Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 16, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Reformer Awaits Conditions That Will Allow Him to
Revolutionize Celestial Kingdom With a Whole Skin.
TIE mandarin wore a skull-cap of
seal's fur, claret-colored jacket o
silk and a heavy skirt of the same
material, blue In color and cut Princess,
I bellevo, although Ie no certainty on the
subject- He wore a more than usually
sallow Chinaman and his mustache-ends
drooped dolefully- They also straggled
and were coarse and unbeautiful as a
turkey-gobbler's beard. Upon his most
esteemed feet were the same pattern of
low felt shoes which one sees the Second
street macaronis wear on a holiday.
The appearance of him was as Ori
ental as those pictures of Confucius that
Chinese artists put on their posters. It
was almost a shock ' to meet the man
darin. His Excellency Kang Yu Wei.
leader of the new order, in all his East
ern magnificence.
1 had expected to find a man, silk
hatted and frock-coated, in the latest
vogue of the "West. There was good
reason to suppose that the great Chinese
Radical had put away things of the old
regime and would be so ardent for civili
zation that he would dress and speak it,
but it was not so. I'll gamble a little
that he wears a queue, carefully coiled
under his turban, and it was at once
brought in upon me that "he was woe
fully shy on his English.
Kang Yu "Wei is tho recognized head
of the Chinese Reform Association of the
world, which means that he is agin' the
government that Is to say he is agin
Tsi An, the old harriden who stands
behind the present Emperor of China
and rules Kang Yu Wei's government
with a w:ator-elm club.
The Chinese Reform Association has a
membership of seeral millions, scattered
all over the face of the world. Its object
is to modernize China as Japan is mod
ernizing. These several millions of mem
bers pay tithes into the general fund
for the establishment of newspapers,
schools and other Institutions that make
for enlightenment. There is a healthy
branch in Portland and It Is to consider
the local situation that Mandarin Kang
Yu "Wei is here.
Louis Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot,
set the fashion of exiled foreigners com
ing to America to conduct a propaganda
in the Interest of their particular protests
against their home governments. He
came more than 50 years ago, and no
doubt succeeded. To this day we have
Hungarian bands, wiuch have done much
for keepers of cafes. Kossuth's pioneer
ing gave us the much over-uniformed or
chestra, but It Is not written what he did
for his native land by coming here. Since
then there have been many others, and
tho latest of these Is Kang Yu "Wei, who
"will make a tour of America in the in
terest of his cause. As a net result of
his visit, he may popularize chop suey as
an article of diet- If l.e does this, he will
break even with Kossuth.
He rejoices In a private secretary '
Chew Hean by name an intelligent, Eu
ropeanlzcd chap of tender years, but
much worldly wisdom. This Chew took
my card to His Excellency, who does not
speak more English than "How do" and
"Good-bye." I waited in the parlor, and
His Excellency teetered Into the room,
with the secretary in his train. Being
presented was a funny ceremony, but
after some preliminary kow-towing, we
shook hands and sat down.
The incongruity then impressed itself
upon me. The Moses of tho new move
ment, speaking Chinese as old as the wall,
through an interpreter, and wearing that
claret-colored jacket. Excellency com
menced talking, the sound of -which was
like a housewife .chopping mincemeat in
. wooden-bowl, but tho talk filtered
-through 'Sir. Chow and reached me in
fairly understandable English.
Kang Yu "Wet was a mighty mandarin
In China and a very learned doctor. He
knew many books and bo many great
v.-ords of wisdom that no man might tell
of them- He was thus seven years since.
Now, seven yeara ago there was an
Emperor on the throne of China who
looked well upon Kang Yu Wei and be
lieved with him that China needed a wak
ing up. He found that Kaag Yu "Wei was
the leader of the new movement, and he
made him a great mandarin, took him
Into the Imperial City and counseled much'
with him. The two of them started in to
reform things. They figured that it was
lime to crowd tho mossbacks out onto
the back seats and start a boom. They
wanted to open the doors to the benevo
lent American and English trusts and
have a stock market, railroad accidents
nd labor strikes of their own. They
yearned for "frenzied finance" and auto-
Machinery Has Capacity of Two Hun
dred Tons Per Hour Homer
Sails From Coos Bay.
The new . electrical conveyor, which
has been put in the Pacific Coast coal
bunkers at tho foot of Quimby street,
was started up yesterday afternoon and
proved to be a great success. It is
what is known as the link belt systom,
nd has a capacity of 203 tons per hour.
Most of the coal received by the com
pany is brought by rail from Seattle
and the new apparatus permits of its
handling in the most expeditious man
ner. The muchino with a single oper
ator docs the work of 12 men. There is
room on the traok for eight cars, -which
can be dumped simultaneously, the coal
falling into hoppers where it Is picked
up by tho conveyor and distributed to
any jart of the bunkers where it may
be wanted. The same conveyor that is
used in unloaJing cars Is also used In
loading vessels. Thero are three chutes
on the river side, placed above and be
low the dock, which allows the use of
the contrivance at any stage of water.
It cannot be run to its full capacity,
however, in loading steamers, as no
ship can take over 50 tons an hour. Tho
same conveyor will bo employed in un
loading coal cargoes that will bo
brought here. The belt line Is 272 feet
Passengers on the Homer.
MARSHFHSLD. Or., Feb. 15. (Spe
cial.) Tho steamer Homer sailed today
for Portland with the following pas
sengers: G. G. Graves. Mrs. Andy Neal
and daughter, I. Stevens, George T.
Wells, F. L. Lewis. J. F. Thompson, j!
Whiting and wife, James Cox and wife,
Mry. G. Forsythc. William McClarthy,
J. M. Russoll and wife, Charles Carson,
J. H. Parker, Fred Amois, John Rogers,
K, Puckett. Bon Spade. J. Renelvetz, C.
Wcsteley and C. H. Bennett.
Suit. to Recover Salvage.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. Jo. J. E. Elck
stadtand A. Wolf have filed in the United
Slates District Court an Intervention In
lfbdl against the American stearnor Santa
Barbara, to recover salvage for towing
the abandoned Santa Barbara to San
Francbico from Tillamook Head in stormy
Shipwrecked Sailors Saved.
NEW YORK. Feb. lS.-Onc ghlFg
wiwrcq crew ana a sauor irom antn
vessel, which had been abandoned a
mobiles, even if such innovations entailed
more or less gospel and Kentucky whis
key. The Emporor.'I didn't catch his name,
and Kang Yu Wei, who was then virtu
ally Prime Minister, or Secretary of the
Commercial Club, or something like that,
wanted to settle up the country and make
Pekin a good town to live in. They pulled
off their coats and started to work. The
boom lasted just a hundred days, and
they were preparing to plaster the pa
godas with chewing-gum "ads" whon Tsi
An, the Dowagor Empress, who is sup
posed to be tho whole works, got onto
their curves. She had heard what hap
pened to Tacoma, and declared that there
wouldn't be any boom left in China by
An is said to be a great somebody,
but also a most disagreeable old lady
when she's mad. By this time she was
good and mad, so she put on her bonnet
and grabbed her club. She had her de
voted son, the Emperor, thrown Into jail
and decided to do a little reforming on
her own account She ordered all those
who favored the new plan to stay on the
second floor and keep out of the boxes
or be beheaded. She decapitated some of
the most enterprising citizens and went
about looking for Kang Yu Wei, who
ducked the palace and did his work se
cretly in other parts of tow'n. He was
game, however, and formed a plot to
rescuo the Emperor and send An to the
Old Ladies' Home. He had many follow
ers and everything looked good until the
Emperor himself issued a secret edict to
Kang directing him to give It up unless
he wanted to get them all killed off with
out further ceremony. He also urged
Kang to get out of the country as quickly
as possible.
This business of getting away was tho
hardest part of all. An's spies and sol
diers watched every train and boat and
country road in China, for the outlawed
Mandarin. He finally disguised himself
as a coolie and got into a train bound
for Tientsin. The train was- stopped and
searched a number of times beforo it
reached ita destination. At Tientsin he
managed to board a tramp steamer and.
although the vessel was stopped and
searched for him, he readied Shanghai in
safety. There he was taken aboard a
British man-of-war. Two Chinese cruis
ers were prowling around looking for
him, so tho British Admiral sent him to
Hong Kong, the vessel which carried him
being convoyed by two other warships.
were brought here today on the steamer
Sarnia, which arrived from-Kingston by
way of Fortune Island. Six of tho sailors
were seamen from tho Italian bark Eliza
Vetromile. which was wrecked on Point
Morant, Jamaica, and became a total
loss. The other was a member of the
crew of the American schooner Ida C.
Southard, which was abandoned at ?ca
yesterday in a dismasted and waterlogged
condition. Tho crew of tho Southard was
rescued by the German steamer Siberia
and landed at Fortune Island.
Marine Notes.
The repairs to the Columbia River
lightship will be completed by Saturday.
The steamer Prentiss came ovor from
Vancouver yesterday and left down last
The China liner Nlcomedia will move up
from the flouring mill to the Albina dock
tills morning.
No orders have yet been issued for
sending tho steamer Regulator to Tho
Dalles, and it Is doubtful it sho ro
sumes servico Saturday as was Intonded.'
Reports from up tho Columbia are that
tho weather has not moderated and that
tho river is still frozen over solid Tbc
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. Feb, 15. Arrived doim at nd
sailed t 0:15 A. 2!. Stcamor F. A. Kllburn.
for San Francisco and coast ports. Arrived at
1:50 P. 31. Steamer Elmore, from Tillamook.
Arrived at 4 and left up at 5:50 V. 3,1. Steamer
laqua, from San Francisco. Condition of the
bar at 5 V. 31., smooth; wind north; weather
Burcka, Feb. 15. Sailed, last nlsbt Steamer
Homer, for Portland, via Coos Bay.
New York, Feb. 15. Arrived Finland, from
San Pranolfco. Feb. 15. Sailed Steamer Ko
rea, for Honolulu, Yokohama and Hone Kongr;
steamer Roanoke, for Coos Bay and Astoria:
steamer Newbursr. for Gray's Harbor. Arrived
Steamer Jfobraekan, from Tacoma; steamer
Senator, from Victoria; steamer Rainier, front
Yokohama. Feb. 15. Arrived Keemun. from
Tacoma for Hons Kons. etc., and Ijvcrpoei.
Sailed Tydeus, for London. Amsterdam and
Liverpool, via Hons Kowr, etc., and Seattle.
Hon Kotur. Feb. 15. Arrived previously
Emprcsof Japan, from Vancouver, "la Yoko
hama. Stock Weathers the Storm.
HELENA, Mont., Feb. 15. "From tho
stock reports I have rocelvcd from tho
different sections of the state, no seri
ous results have resulted," said W. G.
Prouitt, secretary of tho State Board
of stock commissioners today. "Tho
cold weather did not last long enough
to do any damage and stock was in
good condition to withstand tho storm.
There has been a goneral warming up
of the temperature all ovor Montana
and I am confident there have been no
losses as the result of the bad wonthor
JujJ. experienced."
';r -
w e 4.-unifc us -roiruoiu5 x Ilea.
BTougrarurelBi. will refund money if Paso Olnt
rjnitTfiJ! to cure you In 6 to ft day. 60c.
Return Home and
Once in Hong Kong, the Japanese Em
peror offered him an asylum In Japan and
the Japanese fleet landed him on tho
coast of that kingdom.
Once there he was safe to go and come
as he pleased. Old Mrs. An couldn't get
at him unless she declared war against
Japan and she had had hers In the war
line from Japan a few years before.
While In Japan, Kang Yu Wei continued
the work of reform. He conceived the
Idea of organizing a world association to
Include Chinamen wherever they might
be. He also wrote much and learnedly,
concerning conditions In China, and
warned the powers of the threatened
Boxer uprising and advised them to get
tholr representatives and missionaries out
of the empire long before the uprising
actually occurred.
He drew up many memorials and sent
them to his people asking" for govern
mental reforms. These, In turn, wero
carried up to the throne and when An
allowed the Emperor to resume his office
many of them were granted. Conditions
within the empire have Improved won
derfully since the organization of the as
sociation and when An most graciously
diefs, Kan Yu Wei ,and his followers be
lieve that China will advance very rap
idly. During his years of banishment Kang
has traveled all over the world, devoting
most of his time to Europe. He Is every
where looked upon by his people as their
great chief and enjoys their complete
confidence. As head of tho Reform As
sociation he receives thousands of dol
lars to advance tho work and. In fact, Is
general administrator of Its affairs.
These things I learned from my Inter
view with the great Mandarin. They
must bo true, for. they camo through
Mr. Cheu, the Interpreter, and are here
recorded, not verbatim, perhaps, but
as vcroaum as x unucnsiooa tncm. when
the talking was over there was much
wishing expressed that the most annoy
ing Mrs. An, of Pekin, who is most satis
factorily very old, would decently die and
permit the learned Kang Yu Wei, Moses
of his people, to go back to China to live
with his head, and much honors and ref
ormation for tho empire.
The last I saw of him he was teetering
up the corridor of the Portland Hotel In
the great glory of his old regime magnifi
cence. Ills secretary. Mr. Cheu Hoan,
being of tender years, but of much world
ly wisdom, went with me, gave me his
card in return, and hoped I would spell
his namo right. A- A. G
Secures Lebanon Bankbreakers and
Leaves Town Quickly to Escape
Persistent Attorneys.
The Lebanon bank robbers, J. A. Cross
ley, alias Harry Reynolds, James Dunn,
A. D. Hendryx and J. Darland, were
taken to Albany yesterday morning by
SherJrt "White, of Linn County, and Dep
uty Sheriff MUlhollen. The officers were
accompanied by Deputy District Attorney
Gale 8. Hill, of Linn County, who Is look
ing up the evidence In the case. The
robbers wero sent off by Sheriff "Word as
quickly as possible to be rid of certain
attorneys who were troublesome" at tho
This gang is bel loved to have been con
cerned in other safe robberies recently
perpetrated, and In tho O. R & N. Co.
train hold-up, but these are mere suspi
cions as yet.
Klnglsey, tho leador of the band, who
escaped, Is thought to bo in British Co
lumbia. Crossley has lived In Portland
for some time past, going under the namo
of Harry Reynolds, and is quite woll
known. He is an engineer and Is sup
posed to be the man who did the mechani
cal work of blowing up the safes. Dunn
Is also known in Portland and lias fre
quently been seen hanging around the
courtrooms while cases were on trial.
His wife has been implicated, but It Ls
said she and her father, Hendryx, will
only be used as witnesses.
John F. DItchburn and J. F. "Watts,
who "Will appear as attorneys for Crow
ley, have been advised to attend the pre
liminary hearing before Recorder Van
"Winkle at Albany at 10 o'clock today.
Highwayman May Plead Guilty and
Ask Mercy of Court.
A mother's tears for her wayward son
were witnessed yesterday when Mrs.
Mary A. Drumraond, from Lamar, Colo.,
arrived at the County Jail, having: trav
eled thousands of miles to try to savo
her boy. James Drummond. who Is
charged with robbing John M. Lowns
dals and with attempting' to- rob L. D.
Keyser. a railway conductor, on tho
Madison-street bridge three weeks ago.
Mrs. Drummond's coming was delayed
because of tho severe weather.
Sho said yesterday that her son left
homo May 15 last, and the understand
ing "was that, if he liked it out here,
she and her little daughter were to fol
low him. Sho promised to give him
$1000 when she sold hor land. She heard
from him every now and then. Ho wrote
from Wyoming; .and the last letter sho
50x100 on South Side
of Glisan street, between
Sixth and Seventh.
Street improved; cemet
sidewalk; excavated
for cellar. Fine
location for a hotel.
Easy terms. Apply to
514: Chamber of Commerce.
sot from him was mailed about a
month ago, dated Portland.
"If they will only give him back to
mc," she walled, 1 will take him
home and keep him right with me, and
I will see that he makes a good man."
Drummond has been advised to plead
guilty and throw himself upon the
mercy of the court. Some definite ac
tion In the case will probably be taken
soon. He pleaded not guilty on Monday,
but this was done only for the purpose
of delay until his mother got here.
Rash Act of Italian Murderer Saves
County $1000 or More.
The suicide of Joe Florebello, the
murderer of Amelia Slrianni, saved the
county about $1000, which sum would
have been the expense of a trial and
other court costs which usually occur
because of numerous delays In execut
ing justice, Gugllclmo, who killed Freda
Guarascia, has been in the County Jail
since last Summer, and had Fiorcbello
been apprehended his case would prob
ably have dragged the same way. The
county has to pay for the board of
prisoners, and in Fiorebcllo's case all
bills would have fallen upon the county
attorneys' fees, jurors fees, costs of
appeal, and all because Fiorcbello was
without means, so It was reported.
The Gugllclmo case is an exception,
from the fact that Gugllelmo has
means to pay for everything; and the
charges against the county have con
sequently been small.
Timberman Goes Into Court to Ob
tain Half His Pay.
The suit of Lewis Montgomery against
Marshall J. Kinney to recover $5000
balance alleged to be due as commis
sions for the sale of large tracts of
timber lands in Clatsop County was
placed on trial before Judge Scars and
a Jury yesterday. Montgomery testified
that ho was to receive $10,000 for ac
complishing tho sale of the lands and
found a purchaser in N. B. Bradley &
Sons, of Bay City, Mich. Of the commis
sion he received $5000, leaving $5030
balance due. The defense, as outlined
by "Whitney L. Boise and J. T. McKce,
attorneys for Kinney. Is that Montgom
ery was adequately paid forhis services.
Motion for New Trial Argued.
A motion for a new trial in the case of
Lillentbal Bros. vs. J. R. Cartwright was
argued before Judge Bellinger yesterday
and now rests upon his decision. This
suit wa3 brought by Lilientha! Bros, to
recover damages from Cartwright oc
casioned through the alleged failure of
the defendant to fulfil the terms of a hop
contract. At the former trial a verdict
was returned In favor of the defendant.
Legal Jottings.
Several applicants have appeared before
the County Court for the position of Jus
tice of tho Peace at Mount Tabor Pre
cinct. The candidates are Messrs. Starr,
Shrceve and Justice.
Henry Bohiman has been appointed ad
ministrator and Anna "Winters adminlj
tratrlx of tho estate of John F. "Winters,
deceased, valued at $27,000. The heirs are
Anna "Winters, tho widow, and Anna M.
Allshouse and May Burtenshaw, all of
this city.
Ellis Sz Gibson, real estate brokers, ob
tained a verdict in Judge Cleland's court
yesterday for $102.50 commission .for ef
fecting a sale of the Metropolc lodging
house for Clara Speake. The brokers
contended that they were to receive 5
per cent commission on tho first $2000 and
2li per cent upon all sums over $3000. and
that they found a purchaser in the per
son of Efilc Ackley for $4200.
George A. Schmlch, Sheriff of Carroll
County, Iowa, who came here to return
D. T. Bliss, who -Is wanted at Carroll
City to answer to a charge of embezzle
ment, left with his prlsonor last night.
Bliss was manager of the Green Bay
Lumber Company and stole about $1000
belonging to the corporation. Ho was
traced to Oregon and was arrested at
Hubbard. Sheriff Schmlch obtained the
necesjtary order of removal from Gover
nor Chamberlain.
Women of Woodcraft at Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN. "Wash., Feb. 15. (Spe
cial.) The annual district convention
of Western "Washington of the "Women
of "Woodcraft began Its two days' ses
sion In Elks' Hall this morning. The
first session of the convention, of a so
cial nature, was hold In Woodmen's
Hall, which was artistically decorated
In the colors of the order, red. white
and green. The convention began its
first business session by tho election of
Mrs. Pardelllan, of Seattle, presiding
officer, and Estelle C Mann, of Puyal
lup, as clork.
Further business was the appointment
of the commltteo on credentials and a
committee to send a telegram of sym
pathy to Mrs. Falkcnburg. past grand
guardian neighbor of Denver, upon tho
recont death of her husband, who was
grand consul commander of the order.
Initiations Are Postponed.
Owing to tho death of Head Consul
F. A. Falkenberg. the local camps of
Woodmen of tho "World will postpone tho
Initiation which was to liavo been held
February 21 and 22, for which there
were about 1000 candidate?.
A meeting will bo held today to con
sider the matter of appropriate memor
ial exercises In honor of tho deceased
Consul. The postponed initiation will
probably take placo fomc time during
the coming month.
Canvass of House on Statehood.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. Representa
tive Tawney, the Republican "whip"
in tho House, Is making a dotalled can
vass of the voting strength oL tho Re
publican mcmbert of the House to govern
tho time when tho commltteo on rules
shall bring in Its report to send the state
hood bill to conference. The rule may.
be brought In Friday, or It may be found
necessary to postpono It until, next week.
Cures Sore Eyes. Makes weak Evm
Etrong. Murine don't smart. It soothes
Eye pain. Druggists and opticians.
Mission Furniture
How is your living room furnished? In mahogany? If it
is, you should see the mahogany living-room pieces we
are now showing. They are made of selected mahogany,
in modified Mission styles with curved backs and Spanish
leather cushion seats. Years of wear in them, and the
prices are comfortable.
Rockers Arm Chairs Settees
Money Order Business $500,
000 Greater Than in 1903.
Through Portland Postoffice $7,378,-
353 Has Been Sent Away Jap
anese Are the Largest Buyers
of International Orders.
The report of the business transacted
during the year ending December 31, 1WH,
in the money order division of tho local
postofflcc, which has just been completed
by Superintendent G. F. Whltehouse,
shows a gratifying increase In the busi
ness of that department.
The total amount of money transactions
for tho year Is $7,37S,353.70, an increase
over the preceding year of over 5500,000.
A recapitulation of the total money or
der business transacted shows 41,024 do
mestic orders issued, JIS5.160.20; fees on
same, $290.12: 11,216 international orders
issued, $3T0.3!a.42: foos on same 52910.63:
24.236 certificates of deposit on money or
der account, 53,003.207.80; 226,473 domestic
orders paid, 52.603,161.44; S19 International
orders paid, 524.51S.33.
Of this total money-order business the
substations handled 5733,940.67, station No.
3 taking the lead with 22,803.07. This
station, which was in charge of Wood
ard, Clarke & Co., has lately been dis
continued. Station No. 11 takes second
place with a business of $190,105.01.
While an increase of over 5500.000 ap
pears In comparison with the business of
1003, yet there lias been a falling off
in the actbal number of money orders
issued. This, Superintendent Whltehouso
attributes to the removal of the postofflcc
to Its present location, and thinks that
"The Road to -Wellville" Pointed the
Down at Hot Springs, Ark., the visitors
have all sorts of complaints, but it Is a
subject of remark that the great major
ity of them have some trouble with stom
ach and bowels. This may be partly
attributed to the heavy medicines.
Naturally, undor the conditions, tho
question of food is very prominent.
A young man states that he had suf
fered for nine years from stomach and
bowel trouble, hod two operations which
did not cure, and was at last threatened
with appendicitis.
He went to Hot Springs for rheuma
tism and his stomach trouble got worse.
One day at breakfast the waiter, knowing
his condition, suggested he try Grape
Nuts and cream, which he did, and found
the food agreed with him perfectly.
After the second day he began to sleep
peacefully at night, different than he had
for years. The perfect digestion of the
food quloted his nervous system and made
sleep possible.
Ho says: "The next morning I was as
tonished to Hurl my condition of consti
pation hnd disappeared. I could not be
lieve It true after suffering for so many
years; then r took more Interest in the
food, read the little book The Road to
"Wellville,' and started following the. sim
ple directions.
"I have met with such results that in
,thc last five weeks I havo gained eight
pounds In spite of hot hatha which take
away the flesh from anyone.
"A friend of mine has been entlrely
cured of a bad case of indigestion and
stomach trouble by using Grape-Nuts
Food and cream alone for breakfast.
"Thore is one thing in particular I
have noticed a great change In my
mental condition. Formerly I could
hardly remember anything, and now tho
mind seems unusually acute and retent
ive. I can memorize practically anything
I desire." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek,- Mich. '
l j
when tho office is settled In its new
quarters and therefore becomes more con
venient to the general public, a much
larger increase will be shown in the busi
ness of his department.
An Increase of 5S5.25S appears In the
money orders paid as compared with the
preceding year. It Is interesting to note
that, of the amount of money orders
paid, at least two-thirds are presented
by the department 3tores and other busi
ness Institutions.
Of tho international money orders is
sued, the Japanese are by far the largest
buyers, and Superintendent Whltehouse
says that It is no uncommon occurrence
to issue 250 orders aggregating from
57000 to SSOuO to the Japancso In one day.
and that seldom a day passes without a
Japanese demand for orders. The Jap
anese who purchase orders are mainly
of the laboring class who send the larger
part of their monthly earnings to their
relatives in Japan.
The international money order busi
ness is steadily Increasing and now It Is
possible to send money through the me
dium of the postoffice to practically every
country in the world.
Dainty, Claude, Honiton and W. R.
Condon to Meet.
cial.) The feature arranged for this
week at the Oakland track Is the spe
cial race at a mile, in which it Is ex
pected Dainty, Claude, Honiton and W.
R. Condon will meet at catchweights.
The New California Jockey Club offers
a purt-o of $1000. the race being for 4-year-olds
and upward. Much
Is attached to the prospective meeting
of those well-known performers. With
a dry track there should be a One con
test. Tho California Derby, one of the
classics of the West, will be the at
traction on Washington's birthday.
There are 97 ellglbles for the event,
which is for 3-yenr-olds at a mile and a
quarter, with $2500 added. The best
horses of that division racing here and
at Ascot Park will meet. Among the
principal candidates are Dr. Legso and
Oxford, two frequent winners. Oxford
is being prepared by Jamea McLaugh
lin and will be sent up from Los An
geles. Sir Brillar. Pel ham. Piatt. Ara,
Hooligan and A. Muskoday' arc among
others named In the event.
While M. J. Daly is the principal
winner, scvoral of the other ownets
are rapidly moving- to the front. Louis
Ezell Is second vith $11515 and W. B.
Jennings third with $11,710. Dr. Rowell
has passed the $10,000 mark. T. Ryan
and Frank Skinner added to their to
tals during- the week.
Many owners have shared in the
$238,000 distributed in stakes and
purses by the New California Jockoy
Club: The principal winners aro:
M. J. Daly ?15.010:parker & Twattc.$ 2.0S0
IxtuU Kzell .... 12.515, Win. Buini &. Co. 2.52S
AV. B. Jennings 11.710; D. S. Fountain. 2,470
II. K. BowcU.. 10,135 V. Gllbrrt 2.SS0
JP. Kyan C.225J. Iteavey 2,300
Frank Sklnr.or.. R.iXKVM. II. TIchenor
T. O. Ferffucon. 4,075i & fo. 2, "00
C. T. HcnshaU. 4..WO'H. Judge 2.170
G. W. Wilson.. 4.r.45jH. Stovrr 2.HW
James Ryan ... 4.015, P. Sheridan 2.110
John F. Schorr. 4,070S. J. Jones 2.100
Gill Summers & Napa. Stock
Co 3.080, Farm 2.0f
R. A. Smith 3.750-J. O. Ktanc... 2,000
Fltzgerold & ,Jams Curl l.tthO
Crce 3,510 Uorse Strobcl.. 1,!25
W. T. Brink- ;ayloru & Co... l.S5
worth 3.ol5,t. A. Hoen 1.SS5
D. Cameron ... S,435;WUJIam Cahlll.. 1,830
P. A. Hopia.. 3.K10; Baker City Sta-
Mrs. C. E. Miliar 5.3301 bW 1.S10
Multnomah Sta
!.0W! iln l.SIO
2,865 Mrs. Jaa. CoftVy 1,775
Walter Scharetg- 2.720J
Tacoma Will Play Chicago on the
Portlands, Training Grounds.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. ln.-fSpwial.)-Tacoma
will play Chicago at Bakersfield
March 12, notwithstanding the protest of
Manager McCredle, who will train his
men at this point. After hearing both
sides. President Bort ruled that It was
not a league matter, and. therefore. Mike
Fisher could take his Tigers to Bakers
field and play the game.
"Even If it were a league affair. I
would have to decide In Tacoma's favor."
said President Bert today. - "Fisher ar
ranged the game in good faith. A con
tract was signed with tho basoball asso
ciation, and,' after It was done, McCredte
decides to train at Bakersfield. Now he
wants us to declare Tacoma's game off,
as it will cut in on his revenue.
"I would like to accommodate him. but,
as I have said. I can't see how. It is not
a league affair, and even If It were, I
would have to decide against Portland on
the evidence presented."
Fisher received word from the Bakers
field Baseball Association today that the
new grounds would be in shape for the
opening game.
Lohman to Try Cardinal Star.
SAN FRANCISCO Feb. 15.-(Special.)
Pete Lohman has announced that he will
give Harry Walton, the old Stanford
backstop, a trial this Spring. Although
Walton has not been actively engaged In
the National pastim lately, Lohman feels
sure that the ex-Cardinal star will de
velop into a capable mask and windbag
artist. Walton left Stanford eight years
Captain of Football Team.
ALBANY, Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.) At a.
meeting of the Albany College football
team of last season held today, Samuel
M. Dolan, right tacklo, was unanimously
elected captain of the team for the sea
son of 1505. Dolan has played two sea
sons on the Albany College team and is
regarded as one of the strongest linemen
in the state. He is also popular as a
student. Work on Centralia Fair Grounds.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. Feb. 15. (Special.)
The Western Washington Livestock an,d
Agricultural Association is now at work
in earnest on the fair grounds in Cen
tralia and the intention of tho directors Is?
to have the grounds Inclosed and a grand
stand up as soon as possible. New offi
cers have been elected and committees
appointed to solicit the remainder of tho
capital stock. The directors elected are:
0. P. Taylor, G. S. Gilchrist, J. A. Field.
1. F. Swarthout, W. W. Dickcrson. Dan
Salzer. F. II. Miller. The directors have
elected: President, O. P. Taylor; secre
tary, F. II. Miller; treasurer. W. W. Dick
crson. All of the directorate are men
with considerable means and money will
not be lacking to push the affair during
the coming season.
Those unhappy persons who suffer from
nervousness and dyspepsia should use
Carter's Little Nerve Pills, made express
ly for this class.
Few People Know How Useful It Is in
Preserving Health and Beauty.
Nearly everybody knoW3 that charcoal
Is the safest and most cedent disinfect
ant and In nature, but" few
realize Its value when taken into tbft
human system for tho same cleansing
Charcoal is a remedy that the mors
you take of it the better; it Is not a drug
at all, but simply absorbs the gases and
Impurities always present In the stomach
and Intestines and .carries them out of
the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after
smoking, drinking or after eating onions
and other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and improves
the complexion, it whitens tho teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
safe cathartic.
It absorbs the Injurious gases "which
collect in the stomach and bowels: it
disinfects the mouth and throat from tho
poison of catarrh. f
All druggists sell charcoal in one form
or another, but probably the best char
coal and the most for the money Is in
bt.uar.-6 Charcoal Lozenges; they are
composed of the finest powdered Willow
charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics
in tablet form, or rather in the form of
large, pleasant tasting lozenges, tho char
coal being mixed with honey.
The -ally U3e of theso lozenge3 will
soon tell In a muci. improved condition
of the general health, better complexion,
sweeter breath and purer blood, and the
beauty of it Is, tha no possible harm
ean result from their continued use, but
on the contrary, great benefit.
A Buffalo physician In speaking- of the
benefits of charcoal says: ."I advise Stu
art's Charc Lozenges to all patients
suffering from gas In atomach and bow
els, and to clear the complexion and puri
fy tho br- th, mouth and throat; I also
believe the- liver ls greatly benefited by
the daily use of them; they cost but
twenty-five cents a box at drug stores,
and although in some sense a patent prep
aration, yet I believe I get moro and bet
ter charcoal in Stuart's Charcoal Loz
enges than in any of the ordinary char
coal tablets."