THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1905. 13 HKIYP WAJsTED FEMALE. PERFORMERS, PROFESSIONALS AXO AM. ateure, wanted for Portland World's Fair, xaudcville circuit, etc.; big salary, lone en gagement: Information gratis. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 320, Washington st. WAN TED SALESLADIES: GOOD SALARY and expense?. Q 10, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. GENTLEMAN GOING TO LONDON AND Pari. gOid addrew, excellent habits, time not fully occupied, will become Identified, financially or otherwise, with any responsi ble concern, corporation, factory or indl idual, actlr.g as their representative, or will introduce lint of, goods; good refer ences. Address S 110, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED lokeeper: rapid and accurate; understands all branches of office work; thoroughly con vertant with up-to-dato methods of hand Has accounts with accuracy and dispatch; Al references. M IS, Oregonlan? POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN AS stenographer or bookkeeper In concern where He can work up; best of references. Roy H. Waful. Dexter, Jefferson County, N. Y. YOUNG MAN. 22 YEARS OF AGE. DESIRES clerical position In wholesale houe; has had considerable experience; quick and accurate in figures. Address G 19, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WITH 15 Y'EARS' BUSINESS experience In Portland, and best city refer ence, wishes position on road for good local house. M 0, Oregonlart. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN FUK. nlsh domestics, eervants, farmer and all kinds of help. Black 092. 268 Everett at. WANTED SITUATION BY JAPANESE boy to cook or housework. Address 245 1st, at., Portland. WELL-EDUCATED YOUNG MAN WANTS any kind of work; best references. N 18, Oregonlan. A GOOD RELIABLE COLORED WAITER or porter wants work. Address V 20, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN. WAITER, WISHES TO work In restaurant. J 20, Oregonlan. SITUATION" WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and (stenographers. COMPETENT LADY STENOGRAPHER DE fires position. N 19, Oregonlan. Housekeepers. Domestics. GOOD COUNTRY' GIRL WISHES GENERAL housework. Addrcs F. A. Zlnk. 23 Sher lock st. Mall Northern Pacific Bottlcry. FIRST-CLASS COOK. PRIVATE FAMILY; best of references ; $30 per month. E 19. Oregonlan. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK; GOOD cook: will go out town; state wages. A 19, Oregonlan. POSITION IN COUNTRY. ASSIST WITH housework, with child, for board. Y 19, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG LADY OF GOOD EDUCATION AND refinement wishes a placo as companion to young ladies traveling or to lady in Portland. Address Box 25, Grosham, Or. WANTED A YOUNG LADY STUDYING music wishes position as companion to lady or light housework; small wages. M 10, Oregonlan. WANTED CHARGE OF ROOMING-HOUSE in exchange for housekeeping rooms, by married lady; no children. E 20, Ore gonlan. FANCY AND TAILOR-MADE SUITS $5 this month: work and fit guaranteed, or money refunded. SI N. 9th st. Phone Main 2117. SITUATION WANTED AS COOK EXPER ieneed woman; short order, hotel, restau rant. 230'.? Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANT WORK FOR COOKS. DISHWASHERS, waiters, Uoon porters, any race; farmhands; everybody. Drake', 205" Washington. WIDOW. 36, WOULD TAKE CARE OF house -while family out of city or take charge roaming-house. P 10. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED EVERY whore to start busincs of their own; can clear $100 to $200 monthly; unlimited Hold; new idea; largp profits; 12 samples anil full working plan, by mail, 50 cents. Address P. O. Box C39. Seattle. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Rooms In all parts of the city. Apply 220 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main G2GS. BY PERMANENT RESIDENTS. 9 OR 10 reom. bouse on corner preferred, situated in boundary between Washington and Clay sta.. west of Park St., or between Washington and Tfaurman sts., west of 10th ou Answer W 18. Oregonlan. THREE OR FOUR CONNECTING UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, modern, walk ing distance: don't fall to state price. Ad drees R 20, Oregonlan. WANTED NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. 0 to 10 rooms, in good locality; will take for long or short period. W. E. Travis. C02 McKay bldg. WANTED BY A FATHER AND D AUG li ter, 3 or 4 furnished rooms, not exceed $15. .East Side, near car. Phone Scott 535. WANTED TO RENT.10 OR 12-ROOM HOUSE furnished or unfurnished; vlll pay $85 or more. Address N 20, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT A BUILDING ON Washington St., suitable for restaurant and bakery. T. J. Moore, 79 Park st. UP-TO-DATE FLAT. 4 TO C ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished; state price. Y 20. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MACHINERY LATELY IN ventcd for cutting lumber (pcnumatlc saw) in Oregon. Please send particulars and price to W. D. Ponder. Adelaide. South Aus tralia. WE PAY YOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR your second-hand furniture or anything you cannot use. Phono 6655. Portland Auction Rooms. 211 1st fit. WANTED 25 HORSES AND 25 MULES, unbrokc, weighing from 1200 to 1000 lbs. Address L. Mlchaux. 766 Ceres ave.. Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." C2 N. 3d. Phono Hood 017. WANTED ROOMING-HOUSE. CLOSE IN, 12 to 20 rooms, no agents; state price. L 20 Oregonlan. WANTED TO PURCHASE TEAM OF 3000 pounds weight. Address B so. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. TOR KENT. Booms. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN). 413 WASH ington St.. 4 blocks west of the Imperial Ho tel; newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; hot and vld water, t it-am heat elec tric light, bath and all modern convenfences tourists solicited. ' FURN1 SH ED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with stoves. $5 and $0 per month. 323 Wa ter, cor. Clay. NICELY FURNISHED TtOOMS TO RENT suitable for lady or gentlemen. 330 5th bath, phone. ' CHEAPEST GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS board: housekeeping rooms; close In. SC loth' near Stark. . MCELY FURNISHED ROOMS. RATES REA wnaWe. The House. 2121- Mnrt! i-on at. " 310 10TH ST. ELEGANT FURNISHED rooms, electric lights, bath and phone- rea sonable. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR MUl' st! fr n r tWO -CDemen. 570 ROOMS. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING PRIV llcdges or partial board. 2CP 14th. near Jeff. 42S YAMHILL LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED room: gay, phone; hot and oold water; fit). NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all modern conveniences. 447 iialn. Cheapest and Jest located rooms !n Portland, UWiMnH r --.-y- FOR RENT. Booms. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator; baths free to guests; rates 50c. 75c and $1 per day; special ratei by tho week. Elegant cafe and bar In con nection. Corner Cth and Washington sts. Sam Bauman, manager; F. Lange, prop. THE AUDITORIUM, 208i 3D ST., BET. Taylor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater Elegantly now furnished, steam heat, hot and cold running water In rooms; free bath; rooms with private baths; elevator; rates. $3.50. per week and up; $1 day; tourist solicited. -'EW BUILDING, JUST COMPLETED. Ev erything first-class and up-to-date; furnace heat, phone and bath free; large parlor for use of guests, hot and cold running water in each room; don't fall to see this ele gant home. 207 14th St., near Taylor. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS, good location, new house, new furniture, gas, bath, furnace heat, electric lights; take Morrison or Madtson-st. car. 5v L. Taylor at., cor. 13th. Phone E. 2339. SUITE OF NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for couple or 2 to 4 gentlemen; steam heat, gas. bath and telephone; fine location. Phone Main 4503. 67 N. 20th St., near Wash. Ington. THE COSMOS. S. E. COK. 4TH AND MOB. rlson; best down-town rooms In the city; heat and servlco night and day; rates $5u per week and up, including bath; .$1 day. TWO LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS In private family; gas. bath, reasonable; one block from E. Ankcny car-line; references required. 029 E. Ash, near ICth. THE KNICKERBOCKER. y69 GTIL NEAR Oak New brick, elegantly furnished rooms; modem, single or on suite; transient and tourists solicited. CHOICE ROOMS FOR ONE OR TWO MEN or man and wife, modem, new, close in for walking, private family. 422 E. Couch. East 2207. THE RUBY. 201 Vt ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. New brick building, pleasant rooms, nice ly furnished for gentlemen; transients. FRFvATE BEAUTIFUL ROOMS AND SUR roundlngs: every convenience; meals op tional. 874 Savler st. Phone, bath and heat. LOWER FLOOR OF 5 ROOMS NICELY furnished. In a desirable location. East Side; references. Portland Trust Co., 109 3d. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. IWVt 3d. adjoining Baker Theater; $2.50 per week and up; steam heat. Phono Hood 057. NICE, CLEAN HOME FOR YOUNG MEN; rooms suitable for two; rent reasonable; gas, bath and phone. 414 Main, cor. 11th. PLEASANT ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME, suitable for one or two gentlemen; modern conveniences; close in. 248 0th st. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; bath, phone and gas. S04 E. Pine. Phone East 320. Good car service. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family, all conveniences, rent reasonable, gentlemen. 256 11th st. THE TEMPLE, 343U YAMHILL ST.. Op posite Hotel Portland Nicely furnished rooms; rates reasonable. SEVERAL NICE, LARGE ROOMS. ONE suite on tne first floor; one suite housekeep ing roo me. 263 Cth st. FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite; bath. gas. furnace heat, very desirable location. 405 10th. THE TEMPLE. 343" YAMHILL ST., OPPO sJte Hotel Portland Nicely furalihed rooms; rates reasonable. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM IN NEW HOUSE, four blocks from Hotel Portland; borne com forts. 2501a Cth. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE and central; $6 per month. 3H8 3d. 41 ELLA ST.-NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Bath. gas. phone; fine location. Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tel, 103-167 10th St., cor. Morrleon; there are a few vacancies; fine rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat throughout the house; porcelain bath, plenty of hot water, handsome dining-room; tabic and service first class. WANTED PARTY OF FOUR YOUNG men or two young couplo to share com forts of a modorn home; every conveni ence; references given and required. L 8, Oregonlan. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION ICTH TEAR; rooms with board: use of sewlng-room; u of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintendent. 510 Fl&ndttrs. THE LINDELL. NEW FAMILY HOTEL. Market, between 3d and 4th. Electric light, gae, steam heat, porcelain baths, elegant out side rooms, first-class table. Very low rates. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. STEAM HEAT, electric light, porcelain baths, first-class la ble. two people, 50. $45, $50 month. Lladell Hotel. Market, bet. 3d and 4 th. THE GLENDORA Elegant, new residence ho tel; table the best: rates moderate; special rates to families. 19th. near Washington st. NICE ROOM AND GOOD HOME COOKING, price reasonable: phone and bath, use of sitting-room. 173 E. 7th, cor. Yainhlll. HOTEL BROWN. 271fc GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator; billiard-room; transients; both car lines. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, BATH AD joining, private family, board If desired. 35 N. 18th. near Washington. LADY WOULD BOARD AND ROOM FOUR people, references, modern, central, reason able, choice location. 429 3d. ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SINGLE; TABLE and service first-class; modern conveni ences. Waldorf. 147 13th. 293 10TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with or without board; modern convenl . ences. Phone Main 3S62. 40S HTH ROOM. BOARD AND LAUN dry for gentlemen: $20; gas. bath and phone. Main 412C. S94 ALDER. COR. 10TH ST. LARGE AL cove room, furnished, with first-class hoard; reasonable. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY for gentlemen. 300 N. 24th, cor. Pettygrovc THE OZARK- 225 11TB. SI. ROOMS EN suite or single, board, hot and cold water. LARGE FRONT ROOM; ALSO SINGLE room, with board. 395 Morrlson-lOth. 515 MORRISON Desirable, large room; two or threo people; board. Phone 4314. GOOD SINGLE FRONT ROOM; GOOD board; cIoms in. SO 10th. near Stark. Flats. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM LOWER FLAT, with yard. 262 Stout St.. bet. Madison and Jefferson. Inquire 204 Stout st. FURNISHED FLAT. 5 ROOMS; $16.50. IX qulre Marquam Barber-shop, Walton, or 333 Fargo st. FOR RENT A NEW MODERN SEC-ROOMED flat on 13th. near Market. Call 330 13Ui sL Housekeeping Booms. ALCOVE SUITE. WITH SEPARATE kitchen, furnished for housekeeping; gas, phone, walking distance. 533 Yamhill. $1.75 PER WEEK LARGE CLEAN FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Sherman St.. near Front. 402 4TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, qulut. respectable location; refer ences exchanged; reasonable. 2034 WASHINGTON ST. FURNISHED looms, with or without housekeeping; very reasonable. Phone Hood 440. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON Pleasant rooms, furnished for housekeep ing; gas, bath, phone. 347 MARKET I LARGE ROOMS. PANTRY, bath, furnished for housekeeping; wood and gas stoves; adults. FOR RENT THREE MODERN HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, furniture for sale cheap; a snap. 448 Columbia st. A FEW CONNECTING ROOMS. FURNISHED, can be used for housekeeping; bath, gus, beat. 405 10th. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; gas. ulnk. Phone Main 6389. 254 Mont gomery, cor. 3d. FOR RENT PLEASANT FURNISHED housekeeping rooms to a couple; lower floor. 555 Yamhill St. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE kceping rooms. 091 E. Morrison. Phone East 2592. 2 LARGE ROOMS FURNISHED FOR LIGHT housekeeping; heat, bath and phone. 327 W. Park THE TEMPLETON. 20C',j 1ST DESIRABLE front housekeeping and single rooms; bath, transient. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: 311 17th st. South. J FURNISHED FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. FIVE ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms in beautiful home, every modern convenience, everything strictly up to date, large, beautiful lawn, very select neighborhood: five minutes walk Ore gonlan. Address 3 15. Oregonlan. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAH IU New house, elegantly furnished apart menu, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas range In each kitchen: ateaxa heat and baths; free phone on each floor. TO ADULTS. 2. 3 OR 4 PARTLY FUR ntahed housekeeping rooms; modem; prlvato family; reasonable; permanent; walking dis tance. Phone East 1413. 466 B. Oak, ear ner 8th. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms In nicest brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath. etc. Logan blk lOfitJ Union ave. Phoua Union 3263. THREE OR TWO ELEGANTLY FURNI8UED rooms for, housekeeping at 575 Main St.: hpat, lights, bath. Phone Main 46G0. Must be seen to be appreciated. S14 MILL. COR. 6TII LIGHT. CHEERFUL rooms, furnished for housekeeping; Water in kitchen; gas. bath, phone; select loca tion, reasonable. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; gas jrtove, telephone, bath, on S car line. Telephone Front 2082. 002 Cor bett at. 70S EVERETT ST., NEAR WASHINGTON Neatly furnished housekeeping apartments, with homelike accommodations; residence lo cality. DE HAVEN HOUSE 3 NICE LARGE light rooms, suitable for housekeeping, fur nished or unfurnished. 203 Stark, up stairs. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room, modern conveniences; in prlvato family; light, heat, photic. 53 Irving st. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF House keeping rooms, first floor, use of phone and bath: no children. 240 Park. cor. Main. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric llgou CHEAPEST GOOD FURNISHED HOUSE keeping suites; close In. 86 10th, near Stark. TJfE LEWIS. 193 10TH ST. SELECT FAM ily rooming-house. Phone Main 4334. nouses. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND FLATS IN ANY part of the city at all price. If you are hunting houses don't fail to call on Gevurtz. rental agent. He will save you a lot of run ning around and worry. 1st and Yamhill. Office hours. 12 u 0 P. M. $55 ELEGANT 9-ROOM HOUSE ON 17TH st-, newly finished; bath, furnace, large yard, very large basement. Powers Furni ture Co., 1st and Taylor. $30 ELEGANT 11-ROOM HOUSE ON E. 17th, modern In every way; fine location Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST., rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture morers. Phoas Main 1CS5. Office 110 N. 3d t HOUSES. FLATS AND COTTAGES FOR rent In any part of the city. Powers Fur niture Co., 1st and Taylor. $20 NEW 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON MiEsUslppl st.. East Side. Powers Furni ture Co., 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR UNI versity Park Station. J. W. Gray, 1623 Olln at. Phone Union 0301. S. E. COR. 17TH AND COLUMBIA 9 room house: gas. bath. Telephono 1957, or 434 Mohawk bldg. 10-ROOM FLAT, CLOSE IN. TRANSIENT; rent $50; speculative. Call today 226 Morrison sL 5-ROOM COTTAGE TO PARTIES WITH otit children; all modern conveniences. 571 Marshall st. $40 FINE 6-ROOM FLAT ON 12TH ST.. modern. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor S-ROOM HOUSE. STALLS IN REAR OF lot 350 3d. Inquire 381 Mill, after 6. Furnished Houses. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 9-ROOM HOUSE, five minutes' walk Oregonlan: large, beauti ful lawn: everything strictly modem. Ad dress, with phone number. W 10. Oregonlan. Fi N :n RESIDENCE. 693 LOVEJOY. cor. 19th. 11 rooms, three toilets, furnace, beautiful grounds. Inquire forenoons. S. E. cor. 13th and Irving sts., upstairs. FOR SALE HOUSEBOAT OF 5 ROOMS, completely and beautifully furnished; also gasoline launch. C 20, Oregonlan. FURNISHED COTTAGE. GOOD LOCATION, rent reasonable. Inquire 294 10th and Co lumbia. Phone Main 40S7. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; large grounds; good location; block from car. 401 12th st. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE: ELEC trlc lights; central. Inquire 2731: 7th. FOR RENT FURNISHED S-ROOM HOUSE for 3 month?. 123 N. 23d st. Houses for Kent furniture for Sale. 14 ROOMS. GOOD FURNITURE, FINE lease, two blocks from the Hotel Port land: house full; strictly no agents. Owner, 1C7 W. Parle FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 14 ROOMS, nicely furnished; slcknes cause of selling; good residence district; no agents. H 20, Oregonlap COMPLETELY FURNISHED TEN-ROOM house, modem; very' central: 5 minutes' walk from Postpfflce. R 19, Oregonlan. MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT, part or all furniture for sale, ront $15; no children. 422 2d. fiat JD. FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM HOUSE, worth $330, for $200. If taken at once. 294 Hancock. 3 ROOMS. RENT $9. FURNITURE FOR sale; a snap. Call at 515V; Jefferson st. FOR RENT HALF OF STORE ON FRONT St.. central location, suitable for office or storeroom. Address O 17, Oregonlan. Offices. PART OFFICE AND DESKROOM FOR RENT To manufacturers' agent or other mercan tile man of good recommendation, half of x large-sixe office; light, heat and Janitor service induced. Apply room 517. Commer cial block. Offices and newly furnished lodge halls. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison its. Winter and Mumcer ftesorta. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH, SEA, side, will be open during Fall and Winter. FINANCIAL. THE CRESCENT LOAN' CO.. 217 OREGO nlan bldg.. loans money to reliable- mlcsmen. trainmen, motormen. conductors or other salaried employes. Just on bis note. In sums -tl $10 to $100. Retumablp in convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payments sus pended In case of sickness. Confidential. No inquiries. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly con fidential. Employes' Loan Co., room 716. The Dekum, 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE teamsters, etc.. without security; easy j (ay men la; largest buiinets in 4U principal cities. Tolman. 223 Alblngton bldg. Clay 1758. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity at low rates. C. W. Palette. 304-0 Fenton bldg. Phone Main 13S5. IMMEDIATE LOANS, LOWEST RATES ON furniture, pianos and chattels. Eastern Loan Co.. 449 Sherlock bldg.. Clay 523. $3 LOANS AND UPWARDS. ON ALL KINDS ofiecurlty. without delay. W. A. Hathaway; room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 1814! LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND OTH er securities; lowest rates, s. w. King room 45, Washington bldg. Phone Hood 4li! MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty; building loans a specialty, w h. Nunn, 552 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 629. State funds loaned 6 per cent. W. H. Thomas. iui "d'"' w uwa. vjom PRIVATE FUNDS LOANE Co PER CENT valuation; low rates. W. E. Ward. Allsky bldg. 500.000 TO 1JA. Al o A.u Q FER CENT Wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Falling bldg. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS 5 AND 0 per cent. Wm. Denholm. 225 Falling bldg. PRIVATE PARTY makes real estate, personal, chattel, salary loans. 504 Marquam bldg. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Coua. ty lands. D. F. RUcy, 606 Cham. Com. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before pay day can get It from us; no commission or interest in advance; no mortgage or indorser required Repay weekly, monthly or semi monthly In amounts from $1 and upwards, thus avoiding the payment of tho whole amount out of any ono payday; and have six months' time. If desired. NELSON & HEN'DLEY. 303 McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngton Building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. H-month. Week. $50 Repay to us 313.3.1 or $6.63 or $3.25 $25 Repay to us $ 6.65 or $3.35 or SI. 05 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210- M"KAY BLDG.. 102 2D. Kl'EClAX NOTICES. Proposals XBTited. OFFICE a Q. M., VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash., February 7. 1003. Tho U. S. offers for salo two sternwheel steamers at Fort Gibbon, Alaska, and ono st4am launch at Fort St. Michael, Alaska. Scaled proposals therefor will bo received here or by the Quartermasters at the posts mentioned until 2 o'clock P. M.. Pacific time. April C. 1905, and then opened. Pro posals must be In dupllcato and accom panied by a certified check equal to 25 per cent of tho amount of the bid. Separ ate price will be stated for each boat. The boats can bo inspected at the posts men tioned. For further information apply here. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any bid or any part thereof. Pro posals must be signed by bidder, Inclosed in sealed envelope, marked "Proposals for boat." and addressed to Quartermaster, Fcrt Gibbon, or Fort Su Michael, or to F. G. Hodgson. C. Q. M. PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER QUARTER, master's office, Seattle, Wash., January B, 1905. Scaled proposals in triplicate will be received here .until 12 o'clock noon, Febru ary 13. 1005. and then opened, for furnishing approximately 54,000 feet of rough and dressed fir lumber, etc., for construction of n. post exchange at Fort William McKinley, P. L Bids must bo submitted upon the reg ular prescribed blanks, with the guaranty clause properly executed. Certified check for 25 per cent of amount of bid may be fur nished In lieu of bond. Specifications may be seen and further Information obtained at this office and the office of the Quartermas ter's agent. Tacoma. Wash. Right Is re served to accept or reject any or all bids or parts of same. Bidders muU state time of completion. Envelopes containing proposals uhould bo marked "Proposals for Lumber for Post Exchange" and addressed to F. A. GRANT. Captain and Quartermaster, U. 3. Army. PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER QUARTER masterB office. Seattle. Wash.. January 0, 1905 Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received here until 12 o'clock noon. Febru ary 13. 1905. and then opened, for furnishing approximately 40.000 feet of rough and dressed fir lumber for construction o two storehouses at Fort William McKinley, P. L Bids must be submitted upon the regular prescribed blanks, with the guaranty ciaure properly executed. Certified check for 25 per cent of amount of bid may be furnished in lieu of bond. Specifications may be teen and further information obtained at this of fice and the office of the Quartermaster's agent. Tacoma, Wash. Right is reserved to accept or rJect any or all bids or parts of same. Bidders must state time of comple tion. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Lumber for Store housefl" and addressed to F. A. GRANT, Captain and Quartermaster. U. S. Army. PROPOSALS FOR PAINT QUARTERMAS ters office. Seattle. Wash.. February 7, 1005. Scaled proposals. In triplicate, will be received hero until 11 o'clock A. M., March 8. 1905, and then opened for de livery at Government dock, Seattle or Ta coma Wash., of 825 gallons "Prince's" me tallic paint, or equal, for shipment to Ma nila. P. L Bidders to state earliest time in which delivery can bo made. Bids must e submitted upon the regular prescribed blanks, with guarantee clause properly exe cuted. Certified check for 25 per cent of amount of bid may bo furnished In lieu of bond. Right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or parts of same. Further Information furnished here. Enve lope should he marked. "Proposals for Paint." and addressed to F. A. Grant CapL and Qr. Mr.. U. S. Army. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS Of fice Constructing Quartermaster, San Fran. Cisco. Cal.. Jan. 14. 1905. denied proposals, lu triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M.. Pacific time. Feb. 13, 1905. and then opened. In the presence of bidders, for the construction, plumbing, Meam-heatlng and electric wiring of 21 buildings at Point Bonlta. Cal. Information furnished on ap plication to this office; also to the office or the Depot Quartermaster, Seattle. Wash., and Portland, Or. Tho United States reserves the right to accept or reject any bid re ceived, or any part thereof. Envelopes con taining proposals must be Indorsed Pro posals for Public Buildings at Point Bontia. CaL," and addressed to Captain W. C. Wren, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Constructing Quartermaster, Phelan bldg.. San Francisco. Cal. . PROPOSALS FOR QUARTERMASTER SUP plles Office Depot Quartermaster, 36 New Montgomery street. San Francisco. Cal., Feb. ruary 10. 1903. Sealed proposals. In tripli cate, subject to usual condition.', will be re ceived here until 10 o'clock A. M.. Thursday, March 2. 1903. and then opened for furnish ing and delivering stationery, chairs, desks? hardware, paints, etc.. for replenishment of stock at the San Francisco depot. The United States reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Further information and blank pro posals furnished on application. Envelopes containing pro-osals to be marked' "Proposals for Quartermaster Suplles. No. 233," and ad dressed to Major C. A. Devol, Quartermaster, U. S. A., Depot Quartermaster. OFFICE DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER. Portland, Or.. Jan. 10. 1905. Sealed propos als. In triplicate, will be received here un til 12 M., February 13. J905, for furnishing lumber for construction of Post Exchange building at Fort William McKinley Ma nila, P. I. Further Information furnished at this office. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be marked "Proposals for lumber for Post Exchange building. Fort William McKinley," and addressed to Jesse M. Baker, Capt, Quartermaster. U. S. A., Disbursing Q. M. OFFICE DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER, Portland. Or.. Jan. 10. 1805. Sealed propos als, in triplicate, will bo received here un til 12 M. February 13. 1003. for furnish ing lumber for construction of two store houses at Fort William McKinley. Manila. P. L Further Information furnished at this office. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids, or any port thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should bo marked, "Proposals for lumber for storehouses. Fort Wm. Mc Kinley," and addressed to Jesso M. Baker, Capt. Quartermaster, U. S. A., Disbursing Q. M. Miscellaneous. THIS IS TO NOTIFY EVERY PERSON THAT one. Dr. H. D. Park, has no authority from this company to solicit subscriptions to its capital stock, promise loans, nor transact any other business In the Interest of this com pany In the State of Oregon, and this com pany will not be responsible for any business done by him. The Pacific States Savings & Loan & Building Co.. San Francisco, Cal. LOST AND FOUND. DEC 10. 1004. LOST. A DIAMOND RING, i karat, tvlrc setting. In Columbia Theater, or between theater and 3th su Finder return ring to Mis? Smith, or 1054 South Grand ave., Los Angcle. CaL, and receive reward. LOST FEB. 3, FOX TERRIER BITCH. RED head, small black ring on toll; answers to name Cricket. Return to 325 Davis st.-; and receive reward. Phone Main 3073. LOST, SATURDAY NIGHT. SMALL GOLD locket, with boy's photo inside. Pleas re turn in fifis E. Sherman and receln. tRnt LOTS WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. PAIR gold spectacles. Finder please notify 390 N. 10th st. LOST A LARGE NUGGET PIN. FINDER please return to room 10, Ainsworth bldg.; reward. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE INTEREST IN. A WELL-Established mercantile business, located in a good town In Eastern Oregon; $4000 to $7000 capital needed: good opening for a llvo man Address 534 Everett at.. Port land. Or. PLANING MILL FOR SALE CHEAP. WITH good machinery and good location. R 4, oregonian- FOR SALE OYSTER AND CHOPHOUSB best location in cltly. Inquire 2Wg Yatnhliu FOR SALE UMBRELLA STORE; GOOD reason for selling. Call 51 3d at. SALOON EXTRA GOOD CHANCE TODAY $1200 required. Call 24SVi Stark au CIGAR AND CANDY STORE. CHEAP; MUST sell. Call today 24814 Stark st. BUSINESS INVESTMENT; SMALL CAPITAL. V 93 QreronUn. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FOR SALE GOOD PAYING STOCK OF GRO- Clairvoyants. Massage, cenes, hardware and farm Implements In- ' voicing about $14,000; annual sales, $60,000; TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. LIFE IS AS WE MAKE IT PERSIAN MAS- wlll cell groceries and hardware separate 50c. 50c, 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. sage strengthens the muscles, cleanses the from Implements; good lease, good location SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. flktn. sothea the nerves: Persian vapor, tuo in one of the best towns in Eastern Wash- 3034 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. STII. baths and massage. The Francis, Uth ani Ington? poor health only reason for selling. $5 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 50c. Morrison. Red 2NSS. Address Lyse Merc Co.. Wilbur, Wash. THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR- . 1 LOR HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL KhJWED LADY GIVES VAPOR. SUL- FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCE. 165t, 4TH ST. NAME . AGE , OCCUPATION YR MOTH- phur alcohoI baU t fc ma netc treat. One ot the best business chance offices In ER S MAIDEN NAME. AND WHOM AND ment; strictly first-class Call and be con- the city, half Interest or all very cheap. WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and what you lnceU. Marquam Roomlns-Hou"e 1451- Four trained fortune-telling birds for sale, called for. without asking a question; will 0th parlara 1-" "mlaa "ou.e. big money in them for some ono to handle tell the name of your sweetheart or anything during the Fair. you want to know. He sends you awav much YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSECSE GIVFS A speculative buy In a rooming-house. 18 wiser and happier than when you called. elwtrlc. thwnuU afwtollc medi- rooms. close In; only $600. , How can 1 haveood luck oSltV8 MERCANTILE AND MANUFACTURING w can I make my home happy? lor 10, Benson block. 3th and Morrlsun. business Parties wishing to engage In en- How can I marry tne one I choose? THB yxoWDEV It ythrooms with Vi tcrprises of this character - can obtain val- How can I marry well? tenants- vawr and steoia withs- also T nu- uablo Information from the Ames Mercantile How soon can I marry? age and rfwESc treat iSnw Vv, Morristn Agency. A list of bona fide business open- How can I conquer my rival? 0 u ,e"m " tuctml aniTiV;,uuI"y"3on lngs in this city and -adjacent country Is How can I make anyone love rae? au. cur, -u. room J, fctar rooniin-nuutc. open for Inspection at rooms of the Ames ow can I get a letter? YOUNG LAliY vnnr rr t otitc nvru Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. How can I get a good position? " FROM ST. LOUIS GIVES --u"'uu "'" 3031 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5T1L massage, vapor and tub baths; tub baths WANTED EXPERIENCED BUSINESS ' a sPec-aRy. 110H- 4th.. cor. Washington. man to rcDresent Oreeon comoratlon at THE GREAT. ONLY AND ORIGINAL . Spokane Wash Cl BUDAH BERNIQUE. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHS. MASSAC, i commercial Urtvellnman pS 55 ?f Mt LT'urT' Hy $1S00 per year; must take at least $1500 no-Tv ATmiv vfcir oung lady. Jolj Morrison St.. room lb. Mor1aukMerca Or' EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDIA. YOUNG LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND morgan Mercantile Agency. Portland. Or. TELLS YOUR NAME. massage. 343! Morrison, room 6. Beat ttxat GRAND OFFER-APARTMENT-HOUSE SO TELI"S HTE AND WHOM YOU menu In city. gr?o"rl lroaho'JeTThfr V S 'heart's lESaiVg JaTH .ASO MAS- ments nl'i LSH Se"' QulrreU and promptly reunites ' treatmnt- - h Mala oJ36. Trice J-000 Seal dirlef 2 Emission th no niatter how long standing. MASSAGE. MAGNETIC AND VAPOR BATHS. rV $? 1 DcaI d,rcct saAe commission. London's most famous palmist and clair- 2S0t Stark st. u -v, uregontan. voyant Is acknowledged by press and public WANTED PARTY TO JOIN ADVERTISER DnjAl"""1 m'inS DEAD TRANCB ME . Rubber Stamps. !?in,njr .Kt.?,K,,ntCrcSV! rcr:??n- She "tells what you came for before yoA P. C. STAMP WORK "19 ALDERl TFL. ;'biVSS: rwnaryurubte VVt " S slencT "Address "ar hlS'-Sa. Spirituoiff. Fnar SPl0nnSU ,BUSIESS: 42 TO 1 " Ocffil0OTO8: DAILY AND SUNDAY. CL.VmOYT ASLm'iST wTJ?nK H1 connc--on. hns a well-estab- 91 MORRISON. COR. 5TH. SAME FLOOR FULL LIFE r? vniw -fr ' Urted business; house always full; long AS BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS. 313U usuiotov mn k lease, rent reasonable; In best town in South- . . - ftT t t . COR 6TH. era Oregon. AddrcM P. O. Box 369. Grant's GREAT CROWDS GATHER jge nmTiTv.U..? Pass. Or. To hear the words of troth as told by this AOE- 'JTIUT YOU wonderful man, whose revelations of the PARTNER WANTED-$1200. AND SERVICES future are nothing short of the most mlrac- THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS will secure a position paying $300 or more ulous assertions ever uttered by any human AKi,uu OR CHARGE YOU NOT monthly: money secured: bank reference being. ONE PENNY. exchanged: great opportunity for young man. ri Address F 19, Oregonlan. for appointment. $3.00 READINGS FOR 0c. -v":" II?.i.VE: JOUX INDIAN MEDIO!, By Van Cortlandt, the world's greatest astro- ?rn with doublo veils, seventh daughter. NOT IN THE ROOMING-HOUSE TRUST IF medium, clairvoyant and palmist. li k , anl future. mines located by tfc you desire an honest house at an honest 3134 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. OTH ST. T!f. "ea charm, known only by the Vricc. see F. S. Keating, 504 Marquam. I m, V- Division St., whlto house. core somo good bargains. Let me show them. I do hereby agree and guarantee to make none Union 173. Waverty and Richmond no charge if I fall to tdl your name, occu- f- en of line, two blocks to left. There A GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. DO- rutlon. and what you called for. I promts is the place. i lag $20,000 per, year: postofflce la storo; can- to tell you whether husband, wife or sweet- . " ceiiatlon. $40 per quarter. Inquire of J. D. heart la true or false; whom and when you -u"o- WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S Kenworthy. of Wad hams & Kerr Bros. will marry, and how to win the man ot most reliable medium; all in trouble call woman you love; In fact, I will tell you fna get her valuable advlco on all affairs of PARTNER WANTED IN PORTLAND, every hope, fear or ambition better than you business, love, troublea; absent friends manufacture new household specialties, can tell yourself, or make no charge. a specialty. lCSVa 4th at, Russel bldg . big profits on small Investment. For par- Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.. dally and Sunday. hours j-5. tlculars address T 19, Oregonlan. --t? t tt-. . PROF. VAN CORTLAND, MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CONSULT- WANTED PARTNER. LADY OR GENTLE- 213& Washington st. cd dully at -112 Alder, cor. 11th. Main 6179. man. over 50 years, with some means, to Join Also private entrance on Sixth st. , , t) .. lady In good paling business. Phone Union -"fi- VORNE.HLS 307 Alisky bldg.. 3d 173. or address E 16, Oregonlan. PROF. M'INTYRD, nnd -Morrison, sittings dally. Hood 403. . CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. -tTTC C,.,.T, . AT A BARGAIN 20 NEWLY FURNISHED Reduced Charges. -u"- spiritual life reader, sclen- rooms; owner must have money; will be sold 60c GOc This Week $5.00 Readings 50c 50c tiue palmist. oOc 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th. for best offer thl week. Call at office Lee -Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. Automobile Co.. 15th and Alder. HE U-L TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME, 2Iutlc . AGE. OCCUPATION. ,VCTn, . COUNTRY GENERAL MERCHANDISE P. Tel-a ,lfe trom cradle to grave. Consulta- IN STRL CTIoN S GIVEN ON THE PIANO. O. etc: done last year. $22,000 Invoice $4300- Uon on al affairs, good or bad. Xi, V? -JrDack. I20 Vancouver ave. Phone price $3000 cosh, books open, old established! Cosmos Bldg., 26S& Morrison. i-ast 19". Hall & Co.. 102 1st st. " . ' MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. SCI- Second-Hand Dealers. FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND CIGAR entitle revealer. tells life from cradle to store, with fixtures ot store, dining-room, grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad- bUGARMA. & SONS, highest prices paid 2d- soda fountain, tables, chairs and range. vlce sure help, mistake impossible; re- hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front. Red 3175. 475 Northrup. stores lost lovo and unites separated by . sympathy; locates burled treasure. Fee Showcases, Bank nnd Store Fixtures. $1200 WILL BUY HALF-INTEREST IN BIG $i. letter. 32. 207 Park. ; paying manufacturing business; must take .?? LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. active part; young man preferred." L 19. PROF. HALE. CLAIRVOYANT, 0th and Hoyt. Phone Main 140S. Oregonlan. 231 Fifth Street. Advice on all affairs of life. Tells you full PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO FOR SALE RESTAURANT $2000, CEN- name, age and occupation. How to marry 28 1st. near Market. Phone Black 3133. ' tral. cheap rent. lease; will take part in onc .r 3'our choice. Restores lost vital force. trade: sickness cause of selling. Q 20. Ore- rnTe Low feeoT' ' 0tta' ml"ila3 Storage. gn!an- . " 7 Z ST.RGE ,FOR RENT IN FIRST-CLASS FOR SALE LEASE ON GOOD STORE. VERY Assay era and Analysts. building; low rate of Insurance. Apply 16 central, on Washington st. The Healy In- ,cc,v . ? -st at. vratmont Co.. 210-214 Ablngton. 106 3dst- MPNTAr,A A.SSiV, OFFICEj., STARK 2 St. Prices: Gold. $1; copper. $1; sliver. 50c Storage nnd Transfer. FOR RENT GOOD BUILDING SITE AT T1,,.,.T , Fair Grounds. 20th and Savler. 100x200, PAt tF JEV A?J?, ER,- e?0, ANA' SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED. or any part- McCoy. SG 10th, near Stark. lyst. go.d dust bought. Stark at. packed ready for shipping and shipped; all . , , work guaranteed; large three-story brick flrc- Mllllnery business, of years' standing; first- Carpenters ana Hungers. proof warehouso for storage. Office. 128 lat. toSoUoCn- W L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general a 0to"- Thono Main 547. location, lease. Address P. O. box 3-6. jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 014. C. O. PICK. OFFICE SS 1ST.. BET STARK ENERGETIC MAN FOR MANUFACTURER'S nvr V GOPnnv mfVTFRM bhhttW and 9ak- , Pho1n W"1- Pianos and "furniture manager: salary. $1800; requirement. $1200 OEOlIsey DUG, SJiSd Tiff 4th. Clit1E-, oved " shipment: commodious deposit for goods. Lockbox 4S3. hous ea built and repaircu. o 4th. cia 1,4. fireproof brick warehouse. Front & Clay sts. PARTNER WANTED - $250 REQUIRED; DrrH-makhig. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N FRONT must be satisfied with $25 week; experience icTs-ie-Tr Ladles Tallorintr Colleco-P-ir. st" nousehold goods and furniture, pianos. unnecery. Cal. 248U, Stark st. SJTaSSSSl 4nS"5 tSW' M F?tUAifosp Business Colleges. &g!& ? A FURN1TUR big opening. A 20. Oregonlan. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT- gJ FOR SALE RESTAURANT. GOOD LOCA- SStSSr'S. guaranteed. Phone East 12. tlon. owing to sickness will sell cheap; uates; day and night school. Holmes Busl- Trunk Frfn no agents. M 19. Oregonlan. neS8 College. T. M. C A. bldg. Main 513. i xaciory. FOR SALE CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY " Carpet Cleaning. ' l&n3P13S ? TH.IRD ST- store; good location; will stand Investigation. P " wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. W 20. Orrgonlan. Sanitary carpet cleaning, suction and com- Trmwrlt-M ' 1 pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on jicnnnra. WELL-EQUIPPED 2-CHAIR BARBER-SHOP. floor without removaL Main 5534 East "SIM 1 7. 7, ; ' $100; terms; good location; cheap rent. D IS. C vrtaout " oiai aiam 004. -.ast-oaj New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and care Oregonlan. Cool Dealers. repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Teh 1407. BRICKYARD. PAYING 50c ON DOLLAR. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesalo dealers; best Wholesale Grocers. o"Sffn.Wner ther bU8laCSa- 16' coals; foundry and smelter coke. 320 B st. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY. Chiropodist and Manicuring. cor. X. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. WANTED WOMAN TO DO CHAMBER S 1 work. Call 317 Fenton bldg.. S4 6th st. -VM. D EVENT & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE iavt-c only scientific chiropodists; parlors room 203 isashs. Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1361. - PERSONAL. This Is tho long-haired gentleman. He Is MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK the man you are looking for. PORTLAND. OR. GREAT SPECLLI3T COMING W. AUGUS- . J. FRANK WATSON Prestden tus Pratt, B. S. M. D.. the world-famous yoUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST: R. L. DURHAM Vice-President American Face Specialist ot New York and patrons can rely on skillful treatment. 10 R- W. HOYT Cashier Chicago, will positively remedy all defect of Benson block. 6th and Morrison. GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier feature, every wrinkle and all facial blero- . TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING Ishca by his celebrated Immediate process, for Commission Merchants BUSINESS. one week In Portland, commencing Febru- , . United States Depositary. ary 20. at suites 51, 52. 53. Selling-HIrsch HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available building. Washington, bet. We-t Park and hides pelU, furs. wool, mohair, tallow old - al- Parte r tnc orld. 10th sis., where engagements can now bo rubber and old metal and general commls- Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought, made. Phone Main 706. eoa merchant. Front st, near Main. Port- . ., land. Or. Cosh advanced on consignments. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE NEW INSTI 1 LIMITED. tute, refitted, fully equipped for all classes of TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS Chamber ot Commerce Building. Third and work performed at John Woodbury . New and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg Stark Streets. York. Have your work done at home. Dr. Portland. Or. Head office. 55 Old Broad Street. London. A. L. Nelden the world's beauty king, meth- . This bank transacts a general banking bus!- ods employed by Aza Holmes-Kibbecke. the ALLEN LEWIS. COMMISSION AND ness. makes loans, discounts bills and Issues only graduute plastic surgeon and dermatol- produce merchants. Front and Davis sts.. letters of credit, available for travelers and th oglst on this Coast- Portlands best physl- Portland. Or. purchase of merchandise In any city ot th clan- for rtferencu. Parlors. 361 Morrison. , . . world. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. 1 .. Dancing. Interest paid on time deposits. REMOVAL NOTICE MADAME VAUGHN, v W. A. MACRAE Mgr only graduate dermatologist In Northwest. MRg GRANT'S adult and children's classes. permanently removes birthmarks, pilling-, w'estern Academy. Morrison st,, cor. 2d. WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK wrinkles, sagging, scars, ecxema. plmpies, , Comer Second and Washington. moles, treokie- and all blemishes. Derma- Dyeing und Cleaning. F L. LIPMAN President tology taught for professional purpo.-es. ite- ' san Francisco ) re3enc moved to 1 suites 51. 52 and 53. Selllng-Ulrscn H w TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER R. LEA BARNES Cashier bldg.. ashIagton St.. bet. . Park and d c-caner 505 Jefferson. TcL Main 2513. WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier loth. Phone Mam lUti. (Portland.) .t.,IT, Fraternal Insurance. General banking business transacted. Ex- A UANDisOJIE MAN OR BEAUTIFUL change sold and letters ot credit Issued, avail women soon fade when they get weak or Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so- able In all parts of the world. become nervous; Sexlne cures all forms of clety of N. W.: protects the living J L. weakness; price $1.00 a box, or 0 Mitchell, Sup. Sec. 612-015 Marquam bldg. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE boxes for $5; with full guarantee Address , Head Offlco. Toronto, Canada. J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Harness and Saddles. Capital paid up. js, 700,000 Yamhill sts., Portland. Or. Reserve 3,500.000 THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- Tranracts a general banking business. 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM sale saddles and harness rafrs., leather and SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Irregular, painful or stoppages. leucorrbea saddlery hardware. 80-S6 1st. Main 226. Accounts opened for sums ot $10 and up (Khltes) and all diseases of women, old or . ward and Interest allowed on minimum month young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. -auJa am- THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE- -T balances. Rates on application, hill bu, Portland, Or. Private waiting-room Ea0 saddles and harness mfrs.. saddlery 244 WASHINGTON ST. for ladies. Consultation tree. Coll or write. hardware, leather all kinds. 72-74 5th st. E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch. Inclose 10 2-cunt stamps. . . . . . Junk, Hides and Pelts. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK DISEASES OF MEN. - . . OF PORTLAND. OREGON. GONORRHEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, i SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF Northwest cor. Third and Oak sts. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS- hide, pelts, wool. fun, tallow, old rubbers. TJ?nB.a5.ia .?5m i1,? DJ",ne2a- t SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and metals and sacks. 342 Front st. anf Eurene Soafk-L? 11 all affections of private organs permanent- United States and Europe. Hong Kong and ly cured. Dr. Walker. 131 1st st. - MaD Collections made on favorable terms. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES . YIELD LAND SCRIPS. GENEPL PRAC- K?iSiat"::7.7.: promptly to our painless method oteatment; tlce. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. rM R iv sen we treat dlseasea ot women only; consultation ., . ., a itr-int "Cashier " " a. IT WRirfrn free; private and strictly confidential. X Ra- Leather and FlndlngB. . Assistant itsnier ..a. WRIGHT dlum institute. 3d & Morrison. Allsky bldg. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO.-ES- FIRST oPORTI on. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES-$1 A tabllshed 185S. Leather and findings; Stock- Debated Depositary and Financial Asent o- roontb keeps your clothing cleaned and ton tole leather and cut stock; mil nno "eslaie unRed States preseed. buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Eastern Jumboa. 180 Front st. President ......... A. L mttt Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor - ... rn Tirpmr, Cashier 7 77.. .7.7. .17 j7w NEWKIPK ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Corcray'-. THE BREYMAN CO Shoe Al.tarcW.A .V:...; w; a AVORD BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR AND CURE RHEU- sTppllleather 011 klnds-th?- ''i ffi matlsm with Bark Tonic It cures in 10 Machine and the Eastern States. days; 75c a bottle at all drugstores. J. A. .uacumtry. Slzht exchange and telegraphic transfers sold Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill tpN'KIIAV & CO MTVTvr T-; n NeTT rrk- V1- Chicago. St. Louis. St. sts.. Portland. Or., wholesale agent. nmfchfe ?1&'4&hZ V1"1 MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- castings. All kinds repaired. 104 y. tn, Umc 1 bll drawn In sums to suit ens' Nerve Gtobulets. One month's treatment,- c ALBEE CO sprnvn xr . x- n London. Parte, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the- -$2; 3 months' $5. Sent securely sealed by THE RC. 4s r'JlAKD --m. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, mall. Agents. Woodard. Clarke Co.. Port. machinery , -awmius. etc .48 Grand ave chrlstlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos- Un'- r 31arble and Granite " cow z,u,ric.? Honolulu. e- Collections made on favorable terms. LADIES. ATTENTION ! ORIGINAL FRENCH ,noI , nrtAVlTT- -fnvr.,,7: Tansy Wafers for sale by leading drngglsui; vJseeXlno iS':B' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. $ per box; safe and reliable. S. O. dkld- For barga ins si ee vv ceKs. no agents; 20 per NO. 109 THIRD ST. more Co.. Special Agents. 151 3d st. cent saved. At .-0 Front, cor. Hooker. .e oldest Trust Company in Oregon. " " Pit-nt Tjiorrpr. " CAPITAL. $300,000. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop- twyers. -ve conduct a general banking business. Wa er size and style. 2oc; 250 bU8inct3 cards. $1. . -rr-wT-xiT nn(FSTir receive savings deposits. We Istiue time cer- Brown & Schmole. 229 1st. Portland. Or. R.T?i,went m? E0,?1210 tlflcates and certificates of deposit payable patents. Infringement cases. 004 Dekum. ' on 10 days' call. 30 days' call or 90 days' YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARB MORE ACCU- H0 cttam nff n. ' call, with Interest at 3. 3t and 4 per cent rately and reasonably filled at Kyueir Phar- T. J. gSSI-S? f aiRF COM- U. S. per anr.uin. respectively. Call or send for our macy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. and foreign paten -i a specialty. book of . " ILLUSTRATIONS. SERVICES OF A PRIVATE DETECTIVE bales. BENJ. I- COHEN President can be secured by addressing P. Q. box - - - tVat t ? riT t-ttt- H. L. PXTTOCK Vice-President 246. Portland. 3??ed retire itFcl iR,1?'PR00P LEE t-AGET Secretary auSSiaSt" jp Aafe3 J O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary MRS. M. S. SAVAGE. exchanged, miepoia worif. j. E. Da via. C6 3d. 1 Dressmaker, 73 Lewis bldg. Main 4730. " TMlntu nil. nn nio.. " LADD & TILTON. BANKERS . -auus. mis ana Glass. ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR t . catttSEN & CO Jobbers ,v,i. T TransacU a. aencral banking business. homes. IdaRexnor. 127 lltlu Phone Main 4853. ,fb?h and dlwra. Cor 2. 5t,,".n' Interest allowed on time deposits. 'x,iTxt np vir fop att b matm rt- 1 1 Taror collections made at all points on favorable 434 Mr Phon Main isr& " Stop Drinking. terms. Letters of credit Issued available in easea. 434 Alder ft. fnonw Main 4S32. , . Europe and all points In the United States. GUARANTEED cure: send 50c: tablet form- S'ljn. exchange and telegraphic transfers ni!iiFss iiiFrrnH- moiled in plain package; has cured theul sola on J,TW' 'ork. Washington. Chicago, S' "Ua-N SS DIRECTOK1. eands - L a & , GM Gt a thou- LouJs DVnTr. Omaha. Pan Francisco and ' ' nr,wi.t vi 0.1 r- ' ' various points In Oregon. Washington and Northwest Marl o. Osteopathy. Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. -Jffl 1 &gs 4J!WJ5?5 5-