THE MORNING OREGONIArN, 8ATBR&AT. FEBRUARY IS, 1905. r"'" 1 C". - PORTLAinrS LARGEST FOREMOST STORE THE SENSATIONAL I SUPPORTED BY A SURPASSING AGGREGATION OP MATCHLESS VALUES IN EVERY SECTION ON EVERY FLOOR TEN HOURS OF TREMENDOUS SELLING! For, remember, THIS STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M. today as on all days. It's all hypocritical poppy cock for a store in this 20th. century to say they "keep open, to accommodate the masses of workers." The fact that every store of any account in every large city of this broad free country DOES close EVERY even ing at 6 o'clock, or earlier, shows the absurdity and falsity of such a ridiculous statement. For 'tis to the working masses these stores owe their Tery life. And 'tis the workers that benefit from the early-closing hours of this modern, progressive store. This is our "honest, straight-from-the-shoulder view of the matter, from a down-to-date viewpoint.. Other good merchants may differ a privilege allowed by the Declaration of Independence but should YOTJ favor OUR view please shop before 6 P. M. on Saturday. Today is the Second of the Stupendous Renovation Slaughter Sale of Women's Apparel Suits and Other Garments Rcady-to-Don and the Third in the SeriesGrancI Hourly Sales A SCHOLARSHIP FREE Furnished by This House by Popular Vote IfnoTi- the trnc value of time; aaatck, seize nnd nse every moment oC it." Earl o Chcstcrtieltl. Ilave you ever realized the value of odd moments? It has lieen stated tnat th average man spends nine hours out of 24 In. work, nine In sleeping and eating, and the remaining six In recreation. In one year this spare time amounts to the equivalent of 91 days of 24 hours each. Just think of It! -Ninety-one days spare time each year at your disposal to do with as you please! What are you doing with this spare time? Is It spent in the pur suit of pleasure or in aimless, misdirected effort? Your spare time Is worth money to you If you know how to cash it. It is the holidays, the even ings, the, spare moments that try character. Somronc has. said: "Find out how a young man .spends the hours between supper and bedtime and you can accurately foretell his future." If you have been wasting your spare time, stop! Use" it to better your condition to get out of a poorly-paid position into one that means a better salary and greater opportunities. It won't take so much of your time, elther.i An hour a day put In in good, earnest, definite study will, in from six to nine months, advance you in botli place and salary. We provide the opportunity, and will furnish all needed text-books FREE with scholarship In the I. C. Schools to the person selected In thlB voting contest. A vote with every 25c purchase. Contest closes at 6 P. M., Sat urday, April 22. No votes for employes of this house will be counted. The reason Is obvious. Result of Vote at 6 P. M. Yesterday Mae Hughes, Knight Shoe Company 2,068 Arthur Taylor, M. & A. Shogrea 1.T4S Reginald Carter, bellboy at the Norton..... 1,732 Guy De Pue, Portland Delivery Company. v .. . 1,614 Ralph Holmes. Lndd &. Til ton's Bank . If'ZX. P. H. Battin, Wadhnms & Kerr Bros '. .7 ' .1,114.1 Charles Adler, Woodard & Clarke. 62!) Janet Clark, Meier & Frank Company ;. CM B. C. Molln, Meier Frank Company 503 Isabella McCurry, Liprann, Wolfe & Co RCO Fred Murp'ny, "Western Electric Company" K70 Charles Johnson, Phoenix Iron "Works j. ..... . j. 537 Raymond Smith, Columbia Ice Company . . .v. . . i , 487 Joseph Bishop, United State Laundry -s 305 Charles Polndexter, Rich Cigar Company STJH Esther Carlson, Mason Ehrman Company.. . n... 270 W. C Cooper, P. F. M. Co 209 Burt Harlow, city ftremnn 21 William Sheahan, O. R. & Hi. Co : . in Total votes 25,247 9 to 1 0 A. li. CHILDREN'S 25c VESTS lSc. First Floor. Children's Swiss-ribbed, cream-tinted. ests; long sleeves; good weight 2Cc value, special v t j?r each I OL 23c HAIR PIN'S FOR 15c. First Floor. Best quality, smooth finish Shell Hair pins, 1 dozen in box; assorted styles . our 25c value; special at, i cr the box I OC WOMEN'S 75c COLLARS 89c First Floor. Women's Neckwear and Wash Collars, stole and straight around effects, in white and white embroidery', and stitched in dainty colorings regular values 50c, 63c and 75c; "Or special, each Oil.. "WOMEN'S $3.60 FLANNEL GOWNS . f LSO Second Floor Annex. Women's Gowns, very best quality out ing flannel, trimmed with plain dou cet flannel and Frenoh dot6 regu larvalue 1300; special j jq $1.30 CHINA BERRY BOWLS 5c. . Third ' Floor. Decorated Haviland ' and American China Berry op Salad Bowls, with stippled gold edges regular value $1.30; special ccr each : WJL 1 0 to I I A. M, WOMEN'S fSJiO SHOES S.9. Sixth-Street Artnex First Fleor. Women's . Dressy. Street- Shoesr two choice styles; patent colt or- viei kid; medium Military heels, patent tips, high arch shanks regular value wirl.T.0. :....2.69 10 to II A. M. CONTINUED. fl.00 NEW FRENCH VOILE SPRING EXAMINES 70c. Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. New French Voile Etamines, In cream, black, copper, tans, browns, greens, grays and navy our regular $1.00 grade; special 10 to 11 A. M., "JQr per yard 15c "WHISK BROOMS FOR Oe. First Floor. Large size Whisk Brooms, with black japanned "handles our 15c Clr" value; special at, each 1.00 TAFFETAS 76c YET. L25 TAFFETAS 8Sc YET. Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. New Black Taffetas unequaled at our regular price 21 inches wide our regular $1.00 grade; special 10 to 11 A. M., J(Zr per yard VJl 26 Inches wide our regular $1.25 grade; special 10 to 11 A. 2kL, Q5!" per yard xWV. 2.23 SMYRNA RUGS L28. Fourth Floor. All-wool, double-faced Fringed Smyrna Rugs, size 39x60 In. rogu- ojp lar val. $2.25; special, each .- 1 i 1 to 12 A. M. JI A? & 5c NEEDLE CASES FOR 30c. First Floor. Needle Cases, containing a large as sortment of sewing, darning and fancy work needles; best gold-eyed English needles regular 65c "tfirt value; special at. the case .... 'OzJfJ MEN'S 35c COTTON SOX 10c. First Floor Sixth-Street Annex "Men'H Shop." A line of Alen's Black Cotton Sox, with silk embroidery' in small figures and silk clocks our regular 35c ! n- value; special, pair JK. POCKET BOOKS WORTH 1.8 FOR 75 CENTS. First Floor. Ladies Combination Pocket Books In black, brown, tan and .gray leathers; plain or sterling silver-mounted our $1.25 to $1.69 values; spe- -r; olal at. each OL "WOMEN'S 50e HOSIERY 33c PAIR. First Floor. Wpmen'a medium weight Black Cotton Hose, spliced heel, double sole, ribbed top big 50c value; CHILDREN'S 50e FEEDERS 33c Infants' Wear Shop Second Fleer. Children's Feeders, with sleeves, in blue, white or linen; sizes 1 to 3 years regular values 45c and X"lr 50c; special, each 12 to I P. M. MISSES' NEW 25c HOSIERV 17c PAIR. First Floor. Misses O. Tv. Black, Cotton Hose, fine ribbed, double knee, heel and toe; all sizes 25c values; special, pair y- 50c SCISSORS FOR 25c First Floor. Ladies' Nickel-plated, guaranteed Scis sors our 50c value; special o:r at, the pair Jv- 12c LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 8c. First Floor. Women's Handkerchiefs, in the. famous Richardson linen, with Initial and Inch border regular value 12.c jr' special, one hour only, each I to 2 P. M. 91.15 BEPSPREADS SSc. Domestic Aisles First Flojr. 300 Wnlte Crocheted Bedspreads, good, large size, nice Marseilles patterns , regular value $1.15; special Tjrr one hour only, each WOL COKE'S DANDRUFF CURE FOR 30c First Floor. 5-oince bottle of Coke's Dandruff Cure iiur 50c value; special at, "Kfr the bottle . CHIFFON MEDALLIONS Oc AND 35c First Floors Chiffon Medallions, in black, white and colors regular 2oc values; special, each Regular 50c value; special, Olc each XOi. "WOMEN'S $1.75 KNIT SKI UTS 9Sc. ' Second Floor Annex. Women's Knit Skirts, excellent qual ity, plain and fancy striped regular value $1.75; special 93 C f L50 COUCH COVERS $1.15. Fourth Floor. Courch Covers, Persian stripe, fringed all round; 60 Inches wide regular value $1.50; special i r each y"l 9c 2 to 3 P. S5c TAFFETAS 80c YARD. Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. New iD-Jnch Colored Taffetas; all staple colors. Including white, ivory and cream our regular S5c quality, 2 to & P. M., special at, per 6Qc Colors are navys. browns, tans, whlto and cream. WOMEN'S 5c VESTS 35c. First Floor. Women's "high-neck, long-Bleeve, medium-weight. White Cotton Vests, extra sllk-trimra6d 50c tt value; special, each JJK, WOMEN'S NEW SUITINGS 1.8 YARD. Fifth-Street Annex First Floer. 54-inch Tailor Suitings, 'all-wool,,, in new. neat designs and colors splen did values at $L50 per yard; special, hSk .?J:. f.c.r. I -05 2 to 3 P. M. CONTINUED. DOILIES S1.63. Art ShepM Second Floor Annex. Hungarian and Slocat Doilies, Center pieces, Scarfs and Squares, in con ventional designs, embroidered with white, red and blue values 25c to $3.25; special, cach, I ftT 13c to nP Third Floor. 3-plnt copper, nickel-plated Tea- fifs pot; special, each VJUl 3 to 4 P. M. A GREAT RIBBON SALB First Floor. V 50c RIBBONS 2flc. The last of a handsome line of fancy Ribbons, in dotted taffeta and moire: some In Dolly Varden and Dresden effects values to 50c; special, OCic one hour only, the yard KEJT 50c JAPANESE SILKS 41c YARD. Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. New Corded Japanese Wash Silks, splendid color assortment to choose from: all 1905 styles regular 50c quality; special 3 to 4 P. M. JL c only I v. NEW 50c VOILE ET AM INKS 41 c YARD New 36-inch Suitings and all-wool Voile Etamlnes; all new colors and designs regular 50c values; A.I f special 3 to- 4 P. M. only, yard WOMEN'S "WOOL WAISTS 30c Second Floer Salons. Handsome tailored Waists $1; in wool and etamlne materials; thoroughly and splendidly made; plain tailored styles for house or business wear. For a final closing of the entire lot in 60 minutes we offer them at the ridiculously low price of, "Or each $3.00 DRESSING SACQ.UES 80c. Second Floor Salons. Eiderdown Dressing Eacques, In pink, red and .blue, -with fancy trimmings y of braid and lace regular XOr" value $3.00; special, each sjJk. 5 P. M. MEN'S fl.O TIES 50c. Men's Shep First Fleer Sixth-Street Annex. Today, for one hour only, wo will place on sale our best English cnr Square Ties for, special, cach.v',-' 15c NAINSOOK Sc. Pint Fleer Domestic Aisle. 3000 yards plain white Nainsook, nice soft sheer quality regular q. VAlue 15c; special, yard BOYS' NEW BOX OALF SHOES REDUCED. First Fleer Sixth-Street Annex. Boys' Box Calf Shoes, Blucher cut, foot-shape lasts; best all-solid leath er, oak soles Sizes 11 to IS regular value i I 05C $1.75; special, pair Sizes 13 to 2 regular value f $2.00; special, pair Sizes 2 to 5 regular value 4 I $2.50; special, pair CHILDREN'S 5.06 TRIMMED HATS 91.49. Seee3 Fleer Sixth-Street Annex Millinery Salons. Children's Trimmed Hats, in light felt materials; saltbox-plalted brims: poke shapes, in red, navy and light pearl; a good hat for now and Spring wear regular value $5.0D; a special, your choice, each mx $12.58 PORTIERES 90.50. Fenrth Floor. T&pestry .Portieres, cord edges, plain colors In rose, nlle green; crimson, olive gre"en, brown and cardinal regular valuo $13.50; n trrk speciaL pair "..V'OU "Renovation Sale OF WOMEN'S WEAR CONTINUES TODAY! I ' - " TWO MONSTER, MAGNETIC Bjv Public Tea Room I LJm&'Mffl ' Aui),ces PortIand r- w- c- a- m III U I I m I r ffeM Menu for Today, Feb. 18. - M WWmtW . -; " o1 ' . ATTRACTIONS! Tj . Chill Con Carne .and Frljoles. In the Big Apparel Salons Second Floor. Values Almost Unbelievable! Bargains Absolutely Unparalleled! Gainful transactions that are simply nnmatchahle await today's patrons. An awful, tre mendous sacrifice on women's ready-to-don garments that surpasses any offering of any sort ever handed to Portland women. It's an almost "help yourself sale." You'll hardly believe .your eyes when you read the prices; you'll marvel still more when you see the splendid garments those prices are attached to. Happy, satisfied throngs, were here today, and even greater ones will come tomorrow to this Veritable Slaughter Sale. It is the quickest moving: o merchandise ever known in the West, if not in America. If you've been on the second floor this week you'll know the reason for such wholesalo massacre of. prices. Those who've been here know that pandemonium reigns. Carpenters and painters have complete possession. Scaffolding is every where, and business is driven into a corner. There's a hurly-burly and a hubbub that's posi tively frightful. Magnificent Garments ARE IN DANGER! We've been compelled to move every' piece of merchandise on the floor. Now, if you can stand the discomfort of mingling with the workmen and their noise, and wending your way under scaffolding and ladders, you'll be privileged to share in the greatest distribution ,of bargains ever attempted in the West. The goods must be got out of harm's way, no matter what the loss. We prefer to benefit onr patrons than to risk a loss by damage during the renovations going on. We'll lose hundreds of dollars in this sale yes, perhaps thou sandsbut you'll be the gainers. Be amongst the early ones. Sale Ends at Closing Time Think of buying a 28.50 Tailored Street Suit at the Olds, Wortman & King Store for $4.9 8 Then come here tomorrow and realize your anticipations. Extra Saleapeoplc and fitters on hand Three Eleva torsSecond Floor. Women's Street Suits WORTH TO S28.50 FOR 4.98. Women's Finely Tailored Suits, in homespuns, serges, cheviots and fancy mixed goods; colors, blue, brown, black arid gray stylish suits and all good values up to $2S.50. The irrcatcst Suit Snecial ever offered, at. the suit .W Children's Coats Pretty and serviceable Coats for children, made of flannel, zibelinc, kerseys and meltons, in tans, blue, green .and mixtures long and short lengths ages G to 12 years; our regular $3.50 values. Special Sale Price Women's Stylish Coats Women's Coats, both loose and tight-fitting; come in cheviots, flannels, zibelines, kersey and meltons; in colors of blue, tan, gray, red, brown, black and fancy mixtures ; values to $12.50 in the lot. Special Price Each House Wrap pers and Kimonos for $1.95 Pretty and Comfortable House Wrappers and Kimonos, made of eiderdown, flannel and cashmere, in blue, bright red, black and Per sian designs. Values to $7.50 Special Sale Price Only $ 1 .95 wlvt 1 M-Hnf Smart New Coats Covert Jackets, made in tight-fitting style, with stitched trap seams of same material taffeta silk lined leg-o '-mutton sleeves, with turn-back cuffs and strap trimmings from shoulder to cuffs. Very handsome, new and stylish garments; priced from Elegant JSJew Sujs Stunning suits, made of covert cloth; the coat, 27 inches in length, tight fitting, with faucy stitched seams, ieg-o'-mjitton sleeves and inlafd taffeta collar skirts made walking lengths in plaited effects. These suits, the swellest of xiv jl fcO3 their kind, are priced, each, from.... I O IU 0 v