THE MOENENG OBEGOOTAN, FRIDAY, MAKCH 10, 1905. 12 JOIN THE STRIKE Plasterers and Staffworkers Called Out WOULD CRIPPLE BUILDERS Work Is Going Forward With New Hands, and the Claim Is Made That It Cannot Be Tied' Up. Plasterers and staffworkers are now in strike at the Fair grounds. The labor unions hope that by calling off the men engaged In the work of mak ing the bare wooden buildings a glar ing -white, they can effectively ntcp proceedings and bring the contractors to terms. They are gradually calling off all such men, the laBt to go being a small bunch of plasterers -working on , Varied Industries building. who Quit yesterday morning. All union plasterers urere cauea on me uu"- j ment building and off the work on tie Trail under contract to xinner ana rnntrartnM sav. mcanwfalle. that an attempt to tie up the plasterers and staffworkers is foolish. They add that it Vm nnn They claim that it does not require any special cleverness to do the class of plastering they re that thev can teach anyone to do it. J. E. Bennett, under contract to construct the Government Duuoing, has a new foreman of staffworkers and, Trith four trained men to do the mold ing, claims that he Is having no trouble breaking in men to do the other work. With bis present crew, he claims that he can finish the whole Government building In good season. Secures Competent Men. So far as the difficult work on the roof is concerned, be seems to be liv ing up to his statement that lie would have no trouble securing men compe tent to finish the undertaking. Today will see work betrun on the last large truss on the roof and then the roof will bn finished. The only other ciiri- eult -work then ahead will be on the two hiarh towers, each of -which are -within seven feet of the required height. They need merely to be roofed. Ranidlv as the work on the Govern ment building is being carried on, it Is slower than anywhere else, as tne ct-rikn had far more effect there, ur ine the last two days a great deal of work has been done on the American Inn, though a full crew has not been obtained there. A perfectly unpreju diced observer would say of the strike that it has crippled work, but has not stopped it by any means. Men From East Obtained. Just what effect the strike of the plasterers and staffworkers will have cannot be foretold. If the contractors or rnrrflfit in their statements that men are easy to train to do the work and that all there is to it, is to stir ud a little nlaster of Paris, this strike will not prove effective either. Many men who have turned their hands to all sorts of trades have been the means of breaking the strike. These are most- ly men who come drifting in here from j the East on the low rates, ana navins no local affiliation, tire glad to take i advantage of' the places left vacant by strikers. The unions have attempted to ! catch such men as they come in on tne trains, but they have been only paruai lv Muccessful. Meanwhile the labor leaders, believ ing that the cause of unionism is at stake, have seriously contemplated j calling out all the trades in the city j connectod with tne Building Alliance, in order to tie up work so completely that the Fair Commission win iinn ir worm iviuic Fair to all but union men. EEL APSES TO HEATHENISM. After Many Years as missionary, Negro Becomes Devil-Worshiper, 1XDIAICAPOL.1S. March 9. A dispatch to the News from Huntington, Ind., says: Tho executive committee or tne aus- fdnnjirv Board of the United Brethren in Christ has dropped from the rolls of the hurnh Daniel Fllckinger wiiDeriorce, a native African, who was Brought to inis ommtrv an a child and after being edu cated was returned by the ooara to nis nlrt tribe as a missionary, it is cnargea by the board that, after a service of 25 years as a missionary, Wilberforce has non lnrnri linrk to neatnenism ana on- come chief of his old tribe of devU-wor- shiners and has contracted plural mar-1 rlago in the wilds of Africa. I Nearly 50 years ago Dr. Daniel Kumler Flicklnger. then secretary or tne mission- arv hoard of the church, was in west Africa on mission work. While he was visltine- n Congregational mission, an nouncement was made that a male child had been born in the negro village. The host of Fllckinger christened the baby Daniel Fllckinger Wilberforce. Twelve vears later the boy had been brought to America by a returning missionary and Dr. Fllckinger accidentally discovered him at work at tho missionary house in New Tork. He took the lad to Dayton, O.. and ho was sont to school, then through the hich school and later to a medical college at Cleveland. He married a ne- grass at Dayton and the two went to Africa to do missionary work among the old tribe from which wilberforce came. Later the family returned to this coun try and Wilberforce lectured throughout the Central states. us lour ennaren. two sons and two daughters, attended Central College here. The sons are still in this country, one at Otterbeln College and tho other in the Dayton High bchooL Wilberforce returned to Africa and the board has been informed of his return to heathenism and its accompanying plural marriages, together with his be- comlnc- chief of the tribe, rne venerame Dr. Fllckinger is much depressed over the "backsliding of his protege, but sanctions the action of the board. Rand Sees No Necessity. BAKER Cm". Or.. March 9. (Special.) Senator Rand said this evening, when told of Senator Haines proposal to hold an extra session of the Legislature-with out cost to the stato to adjust the for mal School appropriation: "You may say for me that I see no necessity for an extra session." Public sentiment in this county is de cidedly against the Normal Schools as provided for at present. One good Nor mal School is considered sufficient. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, March 9. Maximum tempera ture, 77 deg.: minimum, 47. River Teadlng at 11 A. M.. 4.4 feet: change in past 24 hours. rise 0.2 foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to S P. M.. none; total since September 1. 1004. 22.54 inches; normal. 34.44; deficiency. 11.80, Total sunshine March S. 1005. 11 hours and SO minutes; possible, 11 hours and 30 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 6 P. M., 20.70 WEATHER CONDITIONS. The weather continues fair and unseasonably warm in the North Pacific States. At many stations west ot the Cascade Mountains the temperature this afternoon wae the warmest on record tor so early In March. At Portland (ho .maximum was, 77 -degrees, being within 2 this house-cleaning weather will' soon cull out the choicest patterns. We are proud of our spring lines, and are anxious to have you see them. Whether you are ready to buy or not, you will find time well spent in looking at them. J. G. MACK Sl CO. Exclusive Carpet House 86-88 THIRD STREET rEE.-M.MWI. II SM, JEW. iTwitMwwHiitaca, mum. stem EoropMa Pica DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Who can fill or extract any number of -teeth -without in flicting the slightest pain to the patient. The largest and best-equipped dental office on the Pacific Coast. 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh 'Phone Mnin 2119. degree of the highest temperature ever record ed during this month. The Indications are that the tr earner w III continue fair over Friday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending: at midnight, March 10: Portland and Tlclnlty Fair; winds becoming- southerly. Western Oregon Fair; winds becoming south erly. Western Washington Fair, except probably rain near north coast; north to east winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. STATIONS. 3 Baker City I66;o.00 81 If nw w w Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy . Clear dear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear PL cloudy Clear Clear pt cloudy Bismarck . oK!oo 4 Belse Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C... North Head Pocatello 5210.00 4 42 T 14 X OOJO.OOI 0 78 0.00 UlE fesw.oof 4IN Portland ........... Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento ...... .. 7" 0.00 123 W410.00 4'x I72fo!n0iinlrw Bait Lake City S4jO.O0 10 W 00,0.00 12,'W San Francisco ..... Spokane ............ G4 0.00 4 NW Seattle Tatoosh Island .... Walla Walla 650.00, 6 NW 0VO.0OJ34 B esjo.oo 4jw T trace. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. Hoom, -Rooms and Board. "House- beeping Rooms," "situations tvantea.- io words or less. IS cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 21 to 25 words. 25 cent, etc No dls- additional Insertions. XJXDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "2tvr Today. 20 cents for 15 words -or least 10 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc flrst insertion. Tnch additional insertion, one-half; no farther discount un der one month. "XEW TODAY gnage measure agate). 15 cents per line, flrst insertion: 10 cents per line of each itddltional Insertion. AXSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian. and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed envelope. o stamp Is required, on .inch letters. The Oregonian Trill sot be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. THEIR RIGHT TO KNOW j people who entrust their money to a bank wast- I to know now strong it lo. "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON." CAPITAL. $300,000. Fully recognizes this right, and will gladly furnish depositors a statement ot its conditions. snowing in detail its ASSETS AND T.I ABILITIES. It wants your business and wants you to know that It issues COUPON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT That pay 4 per cent Interest and run for five years. It also Issues lnterest-bearlng certifi cates of deposit tnat pay from S to 4 per cent interest, and can ce orawn at any time by giving a certain number of days' notice. Full particulars are contained In our hook of "ILLUSTRATIONS" Which we shall be glad to send yoo. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 Third Street. BENJ. I. COHEN President 31. L. PrTTOCK. .Vice-President B. LEB PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary MORI GAGE LOANS Be Portland ral estate at lowest rata. Titles insured. Abstract urnlta. Title Guarantee & Trust CoH T Oibmt ox Commaroa. FREE LAND IN OREGON Under the "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from state. WRITE OR CALL TODAT. Booklets and map free. B. S. Cook Co.. 251 Alder street. Portland, Or. NOW if you want the largest possi ble selection. Our shelves are over full of new spring Carpets now, but w. xxowxss, aces. $1.00, $1.50y42.00per Day AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. WUson. at salesrooms, 180 First street., at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. At Gllman's Auction Rooms, 413 Washington street, at 10 o'clock a. m. a. l. xi. unman. Auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park streets. Sale at 2 P. it. Geo. Baker & Co., Auctioneers. At the Portland- Auction Rooms. 211 First st.. net. Taylor ana Salmon. Sale at 2 P. M. Gui A. 1X3 wit. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15. O. E. S. Regular communication this (Fri day) evening. In Masonic Temple, at 8 o'clock. Social. Br order W. iL JENNIE N. GALLOWAT, Secretary. ALASKA OIL GUANO CO. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the above-named company will be held in the office ot the com- pany. No. 43 Concord building, on Wednesday, Anrll IO or T xr BRYDON II. 'niCOLU Secretary. SONS OF HERMANN For the benefit of German day, the Order of Sons of Hermann will give a grand ball In Merrill's HalL cor. Oak and Seventh. Saturday, March 11, 8 o cioca. MT. TABOR LODGE. NO. 42. A. F. & A. M. Stated meeting this (Friday) evening. 7:30, Grand avenue and Burnslde. All M. M. invited. By or der W. M. O. P. LENT, Secretary. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. L O. O. F. Reg ular meeting this (Friday) evening, at .:3d o'clock. Initiatory work. Visitors welcome. HENRY BROWN. Secretary. DIED. TOTING March 8, at Cedar Mills, Or., J. A. Young. r T!T.sriN- Tn this rftv. March 0. 1905. Charles Edward Carlson, aged 28 years 6 months and S davs. The deceased was a member cf Portland Camp. 107. W. O. W. Funeral notice hereafter. - FUNERAL NOTICES. WALL In iin city, on March S, 1905. at her late residence, 054 tioyt et., Airs. ts. ji. waiu T-unkrol TViAnv Much 10. 1005. at 8 A. M. from residence; thence to Vancouver, where I cervices will be held at 10:S0 A. M.. at fct. James Cathedral. BROWN At the family residence 449 Mag nolia et-. Woodlawn. March 9. 1905, William A. Brown, aged S2 years 11 months and 24 dava. Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, whian win oe neid ax. jnnieys cnapei at 3 P. M. today, interment xne i-tt cem etery. WILCOX In this city, on March S. 1905. Car los D. wlloox. aged To years, funeral Sat urday. March 11. 1905. at 10 A. M.. from Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon etreets. Services at the grave private. JUNG In this city, March 8. 1905. Frank Jung, aced 75 years. The deceased was member cf St. Joseph's Benevolent Society. The funeral will take place Saturday, March 11. at 8:45 A M.. from Dunning. McEntee & Gllbaugh's chapel, 7th and Pine sta.; thence to St. Joseph's Church, 15th and Couch sta., at 9 A M.. where requiem macs will be offered for the repose of his soul. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. DUNNTNG, M cENTEE tt GtLBAUGH. successors to Dunning JE Campion, under takers and. embalm ers. modern In crcij de tail, 7th and Pine. Phono Mala 430. Lady asilitant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new build- tng. Third and Salmon s Lady "'-tn. Toleshone No. 507. 3. P. FLXLEY SON, Funeral Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Xelepnoae xo. S. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 Bass Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. ZEIXER-BYBNES CO- UNDERTAKERS, Embalmers, 273 Rush East 1088: lady aa't. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE 7-ROOM COLONIAL 2-STORY house, modern in all appointments: furnace heat, electric lights in all rooms and hot and cold water upstairs and down; fine lawn, beautiful roses and chicken-yard; either 50x100 or 90x100 feet can go with house. This is a snap. R. L. Cate, 113 2d. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY, BOUGHT. MADE over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry repaired. Uncle Myers, the Jeweler, 113 3d, near Alder. A GOOD PENMAN Accurate In arithmetic, capable bookkeeper. competent letterwrlter, wants position; salary requirements moderate; city reierences. Ad- drees P 53. care Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE A Quarter or half-block anywhere on Alder lease or our- -ew uuueing, a. w, oreronlan. c AMUSEMENTS. Columbia Theater Bffifc. TONIGHT fFRIDAT). SATURDAY. SUNDAY. UDlcaou. stock company in rsroasoa covarai masterpiece, "Aristocracy" A brilliant satire on American and foreign nobility. MATINEES SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Evening. 50c 33c 25c 15c: matinees. 25c 16c 10c Downtown box office. 327 Morrison, open an car. pnene ilaln lio. Ewnlnr at meaier. Phone Main 311. Jsext week, starting Monday, March 13. mag nlflcent production ot "JOAN OS" ARC EMPIRE THEATER. Geo. L. Baker.v Met. Seats can be ordered by phone. Main 117. .HUUWN ' Matinee Tomorrow. Hugh Eulnger presents the laughing comeay success, "YOUR NEIGHBOR'S 'WIFE Wia Master "Wilfred Dunbar as "Boater Brown." Prices Evenings. 15c 25c 35e. 50c. Buster Brown matinee 10c 15c 25c All next week: rexcentlnr Friday). Ole Olson matinee Saturday, the famous North land singer, BEN HENDRICKS And the screaming comedy that has cap tivated millions. "OLE- OLSON." Karquam Grand Theater W. T. MSSLE Iitlitsi Uisjtir Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday Nighty March ia. 14. 15, 1803. SpecUI-race Wednesday. Klrke La Shelle presents LAURANCE D'ORSAY IX "THE EARL OF PAWTTJ CKET." Evening prices Lower floor, except last three rows, ;lo; last three rows, i. uaicony, -i, 75c. 50c Gallery. 25c 35c. Boxes and loses. SIO. Matinee trie Lmrfr floor. SI. 75c Bal cony. ,oc ana 60c Gallery, sac. c. ocaia are now jjelllng. (Phone Main 80S.) BIG LAUGHING SHOW AT THE STAR THEATER ASCOT. EDDIE Jk CO IONES ELECTRICAL REVELATION. WASHER BROTHERS. HANSON AND DREW, MARDO. COMEDY JCGGLER, NELLIE EMERSON, ARTHUR JACKSON, EDISON'S PROJECTOSCOrE. Admission. 10 Cents: reserved box seats. 25 Cents. Shows at 3. 7;30 and 9 P. M. NEW TODAY. PORTSMOUTH Central to four miles of deep-water front, near Columbia University, S25,- 000 payroll, employment for all, Bull Run water, money furnished for building purposes. Lots, 200 to 300, on easy monthly installments. .Fran cis L McKenna, room 606, Commer cial H. 6. Sib ray, University Park Sta. Agents wanted. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate, City and Farm Insurance In All Lines A. H. BIRRELL, 202-3 McKay bldg-. Third and Stark. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NEW DOUBLE FLAT, TWO NEW HOUSES, on full corner lot. LoTejoy at.: JiWi. Corner, wiut flats, on lain st.; una invest ment. Building lot on 13th. South Tamblll. Comer lot for flats, cloee in. on 7th st. Fractional corner, close in. on Corbett: JSOO. Fine business lot, near 11th and Morrison. Several suburban homes, in lots or acreage. some with fruit, berries and other Improve ments. If you want to make money explain your self tO XOKXHRUP at S-LTU. 210 and 211 Commercial block. FOR SALE 2 BEAUTIFUL B AND 8-ROOM bouses: new, strictly modern, electflo light ana gas; on union are. car line; o-minuis car service: nouses open- sunaay aiierooon; owner one block south, at 6S2 Union ave. near Morris. See these if you want something nice. Cash or Installments. two noon west side buys Two houses. 7 rooms eacn, nne location, on Montgomery sr.; ibooo. . S-room house, lot S0x95 feet, on Mill at.. near cut; 9m. 217 Ablngton bldg. FltEE LAND! FREE LAND I A frnr'r tn securo a home and make money; only cost Is for water right, which averages $10 per acre; under state control, ror par ticulars write or call at office ot Columbia Southern Irrigation Co.. 639 Worcester block. SAVE RENT. Stewart Park. 20 minutes by ML Scott car. lots 60x100. payment $3X0 a month; 100 to $200: only a few at $100; best value on the market, in euouroan property; agency on grounds. OTTO & CROCKETT. 233 WASHINGTON PHONE CLAT 1CS3. Laundry in good Valley town; only laun Arr In county: bulldlnir 30x50: 2 lots: lat est Improved machinery. Price $2000. Terms. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS DO YOU WANT to buv a modern borne in this select neigh borhood? I can sell you one 25 per cent below market price; favorable terms, w. H. Grlndstaff. 240 Stark. FINE 10-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. ON corner lot. 50x100; hot water heating plant. Apply on premises. 304 Ross St., cor. Broadway. 3 blocks from, river. Phone Union 032. ROME CHOICE BARGAINS IN FRUIT AND and farming lands in tne Kogue iuver nistrlet. Josephine County, Southern Ore- Bon. Write or call upon G. L. Kayser, Mer- lln. or. ALL ON TIME. $S50 buys three large lots on west elope of ML Tabor, 40 bearing fruit trees; no cash If Improved. A.ooress t ow, uregoauui. FOR SALE BY OWNER GOOD 6-ROOM MUD- ern house, b-ioot Dasement, ccsrcni uour, cur. ner lot. 50x100: price $2100: easy terms. See same at 134 E. 21st et. North. FOR SALE 7 SIGHTJUX LOTB ON heights, Bancroft ave., boutn .foniana. $300 to $350 each; fine view. Geo. W. Watt, 419 McKay Diag. FOR SALE WILL SELL CHEAP ON TERMS tn tmit nne mooern resiaence. ii rooms. block; good location. Phone .Clay 156, or J 57, Oregonian. 200 FARMS, SMALL, TRACTS AND LOTS I Bargains on O. w. tr. eiectnc line. v. . Addlton. Lents. Or. Take ML Scott car, 5c. FULL LOT AND OLD HOUSE NEAR En trance to Lewis ana lultk put; w, cash. Get a move. 42 union ave. LOT 50x150 AND 8-ROOM HOUSE. TTLLA- raook st., oet. wuiiams ana iioaaej- mes. Apply at sun aan juuci - TWO LOTS, EL 12TH. NEAR TILLAMOOK; -vrlii sell or muia to suit punwuir; uniu to suit, pnone izasi oio. $2500 LOT 50x100. 1STH. BET. IXVEJOY and. Marsnaii; juai rigni iur, uwsj pan cash. Phone lain uvu. FINE UNIMPROVED ACREAGE ADJOINING Woodstock. Tlgnt on car iwe. jgira xw vai- nrrt 445 Sherlock bldg. Tmr rat.k CHEAP. A GOOD SUBURBAN place; choice fruit ana oemes; oy owner, i agent, u w, vrc8uaii. k urww fWTAflE. LOT 50x105. NICE YARD. Harcaln. I'cone joain ou. w. aukb. xutr- rison, foot Taylor eC FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS. Sla St. xrrica ww. auo. t. a. Daly. S59 13th st. a.PIYlf HOUSE. CORNER LOT. SUNNY- alde. one djocx iraa cor. jw. r. v. Lewis. 27 1st st. NICE 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE: 15 MINI utee wauc to ronuou. oou soa nuw iu, Upper Alblna. , ACREAGE NEAR CAR-UNEt.6 MILES FROM waukie. Or. $S50 FTNB LOT, HOLLADAYS ADDITION, close In, sewer and water pipes in. O 59, Oregonian. 6 AND 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSES. SMALL. naymest cown, Daiance montnjy. i-exms East 675. FOR SALE THREE ACRES ON ST. JOHNS line; beautiful home. By owner. 300 Benton street. downf balance -monthly. Phone East C75. FOR SALE- OR LEASE. LOT 50x100." TWO blocks frost the Fair. Inquire 33 Park. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE $2600 New. eight-room, modern house. on Williams ave. $1530 New 5-roora house on Coot ava. S12S0 New 4-rooxn house on Ivy st. 5930 -House and lot. Vancouver ave $273 Corner lot. 2 blocks from car line Mount Tabor. x Any of the above on easy payments. A S. ELLIS. Phone Union 6221. OSS Williams avenue. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY; of h&ndHng acreage: choice acre tracts for homes, within tb- city limits or outside; terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co 110 Second C 340 ACRES. SITUATED IN FAMOUS KLAM- atn tiaatn, Jvamata county, uregon. unccr Irritation, cultivation, fence: 40 acres alfalfa; new house. Darn, outbuildings. 1 mile river front, open range adjoining; net income from land in alfalfa. 10 per cent on ilOO per acre: no better ranch can be had on Pacific. Coast; price. -$50 per acre. Address owner, S. C Trayner, -1 Sutter st., San Francisco. WEST SIDE. Choice property In most desirable locality. 25xttX. 5 rooma and attic. $21330 WxlOO and 7-roorn bouse $4350 Sttxioo and o-room houso $4300 50x100 and S-room house..... j$S00 &oxiog ana 3-room houoe $6500 60x100 and S-room boose SS000 UMJ. it. 113 SECOriD ST. FOR SALE, CORNER, 50x100. 11TH ST.. Holladay Addition; also lot 60x100, E. 16th st.. near Couoh. Inqulro owner, 028 otn. west side. Phone Main 4785. VERY FINE. RICH. LEVEL. IRRIGABLE land, covered with grass. $2.50 per acre; in years' time to pay. a. it. spreaaoorouKb. G34 E. Morrison St., Portland. FOR SALE FARMS. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block. FEW EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS JUST IN. 620 acres. 250 acres under high state ot cul tivation. 100 acres more ready for plows. springs and running water, well fenced, good house, 3 good barns, plenty fruit. This Is an exceptional nuy. Particulars at our ornce 2SO acres, fair house. 3 barns. 90 acres In cultivation, plenty of good fruit, fine outslds range, all well fenced, good springs, lots of very best pasture. This is an exceptional pick-up. Price only $3500: terms. Mo acres Fine buildings of all kinds. 40Q seres under cultivation, well fenced. 13 acres prunes, good drier: 1 miles from good town in lamniii county, xnis is an up-to-cat place in every respect; easy terms; $17 per aore. 50 acre Ail in cultivation, of which there are 25 acres of hops In tine condition; all cleared and plowed; yield last year, 57. (XX) pounds; latest Improved bophiuse; one ol the nest yarns ana small farms in Polk tauuty. lhk miles from town: railroad runs past place. Price only $6500: par: cash. 00 acres 23 acres In nops, . choice jarc; good house and bam, also bopbeuas; all good lano. wen xencea: towo. jv acres a acres nope: no improvements: sold crop last year for 91000; price of land now simj. CO acres. i-mlle from good live town, all in cultivation. 40 acres In grain, good new house, good big barn, plenty of fruit, well fenced. 3 horses, good buggy, harness, new mower, new rake, piows, narrows. cows. lot or nay. uniy $4500. 40 acres, l mile from town. 30 acres in cultivation, good house and barn, well fenced. 2 horses. 2 cows. 1 buggy. 1 hack. plows, harrows and lot small tools. lot chickens. This Is a model place. Only .18000. part caaa. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block lOSSi Third St. FARMS A very choice little farm or 20 acres, niceiy lmnravedr 7 acres In choice crapes. 3 acres lh strawberries, other fruits; a fine, hard-finished nouse of 8 large rooms, nice casement, witn furnace, water clptd to house, nice born, 2 hothouses, with patent ventilators and steam heat; fronts on a fine road. East Side. 10 acren. nice lana. near wooaaiocie: m trade Into a homo In Portland and pay some cash. 47 acres, all choice level land; running wa ter: can Irrigate: new house and bam: u miles out on good level road ail way to port- land? mlc-lrt trade Into eltv property: oOO. 9 acres on car line; all cultivated; will di vide and sell on easy terms. G acres on car line, all cultivated, nice ap ple orchard, ana other fruits, nouse ana Darn, sell on easy terms. 40 acres, part cultivated; 4 -room house. barn, outbuildings, orchard, running water; convenient to Columbia River; a cheap place. 5775. SO acres good land, all fenced. 35 acres cul tivated; good bouse, bam and orchard; 1 tools, 10 head cattle. 14 miles to boat land ing, price for an. xzxx). HENKLH & BAKER. 217 Ablngton bldg. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 40 ACRES. with 20. under plow, o acres good tlmper. balance in pasture and easily cleared; land Is rich and lays nicely; nice frame house. 6 rooms; large barn, woodshed, chicken-house; 400 bearing fruit treea in perfect condition; land fenced and cross ten ceo; large team. harness and wagon nearly new; plows, har row, etc. Place Is on county road, close to church, U mile from W. O. W. Hall, mile from 2-room school, and ZV, miles from town cn Columbia River; price, $1700; terms or part, imus & wlllougnDy, Kninma, warn. FOR SALE 74 ACRES OF TIMBERLAND on tidewater -of Shoal Water Bay, Paclflo County. Washington; timber, spruce, and nemiDu; .vui ecu cucap u u&ea ai once. Address rf si, oregonian. FREE HOMES. FREE LAND FREEt HOME- stead lands located. DOttom lands, sub-Irrigated soli, and weater first-class. 30 Labbe bldg.. cor. 2d and Washington st. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER CAREY Irrigation law; sure crops, perfect climate. easy water cost; Improved or unimproved. Deschutes Alfalfa Land Syndicate. 315 Ore gonian bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS LOT WANTED. IMPROVED OR unimproved, ner business center, nest Side; stall exact location ana lowest casn price. juioress l cu. uregoniaa. to $10,000; also Business properties. $5000 to $20,000. Have buyers, u. w. waiting &'co.. 408 Ablngton oicg. I AM TIRED PAYING RENT; HAVE SPENT ?4000; now want a home; must he a bargain. Address oz, oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE, OR WILL EXCHANGE EOR city or suour&an property, 4 lots ana cot tage etc., at Tioga, Long Beach. Inquire of A. H. Tanner. Phone Main 542. TTTTiFTR. LANDS. ANYONE DESIRING A GOOD HOMESTEAD or timber rlxlT can be accommodated by ad dressing me or applying at tne Times office. Good wheat land and good timber land In Morrow and Umatilla Counties; reasonable price for locating. Harrison Hale. Heppner, Oregon. ISO ACRES OF FIRST-CLASS SPRUCE. cedar and hemlock In Pacific County, Washington, near Columbia River; will cut about 7,000,000. Address Box 690, As- torla. Or. 3TCCE BODY OF TIMBER, ABOUT 9 MILKS west of this city, suitable for very long plies; reasonable; no agents, a oo, oregonian. PILING. 120 ACRES. CONVENIENT. LONG. old growtn; 3240O. u. w. t-aatnam, Oregon City. Or. HOMESTEAD. 19 MILES FROM CITY: BAR- galn. D. E. Budd. 110 1st. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for immediate use. lowest pitujtaj. EL F. & F. B. Riley, COS Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, TIM- bered. farm or grazing lana; ail sizes, lowest prices. H. li. uompsos, eia .uarquam, biag. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH- er guaranteed land .scrip on nana ready to locate. Maginnis & son. I iiuing cicg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips; general land practice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc CAR OF WELL-BRED DRIVING HORSES for sale at central btaaies. weignt from 1100 to 1300 pounds; all well broke, single or doable. LAP. G GST STOCK OF' NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. FOR SALE 15 HEAVY HORSES. 1 .LIGHT express; talis or rent. 154 iv. sth st. FOR SALE TWO BUGGIES AND ONE-TRAP -busy, cheap. 313 water st. FOB SALE. Horses, Vesicles, Etc BARGAIN PAIR OF HORSES, - WEIGHING 2H pounds; perfectly- sound, .good worxers. single or double, new. neavy narness. wun collar; complete outnt, $ix. jau Hth st. Pianos. MUST SELL 430 PIANO, USED A FEW weeks; $230 cash. Sixteen lessons included. Answer today. Cash only, x 57, Oregonian. NEW PIANO. HIGH GRADE. TO" TRADE for board or board and room. J3, Oregonian. $100 CASH WILL BUY AN EXCELLENT upright piano. J 60. Oregoniarc Miscellaneous. FOR SALE FOUR BEAUTIFUL 3HOW- cases. 11 feet each, double-deckers, all glass, mirror In back, mahogany wood, oak base, solid silver trimmings suitable for druggist, notions. Jewelry, mllllnfery or shoe store; cost $15 per root; will sell for $3. TMs is a. Dar galn. Applr G. N. W. Wilson Co., 72 6th, Barber Supply Houoe. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Renalr It with Elaterite: It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; beat for new roofs. Elaterite Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL. Hard and pool tables; easy payments: we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Col-lender, 49 3d st. FOR SALE SEASONED OAK FLOORING; oak and ash cut to order; short lengths. odd sizes on hand, union Lumoer CO.. Portland. Or. R. F. D. No. 2. SECOND AND FLANDERS BUILDING, 30x20 storeroom or barn: cneap: must oe movea now. A. H. BIrreil. 202 McKay oiag. POMERANIAN SPITZ PUPS FOR SALE AT Rainier Kennel. Peninsular Sta.. Portland. Or. Writing, send stamped envelope. ROSES CHOICE VARIETIES: ALSO fruit trees and shrubs, reasonable. Ockley Green Nursery, phone Union 122L 160 CORDS FINE FIR WOOD ON BANK river at Holbrook for sale or trade. Aix iior- rison st. Ralston. FOR SALE FINE CHICKENS. AT Grove Station. Oregon City car line. HOP ROOTS. S2 PER 1000. INQUIRE OF C. Scbaefers. Grant's Pass, or. FOR SALE $7 AND $10 EACH BULL-DOG puppies. 145 North 5th st. wkt.p WANTED MALE. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. STEADY young man with .$200 cash for permanent noaltlon. with interest in estanusneo. grow ing, money-making: business; no previous ex perience required: this Is an exceptional op portunity: reference. Hamilton, J4 Langr Hotel. 323U, Washington. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED. unmarried men, between ages of 21 and citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and uaic sis., port land. Or. CLERICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN ONLY; office men, bookkeepers, stenographers, clerks, salesmen, general clerical and commercial men are Invited to call on the commercial Employrs' Association. 504-505 McKay bldg.. so. $50 WEEKLY THOSE DESIRING TO BE actors see us ana save money; siage bbcuus. vaudeville acting, singing taught; lessons. 50c; engagements guaranteed, isewmana Schoql'Of Acting. XXifr wasnington si, THERE IS MOREt DEMAND THAN EVER for competent salesmen, Bookkeeper stenog raphers and technical men, and we need men lor many sucn positions now open, .rtuauc Commercial Bureau. Seattle. Wash. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN. SIN- ele. axe 21 to 2S years, to travel and learn good-paying business: references. Call 11 to 3 P. M.. room 35, The Ankeny, comer An- keny and itn sts. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS, SALE3- men and general office men can securo desir able office positions; better your condition. Portland Commercial Bureau, 722 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Men to learn barber trade: S weeks completes; positions guaranteed; tuition earned while learning. Write for terms. Me ier's Barber College. 644 Clay, San Francisco. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. CO., scnooi or Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad dress 4973-75 Easton ave., St. Louis, MO. WANTED BLACKSMITH AND WHEEL- wrlght; steady worlc all Summer for the right party. B. S. & L. Co., Hay Creek. Or. Give wages wanted and references. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; send for particulars. Press syndicate. Lockport, j. i. CLERK OR BRIGHT YOUNG MAN TO FIT for Government position: fair salary to start: promotion as deserved. Call between 8 and 10, 316 Chamber of Commerce. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES; COM- mission; publications, newspapers, periodicals. Exposition Journal. Clyde's Special Agency, C3S Chamber of Commerce. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. SOME CAP! tal, take partnership established mercantile brokerage business; extraordinary opportu nity. L 67, Oregonian. WANTED INSTALLMENT COLLECTOR for merchandles accounts. Good salary and expenses. Address Manufacturer, P. O. Box 1027, Philadelphia, Pa. ASSISTANT MANAGER FOR LARGE COR- po ration, 5100 month; must Invest $200 to $500 in stock; permanent position guaranteed. G 60, Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit business: good pay to good men. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. BOY WANTED, AGE 10 OR OVER, TO DB- liver reports one nour eacn morning, call between hours of 1 and 2, room 43, Hamilton Duiiding. SNAP ADVERTISING PROPOSITION TO lease to hustler; also subscription business. Investigate. 638 Chamber of Commerce. FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK SEE US. CA- nadlan Employment Co.. 249 Burnslde and 226ft Morrison. Phone Main 3074. BOY. 15. TO LEARN FLORIST'S BUSINESS must te strong ana mgmy respectanie. ureen- houses, 22d and E. Morrison. TAILOR WANTED ONE THAT CAN CUT. Coll from 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M., 2221$ crostiy st., room o. WANTED TWO GOOD BOYS WITH wheels, well recommended, at 383 Stark st.. immediately. YOUNG MAN WITH SOME CAPITAL TO Join me in legitimate money-making business, 1 58. oregonian. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WITH SMALL capital, to invest In good-paying business. Apply -tl sa st. CARPENTER WANTED BOARD AND ROOM for a little help after work hours. N 69, oregonian. YOUNG MAN FOR GOOD BUSINESS PROP- osttlon; small amount cash required. D 53, Oregonian. - WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER. Holland & Co.. 209 Fenton block, 84 6th sr. BOY WANTED AT 205 WASHINGTON ST. Wm. Klumpp, engraver and printer. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber Col lege, 741 Howard St., Bar. Francisco. GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGH-CLASS salesman. 215 Commercial block. DR. WALKER, 1S1 1ST. CURES ALL PR vate diseases or men. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG- LADY; HAS HAD SOME experience In palmistry; nne business prop osition. ' ttJ. oregonian. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work In family of three; must be a good cook. Apply 141 j. iota st. LADY WANTED FOR CANDY AND ICE cream store; $j00 required; pay $80 & month. -call Z4Sft stark st. WANTED WOMAN HOUSEKEEPER FOR two persons, cn a farm. Call 234 Front st. for Information. MARRIED LADY TO DO CHAMBER -WORK for rent or two housekeeping rooms. 129 Grand ave. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply 595 E. Salmon at., cor 15th. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL. GENERAL housework: small family. 429 3d at. WATSON'S RESTAURANT WANTS AN Ex perienced pastry cock. (lady). 109 4th. YOUNG WOMAN" WANTED AS DISHWASH- . r. . sos AUKeny sr., - opp. postozsce. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Ladles to learn barber -trade; 8 weeks completes: tuition earned while learn ing. Halraressing, manicuring and facial massage In 4 weeks; special terms cow. Write Moler System College. San Francisco. WANTED AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL actors, singers acu pianists lor dramatic com panies, Portland's World's Fair, etc.; first class engagement; big salary; call immediate, ly. Newman's Theatrical Circuit, S26 Wash ington st. FOR RENT MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. CE- ment basement and walks; best plumbing. gas fixtures, window shades; $25. Phone East 1S17. 40 B. 10th et. North. GLRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and re sister. Canadian Parlors, 22tt& Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED HOCSEKEEEPRS. COOKS. WAIT- resses. chambermaids', general workers. St. Lcftils Agency, 2303 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SSL ENERGETIC. RESPECTABLE WOMAN. good paying work. Apply today Mrs. Aud ley. Columbia Hotel. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED WOMAN COOK, CAPABLE AND wuung. good wages. Grand Avenue Hotel. 334 Grand ave.. and E. Mill. WANTED GOOD COOK, TWO IN FAMILY. Appiy in morning, si: Joanson st. MILLINERY MAKER AND APPRENTICES wanted. 332 Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALX. WANTED 2 LADIES OR GENTS TO CAN vass on a money-maker. 404 Ablngton bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED COLLECTOR DESIRES Po sition, with wholesale house preferred; ref erence. B 60. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN FLK nlsh domestic servants and farmers; also, all kinds of help. 26S Everett. Black 992. A GOOD EXPERIENCED ALL-ROUND hand wants position on farm or ranch. G 59. Oregonian. JAPANESE DESIRES WORK SUCH A3 porter, chamber or dishwashing. Apply 34 North 2d st. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO do cook, housework or dishwashing. P. O. Box SOT. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND GEN- eral store man wishes position; mining worlc preferred; references. V 59, Oregonian. SWEDISH GIRL WANTS PLACE TO COOK in Swedish hotel or boardlnc-house, good wages. 60S Thurman. SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED woman as cook In hotel or boarding-house. 552 Northrup. SITUATION WANTED BY SCANDINAVIAN: girl for general housework. Call 229 X- 14th, street. WANTED BY A GOOD GIRL. A GOOD home Instead of wages. H 60, Oregonian. JAPANESH GIRL WANTS POSITION TO DO work In family. Q 59, Oregonian. Housekeepers. SITUATION WANTED BY REFINED. CAPA- tle young woman as housekeeper, call sso Yamhill. Phone Black 2631. Miscellaneous, CAPABLE GIRL, HOTEL WAITRESS. FIKST- class cnamoermaias, lamuy cook, colored. 230ta Yamhill. Phone Black 2SSL COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES WORK, cleaning, sweeping, etc: full days only. Room 30. Phone Main 1623. WOMAN WISHES WORK BY DAY. TEL. East 2452. Coll morning or evening, bet. 6 and 7. WANTED AGENTS. GOOD LTVB AGENTS WANTED TO SELL lots on commission. In one of the choicest suburbs of Portland. Address P. O. Box 703, city. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED ROOMS In all parts ot the city. Apply 202 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6266. WANTED ABOUT MAY. 1. ON WEST SIDE. 7 or 8-room, weii-iurmsned, modem house; email family; beet references. M 58, Ore gonian. WANT 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR COT- toge. West Side; respectable location; no chil dren: moderate rent. A 60, care Oregonian. OTTO & CROCKETT. 233 WASHINGTON. Phone Clay 16S3. want rental nouses; also houses on monthly payments. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG OUPLE WISH to rent nicely furnished bouse or flat; state price. E 60, Oregonian. - WANTED TO RENT A 5 OR 6-ROOM COT- tage or flat; must oe centrally located. K 40, Oregonian. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS by party without children; state price. C 59,, Oregonian. WANTED A COTTAGE AT NEWPORT FOR season or month; state terms. C 60. Ore gonian. ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 1ST et., pays top-notch spot cash price, for any kind of furniture. Rhone Main 5655. WANTED $1000 ; GOOD INTEREST; 8E- cured by chattels with ample insurance, or will sell half Interest in a profitable busi ness. Address Buchtcl & Kerns. 370 East Bumside. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND 40 OR 50-horsepower boiler and engine; would also buy lath' mill; will pay cash. Address K.. 388 First street, at once. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 51T. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phono East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR one or two gentlemen, private family, gas, bath, heat. 551 Taylor. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON Newly furnished, single or en suite; modern; tourists; special rates. , WALKING DISTANCE. FRONT ROOM, suitable for two. $10 month, including bath, gas, phone. 292 10th. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 3D door from first-class boarding-house. 163 13th. near Morrison. FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE family; every convenience; close in. 243 6th St.. near Main. LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH ALCOVE; very desirable, central, one or two gentlemen. 671 GUsan st. THE FRANCES STRICTLY MODERN, cor. W. Park and Morrison; prices rea sonable. x 454 YAMHILL ST. TWO NEATLY FUR nlshed rooms, reasonable; close In; nice loca tion. NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, PRI vate family. ?8 per month. 168 Park st. CHEAPEST FURNISHED ROOMS. BOARD, housekeeping suites; close In. 6 Tenth st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two. 410 Salmon st.. bet. 10th and 11th sts. LARGE. LIGHT. CHEERFUL ROOM, USE of telephone and bath. $3. 713 Hood st. Cheapest and. best-located rooms In Portland. $1 week up. Gilman. 1st and Alder sts. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, good location. 127 N. 22d at. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. VERY REA so sable. Call at 27554 Clay. 310 10TH ST. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; modem conveniences. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, 03a N. 17tn Et. '