Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 20, 1905, Image 1

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    . 't(K' -if"" .
Kansas in Combat With
the Standard Oil.
Stalwart Men Swarm to the
State Capital.
Powerful Unseen Influences Are Back
of the Movement, and the Gov
ernment Shows Inclination
to Take a Hand.
1S96 J31.O00, 00021901 54S.OOO.OOO
1P07 33,000.00011002 45.000,000
jk3 -44.000.000
3890 30,000.000
1900 -4 8.000.000
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 19. (Special.)
The State of Kansas, with 5400,000,
and a stiff-backed population, has set
about the task of fighting Standard Oil,
with 5400,000,003,000. and tentacles
spreading all over the United States
and foreign countries. The battle be
tween the Sunflower State and . the
greatest of all monopolies and its ul
tlmato outcome will well be worth
jsacK oi tne state or .Kansas are
powerful influences whicn have not
yet appeared upon the canvas. The peo
pie of that state have appealed to
Thomas W. Lawson, of Boston, who has
already paid his sarcastic compll
mcnts to Standard Oil. to take
the generalship of the fight, but it is
doubtful if ho will accept- However,
it is figured he muy be relied upon for
any friendly counsel.
In Pennsylvania there is a powerful
Mndepanden't 'tflmpany. a"3 it"h03 'been
asked to join hands In the battle. An
English syndicate with dazzling capi
tal is saia to stana rcauy to build a
pipe line to the Gulf of Mexico and
thus give Kansas a market for her oil.
Genesis of the Struggle.
Before considering the lining up of
the forces and speculating upon the
probable result of the titanic contest.
it will be well to get at the genesis of
the struggle and see what it is all
about. This is necessary to form an
opinion about the merits of the con
lending forces and- to align one's syra
pathy with one side or the other.
When oil was discovered in paying
quantities In Kansas, the Standard peo
pie following their general policy.
bought up or leased all the wells. The
state was grldlroned with pipe lines
and the oil, in many Instances, was
purchased of the producers. Kansas
now produces 27,000 barrels of crude
oil daily.
At the outset, the Standard Company
paid tho producers 51.20 a barrel for
their oil, but not long ago this was re
duced to 70 cents. Meanwhile, however.
the price of refined oil, which burns
in lamps in every Kansas store and
hamlet, even to the sod houses in tho
remote districts, still sticks at the
fancy price of 10 cents a gallon. Here
is tho rub. The hard-headed Kansans
cannot understand why the price of
crude oil should be cut almost in half
and the prico of the refined article
continue to hang in the same notch.
Roused to Fight "Dragon."
This lact set men and women to
thinking. Tht more they thought, the
stronger grew the desire to strike at
the "monster," which had set its ten
tacles up"on the great Industry of tho
state and was reaping enormous profits.
To remedy this condition, Senator
Porter, of Caney County, finally evolved
the bill which has passed both branches
of tho Legislature It is one of the
simplest measures ever adopted by the
Kansas Legislature, but lawyers who
have gone over it carefully say it con
tains elements for vast complexities.
According to its caption, It is simply
an act to provide a branch penitentiary
and to furnish the labor and machinery
for the refining of oil.
Convicts to Work Refinery.
Inasmuch as the refinery is to be lo
cated at Peru, in the. heart of the oil
district, and Inasmuch as it will cost
5200,000 to equip and 5230.000 addition
al to maintain for one year, although It
will furnish work for only 15 convicts,
the Intent of the bili is plainly discern
ible. The sections relating to the
branch penitentiary are simply put in
to override a constitutional objection,
for the State of Kansas is prohibited
from engaging in any line of private
The claim has been made that Kan
sas cannot provide convicts enough to
refine the outproduced within her bor
ders. Thero are other lines of work
which must be done by convict labor,
according tothe laws of th'e state, and
there will be a shortage, even making
allowance for tne convicts from Okla
It is somewhat difficult to gauge the
exaot public sentiment In J.he staU.
While the bill providing ror a state re
finery passed with a whoop, there.were
surface indications- that some of the
legislators voted in opposition to their
better judgrcent and in response to
popular clamor. In defense of these
men, it must be admitted there was
nothing else for them to do. The stato
was aflame and when Kansas is
aflame, or bleeding It is not wise to
stem the tide.
Legislators Forced to Vote.
Delegations of hundreds of stalwart
and determined men swarmed up to tho
state capital from tho oil fields and pos
itively demanded that the bill pass. It
is also true that not all these men were
oil producers. In their ranks one could
see many speculators men who have
invested in "wild-cat" oil schemes.
These men are anxious that the stock
they purchased at 10 cents on the dol
lar should become worth a trifle more
than the paper upon which the certifi
cates are written.
The measure has been denounced as a
return to populism, but any man wno
would have stood out against it, would
have signed his political death war
rant. The air was thick with rumors
of "boodle" being "handed out by the
Standard people. Whatever the basis.
If any, for this talk, it remains that
if any legislator were bought by the
Standard, he could not be delivered.
Standard Makes a Break.
The Standard maintained a powerful
lobby at the capital and exerted all the
influence it could bring to bear, but the
passage of the measure could not be pre
vented. This is the first step and Indi
cates the attitude of the people as re
flected by their legislators. But it must
not be imagined that tho Standard peopla
have deserted the field. They will b
heard from later on. The first show of
displeasure was the order to suspend all
work in the state, throwing out of em
ployment nearly 1000 men and paralyzing
the industry. Afterwards, it was admitted
this was a serious mistake and the order
was rescinded.
One of the officials made the frank
admission that this was a serious
'break." The policy of affecting to believe
that there was nothing to" be feared from
the state refinery should have been fol
lowed, instead of making a petulant out
break and refusing "to play."
According to Governor Hoch. the "Kan
sa6 experiment" will stir up much trou
ble for the Standard Oil people. It is
proposed to obtain figures showing the
actual cost of refining oil and the enorm
ous profits and scatter this data broad
cast over the United States. With
Cost of a 1000-barrsl plant... 5150.000.00
1000 bbls. crude oil produces
4 per cent gasoline, 1000 gal
lons, at lie 5 201-60
S3 per cent water-white kero-.
nene, 14.700 gallons, at Sc.. 1.178.00
35 per cent parafllne, 14.700
gallons, at 8c 1,176.00
JO per cent lubricating oil,
K400 gallons, at 8c 572.00
.6, per cent -was te... . ........
Total 3,225.00
Cost of 1000 barren
crude. i... 5-170.00
Refining same 175.00 C45.00'
Dally profit at 1000-barrel re
finery 5 2.5S0.00
Thomas W. Lawson whetting his teeth
upon tho shins of the Standard Company
In Boston, Ida II. Tarbell and other writ
ers holding it up to scorn In various
magazines and the Government of the
United States giving symptoms of taking
a hand in the fight, Kansas feels that it
will have powerful allies in the battle.
Look to the Government.
Hope for aid from the Government lies
In the resolution introduced February 15,
in the House, by Representative Camp
bell, of Kansas, asking that the proper
authorities begin a thorough investigation
of affairs In the state. Particular atten
tion is to bo paid to the margins between
the price of crude and refined oil, es
pecially in Kansas; conspiracy in restraint
of trade, discrimination, boycotts, black
lists and other weapons said to bo kept
handy by the Standard Company, and,
in short, a general overhauling of oil con
ditions in Kansas with all the light that
may be thrown upon Standard transac
tions and methods.
The Standard, through its representa
tives, is said to hold continued proprietor
ship in the "Foster lease," of 150,000 acres
in the Osage Indian Territory, a district
said to be Immensely rich in oil. It is held
that control of this district by the
Standard, Is a serious menace to the in
dustry and Congress , Is asked to refuse
an extension of the lcaso
Frenzy of the People.
However the fight may terminate,
opinion in Kansas is not solidified. Sena
tor Stubbs, who 'valiantly opposed the
passage of the state refinery bill, but
finally succumbed to popular clamor, per
haps voices a large number of opinions.
In six days the Kansas Legislature
has passed this anti-trust legislation:
Antl-dlscrimlnatlon bill Aimed at
Standard Oil
Maximum freight rate bill To pre
vent railroads favoring Standard Oil.
Railroad Commission bill To pre
vent Standard Oil dominating state
State refinery bill To compete with
Standard Oil. 1
Antl-gas-pumplng bill To prevent
use of artificial power, thus keeping
Kansas gas within her borders.
Pipe line common carrier - act
Throws open oil conduits' to all com
petition. or rather a large Begment or public senti
ment when he put the case in these
"I dislike to see tills measure pass. It
delivers the Legislature into the Hands of
the silverites and Populists. It means the
rehabilitation of elements which have al
ways been drawbacks to the progress of
this state. All this frenzy Is wrong. It
is simply a desire to strike at the monster
everybody lenows has set its tentacles
upon the oil fields that prompts the
"No doubt the battle ' should be made.
(.Concluded oa Page " 8.)
Robertson Was an In
voluntary Informer..
Senator Mitchell's Secretary
Did. Not Betray Him.
Taken Direct to the federal Grand
Jury-Room With Letter Addressed
to Judge Tanner, Which He
Was Forced to Give Up.
ington. Feb. 19. "There is nothing to add
to what has already been published." said
United States District Attorney Heney
tonight, when asked what he cared to
say about the land-frauds prosecutions in
Oregon. "The whole story, as far as de
veloped, has been told In the papers.
There will be more' later on. but for the
time being there will be no new develop
ments. "I came to Washington.." continued
Mr. Heney, "to argue the Benson-Hrda
land-frauds case before the Supreme
Court. Tomorrow and Tuesday have been
set aside for that case. When that is
over, I will go back to San Francisco, and
will not return to Portland until the fore
part of April. We then expect to resum
investigation of the land frauds, and thero
Is promise of further startling develop
Mr. Heney says the Government has
strong case against Senator Mitchell and
tho two Oregon Congressmen.
Criticism Was Very Strong.
"There was a great deal of criticism of
our course," said he, "and we were ac
cused of unjustly persecuting public men.
We know we were not; we knew what the
facts were and what we would bo able to
prove. But this criticism became so in
tense that. we had to bring out Judgf
Tanner and allow him to make his stato
ment, just to show the people what wa
really had. That confession was a sam
pie of the evidence we had collected.
"When Judge Tanner made his stato-
ment in open court, and we produced and
published Senator Mitchell's letter, criti
cism of the prosecuting officers and the
grand jury ceased.
"It is hardly fitting that I should say
much about the cases at this time. I can
say, however, that our case against Rep
resentauve Williamson is equally as
strong as our case against Senator Mitch
ell. Williamson is in it deep; he Is badly
entangled, but his operations have been
confined entirely to Eastern Oregon.
"Mr. Hermann is very shrewd and cun
nlng. He very cleverly covered his tracks.
and it has been difficult to obtain evidence
against him."
Hermann Drops into Background.
Mr. Heney says tho Government started
In expecting to find that BInger Hermann
was the principal offender. As the facts
were brought to light, however, the Inter
est centered around Senator .Mitchell, and
Hermann dropped Into the background
Mitchell's case la more conspicuous be
cause of his long public service, and his
high position. In this connection Mr,
Heney said:
me newspapers have placed. Harry C.
Robertson. Senator Mitchell's secretary
"i . iitiae ngnu xney nave made it ap
pear that ho betrayed his employer, and
voluntarily give up damaging evidence
against him. That is not the case.
"We sent a secret service agent to see
him in Washington before he was sub-
penaed, but he refused, to tell .him any
thing. Then we sent for him and he cams
to Portland, not knowing why he was
summoned. We sent Mr. Burns to meet
him on the train at The Dalles, and he
was escorted direct from the train to the
grand juryroom.
Secretary in Bad Box.
"Mr. Robertson was In a most trying
position. He either had to perjure him
self, or ho had to make confessions which
would be damaging to Senator Mitchell
He did the only thing an honest man
could do ho told the truth. He would
have accomplished no "good for the Sen
ator had he perjured himself; he would
have done himself harm.
"But Mr. Robertson volunteered no in
formation whatever. He answered all
questions as they were put to hJm, but
stopped there. We supposed Mr. Robert
son would bring papers of some sort from
Senator Mitchell to Judge Tanner, so we
took precautions "to get them.
"When Mr. Robertson's examination be
fore the grand jury was concluded, he
was asked if He had any such papers,
and he said he had. We demanded them,
and he surrendered them. He could not
have done otherwise; to have refused
would have been to defy the court; and
we could have secured them by other
means, anyway.
"Mr. Robertson has been placed before
the public as- having voluntarily sur
rendered, the Mitchell letter. On the con
trary, he did not produce It until ordered
to do so. I say this only to place Mr.
Robertson right bofore the public I want
to commend his course throughout."
Mr. Heney dined with Secretary Hitch
cock tonight, and went over with him the
details of his work at Portland. All day
Mr. Heney has been at the Department
of Justice, preparing for his argumont 1n
the Hyde-Benson case tomorrow. He says
his visit to Washington has nothing
whatever to do with the Oregon cases.
As yet. be has not been requested to call
on the President, but will probably be
summoned to the White House before
he leaves for the West.
Representative Gillette Tells Why
Oregon Needs Two Districts.
ington Feb. 19. Just before the House
djourned last night Representative Gil
lette, of California, called up the Senate
bill dividing the State of Oregon into two
judicial districts. Tho bill was read and
unanimous consent was1 asked that
it be considered. Several members -manifested
a spirit of opposition, but Gillette
was given an opportunity to mane a
brief statement showing the necessity fOr
dividing the state. He said:
"The bill hag passed the cSnate and
has been reported from the judiciary
committee of the House. A similar bill
has. passed this House granting another
district to the State of Washington. Ore
gon Is a great state,' fast developing, and
in the eastern and southern part ot tne
state It takes about a week to get to
Portland where court is held. It costs a
large sum of money, not only to the
Government, but to private persons for
witnesses in traveling that great dis
tance. 'It is because of the fact that tho
mountains run through the center of the
state and tho eastern and southern part
is so cut on irom wnere court is now
held that tho people of that state feel
that this is a great necessity.
Representative Payne, of New iork.
suggested that It would be more econom
ical and would serve the same end to
have two subdivisions of tho court held
in Oregon, saying that one Judge could
do all the business if there were two
subdivisions. At this point Representa
tive Howard, acting at the request of
John Sharp Williams, minority leader, ob
jected to further consideration of the
bill and It had to go over, along with
all other bills called up under unanimous
Another attempt will be made later to
secure favorable action on tne uregon
judicial bill. If it can once be brought
un. it needs only unanimous vote to
pas? it
Chinese Bandits Said to Have Aided
Party of Japanese.
HARBIN. Feb. 19. A party of Japanese
and Chinese bandits destroyed the abut
ment of the railway near Yaomln, 100
miles distant from her early this morn
ing, but the damage was repaired in i
few hours. Frontier guards heard an ex
plosion at 3:10 o'clock and found that a
charge of guncotton had been exploded
against the abutment. Two telegrapn
poles were also destroyed.
An unexploded charge of guncotton was
found 400 feet from the placo where the
explosion occurred. Traffic on the rail
way was resumed at 7 o'clock this morn
These attempts on the railways-are be
lieved to have been made to cover the
movements of a large body of Chinese
bandits across Mongolia
All Quiet at the Front. .
ARMY, Huan fountain. Feb. 19. All is
qaiet at the front. The.Second and Third
Army Corps in front of the first army of
Japanese made an unimportant demon
stratlon on February IS, advancing on tho
villages of Stoslntun, Koutiatsze. Vatl
shan and Saehetun, but retired after two
Russians Build Defensive Works.
TOKIO. Feb. 19. Field Marshal Oyama
reports that the Russians are continuing
their defensive works In all directions.
They continued to shell portions of the
Japanese lines Friday. On the same day
they essayed a small Infantry attack but
were repulsed.
The Weather.
TODAY'S Occasional rain; cooler; brisk south
to west -winds.
T ESTER DAT S Maximum temperature. 5:
deg.; minimum, 40. Precipitation, 0.11 Inch.
fight on Standard OIL
Pygmy Kansas commences finish fight with
the giant Standard Oil. Page 1. -
Incidents leading up to the struggle, and
action already taken. Page 1.
Land Fraud Indictments.
District Attorney Heney will appear In the
Hyde-Benson case before the Supreme
Court. Page L
benator .uitcneii s private secretary was
loyal, but compelled to tell the truth.
Page 1.
Secretary Hitchcock will undoubtedly be re
talned In new Cabinet. Page 3.
Grand Dukes fear to attend funeral of Ser
gius; body will remain at Moscow. Page L
Closing down of big works at St. Petersburg
compels government to buy war munitions
in France and Germany. Page 1.
Possibility that Germany may aid Russia to
put down revolution. Page -4.
Czar may lose his crown U he listens to the
Russian cry for reform.- Page 4.
Services In memory of the late Senator M.
S. Quay held by House of Representatives
Page 3.
Senate will provide conferees on statehood
bill. Page 3.
Hours of the House will lengthen as ad
Journment day approaches. Page 3.
Gates crowd Is quieting the market, after
shaking out the short-money men. Page 1
Fire In the wholesale district of Indlanapol!
destroys property worth $1,500,000. Page 4,
Professor T. L Gilford, of Df corah, la., who
killed his neighbor, declared Insane.
Page 4.
Hearing In Peabody contest case is concluded
at Denver. Page 3.
Pacific Coast.
Four-masted schooner Mrglnla runs Into
trouble In attempt to sail Into the Co
lumbla. Page 4.
Okanogan Indian boy kills white stepfather.
who abused his mother. Page 3.
Paroled Russian naval officers arrived at
San Francisco on the way home. Page 4
Northwest Political.
Senator Brownell will open law office I
Portland and quit politics. Page 3.
Question whether Governor should act on
capital removal bill. Page 3.
Enemies of anll-gambllng bill will hear from
the Municipal League Jaier. Page 3.
Portland and Vicinity.
Big campaign for civic Improvement to be
utartcd under leadership of Chamber of
Commerce. Page 11.
More coplalnta are lodged of methods pur
imed In conducting City Board of Char
lties. Page 10.
Dr. Brougher defends his sermons again:
those who call them sensational. Page 7.
Many candidates for Mayoralty already In
the field. Page 10.
Labor agitators who have been Inciting
trouble at the Exposition may fall In their
purpose. Page
Countles will get no vote on prohibition
measure, but fight will be conducted in
precincts.-- Pare 10.
Will Not Attend the Fu
neral of Sergius.
Remains Will be Placed in
Vault in Moscow.
Ranks of Unemployed Swelled by
Thousands, and Government Sends
Orders for War Material to
France and Germany.
ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 20 (12:30 A.
M.) It has been definitely decided that
the remains of Grand . Duke Serglus will
not be brought to St. Petersburg for the
present, but will be placed in a temporary
receiving vault of the cloister of thb
Caudoff Monastery to await the completion
of alterations now in nrotrresn in the
Romanoff mausoleum, In the fortress of
6aint3 Peter and Paul. On account of
lack of space in the mausoleum it was
decided last year henceforth to bury only
rulers of the dynasty In the old mauso
leum and a new sepulcher in the new wing
of the cathedral is now being built for
other members of the imperial family.
This, however, is not the only reason
for the decision not to bring the remains
to the capital. Even Governor-General
Tropoff has recognized the fact that no
precautions can furnish an absolute guar
antee of Immunity against an act of ter
rorism, and at a great state funeral
where ancient custom requires that the
Emperor and all of tho Romanoff famlly
asserrble and follow the coffin on foot.
single bomb might wipe out the dynasty
Emperor Will Not Go to Moscow.
Regard for the personal safety of tho
sovereign also has- led to the decision that
the Emperor shall not go to Moscow to
attend the funeral. It is possible that
no members of thot Imperial family- will be
present, except those who are now with
in tho walls of the Kremlin.
Grand Dukes Constantino and Paul
probably will represent the Emperor at
tho service. ' Constantino is personally
popular, never having participated in the
politics of the court, preferring to devote
himself to the sciences and arts and to
his work as tho head of tho military
So grave is the danger of a repetition
of the Moscow tragedy that Beveral of
tho Grand Dukes have not stirred out of
their palaces slnco the murder, and In
stead of going to Tsarskoe-Selo to attend
the requiem there, thoy have participated
in special services held in the chapels of
their own palaces. This was tho case
as regards Grand Dukes Vladimir and
Trepoff Marked for Slaughter.
A special requiem also was held in the
Winter Palace, that Governor-General
Trepoff might attend. General Trepoff Is
said to be under sentence by the fight
ing organization of the social revolution
ists, and so far aa can be ascertained haa
not left his quarters since the assassina
tion of Grand Duke Serglus. Dispatches
from the Interior say that requiems for
the Grand Duke have been held through
out Russia.
The public is greatly concerned over
the developments of the immediate fu
ture. According to reports, many cities
and towns are In a condition of political
ferment, and several officials have been
assassinated In Southern Russia. Accord-"
lng to a telephone message from Moscow.
the students there are afraid to appear
on the streets in their uniforms. In ad
dition the strike situation has again
grown menacing, especially In the matter
of railroads, three of which entering
Moscow were entirely tied up.
Government Work Sent Abroad.
In St. Petersburg the strike has as
sumed tho form of a lockout, the PoutH
oft Iron "Works, the Franco-Russian
Works, the Russo-Am'erlcan Rubber
Works, and a few smaller concerns hav
ing discharged all their employes, with
the notice hat the works will be shut
down Indefinitely. Consequently there are
many alarming reports afloat as to what
tho men will do.
With 20,000 or 40,000 men out of work
for an Ideflnite period, even if no more
Join the ranks of the Idle, rioting and
collisions with the police are feared. From
the attitude of the men many masters are
convinced that they have received finan
cial assistance from some source.
The closing of the Franco-Russian and
tho Putlloff Works is a serious embar
rassment to the government as the
former is engaged exclusively on navy
work and the latter In manufacturing
arms and munitions of war for tho army.
Over 25,000,000 projectiles and shrapnel are
being prepared at the Putlloff works, and
the government has been compelled with
in the last ten days to place orders In
France and Germany for $125,000,000
worth of munitions.
Men Conceded All Demands.
At the government-owned Nevsky
works the Minister of Finance has been
able to hold the men only by conceding
everything they have demanded. Includ
ing the eight-hour day.
The employers, in a letter to the Finan
cial Minister squarely disclaim all re
sponsibility for causing the labor trou
ble, declaring that the strike Is not of
economic origin and that the nature of
the men's grievances can only bo adjusted
by political reforms. They allege that the
condition of industry in Russia renders
yielding to the demands of the men ut
terly Impossible.
The suspension for three months of the
newspapers Our Life and Our Days, fol
lowing a second warning. Is probably
equivalent to the final extinction-of the
offending journals. The decree of sus
pension assigns a "dangerous tendency"
to the publications and specifies several
articles upon popular manifestations; but
the owners of the papers believe that the
true reason is that no expression of sor
row for the murder of Grand Duke
Serglus was printed in their Moscow dis
patches, and that there was no word of
editorial comment.
Perhaps the best explanation Is the
fact that both papers, which circulate
largely among the workmen, have printed
articles bitterly opposed to the govern
Body of Grand Duke Sergius Is at
the Caudoff Monastery.
MOSCOW, Feb. 19. A thin layer ot
snow today has dlmmmed the blood
stains in the Senate Square. The win
dows of the Palace of Justice have
been reglazed, and other hasty repairs
have -been made to obliterate traces of
Friday's tragedy. Evidence, however.
is being found in most unexpected
places. Soldiers this afternon discov
ered many pieces of the carriage in
which Grand Duke Sergius was riding
when he met his deatn, and fragments
of flesh, were found on the top of the
12-foot parapet of the arsenal among
the Napoleonic guns.
Until the funeral, which has been
fixed for Thursday, February 23, the
remains of Grand Duke Sergius will
rest in the ancient dining-room of the
Caudoff monastery, to which through
out the day the people of Moscow have
been admitted to pay their last respects
in parties of 100. This precaution was
taken because It was thought neces
sary to avoid the possibility of demon
stration, t
The body of Grand Duke Sergius.
dressed in the unirorm of the Fifth
(Kieff) Grenadiers, of which he wa3
honorary Colonel, rests In an oaken
coffin. Only the breast of tho unfortu
nate man. upon which Is an Inscription
of the Savior and the -orders of the
Grand Duke, Is visible. The Bible be
side tho head of the coffin bears the
orthodox cross in silver and the Im
perial eagles.
The assassin remains silent. His
identity has not yet been established,
and. although the police have been
trying diligently, they have been un
able to find any clew3 to any possible
accomplice. The assassin's appearance
and clothes offer no means of Identifi
cation, but his pass evidently was
forged, and appears never to have been
issued. His photographs have been
taken, to bo dispatched to all the uni
versities, but It the assassin is actually
a workman, and not a student, the po
lico may find themselves at sea.
Grand Duke Serglus coachman is
still alive, and may recover.
The city presents an aspect of .deep
elot-m. There . was no music In the
restaurants' rand thero were no per
formances at the theaters. The Impe
rial manifesto voicing the grief ot tho
Emperor 1b posted at street corners
throughout tho city, and the crime still
forms the only topic of discussion.
President Roosevelt Sends the Czar a
Message of Condolence.
ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 20 (2:05 A. M.)
Emperor Nicholas lias received through
Ambassador McCormlck a message of
condolence from. President Roosevelt.
which contains a strong expression of the
abhorrence with which both the American
Government and people view the crime
perpetrated at Moscow on Friday.
Services In New York Cathedral.
NEW YORK, Feb. 19. At the Russian
Cathedral of St. Nicholas a requiem mass
for the Grand Duke Serglus of Russia
was celebrated today. The scene was
most Impressive, as tho great congrega
tlbn. holding lighted candles, responded
to the chants of the black-robed priests
officiating at the catafalque which had
been placed in tho center of the edifice.
Rev. Alexander Hotovsky, the pastor.
In his sermon said that the assassination
ot the Grand Duke was a sad blow
against the Teal freedom of Russia; that
the act of the assassin would not bring
about a betterment of conditions, but
that violence would retard the liberal ten
dencies of that country; that tho act,
furthermore, was not perpetrated by Rus
sians or by men who had the welfare of
Russia at heart, for no real patriot would
throw a bomb into the Kremlin, which
Is a sacred place.
Russia, said the preacher, was calum
nlated throughout the world, and many
of the Infamous charges against the Rus
sian government were wholly untrue and
other happenings were exaggerated for
political purposes.
King and Princess Express Grief.
LONDON, Feb. 19. King Edward and
tho Prince and Princess of Wales paid
a visit of condolence today to the Rus
sian Ambassador here.
Professor Was an Englishman.
LONDON, Feb. 20. Dispatches pub
llshcd here regarding -the murder of Pro
fessor McLeanland. a lecturer in the Com
mercial Academy at Moscow. February
15, by a student, says the professor was
nn Englishman. Thero is no Intimation
that the crime was of a political charac
President of Chicago University Be
lieves He Has Cancer.
CHICAGO, Feb. 19. President William
R. Harper, of the University of Chicago,
was taken to the Presbyterian Hospital
today, where he will be prepared for the
operation to be .performed on him next
Wednesday. Dr. Harpera condition re
mains unchanged.
At a conference of the professors of the
university today before his removal to the
hospital. Dr. Harper said he believed ho
was a victim of cancer and his chances
of recovery were slight.
Blockade-Runner Is Captured.
TOXIO. Feb. 20 (10:20 A. M.). The nav
department announces the seizure of the
Britisa steamer Sllvanla. bound for vladi
vostok with Cardiff coal. The place where
the seizure was made is not stated.
NEW YORK. Feb. 19. The Sylviana
Is a vessel of 2715 tons and owned by
Furness, WIHey & Co., of West Hartle
pool, England. She sailed from Barry
December 13, and was reported bound
for Labang. Latest marine advices state
that she arrived at Hong Kong about
February 8.
Gates Crowd Would Not
Force Wheat Up Now.
Danger" That Heavy Foreign
Supplies May Come In.
Plan of the Bulls Is to Defer th
Fireworks Until the Second Week
In May, Too' Late to Bring
Shipments From Abroad.
CHICAGO. 111.. Feb. 19. (Special.) Thai
great wheat corner now Doing run cjj'
John W. Gates and his crowd has beea
given a sedative. Sromldcs in the shapaj
ot buying or selling wilt be administered
from day to day, as occasion demands.
Just now the vital point is to quiet thaM
market and prevent the foreign -short!
taking alarm.
The heavy slump in the market Friday?
and Saturday had a two-fold purpose.
Tho first was to quiet the market, that
second to shake out tho swarm of "pik-,
ers," the little fellows who obstructed
the field of battle. They have been thor-
oushly shaken out. and the issue may
now be clearly witnessed.
It Is proposed to steady and pet thoi
market along until about the second week
in May, when fireworks of the most luridX
character may be expected. It will then
bo too late to import wheat.
To the studious onlooker it seems to d
a battle of Gates and his party with J.
Ogden Armour and his party. Tho be3U
infornied persons say Armour Is not lit
deeply enough to get hurt. The trap has
been laid for him. but he can snatch all,
the bait and not lose more than one flnw
ger two at the utmost. j
Strange as It may seem, tho men manlp-4
ulatlng the market must use extremes
caution not to run tho price too high not,
before tho second jweek in May. If wheat!
goes to 51.30 ?r above, it will bring la.
e'nough foreign supplies to swamp tho erif
tiro structure. Russia and Argentina
wheat Is now on the basis of 90 cents la?
Liverpool.. Wifb, .the price at $1.3J la ChU;
cago, the supplies could be shipped from:,
Liverpool or the Mediterranean, pay'ng
the export duty of 25 cents and allowing
5 cents for transportation and handling.
In this connection, it is interesting tc
note that Gates and his party have twirl
attempted to manipulate the "Wester'
grain market, and both times they nav
been badly beaten. Last Fall Gat
framed up a most elaborate corner
corn, taking on, it is said, between 30C
000 and 40.000.000 bushels. But the extrsj
dlnary weather broke the corner.
years before, he ran tho price of costj
to 90 cents. But Armour kept piling.
lions of bushels upon them at the'
figures, and the corner was dropped.
Turks Defeat Bulgarians and
Village of Kulltch.
SALONICA, Feb. 19. In a flghi
tween Bulgarians and Turks at the
of Kulltch, near Strumites, FebruaJ
the Bulgarians lost 20 killed or woil
Tho Turks subsequently burner i
A commission of inquiry sent
spot discovered in the ruins tho cl
remains of 14 women and several
Put in a Bad Position.
LONDON. Feb. 20. J. E. Rcdnl
amendment to the address la reply tj
speech from the throne, declaring!
the present system of Irish govern!
is opposed to tho will ot the Irish pee
and which will be moved in tho House!
Commons today; is expected to place, ;
government Jn a position even more
flcult than the fiscal debate.
It is framed to enable the oppoaitior
to raise tho whole question of tho poal-i
tion of Sir Anthony MacDonnell and th
Dunraven scheme, on which thero Is eviJ
dently much dissension within the CabN
net itself- The debate will extend over:,
two days. Tho opposition will endeavor to
drive homo their view that MacDonael
Is being made a scapegoat.
Quarrels of Royal Lovers.
BERLIN. Feb. 19. The reports pub-
lished in the United States that In con
sequence of differences between Crownr
Prince Frederick "William and his fiancee,
the Duchess Cecilia of Mecklenburg
Schwerln, their engagement would be bro
ken off, is discredited here in well-informed
Tiflis Dispatch Denies Riots.
LONDON, Feb. 20. There is no confir
mation in tho newspaper dispatches print
ed here this morning of the report pub
lished in the United States Saturday;
morning of a general uprising In the Cau-
casus. A dispatch dated Tiflis denies nw
mors of riots in that, section.
Minister Sorsby Goes to Panama.
LIMA. Peru, Feb. 19. W. B. Soreby,
American Minister to Bolivia, has gonor
to Panama.
S. W. Battle Had Just Taken Placa
by Promotion.
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Feb. 19. Midshipman:
Samuel W. Battle, of the second class at
the Naval Academy, and a son "of Sur
geon Samuel W. Battle, U. S. N. retired,
of Ashevllle. N. C.f dropped dead as tha
brigade of midshipmen was called to din
ner formation shortly after 12 o'clock to
day. He had just taken his place a3 third
petty officer of the second battalion when
he was stricken with heart -failure.
In 1 1 liln