10 THE MORNTNTG OREGONIAN,, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1905. HOTEL Fiffh tnd Washington Streets - EUROPEAN PLAN Koem.' $U99 ta fS.M Per Day, Acecrdlac to Locatlaa. J. F. DA VIES, Ttm. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Esropeaa Piss Rooms 50c to $1.50 First-Class Restaurant la Ceaaectlea H HOTEL SCOTT CO. ! A. J. DEITZ, Manager Portland's Newest and Best Equipped Hotel RoomB single or en suite, -with private bath. European plan. Elegant cafe In connection. Free 'bus -will meet all trains. SEVENTH AND AN KENT STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON. DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Who can fill or extract any number of teeth "without in flicting the slightest pain to the patient The largest and best-equipped dental office on the Pacific Coast. 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh 'Phone Main 2119. UEWSBOYS HONOR AH ACTRESS Bouquet Sent to Edna Wallace Hop per by Portland Newsies. Tthe Portland newsboys, who, under the leadership o Otto Prag, may be consid ered the most gallant portion of the popu lation, last night sent a bouquet of choice flowers to Edna Wallace Hopper. It Is doubtful if the recipient of the gift real ized why she had been so honored, till she read tho note appended. And then it Is doubtful If her eyes were dry enough to finish it. The newsboys are appreciative of kind ness and consideration and they are grate ful for good turns done them. The par ticular deed of kindness for which Miss Hopper was placed on the ledger of honor In "the heart of each Portland newsboy was that, as Otto Prag explained, "she showed great kindness to a poor, unfor tunate newsboy In Omaha, and for that she will always be considered the news boys' friend, no matter where she may be or where the newsboys may come in con tact with her." DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. -PORTLAND, Feb. 6. Maximum temperature, 46 deg.; minimum. 33. River reading at 11 A. M.. 3.0 feet; change. In past 24 hours, rise 0.1 feet. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. trace; total since September 1, 1004, 20.77 Inches; normal, 27.82; deficiency, 7.05. Total sunshine February 5, 1005, 0 hours and 03 minutes; possible. 0 hours and 53 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 30.13. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. Lj Wind. fjS a.z2. go H- d s STATIONS. Mp a 7 'o 2 ffS o 2 o o 2. 2. : I I ? 8 ; Walter City Bismarck ....... Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C. North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg ....... Sacramento .... Salt Lake City.. San Francisco . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island . "Walla "Walla ... 0.001 0.00 4 NY 12E 4:nw ICloudy Clear Cloudy 0.00 0.00 32iN Clear Clear . 0.00 0.00 4 SW o.. s:w 4JNE 4 NW Cloudy 46k).22 (Cloudy IClear ICloudy 34 0.00 461 T 58 0.00 18N 481 T OiN Pt. clouay Clear Clear Clear 0.O0! !12(NW 0.00 o NW !nw !S 4,E 0.00 0.01 Cloudy T Pt. cloudy 4810.01 12ISW Cloudy Cloudy 420.00; 6JS T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 24 hours light rain has fallen along the Washington coast and local rains have occurred In the Willamette Valley and In Northeastern Washington. The temperature haa risen slightly In North ern California and remained nearly stationary In the North Pacific States. The Indications are for generally fair weather in -this district Tuesday, except light rain along the coast. .WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, February 7: Portland and vicinity Cloudy, unsettled weather, with but little if any rain; westerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Cloudy, unsettled weather, with rain along the coast; westerly winds. , Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Generally fair. EDWARD A. BEALS. District ForecnFter. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der &se month. IMPORTANT The low second-time rate oa advertising that runs either in the classified columns, or under head "New Today," will bbe siren only when advertising 1st Inserted on consecutive days. Dally and Sua day Is sues. Advertising that Is scheduled to ap 'Par at intervals of one or more days apart will be charged for at- foil one-time, rate each Insertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line of each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed la scaled envelopes. No stamp is required on sach liters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advcrtlsenieats taken through the SAlaahoaa. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Ztet-CbMs Cheek XeatcMraaU Oosaeeted Wltk KeteL a O. DAVIS, Sec ui Tree. :THE: ESMOND HOTEL CSCA8 AKDERSOS, Musser Front and Morrison Streets PORTLAND - OREQON TREE 'BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. Rates European plan, 60c. 76c J L00, $1.50. ft. 00 per day. Sample rooms In connection. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At 211 1st at 10 A. M. today. Gus A. Lowlt. auctioneer. At Gilman's Auction Rooms. 413 Washington street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. "N. Oilman, Auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., Auctioneers. MEETING NOTICTS. B. P. O. ELKS The members of Portland lodge. No. 142. are requested to meet In our lodgcroom In the Marquam bldg., to day, Tuesday, at 2:30 P. M. to conduct the funeral services of our late brother, Charles Flanders. Visiting brothers Invited to assist. By order of tho exalted ruler. 3 NO. B. COFFBT, Secretary, A. & A. S. RITE The ob sequies of a Knight Kadosh will be held over the remains of Brother Arthur Wilson, 32d degree, at the Cathedral, this evening at 0 o'clock. No ad mission after 8:45. Friends and acquaintances invited. By order MASTER OF KADOSH. A. & A. S. RITE, OREGON LODGE OF PERFECTION. NO. 1 Regular meeting In Memorial Hall. Scottish Rite Cathedral this evening at 8 o'clock. Report of auditors. By order Yen. Master.. HARMONY LODGE A special communication of Harmony Lodge, A. F. & A. M., will be held at Ma sonic Temple. 3d and Alder streets, this (Tuesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the E. A. degree. A cordi al welcome extended visiting brothers. By order of W. M. RUFUS R. BALL. Sec PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 55. A. & A. M. Special communica tion Wednesday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock sharp to conduct the funeral services of our late brother, Arthur Wilson. AH members and brethren requested to attend. By order W. M. I. W. PRATT, Secretary. FRAM ASSEMBLY. NO. 121. UNITED ARTI SANS You are hereby notified of the death of Bro. E. M. Jones. All Artisans invited to attend the funeral at 2 P. M., Tuesday, at Finley's chapel. MRS. J. LEACH, Secretary. J. H. ZANE, M. A. SWEDISH SOCIETY LINNEA All members of the Swedish Society Linnet, are requested to attend the funeral of our late Brother Con sul Arthur Wilson, from the Scottish Rite Ca thedral. Morrison and Lownsdale sts., Wednes day. Feb. 8. at 2 P. M. C. F. ANDERSON, President. C. A. ANDERSON, Secretary. BORN. EDWARDS To Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Edwards, a daughter, Feb. 6, C58 Wasco. DIED. MARKS In this city, at the family residence. 674 E. 16th st., Feb. 6. 1005, Annie Marks, aged 62 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. GIST Henry Bailey Gist. Funeral at 2 P. M., Tuesday, Feb. 7, from the parlors of Edward Holman. Burial private at Rlvervlew Cem etery. JONES Friends and acquaintances, are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral services or Eugene M. Jones, which will be held at Finley's chapel at 2 P. M. today. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. SCHWEINHART In this city, on February S, 1005. Amos Schwelnhart, aged 61 years, veteran of the Civil War, Co. I, 148th In diana Infantry. Funeral Wednesday. Febru ary 8. 1005. at 11 A. M.. from Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets. Comrades of the G. A. R. and friends re spectfully invited to attend. Interment Grand Army Cemetery. DUNNING. McENTEE & GELBAUGH, successors to Duelling & Campion, under takers and embalm ers. modem in every de tail, 7th and Pine Phone Mala 420. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmoa. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. V. FIX LEY St SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison.. Office ef County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. NEW TODAY. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Oar records ar complete aaa mp ta data, "Km ruraleh abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On-improved Portlaaa Real v-twts. SECURITY ABSTRACT TRUST CO, 114-215 Clumber at Caauasras. WAREHOUSE SITES Blocks halves, quarters and single lots, all on track. West Side. R M. WILBUR. -30G McKay bldg. TWENTY-SECOND STREET .$825 Lot 50x50. cement walk laid, streets Improved, sewer, gas. wa ter, all laid. East front. Phone Main 41. bat. SArlsr-Thurman. AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater w.r.mm Phone Main S 6 8. Ettldes! Utttiv Last Performance Tonight at S:15 o'clock. EDNA WALLACE HOPPER In the English Comedy Success, "A COUNTRY MOUSE," Preceded by "CAPTAIN JANUARY" Prices Lower floor $1.50, $1.00: balcony. $1, 75c 50c; gallery. 25c, 35c; boxes and loges, $10. Marquam Grand Theater Et!fitP& Phone Main 68. The Eminent Irish Comedian, JOSEPH MURPHY. Wednesday and Thursday Nights. Feb. 8 and 9, Will Present "KERRY GOW." Friday Night. Feb. 10, "SHAUN BHUE.'' Prices Lower floor, $1. Balcony, 75c and 50c Gallery. 25c. 85c Boxes and loges, $7.60. COLUMBIA THEATER A. H. BALLARD, Lessee and Manager. Fourteenth and , Washington Sts. ALL THlrf WEEK MATD)EB SATURDAY, The superb Columbia Stock Company -la Plnero'a clever comedy of love, Sweet Lavender A New York Lyceum Theater success. Downtown box office, 327 Morrison; open all day; Phone Main 110. Evening at theater: Main 311. Prices, 15c 25c 35c, 50c; matinee, 10c 15c, 25c EMPIRE THEATER GEORGE L. BAKER. Manager. Phone M.-.in 117 for Seats. Prices All matinees, 10c, 15c and 25c Evenings. 15c 25c 35c, 50c TONIGHT AND ALL THIS WEEK, MATINEE SATURDAY, Rowland & Clifford's gigantic scenic production, OVER NIAGARA FALLS If you've never seen the falls, here's your chance imitation surpasses real Inn. NEXT WEEK. "LOVERS' LANE." ALWAYS A GREAT SHOW AT THE STAR THEATER Portland's Fashionable Vaudeville Theater. BOBERTTS TRAINED BEARS. WARD LESTER & CO. EDGEBTON AND EDGEBTON. JENNIE GRAY. CAR DOWN IE SISTERS. DAISY VERNON. EDISON'S PEOJECTOSCOrE. Shows 2:30 to 4:30. 7:30 to 10:30 P. M. Admission 10 cents. Reserved box seats 25c BAKER THEATER Third and Yamhill sts. Keating and Flood, Mgrs. Largest Vaudeville House In America MLLE. VENITA. BABY RUTH. V HOLLY AND LESLIE. CAL KRATUS. LTD ELL AND BUTTERWORTH. . HARRY W. WRIGHT. JEANETTE STUART. J. W. WOOD. THE BIOGRAPIL All for 10c Afternoons and evenings. THE LYRIC THEATER - Seventh and Alder Streets. Every Afternoon and Evening. THE NEW LYRIC STOCK COMPANY. In the Laughablo Farce-Comedy, "The Cheerful Liar" Specialties between acts. Performances at 2:30. 7:30 and 0:15 P. M. Usual price of admission, 10 cents. THE GRAND VAUDEVILLE AGAIN Hits! Hits! Hits! 10 -GREAT NUMBERS -10 Every act superb! Matinee and evening. Admission to any seat, 10c; box seats, 25c BIJOU THEATER Sixth and Alder sts. HOME OF COMEDY AND DRAMA. The Bijou Stock Company, under the man agement of A. R. Thorne. presenting the beautiful comedy-drama In three acts, entitled "Dearer Than Life" Performances at 2:30, 7:30 and 9 P. M. Price of admission, 10c ROSE EYTINGE Pupils prepared for stage, pulpit. filatform or parlor. Either privats essons or class work. For Urn and terms, -apply at 261 Thirteenth Street PHONE MAIN 1203. NEW TODAY. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice Is hereby given that the County Su perintendent of Multnomah County will hold the regular examination of applicants for state and county papers at Hawthorne School. E. 14th and Washington, as follows: FOR STATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, February 8. at 0 o'clock A. M. and continuing until Satur day. February 01, at 4 o'clock P. M. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Friday Phyrlology. geography, mental arithmetic composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry", general history. Engush literature, psychology. FOR COUNTY PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday. February 8, at 9 o'clock A. M.. and continuing until Friday, FeDruary 10. at 4 o'clock P. M. First, second and third grade certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, history, ortho graphy, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic theory of teaching, grammar, physiology. Friday Geography. mental arithmetic school law. civil government. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship. orthography, arithmetic reading. Thursday Art of Questioning, theory of teaching, physiology. R. F. ROBINSON. County School Superintendent. GROCERY STORE. CENTRALLY LOCATED la thriving town of 2000 Inhabitants; two corner lots with store building and resi dence building, valued at $1200. Stock will invoice about $S00: Write for full particu lars. Innis & WUIoughby, Kalama. Wash. FOR SALE-NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE; 1C00; monthly payments. O. M. Smith, "SO Cham ber of Commerce. Sacrifice AUCTION SALE Old Red Front Store, bet. 3d and 4th. on Morrison, Feb. 8. 1905,vi0 A. M. show cases, shelving, nlckle-plated display stands, counters, office and gas fixtures; also fine heating stove, extra. Purchased from t? SM. Gray and must be sold. F. X. CLARK, auctioneer. Mortgage Loans 5 andUp wards Heal Estate, City and Farm . Insurance in AH Lines A. H. BIRRELL, 202-3 McKay Building. Third and Stork. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block General practice. Investigations. Estate work. Special asd periodical audits. Phoae West UL MORRISON -ST. PROPERTY 50x100 feet, with a fine modern house. For price and terms call on or address T. T. Struble. 250 Main street. TBLUEMA3S STREET $850 Lot 60x50, cement walk laid, streets Improved, sswer, gas. wa ter all laid. Telephone Main 44. Between 22d and '23d. FOX SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SAr - - IRVINGTON, 6-ROOM house, with large attic and full base ment, lot 50x100, cement walk. Improved street, nicely graded lawn; the house Is neatly arranged,, and beautifully finished in every detail. -This Is one of the most charming homes In East Portland. Owner leaving town and it will be sold at a sac- - rince; for price and terms see PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 100 Third Street. MOUNT TABOR, WEST AVE. STATION Choice building lots, also commodious modern house of 11 rooms with 2& acres -or two lots, nice grounds, electric lights, water; two mall deliveries daily; 5 to 10-mlnute car service; 25 minutes to 3d st.; price low, part cash, balance 0 per cent. Geo. H. Andrews. .Phone Scott 803. FREE LAND! FREE: LAND! A chance to secure a home and xnak money; only cost la for water right, which averages $10 per acre; under state control. For particulars writs or call at office of Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Co.. 539 Wor cester blk. 52200-6-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. ROD jney avc; $200 cash. 51200 5-room cottage; 5150 cash. Will build anything 'ou want, easy pay ments. C12 Commercial bldg. Main 1040. SAFE INVESTMENT CORNER WITH fiats. 20 rooms, first story, brick, modern improvements, prominent street, cement walk, stone crosswalks; Inside lot vacant; 55200; terms given. Owner. SOT Corbett. "S" car south. , SNAP IN UPPER ALBINA. 5-ROOM MOD ern home. $1100. Two other moderrT5-room, 51250, full lot with each. Six-room house, East Side, two full lots, $1300, all near car; very easy terms. F. Dubois, 205 Morrison. IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL NEW HOUSE, 7 large rooms and basement; finely finished, modem In every respect; cannot be duplicated for 51000 more than price. 675 Clackamas st. NEW HOUSE AND TWO LARGE LOTS ON Cc car line. 2H blocks from station, at ex tremely low price of 5225; terms. Oregon Associated Exchange. 2SSj Washington st. 513505 ROOMS. NEW HOUSE. GAS, WOOD fiber walls, best plumbing, full basement, 5300 cash, monthly payments; 10 minutes to city. Plttenger, room 0, 245& Morrison. TWELVE ACRES. RIVER FRONT. WITH fine waterpower; splendid factory or mill site; on car line, near Portland. Sahlstrom & Patterson. 232 Stark at. FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND, ALL Improved; good buildings, fine location. 4 miles from R. R. station. Call or address 907 N. Union avc , C-ROOM HOUSE. BATH, HOT AND COLD water, sewerage and Improved streets, easy walking distance; 52250. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th St., room 32. FOR SALE THE HALF OF LOTS 5. 6, 7, S, block 3. Washougal. Wash. Make me an offer. G. W. Harvey. 1170 East Madison st., Portland. Or. E. KRONER. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER; houses on Installments In any part of Port land: plana made to suit. Ofllce 165 3d st., room B. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton. Lents.. Or. Take Mt. Scott car, 5c FOR SALE LOT 50x150 AND 8-ROOM-house: $2 GOO. "Apply on premises, 207 Til lamook, bet. William and Rodney aves. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN conveniences; breakfast. If desired; every thing first-class. 552 Yamhill st. INSIDE LOT ON I7TH AND GLISAN FOR osle. reasonable price The Ames Mercan tile Agency. Ablngton bldg. NEW. MODERN. 6-ROOM HOUSE, FINE Lo cation. East Side; price $1850; terms. Own er. CS5 East Washington sU HOUSE AND LOT IN IRVINGTON. 635 HAN cock st., furnished or unfurnished. Call room 41. Washington bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER LOT. NEAR HAW thorne Park; $1760. Hatfield &. Smith, 165 4 th St.; room 32 FOR SALE CORNER LOT. 50x50; 13TH AND Pett?grove sts.; cheap. Inquire room 81, Northern Hotel. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. NICE LITTLE HOME; $1150; small payment down, balance monthly. Phone East 675. FOR SALE 10-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT. 121 11 ih. bet- Washington and Alder. No agents. $1000 DWSIRA3I.E CORNER LOT. S. E. cor. Hood and Grover sts. See owrjfr, 841 Front. C-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 51850; SMALL payment down, balance monthly. Phone East 675. FOR SALE 10-ROOM HOUSE AND .LOT. 120 10th st.. bet. Washington and Alder. WE BUILD HOUSES. EASY PAYMENTS: furnish lots If desired. 612 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE LOT 50x100. 21 ST AND E. CLIN ton; $230. Inquire Cigar Store, 113 N. 3d. H section. 3 miles west Scappoose; well tim bered; reasonable. D. B. Budd. 110 1st st. ALERT REAL ESTATE CO. DON'T BUY OR sell till you consult us. 21S Goodnough bjdg. FOR SALE HOUSE. 7 ROOMS. LOT 75x100, E. 18th N.; $1500. Inquire 1&4 E. 18th N. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for imme diate use LOWEST PRICES. B. F. & F. B. Riley. 60S Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, TIM bered. farm or grazing land; all sizes, lowest prices. H. B. Compson. CIS Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Mnglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bldg. LAND SCRIP FOR IMMEDIATE USE FUR nlshed; will take any Government land. Whltten & Bryant, 71S Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips: general land practice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. We're again In the market with low-priced scrip. L. W. Whiting & Co., 408 Ablngton. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $2000 to $10,000; also business properties. , 55000 to 520.000. Have buyers. L. W. Whit ing & Co . 403 Ablngton bldg. WANTED CHEAP VACANT LOT, WEST South Portland to Sherman, North Portland to 30th. Small, 421 Cth. TO EXCHANGE. $1200 HOUSE AND LOT. NEAR CAR LINE, for vacant lot about 400. Q 9. Orcgonlan. TIMBER LANDS. 320 ACRES FKs'E TIMBER NEAR PORT landr 54000; terms. Owner, 232 Stork st. ,FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED A FINE Lewis River dairy farm, two miles from the famous Woodland cheese factory; 160 acres all bottom land and cleared, fenced and cross fenced, live water, 8-room house, with cement basement, worth $1000. a large dairy barn; this Is an Ideal dairy farm, and sup ports from SO to 40 head of milch cows, be sides young stock; team and come farming Implements go with place: will be sold with or without milch cows; price for farm alone $6000, with $3000 down: milch cows will be sold at market price. This Is the only farm for sale In the famous Woodland district, and it you want It come Immediately. Imus & WUIoughby, Kalama, Wash. FOR SALE OR RENT TEN-ACRE FRUIT and poultry ranch; 900 choice fruit trees, small house and stable, running waer, and 20 acres, all cleared, with small house; both places near Vancouver, Wash. For sale 71 acres. H mile from .Washou gal, Wash.; price 51000. Inquire of the Commercial Bank. Vancouver, Wash. $2.50 AN ACRE AND UPWARDS FOR 22.000 acres of farming, dairying and fruit lands, lying in Benton and Lincoln Coun ties. Oregon, along the line of the Corvalll & Eastern R. R. Will be sold In large or mail tracts. Term oa application. J. D. WTLCOX, 202 Stark st. - 104 ACRES. 1 MILES FROM CARLTON; about two-thirds in cultivation; part river bottom; best of soil: no better location can be found for the money: $35 per acre. cash. Address W. EL Kidder, Carlton. Or. DESIRABLE FARM NEAR G RES HAM, GOOD -house, barn, orchard, water, timber; easy terms R 10. Orcgonlan. FOR RENT PRUNE ORCHARD ON SHARES or for cash; 1 miles from town. Box 507, Vancouver. Waaa. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS. FEW EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS JUST IN. 565 acres Fine buildings of all kinds. 400 acres under cultivation, well fenced, 15 acres prunes, good drier; 4 miles from good town In Yamhill County. This is an up-to-date place In every respect; easy terms; $17 per acre. 34S acres Big barn, cheap bouse; 75 acres under cultivation. 100 ready for plow; lot small fruit; all good level land: 1U miles from good live town In Polk County; $18 per acre; terms easy. 50 acres All In cultivation, of which there are 25 acres of hops In fine condition: all cleared and plowed; yield last year, ST. 000 pounds; latest Improved hophouse; one of the best yards and small farms In Polk County, 1U miles from town; railroad runs past place. Price, only $6500; part cash. 200 acres Fair house and barn; 160 acres In cultivation, of which 120 acres are In grain now; lots small fruit; good spring; well fenced; best of roads; telephone, free mall; ,56500, terms. 60 acres 23 acres In hops, choice yard: good house and barn, also hophouse; all good land, well fenced; $5000. 20 acres 6 acres hops: no improvements; sold crop last year tor 51000; price of land now $1200. TAFT & CO.. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block. 106 3d St. 160 ACRES A BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHFUL and finely sheltered home, free from frost and wind; rich black soil; fine large bear ing orchard and small fruits; several never falling springs of excellent water: spring water piped to milkhouse and barnyard; fenced and cross-fenced; 60 acres In culti vation; some fine timber; 7-room house and large barn; Implement house, wood house, chicken-house, granary and cellar; railroad surveyed across corner of place; near boat landing, on county road near Portland; one team and all farm imple ments; hay. cream separator and dairy utensils go with place; perfect title; price, $5000. Address owner, Rachel A. Ellis, Skye, Skamania County, Washington. ATTENTION! Do you know that Central Oregon has the best future of any place In the North west? Fine climate, good soil, plenty of fuel and lumber. Do not buy until you make investigation; lands from $5 to $25 per acre Write your wants to Riley Gtrthoffer, Sbanlko, Or. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. A SNAP-540.00 BUYS GOOD. SOUND WORK horse. 8 years old; weighs 1160; suitable for farm or express use; also one span of well matched, dark-gray horses, 7 years old; sound and tine workers; suitable for delivery wagon. Call Fashion Stables. 20th and Washington sts. 5125-BUYS TEAM AND HARNESS. TEAM weighs 2550 pounds, are good workers, single . or double, harness Is new; also good delivery horse, 7 years old, weighs 1100 pounds; $50; good farm wagon, nearly new; price 560. Call Regal Stables, 14th and Burnslde sts. BARGAIN GOOD. CHUNKY TEAM, 7 AND 8 years old. weight 2600 pounds, perfectly sound and good workers; also heavy breech ing harness and good farm wagon, sell sep arately. Call 23 N. 14th st. HORSES. WAGONS. HARNESS. ALL kinds of vehicles bought, sold and rented. Hubert & Hall. 264 4th. Phone Main 2203. WANTED TO HIRE TEAM OF 3000-POUND horses for two months; no driver. Address Western Cooperage Co.. Houlton. Or. STUDEBAKER BUGGY. HEAVY. GOOD AS new, cost 5150; sell for $80 cash. Apply Cen tral Stables. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast for sale or hire 211 Wash. FOR SALE SINGLE WAGON AND HAR ness. Inquire Marquam stage entrance. FOR SALE OR HIRE ALL KINDS OF horses. 2d and Main. Pisa os. $235 CASH BUYS $425 PIANO, USED FEW weeks; need money. A 52, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE IN STORAGE FOUR NEW soda fountains that were taken up on the assignment of a concern In this city, and will dispose of them at exact cost of manufacture. Acorn Brass Mfg. Co., Green, Fulton and Peoria sts.. Chicago, 111. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterlte; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roots. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND 2D-HAND BIL llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE NICE. YOUNG AND OLD chickens, ready to lay, 4 or 5. dozen: take as many as you like 56 a dozen. Address M. J. Burke, box 386. Portland. Or. FOR SALE A S-YEAR-OLD HEREFORD hull, or will trade for ono of same breed; to be seen at Union Stockyards, city. C MIn singer. FOR SALE GOOD 'HOMESTEAD KELIN qulshment In the great wheat belt of Wash ington. Address J 14, care Oregonlan. ENGLISH BULL PUPS-SOLID YELLOW; C months old; male, $10; female, 53. 481 Nehalem avc, Sellwood. Or. PHONE SCOTT 1105. POMERANIAN SPITZ puppies for sale. Rainier Kennels, Penin sular Station. St. Johns car. CHICKENS CHOICE R C. B. LEOHORNS, In lots of five or more. $1 each. 481 Ne halem ave., Sellwood, Or. 160 CORDS FINE FIREWOOD ON BANK river at Holbrook for sale or trade 321 Morrison st. Ralston. BLOCK OF ATTACHABLE BALL-BEARING hub shares for sale or trade. Box 368, Van couver. CHOICE SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS. PEDI greed. S weeks old. 495 E. Davis, cor. B. 10th st. DENSMORE TYPEWRITER FOR SALE; flrst-clsss condition; cheap. O 16, Oregonlan. 12-FT. I XL POWER WINDMILL. WITH ALL connections; cheap. F 12, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1 INCUBATOR AND BROODER. $10. Address M. J., box 386. city. $60 BUYS ONE OF THE BEST OLD VIOLINS on the Coast. T 16, Orcgonlan. BUY YOUR WOOD AND COAL OF HOOVER, 313 Water st. Phone Main 4596. FOR SALE A WARREN & CLOUGH OR gan. Inquire 494 Jefferson st. FOR SALE CHICKENS AT OAK GROVE stop on Oregon City car line. FOR SALE 5 GAS ARC LIGHTS. GOOD A3 new. 329 Washington st. 300 TO 350-GALLON PER DAY DAIRY. G., 177 Sherman st., Portland. HELP WANTEDMALE. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: COM mlsslon; Exposition publication; mining; re ligious, agricultural; country newspapers. Clyde, 63S Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A BOY OVER 16 YEARS OLD; steady employment for a bright lad willing to make himself generally useful. Apply 92 Third street. WANTED A YOUNG LADY STUDYING MU sic wishes position as companion to lady or light housework; small wages. M 15, care Oregonlan. WANTED AMATEUR ACROBAT FOR FEA ture act: Instructions for act gratis. New man's Theatrical Agency, 326 Washington. WANTED BRIGHT. YOUNG MAN STEN ographer. having good references, willing to leave city B 16, Oregonlan. WANTED FIREMAN WHO IS HUSTLER. Apply or address Western Cooperage Co., Houlton. Or. WANTED TO CONTRACT FOR CUTTING and driving of 1.000.000 feet of logs. X 9, Oregonlan. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS IN APRIL Prepare under private coaching. C 13, Ore gonlan. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL WHO CAN come well recommended. Apply 303 Stark st. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard st San Francisco. 4 SALESMEN FOR CITY AT ONCE. CALL room 8. Monaates House, 285 First st. YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN BAKERY; DAY work. Apply F 16. Oregonlan. WANTED A BOY TO WORK IN CIGAR factory. Call at 305 Alder sL WANTED BOY ABOUT 10 YEARS OLD. MT. Hood factory, 233 Couch st. WANTED TWO GOOD FARMHANDS. IN. quire 323 Ablngton bldg. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST. CURES ALL PRI . vat diseases of men. SALESMAN. CITY. COUNTRXi "BTO 'WAGES. 215 Commercial blk, - HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 33, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read ana write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak sts.. Port hind. Or. THERE IS MORE DEMAND THAN EVER for competent salesmen, bookkeepers, sten ographers and technical men, and we need men for many such positions now open. Pacific Commercial Bureau, suite 45, Con cord block. 2d and Stark. 500 PERFORMERS. PROFESSIONALS AND amateurs wanted, for Portland's World's Fair, vaudeville circuit, etc; big salary, long engagement: Information gratis. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 326 Washington st. THOSE DESIRING TO BE ACTORS SEE US and save money; stage dancing, vaudeville acting, singing taught; lessons 50c; engage ments guaranteed. Newman's School of Act ing, 326 Washington. MEN We teach the barber trade In the short est possible time at small expense and guar antee positions. Write for catalogue MOLER SYSTEM COLLEGE, San Francisco. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. School of Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue Ad dress 4973-75 Boston ave. St. Louis. Ma WANTED HUSKY BOY ABOUT 16. WHO lives at home; machinery store work. Ad dress In own handwriting. P 15, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 500 PERFORMERS. PROFESSIONALS AND amateurs wanted, for Portland's World's Fair, vaudeville circuit, etc; big salary, long engagement: Information gratis. Newman's Theatrical Circuit, 326 Washington at. STENOGRAPHER TO HELP IN OFFICE: one mathematically Inclined preferred; state age, experience and salary expected. Ad dress K 16, Orcgonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework; must be good cook: no other need apply; good wages. 554 East Morrison st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS. WA1T ers, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230 YamhllL .Phone Black 2881. WANTED A NURSE GIRL OF GOOD AD dress, ago 15, 18; kind to children. Call at 786 Corbett St.. cor. Glbhs. Take "S" car. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO housework and assist In care of children; good wages. Apply 723 Gllsan, near 22d. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO TAKE care of 5-year-old child evenings. 409 Stark, between 10th and 11th. Phone Main 6224. AT ONCE. CAPABLE WOMAN OVER 30 FOR permanent position In town of 8000; refer ences and security. G 16, Oregonlan. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework; family of three. 2Sth and E. Kelly streets. Phone East 214. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no washing. 211 Prettyman ave.. Mt. Tabor. Phone Scott 1802. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. good plain cook. Apply this morning. 370 Park st. WANTED NURSE GIRL. APPLY MORN ings. 203 24th st.. .cor. Pettygrove. Phone Main 6230. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO DO second work. Apply mornings at 215 St. Clair st. A GIRL TO DO CHAMBBRWORK AND As sist in dining-room. Oceanic Hotel, foot Russell. WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK, SMALL family. Call mornings, 474 Market, cor. 14th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU3E work. Call 181 EL 16th. Phone East 1593. GIRL TO CARE FOR CHILD. APPLY 444 Carter st.; take Portland Heights car. WANTED A GTBL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 369 Tenth street. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 726 Everett st. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN eral housework. 566 Hoyt. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 744 Vaughn st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WB CAN ACCOMMODATE SEVERAL PRI vate penmanship students; skilled profes sional teacher. D 13. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Booluieepers and Clerks. GENERAL MERCHANDISE MAN . FROM East wants position; speaks German; 7 yeax experience: best references. Address N. S. Berg. Portland, Or. WANTED POSITION AT ANY KTND OF clerical work by an experienced bookkeeper, with best of references. Address R 16, Ore gonlan. UP-TO-DATE OFFICE MAN WANTS SMALL set of books or other work evenings. B 12, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN FUK nlsh domestics, servants, farmer and all kinds of help. Black 992. 263 Everett st. WANTED PLACE TO WORK SPARE TIME for board by young man going to school. W 16, Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A SITUATION where he can attend school. Okamoto, care Japanese Mission. MAN AND WIFE. GOOD COOKS. ANY Po sition, hotel, camp, boarding-house P 10, Orcgonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Ho osekcepers. WOMAN. GOOD REFERENCE. BOY 14, DE slres situation housekeeper, position of trust; experienced nurse; second girl. 230 Yam hill. Phone Black 2881. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES HOUSE keeping, widow preferred, or will take charge of rooming-house. S 96, Oregonlan. Domestics. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO do chamberwork or wait on table. In private family. Address Klyo, P. O. Box 937. VERY NEAT SWEDISH GIRL DESIRES 8IT uatlon, housework, small family, adults. 230U YamhllL Phone Black 2881. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK OR WASH lng by the day. Apply B. Morgan, S54 7th and Mill. Nurses. EXPERIENCED NURSE WISHES ENGAGE ments; best references. Phone Main 6306. Q 16, Orcgonlan. Dressmakers. LADY WISHES FEW ENGAGEMENTS SEW lng by tha day; shirtwaist suits and chil dren's clothes. Phone Main 4350. WANTED DRESSMAKING; WILL GO OUT by day; phone number Front 593. 169 Park. SHIRTWAISTS. 75C UP; FANCY WAISTS to order; good work assured. 191 6th. Miscellaneous. HOUSEKEEPER. HOTEL OR ROOMING house, by reliable, up-to-date lady, not afraid of work; city or country. N 16, Oregonlan. COMPETENT WAITRESS WI3HES Posi tion; thoroughly experienced; can take full charge; city or country. M 16, Oregonlan. SKILLFUL LAUNDRESS WISHES ENGAGE raents for Tuesdays and Wednesday: also cleaning and sweeping. Phone Main 1625. WIDOW. 36. WOULD TAKE CARE OF house while family out of city or take charge rooming-bouse. P 10. Oregonlan. INFANT OR CHILD TO BOARD; BEST care, reasonable. 2S4 Crosby st. Phone Scott 2973. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED PHOTO AND PORTRAIT AGENTS ladles or gent; best offer. 404 Ablngton bldg. AGENTS WANTED. MEN OR WOMEN. ON salary or commission. V 16, care Oregonlan. WANTED UP-TO-DATE PICTURE AGENTS ladles or gents. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Rooms In all parts -of the city. Apply 220 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6268. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE AND LOT IN euburbs, suitable for garden and chickens. M 9, care Oregonlan. ROOM WANTED FOR DOMESTIC SHOP, upper or .ground floor. N 15, Oregonlan WANTED TO RENT. ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS 25 1 Alder St., telephone Main 953, desires tha address of families and others having nice ly furnished rooms for rent; preference will be given to those having bath ac commodations, telephone, good car serv ice, etc Rooms for use of our visiting members In attendance on National Con vention In May. E. A. Clem, secretary. HOUSE OF 15 OR 20 ROOMS. GOOD LOCA tlon; will buy furniture if reasonable. Ap ply, stating location and rent, H 16, Orego nlan. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED AT ONCE 15 TEAMS FOR wheel and slip scraper work. 50 cents per hour with scrapers. Hammond Mfg. Co., Inc. 100 First st. WE PAY YOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR your second-hand furniture or anything you cannot use Phone 5655. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 1st at. WANTED 23 HORSES AND 25 MULES, unbroke, weighing from 1200 to 1600 lbs. Address L. Mlchaux, 766 Ceres ave. Loa Angeles. Cal. RANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF" CLOTHINO and shoes; highest price paid. Call at Uxs "Fair DeaL" 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED PASTURE THREE (3) MONTHS for six (6) head of cattle. Address C. H G. 166 Carpenter st., Portland Or. TO DOG FANCIERS DOGS BOARDED AT Overton Park Kennels; White Pomeranian dog at stud. Phone Scott WANTED-52000 ON FIRST MORTGAGE: Improved real estate. In city. Phone, after 6 P. M.. East 2663. WANTED-TO BUY OR LEASE GASOLINE launch: must be in flrst-claes condition Y 15. Oregonlan. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50c AT HOLLA baugh's. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR BENT. Rooms. THE GARLAND. 621 WASHINGTON ST bet. 19th and 20th sts.) Furnished apartments, single, en suite. Sunniest, brightest rooming house in the city; large bay windows in all rooms; every room an outside one; new building. Just completed: new furnishings. 18 rooms; turnace heat, electric lights, hot and cold water; free baths and phone; rates nomlnaL NEW LANGB HOTEL. European plan; electric lights and belts, steam heat and elevator; baths free to guests; rates 50c, 75c and $1 per day; special rates by the week. Elegant cafe and bar in con nection. Comer 6th and Washington sts. Sam Bauman. manager; F. Lange, prop. THE AUDITORIUM, 20S 3D ST., BET. Taylor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished, steam heat, hot and cold running water in rooms; free bath; rooms with private baths; elevator: rates. $3.50 per week and up; $1 day; tourist solicited. WELLINGTON COURT. 15TH AND EVER ett Elegantly furnished room. Including steam heat, and possessing every modern convenience; fashionable surroundings; rea sonable rates. SUITE OF NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for couple or 2 to 4 gentlemen; steam heat, gas, bath and telephone; fine location. Phone Main 4503. 67 N. 20th St.. near Wash, lngton. THE KING. 309 JEFFERSON ST., NICELY furnished rooms, every convenience. $2.50 per week and lip; take 5th-st. car from Union Depot, one block from City Hall THE COSMOS. S. E. COK. 4TH AND MOR. xlson; best down-town rooms In tha city; heat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and up. Including bath; $1 day. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SUITES of two. three and four; steam heat, gas for cooking, electric lights, baths; close In; brick building. 345 1st st. 190 12TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR ONE FRONT suite; also one room; all niodern conveni ences; private family. Call afternoons and evenings. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED LARGE front room, with modern conveniences: gen tlemen preferred. 270 14th St., opp. Hobart Curtls. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. 190 3d, adjoining- Baker Theater; 52.50 per week and up; steam heat. Phone Hood 657. WALKING DISTANCE. NICELY FUR. nlshed rooms, $6 month. Including bath phone, heat, men only. 232 10th. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS EN suite, including heat, bath and light. 510 per month. 405 1st st., flat "I." FURNISHED ROOM TO LET. PRIVATE family for gentlemen; modern conveniences. Morrison st. Phone East 13SO. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON NEW ly furnished front rooms, modern; tourists accommodated: board If desired. SITTING-ROOM AND CONNECTING BED. room; modern furnishings and conveniences; also single room. 392 Columbia. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH. OAS. heat and phone: breakfast If desired; rea sonable rates. 552 Yamhill. THE TEMPLE". 343 YAMHILL ST.. Op posite Hotel Portland Nicely furnished rooms; rates reasonable. SEVERAL NICE. LARGE ROOMS. ONE! suite on the first floor; one sulto housekeep ing rooms. 265 6th st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, FIRST floor; other rooms; bath, gas, phone. 160 Park, near Morrison. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM. $3 PER week; hot and cold water; private family; central. 394 Yamhill. FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite; bath, gasL furnace heat, very desirable, location. 405 10th. 188 PARK ST. TWO NICELY FURNISHED front rooms, one block Portland Hotel; mod ern conveniences. THE TEMPLETON, 206 1ST FURNISHED front rooms, single or en suite, electric llght bath, transient. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 670 MU1 st. 45 YAMHILL ST. ONE NEATLY FUR nlshed room, reasonable, close In, nice loca tion. ROOMS. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING PRTV 11 edges or partial board. 269 14th, near Jeff- Cheapest and best located rooms In. Portland. $1 week up. GUxnan. 1st and Alder sts. GOOD SINGLE ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board; close In. 86 Tenth, near Stark. NICE. PLEASANT ROOM. CHEAP: PHONE, gas, heat and bath. 671 E. Morrison st. 41 ELLA ST. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, Bath, gas, phons; fine location. 410 SALMON ST.. BET. 10TH AND 11TK sts., nicely furnished room. Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. 165-167 10th St., cor. Morrison; there ara a few vacancies;, fine rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat throughout the house; porcelain bath, plenty of hot water, handsome dining room; table and service first-class. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, BEST Lo cality, West Side. 2 doors from Washing ton st. Gas and bath; walking distance to town or Fair grounds; breakfast and lunch If desired: If two occupy room, aca cia! rates. 42 N 21st sr. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TH YEAR; rooms with board: use of sewing-room; uss of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs, Anabel Russell, superintendent. 510 Flanders. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. STEAM HEAT, electric light, porcelain baths, first-class ta ble, two people, $40, $45. $50 month. Llndell Hotel. Market, bet. 3d and 4th. NICE LARGE ALCOVE; ALSO SIDE ROOM, neatly furnished, first-class home cooking; reasonable; free phone, bath and gas. 502 Clay. THE GLEN DORA Elegant, new residence ho tel; table the best: rates moderate; special rates to families. 10th, near Washington st. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or n suite; elevator: billiard-room; transients; both car lines. PLEASANT ROOMS AND BOARD. PRIVATE family, nice neighborhood, walking distance, reasonable 487 E. Ankeny-9th. it-.. HESPERIAN. 533 MORRISON ST. Family hotel, rooms en suite or single with board, hot and cold water. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board, for gentlemen or man and wife; bath and phone. 443 West Park st. LADY WOULD BOARD AND ROOM FOUR people, references, modern, central, reason able, choice location. 429 3d. BOARD AND ROOM REASONABLE AT 205 Stark at., ujsUlri.