THE MORKKfG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, FEBBOAKY 16, 1905. Or., Dally and Sunday, per year Sally and Sunday, six months 10.00 5.00 2.55 .85 Dally and Sunday. three months...... . Daily and Sunday, per month.... Dally without Sunday, per year Dally -without Sunday, lx months Daily Klthout Sunday, tbreo months... Daily without Sunday, per month...... .Sunday. per year. Sunday, six months Sunday, three months 7.5tf 3.00 1.P5 .65 2.00 1.00 .60 BJT CARRIER. Dally without Sunday, per week...... .13 Daily per week. Sunday Included 20 THE WEEKLY OREOONIAJf. (Issued Every Thursday.) Weekly, per year 1.30 "Weekly, six month T5 weekly, three months 50 HOW TO REMIT Send postofflce money order,, express order or personal check on 3 our local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at the sender's risk. EASTERN BUSINESS OFFICE. The S. C. Beck wl lb Special Agency New Tork: Rooms 43-60. Tribune building. Chi cago: Rooms 510-512 Tribune building. The O record an docs not buy poems or stories from Individuals and cannot under take to return any manuscript ent to it -ithout solicitation. No stamps should be Inclosed for this purpose. KEPT ON 6AUS. Chicago Auditorium Annex; Fostofnc SCews Co., 178 Dearborn street. Denver Julius Black. Hamilton & Kend-t-lck, 906-812 Seventeenth street, and Frue buff Bros.. 605 Sixteenth street. Kansas City. JIo. Rlcksecker Clear Co.. SClnth and WalnuU Iic-s Angeles Harry D rap kin. Oakland, Cal. W. II. Johnston, Four teenth and Franklin streets. .Minneapolis M. J. Kavanaugh. 50 South Third; L. Regelaburger. 217 First avenue Kouth. New York City L. Jones & Co.. Astor House. Ogden F. R. Godard and Myers & Har rop. Omaha Barkalow Bros.. 1612 Farnham: Sfflgeath Stationery Co., 1308 Farnam. Salt Lake Salt Lake News Co.. 77 West Second street South. San Francisco J. TC Cooper & Co.. 740 Market street; Foster & Crear. Ferry News Stand; Goldsmith Bros., 236 Sutter; L. E. Le. Palace Hotel News Stand; F. W. Pitts. 1008 Market: Frank Scott. SO Ellis; N. Wheatley. 83 Stevenson; Hotel St. Francis Ts'cwo Stand. Washington. D. C Ebblt House News' Stand. PORTLAND. THURSDAY, FEB. 16. 1805. r- , WHY THE LEGISLATURE DOES IT. It is the usual thing to befate the Legislature. This right, or the exercise of it, the citizen holds to be his highest prerogative. Certainly from the stand point of those who lack experience "with legislative complications and difficul ties the work of the Legislature does often seem "raw." So it may be in fact; and yet on the whole, when the whole situation is taken into account it is seen that the work of the Legis lature at its successive sessions is quite as good as any i ndid reviewer of it could have a right to expect. The reason is that there is nothing before the legislative body that Is not under necessity of being considered In connection with or in relatio'n to other matters before It. Different parts of the general policy of a state touch each other at Innumerable points. Nothing, therefore, that comes before a legislat ive body has an isolate or separate po sition. The -essence of government, on a parliamentary basis, is compromise between various and often variant opinions and Interests. Besides, the business is new, alwaj-s, to the mem bers, or to a majority of them. Few arc acquainted with existing legisla tion or with its history. One who pro poses a new measure seldom knows how far it would if enacted clash with laws and conditions of long standing, which could not be interfered with or upset without inconvenience or loss to many. Problems of this kind are presented at every turn. The legis lator wishes to do the right thing If he could onlj- see his way. But it is a labyrinth, and feu- can pick their way through it. Again it is nat ural for the members to push the interests of their special localities, which in many instances conflict with the general interests; for their several constituencies wish to have special tilings oone ror them, and it is easy al ways for each of these constituencies to persuade Itself that its own claim is a special and worthy one. These spe cial claims are "bunched," and "log rolling" ensues. As a consequence the etate is -committed to the support of many things that it ought never to un dertake, and taxation is forced to the limit of endurance. There seems at present little prospect or probability of distodging from the public mind the notion that each scheme and each locality has a right to get all it can through legislation, at the expense of the whole. The members from the several counties realize that their home constituencies want and ex ipect special things; and under this spur each successive legislative session enacts a body of laws most of which the state would be better without The result, moreover, every session is an appropriation bill, of a magnitude that startle3 the taxpayer with its biennial increase exceeding that of the increase of the value of the property of the state during the biennial period. The Oregonian is not so fond or so Imaginative as to suppose that any check upon this tendency can at pres ent be established. But it believes it fair to say that the fault is not with the Legislature, but with the constitu encies that require these things not realizing the general consequences. The system will continue so long as locali ties seek to get special advantages for themselves at the general cost, and feel that they have a chance to get more out of the common fund than they pay in. That is, perhaps, always. For merly there was little of this. Xow it is very general. The members of the Legislature but reflect the sentiment of the localities from which they come. PHILOSOPHY FROM NEVADA. A dispatch from Reno, Nev., tells us this: "Fired with whisky, an Indian, thirty miles- out, went on the warpath today. He killed three sqtiaws and a fellow-Indian, and then fled to the mountains. He is still at large, though a. posse of Indians Is pursuing him." This Indian, unconsciously. Is a great civilizer. It is "the likes o' him" that enforces great moral principles. Of course, in the evolution and dem onstration of great moral principles, the Indian will be wiped out. So will worthless white people, mostly; but the gain, to mankind is immense. People must learn to avoid excess in use of alcoholic liquors, and to avoid gluttony and the passion of gambling and eyery other vice: they must learn to keep clear of measles and smallpox; and of venereal diseases, too. or they will plant death in the source of life and '.perish Entered at the Postofflce at Portland, as second-class matter. suBscKirnoN- hates. IN'VAUIABLT IN -ADVANCE. (By Mail or "ExDress. by consequence. Through excess in these' various things the Indian per ishes, and a lot of worthless white peo ple, too; and the world is better with out them. That Indian, thirty miles out from ! Reno, Nev., helps certain great moral problems towards a solution. It is a -rational solution, and necessary, too. They who grossly misuse things of this world and can't stand 'against the temptations necessary for establish went and maintenance of moral char acterIndians, negroes or white men I the world is better without them. No use to coddle them, for they will be no good to the world, nor to themselves, any way. The way of the Reno Indian fur nishes the practical solution. Start at this statement how you may, protest it how you may, yet there is no es cape from the truth. They who are so weak that they can't abide the neces sary conditions of life in the world must "go." It is true alike in the ph3"sical and in the moral world. It Is a law from which there Is no escape. Mankind gets on In no other way. We all deplore human weakness and lament it; but death Is the main cure and the remedy. Nature is kinder than we know, or kinder, certainly, than we are willing to admit. WHAT OF RUSSIA? The New York Tribune recently printed a letter written by a prominent Russian to a friend in the United States. The writer is said to be a mem toer of a wealthy family "which is on terms of intimacy with the imperial household," and to be related moreover to members of the ministry. He is him self also a high official. Here is an ex tract: I had wished to write thee a letter,, above all. about our ideas on the war. The war Is most unpopular and wc all desire our own do-leat-, "We hope that it will open the eyes of the common peoplo to the fraud of our govern ment, which Is universally hated. One bears on all aides that the Japancso are righting for our freedom there Is nowhere the slightest feeling against the Japanese. How prevalent this sentiment is in Russia it is impossible to ascertain; but there are indications that it is very general. Whether, however. It will prove to be powerful enough to check the might of Russia in prosecution of the war cannot be known till further developments. Since the fall of Port Arthur the war, practically, has stood still. AVinter barricades the realms of frost in Manchuria, and the Russian fleet finds safety thus far in dallying about the French ports in Eastern waters, at a distance from the naval squadron of Japan. But in the Spring there certainly will be active military efforL Russia must and will exert herself to change the current that has set so steadily against her fortunes ever since the war began. Judging from the past, no success for her can be predicted. Unless or until she can meet and overcome Japan at sea she can do nothing to hurt her ad versary; and there is small probability that she can effect anything at sea. It is not her element; her ships and her men are believed to be alike unfit for action, and their hesitancy and delay confirm from month to month this judgment of the world. There is little likelihood that the Russian squadrons at sea will actually seek those of Japan, for battle; but when the Winter is gone an effort on the part of the Russian ar mies may be expected, with more bloody struggles, probably, than 'any that have yet occurred in this war. AMERICANISM. It must have been an Inspiring as it was a strange sight, that crowded hall in the East Side of . New York City, when the President of the United States was the guest of honor at a meeting where the native-born Ameri cans were in an Insignificant minority, and where the hosts and the great ma jority present were, of Hungarian birth and bringing up. They are typical of the conditions under which many resi dents of this country of ours are Immi grants in person, or by immediate par entage, but are more truly Americans than many native-born. For they are Americans by choice, conviction and intention, not by mere accident of birth. Patriotism, in Its exact sense, may sig nify the pride of race and original home, an emotion still binding the emi grant to hfs German fatherland, to the Swiss Mountains, to the British Isles or the 'Hungarian Plains. But Ameri canism lives in the emigrant's heart, side by side with the ancient love and loyalty, and se'eks not to extinguish it. It may be likened to the love of hus band and wife, comparable with that of child to parent. It is a love born of choice and Identification. Its depth and fervency could not be doubted when in the great war of secession the foreign-born citizens crowded the ranks of American armies, ready to lay down their lives for the country and the in stitutions of their choice. Without insight and appreciation of the many varieties of condition In their native homes of these multitudes of foreign-born citizens, it is Impossible either to measure or to appreciate the force of the attraction of the great Re public. Think of the races and lan guages for the moment, and the condi tions of their lives. There are from time to time among us local and class disturbances. Life among the striking miners of Pennsylvania or Colorado may be unsafe, surely it Is precarious. But there is no distant autocrat to or der oppression and massacre, to drive the workman to labor at the bayonet's point, to muzzle the press, and make the outcry of the poor and destitute a crime. Railroad rates and regulations may diminish the farmer's profits, but his earnings are his own," the fields which he tills are his own " possession and his children's after him. Creed and religious belief and habits entail no persecution in this wide land. In the home land the priest must gather his tithe, must dictate belief by force of heavy custom, even if not by law, and in' many of the older lan ds "fakes the unbeliever as his and his flock's per sonal foe. As for the farmer immigrant, it is easy to take note of the forces which have drawn him from the small to the large, from- the contracted limits of earnings and of life conditions to the freedom and breadth of our wide spaces. And though one swallow may. not have made a Summer, yet the fol lowing of the first by the whole flock is as certain as the course of the sea sons themselves. Every state in the Union tells the same tale. As for the dwellers in the cities typi fied by the gathering which the Presi dent addressed, the causes of migra tion He deeper. From many cities of the Old World the younger laborers are swarming. The work hours are long, the nay is poor, food and decent lodg ing are hard to get, the workmen's quarters are crowded, the sense of con straint, of mean and forced conditions of labor and of life presses heavily on them. Then ships abound and travel is very cheap. These are the expulsive forces. The attractive forces He malnlv in the freedom which marks the United States the world over In the citizenship or that people which stands In the van of the world's progress. In the nride In the Americanism which draws no bar riers around the newcomer, which of fers to each a free course and oddot tunity, where in taking up the burdens the Immigrant gains a heritage a't once in his citizenship equal to that which has descended through generations to the American-born. So America -Is filling up. True it Is that a majority of the new nrrivals need teaching as well as the opportu nity to work and feed and multiply. Herein lies our great duty. As we rec ognize the depth of their old novertv. the Inherited Ills from which they are striving to free themselves, let us rather aid than ridicule their efforts. America invites them: let her children take up the responsibility and continue to welcome the newcomers. POWER OF THE VETO. The process of "coupling up" appro priation bills has its drawbacks. Two years since Governor Chamberlain vetoed a-miscellaneous aonroDrltion bill because it contained several improper and unnecessary items. Now he threat ens to disapprove the bill for mainte nance of certain important state insti tutions, because the Normal School graft and one or two other Items are saddled on it. The Governor is quite likely to carry out his purpose. He should. The Normal Schools ought to stand on their own bottom, and so should the Agricultural College and the State University. Why should these appropriations be rushed through with an emergency clause, or. for that mat ter, why should the Normal School ap propriations be put through at all? The State Insane Asylum, the Peni tentlary, the Blind School and the Re form School can get along somehow without appropriations. They must be maintained, and they can be main talned. though not without inconven ience. It would be unfortunate If their ordinary resources were to be cut off Dy any arbitrary act of the Governor. but in an emergency certificates or warrants could be issued for claims audited by the Secretary of State, and these would, no doubt, be negotiable paper. So the state would not be in so great a difficulty as might appear, and Its employes would be able unquestion ably to get their money regularly. The State University and the Agricultural College are both state Institutions, within the meaning of the law. and they have annual appropriations, so ,that they, too, would not be In very serious trouble If the Governor shall take the stand he declares that he will take. The Normal Schools alone would probably be cut out entirely. There is no fund for their maintenance except such as is provided by the biennial ap propriation bills. The Immediate and only result, therefore, of a veto bv the Governor of this particular bill would be to cause some inconvenience to state institutions and to kill entirely the Nor mal School graft. It would seem that the promoters of the Normal Schools may have, overreached themselves un less they s"hall be able to muster force enough to pass the bill over the Gov ernor's expected veto. hOregonian has not advocated, and does not advocate, entire suspen sion of appropriations for Normal Schools. It has objected to the miscel laneous and unjustifiable dissipation of the states funds for maintenance of four Normal Schools, to interfer ence by the Normal School manipulat ors with other state legislation, and to support at state expense of institutions that are merely high schools for the benefit of particular communities. It believes that a reasonable appropria tion might be made for one Normal School, and an efficient and creditable institution thus created. But its sug gestions have not been listened to by the Legislature, and It. therefore, can not regard with consternation the pros pect that none of them will get any thing out of the state for the coming biennial period. Every succeeding Legislature makes more and more obvious the abuses that may be practiced under the policy of collecting In one appropriation bill un related appropriations, some meritori ous and some not, and forcing them through because any legislator who has a particular interest in any one item cannot afford to stand in the way of the whole measure. If the Governor had the power, as he should have, to veto any particular item in an armro- prlation bill, it would be found that all demands for funds from the state treasury would stand upon their re spective merits. Log-rolling, combina tions of inharmonious interests and general schemes for wholesale loot would disappear. Each appropriation would be considered by the Legislature upon its merits and by the Governor upon its merits. It might happen In In dividual instances that the Governor through caprice would disapprove of a particular aDDronriatlon. Tn he did, the Legislature would have an opportunity to pass ltxver his veto Just the same as any other bill. COOKING AND OTHER THINGS. By the aid of the Young Women's Christian Association it will again be possible for Portland girls to obtain in struction from an expert in cooking. This bit of news is perhaps less excit ing than reports of anti-trust action by Congress or particulars of the inaugural procession, which is to be a pageant en livened by Rough Riders and be-feath-ered Indians, but none the less it Is of more Importance to the people of Port land. -What are politics to pie, parades to pot roast? Rumors of war are small matters in comparison with rumors of an egg famine, and the doings of the House are trifles to the doings of the kitchen. Yet it is not with this aspect of the news that we would deal, but with one that affects the student-cooks more than their friends. If such a thing is possible. The lady who will have charge of the cooking school here served five years In a similar position In North Dakota, and every one of her graduates, she says, is now married, "some of them not even waiting to finish the course before making an actual test of their cooking ability on a husband." or. in other words, trying it on the dog. At first sight this state of affairs appears to Indicate an unusual decree of cau tion and providence among the young men of the day. It appears at first sight' that they select these girls as wives, not because of a rosy cheek or a coral Up, but because of housewifely qualities, yet second thought shows this to be a mistaken idea. Nobody has ever yet heard a lover sighing Jlke a j furnace on account of his mistress skill in boiling potatoes. There have been sonnets to eyebrows, but none to hot biscuits. Another reason must be sought for the marrying oft of the. cook ing class. It must be that the pupils become so vain of their accomplish ments that they jump at the first chance of an engagement to cook. If this be so. and the evidence appears conclusive, it will be a dangerous' thing for an eligible man to express admira tion for the work of a cooking class pupil. He will find It so sudden. Apart from this feature of a school of cookery, It Is evident that there Is great need for such an "Institution to teach frugality. Women are not so economical in the use of materials as they were, and, even if the country is exceptionally prosperous, there Is no excuse for extravagance. In the cur rent issue of the Irrigon Irrigator, for example, there is a description of a supper 'given by the Ladles' Aid Soci ety. "The managers," says the ac count, "were profuse In their apologies about the oyster soup. They had sev eral gallons of the bivalves ordered from Portland, but the express messen gers .carried them some place up the line. So the ladies had to make some 200 plates of soup with only sixteen oysters." "Profuse apologies I" and "only sixteen oysters!' what next? To admit the presence of more than one oyster In the soup at a church enter tainment is flying in the face of all tradition, yet here we have apologies for sixteen. The time Is ripe for cook ing classes in which economy will be taught. Detective stories make interesting reading, even if the results obtained by the 6leuths of Action provoke the Inqredulous into smiling. In real life the detection of criminals is conducted along much simpler lines. The police official is not feverishly active, and does not display undue perspicacity. He is Just an ordinary mortal, with a liking for ease and a hankering for the glory of publicity, but he has a method that Sherlock Holmes never employed. See how Florebelto was apprehended, and how the gang 'of safecrackers, all but the principals, was watched and finally caught. The same method was used in each case. Neighbors marked down the murderer in his retreat, and a man with no official standing is credited with having watched the robbers' roost in South Portland for several months, the robbers committing several daring crimes during the period of espionage. The great rule for the peace officer to remember is. "Let the public do the work." The Newell bill for humane convey ance of insane to the Asylum at Salem has passed the State Senate by a prac tically unanimous vote, with some amendments relating to the disburse ment of the transportation fund. Here is a measure, in the Interest both of common decency and of economy, that has been successively defeated by polit ical influence In many "Legislatures. Now the present Legislature, recogniz ing its unquestioned merit, enacts it into law with almost no objection. It is creditable to the Salem lawmakers that they have declined to listen to the 'Sheriffs' combination. Senator Coe and Representatives Newell and Stelner, who have taken an active Interest in the measure, have thus done a genuine public service. The House will, of course, promptly concur in the Senate amendments. It is nonsense to declare that the state ought not to discontinue appropriations for the Drain Normal School until the Legislature shall have passed a bill to abolish It. There is no continuing ap propriation for any Normal School, and they are not properly state institutions. As well might it be declared that the state Is pledged) to continued support of the Florence Crittenton Home until It enacts a law that says affirmatively support shall be discontinued. The state itself indeed has ever made a clear distinction between Institutions that must be supported and other insti tutions that may be supported. When no money is provided for the latter they are out of business, so far as the state Is concerned. Blockade-runners continue to fall into Japanese hands with a monotony that must be very depressing to the owners and underwriters, to say noth ing of the Russians in Vladivostok. With the end of the Russian fleet Japan was enabled to put her fast cruisers and smaller craft into the service ofJ keeping Vladivostok effectively bottled, a task that the naval commaqders ap pear to be carrying out very success fully. The fact that the late Federal grand jury was made up almost wholly of Republicans, and that It indicted no body but Republicans, has been deemed worthy of humorous comment in some quarters; but there Is nothing strange about it. The number of members re quired to maki up a grand jury some what exceeds, if memory serves cor rectly, the entire Democratic poll at the last election. General Kuropatkln is having quite as much trouble with the enemy at home as with the foe at the front. The military genius who in time of war remains 6000 miles from the smell of gunpowder always . knows what ought to be done by the men -who are doing the flghting. Stephen A. Douglas Puter will get back his 51S00 from the state, but he may be indicted. Puter without a pending indictment would not be the same old Puter. General Stoessel may have his own opinion of the Russian naval officer, but he will not add to his reputation by giving It expression. A Zemsky Zabor sounds a dcsDerate remedy for even Russia's disease. The veto is mightier than the ma chine sometimes. Awful Responsibility Nobly Assumed. Salem Journal. The Journal need not remark that neither Collector Patterson, T. T.'Geer, Fred R. Waters, nor any other oereon but Hofer Bros, are owners, nor part owners, in this paper. Habits of Polk County Musicians. Independence Enterprise. A tinnd tnarrhwl through TnrijnnnrlAnrAa streets yesterday In extended drder and the players never got their feet muddy. An Envious Neighbor. Tacoma Dally News. The new directory of Portland will con tain few who have not .been indicted by the grand Jury. NOTE AND COMMENT. King Edward managed to open Parlia ment this time without the aid of Will lams and Walker, the Royal Comedians. The Authors' Club, of New York, has sent a petition to the Czar, asking for. the release of Maxim Gorky. A far more effective method would have been a rep resentative delegaUon. Think of a pro cession like this marching down the Nev sky Prospect: MAGAZINE EDITORS ON HOBBY-HOKSES, Henry Mills Alden leading. PLATOON OF CONTRIBUTORS. Waving rejected MSS. FRENZIED AUTHORS ON PHRENETIC HORSES, Bearing banners with "Death to the System." TEN THOUSAND LIMERICK WRITERS. In carriage drawn by purple cows. DRAMATIC CRITICS. Metcalfe of "Life." In" blinker?. INDIANA DIALECT WRITERS' UNION. Carrying fodder In shock?. S. Y. I'. E. W. G. A. N.. (Society of Young People Engaged Jn Writing the Great American Novel.) HISTORICAL NOVELISTS. In ctwtume of period. ' ERNEST THOMPSON-SETON. Leading Run-ian Bar In chain of hyphens. EMPLOYES OF NEW YORIC TIMES. Distributing advertisements of Disraeli's unfin ished novel. PUBLISHERS IN AUTOMOBILES anil PUBLIC ON FOOT. The latter returning thank? for the retirement of Sherlock Holmes. A chewing gum manufacturer has left an estate valued at 510.COO.000. and his heira are keeping up the family tradi tion by chewing the rag over iL Hoch, the single-file Mormon, is credit ed by an exchange with half a dozen aphorism? on the subject of women. "Nine out of every ten women can be won by flattery" is his first. "Never let a woman know her own shortcomings" Is another tip from one who should know. "Women like to be told pleasant things about themselves" Is a self-evident truth, and It Is just as true of men. Lastly. Hoch declares that "the averago man can fool the average woman if he will only let her have her own way at the start." To this dogmatic assertion we cannot subscribe. The average woman is moro likely to fool the average man and never let hlni have his way at all. Hoch offers nothing new. but it is the old methods that are successful. Flattery is the active ingredient in all love-philtres. Tho dread wages of rfn is shown in this item of theatrical news from the Dra matic Mirror: Her First False Stop closed in Indianapolis January 27. A Chicago woman, according to the evi dence in a divorce v case, promised her husband to stop drinking liquor, and kept hor word by substituting spirits of am monia as a stimulant. No wonder her deception was discovered what could clovos avail against ammonia? Another trick that annoyed hubby was wine's Joke of keeping two notices for the buffet in their Summer home. One read "Bar Open" and the other "Bar Closed." Very waggish. The Indianapolis Newg thinks that bankers should have to hold certificates of competency, as physicians and drug gists must. The Idea might be extended so that no unqualified person might en gage In any trade or profession. Besides insuring the public more or loss against unskillful practitioners, think what a number of nice Jobs there would be on the boards of examiners. "In what does flirting consist?" asks the Woman at Home. . What is moon light made of? What makes a smile thrill the heart? What music is played on the pianola of the spheres? The Woman at Home should ask something one can answer. Perversity, thy name is teachers. Here arc numbers of Portland teachers as dis contented as can be. and just after their superintendent has had his salary In creased. In the squabble with General Stocssel. Admiral Lockinsky Is breaking outsky. A year ago and every bard "Was ending word with "sky." And. oh! but it was passing hard To gar the custom die. Rut now. thank heavens. It is dead. " The bards no longer wrltcrtcy . A lot of wordskys to be read And praised as bolng brlglitsky. Bronze medals for brave railroad em ployes should be awarded by the Govern ment, In the opinion of the House com mittee on Interstate commerce. And this recommendation in the face of Carnegie's hero-rewarding experience. But why con fine the medals to railroad men? All classes should be entitled to such Gov ernment distinctions, and In time we should then probably have to reward our diplomats and others with the Insignia of some order, say the Order of the Big Stick. Thon further progress to knight hoods and peerages would be easy enough. J WEX. J. TO SETTLE PANAMA BOUNDARY Conference With Costa Rica .to Ac cept Award by Loubet. PANAMA. Feb. 15. An important con ference was held today at the Govern ment House to discuss the boundary of Costa Rica. President Amador Invited leading public men and distinguished law yers of all political parties to attend the meeting and it was resolved by a great majority to accept the new line, which provides for mutual concessions accept able to both governments. A protocol will be signed accepting President Lou bet's award. As provided for by the constitution of Panama, a referendum treaty giving Panama an Important part of the Pa cific Coast and territory which probably will be traversed by the Panama Rail road, based on tho status quo, will be submitted to the next national assembly The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pan ama has cabled to Lconldas Pacheco, the special envoy of Costa Rica to Panama, who is now in Costa Rica, that his pres ence here is necessary In order to pro ceed with the negotiations. And All This Time Where Has This Editor Been? Astoria Daily News. But dishonesty will never win. and the grafters of Oregon have at last been brought up with a short turn. The Ore gonian expresses wonder that the start ling disclosures were so long delayed. In timating It knew of the Impending crisis. Perhaps The Oregonian was rather too much occupied politically to make an ex-poso,- leaving that disagreeable task for the Government's agents. The storm has at last broken, and when all the guilty ones have been landed In prison the peo ple of the state and of the Nation will be satisfied. Firebug at Work in Japan. TOKIO. Feb. 15. A fire took place at. the Atsuta works, near Nagoya, last night and the damage done was considerable. The origin of the fire is unknown", .but it Is considered possibly the work of an In cendiary. A searching investigation is now in -progress" - ELKINS ADVISES ECONOMY, Predicts Deficit of $50,000,000 When All Appropriations Are Made. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The Senate today continued, but could not conclude, consideration of the bill making appro priations for the support of the govern ment of the District of Columbia. Elklns took exceptions to an Item of $50,000 for the construction of a local bridge as In the Interest of speculators, and made a general plea for economy In appropria tions. "We now have a deficit In the Treasury of SM.000.000." said Elklns. "and with a river and harbor bill and a public build ing bill facing us. wc shall increase that deficit to $50,000,000. Now. we must at some time, and in some way, find a place to begin to practice economy, and It ap pears to me to be a good place to begin." Allison called attention to the fact that only $10,000 is appropriated for the pres ent year, and said he was sorry that the Senator from West Virginia should have begun with so small an Item. Replying. Klklns quoted a newspaper in terview with Allison, saying that oconomy Is necessary to protect the Treasury. He added that he had tried In committee to get another item stricken out: that he would be willing to cut the bill to the ex tent of $1,000,000. The amendment was agreed to. The following bills were passed: . Providing for the payment of pensions due to inmates of the Government Hos pital for the Insane. Authorizing the establishment of a lep rosy hospital In the United States or the Philippines. Limiting the period of absence of diplo matic and consular officers from their posts to 60 days: also C75 private pension bills. The resolution of inquiry concerning In dian school funds introduced yesterday by Bard was adopted. Beverldge presented a memorial from the Legislature of Indiana and Berry a memorial from the Legislature of Arkan sas, both praying for the enlargement of the powers of the interstate Commerce Commission. Slewart presented the credentials of his successor. George S. Nixon. The Senate agreed to the conference re port on the omnibus claims bill. A resolution calling upon the Secretary of the Treasury for a statement of the amount of silver coined under existing law. which was offered by Teller, was adopted. VIOLATION OF THE LAND LAWS Grosvenor Asks Information About Grabbing of Arid Land. WASHINGTON, Fob. 15. Representa tive Grosvenor of Ohio introduced a resolution today requesting informa tion from the Secretary of the Interior as to the violation of certain laws re garding the taking up of public lands. The resolution asks the Secretary whether there is any foundation for the preamble and resolution recently pussed by the National Business League of Chicago, reciting that under pre-existing laws, namely the desert land law, the timber and stone law and the commutation clause of the home stead law, certain persons have been and are surreptitiously obtaining pos session of large tracts of the public domain which were set apart to pro moto the Irrigation of arid lands. CAN'T DECIDE THIS SESSION Not Enough Time to Reach Vote on Smoot Case. WASHINGTON. Feb. Id. Chairman Burrows has called a meeting of the Senate committee on privileges and elections, to be hold on Saturday, to consider the arguments of counsel in the Smoot investigation and determine on some course of action. There has been -no' meeting of the committee sinco the hearings were closed, and no con sultation of members to discuss wheth er it is possible to decide the case at this session of Congress. In view of the limited timo that remains of the presont session, the disposition is to postpone action until the next session. There are so many points involved in the discussion -that it is estimated that a week or more would be required in the Senate to bring the case to a vote. The arguments of counsel huvt hnen bound in one volume, and are being distributed. HAS ALWAYS PAID DIVIDENDS House Committee Finds-Panama Rail road a Good Investment. WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. The members of the subcommittee charged with an in vestigation of the affairs of the Panama Railroad by the House committee on in terstate and foreign commerce have re turned from New York, where they went to visit the offices of the company. Chair man Shacklcford, of the subcommittee, said that the testimony developed that the railroad and Its constituent steamship line was an exceedingly well-paying piece of property. It has been a dividend-payer . from Its organization. The evidence was to the effect that should the steam ship line be abandoned by the Govern ment the value of the property would be very greatly depreciated. DIGGING FOR PAUL JONES' BODY Ambassador Porter Has Already Found Rov8 of Graves. WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. Ambassador Porter already has justified the faith he expressed to the State Department In his ability to find some trace of the remains of John Paul Jones. He has cabled the State Department from Paris as follows; "Sunk shaft, found rows of graves un disturbed at a depth of 17 feet." This refers to the preliminary examina tion which the Ambassador has been making of the ground which once formed the site of the cemetery to which the re mains of John Paul Jones were traced. WHEN SWAYNE PAID HIS FARE Conductors Say He Was Under Con gressional Committee's Eye. WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. At 2 P. M. to day the Senate resumed the impeachment trial of Judge Swayne. Three conductors on the Louisville & Nashville Railroad testified that Judge Swayne is in the habit of riding on that road on passes, but one conductor said that, when the Congressional committee was in Florida investigating the case, and Judge Swayne was traveling with it. he paid his fare. Testimony was Introduced concerning proceedings In a contempt case. President Again in Washington. WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. President Roosevelt and some of the members ot his party, who have been spending the greater part of two days In New York City, arrived here at 7:30 o'clock thi3 morning on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The President looked the picture of health and not at all fatigued by his active round of festivities while In New York. There were a few people at the station and to these he bid a pleasant good morning as he walked to his carriage. In the party, in addition to the Presi dent, were Mrs. Roosevelt, Mrs. Cowles, Mrs. Douglas Robinson, the President's sister, who is to make a visit in Wash ington; Secretary Loeb and Dr., Stokes. No Danger of Anti-Foreign Riots. SHANGHAI. Feb. 15. The Governor of Shantung Province discredits the German fears of anti-foreign riots. He asserts that he Is perfectly able to preserve order, if it Is menaced, and says there is no necessity to increase the numW of Ger man guards along the railroad. SHE THREATENED REPRISALS. Britain and Russia Almost Came to Blows on Contraband.. LONDON. Feb. 15. A Parliament pa per issued today gives the correspondence between Great Britain and Russia relat ing to contraband of war between Feb ruary 12, 1904. and October 24. It covers generally everything known through the Associated Press dispatches and shows the firm attitude of Foreign Secretary Lansdowne In dealing with Russia's con tentions. The paper is chiefly interesting in showing the acuteness of the contro versy at one period. Lord Lansdowne. in a dispatch to Sir Charles Ilardinge. the British Ambassador at St. Petersburg. August 10. describes tho situation arising from Russia's "unprecedented attitude" with reference to contraband as one of the utmost gravity, and said that unless this condition was ended without delay Great Britain would be constrained to take such precautions as she thought de sirable to protect her commerce. Another disvutch from Secretary Lans downe, of October 16. to Ambassador Hardinge. mentions a conversation which Lord Lansdowne had with Count Benken dorff. the Russian Ambassador to Great Britain, in which lord Lansdowne in formed him that the decision of Russia making coal contraband obliged Great Britain to use special vigilance in regard to the supply of coal to the belligerents. The correspondence' concludes with ati expression of the satisfaction of Great Britain at the fact that Russia had modi fied her views In making rice and provis ions conditional contraband, but regret ting that this principle was not applied to coal. PUTS HER TRUST IN BIG SHIPS German Naval Minister Explains Pol icy in Shipbuilding. HER LIN. Feb. 15. -Admiral von Tirpitz Secretary of the Admiralty, explaining the naval estimates before the appropr! Rtlons committee of the Reichstag tod.' . said events of the Russo-Japanese war had shown the soundness of the foundr tlou of the principle of Germany's naal programme, numuly. that the atrength c ? a fleet lies In heuvily-urniorcil ships. Torpedo-boats under special circuinstanc. had won Japnn's initial success, but in the engagement of August SO heavy guns and armor had been decisive. The .strong est artillery behind thick armor must U" der normal conditions hold the upper hanJ In sea lighting. The extensive use of mines was by no means new. They had been used successfully during the Amer ican Civil War. Admiral von Tlrpltz remarked that n new programme was proposed by the Government, which only asked for means to continue the execution of the author ized programme. He would not attempt to speak for future generations, but. tile secretary added, he expected In the Au tumn to ask for the six large cruisers which were refused In 1S00 and for 35 torpedo-boats. VENTS SPLEEN ON. ROOSEVELT Russian Newspaper Alludes Sarcastic ally to Dispute With Senate. ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 15. Tne Novoe Vremya, in a sarcastic editorial on the action of the United States Sen ate' in connection with the arbitration treaties, pokes fun at the alleged at tempt of the United States to take the leadership In the world's diplomacy. The editorial reviews the plan for preserving the administrative entity of China, the proposed naval demonstra tion in Turkish water, the establish ment of the Republic of Panama and the proposition to hold a second peace conference at The Hague, concluding with the cornucopia of arbitration treaties, the whole Idea of which, the paper says, "finally met the fate which always ov-srtakos a new Jadl. There fore. It is not to be worifcered at that the Senate declines to jiel.l to a. scheme which plaees the settlement of future disputes entirely in the hands of President Roosevelt." IMPERIAL COUNCIL IN CHINA Emperor Organizes Body Which He Calls a Parliament. PEKIN. Feb. 15. The Emperor of China has recently approved a memorial present ed by the president of the Board of Rev enue, advising the establishment of offi cial parliaments, where matters of im portance, both foreign and domestic, can be discussed by the chief metropolitan Officials, members of tho Haulin College, the various boards of censors and tin grand secretaries. This new council i . not to hold discussions at regular inter vals, but only when commanded by the Emperor. Its consultations will be cur ried on by correspondence and vcrball The formation of this new so-called pat -liament Is regarded by the foreign com munity as entirely illusory; useless, but interesting as an indication that Chii-i now recognizes the inadequacy of exist ing government machinery. SAYS HUSBAND DESERTED HER While Charcot Seeks South Pole Wife Sues for Divorce. PARIS. Feb. 15. Jeanne Charcot, grand daughter of Victor Hugo., has filed a petition for divorce In the Paris courts against her husband. Dr. Jean Charcot, son of -the famous nervous specialist and head of the French Antarctic expedition, on the grounds of desertion. The petition creates the liveliest Interest In Parisian circles, where both parties are prominent. Dr. Charcot left France over a year ago in an attempt to reach the South Pole a'nd recently rumors of the possible sink ing of his ship, based upon statements of officers of tan Argentine vessel that they feared the expedition was lost in the South Sea cyclone of April. 1204. were cir culated. Mmc. Jeanne Charcot was the divorced wife of Leon Daudet. eldest son of the late Alphonse Daudet. Minor Bills Passed by the House WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. Bills were passed by the House today to amend the act to prohibit the passage of special or local laws In the territories to limit ter ritorial indebtedness, and amending tho revised statutes so as to classify the in spectors of the steamboat inspection serv ice. This, last bill was one of the number which were drafted to meet conditions de veloped by the General Slocum disaster. To Make Automobilists Liable. NEW YORK, Feb. 15. Owing to nu merous' motor car accidents in German, a bill Is to be presented to the Reichstag providing, says a Times dispatch from Berlin, for the compulsory formation of an organization of automobilists which will be responsible for all damages. The plan is that every owner of a motor car be compelled to Join tho organization. New Cotton Mills in England. MANCHESTER, Feb. 15. The" heay crop of American cotton has caused In creased activity in mlllbuilding here. Four new mills are In course of erection, and at the same time a number of new mills are going up for Egyptian cotton. Altogether the new capital in these new enterprises amounts to 515.000.000. The new miUs will give employment to 9000 workers. Germans Kill Some Herreros. BERLIN. Feb. 15. Ueutenant-General von Trotha, commander-in-chief of the forces In German Southwest Africa, re ports a sharp encounter between Lieuter ant Bymael's detachment of troops anJ several Herrsro bands 20 miles north of Dabls. The Germans surprised ,.the na tives., who fled eastward, leaving 62 men killed. - - - -f