THE OEEGONIAK, SATURDAY, ALABCH: 190o. sttuation wanted female. situations "Wanted first-class family cook; housekeepers, cJmmbexmaldz, waitresses, nurses. 230 is YamhllL Phone Black 2S8L "WANTED BY EXPERIENCED MAN AND wife; position to work to rocniing-house or to lake charge of one. H. King, room. 35, 2& S. 1st st. SCANDINAVIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 270 Bumsiae, furnishes male and femala help, all kinds. free or charge. Main 30tt- YOUN'G LADY WITH SOME EXPERI ence wants poslUon In office. Addrea P 0. Oregonlan. FOR GARDEN' OR HOUSEWORK. LET ME call on you. John Echoger. 3S1 st. "WOMAN "WISHES "WORK BY THE DAT OR hour. Phone Front 1261. WANTED AG ENTS. HEX AND WOMEN WANTED EVERV where to start business of their own; can clear $100 to $200 monthly; unlimited field: new idea; large profits; 12 samples and lull working plan, by mall. 60 cents. Address P. O. Box 639. Seattle. A FEW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF rood address; steady, light, respectable em ployment lo right parties. Apply at once 418 Oregonlan hide. GOOD LTO3 AGENTS WANTED TO BELL lots on commission. In one of the choicest suburbs cf Portland. Address P. O. Box 703, city. WANTED UP-TO-DATE PHOTO AGENTS, ladles or gents. 801 Dekum bid. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED BOOMS In all parts of the city. Apply 202 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 0200. DESIRABLE TENANT, NO CHILDREN; will rent house or flat, furnished or unfur nished, from present till Nov. 1; 6 to 9 rooms. M 49, Oregonlan. 2 UNFURNISHED BOOMS, SOUTH OF Washington, close In, on car Htae. Call phone Main 2838, or 327 Washington. WANTED TO BENT A 6 OR 6-BOOM COT tajro or flat: must be centrally located. B 40, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 6EJCOND AND FLANDERS BUILDING, 30x20 storeroom or barn; cheap; must be moved now. A. H. Blrrell, Mcitay oiag. WE PAY YOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR your second-hand furniture or anything you cannot use. Phone 6855. Portland Auction Booms. 211 1st st. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and chocs: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. PARTY IN IDAHO WANTS TO BORROW $$000 for a number of years at 6 per cent; nrst-claes security, jl its, oregonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSE3 AND CAT tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR BENT. Booms. THE AUDITORIUM. 20814 3D ST.. BET. TAY lor and Salmon, one block eouth of Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished, steam heat, hot and cold running water In rooms; free bath; rooms with private baths; ele vator; rate $3.60 per week and up; 51 day; tourists solicited. NEW LANGE HOTEL. Eurootan plan: electric lights and bells. steam heat and elevator: baths free to guests: rates 60c "Co and $1 per day; special rates by the week, elegant care and bar in con nection. Corner 6th and Washington sts. Sam Bauman, manager. F. Lange, prop, BOOMS BY THE DAT OR WEEK OR month and light housekeeping, everything new and up to date: xurnace neat, gas light, porcelain bathtubs; rates $1 week ana up. 330-53:: Kearney. THH OREGONIAN ON THE EUROPEAN plan; rooms. 60c. 75c, $1 per day; beautiful briok corner; large, light, sunny rooms by the week. $2 to $6 per week. 41 Hi North 3d, cor. Couch. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR rison; best down-town rooms In the city; heat and -service night and day; rates $3.60 per week and up, including bath; $1 day. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. 1&0H 3d, adjoining Baker Theater; $2.50 per week and up; steam heat; special attention given to traveling public Phone Hood 657. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Must be seen to be appreciated; desirable lo cation; gentleman preferred. 690 Couch, or phone Front 671, after 4 P. M. A FEW NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS CAN be had at the New Belmont Boomlng-Houee. 1&3K First at.: electrlo light, bath, phone. Mrs. L. Zlnsley; prop. WALKING DISTANCE. SELECT BESI dence neighborhood; furnished room: $8.00 month, Including bath, phone, heat. 292 10th. TWO NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS. SUIT able for light housekeeping If desired. '570 Mill st. Must be son to be appreciated. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FBONT BED room, gentleman, private family; fas. bath. heat. 651 Taylor. Main 2S96. SITTING-ROOM AND CONNECTING BED room. or single room; comfortable furnish ings; dean. Telephone Main 10S4. FINELY FURNISHED LARGE FBONT room. $1.60 per week; furnace heat; pri vate family; central. 394 Yamhill. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two ladles or gentlemen; good location; $5 for one. $7 for two. 335 B. Oth. PLEASANT FURNISHED BOOMS, GENTLE men or businesswomen preferred; two blocks from Hotel Portland. 361 Taylor. WILLAMETTE. 144 OTH ST.. BET. MOB rison and Alder Cheapest rooms In city; elec tric light and free telephone. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BOOM. BATH adjoining; private family; gentlemen. 83 N. 18th, near Washington. 410 SALMON ST. NICELY FURNISHED front room for one or two. central, all conveniences; reasonable. FURNISHED ROOM IN NEW MODERN flat for gentleman, porcelain bath, running water. 292 H Clay st. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE IN SELLING Hlrsch bldg.; room for rent, furniture for sale. Inquire Janitor. CHEERFUL. SUNNY OUTSIDE ROOMS, private family; gas. bath, phone; rent $S. iiu. isonn lain. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING with stoves. $5 and $0 per month, ter. cor. Clay. ROOMS. 323 Wa- NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.60 TO $3.60 per weex: an moaern conveniences, zss Jenerson st. 163 N. 16TH ST. LARGE. SUNNY ALCOVE room.' ladles or gentlemen, light housekeeping It desired. TWO! ELEGANT UNFURNISHED FRONT roorne. with use of bath and gac. $12. 306 Eugene st. NICE ROOM. COMPLETELY FURNISHED, rood location; bath, phone and furnace heat. 2di lutn. FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. private family. 347 11th st Phone Main 324 MAIN LARGE. SUNNY FRONT BOOM, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; central; phone, MAIN. CHEAPEST FURNISHED ROOMS, BOARD, uuuKunpinc raiins; close in. eo Xentn BEDROOMS PLEASANT, CLEAN. BRIGHT ana rrason&oie. juo join St.. cor. Taylor. FTJRNIF1TSD OR UNFURNISHED ROOM. "uiuurt xor iaay or gentleman. .East 1000. Cheapest and best-located rooms In Portland, . t up. unman, lei ana Aider sis. LARGE LIGHT ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SIN- gie; moaern conveniences. 434 YamhUL 363 11TH WELL-FURNISHED. SUNNY rooms, ciean, comiortable. West 76 L 2J1 6TH LARGE. SUNNY AND WELL-FUR- nimea rooms, central, phone, oath. 266 PARK ST. FURNISHED ROOM; LIGHT. wnim, reasonaoie. jib in ksso. 310 TENTH ST. NEWLY FURNISHED roeni; moaern conveniences. 1SS 12TH TLEASANT recm, central. $S FURNISHED rOB BENT Booms. FURNISHED BOOMS. WITH STEAM HEAT. oain. leiepacne, ccviy luxouaoui mauuiB rent; references exchanged. Telephone Main 4303. NICELY FURNISHED FBONT BOOM. 3D door xrom nrst-ciass Doaroiug-nousc. a.ia 13th, near Morrison. 163 PARK ST. LARGE FBONT ROOM. suitable for two; block Portland notei; mod ern conveniences. Booms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel, 165-167 10th St., oor. Morrison; there are a few vacancies; fine rooms, nicely fur nished, steam heat throughout the house; porcelain bath, plenty of hot water, hand some dining-room, table and service first class. THE LINDBLL NEW FAMILY HOTEL. Market st., bet. 3d and 4th; steam neat, elec tric light, porcelain baths; elegant outside rooms, with first-class board two people, $45, ISO and $65 month. Main 556L PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TH YEAR: rooms with board; use of e wing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Arabel Russell, superintendent. 610 Flanders. LARGE. LIGHT. CLEAN BOOMS, DOUBLE for one, $50 for two. 403 2d St., cor. Harri son; take S car south to Harrison. FUBNISHED FBONT BOOM. ALL MODERN conveniences, with board; suitable xor coupie or two gentlemen. Phone Main 61S3. Call 704 Flanders. FINE LARGE BOOMS, SUITE OR SINGLE; ooara optional; cnoicest neigaoorowxi in ws city: rates reasonable; references. Phone - 6420 Main. THE SWELLE5T FURNISHED HOUSE IN the city; ten minutes' walk from Portland Hotel. Answer with phone number. C 48. Oregonlan. THE GLENDORA Elegant, new residence ho tel; table the best; rates moaerate; special rates to families. 19th. near Washington st. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator; billiard-room; transients; both car lines. ONE FURNISHED BOOM. SUITABLE two gentlemen, -with or -without board. 205 N. 22 d. or phone Main 1538. 304 ALDER. COR. 10TH NICELY FUR. ulshed suite; also single room, with board and good aervioe; reasonaoie. GOOD ROOMS. GOOD BOARD. BATH AND hose. 32 N. 11th. opposite Armory Hall, 'erms reasonable. SEVERAL NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS, with board; single or double. The Ella, 055 Washington. BLAKELY HALL. 270 6TH ST. PLEASANT rooms with first-class board; one nice front room. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. ROOMS with hoard, single or en suite. Phone Main 0802. 515 MORRISON ROOMS WITH BOABD, hot and cold -water. Phone Main 4314. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. NICE. PLEASANT BOOMS. WITH BOABD; modern; furnace heat. 463 East Pine. Housekeeping; Booms. THE ONEONTA, 187 17TH ST.. NEAR TAH hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen: steam heat and baths: free phone on each floor. FOR BENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms In nicest brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc Logan blk.. 10S Union ave. Phone Union 32C3. SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED KOUSE keeplng rooms, with gas stove furnished; only $1.75 per week 3S2 E. Yamhill st. 2 OR 3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE keping rooms; all modem conveniences, op posite City Hall. 2SS Jefferson st. FOR RENT FUBNISHED BOOMS FOR light housekeeping: also single rooms. 82 . 10th, cor. Stark. Phone East 103. $L75 PER WEEK: LARGE. CLEAN. FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; bath and laun dry. 181 Sherman, near Front. LARGE. CLEAN, LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, rent reasonable: modern conveniences. 195 North 15th. cor. Kearney. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms; pleasant, clean, convenient; cam and phone. 320 4th. cor. Clay. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms, single or en suite; also furnished rooms. 392 4th rt. 413 MAIN. CORNER 11TH LABGE BOOM furnished complete for housekeeping; gas and telephone; no children. FOR RENT FURNI3HED FLAT. 5 ROOMS and bath, complete for housekeeping; desir able. Phone Scott 1985. 372 1ST ST. TWO NEWLY PAPERED BAY- wlndow furnished housekeeping rooms; $13; respectable people only. 300H 4TH ST. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng front rooms; gas or wooa stoves; clean, quiet; rent reasonable. 389 OTH ST. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE- keplng apartments; light front rooms; 3 large basement rooms. HEILER. 2S0U GRAND AVE. FURNISHED housekeeping suites: also sleeping rooms, by day, weoic or roontn. 191 CTH. HALF BLOCK FBOM PORTLAND Hotel Beautiful front housekeeping suite; also single rooms. NEW BUILDING. NEWLY FUBNISHED, nil moderate conveniences. The Yale, Grand avc. and E. Clay. 6 PABTLY-FUHNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with hot and cold water, bath, e33 Johnson st. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient: bath, electric light. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. New Grant. 2d and Grant; phone Front 1006. CHEAPEST FUBNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suites, single rooms, board; close In. 86 -10th. A PLEASANT FURNISHED HOUSE OF 6 rooms; references. 665 Yamhill et. FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms, at ill North th st. 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $10. 222H N. 15th st. FURNISHED ROOMS: ALSO H OUSEKEEP- lng rooms. 128 ' N 17th st. Houses. HOLD-UP IS A COMMON OCCURRENCE DC the city, but you don't get held up at Gevurtz" Rental Agency -when you want house, flat or rooms. The most complete list In the city. 1st and YamhlU. We are not connected with the phone. ARE YOU LOOIONG FOR A HOUSE? IF so. have you ceen our house list? We have an excellent list of vacant bouses on both sides of the river. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. FOR BENT TO RESPONSIBLE ADULTS only; etrlctiy modern 6-room cottage; $3.1 good neighborhood on Park st. Shoe store, 27 Washington st. Phone Hood 74. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME CON slating of nearly one acre of land, fruit trees, etc Call 602 Commercial bldg. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. Rents and insurance. Phoae Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. KADDBRLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 16S5. Office, 110 N. 3d et. FOR RENT 5-ROOM FLAT. 69 GRAND AVE. North. Jut completed, ?3. inquire D. Marx, 212 Ablngton bldg. 9-ROOM HOUSE AND PORCELAIN BATH central location; rent $30. M. S. Bentery, sneriocK mag. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM MODERN COT tage. 03 Nelson, East Ankeny car, $13. Dr. Darling. NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM HuUSE, 378 Vic toria st., near "W imams ave. and Hancock. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH. LAWN. APPLY C61 Boss, cor. Broadway. Union 6032. RESIDENCE FOR RENT. APPLY 305 OTH at , between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. RENT A COTTAGE: 507 E. CLAY ST. Allen Harrison, foot of Taylor st. Famished Rouses. COMPLETELY FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM boue. 6 months; bath, gas, stove and piano. Phone East 867. NINE COMPLETELY FURNISHED. PLEAS- ant large rootnr. Nob Mill. 5.5 Irving, cor. lEtb. 7-BOOM HOUSEv COMPLETELY FURNISH. ec, .west lce. inquire -j3 incc-m st. FOB BENT. Furnished Bouses. WELL-FURNISHED G-ROOM HOUSE; PlA- no. porcelain bath, close In. to family of adults. 423 E. Yamhill. FUBNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELECTRIC lights, bath, central. Inquire 2736 7th. Houses for Bent Furniture for Sale. 41 ELLA NEW FURNITURE; 11 BOOMS; fine location for roomers and boarders; sick ness and business Interest compels sale; call at once. 14 BOOMS. GOOD FURNITURE. FINE lease, two blocks from the Hotel Portland: house full; strictly no agent. Owner. 167 W. Park. FURNITURE 3-ROOM FLAT. WEST SIDE, sell reasonable; walking distance: rent JIG; bath, water, scavenger. A 4S. Oregonlan. NEW FURNITURE OF NEW. MODERN Cat, very reasonable If taken immediately. 282U Clay, near 6th. LEASE AND FURNITURE OF 8-ROOM house. 63 Upshur sC; half block from 1905 Fair grounds. 9-ROOM FLAT. ELEGANTLY FUBNISHED: must sell within a week; price $650. Call 3874 4th. Office. PABT OFFICE AND DESKBOOM FOR BENT To manufacturers agent or other mercan tile man of good recommendation, half of a large-size olllce; light, heat and Janitor services included. Apply room 617, Commer cial blk. Offices and newly furnished lodge halls, All&ky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. Winter and Brimmer Resorts. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. SEA slde. will be open during: Fall and Winter. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED ESTABLISHED FIRM IN PORT land. or party having $3000. to take general agency of upper half of Pacific Coast, for the sale of "Wlnget Concrete Hollow Block Ma chine" and "Helm Cement Pressed Brick" machines: will have exhibit at Centennial, from which you can derive great benefit. Have sold two carloads In Southern Califor nia In short time. Wlnget Concrete Machine Co.. 1201 W. 7th. Los Angeles, Cal. FORD'S. 165K 4TH ST.. PHONE CLAY 535 9-room. nicely furnished, close In. on 5th St.. $660; 16-room, good buy, $650; beautiful flat. 11 rooms, very cheap, fine location; 13 rooms, fine bargain. $900; fine 33-room corner brick, lease. $3000; beautiful flat. 1 rooms, piano. rent 420. $450: 2S room, corner, fine tran sient, rent $75, $1800; 26 rooms, elegant. lease, close in. $3500; magnificent corner. 11 rooms, flne furniture, $1350. Befor& you buy see our bargains. FORD'S BUSEn'ESS CHANCE AGENCY. 16515 4tn st. co-partnership in fine eaioon, one of the best chances ever offered to go In the saloon business; $700 for a half Interest; saloon worth $2000; wanted a. reliable man. experience unnecessary. TRANKF-nTt AND FORWARDING BUSINESS now yielding $300 per month, over and above an expenses and depreciation; increased S3 per cent past year; still growing; no bonus; closest investigation in rue a; $souu; part tune. T 47, Oregonlan. ASSOCIATES WANTED IRRIGATED LANDS in Crook County; mild climate; big profits; easy payments; illustrated cesenpuve maga zlne for stamp. Deschutes Alfalfa Land Syn dlcate, 315 Oregon'n bldg. WANTED MEN WITH A LITTLE MONET to Invest In best mlnlnc procositlon Coast; steady work; money secured; wsges. J per cay. 310 Abington biag. FAIR-GROUND PROPOSITIONS OR GOOD locations in email or large pieces of ground as rooming nouses, can Fair uround oince. 000 upsnur. .rnone aiain ttr.B. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCE. 1C3 4TH partnership In saloon, one of the best pay tag saloons In the City of Portland; half micrrsi can oe oougnt ior 4W. PARTNER WANTED: CASH BUSINESS: $300 required: purchaser must be satisfied with $20 to $25 weekly; experience unnec essary. tsa.11 BtarK st. FOR SALE COMPLETE CREAMERY plant, all machinery new; will sell at a great bargain. For further particulars write to J. L. Hibbs. aaston. Or. FOR SALE RETAIL HARDWARE BUSI ness In Eastern Oregon: takes $6000 cash: Includes building; thorough Investigation In. -viiea. vj -tu, uregonian. FOR SALE A GOOD NEWSPAPER IN OR- egon; monmiy income iilAJ to.xx per month: price xbco; or will sell half Interest. Ad- aress u s. uregonicn. A FINE BARGAIN 24.ROOM HOUSE NORTH 01 wasningron on ein, aomg nne busine&i; rKui 100 unucrvuirs investment wo.. SNAP RESTAURANT, LEASE. $35 RENT nrst-ciass lurniture. nan casn. ir wanted. good reason for sale. 300 Ankeny, opposite WANTED PROSPEROUS WEEKLY newspaper, Oregon or Washington; sample copies and particulars. 1023 Williams ave.. roruaso. GOODSXPERIENCED MAN WITH CAPITAL can nave cnarge 01 Dig paying enterprise; a Bonanza. Aaaress Aiexanaer. ltxt ilorrlson st.. city. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED and floated. I handle unlisted securities. George M. xeiiogg. 343 iiicott Square, uunaio. WANT GENTLEMAN OR LADY. WILLING to invest oA) to jaw; gooa position during time 01 izpooition. u unamoer of Com merce. FOR SALE WELL-EQUD7PED CABINET shop and mill; a no. 1 machinery; good location, in .roruanu. inquire v 40, Ore go man. NOT IN THE ROOMING-HOUSE TRUST IF you desire an honost houee at an honest price, see . a. Juarquam bldg. Millinery business of years standlnir: first. class custom and transient trade; splendid location; lease. Aaoreu tr. u. iiox B26. SALOONS-OPENING ON BEST STREET for man witn j: anotner place for $325 must sen quica. mi mb) Diane st. WANTED LADY. WITH $1500. TO BUY H- mieresi anu uuio iiui cii;g ai try-room rooming-nouse. u u uregoman. PARTNER FOR ESTABLISHED REAL ES tate and business chance agency; will stand Investigation, sua Aniceny st. OTBTER PARLORS. FIRST-CLAS3. f!FTV trally located, for sale cheap. E. Gunderson. W NTED STEADT YOUNG MAN. WITH $100 cah for business that will show good pronu a, vihvuhlil. PARTNER WANTED FOR STORE: WILL lane ow; jmujicr biub oi o oaiiy. Call otarK si. THE PORTLAND GROUP OF MINING stock sold on installments. Inquire at 127U in, room . FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 54 ROOMS newly lumisnea; lease; MW; terms. W 4' Oregonian. FOR SALE UP-TO-DATE MEAT MAR ket. West Side, a bargain. $700. S CO. Ore gonian. - FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN GOOD paying barber shop. Address C 30. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE CIGAR STAND, LONG LEASE, cheap rent, snap it uxea now. j 44, ore genlan. FOR SALE 10-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, snap. 129 10th St., bet. Washington am Alder. IF YOU HAVE MINING STOCK TO SELL, call 319 Ablngton bldg.. or phone Clay 1750. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. WITH HORSE, wagon and fixtures; cheap. S 43. Oregenian. FOR SALE RESTAURANT. $1000; GOOD location. K 49. care Oregonlan. LOST AND FOUND. LOST ABOUT 3 WEEKS AGO, SCOTCH oolite doc. sable, with broad white col. lar. front legs and feet white: also whlto tip of tall and blaze In face; very heavy coated; answers name of Lobo. Kindly notify ti. jserger, jr., imi isi si., receive roward. LOST ON WASHINGTON. OR 6TH-ST. car. bet. Scottish Bite Cathedral and 10th nit Jackson sts.. lady's back comb, tor toise shell, with gold band; reward If left at 207 Oregonlan biag. TjftST SCOTCH COLLIE. 0 MONTHS OLD. white, with yellow mark on aide and over tall; liberal re warn u returaea at once to 403 VJiacramas sx. LOST MOUNTED ELK'S TOOTH. INITIALS J. D. A., 20. nz. tieium 14 lanciaay, Etta floor, Goocnougn mag., rewara. , ; LOST FOX TERRIER PUP IN -VICINITY of .Eugene and Williams ave. Return to SOS Sugene st. itewaro, a EfjECiAi. aorum Prvymats IsrHeA. PROPOSALS FOR EE PAIRS TO BU3N- slde-street, hrldjre. Sealed, proposals lor work on the approaches to Bumslde-street bridge, across the Willamette River, in cluding embankments, concrete retaining walls, plank reads and sidewalks, portions oi approach on pile bents DUiit new. re planklns of sidewalks and. roadway, and other materials and labor. In. accordance with the plans, specifications and esti mate therefor this day fUod Is my office, will he received at the office of the County Clerk of Multnomah County, Oregon, up to. but not later than 12 o'clock, noon. on Wednesday, the 22d day of March. A. D-. 1903. at which time they will be pub-, llcly opened. The county reserves me right to reject any and all bids, and the right to award separate parts of the work to several bidders. The -work must be completed -within 40 days from, the sign ing' of the contract, under a penalty of 325 per day for the additional time re Quired to complete It. Each contractor must give bond In double the amount of his contract total prlco; and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the total amount there of, as required by law. Each contract must contain a provision that the contractor will take entire control of the work therein called for and hold the County of muii noraah free from liability Xor damages on account of any accident which snail re sult from the carelessness or neglect of the contractor, his agents or employes. F. B. Fields. County Clerk. PROPOSALS FOB TRANSPORTATION OF luraucr io ii n ii I la. -tr. Sealed proposals In trlpUcata will he re ceived nere unui xi a. a.. 1805. and then opened for transportation of approximately two million two hun- A.A innnnnnn fM nf lumber from Portland, Or., to Manila, P. L. to he delivered, at snip-s lacajo at i"'"" about March 10. 1805, at rate of one hun dred and fifty thousand, tiou.uwj icet -weather working day. exclusive of Sun days and holidays. Delivery to be com pleted thlrty-nve (36) days after award of contract for purcnase oi iiuuuw. must bo submitted on the regular pre scribed blanks with guarantee clause prop erly executed. Certified check for 25 per cent of amount of bid will be accepted In lieu of bond. Bidders must state whether American or foreign vessels will be used. Circular of Instructions may be seen and further Information obtained at this of fice, office of Quartermaster's Agent, Ta- i- .... nr , v. c Onrrf Armnsters. Portland, Or., and San Francisco. CaL Klsnt Is reserved to accept or rcjci .ii - am. Rnvaiones con taining proposals should be marked, ,'TroT posals lor UTanspuriauou m inuuu, addressed to F. A. Grant. Capt. and Qr. Mr.. U. S. Army. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRA trioiwj Sealed proposals xor materia ,f ZI" tlon of about five miles of e ewer will be re- nasi!., iuiui uwuj. " - j - r-,' There will be required approximately the 975 linear feet 16-lnch wood stave pipe. q ii.r. 1 tini vofld stave nice. "400 linear feet 21-lach vitrified pipe sewer. 1.72a linear xeei 10-mca Tinmen " " on . 1 ... irin.h itriftMi nlnA newer. D.OOW IIUCTCU ink AW-im . . r -r " 7,810 linear feet 12-Inch -rttrlfled pipe newer. o,-ii linear ieei ivuku huw 31.460 linear feet 0-lnch tile subdrain. Two screen chambers. Two weir chambers and 63 manholes. All luw w - j certified check for 0 per cent of the amount of the bid, drawn on some National bank, and made payable to the Treasurer of the Bids may be made for material or labor, or both, and the right to reject any and all bids is r crfccrvvu. Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or., and necessary blanks obtained from the City Clerk or Engineer of North Yakima, Wash. PROPOSALS FOR CLEARING, GRUBBING and cradme waron road at ort Lawion. Washington. Constructlne Quartermaster's office, SeaUe. Wash., Feb. 25. 1905. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 A. M., March 6. 1905. and then opened, for clearing, grading and grubbing wagon road at Fort Lawton, Washington. Bids must be submitted on the regular pre scribed blanks, with guarantee clause prop erly executed. Certified check for 25 per cent of amount of bid will be accepted in lieu of bond. Bidders must stata tune of completion of contract. "Specifications may be seen and further Information obtained at this office, office cf the Quartermaster's Agent, Tacoma, Wcsh.; also office of Con structing Quartermaster. Port Townsend, Wash., and office of the Quartermaster, Port land, Or. Bight Is reserved to accept or re ject any or all bids or parts of same. En velopes containing proposals ebould be marked "Proposals for Grading, etc." and addresjed to i". A. Grant, Captain and Quar termaster, u. b. Army. PROPOSALS FOB PUBLIC BUILDINGS Offico Constructing tiuartermaster, San Fran cisco, cat.. eD. t. iwo. sealed proposals. In trinllcate. subject to the usual conditions. will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M., Factfio time. March 8. 1905, and then opened. In the presence of bidders, for the construction; plumbing, heating and electric wiring of a barrack for one company of coast artillery, at Fort Baker. CaL Informa tion furnisnea on application to tnis omce; Seattle. Wash., and Portland. Or. The United Sttaes reserves the right to accept or reject any bid received, or any part thereof. En velopes contalnlnr proposals must be in dorsed "Proposals for Public Building at Fort Baker, CaL," and addressed to Captain w. C wren, yuarcermasier, u. b. Army, Constructing viuartermaster, .rneian biag. San Francisco, CaL SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the office of the bcnooi cierk. city Han, until 12 o'clock M., Thursday. March 9. 19i5. for constructing an addition to the Highland School Building. Separate bids will be re ceived as follows: First All excavating, cement and concrete work, brick work, plastering, etc Second All carpenter work, etc Third All glass and glazing, etc Fourth All paintings, etc Fifth All plumbing and drainage A certified check of 30 per cent of the amount Of the bid must accompany the same. The School Directors reserve the right to reject any ana oil Dies. THOMAS J. JONES, Archtect SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the omce of tho School Clerk, City Hall, until 12 o'clock M.. Thursday. March 9 1905. for constructing an addition to the Sell wood School Building. Separate bids will be received ns fololws: First All excavating, cement and concrete worx. oncK woric. plastering, etc Second All carpenter work, etc Third All glass and glazing", etc Fourth All painting, etc Fifth All plumbing- and dralnac. A certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid must accomnanv thn nme. The School Directors reserve tho right to reject any ana aji Dies. THOMAS J, JONES. Architect- Consignee's Notice. BRITISH SHIP PYTHOMENE. CAPTAIN bplvcy, from Antwerp, will commence dis charging at Coloma dock, on Friday morn. ing. March 3, 1905. Consignees will slease call at the office of the undersigned, pay xreignt ana receive tneir orders. All mer chandise when landed upon the dock will be at the risk of the owners thereof (with out regard to weather), and If not re moved before S o'clock P. M. of each day will he stored or left on the dock at th risk and expense' of tho owner. Taylor, loung ic co., agents. Masters' Notice. BRITISH SHIP PYTHOMENE. CAPTAIN Splvey. fronr-Antwerp Neither the master nor the undersigned consignees of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew, 'layior, loung & Co., agents. Miscellaneous. IN THE MATTER OF LONDON AND SAN Francisco Bank, Limited. At an extra ordinary general meeting of the members of the above company duly convened and held at No. 55 Old Broad St., In the City of London, on the 8th day of February, 1905, the following special resolutions were duly passed, and at a subsequent extraordinary seneral meeting of the members of the mm company, also duly convened and held at the same place on tne Z3d day of February, 1905. the following special resolutions were duly confirmed, viz.; (1) That the com pany be wound up voluntarily. (2) That Bendlx Koppei. Artnur scrivener and Daniel Hatcher, all of No. 65 Old Broad st. in the City of London (being two of the directors and the secretary of the company). b and they re hereby appointed liquidators for the purposes 01 suca winding up." Dated this 23d cay of February, 1903. (Signed) nenry iioscncn, vnairmao. NOTICE. The Bank of California, havlnr cnrcfcaaMl the business of the London &. San Francisco Bank. Limited, will conduct It hereafter in this city at the office of the latter under the styio 01 "ine uznx. or California, Port' jane I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts contracted oy my wue. Charles Brown. FINANCIAL. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND PER CENT. wm. u-xecjc roosa out. ice failing Diog. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS, 5 AND O per cnu. nu, ucawius, rauinsr otug FINANCIAL. MONEY FOB SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needlnr moner before pay-day can get It from us; no commission or Interest In advaace; no mortgage or In dcrser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi-monthly In amounts from $1 and up wards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one pay-day, and cave six montns time, it desired. NELSON & HIND LEY. 303 McKay bids. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and ressonslble firms; easy payments and strictly confiden- uai; aieo CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, -205 Abington building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage ConfidentlaL Month. -Month. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.23 325 Repay to us $6.63 or $3.33 or $1.03 $16 Bepay to us $4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 JTKAI BLLKi.. 102 L. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO- nlan bldg., loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motormen. conductors or other salaried employes, Just on his note, in sums of $10 to $100. Returnable In con venient weekly or monthly payments. Pay ments suspended In case of sickness. Confi dential, no inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamster, etc, witnout security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg.. Clay 1768. PER - CENT "MONEY WH BUY OR build you a home or loan on your property; monthly payments; investigate: open Satur day evening. 17 Lahbe bids.. 227 Wash. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly confi dential. Employes Loan Co., room 716. the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. 5 LOANS AND UPWARDS ON ALL KINDS of security, or to salaried people on their note: lowest rates; no publicity; no delay. 21S Ah Lax ton bldg. Phone Red 1726. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity at low rates. C W. Palette, 304-6 Fenton bldg. Phone Main 1380. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE- curity; building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn. 652 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 629. $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS. ON ALL KINDS of security, -wimout aeiay. v. a. iiamaway. room 10, vt asmngton oicg. uiny isi4. LOANS ON FURNrrURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates, fa. w. King. room 4o, wasmngion oiag. iiooa 413. CHANCE FOR IDLE MONEY PROPERTY paying 8 per cent net on can be had for $32,000. itox ouo. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED. 60 PER CENT valuation; low rates. v. a. nam. Aiisky o. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agr., Muitnoman Co., w unam. corn. She per cent money to loan on Clackamas Co. lanes. D. . Riley, coo cnam. or commerce, PRIVATE PARTY mokes real estate, personal, chattel, salary loans, cot Marquam oiag. PERSONAL. IF MRS. NICHOLAS O'NEILL (FORMERLY Martha Clissold), who left England aoout jbiu for America, will communicate wua jira, Blalrd fformertv Elizabeth Clissold. Of GlOu cester, England), of Karorl. Wellington. New Zealand, care Gordon & Gotch Proprietary. Umlted. Advertlainr Asrents. Wellington. Zealand, she will hear of something to her advantage. Father dead. Advertiser would be much obliged If anyone knowing present address would forward same. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatologist; scientific, featural, correction 1st, beautlfler and restorer of youthfulness. may be consulted dally free; every affliction of tho human face and scalp successfully treated: mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes. etc, removed. Sanitarium and school of der matology In connection. Parlors 364 Morri son. Telephone Hood 2S2. REMOVAL NOTICE MADAME VAUGHN. only graduate dermatologist la Nortnwest, permanently removes birthmarks, pitting?, wrinkles, sagglngs, scars, eczema, pimples, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Derma- tolocv taucht for professional purposes. Re moved to suites 61. 52 and 63. Selllng-Hlrsch bldg., Washington St., bet. W. Park and 10th. Phone iiam 100. THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS. COR. Bth and AVashlnfton sts.. cdd. rerklns uotei. Full set teth, pink gums $5.00 22-K gold crown s.w Fillings - - 60 We give a 10-year guarantee. Before you have your teeth made, get our prices. THE "MATRIMONIAL REGISTER." PRICE 10c describes reputable residents or Oregon and Washington who wish to marry, and gives full particulars: courteous, honorable treatment; speedy results and absolute se crecy assured. Interstate Introducing So ciety. Box 1079, Portland. 77 WOMEN WANTED BUFFEHING FROM irregular, nainiui or stoppages, ieucorrnea (white) f" all diseases of woomen. old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 2304 Yam hill st., Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. A BEWABD WILL BE PAID FOR THE present address or w. j. iiarns, ronneriy of St. Johns. Or., and later living on Sauvies Island and at present supposed to be work ing on some river steamboat, coil or ad' dress Miss Mary Ladd, 402 Washington st. Portland, or. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS, BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker, 181 1st st. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD enamour to our paiaiess metnoa ot treatment we treat diseases of women only; consultation free: nrlvate and strictly confidential. X Ra dlum Institute, 8 and Morrison, Allsky bldg. NOTHING PRESERVE'S YOUR APPEAR ance like a strong, healthy body, sexine Pills give you vigor and strength. $1 a box, S boxes $5. Full guarantee. Address J. A. Ciemenson, druggist, -oruanu. ur. DRESS SUITS FOR BENT. ALL SIZES $1 A month keeps your doming cleaned ana nrefeL buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 34T wasmngion, opp. ooruraj-o. HPKCTAL1ST FEMALE DISEASES. veaja' experience witn me -uerman aeir- flora" treatment. Never has been known to falL Phone East 782 or write Mrs. B. Gould, 1123 Hawthorne ave., Portland, or. ENJOY LIFE BY GETTING PERFECT strength by using Paimo Tablets, the box, 6 for $2.30. Address Brooke Drug MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. BOB erts Nerve Globules. Ono month's treat ment, $2: 3 montns, o. oeni securely eealed by malL Agents, Woodard. Clarke & uo., roruiiau, wr. LADIES. ATTENTION I ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy vaiers ior ic ui n-nucj; uruciiB; $2. per box; safe aad reliable. S. G. Skid- more & Co.. special agents. 151 3d st. VO.G05J. THE PASTE INJECTION; IT sticks longer ana cures quicuj; price i. Address J. A. Ciemenson. druggist, 2d and zamnui su., jwu uf. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately ana reasouaoty zinea ai iysseil Pharmacy. wsiusa, oeu isx ana ia. We print your namo on SO calling cards, prop- WANTED THE ADDRESS OF MRS. GEH- tle jonnson. wiio itii. awa.ui iur x-oruaaa et nrwARD FOR ADDRESS OF JOHN FOS. ter Snider, formerly of Newberg. Or. Address W". P. Homer, iiciiinnviue. ur. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Bcxnor. 127 11th. Phone Main 4S3S BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 60C AT HOLLA 1 rvrru T&vlnr twit an xtu BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Art. WB HAVE WITH US ONE OF CALTFOR nla's greatest artlstst Call and see her at 331 14tU IU viia Assayera and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 208 STARK -Pr-lrds: Gold. $1: Conner. SI: I1vi KO. PAUL BAUMELv AS3AYER AND ANA iygi; sou ami uiragau 3 r oiaric su J. A. MOE. ASSATER AND ANALYTICAL chemist, eth ana Ankeny sts. Dancing. MRS.. GRANT'S atfult and children's classes. Western Academy, aomson St., cor. 2d. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Business College. GREGG SHORTHAND. TOUCH TYPE- writlng. famous Budget bookkeeping, actu al business practice; positions found for graduates; day and nlKht schooL Holmes Business College. Y. M. C A. bldg. Main 313. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning, suction and com pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor without removaL Main 5334. East 2354. Carpenters and Builders. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 914. GEO. W. GORDON, COUNTERS. SHELVES. nouses aunt ana repaired. tn. v-iay 174. Chiropodist and Man! cur Inc. WM. D EVENT & ESTELLE D EVE NY. THE only scientific chiropodists: parlors room! 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 130L This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST: patrons can rely on skillful treatment, jo Vinson mock. 5th and Morrison. ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Black 2S66. Clairvoyants. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 60c. 50c 50c 80c 60c 50c, 50c. 50c, 50c SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. 3034 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. $5 COMPLETE LIFE READING 50c THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HB WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION. YOUR MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME. AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and what you called for, without asking a question: will tell the name of your sweet heart or anything you want to know. He sends you away much wiser and hap pier than when you called. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed In business? How can I make my home happy? How can. I marry the one I choose? How can I marry well 7 , How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make any one love me? How can I get a letter? , How can I get a good position? 303 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 5TH. THE GREAT, ONLY AND ORIGINAL BUDAH BERNIQUE. ?5 COMPLETE LIFE READING, 50c TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. BORN WITH A DOUBLE VEIL. EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDIA TELLS YOUR NAME. TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY. Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full name. Settles love auarrels and promptly re unites the separated, no matter how long standing. London's mosf famous nalmlst and clair voyant. Is acknowledged by press and pub lic the greatest living dead xkancu MEDIUM. She -tells what you came for before you utter a word; does not ask questions, no raattar what your trouble may be. Call and she will guide ou with certainty higher than human power. Tells you the truth, rood cr bad. 291H MORRISON. COR. OTH. SAME FLOOR AH BUHTU.N DrIvAAXj fAttLAto. PORTLAND'S NOTED - CLAIRVOYANT. VAN CORTLAND. 313 Washington "st.. 3I3.S. 50c SPECIAL FEE 30c. Tells your fall name. Tells what you call for. Tells whom and when You will marry. No charge Unless satisfactory. You can be the Judge. Would you know the future clear as crys tal? See Prof. Van Cortland. Tells Just what annoys, perplexes, worries yon; tells what your wish Is. helps you to gain It; makes you happy; gives names, dates, facts ot marriage, love, law. money, chamres; all without you speaking a word, or your money back. Develops personal magnetism; locates burled treasures, mines and valuable ores. Overcomes weakness, restores vital and magnetic force. . Hours. 0 A. M. to 8 F. M-. Dally and Sun day. 313H Washington, cor. 6th st. 50c SPECIAL FEE 50c. MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN, SCT- entiuc reveaier, tens me irom cruuio w grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good advice, sure help, mistake Impossible: re stores lost love and unites separated by sympathy; locates burled treasure. Fee, $lr letter. $2. 207 Park. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers: best coals; foundry ana emener coice. x b.. Commlslon Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, monair, taiiow, oia rubber and old metal and general com mission merchant. Front st, near Main, Portland, Or. Cash advanced on consign ments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commlslon mercnants, bnenocicpiag., Portland, Or. " ALLEN Sc. LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front ana Davis sts.. Portland, Or. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal society of N. w.; protects tne living, j. jj. MltchL Sup. Sec 612-615 Marquam bldg. Dressmaklnsr. DRESSMAKING WAISTS. SHIRTWAIST suits, misses tuiu uuiuicu. w nmini. at reasonable crlces. 314 Mill St.: phone 53SG. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College Pat- I tarn rs and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- sole saddles ana norness mirs., leainer ana saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. Main 220. THE BRBYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE- sale saddles and namess mxrs.. saaaiery hardware, leather, all kinds. 72-74 6th st. Xands. LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND PRAC- tlec Collins Land co., concora mag. Massases. THE SOONER YOU BEGIN THE QUICKER ..hi wtn Tm-rfuittnn.tfon. 1a a. thlf nf time. Persian baths never fail. Persian vapor, tub baths and massage The Frances, PARLORS AT THE MARQUAM. 1454 CTH . . o TT-i . flvfr-Ta eq m-lnniromanf lady, with young lady assistant, stranger In City, gives vapor o&utet atMsacuc uw.rnrum aicoaoi ruu3, ic REMOVED THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS have moved from 2344 Morrison st, to the old stand. 2S74 Alder st-. bet. 4 th and 5 th: tub and vapor baths, massage and electricity; lady assistants. YOUNG LADY FBOM SEATTLE GIVES massage and electrical treatment; also manicuring; strictly high-class. Call and he convinced. 164 Park st., parlors 1 and 2. YOUNG, SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES vapor, electric thermal, alcoholic medicated baths ana magneuo uraunenu jrarior iu. Benson mocx. atn ana jiamsan. YOUNG EXPERT MASSEUSE. NEW treatments, delightful. Invigorating: It you wish a luxury, please call 201 3d St., room n. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHS. MASSAGE and magnetic treatments, by experienced young lady, soia Morrison st., room 16, YOUNG LADY FROM ST. LOUIS GIVES massage, vapor and tub baths; tub baths a TP von WANT THE BEST BATH. ALCO hoi rub or massage, call at 145 6th St., rooms 24-23; experienced attendants. YOUNG LADY. STRANGER FROM THE East; scientific massage, sponge and alcohol SCOTCH LADY GIVES BATHS AND MAS- sage ox l&Ha aa sc. room v, jaun House. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATHS AND MAS- sage treatment, .us otn st. ilaln 5936. ELECTRIC AND STEAM BATHS, MASSAGE. MASSAGE PARLORS FOR BENT. Morrison, cor. 2d st- - 2344 Leather aad Finding?. J A. BTROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO. Es tablished 185S. Leather end flndlngii: Stockton sole leather and cut, stock; full line Eastern jumoos. lau ronz st. tot. -a-avrrMA- r-n r.v.xTrrvm -mttis . .boot and. shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, learner or au Kin as. oin. BUSINESS DIRECTOKYr Machinery B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAWMILLS, togging macmncry; nyaraunc pipes, casual All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. a A T.BEE CO., SECOND-HAND 2SA- cmnery, sawmills, etc -43 urana ave. Music. INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN ON THE PIANOS Miss C Soderhack. 420 Vancouver ave nue. Phone East 1990. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDESt" peits. wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 342 Front ot. Northwett Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. vau or sena stamp xor .Health iloox. Osteopathy. DRS. ADDIX & NORTHRUP. 416 DEKUM uius. raono jiain ;hv. .examination tree. Paints, Oils and Glass. BASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. rhy si clans and Surgeons. DR. MRS. CAREY-TALBOTT, DISEASES OF Palmistry. MAEL-ION. THE GREAT ORIENTAL PALM- lst ana spirit medium, has lven satisfaction where all others have failed. S50fc Washing ton et., rooms 3-4, The Medina. BOHEMIAN LADY PALMIST AND CARD reader; readings, 50c. 162V, 1st St., rooms 1 and 2. Patent Lawyers. B. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN: patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. T. J. OEISLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 630 Chamber of Commerce. Bobber Goods. RUBBER APRONS FOR THE KITCHENS save washing. Sanitary Supply Co., 503 E. Ankeny, cor. 10th. Rubber Stamps. P. C STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL, Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. Stop Drinking. GUARANTEED cure; send 60c; tablet form I mailed in plain package; has cured thou eands. L. L. Cy Co.. 614 Grant bldg.., S. F. Safes. FOR OPENING LOCKOUTS AND SAFE BAR gains, go to J. E. Davis, 63 3d st. Second-Hand Machinery. J. SIMON & BROS., DEALERS IN ALU kinds second-hand machinery, pipe, cable, belting, hardware: highest price paid fos scrap iron and metals. 244 Front. f'n 2002. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 14C3. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 343 1st, near Market. Phone Black 8133. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND' most reliablo medium; all In trouble call and: get her valuable advlcauon all affairs of life., business, love, troubles; absent friends a. specialty. lG3fj 4th sr., Rassel bids.; hours 9 to 6. Magnetic healing; consul PI B. Walker, who diagnoses your disease free: gives tranc readings. ?1. 264 4th st. opposite City Hall, MRS. SOPHIA B. SETP. SEERESS, GIVES readings iany ana teacnes spiritual umoia ment, 145 6th ot. Booms 6 and 6. MRS. LADD FTNNICAN CAN BB CONSULT. eu caiiy at 41a Aiaer. cor. litn. Mam eiTU. MRS STEVENS, spiritual life reader, scientllia paunisi, OUC lamhiil; COT. '7th. MRS. C CORNELIUS, REMOVED TO 14 otn st. room -1, situngs dauy Btorace. and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED,. pacKea ready for shipping and shipped; alL work guaranteed: large three-story brick fire proof warehouse for storagve Office 123 Isu. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 647. C. O. PICK. OFFICE SS 1ST. BET STARK and Oak. Phone 396. Pianos and furnltura moved and packed for shipment; commodious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT? u. nousenoia goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, eetvlng machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 64 THIRD ST. nauiauio uu reiau. &ena ior catalogue. Typeiv r Iters. New typewriters, all mokes, rented, sold an Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS, WHOLESALE GROCERY, BANKS. THE CANADIAN" BANK OF COMMERCE Head Office. Toronto. Canada. Capital paid up $8,700,000" Reserve ... ... 8.500.000 Transacts b general banking businsa. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward and interest allowed on mlnlmuxat monthly balances. Bates on application. E. A. WILD, Manager Portland Branca. i UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OBEGON. Northwest Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts Issued available In all cities cf tha United States and Europe, Hons Kons an&t Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C AINBWORTH Vice-President , W. B. AYERr Cashier B. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial AgenC of the United States. President - A. L. MTLL3 Cashier - J"- W. NEWKTRK Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier ..B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available- la Eu rope and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer? sold on New York. Boston. Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco- andj the principal points oSxthe Northwest, Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London Paris. Berlin, Frankfort-on-tho Main Hong Kong; Yokohama, Copenhagen, Christlanla. Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON NO. 103 THIRD ST. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. CAPITAL. $300,000. , W8 conduct a general banking business. We receive savings deposits. We issue time cer tificates and certificates of deposit payable, upon 10 days call. 80 days" call or 90 days' call, with Interest at 3tf. 3 and 4 per cent, per annum, respectively. Call or send for otif ILLUSTRATIONS. BENJ. I. COHEN ..... President H. L. PITTOCK .Vice-President B LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TTLTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transacts "a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points, on favorabls terms. Letters of credit issued available In Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers ec4d" on New York, Washington, Chicago. St. Louis.. Denver Omaha. San Francisco and various1 points In Oregon. Washington and Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris, Berlin; Frank fort. Hong Kong; Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President. R. L. DURHAM -Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT... Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. -: WELLS. FARGO & CO.. BANK "7 Corner Second and Washington. ' - F. L. LIPMAN ..PresWestf (Baa Francisco) t. R. LEA BARNES Cashier WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashl (Portland.). General banking business transacted. Sjk change sold and letters, of credit Issued, . 'available in all parts of the world "