be charged up to mo for doing
only what I believed to be my duty and
for the best Interest of the state."
Representative Lewis: "I am opposed to
tho Haines plan for holding a special
sc'sion for the reason that I do not sup
pose any member of the Legislature can
afford to go to Salem at his own ex
pense for the purpose of undoing things
that ought never - to have been done.
On the other hand I fall to seo any rea
son in the Governor's Idea of not calling
a special session In the regular way as
a matter of economy. I believe the extra
session could be held and the needed leg
islation adopted at much less expense
than the cost ot invoking the referendum
on the appropriation bllL"
Representative Burns: "The time to
have straightened out this difficulty was
when the Legislature was In regular
session. Everybody knows that the Nor
mal Schools are a heavy and needless
burden on the people, and an effort was
made in the House to cut down the
appropriation for them. The majority
in both houses had ample notice that
the people at large did not favor sup
porting those Institutions and they should
have taken heed, but they did not. Now
let the responsibility remain where it
belongs. I do hot see the advisability of
summoning an extra session to right a
wrong that never ought to have been
committed, and I certainly shall not, as
Senator Haines suggests, go to Salem at
my own expense for the purpose of
doing it
Objects to Crawling to Governor o
Hands and Knees. -
SALEM. Or., March 9. (Special.) Sen
ator Farrar, who was chairman of the
joint ways and means committee "which
f ramed tho appropriation bill, la "outspok
en in opposition to Senator Haines' plan
for an extra, session. He said tonight
"X am against a special session and
have so informed Senator Haines. The
Legislature did not do wrong when it
passed that bill and the members should
not stuiury tnemseives oy asKing .tne
Governor to call them together to repeal
the bill and pass others in Its place. The
Normal Schools are state institutions- just
as much as the asylum and penitentiary.
The state owns them and controls them
and has maintained them -and should con
tinue to appropriate money for them un
til it expressly abolishes them. I was In
favor of abolishing the Drain Normal
School, but since we failed In. that, I "K-
lleve we should appropriate monty for
its maintenance.
"I believe a referendum petition will be
filed " and the. appropriation bin will be
J held -up; but, mark, my word, -tins people
will look at this matter in a different
light a year-and a half from now. These
Institutions will run just the same and
tne state will pay the expense, with inter
est. No, sir; I am opposed to, a special
session. The Republican Legislature re
fused to put the Normal Schools in a sep
arate bill, ao the Governor asked us to.
Would not we look pretty now going be
fore the Governor on our hands and
knees asking him to call us together so
we could, do what he asked us to do at
the regular session?"
Senator Crolsan has not fully deter
mined what position he will take on Sen
ator Haines' suggestion, but he Is in
favor of doing something to. prevent the
crippling the Asylum, Penitentiary, Re
form School, etc.. It possible. Senator
Crolsan was opposed to making appro
priations for four Nornial Schools an3
tried to keep these items out of the ap
propriation bill for the Asylum and Peni
tentiary. Falling in this he voted for the
bill as It passed rather than leave the
necessary Institutions without funds.
"If a special session can be held for a
day or two and a bill be passed providing
for the maintenance of the Asylum, Peni
tentiary, etc., and leaving the Normal
Schools to stand on their merits In
separate bill, and no other legislation be
taken up, I think I would favor It, said
Senator Crolsan. "I do not like to have
the state pay interest on the money that
must be expended for maintaining the
necessary institutions.
Other Marlon County members could
not be seen today.
Items of Appropriation Bill Can Be
Segregated That People May Vote.
CORVALI4B, Or., March 9. (Special.)
A movement to reconvene the Legis
laturo for action on the appropriation
bill Is afoot, and Senator Avery, of this
city, ban been asked If he would at
tend and serve at such an extra session
without remuneration or mileage. The
invitation came from Senator Haines,
of Washington County, and Senator
Avery's reply was in the affirmative.
He said today:
'Tt Is apparent- that the referendum
is to be invoked on the appropriation
bill. The people are not satisfied with
tne action or tne legislature witn rei
erence to tho Normal Schools. It would
be an easy matter for a Quorum of the I
Legislature to meet and so segregate
the items ot the appropriation bill that
any desired items could be brought
within the application of the referen
dum without affecting the others.
It is probable that enough members
of the Legislature, would respond to
a proclamation of the Governor calling
for an extra session, and that under the
circumstances they would be willing to
serve without remuneration. I think
it would be a good thing to do. and
have so informed those who are pro
moting the plan."
Wasco Delegation Divided on Advisa
bility of Extra Session.
THE DALLES, Or., March 9. (Spe
cial.) Regarding an extra session of
the Legislature. Senator Whealdon, ot
this city, said tonight:
"I am not In favor of an extra ses
Representative Jayne, of Hood
River, expressed himself as not averse
to attending an extra session, saying
he bad no objection to the call being
I should not favor the calling of an
extra session," was Representative
Burgess comment when Interviewed at
his home in Antelope tonight.
Hard Upon Far-Off Members.
WOODBDRN. Or.. March 9. fSoe-
cial.) Hon. J. H. Settlemier, of this
city, heartily indorses the proposal of
Senator Haines for & special session of
the Legislature. He expresses the
Idea that upon those members ot the
Legislature living far distant from the
state capital suoh free service would.
however, bo a great personal sacrifice
of time and monoy.
Each One on Its Own Bottom.
DALLAS, Or., March 9. (Special.)
Senator TJ. S. Loughary, of Polk, is op
posed to the calling- ot the extra ses
sion only to protect the general appro
prlation bills. In regard to the Nor
mal Schools, he is in favor of letting
each one- stand on its own bottom.
"Unwise," Says Senator Hobson.
STAYTON. Or., March 9. (Special.)
Asked as to his position on the call
ing ot a special session of the Legisla
ture on the million-dollar, appropria
tion bill. Senator w. H. Hobson. of
Marlon County, replied:
"I think It unwise
Senator Coshow Is Opposed.
ROSEBURG, Or., March 9. (Special
Senator- Coshow expresses himself op
posed to tho plan of Senator Haines for
calling an extra session of the Legisla
ture to reconsider appropriation bills.
May Conclude to Let People Vote on
Bill as Passed.
SALEM. Or., March 9. (Special.) Sen
ator Haines proposal that a special ses
sion of tho Legislature be held for the
purpose of repealing the appropriation
bill and passing others in which the sev
eral Items -will be segregated, meets with
favor among people who are anxious that-
the necessary state institutions be noVi
deprived of the money to pay running
expenses. It Is now taken for granted on
all sides that the appropriation bill "will
be held up, and the question is-. What Is
best to do about It?
Some of the Governor's friends are
The J. C. Ayer Co.
Formulas of Medicines on Bottle
Having heard that tho J. C. Ayer:
company had . decided to give to the
public the complete formula of each of
Its medicines, we interviewed, the treas
urer and general manager, Dr. Charles
H. Stovrefi, in order to ascertain ii this
was true. Dr. S to well said that it cer
tainly was true, and that it was simply
tho .conclusion of a plan which he had
been working upon for a long time.
"When asked what effect it wo old hare
upon tho proprietary medicine business
if all houses were obliged to publish
their formulas, ho said, in his opinion.
it would favorably affect the sale of all
those medicines founded upon merit, all
those preparations that were genuine
medicines. On the other hand, he be
lieved just as strongly that it would
mean tho complete ruin of frauds, tares,
and swindles.
"It is a well-known fact that the
nublio is being swindled out ot hun
areds of thousands, even millions of
dollars each rear, because of wildly ex
aggerated and positively untruthful
statements, glaringly displayed by tne
most lavish outlay of money.. Tie J.
C. Ayer company has nothing to hide.
"We know our medicines are good. We
simply take the public into our confi
dence and frankly tell them just what
they are getting for their money. That
is all there is about it."
Concerning the great agitation which
has been raised in certain quarters be
cause some of these medicines -contain
alcohol, Dr. S towel! said: "Jusfruse a
little common sense and figure it out
for yourself, The-Jozxal which will
Not a Time of Life, or Length of
Years, but a Condition of
Bodily Tissues.
Said a celebrated London physician.
and just so long as the bodily tissues
can be kept from wasting and built
up, just so long can old age be kept at
bay. and people will be alert, alive.
active and young.
Clarke &. Co., say: "Our cod liver oil
preparation. Vinol. is the greatest tissue-builder
and Invlgorator in the
world for old people. There is nothing
else known tojnedlclne that can equal
It. because Vlnol cantalns In a. concen
trated form all of the body-bulldlng.
life-giving principles of cod liver oil
actually taken from fresh cods' livers,
and is not a stimulant which produces
bad after-effects. We have letter upon
letter from grateful old people whom
Vlnol has strengthened and blessed
with robust health. Vinol Invigorates
the stomach first of all. enabling- it to
separate from the food the elements .
needed for rich red blood, healthy body
material and sound, steady nerves. In
this way It repairs worn tissues, checks
the natural decline and replaces weak
ness with strength."
Mr. A J. Barker of Evansville. Ind.,
says there is no other medicine in the
world equal to Vinol for old people. He
would not take a thousand dollars for
the good It has done him.
The grandnlece of Alexander Hamil
ton, Mrs. Sarah J. Wlndrom, says:
"Vinol is a godsend to old people." She
Is 76 years, old. and Is active and well,
thanks to the vitalizing effects ot Vinol.
We wish every man or woman In
Portland who "feels old," whether they
are so in years or not, would try Vlnol
on our guarantee to return their money
If they are not satisfied after using It.
Woodard, Clarke & Co.. druggists.
advising him not to call a special ses
sion In any event. They say:
"You made every effort to induce the
Legislature not to pass the bill to which
objection is made, arid the responsibility
does not rest upon you. After deliberately
Ignoring your wishes, the members have
no right to ask you to call them together
Governor Chamberlain, however, takes
the view that if the Legislature will meet
without expense to the state and pass
laws which will prevent the state insti
tutions here from being crippled for want
of funds, it will be for the best Interests
of the state to call a special session,
though he does not say that he will call
a session. He may conclude that the in
terests of the state will be best subserved,
by letting the people vote upon the bill
as the Legislature passed It at the regu
lar session.
Representative Kay, of Marion County,
who fought the appropriations for four
Normal Schools, says he is willing to sign
a petition to the Governor to call a
special session. He believes this would,
save money for the state and that the
members of the Legislature should agree
to pass the appropriations In separate
Representative Burns, of Coos and
Curry, says he is in favor ot a special
session and will sign a request to the
Governor for that purpose.
Representatives of Lumbermen's As
sociation Hold Harmonious Session.
CBNTRALIA, Wash., March 9. (Spe
cial.) Representatives of the Pacific
Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association
and the Southwestern Washington Lum
ber Manufacturers' Association, repre
senting all of the-Jumber Interests of this
state and of part of Oregon, met here
Wednesday. George Birge, manager of
the Lumber Manufacturers Agency at
Centralla, is authority for the statement
that this is the first meeting In the past
20 years that has been harmoniously con
ducted. About 10 lumbermen- of the two
associations were present and the lum
bermen agreed upon one line of conduct
ing their business.
The meeting was the result of the in
vitation of the Southwestern association
to the Pacific Coast Association asking
them to meet with them and to try to
establish a harmonious and uniform
price list. It was agreed not to false
the price ot lumber Just at present, as
it is thought the lumber market would
not warrant the change, but a. uniform
scale of prices was agreed upon to cover
the entire State of Washington.
H. McCormlck. of the McCormlck Lum
ber Company. McCormlck, Wash., was
In the chair and presided over the meet
ing. Captain Everett Griggs., president
of the Pacific Coast Association, was
among the members of the Pacific Coast
Association. This meeting was the di
rect outcome of the Hoo Hoo concatena
tion, at South Bend last week.
Extra Pay for Watching Hobos.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. March 9.
(Special.) Allen B. Yrnes, of Touchet.
was appointed Deputy Sheriff of Wallula
by Sheriff Painter today, to succeed Wil
liam Nave, who was relieved by the Coun
ty Commissioners. Wallula Is visited by
many hobos, and the deputy will receive-'
?3 from the W. & C. R. and O. R.
& N. Co., in addition to the $50 paid
him by the county to keep the peace
Few Refuse to Sign Petitions.
FOREST GROVE, Or.. March 9.
(SpeclaL) Petitions invoking the ref
ursnrinm In hrlnsr thft annronrlatlon hill
of the last Legislature to a. vote of the
people, are being circulated in Forest
Grovn and vicinity. The petitions are
being" very generally signed, both in
town and in the rural districts. Those
circulating them report that refusals
to sign are very few.
Will Print
soon appear on each bottle of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla will show that the person
gets about ten minims of alcohol in
eacn teaspoomui ox ttae nmucine, wnica
is the ordinary dose. Now in a glass of
beer (which is the ordinary dose) there
are about two hundred, minims of alco
hol. In other words, one dose of beer
contains twenty times as much, alcohol
as one dose of Ayer a Earsaparilla. But
let us carry this analysis a little fsrtier:
You would have to drink about half a
bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparill& to get as
much, alcohol as is lound tn an ordinary
''schooner' of beer. The Sarsaparilla
would cost the man nearly half a dollar,
while the beer would cost him only five
cents. We have yet to hear of aay per
son who ever acquired a. love for the
taste of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Thrfact
his, it is a medicine, a positive medkiae,
and has the taste ox a medicine. But
we are told that a taste for beer is
soon acquired. In view of this, can yoa
imagine anything more perfectly ridicu
lous tha& all of this terrible cry ahot
the alcohol in this saediciae? And tfeea
we know very well that the alcohol
is used, must be used, to extract the
various medicinal ingrediests frothe
roots, barks, etc., which, form an impor
tant part of this medicine. It is sot
addedslmply because of any ttismlatiug
effect it xaay have of itself."
Wo are informed that this fe the ftrst
time la tho histery of -the proprietary
medicine business that the fonaulasvre
been .thus boldly givers ptf the jmfefte,
and the outeome will be watched with
Utoee i&4eett. 2tS w Jes, J'M