12 rHE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, lOOo. WIVES. TELL WOES Circuit Court Grants Relief to Mismated Couples. DIVORCES GIVEN TO FOUR Mrs. Anna Mahon Claims Her Hus band Married Her for Her Moneyf and Will Not Work Charges of Cruelty Were Made. Four divorces were granted by Judge Frazer yesterday. On complaint of Esther I. Adler the bonds of matrimony existing between her and Isaac L. Adler were' dissolved. They were married in Portland in April, 3900. Mrs. Adler testified that she gave her husband money to embark in busi ness, but he failed. He did not sup port her and was abusive, she claimed. Minnie Louise White was divorced from Elmer Ellsworth White. She tes tified that he frequently told her ho would repeat the Belding murder act. On September 15. 1904, so she said, lie struck her a violent blow, cutting one of her ears and bruising her temple and head. She lied in her night dress Into the street to seek the protection of a police officer. On another occa sion he struck her and pulled her by the hair along the floor. She then left him, going to her father's home. Mrs. "White further testified that ner hus band has an ungovernable temper, lie frequently threatened to kill .her, and she was afraid to live with him. The litigants were married in Moscow, Idaho, in 1S92. They have thr;c chil dren. White Is employed at the Bakvr Theater and. among his other duties, operates the moving-picture mufhino. Two of the children, boys aged 9 r.nd 31 years, have been working at the theater, one as an usher and the other distributing programmes. They attend school by day. The father has had thJ custody of the children, but as I ho de cree of the court gave them to the mother. Judge Frazer ordered Uie Sheriff to turn them over to her. An order was also made requiring White to i:ontribute $7 per week for the sup port of the children. White's weekly stipend is 520. Married for Her Money. A sensational story was told by Anna E. Mahon, who was granted a divnrcn from J. T. Mahon, and was allowed to resume her maiden name, Johnson. Mrs. Mahon testified tliat she wa." married to the defendant at Vancouver. Wash.. Ocfober 22. 1904. She had been ac quainted with him for a year previous. and he represented to her that he was a man of good habits and had a good position in San Francisco. At the time of the wedding Mrs. Mahon said Mm had $1200. Soon after the marrlago she learned that her husband had no position, would not work and evident ly had married her to get what money she had. When she rerused to give him money he forced her to do so by beat ing her. lie compelled her to go to the London &; San Francisco Bank and draw money for him. which she d'd to avoid a scene with him on the street, so she said. He accused her of flirting with a man at the theater and choked her to forco a confession from her. and threatened to choke her to death if she did not admit it. Deeming it unsafe to live with him, she left the fellow in Novem ber, 1904. when Mahon went to Salt Lake City. Got Married Too Soon. Rosetta Carter, formerly Rosetla Ogle, nee Pool, was divorced rrom Alvln C. Carter because she was married to him 12 days after she obtained a di vorce from J. H. Ogle. The divorce from Ogle was granted in Portland. September 18, 1895, and she was mar ried to Carter September 20 at Van couver, and lived with him until Janu ary 10, 1905. The law provides that six months must elapse before a divorced person may marry again. Mrs. Carter said she was ignorant of the law when uhe took Carter for a husband, and -upon ascertaining the fact that th marriage was void ceased to live with him. Under the statute the marrlag Is void and Judge Frazer declared it so. Louise M. Mackey, who has sued William C. Mackey for a divorce, yes terday filed a petition asking that her husband be required to pay her $25 per month and $250 for suit money. She alleges that he is able to pay, as ha owns property in Elgin, 111., worth 54200 and a farm In South Dakota of the value of $3000. DECISIONS OF CIRCUIT COURT Findings Will Be Returned Today in Number of Cases. Decisions will be announced by Judge Cleland this morning as follows: Wilmot & Linnett vs. O. R. & X. Com pany: motion for a new trial. Tatum & Bo wen vs. M. B. Rankin: mer its. Carroll & Thompson vs. Strauhal Brothers: merits. Judge Sears will decide the following cases this morning: Philip Stein vs. R. E. Phillips and Laura B. Phillips; suit In equity, merits. John Kern vs. George Melcher et al.; motion for new trial. S. Morton Cohn vs. E. Henry Wemme; motion for new trial. L. "M. Davis vs. City & Suburban Rail way Company: assessment of damages. F. M. Ireland vs. Thad W. Vreelaad et al.; suit in equity, merits. Joint session Justices Sears and Cle land: George H. Williams vs. Wells. Fargo & Co. et al.; demurrer to complaint. Judge George will decide cases as fol lows: C. H. Ball vs. T. D. Hughes et al.; de murrer to complaint and motion to strike out. A. J. McLaughton vs. W. N. McLaugh ton; demurrer to separate answer. Manuel Ferelra vs. Star Land Company; demurrer to answer. Eudora E. Smith vs. James F. Smith; motion for suit money. J. B. Bridges vs. R. Wakefield; motion to strike out parts of amended answer, Adolf Schaffcr vs. Carl Koster; motion to strike out complaint. C. S. Nlcklln vs. L. F. Shirley; mo tion to dismiss. SUES HUSBAND FOR SUPPORT Mrs. Drake Also Tells How She Agreed to a Separation for $75. It developed at the trial of the suit of Matilda Drake against her husband, F. P. Drake, an employment agent on North Third street, for support, that Mrs. Drake, when on a visit in Illinois last Summer, wrote her husband affectionate letters, and in response Drake wrote telling her he had applied for -a. divorce. Mrs. Drake returned, Drake induced her to sign an agreement releasing him from all matri monial obligations in consideration of $75. Then Drake offered to obtain her a place cooking and a position for her daughter Hazel, by a former husband, and told her the employment fee" would be $2.50. Drake wrote a letter to W. Green, a friend, telling about the place he had for hfs wife, concluding as follows: "I hope you will explain to Mrs. D. that the office fee will be $2.50 for her and Hazel." Judge Frazer scored Drake for abandon ing his wife and then having the nerve to try to charge her $2.50 to get her a Job as a cook. Drake explained that he had a partner in business, and it would not be fair to rob his partner. The litigants were married about five years ago, and for a while lived on a farm near Vancouver, Mrs. Drake fur nishing the money to, stock the place. They had a quarrel. which Mrs. Drake says was only of a trivial character. In June last she went East to bring her daughter here. Drake testifies that at that time they agreed to separate forever. Mrs. Drake testified that this was posi tively false. She merely went away on a visit and had to borrow money from rel atives to get back. During her absence Drake wrote her a letter containing the following statement: "I will tell you what I am doing and ex pect to do in the future. I have com menced suit for a divorce and I expect to be a single man and you a single woman within a month, so you had bet ter make your plan?." Mrs. Drake consulted a lawyer, who sent Drake a letter threatening him with prosecution if he attempted to get a di vorce. Mrs. Drake returned to Portland. Drake says he will furnish her with a home If she will live with him as his wife. Mrs. Drake answers that she will do so if he is in earnest about It, and furnishes her a home she can live in. She jays she doesn't want to have to work over a washtub and slave for a living. Drake replies that he Is a poor man, and was poor when she married him. B. S. Pague appeared as attorney for Mrs. Drake and A. H. Tanner for the defense. Arguments will be made before the court today. New Charge In Arson Case. An information against A. B. Coon. B. Miller and J. B. Batchelor. charging them with arson In setting fire to a building at the southwest corner of Fifth and Madi son streets, was filed by District Attorney Manning In the State Circuit Court yes terday afternoon. The fire occurred on the night of November 6. 1904, but did not prove serious. Coon, Miller and Batch elor were Indicted by the grand jury. The specific charge was that they set fire to the dwelling of another. A demurrer to the indictment . was sustained because Coon, the lessee, lived in the house, and It was therefore not the dwelling of an other, although the property of another, F. Westenfelder. The information accuses the trio of ma liciously burning and attempting to burn the property of another. Administrator for Wilson JEstate. On petition of Edward Holman and Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie. Henry Hewitt was appointed, in the County Court yesterday, administrator of the estate of the late Arthur Wilson, deceased. The estate Is valued at $500. The only known heir is Mrs. August Magusson, a sinter, residing In Stockholm. Legal Jottings. H. J. Slrard filed a petition for a writ of mandamus in the State Circuit Court yesterday against N. W. Rountree to compel him to deliver the property of the International Manufacturing and Mining Company. The property consists of the exclusive right to make and sell the Rex nut-lock in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and other coun tries of the world; also deeds to four lots In Ilolladay's addition and other property valued at $465. Slrard says in his petition that at a meet ing of the board of trustees of the company in Washington. D. C, held on January 10. 1905, he was elected treas urer of the company. Rountree was the former treasurer, and Slrard al leges tiiat he lias refused to deliver the property and documents under his con trol. Judge George set the case for hearing February 15. Eight Japs and a Chinaman, arrested by Sheriff Word on September 27, for playing stud-poker, pleaded guilty be fore Judge George yesterday and were fined $10 each. District Attorney Manning yesterday filed ar information against Smith St. Clair, familiarly known as "the King of Coontown," otherwise "Dollar Bill," charging him with running a baw dyhouse known as the Little Paris. St. Clair is at liberty on his own recog nizance. He yesterday signed an agree ment which he delivered to Sheriff Word to run a respectable house'in the future. St. Clair will probably plead guilty and pay a fine. BUSINESS 1TKMS. If Baby Is Cnttlnjr Teeth. Be turt- and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Winslowa Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the sums, llay all pain, cures wind collo and diarrhoea. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 10. Maximum tempera ture, 37 deg.; minimum, 20. River reading at 11 A. M., 4 feet; chance In past 24 hours, rise 0.3 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to B P. M., 0.01 Inch; total since September 1. 11)04. 20.97 inches; normal, 28.70; deficiency, 7.73. Total sunshine February 0, 1003, 2 hours and 48 minutes; possible, 10 hours and 5 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 30.15. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. f 3 05 r "B2 Wind. STATIONS. S Mp o" 3 - o o o a 2. : q ? : ? : Baker City ....1 22(0.02I1CNW 1 12 T j 8 NW 30(0.02 8.NW 1 48s0.01 4 IV Bismarck ... Boise Eureka . Helena 14;O.WJ 0,NW 14 0.00 0 I 38 0.0012 E i 321 T I 4 S 37 0.01J24 B Kamloops. B. C North Head .... Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento .... Salt Lake City.. San Francisco . Spokane Seattle Walla Walla ... 44 0.10 4'SW MjO.OOi 8'SE 3Gi0.Ol'lC JCW 04O.O0;14m' 10,0.00114'NE 32 T 12'KW 22:0.04 is'n T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. High northeasterly winds occurred all day Friday In the Sound country and In the lower portion or the Willamette Valley. The temperature has fallen between 10 and 20 deg. in Northern Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho, and light snow has occurred generally In all portions of the. North Pacific States. Cold wave warnings were Issued early this morning for zero weather cast of the Cascade Mountains, and the indications are that the cold will continue In all portions of the North Pacific States for two or three days. The following maximum wind velocities are reported: Portland, S miles cast; Seattle, 28 miles northwest; Port Crescent, 40 miles north, east; and Spokane, 26 miles northeast. WEATHER, FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at S P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, February 11: Portland and vicinity Fair and continued cold; northerly winds. Western Oregon Fair,' continued cold north, colder south portion; northerly winds. Western Washington Fair and continued cold; northerly winds, diminishing in velocity. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Snow flurries and colder. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Fair, colder south, conUnued cold north por tion. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. NEW TODAX. 1 . 5 CENT Portland City bondn for sale, from $500 to $20,000. Apply at 210 4th et.. near Salmon. A. H. Maegly. Abe Tlchnor. $1.25 School Land, 320 acres, must sell at once; easy terms. 55 IRVING, COR. 23D. Cloudy !Snow (Snow IPt. cloudy JSnow (Clear VPU cloudy !Pt. cloudy Clear IClear (Cloudy fPt. cloudy 'Snow jClear (Clear tCloudv HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN Booms. $1.09 to $3.00 Per Day, According to Location. J. F. DA VIES. Xre. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Roorse 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaurant In Connection ! HOTEL SCOTT CO. A. J. DE1TZ, Portland's Newest and Rooms single or en suite, with private bath. European plan. Elegant cat In connection. Free 'bus -will meet all trains. SEVENTH AND ANKENY STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON. DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Who can fill or extract any number of teeth without in flicting the slightest pain to the patient The largest and best-equipped dental office on the Pacific Coast. 342 y2 Washington Street, Corner Seventh Phone Main 2119. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "Honse keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less.lS cents; 10 to SO words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER 1 LEADS, except "New Todar." 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to SO word. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no farther discount un der one month. IMPORTANT The low second-time rate on advertising that runs either in the classified columns, or under head "New Today." will bbe Riven onlr when advertising is Inserted on cunsecutlTe days, Daily and Sunday is sues. Advertising that Is scheduled to ap pear at intervals of one or more days apart will be charged for at full one-time rate each insertion. "NEW TODAY" (cause measure agate). 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line of each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No 6tamp is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS. AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE: A J. 8. 12, 18, 100. B 7, 14, 15, 1G. 18. C 0, 13. 17, 87, 97. D 8, 12, 87, 4. E 5, G, 10. 36. 1' 8, 10, 11, 12, 14. 17. IK. G I. 12, 14. 15. 16. 17. 90. i II 7. 12, 18, 20, 99. J 5. 10. 12, 14, 17. 18. 89. K 15, 16. L 1. 12, 13, 15. 19. M 9. 10, 12, 19. N O, 12, 15. 54. O 8. 9. 10, 34, 99. Q 18, 19. R 6, 7. 10. 15, 78. S 6. 12. 95. T 2. 14. 16. 19. V 10. 16. 18. W 13, 17. X i. IS. 13. Y 7, 9. 12. 16, 18, 19. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson, at 382 Washington St.. at 2 and 7 I. M. J. T. Wilsan. auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. A special communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Oregon will be held at Masonic Temple, Portlund. Or., on Saturday. February 11. 1005. at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of conducting the funeral ceremonies over the remains of Right Worshipful Brother Theo dore Wygant, past grand treasurer. All M. M. are invited to attend. THOS. GRAY, Grand Master. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55, A. F. & A. M. Special communication this (Saturday) afternoon at 1 o'clock sharp; to assist the grand lodge of Oregon in conducting the funeral services of our late past master, Theodore Wygant. All members are request ed to attend. By order W. M. 1. W. PRATT. Secretary. DIED. CASE At the family residence, 1600 E. Sth st.. Sellwood. Feb. 10, 10t5, Wade George, son of Mr .and Mrs. George B. Case, aged 7 months. FUNERAL NOTICES. EVANS In this city, on February S, 1305. at the family residence. East 31st and Taggart sts., Margarette Jane Evans, aged 59 years. 3 months. 4 days. Funeral Sat urday. February 11. 1905, at 10 A M.. from the above residence. Members of Women's Relief Corps. G. A. R.. and friends reepectfully Invited to attend. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. WINTERS Friends and acquaintances art) re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices of the late John F. Winters, which will be held at the Methodist Church, Gresham, Or.. Sunday, Feb. 12, at 11 A. M. Interment at Gresham Cemetery. ROBERTSON Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral servlceo of Annie Robertson, which will be held at her late residence, 547 Clay st., at 2 P. M., Sunday. Interment Rlvcrvlew Cem etery. OERTLI In this city. Feb. 10, 1903. Balthasar Oertll. aged 52 years. The funeral services will be held at Flnley's Chapel at 10 A. M.. Sundays-Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. DUNNING. McENTEE & GILBAUGH. successors to Dunning Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern in every de tail. 7th and 1'ine. i'tiono Mala 430. Xd assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and embalmers, hare moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Xelephono No. 597. jr. I FIN LEY & SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Xady asistat. Telephose Eaj; li. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Hrt-CIa Cheek' Xestssnust. . CoBHectod With Hotel. O. O. DAVIS, Sec asd TreJL THB ESMOND HOTEL OSCAS ADDERS, Hinder Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREGON TREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL, TRAINS. Rates European plan, 50c. 73c. 11.00. $1.59. 12.00 pr day. Sampla rooms In connection Manager Best Equipped Hotel NEW TODAY. HERE'S THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME YOU CAN BUY A FINE LOT 50x100 Feet Willi For $150 a Lot $10 DOWN AND $5 A MONTH North Irvlntctoa 1k the place for the man of moderate mean. It la only 10 minutes ride and 20 nilnitteM walk -from the bufilneKK part of the city. North Irvlncton la hlRh, dry, healthy and well drained. City water piped to every house in North Irvlagtoa. Our North Irriafrton office la at S32 Union, avenue uorth. Phone East 135. JI. G. Kemp la charge. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Or. Real Estate FOR SALE BY The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. $ 850 $1000 $1200 $1200 $1400 $1850 $2500 $2750 $1000 $ 450 $3000 $3300 $4250 Paradise Spring, lot -(3x112 ft., and house 4 rooms, hard finished. (S. 215.) E. 30th. near E. Lincoln street, lot Ti0x84 and new house of 4 rooms. (S. 21I.) Peninsula Station, 100x125 ft., and cottage of 5 rooms, bath, basement and good bam. (A 309.) Piedmont Park. lot 50x100 ft. and first-class house 7 rooms; rents 910 a month. (A 305.) Sunnyside E. 37th. near E. Tay lor, lot and neat cottage of five rooms: terms $500 cash, balanco on time. (S. 212.) E. Taylor and E. 36th St.. corner lot and cottage 5 rooms, hot and cold water, bath, gas and electric light. (S. 214.) Cor. Mason st. and Mississippi ave.. 100x100 ft. and house of 0 rooms: sewer In and streets Im proved. (A 207.) Stephen's Add. E. 0th, lot 53x100 feet and two houses, well built, brick foundation, rented for 925 a month. (E. P. 230.) 100x100 ft., N. E. cor. E. Pine and E. 30th sts. This property is very cheap. (E. P. 242.) 50x100 feet on E. 27th. bet. E. Pine and E. Ash sts., one block to E. Ankcny car line. (E. P. 242.) New house 9 rooms, bath, full basement and 88x100 feet, cor. E. 38th and E. Main. Two blocks from Hawthorne ave. car. (S. ). Attractive home, lot 50x100 ft. and house 7 rooms, modern In all respects, full basement. brick foundation, electric lights, speak ing tubes, good barn. S. E. Port land, close to car line. (E. P. ) Schuyler st., bet. 10th and 20th sts.. lot 50x100 ft. and modern house 0 rooms, furnace and grate. (H. ) ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. TITLES INSURED. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 5 ad 7 Chasaber et .Ceaaerce. AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER A H. BALLARD, Lereee and Manager. Fourteenth and Washington Sts. THIS AFTERNOON AND TONIGHT, Sweet Lavender TOMORROW. SUNDAY MATINEE AND ALL NEXT WEEK, QUO VADIS Prices 10c, 15c. 25c, matinee; 15c, 25c, 35c. 50c. evenings. Down-town box office 327 Morrison, phone 110. Empire mmm v GEORGE L. BAKER, Manager. wraer seats Dy vnone Alain 117. Curtain rises Matinee.i. 2:15: evenings, S:15. Our prices Matinees, 10. 15c, 25c Evening. 15c. 25c. 35e. 50c. TWO MORE TIMES MATINEE TODAY LAST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT. Rowland & Clifford's big scenic nroduction, "OVER NIAGARA KALIS." Starting Sunday Matinee TOMORROW and ALL Next Week Popular matinee Saturday, IilNCOLN HART PRESENTS LOUISE EDQAR BRAIN DT BAUME And excellent supporting company. In Clyde Fitch's beautiful play, "LOVERS' LANE" BEATS NOW SELLING. Harquam Grand Theater JtifigEfc Phone Main 6GS. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday nights. Feb ruary 13, 14. 15. The Veteran Actor, J. II. STODD.VRT, Together with Rueben Fax and an excellent company In "THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH." Prices Parquet, $1.50; parquet circle, $1; balcony, 75e and 50c; gallery, 25c and 35c; boxes and loges. $10. Seats now selling. ALWAYS A GREAT SHOW AT THE STAR THEATER Portland's Fashionable Vaudeville Theater. ROBERTI'S TRAINED BEARS. WARD, LESTER Jt CO. EDGERTON AND EDGERTON. JENNIE GRAY. CARDOWNIE SISTERS. DAISY VERNON. EDISON'S PROJECTOSCOPE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Admlsion 10 cents. Reserved box seats 25c THE LYRIC THEATER Seventh and Alder Streets. Every Afternoon and Evening. THE NEW LYRIC STOCK COMPANY. In the Laughable Farce-Comedy, "The Cheerful Liar." Specialties between acts. Performances at 2:30. 7:30 and 0:15 p. M. Usual price o" admission, 10 cents. GRAND MATINEE AND EVENING ADMISSION 10 CENTS. TALK OF THE TOWN. DANNY MANN CO. In "MANDY HAWKINS" and 9 OTHER GREAT ACTS-9 BAKER THEATER Third and Yamhill sts. Keating and Flood, Mgrs. Largest Vaudeville House in America BABY VANDERV1LLE. THE ALLANS. HYLAND & GRANT. CHARLOTTE DEANE. JACK HARRIS. DAVE WILLIAMS. JESSUP WATSON. THE DELKS. J. W. WOOD. THE BIOGRAPH. Admission 10 cents. Performances at 2:30. 7:30 and 0 P. M. BIJOU THEATER Sixth and Alder sts. HOME OF COMEDY AND DRAMA. The Bijou Stock Company, under the man agement of A. R. Thorne. presenting the beautiful comedy-drama In three acts, entitled "Dearer Than Life" Performances at 2:30, 7:30 and 0 P. M. Price of admission, 10c. v JIU-JITSU RETURN ENGAGEMENT. General Nil and Royal . Japanese Troupe In a wonderful exhibition of Jlu-jltsu at RINGLER'S PHYSICAL CULTURE HALL, 300 Alder Street. Monday evening, February 13. Admission 25 and 50 cents. Advance sale at hall opens February 10. NEW TODAY. HAVE TEN YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. 2.000, 000 ft.J Eastern Oregon; 20 claims line farming land. Eastern Washington; loca tion $150. P. O. Box 223. Portland. FOR SALE NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE; SlttW; monthly payments. O. M. Smith. 730 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. LOT 50x150 AND S-ROOM HOUSE. TILLA tnook st.. bet. Williams and Rodney aves. Apply at 300 San Rafael st. $1100 FINE BUILDING CORNER. HOL ladays Addition, on car line, not far out. 303 Chamber Commerce FOR SALE COMMODIOUS MODERN HOUSE of 10 rooms, with two lots: price low. Mrs. W. A Daly. 359 13th st. WILL SELt. MY 7-ROOM HOUSE AND lot. bet. W. Park, and 10th st.. cheap; owner, 390 Hall st. $900 WILL BUY BUSINESS LOT ON Williams ave.. near Wetdler st. Inquire 340 Williams ave. FOR SALE-CORNER LOT. 50x50.' 13TH AND Petty grove sts.; cheap. Inqulrs room SI, Northern Hotel. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. NICE LITTLE HOME; $1150; small payment down, balance monthly, hone East 675. IMPROVED CORNER LOT, EAST SIDE; IN come. $25 per month; price, $1500. Inquire 75 N. Park. ,TILE CORNER LT. S. E." cor. Hood and Grover sts. See owusr. 841 Front. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. $1850: SMALL payment down, balance monthly. Phone East 675. ALERT REAL ESTATE CO. DON'T BUY OR sell till you consult us. SlS,Goodnough bldg. FOH ALE REAL ESTATE. A BIG SNAP NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, all complete: lots of old fruit trees, large lot. $650, 1-3 cash, new modern cot tage, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, wood fiber, hard finish, large lot, shade trees. $1050; cash, balance $S per month: 2 new 6-room houses, patent toilet, cor. lot, $1100. $100 and $15 per month; 5-room house, built 5 years, $23 down and $15 per month; 4-room modern cottage, $M)0. easy torms; lots and Vi blocks $100 up. Owner, Joe Nash, In the white house at Nashville Station; take Mt. Scott car line. Tel. Union 1561. $375.00. A hard-flnlshed cottage with 10 lots on the Peninsula, but a short distance from the St. Johns car line; the cottage Is worth the amount we are asking for the whole thing; the. lots are worth four times what we are asking for the whole; streets are graded, sidewalks laid and city water on the prop erty; all the lots are cleared, level and sightly. This is the greatest snap ever offered in Portland. Sherman D. Brown, 351 Stark su $10,000 RESIDENCE. Can you afford to own a $10,000 resi dence? It so It will pay you to see me. Will, take half In farm lands west of tho Cascade Mountains, balance easy terms. Health requires a change of climate. FRANCIS I. M'KENNA. . Room 006 Commercial block. FOR SALE NEW 5-ROOM MODERN cottage, hot and cold water, large lot. price $1100, on Installment; 10 per cent ott for half cash: take Mt. Scott car: get off at Tremont Station. See Mrs. J. F. Truol son. one block west of station. Phone Union 1564. FREE LAND I FREB LAND I A chance to secure a home and make money; only cost Is for water right, which averages $10 per acre; under state control. For particulars wrlce or call at office of Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Co.. 539 Wor cester blk. FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT ON MAR shall St., W. 23d. a little money takes this. These are red-hot buys. Northrop & King. 210 and 211 Commercial blk., 2d and Washington. WHO WANTS A HOME 3 BRAND-NEW 5-room houses on 2 lots each. $1150 each. East Side, near car. $25 down, $15 a month. F. Dubois, 205 Morrison, room 3. FOR SALE, CORNER 50x100. 11TH ST., Holladay Addition; also lot 50x100, E. ICth st., near Couch. Inquire owner. 626 Cth St., West Side. Phone Main 47SS. FOR SALE CHEAP 80 ACRES GOOD land, 1, easy cleared. 19 miles from Van ver. Wash. O. Watson, route 2, Van- couver. couver. Wash. E. KRONER. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER; houses in installments In any part of Port land; plans made to suit. Office 165 3d St., room B. HOUSE AND LOT (CORNER). WITH GOOD barn. In growing city of Hood River, Or. Address Van Dusen. 126 13th ave. North, Seattle. FOR SALE OR RENT A NEW MODERN 5-room cottage, furnished or unfurnished. Inquire on premises, 394 E. GUsan, cor. 29th. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTH Bargains on O. W. P. electrlo line. O. R. Addlton. Lents. Or. Take ML Scott car. 5c HOUSE AND LOT IN IRVINGTON. 635 HAN cock st.. furnished or unfurnished. Call room 41. Washington bldg. FOR SALE 10-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT. $120 10TH, bet Washington and Alder. No agents. li section. 3 miles west Scappoose; well tim bered; reasonable. D. E. Budd. 110 1st st. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. ON CAR line; lot 60x123: $2150. 025 East Gllsan st. FOR SALE FARMS. TWO IDEAL FARMS. 100-acre farm, slightly rolling, 40 acres clear, 40 more cleared off. except some stumps, and seeded. 10-acre oak grove, some beaverdam; place Is fenced on one side and one end by the Tualatin River, other side and end plank, post, wire; on good county road, 4 miles S. E. of Hllls boro. 2 miles from R. R. siding: has a good 6-room house, new wood and root and mllkhouses; a good barn; R. F. D. mall; a good team horses, wagon and har ness and hack; 4 tine cows, 7 shoats, chick ens, plenty feed for all; on milk route, 1 miles to stores, 14 miles to Portland; $4S00; terms. 105 acres, 60 in cultivation and mostly In crop. lays very lightly rolling, all cul tivated land-, tiled, no stumps, on good road; 25 acres fine timber, fair 6-room house. 3 barns. 20 tons hay, a good team, wagon and harness, buggy, other build ings. 4 cows. 6 hogs, 3 or 4 dozen chick ens, all kinds farming Implements; wheat and oats In bins; R. F. D. mall: 14 miles from city, 4 miles to R. R.; $30 per acre. can stand. W. W. Espey. room 1, Ham ilton bldg. z 160 ACRES A BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHFUL and finely sheltered home, frea from frost and wind; rich black soil; fine large bear ing orchard and small fruits; several never falling springs of excellent water; spring water piped to mllkhouse and barnyard; fenced and cross-fenced; 60 acres In culti vation; some fine timber; 7-room bouse and large barn; implement house, wood house, chicken-house, granary and cellar; railroad surveyed across corner of place; near boat landing, on county road near Portland; one team and all. farm Imple ments; hay. cream separator and dairy utensils go with place; perfect title; price, $5000. Address owner. Rachel A Ellis, Skye. Skamania County. Washington. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED A FINE Lewis River dairy farm, two miles from the famous Woodland cheese factory; 160 acrea all bottom land and cleared, fenced and cross fenced, live water. Si-room house, wttb cement basement, worth $1600, a large dairy barn; this is an ideal dairy larm, and sup ports from 30 to 40 head of milch cows, be sides young stock; team and some farming implements go with place; will be sold with or without milch cows; price for farm alone, $6000, with $3000 down: milch cowa will be sold at market price. This Is the only farm for sale In the famous Woodland district, and If you want It come Immediately. Imus & Wllloughby, Kalama, Wash. 142 ACRES. 33 UPLAND, BALANCE RICH bottom, 35 under cultivation; good oppor tunity for dairy; 6 miles from Courthouse, Portland. Inqhire B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder st. 128 ACRES, 14 MILES FROM CARLTON, about 100 acres in cultivation, best of soil, well fenced. $30 per acre, cash, 0 per cent Interest. W. E. Kidder, Carlton, Or. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for Imme diate use. LOWEST PRICES. E F. & F. B. Riley, 608 Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, TIM bcred, farm or grazing land; all sizes, lowest prices. II. B. Compson, 618 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE, SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. LAND SCRIP FOR IMMEDIATE USE FUR nlshed; will take any Government land. Whltten & Bryant, 71S Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips: general land practice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. We're again in the market with low-priced scrip. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Abington. TO EXCHANGE. $10,000 RESIDENCE. Can you afford to own a $10,000 resi dence? If so It will pay you to sec me. Will take half in farm lands west of the Cascade Mountains, balance easy terms. Health requires a change of climate. FRANCIS I. M'KENNA. Room 606 Commercial block. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE. RESIDENCES. $2000 to $10,000; also business properties. $3000 to $20,000, Have buyers. L. W. Whit ing & Co 40S binirton bldg. FOR RENT FARM I HAVE 28 ACRES OF UNIMPROVED GAR den land. 1 mile west of Jewish Ceme tery, to lease for a term of years. W. H. Sullivan, 426 E. Grant st. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds of vehicles bought, sold and rented. "Hubert & Hall. 204 4th. Phone Main 220S. STUDEBAKER BUGGY. HEAVY. GOOD AS new. cost $150; sell for $80 cash. Apply Cen tral Stables. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAXD vehicles on Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. HACK OR CARRIAGE CHEAP. INQUIRE Fashion Stables. 20th and Washington ats. FOR SALE OR HIRI-J -ALL, KINDS OF horses. 2d and Main. FOB SALTS. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE SEVERAL TEAMS OF WELL- matched. well-broken horses. weighing from 1300 to 1500 pounds. Address Sam Strebln. Troutdale. Or Pianos. $235 CASH BUYS $425 PIANO. USED FEW weeks; need money. A 52, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Blaterlte; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; besp. for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE COUNTERS. SHOWCASES. (1) Hall's safe. White sewing machine, gas stove, electric clock and other things too numerous to mention, at 0276-020 Wash ington st., opposite Old Exposition bldg. NO. 1 CHOICE WINESAP APPLES DELIV ered on Washington-st. dock from steamer America at $1.23 per box: No.2. $1.10; all wound, no culls. See me Satuiiiay, 11th, at dock. F. N. Whitney. Scappouse, Or. FOR SALE NEW AND 2D-HAND BIL liard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick? Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE-12 H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine complete ana reaay. ior immeaiaia use; a real bargain. Railway Equipment Co.. 324 Chamber of Commerce. FANCY MOSER APPLES. CABBAGE AND turnips eold by the grower. Delivered to any part of the city free of charge. 293 Front st., cor. Columbia. SUMPTER CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINING Co. 2500 shares, fully paid and nonas sessable, at three cents per share if taken now. O 20. Oregonlan CHAPEL ORGAN. PRICE $30; 10 STOPS, 7 octaves, light wood, Kimball, almost new. F T. Mills, basement of church. 2d and Jefferson sta. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, VICTOR, talking machine. Fairbank's Imperial scale; must sell. 208 Clackamas St.. East Side. FOR SALE GOOD HOMESTEAD RELIN qulshment in the great wheat belt of Wash ington. Address J 14, care Oregonlan. ENGLISH BULL PUPS SOLID YELLOW: 6 months old; male. $10; female, $8.- 481 Nehalem ave., Sellwood, Or. CHICKENS CHOICE S. C. B. LEGHORNS. In lots of five or more. $1 each. 481 Ne halem ave., Sellwood. Or. ' SPOT CASH PAID FOR 2D-HAND FUR nlture or any kind of goods. Prosser, 206 4 th st. Phone Main 6301. 160 CORDS FINE FIR WOOD ON BANK river at Holbrook for sale or trade. 321 Morrison st, Ralston. PURCHASER FOR BALZAC'S COMPLETE works, 52 vols., $104; will sell for $30. P 20. Oregonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE. RUGS, .ETC. OF nicely furnished suite. Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Inquire janitor. BLOCK OF ATTACHABLE BALL-BEARING hub shares for sale or trade. Box 36S, Van couver. BUY YOUR WOOD AND COAL OF HOOVER. 313 Water st- Phone Main 4596. HELP WANTED MALE. MAN ENERGETIC. WILLING TO LEARN, under 35, to prepare for Government posi tion; beginning salary in railway mall service $800 per year. Good future. Call, between 8 and 11 A. M. Edgar R. Bush. 316 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED PROFICIENT MALE STENOGRA pher and typewriter for city office; one that speaks German and can assist in general office work preferred; apply in own hand writing, stating age and city experience. Address H 19. Oregonlan. WANTED COMMERCIAL, TRAVELING man to take stock In corporation and position; salary $900 per year and ex penses; must take at least $300 In stock. Address H. Crofts, Fenton bldg.. Portland. Or. THERE IS MORE DEMAND THAN EVER tor competent salesmen, bookkeepers, sten ographers and technical men, and we ntel men for many such positions now open. Pacific Commercial Bureau. Seattle. Wash. THOSE DESIRING TO BE ACTORS SEE US and save money; stage dancing, vaudeville acting, singing taught; terms reasonable; en gagements guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting, 326Jt Washington. YOUNG MAN WITH $123 CASH THAT will attend to business to investigate muney-maklng proposition; if you don't mean business don't answer. Y 18, Ore gonlan. MEN We teach the barber trade In the short est possible time at small expense and guar antee positions. Write for catalogue. MOLER SVSTEM COLLEGE, San Francisco. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. School of Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad dress 4973-75 Easton ave.. St. Louis. Mo. CLYDE. 633 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, advertising representatives; commission. Exposition publication, mining, country, religious, agrictulural, newspapers. WANTED GYMNAST WITH SOME EXPE rlence on Roman rings: good opportunity for amateur. Newman's, 3264 Washington. WANTED BRIGHT. YOUNG MAN STEN ographer. having good references, willing to leave city B 16. Oregonlan. FINE OPENING GOOD PAYING Busi ness for actFve man with small, capital. Ap ply. 271 3d st. RELIABLE. ENERGETIC MAN TO TRAV el, $20 per week and expenses. L. W. Day, Perkins HoteL WANTED YOUNG MAN AS ELEVATOR Op erator. Apply R. W. Schmeer, U. S. Na tional Bank. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barbe? College. 741 Howard St.. San Francisco. HARNESSMAKER. R. R. CAMP. $2.50; coach painter. Hansen. 26 N. 2d. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST. CURES ALL PRI vata diseases of men. SALESMAN. CITY. COUNTRY; BIG WAGES. 215 Commercial blk. BARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY. 200i Third at. HELP WANTED FEMALE." WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must bo good cook and understand table service; also willing and capable of earning $25 per month; family of two; give name and address. P 19, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG GOOD GIRL FOR GEN eral housework: must be good cook; liber al salary and comfortable home to right party. Apply bet. 2 and 5 P. M.. 786 Cor bett St., cor. Glbbs; take S car. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO KEEP HOUSE .for widower and grown sons In country town: good homo for right party; state wages expected. Q IS. Oregonlan. GIRL WANTS A PLACE TO DO GENERAL housework and good experienced cook; good references; not less than $23. X 20. Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 2304 Yamhill. Phono Black 2S81. LADIES-EARN $20 PER 100 WRITING short letters; send stamped envelope for par ticulars. Ideal Mfg. Co.. Ca;sopoligh. Mich. WANTED NURSE FOR PRIVATE SANI tarium. Address Box 572. Baker City. Or., giving age. height, weight and experience. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL. tfOUhk work and cooking: ho washing. 211 Pretty man ave.. Mi. Tauor. Phone ieott 1802. SOUTHERN SCHOOL DERMATOLOGY, manicuring, shampooing, massage taught, whole course $10. 420 Jefferson st. FAMILY HELP. $23. DOWN; ONE. HEPP ner ($20. ticket): country hotel cook. $-0. Drake's. 2054 Washington. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD wages for right person: small family. Call mornings. 790 Kearney st. WANTED A NEAT, CAPABLE GIRL FOR 'general housework. Apply mornings at 287 North 24th st. AMATEURS. HIGH-CLASS ACT. APPLY after 10 A. M., Maxwell. 41 Lockwood bldg., 3314 Morrison. A RELIABLE GIRL CAN SECURE' EMPLOY ment for general housework at 531 Glisan st., near 16th. WANTED GIRL. FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call 181 E. 16th. Phone East 1593. WANTED WOMEN OR GIRL TO COOK at Baumann Tlotel. 412 NJ 19th.