4 THE- MOKSESGOKEGOISIAS?, FRW'Y TARCH 3, 1905". 13 FOE KENT Ronmi, "URNISHED ROOMS. "KTrfT KTEAIT HEAT bXh. telephone, newly-furnished; reasonable rem; reicrence exeaangea. Telephone xun 4608. ftVALKJNG DISTANCE. FURNISHED BOOM, -suii&Die xor tiro, 10 mouth, including Datn, jphonc. heat. 292 10th. tNISHED OR rTVFTTR VISITED ROOMB: Phone, gaa, bith; good car service. 504 E. Fine Phone East 326. L"HE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON -ewiy rumisnec. single or en-auite; modern; wuritis. special rates. 10 SALMON ST. XI C PnT FURNISHED front room for one or two, central, ail con veniences, reasonable. 'ICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 3D door from first-class board in ir-hotise. IRS 13th, near Morrison. PLEASANT FRONT AND SIDE ROOHS; new xiouse, lour biocks irom note .fortiana. S0Vi Sixth street. KGV "WASHINGTON ST. LIGHT. NEWLY inro lined rooms. 51.00 per -week and up. Phone Hood 46. fLL - FURNISHED LARGE FRONT "room with alcove, gas. bath and phone. mi 14th st. , fICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.50 TO 53.50 per -week, all modem conveniences. 288 Jefferson St. 7Q ELEGANT UNFURNISHED FRONT rcomc, -with use of bath and gas, $12. 306 Eugene st. SAFEST FURNISHED ROOMS. BOARD. housekeeping suites; close In. S6 Tenth st. IDROOMS PLEASANT. CLEAN. BRIGHT and reasonable. 195 16th at., cor. Taylor. rURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOM, suitable tor lady or gentleman. East 1000. (Cheapest and best-located rooms In Portland, i week up. unman, 1st and Alder sts. I LARGE LIGHT ROOMS, EN SUITE OR SIN- gle; modem conveniences. 434 YamhllL ' Booms With Board. COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO- tel. 165-187 10th St.. cor. Morrison: there ere a few vacancies, fine rooms, nicely Xur- xuanea. steam neat urougnout the house; porcelain bath, plenty or hot water, hand come dining-room, table and servlco first class. I THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL, joarxei ax., net. aa ana 4ia; steam neat, elec tric light, porcelain . baths; elegant outside rooms, with first -class board two people. $45, $50 and $55 month. Main 0561. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TH YEAR; rooms with board; use or sewing-room; use or library. Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Arabel Russell, superintendent, C10 Flanders. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. ALL MODERN conveniences, witn board; suitable for couple or two gentlemen. Phone Main 618S. Call 704 Flanders. THE SWELLEST FURNISHED HOUSE IN tne city; ten minutes walk Irom Portland Hotel. Answer with phone number. C 48, Oregon tan. THE OLENDORA Elegant, new residence ho tel, table the beat; rates moderate; special rates to families. 18th, near Washington st. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator; bllllard-room; transients; both car lines. 204 ALDER. COR. 10TH NICELY FUR- nisnea suite; also single room, with beard and good service: reasonable. 894 COLUMBIA CHOICE PRIVATE BOARD, weu-iurnisncrfi single room and en nuite, cen tral, modem. Main 2219. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board; good home cooking; reasonable; cen tral. 221 13th st. GOOD ROOMS. GOOD BOARD, BATH AND pnone. a- . lita. opposite Armory Hall. Terms reasonable. ; SEVERAL NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. with Boara, single or ooudic xne lsila, t5 Washington. BLAKELY HALL. 270 6TH ST. PLEASANT rooms with first-class board; one nice front room. "VERY PLEASANT ROOM WILL BE VA- cant March 4; good table board. 147 W. Park. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. ROOMS witn board, alngle or en suite. Phono Main 1802. 115 MORRISON ROOMS WITH BOARD, hot and cold water. Phono Main 4314. THE OZARK. 225 11TII ST.-ROOM8 EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. NICE, PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH BOARD; modern: furnace heat. 453 East Pine. BOARD AND ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO gentlemen. 451 Burnslde st. Xlats. NEW 6-ROOM FLAT ON MILL ST.. BET. 6TH and 7th sts. Inquire at 829J4 Mill et. Housekeeping Rooms. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM bi'l New house, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and e:ld water: gas range in each kitchen; steam heat and baths; free phone on each floor. FOB RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms in nicest brick block on East Side, gas ranges, bath, etc. Logan oik., 10S& Union avc. Phone Union .S2G3. THREE LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; entire ground floor; nuit abie for four people; gas, bath, phone; close in. 226 6th st. Phone Main 2it0. 167 CHAPMAN, NEAR MORRISONi UN furnished housekeeping rooms, running water, bath, central, private family, reasonable. SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE Veeplng rooms, with gas stove furnished; ca.y $1 75 per week. 3S2 E. Yamhill st. S FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; large pastry, water and sink in kitchen. Oul at 101 10th. Phone Main S33L 2 OR 3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE keplag rooms; all modern conveniences, op posite City Hall. 2SS Jefferson st. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR llgi-.t housekeeping; also single rooms. 2 il. 10th. cor. Stark. Phone East 168. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms; gas. bath, phone; no chil dren 325 12th st. Main 1112. THBEE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEBP lng roams; pleasant, clean, convenient; bath and pbone. 320 4th, cor. Clay. LARGE. CLEAN, LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, rent reasonable; modern conveniences. 195 North 15th. cor. Kearne. FCK RENT FURNISHED FLAT. 5 ROOMS ar I bafh, complete for housekeeping; deslr aSuo Phone Scott 1S5. 800V, 4TfI ST. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP 4g ront rooms; gas or wood stoves; clean, I-jet Rent reasonable. SSO ITH ST. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE fceep.rg apartments; light front rooms; 3 a-ge basement rooms. S-2 "ST ST TWO NEWLY PAPERED BAY v. - iav, furnished housekeeping rooms; $10; er?ectsb.e people only. lfIIXn. 2S0fc GRAND AVE. FURNISHED ' .isekierlng suite: also sleeping roomt. by da-, week or month. TW " T"REE OR FOUR WELL FURNISHED f- - housekeeping rooms; adults onl; bath, aa-i 544 Overton. THIE: FURNISHED OR PARTLY FUR it s?xd housekeeping rooms, with bath and Sua. 43S 7th St. WANTED -ONE OR TWO LADIES TO s .ar. expenses in housekeeping flat, three rx:. 215 10th. THREE FURNISHED IIOUSSKBEPING occs. New Grant, 2d and Grant. Phone Fr.nt 1006. FCl 11 NICELY FURNISHED ISOUSEKEEP-i-g romi; bath and garden. 168 Porter at. Hr, $20. 4oS HOYT ST. SUITE OP TWO SUNNY front '-oorus,' well furnished, cheap to right part.es 5 Fl F.MSHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, esw.. te gas stove, tlnk and phone. 3W th t "K ITH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms: transient: bath, electric light. t-PEAPEPT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ltea, single rooms, board; close in. 86 10th. 215 10TH ST.. COR. SALMON-4 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; two beds. MELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING fpoms. also rooms; a snap. 348 YemhllL 527 W PARK-TWO TRGE. CLEAN ROOMS on flrrt floor, lor light houkeeping. 102 T3TH ST. EI-3GANTLT FURNISHED roc mi to rent; private family. - FOK BENT. LEWIS AND CLARK HAD NO TROUBLE house-hunting,- when they came to Oregon 100 years ago. Neither wUi you have any trouble finding a house to suit you If you call at Gevurtx Rental Agency, 1st and Yam hill. The rental department is not connected with the phone. MEET ME ON THE TRAIL WILL BE THE cry when the Fair opens. In the meantime, you must hava some place to stay, whether house, cottage or flat, matters not. L Ge vurtz & Sons have either of them. Call at 1st and YamhllL ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOUSE 7 IF so. have you .seen our house list? We have an excellent list of vacant houses on both sides of the river. Powers Furniture Co., First and Taylor. FOR RENT TO RESPONSIBLE ADULTS only; strictly modem 6-room cottage; $; good neighborhood on Park st. Shoe store. 270 Washington st. Phone Hood 74. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME CON sistlng of -nearly one aore of land, fruit trees, etc. Call 602 Commercial bldg. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 248 STARK ST.. Rests and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. THREE ROOMS UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng; close in; central; West Side; rent $16. H. E. Edwards. 1S5-191 1st. , KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano, and furniture movers. Phone Main 16S3. Office. 110 N. 3d st. NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE; best location. East Side. Inquire A. R. Clement, care Tull & Gibbs. FOR RENT 146x110. 4-ROOM FURNISHED house for 10 months; small family. Inquire of Louis Salomon, 112 1st st. 8-ROOM NEW. MODERN CORNER DWELL lng. East Side, on car line; rent $36. H. E. Edwards, 165-181 1st. FOR RENT 6-ROOM FLAT. 63 GRAND AVE. North. Jntt completed, $25. Inquire D. Marx. 212 Ablngton bldg. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. EAST SIDE. CLOSE TO Burnslde bridge; rent $18. H. E. Edwards. 165-191 1st st. MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. $25. Osbom Hotel. East Side, Grand avs and East Ash. .SIX-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT IN KENIL worth; plenty of fruit. Westergard. Phone Main 4039. 10-ROOM HOUSE MODERN, ON E. 17TH. $30. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Tay lor sts. T-ROOM, NEW .MODERN DWELLEiG, EAST Side; rent $22.50. H. E. Edwards, 185-191 First at. MODERN HOUSE ON 12TH ST.. RENT $50. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Tay lor sts. 6-ROOM DWELLING, NORTH PORTLAND, close in; rent $25. H. B. Edwards, 1S5-191 First st. NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM H0O6E, S78 Vic toria st., near Williams are. and Hancock. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH. LAWN. APPLY 364 Ross. cor. Broadway. Union 6032. MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. Inquire 347 Clay st. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-room cottage: strictly modem: steel rango gas stove. 447 B. Davis St., bet. 7 and 8. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5 room cottage; strictly modem; steel range. gas stove. 447 E. Davis st., bet. 7 and 8. WELL-FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE; PlA no, porcelain bath, close In, to family of adults. 420 E. Yamhill. fi-ROOM COTTAGE. COMPLETELY FUR niahed; gas and bath; cor. 12th and Harrison. Phone Main 5453. 8-KOOM HOUSE AND- PORCELAIN BATH; central location; rent $80. M. S. Rentery. Sherlock bldg. NINE COMPLETELY FURNISHED. PLEAS. t large rooms. Nob Hill. 875 Irving, cor. loth. 7ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURNISH. d. West Side. Inquire 2S3 Lincoln st. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELECTRIC lights, bath, central. Inquire 27S 7th. Houses for Hcnt Fomltnro for Sale. FOR RENT-PRETTY FOUR-ROOM MODERN cottage. East 39th St.; convenient to Mount Tabor and Mount Scott car lines; oar every 10 minutes; completely furnished; rent, $15 furniture for sale. Apply Tull & Gibbs, Inc. FURNITURE HANDSOMELY FURNISHED eix-room flat; best residence location In city central; rent. $40; win sell very reasonable: no agents. Call 207 Commercial block. 14 ROOMS, GOOD FURNITURE. FINE lease, two blocks from the Hotel Portland -bouse full; strictly no agents. Owner. 167 W. Park. COTTAGE FOR RENT CHEAP RENT; FUR niture offered for sale very reasonable. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton Mdg. FOR RBNT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. $16; FUR niturc for sale. $125; all new, oieol range, etc 247 Morris, Upper Albina car. SITUATION WANTED AS STATIONARY EN glneer; years of experience; good reference Phone Hood 342. FURNITURE 6 ROOMS, SUITABLE TWO families, nearly new, house for rent. 44 EL 7th North. LEASH AND FURNITURE OF 9-ROOM house. SC3 Upshur sL; half bloak from 1506 Fair grounds. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM .ou.,e:c?atral: a barKa!a tls week. Phone Alain cSQ. SIX-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. $22, FUR rtlture for sale, good as new. 328 Larra oce. 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale, or wouW rent furnished. 330 2d si. 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale, modem. 122 N. 14th "st. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM COTTAGE; REA sonabie. 267 Salmon et. Stores. FOR RENT FINEST CORNER IN CITY FOR cigar, fruit and stationery store. 181 Mor rison st. Offices. PART OFFICE AND DESKROOM FOR RENT To manufacturers' agent or other mercan tile man of good recommendation, half of a large-size o&toe: light, heat and Janitor services Included. Apply room 517. Commer cial blk. FURNISHED OFFICE FOR SALE AT SAC riflce; owner alck. D 60, care Oregenlan. Offlcts and newly furnished lodge halls. Allaky bldg.. 3d and Morrison ats. Winter and Summer Resorts. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. 8EA stde. will be open during Fall and Winter. FINANCIAL. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE teamsters, etc. without security: easy pay ments; largest buelness in 49 principal cities. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg.. Clay 176$. 6 PER CENT MONEY WE BUY OR build you a home or loan on your property monthly payment: isvestlgate: open Satur day evening. 17 Labbe bldg.. 227i Wash. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly confi dential. Employes Loan Co., room 716, the Dekum. 3d and Wash. ate. Phone 224 LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity at low rates. C. W. Palette - 384-5 Fenton bldg. Phone Main 13S6. $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS. ON ALL KINDS of security, without delay. W. A. Hathaway room 10. Washington bldg. Clay 1S14. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S W Kinr room 45. Washington bldg. Hood 415. CHANCE FOR IDLE MONEY PROPERTY laying S per cent net on $42,000 can be had for $32,600. Box 608. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED. 60 PER CENT valuation: low rates. W. 8. Ward. Allsky h. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas state agt.. Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com! Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Co, lands. T. F. Riley, 606 Cham, of Commerce. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT Wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Failing bldg. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. S AND 6 per cent. Wm. Denholm, 225 Failing bldg PRIVATE PARTY makes real estate, personal, chattel, salary loans. 604 Marquats blr. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before pay-day can get It from, us; no commission or Interest In advasce; no mortgage or 1c dorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi-monthly In amounts ' from $1 and up wardr, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one pay-day, and have tlx months' time. If desired. NELSON & HIND LEY. 3C8 McKay Mdg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding penaaaeEt positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; aUo CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 203 Ablngton building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get oa his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. -Mosth. Week SCO Repay to us $13. S3 or $6.65 or $3.25 $25 Repay to us $6.65 or $3.35 or $l.e5 $16 Repay to Ua $4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 162 2D. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO nlan bldg., loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motormen. conductors or other salaried employes, just on his note. In sums of $10 to $100. Returnable In con venient weekly or monthly payments. Pay meats suspended In case of sickness. Confi dential. No Inquiries. $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS ON ALL KINDS of security, or to salaried people on their note; lowest rates; no publicity; no delay. 218 Ablngton bldg. Phone Red 1720. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity; building loans a specialty. W. II. Nunn. 652 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 529. 21 EPKCLSX 3'OrZCES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to an order and decree duly made and entered In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for the County of Clark, in a cause therein pending, wherein H. A. Board mart. Jr.. ad ministrator of the estate of O. M. Hidden, deceased, is plaintiff and L. M. Hidden and A, W. Hidden are defendants, appointing the undersigned receiver for the purpose of aelllng all of the partnership property, both real and personal, of the firm of Hidden Brothers, which real property is described as follows, to-wit; Lots number one 1) and two (2), in block three (8), in West Van couver. County of Clark. State of Washing ton, according to the duly recorded plat thereof, on file in the Auditor's office of said Clark County. Upon which real prop erty Is situated the 4-story and basement brick hotel building knowns as the Hotel Columbia, together with the unearned Insur ance premiums on $21,000 of insurance car ried on said building and contests, and all of the furnishings and fittings of said Hotel Columbia, a full and accurate description of which property hereby offered for sale will be found in the Inventory thereof on Sle In said court and cause, and a copy of which may be seen In the possession of the un dersigns! and at the hotel office. The undersigned will receive sealed bids for the said real and personal property, and the whole thereof, at his office- in the Coun ty Court-house in Vancouver, Clark County. State of Washington, up to and including Monday, the 3d day of April. 1905. at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. at which time the said bids will be opened in the Clerk's office of said court at said Court-house, and the property will be sold to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation by said court. All persons bidding on tatd property are required to accompany their bids with a certified cheek on some responsible bank in the State of Washington or State of Oregon for 5 per cent of their bid, which amount shall be forfeited if the person so bidding shall fall to complete the purchase upon confirmation, of the tale by the court. The balance of the purchase price to be paid In cash upon the confirmation of the sale by the court and the execution and delivery of a deed by the receiver. For further information Inquire of the un dersigned. E. S. BIESECKBR. Receiver. Vancouver, Wash., February 22, 1905. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS Office Constructing Quartermaster, San Fran cisco. CaL, Feb. 6. 1903. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual condition, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M.. Pacific time. March 8. 1903. and then opened. In the presenco of bidders, for the construction, plumbing, heating and electric wiring of a barrack for one company of coast artillery, at Fort Baker, CaL Informa tion furalshed on application to this office; also the office of the Depot Quartermaster. Seattle, Wash., and Portland, Or. The United Sttaes reserves the right to accept or reject any bid received, or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals must be in dorsed "Proposals for Public Building at Fort Baker, CaL." and addressed to Captain W. C Wren. Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Constructing Quartermaster. Phelan btdg.. San Francisco. CaL SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the office of the School Clerk, City Hall, until 12 o'clock M., Thursday. March 9. 1996. for constructing an addition to the Highland School BuMding. Separate bids will be re ceived as follows : First Alt excavating, cement and concrete work, brick work, plastering, etc Second All carpenter work, etc. Third AH glass and glazing, etc Fourth All paintings, etc Fifth All plumbing and drainage. A certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany the same. The Sebool Directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. THOMAS J. JONES. Arehtect. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the office of the School Clerk. City Hall, until 12 o'clock II.. Thursday, March V. 1965, for constructing an addition to the Sell wood School Building. Separate bids will be received as fokMws: First All excavating, cement arid concrete work, brick work, plastering, etc Second All carponter work, etc. Third All glass and glazing, etc Fourth All painting, etc Fifth All plumbing and drainage. A oertifled check of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany the same. The School Directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. THOMAS J. JONES. Architect. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS ter. Astoria. Or.. February 15. 1905. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office iisui 10 o'clock A. M. March 7. 1905. and then opened, for grading and con struction of plank roadways and sidewalks about new public buildings at Fort Colum bia, Wash. United States reserves the right to reject any on all proposals. Plans -can be seen and specifications obtained at this of fice. Information furnished on application. Envelopes should be marked "Proposals for grading, etc." and addressed Captain Goodale. Quartermaster. Astoria, Or. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF flce of Director-General. Lewis and Clark Exposition, up to noon Saturday. March 4. 1905, for the furnishing of settees for Ex pobltion Grounds; each bidder must sub mit his own design; approximate number ol seats. 500; the right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Consignee's Notice. BRITISH SHIP PYTHOMENB. CAPTAIN Splvey. from Antwerp, will commence dis charging at Coloma dock, en Friday morn ing, March 3. 1905. Consignees will please call at the office of the undersigned, pay freight and receive their orders. All merchandise- when landed upon the dock will be at the, risk of the owners thereof (with out regard to weather), and If not re moved before 5 o'clock P. M. ef each day will be stored or left on the dock .at the risk and expense of the owner. Taylor, Young & Co., agents. Masters' Notice. BRITISH SHIP PYTHOMENE. CAPTAIN Splvey. from Antwerp Neither the master nor the undersigned consignees of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor. Young & Co., agents. Miscellaneous. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts contracted by my wife. Charles J. Brown. MR. S. GRIMBERG SOLD HIS RESTAURANT at S24 1st st, to H. 8chahas. LOST AND FOUND. LOST ABOUT 3 WEEKS AGO, SCOTCH collie dog. sable, with broad white col lar, front legs and feet white; also white tip of lall and blaze- is face -very heavy coated; answers name of So bo. Kindly notify H. Berger, Jr., ISO 1st St.. receive reward. LOST ON MARCH 2, BETWEEN HARRISON and Stark, on 4th or 3d. a gold-negget stick- gn. Finder leave at 401 West Park st. eward. LOST ON TUESDAY NIGHT. A THIN GOLD chain, with opal pendant. Return to C E. S. Wood. Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOST MOUNTED ELK'S TOOTH. INITIALS J. D. A.. No. 142- Return to landlady, fifth floor, Goodnough bldg., reward. LOST TOX TERRIER PUP IN VICINITY of Eugene and Williams avc Return to 303 Eugeca st. Reward. LOST THURSDAY. GOLD DOLLAR PIN. date 1851. Return to Dr. Eliot, 227 W. Park. Reward. LOST COACH DOG. BLACK AND "WHITE eye. Tel. SeotnTBS. 631 E. Morrlsoa st. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT CO. 125-6 Ablsgtcn Block. .Phone Mais 156. WE MAirn SPECIALTY OF ROOMING HOUSES, and have many- of the MOST DE SIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for sale. Good locations are going fast.' Note our par tial list below of both large and small anea. If these don't suit, call rs. 25 ROOMS Very central location, nicely furnished, steam heat. This "la swell placs and must be sold $3300. 21 ROOMS New, modem building, newly furnished, swell location, every room taken; rent only $125. 3 years' lease. A pick-up for $2500, 21 ROOMS All extra, large, splendid loca tion, all Moquet and Axmlnster carpets; good hard furniture; cheap rent; present ownr has had the house for 3 yeara, A gilt-eds buy for $2500. 20 ROOMS Best location In city for high class transient or steady roomers; rent. $100; clearing good money now and during the Fair you can make all the money you want. Price. $2200. 20 ROOMS On. 11th St.. near ilorrieon; boarding: nicely furnished, doing good busi ness; rent only $00. $3800. 16 BOOMS Good location; well furnished; cheap rent: lease. This la surely a good buy at $1500. 12 ROOMS Very finely furnished, awell lo cation: very reasonable: good Income. This Is exclusive. For particulars calL SALOON Best location in the city; cheap rent and long lease, and making good money; five nice llrlng-rooms and with fur Blture. Goes for $3250. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE Good country town doing a sico business; sick ness the cause for selling. This Is worth looking up. WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OI' THE ABOVE. ALT. TITLES. GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WE WANT 10 TO 15-P.OOM HOUSES; ALSO 20 TO 40. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-0 Ablngton t Block-lOStt Third St. W ANTED ESTABLISHED FIRM IN PORT land, or party having $3000, to take general agency of upper halt of Pacific Coast, for the Eale of "Winget Concrete Hollow Block Ma chine" and "Helm Cement Pressad Brick" machines; will have exhibit at Centennial, from which you can derive great benefit. Have eold two carloads In Southern Califor nia in short time Winget Concrete Machine Co.. 1201 W. 7th. Los Angeles. CaL FORD'S, 165'jj 4TH ST.. PHONE CLAY 53S 9-room, nicely furnished, close in, oa 6th at. $550; 16-room, good buy. $650; beautiful flat, 11 rooms, very cheap, fine location; 15 rooms, fine bargain, $500; fine 33-room comer brick, lease, $3000; beautiful flat. 7 rooms, piano, rent $20. $450: 28 rooms, comer, fine tran sient, rent $75, $1600; 26 rooms, elegant, leave, close in. $3500; magnificent comer. 11 rooms, flue furniture. $1360. Before you buy sec our bargains. THE BEST 35-ROOM HOUSE in the city, furnishings extra good. Brus sels and velvet carpets, rooms all fnlL pay ing now $250 a month nel and during Fair every room will bring $3 a day. Price only $4750. Ellis & Gibson, room 21, 264 Morrison st. 20 ROOMS. SWELL APARTMENTS! In nice dwelling-house, good, close in. res idence location, solid oak furniture. Brus sels carpets, porcelain baths, rent only $60 a bargain at $2300; half cash, terms to suit. Ellis & Gibson, room 21, 264 Morrison, SOUTHERN LADY. THOROUGH HOTEL keeper, well acquainted with traveling public, especially in Southern States, would like to secure position to manage large rooming-house during coming Exposition; best references given and requlHd. W 49, Cregonlan. SOMETHING EXTRA GOOD. 32-room rooming-house, all one floor, fine comer building, everything new and first clals, excellent transient; during Fair will pay $100 a day. Price $5000. ElUs &. Gib son, room 21. 264 Morrison at. TRANSFER AND FORWARDING BUS1NE3H now yielding $300 per month, over and above all expenses and depreciation: increased 25 per cent past year; still growing; no bonus; closest investigation invited; $6000; part time. T 47. Oregonlan. , ROOMlNG-HOUSE 10 ROOMS. Near Park and Taylor streets, fine furnish ings, large rooms, rent only $40, furnace heat, a swell place, big bargain at $000; terms. Ellis &. Gibson, room 21, 264 Mor rison st. ASSOCIATES WANTED IRRIGATED LANDS in Crook County: mild climate; big profits; easy payments; illustrated descriptive- maga zine tor stamp. Deschutes Alfalfa Land Syn dicate, 315 Oregonlan bldg. 14-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE $050. In good business street, all on one floor, good furnishings, pays $60 net. a great buy for $950; terms. Ellis & Gibson, room 21, 264 Morrison at." 10 ROOMS AT A BARGAIN. Near Courthouse, well furnished, rent $45. Income $100. nothing on market for $S00 as good; terms. Ellis &, Gibson, room 21. 264 Morrison st. WANTED MANAGER FOR BAN FRANCIS CO office: permanent; duties easily learned; .salary, $100 per month; must Invest 3500; fully secured. Appl personally. 17 Com mercial block. WANTED MEN WITH A LITTLE MONEY to Invent In best mining proposition oa Coast; steady work; money secured; wages, S3 per day. 315 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE COMPLETE CREAMERY plant, all machinery new; will tell at a great bargain. For further particulars write to J. D. Hibbs. Gaston. Or. FOR SALE RETAIL HARDWARE Busi ness In Eastern Oregon; takes $0000 cash; includes building: thorough investigation In vited. Q 46. Oregonlan. A FINE B ARG AIN 24 -ROOM HOUSE NORTH of Washington on 0th, doing fine busineaj; rent $110. The Conservative Investment Co.. 40 Hamilton bldg. SNAP RESTAURANT, LEASE. $35 RENT: flrst-daea furniture, half cash. If wanted, good reason for sale. 306 Ankeny, opposite Postoffics. GOOD EXPERIENCED MAN WITH CAPITAL can have charge of big paying enterprise; & bonanza. Address Alexander, 166 Morrison st.. city. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED and floated. I handle unlisted securities. George M. Kellogg. S4S Ellicott Square, Buffalo. FOR SALE WELL-EQUIPPED CABINET shop and mill: A No. 1 machinery; good location. In' Portland. Inquire V 40, Ore gonlan. NOT IN THE ROOMING-HOUSE TRUST IF you desire an honest house at an honest price, ee F. S. Keating. 504 Marquam bldg. Millinery bsIness of years' standing; first class custom and transient trade: splendid location; lease. Address P. O. Box 326. BAKERY. WITH DELICATESSEN AND GRO cery stock, excellent location, established trade; must sell. 722 Chamber of Commerce. $250 WILL BUY A BUSINESS AND MAKE you $3.50 to $5 a day; experience un necessary. Call 24S& Stark st. SALOON FOR SALE, HALF INTEREST, email payment down, easy terms os balance. Call 317 Fenton bldg., 84 6th st. WANTED LADY. WITH $1600. TO BUY -Interest and take full charge of CO-room rooming-house. L 46, Oregonlan. OYSTER PARLORS, FIRST-CLASS. CEN t rally located, for sale cheap. E. Gcnderson, 701 Chamber of Commerce. ' FOR SALE BARBER SHOP IN SMALL tows, good location, cheap. Address Lock box 17, Little Falls, Wash. SUBURBAN DRY GOODS STORE) FOR BALE, cr will trade Xor small Improved tract east of city. Phone Main 343. WANTED STEADY YOUNG MAN. WITO $100 cash for business that will show good profit. D 49, Oregonlan. THE PORTLAND GROUP OF MINING stock sold on rnitsilraenta. Inquire at 127H 1st. room 7. FOR SALE WELL-ESTABLISHED MTLLIN ery store. Is Eastern Oregon. Address 182 17th st- FOR SALE CIGAR STAND. LONG LEASE, cheap rest, snap if takes sow. J 44. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE 10-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, snap. 129 10th at., bet. Washington and Alder. A SNAP THE BEST LUNCHROOM IN CITY; long lease, cheap rent. Inquire 24SH YamhllL IF YOU HAVE MINING STOCK TO SELL, call 319 Ablngton bldg.. or phone Clay 1756. SALOON $1800 BUYS HALF INTEREST; best street. Particulars ' 24 81 .Stark sC BUSINESS CHANCES. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMEn'G-HOCSES. ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS CHANCES. LOOK US UP. 20 TEARS IN PORTLAND. LILLIAN DEKEATER & JOHNSON. Boom 203. Allsky block. N. W. cor. Morrison and 3d sts. Phone 615L SO-rcom. house. $3 per room; best bargain In city; exclusive with us. Fine lunch counter and delicatessen, good business; $700; exclusive. Grocery stores, restaurants, confectionery stores, etc. Rooming-bouses lets of bargains. Look us up. All sizes, all prices. OWNER OF STORE. BECAUSE OF GROW ing business; will take partner; $600 re quired; experience unnecessary: but must be industrious; profits of business sow av erage $S day; with good partner owner says they will more than double. Partic ulars 21SH Stark st. THOROUGHLY ESTABLISHED DRESSMAK ing business for sale at a sacrifice This business is patronized by the best families. scd can be increased Indefinitely. X 49. Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED $1200 REQUIRED, fully secured; duties easily learned; owner knowing the business will guarantee pur chaser $150 & month. Call 21SH Stark st. ONE OF THE BEST TRANSIENT ROOMING houses in the city for sale; choice location; lease; small payment down, easy terms on balance Call 517 Feston bldg.. S4 6th st. FAIR-GROUND PROPOSITIONS OR GOOD locations Is small or large pieces of ground as rooming houses. Call Fair Ground office. SO Upshur. Phone Mais 6278. WANT GENTLEMAN OR LADY. WILLING to invest $500 to $S00; good position during time of Exposition. 740 Chamber of Com merce. WANT TO BUY ROOMING-HOUSE, FROM 6 to 15 rooms, in fair location; must be cheap; no agents. Address JJ SO, care Orego nias. PARTNER FOR ESTABLISHED REAL Es tate and business chance agency; will stand Investigation. 303 Ankeny et. 82 ROOMS. UNFURNISHED, FINE LOCA tlon; will lease for one or more years. Call 317 Feston bldg., 84 0th at. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE, 54 ROOMS: newly furnished; leaae; $3000; terms. W 47, Oregonlan. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN GOOD paying barber shop. Address C 60, Orego nian. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. WITH HORSE, wagon and fixtures; cheap. S 49. Oregonian. SALOON PARTNER WANTED; PATS well; $325 required. Call 24S& stark st. FOR SALS RESTAURANT. $1000; GOOD location. IC 49. care Oregonlan. PERSONAL.- GREAT FACE SPECIALIST HERE W. Au gustus Pratt. B. B., M. D-. the world-famous American Face Specialist of New York and Chicago, with his chief plastic operator, will positively remedy all defects of features, every wrinkle and all facial blemishes by his celebrated immediate process. Selllng-Hirsch building, Washington, bet- West Park and 10th ets., where engagements can now be made Write or call Dr. Pratt Institute, phone Main 70S. Hours: 0 A. M. to 8 P. M-. dally and Sunday. IF MRS. NICHOLAS O'NEILL (FORMERLY Martha Cllssold), who left England about 1870 for America, will communicate with Mrs. Blake (former: Elizabeth CliotJld. of Glou cester. England), of Kurort. Wellington. New Zealand, care Gordon & Gotch Proprietary, Limited. Advertising Agents, Wellington, Zealand, she will hear of something to her advantage. Father dead. Advertiser would be much obliged if anyone knowing present address would forward same. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatologist: scientific, featuraJ. correctlon ist, beautifler and restorer of youthfulness. may be consulted doily free: every affilotlon of the human face and scalp successfully treated: mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc. removed. Sanitarium and school of der matology in connection. Parlors 364 Morri son. Telephone Hood 292. REMOVAL NOTICE MADAME VAUGHN, only graduate dermatologist In Northwest permanently removes birthmarks, plttlngs. wrinkles, saggings. scars, eczema, pimples, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Derma tology taught for professional purposes. Re moved to eui's 51. 62 and 53, Selllng-Hirsch bldg.. Washington st., bet, W. Park and 10th. Pbone Mala 700. THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS. COR. 6th and Washington sts.. opp. Perkins Hotel. Full set teth, pink gums $5.00 22-K gold crowns 3.00 Fillings 50 We give a 10-year guarantee. Before you have your teeth made, get our prices. 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFEHING FROM irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea (white) and all diseases of woomen. old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230 Vj Yam bill st.. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclore 10 2-cent stamps. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker, 181 1st st. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; private and strictly confidential. X Ra dium Institute. 3 and Morrison. Allsky bldg. NOTHING PRESERVES TOUR APPEAR -anco like a strong, healthy body. Sexlne Pills give you vigor and strength. $1 a box. 6 boxes $5. Full guarantee. Address J. A. Clemenson. druggist, Portland. Or. ARTHUR MAT. BORN ESSEX. ENGLAND, supposed left Liverpool about August, 1679. return U. S.: executors of only brother will be glad of any Information. Write "M." at Horn castles. Cheapslde. London, England. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES-$1 A month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordray"s. SPECIALIST FEMALE DISEASES. 25 years' experience with the "German Self flora." treatment, Never has been known to XalL Phone East 782 or write Mrs. E. Gould, 1123 Hawthorne ave., Portland, Or. ENJOY LIFE BY GETTING PERFECT strength by using Palmo Tablets, the nerve and manhood builder. Price 50c a box. 6 for $2.30. Address Brooke Drag Co.. 67 N. 3d at.. Portland. Or. THE "MATRIMONIAL REGISTER." PRICE 10c; describes over 100 residents of Pacific Northwest who wish to marry; all correspond ence confidential. Interstate Introducing So ciety, box 1079. Portland. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. $2; 3 months', $6. Sent securely sealed by malL Agents, Wocdard. Clarke & Co., Portland, Or. LADIES. ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tassy Wafers Xor sale by leading druggists; $2 per box; safe and reliable. S. G. Skld more & Co.. special agents, 151 3d st. NO-GON. THE PASTE INJECTION; IT sticks longer and cures quickly; price $1. Address J. A, Clemenson. druggist. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or. TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell'a Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. We prist your name on 80 calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c; 250 buslsoes cards. $1. Brown & Schmale. 229 1st, Portland. Or. $5 REWARD FOR ADDRESS OF JOHN Fos ter Snider, formerly of Newberg, Or. Address W. P. Homer. McMinnviUe, or. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Resnor, 127 11th. Phone Main 4S58 BALM OF FIG3 FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4832, SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 60C AT HOLLA baugh's. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Art. WE HAVE WITH US ONE OF CALIFOR nla's greatest artists. Call and see her at 331 14th st. Grace Cady. Assayers and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 203 STARK st- Prices: Gold. $1; copper. $1; silver, 50c PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA lyst; gold dust bought. 22SH Stark st. J. A. MOB. ASSAYER AND ANALYTICAL .chemist. Sth and Ankeny sta. Business College. GREGG SHORTHAND, TOUCH TYPE writlBg. famous budget bookkeeping, actu al business practice; positions found for graduates: day and sight school. Holmes Business College. T. M. C A. bldg. Main 313. Dancing. MRS. .GRANTS adult and children's classes. ' Westers Academy. Morrison sl, cor. 2d. -BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Carpet Cleaning. ' Machinery. Sanitary carpet cleaning, suction and com- B. TEENKMAN & CO., MINING. SAWMILLS, pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, castings, floor without removal. Main 5334 East Ail Mnds repaired. 104 N. 4th. 2594. . . THE H. C. ALB EE CO., SECOND-HAND MA- Carpenters and Builders. chisery. sawmills, etc 213 Grand ave, W. L. Buckser. office, store fixtures, general Music. Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 914. " . : INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN ON THE PIANO. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVES. 1Ils3 C- Soderback. 420 Vancouver ave-. houses built and repaired. 20S 4th. Clay nne Phone East 1990. Junk, Hides and Pelts. ChtW,Pd!St MaaICnrlnr- L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES. WM. D EVENT & ESTELLE -DEVENY THE wooL furs, tallow, old rubbers, metala only scientific chiropodists; parlors rooms and sacks. 342 Front st. 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main . ., - ; 1 130L This 4s tha long-haired gentleman. Northwest Ylavi Co. He la the man you are looking for. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Clairvoyants. Call or send stamp for Health Book. PORTLAND'S NOTED Osteopathy. riCORTLNh DRS. ADDEC & NORTHRUP. 416 DEKUM 3I3K Washington 313!i. bldg. Phone Mais 349. Examination free. 30c SPECLVL FEE 50c Paint Oil Mfl Tells your full name. - - rants. 0118 and Gktgs- T tIm.W Jl ,1 tr' RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils. Tells whom and when - glass, oash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. lou will marry. , , No charge Physicians mad Surgeons. Unless satisfactory. Z . ,, ca be the Judge. DR. MR 3. CARBY-TALBOTT. DISEASES OF v ould you know the future clear as crys- women. Office 766 Quimby st. near 23d. tall See Prof. Van Cortland. Tells Just a , what annoys, perplexes, worries you; tells Palmistry what your wish is, helps you to gain It; 1 makes you happy; gives names, dates, MAEL-ION, THE GREAT ORIENTAL PALM facts of marriage, love, law, money, 1st and spirit medium, has given satisfaction, changes; all without you speaking a where all others have failed. 360& Washing word, or your money back. ton St., rooms 3-4, The Medina. ' Develops personal magnetism; locates , . buried treasures, mines and valuable ores. BOHEMIAN LADY PALMIST AND CARD- Overcomes weakness, restores vital and reader; readings, 50c. 162 1st st., rooms magnetic force. 1 and Hours. 9 A. M. to S P. M., Daily and Sun- " day. Patent Lawyers. SI3B0cSp1ctL FEE-lol SU R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN .. patents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. 50c. soocoSOcTeoc. 6O0. T-cL'm-xr-JVi'- 630 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. Chamber of Commerce. 303H WASHINGTON ST.. COR. STH. - $5 COMPLETE LIFE READING 00c 1 tub Per uoofla. lSrhh-tTt??? ?TE?onP full" Rubber aprons for the kitchens h0&g AGE1!' TCUPAIONB YOUR AnT' lofn K M OTHER'S MAIDEN NAME, AND WHOM ' ' AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and Bubber Stamps. what you called for, without asking a - . Question; will tell the name of your sweet- p. c STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER, TEL, heart or anything you want to know. Main 710. Rubber stamps seals, stencils. He sends you away much wiser and hap- ' pier than when you called. Stop Drinking. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed In business? GUARANTEED cure; send 60c; tablet form; How can I make my home happy? - mailed in plain package; has cured thou- How can I marry the one I choose? sands. L. L. C. Co., 614 Grant "bldg.. S, F. How can I marry well? How soon can I marry? J Safes. How can I conquer my rival? How can I make any one love me? FOR OPENING LOCKOUTS AND SAFE BAR- How can I get a letter? gains, go to J. E: Davis, 68 3d st. How can I get a good position? , 803 WASHINGTON ST., COR. STH. Second-Hand UTarMnrry. THE GREAT. ONLY AND ORIGINAL J- SlO & BROS., DEALERS IN ALL BUD AH BERNIQUE. v ?.. Be?d."Iian(1 machinery, pipe, cable. $5 COMPLETE LIFE READING, 50c "Iff ' hware.: , W5r'PJLJ?rico,,pa,1., JSF TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. scrap iron and metala. 244 Front, Main 2002. BORN WITH A DOUBLE VEIL. T TTT rrT EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDIA. bhowcaseg, Bank and Store Fixtures. TELLS YOEJVVIAroAWHOM YOU THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. TELLS YOUWHENAWHOM YOU 6th and hoyt. Phone Main 1408. Positively mentioning your" sweetheart's PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. a , , naxne, 34S 1st. near Market, Phone Black 3133. Settles love quarrels and promptly re- unites the separated, no matter how long Spirit uailsta. standing. London's most famous palmist and clalr- MRS. WALLACE 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S voyant. Is acknowledged by press and pub- most reliable medium; all In trouble call arfi He the greatest living DEAD TRANCE set her valuable advice on all affairs of Ufe. MEDIUM. , . business. love, troubles; absent friends a She tells what you came for before you specialty. 165& 4th St.. Ruasel bldg.- hours utter a word; does not ask questions, no 9 to 5. matter what your trouble may be. Call and she will guide ou with certainty Magnetic healing; consul P. E. Walker who higher than human power. Tells you the diagnoses your disease free; gives trancs truth, good or bad. readings, $1. 264 4th st, opposite City HalL 29l4 MORRISON. COR. STH. SAME FLOOR - . AS BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, SBERESS, GIVES readings dally and teaches spiritual unfold- MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. SCI- ment, 145U 6th st. Rooms 5 and 6. entlflc revealer, tells life from cradle to . grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good MRS. LADD FTNNICAN CAN BE CONSULT- advlce, sure help, mistake Impossible: re- d dally at 412 Alder, cor. 11th. Main 6179. stores lost love and unites separated by sympathy: locates buried treasure. Fee, . MRS STEVENS, spiritual life reader, scientitlo $1; letter. $2. 207 Park. palmist, 50c 343& Yamhill, cor. 7th. FORTUNE OR MISFORTUNE WHICH IS aR3- C- CORNELIUS. REMOVED TO 146 yours? Love, business, talents revealed; 6th st.. room 21, sittings dally. send 10c. birth dates, for typewritten read- . lng. Lola Stratford. Box 516. Portland. Storage and Transfer. Coal Dealers. " SAFES. PIANOS AND FURKITURE MOVED. . packed ready for shipping and shipped; all GREAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 HOYT. tvork guaranteed; largo three-story brick flre- cor. 11th Miners and producers of washed 2 warehouse for storag.e Office 128 1st. lump and nut houe coals. Lump. $6; nut. M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. SS. delivered within one mile of yards; satis- r faction guaranteed. Phone Main 943. C- O- BICK. OFFICE KS 1ST, BET STARK and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furniture GREAT WESTERN COAL CO. OUR LEAD"- moved and packed for shipment; commodious era are: Washed Sootless Range. ?5; Lump, fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts S5.60; Australian Lump, SC-50; Rock Springs Lump. $7. Delivered. No screenings. Full FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT weights guaranteed. Phone Main 948. J1-, household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks tool chests, sewing machines and all VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers: best movable articles at reasonable prices, coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 B st.- Trunk Factory. Commlslon Merchants. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 64. THIRD ST.. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF . Twesale and retalL Send for catalogue hides, pelts, furs, wooL mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general com- Typewriters. mission merchant. Front St., near Main, , Portland. Or. Cash advanced on consign- ,frpi!Wer8' .alt mokes, rented, sold and ments. repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. TAYLOR. YOUNG & COI, SHIP BROKERS Wholesale Grocers. and commlslon merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. -ALL &LEWIS -WHOLESALE GROCERY, . . . cor. N .Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND 1 produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., . Portland. Or. BANKS. Prat oal Insurance. WELLS. FARGO & CO.. BANK , Corner Second and Washington. Order of "Washington, foremost fraternal F' -TPMAN President society of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. , JSan Francisco) MltcheL Sup. Sec 612-615 Marquam bldg. . Js, B ARNES Cashier 1 . TV ALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier Dressmaking. (Portland.) ----. General banking business transacted. Ex- KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College Pat- change sold and letters of credit issued, terns to measure Allsky hall 400, 205 Mor. available in all parts of the world. narnees and Saddles. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE . Head Office. Toronto, Canada. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE- Capital paid up $8,700,000 sale saddles and harness mfrs., leather and Reserve 3600,000- saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. Main 226. Transacts a general basking buslnes. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. THE BRBYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLE- Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up- aale saddles and harness mfrs., saddlery ward and interest allowed, on minimum hardware leather, all kinds. 72-74 6th st. monthly balances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. Lands. E. A. WYLD, Manager Portland. Branch- LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND PRAC- UNITED 8TATES NATIONAL BANK tlce Collins Land CoC, Concord bldg. OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Northwest Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Massages. Transacts a general banking business. ' Drafts Issued available In all cities of the THE SOONER TOU BEGIN THE QUICKER United States and Europe. Hong Kong asd you'll win. Procrastination la a thief of Manila time Persian batts never fall. Persian Collections made on favorable terms. m,?0J;iUnbfn The Fran. President J. C- AINS WORTH 9th and Morrison. Red 2S38. Vice-President W. B. AYER PARLORS AT THE MARQUAM. 145& 6TH ?"ea,lf nVV K" . W; rSSg St.. rooms 1-2-Under first-class management; Assistant Caahier A. M. WRIGHT lady, with young lady assistant, etranger In -..,....- city, gives vapor hatha, magnetic treatments, FIRST NATIONAL BANK - alcohol rubs, etc. OF PORTLAND. OR. - Designated Depositary and Financial Agent REMOVED THE 8NOWDEN BATHROOMS ol the United States. havo moved from 234 Morrison st. to the President A. L. MILLS old stand, 28"Vi Aider st,, bet. 4th and Sth. Cashier J. W. NEWKTRK. Tub and vapor baths, massage asd electricity; Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD lady assistants. Second Assistant Cashier ..B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available in Eu- YOUNG LADY FROM SEATTLE CFVES rope and the Eastern States. massage and electrical treatment; also Sight exchange asd telegraphic transfers manicuring; strictly high-class. Call and sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, St. be convinced. 164 Park st.. parlors 1 and 2. Louis. St. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. YOUNG. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES Bight and time bills drawn in sums to suit vapor, electric, thermal, alcoholic, medicated on London Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-os-tho JrtJFZ ULPl!S?- ParIor 10- Main. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Benson block, Sth and Morrison. Christianla. Stockholm, St. Petersburg. Mos- 6ZSr$ ravorablo term, wish a luxury, please call 201 3d sL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, room 5. N(X 109 THIRD ST. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHS. MASSAGE Ti CAPTTAL? " and magnetic treatments, by experienced TVe conduct a general banking business. We young lady. 3j1H Morrison sr.. room 10. receive savings deposits. We issue time cer- " - .TN-i- -c-o-r rr tlflcates and certificates of deposit payable YOUNG LADY FROM ST. LOUIS GIVES -upon jq days' call. 20 days' call or SO days' maf 51' T:iIior,8n2t,lb baH1.s: Jub batha call, with interest at 34. 3 and 4 per .cent specialty. 110, 4th. cor. Washington. annum, respectively. Call or send for our IF YOU WANT THE BEST BATH, ALCO- ILLUSTRATIONS. hoi rub or massage, call at 145 6th St., BENJ. L COHEN President rooms 24-25; experienced attendants. h. L. PITTOCK, .Vice-President 73 LEE PAGET -Secretarr YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST: J." O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary patrons cart rely on skillful treatment. 16 Benson block. Sth and Morrison. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS YOUNG LADY. STRANGER FROM THE Transaca "fr banklifo'uslness. "Tv39 Ml aJcOh01 iSSSrt Allowed s timedlpwits. . baths. Room 4, 145 6th et. Collections made at all points on. favorable crwrmr t jnv nrcrra TiTrra ivn ,r, terms. Letters of credit issued available, in SCOTCH LADY GrVES: BATHS AND MAS- EurOPs 4 all points in the United States. sage at 1S3 3d at., room 9, Palm House. slxnt exchange and telegraphic transfers sold -r 1 TiTKs rtvp -RiTTTtt ivnrno on Na'w' TOTk. Washmgton.' Chicago. St. Louis. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATHS AND MAS- Denver, Omaha, Ban Francisco and various sage treatment. 208 6th st. iiain 5938- points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Mon- ELECTRIC AND STEAM BATHS. MASSAGE. STMs. Berlin. Frank- 343fr Morrison st.. room 2. fort. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Manila and MASSAGE PARLORS FOR RENT.1 234 Hgolula' . Morrison, cor. 2d st, ' MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK TT ,, ' PORTLAND, OR. Leather and Findings. x FRANK WATSON President j. a, strowbridge leather co.-Es- & 1S:::::::::;:::z:'!jS tablished 1S38- Leather and findings: GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier Stocktos sole leather and cut stock; full TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING ling- Eastern Jumbos. 1S9 Front st. BUSINESS. United States Depositary. THE BRET MAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS.. Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store able In all parts of the world.' " , ' ' supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th. Collections a specialty. - - -r - ' .