IY 17, 1905. SELLING OF OPIATES Saleswomen's Peri! SRAYE DISEASES, DUE TO STAKDIHI Facts AiiMt Miss Mtrkliy's Daierm Illness aidjCampIets Cure Hare you ever thought why so many women or girls rather walk an hour than stand still for ten minutes? SPECTATORS INTERESTED IN THE DELIBERATIONS OF THE WASHINGTON LEGISLATURE Washington House Kills Meas ure of Restriction. PLEA MADE FOR DOPE FIENDS Police Surveillance Advocated as the Only Solution of the Question by . Representative Strowbrldge, cf Snohomish County. HE MORNING OKEGeMlfj; TKID, OLYMPIA. "Wash., Feb. 16. (Special.) A remarlcablo plea for the "dope fiend" was made in the House this morning by Strowbrldge of Snohomish County when the Lindsley bill restrict ing' the sale of opiates was up for amendment on second reading. Strow brldge said that personal experience while connected with the police depart ment of Everett had convinced him that persons addicted to the morphine habit were practically Insane and were Insurable. The only way to deal with this class, said the Representative, was through police regulations and that any bill that cut them off from the use of the drug would only intensify their suf ferings and would result in the estab lishment of "blind pigs," where opium and morphine could be secured, and in the filling of the almshouses with per sons made physical wrecks by the use of the drugs. Under present laws the police were able to keep those addicted to the drug under surveillance, to the end that they were able in most cases to make their own living, ft Both of "Whatcom and Fulton of Aso tin, who is a druggist, opposed the bill, both on the ground that it would prevent the sale of certain proprietary liniments, lotions and medicines con taining opiates that were not used harmfully and prevent the refilling of neighborhood and family prescriptions that were not detrimental in their use, but on the contrary were helpful. A motion indefinitely to postpone. In terposed by Belter, after Lindsley and Doollttle had favored the bill, resulted In the killing- of the measure. Three Federation of Labor bills were tip in the House for consideration in the morning session, and one on which the labor unions had pinned their hopes, the Huxtable bill, defining who may be construed as fellow-servants, was Indefinitely postponed by the adoption of a majority report of the labor committee. The bill was opposed by the manufacturing interests on the ground that if enacted it would result In the employer or millowner being held liable for damages for injuries occurring to workmen when such in juries might be due to the carelessness or negligence of a fellow-workman not specified as such in the proposed law. Another labor bill which required the examination and certification of etatlonary engineers for the avowed purpose of protecting life and property from the operations of engineers by Incompetent persons, was also- on the calendar with a majority committee report favoring Its indefinite postpone ment, and the majority report was adopted without debate. The friends of the labor organiza tions. In spite of a majority committee report against the bill, succeeded in retaining on the calendar the Twitchell bill requiring corporations, firms and persons engaged in mining and manu facturing to pay their employes semi monthly. They also succeeded In adopting an amendment requiring that such payments shall be made in cash or its equivalent. McCoy's bill, enlarging the present act which prohibits the sale of timber lands but permits the sale of timber separate from .the land under a revis lonary clause requiring its Immediate' removal, was on the calendar with an evenly divided committee report as to Its merits. Both declarod the bill to be one of the most Important of the session and secured the adoption of a motiou making consideration of the bill a special order for next Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Although there were still 30 bills on the calendar for second reading, the House adjourned at 3:30 because so many members had retired to the cor ridors that It was impracticable to try to transact business. A resolution was adopted by the Sen ate authorizing the presiding officer to name a successor to Senator Van de Vanter on the railroad committee, it appearing that Senator Van de Vanter would not be able to attend during the remainder of the session. Lieutenant-Governor Coon named Senator Kinnear for the place. Van de Vanter was chairman of the com mittee, but that featuro was not con sidered when the appointment of Kin near was made, and there Is now a question whether or not Kinnear is chairman. The matter will probably be determined by the committee. Senator Buth secured a reconsidera tion of the vote by which the Bands bill was passed giving railroad com panies easements to depot sites on state lands. The action places the bill back on the calendar for further con sideration. The bank code prepared by a com mittee from the State Bankers' Asso ciation and Introduced in the Houso by Bassett, was approved today by the House .committee on banks and bank ing, with one Important change. The bill as .introduced restricts the estab lishment of new banks in Seattle, Spo kane and Tacoma to banks to have a capital of $200,000. The committee recommends an amendment to $100,000. The House committee on mines and mining has appointed a subcommittee to draft a bill providing for the taxa tion of mining property other than coal mines. The bill making eight hours a maximum day's labor In coal mines was approved. Lambert's bill, which is designed to cut oft wildcat companies from incor porating with alleged large capital stock, has secured the approval of the House committee on corporations. The bill Increases the initial fee for filing articles of incorporation to 523 and adds a further fee of 25 cents per $1000 on the amount of the capital ,stock. It retains the present annual license fee of $10. Piles the .Guest of Spokane. SPOKANE, Feb. 16. Senator-elect Sam uel H. Piles, of Seattle, and Mrs. Piles have been the guests of the Chamber of Commerce here today. They were met at the train this -morning by a reception committee. A breakfast followed at the home of Charles Sweeny. After a drive over the city, luncheon followed at the Spokane Club. Tonight Sonator and Mrs. Piles were given a public reception at the Hotel Spokane. Senator Piles spoke Briefly, saying that he would- represent all sec tlons of the state impartially He will leave wraoiruw jiiuiiimt, iur wasningion. Off for Debate' With Whitman. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY; Forest Grove. Feb. 16. (Special.) W. B. Shlrch, J. W. Phllbrook and A. J. Prldeaux left today for "Walla "Walla, where they will repre sent Pacific University tomorrow night Sa th 4eb&te with. Whitman Coluce. w mi hi ii i i . i nriini x s s . s r PUT IN ALBANY JAIL Suspected Lebanon Bank Rob bers Have Not Given Bonds. BATTERED COIN AS EVIDENCE Mrs. Dunn and Her Father Are Dis charged on Burglary Charge, but Held Awaiting $300 Bonds as Witnesses. ALBANY. Or.. Feb. 16. The prelim inary hearing of Eli Dunn, Mrs. Dunn. J. Hendryx and Harry Crossley, ac cused of robbing the Bank of Lebanon February 8, was held before City Re corder Van Winkle this afternoon. Evi dence against Dunn and Crossley, alias Reynolds, Is very strong, and both were bound over to the Circuit Court In $4000. Mrs. Dunn and her father, Hendryx, were discharged, but later held as witnesses and put under bonds of $300 each. Both defendants and the two witnesses were committed to jail until ball shall be furnished. The evidence shows that Dunn had spent several days here just before the robbery, and also that Crossley was seen on the railroad track near Leb anon the evening before the crime was committed. Nearly $1000, found on Crossley, was introduced as evidence. Some of the gold coins were badly bat tered. The defendants offered no evi dence In their own behalf. IDAHO BILL FOR GOOD ROADS House Members From Northern Coun ties Prepare the Measure. BOISE. Idaho. Feb. 16. (Speclal.)-A great deal of Interest Ls being manifest ed in the measure for good-road dis tricts that has been presented by Repre sentatives Anderson, Mullaley and Good night of Shoshone, Latah and Nez Perces Counties, respectively, and which Is the result of the joint caucus held by the members of the House from the live northern counties The measure provides that "any por tion of a county desiring to be created or set off as a special good-road district for the purpose of improving one or moro of the public roads therein, which con tains 23 or more Tcsldent taxpayers, may be organized into a special good-road dis trict for such purpose, and when so or ganized, such district and the Board of Good-Road Commissioners shall have and possess the powers of a body cor porate to issue bonds for the building and repairing of any or all of the public roads within Its district." All special road taxes are to be paid to the Good-Road Commission to be ap pointed, which is to supersede the regular road districts of a county. The districts are to be established by an election or dered by the County Commissioners. Bonds may be Issued by such districts by the consent of a two-thirds majority of the freeholders of the district. TWO BANKS ARE TO BE MERGED Nevada National Becomes One With Wells, Fargo & Co. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16. The Ne vada National Bank has announced the terms of the merger of that institu tion with the Wells, Fargo & Co. Bank, the proposed amalgamated bank to be known as the Wells-Fargo Nevada Na tional Bank of San Francisco. The cap ital of the Nevada National Bank is to be Increased from $3,000,000 in 30,000 shares to $G,0CD.000 In C0.000 shares, thus leaving 50,000 shares of stock to be disposed of. Twenty thousand of these shares are to be delivered to Wells, Fargo & Co., In exchange for $3,000,000 In cash, or Its equivalent, and the transfer by Wells, Fargo & Co. Bank of Its good will, trade, name and banking business in the State of California to the Ne vada National Bank. The other 10,000 shares are to be disposed of at not less than $200 a share. From the proceeds of these transactions the capital of the bank Is to be increased to G.000.000 and the aurpluj to $2,500,000.- maklns s. work ing capital of $9,500,000. It Is proposed to Increase the number of directors from 11 to 13. It is understood that Isals "W. Hell man, president of the Nevada National Bank, will be president of the new bank, and that F. L. LIpman, now pres ident of "Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Bank will be the cashier. WOUND IS THREE FEET LONG Soldier Dying, Result of Pay-Day Brawl at Presidio Gates. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 16. Philip Hogan, a private in Company H, Eigh teenth Infantry, is dying from a wound fully three feet In length, the result of being stabbed and slashed In a brawl that occurred in the shadow of the Pre sidio gates. One wound extends ffom the left shoulder down the side to the leg. Besides there is a severe incision of the left side. The soldiers had received their pay and many of them were spending their money In the saloons just outside the military reservation. At one of these places the stabbing occurred. The Iden tity of Hogan's assailant Is unknown, as he Is unable to make a statement. College Men Hurt in "Scrap." ALBANY. ,Or Feb. 16. (Special.) The annual flagralsing of the Senate, one of the young men's literary societies of Al bany College, occurred last night and a "scrap" between that society and Its rival, the Albany College Literary So ciety, resulted. The first flag raised by the Senators waa captured and torn to pieces by the A. C. L. S., but they promptly raised another which they have success fully defended today. The capture of the Senate flag occurred at about 2 o'clock this morning after a scrap on the college roof between the Senators, who were defending the flag, and a large body of A. C. L. S. members. In the fight on the college roof preced ing the capture of the flag, two students were severely Injured, one receiving a serious wound in the eye. and another several bad bruises on the head. Youth Accused of Burglary. MILTON, Or., Feb. 16. (Special.) Jess Hurst. IS years old, living in Freewater, was arrested by Constable Dykes on a warrant sworn out by David Reed, pro prietor of a confectionary store of Free water, for burglary. Young Hurst Is al leged to have broken Into Reed's store the night of February 2 and to have stolen about $23 worth of cigars and to bacco. He was held on $300 ball and taken to the Pendleton Jail In default. About a year ago Hurst was arrested for stealing pencils from Dr. Hill's drug store, but was allowed his freedom on promise of good behavior. Big Spars From Gray's Harbor. HOQUIAM, Wash., Feb. 16. (Special.) Sixty large hewed, spars, each measur ing "0 feet In length and having a diam eter of from 24 to 30 Inches, were shipped from here yesterday to San Francisco. There was also shipped with the lot one of the finest sticks ever gotten out on Gray's Harbor, this one measuring 122 feet in length and 18 inches square, with out knot or blemish. It is to be used for a dredger arm. Manager Crocker Visits Walla Walla. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Fob. 16. (Special.) B. D. Crocker, one of the man agers of the Southeast Combine, Is in the city. He was the guest of Joseph Mun hundro at dinner last night at a gather ing of local office-holders, and In con sultation with Superior Judge Brents, can didate for the new Federal Judgeship all morning. This afternoon he spent as the guest of Warden Kees at the penitent iary. Knights to Meet in Centraiia. CENTRALIA, Wash.. Feb. 16. (Special.) Tuesday the district convention. Knights of Pythias, will be held In Cen traiia. Knights from all over the south western part of Washington will bo pres ent and the day will be opened by a grand parade After the convention the an nual ball of the Knights of Pythias will be held. Prizes for the best drilled uni form rank, and for the best showing will be given. Lecture at State University. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Feb. 15. (Special.) Lieutenant Garden, who has been In Europe studying the great industrial establishments of the Old World will lecture before The Students' Engineering Society hore February 27. "The American Invasion of Europe; or. The Race for Commercial Supremacy," will be the subject of the Illustrated lecture. ;koss my.vvs IRRIGATION BILL PASSES STATE ENGINEER TO BE AP POINTED BY THE GOVERNOR. Commencement of Condemnation Suits Where Government May Wish Site Is Authorized. SALEM, Or., Feb. 16. (Special.) In or der that this Legislature may not ad journ without passing some legislation which will encourage the Government to come Into this state and undertake recla mation projects, an irrigation bill was passed tonight, creating the office of State Engineer, authorizing commencement of condemnation suits where the Government may wish to construct an irrigation sys tem, and directing the prosecution of hydrographlc surveys where such suits are brought, in order to ascertain the amount of available water. The bill carries an appropriation of $5000 and authorizes the Governor to appoint an engineer, who shall also serve the State Land Board when his services are needed. Friends of the measure said in explanation that all objectionable fea tures of the former bills have been elim inated and that this contains only such provisions as will enable the Government to undertake the work In this state. HOUSE WELL UP WITH ITS WORK Seventy Bills Are Before the Senate for Action Today. SALEM, Or., Feb. 16. (Special.) Two hours' work are In sight In the House for tomorrow, but 70 bills are before the Senate, besides the Jayne local option bill, whose consideration will require con siderable time. As amendments by the Senate to this bill seem inevitable. It Is probable that the Bepresentatlves must wait until near the end of the day that they may concur in the amendments be fore final adjournment. The Senators cannot get half through the work before late at night, though tho Judiciary committee will seize upon the House bills now awaiting action, and plckr Ing out those which look good, will suf focate the others by Indefinite postpone ment. Up to the first of this week the Representatives were behind the Senators, but. finally realizing this, they have rushed business through ever since. The clerks have worked like Trojans. Tonight there are but six bills to be reported upon by committees two special order and one or two special reports. Cooper's bill to protect workmen by re quiring manufacturers to provide certain coverings and guards for dangerous ma chinery was Indefinitely postponed in the Senate tonight, on recommendation of the committee on manufacturing indus tries. When the report was read, a rep resentation of labor unions asked Sen ator Pierce to have lt laid over until Senator Brownell could be present, and Pierce stated the request, with the Infor mation that Brownell had the measure In charge, but Chairman Holman, of the manufacturing committee. Insisted on his motion and the bill went to the grave yard. A bill by the committee on public build ings, providing for the purchase of grounds for the erection of a home for feeble-minded has passed both houses. The appropriation for tho grounds ls $15, 000, and if the purchase be made the Cap itol Building Commissioners arc to as certain the cost of a suitable building and report to the next Legislature. For the purpose of correcting the House Journal, Chief Clerk Thompson. Assistant Clerk Drager. Calendar Clerk Finch and Representative Balloy of Multnomah County will remain after adjournment, check up the records and Insert omissions. Malarkey's anti-ticket scalping bill, drawn for the purpose of protecting railroads which make reduced rates for the Lewis and Clark Fair, has passed both houses of the Legislature. When the bill came up for consideration In the House, Speaker Mills took the floor to address the House in behalf of the measure. Tax on sheep that are driven Into Oregon from other states for pasturago ls provided In Representative Sltz bill which has passed both houses. For such pasturage by the year the tax Is to be 20. cents a head, and when sheep are xlrivaa' through, the stato tie tax Is to be 5 cents a head for every county traversed. The money Is to be collected by stock Inspectors and the tax Is to be a preferred Hen If not paid 30 days after assessed. Sheep may be redeemed by payment of the tax costs and 10 per cent Inter est within ten days after being sold for the tax. Stock Inspectors are re quired to cause return of diseased sheep -to the same point where the ani mals entered the state. Mayger's bill to shorten the closed season for Spring salmon on the Co lumbia and to lengthen the August open season has passed both houses, and the same seasons will be enacted by the Washington Legislature. The season is to be open in March until the 15th and in August until vhe 25th. On the Lower Rogue the closed sea son ls to last from March 1 to April 1 and from August 15 to September 1, and- on the Upper Rogue from March 15 to April 15 and from August I to December 31. On the Umpqua River the season is to be closed from March 20 to May 15 and from November 20 to December 10. On other Coast streams the season is to be closed from March 20 to July 15 and from November 2e to December 10. Both houses have passed an appro priation of $S000 for a gasoline patrol boat on the Columbia to aid in enforc ing the law. Holcomb's bill to require tax levies to be made in even mill3 or tenths of mills has passed both houses. Malarkey's bill to prohibit the sale of liquor to females under the age of 21 years, and forbidding proprietors of sa loons to permit such females to be In any saloon or box where liquors are sold or served, has passed both houses of the Oregon Legislature. There was practi cally no opposition when the bill passed the House today. The Captain John Mullen claim, which has been before the Legislature at every session for over 20 years, was defeated in the House today. The ways and means committee recommended the payment of $3105.19' in full settlement of the claim, but Representative Kay of Marlon showed that several Legisla tive committees soon after the services were rendered reported adversely on the claim and that no Investigating committee has ever reported favorably. It was also shown that it took no work to secure the allowance of the state's claims for the collection of which Mullen wanted compensation, and that the claims were merely sent to Mullen, who was then In the employ of the state, for filing with the Treas ury Department. There were few affirmative votes on the bill to allow Mullen $3000. Senator Malarkey's bill for the pay ment of $7 per month for each way ward girl maintained at institutions conducted for that purpose passed tho House today with seven negative votes. The bill was apposed by a few members in the House on the ground that the appropriation will go chiefly to one sectarian Institution. There was no debate against the measure. In order that the Forestry building at the Lewis and Clarx Fair may be perpetuated, both houses have passed a bill authorizing the Fair Commission to transfer the building to the City of Portland, provided the city shall pro vide an acre or more of ground for the structure. In case the city shall not provide the necessary ground, the bill authorizes the transfer to any organ ization that will maintain the building. The measure sets aside $5000 of the Lewis and Clark appropriation for en tertainment of guests of the state by the Fair Commission. Representative Miles' forest Are bill, requiring that persons setting rtres between June 1 and October 1 shall first secure permits from the County Clerk, has passed the Senate. The bill makes it mandatory" upon the Clerk to grant a permit upon ten days notice from the applicant. The pur pose Is to keep a record of those set ting fires and to give persons whose property may be endangered notice of the Intention to set a fire. Senator Smith's bill to authorize County Courts to appoint a bee Inspector upon the petition of three residents of the coun ty, has passed both houses of the Legis lature. No salary Is attached to the of fice and the purpose Is to enable bee keepers to protect themselves against dis eased bees. Senator Holman's bill authorizing two thirds of the stockholders to sell the property with which the corporation con ducts its business has passed both houses of the Legislature Or" fcNvWNb:"UmvSS0tt. KING OF ROGUE SUED Representative Burns Wants $15,000 Damages. CALLED RASCAL BY R. D. HUME Member From Curry Says This and Other Terms Are False and De famatory and Calculated to Injure His Reputation. SALEM. Or., Feb. 16. (Special.) R. D. Hume, of Curry County, was today made defendant in a damage suit nr $15,000. filed In the Circuit Court by Representative Robert Burns, of the same county. Mr. Burns in his complaint alleges "that on or about February 13, 1905, In the City of Salem, defendant did willfully, wickedly, wrongfully and maliciously print, circulate and publish a circular letter, of and concerning plaintiff, as a citizen, as an attorney and as an official, the following false, malicious and defamatory words, viz.: I declare Robert Burns to be a sneak ing, cowardly rascal and unfit to as sociate with honorable gentlemen.' " Mr. Burns charges that all said words are false and defamatory and that the purpose of the circular was to convey the thought that the defend ant, as an attorney, as a citizen and as an official. Is a felon, corrupt, dishon est and loathsome. This circular, which was placed on the desk of every Senator and Repre sentative, was called forth by a bill introduced by Burns which would de stroy the fishing monopoly which Hume now enjoys on the Rogue River. Hume has been in Salem for several days doing all in his power to defeat the passage of the bill. Hume in an Interview tonight said that he is glad the suit has been brought and that when he gets Burns on the witness-stand he will "show him up." "I am prepared to defend my self," he said, "and that $15 000 will be all a dream." Hume ls very confident of being able to prove the charges which he made In his circular. Burn3 had nothing to say further than that he is not afraild of Hume's threat and Is willing to let the courts settle It. The hunters license tax bill has passed both houses. It requires the payment of a tax of $1 per year upon each gun used by a resident hunter and $10 a year for each gun used by a nonresident hunter. The bill makes an exception In the case of persons or members of their families hunting upon their own land, and It was this excep tion that enabled the friends of the measure to secure its passage. BUILDING OF GOOD ROADS. Bulletin From University of Oregon, Edited by Professor F. G. Young. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Feb. 15. (Special.) "Tendencies in Recent American Road Legislation" ls the sub ject of volume 2, number 3, of the new series of bulletins that are being pub lished bi-monthly by the University of Oregon. The bulletin Is now In the press and contains much valuable data con cerning the gradually growing demand for better highways. It ls edited by Pro fessor F. G. Young, of the economics and sociology department. An appendix con taining a tabular digest of changes In road laws of the different American states and territories during the last 15 years Is attached. After a brief statement of the fact that laws emlnate from public movements that determine their potency and reeal their plan and purpose. Professor Young gives a graphic description of the National movement towards perfecting our high ways as a result of the recognized fact that good roads are essential elements In the Ideal life In either city or country- "The people," says F. G. Young, "are becoming aware that the listless efforts of road building result In a fearful waste of energy and retard Na tional progress. "But good roada. will necessitate the It is because most women suffer from some derangement of their delicate organism, the discomfort of which is less trying when they are in motion than when standing. In some states laws compel employers to provide resting places for their fe male employees. But no amount of lair can regulate the hard -tasks of these women. They must get the strength which this work demands or run the risk of serious diseases and the surgeon's knife. Read about the experience of Miss Market Berkley, 275 3d Street, Mil waukee, Wis.: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " Gradual loss of strength, nervousness, bearintr-down pains and extreme irritation compelled me to seek medical advice. The doctor said I had ovarian trouble and ulcer ation of the womb, and advised an operation if I wanted to get well. I objected to this and decided to give Lydia E. Finkham's Veg etable Compound a trial. I soon found that all the good things said about this great medicine were true. The ulceration soon healed, backache, headache and nervousness disappeared, and in a short time I was strong, vigorous and perfectly well. I wish every working girl who suffers would try Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is a vegetable tonic which invig orates and strengthens the entire fe male organism, and will procace the same beneficial results in the case of any sick woman as with Miss Merkley. expenditure of some public funds," says the author. "Such work Is an art and must have the planning and supervision of an expert if permanent improvement Is possible. The good roads problem Is a problem of appreciation and co-operation. The heart, the head, and the purse of a community must be united. "A good road will economize time and force In transportation between farm and market: It will enable the farmer to take advantage of the market fluctuations; It will permit transportation during times of comparative leisure: It will enhance the value of real estate; It will draw the people together socially and thus make of us a more united people." Professor Young also suggests that state supervision should tend to further the general movement and although the ques tion Is a momentous one it should stimu late and not apall the true citizen. Old Man Found Guilty. THE DALLES), Or.. Feb. 16. The jury before which James T. Brown waa tried for shooting Samuel Fisher returned a verdict of guilty of assault with a dan gerous weapon. Both Brown and Fisher are old citizens of Mosier precinct, hav ing lived neighbors for 20 years. One evening last Fall Brown's cattle were In Fisher's orchard, and In endeavoring to get them out Fisher fired on them with a shotgun. Thla enraged Brown so that he seized his gun and advancing on Fisher shot him In the back. After Fisher was down Brown beat him severely with the butt of his gun. The parties to the trouble are both patriarchs. Fisher being 71 and Brown 67 years of age. The jury' recommended mercy for the convicted man, and on this account and because of his advanced age. Brown will likely get off with the minimum penalty. Murdered for His Money. PENDLETON'. Or.. Feb. 16. That an unknown man, whose headless body will probably never be- identified, was done to death for what his pockets contained Is revealed by the Coroner's verdict In the case of the remains found between Irri gon and Umatilla Tuesday. The verdict was that the man "came to his death at the hands of an unknown person." Rob bery was the apparent object, as the pocket.- had been turned inside out. and there was nothing left by which to Identify the remains. The body was found by G. R. Jones, of Irrigon, in a patch of wil lows about three miles from Umatilla. Head and feet had been cut off. and the man had been dead several months. The clothing appeared of good material. High School Students Strike. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. Feb. 16. Thirteen members of the senior class at the High School went on strike at noon today and were suspended. They refused to recite in physics under a new Instruc tor, on the ground that a change in meth od in the middle of the term is not fair to them. The new instructor I Charles Schnele, of Vancouver, Wash., who came here yesterday to be assistant principal. Principal J. K. M. Berry was forced by the board to resign Monday, he claiming he could not manage the school. Berry' has the sympathy of the public. The trou ble is not yet over. Threw Cordwood Under Train Wheels MILTON, Or.. Feb. 16. (Special.) An examination of Amos Thomson, the Free water youth who threw a piece of wood under the Spokane passenger train Sun day morning, was held yesterday in Jus tice Miller's court. He was bound over to the next Circuit Court In Pendleton, his ball being placed at $250. Considerable trouble was given the au thorities trying to locate Thomson. He was found In Walla Walla by Constable James Dykes. Statue of Senator Shoup. BOISE, Idaho, Feb. 16. The Joint com mittee named to take steps to carry out the terms of the resolution for a statue of the late Senator George L. Shoup to be placed in Statuary Hall. Washington, had a meeting today and decided to pre sent a bill appropriating $6500. The statue will cost $6000 and the other expenses In connection will amount to $500. Killed in a Runaway. HELENA, Mont., Feb. 16. Richard Hartop, aged 65, who drives the United States mall between Canyon Ferry and York, near here, was thrown from his sleigh during a runaway, his head striking on a stump, and instantly killed. Two years ago his son was killed in a runaway. Remarriage of a Divorcee. HELENA, Mont, Feb. 16. The House this afternoon passed Representative Bennett's bill preventing the defend ant In a divorce suit, where unfaithful ness ls the charge, from remarrying in side of five years and then only on sreof of sood behavior.