THE MOBXEKG- ; OKEGONIAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1905. 15 HEAVY IRON BUYING Unprecedented Consumption at Opening of Season. BESSEMER STEEL MOVEMENT Question Raised Whether Price Can Be Kept Under Control Increased Demand, for Structural Ma terial RalNBuying Light. CLEVELAND, O.. March. P. The Iron Trade Review this week sayi: Unprecedented con sumption of pl iren. and sied on the thresh old or the season, always,, marked by Quick ened activity. raises the question whether the price will be kept under central. Tig Iron -utput at a rate of nearly 21.EOO;000 tons, and metal going into welters' hands at something more than' that rat. jreent a situation in which precedents Rive little help. The Besse mer seel industry, KflC forward rapidly again, after a marked failing away in 3001. In a large factor in the present movement. In the )wt week the foundry industry has been a larger participant in the market than for weeks, but the buying- of foundry Irons has been divided among a diversified and growing lift of consumers. Tlie abandonment for the time of the efforts to orobnp the large Bout hern companies baa ncsrcejy created a rippie In the pig Iron mar. krt, as prices are sustained by natural condition.-! Dteettsekm of advances en Southern irons ie answered by continued selling of No. 2 foundry at $13.50 at furnace, and on North ern "roo the baste ef flO for No. 2 at Central Western furnaces, white aimed at, la not main tained. Southern Ohio iron has sold at $15.75. and in a few instances at 315.50. Bessemer in In less active, after recent buying, but some steel works requirements for March are jet to be met. Basic pig iron at 516 Pittsburg indicates an easier condition than has been generally credited. The steel market In billets and most finished materials continues to present a record scale of operations. Independent prcducors of Iron of the Jigger finished materials are getting sufficient rteel te operate In full, and the .-prices of the preduots as established by the larger interests do not warrant importations of billets and sheet bars at present prices abroad. Tbo past week has made no larger additions to rail businese, but la structural lines the de velopments have been encouraging. At New York 23.000 tons of new erection in manufac turing lines Is up for estimate, and a goed ton nage was put on the American Bridge Com pany books. The plate mills arc in a etreng position. Of about $3,000 cars estimated to be now under contract, 21,000 are to be all steel, representing 200,000 tons of pfates and 6 ha pes. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Hour, Peed, Etc. "WHEAT Walla Walla, S5e; bluest em, 82c: Valley, S7o per bushel. FLOUR Patents, $4.6081.85 per barrel: rtralghts. f4.30S4.45; clear. S.S5&4; Valley, $4104.25: Dakota hard wheat. 6.50&7.60: Graham. $3.6034; whole wheat, 11(24.25; ry flour, -local. 5; Eastern. 45&5.10; cornmea per case. $L90. BARLEY Feed. 423 per ton: rolled. S2425 OATS No. 1 white. 51.351.40; gray. 51.40 01.45 per cental. MILLSTUFFS B ran. $10.60 per ton; mid dlings, $26; shorts. $22: chop. U. S, Mills. $10: linseed dairy foods. $18$ linseed ollmcal, car lots. $28- per ten; less than car lots, $30 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. Im pounds sacks, $6.75; lower grade, $5jfC.25; oat. Tne&U est eel cut. 50-pound eacka, $8 per barrel:, 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). CO-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel; 10- ?ound sacks, $4 per bale; split peas, $4 per 00-pound sack; 26-pound boxes. $1.15; pearl barley, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour. 10-pound sacks, $2.60 per bale. HAY Timothy, $1416 per ton; clover. $llj 12, grain. $11612; cheat. $1112. Butter, Eggs, "Poultry, Etc The egg market remains Arm. as receipts are lighter, but local buyers ore not taking hold o well since the last advance was made. Puget Sound agents' are in the Valley ottering ss high as 17 cents. The demand for chickens Is still good, and the local supply Is light. Hens and mixed are In request at ISfi-HHc, and dressed about a cent over this. Broilers, fryers and large Springs are wanted. Ducks are strong, but geese are quiet. Fat. live tur keys and good dressed ones are Arm. but poor crested stock Is not wanted. The butter mar ket continues Arm for all grades, with local flocks light. EijGS Oregon ranch, 17e$MSc per dozen. BUTTER City creameries: 'K-xtra creamery.. 32Vfcc per pound; fancy creamery. 30c State creameries; Fancy creamery, 2?062xc; dairy, 14fl0c. -store butter, 14016c; California, SO Sic CHEESE Full cream twins, new, lll5e; eld ISc; Americas. 144fl5Vtc W1LTBY-Fancy hens. 18fel4Vic; oW hens. 12'eiSc; mixed chickens. 18214Hc; old roost ers. lO&llc; do young. llHg'12'jsc: Springs, It to 2-pound. 17llc; broilers, 1 to 14 round 22t?25c; dressed chickens, 14H15c: turkeys, alive. 16g'17c; do dressed, poor, '17 ISc; do choice, 2022Hc; geese, live, per pound. 8j?6Hc: do dressed, per pound, 10lle; ducks oM. -JSiJt); do young, as to .size, 49 30; pigeons. 41&1.25: squabs, $292.50. Vegetables, Jfrult. Etc Burbsnk potatoes. If Xaney, are in good de mand, and early Rose for seed are badly wanted. The market is very Arm for good onions. The city demand for fruits and vegetables was strong on Front street yesterday, but dealers did not complain at this, as it gave them an opportunity to catch up with the rush. There were no carload receipts. A car of crier-, the last of the season, if rolling from Lea Angeles. Egg plant and asparagus are lower. Other truck is unchanged. VEGETABLES Turnips, $1 per sack; car rots. $1.25: btets. $1.25; parsnins. $1.50: cab bage. California. l&c; lettuce, hothouse. 25c per dozen; parsley. 26c dozen; tomatoes, $2.25 per crate; cauiinower. per crate; egg plant. 12ic per pound; celery, $S.2CgMl.S0 ier crate; peas, 1W per pound; pepper. ac per pound; nrouts. 6c; asparagus. Sc per pound: rhubarb. &t per pound; oucumbera, $2.25 per dozen; ONIONS- Fancy. $3ffS.25; No. 2. $IL5a POTATOES Oregon fancy. S0S3c: com mon. 7560c. buyers' prlct; Merced sweets, lVj ?lc. RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4-crown. 7c; 5-layer Muscatel raisins, 7rjc; unbleached seed lets Sultanas, Cc; London layers. 3-crown. whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.85; 2 -crown, $1.75. DRIED FRUIT Anoles. evaporated. 6trOiV:: per pound; rundrled, sacks or boxes, none; apricots. luGllc; peaches. S310&c; pears, none; California blacks. 5o; do white, none; Smyr na. 20c; Fard dates, tic; plums, pitted. 6c DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples. 4-tler Bald wins. $1.2501.50; Spitzenbergs. $l.T6gC; cook Ins. 40f Soc flgs, l5c$$2.50 per box. cran berries. $12 50 per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $2,758 3. o. cnoice. z.a per dox; oranges, standard. $1 4562. fancy. $22.25: mandarins. COgGSc per. dox; lauccnnts, per oax; grape- icult, $2.7533 per box; bananas. &35c per pounc O roc cries. Nuts, Etc COFFEE Mocha, 262Sc; Java, ordinary, lo OSUC, L.ota nica, laucs, xatfuo; gooo, Ibii l&c. ordlnrxj'. 10&12c per pound: Columbia roakU cs5. 100. $13.88; 50s, $13. S3; Ar- uucaie.; i.ion. RICE Imperial Japan. o. 1. $5.37: South, era Japan. 3.5u; Carellaa, 4Cc; brokenhead. n.c SAIMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails, $1 75 per dozen; Z-pounds tails. $2.40: 1-nound flats. $LSS; fancy, lfcflb-pound flats, $Lso; Vund Aats. $1.10; Alaska pluk, 1-pouna tKc; ieu, j.-puuu laiis. j.-ia; socKeyes, l-pounc umc, t-CUAR-Sack basis. 100 rounds: Cube, ia.m rcwdertd. $6.05; dry granulated. $5.95; extra t $5.4&: gemen v. o.oo; iruu sugar, ad vance ever sack basis as foiolws: Barrel, lwc; naif barrtls. 25c; boxes. 60c per 100 pounds. tTerms: On remittance within 15 dais, Ciduct V.c ier pound: If later than 15 days and within m day, deduct per pound; no discount after 30 days-) Best sugar granulated. $5.S5 per loo pounds; maple sugar. IStfISc per pound. SALT California. $11 per ton. $1.60 cr bale. Liverpool. 60s. $17: 100s. $16.60; 200s. $16: Jjalf-ground. 100s. $7r 60s. $7i5S. ' NUTS "Walnuts, 13Kc per pound "by sack, it extra for less than sack;. Brazil nuts. 15c: Al berts. 14c: pecans, jumbos, -14c: extra large. ISc; aimonas, i. .v. u.. ivci cnestnutc. llaJ xans, 15c; Ohio. $4.60 per 25-pound drum; pea nuts; raw. 7c per pound; roasted, Be; pine, nuts, 10312Uc; hickory nuts. 7c; cocoanats, SZQUOc per dozen. -BEANS Small white. 4c: large white. c; pink. 3 Vjc; bayou. SJic; Lima. 6Xc Olle. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 23'e: iron barrels. 17c: 63 deg. gasoline, csseo. Sic: iron barrels or drams. 20c COAL OIL Cases, Zlfec; Iron barrens, 15c; wood barrels, none; C3 dec cases, 22c; iron barrels. 15fec; Washington State test burning oils, except headlight, c per gallon blgbcr. LINSEKD OIL Raw, barrels, 56c; cases; Cle. Boiled: Barrels, 5Sc; cases. eSc; lc lean In 250 gallon lots. TURPENTnCE Cases. 65c; barrels. Sic WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7Vic; 600-pounl lots. 7c; lees than 500-pound lota, 8c Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, bulls, 30 4c; cows. SViS'CVjc; country steers. 4g54c MUTTON Dressed. GQfec per pound. VEALDreased. loo to 125, 78c per pound; 125 to "JOO. 5e3Hc: 200 and up, 3feC-lc PORK Dreesed. 100 to 150. THC&c per pound; 150 and up. 77?c. HAMS Ten to 34 pounds, 12Vc per pound; 14 to 16 pounds. 12Jic: 18 to 20 pounds. 32c; California (picnic). Sfcc; cottage hams, He: shoulders. Slic; boiled ham. 20c; boiled picnic bam. bonelcar. 14c BACON Fancy breakfast. 16c per pound; standard breakfast, 14o; choice, 15c; English breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds, 13c; peach bacon. 11c SAUSAGE Portland ham, 12Uc per pound; minced nam. 10s; Summer, choice dry. i7H: bologna, long, 5"&c; weinerwurst. Sc: Uver. 5c; pork. 8c: blood, 5c; headcheese, 12c; bologna sausage, link. 4c DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short clears, tc salt, 10ie smoked; dear backs. 0c salt. 10c smoked: Oregon export. 20 to 25 pounds, average. 10&c; salt. llc smoked: clears. 94a salt. 10Uc smoked; clear backs, Sc; Union butts, 10 to IS pounds, average. So salt, Se smoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet. 4-bar-rels. $5; -barrels. $2.75; 15-pound kit. $L25: pickled tripe, -barrels, $5; "-barrels, $2.75; 15-pound kit, $L25; pickled pigs tongues. V-barrels. $6; -barrels. fZt 15-pound kits, il.&0: pickled lambs tongues, j-barrels, $V; Vi -barrels. $5.50; 16-pound kits, $2.75. LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces, SJftc; tubs, 0c; 60a. 9Hc; 20c. 5ic: lOs. lOtfc; 5. lOVic Standard pure: Tierces. Sa: tabs, Sftc; boc; S'Ac; 20a. Sc; 10s, D-Xc; 5s. 9c Compound: Tierces. 6tzc; tubs. 64c; 60s, 5fic; 10s. "iic; It. 7?ic Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 1904. 24926c per pound. WOOL Valley. 1&S2&C per pound; Eastern Oregon. 1217c; mohair, 26326c per pound for choice. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up. 16Q15H0 per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 10 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1. -under 5 pounds. lCc; dry salted bulls and sxags. one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, 79 Sc. under 50 pounds and cows. 0H37c: stags end bulls, sound, 44"c; kip. sound. 15 to 29 pounds, 7c; under 10 pounds, 8c; green (en salted), lc per pound Icks: culls, lc per pound: horse hides, salted. $1.602 each; dry. $101-60 each; colts' hides, 25&60c each; goatskins, common. lCQ15c each; Angora, with wool ca, 25ceil. TALLOW Prime, per pound. 4Q 5c; No. 1 and grease, 2&Sc. LIVESTOCK MARKET. Trices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards Xeelerdaj'. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yncterday were 45 bogs. The fe4 lowing prieo wore quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers. $4; cows and hoiere. $38.25. HOGS Best large, fat bogs. $S; black, aad China fat, '$5.2595.59. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregea and Valley. $4,258-4.50. EASTERN- LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Kansas City, Omaha and Chicago. CHICAGO. March 9. Cattle Receipts 5000; market steady. Good to prime steers, $56.25; poor to medium, $3.75 4.75; stack ers and feeders, $2.60 4.60; cows, $2.75 4.50; heifers, $S5.25; cannera, $1.502-40; bulls, $2.501; calves. $3G.75. Hogs Receipts today, 23,000; tomorrow. 20.000. Market steady. Mixed and butchers, $4.90 05.12 ; good to choice heavy, $5 5.15; rough heavy. $4.S534.95; light. $1,759 5.45; bulk of sales. $4.95.12. Sheep Receipts 18,000: sheep and lambs. steady. Good to choice wethers, $5.60 C; fair to choice mixed, $595.50; Western sheep, $5tg6; native lambs, $5.75 7.75; Western lambs, $006.75. SOUTH OMAHA, March 8. Cattle Re ceipts 3200; market steady to strong. Na tive steers, $3.75 Q 5.75; cows and heifers, $3 4.25; canncrs. $293; stockera and feeders. $2.5004.50; calves, $3 5? 6.25;- bulls,, stags. etc, $24. Hogs Receopts 9500; market shade lower. Heavy. $4.9035; mixed. $4.S5Q4.90; light. $4.764.S5: pigs, $3.7504.50; bulk of sales. $S.S2H4.00. Sheep Receipts 2600; market mostly lOo lower. Westerns, yearlings, $5.756.75; wethers. $55.75; ewes, $3.754.40; lambs. $0.50 7.40. KANSAS CITX, Mo., March 0. Cattle Receipts 4000; market steady. Native steers. $45.S0; native cows and heifers, $2 4. stockera and feeders, $304.90; bulla, $2.50 04.10; Western red steers, $3.7505.25; Western fed cows, $804.40. Hogs Receipts 9000; market weak to 5c lower; bulk of sales, $4.8505.05; heavy, $5 05.O7H; packers, $4.90 05.05; pigs and lights. $4.1505. Sheep Receipts S000; market steady muttons, $4.75 05.76: lambs, $8.50 07.40; range wethers, $5.25 0 0.25; fed ewes, $4.75 5.40. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, March 9. The official closing quotations today for mining atooks were as follows: Alta $ .04Uulla ..$ .08 Alpha Con Andes Bolcher Best & Belcher Bullion ....... Caledonia .lSi Justice .. .06 .25'Mexlcan .lSjOcddenta! Con .96Ophir .2SOverman .57 Potosl v .lelSavage 1.80 .90 0.88 .19 .16 Challenge Con. Chollar lGlScorpien ConAdence 78!Seg. Belcher 08 Con., Cal. & Ya. l.'OjSlerra Nevada... .45 Con. Jniporlal... .OUSIlver Hill 63 Crown Pelnt lOIUnlon Con 68 Exchequer 50jUtah Con... 68 Gould & Gurrle. .23'YclIow Jacket... .14 Hale & Norcross 1.20, NEW tiens: YORK, March 9. Closing quota Adams Con $ .SOlLlttle Chief $ .06 Alice .TSIOntarlo - 2.75 Breece Brunswick Con.. Comstook. Tun. . Con.. CaL &. Vs.. Horn Silver Iron Silver LeadvllU Con... .25)Ophir 6.50 -OOjPhoenlx 06 .OStPotosi 15 l.SuiSavage ......... 1.75l81rra Nevada... .44 2-C0Small Hepes 2.00 .03jStandard L75 BOSTON. March 9. Closing quotations Adventure ...$ 6.001Mohawk $ 56.00 Alloue: 22.75JMont. C & C. . 3.50 Amalgamated. 80.501Old TJomtnloa Atlantic 16.25ksceol& Bingham 31.$0!Parrot CaL & Heda. . 675.00jQulncy Centennial ... 19.8SShannon ..... Copper Range. 78-OefTamaraok ... Daly West lu.25fTr!nlty Dominion Coal G2.30 U. S. Mining. Franklin 11.25U. S. OU Granby 5.30Ulah Isle Reyale 25.00Vlctorla 27.68 94.00 24.06 107.W 7.SS lsoioo 10.6S 25.00 9.75 .. 4.SS .. 4.75 r 1-75 t. 117.00 Moss. Mining.. 12.8;Wlnena Michigan llSlWqlverlne ., Dried Trnlt at New York. NEW YORK. March 9. The market for evaporated apples shew no material chance. Common are quoted at 4 6 He; prime. 5VigCc; choice. 6fi6e: fancy. 7c Prunes continue to improve in point of ac tivity, but ofcow no material change in price. Quotations range from 2c to 53 c Aprieots are firmly held at recent figures. Choice are quoted at lOHSllo; extra choice im124e. and fancy. 12gl5c Pcachca are ruling firm, xbelee quoted at 10ai9H: extra eheicc 10H910c and lancy at n?12c . Raisins remain quiet aa a rule. wHhewt change In prices. Loose Muscatel are quoted at 4tto; London layers, $l.t5$L2S. and seeded raisins from 5 He te OUc London Wool gales. LONDON, March U. A superier eeleation of 11.325 bales was efTered at the wa) salon t. day. Some efeolce geeietig sreasy was takm' by France aad America. A good grade, of cooureds sold reacHl? te France and Belgium. The offering of croee-brods were heavy, but competition was good, and they eld wetL America r ecu red vgood parcels of -medlust greasy at very "lull "rates. - A STOCKS ARE IN DEMAND REVIVAL OF' SPECULATIVE EN THUSIASM AT NEW YORK."" Awakened Strength in Railroads That Have Lately Figured In Merger Rumors. NEW YORK. March 6. There u distinct revival of epeculatlve.enthuniasm tn stocks to day, and & considerable expansion In the vol ume of the market was aa accompaniment. The most effective factor upon sentiment was the awakened strength in the group of railroad stocks which have Agured In the most indus triously circulated of the rumors in regard to combinations and mergers. The entire qui escence of this group ever since the announce ment of the Northern Securities deolskra has been a damper upon the speculative spirit, as the plans concerning these properties were supposed to be waiting for that decision to be promulgated. There was no authoritative, sews regarding the plans today, but the demand for the stocks rescued the market from some of the repressive laSuences due to their lethargy. Yesterday's active speculative movement in Reading was also carried over into today's dealings, and that stock was run up to within a sfeare of par. The only motive assigned for the rise was a rumor that the dividend rate would be advanced to 4 per cent. Beyond this it was alleged that the floating supply of the stock has been, so far reduced as to make it readily responsive to the operations, aa has been demonstrated by the repeated success of parties formed to operate In it within the last few months. The present movement Is ascribed to the eame sources. There was a very striking movement also In a .group of the metal stocks, led by Smelting. Amalgamated Copper was a conspicuous figure In the eame group. Dividend rumors -played their part In this movement also, and were supplemented with merger rumors affecUng the lead Industry. The spurt la Anaconda, Amal gamated Copper's controlled stock, pointed to the Bcourcs from which the parent stock. Is to benefit by supposed dividend increase. Re ports from the copper trade were brlgnt and copper stocks were strong in all the world's great markets. The United States Steel stocks were again conspicuously laggard, although reports from that trade continued brilliant. Canadian Pacific was supposed to be benefited from large earnings by Itself and its controlled properties, all of which moved up In company. The tpeclal demand for Atchison in the loan crowd pointed to an outstanding abort interest as the source of some of the demand for it. The favorable ground work to which the va rious operations owed their success had as the principal clement the reduction in the official discount rote of the Bonk of England from 3 to 2U per cent, a rate lower than has been touched since before the Boer War. This ac tion had been so long deferred that some fears had obtained that the extraordinary demands upon capital had made the reduction unfeas ible. The lowering of the rate is equivalent to a proclamation that urgent requirement upon capital have been met. and that relaxing mosey conditions In the world's market are to be looked for. An encouraging view of the Fall-planted wheat crop was a factor in the market. Noth ing from the seat of war promise an early peace London bought stocks at the opening. but sold on the rise. The realizing on the ad vance made some alteration in the days prices. The closing dealings were consequently slightly irregular. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value. $5,13.00fi. United States bonds 2s advanced H per cent on call. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Clcetag Sales. Hizh. Low. Md Atchison 41.700 US &2U Sift do preferred 7,300 104 lB3a 194 Atlantic Coast Line.. 2.400 142n 14l 1411s Baltimore. & Ohio.... 12.900 HOfe 1WS HuVi do preferred i rum !Mt lutii. ?vt Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Cbesapeako & Ohio. Chicago & Alton.... do preferred CUi .Great Western. 40,400 143$i 1443 140',, 100 201 201 SOOfe 18.100 50 5014 6H 200 3Uft 30 W bO 2.500 23 U 25 Chi. & Northwestern 1 ivvi is is; 4r Chi.. MIL & St. Paul 14.W0 179i 178, 178 uii. ucrm. & Aran.. i,-w i&u ni J a do preferred . S.100 34U Si S4 C. C. C. & St. L.... 200 99 99 1.700 26 2Sj 100 61 H, tut 37 Colorado & Southern, do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... 256 ui Delaware Sz Hudson.. "JOO 102& 191n 181& Del., Lack. & West.. Denver & Rio Grande do preferred Erie do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... Hocking Valley do preferred -Illinois Central Iowa Central ........ do preferred Kan. City Southern.. do preferred Louisville & Nasnv.. Manhattan L 33 500 35,400 3.100 5.000 SSi 48 70f 47t5 B2& 92 B3U 159 2Ji 4.100 95 2.800 95U 1.600 l&Sfe 400 2S-K 155 23 S3g 400 GOO 30 Vi 29ii 6551 03 142 fun tin 141 1.000 171 H 171 7,200 66V3 84H 171H tMetrep. Securities ... b4i .Metropolitan tr ity. 122 V, 122 Mexican central . 28.100 25W 2H ?5H Minn. & St. Louis M.. dt. P. & S. S. M. LC00 119 do preferred 9tt 161 Missouri Pacific 6.900 lOOJi Mo.. Kan. Texas.. 1.400 32H do preferred 1,800 65 National of Mcx: nfd. 200 41 58 118 IIS 150i 10SW aita 05 leosj 1084 t 41Ti New York Central... 27,600 158 157. J5SH N. Y.. OnU & West. 7.100 53i 55 65 Norfolk & Western, 6.000 t4i. 8Vi 1H do preferred ..... vz Pennsylvania ....... 62,100 li4 143H l3Vi i'.. c. c & at. Li zoo Reading 134,600 do 1st preferred.... 1,500 do 2d preferred..... 1,300 Rock Island Co. 31,200 do preferred t .300 St. U & S. F. 2d pfd. 1.600 6U L. Southwestern.. L100 do preferred 600 Southern Pacific .... 75.200 SO P9?i 92 914 S0H SIJi 20 62Vi 60 80 98ti 92 91 34T4 SO 71 11 2C 9Sji 3614 si 71 U 25ft 62Vi 0O4 oru. Co preferred ... Southern Railway 600 11S1 llSi llKiJ 5,000 35?i 35 V3 35f do preferred 100 99 99 9S Texas & Pacific 4.800 33 Vi 3914 SSW Toledo, St. L. dj W.. 200 SSVs 36 S5H do preferred . .. ...... 32 union r-aciuc iij.iuu U4,i 163 133; 00 prexerrra ....... lvu irv W71 va Wabash 1.000 23 U, 23 22" do preferred 200 47U 47 4H wneeung d i. lt tvisoonsm central .. w -i'r 24 z do preferred 300 524 62S ' 624. Express companies- Adams 245 American 250 128 250 United States 100 130 130 "Wells-Fargo , Mlscelloneoc: AmnL Copper ........ 13 1.S00 Amer. Car & Foundry l.OCK) S0S SS- 54 S9H IS 41 43). 7fii S5V 94, 35t "b"i 30 r 1 so; 00 preierrea American Cotton OU. do preferred American Ice ........ do preferred ....... American Linseed- Oil do preferred American Locomotive do preferred ....... Aroer. Sm. Sc Refining 100 94 35 690 "600 100 200 100 - V5 5?; 17ii 44 6.000 434 500 113 76,600 11- 8K do preferred ....... 10.900 12S 120JI 123 Amer. Sugar Refining 2S.000 1454 145 148U Am. ToK pfd. cert.. 2.000 97H 961, 97H 452 115 Vi 121 Brooklyn P- Transit. 400 66H 06 06 6114 61 coioraao trail c iron i,9go 02 Consol!aitfd Gas 3.700 213V 2,800 19 COO 73H 2,900 3ST 212H 212VC Corn Products do preferred Distillers Securities. General Electric .... International Paper.. do preferred ....... International Pump.. do preferred ....... 1TI 15A 74 74 38 8S 400 lSTSi lSr 167 2.600 S0H 300 3SA 79H 100 SQ 88 8S National Lead 15,400 38 35r North Americas, ..... 800 102. 102 102U Pacific Mail 3.200 47H 46' 46U People's Gas 13,600 HOU HOVj 110, Pressed Steel Car 1.500 do preferred 400 SS54 Pulbaan Palace Car ' Republic Steel 1.700 ISi do preferred 1.600 77 Rubber Goods 300 257 do preferred ..... Tenn, Coal & Iron... 5,500 90 U. S. Leather 3.100 12S :4S 10 1SV 76 231, S7Ti 76U 26U 12 uo preierrea V. S. Realty. 3,30-') 105U JO!; 105 - inn n- fi , ' r U. S. Rubber 3.S00 43U do preferred 1.000 113 U. S. Steel . 51.600 36H de preferred 27,5(i0 96U Va.rsllna Chemical 1.290 37 do preferred ..... Westingbouse Elec.. SOO 1S2 Western Union 36i ' 3C Total sales for 1.320,000 shares. Bx dividend. BONDS- NEW YORK, March 9. Closing quota ttons: U. S. ref. 2 rg.l04lAtchUon Adi. -Is 97 da coupon J04;i D. & R. G. 4s. .101 V. S. 8s reg. ..104U. N. Y. Cent. Ists.lOOK do- coupon 104 .or. Racine as.. 77 U. S. sew 4s r.132H4Nor. Pacffle 4s. .105H do coupon. .132H So. Pacific 4s... 9$ U. S. old 4s reg.lOIHirnlon Pacific 4s. 106 de coupon 10$HWIs. Cent. 4s.... 31 Stock at London. LONDON. Marob v. consols for money. 915-16; consols for account. 91Vi, Anaconda, fititOntarlfl &W.'.V. S8K Atchison ..... 96 do preferred.. .106 Baltimore & 0..113U Can. Pacific 149 H Chec i Ohio... 52 U C. Gt. West 23 U St. P..1S3H De Beers 18H D. & R. G .. 34 U do preferred... PIH Erie 43 ' -do let pref 84 4 do 2d pref.... 72 Illinois Cent 163 U Louis. Sz Nash.. 146 Ho, K. & T 32H Norfolk West. 6fi do preferred... 91 Pennsylvania .... 73 Rand Mines... . 10H . 51 . 47 . 47 . 36 U Reading do 1st pref. do 2d pref.. So. Hallway. . . do "preferred. .1004 So. Pacific 71T4- Unlon Pacific. ...135,14 do preferred... 102' - U. S. Steel 27? do preferred... 8S14 Wabash 24 do preferred... !: N. Y. Central... 162 1 Spanish Fours... 9 Hi Mon ex. Exchange, Etc NEW YORK, March 9. Money on calL steady, 2H52U per cent; closi- bid. 2-i per cent; oilered at 3 per cent. Tims loans, easy; CO day. 3 per cent; 00 days. S33U per cent; six months. SH per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 3&84tx per cent. Sterling exchange, firm; opening weak, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.SG75& 4.E680 for demand," and. at $4.610-34.8475 tor 60 days. Posted rates; $i.66H84.S7H- Com mercial bills, $4.8i04.S4H- Bar silver, BOUc - Mexican dollars, 46;c Bonds Government and railroad... firm. LONDON, March 9. Bar ollver, firm. t 5-lCd per ounce. Money. 2Htf2?i per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for chert bills Is 2 per cent; three months' bills. 2K2U per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. March 9. Silver bars. 59Uc Drafts Sight. 10c; telegraph. 12 He. Sterling. an London. 60 days, ?.S5'i; eight. $4.87H. Bank Clearing. Clear! nss Balances. $ 99.896 125.217 24.26G 75.671 Portia sd $660,253 Seattle 730,5rt8 Taeoma ..; 429.478 Spokane ..... ..1 411.313 Dolly Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March . Today's statement of the Treasury balances in. the general fund shews: Available cashVhalance $142,274,307 Geld.... ' 56.S50.2t FEAK FEOST' DAMAGE. Strengthening Factor in Chicago Wheat -May Shows Strength. CHICAGO. March 9. During the first part of the day the wheat market was extremely net-roust The opening was strong, with May P H'S'Ko to 0-lc, at $L13i." July was up ',4 &?, at 94 He Shorts and commission' houses were active buyers of May. Small receipts in tlio Northwest had considerable Influence on in ltlal trading; Shortly after the opening buy ing ore era suddenly dwindled, and a severe break in prices occurred. May dropped to $1.124. while July sold off to 93Jc On the theory that the new crop may yet be seriously damaged by frosts, commission houses turned active buyers, causing- & quick rally to 94Uc Shorts bought freely on May. forcing the price of that option up to $1.14. Kcr a time the price of May fluctuated nervously, changes of USfHc being recorded between trades. Late in the day the fear of damage by cold weather seemed to be the dominating influence. The market became quite Arm. with May ehowlng the greatest strength. Final quotations on May were at $1.13-481.14. July closed at 94 J94UC Trading In the corn pit was quite active, and the market bad a Arm undertone Msy opened MSVic higher, at 4S&04SUC. and dosed 4SH& 4SC Mainly in sympathy with the com the oats market was Arm. May closed at 32T4c ProvisloRs were neglected and prices showed little change. At the dose May perk was off 2HQOC. at $12.62S12.e5; lord and ribs were each unchanged at $7.02H and $6.55 respoc lively. Tbc-'leadtng futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. $1.12J4 .93 - .66?i Close. May July September ..$1.I3H, $1-14 $1.13H .94 .9414 -04H .87 .87 .S7h CORN. -4E34 .4SJ4- May July .48 .4S .4&H IB 48J5 September .-.sis .V OATS. ..""ii"i "jew .. .31H .311 .. .294 .30 MESS PORK. ..UL70 12.70 ..12.80 12.8714 LARD. .. 7.02J4 7.05 .. 7.15 7.174 March .... -31, .31Ti May July .31?; .31o beptcmner 23 J May July 12.62 12.80 12.65 12-M) May 7.00 7.15 7.0214 T.17fe July . . SHORT RIBS. May aS24 C.S3 6.824 7.00 6.85 7.00 July l.W 7.02!q Cash quotations were ae follows: Flour Easy. Wheat No. 2 Spring, $1.1081.154; No. 3, $L04?1.1414; No. 2 red. $1.1340L17. Corn No. 2, 40c; No. 2 yellow, 47V4c Oats No. 2, 32 ic; No. 2 white, 33c; No. 3 white, ai032Jic Rye No. 2, 784c Barley Good fcdlng. SS041c; fair to choice malting. 44347c Flaxseed No. 1, $1-2CV: No. 1 Northwestern, $1.39. Timothy seed Prime, $3.05. Mean pork Per barrel, $12.55312.60. Lard Per 100 pounds, $C87H-Q3.90. Short ribs sides Loote. $6.7586874. Short dear sides Boxed, $6.S7Q7. Clover Contract grade, $12.85. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels ........ Wheat, bufhels ....... Corn, bushels 34.500 42.400 .... 50.000 ....593.100 ....259.200 2.000 ....116,200 3S.000 289.60Q oats, bushels Rye, bushels Barley, bushels ...... 134.400 1,100 31.400 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW "YORK. March 9. Flour Receipts, 22. 700 barrels; exports, 11,100 barrels. Market, dull and barely- steady; Minnesota patents. $5.8536.33. Wheat Receipts, 1900 bushels; epot, steady; No. 2 red. nominal elevator, $l.lsi f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.23U f. o. b. nfleat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, $1.10 f. o. b. afloat- There was plenty of fluctuation, to wheat prices today, and active covering at times by .recent abort sellers. Demand for sew crop months was based on fears of cold wave. Options were Arm. The market eustained a bad break under liquidation, fol lowed by a recovery, the dose being "54c lower to Uc net higher. May. $LlIT4en.l3. dosed $L13; July. STJiSSSTiA closed OS Vic; September, eOCSOXC cioeea. WHO. Hops and petroleum Steady. Hides and wool Quiet. Grain at Boa -Francisco-' . SAN FRANCISCO. March 3. Wheat and bar ley, steadier. Epot quotations Wheat Shipping, $L5O0LC5; milling. $L53 (21.65. Barley Feed. 4Lao1.224; brewing. $1.224 fs-1.26. Oats Red. $1.4001.65; white. $1.424? 1.00 black. $1.3301. e5. Call board sales Wheat May. $1.44; Xecember. JL2SV4 Barley May, $L22; December. SSc Cora Large yellow, $1.3501.40. Wheat at LlTerpooL IJVKRPOOI March 9. Wheat Nominal March, Oe S4d; July, 6s 91. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. March .The London tin -mar Vet -was Ann again today,, dosing at 133 17 6d far spot and 132 15s for futures. The re newal of strength abroad bad its Influence on the local market, which was firm, with spot queted 29029.25c Copper also was higher in the English mar ket, dosing at 63 7s. 6d for spot and ICS 15s for futures. Locally, the market was un changed, with Lake quoted at 15374015.500; electrolytic 15.25015.37Hc, and casting. H-.S7 015.23. ' Lead was nnchanged at 12 5s in London and 4.4594.60c in the local market. Spelter ras unchanged in both markets also, closing at 24 In London and at 6.1086.35c in New York. Iron closed at 60s In GlasgoV and 50s J Hd In Mlddlesborc Locally. Iron was Ann. and unchanged. Corner' in Hops. -TACOMA. Wastu. March 9. Ixaac Pi neon & son have private dispatches from -New York faying that an exporter of that dry has .cor nered all the hops in the state, and that there is a disposition to break Into the Pacific Coost inarket. This partlaljy explains the' anxiety of ccmnxlailba men to purchase hope. Downing, Hopkins & Co. Established 1S93 WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor NO CHANGE FOR BETTER LARGE QUANTITY OF HaV RE MAINS UNSOLD IN CALIFORNIA. Fancy Potatoes Sell Readily at Firm Prices Less Demand fop Onions Break In Butter. SAN FRANCISCO. March a SpeelaD Hay Is in moderate bu, ample supply. Buyers operate sparingly. Occasionally on a day of light receipts certain grades show firmness. but no positive change for the better la yet manuesteo. some aeaiers ore icoamg tor im provement before the end of the month. A large amount of hay remains In the country that will be marketed berore new crop la of fered. Bran, middlings and rolled barley ore In light supply and Arm. Wheat Is dull and easy for options, and enly strictly choice showed flrmnees In the spot market. Cash barley ta In more demand and very firm. Some holders will not sell choice feed under $1.25. .Oats and other cereals are quiet aad steady. itectipts of oranges were lighter. Fancy na vels were scarce and firm, but two carloads of extra Redlands stocks are aboat due. Poor grades are better cleaned up. but no higher. Only. two carloads are on hand for tomorrow's auction. Good apples are Arm. A carload of Ben Davis from Hood River is held at $1.40 to $1.60. Other fruits are unchanged. Fancy table potatoes and all seed kinds ore selling readily at Ann. prices. Poor stock la not wonted. -Onions are firm, but the demand Is lt&s urgent. Asparagus is in ample supply, but steady. Rhubarb Is lower. Green peas are weakening under Increased arrivals. New potatoes are lower. Butter is weaker. Cheese Is easy. Egg ad vanced sharply. Receipts, 64.400 pounds but- tcr. 54,400 pounds cheese. 39,630 dozen, eggs. VEGETABLES Garlic SmOc; green peas. afjic; string beans. 7316c: asparagus, STJSc: tomatoes, 50c$1.50; egg plant. 124Q15c POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 193 20c; roost era. old. $55.50; do young; $aeo7; small, $363.60; large, f4S4.60: fryers. $3.5030; hens, $669.60: ducks, old. $586: do young, $67. CHEESE Young America. l$OI3sc; East- cm. 15S-16C BUTTER Fancy creamery. 27c: creamery peoonSs. 25c; fancy dairy. 25c; dairy seconds, BOGS-Store. 1017Jc; "fancy ranch, 19c WOOL Lambs', 1618c HAY Wheat, $10814; wheat and oats. $10 jj; oariey, oio; alfalfa. $8310.60: dover. $tjv; stocks. $6tJ7; straw; 40355c MILLFEED Bran. 521S21.60: middlings. S2S 2?. HOFa Apples, choice. $2; do common. 75c: bananas. 75c??$2.C0; Mexican limes. $464.50: California, lemons, choice. $2.60; do common. c; oranges, navel. 75cy$2; .pineapples, $2fi4. POTATOES Early Rose. $1.6081.75: River Burbanke. 75o6$l; Itlver reds. 65f75c: Salinas Burbanks. nominal; sweets, nominal; Oregon Eurhank;. $191.40. iit.ituirrs Flour. 7792 quarter sacks: wheat, 3392 centals; barley. 6480 centals: Deans, 2829 sacks; potatoes. 4387 sac'-.; mid aims. 4oo sacks; hay, 234 tons; wool. 305 bales; hides.' 03. Offers for Hops Kef used. EUGENE. Or.. March 0. (Spec laU Offers for hops hero during the past two days have been better than for soma time While It has been denied that offers of 27 cents have been mads la different parts of the Valley, it is known positively that Krebs Bros, made that offer for some here, and the offer was refused. There Is no question about tho offer belay made, and this Is believed to Indicate strengthening of the demand and an upward tendency of the market. Hood River Apples in New York, v HOOD RIVER, Or.. March 0. (Special.) Two cars of apples which crossed the con tinent In the coldest weather experienced in 11 years reached New York without a touch of frost. Tho car was sent out by the Apple- Growers' Union, and was heavily lined with building paper. The apples were five-tier New towns, and sold as high as $1.35. Dairy Produce) in tho East. NEW YORK. March 9. Butter Weak; West ern factory, common to extra, 18322c; Western Imitation do. 20323c Cheese and eggs, un changed. Street prices extra, creamery, 26 25ic; official prices do. 20825c; renovated. common to extra, 1823c CHICAGO. March 9. On' the Produce Ex change today the butter market was weak; creameries, 50324c; dairies. 18923c Eggs. firm atxnark, cases included, 19 He; firsts, 20c; prime firsts, 21c; extra. 22c Cheese, firm. 12 13aC Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, March 9. The market for cot- feo futures dosed steady at a. net Iocs of 10 (Tl5 points. Sales, 86,500 bags, Including: May, a303&40c; July. 6.45S6.G0c; September, O.1OS6.5OC; December, e.9037c; January, 6.05c spot Rio, quiet; No. 7, 7ic Sugar Raw, quiet: fair refining, 4G10o; centrifugal. 96 test, "S 1-1 Gc; molasses cugar,- 4 S-loc; refined, quiet: crushed, $0.75; pow dersd, $5.15; granulated, $6.03. Ne-rr York Cotton Market, NEW YORK. March 0. Cotton Futurea dosed steady at a net decline of 6810 points. March. 7.37c; April. 7.42c; May. 7.46c; June and July, 7.43c; August, 7.46c; September, 7.4TC Wool at St. Xo oU- ST. LOUTS. Mo., March 9. Wool Steady territory and Western mediums. 22323c? medium, 19521c: fine, 17316c BONDS ARE AH SUBSCRIBED Cprbln Expects to Have international Road Finished Next Year. SPOKANB, "March 9. D. C. Corbln, of Spokane, who has financed and built sev eral . Northwestern railroads, announced today, on returning from New York and England, that the entire bond Issue of $4,000,000 for building- the Spokane- Inter national to a connection with, the Cana dian Faclflc at the boundary has been sub scribed. Mr. Corbln and five associates subscribed for $500,000 each. "Construction work -will be started with in three weeks." said Mr. Corbln. "I have three englneerinc; parties out making- the definite location, and shall Btart four more parties Immediately. Construction will probably begin at the other end. The Canadian Pacific has directed the immedi ate building of Its branch to a connection with our road. We have a 50-year traffic agreement with the Canadian Pacific, and Under the conditions our line can never pass to any other road than the Cana dian." Mr. Corbln is buying- terminal grounds In Spokane. He will build tho road with out a dollar of donation. Work will- be pushed with vigor, and Mr. Corbln ex pects to have It finished by the Summer of ISOo. Allen Charged With Libel. ASTORIA, Or., March 9. (Special.) An Information was filed in the Circuit Court by District Attorney Allen this afternoon charging- Hon. Benjamin F. Allen with the crime of libel. The information alleges that February & 1505, the defendant pub lished In the Morning Astorian certain false, scandalous and libelous matter concerning John Hahn. The defendant was. arraigned In court and allowed until Monday. March 13,- to plead. The article on which the libel charge is basecTac- Chamber of Commerce cosed Mr. Hahn of offering: ilr. Allen a hrioa to vote lor the Into Henry w. Cor- Dett for united- States Senator during; the legislative session of 1201. AT THE HOTELS.' THE PORTLAND. B McGann. Lewis ton G I Kinney.. Seattle C E Sumner. Toledo H P Blodgett and J O Johnston. Bend wife. Lewiaton JH 8 Turney, Bend R E Deane and wife. New York H X Beck. Philadeip L Kalmek. San Fran A H Rohrer, San Francisco A'R Munn. St Louis N Nelson. Denver J Wilson and wife. New Orleans E C Msrshon. Sag D Rice. Roseburg E F Ross. New York C L Knobe, Chicago M Lobe New York L. O K alter. St Louis S O Clarkson. Omaha M G Wood, Chicago W P Johnson. Rose burg H P Preston and inaw H H Hilton and wife. umcago Mrs F I JJ unbar. wife. Baker City Salem iJ B Lusk, wife and S S Ryan and wife. Salem daughter. Boise G Wanamaker, Japan F S Koch, New York R W McBrlde. Boise G Hightower. Loulavil A J Moore. -Denver M Mcbubach and wife, Hhelbr. O A W Gump and wife. !J W Mackenzie. Wor bnemy. o cester H Abels. Omaha L W Brundage, Ta eoma B Hawkins, Seattle A L Loftus, Boston R P Bradley. Tacoma F R Shaw, Chicago F Zimmerman and J H Morrill. San xrancisco G T High tower. PhlladelDhla L G Lauxtonnan, Cincinnati. O M Selgel. New York J T Kloeber. Green River Snrinirs wife. Havre. Ill Dr B Cambden. N Y IB K Coffmon. Ft Wth THE PERKINS G Stevens. Spokane H S McGowan. Mc- Mrs Welsh, Tacoma Mrs D W Crlte?, Asto Gowon. Wash W u Turney. a Bend R H Lane. City G T Prather. Hood R W P Anthony, Seattl J Hemingway. Chgo it w wmmer. do F E Smith. Reedvllle Mrs Klmmer. do Mrs Dlller. Seattle W H Scars. Buckley JC A Llllle. Aberdeen M Mock. Buckley C E Moullon. Tacoma H A Sturdevant, The J II Chryst. Colfax W T Estberr. Phlla Dalles W L St Johns. Sll- Mrs Estberg. Phlla verton F C Graham. Astoria A Webb. Ellvertoh Mrs Graham. Astoria H L Clyne. 'Boise N Cofrman. Baltimore J M Short. Greshaza R A Sprouse, Peoria Mrs R E HIbler. W S Lysons, Kelso C N Kinney. Seattle Seattle M S eaten a, San Fran J A Black. Drain Ethel Merrill, do G A Park, Eugene C Mayhew. Eugene W O Johnson, Los An H C Boss. Gold Held A Martin. Goldfield C Wllkins. Pendleton Geo His cor. Conn E Spike. Echo J W French. The J F Tlerney, Spokane Mrs Tlerney, Spokane DaUea S J Kirk. Athena H E Dotscn. Tekca Mrs Kirk. Athena Mrs Dotson. do W E Cole, Bingham Springs G Stearns. Spokane Geo Dotten. Seattle C H Brown. Redlands W Auld, Tenonah, Nevada Mrs J G Malone, Denv Master Malone. Denv E E Ellsworth. Newb B M McGuire, Grove Mrs F 51 Brooks. Si! verton Forks. B C Wm McGuire. Grove Mrs P A Davis, SUvtn Forks. B C p Little. Spokane Wm Ketchum. Dalles John Button, "Wlndoni J M Gallagher, Asto Win Welsh, Tacoma Mrs Gallagher, asio THE IMPERIAL. O J McCabe, city J W McDowelL N Y J M Keeney, Shaniko Peter Cormacher. dc Mary J Ostrander, N N B Co ft man. Chehal Xaklma A J Davis, Syracuse T C Bloomer. Albany C M McDonlell. do J W Rosen. Spokono E W Hoemoyer. Seat G Crelghton. Moscow Alice Ruth. Portland Gerry Snow. Weiser W F Matlock. Pendl C H Lee. CorvaUla W H Burkhordt. Sa lem T T Geer. Salem Mrs Davis. Syracuse Mrs G Hlllyer. Mpls P K Parkhurst. 1903 Elizabeth Parrott, Roseburg Geo N Brown. Cbgo J Brown. S F Mrs Brown, S F A J Richardson. Bue- na Vista F Hylebos, Tacoma E M Kanten. Seattle L E Griffin, Little Flls A B Snyder. S 7 S E Thar son, Rosalia H G Van Dusen,Asto u u iioon; Astoria J P Hull, B C THE ST. CHARLES. B J Sloop. Astoria Miss Sloop. Astoria (Wm Hwerco. Frankft. J c Flora, Stella ' J Graham. USA H E Fulton. Troutdal Geo C Will. Salem S B Richards. Saleral Clara Bradley, Daytn Mrs Bradley, Dayton Jos Halverson. Carsn Mrs F Failes. Failes! Landing A L Bozorth. Woodid L Bushong. dty Mrs W E Stevens. Scappoose Wm Roberts, Barton Chas Wernter. S Bnd John Palmer. Gates Mrs Palmer. Gates O F Graves. Oswego R R Hill. Oswego A D P.ealer. city Mrs J R Mendenholl. Sheridan Geo Watson. Hood R R J Moses, Corvallls G R Austin. Westport C Russell.. do R Russell do J Conkllnf do Mrs Conklin. do Mrs H M Malon. Westport Chas X Fox. Los Ang John Stlnhans. Eure F T Cook. Canyon Cy H C Buoy. Corley Wm Stiver. Orient. Or S M Armstrong, do Willis Munger, St Jo ka. Cal Frank Stlnhans. En reka. Cal Fronds WIest, Stella! G W Curtis and son, Aberdeen O Alspauer, Astoria Mrs Munger. do Miss Munger, do A V Spar hawk, do THE ESMOND. J Fltxpatrlck. Ska- , mokawa. It Ducheney, Skomok S N Miller, Seattle J B Stivers. Woodbrn Mrs Stivers. do . J M Williams. St L Mrs Williams, St L W H Miller. Astoria Mrs Miller. Astoria M Gllbertson, Cathla A J Stillwell. Silver ' Lake E Walker. Butte B C Harvey. Butte T X. Hofler. Lg Beach R V McClenseghan, Medford J Straight Oregon Cy T C Saynor, Oregon C M C Peterson. Illinois E Anderson. Stella Mrs Anderson, Stella C N Proud. Holbrook O Hendrlckson. Taco Mrs Hendrlckson, do J R McDonald. do A S Shererr. Estacada J Gill, Vancouver J Jackson. Waterloo G W Curtis. Aberds Mrs Curtis. Aberdeen Miss N Curtis do J Curtis, do B Hubbard. Colton H Wohl. Eufaula W L Munson. Taco A J Brown. Proebstel F LeRoy. Cottage Gr Mrs Jackson, do. A J Switzer. Dundee C C Hulirson, -jarroi-ton IA Lubech. Beaverton A Bedell, Carrolton A R. Crelgh. Chicago A S Eastabrook, Cas-W H Upton, Hood Rv cade Mrs Upton. Hood R T Meserve. Gray's R A Meserve, Gray's R K A Jurvo, Astoria D C Butler. Cathlamt M Martin. Hubbard H L Andrews, Kelso Taeoma Hotel, Tacoma. 'American plan. Hates. $3 and up. Hotel TJeaBelly, Tacoma. -First-class restaurant In connection. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALIES Regulator Line Steamers Steamer Regulartor leaves Portland 7 A. M., Monday, Wednesday and Friday: ar rives alternate days. Connecting at Lyle, Wash., with Columbia River & Northern. Ry. Co. for Goidendole and Klickitat Valley points. Xanding foot of Aider St. Phone Main 014. 3. M DONALD, Agent. For South -Eastern Alaska Carrying U. S. Mall and Express. VQ-TV COTTAGE, CITY. BAM.: "S7. S K. RAMONA. 0 A. 2,1.- V , . i-. ,tmfnn, tvw o . Frcm Tacoma some day, 5:45 A. 5L and 5 P. M. RAMONA March . via Vic toria and Sk&gway: March la, via Victoria and Sitka. HUMBOLDT March 10, via Vancouver and Skagway: March 23. via Vancouver and Skogway. COTTAQET CITY March 23, Vancouver and Sitka. All shins will make regular Southeastern Alaska ports of call. Above sailing dates sub ject to change without notice. S. S. Humboldt -will not call at Port Townsend. FOR VANCOUVER. CITY OS SEATTLE leave Seattle Tuesdaya Thursdays. Sundays. 10 P. M.i call at Everett and Belllnghom. Returning leaves Vancouver Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, calling at Belllng&am oniy. , Steamers connect at Saa Francisco with com pony's steamer fcr ports In California, Mex ico and Humboldt Bay. For further informa tion obtain folder. Right I reserved to change steamers or sailing date. TICKET OFFICES. Portland 249, Washington st. Seattle ...,.113 James at. and'docks San Francisco ......30 Market st," C. D. DUNANN. Gen. Pass. Agt., JO Market st., San Francisco'. TRAVELER'S GUIDI trWWrTTMP CI TseAs Shoituni am Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY ThrouzTa Pnllman ttnnAirA nrf tmtri ol.erv. inT-car- dally to Omaha, Chicago. Spokane: tourist aleeplntf-car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person- . ally conduct-id) weekly to Chicago. Reclining cMur-cars iseau zreel to the East aauy. UNION DEPOT. Leaves. CHICAGO- PORTLAND 5-25 P-M. brcciAl, for the East Dally. via Huntington. SPOKANE FLYER 6:15 P. M. 8:00 A. M. Dally. Dally. For Eastern Wuhlnrtm u-?i. -n-.n. r. Iston. Coeur d'Aiene and Great Northern points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS, fl..K ,, . fggtol' YU HUntl Dany. "iil . RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and 3:00 P. M. 5:00 P.M. way points, connecting Dally. Dally, with oieamer for Ilwa- except except co and North Beach Sunday, Sunday, steamer Ua&salo, Ash- Saturday. . street dock (water pr.) 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore- T. , M ,.-0-p M gon City and YamhUl TtVM- 3"r?a?tM River points. Ash-street Jri H'Ja dock (water permittlngj bua eI" Sua FOR LEWI3TON. 5:40 A. M. About Idaho, and way points, Dally, 5:00 P. M. from Riparta, Wash. ex. Sat, ex. Fri. TICKET OFFICE. Third nri Waahlnxton. Telephone Main 712. C. W. Stinger. City Tick et Agent; A. L. Craig, General passenger Agent. SANFEANCISC0&F0RTLAND S. S. CO. Tickets on sale at 248 WASHINGTON STHEET- For S. S. Columbia. March 17. 27. April 6. 18. S. S. St. Paul, March 12, 22. April 1. 1L Leaving Alnsworth Dock at 8 P. M. ' Through tickets to all points beyond San Francisco. J AS. H. DEWSON, Agent. Teiephona Main 2G3. EAST via SOUTH Leavaa. UNION DEPOT. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Salem, Kose Durg. Asaund. Sac 8:30 P. M. 7:25 A M. ramento, ogden. ban blancljco, Mojave. Lxa Anxeiea. r.i Paso. New urlcans and the East. 8:30 A M. Morning train con- 3:00 P. U- lecta at Woodburn .daily except bun mr) with train lor ,iiml Ani.l 2illci- ton, isrowndviue, Mpringfleia. Wend jtlcg and Natron. 4)0 P. M. Albany passenger 1C10 A il- connects at wooa- burn with Mt. Angel and suvertoa local. 7 JO A. M. CorvaUla passenger. 6 50 P.M. 1185 A M. 1140 P. M. Sheridan passenger, Dally. IIDally. except Sunday. PORTEAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICS AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland, daily for Oswego at T: A. M.. 12:60, 2w5, 3:05, o-o, :u, iu.iv p ii. Dally, except aunoay, oir, v.av. 105 A. M,, 4:10. liau r. ai. bunaay. ow. A M. Raturnlnr from Oawego arrives Portland dally SJ0 A. M., 1:55, 3:05, 4:55. 6:15. 7:35. 9:55. 11-10 P. M. Daily except Sunday. 6:25, 7:25. 8:30 10-20. 11:15 A. M. Except Monday. 12:23 A M. Sunday oniy. iu;w a. ji. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter mediate points dally except Sunday. 4U0 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:10 A, M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates daily to Monmouth and Alrlle, connecting with 8. P. Co. train at Dallas and Inde pendence. tji., tn Aaenmenta and San Francisco. 0; berth, 45. Second, class fare. $15; aecond-dasa berth. 42.60. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia, cixx -AiLai. ui ,t.r!: -Cv.. -7io TIME CARD OFTRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrive, - Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma, Seattle. Olympla, South Bend and Gray's Harbor points S:S0am North Coast T.lmltec for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane. Butte. Bt. Paul, New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00 pm Twin City Express for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Helena, St. Paul. Minne apolis, Chicago, New York; Boston and all points East ' and Southeast 11:45 pm 4:45 pto 7:00 ans T:C0 pal Puget Sound-Kansas City. Su Louis Special, for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, , . Butte, Billings, Denver, .i..u. Omaha, Kansas City, SU Louis and alV points East and Southeast... 8:50am 7:00 ara All trains daily, except on South Bend branch. j. d CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas senger Agent, 255 Morrison St., corner Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, O casHwn I) Leaves. UNION DEPOT, f Arrives. Daily. For Maygers. Rainier. Dally, datskanlev Westport, CUfton, Astoria. War. S-00 A M. rtnton, navel. Ham- 11:10 A M. taond. Fort Stevens, Gear hart Park. Sea side. Adtorla and Sea- 8 Express Dally. T-t20 P. M. Astoria Exprea. 9:0 P. M. :w I Daily. G. F. & P. A, Phone Mala SOO. City Ticket Office, 122 Third SU, Pbese 3. 2 OVERLAND TEAINS DAXLY O The Flyer and tho Fast Hall. SPLENDtD SERVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EHPLOXXS r For tickets, rates, folders aad fall ia formatlon. call on or address H. DICKSON, City Passenger aad Tlckst Agty 122 Third street, PorUaad. Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. 1YO MAU For Japan, China ami all Astatic "Farts, wW Leave Seattle aboat March H. i