Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 09, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Tourists hurrying out of the country are
suojosiea 10 many indignities oy custom
officials at the porta. Even the pockets of
tourists entering arc searched and all
letters and documents arc read.
Marshal Matthews Will
Retain Office.
Charges Are Considered
Purely Political.
Interview of Fulton and Baker With
President Disposes of Rumors
Heney Refuses to Dis
cuss the Affair.
ington. March 8. It now appears that
United States Marshal Matthews will be
continued in office throughout the trial
of the land-fraud cases. Humors that
were afloat last week and indications that
were apparent on sei'eral days strongly
pointing to his removal are no longer in
evidence. Harmony appears to have been
restored, and Matthews is saved.
Senator Fulton and Chairman Frank
Baker called on the President this morn
ing with John Fox. of Astoria. During
their conversation the President asked if
there was anthlng he could do for Mr.
Baker, but was promptly -assured both
by Mr. Baker himself and by Mr. Fulton
that the Oregon chairman was in no wise
a candidate for any position.
The subject of Mr. Matthews was
brought up and, while no positive .assur
ances were given, both Mr. Fulton and
Mr. Baker feel satisfied that the case
has been dropped and that no official no
tice -will be taken of the charges that were
recently brought against Mr. Matthews.
District Attorney Heney was asked if
be looked for Mr. Matthews' removal.
He replied that he did not. Asked if he
had personally preferred charges against
Mr. Matthews, he replied: "I decline to
answer." Apparently Mr. Heney agrees
with other interested parties that the
Matthews incident has been closed by the
Mr. Baker and Secretary Elmer Dover,
of the.. Republican National committee,
leave tomorrow for a trip through the
South and to Cuba.
Place Wanted for Cavanaugh.
ington, March 8. The Washington Sen
ators today asked the President to find
some office for Tom Cavanaugh, of Olym
pla, commander of the Washington
G. A. R.
Churchill Leads Final Effort on the
Fiscal Question.
LONDON. March S. Winston
Churchill led the flght that was prob
ably the last full-dress debate of the
session on the fiscal question in the
House of Commons. The debate was on
a resolution declaring that In the opin
ion of the House permanent unity of
the British Empire could not be se
cured through a system of preferential
duties based on protective taxation on
The galleries were crowded and
there were few empty places in the
House, Mr. Churchill's motion being re-
carded as the most serious attack on
the government majority since the
opening of Parliament. It was aimed
to force the Unionist Freefooders into
the opposition lobby and divide the
House, not upon party lines, but upon
the Chamberlain fiscal policy.
From the outset the motion was
doomed to defeat, and avowedly the
opposition had no expectation of do
feating the government. It was s
political move, intended to demonstrate
to the country the strength of Mr.
Chamberlain's following.
Mr. Churchill spoke at considerable
length, directing himself exclusively to
Mr. Chamberlain's fiscal policy. In fact.
in tho course of the speech he an
nounccd he was not attacking the gov
ernment, but was aiming the entire
force of his blow at Chamberlain.
Mr. Chamberlain said he had been
twitted with lack of moral courage be
cause he had not submitted his fiscal
proposals for discussion by the House,
but he hated useless oiscusslon. His
was a legitimate party maneuver to
put out the government. He was
surprised that any "Unionist Freefood
fish should be caught In the net."
Mr. Chamberlain, in the course of his
speech, Bald it the representatives of
the colonios put forward unreasonable
demands at the conference, he, him
self, would not support them.
Premier Balfour sala he was unalter
ably attached to tho principles of free
trade and would never bo responsible
for a. protective policy. He desired.
however, that a perfectly free confer
ence should, bo held on colonial rela
tions. He said that the carrying- of tho
Churchill motion would create a false
tmprcsslon In the country and the col
onics. Mr. Balfour insisted that the
motion was not an attack on Mr.
Chamberlain, but on the government.
The House divided and Mr. Lyttle
ton's motion of the previous question
was carried. 302 to 260, thus defeating
Mr. Churchill's resolution. The result
was greeted -with loud cheers by the
lord George Hamilton. Sir John
Gorst, Thomas G. BQwles and other
Unionists voted against the govern
men. Several Unionists, including Lord
Hugh Cecil, abstained from voting.
The Irish Nationalists voted -with the
The government had practically the
unanimous support or the Chamber
lalnites. and the Ministers profess
themselves as being more than satis
fled with the result of the division,
such a large majority not having been
Situation In Venezuela Becoming Too
Warm for Foreigners.
WILXSMSTAD, Curacao, Feb. 16. (Cor
respondents of the Associated Press.)
Dr. J. I Andara. who sailed two weeks
ago for New York. Is said to be tho ronre
sentative of the revolutlonarr leaders here
and reported -to have taken much money
to the united btates to Invest In arms
and ammunition.
Every vessel arriving here from La
Guayra brings many foreigners, who feel
that the situation In Venezuela Is such
that foreigners will soon not be safe there.
Guatemala and Nicaragua Prepare
for Spring Amusements.
SAN FRANCISCO, March S- According
to a report brought from Central Ameri
ca by tho steamer Acapulco. which ar
rived at this port yesterday afternoon,
revolutions are threatened in, Guatemala
and Nicaragua. President Cabrera, of
Guatemala, and President Zelaya, of
Nicaragua, are said to be very unpopular
with the- masses in tnelr respective coun
tries. Cabrera is trying to avoid trouble
by opening up the new railroad to the
Gulf coast, which is expected to stimu
late trade.
In Nicaragua the situation is said to
be greatly strained over the new law
compelling priests to appear in citizen's
clothes instead of cossacks. The church
is very strong throughout the country.
and the law dictating the style of garb
for the church leaders has from the first
met with opposition.
Premier Balfour Finds Difficult the
Task of Filling Cabinet Vacancies.
LONDON, March 8. It is again reported
that Premier Balfour is experiencing great
difficulty in filling the vacancies in tho
Cabinet. It Is rumored that Walter Hume
Long and others have declined the post
of Chief Secretary for Ireland.
Gossip in the lobby of the House of
Commons is to tho effect that Sir Anthony
P. MacDonald, Under Secretary to the
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, will be ap
pointed to an Important post outside of
Saxon King Stops His Divorced
Wife's Allowance.
FLORENCE, March S. The Countess
Monti gnoso (formerly Crown Princess of
Saxony), has been obliged to give up her
villa at Paplnlavo. and has taken rooms
in a hotel at Fiesole. The Countess states
that the change is necessary until her
former husband (King Frederick Augus
tus of Saxony), either voluntarily or by
other efforts, pays her the allowance
agreed' upon at the time of her divorce.
Japanese Hold Ground Gained.
TERS IN THE FIELD. March S. via Fu-
san. Whllo at some parts of the long bat
tle line the Russians have been able to
check the advance of tho Japanese, their
repeated and fierce counter-attacks have
nowhere succeeded In forcing the Japan
ese from any of tho ground gained.
In the present stage of the conflict, the
censorship Is necessarily strict and the
correspondent of the Associated Press Is
therefore precluded from attempting to
describe the numbers and positions of the
Japanese forces. There is fighting now
along the Bhakhe River, where the Rus
elans spent the Winter.
Protection of Prussian Mlnere.
BERLIN. March 8. The government
has sent to the Prussian Diet a bill re
vising tho mining laws. This measure
forbids the docking of wages to the full
amount of the wage cost of carloads of
coal containing refuse matter.
Miners will be entitled to elect a rep
resentative to safeguard their interests
in determining the amount of waste in
cars. Fines Imposed' upon a miner In any
month must not oxeced the value of two
days' wages. Miners can elect a standing
committee to hear complaints.
The bill provides more rigid precautions
to preserve health and prevent accidents.
Snubbed by Russian Embassy.
LONDON, March 8. King Edward to
day conferred the decoration of the
Knight of the Grand Cross of the Bath on
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, who ar
rived in London March C. The latter is
holding Jong conferences with Foreign
Secretary Lansdowne, both at Bucking
ham Palace and at the Foreign Office
While the Austrian Ambassador Is visit
ing and entertaining Prince Ferdinand the
Russian Embassy has in no way acknowl
edged his presence in London.
Budget Adopted by Large Majority.
PARIS, March a In the Chamber of
Deputies today, during the discussion of
the final chapters of the budget. Baudry
D'Asson, while protesting against the
government's antl-clerlcal policy, fainted
and was carried from the House. The
budget was adopted by a vote of 4SS
against 47. and the Chamber adjourned
until March 16, when the debate on the
military law will begin.
Is difficult to
becauso Everetts are uniform in
quality a condition peouliar to
This condition grows out of the
fact that the Genius who created
intends the construction of each
Everett piano.
That which he had tho genius to
create, he has the ability to con
struct of uniform quality.
Besides the Everett we handle other
renowned makes, such as the Knabe,
Fischer, Hard man, Packard, Ludwig, Con-
over, Cable and many others, and all are
Included in 'our Manufacturers' Profit
Sharing Sale of 1500 Pianos. If you
haven't Investigated this proposition, you
should do so at once, as It affords you
an opportunity to secure a good, high
grade piano at practically wholesale cost.
and on our easy-payment plan of $5. $3,
$10 and 515 per month. Pianos that ordi
narily sell from $230 to 5350 you get at
prices ranging from J18S to HS. The $275
to $375 kind go at $183 to $265. The $350
to $C0 styles go at $223 to $334 and so on.
Unquestionably the greatest opportunity
ever presented here.
Rent Club Sale
If you cannot take advantage of tho
above just now. Join- our Rent Sale Club
and secure a nice piano at the profit
sharing price. We have placed 10) pianos
in our Rent Sale Club on the following
conditions: lou nay $5 to join the club
and a nice piano Is delivered In your home
free; You then pay $5 per month for 12
months and after that $7 per month till
the balance is paid. The prices are $223.
$256 and $2C3, an actual saving of $90. Call
and investigate this.
AllenS Gilbert Ramaker Co.
Corner Sixth and Morrison
through it is to be hoped that the league
will have a better and happier ending
than last year's one. Everett did not make
a showing, one game was secured with
Tacoma, and a rough game played by the
Seattles at Seattle when the Portlands
last faced them "bust up" the league.
On account of transportation charges
and the distances to be traveled between
the four cities. It is doubtful it another
league, can be formed this year, with
Portland as a member. The Portlands are
rather to bend their energies this sea
son to organize two Portland lacrosse
clubs to be probably known as the Cres
cents and the Shamrocks, and to play
match eames without leaving the city
The intention also seems to be to play
individual match games with Northern
clubs, and particularly with the best In
the business, the three British Columbia
clubs, the Vancouvers, the Victorias and
the New Westminsters. The Portland
club will be stronger than ever this year.
and the players who have expressed their
Intention of joining are experienced stick
artists and may be trusted to bold thelr
own and a little better with any team
that visits Portland.
No More Money for Cavalry.
BERLIN. March S. The government's
measures to increase the cavalry by 28
squadrons, have been rejected by the ap
propriations committee of the Reichstag,
against the earnest protests of War Mln
lster Von Elnem. The government's In
creases in the Infantry and artillery es
tablishments were granted, but tho mem
bers of the committee of all parties ex
cept the center party voted against ad
ditions to the cavalry. The government
doubtless will not accept this defeat, but
will urgently press Its proposals.
New Governor of French Islands.
PAPEETE. Tahiti. Fob. 23, via San
Francisco, March 8. Tho new Governor
of French Oceania. M. PhUlDDe Emlle
Julllon. with his family and secretary,
has arrived here. He Intends soon to
visit all the leading Islands In the group.
American Consul W. F. Doty has re
turned from San Francisco and resumed
his duties.
Irving Makes Good Progress.
8. Sir Henry Irving drove out into the
country today, Ws physician saying ho is
making steady progress. During tho aft
ernoon tho Mayor and a municipal dele
gation visited his hotel and presented an
address to him.
Great Business of Deutsche Bank.
BERLIN, March 8. Tho Deutsche
Bank's annual report shows net earnings
of $6,008,931. an increase of $S03i. The
dividend declared is 12 per cent, against
11 per cent last year. Tho total turnover
was $16,694,250,000 against $14,910, COO.OX).
General Booth In Jerusalem.
JERUSALEM. March S. General Booth,
of the Salvation Army, has arrived here.
He intends to hold a series of meetings.
The Porte lias directed the local authori
ties to prohibit Turkish subjects from at
tending these meetings.
Dutch Foreign Minister Resigns.
THE HAGUE, March. 8. Tho Gazette
announces the resignation of Baron von
Lynden, Foreign Minister. Vlco-Admlral
Ellis, Minister of Marine, will act as For
eign Minister ad interim.
Split by Internal Dissensions.
tenth Ministry of the present administra
tion has formally resigned, as forecasted
In these dispatches Saturday, owing to
Internal dissensions.
Pope's Consistory on March 27.
ROME, March 8. The date of tho next
-consistory has been fixed for March 27,
but It probably wIU not be for the pre-
concistatlon of bishops. No cardinal will
be nominated. y
Seattle Wants Last Year's League
' Revived.
There's a prospect .that the North Pa
cific Lacrosse League' will be revived this
Summer, with Portland. Seattle. Tacoma
and Everett clubs as members, but
whether the deal will bo successful de
pends on the attitude of the Portland
Lacrosse Club, which will shortly be or
ganized for the season. Match Secretary
Charles A. Stewart, of the Portlands, has"
Just received a letter from the manage
ment of the Seattles proposing -that such
a league be formed, and if the deal goes-
It is commonly inherited.
Few axe entirely free from it.
Pale, weak, puny children are
afflicted with it in nine cases out of
ten, and many adults suffer from it.
Common indications are bunohes in
the neck, abscesses, cutaneous erup
tions, inflamed eyelids, sore ears,
rickets, catarrh, was ting-, and general
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Eradicate it, positively and absolute
ly. This statement is based on the
thousands of permanent cures these
medicines have wrought.
"My daughter had scrofula, with eleven
ores on her neck and aboat her ears. Hood's
S&rsspsrills was highly recommended and
she took it and was cored. 'She Is sow in
good health." Mas. J. H. Joazs, Parker
City.Ind. 9
Hood' Sarsaparilla premises t
cure nd keeps ths promise.
Ghirardelli's Ground Choco
late does more" than please
the palate.
It builds sound nerves and
sturdy bodies wjthout taxing
the digestion.
Freshness and strength fully pre
served in patented hermetically sealed
err -WasMJdt sts.
! " Thc'tUITercst'SUre - A j V,5?,
m win a rrmin n
I v r
Store with
Stocks on the
Pacific Coast
BLOCK LIGHTS" Sole Agents for Portland
for the famous Block Lights. They save half
the gas bills.
Sole Agents for the United States for the Official
Opalescent Window Signs advertising Lewis and
Clark Pair, 85c
Sole Agents for Oregon for the world-famous Bonnet et Die's Silks The kind that Time made famous.
Bargains! As
Webster Understood
the Word "
"Gainful Transactions"
There Was Once a Banker-a
David Harum Sort of Chap--Who
Expressed Himself Thusly:
We've Drawn on AH
Markets and Hold a "Full
House" of New Spring
Goods of the DependableSort
"Some folks think a fellow can't give his word, and at the same time keep it but it isn't so no, by gum!" Same with stores. Now we
believe it's far easier to keep our word than to break it yes, we do. That it "seems" impossible for us to keep our word never inters our
thoughts. "We hold that keeping a given promise with the public is a store's chief stock in trade. "We couldn't afford to put out thousands
of dollars' worth of bad advertising "We make it good by always keeping oar word with our public. It wouldn't do us so much good if we
didn't "make good" for you would not believe our printed word and couldn't -be blamed for your incredulity. Some honses, for mere
effect, sometimes make their prices absurdly low, but lessen the quality of their merchandise in proportion. "We call that breaking a promise,
they call it "sharp advertising." No matter how low the prices quoted here by lis, you will always find behind them the recognized high
standard of the Olds, "Wortman & King store. For instance compare these great values in SHEETS, SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASES AND
DOMESTICS on First Floor with elsewhere heralded stuff placed in competition:
These Sheetings are of the best quality,
made in the finest weaves, and are of superior
weights and strength.
12 yards wide; price, the yard 140
1 yards wide; price, the yard 16
2 yards wide; price, the yard 18
24 yards wide; price, the yard 19
2y2 yards wide; price, the yard 22
42-inch width; price, the yard liy5
45-inch width; price, the yard 125
50-inch width; price, the yard ...14
1A yards wide; price, the yard 16p
1 yards wide; price, the yard 18
2 yards wide; price, the yard 19p
2V4 yards wide; price, the yard 21d
2V yards wide; price, the yard 23 &
Size 2x2 yards; special price, each 72d
Size 2x2 yards; special price; each 78?
These Sheets are of best quality torn, ironed
and ready for use made with 2V&-inch hems.
Note the prices.
Size V2S2Y2 yards; special price, each 43d
Size lx2 yards; special price, each 46 &
Size 2 x2V2 yards; special price, each 52
Size 2Vx2M yards; special price, each 57i
Size 2x2 yards; special price, each 64
Size 21 '--'"' vards; special price, each 680
Made 6f one of the best grades of Standard
Size 1x22 yards; special sale price 360
Size lx2i yards; special sale price 400
Size 2 2y2 yards; special sale price 440
Size 24x2 yards; special salo price 48p
20,000 yards of Table Oilcloth, in white, fancy
colored and marbleized; our 20c value, spe
cial sale price, the yard 150
That are cheaper than you cau buy the material
and make them yourself.
Lot No. 1 Made of the best quality of Sheet
ing: Size 42x36 inches; special sale price. .. .120
Size 45x36 inches; special sale price.... 14d
Size 50x36 inches; special sale price.. ..150
Size 54x36 inches; special sale price.... 170
Lot No. 2 The Pillow Cases are made of nice,
smooth muslin :
Size 45x36 inches; special sale price 90
Lot No. 310,000 Pillow Cases, made of good,
heavy round-thread sheeting:
Splendid 15c value; special for this sale 11c
10,000 yards of Book-Fold Fancy Shirting
Cheviots, in Jacquard patterns checks,
plaids and fancy patterns the very best
value offered at the price; special for one
week only at, yard ....12M0
It Pay to Hang a Few New
While the
shades are
pulled on
tho prices.
These are
a look
lines from
our own
save up to
Good sellers, mark you styles folk like so
much that we've only a few of each left.
With heavy applique and embroidered borders
and scroll embroidered centers for sash
curtains, panel curtains and bedroom cur
tains. Our 50c value; special at 2?
Our 80c value; special at 43
Our $1.00 value; special at 5Q
Our $1.25 value; special at 63
Our $1.35 value; special at 68
Won't you need an extra, Bed soon for the
1 Fair Visitor?
Good buying time now leastwise a lot of folk
seemed to think, so yesterday, hadn't you
better come down and look 'em over today
or tomorrow? Special prices this week.
White Enameled Brass-Trimmed Iron Beds,
three-quarter and full size.
Our $ 5.00 value; special at, each. .S 4.00
Our 6.0O value; special at, each.. 4.o
7.50 value; special at, each..
S.50 value; special at, each..
10.50 value; special at, each..
12J50 value; special at, each..
18.00 value; special at, each..
22.00 value: special at, each..
Spread in the Path of Wary
Who pass through the "Toggery Shop"
Annex, First Floor, Sixth Street.
A line of men's white hemstitched Handker
ohiefs of fine mercerized cloth; our regular
20c value, special at, two for 25
35c SOX FOR 19o.
An extra good line of men's fancy Sox; good
35c value, special at, the pair 19
$1.25 GOLF SHIRTS 63c
Men's Flannel Golf Shirts; only a few of them
left; regular io value, special at t$
60c TIES 25c
Men's Ties in tecks and four-in-hands; regular
50c values, special at, each 25
Just in, Lewis and Clark and 1905 Pour-in-Hands.
A new lot of long, narrow Four-in-Hand
Ties, in all plain colors with "Lewis and
Clark" and "1905" embroidered on the ends.
TEA ROOM 2d Floor
Special announcement: During the Lenten
season now on we shall make a specialty of
serving eggs in various tasty and appetizing
forms. TODAY'S MENU.
Tea, Coffee, Chocolate.
Milk Served From, Bottles.
Cream of Celery Soup.
Lobster Salad. Shirred Eggs.
Teafroom Creamed Eggs. .
Tamminutes Eggs.
Hot Rolls." Ham Sandwiches.
Bread and Butter. Tea Cakes.
Embroideries Are Go
ing Fast-Big Bargains
First Floor.
A word of them. The immense convention
contains cambrics, nainsooks and Swisses, in
all widths from 4 to 16 inches.
Pretty Edges and Insertions and a lot of nar
row Cambric Edges; regular 12c values,
special at, the yard 7
A magnificent lot of Nainsook and Swiss Edges
and Insertions, ranging in width from 4 to
10 inches and worth up to 60c; special at,
the yard 25
Another lot of medium widths, values up to
35c: special at, the yard 15
A beautiful lot of Wide Edges and Insertions,
values in this lot up to 40c the yard; special
at, the yard 2Q
Fine Nainsook and Swiss Edges and Insertions,
all in charmingly pretty patterns; values to
90c and $1.00, special at, the yard.... 48
Also an extra fine lot of Corset Embroideries
at, the yard 48
NewTams Have Come
To the Millinery Sa
lons in the Annex, sec
ond floor. Very attrac
tive styles for boys'
and girls' wear, Tarn
O'Shanters and jaunty
caps of serge or flan
nel; splendid work
manship characterize
them. Colors embraced
are navy, royal, car
dinal, brown and white
75c 98c 31.50 and $2.
Hosts of magnificent creations being opened
in Millinery every day now. Drop in and
take a peep at the smart new "Polo" Tur
bans and swell "Charlotte Cordays," up
from $1.98
The Waist Sale Is an
First Floor. '
Said a boy yester
day: "Say, them
waists the real thing
for that money,
boss." And they
are. Hundreds of
mothers saved- a
bank full of pennies
in their buying-yesterday.
More banks
can be filled today
with the savings
BOYS' 35c WAISTS 19c.
Through a fortunate "buy" in which quantity
figured conspicuously, our buyer of boys'
waists made us the possessors of enough
waists to fill a table 30 feet long, running
through a wide center aisle on the main
floor on which they're placed, marked at a
- figure ridiculously low as compared to their
worth. These wash waists, are in both darl
and light grounds, prettily striped and
figured in neat, attractive designs; blouse
and shirtwaist styles, made in splendid
workmanship of fine,, sturdy wearing ma
terials. The values are right at 35c each;
special during this sale at ...19
Women's Underwear
and Hosiery
These specials for the
week, or until sold:
Women 's fine white
lisle "Merode" Vests,
extra silk trimmed,
high neck, long
sleeves; .with ankle
and knee length tights
to match; $1 values
for, each 65
Women's black lace
Hose, assorted styles;
25e value for 18p
Children's black cotton
Hose, fine ribbed,
double knee; splendid
15c and 20c values,
special, pair 12
Women's fancy Hose,
assorted shades; 35c
values, for, pr. 18
A big assortment of Boys' Waists, light, me
dium and dark shades; great values for,
each 19
Boys' Medium-Weight Black Cotton Hose,
half ribbed, finished foot, double knee, heel
and toe; sizes 6 to 10; pair 3oi
Women's Black Lisle Hose, seamless, ribbed
top, double sole; all sizes, pair 155i
Women's Fine Imported Black Cotton Hose,
double sole, high spliced heel, French toe,
in all black; white sole and all white foot;
big value, pair .' 25
A great assortment of Women's Black Lace
Hose and Black Hose with fancy striped
boots; great assortment of patterns; all
sizes' from 8Y to dO, pair 25
Women's Black Gauze Lisle Hose, plain, plain
top embroidered boots, plain top and .lace
boots, plain top and black boots, embroi
dered, plain tan, plain tan with lace boots,
plain tan with lace embroidered boots and
Dresden blue in same styles, and many
others space will not allow mentioning, but
this is the greatest line of Hosiery this
market has ever seen; to sell for, pair 50d
Women's Fine Gauze Lisle Hose, imported
stock, all full finished, in following new
shades : Morocco, onion shades, Dresden blue,
Mandarin shades, violets, geranium gray,
suedes, emerald green; all beauties,
pair 75 and 85
Women's Black Silk Hose, an immense assort
ment of the best makes; prices from
pair $1.25 to .5.00
The I. C School Vote at 5 P. M.
Reginald Carter, bell boy, the Norton 40,568
Uae Hughes, Knight Shoe Co 40,251
Arthur Taylor, M. & A. Shogren 37,416
Esther Carlson, Mason & Ehrman Co. 11,249
Charles Adler, Woodard, Clarke & Co. 10,461
Gny De Pue, Portland Delivery Co 9,284
149 229
Scattering 36638
Total 185,867 W
Jliss Annie Kennedy ,
Now With Our Millinery Folk
To My Friends and the Public:
I take pleasure in informing my many
kind friends and acquaintances that I have
become associated with tho Olds, Wortman
& King Millinery organization, where I
shall be better than ever before enabled to
satisfy the wants of my clientele. Thanking
you all for past favors I trust to merit a
continuance of the same in increased meas
ure as my present connections deserve.
Trusting to receive frequent pleasant calls
from my past customers and friends, I beg
to remain very sincerely, your obd't servant,