V ""HE , MOBNING OBEGOKIAiy WEDNESDAY, FBBBTTAKY 8, 1905. SHOULD G!VE MORE PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND fOREMOST STORE The "Quality Shop" Tkc'Mtfertmt Stre" Hit" Different Stare" 5 c5'- 6? Wasbla$teM Sts. Governor Folk's Recommenda tion to Missouri, FOR . EXHIBIT AT THE FAIR 3S fin Jfjf j fsL-frii Special Message Asks Addition of $25,000 to Appropriation That Missouri's Resources May, Be. r ' Adequately .Displayed. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Feb. 7. (Special.) Governor Folk today sent a special message to the Legislature recom mending an additional appropriation for the Lewia and Clark Exposition as fol lows: "The last General Assembly appropri ated 510,000 to have the resources of Mis souri suitably exhibited at the Lewis and CJark-Exposition to be held in .the City of Portland this year. The appropriation two years ago was Intended, as the act states, as merely preliminary. In order that the exhibits made at the "World's Fair in St. Louis might be gotten to gether for the Portland Exposition. "In accordance with the act of the last General Assembly, a commissioner from Missouri to the Portland Exposition was appointed by my predecessor and many of the splendid exhibits t shown at the World's Fair in St. Louis have beeft shipped to Portland. By reason of having th"se exhibits on hand, and they are such as to arouse the pride of every MLosourian and the admiration of those of .other states, Missouri will be enabled, by a small additional appropriation, to make a showing that could not be done under ordinary circumstances by expend ing many timet? the amount that will now be granted. In order that Missouri's resources may be adequately exhibited in this expo sition, I recommend a further appropria tion of 525,000 and that the Governor be authorized to appoint three commissioners' to represent the state, one of whom shall be the commissioner already selected and now acting. "It is particularly appropriate that Mis souri, in whose Metropolis the greatest "World's Fair of history has just suc cessfully closed for the celebration of the acquisition of Louisiana, should take part prominently in the Portland Expo sition, and the purpose of this Exposi tion Is to celebrate the centennial of the Lewis and Clark exploration up the Misr souri River and the subsequent crossing of the "mountain range and the finding of a way to the Pacific Ocean, thereby adding all of that vast domain to the territory of the United ytuis and sup plementing lands acquired by tho pur chase of Louisiana." EDJTORS COMING TO THE FAIR Large Delegation From Convention at Guthrie Will Visit Portland. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Fb. 7. (Spe cial.) Fifty member of the- National Ex ecutive committee ofc the National Edi torial Association held a-mectlng here to day and made final arrangements for the national convention which will be held In Guthrie, Okla., in June. Arrangements were also made for an extended trip through the "West after the close of the convention. June 6, 7 and 8 were determined upon as the days for the convention. Delegates and members of the national body, with their wives, children and guests, from states East of the Mississippi River, will meet In St. Louis an June 4 and leave on the evening of that day for'Guthrle In special trains. On June 9 the convention party will go on to San Francisco and then to Portland, Or., where it will visit the Lewis and Clark Exposition. No definite time was fixed for the stay at the Exposition, but the party will remain there several days. ASSAYER WOOLLEY TO RESIGN He Padded Payrolls and Barely Es caped Criminal Prosecutions. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Feb. 7. Bishop H. Smith "Woolley, Assaycr of the United States Assay Of fice, at Boise, is again in the public eye. His resignation has been qalled for on account of Irregularities in the conduct of his office, and it Is doubtful If his resig nation, will save him from criminal pros ecution. Recently it was reported to tho Treas ury Department that "Woolley was carry ing the name of his brother, K. E. "Wool Icy, on the rolls of the Assay Office, while in reality he was not on duty and absent from that office on leave ot absence with out pay. Secret Service Agent Taylor was sent to Investigate, and found that, while K. E. Woolley was absent, his name had been carried on the pay roll from Septem ber 15 to October 3L 1301, and the pay rolls had been receipted. . , On this showing- it war proposed to Im mediately remove Assayer "Woolley from service, but appeal was made In his behalf by friends here, and it was decided to per mit him to resign. His resignation, lias not reached here, but it is understood to be forthcoming. Much chagrin is felt by "Woolley's friends In the Senate and House from Idaho. Senator Hcyburn and Representa tive French, at the fiasco in his affairs. It was upon their strong .personal ap peals that the long-drawn-out fight against "Woolley's appointment was de cided in his favor. Ex-United States Marshal Joseph Pinkham is said to be undor consideration as Woolley's successor. New Northwest Postmasters.. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb. 7. Postmasters appointed: Oregon Geiser, Baker County, Edna C. Hall, vice W. H. "Kirby. removed. Washington New Kamilchle, Mason County. G. O. Huntley, vice C. W. Fish, resigned. Rural carriers appointed: Oregon Hood River, route No. 1, A. J. Frledlcy, carrier, H. C. Friedley, substi tute; 'Monroe, route No. 1. Lewis A. Peck, carrier, Mary A. Peck, mibstitutc. Washington Tekoa, route No. 1. W. M. ShawTcarrler, David H. Shaw.' substitute. Water on Palouse Land in 1907. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Frb. 7. Replying to inquiries made y Senator Foster, the directors of the .geological surveys state that. If it Is possible to award contracts for the Palouso irrigation project in the State of Washington early this-year, water may be delivered to some of the lands In 1907, and to all of the lands In 190S. THE INVENTORY SALE IS IN PULL SWING And a Nighty Avalanche of Extraordinary Values Comes Rushing In Something new every hour of the day. The lights in the store do not go out this week when the great gong strikes at closing time 6 P. M. A special force comes on and from every box and counter, showcase and shelf, goods come to he written down in the great stock hooks, and when the week is over we shall know to the smallest minutiae the amount of stock in the store at the end of this fiscal year that finishes Saturday night. There are many things like broken sizes of suits, odd lengths of dress goods, remnants of silks and humbler fabrics that dwell in 1 'Domestic" aisles, mussed and broken lines of Lace Curtains, Laces, Embroideries, etc. An odd bolt or two of dainty, handsome Eibbon and the remainders of large lots of merchandise which, though they are good and salable, we do not care to count among the assets of a coming year and new season that begins next week. Such things we are selling out at ridiculously low prices and hope to see the last of fchem before the end of the week. In h-ndreds of cases prices have been made lower than ever before to accom plish our object. These are the best shopping days of the year for women who want to buy and save a big part of the price for themselves. That they appreciate the values is evinced by the crowds that throng every aisle. If such a thing were possible we should say they eclipse the hosts that surged thro our store avenues at clearance tune but service is at its best. Selections from a big field of bargains disclosed by inventory. Inventory Sale in the Toggery New Sixth-Street Annex. 1st Floor. MENS' SWEATERS WORTH $2.50 FOR 51.00. A line of men's honeycomb Sweat ers in combinations of scarlet and emerald and emerald and pink. A mighty good Sweater and our 52.50 value. Special at. each. 91.00 MEN'S 75c NIGHT ROBES FOR -15c Men's Nightgowns, plain or fancy trimmed, made by one of the lead ing' manufacturers of the United States to sell at 75c Special at, each 45c MEN'S 50c UNDERWEAR FOR 29c. The remainder of our line of flat cotton fleece" lined Underwear; one of the ivarmcst and most dur able garments made; our 50c value Special at, each 20c MEN'S 75c NIGHTROBES FOR 39c A small line of men's outing flan nel NIghtrobes, good quality. Our 75c value 30c 25c LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 15c. Men's pure Irish linen Handker chiefs, hemmed; very serviceable; made of Richardson's linen the best made. Our 25c value. Spe cial at, each A. 15c MEN'S 35c SOX FOR 23c Men's plain black cashmero Socks, full fashioned one of our very best sellers. regular 35c- value. Special at. the pair 23c MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS AT HALF. What is left of our line of men's cashmere Overshlrts, ranging in price from $1.00 to $2.50. Special all week at Just HALF PRICE BOYS' BROWNIE SWEATERS 77c. Small boys' Brownie Sweaters, pure worsted in -white, navy and scarlet regular $1.23 value Spe cial at, each 77c GREAT BARGAINS IN LEATHER GOODS. All Leather Goods, such as Suit Cases, Club Bags, Oxfords, English Kits. High Oxfords, Coblns. Glad stones, etc, for this week only at a special discount of 25 per cent off regular selling price. All orders by mall or phone filled at adver tised prices. Largest mail-order house In the North, west. 'Phone "Exchange A GREAT SPECIAL SALE OP Magnificent Ball Costumes and Evening Wraps For Wear at the ELKS' GRAND BALL ON FRIDAY EVENING STARTS TODAY GRAND SALONS OF DRESS SECOND FLOOR. HERE IS OUR INVITATION Come and select from our matchless, surpassing stocks of these beautiful creations; choose from the best values ever shown, on the Pacific Slope at prices ranging from $40.00 to $250 at JUST HALF PRICE Instead of $40.00 pay us $ 20.00 Instead of $250 pay us 125.00 You pocket the difference, we pocket the loss cheerfully, for we want to wave a farewell to 'the handsome, rich and elegant garments, the beautiful EVENING GOWNS and superb OPERA AND CARRIAGE WRAPS, ere next week's renovations threaten the delicate beauties with harm. We prefer to take our loss all at once, like a bitter pill. The sugar that coats the pill and saves us making a wry face is the thought that such values will make us many friends for the future and save the garments from damage during the renovations at hand. Of course a detailed description of such myriad beauty from Fashionland would be futile. Suffice to say they are the repre sentative models of this great style store. See the magnificent gowns in a Washington-Street Window, surrounded bv the purple and white of Elkdom and remember ANY EVENING GOWN, COSTUME OR OPERA WRAP IN THE HOUSE for the remainder of the week $40.00 to $250.00 values at HALF PRICE Several of the famous Schroeder nodels are included in the magnificent convention at HALF PRICE. GREAT Inventory Sale Now in Full Swing CLOSING OUT T1TE ,t- 11 Sacond Floor. All must go. we are going out of bookselling. UOOItS OF PROSE AND POKTRV. Worth 25c for lCc. A select series of the world's best classic literature, both In prose and pcetry, neatly bound in white and silver, or In darker bindings. Each book Jn neat box. Our 25c value. Special Clearance Sale price, ca..lCc BOOKS WORTH 13c FOR 9,c Handy little volumes of best classic literature, bound In buckram cloth. Regular 13c Value. Special Clearance price, each 9c STANDARD BOOKS. Worth 30c and 33c for IDc. Included in this lot are tho Gilt Top Library uf Standard Fiction: books bound in dark red silk cloth. A few of General Charles King's copyright books and the . beautiful Medallion Edition of Standard Authors. All hand somely bound and covers ornamented with designs in colored Inks and Me dallion portrait Many of the best works of the world's most famous authors are Included In these editions, and in the Medallion Edition are many of Mary J. Holmes" best books. Our 30c and 35c values. Special Clearance Sale price, each. 19c BOOKS OF POEMS. Worth 75c for C5c Poems of the world's standard poets, bound in padded leather with title in gold; each book in neat box. In cluded in this line are works of Hugo, Emerson. Poe, Scott. Pope, Proctor, Burns, Goethe, Keats, Wads worth and many others. Our regu lar price is 75c. Special Clearance price, each 55c 50c BOOKS FOIl Sue Books for boys, nlcoly bound, with with handsome cover design, painted edges. The scries Includes books by most of tho popular boys' authors of the day; many ot them being copy righted. Following Is a partial list of authors: Captain Ralph Bonehlll, Horatio Alger, Jr., WInfleld, Otis. St. George Rathbone, Lenit Lounsbcrry and many others. The Jack Hark away scries is also included In tnls lot. Our 50c value. Special Clearance sale price, each 28c YOUNG FOLKS LIBRARY. Books Worth SOc for 19c. These books are well bound, with col ored cover design and painted edges. The list of titles includes all of the standard children's classics as "Robinson Crusoe." "Alice in "Won derland," "Uncle Tom's Cabin," etc.; also many of Jacob Abbott's his torical books. All profusely Illus trated. The publisher's price on these books Is 50c Our regular price .25c Special Clearance Sale price, each. 10c GREAT CLEARANCE SPECIALS IN BIBLES. $1.25 Bible for S3c. Flexible leather bound (Divinity Cir cuit) text Bibles, student's edition, printed In large, clear type, wltn 32 illustrations and 12 colored maps. Our $1.23 value. Special Clearance Sale price, each 83c $2.00 Bible for $1.17. Bibles same as above, but with full leather lining. Our 52.00 value. Spe cial Clearance Sale price, each.. 51.17 $1.30 Bibles for 03o. Sunday school teachers' Bibles, full Divinity Circuit, flexible leather binding, printed In large, clear .type, with references, notes, helps to the study of the Bible, concordance and subject index, dictionary of Bible proper names, 32 illustrations from scenes in the Holy Land. 12 colored maps, etc Regular $1.50 value Spe cial Clearance price, each 03c pL50 Bibles for $1.49. Bibles similar to tnose described above, but with better seal binding and full kid lining some of them arc in dexed. Our regular $2.50 value Spe cial Clearance price, each $1.40 lien's 1 5c-Linen Collars To close 4 for 25c "THE TOGGERY." A clean-up. Anotner snap for tho Toggery's" patrons. We've made a round-up of all the collar stocks and found a lot of odds and ends we don't want to count In the Inventory, so we've ptanned to give our custom ers "2 for 1" for their money. These collars are In good styles and best makes In 4 ply. Not all sizes, but all the best selling sizes in late styles, including tho double fold, wing and band patterns. A great bargain If your size Is here. Regular 15c collars at 4. for 25c INVENTORY SALE IN THE UNDERMUSLIN AND "WARDROBE SALONS CORSET SHOP AND INFANTS1 WEAR SECTION. Second-Floor Annex. Monster sale of Odds and Ends of Ladies' Pine Muslin Underw'r LADIES' 55.75 SILK PETTICOATS $3.29. Ladles gloria silk Petticoats, very best qual ity, deep knife plaiting, some with three ruffles and dust ruffle, and famous elite, adjustable belts; regular value $5.75, spe cial, each $329 LADIES' GOWNS HALF PRICE. A broken line of ladles' nainsook and cam bric Gowns, excellent quality, slightly soiled; regular values $3.25 to $6.50. spe cial 8I.C2 to $3.23 each. Just ONE-HALF PRICE. 50c. 60c AND 65c CORSET COVERS FOR 29c A line of good quality muslin Corset Covers, full front, high or V-shapo necks, prettily trimmed with lace or embroidery; regular" ouc, eoc, 65c values, special at 20c 90c AND $1.00 CORSET COVERS FOR 49c Corset Covers made of very flne cambric or nainsook, made with square yoke of hem stitched tucks and embroidery edging; some made French style with lace bead ing and ribbon trimmed. Our regular 90c and $1.00 values; special at. each 40c MISSES' SKIRTS WORTH 65c FOR 45c Misses' Skirts made of good quality of muslin, with deep Spanish hem stitched flounce and under ruffle; our regular 65c value, special sale price, each 45c CAMBRIC DRAWERS WORTH S5c FOR 49c Ladies' Drawers made of good quality of cambric, with deep tucked and hemstitched flounce and edging of flne Valenciennes lace an extra good value at the regular prlco 85c: special sale price, the pair.... 49c CAMBRIC GOWNS WORTH 85c FOR 49c Ladies' Cambric Nightgowns, with yoke and hemstitched tucks and flne Insertion, and lace edging on neck and sleeves; our S5c value, special sale price, each 40c $3.50 PETTICOATS FOR $2.10. Ladies' Petticoats, made of excellent quality of flne cambric, made with deep flounce with cluster of flne tucks, and two rows of Insertion; also edging of deep lace, another style In this lot, trimmed with very handsome cluny lace; our $3.50 value, special at, each $2.10 DOMET AND OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS AND SKIRTS $3 GOWNS FOR $1.50. Ladles' fine domet flannel Gowns, of very best quality, trimmed with French embroidered dots and plain blue and pink flannel; our $3.00 value, special at, each 91.50 $2.23 GOWNS FOR $1.23. Ladles' outing flannel Gowns of finest quality, fancy striped effects. In extra sizes, in Mother Hubbard yoke effects, high neck and rolling col lars: other styles with low necJc and rlbobn trimming; very com fortable for fleshy women; our $2.25 values, special at, each $1.25 INVENTORY SALE AND GREAT LOT 1 Polka-dot toutam and novelty sulk Silks. good color assortment; special for, yard 54c LOT 2 Swell novelty suit Silk, all good colors and designs; special for, yard 69c LOT 3 Swell novelty suit Silk, all good colors and styles; special for, yard 79c All Silk remnants, all lengths and makes, at HALF Priced The Annex Salons 1st Floor. Fifth Street. A great purchase from the silk mills and short lengths from our own superb stocks. "Remnants" the mills called them, but there's thousands of yards in the purchase. Among them some odd lengths, upon which we place "remnant prices" All colored, cream and black Dress Goods remnants. the cream of every desirable wanted fabric and color, at exactly half price Black Dress Goods $1.75 and $1.30 52-inch all-wool Panamas, canvas cloth and sackings; special, per yard ' 69c $2.50 and $2.25 imported novelty black fabrics, all good stylrs; special, per yard $1.39 Special Annual Inventory Sale Notions, Small Wares In the Art Department CUSHION COVERS WORTH 33c TO 75c FOR 19c. The Cushion Covers are made of art denim und linen stamped in floral and conventional designs; our regular 35c to 75c values, special sale price, each 19c Knit Skirts and Outing flannel Gowns $1.00 SKIRTS FOR 50c Women's knit wool Skirts In assorted colors and fancy stripes, a very neat and comfortable garment; our $1.00 value, special sale price. .59c OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS WORTH $1.js5 AND $2.00 FOR $1.19. Women's outing flannel Nightgowns of very fine quality; cither "nigh or low neck, daintily trimmed at neck and sleeves with embroidery; our $1.85 and $2.00 value, special sale price, each $1.19 FLANNEL SKIRTS WORTH $2.00 FOR $1.00. Women domet flannel Skirts, knee length, in blue and pink, with 9-lnch Vandyke flounce trimmed with torchon laco insertion and edglg: splendid $2 value, special at. each . $1.00 EXTRA SPECIAL SALE PRICES ON WOMEN'S KNIT SKIRTS AND CROCHETED. SHAWLS. SKIRTS WORTH $1.75 AND $2.00 FOR 9Sc Women's knitted wool Skirts, of verNbest quality in plain colors and fancy striped effects, soft and warm; o.ur regular $1.75 and $?.00 values. special at, each - - 9Sc CROCHETED SHAWLS. Crocheted Srawls in square and fascinator shapes. In colors of rod, pink, blue, black, etc, very handy to fold ovor shoulders or head Our $ .25 and $ .40 values; special at, each 10c Our $ .50 and $ .75 value; special at. each 25c Our $ .95 and $1.00 values; special at, oach 50c Our $1.25 and $1.35 values; special at. each Oc Special sale of Odds and. Ends of Royal Worcester Corsets Included In this sale are some very fine Cor sets In the Royal Worcester and Bon Ton mod els. They are made of the very best materials.' In all colors, pink, blue, drab, black and white. Some are boned with whalebones and others with the best white metal steels. These models ara high and low bust; medium, long and short hip styles. Sizes IS to 30 UWcqualcd values: Our regular $1.75, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.30 values; special at 98c Our regular $3.50, $4.00, $4.25 and $5.00 values: special $1.13 Our regular $5.50. $6.00, $7.00, $7.50, $9.00 and $9.50; special at. each $1.49 Great 'antswear 'iSn Todav mi 477 I ' CAPS AND TOQUES FOR THE TOTS CAPS WORTH $1.00 FOR 35c Infants' Caps of white India or Bengallne silks, nicely trimmed, with ruche around face; others In plain effects; all arc nicely lined. In all sizes; our regular $1.00 values, special at, each ,35c WOOL TOQUES WORTH 90c FOR 35c Children's Wool Toques, with fancy Persian borders, others of striped syballne In colors or white, pretty and warm: our regular 90c value, special at, each 35c Motions il First Floor. --f DRESS FASTEN ERS WORTH 10c FOR 6c Bull and socket Dress Fasteners. ai iteSpVJ both large and A black and white. tvo 'dozen on card; regular 10c values: soe- clui at. the card 6c 15c DRESS SHIELDS FOR 9c. White Dress Shields, lightweight, size No. 3 .Our 15c value; special at, the pair 9c WHALEBONE CASING WORTH 15c FOR 7c Whalebone Casing In black, white and colors, 9-yard pieces. Our 15c values; special at, the dozen, -7c PEARL BUTTONS WORTH 25c FOR 17c White pearl Trimming Buttons, ball shape, medium size. Our 25c and 27c values. Special at, tho dozen 17c HAIRPINS WORTH 7c FOR 4c Aluminum Hairpins, 1 dozen on ' card, medium size, regular 7c value. Special at. the card 4c STOCKING DARNERS FOR Sc. Stocking Darners with patent spring to hold stocking while darning. Special Clearance price, each 8c BACK COMBS WORTH 30c FOR 17c Shell turnover Back Combs. Our 30c value. Special at, each 17c POMPADOUR COMBS WORTH 25c FOR 15c Shell color Pompadour Combs, full curve. Our 25c value. Special. 15c DRUG SUNDRIES. LePagc's Liquid Glue. 1 ounce bot tle. Our 10c value. Special at, bot tle 5c BOX WRITING PAPER FOR 12c Box Writing Paper. In white, plain or ruled, envelopes to match. Our 20c value. Special at. box. 12c WRITING PAPER FOR 29c One-pound package Writing Paper. 120 sheets In blue or gray tints. Our SOc value. Special at, pack age 29c Envelopes to match paper described above. Our 15c value. Special at. packago 9c 12c WRITING TABLETS FOR 7c Fine smooth finish packet size Writing Tablets, white, ruled. Our 12c value. Special at, each 7c 7c SPONGES FOR 4c Toilet or Face Sponges, small sizes. Our 7c value. Special at, each.. 4c 4c SPONGES FOR 2 FOR 5c. Small size School Sponges. Our 4c value. Special at, 2 for 5c Chamois cleaning Sponges for win dows, glassware, etc Special.. 5c TOILET SOAP WORTH 25c FOR 17c Fine nard-millcd Toilet Soap, per fumed with violet or rose odors, 3 bakes In a box. Our 25c value. Special at. the box 17c CASTILE SOAP WORTH 50c FOR SOc Large size bars of Imported Italian white Castile Soap. Our 50c value. Special at, bar 30c TALCUM POWDER WORTH 10c FOR 4c Violet perfumed Talcum Powder in wooden boxes. Our 10c value. Spe cial at, box 4c SHOE POLISH WORTH 25c FOR 15c Liquid Shoe Polish, waterproof: gives a brilliant shine without rubbing. Our 25c value. Special at. bottle 15c DRESSING COMBS WORTH 12c FOR 7c Celluloid Dressing Combs, in amber, shell or white, 7 Inches in length. Our 12c vnlut. Special at. each 7c BARGAIN GEMS AT THE JEW ELRY COUNTER. First Floor Sixth-Street Annex CUFF LINKS WORTH 25c FOR 10c. Pretty gold plated and enameled Cuff IJnks. Our 25c value. Spe cial at, the pair 10c BEAD NECKLACES WORTH 35c FOR 17c Pearl and Turquoise Necklaces, graduated size beads. Our 35c values. Special at, each 17c LORGNETTE CHAINS WORTH 25c TO 75c FOR 5c. Black beaded Lorgnetto Chains, all size beads. Values from 35c to 75c. Special at, each 5c BAG TOPS WORTH 25c TO 65c FOR 19c Fancy gilt or oxide Purse and Bag Tops. Values from 25c to 65c. Spe cial at, each 19c BROOCH PINS WORTH 35c FOR 17c Fancy Rhine-stone Brooch Pins, as sorted styles. Our 35c value. Spe cial at, each 17c LEATHER BELTS WORTH $1.25 FOR 69c Ladles' crushed Leather Belt3 in black, brown and tan. plain or girdle backs. Our $1.25 value. Special at 69c PHOTO FRAMES WORTH SOc FOR 29c. Fancy leather Photo Frames, as sorted colors, large size. Our 50c value. Special at. each 29c POCKETBOOKS WORTH $1.60 TO $1.85 FOR 75c. Ladies' Combination Pocketbooks in black, brown and tan leathers. Our $1.60 to $1.85 values. Special at. each v.. 75c Wonderfully low prices on Housefurnish'gs Fourth Floor. Startling reductions arc quoted for this week, throughout the mon ster fourth-floor stocks. Every ar ticle from the costliest to the least expensive being marked at unmis takable bargain figures. Examples of tho way we've gone about mak ing bargains are printed below. Cmtaim Fourth Floor Sixth Street Annex. Real Saxony Brus sels Lace Curtulns, very handsome pat terns one to five pairs of a kind. These curtains are slightly mussed from handling but hardly enough to need laundering. To day all arc on sale at just HALF PRICE. Our $ 9.00 value, special, pr..$4.50 Our $11.00 value, special, pr. .$ 5.50 Our $16.03 ;value, special, pr. .$ 8.0O Our $20.00 value, special, pr. .$10.00 Our $25.00 value, special, pr. .$12-10 Our $33.00 value, special, pr. .$16.56 Our 40.00 value, special, pr.. $20.00 Our $75.00 value, special, pr. .$37.50 Our $90.00 value, special, pr. .$45.00 THIS STORE FOR on (JIB I First Floor. 7xll Slates 8c 144 sticks White Chalk, box 10c Lead Pencils -, -lc to 5c Slate Pencils. 2 dozen for 5 Wood Slate Pencils lc Soapstone Pencils, dozen 5c Penholders ,....lc o 5c Erasers lc, 3c, 5c Ink Tablets.. 5c, 7c, 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c Pencil Tablets 4c Large size Library Tablets 5c Pens, dozen 5c to 10c Drawing Pads 10c Poeketknlves 10c, 15c and 25c Rulers ." lc-5c Ink, bottle 5e-10c Leather Book Straps 5e Book straps 39c Eye Shades 15c Blackboard Erasers 5c Sponge 3c-5c Fountain Pens, $1, $2.50, $3.50 $4, $5 and $8 Composition Books 5c-10c Special Inventory Sale and unpre cedented values In Hafs and Millinery UNTRIMMED SHAPES, CHILDREN'S CAPS. PLUMES, Second Floor. QUILLS. ETC. READY-TO-WEAR HATS FOR 25c Tour choice of a big lot oil tailored turbans, Scotch felt Sailors and fancy shapes, all ready to wear, mighty good value all of them. Special during this sale at, ea.25c UNTRIMMED SHAPES FOR 15c Every untrimmed shape In our en tire stock, all colors, to the value of $3. Special at. each 15c CHILDREN'S CAPS FOR 10c. About two dozen children's Cap3 in visor and Tam O'Shanter styles, colors blue, red and white. Your choice while they last at, spe cial, each 10c A big line of Coque Pompons and fancy quills In all colors. Special during this sale at, each 5c OSTRICH PLUMES AND AIG RETTES AT HALF PRICE. A limited number only of very fine Ostrich Plumes and Aigrettes. Special while they last at JUST ONE-HALF THEIR FORMER PRICE. Handsome Amazon Plumes. Special at, each 00c FINE WHITE ALL-WOOL BLAN KETS. Our $ 4.50 value, special. pr..$ 3.75 Our $ 6.00 value, special, pr. .$ 4.75 Our $ 7.00 value, special, pr. .$ 5.50 Our $ S.50 value, special, pr..$ ftse Our $t5.00 .value, special pr. .$10.75 VICUNA BROWN BLANKETS ALL-WOOL. Our $6.00 value, special pr. ...$425 Our $4.50 value, special, pr....$3.15 GRAY WOOL BLANKETS. BOTH PLAIN AND MOTTLED. x Our $3.75 value, special, pr. ...$20 Our $4.00 valuer special, pr. ...$2.75 Our $6.00 value, special, pr $425 Iron beds Special sale, small line of white enameled, brass trimmed Iron Beds, full and three-quarter sizes Regular $ 6.50 value, special. $ 4.00 Regular $ 7.53 value, special. $ 4.75 Regular 5 S.50 value, special. $ SJSO IRON BEDS-Cont'd. Regular $10.50 value, special. $ 0.75 Regular $11.50 value, special. $ 7.50 Regular $15.50 value, special.? 9.00 Regular $16.00 value, special. $10.50 Regular $18.03 value, special. $12.50 TableCovers Half Price Small line of heavy Tapestry Tablc Covers 6-4 and S-4 size. Ori ental and floral designs. Special, HALF PRICE. Regular $1.50 value, special.. $ .75 Regular $2.00 value, special. .$1.06 Regular $2.50 value, special. .$125 Regular $3.00 value, special. .$1.50 Regular $3.00 value, special. .$2.50 11 HSU 1 V