12 HOTEL Fifth md Washington Streets . EUROPEAN PLAN Smn, 51.W to Per ZHr . JLoctsetiBC to I rwMen. i. IT. DAYTES, Prat. St. Charles Hotel CO. OXCORFO RATED.)' FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Esrefteaa PIsh Reoras 50c ta $1.50 First-Class Restaerant In Connection DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Who can 11 or extract any number of teeth wit&ont in flicting the slightest pain to the patient. The largest and best-equipped dental office on the Pacific Coast. 342y2 Washington Street, Corner Seventh 'Phone Mnin 2119. OLD VETERAN TOLLS HIMSELF John Kurtz Ends His Own Life While Temporarily Insane. While his 'Wife and family -were search ing for him, John Kurtz, aged 70 years, a veteran of the Civil "War, committed suicide by shooting himself three times la the head at an early hour yesterday morning He -was temporarily Insane. As the place for the act, he chose a lonely spot below the woolen mills at St. Johns. From the fact that shots were heard In the vicinity at 3 A. M., It Is believed It was then he did the deed. He was found hy James Ewen, of 284 North Twentieth street, early In the morning. He was at tended by Dr. Mary McLaughlin until 2 o'clock P. M., when he died. Thorough Investigation of the case by 'Deputy Coroner A. I, Finley developed the fact that the aged veteran of the war was seen In several places yesterday af ter leaving his home at 10:30 In the morn ing, acting very peculiarly. That he was mentally Irresponsible there Is said to be no doubt. The wonderful vitality shown by the aged man was the subject of much com ment yesterday. He fired three shots into his head, at the back, and was ex posed through the long, cold night, yet he lived until 2 o'clock In the afternoon. Thinking to go to the Portland Library to secure some reading matter, he left the home of his son-in-law, P. C Bow ers, 316 East Thirty-fourth street, at 10:30 yesterday morning. At nightfall, when he did not appear, his wife became anxious and a search was made without results. At midnight the disappearance was re ported to Captain of Police Moore at headquarters, but no trace of him could be found until he was discovered lying helpless and unconscious near the woolen mills. He died before his wife and daugh ter learned of his condition. When word reached them of his death, they were still engaged in a search for him. The Denver : Rio Grande scenery is even more beautiful In Winter than Sum mer. Travel East via that line and spend a day In Salt Lake City. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL HE PORT. PORTLAND, March S. Maximum tempera ture 72 3eg.; minimum, 40. River reading at 11 A. 11.. 4.2 feet; chance in past 24 hours. Ite 0.2 root. Total precipitation, 5 P. It. to 5 P. M., none; total since September 1. 1904, 22.54 Inches; normal, 34-25; deficiency, 11.71. Total sunshine March 7, 1003, 11 hours and 20 minutes; possible, 11 hours and 20 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 29.B5. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. 3; P STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck ....... Boise ........... Eureka Helena ...4. Kamloopa, B. C. North Head Pocatello ....... Portland ........ Red Bluff Rosoburg ....... Cacramento ..... Bait lake City. .. 6an Francisco .. Spokane ........ Seattl Tatooeh Island .. Walla "Walla. .... Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear lOear T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Fair -weather continues la the Rocky Moun tain and Padfto Coast States this evening, with temperatures from US to 0 degrees above the average for this season of the year. The Indications are for fair weather la this district Thursday, with no Important change In temperature. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made- In Portland at 8 P. II. for 28 hours endlnr at midnight, March 9: Portland and -vicinity Fair; winds mostly north to east. Western Oregon Fair; winds mostly north to cast. Wester Washington Fair; winds mostly north to ast, and high along the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Eairtern Oregon, Eastern "Washington and Idaho Continued fair weather. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD, JEWELRY, BOUGHT, MADE over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry repaired, uncle Myers, the Jeweler, 148 3d, near Alder. R. L. CAT El General agent for the Hawthorn estate and Ladd's Addition. Main office. 113 2d st. bet. Washington and Stark. Phone Main 626. A Stunner Of a Bargain, a choice business lot 50x100, right on 18th; price $18,000 for & few days only. Tou bargain-hunters, don't allow this rare opportunity to go by. C H. Xorell. 251 Washington. A GOOD PENMAN Accurate In arithmetic, capable bookkeeper, competent letterwrlter. wants position; salary requirements moderate: city references. Ad dress P S0rare Oregonlan. OSW.OOf 4NW 60) T 22 KW 62f0.00 ew 60 0.00 4 W eoo.ooasiw 5SO.00 O 76 0.00 12B 66 0.00 4W 72 0.001 7 NB 82'jO.OO 4 N 70 0.00 CNW 76j0.O0 8NW Mjo.00 12 vr 76 0.00 14 vr 63,0.00 B-w esjo.oo b&tv 58 0.00 28 E OOjO.OOj 4E PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON HratCUum Cheek RfiaaigJrt. Connected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS. See. ui Treat, THE ESMOND HOTEL CSCAB iXDESSOX, Kuucr Frost and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREGON FRED 'BUH TO AND PROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plus. 60c 75a 91.00. 51.5a, AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's auction-house, corner Alder ana Park. Bale at 10 A. iL Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. By J. T. "Wilson, at 120 East 32d st, at 2 P. M. Sunnyslde and lit. Tabor cars. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Gllman's auction-rooms. 413 "Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. X GUman, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE. ICO. 114. A F. - & A. IL Special communication this (Xhursody) evening, 7:20 o clock. Masonic Temple. 'Work in M. M De gree. All -Masons invited. By order or w. jo, is. is. ague secretary, WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A. F. AND A. IL Special communica tion this (Thursday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock, Burkhard bldg. Work E. A. Decree. Visitors weloome. Br order w. in. J. xi. KiciiMOND, Secretary. HALL OF INDUSTRY. LODGE HO. 8. A. O. U. W. Members take noUce that Ihe funeral of our late brother. F. H. Gran. will, be held thla (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'ciocic, at the chapel of the E. W. Hoi man Co.. cor. 3d and Salmon streets. E. W. CROSBT, Master Workman. Attest: JOHN W. PADDOCK. Roc OREGON COMMANDERY. NO. I, K. T. Stated conclave this evening at S P. M. Visiting sir knights courteously invited. W. S. MACRUM, Recorder. PLASTERERS' UNION Special meeting of Plasterers' union. Thursday, s P. IL, 127 1st- FUNERAL NOTICES. GLOVER In this city, on March 7, 1805. at 428 Stark street. T. W. Glover, aged 65 years. Funeral today at 3:30 P. M. from Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets. Friends respectfully Invited to at tend, interment luvervlew cemetery. BOONE In this cits', on March. 7. 1005. Mabel Claire Boone, aged 40 years 0 months, 24 days. Funeral today (Thurs day). March 8. 1905. at 10 A M from Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets. Friends respectfully Invited to at tend, interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. BOULIN At St. Johns. March 7. 1903. James u. JJouun, aged 49 years, 7 months ana days. Funeral services will be held at 2 P. M. today at Flnley9 chapel. Friends invited. interment Lone Fir Cemetery. 6PRAGUE Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral serv ices of Daniel Scracue. which will be held at his late residence, at Normandale, near oat. "xaoor station, at 1; ju. tooay. inter. ment Lone Fir Cemetery. WALL In this city, on March S. 1005, at her late residence, 1,34 Hoyt st,, .Mrs. is. it. wan. Funeral Friday. March 10. 1005. at 8 A M.. from residence; thence to Vancouver, where services win oe neia at 10:30 a. ai., at au James Cathedral. WALL In ths city. March 8. 1905. at rest- cence, 054 Moyt st., airs. Bridget JIcK. Wall, aged 74 years, beloved mother of Dr. Harry, Kate E. and Caron WalL of Vancouver. Wash. Funeral will take- place Frldav. March 10; will leave late residence at S A M. for "Vancouver. Wash., where requiem high mass win oe oncrea xor me repose or her soul in 6t, James' Cathedral, of that city, at 10:30 PAGET In this city, yesterday. E, W. Paget, of Gaston. Washington County, aged 36 years. Funeral from Flnleya under taking parlors, at 10 o'clock this morn ing. Interment In Lone Fir Cemetery. GRAN In this city, on March 7. 1005. at 892 2d St., Frank Herman Gran, aged 52 years, 10 months. 26 days; leaves a widow and three children, Albert and Epkra. Gran and Mrs. Herman Naylor. Funeral Thursday. March 9. 1905, at 2:30 P. M.. from Holman's chapel, corner 3d and Salmon sts. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery'. DUNNING. McENTEE , GEUJAUGH, successors to Donning Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern In every de tail. 7th and xtae. X'none Mala 480. Lady assistant. EDWARD UOLMAN CO, Undertakers ana embalmers. hare moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 6C7. J. P. HXLEX SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Msdlsoa. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. T. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 2. ZELLEE-BYRNES CO., UNDERTAKERS. Embalmers, 273 Rus'l; East 1088; lady as't. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms, "Rooms and .Board. "House keeping Booms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or lens, 15 cents: 16 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, exceyt Nrw Today." 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half: no further discount n der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 13 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line sf each additional iasertlon.' ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlao, and left at this office, should sdway be Inclosed In sealed envelope. Xo stamp U required on such letters. The Oregonlan win not be responsible for errors la adrerUsemeats taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE -7-ROOM COLONIAL 2-STORY uuusct HMKicm m aii appointments; furnace heat, electric lights In all rooms and hot and cold water upstairs and down; fine lawn, beautiful" rosea and chicken-yard either 60x100 or 00x100 feet can go with house. Thla ls-a anap. R. L. Gate, US 2d. THE MOBKINGh AMUSEMENTS. Columbia Theater ULJ; PENETG TONIGHT AND CONTINUING JZT. t i"U.UKUAl A.i Lf SUNDA.T, Columbia Stock Company InSronson Howard's masterpiece, "Aristocracy" A brilliant satire on American and foreign nobility. . MATINEES SATURDAY att srtvnir iEv5LaE 50c Zc- 15p; matinees, 25c. 15c 10e Downtown box office. 327 Morrison, open all Rhone Main 110. Evening at theater. Phone Main 31L ("xt.'RT?et. starting Monday, March 13. mag. EMPIRE THEATER. Geo. L. Baker. Mgr. c,. e ordered by phone. Main 117. . vuij, luiuorrow ana saturaar nights, "BUSTER BROWN" matinee Saturday. Hugh Ettlnger presents the laughing comedy success, "YOTTTt vnfimtnmo mvm With Master Wilfred Dunbar as "Buster Prices Evenings. 16c 23c 35c. 50c. Uuster Bravn mnXn in. i k. All next week (excepting Friday). Ole " -- "wuco aLui uaj, me xamous rortn- And the screaming comedy that has cap- uvmea cuiuons. "OLE OLSON." A BIG LAUGHING SHOW AT- THE STAR THEATER ASCOT. EDDIE & CO, IONES ELECTRICAL REVELATION'. WASHER BROTHERS, HANSON AND DREW. MAKDO. COMEDY JUGGLER, NELLIE EMERSON, ARTHUR JACKSON. Enisnvfc PRarKTTnsrnpT" Admission. 10 Cents, reserved box seats, 25 wcuiB. ouuh b oi i ana v jr. al. hereafter! The Greatest Feature of the World's Fair Tike NOW OPEN CONTINUOUS PER FORMANCE. 2 TO 6 P. M. AND 7 TO 11 P. iL Imperial Hotel Bldg. Admission 10c READINGS By ROSE EYTINGE AT PARSONS' HALL, MARCH 23, 30, APRIL 6, 13 Season Tickets S2 NEW TODAY. "WE OWN AND OFFER FOR SALE $50,000 First Mortgage Six Per Cent Sinking Fund Coupon Gold Bonds of the HOOD RIVER ELECTRIC LIGHT. POWER AND "WATER COMPANY. Denomination $500 Call on THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON" (CAPITAL $300,000) detailed Information, or write for scrlptlve circular. Price, 102& AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Portland Trust Company OF OREGON 100 THIRD STREET. TITLE INSURANCE (rives perfect protection aeainst forgery, fraud and error to owners of real estate and holders of mortgages, "by insuring their titles. Prudent buyers and careful lenders alike should demand Title Insurance from sellers and borrowers. It in cludes the legal opinion of competent counsel, supported by ample capital. "We Also Furnish Abstracts. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. PORTSMOUTH Central to four miles of deeiwRratar front, near Columbia University, 25,- uuu payroll, employment for all, Bull Run water, money furnished for huflding purposes. Lots, ?200 to ?300, on easy monthly installments. Fran cis L McKenna, room 606. Commer cial. H. G. Sibray. TJniversitv Part Sta. Agents wanted. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block GmfTl 1 nrsrilM Tn.Mfttt Estate work. Special and periodical audits. roone tress ii. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Y? tKrniih abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On lsaprored Portland Real Eatat. tXCUKITX ABSTRACT X TRUST CO. Slt-ZU Chamber el Ctstaierea. CREE LAND IN OREGON A under the "Carey Irrigation Act" Deed direct from state. "WRITE OR CALL TOn A V TtnnVtM an T c Coot: & Co.. 251 Alder street, Portland! Or. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS DO YOU "WANT o ony a mocern Home In this select neigh borhood? I can sell yod one 25 per cent below market price; favorable terms. W. IL GrlndstaS. 246 Stark. FINE 10-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. ON corner jol, nw; nor water heatinrr plant. Apply on premises. 3C4 Ross su. cor. Broadway. 3 blocks from river. Phons Union 6032. FOR SALE 2 ACRES, FENCED AND CUL- arso cnerry trees; near St. Joans car line; 800. Brown. S51 Stark. OREGONIAy, THURSDAY, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ftAI.V. S2000 New, eight-room, modern house. yj mnm are. S1C50 New 5-room house on Cook ave. SI2S0 New 4-rooni house on Ivy st. 5275 Corner lot, 2 blocks from car Any of the above on easy payments. A. S. ELLIS. Phone Union 6221, G5S "Williams avenue. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of hand lies acreage; choice acre tracts tor comes, wjtnm the city limits or outside terms to suit- A. C Churchill & Cc. 119 fecoaa sc. FOR SALE 5250 IN WOODSTOCK. PORT- iaaa s most attractive suburb: lots 100X100, every lot a corner. We will loan you money to buUd; you can pay us In lnstxll- PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 100 THIRD STREET. FOR SALE 2 BEAUTIFUL 6 AND S-ROOM nouses; new. strictly modem, electric light Mua gas: on union ave. car line; o-minute car service; nouses open aunaay arternoon; owner one block south, at 652 Union ave. N.. near Morris. See these If you want Bomeunajr nice, c&ah or installments. NEW MODERN 5, 6. 7, AND 8-ROOM nouses, all complete and ready to move In to at a big sacrifice, tor cash or half cash: most have money; come out and make an oner. Joe 2ash, owner. In the white house at. nasnviiie station, on the -lit. Scott car. -none Union, 1C0L FREE LAND! FREE LAND! A chance to secure a home and make money only coot Is for water right, which averages 510 per acre; under state control. For par ticulars write or call at office of Columbia bouthem Irrigation Co., 530 Worcester block. FOR SALE ACRES AND HALF ACRES. at prices one-half adjacent property; good sou ana new: near car line, cue six-acre tract, suitable tor greenhouse or garden. wiin nne spring, bee owner. 310 Cham, ber Commerce. BARGAIN TWO "VERT CHOICE LOTS, COR ner and inside. In City View Parw, few days only; must sell, as owner wUl leave city. Inquire of E. Gunderson, 701 Chamber of commerce. SOME CHOICE BARGAINS IN FRUIT AND and farming lands In the Rogue River District, Josephine County, Southern Ore gon. "Write or call upon O. L. Eayser. iler- nn, ur. FOR SALE, CORNER, 50x100, 11TH ST.. Holladay Addition; also lot 60x100, E. 16th st.. near Couch. Inquire owner, 628 oin. v esi oiae. rnone jaain iS3. NICE 5-ACRE TRACT WITH BUILDINGS; horse and wagon, Jersey cow and chickens; uuso jo. aev car line; cneap lor cash. KOOm 3. ltft 4tn EC FOR SALE 7 SIGHTLY LOTS ON heights, iiancrort ave.. South Portland, auu 10 eacn; nne view. ueo. w. Wat 419 McKay bldg. , FOR SALE WILL SELL CHEAP ON TERMS to suit, nne mocern residence, ii rooms, diock; Kooa iscsuau. roone v.iay 105, or J 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS .Bargains on o. w. I, electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lenta. Or. Take Mt. Scott, car, 5c SIXTEEN PER, CENT NET EARNED BY gooa resiaenco property requiring- 58000 caaa. i-utuiiv, oos saeriocjc oiag. GROCERY STORE. CORNER. LTVTNG- rooms, cioss lai price, including: furniture. 5875. Berry & Alexander. 4 N. eth. LOT 50x150 AND 8-ROOll HOUSE ttt.tji moos s., Deu wiiuams ana .Kocney aves. Apply ai sun can juuaei TWO LOTS. EL 12TH. NEAR TrLIVMnftK- wui seu or duiio 10 suit, purchaser; terms uj buiu riiunc XM&0t 010. 52500 LOT 50x100, 18TH. BET. LOVEJOY ana iuarsaau; juai ngnt xor nats; part luu. f uuuo .iinm vug, FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 ROOilS. ;aiy. m loin bu 6-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER LOT. SUNNY- siae. one biock. uvui car. uw, tit Lewis. 27 1st st. NICE 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; 15 iHN- mc9 wajK 10 x-cninna. wo Bacael st.. ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LINE, Q MILES FROM Aiumsoa eu enuic u v. iiaiiard. ill! wankle. Or. 6 AND 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE3, SMALL yajaxai uuwo, oaianco montniy. Phose OSX oo. 5K0 FINE LOT. HOLLADAYS ADDITION, vtum m, c ci miu n wer pipes in. J o, UTe- suziioa. FOR KATJ TTTRER ACDPH riNT ct Tnnvi. nee; ocauuiiu nome. ay owner, 360 Benton 6-ROOM COTTAGE. SMALL PAYMENT ww a; ukuuicb mommy. iTione ast 873. FOR SALE OR LEASE. .LOT 60x100. TWO "' mo J ur. XCquiTQ M CiTK. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS! FARMS! TAFT & CO. FARMS! 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block. FEW EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS JUST IS. 620 acres. 250 acres under high state of cul tivation. 100 acres more ready for plow, up rings and running water, "well fenced, good house, 3 good barns, plenty fruit. This is an exceptional buy. Particulars at our office. 2S0 acres, fair house. S barns, 80 acres In cultivation, plenty of good fruit, nne outeid range, all well fenced, good springs; lots of very best pasture. This is an exceptional pick-up. Price only 53500; terms. 665 acres Fine buildings of all kinds, 400 acres under cultivation, well fenced. 15 acres prunes, good drier; 1 miles from good town In Yamhill County. This Is an up-to-dat place In every respect; easy terms; 517 per acre. 60 acres AU In cultivation! of which thers are 25 acres of hops in fine condition; all cleared and plowed; yield last year. 37.000 pounds; latest Improved hophucse; one of tb best yards and small farms In Polk Csuuty. IK miles from town; railroad runs past place. Price only 56500; part cash. 60 acres 23 acres In pops, choice yard; good house and barn, also hophouse; all good land. weU fenced; 55000. 20 acres 6 acres hops; no improrcmentr; sold crop last year for 51000; price of land now 1200. CO acres. -mIle from good live town, all In cultivation. 40 acres In grain, good new house, good nig bam. plenty of fruit. weU fenced. 3 horses, good buggy, harness, new mower, new rake, plows, harrows. 2 cows, lot of hay. Only 54600. 40 acres. 1 mile from town. 30 acres In cultivation, good house and barn, well fenced. 2 horses. 2 cows. 1 buggy. 1 hack, plows, harrows and lot small tools lot chickens. This Is a model place. Only 53000. part cash. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block Third St. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 40 ACRES, wiw iv. unaer piow, o acres good timoer, balance in pasture and easily cleared; land Is rich and lays nicely; nice frame house, a rooms; largo bam, woodshed, chicken-house; 400 bearing fruit trees In perfect condition; land fenced and cross fenced; large team, harness and wagon nearly new; plows, har row, etc Place is on county road, close to church. K mile from "W. O. W. Hall. mile from 2-room school, and 2? miles from town on Columbia River; price, 51700; terms or part. Imus & Wllloughby, Wash. 54 ACRES IMPROVED. 16 ORCHARD. iujuwbc, aw voiumoia luver. 52500; cost on mortgage foreclosure. 3SS acres, highly Improved. 100 plowed, 15 orchard, 100 pasture, balance oak Umber; bargain. 525 acre. PITTENGER. 215i MORRISON. FOR SALE 74 ACRES OB- TIMBER LAND on uaewaier or snoai water Bay, Paclflo County. Washington: timber, spruce and hemlock: will sell cheap If taken at once. Address N 31, Oregonlan. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER CAREY irrigation law; sure crops, perfect: climate, easy water cost; Improved cr unimproved. Deschutes Alfalfa Land Syndicate 31S Om. jgonlan bldg. 120 ACRES. 12 MILES EAST MORRISON Bridge; cultivated; good Improvements; would exchange! W 55. Oregonlan. W ANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, 5200O to 5I0.OO0; also business properties. 55000 to 520,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co, 403 Ablngton bldg. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE, OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR city or suburban property. lots and cot tage etc. at Tiora. Long- Beach. Inonlns of A H. Tanner, Phone Mala. 542L MARCH- 9, 1905. TIMBER LANDS. ANYONE DESIREfGJA GOOD HOMESTEAD or timber claim cin Be accommodated, hy ad dressing me or applying at ice Times office. wy wom tana ana good timber land In Morrow and Umatilla. Counties: reasonable .price for locating. Harrison Hale. Heppner, 160 ACRES OE TTT c-rrr ice eiroTtnt. cedar and hemlock la Pacific County. Washington, near Columbia River; will cut about 7,000,000. Address Box 890. As- a W. 34 SEC. S2, TP. 5 N R. 3 "W CO lumbla County, Oregon, 2 miles from niunurs; will cut 8,000.000 feet. Address wywuu a ioiiiii, v asn. NICE BODY OF TIMBER. ABOUT 0 MILES wesi oi mis city, suitaoie for very long piles ir.iminicj bo osTCia. o, uregonian. HOMESTEAD. 19 MILES FROM CITY: BAR- LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SfTRrP. Approved. unrestricted, ready for Immediate. use- Lunm- nuixs. H. F. & F. B. Riley, 60S Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, TIM bered. farm or grazing land; all sizes, lowest jtticra. xx. ss, voupson. out jtiarquam. bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to .li.iBinnia ce ooa. J .railing DICg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER icaciai una practice, uoulns Laud FOR SALE. HorseA, Vehicles, Etc. CAR OF WELL-BRED DRIVING HORSES mo v.cuu)u ouiiiiej, weignt xrom liOO to 1300 pounds; all well broke, single or FOR RAT.-R SBVRniT. Tnirra no wt.tt matched, well-broken horses weighing from w iu iuvj fauau. Aooresa xjtti strehln. 10 HEAD CIV 1T.T. ftTtlTYtra rv nnnc-m for sala or exchange- Regal Sjables, 14th lUUlUD BU. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND veucies on coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. FOR SALE 15 HEAVY HORSES. 1 LIGHT auuia ior real. i& rx. otn St. FOR SALE TWO BUGGIES AND ONE TRAP Duggy, cneap. 313 w ater st. Planes. MUST SELL 5450 PIANO, USED A FEW weeks; 5230 cash. Sixteen lessons Included, Answer today. Cash only. Y 57, Oregonlan. 15 FREE LESSONS WILL BE GIVEN TO purchaser of new piano at cost price. J. Adrian Epplng. Mulkey blk.. 2d and Morrison. MUST SELL 5450 PIANO. USED A FEW. j casn. sixteen lessons Included. Answer today. Cash only. A 62, Oregonlan. NEW PIANO, HIGH GRADE, TO TRADE Mls-tellmeoas. DOES TOrm -ROTi-p T .T7 AV? Kenalr It with. T-iot.t. it mil. n lay; needs no painting or coating; good over uiu. jiuu, i in or sningies; Deat lor new roots. Elaterite Roofing Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL- " uu fuui uuics; cuy paymeuis; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modem bar ' V "V.-fc dUlUKIUi-lXUD-VUt FOR SALE SEASONED OAK FLOORING; uaa. cue 10 oraer; snort lengths, odd sizes on hand. Union Lumber Co., fuiuaau, jr. 11. . U. rio. 2. LAUNCH FOR SALE INTEREST IN 30- m wmtaui. Appiy at once. w. w. isauey. wwc AUU ISC, ciiy. FOB StT.TV-l xrrrrrainT rva mtmnntmir "reo iiuiaani caxue, cneap lor cash. Address -u- - - ouuuani, nrnnager, tvarren, ooium bla. County. Oregon. POMERANIAN SPITZ PUPS FOR SALE AT itainier Kennel. Peninsular Sta., Portland, ur, ivniuis, Kan Kampea envelope. SOSES CHOlfTR trs-RTTrrrpra. i t an rruit trees ana shruhs. reasonable Ockley uccu Auncrjr, pnone union 1:1 SECOND-HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ox aii Kinas at lowest prices, cash or install meats. Fisher Music Co., 190 3d st. FOR SALE A BLACK COCKER SPANIEL. inorougnorea. about 6 weeks old. Inquire d.i w. Mux. inone Aiain sous. Witt HAT.Tr Tr tip nPAinvm unnop o i.. comer luth and Morrison, inquire Max e leiscnner, front st. 160 CORDS FINE FIR WOOD ON BANK river at Holbrook for sale or trade. 321 Mor rison st, Ralston. THE PORTUT) ATtr-TTO-! XrrtrZ BiTO casn tor any Kina or furniture. Phone Main eoM. li jst st. FRESH COW. YOUNG, GOOD MILKER. 535. -u- Jjavis. itontaviiia car, w est ave. Phone union auu FOR SALE RUBBER-TIRED BABY BUGGY, kwu as new, cneap. fjaii 324 nassaio St., NICE BABY BUGGY FOR SALE; 55. 1JS2 utni xiui st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL uciura, jnngers ana pianists tor dramatic companies. Portland's Wcna'a Fair, etc; first-class engagement: big salary; call Imme diately. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 320& THERE IS MORE DEMAND THAN EVER ior competent salesmen, bookkeepers, stenog raphers and technical men, and we need men iumigr uca posiuons now open, pacicc v-uiiiciuai bureau, beattie, tvasa. "WANTED Trymrtnxrrvrr' vnrrvrri -r x- rrv good-paying business; referenoeat Call 11 to i w, xao Anxeny. comer An keny and 7ta sts. "WANTED A HAT.T5W1V TV -purrr Tnm " vireson. vtasningion and Idaho; send J0c u ii.jr bh. vi. mailing particulars, etc Ven tilating Stovepipe Elbow Co., Box 235, at. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS. SALES- v? . tuco men can oecure Ceslr- Sllr, ir osions; netter your condition. Portland Commercial Bureau, 722 Chamber of WANTED Men to learn barber trade; S weeks iiuou3 guaranteed; tuition earned while learning. Write for terms. Mo- - "-- wiittc, om -iay, oan iranclseo. WANTED A FIRST-CLAS3 EXPERIENCED wniiifc iiiacajce man to taxe charge of such business in city of 150,000. Call at 2S0 Yam nlU and 4th, Thursday, between 2 and 3 P.M. CLERK OR BRIGHT YOUNG MAN TO FIT w uumuiinai pcaiuon; iair salary to starf promotion as deserved. Call between S and 10, 316 Chamber of Commerce. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES : COM- "j., jiuuuomgia, newspapers, periodicals. Exposition Journal. Clyde's Special Agency. 63S Chamber of Commerce WANTED STENOGRAPHER. SOME CAPI taL take partnerahlD estabUahed tr?ker2,t:e business; extraordinary opportu nlty. L 57, Oregonlan. W'ANTED-FUST-CLASS' MEN IN PQRT- "U6U"u' soucit business; McKaybldg men- Cs-11 " write 007 WANTED IN" LARGE JOBBING HOUSE j-iK-ituwu "iucsaun tor city trade; must -amwar o ob, uregonian. SNAP ADVERTISING PROPOSITION TO -- --'"- ouuacnpuon ousiness. Investigate. 633 Chamber of Commerce. CLEANER AND PRESSER EXPERIENCED - r- " suowieage or the burineas; referencea. 4 OS Washington. FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK SEE US. CA- it xiiujrmeci. uo., Burnslde and 22814 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. WANTED PLUMBERS, GASFITTERS AND TAILOR WANTED ONE THAT CAN COT Call from. 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to4 PM. Crosby st-. room 8. WANTED-MAN TO ATTEND OFFICE AND check goods; 5175 required; pay 525 week. Call 2454 Stark st. BOY WANTED ONE WITH BICYCLE preferred, at once. Wonder Millinery Co 1st and Morrison- WANTED TWO GOOD BOYS WITH wheels. weU recommended, at 363 Stark St.. immediately. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WITH SMALL capital, to Invest In gocd-paytag; business. Apply 271 3d st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, STEADY young man with 5200 cash for permanent position, with Interest in established, growing, money-maklnsr business: no nr- vlous experience required: this is an ex ceptional opportunity; references. Hamll ton. 34 Lange Hotel. 323ft Washington. CARPENTERS 25 CARPENTERS. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 2-1 NORTH SECOND ST. WANTED MSN" AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing .trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. School ot .rracucai fiumomr. Send for catalogue. Ad cress vjio-io caston avo., St. Louis. Mo. WANTED BLACKSMITH AND WHEEL wright: steady work ail Summer for the right party. S. S- fc L. Co.. Hay Creek. wuu wages waniea ana reierences. ANT TN,l'wri.T.Tfi!.;.,i' T'K"TJmr tilt t-iuw experience unnecessary; send for particulars! YOUNG MAN FOR ELEVATOR AND HALL- work. Call between 9 and 12, Brown Hotel, YOUNG- MAN WITH SOME CAPITAL TO Join me in legitimate money-making business. x ixj. uregonian. FIRST-CLASS SHOE SAI.ESTit ATsr S(! T-n 575; another 585 to 5100. . 722 Chamber commerce. CARPENTER "WANTED BOARD AND ROOM xor a little help after work hours. N 50, YOUNG 'MATC TOflTt nnon miSTVPJBC pnriD oeltion: small amount cash required. D 53. uregonian. WANTED GOOD FARM HAND. 1004 MIL waukle st. G rat ton Station. Take Sellwood tar. WANTED PARTNER IN GOOD-PAYING OF- nee business. 503 Ankeny st., vor. 5th. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber Col lege, 741 Howard St.. San Francisco. GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGH-CLASS salesman. io commercial block. DR. "WALKER, 181 1ST, CURES ALL PRI- vaie aiseases ot men. HELP WANTED FEMALE. If you work, why not earn mar 'than a Bright, educated, earnest women have a That mission should be to build one's self auu urip Be indenenrVnt- no mnA The Vlavl Company already employs over The work covers twenty-thre countries of the world. We will entertain applications from capable women. Not canvassing, but a helpful, dignified Apply by maU only. Address THE VIA VI COMPANY. Lewis Building. Portland. Or. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade; 8 piea; tuition earned while learn ing. Halrdresslng; manicuring and facial massage in 4 weeks; special terms now. "Write ojfDtcra iouege. Ban Tanclsco. LADIES TO HEW at wnxrc? Tmivn spare time, steady work, plain sewing, all material furnished free. Send addressed euveiope tor iuu particulars. .Had am w. u. y. xu .roni, .rniiaaeipnia. Pa. THOSE DESIRING TO BE ACTORS SEE US and MVA mimmv ita .fiiln mtiMHlt. ACtfne- 1nHnii. to rt-V. - 1AnM Kf. . n. ments 'guaranteed. Newman' a School of Act- GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see u&. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors. 22&iS jiuixiKin. main 133. WANTED HOCSEKEEPBRS. COOKS. "WAIT. resses, cnamberraalda. sreneral worker, Louis Agency, 230 YamhlL. Phone Black WANTED YOUNG LADY; HAS HAD SOME oiyuicuco in paamiscry; nne ousiness prop- miuuu. a iw, urrrgonian. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework: small family, good wages; refer- LADIES FOR HOUSE-TO-HOUSE 8OLICIT- "jf 10 incroauce a gooa selling dentifrice. WANTED "WOMAN HOUSEKEEPER FOR 1 wo person on a rarm. call 234 Front st. iur imormation. TOUNG WOMAN WANTED AS DISHWASH- " " i u iraois. ouv Amceny, oppo. A GIRL OR "WOMAN FOR COOKING, GER- iiuui nreierrec uanmann Hotel, 412 N. 10th, Tauuu. COMPETENT fllRT. TTOT VATTtva pnmrrvrt ur oecona worsr. iirs. Richard Nunn, 777 MARRIED LADY TO DO CHAMBER "WORK jut rem. o. iwo nouseiceeping rooms. 120 GIRT. TOIi fJ-RTP!T A T. -arvna-cvtmav . xm u ucip wim oaoy; reierences required. 723 WANTED DTRT. Win nirvmj it. nnrtor wora, tnreo in lamiiy, good wages. 302Vi WANTED GOOD COOK, TWO IN FAMILY, Afy&jr ia uuruuis, 01. joonson ex. WANTED FIRST-CLASS "WAIST FINISH- era. xeesaaie, 000 Jiarquam. WANTED AN APPRENTICE FOR DRESS- mmuu. iots uui St. WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN KITCHEN ai ivo ttn street. WANTED A CHAMBERMAID AT 3S5 YAM- mii. vau u o ClOCK. WANTED "WOMAN TO WORK ON WAISTS, GHtL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 693 EL HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALX. FARMHAND, "WIFE. G OLD END ALE. 540 .muuuuiu. Diiye-. iv; women cooks. ?zo. 530; housework. Drake. 205 Washington. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. ACCOUNTANT AND BOOKKEEPER: ENG. iu MTiiimii liuifiuaes nuenuy; desires position: first-class references. Ad dress B 01, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION IN OF- uco or wooiesaie nouse; references. Q 40. Oregonlaa. MbceUaaeoas. CHINESE COOK. JUST ARRIVED FROM wui ui town, wants wont in private family wi iwuuuiii-mHisn juiiuras j oa, uregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN FL.rU nisn comestlc servants and farmers; also all kinds of help. 263 Everett. Black 932. YOUNG BOY WISHES PLACE TO WORK lor room ana ooara -while attending- school. J 58. Oregonlan. A GOOD EXPERIENCED ALL-ROUND hand wants position on farm or ranch. G 50, Oregonlan. JAPANESE DESIRES "WORK SUCH AS porter. ccamDer or aisnwasning-. Apply 34 North 2d at. DIE-SINKER AND ENGRAVER FOR JEW- cici-b wona wisnes situation, u. Itasmusaen. 674 3d st. JAPANESE BOY "WANTS POSITION TO uo cook, nousewortc or dlshwasblns-. P. O. Box 807. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED girl, family cook, or general housework: 530. J30 Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. SWEDISH GIRL WANTS PLACE TO COOK in bweoisn coiei or ooaroins-house, good wageo. - 60S Thurman. SWEDISH WOMAN WANTS COOKING AND. 16th st. References. WANTED BY REFINED. MIDDLE-AGED woman, light housework in homellka family X 53, Oregonlan. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS POSITION TO DO woric in xamiiy. y oa, oregonlan. TWO SWEDISH GIRLS WANT GENERAL noasewDTS. 010 upsnur ST, Hoasekeepers. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER In Srst-class: bote! or rooming-house, by- ex perienced East woman; also Al cashier; refer encea. B 03, Gseotiiaa. SITUATION WANTED FEMALX. Eaousekeefxrs. MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW LADY WOULD like position at housekeeping or- nursing; references. Phone Union 6105. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS WANTED CAPABLE HOUSE keepers, neat girl, second-work chamber maids, waitresses. 230 YamhllL Phona Black 2SS1. WORK WANTED FOR WAITRESSES. CHAM bermalds. cooks, housework help. Exposition, store girls, anybody. Drake. 205$$ W'ashlng- SrXUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED COL ored girl; family cook. 530; homo nights. 2301i Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. LACE CURTAEnS LAUNDERED AT HOME; first-class work. Mrs. Ida Haehlen. Phona Union 1S44. WOMAN WISHES WORK BY DAY. TEL. East 2452. Call morning or evening, bet. 6 and 7. WANTED AGENTS- GOOD LIVE AGENTS "WANTED TO SELL lots on commission. In one ot the choicest suburbs ot Portland. Address P. O. Box 703, city. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED ROOMS In all parts of the city. Apply 202 Goodnough building: Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6266. WANTED BY TWO ADULTS. FTNELY furnished, modem house of 7 or 8 rooms; West Side: for six months: will pay entire, rent in advance; references. Address E 88. Oregonlan. WANTED ABOUT MAY, 1. ON "WEST SIDE. 7 or 8-room, well-fumlshed. modern house; email family; best references. M. 5S. Ore gonlan. WANTED BY PERMANENT TENANT, modem 6-room house, not over .15 minutes1 ride from center of city. Phone Main 6083. TWO YOUNG LADIES WOULD UJCB small rooms, with or without board: private family; central. Address L 53, Oregonlan WANTED 4 OR 5 UNFURNISHED rooms. West Side; state rent and con veniences. Address G. 211 1st st. OTTO & CROCKETT. 233 WASHINGTON. Phone Clay 16S3, want rental houses; also houses on monthly payments. WANTED TO. RENT A 5 OR 6-ROOM COT tago or flat; must be centrally located. R 40, Oregonlan. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS by party without children; state price. C 5. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND 40 OR 50-horsepower boiler and engine; would also buy lath mill; will pay cash. Address K.. 38S First street, at once. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at tha "Fair Deal," 82 N. 3d. Phono Hood 517. THR PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUY anything. Phone Main 5655. 211 1st at. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. REPAIR ANY KIND OF CHAIRS AT 287 3D. Phone Black 142. FOR RENT. Rooms. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; electric lights and bells, steam heat aad elevator; baths free to guests; rates 50c. 75c and 51 per day; special rates by the week. Elegant cafe and bar In con nection. Comer 6th and Washington sts. Sam Bauman, manager. P. Lange, prop. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D ST.. BET. TAY- f 'i lor and Salmon. 1 block south of Baker The aterElegantly new furnished, steam heat; hot. cold running water in rooms; free bath: rOOmS With nrtvat SatVa- Alamitn.' 1 A week and up; 51 day; tourists solicited. THE MONNASTES. 2S5 1ST ST. (S. W, cor. Jefferson) Single rooms from 51 to 53; furnished housekeeping- suites from 51.75 to 55 per week; rooms per night, 60o ana 25cr tourists solicited. THS OREGONIAN ON THE EUROPEAN plan; rooms, 60c, 75c. 51 per day; beautiful brick comer: larce. Jlrhr stmnv nuns h th week. 52 to 56 per week, 41 North 3d, cor. Couch. EXTRA LARGE SUNNY CORNER ROOM, newly and comfortably furnished, located. Sor?.eI,,7. and "Washington sts. Call room B, 342, Washington. Phone Main 2692. T2E CSM0S. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR- uown-town rooms in the city: heat and service night and day; rates 53.50 per week and up. including bath; 51 day. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS, 190 xiaaer i neater; i&J per week and up; steam heat; special attention given to traveling public Phono Hood 667. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM -uuat d seen to be appreciated: desirable lo cation; gentleman preferred. 690 Couch, or phone Front 671, after 4 P. M. LARGE SECOND FLOOR FRONT ROOMS. wanting Gistance to business, couples or busi ness gentlemen; permanent, reasonable. Main 2591. 494 Morrison. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, ALL MODERN wuveuieiices, witn ooara; suitable for coup la or two gentlemen. Phone Main 6183. Call 704 Flanders. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, BATH oujuiuuiB, private iamuy, gentlemen,, perma nent, board lf desired. 35 N. 18th. near Washington. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ELEC- tric ngnt. witn use ot phone and bath; closo in; -very reasonable. 240 Park st. cor. Main. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT- aoie ior ngnt housekeeping If desired. 570 M1U st. Must be sen to be appreciated. THE RUBY. . 2514 ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. isew oncic building; pleasant rooms, nicely furnished for gentlemen; transients. LARGE. WEIJFURNISHED FRONT ROOM. vmo ui vnu bimuoiucu, uuo small room, mod em, reasonable. 448 Taylor. 283 JEFFERSON. OPPOSITE CITY HALL .tMiceiy tumisned rooms. 51.60 to 53.50 per week; modem conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PLEASANT. nomenae, an conveniences, references. 408 Main. Phone Main 4927. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON newiy lurnianea. smgie or en suite; modem: tourists; special rates. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. 53 PER ees, not ana coia water, private family central. 394 YamhllL" NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 3D wr "oa ursi-ciass ooaraing-nouse. IBs 13th. near Morrison. FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE every convenience; close in. 24S 6th st.. near Main. 188 PARK ST. LARGE FRONT ROOM. ommmn ivr two; uioct -roruana Hotel; mod em conveniences. , 235 11TH ST. VERY CLEAN. SUNNY. aoaifuiKe rooms; large- lawn with .trees. Phone West 76L ?3 NICE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN: bath, phone: private family. 287 4th st near Jefferson. FURNISHED ROOM. GOOD LOCATION, uome comiorts; gentlemen preferred- 311 Montgomery at. FEtfE SUITE OF ROOMS. TWO BLOCKS irom rair; private residence. Address N' 67, Oregonlan. LARGE FRONT ROOM. . WITH ALCOVE; very oesiraoie, central, one or two gentlemen. 671 Gllsan et. FURNISHED ROOMS' FOR GENTLEMEN, new. modem home, near Fair grounds. D 51, Oregonlan. FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELY FUR- nisnea parlor and other rooms; permanent, 407 10th at. 280 PARK ST.. COR. JEFFERSON FUR. msnea rooms, witn au conveniences; 52 per week up. THE FRANCES STRICTLY MODERN. cor. w. x'&xx. ana Morrison; prices rea sonable. CHEAPEST FURNISHED ROOMS. BOARD, nouseaeeping suites; close in. 86 Tenth sc. BEDROOMS PLEASANT. CLEAN, BRIGHT ana reasonable. jw istn st, cor. Taylor. LARGE. LIGHT, CHEERFUL ROOM. USX' or telephone and bath, 56. 713 Hood a. Cheapest and best-located rooms In Portias. . 51 "wesk up. Gllrnaa. 1st . aad Alder at