Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 20, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Save on Your Gas Bills
By Using The Block Light
Since the aj3.peara.ncj3 of the Block Light, less than two Tears ago, a
practical revolution has taken place tn 1151111115 the home, store, office,
factory and every place -where illumination la required. Over 2,000.000
Block lights have been sold with in the past year, all of them upon the
absolute guarantee that the Block Burner Trill produce a much more
brilliant and beautiful light -with less consumption of gas than any other
method. Olds, Wortman Sz Kins, sole agents for Portland for these fa
mous lights. Third Floor-
5 6 Washinkton Sts.
y- .u..ii i.x, u.,b.y.-j;JtAUj-.JU...-..'.V-.!:
with the Sweeping Price Cuts of the
Hourly Sales
Will Create a buying Craze
Today that will be Unprece
dented in the annals of Feb
ruary Selling in Portland
Store7' h-
.rn 1 !
Dresden Ware
Our $34 value; special at,
each $22.75
Our $15 value; special at,
each $11.75
Our $19 value; special at,
each $15.00
Our $22.50 value; special at,
each 18.00
Our $20.50 value; special at,
each $16.50
In the Art Shop
See ead Floor.
60c PlUoCTs for 43c.
Silk floss Pillows, size 24x24 inches.
Regular 60c value; special for 1
hour only at, each 43c
$1.00 Shopping Rags for 05c.
Bint Floor.
Burnt leather Opera or Shopping
Bags. Our $1.00 value; special for
1 hour at, each 05c
. 94.00 PUIotts $2.85 Fourth Floor.
Feather Pillows, filled with best
live gooso feathers. Regular value
$4.00; special, pair $2,65
65c Side Combs 38c First Floor.
Shell Side Combs with gold mount
ed band on back. Regular 65c
value; special for 1 hour only at,
the pair ..' 39c
l-t. Water Pall lie Third Floor.
We wlU place on sale for 1 hour
only. 10-qt tin "Water Palls with
black enameled wood handle. Spe
cial at, each lie
10 to J I A. M.
35c Dresalns Combs for 20c
Flmt Floor.
Extra heavy white celluloid Dress
ing Combs. Our 35c value; special
for 1 hour at, each 20c
Womea'ii 91.00 Merode kalt Corset
Covers OTcr First Floor.
Women's lightweight silk and cot
ton knit Corset Covers, extra silk
trimmed, high neck, long and
short sleeves, the "Merode," $1.00
- value; special, each 00c
fl.OO ne-Tv French Voile Sprisfj Eta
mlaes 70c.
Fifth-Street Annex First Floor.
New "French Voile Etamlnes, In
cream, black, copper, tans, browns,
greens, grays and navy. Our reg
ular $1.00 grade; special 10 to 11
A. M., per yard 78c
91.00 Taffetaa 78c ret.
91.25 TaCetas 08c yet.
Fifth-Street Ana ex First Floor.
New black TaffetaB unequaled at
our regular price
21 Inches wide. Our regular $1.00
grade; special 10 to 11 A. M., per
yard 76c
35 Inches wide. Our regular $1.25
grade; special 10 to 11 A. 1L, per
yard CSc
Women's 91.50 Dressings Sacques
Flannelette Dressing Sacques and
kimonas, with fancy cords around
waist. In blue, black with colored
figures and Persian designs;
values to $1.50, special, each 40c
II to 1 2 M.
30c Safety Pins for 6c First Floor.
Safety Pin books containing 2 dozen
nickel plated and black safety
pins, assorted sizes. Our 10c value;
Special for 1 hour at, each Oc
Children's 35c Hosiery 17c pair.
First Fleon
Children's very fine ribbed black
lisle Hose, sizes 6 to 9. We seU
thousands of this line at 25c pair;
special, pair 17c
Women 95.00 Shoes 927.
First Floor.
Women's patent colt button Shoes,
dull mat kid tops. Louis heels,
hand turned soles, regular value
$5.00; special, pair t. 92.37
91.00 Hut Drapes for 4Sc.
2d Floor Mil lis err- Salons Annex.
Pretty Hat Drapes In green, blue,
red, brown, black or white, with
black dots and black with white
dots. Our regular $1.00 value; spe
cial for 1 hour only at, each.. 48c
15c Creamers for 8c Third Floor.
Very pretty china Creamers, tinted
and gold traced. Our 15c values;
special for 1 hour only at, each. 8c
12 to I P. M.
35c Toilet Soap for Sc First Floor.
Fine hard-milled fancy Toilet Soap,
3 cakes In box. Regular 15c value:
special for 1 hour only at, the
box 8c
Men's 20c Hose 10c.
Men's Shop First Floor Sixth
street Annex.
A line of men's seamless, natural
gray and black merino Hose. Reg
ular value 20c; special, pair. ...10c
Writing Paper Worth 18c for 30c
Fine, smooth, plata finish box Writ
ing paper and envelopes to match,
in white, long or square shape.
Regular ISc value; special for 1
hour at, tho box 30c
1 to 2 P. M
91.75 Oriental I .ace Bands 4Sc.
First Floor.
Oriental Lace. Venise Bands, colored
appliques. Venise points and me
dallions. Regular value $1.75: spe
cial, yard 4Sc
35c Back Combs for 10c First Floor.
Fancy shell Jeweled Back Combs.
Our 35c value: special for 1 hour
only at, each 10c
91.50 Cloth Brushes for 00c.
First Floor.
Cloth Brushes, extra quaUty. heavy
brlstles, largo size. Regular $1.50
value; special for 1 hour only at,
each 80c
Children's 90c Union Snlts 58c.
First Floor.
Children's medium weight white
cotton Union Suits, long sleeves,
ankle length, extra silk trimmed.
The "Merode." Values to 90c; spe
cial, all sizes, each 5Sc
25c MATTING 17c Fourth Floor.
Japanese Matting, all colors and
patterns. Our best 25c value; spe
cial, yard 17c
2 to 3 P.
S5c Taffetas 60c Yard.
Fifth-Street Annex First Floor.
New 19-Inch colored Taffetas; all
staple colors, including white,
ivory and cream. Our regular 83c
quality. 2 to 3 P. M.. special at.
per yard 60c
Colors arc navys,
white and cream.
browns, tans.
Women's New 91.50 Suitings 91.08
Fifth-Street Annex First Floor.
54-Inch tailor Suitings, "all-wool" in
new, neat designs and colors
splendid values at $1.50 per yard:
special, 2 to 3 P. M. only, per
yard 91.0s
Women's 95.00 Shoes 32.37.
The Sixth-Street Annex First Floor
243 pairs of women's Shoes, all kinds
of leather, light and heavyweight,
discontinued lines. Regular values
$3.50, $4 and $5; special, pair. 92417
91.50 Gowns for S3c.
Seeond-PIoor Annex.
A broken line of ladies' Nightgowns
of very be3t quality muslin, cam
bric and nainsook good fitting,
long with deep hems, made slip
over style or high nck with either
short or long sleeves: trimmed
with embroidery and lace. Fine
value at the regular price $1.51;
special for 1 hour only at, each. 83c
93 Blankets 31. Go Fourth Floor.
Gray sanitary Blankets, wool and
cotton mixed. Regular value $3.00:
special, pair 9165
3 to 4 P.
Laces Worth to 91.00 for 20c.
First Floor.
A broken line of fine Valenciennes
Lace and Insertion, also imitation
Duchess Lace, 3 to 9 Inches wide.
Values In tho lot to $1.03; special
for 1 hour only at, tho yard 29c
Best 35c Dress Percales 10c
Domestic Aisle First Floor.
5000 yards new Spring patterns in
Dress Percales, best quality, light,
medium and dark grounds, a beau
tiful line of patterns Regular
value 15c; special, yard 10c
Kerr 50c Japanrse Silks 41c Yard.
Fifth-Street Annex First Floor.
Now Corded Japanese Wash Silks,
splendid color assortment to
cuoose from: all 1905 styles. Reg
ular 50c quality; special 3 to 4 P.
M., only 41c
New 50c Voile Etamlnes 41c Yard.
New 36-inch Suitings and all-wool
Voile Etamlnes: all new colors and
designs. Regular 50c vajues; spe
cial 3 to 4 P. M. only, yard 41c
SXTiO Hats for 91.98.
31UUnery Salons Annex 2d Floor.
A line of handsome new Spring Hats,
small turban shapes in chiffon and
jetted ruffled braids. Splendid $5.50
value; special for 1 hour only,
at 91.98
4 tO 5 P. M.
Men's 94.00 Shoes 92.37.
Sixth-Street Annex First Floor.
Men's patent colt and box calf Shoes,
double or single soles. Regular
value $4.00; special, pair 92.37
Women's 50c Hosiery-3 Pairs for 91.
First Floor.
Women's fine imported black lisle
Hose, gauze weight, spliced seam,
low spliced heel, double sole. A
bargain at 50c; special, 3 pairs
for 91.00
Set of Six 75c Teaspoons SSc Set.
Set of C silver-plated Teaspoons,
fancy handle, full size, style and
finish. The best the market can
produce for regular value 75c set;
special for 1 hour only, set SSc
AVomen's 97.50 Sweaters 92.39.
Women's Sweaters In red and white,
blouse effect with high or low
collar, fastened with buttons and
hooks and eyes. Values to $7.5;
special, each 92.30
. Infants' 50c. Caps 35c
Infants' Caps of white India or
Bengaline silk, plain or full ruche
around face, all sizes. Regular
value 50c; special, each 35c
Women's Dainty
Want - Fillers
This "week's values should draw
lovers of the fetching and beautiful in
dress from all Portland and her sur
joundings. An Olds, Wortman & King
sale amounts to something. "We've won
leadership fairly in the women's tog
gery lines it is one of our greatest
hobbies, and w ride it hard. These
little touches are essential to elegance
in. dress and to comfort. "We know
good values, too and we give good
ones proof:
SHOPS First Floor.
yenise Lace Collars, 11 inches wide,
in cream only, very pretty and much
worn; regular $1.75 value, special
at, each 98
"Venise Lace Bands in cream and
.white, 1 and 2 inches in width; spe
cial at, the yard 10 $
A full line of pure sheer linen Hand
kerchiefs, unlaundered, with a4
inch hems and hand embroidered
initials; our regular 20c values, spe
cial, six in box, at, the box. . .90
A very complete line of embroideries
for corset covers in Swiss, nainsook
and cambric, in both m dainty and
elaborate patterns; prices at, the
yard 35c, 50c, 65c, 75c to $2.50
In the Second-Floor Annex Snlons.
7Cc Work Boxes 46c
Pretty' Birch Bark Bon Bon and Work Boxes; regular value 75c; special,
each , 46e
Linen Center Pieces 33c to 75c.
Linen Center Pieces, with net foundation, stamped in floral and conven
tional designs; regular values C5c to $1.50; special, each 33c to 75c
35c. Duster Bas Sc
Brown Holland Linen Duster Bags, stamped In floral and conventional de
signs; regular value 15c; special, each Sc
First Floor.
The importance of little things Is exemplified in the small boy's defini
tion of "responsibility" when pointing out the Important duties devolving
upon the last two "fore and aft" trouser buttons that are left for the sus
penders to "tie to."
This Notion Store Is an illustrated textbook on tho Importance of little
things. "Yours the opportunities to buy to advantage. Ours the duty to soe
that the articles you get are the best of their several sorts at the prices
Needles that don't break with fair
usage. Elastlo with "life" to It.
Thread that is of proper strength
and so. Bargains a-plenty
5c Ink 3c
Carter's best Black Ink; regular Cc;
special, bottle 3c
25c Purses 35c
Chamois Leather Coin Purse, with
inside pocket; regular value 25c;
special, each 15c
15c Purse Cc.
Coin Purses in assorted leathers;
regular 15c; special, each 5c
48c Kodak Albums 28c
Deckle-edge Kodak Albums, size 7x
10; regular value 49c; special, each
14c Photo Albums 8c
Stamp Photo Albums, with burnt
leather covers; regular 14c; spe
cial, each Sc
35c Shirtwaist Sets 7c
Gilt and Oxide Shirtwaist Sets. ' 3
buttons in set; regular value 15c;
special, set 7c
SSc Chamois Skin 19c
Large-size Chamois Skin; regular
value 35c; special, each 18c
10c Powder Puffs 7c
"Swan's down Powder Puffs; regular
value 10c; special, each ....... -7c
35c Nail Brush 9c.
Combination Hand, Scrub Brush
and Nail Brush; regular value 15c;
special, each 0c
SSc Hair Brass 20c
Black Bristle Hair Brush, medium
size; regular value 35c; special,
each 20c
5c Pencils 3c
Children's fancy Press Lead Pencils,
all colors; regular value 5c; spe
cial, each 3c
10c Glue Cc
Le Page Liquid Fish Glue; regular
value 10c; special, bottle 5c
35c Silk Elastic 20c
Fancy Ruffle Silk Elastic, black or
colors; regular value 35c; special,
yard coc
28c Dress Shields 20c
White Detachable Shirtwaist Dress
Shields; size No. 4; regular value
29c; special, pair 20c
Dress Shields 14c and 36c
Fluted Rubber Dress Shields, white
nainsook covering; size No. 2; reg
ular value 20c; special, pair...l4c
Size No. 3; regular value 25c; spe
cial, pair 16c
Tar Soep 4c Cake.
Glycerine Tar Soap, for bath and
shampoo; special, cake 4c
10c Castile Soap Cc
Large-size square cake Imported
White Castile Soap; regular value
10c; special, cako..r 5c
Our 10c Toilet Paper Fixtures; spe
cial, each 3c
4c Toilet Paper Rolls 3 rolls for Cc
Toilet Paper In 5 gram rolls; regu
lar value 4c; special, 2 rolls.... 5c
10c Collar Button Sets 7c
Collar Button Sets, 4 buttons in set,
back, front and two sleeves; regu
lar value 10c; special, set 7c
25c Cuff Links 10c
Cuff Links in gilt -or oxide metal;
regular value 25c; special, pair..l0c
The Annex
Wardrobe Shops
A Center of Interest
This Week
Second Floor.
Women's Vndermnsllns and Dresses
and Jacket for the Tots
Form a topic of talk today. Most wom
en have found it a profitable practice
to buy the dainty undermusllns and
the wearables for the little ones
baby-to-mlss In February every year,
taking advantage of savings like these.
Children's 31.75 Dresses $1.18.
Children's dresses in Mother Hubbard
styles, white nainsook with embroid
ery around yoke tucks and em
broidery on skirts, ages 6 months to
9 years. Regular value $1.75; special.
each $1.19
Infants' 35c and 45c Knit Jackets 27c
Infants' Knit Jackets of Shetland flo3s
materials, all white or white with
blue or nink trimmings. Regular
values 35c and 45c; special, each. 27c
Ladies' 72.00 Chemise $1.50.
Ladles' skirt Chemise, made of fine quality nainsook, yoke trimmed with
tucks and lace insertion, lace edge around neck and sleeves, ribbon
beading and drawn ribbon. Regular $2.00; special, each $1.50
Ladles' 91.75 Corset Covers $1.28
A fine line of ladies' Corset Covers, French style, trimmed with lace
and lace Insertion with ribbon beading and drawn ribbon. Regular
value $1.75; special, each $1.29
The Great Fourth Floor Sales.
Curtuins a Pleasing Feature.
Beauty and bargains vie for the
attention of homefltters in the great
homefltting shops on Fourth Floor.
Read first of a sale of
Odd Pnlvs of Arabian Curtains.
Corded Arabians, cable net. very
strong durable Curtains, 50 Inches
wide. 3 yard3 long, only ono and
two-pair lots.
Regular 53.73 value; special, pr.52.40
Regular $4.03 value; special, pr.$2.65
Regular 54.50 value ;speclal, pr.$2J)5
Regular 5-1.00 value: special, pr.$330
Regular $6.00 value; special, pr.53.S5
Regular $6.75 value: special. pr.S4.-13
Regular $7.00 value; special, pr.$4.65
Regular $7.50 value; special, pr. $4.85
Regular. $S.OO value; special, pr.$5.25
Regular $3.00 value; special, pr.$5.S5
Regular $10.50 value; special. pr.?65
New Madras Curtains.
A handsome line of new Madras
Curtains In cross stripe, beautiful
color combination, mercerized and
plna silk stripes, 60 distinct styles
in the choosing.
Regular $2.25 value; special, pr. 51.75
Regular $2.75 value: special. pr.$2.10
Regular $3.25 value: special, pr. 92.50
Up to $8.50 values for $0.75
Real Values in Millinery
Second-Floor Annex Salons.
Because an Olds. Wortman & King hat is considered the smartest thing In millinery by
fashionable Portland, many who aro not our customers may have an Idea that we must be
higher-priced, which is not so. It Is quite natural that those who are not acquainted with
this department should Imagine that our hats would cost more, because they arc hand
somer and really worth It. A few minutes' inspection Is all that is necessary to convince
everyone that our prices are the lowest for the quality of materials used.
We use In our hats only the best materials, and when you compare them with hats of
as good quality you will find our prices the most reasonable.
Among the new creations that have already been approved by Eastern style authorities
Is the "Tommy Atkins" Hat. a fetching creation In red that reminds you of the jaunty
English soldiery, of "Tommy Atkins hisself." All the new hats for Spring arc running to
the smaller shapes. Among this week's special values arc
$3.00 to $8.50 Trimmed Hats for $1.88.
Hats neatly trimmed in fancy feathers, ornaments, rib
bons, flowers, desirable for young and old; one of the
greatest bargains of tho season; values from $3.00 to
38.50; special, each $1.98
$3.00 Untrlmmea" Velvet Shapes for OSc
A small line of untrlmmed, broad-brimmed Velvet
Shapes, in royal blue, black and brown; all they re
quire is a bunch of flowers, breasts or pon pons; reg
ular value $3.00; special, each 08c
Turbans $20 and $3X0.
New black Horsehair Turbans In combination of chiffon
and braids with bow of velvet ribbon and fancy orna
ments; each $2JS0 and $350
Stylish Shoes
In the Great "Fair-Way" Shoe Store,
Sixth-Street Annex, First Floor.
Aye, that expresses it. And the
rest, of course. At far less than you'll
expect to pay for such good new shoes.
Spring lasts. Splendid styles and
every pair tells a tale of expert shoe
making. In the popular plain and pat
ent leathers. Shoe bargains for all the
folks at home from the tiny toddling
tot up to grandpa. Specially smart
styles for dressy men and women. A
hint of prices and how reduced.
We are now showing shoes in the
advanced Spring styles. New lines ar
riving daily.
WOMEN'S $3.50 SHOES FOR $2.84.
Women's dress shoes, in new Spring
styles, medium dress toe, flexible
soles, rather high heels, patent kid
with dull kid tops; regular $3.50
value, special at, the pair $2.84
WOMEN'S $3.50 SHOES FOR $2.84.
These shoes are same as above frith
heavy soles and vici kid uppers,
Blucher cut and military heels,
splendid for street wear; our .$3.50
value, special at the pair. .2.84
MEN'S $3.50 SHOES FOR $2.82.
Men's shoes in two choice Spring,
styles, either in black or tan,
Blucher cut, Russia or box calf up
pers and newest Pota toes, military
heels and full Scotch outside exten
sion edge; one of the best shoes
made; regular $3.50 value; special
at the pair ?2.S2
Minister Turning Brakeman Criti
cizes Portland Churches.
Alert, aggressive and keenly intellec
tual, the Rev. C. M. Smythe, who retires
from the Mississippi-Avenue Congrega
tional Church to accept the position of
hrakeman for the time being on the O.
R. & N. Railroad, on tho first of March,
set forth his views of churches ahd the
duties of the modern ministry with re
markablo candor yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Smythe is an Irishman from Lim
erick, and still retains a slight taint of
the Irish tongue, as he speaks. When in
college ho passed through a literary
cours? and then took the theological train
ing his church requires.
"Yes. it is .true I am going back to rail
roading," said Mr. Smythe, "but not as
high up as conductor, as the paper was
pleased to say, but in the humble capacity
of brakeman to start with. I shall preach
Sundays when at leisure, 'and then, if
called, may return to the ministry.
"I go back to railroading because my
term here ends the first of .the month.
I have no pulpit. I have a wife and fam-.
ily to support and must do something.
I know railroading best, and I will not
be a candidate for a pulpit."
Then Mr. Smytht-, In farewell, criticized
the Portland churches. He said:
"All the' churches lack In being prac
tical and do not reach the humble worker.
It takes, say $150,000, to run the churches
on the West Side There are some big
churches. Some are brick. Some have
trained choirs which sing anthems for
cash, and no man can understand a sin
gle word these trained .singers say. They
are first-class musicians and . are well
paid. Now, how many of the members
of these big churches with their high-salaried
pastors and choirs were resent
when 30 friendless girls were turned out
of the Paris House and taken to jail? Was
there one present from the W. C. T. U.,
or from these churches to say to even
one of these poor, unfortunate girls,
'Come, go to my home. There you shall
have protection and the past shall be
forgotten and forgiven?' Not one that I
heard of.
"The small churches scattered about on
the East Side are being absorbed by these
big churches. The members of tho smaller
churches attend the big churches. When
the woman who had sinned was brought
before Christ by the Sheriff, after he had
heard the circumstances of the case, he
said:1 'He that is without sin cast the
first 'stone' and nobody threw anything.
They took a 'hike. The church falls In
its duty toward the fallen. Why not de
vote some of the $150,000 used In these
churches to help some of those unfor
tunate girls who were arrested at the
Paris House? How much real good might
be done "If that sum were used In this
"And so they are going to bring Dr.
Chapman and Hollla and some more
tramp preachers here to convert the poor
street-car and railroad men. I recently
heard an evangelist preach, and I must
say that from all points of view, literary
and otherwise, what he said was rub
blah, pure rubbish; but it was what was
"S believe that a church should bo
made a sacred place, and not a placo
where cheap vaudeville performances arc
held with which to raise money to pay
expenses. I would have tho people re
spect the church as the sanctuary of the
Habitual constipation cured and the
bowels strenrtnened by the regular use
of Carter's Little Liver Pills in small
doses. Don't'forgct th's.
Iowa Educator and Church Member
Murdered His Neighbor.
DES MOINES, la.. Fib. 13. A special
from Dccorah, la., says:
After a trial consuming 17 days. Pro
fessor T. I. Gilford, accused of murder,
was today pronounced by the Jury to be
Insane. Professor Glfford killed his neigh
bor, S. A. Bigelow. November 3, 1904. He
was a prominent educator of Decorah and
a leading member of the- Mcthodlrt
Church. He will be taken to the asylum
on Monday.
Securities Are 3till Missing.
SOUTH BAINBR1DGE, Mass.. Feb. 13.
The securities announced by a Boston
law firm to have been lost by a client
are the property of Herman Stanley-
Cheney, a capitalist of this town. This
was determined today when Mr. Cheney
made a statement to the Associated Press,
which he said was all that he wished to,
or would, say about the matter. He said
that the paper has a face value of $285,000
instead of $258,000, as first announced. Of
these papers only $10,000 were negotia
ble. Mr. Cheney hopes to secure possession
of tho securities without legal action be
ing taken. He explained that no person
having access to his home was under sus
picion, and confirmed the details of the
disappearance of the property as given
out by the law firm.
No clew to the missing papers has yet
been found.
Russians Building Railroads.
TOKIO, Feb. 3). It Is reported that the
Russians have constructed two light rail
ways, one connecting Fushun and Yen
ting, and the other extending from Fu
shun to the .Upper Shakhe. This rallway
buildlng, in connection with other activi
ties and the heavy concentration of
troops, indicates a plan to turn General
Kurokl's right
General Kuropatkin is continuing his
operations of increasing his entire de
fenses, and gives Indication of a resolute
intention of retaining his position" when
the expected great battle occurs.
The Tokio newspapers print the state
ment that 126 Japanese who were cap
tured at Heikoutai were roped together
and paraded through the streets of Muk
den. This information comes from Chi
nese sources, and It is Impossible to ob
tain verification here. It Is said that
there will be an official inquiry into the
matter, and that tho Japanese government
will make a protest if the report Is .found
to be true.