Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 16, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Investigation Under Way by
Legislative Committee.
Report Expected to Show That ex
Governor Geer and ex-Land Agent
Geer Were Engaged In Some
Shady Transactions.
6AU3M, Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.) In
vestigation o the operations of the Geer
Odcll lieu land ring has reached a stage
where startling developments are momen
tarily expected and the progress of the
inquiry is being closely watched. That
State Land Agent Geer played into the
hands of Odell, that money was accepted
from two and even three different persons
upon one tract of land, and that no
effort was made to warn or protect pur
thasers. is what the investigation is ex
pected to disclose.
Quietly but thoroughly the special in
vestigating committee of the legislature
has been pursuing inquiry Into the trans
actions of the lieu land ring. Though the
committee has not completed' its investi
gation, a report Is expected before the
Legislature adjourns Friday night and it
is quite likely the committee will ask for
authority to continue the investigation
after adjournment.
Every effort is being made to keep the
nature of the investigation secret and
.members of the committee are uncom
municative, but a few facts have leaked
out regarding the course of the inquiry.
Ex-State Land Agent L. B. Geer and
General TV. H. Odell were before the com
mittee today and the committee has other
witnesses to call.
It is evident from the course the com
mittee has taken that it is trying to get
at the workings of the Geer-Odell corn
line and it la understood that success is
rewarding the effort. The Investigation
is expected to show:
That while Geer was State Land Agent
vndcr the administration of Governor T.
T. Geer, he represented to the public and
to applicants for state lieu land that
the state had no base for the
selection of lieu land; that he re
ferred applicants to General Odell,
with the assurance that the latter
could sell them base at ?1 per acre; that
Odell posed as a private lieu lan oper
ator, but had a desk in the State Land
Agent's office; that he had a secret ap
pointment from Governor Geer as select
ing agent; that L. B. Geer frequently
turned over to Odell correspondence re
ceived by him regarding the purchase of
lieu land; that he required purchasers of
lieu land to send to Odell not only the
51 per acre which Odell was to receive,
i)ut alao the CO cents per acre which was
to be paid to the state for the land; so
that Geer sometimes handled Odell's
money and Odell sometimes handled state
The report is also expected to show that
Geer repeatedly told applicants that the
Ftate had no forest reserve, homestead
or fractional township base, but after
making these representations, made selec
tions of over 50,000 acres of lieu land upon
that kind of base; that Odell denied sell
ing any kind of base except mineral base,
whereas he did receive, with the knowl
edge of Geer, pay for numerous tracts
of reserve, homestead and fractional
township base which required no expendi
ture upon his part for adjudication.
Effort "will also be made to show that
during Geerf. incumbency the state not
only sold school land in place, but used It
as base also, and in some instances sold
it In place and used it twice as base, so
that the state received money from three
different persons upon one tract of land.
the lieu-land operators receiving a fee
from two of the personB upon the one
tract. Several instances of this kind are
reported to have been discovered.
The committee expects further to show
that when land was thus being sold to
two or three different persons, an inspec
tion of the records would have shown that
Ki)me of the titles must fall, but notwith
standing tills Geer and Odell went ahead
with their transactions, caused certificates
of sale to be Issued where there was no
possibility of good title being given, and
when the selections were held for cancel
lation did not notify the purchasers so
that they could protect their interests.
It may be impossible for the commit
tee to reach all of these matters before
adjourning, but the course of the inquiry
today Indicates that an effort is being
.made to that end.
Committee Will Not Probably Be
Ready to Report Before, Friday.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 15. (Special.)
c ompromise amendments to the Javne
local-option bill will probably be re
ported by the Senate committee on edu
cation tomorrow, but the bill may not
come up for passage until Friday morn
ing. Indications are that the' bill will
he so amended as to enable its pass
age. Its advocates are uneasy lest It
may be so long delayed as to come In
too late to receive the doctoring which
they are confident will insure lis suc
cess. Three hours the committee stewed
over the bill tonight and left off at a
late hour to resume its toil at S o'clock
in the morning. Tho committee is la
boring for compromise, so as to return
lb bjll with a favorable report, but
the members said tonight that they
had its yet made little Or no progress.
All of "them Loughary of Polk.
Haines of Washington and Pierce of
Fmatilla agree that the Jaync bill
in its present shape Js unsatisfactory
Hml intimate that they will probably
report it with several amendments.
- mong which are likely to be option
by towns of 2000 persons or less, re
duction of the percentage of -electors
necessary to call a prohibition election
3rom 30 to 23. and elimination of the
provision which precludes precincts
ivitnin and without municipalities from
voting on prohibition. These amend
ments have been proposed by Senator
Coc. of Multnomah, but the committee
Mems to desire to go further or rather
1o be unable to agree on -the bill with
thopo amendments alone.
Should the committee report favor
ably with amendments, the bill will
probably pass, though if the amend
ments be radical an attempt may be
made to modify or throw some qf them
out In the open Senate. That would
cost time, however, and one of the
worst hazards of the bill at this time
is shortness of time.
Foes of the bill are jubilant that the
measure has been held back so iate.
Tho member's of the committee have
been unfriendly to the Jayne bill from
Its very appearance in the Legisla
ture, and the referring of tlv measure
to their rommittee was the sevorest
misfortune the bill has suffered. They
are endeavoring, however, to igree on a
rtport favoring- passage with amend
ments, and announce that they will not
lc the measure die in committee. They
complain that they are being ushed
too fatst on the most important bill of
the session.
One of the proposed amendments
wLieh the committee Is considering is
to retain county option, but .to eparate
ft from precinct option on the ballot.
Could the committee agree on :he Coe
amendments, the measure mght pass
by a narrow margin, and the House
might even inject those amendments it
self, but that might entail dangerous
loss of time, inasmuch as the Legisla
ture will adjourn Friday.
Seen Senators are willing to vote
for the Coe amendments Coe. Laycock.
Smith, Kuykendall. Bowcrman, Avery
and Brownell. Besides these eight are
sure to vote for the bill Coke, llodson.
Holman, "Sichcl, Tuttlc, Malarkey, Rand
and Farrar making 15 in all. or ono
short of enough to pass the bill.
Doubtful Senators are Croisan. Hob-
son. Loughary Pierce and Haines.
Those who are regarded as hostile to
any amendment of the'law bythe Leg
islature are Booth. Sillier, Carter. Mc
Donald. Howe. Wbealdon, Wright,
Coshow and Nottingham.
Coe's amendments were drafted by
E. C. Bronaugh, the author of the pres
ent law. though Bronaugh does not
favor their enactment.
Senators Favorable, to
Passed in the House.
SALEM, Feb. 15. (Specie!) That
the bill carrying an appropriation of
$70,000 for a new deaf mute school.
which passed the House this afternoon,
will go throush the Senate appears
probable. The present school is four
miles outside.
The buildings will be remodelled and
used for a home for tho feeble-minded
if the bill creating that institution be
comes a law. .No opposition developed
in the House, and Vawter, chairman
of the ways and means committee.
from which the bill came and Capron,
chairman of the joint Investigating
committee, urged Its passage in strong
Three other bills, making a total ap
propriation of $112,426.94, also passed
the House later in the afternoon. In one
bill $8000 is appropriated for the Boys'
and Girls' Aid Society, $6000 each for
the Florence Crlttenton Home and the
Baby Home, $7500 for the Oregon His
torical Society and $4000 for tho Patton
Home for Old Ladles. This last appro
priation read $2000 in the bill, but
Coldwell of Multnomah stated that
$4000, the amount asked for. was sim
ply the lowest figure possible.
The bill appropriating $3105 for John
Mullan, the old lawyer of Washington,
D. C, has not yet been considered.
Senate Bills Passed by the House.
SAT.FM. nr.. U7h. 15. fSnfpIol.1 Ttlft
following Senate bills were today passed
by the House:
S. B. 241. by Wright To amend charter of
McMinnvllle; 53 ayes, 7 absent.
S. B. 153. by Smith To provide for pay
ment to Sheriff of Umatilla County of cer
tain Constable and Sheriff's fees; 57 ayes.
3 absent.
S. S. 07, by Band To amend code on tres
pass by cattle east of Cascade Mountains;
54 ayes, 6 absent.
S. B. 238, by Malarkey (by request) To
create office of Deputy Constable for Port
land district: S3 ayes, 5 absent.
. B. S7, by Malarkey To authorise Sec
retary of State to report corporations fall
ing to pay license fee; passed.
S. B. 72. by Wright (by request) To reg
ulate practice or optometry: 37 ayes, 3 ab
sent. S. B. 40, by Smith To .establish county
and municipal boards of health; 34 ayes. 22
noes, 4 absent.
S. B. 208. by Hobson To ax salary of
Marlon County Treasurer at $1200 a year;
55 ayes, 5 absent.
S. B. 214, by Carter To require all com
missioners and officers ot state Institutions
to turn over to the State Treasurer all
moneys received from sale of public prop
erty; 54 ayes, 0 absent.
S. B. 272. by Hobson To exempt Bull
Run Creek from general act regulating ap
propriation of water so that Portland will be
secure in its water supply.
S. B. 153, by Bowerman To transfer
school money from "Wheeler County to Gil
liam County; 52 ayes. 8 absent.
S. B. 184, by Malarkey To give courts
power In divorce cases to punish persons
for violations of decrees: 52 ayes, 8 absent.
S. B. 23, by Croisan For relief of Mrs.
Amanda J. Hcrren; 53 ayes, 7 absent.
S. B. 83. by Laycock To deflne boundary
of Grant County: 51 ayes, 0 absent.
S. B. 183. by Coke To authorise Coos
County Court to appropriate $3000 for an
exhibit at Lewis and Clark Pair; 52 ayes.
S absent.
S. B. 1G, by Tuttle To give District At
torney one-third of Ones collected for vio
lation of sturgeon protection law.
S. B. 198. by Laycock To incorporate
Prairie City.
S. B. 217, by Bowerman To amend char
ter of Olcx.
S. B. 77, by Pierce To prohibit sale of
S. B. 221, by Malarkey To Incorporate
West Seaside.
S. B. 20C. by Rand (by request) To
amend charter of Baker CJty.
S. B. 178, by Cartel- To amend charter
of Ashland.
S. B. 1C2, by Miller To appropriate $500
for convention to be held by Oregon Good
Roads Association.
S. B. 251. by Coshow To amend charter
of Myrtle Creek.
S. B. 124, by Pierce To allow traveling
expenses of County. School Superintendents
for attending state annual convention.
S. B. 223, by Hobson To fix boundary line
of Marlon County.
S. B. 210, by Tuttle To amend charter of
S. B. 177. by Tuttle To make certificate
of Master Fish Warden admissible as evi
dence in prosecutions under fish laws.
S. B. 13. by Tuttle To protect salmon
during spawning eeason and while going to
spawning grounds.
S. B. 234. by Avery To amend the charter
of Philomath.
S. B. 74, "by Holman To provide for pun
ishment of persons responsible for or con
tributing to the delinquency of children.
S. B. 155. by Carter To fix salary of
Prosecuting Attorney of First and Second
Prosecuting Attorney Districts at $2000 per
year each.
S. B. 82. by Kuykendall To protect oysters
planted by State Biologist.
S. B. 2S. by Pierce To protect prairie
chickens In Eastern Oregon.
S. B. OS, by Malarkey To amend code re
lating to sale of real property by courts.
S. B. 142, by Booth For notices of brands
on ostray cattle,
S. B. 03. by Loughary Charter of Dallas.
s! B. 187, by Croisan To prevent swine
from running at large in Marlon County.
S. B. 133. by Loughary To authorize
County School Superintendents to dispense
with annual county Institutes for 1905.
S. B. 21S. by Laycock Charter of Canyon
S. B. 133. by Coshow To allow courts to
appoint temporary District Attorneys when
Incumbent Is Interested In defendant.
S. B. r, by Coshow To cure defects In
land registration act and Increase fees.
S. B. 171. by Slchel Flogging as punish
ment for wlfe-beatlng.
S. B. 130. by Malarkey To punish fraud
In railroad tickets.
From the House ways and means com
mittee: H. B. 373 To appropriate $29,500 for four
charitable Institutions and the Oregon His
torical Society.
II, b. 374 To pay various claims against
H. B. 375 To appropriate $1003 for claims
Incurred in pursuit ot Tracy and Merrill.
H. B. 377 To appropriate $70,000 for new
Deaf Mute School.
- Peaceable Record at Astoria.
ASTORIA. Or., Feb. 15. (Special.) John
Gleason, who was shot and killed by
William Kirkland at boattie yesteraay.
was a resident of this city for several
months. lca'lr.g here about a year ago.
Gleason come to Astoria as a member ot
the Weideman Theatrical company, ana
when the company dlsoanaea securea cm
nlovmertt as a musician in a local resort.
He was also a member of the Eagles
Militarv Band. Locally ho bore an ex
cellent reputation ao a peaceable and in
dustrlous citizen.
Nothing to Fear.
The question of Injurious substances In
medicines which has been agitating the
minds of many people, does not. concern
those who use Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. Mothers need have no hesitancy in
continuing to zive it to their little ones.
as it contains absolutely nothing In
jurious. This remedy is nor only perfectly
safe to give to small children, but is a
medicine of great worth and merit. It
has a world-wide reputation for Its cures
of coughs, colds and croup, and can al
ways be relied upon. For sale by all
Tuttle's Piea of Senatorial Courtesy
Is Answered by Pierce,
Miller and Coshow.
SALEM. Or.. Feb. 15.-(Speclal.)-Op-ponents
of the Cascade-County bill wero
unable to deliver the necessary Ave votes
to the Democrats to prevent the passage
of the Astoria charter bill over tho Gov
ernor's veto In the Senate "but they did
their best, and the Democrats were satis
fied. At the present time it is believed that
the Democrats will stand with Whealdon
against the Cascade County bill, and aid
in its defeat- Whealdon kept faith with
the Democrats, and did the best he could,
and the Democrats in the Senate- will ex
cuso his inability to get all the votes
That Senatorial courtesy requires the
Senate to support a local measure ap
proved by the Senator from the locality
affected, was the argument Senator Tut
tle made to the Upper House this forenoon
when his charter bill came up with the
Governor's negative. To this Senators
Pierce and Miller. Democrats, answered
that the people of the city should also "be
considered, and that It is evident from
the petition of the Republican Mayor of
Astoria and eight out of nine of the Coun
cil men oppose the charter.
. Senator Coshow went further and re
minded Tuttle that a few days ago, when
he (Coshow) presented a bill to permit
the people of his own town, Roseburg. to
vote on the question of issuing bonds to
construct an electric light plant, Tuttle
aided in defeating that measure, contrary
to his present theory .that the member
representing the town should be permit
ted to say what action shall be taken on
the bill.
To this Brownell answered that Senator
Booth, who also represents Douglas Coun
ty, opposed the bill, and the Senate sup
ported him. The vote was: '
Ayes Booth. Brownell. Carter, Coe. Coke,
Croisan. Farrar, Hobson, Hodson. Holman,
Howe. Laycock. Loughary. Malarkey, Band,
Slchel. Tuttle. Wright. Kuykendall 19.
Noes Avery. Bowcrman, Coshow, McDon
ald. Miller, Nottingham. Pierce, Smith.
Whealdon 9.
Absent, Haines and Mays 2.
it required only JS votes to pass the bill
over the veto, with 28 present, or a vote of
2 to 1. The Republicans voting to sustain
the Governor's voto were: Bowerman,
McDonald, Nottingham and "Whealdon.
Bills Passed by the Senate.
SALEM, Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.) House,
hills passed the Senate today as follows:
S. B. f4C, by Tuttle--To amend charter
of Astoria: passed over veto.
1L B. 123. by Laws To raise salary of
Judge of Clatsop County from $000 to $1200
a year.
H. B. 30, by Mulr To raise salary of
Clerk of Multnomah County from $2400 to
It. B. 31, by McLeod For uniform eighth
grade examinations.
II. B. S4. by Bingham To fix compensa
tion of School Superintendent of Lane.
U. B. 71. by Kay To pay State employes
II. B. SC. by Bingham For a second Judge
In Second Judicial District.
11. B. 79. by Capron To appoint a tax
IL B. 145. by Blaltley To appropriate
$45,000 for Indian War veterans.
H. B. 172. by Newell To transport Insane
patients to Asylum by Asylum attendants.
H. B. 25, by Dobbin For fireproof 1alls:
22 aye.
H. B. 35. by Jagger To regulate automo
biles. IL B. 3C. by Settlemler To revise militia
code to conform with National Dick law.
H. B. 330. by LIntblcum For third Dep
uty Prosecuting Attorney In Multnomah
County and for increasing pay of deputy In
Linn County $50 a year and of Yamhill $100
IL B 03. bv Newell To regulate sale of
H. B. 63. by Mulr To define duties of ex
ecutors and trustees.
House charter bills Toledo, by Cooper: La
fayette, by Miles; Amity, by Miles; West
fall, by Sltz: Vale, by SItx: Portland, by
Mills; Sherwood, by Flint; Eugene, bj
Grlflln; Cottage Grove, by Bingham; Halsey,
by Cavendcr; La Grande, by McLeod; In
dependence, by Cooper; Moro. by Kuney; Tim
Dalles', by Burges?: Brownsville, by Cavender.
Failed-to Pass in the House.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 15, (Special.) The
following bills failed to pass In the House:
S. B. 129. iy Wright (by request) To al
low counties except Umatilla to vole upon
cattle running at large on highways.
S. B. 149, by Haines For relief ot Louis
Verhaag for . taxes paid Douglas County:
I aye, 52 noes, 6 absent. 1 excused.
S. B. 123, by Pierce To provide for com
pulsory education of Indians; 28 ayes, 23
noes. 7 absent- -
S. B. 192. by Coshoiv--To provide for pro-
tection of salmon trout; 23 tyu, 2S noes,
7 absent.
" S. B. 201. by Coke To allow sale ot trout
raised for commercial purposes; 4 ayes. 51
noes, 5 absent.
S. B. CS, by Nottingham To prevent sal
of adulterated Unseed oil.
S. B. 12S. by Whealdon To provide man
ner in which official undertaking ot county
officers may be Riven.
S. B. 67. by Nottingham To fix ten years
an time when delinquent taxes shall be con
sidered paid. , ,
Signed by the Governor.
SALEM, Or.,- Feb. 15, (Special.) The
following bills were today signed by the
Governor or filed by him irr the office of
the Secretary of State:
S. B. 23, by Pierce To protect game.
S. B. 4$, by Smith To regulate veterin
ary surgery.
S. B. 55, by Pierce To empower executors
to make deeds In certain cases.
S. B. 73, by Holman To provide, for tho
trial and care of neglected children.
E. B. 103, by Croisan To raise the sal
ary ot the warden of the penitentiary.
5. B. 112, by Hand To fix the salary of
the Assessor of Baker County.
8. B. 12.1. by Coshow Relating to sales
of property by guardians.
S. B. 127, by Booth To protect hotelkeep
ers. S. B. 130. by Avery To amend the char
ter of Corvallln.
8. B. 154, by Avery To authorize Cor
vallls to purchase water worlcs.
S. B. 173, by Band To amend the charter
of Ontario.
S. B. 181. by Miller To amend the char
ier of Lebanon.
S. B. 254. by Kalnea To authorlxe Wash-
ington County to appropriate $3000 for the
Lewis and Clark Fair.
H, B. 17J. by Cooper To authorize the ap
pointment of a deputy clerk In Lincoln
Bills Killed in Senate.
SALEM, dr.. Feb. 15. (Special.) House
bills were indefinitely postponed in the
Senate today as follows:
H. B. 50. by Muir To cure defects In
certain deeds and Judicial sales.
H. B. 101. by Vawter To lessen minimum
punishment for arson from 10 to 2 years.
H. B. 150. by Smith, of Josephine To raise
fee for admission of attorneys.
H. B. 144. by Crang To limit time that
real property of deceased persons shall be
subject to lien for debts to six years.
H. B. 114, by Jayne To create Cascade
IL B. 30rt, by Mayger To distribute among
'counties money derived from 5 per cent of
the sales of public lands.
H. B. .113, by West Td authorize Dis
trict Attorneys and deputies to bid In prop
erty for delinquent taxes.
Governor's Signature Will Make Law
of Bill Passed by Both Houses.
SALEM. Feb. 15. (Special.) Auto
mobiles und-motor cycles are hereafter
to be licensed and regulated by the
state, if a bill of Representative dag
ger, passed by both houses, shall meet
the Governor's approval, as there isJ
every reason to believe it will.
Speed Is to be limited to eight miles
an hour in municipalities und to 24
miles an hour on country roads. Every
machine is to be licensed, the fee for
which is to be $3, and to display a num
ber in large numerals. It must be
equipped with lamps, and if run by
gasoline must use mufflers in munici
palities. On country roads machines must be
slowed down when aproaching any
vehicle drawn by a horse and if signal
led by the driver" of the vehicle to stop
must do so. In all cases auto drivers
must exercise every reasonable pre
caution to prevent frightening horse3.
Violations of th& act are to be punish
ed by a fine of not' more than $25 for
the first offense, $50 for the second and
$100 for the third.
Ex-Warden McPherson and Wife Be
fore Penitentiary Committee.
SALEM. Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.)
Lack of . discipline at the Pen
itentiary and favoritism in placing con
victs on the "trusty" list was the most
important charge made against the prison
management at the -Penitentiary Investi
gation, which was continued before the
legislative committee tonight. Ex-Warden
Ed McPherson, of 'Portland, was the man
who made the charge, while on the wit
ness stand.
Infraction of the rules by subordinate
officials .without punishment therefor
was the basi? of the charge of want of
discipline. That Baker County prisoners
were favored by being placed on the
trusty list and were thereTy given two
days" for one on their time, was asserted
"by McPherson, who left the inference
that these men were favored because they
were from the same, county as the super
intendent, a .W. James- The superin
tendent denies that any favoritism was
Mrs. McPherson was also called and
testified that the mother of Manny How-
Halsallover North
mna for Catarrhal ? v , .
House, Montreal, Can., write:
Av"e are Iinppy to uny that u number
of our Sinter of our coaimnnlty have
taken rertmn and have derived great
benefit from Its use."
The "Winters of Canada are long and
severe. Catarrh of the head and throat
prevails for at least seven months of
the year.
As soon as Peruna was introduced
into Canada, its use spread like wild
fire, for It exactly met the climatic dis-'
eases which abounded.
Catarrh, when it once fastens itself
upon the system, is not to be dislodged
by the use of local remedies.
A systematic remedy is needed to
eradicate the disease. Peruna exactly
meets this necessity.
In the whole h'slorj- of medicine, no
remedy was evor devised that has been
so universally recognized as a specitlc
for catarrh.
It not only breaks up promptly
coughs and colds, but it can be relied
upon to permanently cure catarrh in its
worst stages and forms.
A reward of $10,000 has been deposited in the Market Exchange Bank, Columbus, Ohio, as a guarantee that
the above testimonials are genuine; that we hold in our possession the signed testimonials of these institutions.
Every one of our testimonials are genuine and in the exact words of the testifier.
ard, the convict who was made a trusty,
gave her two hand-painted plates about
the same time the portieres were given to
lira. James. She thought It nothing
wrong at the time, but afterward, when
she thought it over, saw that the only
purpose of the gifts was to Influence
the treatment of her son by Mr. McPher
son. She also said that she has not re
turned the plates to the donor.
These statement;? were the only impor
tant new features of the investigation
brought out tonight. Tomorrow night the
Governor and superintendent will state
their side of the case and arguments will
be made by the accuser, McMahan, and
by Attorneys Holmes and Jeffries, for
the administration.
Legislature Will Take No Notice of
Developments in Mitchell Case.
SALEM. Feb. 15. (Special.) The
Legislature will adjourn Friday not
later than C P. M.. according to the
joint resolution adopted lust week. The
work will be well cleared oft by that
time, say" President Kuykendall and
Speaker Mills.
The Legislature will take no official
notice of the developments in the case
of Senator Mitchell and will not hold
adjourned session next Winter nor pro
long the present session unless some
thing should happen in the next two
days to change its mind. The members
realize that they can do notnlng toward
electing Mitchell's successor until he
has resigned or has been removed, and
they telleve that if his health shall
hold out he will keep the office proba
bly to the end of his term, owing to the
long struggle which he evidently in
tends to make of his trial.
Idaho House Committee Asks for
Time and Expert Help.
BOISE. Idaho. Feb. 13. (Special.) The
committee appointed by the House to In
vestigate the condition of the land depart
ment submitted its report today. It found
much confusion prevailing in the records.
while many counties of the state are be-'
hind in their accounts with the depart
ment. The report says:
"We are convinced by what wo have
thus far seen ot the records that an effort
has been made during the last two years
to correct the methods of business In the
land department, but such an inextricable
tangle has existed for years that it Is ab
solutely necessary at any reasonable cost
to rectify existing evils and place the land
department on a substantial basis."
The committee ask.ed authority to con
tinue the investigation with expert help
after the adjournment, reporting to the
Special Order on County Division.
TBOiSE. Idaho, Feb. 15. (Special.)-C. L.
Heitraan won his fight before the House
committee on county lines and boundaries
today, securing an adverse report on the
bill to abolish Kootenai County and cre
ate two counties out of .its territory. The
committee stood four to three. The house
made a special order of the bill for Fri
day. -
Convicted of Fraudulent Voting.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 15. Adolph
Steffens, accused of fraudulent voting
at the last primary election, was today
found guilty alter the jurors had con
ferred for a few minutes. This is the
second conviction in conncctiou with
the primaries, Charles Wyman having
been previously convicted on a similar
charge. .
Woman Fined for Cruelty to Horse.
OREGON CITT, Or., Feb. 15. (Special.)
Mrsv Susan King, of Eagle Creek, hav
ing been- found guilty by a jury of cruel
Aatenca ;
People who have been afflicted with j
catarrh for 20 years have found Peruna
to be a prompt and efficient remedy.
Good Shepherd, of Montreal, writes:
iiHavlnje used Pertina for the pant few
moat ha for our nick and poor. Tie are
heppy to any that It baa given us crcat
In a later letter, dated November 7,
1903, the same Institution writes:
"Wc found Peruna a relief In several
ctuiCM. We ena any It in n good tonic
and we are very thankful.'
The following letter Is from Hospital
St. Jean. Longue Pointer
"We have been uxlng your Peruna
darings the past month, nnd we take
pleasure In ntntlng that the renultn ob
tained than far are raoKt MntlMfactory."
A later lotter from this institution Is
as follows:
"We have uxed your remedy In a
number of different cases, and the re
sult obtained In very good.
treatment of a horse, tcday paid a fine of
$50 in the local justice court. In address
ing the jury. Deputy District Attorney
C. Schuebel. who prosecuted the charge,
stated that the woman was possessed of
seven devils and his assertion seemed to
find credence with the jury, which re
turned a verdict of guilty within five
minutes after the case had been suo
mitted. Convention of Women of Woodcraft
WALLA WALLA. Wash., Feb. 13.
(Special.) The seventh annual .meeting of
the Women of Woodcraft for the district
of Eastern Washington and Northern
Idaho is in progress here today, with over
SO delegates In attendance. Mrs. John Pat
terson, of Colfax, was chosen president,
and Mrs. Pearl Barnett. of Dayton, sec
re tary.
The following were selected as delegates
to tho grand circle to meet in Los Ange
les next May: Mrs. Pearl Atwood, of
Spokane; Mrs. Adelaide Lamlngham. of
Grangeville. Idaho; Mrs. Ellen Tranlor,
of Rosalia. Wash.; Mrs. Pearl Barnett. ot
Dayton, and Mrs. Belle Dacres, of Dav
enport, Wash. Lewiston. Idaho, was se
lected as tho place for holding the next
district convention.
Electric Lights to Be Cheaper.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Feb. 13. i
(Special.) As a result or the determined : waged on the electric light rates hero
for some months past, the Northwestern j
Gas and Electric Company has today an
nounced its Intention of making a con- j
siderable reduction in rates, beginning
March 1. The company has just completed
a $300,000 plant on the Walla Walla River.
The high rates which it has charged are
primarily due to the Introduction of Sen
ator Pauley's bill in the Washington Leg
islature for the regulation of -gas and
electric rates by municipalities.
Osteopath on State Board.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Feb. 13.-(Specia!.)
The Wilson Senate bill requiring osteo
paths to undergo examination by the
State Board of Medical Examiners and
giving them one place on the board will
bo favorably reported by the House com
mittee on medicine and surgery.
F W Rogers. St PaullC H Green. Saginaw
G A Koun. Paris IE II Russell. IJ C
F A Koun. do P M Ruell Tl f.
J C Meussdorffcr andW K Guerln. Jr. Bend
wife, S F
(G Wallensteon. Clnon
W V R Powers, IlliF W Petern. St Louis
L It Johnson
Airs J a Kloeber.
Green River
T L Monroe. Rocht
C R Heap. Mich
if MCK.ayi san tran;B G Dewald. San Frn
w fci New ton, Tacom
H Wise. Astoria
R T Mead, Tacoina
W B Titams. Ellzabth
N rhllllps, San Fran
A E Grave?. S F
A Rothbarth. N Y
H T Lewis. San Fran
J W Bennett, Marshal
K Michael and wife.
A Dunbar. Astoria. SDokane
C S Baxter. ChlcagoMlss Golden and maid
II Sebree. Caldwell ! New Tork
E 7. Ferguson. AstoiMrs and Mrs R B
1 Erdllch. New Yrk Hooper. San Fran
C B Wilbur. ChlcagolM Conrad. Chicago
G A Graves. ChicagoIJ A Rlordan and wf.
H M Estes. San Fran' St Louis
A P MeFarlane, EugnA Cohn. Chicago
R Jacobs. San FranjC Stout. Seavlcw
F P Hogan. SpokanlJ E Van Orden. N T
E C Cleveland. SpoklF Jalchcr. New York
M Stelfel. Arizona G F Smith. San Fran
C Hussey. Spokane (W H Dickinson. Seat!
II C Taylor and wf,iA E Rice. Chehalls
Seattle I
E II Howell. T DllesB F Mealcr. Wasco
W B Sawtelle. T D1I;a S Bennett. T Dlles
Fred Brostrup. Mrs J N Bolton. More
Jamestown 'Lulu Bolton. Moro
'H'M Hughes. BoIsejF A Robertson, city
Mrs Hughes, Boise H E Bartholomew
J E Williams, Baker Pendleton
J E Gusman, Pleas-jMrs Bartholomew.
ant "Valley Pendleton -?
Mrs Gusman. Pleas VjMfss Mabel Cree.
M C fiarkulow. Mlnnl Pendleton
J Snipes, T Dalles
O Mathescn, Kalama
John Stult, San Frn
J R Olden
T C Soule. Koqulact
O E Roth. Amtty
Ed Dogan, Albany
tMrs Rojh, Amity
A'R Tozlcr, McCoy jj T Gardner. Arrtngtn
Convent of St. Laurent, Montreal,
"After unln;r Peruna for two or three
month, several members of the com
munity have experienced such good ef
fects that they can recommend its use
to other."
The Hospital St. John, of St. John, P.
Q., writes:
"We are happy to tell you that your
Peruna hr.s given us satisfaction.
Three patients have tried it, one 68
yeara old. Renoui Dupuis, afflicted
with catarrh, is much relieved, moro
than he ha3 been for a number of
"A young girl, 15 years old. had an
obstinate cough, which half a bottle
of Peruna caused to disappear.
uAn to mynelf, two bottles have con
vinced me that Pcrnnti is mucnincent
a.s n tonic.
"Through these three cases ire desire
to inuke known to the public the elll
clcncy of your remedy."
Address Dr. S. B. Hartman, President
of The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus,
A F Peterson. Corvls'j .Ev-Watt. Hood Itvr
E S dinger. Hood Rv Mrs Bolton, -T Dalle
Chas Kane. Greshajn's C Snyder, city
II Helraken. Salem jMra A S Miller. Seatl
D J Hllle, Castle Rk lira Van lloesen, Tcnv
G N'eal. Olympla E G Patterson. Seat!
I J Mossman. TacomjEthelyn Graham, Mpl
TV F Gates. TacomajG A ScRnalness, Roseb
John Piatt. Spokane jilrs Morehead. Baker
W H Jennings. Tacm Miss Morehead. do
G O Todd (Miss S W Moore, do
Mrs Browman. llqum'.H Tucker, Maroola
C M Peuk. Seattle iThos Riley, St Paul
W E Wilson. SumptrH C Myer. Seatle
J A Madden. MnpIsJohn Frye. Astoria
Mrs F F Butler. W V,Mrs Frye. Astoria
Mrs J A Hood. do U McCormlck. A3to
W P Keady. city F A Seufert, T Dlls
T A Bingham. SeattliBert Resser do
O Hemmlngs, city ;Mrs Res.ier. do
J Henry Cox. city II W Wood. Hood Rv
J Bioomfteld, N V Mrs Wood. Hood Rv
F J Palmer. Jordan VjW G Rowland. Tacui
J B McCain, do K!tty Church. Tacom
W II Keller. Meeker IMrs L Baldwin. Indp
J F Hamilton. AstotB Osborne. Indlanapls
Mrs J W Condon, ThelF Smith and wf. do
Dalles JC H Crawford, L Grnd
Mrs O R Krier. T DI1IR S Lincoln, do
W F Zwlek, Sea'ttlc W F Nelson. S F
M Hlckey. Moro D G Hoag. San Fran
W A Weller, OlymplajH II Rama and fam
Mra S A Galbreath.J lly. Missouri
Olympla (J D Miller. Malton, O
II S Shelton. S F ?Wm Brown. do
Mrs Sheldon. St HlnMrs W M Blekely.
W F Howatts, S F Pendleton
C G Clarke. Sar. FrnlTh03 Sims, -Salem
E T Nichols, S F 1
Tneonia Hotel. Tncoma.
American pian. Rates. S3 and up.
Hotel Donnelly, Tncoma.
First-class restaurant in connection.
Our sole knowledge of the peo-
S pie on other worlds and how far
the people there differ from our
comparison with animal nature on this
small sphere of ours. More important
to us is a knowledge of ourselves.
'Know Thyself" wss an old Greek
thought. How to take care of one's
own body is not so simple a3 some think;
the human mechanism is a wonderful
thing and requires watching.
One man who has done more to teach
the American people how to care for their
bodies than almost any other. 13 Dr. TL V.
Pierce, of Bufialo, N. Y the Author c 9 the
"Common Sense Medical Adviser.'' He
says : It is not the quantity of the food
eaten which produces strength and health
(for somepeople can keep strong on a very
mecgre diet), but it is how much food ii
absorbed and assimilated by the blood and
carried to nourish every organ of the body.
It i therefore, vitally necessary for the
body that the stomach be in a healthy
state. If disease of the stomach, or what is
called "stomach trouble,"" prevents proper
nutrition then the heart, liver, lungs, and
kidney? do not get proper food they are
not fe'd on rich red blood, and in conse
quence, begin to show signs of distress.
Outwardly these signs may be pimples
and eruptions on skin, pale face, sleepless
nights, tired, languid feeling3, or, by reason
of the nerves not being fed on pure blood,
they become starved, and we receive a
zLT.rnin in the pain we call neuralgia.
Rheumatism, too. is a blood disease. After
years of practice and study Dr. Pierce
found that an Alterative Extract, which he
named "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery," made from the extracts of several
plants, invariably produced a tonic effect
.upon the system. It helped the process of
absorption of t-e healthy elements in the
food and increased the "red corpuscles of
the blood, as well as eliminated the poisons
from the system.
Business is business. No time for head
aches. Constipation canoes them. Doctor
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets enre them by car
ing the cause. Laxative and mild.
. . ... ; .v