IS THE MORNING OBEQQNIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1905. DAXLT SEXEOBOIOGICAIi XEPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 28. Maximum, tempera ture. 62 deg.; minimum. 62. Blver reading- at U A. M., 3.2 feet; change In past 2 hours, cone. Total precipitation. B P. SI to S P. M.. Inch; total since September 1, 1904, 22.54 Inches; normal, 52.62; deficiency, 10.08. Total punshine February 27, 1005, 6 hours and M rnlnutee; possible. 11 hour and 1 minute, ttarcrneter (reduced to sea. level), at C P. - PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. 12 Wind. STATIONS. 5 o 2- a ? Baker City ' Bismarck ole Eureka' Helena ............. Kamloope;.B. C... North Head 'Cloudy iClear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy tPocatello iPortland Tied Bluff ROBenurg Eacramento ..... Bait Lake Clty fian Francisco . Spokane ......... Seattle Tatoosh Island .. Walla Walla ... T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Light scattering showers have occurred dur ins the last 24 hours In Northwestern Oregon, Western "Washington and In Eastern Washing lon and extreme Northwestern Montana. Else where the -weather haa been lair. The temperature In the states west of the Rocky llountaina continues -unusually warm for the season. The Indications are for generally fair weather In - this district "Wednesday, except alone the boxth era coast of "Washington, whrre rain Is probable. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 ?. 24. for 23 hours ending- at midnight, March 1:'' Portland and vicinity Generally fair; va riable winds. Wcetem Oregon Generally fair; variable Hinds. "Western "Waahlngton Generally fair, except occasional rain along the north coast; wlnda mostly easterly. Eastern "Washington and Northern Idaho Partly cloudy and occasionally threatening. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Con tinued fair weather. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. oes Home to See Mother. Jphn Cordano, Deputy Sheriff, has beo. granted-two months' leave of ab sentee, to visit his mother In Italy, -who Is Veported very 11L He will leave Portland In a few days. Cordano left h)me when a boy, 2t years ago, and lias not been back since. fnvolo ,tary Bankrupt. Upon a hearing before Judge Bellinger jeoKniay znw western TOiu supply Com pany was t&jugtled an Involuntary bank rupt. The petition was made by several of the creditors of this concern, who as serted that the company was unable to redeem its obligations. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Booms "Situations Wanted. 15 words or less, IB cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." SO cents for IK nwi. i -0 to 29 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 uaatm. etc first Insertion. Xuh .jjui. insertion, one-half; no further discount ua- tier cne xnoBux. SEW TODAYS (racro measnra artttl. 15 rent per line, first Insertion; 10 cenU per" lne of each additional insertloB. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed cere The Oreronlan. and left at thi. office, should always be inclosed In sealed envelopes. -o stamp la required on such letters. The Oreponiaa will not be responsible for errors In advertisement -ti through the telephone. MEETING NOTICES. SAMARITAN LODGE, NO. 2, I. O OF Regular meeting this ("Wednesday evening at S o'clock. Initiation. Visitors welcome. M. OSVOLD. Secretarj". I A. M. Special convocation this (Wed I nesday) evening. March 1, 1005, at 7:80 O'clock- Vncnnlx TVmr!- U..1. easier aegree. visitors welcome. By order E. H. P. A. M. KNAPP, Secretary. ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening In Orient Hall. East Portland. Initiatory degree. Visitors Invited. "W. A. "WHEELER, Secretarj-. "WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 40. A. V JL- X. M KtBtA mmmimlD - i Hon this (Wednesday) evening at i ;w o ciock. juasomc iiail. JaurK- Vinrri MAtr VTai-V XT nr i it il. M. cordially Invited. By order W. M. J. II. RICHMOND, Secretary. CRESCENT LODGE. NO. 10. A. O. U. W. , All members requested to be present to mlght. Brother Past Grand Master Ralph JFeeney will visit us. Visiting brothers In vited to attend. WM. ELDER, M. "W. ROBERT WARWICK. Rec. MARRIED. ,XOUISSON-NEWMAN At the residence of i the bride's mother, Mrs. Anna Newman, in Fresno, Cal., Feb. 22. 1905. Evelyn Newman and Julius Loulsson. Judge H. Z. Austin officiating. DIED. BRANT In this city. Feb. 28. 1905. at 81 N. Park sU. Mrs. Caroline Brant, aged 43 years. GUNDBL In this city. Feb. 28. 1905. Mich ael GundeU aged 56 years. Notice of fu neral hereafter. THORNBURG In this city, at his late resi dence, 474 11th Ft.. Feb. 2S. 1003, Julius B. Thornburg. aged SS years. Notice of fu neral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. BRANT In this city, February 2S, 1005. at residence 01 N. Park st.. Mrs. Caroline Brant, aged 43 years, beloved wife of G. W. Brant, and sister of Mrs. H. A. Thomp son. Friends can view the remains today fit Dunning. McEntee & Gllbaugh's chapel, 7th and Pine sts., where they have been prepared for shipment to Lewis. la. KINDORF In this city. Feb. 28. 1905. George Klndorf, aged 47 years. Funeral will take place Thursday. March 2. at 2 P. M.. from F. S. Dunning Chapel. 414 East Alder street. Friends Invited, Re mains will lay in state until 12 M.. Thurs day, in the chapeL Spokane. Wash and Raotne. Wis., papers please copy. ELLIOTT At the residence of his daughter. Mrs. J. T. Apperson. Park Place, Clackamas County, Feb. 27. 1005. William Elliott, a pioneer of 1S4S. aged S years. 6 months and 13 days. Funeral from Baptist Church. Ore gon City. Wednesday. March 1. at 1 o'clock P. M. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. Friends invited. PATTERSON Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the fu neral services of Elizabeth Patterson which will be held at Flnley's chapel at 2 P. il. today. Interment Rlverview Ceme tery. DUNNING. McENTEE GDUJACGH, sccceasor to Drawing A Campion, under takers and embalm ers, modern la every de tail, 7th and fine, l'hone Main 43a, .Lady aselitnnt. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and embalxoers, have mured to their Hew bulld Jng, Third and Salmon.. Lady asaktaat. Telephone No. 507. J. P. ITNLEX SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Car oaer. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Aider. Lady assistant. Telepaoaa East 52. ZEIXEB-BYRNES CO.. UNDERTAKERS, 50 0.001 8I8E 54 0.00 6NW C2.0.00 4INW 62 0.001 1KB 50 0.00 81W 56 0.00 O..., 58 0.00 6 SB 54 0.00 618 2 0.00 4NW H'o.OO 4 N 6SK).00 4 NW esio.oo 4!nw 56JO.O0 IW 72 0.00 14 W 48 0.01 4 NE CO 0.00 4 E 50 0.00 14 B COj T 4 S as&almen 27S Bus'l; East 106S; lady as't. 9x12 RUGS These Rugs come in excellent Orien tal and floral designs, and are good value at their regular price of $16.00 Today and During Week $12.50 J. G. MACK & CO. 86-88 THIRD ST. Etzropocs Pkm THE PORTLAND POITUID, OB. American Plaa also European Plan. Modern Restaurant. $3 PER DAY and upward. COST ONX VTT.TJOX DOXXJLSS. DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Who can fill or extract any number of teeth without in flicting the slightest pain to the patient. The largest and best-equipped dental office on tho Pacific Coast. 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh . 'Phone Main 2119. AUCTION SALES TODAT. At the Portland Auction Rooms. 211 1st et., bet. Salmon and Taylor. Sale at 10 o'clock sharp. Gus A. Lowlt. auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom. ISO First street, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. NEW TODAX. How Much Can You Save? A prominent Port lander once said that the easiest thing he had to do was to make money the hardest thing to cave it. Most people And It difficult to save. And yet saving is largely a matter of habit, which. Uke every other habit, be comes easier the more It is practiced. THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANT IS OREGON," (CAPITAL, $300,000) Pays S per cent Interest on SAVINGS AC COUNTS and from 3 to 4 per cent on CER TIFICATES OF DEPOSIT payable at fixed periods, or upon a few days' notice. Send for our book of "HXUSTRATIOXS." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary RIVER MEN TAKE NOTICE We have bought of the Red Front their entire stock of A. A. Cutter's ami Hanson's Three Lake Driving Shoes. We are also sole agents for the Chippewa hand-made and Stil son Pacific Logger. We carry Watson, Town & Capen Shoes. We are prepared to take care of the logging camps formerly supplied by the Red Front. Lib eral discount in quantities. BARON'S SHOE STORE 230-232 Morrison St. Near 2d, PORTLAND, OR. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate, City and Farm Insurance In All Lines A. a BIRRELL, 202 -S McKay bldCt Third and Stark. MORI GAGE LOANS Ob Portland real atat at low.rt rataa. Titles insured. Abstracts tarnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., X CkiBMr or Coauau-oa. FREELAND IN OREGON Under the "Carey Irrigation Act Deed direct from state. WRITD OR CALL TODAT. Booklets and map free. B. S. Cook &. Co 251 Alder street, Portland, Or. BETG1NN1NG THIS MORNING SPECIAL SALE OF k A SI I KOI SMYRNA $1.00, $1.50, $2.00-per Day lEiDGCimtl rcsTssiiimn comeeou mmm Special rates Bade to fmllVn aad (ln-.te restU mm. Tao roa aremeat ttUI b leased at all times to show rwmi and triva Rrlees. A modera T&rklta bath -tahllth most la tha hotel. It- C BOWERS. Manacrr- AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER A. H. Ballard. Lessee and Manacer. Fourteenth and Washington Sts. The most beautiful play of the season. Old Heidelberg As presented by the superb Columbia Stock Company. ALL THIS "5VEEK MATINEB SATURDAT. A $2 Play for 50c Evenlnc. SOc. 35c. 25c, I5c Matinee. 25c, 15c, 10c Downtown box office open all day, S27 Mor rison. Phone Main 110. Evenlnc at theater. Owing to lensth. of the performance, curtain will promptly at 8:05. NEXT ATTRACTION. "ARISTOCRACY." BAKER THEATER Third and Yamhill sts. Keating' & Flood. Managers. Largest Vaudeville House la America. SUBLEFXELD TRIO. LEANT) ER TRIO. CASTLE AND HALL. THE DELACIES. THE KLINES. BENARD WILLIAMS ALT JAMES. J. TV. WOOD. THE BIOGRAPH. Admission. 10 cents. Performances at 2:30, 7:30 and 9:15 P. M. THE LYRIC THEATER SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS. Every Afternoon and Evening. GREAT PRODUCTION OP THE FOUR-ACT COMEDY-DRAMA, "The Convlcfs Daughter" Specialties Between Acts. Performances at 2:30, 7:30 and 8:15 P. M. Usual Price of Admission, 10 Cents. STAR THEATER Portland's Fashionable Vaudeville House. ALL THIS WEEK. S AERIAL KOBERS 3. EDDIE LESLIE. ROSE AND SEVERN'S. MLLE. CARRIE. MYERS AND ROSA. HAYES SISTERS. ARTHUR JACKSON. EDISON'S PKOJECTOSCOPE. S shows dally, afternoons at 2:30, evenings at 7:30; admission, 10 cents; box seats 25c GRAND ISf1"1 HITSl HITS! HITS! LEONARD, HOLMES AND DEAN. 4 THE DUFFY FAMILY I. AMY GRANVILLE. NAGLE and ADAMS. GRACE ARMOND. LOUIE BROTHERS. MB. ALF BONNER, THE GRANDISCOPE. Admission to any seat. 10c; box seats. 25c NEW TODAY. LOTS AT WEST PIEDMONT Full Size 50x100 Feet $200 EACH AND UPWARDS On Very Easy Terms City Water Graded Streets West Piedmont is bnlMIng up veer fact. Several more houses in course of construc tion. Come and pick cut a good lot before Iho choice ones are all gone- TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce NEW TODAY. PORTSMOUTH Central to four mile of deep-water front, ae&r Colombia University, 25, 000 pajroll, employment for all, Bull Enn water, money furnished for building purposes. Lots, $200 to $800, on ea3y monthly installments. Fran cis L Mr&enna, room 606, Commer cial H. G. Sibray. University Park Sta. Agents "wanted. OUT cold. 1nrlr hinr-Vif -mo A n- exchanged; dlampsds, precious stones, loose and mounted? VntrVloz 1T7ji1-tr r.nnlu1 Uncle Myers, the Jeweler, 143 3d. near Alder. FOR SAUC KEAIi ESTATE. $750 4-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT. 40x103. In Upper Alblna; . easy terms; the owners are sotns away and it must be sold. $1300 5-room cottage in South Portland; an elerant home. , $2500 a-room Colonial house, with large attic and full basement, concrete walks, piped for gas and wired for electricity: a beautiful place, and wiU be eold on easy termsi. S300 Quarter block la North Irrtngton. Property In all parts of the city at bargain prices. "IVHALLHT, 613 McKay bldg. $6600 IF YOU HAVE THAT AMOUNT TO Invest we'll zsake you 13 per cent net on It. This Is how: We'll tell you a lot on 14th (close In. where everything rents) for $2100. build you two handsome flats (Los Angeles style) for $4500; total out lay $6600. We'll "guarantee to rent these for $40 each, or $960 yearly, pay $60 year ly for taxes and Insurance, and return you net 13 per cent. Can you beat it? L. W. Whiting & Co.. 40S Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE. Fire-room cottage on full lot. Northrnp st.. near 23d; nicely terraced lawn, ce ment walk and all modem . conveniences. For-prlco and terms. Bee PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 108 Third Street. S4200 BEAUTIFUL NEW -MODERN 7 room residence, bet. 10th and W. Park, an ideal home, as well as a great bargain. $12,000 will buy two fine residences with ground 100x115 ft, near 14th at. S1700 a. charmlne- 13-acre' Dlace near car line, 5-room house, young, splendid orchard of over 400 fine apple trees, a snap. H. H. Staub. 21534 Morrison, phone Red 2971. HERE ARE TWO SNAPS. 100x100 feet. N. E. cor. E. Pino and E. SOth ats.. price S1000; terms, hall cash, bal ance on time. 50x100 feet, EPlne and E. 27th sts.. one block, from E. Ankeny car line, price J450. Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 0 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE (WARRANTED) 300 acres unimproved, good. rich, level farm lano. well watered, heavy Umbered, county road, 13 miles northwest of Portland; $10 per acre cash; best bargain ever offered In this city. This advertisement will not ap pear again. Beawlck. 250 Oak st. FOR SALE 2 BEAUTIFUL S AND S-ROOM houses; new, strictly modern, electric light and gas; on "Union ave. car line; 6-minute car eervlce; houses open Sunday afternoon: owner one block south, at 652 Union ave. N-. near Morris. -See these If you want something nice. Cash or Installments. weu xencea asa wsicrrti; iuuik. uuo depot, near Cottage Grove; Ave dwelling houses fixed for Ave families on It. Joining outrange, hundreds of goats or cattle can be Kept. Acoress x j.. uj n uuunu sw, Ecgcne. Or. vnr.T. LAXDr free land: A chance to aecure a home aad make money; only coet Is for water right, which AVKiarea 210 ner acre: under state control. For particulars write or call at office of Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Co., 539 Worces ter block. CHOICE PIECE OF RESIDENCE PROP erty. renting f&iO per year, can be Improve! E. 17th, 200 ft. E. Join; owner uvea in uau fomla. Address G 47, Oregonlan. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS DO YOU WANT to bev a modern home In tnts select nelga bo r hood? I -can sell you one 25 per cent below market price; lavoranie terms, w. H. Grinds! a ff, 240 Stark, corner lot. 50x100; hot water heating plant. Apply on premises. 304 Ross sr., cor. Broadway. 3 block from river. Phone Union wms. TV-it? rats 7-ROOM HOUSE. GROUNDS IM proved. 100x200; owner going away: fine bar gain; call early. New bouse and barn, cor ner 100x100. U car. Zella J. Goasett, Ockley Green. E. KRONER. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER; bouses to lnstaumenu m any part oz .Port land; plans made to suit. Office 1G5& 3d t-. room a. TWENTY ACRES FOR SALE. READY FOR platting, oeiweea ivoaaw saa vv ooasiocjc Address H. O.. L O. O. F. Temple. 1st and Alder. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on u. tv. jr. cjccixjc use u. ji. Addlton, Lents, or. jui juu scou car, ac FOR SALE 6-ROOM CORNER HOUSE AND part of lot; one of the nicest corners in South Portland, inquire nuo . 3S ACRES LAND FOR SALE. NEAR HILLS- DOTO; m gooo gyiuiouuti, Aciiww. j. uiut- LOT 50x150 AND 8-ROOM HOUSE. TXLLA mook St., bet. Williams and Rodney ave. Apply ax SsJo su niiiin ik. FOR SALE COMMODIOUS MODERN HOUSE of 10 rooms, wita two lots; pnea low. nn. W. A. Daly. Z59 ism sr. 3 LOTS IN ALKTNA HOMESTEAD: NO cash required. W. E. Thomas, 400 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LINE. 6 MILES FROM Morrison st. bridge. C K. Ballard, MU- waukle. Or. TWO-ACRE TRACT, CLOSE TO LENTS 4 -room, boose; ail cleared; price fizz. 14th. H eectlon. 8 miles west Bcappoose; well tim bered; reasonable. D. E. Budd, 110 1st st. FOR SALS FARMS. FARMS 1 FARMS! FARMS! TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block. FEW EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS JUST IN 620 sxres. 250 acres under hhch state of cul tlvat!on 10O acres more readv for Dlowat norlncs and runnlnr water, well fenced, good house. 3 good barns, plenty fruit. This Is an. exceptional buy. Particulars at our oxnee. 2S0 acres, fair house. 3 barns, 90 acres In cultivation, plenty of good fruit, nne ouiaioe range, all well fenced, good springs, lots of very beat pasture. This is an exceptional nlck-um. Price only $3500: terms. 535 acres Fine buildings xf all kinds, 400 acres under cultivation, well fenced. 15 acres prunes, good drier; 14 miles from good town In Yamhill County. This la an up-to-date place la" every respect; easy terms; SIT per acre. 34S acres Blc barn. chcaD house: 75 acres under cultivation, 100 ready for plow; lot small fruit; all good level land: 1& miles from good live town In Polk County; $18 per acre; terms easy. 50 acres All la cultivation, of which there are 25 acres of hops In fine condition; all cleared and plowed; yield last year, 37,000 pounds; latest improved hophouse; one of the best yards and small farms In Polk Csuuty. 154 miles from town; rallroid runs past place. Price only $6500; pirt cash. 200 acres Fair house and barn; 160 aes in cultivation, of which 120 acres are in grain now; lots small zruit; good spring; we. fenced; beat of roads; telephone, free mall $6500. terms. 60 acres 23 acres in how. choice yard goad house and barn, also nopb?u; all good land, weu xencea; xswo. 20 acres 6 acres- boos: no improvement? sold crop last year for $1000; price of land sow 1200. 60 acres. t-mlle from good live town, all In cultivation, 40 acres In grain, good new house, good blr barn, tilentv of fruit, well fenced. 3 horses, good buggy, harness, new, mower, new raice, piows. narrows. cows, lot of hay. Only S4500. 40 acres, 1 mile from town. SO acres In cultivation, good house and bars, well fenced, 2 horses, 2 cows. 1 buggy, 1 hack, plows, harrows and lot small tools, lot chtckens. This Is a model place. Only $3000. par. casa. TAFT Sc. CO. 122-3-G-6 Ablngton. Block IOCS Third St. $3500-26 ACRES. rMPROVFD, 10 MTLES out. nne lano. gooa nuusew Dora, cwm, cows, chickens, complete farming imple-T-n ' hicF narr narment la house: place cost . $5000. T. W. Plttcnger. 2i5 uorruca. FOR SALE A- FINE FARM. 200 ACRES. 5 mues rroai jvoieoo. nata. .Appiy u juu sw FOR KAT.T-. FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED itu acres ror S100 -with $1C0 down and a chance to work out the $300. This land Is rich, lays nicely and has had about SO acres in cultivation; mile from school and 5H miles from Kalaraa; no buildings, but lum ber will be furnished for work to put up buildings. 159 acres with IS acres under plow and about 40 acres that have been slashed and seeded; all land Is very fertile, lays nicely; some creek-bottom land: house and barn; large family orchard; close to church. U-mlle from Woodman Hall and H-mlle from 2-rooxn school. anJ on good road SVx miles from Carrollton. a town on the Columbia River and N. P. Ry. Price $1000, with half down. IMUS & WIIXOUGIIBT. Kalama, Wash. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 320 acres ot Lewis River bottom land with ISO acres cleared, balance brush pasture land; two good houses, two large dairy barns SCzlOO and 30x70 with side-sheds; good orchard; steamboat landing on place; dally boat to Portland. This place Is an ideal dairy farm and Is on a good county road 3 mile from the famous Woodland cheese fac tory. Price only $35 per acre, with terms on oaru IiTUS &. "WTLLOUGHBT. Kalama. Wash. iO ACRES. 20 WELIi IMPROVED. 25 MILES Portland: old house and barn: ail lenced and cross-fenced; 2H miles rail and boat; team, wagon, harness, disc plow, wood rack, seed potatoes, chickens, hogs; hay enough until April; all for $1S50. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 74 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND on tidewater of Shoal water Bay,.PacIflc County. Washington: timber, spruce and hemlock: will sell cheap If taken at once. Address N 31. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR TRADE A FURNISHED house ot 32 rooms, weu patronizeo. wiin dining-room and kitchen; centrally located; price $1500. Apply to Pfluger & Tschudy, room 14, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. SECOND-HAND TALKING MACHINES OF all makes nougat, soia ana exchanged; bargains In second-hand machines and reo ofda 190 3d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, $2000 $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting 4; Co., 408 Ablngton bldg. WANTED TO BUY OR HAVE BUILT. 6 OR 7-room modern nouse. moderate payment coan. balance montniy. m -iti. oregoulan. D? YOU WISH TO SELL, LIST YOUR PROP- erty witn rainier v-o.. iu uregauian dick. WE WANT RELINQUISHMENTS ON TIM- ber claims. 515 aiarauara Dice. SMALL. IMPROVED FARM NEAR PORT- lana; come uiiwci. iwj j. utu. LAND SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for immediate use. ijjwuu jrii.i3. E. F. tc F. IS. Riley, tsws Chamber Commerce. bered. farm or graxmg una; ail sizes. lowest prices, tl. is. wompson, oia jiarquam blag. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FB AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on band ready to locate, aiaginms & son, zr calling blag. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips: general las a practice, couim Land Co., concord otcg. We're again In the market with low-priced senp. l. w. wnitmg & o.. -IU3 Ablngton. FOR BENT FARMS. street-car ust. j- s jhks(si c o.. 3 MU FOR RENT BARNES HEIGHTS, 3 ACRES. wltn 3-room notue ana ram, juv young mil trees; cheap. M 40. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE FINE. DARK BAY. CITf. broke road corse; age it years, u. saislger. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. FOR SALE TWO BUGGIES AND ONE TRAP buggy, cneap. 313 Water st. FOB RAT.t. Hones. Vehicles and Harness. HAVE JUST ARRIVED WITH 20 HEAD of general horses, consisting of pairs and single horses, suitable for farm, express or delivery work; also five head of high class drivers that will suit anyone; for Inspection apply Regal Stables, 14th and Burnslde at. Phone Main 4330. FOR SALE SEVERAL TEAMS OF WELL- matched. well-broken horses, weighing from 1300 to 1500 pounds. Address Sam Strebln. Troutdale, Or. WORK HORSES. $S3 TO $173. TOP BUGGY $35. four-ton truck 9110, larm wagons $30 to $70. Kadderly Transfer & Commission Co., 110 N. 3d st. FOR BALE LARGE WORK HORSES AND mulea for tale. Inquire of Jas. York. Sr.. Baker City. Or., P. O. Box 903, or telephone Red 434. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds of vehicles bought, sold and rented. Hubert & Hall. 264 4th. Phone Main 2203. TO BUY GENTLE HORSE. HARNESS AND light wagon or buggy; must do cneap. - xkjx 33. juiiwauue. ur. FINE BARGAIN TWO CARTS. ONE HORSE and harness, at once, cheap. 271 Coucn. sr. FOR SALE OR HIRE ALL KINDS OF horses. 2d and Main. Pianos. 15 FREE LESSONS WILL BE GIVEN TO purchaser of new piano at cost price. J. Adrian Epplng, Mulkey blk.. 2d and Morrison. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD UPRIGHT Pi ano, nearly new; owner going East. Inquire it xamniii st. NEW PIANO. HIGH GRADE. TO TRADE fcr board or board and room. J 5, Oregonlan. $235 CASH BUYS $425 PIANO. USED FEW weexs; neea money, a as. vrcsoai.wi. Miscellaneous. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elate rite; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or sningies; nest tor new roots. .datento itoonng o., room xi&mmoa oiag. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL ll&rd and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege -of buying: modern bar fixtures, cneap prices. j3runswicK-naia6-3i- lenaer, -tj 3d sr. HLRGAINS SEVERAL SODA FOUNTAINS. dICerent lengths. Ice cream freezers and ice crushers. Address F. Hecker. 10U S. Olive st., Los Angeles. 160 CORDS FINE FIR WOOD ON BANK river at Holt) rook fcr sale or trade, sll Morrison st. Ralston. TTFTTP WANTED MALE. win att. vtvtij vc xeoTitr RFm its f"J- Tioiinn Employment Co.. 249 Burnslde and Ziafi j&ornson. truoao main dun. WANTED MAN TQ OPERATE ELECTRIC traction motor underground: must have experience. C 40. Oregonlan. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL; GOOD POSL tlon for one who Is willing to work. Tne Sll- verfleld Co., 4th and Morrison. BOY TO CARRY PAPERS. 8 TO 10. EVEN- lngs; saiiu, iv auuuua. yn-u u o. WANTED STEADY, RELIABLE WHITE WANTED OPERATOR FOR CAMPBELL harness machine. Address A. A. Kraft Co. Spokane, Wash. crence, or will sell bakery. P. A. Cochran, Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College; 741 li aware sr., san jrancisco. TRACK FOREMAN FOR LOGGING ROAD, Call early Hansen's ofilce, 26 N. 2d st. WANTED FLOOR-LAYERS AND HELPERS, Call at 2S6 xambill at., at oao P. M. GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGH-CLASS salesman. Z15 commercial ciocx. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST, CURES ALL PRI- rate diseases ot men. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS HORSESHOER. 2S Front st. WANTED A SAFE SALESMAN. 63 3D ST. BOY "WANTED AT NATJ'S DRUGSTORE. HELP WANTEDMALE. THREE SALESMEN WANTED TO handle Rand. McNallv & Co.'s new Unri valed Atlas of the World; 320 pages of new, large scale maps; Illustrations and in dex to towns: handsomely bound; low price and big profits for the salesmen; men already in the field getting irom w write at once for full particulars. Rand. McNally & Co., Chicago. 111. WANTED SALESMAN CALLING ON THE reran Harness uase m. uregga auu n oou- zngton, to sen a une ox una wii-iaiui California harness leather: direct from the .x .kn vi1l tn tVhon wrltinir send references and territory covered. Mc- uaoe-jjuprey lanning ,o.. r.ureKu. uui. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMT- ABLE-BODIED. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting O racer. 3d and Oak sts.. Port- WANTED A GARDENER. ONE WHO UN- derstands truck gardening, pruning ot trees and knows how to lay out lawn; whole Sum mer's work ror right party, is. fa. & u. co.. Hay Creek, Or., giving references and wages wanted. WE HAVE CONTINUALLY OPEN DESIR- able positions for bookkeepers, stenqgrapn ers and salesmen; we can help you wheth er employed or unemployed. Portland Com mercial Bureau, 722 Chamber Commerce. THERE IS MORE DEMAND THAN EVER lor competent salesmen. DooKKeepers. sten ographers and technical men, and we need men for many such ponltlons now open. Pa cific Commercial Bureau. Seattle. Wash. WANTED MAN BETWEEN 25 AND 35 years ot age; must bo energetic, intelligent and have some business experience. Ad dress, stating age; also names' and addresses of references, Addrtsas E 48. oregonlan. WE HAVE CONTINUALLY OPEN DESIR- able positions for bookkeepers, stenograpnera and salesmen; we can help you whether em ployed or unemployed. Portland Commercial Bureau, 722 Chamber of Commerce THOSE DESIRING TO BE ACTORS SEE US and save money: stage dancing, vaudeville acting, dinging taught; terms reasonable; en gagements guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting. 326 Washington st. MANAGER WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE Portland branch office; good references and small Investment required: $125 per moth and commission. P. O. Box 2125. San Fran cisco. MEN We teach the barber trade in the short. est nosslble time at email expense and guar antee positions. Write" for catalogue. MOLER SYSTEM COLLEGE. San Francisco. 5 TEAMS. SCRAPER WORK. CITY. $4.50; B teams tor 4 months, eartn. work, near itose burg; others. HANSEN'S OFFICE 26 N. 2D ST. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co., School ot Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad. Cresi 4UT3-75 Easton ave., st, Louis, iio. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAx EARN good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; send ror particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockport. jn. 1. STENOGRAPHERS ARE YOU SATIS FIED 7 Uncle Sam needs you and Is will lng to pay you a good salary. This Is your cnance. J 40, uregoman. EXPERIENCED CARPET AND FURNITURE salesman; local man preferred. Apply be tween 8 and 10 this morning, Wm. Gadsby & Sons, 1st and w asnington. YOUNG MAN WANTED. GOOD APPEAR- ance, willing to rustle and learn trade; one wno can stay at acme wnen m tne city. Call 408 Irving st. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN, SINGLE, AS traveling salesmen; reierences required, can 10 A M. to 2 P. M.. room 3. The Lincoln. 409 ilorrtson at. WANTED BOX FACTORY FOREMAN. $75 o yardmen, $1.75; buckets; 5U3. Lumber men's Labor Bureau, 205ft ilornson. YOUNG MAN AT ONCE FOR GOOD-PAYING business; small amount cash required. N 4b', Oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED. If you work, why not earn more than a living? Bright, educated, earnest women have a mission. That mission should be to build one's self and help others. Be independent. Do good. The Vlavl Company already employs over i.lha women. The work covers twenty-three countries of the world. We will entertain applications from capable women. Not canvassing, but a helpful, dignified worK. Apply by mall only. Address THE VIAVI COMPANY, Lewis Building, Portland. Or. WANTED 20 GOOD AMATEUR ACTORS, male and female, to Join two fine road shows leaving next weeic; nrst-ciasa engagement big salary; cal 'Immediately. Newman's Tba. atrlcai circuit. sia2 wasnington sr. WANTED YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER (with macnlne preferred), familiar with xen eral office work, to make herself useful in office of prominent organization; salary, $30 montniy. -Appiy u ia, iregowan. THOSE DESIRING TO BE ACTORS SEE TIS and save money; stage dancing, vaudeville actlns-. singing taught: terms reasonable: en gagements guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting, 32ti wasnington st. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to ate us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors. 226 ilorri&on. aiam xss. LIBERAL CASH COMMISSION, EXPERI enced advertising solicitors; newspapers, pub lications. Clyde's Advertising Bureau, 638 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 & Yamhill. Phone Black 2&S1. LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 WRITING short letters. Send stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co.. Cassopolls. Mlcnigan. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; family of three adults. Ap ply 759 Lovejoy. or telepbons Main 2115. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; must be good cook; for small family: good wages. Apply 163 ota st. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE dippers and packers. The Modern Confec tionery CO.. lain ana iioyt st. A WILLING GIRL THAT WANTS A GOOD home and to help wTtli light housework ana. small child. Call at 450 5th St. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED TO WORK In a tailor shop. 142 19th st., sear Wash lngton, Er. winkeiman. WANTED A NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO As sist dressmaker: must b able to sew. Ad' dress H 4S, Oregonlan. GIRL FOR STEADY INDOOR FACTORY employment. 18 to 20 years old. 65 North Front St., cor. JJans. GOOD COOK WANTED. SMALL FAMILY. good wages and references. 295 West Park. corner uoiumnia. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking; good wages. Call In morning, 63 jn. itn et. WANTED GIRL. FOR OFFICE WORK. AP- ply room 14, Lambert aad Sargent bldg. jast Miae. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND to help with baby; references required. 723 uiisan st. WANTED YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. new beginner, small salary. 222 Ablngton Duuamg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. GOOD HOME small family, country. H. Caples, Caples, vt asa. WANTED TWO CHAMBERMAIDS: NONE out competent neeG apply. 03 N. lath, cor. -gravis. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL nouseworK. ii overton. Fnone Main 4489. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worx ana cooung. inquire 235 North 21st. WANTED MAKERS AND APPRENTICES WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO neip ana wasn 100 rtn st. WANTED WAITRESS. ST. HELEN'S HalL St. Clair St., March I. 1905. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply ota jonnson. st. WANTED A GOOD DRESSMAKER AND apprentices at 145H llth st. WANTED LUNCH WAITRESS AT MOR ris . 327 Washington st. RELIABLE GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST IN housework. 393 lltb st- STENOGRAPHER. 307 ABINGTON BLDG. HELP WANTED FZ.HALH. WANTED 20 CHORUS GIRLS. ACTORS. singers and pianists, to join two nne roaa shows, leaving next week; first-crass engage ment; Dig salary; can ibuucummsij. . man's Theatrical Circuit. 326jj Washington. FARMHAND AND WIFE, $33; COUNTRY cook. cnamoermaia: noasowms. ucii. waitress. $20. Drake's. 205 Washington. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE, UPPER FITTER. REID & HERT5CHE CO., shoe manufacturers, 9 and 11 jn. ist at. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN FROM EAST WANTS POSI- tlon as bookkeeper or clerk in any depart ment of mercantile business; five years ex- perience: best references; city or country. K 47, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS SALESMAN. CITY or outside, or collector, by intelligent man; have had experience; know city thoroughly. K 48, Oregonlan. AS BOOKKEEPER, ASSISTANT OR ANY olfice position; nave naa 15 years experience on books. J. H. Wheeler, Grand Central Ho tel, city. A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD CHARACTER desires position as a clerk; references. C 4, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION IN OF- flce or wholesale house; references. Q 40. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN. SOBER .AND INDUSTRIOUS. Z5 years old, desires position in some nos pltal or sanitarium; Just fulfilled an enlist ment In medical corps of U. S. Navy; can sbow honorable discharge, also city refer ences. Address F 48. Oregonlan. POSITION AS ELEVATOR RUNNER DEu sired; freignt and pasenger tramo experience V 47, Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION AS cook; or any other kind of work. P. O. box S07. - JAPANESE COOK WANTS SITUATION TO do housework. Phone Black 156. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER In respectable house, or as nurse; experi enced, fully competent. O 46. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, with girl 6. colored girl, family cook. 230 Vi YamhllL Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER by competent lady, or position 01 trust, a 46. Oregonlan. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER IN-FIRST- class rooming-nouse; expenencea. ju -its, Oregonlan. Dames ties. YOUNG. RELIABLE GIRL DESIRES TO DO llgnt nouseworK or to lane care 01 cuuurea during late afternoon and at night In return for room and board; references. Phone Main 1139. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY, LIGHT house work in small ramny; gooa nome pre f erred; give best of references. X 47, Ore gonlan. WANTED SECOND WORK OR GENERAL housework. Call at 295 lTtn. cor. coiumDia. Phone Mala 4064. WOMAN WANTS STEADY DAY WORK FOR Thursdays and Fridays. Phone Main 3627. Miscellaneous. WANTED BY A BRIGHT. REFINED young woman, lull cnarge 01 a nrst-ciass rooming-bouse; good references. S 48, Orego nlan. SCANDINAVIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 270 Burnslde. furnisnes male and female help, all kinds, free of charge. Mala 3083. WOMAN TO CARE FOR CHILDREN BY the hour, either day or nlgnt; reasonable charges. Phone Main 4469. YOUNG LADY WITH SOME EXPERIENCE wants position in office. Address J 46, ore gonlan. A WOMAN WANTS WORK BY DAY OR week. Call 223 Market sc. room a. j WANTED AGENTS. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED EVERY- where to start buslnes of tnelr own; can clear $100 to $200 monthly; unlimited field; new Idea; large- profits; 12 samples and full working plan, by mall. 50 cents. Address "P. O. Box 639. Seattle. WANTEDPHOTO COUPON AND PORTRAIT agents, big money. KemDranat situaio, Ablngton bldg. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE BY A young married couple; state price, xs 48, Oregonlan. WANTED UP-TO-DATE PHOTO AGENTS, ladles or gents. SOI ueKum oiag. WANTED TO BENT, WANTED jrtuujas In all parts of the city. Apply 202 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6263. WANTED IN A PRIVATE FAMILY. PARTY to take care Ot lime gin t jcaia aoiu. oua mother; East Side not considered. Phono Rod 3303. Call 801 Dekum. WANTED 2 WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms; must nave iignt, ne&i and bath; West Side. P 48, Oregonlan. THREE ROOMS. PLAINLY FURNISHED for Housekeeping, or o-raom coiumc dress Chas. L. Pease. Barr HoteL WANTED ONE LARGE, WELL-FUR- nlshed room on wesi oiuc, umiauio iot man and wife. O 48, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT A 5 OR 6-ROOM COT tage or flat: must be centrally located. R 40. Oregonlan. WANTED AN UNFURNISHED. MODERN flat, at once. J 43, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND AND FLANDERS BUILDING, 30x20 feet, strongly built, suitable for Jobbing shop, storeroom or barn: cheap: must be moved now. A. H. Blrrell, 202 McKay bldg. WE PAY YOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR your eecona-nana lurmimu ut j cannot use. Phone 5695. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 1st ot- WANTHD MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone. Hood 517. WANTED AT ONCE. SECOND-HAND showcases. Apply D 40, Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle ot all kinds. Phone East 2233. WANTED SECOND-HAND BUGGY, dress R 47, care Oregonlan. FOB KENT. Booms. NICE ROOM. WITH GRATE OR FURNACE.' heat: everything desirable. Phono Main 5929s 384 Park ot. "05U WASHINGTON ST. FURNISHED rooms, with stove; $1.50 a week up. Phone Hood 446. TWO ELEGANT UNFURNISHED FRONT rooms, with use of bath and gas, $12. 306 Eugene' st, 7S5 HOYT FURNISHED BOOMS, WITH or without board, with all modern con veniences. CHEAPEST FURNISHED ROOMS. BOARD, housekeeping elites; close In. SS Tenth st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. HOME PRTV lleges; permanent throughout Fair. 407 '10th. NEWLY FURNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT; baJin, pnone; reajiiiuio, cum tu. ...i-ds nu. FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED ROOMS -COM-i.o.- mi stnve. sink and nhone. 309 7th st. Cheapest and best-located rooms in Portland. $1 week up. Gllman. 1st and Alder ats. LARGE UGHT ROOMS, EN SUITE OR SEf- gie; IQWcni WUICiUCiiU9. TdY a..-, lUju. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL modern conveniences. 343 ICth street, 255 I1TH WELL-FURNISHED. ; "SUNNY rooms, clean, comfortable, Wet,7U, THE T.Tt a JL HAS A FR1M -"LIST' OJ turnlshed rooms in, all parts oC aitjv -' 181 13TH ST. NEWLY FURNISHJEO-: FRONT rooms, with modern oonvenleaee:,-; : i .