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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
CJTY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OK.EGONIAVS TELEPHONES. Counting-Room - Main CC7 Managing Editor Main 63G Sunday Editor Main 0235 City Editor T. Main ICG Society Editor Main 0235 DomposlnR-Room .....Main 085 Superintendent Building Red 2820 Eat.t Side Office East 01 AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM PRAND THEATER (Morrlaoa at. between Oth and 7th) Matinee at 2:13 o'clock; evening at 8:15, "Tho Silver Slip per." GRAND THEATER Park and "Waeblnston) Matinee at 2:15. tonlgfit at 8:15, 'The Dar ling of the Gods." COLUMBIA THEATER (Hth and Washington) Matinee at 2:15, tonight at 8:15, "Moths or Society." EMPIRE THEATER (11th and Morrison sts.) Matlneo at 2:15, "For Love of Honor"; to night at 8:15, "Carmen." LYRIC THEATER (cor. Alder and 7th) f arce-comeay. "Tnc Picnickers," 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. BIJOU THEATER (6th. near Alder) Farce comedy, "The New Tutor," 2:30 to 10:30 V. M. FntE Department Issues Souvenir. A souvenir of the Portland Fire Depart ment has just been issued, which proves to be one of the handsomest volumes ever turned from a press. The book was compiled by W. A. Glllmore, is of 304 pages and bound substantially in neat red cloth covers. Halftone photographs of the Mayor. Chief Campbell, members of the Are committee, the Executive Board and the Council are contained in the souvenir, as well as cuts of all the members of the Fire Department and the equipment. In page layouts valuable data relating to the history of the de partment, its methods and scope is given. The book Is tastefully arranged alto gether. It reflects great credit upon the department and its compiler. School Entertainment. The Brook lyn School Alumni Association gave an entertainment last night in the assembly hall of that building to a considerable audience, the proceeds of which will be used to furnish the hall with chairs and other articles. A literary and musical programme was rendered, opening with a piano duet by Misses Tillle and Bertha Goetten. M. G. Wlnstock gave a short talk on the "Ufe and Character of Abra ham Lincoln." Brown's Mandolin Club, Haywood Quartet and the Zither Club rendered musical selections. Miss Wohlegemuth, Miss Carrie Alexander, Mrs. J. Pratt and Miss Olive Ralph were also on the programme, which closed with a social. Salvation Armt Caup-Meetinq. This evening, at the Salvation Army camp meeting, 123 First street. Adjutant and Mrs. Banberry, from San Francisco, will have charge of the service. The adju tant, who spent two years in the Ha waiian Islands In connection with the Army work, will give a stereopticon lec ture upon that beautiful country, illus trated by about 100 colored studies. Ad mission Is free and everybody Is cordial ly invited to attend. Tomorrow the serv ices will be as usual at 11 A. M.. 3 and S P. M. and Adjutant and Mrs. Banberry will have charge for the whole day. Broken Main Causes Flood. The rot ting of an iron water main, caused by electrical erosion, it is said, caused a disastrous flood early yesterday morning at Third street between Everett and Flanders. As soon as was possible, the water works had the flow shut off and a force of men at work to repair the dam age. This, however, with the assistance of a steam fire engine, did not serve to prevent costly damage by water to nu merous basements in the immediate vi cinity. The asphalt pavement suffered sadly and will have to be replaced. Winners Entertained. The., winners of the money-raising contest in the Mississippi-Avenue Congregational Church were entertained last evening In the church at the expense of the losers. Win ners were led in the contest by "W. C. Cole and Mrs. Preston, and the other side by Frank Tomllnson and Mrs. Spreadborough. All were happy over the result, as the church fund was increased by 5270 as the result of the contest, which will pay off all outstanding debts. There was a good attendance and the best of feeling prevailed. Board op Trade Journal Out. The February number of the Board of Trade Journal has been Issued. It is a very entertaining and instructive number, giv ing an account of the work done by the Board during the year as shown by the report of the annual meeting, which Is published. Besides this account, there are many other articles of interest in the publication, wjiich have been prepared with care by those Interested in the work of the body. Lost Home by Fire. The home of J.' F. Freefe. on the Base Line mad near Rockwood. was destroyed by fire Thurs day night with Its contents. It was a story and a half building, and as there was a high wind blowing at the time, nothing could be saved. Fire was caused by a defective flue- The loss was $1000. with $500 insurance. Mr. Freefe had but recently purchased the place. Record op Burnside BRiDofe. The Burnside bridge is 10 years and 7 months old, and during that time has never had -a breakdown. It was out of service only once, and that was for eight hours, when the new set of wheels were placed in the -draw-gear. The draw has been opened on an average of 14,000 times per year for boats, and no steamer has been delayed beyond three minutes. Blub Hall Is No More. The Blue Hall, on the Base Line road between Montavilla and Russellville, 13 being dis mantled. George "W. McCoy, owner, has had it cut in two, and will make a dwelling of one part, and move the other away. The Blue Hall has stood on the Base Line road for the past 12 years, and lias been the meeting place of the neigh borhood for that time. Talk on Art Today. The first of the curator's Saturday-morning talks on the collection of casts from Greek sculpture will be given today at half past 10 o'clock. These talks are open to all holders of annual tickets. Upon application to the curator and at her discretion a few of the older pupils from the schools may be admitted free of charge. Do You Know that this season of the year meats are higher on account of feeding, yet the Independent Meat Co., 127 First street, telephone Main S277. 'is offering boiling meat at 5 and 6 cents; rolled rib roast. 9 cents. They make a specialty of all kinds of sausage and are offering fine Bologna sausage, 5 cents a pound. 127 First street. Funeral ok Albert Durffee. The Juneral of Albert Durffee was held yes terday, from Dunning's undertaking chapel. 414 East Alder street, and the In terment was in Multnomah Cemetery. Mr. Durffee was 32 years old. He came from North Yakima. Dr. Brouoher's topics at the "White Temple. Sunday: Morning, "Our Re vival." Lord's supper observed. Forty new members to be welcomed. Night, "An Infernal Liar "Who?" Baptism. The Ollphant sisters sing. The elegant steel steamer Redondo sails direct for San Francisco Saturday, 5 P. M. Best cabin accommodations, $12; steerage, $8. Thompson, agent, 128 Third. Phone Main 628. Meals and berth included. Unitarian Church. Service, 11 A. M. Rev. G. C. Cressey, D. D., speaks tomor row on "What Liberal Christians Think Concerning Jesus and Humanity." All are Invited. First Presbyterian Church. Serv ices tomorrow at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Rev. E. T. Allen will preach morn ing and evening. Schoolbooks, new and second-hand, bought, sold and exchanged, at Old Book Store, Yamhill street, below Second. Tatlor-Street M. E. Church. A. M., "Paul's Positivism"; P. M.t "Seeking, Saving." Special sermons. " 5000 cords of flr wood for sale. H. H. Brookes, Holbrook, Or. Elks' Social Event. The social for women friends of - the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Port land Lodge No. 142, to talk up Plans for the coming county fair at the Armory during the last week or April, takes place at the Elks hall and Knights of Pythias hall, Marquam build ing. Friday evening. February 10, and not Tuesday evening, as formerly announced. The social will be a high-class concert and reception, at whloh refreshments will be served, and one of the principal objects of the event will be to get the Elks' women friends acquainted with each other, and to see if they will agree to assist in managing and otherwise taking care of the 25 or 30 booths at the county fair. The purpose of the latter is to raise funds to pay for furniture for the new $100,000 building that the Port land Elks are erecting at Seventh and Stark streets. In-itatlons for the social will bo issued soon. Froebel Association Meets. Sur rounded by flags and pictures illustrating patriotic subjects, for February is the month in which occur the birthday an niversaries of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, a meeting of the Port land Froebel Association took place yes terday afternoon in St. Helen's Hall Kin dergarten. The training class sang one selection, "Pussy Willow." A report of the State Federation was read by Miss E. K. Matthews and the report of tho committee of 19 of the International Kin dergarten Union by Miss E. May Pen will. The review of the work of the kin dergarten for the present month was given by Miss Gertrude Hutchinson, and Miss Bessie de Bevolce sang one vocal number, "April Song." The attendance was encouraging. Celebrate Church Birthdat. The 95th birthday of the Cumberland Presby terian Church was celebrated last night at the parsonage of the First Cumber land Presbyterian Church, 204 East Twelfth street. Rev. E. Nelson Allen and wife receiving the members and their friends. The rooms of the parsonage were crowded during the evening. A short programme of musical and literary num bers was rendered. Rev. Mr. Allen de livered a short address on the birthday of the denomination, and spoke of Its history and accomplishments in glowing terms. Refreshments were served. Each guest brought a penny for each year or his or her age as an offering. Successful Special Service. The best in many respects was last night's service of the special meetings now be ing held at the White Temple by Dr, Brougher. His topic was. "Does the Devil Dance?" He announced also that the meetings will continue next week, and that he will preach each night. Dr. Brougher, in speaking on his topic of "Does the Devil Dance," compared the accounts of the temptation of Jesus and the temptation and fall in Eden. Burglars Heard From. The St Hel ens Cafe, Twenty-fourth and NIcolai streets, was entered and robbed of $5.90 some time early yesterday morning. The money was taken from the cash register, which was broken open. The burglar gained entrance to the building by pry ing open the side window. The police were notified and are working on the case. Injured by Fall. Suffering from a broken Jaw and general shaking up, J. M. Church, a banker of La Grando, is lying at St. Vincent's Hospital. He re- celved his Injuries In Salem yesterday morning while attempting to catch the street-car to the depot for the Portland train. He tripped and fell on the side walk. Pay Clackamas County taxes at offices of Clackamas Title Co., Chamber of Com merce bldg. Complete copy tax roll. Wise Bros., dentists. Third and Wash.' Wooster's Boston coffee for health. T0DAY0NLY. Ladles' real French kid gloves and Eng lish derby, worth $L50, $1.75 and 52, for 95 cents. German lambskin, worth 75 cents and $1. for 50 cents. Golf gloves, worth 65 cents, for 35 cents. Corsets. Come and see. McAllen & McDonnell. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Absolutely Harmless. Every mother should know that Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly safe for children to take. It contains nothing harmful and for coughs, colds and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by all druggists. DEATH CALLS WEIX-KNOWX SWEDISH VICE-CONSUL SUCCUMBS TO HEART TROUBLE. After an Illness of but a few days. Count Arthur Wilson. Swedish and Norwegian Vice-Consul in this city, died last night at 10:1G o'clock In his apartments in the Lewis block, on MorrlEon street. The Count, as he was best known In the city, had complained of illness for some days, but until yesterday morning he did not deem It. necessary to call In a physi cian. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, who has been a friend of the deceased for many years, responded. Aside from a sex-crc cold of the throat, he found no dangerous symp toms, but as the patient insisted in moving about the rooms, a nure was called. Even as late as "7 o'clock last evening, when the doctor come, the Count was resting easily, but a short time later he arose from the bed before the nurse could restrain him, and aa a result brought on a sudden attack of heart failure superinduced by Influenza, whlc caused his death. The deceased was a resident of Portland for about 22 years, and besides the posi tion of Vice-Consul for the Swedish and Norwegian governments, was connected with a number of prominent fire-insurance companies doing business In the Sherlock building. He was a Scottish Rite Mason, and. belonged to a number of other local fraternal societies. In 1S86 he became a member or tbe Arlington Club, and resided Uiere until a few months ago. He was a member of the Swedish Ll'nnea Society, in which he took great interest, and was an ever ready assistant to his countrymen In all their works of benevolence. Very little information is obtainable of the Count's early life beyond the fact that ho was born In Stockholm, Sweden, and was about 60 years of Age. AX THE THEATERS "The Silver Slipper." Henry Bismarck Henchs..SnItz Edwards Sir Victor Schallarcar W. H. White Barkloy Schallamar.. Harry B. Burcher Donald Gregor Fred Freeman Duval .'. Lloyd Buckley Gendarme Joseph Lother Wrennc Isabel Howell Belle Jimper Edith Sinclair Stella Lora Lleb Brenda .. .Ethel Hulme Susctto Gene Cocl Dolly, the maid... Ma'dallne David Butler ."Al Kelm The second visit of the "Slipper" to Portland finds the big musical comedy bettor In most respects than when it was hero a year ago. For one thing, the management has dropped Sam Collins overboard and his place as the versatile low-comedy faker is filled by Snltz Ed wards, who is a decided improvemenL Tho company is, in fact, all new, with tho exception of a familiar face or two in the chorus. Edwards is extremely grotesque with out being offensively so. He doesn't at tempt to sing, which commendable ex ample might well be followed by many other musical comedy funny men. Harry Burcher, this year's principal baritone, sings splendidly and possesses consider able acting ability. Isabel Howell is the "Wrenno" of this production, and Is as cute and attractive a musical Ingenue as one could wish to see. Her voice is sweet and sympathetic and all her num bers were well given. Edith "Sinclair, who plays the buxom housekeeper. Is a comedienne of talent. The chorus is as large as any which has been here this season and is pretty and well costumed. Tho biff hit of the piece, as formerly. Is the champagne dance. As executed last night It seems to have lost none of Its power to "bring" an audience. All the dancing and ensemble singing Is ex cellenL There is an incongruity in the inter polation of "Zanzibar" Into the first act without the least possible excuse, but what's the use? Any one attempting to discover the whys and wherefores of musical shows should be examined for his sanity. The song was well rendered and the effects were pretty, so no real fault can be found with "Zanzibar." The scenery for the three different sets Is as good as formerly. A large audience saw the performance last night and enjoyed it. There will be a matinee today and the engagement will close tonight, A. A. G. MOKE CARS FOE STTBTTRBS. Better Service Being Supplied to Meet Added Travel. The Portland Consolidated Railway Company is laying a double track ncross the Sullivan Gulch "bridge on Union ave nue to connect with the double tracks on elthor side of the bridge. The city has at last undertaken to re pair the old structure acrose the gulch, and as the work is being done the street car company is putting down the improve ment to Its line. The single track across the bridge has been used for the pasi ten years, causing some inconvenience in the operation of the care, which had to ewltch past each other at either end of the bridge. With (he new track the oper ation will be uninterrupted. The large increase in the Sunnyside pat rons of the company has caused the addi tion nf four "trloncr" cars to the Sunny- side run during the rush hours of the day. These cars give a flve-minute service to Sunnyside and Intermediate points during' the busy hours, in addition to the regular tcn-mlnute service of the Mount Tabor care. One additional car has also been added to the Woodlawn line for the busy time, which relieves the congestion on that line during that part of the day when the business men living In the Woodlawn suburb are going to or returning from their work. This will give a schedule of five minutes or less. The other divisions of the company arc being watched, and as fast as It become necessary the service will be extended in other parts of the city. ARTHUR WILSON WRITE US FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES OF BELTING, PACKING AND HEADQUARTERS FOR AIL KINDS OF RUBBER GOODS GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY K. H. PEASE, PRESIDENT. NEW ADDRESS, 61, 6S, 65, 67 FOURTH, CORNER PINE ST.. rORTIlAND. OR. SHAW'S PURE (D BLUMAUER & HOCH iVD IUU 11U rUKITU OITCfl tote Dictributsrz for Orcxoa a&4 IS HE $20,000 RICHER OR POORER? QUEER PLIGHT OF NEIL MORET WHO WROTE BEAUTIFUL . "MOONLIGHT." The Intermezzo Earned Him $20,000 in Cold. Hard Cash, but Robbed Him of the Equivalent in Sleep Is He to Be Pit ied or Envied? One of the happiest and at the same time one of the unhappiest men in Amer ica today Is Nell Moret'," who made him self vrorld-famous by composing the cele brated "Hiawatha.' Thanks to his latest production the ex quisite Intermezzo serenade tailed "Moon light," which has crossed the continent two or three times in its tfumphant tour of success during the past month Moret is just $20,000 richer than he was before this composition was completed, and about 520.0C0 poorer in loss of sleep. Intimate friends of Moret who'have seen him lately have been amazed at the change that has taken place In the man. Always of. a more or less phlegmatic tem perament, Moret today is a mere bundle of nerves. " 'Moonlight did It." he says, sententl ously. "The music of that serenade haunt ed me night and day for a month before I was finally able to whip It Into shape. "When you hear It played today and note with what wonderful smoothness and rythm It flows along, you will probably be inclined to believe that it was the re sult of a magnificent Inspiration and flowed from the end of my pen without any effort whatever. The truth of the matter Is, however, that for a full month, as I have said, 'Moonlight haunted me night and day; and from the soundest of sleepers I became such a confirmed victim of insomnia that I shy at the sight of a bed nowadays like a skittish horse at a piece of paper. "The strain did not seem to be relieved when 'Moonlight' was finally published. I have averaged ever since from three to four hours' rest a night, and. strange to say, the enthusiasm of my friends over 'Moonlight' and the fact that It Is dinned into my ears in whatever part of the country I visit, doesn't help mattera a bit. I am gclng to take a rest now a good, long rest and spend some of that $20,000 getting back into normal condition. "Proud of my success? Of course. A man Is bound to feel a thrill of pride when he knows that 200,000 people are playing his music in all parts of tho coun try; but just the same I want a good night's rest, and I want It badly." LETTER FROM MR. qAREY. Mr. Heney Vindicates Mim of Charge of Conspiracy. . PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 3. (To the Edi tor. There Is absolutely no truth In the statement published in this morning's Oregonlan that reflects so seriously upon my personal honor. I was accorded the privilege, by your reporter, of making a statement of the facts relating to the matter, but did not at the time anticipate that any such disgraceful story would be given out about me; and having been a witness before the grand jury. I felt a reluctance to accept the Invitation or to make any statement for publication. I regret now that I did not do so, for I do not want to be represented as a black mailer, or as having engaged In any con tempUble or disgraceful conspiracy. I never Instigated or participated In any plot against Mr. Heney, directly or indi rectly. I never procured Mr. Ford, or any one else, to get Mr. Heney in a com promising position, or had anything to do with the matters mentioned In the article referred to. CHARLES H. CAREY. "With this communication. Judge Carey submitted the following self-explanatory letter: PORTLAND. Feb. 3. Hon. Charles H. Carey, Portland, Or.: Dear Sir: Permit me to voluntarily express my deep regret that this morning's Oregonlan has erro neously stated that I have accused you of having set on foot and InsUgated an alleged conspiracy to damage my reputa tion by securing an indictment against me by District Attorney Manning on a criminal charge. I have not made such an accusation against you, and the evidence in the pos session of the Government does not war rant any such accusation. I am frank to say that your statement to me of your connection with this matter is entirely reasonable and consistent with your duty as an attorney and as an honorable man, and the Government is not In possession of a particle of evidence which tends to throw any doubt upon the truth of your aforesaid statement. I hasten to send you this statement sole ly because I believe it is due you as a IS America's ORIGINAL MALT WHISKY Without a Rival Today MALT "Washington. A Kingly Fea is yours for very little money if it's bought at Kruse's popular restaurant. Wc don't pretend to serve pate de fois gras with a French dinner, but if you want the best in the city for $1.00 you will find it here on Sunday's from 2 to 8 p. m. Kruse's Restaurant Corner 4th and Stark man, as an attorney, and as a citizen of the State of Oregon. Yours respectfully, FRANCIS J. HENEY, United States Attorney, v ARRANGE ATHLETIC EVENT. ' Amateur Boxing and Wrestling Event Set for February 24. Final arrangements for the boxing and wrestling tournament to be held in this city between the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club and the Seattle Athletic Club were completed yesterday and the event will be held at the local clubhouse on February 2-1. The hitch In the negotiations caused by ttifi difference in weight of the wrestlers m overcome by the agreement to put the men on the mat at 136 pounds. The former proposition to which Multnomah agreed, reqlred the weight to be 135 pounds, but Seattle entered a 138-pound man. These weights would be so un equal that Multnomah declined to enter under such conditions. With a 135 pound weight, however, the matter is satisfactorily adjusted. Alex De France will represent the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club on the mat, having as his opponent, Daniel Miller, of Seattle. Edgar Frank, of the Multnomahs, will try to best Ed Bennett with the stuffed gloves. The weights of the boxers Is fixed at 128 pounds. Tho wrestling is to be catch-as-catch-can. two falls out of three to declare the winner, with a lo-minute time limit for each fall. Victory for Y. M.. C. A. Players. The local Y. M. C. A. boys did them selves proud last evening by winning two hard-fought games. The Tigers dofeated The Dalles College second basket-ball team by a score of 22 to 22, while the Y. M. C. A. indoor baseball team carried off the honors of the second game by defeating Ringlers baseball men by a score of 15 to 7. WHKRE TO . DINE. All the .delicacies of th season at th Portland Restaurant. fln. private apart pnto fnr mrt!. 305 Wash nr 5th. GRAND PRIZE (tie highest noacr) AWARDED TO ESTERBROQKS Steel Pen AT THE St. Louis Exposition REHEARSALS IN PROGRESS For Clyde Fitch's success. LOVERS' LANE Which will be presented by the new Btock com pany, headed by the Portland favorites, LOUISE EDGAR BRANDT-BAUME Engagement starts February 12. SEATS ON SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6 AT THE EMPIRE Adulteration goes ful length in spices and flavorinj extracts you think it isn't worth while to cheat in suck trifles four-fifths of "vanilla 5s tonka; cost's one or two cents for "$i-wo,rth". Schilling's Best are entire!) pure ; at your grocer's. chwab Printing Go. BEST WORK. KZASOSJSLZ PRICES STARS STREET Today we umier Overcoat in the Discount of This includes both Men's and Boys' Garments The Largest .Clothing House ' in CONFIDENTIAL CHAT No. 114 I Misplaced confidence In mL&fit glasses supplied by fakirs, calling them- selves opticians, works serious damage to thousands of unfortunate eyes. & Have4your vision properly cared for by g 1 THE HOUSE THAT KNOWS HOW 1 WALTER S 133 SIXTH STREET PRICES FOR Quality considered, than any oftier Needles, Oil, Repairs JtOU AU MAKKS AT SINGER STORE 402 Washington. 354 Morrison Street. 540 William Avenue (Bait Side.) Portland, Oregon. lr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and "beautifies the teeth, and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Very convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY Second term will open Monday, Feb ruary 13, 8:45 A. M. Classes v.-ill begin Latin. Chemistry, Physical Geography, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and History (Roman, Eng lish and American). Portland Academy Hall, a boarding hall for girls, receives a limited number. Js well appointed and under excellent care. An Elementary School receives boys and girls at six years and fits them for the Academy. A school omnibus, a't a moderate monthly charge, calls for pupils of tho primary grades, it so desired. For catalogue, address PORTLAND ACADEMY Thirteenth and Harrison. fREE LAND IN OREGON in tbe richest grain, fruit and stock s:crica in thcvrorld. Thousands of acres of land at actual cost of irrigation. Deed direct from State of Oregon. WRITE TO-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. Deschutes Irrigation and Power Com pny,6 1 o-i i-i aMcKayBsilcing, PortIand,Oregoa. LOWER This Means Dollars for You LAST WEEK OF OUR Children's Little Gents7 wax calf, 9 to 11 Little Gents' steel shod, 9 to 11 Child's hox calf, lace, 6 to 10Y Child's vici kid, lace, 6 to 10 Bovs' box calf, lace, 2V to 5 Youths' and Little Gents', 9 to 2 Boys' storm high top. 2y to 5. . . I Youths' and Little Gents, 9 to 2. Misses' vici kid, lace, 11 to 2 Women's Sale Shoes $1.9o, $2.65 and $2.95. . offer any house at a SPer Cent the Northwest REED THE OPTICIAN OREGONIAN BUILDING is distinguished from all others bj g its full flavor, delicious quality and 1 f . . S The Zcxney Receipt Boot tent FREE. g The Walter M. Lowney Co., Bcsioni Kass, BimM3megnamimis!aimHnMici!iia!;miuuiiiimuaM imperial Hair Raperato? The Standard Hair Coloring for Gray or Bleached Hair, Is a clean, dor&blo sad perfectly nanaleu Halt Coloring. Any natural ansae-. Lecvic Mir txnHtttul, cleen tai glo7. ONE APK.ICATIOK LASTS MONTHS B&spio of holr colored froe. Prlrae? featured. Soac-fcrPsmcolet. UBOUL CHEMICAL KHJ. CO.Ui V. 224 St. Kev Yorl Sold by W'oodard, Clarke Co. TEETH For modern dental 'work. World-renowned Specialist, lowest price consistent with nrst-cl&s work. Go to the (NEW YORK DENTISTS fOUKTH AND MOKXISON" STS. FredPrek.D.D.S 405 Dckam bids. OFFICE HOUKS From J A. 1L to 5 P. H. EVENINGS. MON DAY AND THURS DAY "UNTIL 8 P.M. Shoe Sa! 75 &o& 95c 95 $1.75 $1.25 and $1.50 S1.95 $1.50 and $1.75 1.30 283 AND 285 MOERISON ST.