2 TRE HORSING OBBGONIAH, FKIDA FEBRUAKY 17, 1905. 5- m.VM3toit StS. Public Tea Room Second Floor. Auspices Portland Y.' W. C. A. PORTLAND'S QUALITY SHOP PORTLAND'S FOREMOST STORE Xua-Tefay, Feb. 17. Tea. Coffee. Chocolate. Milk Served In Bottles. Clam Chowder. Shrimp Salad. Hot Rolls. Ham Sandwiches. Bread and Butter. Doughnuts. 94th . Grand Friday Economy Sale Today 94th Better Bargains Than We've Ever Hod Before q Deal Better Than Any Other Portland House Ever Had NOW THAT'S PLAIN ENOUGH, ISN'T IT? AND PORTLAND POLK WILL COME EXPECTING PHENOMENAL VALUES, TOR THIS HOUSE NEVER DISAPPOINTS. COME TODAY EXPECTING THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN ANY ONE DAY UNDER ANY ONE PORTLAND MERCANTILE ROOP AND YOU'LL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. THE FOLLOWING BRIEF PARAGRAPHS SERVE AS GUIDEPOSIS TO POINT THE WAY TO ABSOLUTELY UNPARALLELED ECONOMIES: 1 I I THE VOTE FOR A SCHOLARSHIP To be Given Free by This House in the i. C. Schools What prominent homefolk think of the course. Read what 2dr. Corbctt says: Henry W. Corbett. President. "Wra. H. Corbett Vlce-Pres & Mgr. WILLAMETTE IRON AND STEEL WORKS, Fouadera, Machinists, Boiler-Makers. Portland, Oregon, Nov. 26, 1901. The system and methods of the International Correspondence Schools have re cently been called to our attention, and on investigation of the same we were very much Impressed with the real merits of the work which they are doing:. They certainly operia now field of advancement, to their students, .and give promise "for progress which is practical and substantial. Their scheme of education meets with our hearty approval. Tours respectfully, (Signed) TV. H. CORBETT, Vice-Pres and Manager. A vote with every 25c purchase The. person having the highest vote at 6 P. M. of Saturday, April 22, will bo awarded the scholarship. For obvious rea sons, NO VOTES WILL. BE COUNTED FOR EMPLOYES OF THIS HOUSE! Result of Vote at 6 Yesterday . Mae Hughes, KBlgbt Shoe Company 2,414 Ralph Holmes, Ladd &. Tllto&'a Bank .'. 1,349 Reginald Carter, Bell Boy at the Norton '........ 446 Arthur Taylor. M. & A. Skogre& .186 E. C Molln. Meier & Frank Company ; 48 Isabella McCurry, Llpmna, Wolfe & Co t .423 Janet Clark, Meier fc Frank Company .' 410 Charles Johnson, Phoenix Iron Works 376 Joseph BiHhop. United States Laandrr 365 Raymond Smith, Columbia Ice Company Charles Poinaexter, men cijrar store Guy De Pue, Portland Delivery Company W. C Cooper, P. F. M. Co Charles Adler, Woodard, Clarke Fred Murphy, Western Electric Company Total votes . EXTRA SPECIAL! Today Only Millinery Salens the Annex, Secsnd Fie or. WOMEN'S $2.50 HATS 37c Grand slaughter of ready-to-wear Hats turbans, sailors and fancy shapes, any one in the house, values to $2.50; special, each, 37 Cents WOMEN'S 8-50 HATS 1.6. A few Trimmed Hats left, values to $8.30: special today, your' choice, cach....(L88 EXTRA SPECIAL! Today Only In the Women's Wardrobe and Art Salens Annex, Second Fleer. $ 1M KNIT SKIRTS FOR 50c. Ladies Knit Skirts, good quality, solid colors and fancy stripes regular $1 value. Special Economy Sale Price, each ... .S0c CORSET COVERS WORTH 85c AND Oc FOR 4Se A broken line of Ladies' Corset Cov ers, full French front, trimmed with lace and baby ribbon our S5c and 90c values; Special Economy Sale Price, each,4Sc S2.W ICE WOOL SHAWLS FOR 1A9. Ladles' Ice Wool Shawls In white and black, about 1 yard square, all very pretty designs with fancy borders our $2 value; Special Economy -Sale Price, ca., M0 Economy ia the Art Skop Second Floor. 25c DOILIES FOR 13c. Mount Mellick Dollies, net foundation, In pretty conventional designs, size 12x12 inches our regular 2Cc value; Special Economy Sala Price, each .'.....13o EXTRA SPECIAL! Today Only Shoes and "Comfy" Leggings For Miss end Matron at Friday "Bargain Day" Prices Find 'Em at the "Boot Skop on the -Fair-Way" Sixth-Street Annex First Floor. Misses', Women's and Children's Warm Jersey Leggings 58c, Sc and 7Sc Children's, sizes 6 to 10 regular value 51.00; special, pair 5Se Misses' sizes, 11 to 1 regular value 51.25; special, pair 6Sc Women's sizes, 2 to 6 regular value 51.50; special, pair ..TSc WOMEN'S. 92J50 AND $4.6 SHOES f2.X Women's Box Calf or Vlci Kid Shoes, heavy sole, patent or self tips; Military. Cuban or Opera heels: dull topti, Bluch- er aid plain lace regular values 53.50 and 54.00; special, pair.. $2.ex Bert C. Ball. Secretary & Chief EngM ,, 357 . -. .. 358 254 200 117 5S " 8.30S EXTRA SPECIAL! Today Only First Floor. In Knitwear Aisles Women's, Lassies', Infants' Underwear at Lessened x Prices Hosiery Too Women'B White Cashmere Union Suits, medium weight, fine-ribbed. long sleeves. ankle-length 52.25 value; acti i Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh-Tests and Pants; vest long sleeves, pants ankle-length 52.50 value, each $1.75 Infants' Black and Cardinal Hand-Crocheted Drawer Leggings 51.00 value, for, each . sse Women's Black Cotton Hose, with gray cashmere sole; fine for this cold snap 30c value for. pair .35e Children's Heavy Weight, but flne-ribbed and fine, quality black Cotton Hose; 9, oy, 10; splendid 35c hose; special, pair, for 23c EXTRA SPECIAL! Today Only In the Linen Store First Flaer. Linen Table Sets $4 and $4.50 An odd lot of Richardson's Irish Linen Table Sets, including ono dozen napkins and tablecloth to match; sizes 22H yards regular value 5.7o; special, sot Regular 55.50 valu; speclal,vset....4.n Sizes 2x3 yards regular 55.50 values, special,- set .... Regular 56.00 value, special, set..44SB A SENSATIONAL "Renovation Sale" !i of Women's Wear Opens Today in the Big AppareS Salons is VALUES ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE! BAEGAINS ABSOLUTELY UN PABALLELED! "GAINFUL TRANSACTIONS' THAT ABE SIMPLY UNMATOHABLE AWAIT TODAY'S PATRONS! AN AWPUL, TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE ON WOMEN'S READY-TO-DON GAR MENTS THAT SURPASSES ANY OFFERING OF ANY SORT EVER HANDED TO PORTLAND WOMEN. IT'S AN ALMOST "HELP-YOUKSELF SALE." You'll hardly believe your eyes -when you read the prices; you'll marvel still more when you see the splendid garments those prices are attached to. The father of the proud owner of Cresceus, the trotter that played tag with the world's record, was a multi-millionaire. On his deathbed he said: "If my son gets half as much pleasure out of spending my money as I did in acquiring it, I shall be satisfied." Equal pleasure niay be yours, madam, in spending money at this Veritable Slaughter Sale Today It will be the quickest moving of merchandise ever known inJho West, if not in America. If you've been on the second floor this week you'll know the reason for such wholesale massacre of prices those who've been here know that pandemonium reigns! Carpenters and painters have complete, possession. Scaffolding is everywhere, and business is driven into a corner. There's a hurty-burh- and a hubbub that's positively frightful, The Magnificent Garments Are in Danger We've been compelled to move every piece of merchandise on the floor. Now, if yon can stand the discomfort of mingling with the workmen and their lioisc, and wending your way under scaffolding and ladders, you'll bo privileged to share in the Greatest Distribution of Bargains Ever Attempted in the West The goods must be gotten out of harnrs way, no matter wliat the loss. We prefer to benefit our patrons than to risk a loss by damage during the reno vations going on. We'll lose hundreds of dollars in this sale yes, perhaps thousands but you'll be the gainers. Be amongst the early ones. SALE LASTS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY! Walking Skirts for $2.95 Stylish Walking Skirts, made of heavy-weight etamines, serges' and basket weaves, in "grays, blues and raised effects. Values to $10.00 , Special Economy Sale Price, each. . $2.95 Mouse Wrap- j pers and t Kimonos for $1.95 Pretty and Comfortable House Wrappers and Kimonos, made of eiderdown, flannel and cashmere, in bine, bright red, black and Per sian designs. Values to $7.50 Special Economy Sale Price Only $ i .95 m Think of Buying a $25.50 Tai lored Street Suit at the Olds, Wortman & King Store for $4.95 Then come here today and realize your an ticipations. Extra salespeople and fitters on hand. Three elevators. Second Floor. Women's Street Suits Worth 23.5G for $4.95 Women's finely Tailored Suits, in homespuns, serges, cheviots and fancy mixed goods; colors blue, brown, black and gray. Stylish Suits, and all good values up to $23.50 the greatest Economy. Special ever offered at, 4b O the suit 'xvl . Children's Coats Pretty and serviceable Coats for chil dren, made of flannel, zibeline, ker seys and meltons, in tans, blue, green and mixtures; long and short lengths, agca 6 to 12 years. Our regular $S.50 values Special J- I X'Z Economy Sale Price I vJxJ Women's Stylish Coats ' Women's Coats, both loose and tight fitting; come in cheviots, flannels, zb elines, kerseys and meltons, in colors of blue, tan, gray, red, brown, black and fancy mixtures. Values to $12.50 in the lot Special 4" OS Economy Price, each JJrJ Iff rrJI t 1 it EXTRA SPECIAL! Today Only I SI lie ShIobh Annex, Fifth Street First Floor. Dependable New Black Taffeta 21-inch All-Pure Silk Black Taf- feta regular $1 quality, ape- 111 clal, Friday only, yard nS-Inch All-Pure Silk Black Taf- f w feta regular $1.25 quality, ape--lfSl cial, Friday only, yarJ EXTRA SPECIAL! Today Only Magnetic Bargains On Third floor J 3c BOWLS 5c. 1J pints, best English semi-porcelain Bowls regular value 13c; special, each, for 5c TIITIEK KNIVES FOR 10c. Including bread knife, cake knife and paring- knife; special, the three 10c EXTRA SPECIAL! Today Only Ladle' FHrnlnhiBKT Shops First Floor. VALENCIENNES LACES 5c YARD. Piatt Valenciennes Laces, 2 to 5 Inches wide special today at, the yard 5c 75c COLLAR, CUFF AND BELT SETS 39e Collar, Cuff and Belt Sets In linen waBnable effects; blue, white and tan regular value 75c; special, the set 30c VALENCIENNES INSERTIONS, Sc FOR, DOZEN YARDS. Yaleuclennes Insertions regular value 25c for cne dozen yards; special. 1 dozen , yards, i 8c A splendid assortment of magnificent Lace Robes in white or black lace, or in allovcr spangles, ranging from $14.50 to $125, reduced as printed Regular $14.50 values; special, each.. 912.06 Regular S18.00 values; special, each.. 9150 Regular $25.00 values; special, each.. $21.06 Regular 335.00 values; special, each. .$30.00 Regular $40.00 values: special, each $33.00 Regular $50.00 values; special, each.. $42.00 Regular $125.00 values; special, each. $87.50 Great Lace Curtain Sale , lnvthe HomefitHng Shops -Fburtli Floar. $2.00 CURTAINS $1.33. Ruffled Scrim Curtains, trimmed with Bat tcnbilrg edge and Insertion regular vatue ..uu; special, pair ...$125 Same as above in Bonfemmes regular value, $2.00; special, pair $LS5 $25 LACE CURTAINS $1.45. Lace Curtains, plain center with Ren naisar.ee borders, plain - center with Brussels border, point d'esprit center with Rennalsance border regular value $2.25; special, pair $1.45 A really exceptional opportunity to pro vide really, beautiful Curtains at a. won derfully low bargain price. Careful housekeepers arc interested. $1.50 COMFORTERS $I.1J. White Cotton-Filled Comforters, wool tied, sllkoline-cpvered: very fluffy and warm regular value $1.50; special, each. at $1.17 EXTRA SPECIAL! Today Only In The Men's Toggery Shop Sixth-Street Annex First Floor. MEN'S 31.50 GOLF SHIRTS 97c. Just received a new line of Men's Golf Shirts, plain and plaited bosoms, In tan. blue, dark gray and some of the very newest things In light grounds and fancy effects regular valuo $1.50; special, each , a7c EXTRA SPECIAL! Today Only In Small Wares Aisles Flrat Floor. 5c THIMBLES FOR 3c. Silver-plated Thimbles., sizes 7 to 10 our 5c value; special at, each 3C 5c TOILET PINS ONLY 3e. Blaok and white-headed Toilet Pins, SO in paper our Cc value; special at, the ra Per 3c 50c SIDE COMBS FOR 30c. Heavy Sholl Side Combs, fancy round tops regular 50c value; special at, the pair 30c 35c SKIRT BINDING FOR 23c. Skirt Braid and Velvet Binding combined, In 5-yard pieces; all colors regular value; special at. the piece 23c 30c WHISK BROOMS FOR 18c. Extra quality fine Corn "Whisk Brooms, black tops, ring handle our 30o value, special at, each.......... ....10c 10c TOOTHPICKS FOR 5o Be3t quality, smooth finish, hardwood Toothpicks, 1500 In box our 10c value; special at, the box .....5c 40c NAIL BRUSHES FOR 25c Fine Imported French Nail Brushes, with side bristles our 40a value; special at, each 25c 25c SHAVING BRUSHES FOR 18 e Shaving Brushes made of best badger hair, with cbonold handle our 25c valuo; special at. each ,...10c 25c TOOTH POWDER 15c Listerated Tooth Powder, large size bot tlesour 25c value: special at, the bottle 15c 15c TALCUM POWDER FOR 8c Violet Perfumed Talcum Powder our 15c value; special at, the can .....Sc 50c "PIT" PLAYING CARDS 35c Regular 50 value; special at, the pack, 35e PLAYING CARDS. Our 15c value; special at, the pack.. ...9c 15c EYE SHADES FOR lc Transparent green Eye Shades our li?c value; special at,, each ............. .10c 5c PEN POINTS, feet artcel, 3c Our Sc value; special at, dozen... 3c WRITING TABLET FOR Sc. Large size, smooth finish. letter size writ-, ing Tablets our 15c value; special at, each 8c 5e LEAD PENCDL5 FOR 3c Jeweled tip point protector Lead Pencils our 6c value; special at, each 3c Economy Specials in Jewelry FInt Floor SIxrfc-Street Awncx. 15c STICK PIN SETS FOR Sc. Stick Pin Sets, pearl-headed pins, 3 in set our 15c value; special at, the set Sc S5c BAB. PINS FOR ITc. Jeweled Bar Pins, turquoise, amethyst and emerald settings our 3o value; special at, each........ 17c 25e BELT BUCKLES FOR 13c Fancy Oxide and Gilt Belt Buckles, jew eled our 25c value; special at, each, 15c CUT STEEL. BELT BUCKLES. Our 65c value; -apecial at, each 30c 50c HAT PINS FOR 15c. Peacock Eye Hat Pins; long pins values 35c to 50c; special at, each 15c 50c .BAND RINGS FOR 35c Fancy Chased Gold Band Rings our 30c value; special at. each 35c The "Pleisher" Yarns In ihe Xrt Stiop Second Floor, aro made from selected wools, carefully spun, and have an even.' lofty, elastic thread. Uyel in a full line of beautiful 3hades which can always be matched. An article knitted ,or crocheted of Fleischer's Yarns will always hold its shape and yet be soft and elastic Evcry sfcein oC t;c genuine bears the trade-mark Ticket. 1 I ? 1 1 P If m 1