THE MORNING OREGO&IAft, '. THURSDAY, " FEBRUARY 23, 1905. I TRADE Eastern Washington to Use House Bill. DEAWN WITH LUMBERMEN Votes to Be Given Earles Bill to Prevent Car Shortage. ROSS - OBJECTS TO CURB Friends of Land Commissioner Mak ing Overtures to Railroad Com . mission Radicals to Kill Un ' favorable BHI in House. QLYSiPIA, Wash., Feb. 22. (Special.) The Crane-Dickson railway "commission , bill, -as 'the House substitute, measure is commonly, called, although .It is not so sweeping, as sonje o the ultra-commission men desire. is?; now looked upon as the bill that Eastern Washington will stand' fpn and. which tv-ill be the basis of trade negotiations with -other inter ests. Today two trades are in Jthe wind, and it is "known that tentative suggestions have been made looking to an exchange of votes that would add to the strength of the bill in the Senate. One of these suggestions has come from the lumber men and millowners who want to see passed the Earles reciprocal demurrage bllL The railroads now require a con signee of freight to pay demurrage un less a car is unloaded -within a certain period. The Earles bill obtained its name from the fact that it required the railroad company to pay a demurrage i cars for loading are not furnished within a certain lime after they have been requested. Its passage is particularly desired' by mlllmcn who have suffered from car shortages. The proposed trade Is that the commission men furnish enough, votes to pass the Earles bill in return for sufficient votes to pass the House rall way commission bill. Deal Has Its Drawbacks. Some of the lumbermen and millmcn In the House have been strongly aligned with the ones who are opposing so drastic a commission bill as the House measure, and considerable doubt is ex pressed as to the ability of the ne gotiators to swing the votes necessary to carry out tho lumbermen's end of the agreement. Another proposal comes to the commis sion men from some of the lumbermen who -have combined,, with the friends of land Commissioner E. W. Boss to-prevent the passage of tho bills 'introduced in the House withdrawing from sale all state lands for a definite period. The passage of these bills would necessarily curb the powers of the State Land Com missioner and would reduce his office greatly in importance. It would result in the cutting down of his Office force to the very few men who would be re quired to keep up current work. The L,and Commissioner naturally objects to the taking away , of his discretionary powers, and there aro many lumbermen who would object to tho state lands be ing taken off the market. Earles Trade Has Preference. v So far the proposal to the commission men from this source Is so indefinite that it Is not known what strength the etate lands men can muster, and the discussion of pending deals gives the Earles trade the preference, on account of appearing more nearly feasible and susceptible of actual results. It is understood that when the commis sion bill gets Into the Senate, Senator Graves will propose several amendments making the bill still more drastic. They will be presented, not in the hope of securing their adoption, but with the in tention of making a declaration for what the most radical adherents of tho rail way commission ' Idea believe should be contained in the bill. Governor Mead received a communlca lion today from the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce, asking him to give represen tatives of that body an opportunity to appear before him and present argument's favoring an approval of the capital re moval bill by the executive. Governor Mead has replied that if the bill comes io him. and it Is a matter on which he is required to act, Jic will name a time at which representatives of the Chamber may present their side of the case. It Is also announced In this connec tion by the Governor that he will bo will ing. to give Olympia representatii'cs or others interested an audience. PARADE OF ANCIENT PLUG HATS Elks Make Demonstration in Seattle Despite the Rain. SEATTLE. Wash., Feb. 22. The largest plug-hat parade on record was triven to day, when 1100 Elks marched through the streets of Seattle In a drenching rain accKed out in all the ancient silk "tiles' that could be gathered from the -four cor ners oi tno state of Washington. This afternoon the visiting Elks' were enter tained by a fine vaudeville programme t the Grand Opra-Hous and tonight a banauet at the Wash! nirtnn Hntnl rnv tfercd the festivities, which followed the duswms meeting of the association. GOVERNOR VETOES FOUR BILLS Too Little Money for Mute School BUI Without Title. SALEM, fir., Voh Tvri n.ii. j, f lUimuiillAliUing U)a fact that today was a legal holiday. uovarnor i nam&eriam kept steadily at won; on tne ours berore him, with the result that 73 were filed xHh th iary of State without approval, Zi received bis signature and four bills were vetoed. One of the bill to meet with the Jls tpproval of the Governor was that pro riding for an appropriation of 570.000 for locating and establishing ,-v new deaf mute school nearer to the city; another, lor tho establishment of the Rogue River toad district, authorizing the counties of lophIne and Currj- to incorporate Into laid district for the purpose of construct ing a wagon road, with' power to levy ind colloct taxe$ for building road, tnd to issue bonds to a limit of 50,000: i third Veto wasvof the 'bill providing for voting on the question -of sheep and goats running at Jargp, ludd to be unconstitu tional because it was enacted without title; and the fourth, a bill regulating the sale of fertilisers. The mute school bill waa killed princi pally because the sum appropriated was not sufficient to carry out the provisions .of the act, and because of other la.rgc amounts appropriated by the Legislature. The Rogue River road district act was vetoed upon constitutional grounds, main ly because of the amount to which the district was entitled to contract dobt was in excess of a constitutional restriction or $5000. DEAF-MUTE SCHOOL IS VETOED Governor Says -Sufficient Appropria- . tion Has Not Been Made. ; SALEM, Or., Feb.' 22. (Spccial.)-Thc 570,000 appropriation bill -for a new mute school met the Governor's disapproval to day and will not become a law. The rea son for the vcto was .that the appropria tion Is insufficient to erect suitable build ings and no arrangements have bpon made for other -use for the present build ings. The veto message says: This is an act to authorize the Board of Trustees of the Oregon School for Deaf siutts to relocate and establish the school for the education of deaf mutes within the Stat a of-Oregon, and to provide for the purchase of ground and the construction of suitable buildings, and to make-. appropria tion therefor. For the nuroosca -of the act $70,000 is 'appropriated tor purchase the necessary grounds and to construct thereon suitable building. The amount apnronrialcd will be wholly Insufficient to acquire the crounds and erect .suitable buildings for -the purposes of me proposed school. An act was pa.sed at this session of the Legislature authorizing the Governor, Sec retary of State and State Treasurer to ac quire tho grounds necessary for a school for defective and epileptic children, and authorizing . them to have plans made and to obtain estimates of the cost pf buildings suitable for the purposes of the act. For this purpose $15,000 was appropriated, and tho board appointed Is required to report to the next session of tho Legislature. The same course saould have been pursued with reference to the School for Pe&t Mutes, so "in in cusuiug jesiaiuiurc raigni- nave made an appropriation sufficient to do the work required to be done. There is a difference of opinion as to the good to be attained by removing the Mute School from Us present site to one nearer the city, and tills Is a subject which oucht to have been fully Investigated and report ed upon before buying grounds and appropri ating so large a sum of money. Because of these things and of the large amounts of money that have already been appropriated for institutions already estab lished, I feel It my duty to veto the act under consideration, and I return the same nerewiin to you. PROFESSORS NOT LAW OFFICERS Governor Vetoes Bill Requiring Reg istration of Brands of Fertilizers. SALEM, Or., Feb. 22. (Special.) Gov ernor Chamberlain this evening vetoed Newell's House Bill 85. requiring that brands of fertilizers be regletored at the Agricultural College, and. that a fee of $30 he paid each year to the college for each brand registered. The proposed law provided that If fertilizers aro shipped into the state without the payment' of the fee, the goods shall be seized and sold by the director of the agricultural experi ment station, and after the fees due arc paid the balance be turned over to the owner of the goods. Local dealers vio lating the act would be liable to arrest. The Governor objects to the measure for tho reason that it imposes different punishment on two classes of dealers and does not require the Agricultural College authorities to make any accounting for the money received by them. If the money received should be Insufficient to pay the cxponsc of enforcing the law there would be a future demand for ap propriations, while if tbero ahould ho an excess, there Is no provision for the dis position of the remainder. The strongest objection the Governor makes Is that tho act requires the direc tor of the agricultural station to perform duties usually -devolving upon Sheriffs and Constables. He says: The tendency of the educational institutions of the state Li to branch out into other fields ihan those originally Intended to be occupied by them, and this measure Is the strongest evidence of that fact. It may be that there should be some legislation along the lines In tended to- be covered 'by the act In question, but I cannot give my approval to a measure v.hloh places an educational institution or any pf Its officers or agents in a position which requires them to play the part of detectivfe. Sheriffs and other officers of the courts of Jus tice of the state. Bill in Violation of Constitution. SALEM. Or., Fob. 21 Special.)-Gov-ernor Chamberlain's veto was today placed upon the Rogue River road dis trict bill. Introduced In the .Legislature by Smith of Josephine. The bill proposed to create a- road district composed of Jo sephine and Curry counties, with power to Issue bonds In the sum of 530,000 for the purpose of building a road connecting the two counties. The Governor-s objeotlons are that the TjIH violates two .sections of the constitu tion, that forbidding the passage of spe cial or local laws for laying, opening and working highways, and that limiting the Indebtedness of a county" to 55000. He cites the case of Maxwell vs. Tillamook county in- support of his first objection. Aside from these two objections he says it is doubtful whether the Legislature has authority to extend the taxing power to a commission Independent :of the state and county governments. The Governor admits that the courts upheld such an act in the case of the Port of -Portland, but says-the Legislature went tq the full limit In creating the Port of. Portland and it would havobecn better for the pcopie of, ' Multnomah county If that law had been held un constitutional. In any event, he thinks the precedent Is not one to be encour aged. Protests on Two Measures. SALEM, Or., Fob. 22. (Special.) The most Important bills remaining in the hands of the Governor are Kuykendall's fraternal insurance society bill and Ma larkey's bill appropriating 57 a month for the maintenance of each wayward girl kept in an institution established for that purpose. Protests have been made against both these measures. The former is objected to by the representatives of some of the younger fraternal societies, who aver that it will Injure them. The Malarkcy bill Is opposed by some Protestants on the ground that there is only one institution In the state that comes within the terms of the act. and that institution Is under the control of the Catholic Church. Tomorrow Is the last day the Governor has In which to veto bills. Letter-Carriers Elect Officers. . TACOMA. Feb. 23. The annual conven tion of the Washington State Letter-Carriers Association today elected the fol lowing officers: President. George Dewey. Spokane-vice-president. W. R. Faylor. Olympia treasurer, I B. Harris. Belllngham: sec retary. L. W. Pierce. .Seattle; C. H Ti tus. Everett, delcgale-at-large, to attend the convention to be held In Portland. Spokane will be the next meeting place. Resolutions were adopted urging the Gov ernment to own the horses used in the carrying service. The matter of the establishment of a home for aged and invalid carriers came up for discussion and a resolution favor ing It was lost. After the business session a bahtiuet was provided, at -which Postmaster George M. Stewart, of Seattle, was the principal speaker. Every state branch of the association, except North Yakima,' was represented. JAPAN MADE MOVE First Suggestion of. Peace Game From Her. DIPLOMAT TELLS ROOSEVELT Basis Is Russia's Withdrawal From Corea: and. 'Restoration cf- Man churia' to ' China France Working for Peace! SHEOIAL CABLE. WASHINGTON'. Feb. 22. There is a general impression here that President Roosevelt has been Informed by a high diplomat whose .Identity is not disclosed, that Japan has advised Russia she would like the restoration of peace, at the same time suggesting general lines on which this could be arranged.- The supposed no tification was made direct to the Russian government at St. Petersburg. It Is said to have gone further, and It Is .also de clared that Japan would welcome nego tiations looking to peace. The diplomat who furnished the Presi dent with this information is supposed to be M. JuSserand, the-French Ambassador, who was at the AVhite House Saturday night. The basis for negotiations Is said" to be the withdrawal of all claims by Russia to the control of Corea and the restoration of Manchuria to China. The President and Secretary -Hay be lieve the information given to be accu rate. They think the peace discussions at St. Petersburg "arc due to the notlHca tion by Japan instead of any suggestion to "be made by Russia. The Japanese le gation has no advices as to the advances saVfl .to have been made directly to Rus sia. Other diplomats say they are' ignor ant on the subject. - v It Is believed. -here that France is urg-in- Russia to open peace negotiations. INDEMNITY ASKED BY JARjAN She Wants $350,000,000, Hoping to Cripple Russia. SPECIAL. CABLE. LONDON, Feb. 23. According to a Paris dispatch, the indemnity asked by Japan, which was reported to be the principal obstacle In the way of peace in the Far East, is 70.000,000 ($550,000,000). Japan, in fixing the indemnity "at this fig ure, intends to retard the rehabilitation of Russia. TERMS PROPOSED IMPOSSIBLE Russia Offers Only to Give Up What Is Already Lost. LONDON. Feb. 22. The terms on which Russia is reported to be prepared to con clude peace arc regarded In official circles in' London as Inadequate and largely In the nature of a trial balloon. Among the British officials the hope of a. speedy ces sation of hostilities is mostly based on official advices telling of the increasing ascendency and activity of the peace party in Russia. It is known that Count Benkendorff, the Russian Ambassador to Grout Britain, L5 an adherent of this parly, and it is understood he did all possible to impress his views upon, his government during his recent stay at St. Petersburg. The British officials entertain little doubt that If Russia will express her willingness to conclude peace on terms which will recognize Japan as the victor a satisfactory solution would be reached through the good offices of France and Great Britain. The Japanese in London declare that the suggested terms arc Impossible of acceptance. Baron Suiycmutsu pointed out that Corea and the Llao Tung Pen insula, which Russia proposed to sacri fice, arc already in the hands of the Japanese, and that Japan certainly Is en titled to an Indemnity. Russia's proposal to restore Manchuria to China as far north as Harbin, the Baron added, would leave Russia in possession of two-thirds of Manchuria. HOPE TO BANKRUPT JAPAN Russians Rely on Long Purse for Escape From Defeat. ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 22 (7:30 P. M.) Although the party which Is advocating peace as the only egress from the pres ent situation continues to gain strength, nothing has actually been decided, and no move has yet been made. It is officially maintained that Russia's attitude is un changed. At the Foreign Office not the slightest encouragement is given to the peace talk. On the contrary, it Is af firmed as strongly as ever that Japan must propose terms, while at the same time it is admitted that it is Inconceivable that Japan can offer conditions acceptable to Russia, and that therefore the- war must go on to a conclusion. The idea of a complete Russian victors' Is not harbored, but it is Insisted that Russia Is not boaten and will not be beaten until General Kuropatkln Is de cisively worsted by General Oyama and the fate of. Admiral Rojestvensky's squad ron Io determined. Tho main considera tion entering into tho calculations of the uncompromising advocates of a Drosccu tlon of the war Is that Japan's financial resources must become exhausted long oerorc nussia s. SECRETLY WORKS FOR PEACE America Aids and Is Watchful for American Interests. WASHINGTON. Feb. 22,-Although not figuring formally of late in the various tentative efforts by the powers to bring aoout peace Between Russia and Japan, this Government has kept In very close touch with developments, along this di rection. To make any official statement of whit It has done on. its own account might be ill-advised, owing to the extreme sensitiveness of hoth belligerents when any open evidence is shown of a purpose to bring outside pressure to bear upon them. But it. may be safely said that while peace is not- regarded .as immedi ately aj hand, at least the foundations have been laid for negotiations that will bring the principals together In tho end, and It probably VlU be found that the United States has had sumo share in this work. Meanwhile, the .publication of almost semi-official statements to the effect that peace Is being considered has aroused in the officials here renewed desires to se cure as far as can be done before a treaty Is actually signed absolute guarantees for the security of American commercial in terests in the Far East, while conserving tne terntorjai integrity or tnina. On this latter point it Is said the projected cession to Japan of Port Arthur and the Llao Tung Peninsula does not involve the ab solute relinquishment of Chinese sover eignty In that quarter. What is- believed to be actually pro posed is not an unqualified cession of tvr ritory. but merely the transf6r to Japan of the right of occupation of Port- Arthur arid the right to protect the rallroadjead lng' northward along the peninsula now enjoyed by Russia under tho terms of tho lease made with China at the. conclusion of the Chinese-Japanese war. The principal effect of acquisition by Japan of Port Arthur and the proposed neutralization of Vladivostok would, in the opinion of naval officers here, operate to prevent Russia from ever again maintain ing a navy in the Far East for lack of a suitable base. TALK OF TERMS IS PREMATURE Russia Not Ready to Yield and Japan Wants Permanent Peace. PARIS, Feb. 22. Russia has not given any indication to Franco that she is ready to take up the question of peace, and therefore the autnoritles hero Uo not feel qualified to discuss the St. Petersburg1 reports giving the precise terms. The reports arc ex plained substantially as follows: . The peace sentiment has lately been steadily augmenting throughout Rus sia, particularly outside of St. Peters burg-, and within recent days some of the most influential personages in St. Petersburg: have come out favorable to peaco and have sought to impress responsible officials that the tune has arrived to take definite action. How ever, those having the chief responsi bility, such as Foreign Minister Lams dorff, have not yet shown willingness to accept peace arguments. Therefore. so long as the Russian Foreign Office Is not prepared to accept the peace view, it is considered doubtful of ac complishment. In spite of this, the peace reports arc considered a hopeful sign of a tondency in the highest quarters toward poaco. The Japanese Legation points out that peace negotiations require certain definite steps between the parties, and as Russia has not yet made the slight est overture to Japan concerning terms, Russia is not in a position to elaborate pacific conditions. The of ficials of the legation incline to tho view that the St. Petersburg reports were designed to sound the official sentiment in Japan. What Tokio will say is not known. The Japanese officials express a strong conviction that prior to determining def inite terms. It will be Indispensable to settle the main principle that the terms will ensure peace In the Far East for many years to come. Tho Japanese posi tion Is said to be quite definite against arranging a peace which would permit Russia to rehabilitate herself. Concerning the indemnity, it Is said that the Japanese war budget up to March 31 shows that tho total war expenditures will be about J350.000.000. The Legation considers that some Indemnity Is equitable, as Japan has expended double the amount of the. cost of the Chinese War In holding up prin ciples which St. Petersburg reports indi cate Russia is now disposed to recognize. Tho Russian Embassy, replying to In quiries relative to the peace rumors, says that while peace Is the subject of numer ous conversations In Russia as elsewhere. It Is Incorrect -to assume that the gov ernment has taken up the question. It Is pointed out that some weeks must pass "before General Kuropatkln can make a aeciexvc caon, una increiorc. n is inop portune for Russia to consider peace at the present time, much less determine the conditions on which peace Is possible. WILL ASK FOR JAPAN'S TERMS Russia Will Make Inquiries Through France and Eritain. "BERLIN Feb. 22,-That the Russian Emperor has actually determined to seek peaefs docs not appear to be known here officially, but this court has been aware- that the Emperor s mind has been wav ering between peace and a continuance of the war. What Emperor Nicholas lias so far decided to do seems to be to request of France to ask the British Foreign Office to Inquire of Jaian what terms might be expected wero Russia to propose -peace-; that Is to Hay, tho preliminary steps are -to be- taken by the seconds. Russia will thus be able to refuse to open negotiations If Japan's terms arc exorbi tant It Is argued that the Russian Emperor could again appeal to the discontented classes to support the war as easier to bear than the price of peace. This price. It is said at the Legation here, will not be beyond wliat even Russia would consider just, because Japan, to gather the fruits of the war, must avoid an embltferment that would keep a fresh war ever In prospect. Francis Joseph Did Not Mediate. VIENNA. Feb. 22. The announcement of the possibility of peace In the Far East published here today was received with much satisfaction in diplomatic cir cles. For several weeks unofficial inquiry has been made as to whether Austria should not, or would not, fill the rolo of mediator, and whether Emperor Francis Joseph, as dean of the European mon archs. would not himself take steps to this end. But the Emperor Is not In clined to undertake mediation. In viow of the definite statement that Russia would not be willing to listen to any powor on the subject, and consequently the entire matter remains unchanged. It is reported here that the proposal for mediation by a friendly power came from the Japanese side. Peace Talk Strengthens Market. LONDON, Feb. 22, Prices on the stock exchange opened strong today and there was an all-around feeling of cheerfulness on the peace reports from St. Petersburg. Consols ro3e one-quarter of a point. All departments shared In the improvement. The advance of Russians was somewhat checked by suggestions that the possible, indemnity may necessitate a further loan." PEOPLE SEE GRAND DUKE'S BODY He Sent for Talisman to Ward Off Danger, but Too Late. MOSCOW, Feb. 22. This afternoon the public was admitted for the last time to view the remains of Grand Duke Sergius, long lines of people fil ing rapidly through the chapel of the Chaudoff Monastery and past the cof fin. This evening the chapel waa closed In order to make preparations for the funeral, which will take place at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Fragments of the Grand Duke's head have been collected and placed In a silver receptacle, resting on the coffin. It Is evident that Grand -Duke Sergius took the warnings that his life was In danger as serious, a priest In Kieff receiving a few days before the as sassination a letter from tho chief of ficer of the household of the Grand Duke asking, in the name of Sergius, for the blessed cross of St. Barbara, tho martyr, which pious Russians believe to be h talisman, against violent death. The priest sent the relic, but It met with two days delay, arriving subse quent to the crime. The autopsy on the body of the coachman of Grand Duke Sergius show ed that bits of the carriage and of his clothing had been driven Into his spine and kidneys, causing blood poisoning, from which he died. ALEXIS BRAVES TERRORISTS Grand Duke Goes to Moscow in Spite of Warnings. NEW YORK. Feb. S. Grand Duke Alexis has started from Moscow, accord ins to a Herald dispatch from St. Peters burg. When 'remonstrated with, he Is said to have replied: "I am on the list of those condemned to death, so it does not matter." - Dead Encumber Baku Streets. BAKU, Feb. 22-AH tbcofQcIal and private offices are closed. Many- dead bodies are 'lying in the streets. s REBELS IN CONTROL Set Up New Government in the Caucasus. OFFICIALS ARE PRISONERS Armenians Hold Three Cities and Are Aided by Reservists-Railroad Strike Stops Traffic From Warsaw to Vienna. ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 23 (3 A. M.) According to mail reports received from ' Batoum. racial disorders In the Caucasus have developed Into actual revolution In the cities of Batoum. Patt and Kutals, at the eastern end of the Black Sea. un der the lead of Armenians, who have set up a form of provisional government. Telegraphic communication has been cut for several days and It Is impossible to secure direct confirmation of these re ports, but according to one letter the Armenian faction a few days ago suc ceeded in making prisoners of most of the officials and shutting up the officers and some of the troops In the barracks, and. aided to some extent by reservists, in taking the reins of government In their own hands. j The authorities here and others familiar with conditions In the Caucasus do not attach great importance to these reports, however, as this region Is In a continual state of turmoil and. If it is true that Armenians have succeeded In temporarily e.-Uabllshing themselves In the towns named. It Is no Indication of a general revolutionary movement, but simply an other manifestation of racial feeling be tween Armenians and Tartars. POLISH RAILROAD TIED .UP Every Employe on Vienna Line Strikes Troops Guard Station. WARSAW. Feb. 22. Traffic on tiie Vienna Railway has been suspended since early this afternoon, the force of employes, including telegraphers, hav ing Joined in tho strike. Not a single train Is leaving Warsaw's great ter minus, which is guarded by a strong force of gendarmes, keeping back the crowds clnmorjng for an opportunity to leave the city. Two regiments of in fantry aro guarding tne Interior of the station, tho yards and buildings. Chiefs of the engineering department, acting as firomf-n and engineers, at tempted to run trains Into Warsaw from outside points, but none succeed ed In reaching the city, all having been held up somewhere along the line. The telegraph and telephone service also has been stopped. Thcstrikc originally was planned to begin March 1. but the men learned of the intention of the authorities to pro claim the entire line under martial law, and hence determined to strike today. It is feared the employes of the Vis tula lines between Warsaw and the Austrian and German frontiers will also go out. The police yesterday evening arrest ed the prominent Polish publicist and poet, Andrea Nlemojewskl. BLOOD SHED BY THE TROOPS Energetic Measures Taken and Dead Bodies Fill Baku Streets. BAKlT. Cauensla. Feb, 22. The mili tary authorities today authorized ener getic measures to suppress disturbances here. This wa3 not accomplished with out bloodshed. All of the official and private offices are closed. Many dead boJlcs arc lying In the street. GRAND DUKES GO TO FUNERAL Czar Allows Only Officials to Attend and Prescribes Dress. ST. PETERSBURG." Feb. 22. Several of the Grand Dukes left for Moscow to day to attend the funeral tomorrow of the late Grand Duke Sergius. Grand Duke Vladimir will not attend the funeral, owing to Indisposition caused by a chill. Emperor Nicholas has Issued orders specifying who may attend the funeral. HEGE'S CURE OF ECZEMA Grateful Letter from the Well-Known Passenger Agent of the B, & 0. R. R,, Washington, D. C. CUTICURA SUCCEEDS AFTER DOCTORS FAIL Mr. S. B. Hege, passenger agent of tbe Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Wash ington, D.C, one of the best-known railroad men of the country, sends the follow ing grateful let ter: "Thanks to the Cuticnra Remedies, I am now rid of that fear ful pest, weeping eczema, for the first time in three years. It first appeared on the back of my hand in the form of a little pimple, growing into several blotches, and then on my ears and ankles. They were exceedingly pain ful because of the itching and burning 1 sensation, and always raw. After the first day's treatment with Cut: crura ' Soap, Ointment, and Pills, there was verv little of the burning and itching, , and" the cure now seems to be com- , plete. I shall be glad to aid in relier lng others suffering as I was, and you may use my letter as you wish, (signed) S. B. Hege, Washington D.C, June 9, '04." COMPLETE TREATMENT For Every Humor from Infancy to Age, Price $1.00 Consisting of Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the skin, Cuticura Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cuticura Resolveat Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood, f may now be had of all druggists. A single set is often sufficient to cure I the most torturing, disfiguring, itch- ing, burning, and. scaly humours, ec- zemas, rashes, and irritations, from infancy to age, when all else fails. , CstfcoT Sox?, O'.BteiiGt. 14 FIH ut eJ4 tirotiBaait . lh w or!& 1ot Draf Jt Cieaa. Cerp Sq!m PT9f3Mtaa. I 1, B0 Mm ill THE DOSE H Aye r e CJ n 8 rry Pc ct o rtl 1 J Adun Fnyuia J? to 59 d'tpi 3 H jB ISjesndd .23ta30tfrc9 fi HH HittniM 30U33dro 9 H M. f jKj eytanoU ISUISdrey a pPW S 4ytnM .tOtoiatfran I H Spirt eld... 8 to 10 4Wf U HbB Sytm!4...6to ttfrsf 13 BJB ca....4to OdrcH H Bfl n)mfiilcitciMK4nJ fi H ax n't t ttn Mt 3 wk afUMT m tmx m kMrk Xai; iuU a t a fH tMitmu wnwuitM m tote la a tf piMl7 Mtor tWta stu HI nuJi iM i iwi hmH 3 All those who are entitled to attend are members of the court, naval and military officers, heads of the judicial and administrative institutions, presi dents of tho nobility, the Zemstvos of the province, the Mayor and foreign representatives. Ladies must wear black cloth dresses and black bonnets. Civilians must wear mourning. All must arrive at tha monastery by 10:33 A. M. MAJORITY CALLS FOR ACTS Liberals Scorn Moderate Counsels and Demand Instant Reforms. ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 22 (4:05 P. M.). A largo group of Liberals ha3 recom mended an Important agreement to wait until the end of March for the develop ment of the government's programme before formulating a. new plan of cam paign. In the meantime not seeking to embarrass the government. Among the moderates a more hopeful feeling exists that the government may meet the situ ation In a fairly satisfactory fashion. A responsible Cabinet, with M. "Witte, at its head. Is regarded as already assured, and the committee of Ministers is provid The Hind "You Have Always Bought, ajid wliicli has feeea in use for over 30 years, lias borne tiie signature of I, and iias been made under bis per T sonal supervision since its infancy wtry, -&CUw Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bufc Experiments tbat trifle Tritb. and endanger tbe Jiealtb o infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiments What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. -Ib contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic suhstanqe. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the e KM You Have Always in Use For YMC etMTAUIt COMPANY, potency thoroughly cured. No failure. YOUJiG MJWA troubled with night bashfulneas, aversion to society, whicn "v'nii fnP uiikiMs4 nil MAllHIAGB. MiLUJLK-AGKU MKSi who from BLOOD AAU SKIN DXSBASKS, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea., painful, bloody urine. Gleet. Stricture Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility. .Varicocele. Hydrocele, Kiu aey and Liver troubles cured without aiEKCUuV UK UTHKK POISONOUS DRUGS, Catarrh and rheumatism CUIUSO. Dr. "Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nos trums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment. His New Pamphlet on Prt-ate Diseases sent free to all men who de scribe their trouble. li.TIKN1 cured answered In plain envelops. on or address DR. WALKER, 181 First Street, Corner YamhlH, Portland, Or, mm &r hMMm he Do not undervalue the services of a skilful phy- sician. Even the best j medicine cannot take the! ss place of the family doctor. Therefore we say.: Con- suit your physician freely j about your case and ask i him what he thinks about your taking Ayer's Cherry J Pectoral for your cough. 1 If he says take it, then take I it. If he says do not take j it, then follow his advice. Zlids by the J. O. Ajer Co.. XiowU, 3ass , Also mnafoturrs of ATSR'S PILLS For constipation. AYER'S HAIR. VIGOR-For the hair. ATBE'S SARSAPARILLA For the blood. ATEE'3 AGUE CURS For sularla And ftgua. ing for representatives of the various classes interested upon the commissions, which are elaborating the manifesto re forms of December 25. The majority of the Liberals, however, still manifest skepticism, which will not disappear until words are translated into acts, while, nothing the government may do short of convenirg a National Assem bly will appease the Radicals. A Zemsky Sobor, thej- declare, will no longer suf fice. So far as the government Is con cerned, the danger always is in procras tination. Every step taken seems to come too late. Despite the warnings of the police, who Insisted that they were unable to guaran tee his safety, Grand Duke Alexis last night- went to Moscow to attend the fu neral of his brother, and Grand Duke Vladimir this morning went to Tsarskoe Selo. The trips were successfully accom plished. Both Grand Dukes drove to the railroad station in closed carriages, driv en by coachmen without liveries, and traveled In special cars. Future Czar Has the Grippe. ST. PETERSBURG, Feb, 22.-The in fant heir to the throne was reported, sev eral "daj's ago, to be suffering from grip. His condition, however, is not serlou3. Signature of Over 30 Years. TT MUKHAY aTWtKT. NEWYSRK CRT. Bought Twenty Years of Success In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as llyer, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, alar rboea, dropsical swellings, Bright's disease, etc. Kidney and Urinary Complaints, painful, difficult, too trequent, milky oa bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or confinement. Diseases of Men Hiooii Dutsoc. cleuu stricture, unnatural losses. lm Cure guaranteed.- , emissions, dreams, exhausting drains. aepnve you oi your xnannooa. untiw excesses and strains have lost their at home. Terms reasonable. All letters Consultation tree and sacredly confidential. Call They act like Exercise. Bowels jaHP Ail wnmramit; l Hi i