THE MOUSING OREGONIAff, (WEDNESDAY, .M A KOH 8, 1905. S -n CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OREGOXTAN3 TELXTHONXS. Cocntlng-Rooa Slain 657 Managing Editor - Mala 633 Sunday Editor Main 6235 Qty Editor t 16f Society Editor Main 6233 Composlnc-Rocm ....Main 68o Superintendent Buildlns; t...Rd S23 East Side Olflee ....East 61 AJCUSTMEXTS. COLUMBIA THEATER filth tad Washlnrtoa) Evening, at 8:03, "Old Heidelberg." EMPIRE THEATER 12th and ilorrleon) Matlriee .at 2:15 and erring at 8:15. Ma hara'B Minstrels. LYRIC THEATER (cor. Alder and 7th) Comedy-drama, "Master and Man," 2:50 and 6:15 P. M. 6TAR THEATER (Park and TVaihlngton) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P- 2d. BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) Con tinuous vanflevllle. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. P011CHASE3 GROUND FOB ClTT SXLLu The ground purchased hy the Bt. Johns Council for a. City Hall and ior other public purposes Is located on North Jer sey streets, and comprises six lots. It was -owned by Joseph Ingles, and the city gets the property for 52000 in cash, or 12200 in city warrants. As the city has not the $2000, cash warrants will probably be paid. On the land is a cot tage which can be rented for 510 a month at any time. There are also a shed and some other small buildings. The purchase Is considered a good one, although soma of the residents thought a location onj Philadelphia street worn a nave Deen more central. It will .probably be some time "before a City Hall will be built. How ever, quarters for the new fire company will be reaulred at once. TV'ohk of Visiting Nubses. The Visit ing Nurses Association, an organization which looks after the sick who are un able to obtain proper medical attendance and provides nurses when needed, has made 'a report for the months of Janu ary and February, showing that 240 visits had, been made, not including those made to prospective maternity cases, a class of work which is becoming very Important In the association. TUB" number of pa tients cared for during that time was 83. It has been found necessary on sev eral occasions to provide special nurses at night, when funds have been advanced by the Jewish Ladies Aid Society and by the St. Anne's Society. The cases tended run over a wide range of ail ments. East Portland Postal Station. W. B. Hall, post-office inspector. Is here and wjll soon inspect the various rooms offered for the proposed full postal station for East Portland. The committee composed of Joseph Buchtel, V. C. Dunning and H. H. Nowhall will meet Mr. Hall as soon as the arrangements can be made, when, jointly, they will look up the var ous possible locations. If this station is established it will be for about what Station A was before it was discontinued, and will provide those east of Grand avenue with the same mail facilities the people west are receiving. About 35 carriers will deliver mail direct from the station. As, Postmaster 311 n to favors the station it will probably be re-established. Candidates in the Eiohth 'Ward. Several names are mentioned as possi ble Councllmen from the Eighth Ward, which Is one of the largest in the city. It is announced that Councilman Sharkey will not be a candidate for re-election. J. A. Newell, an old resident, is men tioned for the place on the Republican ticket W. B. Hall and Joseph Buchtel also are mentioned. The former says he is not a candidate. It is thought prob able that Sunnyside may want to be considered, and there are other districts to hear from. Directors Hold Routine Meeting. The Board of Directors of the Manu facturers Association met last night at the office of the secretary in the Chamber of Commerce building. Otherwise than auditing the accounts for the past month and the transaction of other routine busi ness there was nothing of moment done. Tho question Of consolidation with the Chamber of Commerce will not be dis cussed until after the return" of Secretary C H. Mclsaacs, who is now in the Bast in ihe interest of the Tjewis and Clark Exposition. Street Lightinc Dispute. City Attor ney McNary will not entirely sustain nty Engineer "Wanzer's legal interpre tation of the five-year contract for street lighting, but neither does he agree with Preslden H. TV. Goode and Attorney Fred V. Holman of the electric company. An other conference will be held today. Be fore the next meeting- of the Executive Board is held a meeting of the light com mittee of that body, H. "W. Goddard and G. H. Howell, will be called and a report to the Executive Board formulated. Death of Rev. W. M. Kemp. Rev. W. M. Kemp, a retired Methodist minister, died at his home at Point View, near St. Johns, Friday. March 3, In his 70th year. Ho had heon an invalid for several years and was a veteran of the Civil War with creditable record. The funeral was held from his residence Saturday. Rev. C. H. Campbell and Rev. T. I. Jones, of Amity, conducted the services. The remains have "been taken to Cor allis for interment. Mr. Kemp leaves a wife and threo children. Civn. Service Examinations. The United States Civil Service Commission announces that on March 29 an examina tion will be hold in this city for the positions of Scientific Assistant, Depart ment of Agriculture, at a salary of 5J200 per annum and Cement Expert in the Reclamation Service at salaries from 513 to 52400 per annum. Persons de-Mt-ins; to compete should call on Z. A T 'sli. postofflce departmont Tells in Tone, the Triumph of the Caesars CREATORE, THE GREAT BANDMASTER, AS THE ARTIST SEES HIM WILL SING "DAHjSY DEEVER." David Bispham Will Give Kipling's Famtfus Song Here March 9. It is so long since Portland music lovers have had an opportunity to enjoy a song recital by a great baritone, that the anticipation of David Blspham's con cert, Thursday, March 9, at the Marquam is creating unusual enthusiasm. "The voice that can hurl such thunders of glorious sound Is also flexible to the finest gradation of tone expression and wilful merriment," says the San Francisco Bulletin, commenting upon his recital in that city February 2L The programme, which combined so many degrees and kinds of appeal, grave. gay, soulful, and sensuous, concluded with very spirited rendition of Kipling's Danny Deever.' set to music by Walter Damrosch. Mr. Blspham's voice is ex actly of the Quality to make the military rhythms effective. He told the story of Danny Decver's hanging and the appear ance of Files on parade with such a swing and sweep that It seemed to come from a great, harmonious brass band rather than from one Individual voice." This famous song will be given in Portland. Seats now on sale. THERE was the tumult of blaring brass and thundering drums the tem pestuous riot of martial acclaim. Higher and louder the crescendo mounted until the heart fairly shouted in exultation at the glory of sound. The familiar pre cincts of the theater fell away and the audience, strained to the tension where imagination becomes madnea?. saw a tri umph sweeping along the Applan Way. Some victorious Caesar was returning to Rome with a train of captives at his chariot-wheels. Banners were upon the breeze and the eagles the eagles were aloft. The sun glinted on burnlebed ar mor and the sound of the legions march ing and the multitudes cheering was as the rushing of a mighty wind. These Latins were putting their "blood into it and the music of the band was telling brave things. In very mercy then the ultimate was reached there was a. cataclysm and Creatore, wild-vlsaged and exhausted, his electric black hair dis heveled, stood a moment and bowed to a self-respecting, lavender and maccaroon matinee audience which was shrieking its approval with the abandon of the gallery at an Empire melodrama. There was eerie wailing of the reeds. Uncanny murmurs and vague indefinite complaining notes. Ghostly symphony caressing, appealing. Whisperings oft and low as angels' sighs. The spirits of forgotten melodies seemed holding a love tryst in the Grr"a Elysia It was evening and the rising moon was" "snim mering the lotus-bordered river. The night wind rustling the palm branches made a chill of minor refrain and then a swan floated on the bosom of the waters and sang. Once again Creatore poised his magic wand and bowed awkwardly. "He's got Sousa skinned a mile, hasn't he?" re marked the artistic Mr. Murphy, and we were back again in the Marquam, look ing at unlovely "house" scenery and a wild-eyed Italian with a stick, who had just been hypnotizing four and fifty dark visaged tam ale-vendors with, musical tools in their hands, and a representative assemblage of musical cranks, who sat In the plush seats and gasped with excite ment. Creator o and his band played things yesterday which ranged from the "Lucia Sextette" to "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and "Highland Iassie." It was positive ly uncanny to sit there and hear them do it, for tho Creatore Is a madman a splen did madman. Forgetting the world, forgetting the day and hour, he lives only In the engulfing flood of his music They will have to shut Creatore in a cell one of these times, for tire madness of genius is wrecking him If one were stone deaf and sat watching him, one would shriek with laughter and shiver with fear, alternately. But having ears to hear, one forgets even the wild gyrations, the hideous distorting of the features and the senseless babble of words of the man. and alts awe-stricken in the spell of his -music. Creatore may still be able to tell a hawk from a band- saw, but ho can't last long. He Is at this moment a great bandmaster master 'in every sense of his players but of all the freaks who Illuminate the cditlon-do-Iuxe of present-day musicians, he Is more freaklBb than them alL He leads as if his baton was inspired, and has made his organization magnificent. His musla must have made us crazy as hatters yes terday afternoon had not Murphy come to the rescue with that about Sousa being sKinned a mile. Which oracular Judg ment more advertantly than elegantly stumbled upon a great truth. A. A. G. Public Dock for St. Johns. The Coun cil has appropriated 5500 for the erection of a public dock at the foot of Rich mond street, and work will be started at once on its construction. There are some plies already driven. G. W. Cone, the sawmill man, will furnish tho ma terial. Transportation companies say they will land at St. Johns when a dock makes it possible. Rev. R. M. Jones the Speaker. At the Thursday night meeting of tho King dom Extension Society of tho Hassalo Street Congregational Church an address will be given by Rev. R. M. Jones on "The Revival In Wales." All are cordially Invited, vespeclally Welsh people, who will hear good tidings from their native land. T. M. C. A. Secketabt Win Talk. I. E. Brown, state secretary of the T. M. C A. in Illinois, will deliver an ad dress at the Portland T. M. C A. club rooms this evening. The subject of ls lecture will be "Personal Work." All men are invited. Mr. Brown is an unusually strong and interesting speaker. Boxing and Wrestltno. Seattle Ath letic Club vs. M. A. A. C at club gymna sium, Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. Admission fOe. Dance. B Company's next dancing party will bo glvn on Friday evening. To Fight Milwaukee Saloon. An ef fort will be made to submit tho saloon question in Milwaukio to tho referendum in that precinct. At the election in No vember the precinct went wet. but it Is hoped by the temperance people that the result would be different if another vote could be had. Help Calcf Bros, vacate the basement under the Bijou Theater and get your furniture at almost cost This move has sot to be made at onctv Come and get what you want while you can get unloading prices. location 130 Sixth st Preaches on "Coming to Himself." Rev. E. 8. Muckley will preach tonight on "Coming to Himself at the revival ser vices at the First Christian Church, cor ner Park and Columbia streets. There will be special music. R. L. Cats, successor to Cate & Powell, general agents for tho Hawthorne estate and Ladd's Addition. Main office, 113 Sec ond st, between Washington and Stark. Phone Main CS. The Calumet Restaurant, 119 Seventh. Fine luncheon, S5c; dinner, 50c Canadians Are Organized. Quite a number of new members joined the Canadian Society of Oregon at the regular montlOy ineting of the society held last night at the Glendora. ixlneteenth and Couch streets. Tho president. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, told of his trip to Victoria, B. C, where he and W. R. Mackenzie conferred with government officials of the Province of British Columbia relative to a Can adian exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and stated that a definite reply from the Dominion government at Ottawa, Ontario, may shortly be ex pectod. Bylaws of the society were adopted, and the entertainment pro gramme consisted of a song, "Annie Laurie," charmingly sung ty Miss Edna I. Protxman, and enjoyable readings by Miss Mario Kellar and William A. Dal zleL Lunch was afterwards served. Barber College Tests Law. An arrangement was made yesterday whereby the action brought against the Portland Barber College by the State Board of Barber Examiners will bo tried on a question of law. The contention of the college is that the board exceedoU its authority in making rules against it and that such rules are unreasonable. COLDS I-EAD TO FXEUMOXIA TjTjthv Rromo Quinine, -world-wide Cold and Grh remedy, removes the cause. Can for lull name and look for signature. B. w. Grove. 23c $15 Japanese Vase for $4.50 Japanese Shades at Cost A Variety of Designs in Jap anese Lanterns IN OUR WINDOW I THE JOHN BARRETT CO. 134 SIXTH STREET ' ' V5 'i I WHERE J?0 DINE.. All the delicacies of the season at t& Portland Restaurant fine, private apart meats for parties. 205 Wash.. Bear fitfe. PromDt relief In sick headache, dizzi ness, nausea, constipation, pain In the side, guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. Burpett'n Extract of T&alfia la tho standard overywhere. Sold by best grocers. The Man Who Saved His Money as he made it is the ms.n who brings to his wife a deed to their own home. Saving as we manage it for you adds to your" deposits from time 4 per cent interest a year, compounded semi annually and a home may be yours long before you could have it if you went it alone. Oregon Savings Bank SIXTH AND MORRISON STS- DAVID BISPHAM The World's Greatest Baritone, MarquamGrand Theater March 9th THE STEIN WAY PIANO Of course. All the great artists use no other. For Sale Only by SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. Stelnway and fifteen other makes of Standard Pianos. S72 and 371 MorrUoa St., Cor. W. Fark. Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon "The School of Quality" MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE Open all the year. Cctaesue free A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B.. PRINCIPAL COLUMBIA THEATER A. H. BALURD, Lessie and Manager. HTH AND "WASHTNaTON- STREETS TONIGHT LAST Performance of the Grand Success OLD HEIDELBERG TOMORROW NIGHT and all week including Saturday and Sunday matinee ana bunaaymgnt, riron son Howard's famous play, ARISTOCRACY MflNnAY Niffht. March 13. nnm ing of a magnificent presentation of JOAN OF ARC (By Frances Aymar llathatea.) Martial, historical, religious. Fanny Davenport s last production. SEATS NOW SELLING SNAP SHOTS SSS5JS PRINTS THE NEXT. 1VE ARE HEAB- I QUARTERS FOR PHOTO-ENLARGE- HUNTS OP ALL- KINDS. OUR. WORSC IS THE STANDARD FOR THE NORTH- WEST. MAHi ORDERS SOLICITED. GEO- XT. STRONG, 1S3 "W. PARK ST. fichwab Printing Go. tZSrtTOKJU XZAlOVAiLX. TXICZS PS THE BEST OF AL-li PARKER RYE WHISKEY ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Or. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS' W. G. SMITH & CO. Corner Fourth and Washington Streets TELEPHONES MAGNETO BATTERY Independent telephone lines are being installed by progressiva farmers in all parts of the country. If your neighborhood is -without a line, -write us for our Bulletin No. 30, and let us explain the great advantage and the small cost of a rural system. "We carry complete line of Phones, Wire, Brackets, Pins and Insulators. Correspondence solicited. Prices cheerfully submitted. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS , No. 61 Sixth Street. Portland, Ore. Eye Aches Bring headaches just as surely as night follows day. Let us remove the strain with relief-giving lenses and the re sults will surprise you. THE OPTICIAN WALTER REED 133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING SELZ SHOES ARE SOLD IN PORTLAND BY THE LiOIN STORE Outfitters to Men and Boys' 166-168 THIRD STREET, Near Morrison SEATS NOW SELLING BISPHAM World's Greatest Baritone. DIRECTION Lois SteersWynn Coman MARQUAM GRAND THEATER Thursday, March 9 At 8:15 o'clock. PRICES: XOWER TTOOR Except last three rows, $Z.5t. Iast three rows, $2.0U. BAiCO NT First three nwra, ?2.0O. Second three. Sl.GO. ast six. $1.00. GALLERY Reserve d, 51.00. Admission to gal lery, 75c BOXES AND IXKTES-S15.00. Out-of-town orders must be accompanied by check. ROSES rhs best only at lowest prices, also irer 100.000 suitable garden plants at 5c per dozen and upwards. BURKHARPT BROS., 23d and GlJean. PANSIES Fredfre!n,D.D.S AOS Sekzm bite. OFFICE HOUHS Froat 8 A. 34. to 6 P. K. EVENINGS. MON DAY AND THUBS- Lday'Ttnth, p. m. PRICES FOR LOWER Quality ccaa&tred. tfea& axy otfcs Needles, Oil, Repairs ros ALL vgry AX SINGER STORE aC4 MorriaOH Street. 40 Wllllami Avenue (East Sidc Pertlaad, Orese.' TEETH 3Tor taodera dental wcrlt IWorld-renowBsd Specialist. &errst pries cessisteai yrtUt flrst-cUsa work. Go to the- NEW YORK DENTISTS 3TOTXRTII AND MORRISON SIS. t Good wear in Selz Royal Blue Shoes "With some shoes most of the wear is on the wearer. You pay your money for them and you want to wear them out; they wear you out Did you ever have that experience? You'll never have it again if you wear Selz shoes; they fit, anji wear well. You'll pay $3.50 or $4 for them and be glad you spent the money every time you walk. Selz Royal Blue for you.