15 THE HORNING OHEGONIAN. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1905. CAUSE OF WEAKNESS Brewers Independent of Hop Growers. REQUIREMENTS CUT DOWN Have Bought Heavily In First Part of Season and Still Have Supply to Draw Upon Excitement in the Wheat Market. The cenditlen of the bop markot I ms-st dls sppvlntlBg from a holders' standpoint. Prices r-ld bkrely etoady at the low level readied last week. There Is no demand from the Hast, o biu-lncrs is passing except In a small way between dealers and nothing but the linn e and taken by the largor growers and specu .ators prevents a runher slump. These big ! Jf-ra are unshaken in their opinion that tho n arket nHi.it improve voMtually, and declare . itlvcly mat they will not unload under 35 it', If they maintain a stiff front, it is j?5iible tl.ej may win in the end, for the r aMstiral position of the njag-.ct backs tip t''Pir argument, but there are other consider ! ynti that i-aanot be overlooked. One is that . enow curtalnly use Inns hops to the barrel wiirn prices are high and a shortage stares "TCt ia te facv, and the ether is the large quantity ot hops that has already gonwinto -ns n.pUOH. Add te this the fact that a large h jppU tIH remains unsold, and it can easily b 5 fen where the weakness comes from. Tak g he Azures of well-informed traders, the r."IiiiW)iiK showing may be tabulated of the , i .-cm position ef the market: "gT crop, 1901 " Hteiii.Tfftofi crop , iMf.irtua crop , 1 h k cri. T a Am 'ft can crop l.vpcrts slttee Septowtber 1.. T' tal Amort can supply.... Lxports sitcc September ... Leaving 1 isold In America'.:... Bales. 90.000 35.000 fav.VUO 270.000 12.000 282.000 75,000 207.000 52.000 155.000 American consumption to date; All wlng the consumption in this country to be 210,000 bales under normal conditions, it an be seen how 207.000 bales could be made to mfft requirements "when 'prices- arc -unusual ly high, this without knowing tho exact de- creass per barrel in the quantity used by brewers. It is said that ' there are' still in Oregon 30.000 bales of hen. 10.000 bales each in "Washington and California and 2000 in New Tork. which would mako the quantity actual ',i gone Into consumption 154,500 bales. How 'ar this will go toward meeting the yearly requirements of the browing trade may be fig ured out by thof-o who think they know, but hat it is responsible for the independent at ti'ude of-the consumers there can be no doubt. Tho knowledge that they have 52.000 bales yet to draw upon would also cause them, natural 1;. to hosltato about paying high prices. Still, all the calculations may prove wrong. Speculators -who have Invested many thousands in hops "have not gone into the business "blind ly, and their tables and statistics arc probably as good as those of bopmon who can only see ;twfr maikets in the future. The next few months will decide what prices will be. At he moment it can be stated with certainty that trade conditions are stagnant, and the tore reak. Thi: appiicfc to Has tern and for eign market ua "well as on this Coast. Even Lupulla." in tho latest Hark Lane Express, nays' "The borough may be described as be !ig in a condition ef wonderment. The -market is weakening daily, and not one of the most experienced traders can satisfactorily account for -this' .state -of affairs. But tho ' facts are painfully evident. There is little or no demand, and many of the holders, having become weary of the suspense,- aro unwisely rrcsslng for the sale of their produce, with the result that buyers are afraid to operate, loss tbey .should subsequently be able to buy at even lower prices." To remedy things, many cf the leading English growers have .formed a pool, and will take their goods oil the mar ket. 1 HEAT The bulgo in tho Eastern -wheat rxarkct has cauod much excitement In the Northwest, and tho farmers are holding more strongly than ever. As there is no accom panying Increase In the demand, trading has a.most ceased, as dealers decline to pay prices a;k?d. and millers state that they cannot af ford to, with flour already so high as to check filing lot export. On the bassis of the Chi ago advance, club wheat Is quotable on the rack here at 87 to 88 cents, and bluestem at Vb oentS. The Portland quotation ror Valley i' mains at K7 cents, though better prices are known to have been paid lif the country. Nothing at all Is doing in the shipping line. Foreign market conditions are reported by ue London correspondent of the Northwestern Mllier of February 8 as follows: I can report an improvement of about six pence a quarter during the past woek on the . aides of wheat, with dscldedly more inquiry r :r Immediate shipment. Tnls may be attri buted to the greut tailing off lu the ship ments, especially from Russia, to dlsappoint :ig yields reported from Australia, nnd to the growing lraprebsion that the new Argentina rrp lu not likely to equal last year's abnor rr a y abundant yield. As I pointed out recently, the porlod between January 1 and April 1 is likely to bo the one in which the absenoo of American wheat and fljur wilt be inrat felt, because in this porlod the Russian supplies are reMricted by the ice- . und purui in that country, and new x.a IMata -wheat cannot be cxpwted to arrive in abund ance before April. Thuc it ts inevitable that our supplies in the United Kingdom during the. next three months w..l be largelj below our requirements, neces sitating a heavy drain upou our port stocks. w hi -h on January 1 were fortunately large. lr,. a.OvO.MW) quartern, but whieh Jn the last 'irc weeks have already suffered the largo Jt-crt'sso of ovsr 40O.OW) quarters. Uunng the -pa en four weeks, moreover, the sMl-meros to JOurope have averaged only 800,- oo quarters a week, against an average of 1 109,W0 quartern a wetk in the previous three month, and It is lu my opinion very doubtful v.hethcr froqt now to the end of March the aerage shipment to Eyrope wilt exceed S30,- t'jj quartors a veeK, compared wlthl.lOO.OOO in .he corresponding period las: year. Die scrlouB and lamentable troubles In Kus . .a nave so lur oen wiutout any appreciable i fc.r; upea uie warKv, uecaufce it is ielt that a. tnlag approaching a revolution, which alone r, u;d lntMicr5 with shipments of gnun. will be prevented. SUcl-s in the Hursdlan jhtU an J in the leading inland centers are. liowevor large enough to admit of the export in :he near future being equal to those of last yrar. The latest advices from Argentina confirm tho serious damage done to the crop of Santa I. and very little wheat is apparently ob tainable abvs a guaranteed weight of GO to li pounds per bushel, whereas, lat yoar C3 Gi ixjund whoat was "quite commonly ob 'anable. Bad news comes from. Australasia regarding Uic iltial out-turn of the whnat crop. In New S ulh IVales arJ Victoria premature ripening has resulted In serious loss and In a large pro portion of very light wbfat. Th.e latest offl- - ia estimates compare as folle-ws-wiUi lastvf j car: 1904-5. bushels. New South Wakis lC,:ti0.o0 - torle . 13,0-JO.tW "27.3B4iJi South Aitftralla 13.O0J.O00 cI3.3Cp xehl .UiHJ"a. ...... ... x.cf'.oi.'v vueensianu anu xasmania jo.vju , quarters, while In lfifM. nojess thtn 4.775,000 i quarters were cxpoxted. PJtODUCE The feature of ihe prodnc mar kets in the week has been the fluctuations In ffs, prices at which varied according to weather conditions. At no time was there much falling oft in receipts, and in the last two days arrivals -wore so heavy as to cause a dedino' of a' cent a day. Added to the local supply was a large consignment of California gg. which offered a(. Oregon prices. A goed poultry market was also reported. with moderate receipts and a strong demand for chlckenc ducks and turkeys. TVlld game was scarce and inquired for. Butter continues (inn, as Front-street re ceipts are light and the city creameries aro gett'ng but a email quantity of cream. In omo quarters on Front street centn is quoted, but the majority of commlralon nrma are not above 30 cent. California butter is on tho market at 27 cents. The top grade city butter remains at S2 cents, with fancy creamery at 30 cents. Store butter is also firm. Potatoes arc weaker here and at San Fran cisco, though holders aro 11 rm In their views and offer sparingly. Two cars of the Col orado potato brought in wero disposed of on the local market. Onions are firm and In good demand. There is a strong Inquiry for all kinds of dressed meats at slightly higher prices. Veal waa more plentiful yesterday, but pork was very scarce. Livestock have also been scarce at the stockyards. roiwxAND markets; Grain. Tlour. Feed. Ete. WHEAT Walla Walla. S7fc8Sc; bluestem. 05c; Valley, 87c per bushel. Jj-LOUit l'atenis. .avsi.oo pc. una. straights. $4.3UG4.45; clear. 53.851: Valley, S4. 100-1.25; U1K.OIB. naru , Graham. S3.50S4; wnole wheat, ry flpar, local. $5 Eastern, "S5.lo; cornmeat, Ker case. S1.00. OATS No. 1 whue. 41.3591.40: gray. L40 1.45 per cental. vii.i mti kh-s nn. $13 oer ton: mlcdlinca. c7. chnrt: pilr ehons. U. 8. Mllta. $18: Unseed dairy fooas, 51s: nnseea mini, cat jum, per ton: Jes man car iou. pound sacks. S0.75; lower grades. Sf-J.25; oat- , meal, steel cut, 50-pound tacks. $8 per barrel: 10-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 50-pound ackc. 47.50 per barrel: 10 pound sacks. 44 per bale; spilt pea. 44 per 100-pound sack: 25-pound boxes, 4L15; pearl barley, 44 per 100 pound; 25-pound boxes. $1.25 per box: pastry flour, 10-pound backs. 42.50 per bale. HAY Timothy. 41416 per ton: clover. 411 12; grain. 4US12; cheat, 412013. Butter. Eggs, roultrr. Etc EGGS Oregon ranch. 252Cc per dozen; Cal ifornia. 2Cc; Eastern. 24c. BUTTER City creameries: Extra creamery, 32tec per pound;, fancy creamery. 25S180e. Slate creameries; Fancy creamery. -740 32sc; store butter, 13915c; California fancy creamery. 27H"- CHEESE i?uil cream tirlns. 1314c: Young Americas. HQlZi'c. POULTRY Fancy hens. 13&ISV:: old hens, 12(gl2Vic: mixed chicken!, llllc; old roost ers. 10610&C: do young, 11&12c; Springs, 1M to 2-pound, 1510c; broilers. 1 to Hr-pound. 20 22c; dressed chickens. 13.i14c; turkeys, alive, 16ffl7c; do dressad, poor. 1718c; do choice, 20 (222c; geese, live, SgSc: do dreesed. ll&lSc: ducks, old, 48.50tt0; do young, ajs to size, 59S3.50; pigeons. 4101.25; squabs, 429 2.50. GAME Wild geese. 4494.50; mallard ducks. 4363.50: widgeon, 41.7592; teal. 41.5091.75; snipe. 75c9$l. dosed at about tho lowest of the session, net unchanged to 1 point lower. February. 7.20s; March; 7.31c: April. 7.33c; May. 7.S4c; June, 7.36c; July. 7.S9c: August, 7.43c LIVESTOCK 2IABKET. . Prices Quoted at Portland Unloa Stockjards Yesterday. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyarda- resterday were 404 cattle, 1163 eheop and 361 hogs. The following price were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers. 449 4.25; cows and heifers, 4393.25. HOdS Best large, fat hogs. 46.50; black and China fat, 45.C095.7B. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley, 44.2594.0O. Eastern Orrj-on. Sheep Sales. LA GRANDE. Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.) Buy ers are in Union and Wallowa Counties, con tracting for sheep. A Wyoming buyer has purchased nbout 1000 head In Wallowa County for from 42.25 to 42.50. and 5000 more were nold at 42 per head. Many In both counties aro holding tbenx for better prieesi, consequent ly buyers arc unable to contract for large amounts. STRONG FROM THE START con- SCRAMBLE OF SHORTS FURTHER ADVANCES MAY WHEAT. Strong Demand for Leading Months With Wall Street Said to Be Heavy Buyer. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Kansas City, Omaha and Chicago. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 13. Cattle Receipt 4000; market GO 10c higher. Native steers, 43.759-3.75; native cows, 41-7594.50; Block ers and feeders, 42.75 9 4.25; Western fed ttecrs. S3.75&5.25; Western fed cows. 42.00 94.00. Hogs Receipts, SOOO; market rong. lfulk of tales. $4.9095.10; heavy. 45.05 5.15; pigs and lights. 44.10&5.00. Sheen Receipts, 5000; sheep strong; lambs, 5$fl5c higher. Muttons, 44.755.S5; lambs, 47.00fS.OO: rango wethers, 45.60 6.&0; fed ewes. 44.7595.35. Atchison .... do preferred Atlantic Coast Line. Baltimore &. Ohio... do preferred Chicago & Alton. do preferred Chi. Great Western. Vegetables. I'rulr, Etc. VEGETABLES Turnips. 41 per sack; car rot, 4:; beets. 41.25; parsnips, 41-50; cabbage, California. 114c; lettuce, head. 30c per dozen; parslov. 25c dozen; tomatoes, 42.25 per crate; cauleflower, 41.7592 per crate: egg plant. 10 15c per pound; celery. i2.253 per crau. peas, 10c per pound; peppers. 25c per pound; kprouts, 6c. ONIONS Fancy. S2.1OS2.30. buying price. POTATOES Oregon fancy. 75660c; common. 00970c buyer' price; Merced sweeU, lis ic: new Cailtorniu. 3c per pound. uaisins Loose Mufcattlu. 4-crown. 7?ic; 5-layer Muscatel raisins. 7fec; unbleached seed- lees bultanus, uc; ronaon layers, o -crone, whale boxes of 20 pounds. 51.85: 2-crown. 41.75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 69&V&0 per pouna; eunariea, saciu or ooxes, none; apricots. JOftllc; peaches. aglOVic. jears. none: urunes. Italians. 495c: French. 2li93Hc ng, California blaclu. 5?ic; do white, none; binyrna. 20c; F&rd dates, ttc; plums, pitted, oc DOMESTIC rUVilT: APJJies, t-uer oaio Tirinr. 11. 25: Bmtzesberes. xi.,uzi2: cooKins, 75vV0c; figs, S5c942.30 per box; cranberrlea, si" RO tier barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. 42.753 stb: choice. S2.75 ner box: oranges, standard. 41.303 1.75: fancy, si.wwtr-; manaanns. wvuits v.n. HnmrlnH 1 TJi'tll tier bor t wrj nr- Xrult. $2.7593 per box: bananas, &95&c per pound. 3Ieatc and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, bulls. 3fip4c; cows. 3!i95c: countrj' eers. 48'wizc. MUTTON Dressed. ia ic per pounu. VEAL Dressed, loO to 125, S'.itfHo per lb.; 125 to 200. 6HOoc; 200 and up. 495c. PORK. Drcsfced. 100 to 150. 7&iiso per pound; 150 and up, c MAMS l en u pounas. i-'AC per pouna 14 to 16 pounds. 1-Uc: 18 to 2u pounds. 1214c California (picnic). SVc; cottage hams, uc shoulders, 8c; boiled ham, 20c; boiled picnic baiii. boneiit, lie lurflV Kuncv breakfast. 16c uor riound standard breakfast, 14c; choice, 15c; English breakfast, 11 to li pounds, 13c; ptacn bacon. lie SAUSAGE Portland ham. 12Hc per pound minced bam, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17V4c boloena. long. 51c: welnerwurst. 8c; liver. 3c pork. Ic; blood, 5c; headcheese. 12iic: bologna sausage, link. 4--C. DRx bALiLU iiisAi ueguiar snort clears, 2?ic salt, I0c smoked; clear backs. 0: salt, 10c smoked; urtgon export, 2U to duunds. average. 10'Ac salt. 11 Vic smoked cleans. salt, 10Uc smoked; clear backs, ttc Union butts. 10 to io pounud, avers i a, salt, l)c smoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled plga feet, 14-bar- rels, 45; u-barreis. ?z.7&; 10-pouna idt, xi.25 ntckled tripe, -barrels, 45; 14-barrels, 4Z75 15-pound kit. 41-25; pickled plga tongues. -barrels. SU; u-barreis, 43; 15-pound kl 41.50; pickled iambs' tongues, -barrels, 40 barrels. 15.50: 15-pouna kits. S2.75 LARD Kettle-rendered: Tiercet. P?ic: tubs. '8Jic: 50s, 0-jic; 20c. 9ric: 10s. lOJic; 5s. lOlic Stancara pure: iiereci-, oc; iuos. ovc; ous, fctic; 20s, t)c; 106. bc: os. sjfcc. compound Tierces, CHc; tubd. 6ic; 50s. Cs; lus. 7i;c 5s. 75c Groceries. Nuts. Elc COFFEE Mocha. 26&26c; Java, ordinary, lfl Q'Ac; Costa Rica, lancy. I8'a20c; good. 109 lbc; ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia roat, cases. JOOb. xu.so; wis, zi; Arbuckle, iU.3b; Lioiu Jo.ss. RICE Imperial Japan, No. L 45.37i4 Southern Japan, 43.50; Carolina, ii90c brokeulxead. 2c SALMON Columbia River. 1 -pound tails. 41.75 per dozen; --pouna laiis, I -pound cats, si.bi; tancy. pouna nats, 4L80 1 pound flats. 41.10; Alaska, pink, 1-pound tails, 85c; red. 1-pound talis, 4L45; sockeyes, 1-pound tails, 41.75; 1-pound flats, 41.65. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds; Cube. 46.40: iwwdered, $0.15; dry granulated, 46.05; extra C, 45.55; golden C. 45.45; fruit sugar, 46.05, ad vance over eack. oub as lojionj.; xJiuxeii, iuc; half-barrels. 25c; boxes, 50c per loo pounds. (.Terms: On remittance within 15 days, deduct 14c per pouna; 11 later man 10 days aud with in 30 dim deduct Uc per pound: so dis count after 30 day.) Best sugar granulated. 45.85 per 100 pounds; niaplo sugar, 15918a pci pound. SALT caiiiornia. iu per ion, si.35 per bale. Liverpool. 30s, a5.5o; lWJt, 415: 20UO. F14.50; hair ground, 100s. 55.25; 50s, 45.75. NUTS Walnuts, 13ic per pound Dy sack, lo extra for less than sack: Brazil nuts. 15c; fll berts. 14c; pecans, jumbos. 14c; extra large. 15c; almonds. L X. L.. ltrtic; che&tnuu, Ital ians, 15c; Ohio, 44.50 per 25-pound drum; pea nuts, raw, 7jic per pound: roasted. Be; pine nuts. 1012&c; hickory nuts, 7c; coco&nuts. E59V0c per dozen. BEANS Small white. Pe; large white, 3c; pink. 3&c; bayou. 35c; Lima, &Uc. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 13. Cattle Re ceipts. 300: market strong. Native steers. 43.40fi5.00: cows and heifers, 42.004.20; canners, 4LE09-2.70; stockers and feeders. 42.4094.15; calves. 43.009'5.76; bulls, stags, etc.. 42.2593.75. Hors Rocclpts. 000: market strong. Heavy. 41.S594.00; mixed. 44.S2H 4.ba: light, 44.7694.85: pigs. 43-76 3 1.40; bum of sales, 44.S2H34.05tt. Sheep Receipts. 3000; market stronger. Western yearlings, 45.S090.50: wethers. 44.005.75; ewes, 44.5595.50; lambs, 46.759 80. CHICAGO, Feb. 15. Cattle Receipts, 10.000; market steady. Good to prime steers. 5.8096 25; poor to medium. 44.005.5; stockers and feeders, 52.50 4. 3u; cows. 4 1.25 f 4.35; heifers, 42.10&5.00; canners, 4L35 9 2.05; bulls, 42.0094.00; calves. 43.30 9S.00. Hogs Receipts today. 18,000; tomorrow. S.000: market strong. Mixed and butchers, 44.80 9 5.05; good to choice heavy. 45.009' .10; rough heavy. 44.759-J.30; lignr, 95.00; bulk of sales, 44.8595.00. Sheerj Receipts, 13.000; market steady. Good to choice wethens 45.65 90.00; fair to choice mixed. 44.6095.40; Western sheep. Sl.COef 3.00; native lambs. 43.u09H.u0; west ern lambs. 45.75 4f.00. SAN TKANCISCO MARKET. Only Slightly Affected by Chicago Bulge In Wheat. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 15.-(Speclal.)-The Chicago bulge in May wheat started a little boom at this end, but the markot flattened out toward the close. Local operators think tne Eastern market la undergoing too much manip ulation to be safe, and are acting cautiously. Soot wheat remained steady, with light con- sumptlve trade. Barley futures strcngmeneo In tho early dealing!, but closed easier on pros- sects of rain. Cash prices for barley and oats were steady, with offerings' fully balancing- the demand. Rye was scarce and arm. Local mni crs report flour dull. Hops rule quiet at the recent decline, ana the market la without feature. Wool continues nominal, with the market still bare. Low price were obtained at today's auction of orances. Four carloads wcro ofiered, lixtra fancy navels sold at 41.35 to 4L6j. ordinary fanoy. 41.25; choice, &0c to 41; standard, 75c to 03c The open market for oranges was lib erally stocked and depressed In proportion, Other citrus fruits were quiet and steady. Ap ples wcro Inactive and weak. Cured fruits are attracting more attention. but prices are unchanged. Fancy notatocs were In moderate demand and firm. Other grades were dull and weaK. Sweets were steady. Onions were llrmly main tained for best quality. Butter and eggs were weak. Cheese was Ktnadr- RecelDts. S5.2O0 pounds butter, i-w pounds chee.e, 0,300 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Garlic, aioc; green peas, 497c; string beans. 8915c; tomatoes. 41&1.75; egg plant, 1012Hc POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 18921c; roost er?, old, 44.5W5; do young. 4697; broiler. Email. $39-50; large, $3.5084: fryers. 4596; hens, $5f 7; ducks, old, 4596; do young. 509. CHEESE Young America, llViQl-Vic; East ern. 13915c, BUTTER Fancy creamery. 26c; creamery seconds, 23c: fancy dairy. 25c; dairy seconds. 22c EGGS Store. 22922tic: fancy ranch. 24c. WOOL Lambs'. 16918c HAY Wheat. 410914.50; wheat and oats. 410 914; barley. 41911; alfalfa, 40911-50; clover. 4799; stocks, 457; at raw. 45965c: MILLFEED Bran. 420.50921.50; middlings, 424920. HOPS 1004, 25927c FRUIT Apple, choice. 41.75; do common. 50c; bananas, 75c942.50; Mexican limes. 459 45.50; California lemons, choice, 42.50; do. com mon. 41; oranges, navels. 75c94L75; pineap ples. S25S.50. iOTATOES Early Rose. 41-2591.50; River Burbanks. 75c41; River reds, 6070c; Salinas Burbanks, 4191.40; sweets. 75o941; Oregon Burbanks. 411.25. RECEIPTS Flour. 0211 quarter sacks; wheat, 16,312 centals; barley, 8743 centals; oats, 409 centals; beans, 20C3 sacks; corn, 1200 centals; potatoes. 22i0 sacks; bran, 755 sacks; middlings, 675 sacks; hay, 342 tons; wool. 1 bale; blder. 27a CHICAGO. .Feb. 13. From the start, the wheat market had a strong undertone. Shorts in May started to cover In lively fashion as soonas the market opened. Initial quotations on May were unchanged to ic higher at 41.13 to 41.1814. July was up a shade to H9Uc at 4L01T to 41.02. Within a few minutes shorts had bid up the price of May to 4LlSi. July went up to S1.02& Commission houses also were fair purchasers, higher cables and small receipts In tho Northwest being Influences that ttendcd to stimulate speculative demand. The advance, however, met with active liquidation by a prominent holder. Before offerings were assimilated, some resctlon In prices occurred. July wheat became heavy, falling below the close of the previous session. Under selling by commission houses and pit traders, the price ( ejj & Northwestern of Julydropped to 41.014. The reaction, now- 1 cbl.. Mil. & St. Paul ever, was only momentary. Renewed covering Chi. Term. & Trans.. by shorts soon started prices upward again, j r. c T. V. Throughout the remainder of the session eentl- j co'lorkduSonihra ment was extremely bullish. Both May and 1 a0 t, nrefcrrd. . . July were In active demand, much or tne Duy- Inc being credited to- Wall street houses. Just before the clcs May touched 41.10: July ad vanced to 41.02HS1.C2X. The market closed fairly strong, witli May at 4L10-VL1!. 11 rial quotations on July were at 41.024- Larger receipts than expected caused liberal liquidation on com early In the day, result ing in considerable weakness. May opened H tl lie higher, and rlosed at 47Vic. Influenced by the strength of wheat, a. firm vans prevailed In the oats market during the latter part o the day. May closed at SIM 3PHc Provisions were extremely dull and weak. At the ckw May pork was a shade higher at 412.00f 12.J2. Lard was up 24c. at 47. Ribs were off a shade at 46.87U96.00. WHEAT. Low. Close. ?L18 ?l-10i 1.015 1.02 .03 .04 copper In London. Reading showed Unued effect of profit-taking. The long-standing rumors of Tesults to fol low the distribution of Northern Securities arrets were revived and helped to advance tho Pacifies and Northers Securities Itself. The recent movement In the Iron and steel Indus trials had some extension, but met with a de gree of pressure. Tho break In Pressed Steel Car. caused by the poor showing 1:1 ,no an" nual report of buslnefu for 1004. had some ef fect on the group. The constant departures from the Wall street district of men Influential In the market and In financial affairs Induced some caution about commitments by operators of smaller resources, and begets a suspicion that .operations on a larger scale arc not to be looked for In the immediate future. The re action on profit-taking In the last hour was partly recovered, but tho closing was Irregular. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value. 45.OGQ.UO0. United States bonds were all un changed on call, STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. 1.7W) bttti 8SVi 1,800 102 10"2a 300 1224 122Vs 0,100 105S 104 1W l7 07 Canadian I'acIHe 37.WJO 138tA JL37 . . t .... . " 1 (IT Vl 41ki.ll U I . J ..... . ...... ..... Chesapeake & Ohio.- 4,000 51i jO4 flrm In their views, and it Is s aid to ha more difficult to shade quotations. Lake la held at J5.50c: elcctrolyUc. 15.37 H3l"-oc ana caJrL- lng. 15915.23c Lead was a shade higher at ti is i in London. Locally, the market 13 uncnangea at 4.4594.60c. Spelter was quiet at 6.1096.20c in me low market. In London the market was a, snaae easier at 24 15s. Iron closed at 53s In Glasgow, and at 4i 10!4d In MIddlesboro. Locally, Iron Is said to be In a little better demand, and the tone or the market Is firm. No. 1 foundry Northern is quoted at 417.50917.05; No. 2 do. 417.30: No. 1 foundry Southern and do soft, fit. to 919. 884 102 Yt 122 104H 06 138 Dried Trult at New York. NEW TORK. Feb. 13. Evaporated apple are quiet. bHt the recent decrease in the de mand- has not weakened the tone of the mar ket, and prices were without change. Common, 4954c; prime. 5-?i96c. and fancy, 7c. Prunes arc In slight demand, but unchanged. Apricots remain firm, but quiet, with choice 10810c; extra choice. 11912Vic. and fancy. 114915c. Peaches are unchanged at 410c for choice; 10V4910-J4C for extra choice and ll912c for fancy. Raisins Quiet and unchanged. '500 42i 41ia 4.500 22 1.W0 235)74 1.800 1I7'.m 1.4U0 10'. 1 0,800 200 34 05 25tt 22 Vi 230 17? 1S3 32 1MH 25U 000 19214 1014 May July September February May July ..... February May July ..... February May July February May July Open. High. . .41.18 4l.l!i .. l.oi-i 1.024, .. .U3?s .til's CORN. .. .44U .44 .. .47$ OATS. MESS PORK. -31H 3l .12.874 12.0254 .13.00 13.02H LARD. '. "eVoV. t.oo" . 7.07J4 7.12, SHORT RIBS. .141', -46i -47U .31 .30-: 12.874 12.374 6.95 7.03 -44V4 .n 47s 30T Slid -31S 21.300 2,6Xi 2.500 600 'b,iw 400 44s es 5rs 02i 30 43j 701. 64W 00 ibVVz 30 2.300 4,500 8.100 3.tW 2.50O 400 3:1 6S 137?; 1734 S2 122 22U 01 413 80 22S 1105 184 33 04?I 254. 037 37 192 355 324 67 4 434 7l4i 614 014 5Wi 157 304 50 S3 68 138 173i 8J 122 2:5, 60 33H 604 lash 174 82Ti y.oo 1234 S,:0 23i IOO til S.&60 1064 1034 106 100 160 1W 160 5,800 lOTTi 1.20O- 324 300 00 42ji 1484 04 84k 12.7214 I2.O2I4 13.024 6. SO 7. W 7.125 February May .... July 6.874 7.00 6.874 7.00 6.70 6.00 7.024 6.00 7.024 Cash quotations were as follows Flour Dull. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 41.1691.13; No. 3, 41-03 91.13: Ko. 2 red. 41.2091.221. - Corn No. 2, 44ic; No. 2 yellow, 45c Oats No. 2, 32ic; No. 2 white. 32ic: No. 3 white. 32c Rye No. 2, 75c Barley Good feeding. 3Sc; fair to choice malting. 42946c v Flaxseed No. 1. 41.174; No. 1 Northwest ern. 41.25. Timothy seed-Prime. 52.82492.85. Mens pork Per barrel, 412.70912.75. Lard Per 100 pounds, 40.774c6.S0. Short ribs sldeso-Loose, 40.62496.05. Short clear sides Boxed, 46.7596.774. Clover Contract grade, 412.50. Receipts. Shipments. FTour, barrels Wheat, bushels corn, bushels ...... Oats. bu?0iela Rye, bushels ....... Barley, bushels .... 40,000 ... 30.0W ...387.600 ...257.00") ... 1.00O ... 12.000 31.300 36,400 218.800 100.tj0 3.200 10.000 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW " TORK. Flour i:"cceipts, 21,- 000 barrels; exports. 2500 barrels. Market, quiet, with top grades nominally Jilgher. Wheat Receipts, 950 bushels: exports, 20,300 bushels. Spot, firmer; No. 2 red. nominal ele vator. 41.24 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. 41.2S-i f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Man itoba, 41.114 f. o. b. -afloat. The scramble of May shorts was the feature today. Manipula tion explained the squeeze. Otherwise the local market, while quiet, was. firm, last prices showed 49c net advance. May closed 41.17T&; July closed 41.00: September ' closed 37c Hops Dull. Hides Quiet. Wool Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 15. Wheat and bar ley, easier. Spot quotations- Wheat Shipping. 41.5091.55; milling. 41.55 91.63. Barley Feed. 41-17491.20; brewing. 41.21U 9L23S. Oats Red. 4L401J1.55: white. 41.42491.574 black, 41.35H91.C3. Call board sales Wheat May, 4L4S Barley May, 41.18. Corn Large, yellow, 41 749L35. Changes In Avallnbla Supplies. Mlnlnc Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 15. Official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alta 4 .OSIJulIa 4 .03 Alpha Con lSuustlce 10 'JiLady wasn. Con- .02 l.l .29 .63 .21 Totals 46.840.000 !5$73,l This Indicates that the suppllcsXa he present year may not exce Oils. GASOLINE Stovev gasoline, cases, 23 Vic; iron barrels, 17c; 8t deg. gasoline cases, ii2c; iron barrels or drums, 26c COAL OIL Cases, 214c; iron barrels. 15c; wood barrels, none; 63 dcg.. cases. 22c; Iron barrels. 154c; Washington State test burning olis except headlight, lid per gallon higher. LINSEED OIL Haw, barrels, 56c; casta, flic Boiled: Barrel. 58c; cases, C3c; lc less in 25v.-ta.Uon lata. TURPENTINE Cases. S5c: barrels. Sic. WHITE LEAD Toh lots. 7ic; 600-pouna lots. 7&c; less than 500-pound lots. 8c Hops. Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS Choice. 25o2Gc per pound. WOOL-Valley. Itu20c Jer pound; Eastern Oregon. l917c; nionalr, 25926c per pound for choice. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 10 pounds and up. 159154c per pound; dry glp. No. 1 5 to 16 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds, lbc; dry salted bulls and stags, one-third less Than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound. 10 Se; under 60 pounds and cows. 6497c: stags raad bulls, oouod, 4944c; kip, sound. 15 to 20 ipsunds. 7c; under 10 pounds. 4c; green (un Malted), lo per pound less: culls, lc tvr nnnn.l- Bhinrse hides, salted. 41.5092 each: dry. $19 1.50 Jeich; colu' bides. 25950c each; goatskins, l&eimuon.. 10915c ach; Angora, with wool on. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 495c; No. 1 ad gras. 2Vif3c iew xotk. uotxon narket. CJCW YORK, Peb. loi Cotton-Futurea Andes Belcher ... Beet & Boloher . Bullion ... .... Caledonia Challenge Con... Chollar Confidence Con. Cat & Vs.. 2.03 Con. Imperial .. .01 Con. New York. Crown Point ... .14i Exchequer ..... .50 Gould & Curry- -10 Hale & Norcross 1.43 14Mcxlcan Occidental Ophlr ... Overman ... PotosI Savage Scorpion ... Sag. Boloher Sierra Nevada .02lSllver Hill .. Union Con. .. Utah Con. ... Yellow Jacket .85 Con.. 2.05 90 .50 .10 .37 .21 .06 .35 .02 .5V .12 NEW YORK. Feb. 15. Special cable and tel egraphic communications received by Brad street's show the following changes In avail able supplies, as compared with lost account Bushels. Wheat united Mates and Canada. oast of the Rockies, decreased 1.518.000 Afloat for and in Europe, increased.. 300.000 Total supply. Increased ?. 782.000 Corn United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 1.280,000 Oats United States and Canada, east or tne iiocKies, decreased 1,219,000 Board of Trade Suspends Prince. CHICAGO. Feb. 13. Notice was posted to day on the Board of Trade that all open trades with H. Prince, a grain and provision broker, would bo transferred. Mr. Prince said his suspension waa only temporary. Transfer of his open trades, be said, had been neces sitated by tho congested condition of the mar ket for May wheat. Assets and Iiabllitlra were said not to bo large A branch office in Omaha was closed. Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 15. Wheat-March. 7s Xd; May, 6 llid: July. 6 llid. GOLD EXPORTS CEASE. Strengthening NEW YORK. Feb. 15. Closing quotations: Adams Con. .20Llttlo Chief . ...S .05 .SOlOntarlo 3.75 .... 7.00 09 Alice ... Breece v. Brunswick. Con.. Comstock Tun... Con. CaL & Va.. Horn Silver Iron Silver .... Leadville Con... BOSTON, Feb. Adventure ...4 Allouez ... Am al Rama ted. Atlantic ... ... Bingham Cal. & Hecla. Centennial . . . Ccwer Range. Daly West Dominion Coal Franklin Granby ".. ... Isle Royale ... Mass. Mining. Michigan . -. .03! .00! 1.051 L0? 2.00 .0.1 Ontario Ophlr Phoenix PotosI Savage Sierra Nevada Small .Hopes Standard ... . .. .10 . . .55 . . .48 -. 1.76 15. Closing quotations: 6.SSI Mohawk 4 53.50 20.13! 74.75OId Dominion.. 17.001 32.501 080.00 1P.."V0; 03.031 Mont. C & C. Osceola Parrot ... .... Qulncy ... ... Shannon Tamarck IS.OOJTrlnlty C3.001U. S. Mining.. 11.00 5.00 25.50 12.00, 13.00 U. S. Oil Utah ... .,. Victoria ... Winona ... Wolverine -. 4.25 26.50 32.00 28.00 110.00 7.00 131.00 10J58 24.: 0.88 41.50 4.1 11.30 117.00 4.400 28.700 56,100 4VO 3o!00 2,300 COO 400 .. 2,700 .. 75,200 .. 15,700 . . 6,200 SU) .. 4, 500 900 .. 4,0JO . .143.000 .. 1.700 .. 3.50O 5.000 22.tfc6 7,600 1074 32 5?i 424 146 484 3 140 1405 03 934 95Jt 33 '354 81 64 684 11 81 71 264 64 67 12l 119 34 34 OS 36 m 123V4 98 23 -64 25 o3 3P, :wk 36 55 124 3S iri 45 23 52 100 235 233 do 2d preferred Detawaru & Hudson. Del.. Lack. Ac Wem.. . Denver V Rio Grande . do preferred Eric do 1st preferred.... do 2d prcfererd Hocking Valley ..... do pi ef erred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred Kan. City Southern. do preferred" Louisville 4c Nautiv.. Manhattan L. Metrop. Securities ... Metropolitan St. Ry.. Mexican Central .... Minn. & St. Louis... M.. SL P. & S. S. M. do preferred ....... Missouri Pacific .... Mo.. Kan. & Texas.. do preferred National of Mex. pfd. New York Central... 14,100 a., unt. &. west.. 11,000 .-orioiK & western.. Jo preferred Pennsylvania P.. C.. C. & St. L... Reading do let preforivd.... do 2d preferred..... Rock l&land Co do preferred St. UtS. F. 2d pfd St. L. Southwectorn. do preferred ...v... Southern Pacific .... do preferred , Southern Railway .. 6. preferred " Texas & Pacific Toledp. St. U & W., 00 preterred ...... Unftn Pacific . do preferred . Wabash , do preferred Wheeling & L..ErIe Wlcsoneln Central . do preferred Express companies- Adams , American United States Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous- Amalgamated Copper 73.600 Amer. Car & Foundry do preferred American Cotton OIL do preferred American Ice do preferred ....... American Linseed Oil do preferred American Locomotive do preferred Amer. Sm. & Refining do preferred Amer. Sugar Refining 38.100 Am. Tobacco pf. cert. 1,800 Anaconda Mining Co. 1.400 Brooklyn it. Transit. 10,4oo Colorado Fuel & Iron 14,700 Consolidated Gas ... 17.000 Corn Products 2.20 do preferred 1.000 Distillers Securities. 3..VO General Klootrlc .... '-International Paper. do preferred International Pump. do preferred , National Lead ..... North American ... Pacific 5Iall People'a Gas ...... Pressed Steel Car... do preferred . . - Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred Tjenn. Coal-& Iron... 13,600 U. S. Leather 7,000 do preferred C00 U. S. Realty 1,000 U. S. Rubber 2.000 do preferred l.OoO U. S. Steel 47.000 do preferred 19.300 Va.-Carollna Chemical 4.000 do preferred 400 "Westlnghouso Elec. Western Union 300 Total sales for the day. 1.084.400 shares. Ex dividend. BONDS. NEW YORK, Feb. 13. Closing quotations: U. S. ref. 2s reg.l014lAtchison Adj. 4s. 97 dO COUpon ...lUiV-IU. t It. U. U. S. 3s reg....l03si!Nor. Pacific Ss.. 77 do coupon ...1044 do 4b 106 U. S. now 4 reg.ir.lHlSo. Pacific 4s... 96 H do coupon ...131IUnIon Pacific 4a. 106 U. S. old 4s reg.1034 Wis. Central 4s. 04 do coupon ...10541 Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Feb. 15. Coffee Futures closed steady, net 10 points lower, with sales of 155.000 bags. Including: March. 6.7096.80c: May, 797.10c; July, 7.25c; September, 7.459 7c; October, 7.55c; November, 7.60c; Decem ber, 7.6597.70c Spot, steady: No. 7 Rio. 8c. Sugar Raw, steady; fair refining. 4 7-16c; centrifugal. 06 test. 4 15-16c; molasses sugar. 4 3-16c; refined, steady: crushed, 46.75; pow dered, 46.15; granulated, 46.V5. Wheat at Tacoxna. TACOMA. Wash., Feb. 15. Wheat. 4c higher for club, at 87c; bluestem. unchanged, 92c TRA.VELEIV3 GUIDE. mim Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and tourist sleep, lng-cars dally to Omaha, Chicago. Spokans; tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Rechnuu coalr-cars (teats free) to the fc&st dally. UNION DEPOT. SCALPERS ARE NOT WAITED 2.(100 400 1.000 2I260 290 8.400 OOO 3,900 POO 000 1.200 3W 200 200 3.50O 7i4 34 94 3b 30 41 112 15; 117 1455 99 10S 3.; 52 2vw; 21 78 3S 187 7S" 38 87 74 34 94 34 ..... 39 404 112 85'i 117 143-X 98 107 " 2 51 107 34 65- 1 148 4tf?i 83 V 140 82 94 03 89 34 81 71 25 CMJ 67 1204 3h 97i 364 r.0 55i 124 93 231 46 Is 24 52, 245 231 148 210 74i 34 94 3t4 6 38 lo 37 40 111 .Si 144 384 107 -,1 CHlcAUO-POUTLANv. SPECIAL for t ta via Huntington, SPOKANE FLYER. Leaves. :13 A. M. Daily. Arrive. 3:25 f. Dally. a:i3 P. M. is.-w v. ii Dallr. I Dally. For Eastern Washington, Walla Walla, Lew- mon,oeur CAlene and Great Northern points. ATLANTIC tLvfxvco. for tne East via. iluai-Ington. 3:13 P. M. Dally. 7:15 A-il. Daily. RIVER SCAiKDULE. FOR ASTORIA and .0:00 P. jo. way points, cuunecuDu Dally, with steamer tor ilwu.-; except co and North Beacn Sunday, steamer Haisalo. Ash-;&aiurday. strct dock (water per.) 1 10:00 P. M. 5:00 P. it. Dall7, fcuuday. 2 S.OXt 103 1.4O0 47 3,000 3.000 1.100 ' 3,706 3,000 400 201 2U6U 21 "84 U1 187 77 37 32(4 102 46 214 78 37 1874 214 1 37 ST 31 H 1024 41 107 3i i J3U "lV4 76 81 12Ti 105 90 41 110 32 95 38; 106 "9V 107 1074 ;su4 SS 18 75 25. "sb 12 104 S9 41 lOW; 31i 10SH, "323; 83 240 26 954 80 12 104 834 41 1094 31 944 38 1084 1794 02 Ticket-Brokers to Be Kept Away by Railroad Companies. Ac tins' upon telegraphic instructions from the Chief of PoJIce of St. Louis, Mo., officers arreste"d Harry G. Cas pars, a ticket broker, at his home on East Seventeenth street yesterday aft eraoon. Caspary Is charged with the crime of forgery allowed to have been done In selling railroad tlokets during the St. Louis Exposition. Ho had been enjoin ed by the court ot St. Louis from sell ing tickets on the Illinois Central Rail road and waa cited for contompt 35 times before he left there, but man aged to escape punishment. A fow months ago another citation was issued against Caspary and his partner, II. A. Tastard. but the pair had left for Port land. Here they opened another ticket brokerage ofllce, and it was not untIL last week that the railroad officials learned of their -whereabouts. As soon as efforts were made at Jefferson City, Mo., to secure requisition papers the brokers were notified by friends, and Tastard left Immediately for St. Louis to fight the forgery charge, but Cas pary was too ill with pneumonia to un dertake the Journey. When arrested upon the telegraphic description Caspary was found ia bed and quite HI, but he willingly consent ed to removal to the police station to await the arrival of an officer from St. Louis. He says that the Eastern of ficials need not atvalt the issuance of requisition papers, as he la perfectly willing to face the charges. According to the story of (.xspary, ho was engaged in the selling of railroad tickets at the St. Louis Fair. After a loner and bitter fight in the courts in various cities of the United States, the f railroads finally secured a decision up- j holding an order enjoining all ticket i brokers from selling scalpers' ticket-, but Caspary and others continued their business in defiance of the injunction and were' arrested many times. They retained attornejs and fought the cases until discharged by the courts. During the coming Exposition there will doubtless bo many such ticket brokers in Portland, and the railroads are preparing to prevent them from transacting business. At St. Louis the scalpers paid little heed to the orders of tho courts, but, instead, retained an attorney, who managed to either have the cases continued until after the Fair or to secure tho release of the brokers. FOR DAYTON. Uttj-L.-y. . gon City and xamnln ' 4 River points, Aan-creirt ,t y dock (water permittini FOR LEWI3TO.N. 1 3:40 A. M Idaho, and way points.! Dally, from Rlparia, Waso. , ex. Sau 3:30 P. M. Dally, ex. Son. About 5:W P. M. ex. FrL T1CKET OFFICE; Third and Waimngton. Telephone Main 712. C W. Stinger, City TlcX t Agent: A L. Craig. General Passenger Agent. Sen Francisco Cz Portland S. 3. Co. For San Francisco every five days at S P. M.. from Ainsworth dock. S. S. Costs. Rica. February 10 and 20; S. S. Columbia. February 15 and 25. Portland & Asiatic S. S. Company. For Yokohama, Kobe, Mojl and Hong Kcnz. taking freignt via connecrfog steamers for Nagasaki, aoansba!, Manila, Port Arthur and Vladivostok. S. S. Nlcomedla. February 17. S. S. Numantla. March 9. For freight and turther particulars, apply to JAMES H. DBWSON. Agent. Telephone Main 26S. 243 Washington s- EAST w SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT. , Arrives. UVXuUVLU JLt.V-1 ' K.aS 'AXtAX! Si2Q P. LL for salcm. Jttoae- 'ourg, Atniiad. fci '.ian-.ato, ugueu. sua! : 'iauciacu, Aioji, 1 ,Loa Augelu. x... raao. New urle&uai 8:30 A. if. Itorutng tram con lacct at Wood but u 1 (dally except auii '.day) wlta uuln tor iUount Angei, anver tt.,11 hrownaviiiff. 'Sortngfieia. Wend-? illug ax.d Natros. ! -rr- 8:00 P. M- Entertainment Given for Ladies. The ladies of the Taylor-Street Meth odist Episcopal Church gave a social at the church yesterday afternoon at which a short musical and literary programme was carried out. Among the features of the afternoon's enter tainment was the reading of the story of "Abelard and Elolse" by Dr. F. Bur gette Short. Stocks at London. LONDON, Feb. 13. Consols for money, 90; consols for account.90. Anaconda 5 Atchlton 304 do preferred .1054 Bait. & Ohio ..1074 Can. Pacific ...140 Ches. &. Ohio 32 C Gt. Western. 23 C. M. &. St. P..1S1 DeBeers 1S4 D. & R. G 334 Erie 44 do 1st pre ... 82 do 2d pref .... 67 Illinois Central. .162 L. & N 141 M.. 1C & T. 33 N. T. Central.. 132 Ont. & Western. 514 Nor. & Western. S6 do preferred .. 94 Pennsylvania ... 71 Rand Mines .... 10 Reading 48 do 1st pref I do 2d pref . So. Railway . do preferred So. Pnclfie .. Union Pacific do preferred U. S. Steel .. do preferred Wabash ... . do preferred Spanish -is. . 47 464 33 39 63 127 97 23 46 31 Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO. Feb. 15. On the Produce Ex change today tho butter market was firm; crearoerle. 13S32c; dairies. 22S23c Eggs. firm. 22&29z: extras, 34c Cheese, easy, 11 124c. NEW YORK; Feb. lu. Butter, strong. ChHe. -unehaaged. Eggs, firm; W'estern firsts. 33c; Western secondr. 32c Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 13. Wool-Steady; territory and Western medium. 21 22c: fine jnedlum, J70ISc:-Inc. 4617c Most Important Factor In Stock Prices. NEW YORK. Feb. 15. The volume of deal Ings In etoefcs expanded again today, and there was a better show of strength than ye terday In the Important standard stocks. The strength ot this class was not general, how ever, by any means, and the hesitation which caroo into evidence at the higher level was an additional modifying factor In tho Judgment of the day's market. Industrial stocks ot the second and lower grades were still a conspic uous feature of tho trading, with the cooling effect on the speculative temper which the pre dominance in speculation of these stocks al most Invariably causes. Probably the principal Influence on the day operations was the course ot tho foreign ex changes, indicating quite definitely the ter mination for the present of tho movement ot gold to France. An enlargement of 4750.000 for shipment to South America did not change this conviction, although it Is true that this operation indicates a remaining command ot our gold supply for the benefit of London. But symptoms of relaxation In the foreign money markets were unmistakably shown, and were effective in lowering- the exchange rate here. A further advance In sterling at Paris was Indicative of th satisfaction of the re quirements of that. center. F.umora of peace negotiations were an effective force in foreign markets, and reflected beneficial influence here There "was a strong demand for Ontario & Western, which was explained about the Stock Exchange by the aertion that tho control of this property, recently acquired for the New York. New Haven & Hartford, wis to bo turned over to the New York Central. The advance in Amalgamated Copper was due to the ,current reports of the active demand for Its production and by the rise in tho price of Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, Feb. 15. Money on call, steady, 1?4S2 per jcent: closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, easy; 00 and 00 days, 3 per cent; six months, 3i per cent. Primo mercantile paper, 3;4i per cent. . Sterling exchange, easy, with actual busi ness in bankers, bills at 44.S7SOff4.87S5 for de mand, and at 44.fi535ft4.S563 for 60-day bills. Posted rates. 44.86 and 44.E8HQ4.SO. Com mercial bills. 44.e5HC4.S3Si. Bar silver. Clc Mexican dollars. 474c. Bonds Government, steady; railroad, firm. LONDON. Feb. 15. Bar sliver, firm. 2S 3-1GJ per ounce. Money, 2U2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 24 per cent; three months bills, 2824 Pr SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 15. Sliver bars, Clc Mexican dollars. 50c Drafts Sight. 10c; telegraph. 124e. Sterling on London. 60 days, 54.SOU. Portland Seattle .. Taooma . Spokane Bank Clearings. Clearings. 455S.3UO 735.634 , , 378.486 -457.017 Balances. 4 62,223 l.tK.UT5 35.337 7;,'JLi OMMISS10H O. AND STOCK BROKERS Wo Charge 2 Interest for Carjinx Long Stocks. GENERAL OFFICES: N. Y. Ufa Bldj- Minneapolis, Mian. E. K. ALDEN, CorresDondent. Room 2. Ground Floor. Chamber of Commerce. N. B. We -will send you our dally Market Letter on request. 4:00 P. 1L 7:30 A. M. U4:30 P. M. 1 1 I Aibauy passenger Iconuecti: at WooJ jbiuii Mlrii -HU iUitii land SUvurioa local. ICorvallls passenger. Sherldau ntatr. 10:10 A. 5:50 P. M. ilb-23 a. u- TIlAVELHirS GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALIES Dally. HDally. except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SI0RVICB AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Lar Portland dally 'or Oswego at 7:30 A. MTl2:50. 2:05. 3:55, 5:20. 6:25. 7:45. 10:10 P. j" x)any. xcept Sunday, 3:30, o:3o. o- 10-25 A. M.. 4:10. U:3U P. M. Sunday, only, 9 A. M. Keturnlnr from. Oswego arrtvo Portland dally 8:30 A. M.. I35. 3:t'5' 4:C3 6:13' 7:35 953' 11:10 P. M. DaUy except aundaor. U:25, 7, 3:30. 10-20, 11:45 A. M. Except Monaay, 12: A. M. Sunday oruy, 10:00 A. M. Leave from wusu depot lor DlUs and Inter mediate points daily except Sunday. 4:10 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:10 A. M. Tho Indepeadence-Moaniomh motor lins oper ates dally to Monmoutn. and Alrlle. couneciln With 6. P. C. Uun at Dallas aatt InUepfcnu nce. Flrst-claca fare from PorUand to Sacrament and San Francisco, 420; berth. 4-, Second class fare. 415; aecond-clasa bertfl. 4.30. Tickets to Eastern polnta and Eutope. Al t.-nn China, Honolulu and AiuRralla. CiTY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third aad Wusalngton titreeta. Phons Mala 7.2. TIME CARD OfMlNS PORTLAND Depart. Arrive. Pugei aoaiiu Limited for Tacoma. Seattle, Olympia. South Bend and Gray'a Harbor points 8:30 am 4:4o pra North Coast Limited for Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane, Butte. St. Paul. New Vork. Boston and alt points East and Southeast 3:00 pra 7'.00,am Twin City Express. for Tacoma, Seattle Spokane, Helena. 3L Paul, Minne apolis, Chicago, New York. ' Boston and ail points Last and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pra Puget Sound-Kansas Clty- St. Louis Special. for Tacoma, Seattle. Spoksne. Butte, Billings. Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and Southeast 8:30 am .:Wara All trains dally, except on South Bend brancn. A D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas senger Agent. 255 Morrison at., comer Third. Portland. Or. Regulator Line Steamers Steamer Regulator leaves Portland 7 A. M, Tues day. Thursday and Satur day; arrives alternate da-fa. Coanjctiag at Lyle. Wash., with Columbia River & North em Ry. Co.. for Goldendalo and Klickitat v.iiav nolats. Landing foot of Altler st. Poune Mala 014- S. MDONALD. Ageau Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. For South -Eastern Alaska Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. Today's statement of the Treasury balances shows: Available cash balance 4129.239.767 Gold 40.530,622 Metal-Markets. NEW YORK. Feb. 15. Tho London Un mar ket reported a decided advance, closing nt 132 I 1C3 for spot and 130 is ul for futures. Lo cally, the market remained quiet. Supplies aro said to 'be Increasing, but the advance! abroad helped the ton of the market.. wBlch was quoted steady at 23.23 G 29.50c' The London copper market was higher also, with private cables reporting a demand from China. Spot there closed at 65 5s and futures at 0S 12s 6d. Locally, the market remains aulet, but llys larger producers are evidently Steataers ot the company, or lor wuicn it is agent, leave SEATTLE 9 A. M.. TACOMA 6 Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. juuy For MayKsrs, ivwuicr, Daily. Clatskanie. Westport, Clifton, Aitorla, War- 8:00 A. M. renton. Flavei. Ham- u:io A. it. w mond. Fort Steveru. Gear to art Park, Sea side, Astoria and Sea ihore. Express Dally. T OO P M. Astoria Express. fl:40 P. M. w Dally. J C A. STEWART. CowSa'l Agr,., 248 Alder 3. C. MAYO. sL G. F. it P. A Phans Main 900. 1 M9BeaaBnBSBgB r. it., cay previous; steam- I w , as rt Sitka (SKAGWAY VlliKCV); ' T?,,, , a , r mi If R A MOM A (Feb. 7 and 21): t both vessels making regular S. B. Alaska ports of cail; ioiiage .u- cans at Vancou ver; Ra'mona CALLS AT VICTORIA. FOR VANCOUVER. CITY OF SEATTLE leaves Seattle Tuesdays. Thursdays, Sundays, 10 P. M.; call at Everett and lielilnsham. Returning leaves Vancouver Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, calling at Belltngham only. Steamers connect at San Francisco with com pany's steamers for porta in California, Mex ico and Humboldt Bay. For further informa tion obtain folder. Right Is reserved to change steamer or willing date. TICKET OFFICES. Portland 243 Washington st, Seattle 113 James st. and locks San Franclrco., 10 Market st. C D. DUNANN, Gen. Pass. Agt.. JO Market st.. San Francisco. City Ticket Office, 122 3d st.. Phone 630. 2 0YERLAIT1L TRAINS DAILY O Tho rlyer and tha aiaiL SPLEN'OID SERVICE CX'-XU-DAxK EQUTP31ENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES For tickets, rates, folders and full in formation, call on or address H. DICKSON, City Passenger and Tlcie Act.. 122 Third street. Portland. Or. . JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. SHINANO MARU For Japan. China end all Asiatic Ports, will Leave Seattle about Feb. 15th. A