I THE MORNING ORJJGONIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 190o. 1J TRADE IS GAINING January Reports Better Than a Year Ago. EFFECT OF COLD WEATHER Manufacturing Plants Make the Best Returns Iron Furnaces and Steel Mills Operate Close to ' Their Full Capacity. NEW YORK. Feb. 3. Dun's Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say; Business progresses steadily, all speculative rxcesFos bavins been avoided thus far. and the numerous negotiation now pending Indicate that the maximum of. activity Is yet to come. Some Irregularity in reports for the first month were undoubtedly due to exceptionally severe weather. Taken as a whole, reports for January were very much better than in the ramo month last year, particularly as to fail ures. , Distribution of merchandise is once more on a liberal scale, traffic blockades having disap peared, and In many cases large clearance pales have been disposed of. Few labor dis putes are Interrupting work, although several r.cw controversies arc threatened. Manufacturing plans are making the best returns. Iron furnaces and steel mills operate i lose to tholr full capacity, and the quarterly report of the leading concern tshowed an enor mous tonnage of business on the books at the c;id of the year, despite the fact that the closing months of 1004 made very good ex-l-.blts. Railway earnings for January were 1.1 per cent larger than a year ago, and foreign com merce at this port for the last week showed an increase of $970,8S0 In exports and a gain cf $528,067 in Imports. Commercial failures this week In the United States arc 230. against 305 last week. Failures in Canada number 30. against 33 last week. COLD 'WEATHER HAMPERS TRADE But Does Not Entirely Check Opening of Spring Movement. NEW TORK. Feb. 3. Bradstrect's tomorrow will say: Widespread cold weather hampers trade in nearly all lines, thus retarding but not entire ly checking the oponlng of Spring distribution Excpt in a few cases, however,- notably trans portatlon and mining, indiistry displays rather less than seasonable interference, and the feeling Is strong that milder weather will usher In wjdesprcad activity in all lines. The late freeze in Florida did much damage to fruit and truck crops. January clearings are the largest ever re corded In that month, though fulling behind those of December. Failures reflect the an nual stock takings and balancing of books in the large number of failures, but in greatly reduced liabilities as compared with January a year ago. The South here carries the chief burden, that section showing the largest Uabll ltles of any group of states. Signs of im provement noted here will be vry very closely watched. Railroad earnings for January will frhow a moderate increase in gross receipts. Copper and lead are higher on the week, Wool Is quiet, but firm here. London wool sale ) rices were good, except that Tome lower grade cross-breds weakened slightly. Building activity has been lessened by recent cold weather and lumber and building ma terial for immediate use arc affected thereby. Lumber, however, is trong at primary points. and large demand at high prices Is looked for, Business failures for the week ending Feb ruary 2 In the United States number 238, against 22$ last wck. and 21C in the like wf ek in 1804. In Canada failures for the "week i.umber 30. against 43 last week and 25 in this week a year ago. Wheat. Including flour, exports for the week arc 845,358 bushels, against 1.101.5S' bushels last week, and 2,004.2211 bushels this week last year. From July 1 to date exports arc 40.057.133 bushel, against 101.351.344 bushels last year. Bank Clearings NEW YORK. Feb. 3. The following table, compiled by Hradstreet. shows the bank clear ings at the principal cities for tho week ended February 1, with the percentage of increase and decrease, as compared with the correspond ing week last year: Inc. 44.0 13.7 Dec. New York Chicago ...... . . . . . Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg tan Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kantas City New Orleans Cleveland ......... Minneapolis Detroit Louisvlllo Omaha Milwaukee ......... Providence ........ Buffalo Indianapolis St. Paul Los Angeles St. Joseph Denver Columbus Memphis 6eattle - Richmond ......... Washington Savannah ......... Albany Portland, Or. Fort Worth Toledo, O. Salt Lake City Peoria Atlanta Rochester .......... Hartford Nashville Des Moines Spokane. Wash. .. Tacoma Grand Rapids New Haven ........ Dayton Norfolk Springfield, Mas Worcester ortland. Me Augusta, Ga. ) Topeka Sioux City Evansvllle Birmingham ....... Wilmington, Del. .. Knoxvillc Davenport Little Rock Wllkesbarre Fall River Macon ........ Wheeling. W. Va.. Wichita Akron Chattanooga Springfleid. Ill Kalamazoo. Mich... Youngstown Helena Lexington 3'argo, N. D New Bedford Canton. O Jacksonville, Fla.... Lowell Chester. Pa. Oreentiburg. Pa. ... Lockford. 11! Elnghamton Springfield. O Dlnomlngton, 111 ... Qulni-y. I Sioux Falls. S. D... Mam field. O Decatur. Ill Jacksonville. 111. ... Fremont. Neb Houston Calveston Cnarlcbtcp. S. C... Cedar Rapids .$L871.000.O0O isr.,&12.000 , 130.045,000 , 118,307.000 51,580.000 50.237,000 32.S77.000 25,420.000 2I.2S5.O0O 22.273.000 20,394,000 13.5G4.OUO 14,003.000 10,020.000 12.050.C00 7.4G.000 8,221.000 7.070.000 0.555.000 0. 282.000 5.172.000 7.482.000 4.841.000 G.875.000 5.O37.0O0 4.000,000 4.13i,.0 5.283.000 4,413,000 3.585.000 3.774.000 3. 138,000 4.023,000 3.529.000 2.S00.OUO 2.8S7.O00 2.880.000 1.124,000 3,180,000 2,060.000 2.109.000 2.101.000 2.373.000 1,877,000 2.155.000 1,478.000 1.554.O00 1.3C4.000 1.416.000 1.773.000 1,040,000 8G1.000 1. CGS.OOO 1.130,000 L251.000 1.095.000 1.229.000 . 765.000 842.000 1.046,000 591.000 450.000 S26.O0O 1,200,000 458.000 775.000 710.000 812,000 568.000 -465,000 520.000 40S.OUO 1,058.000 418.000 338,000 4S0.0O0 307.000 508.O00 300.000 :;o.oori 322.CO0 10.3 8.1 8.4 28.8 3.5 19.8 8.0 4.0 .5 8.5 10.O 7.3 10.2 17.8 76!4 11.5 207 37.1 11.8 5.5 2!s 8.9 303 184 18.6. 3.8 2S.9 2.4 12.5 X.3 15.8 3.6 16.8 20.7 13.2 18. 10.2 45.8 24.5 47.G 1 32.4 32 18.2 28.8 18.0 56.3 51.0 16.8 13.5 . 24. 8. 11.3 25.4 1S.1 6 30.0 25.8 34.7 13.8 16.2 10.8 204,000 10.O 243,000 28.8 ."(17.000 226.000 183. tOO 8.774.800 K.8SA.O0O i. ins. ooo 481.000 44.1 7.1 S: Totals. U. S Ouuide N. y.... ...$2,752,002,000 ... fSO.O05.OO0 CANADA. 28.C 4.1 Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Quebi Vancouver. B. Hamilton London. Ont. . fct. John. N. B, $ 21.657.00 18.709.000 .. 5.1 80.00(1 : 2.1 31 .000 1.304.00(1 22.4 4y.6 16.2 o 18.7 - 1.245.000 .. C 1.4 87.000 26.8 l.nwi.ono sio.ooo 746.000 11.1 18.3 Totals. Canada $ 55fl 18.000 24.2 I'OKTLaND MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc. Wheat is quiet and unohanged in value, with enly a moderate Inquiry from the East. JThexe nas ueeu coniiueruiu scuvuy in oancy re -cently. and prices are quoted higher. Oats are alto firmer. Hay is steady. The flour market is very dull. " WHEAT Walla Walla. 6c: bluestem. 81c: Valley. 87c per bushel. FLOUR Patents. J4.C5S4.S5 per barrel: straights. $4.3004.45: clears. $3.8594: Valley. s4.io$i4.23: DaKoia cam wncat, ss.&03i.o; Graham. J3.50G4: whole wheat.' $404.25: rye flour, local. $5; Eastern. $5ir5.10; eormne&l. per case. $1.80. BARLEY Feed. 523 per ton; rolled. S24tf23. OATS No. 1 white. S1.35S1.40: gray. 51.40 61.45 per cental. MILLSTUFFS Bran. S10 per ton: middlings. (25: shorts. $21: chops. U. S. Mills. $19: linseed dairy roods. sis; unscea onmeai, car lots, "fza per ton: less than car lots. $30 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 80 pound sacks. J 6.75; lower grades, S58G.25; oat meal, steel cut, ou-pouna sacus. 8 per parrel; 10-pouna sacks. per Dale; oatmeal (ground). 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per barrel; 10- pound sacks, $4 per bale; spilt peas, 54 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $1.13; pearl barley. $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box: pastry flour. 10-pound sacks. $2.50 per bale. HAT Timothy. I14571G per ton: clover. J113 12; grain. $11012: cheat. $12613. Vegetables. Fruit. Etc The demand for fruits and -Vegetables Is slow, owing to the cold weather, but receipts show no falling off, and stocks are consequent ly accumulating. Among the arrH'als yester day were two cars of bananas, only one of which was in choice condition. VEGETABLES Turnips; $1 per sack; car rots, $1. beets, $1.25; parsnips, $1.25; cabbage. California. 14c; lettuce, head. 90c per dozen; parsley, 25c dozen; tomatoes, $2 per crate: cauliflower. $L802 per crate; egg plant, 10 15c per pound; celery. $2.2303 per dozen; peas, 10c per pound; peppers, 8c per pound; tprouts, 6c. ONIONS Fancy, $22.25. buying price. POTATOES Oregon fancy. 759 85c; common. 6070c buyers' price; Merced sweets. 140 13ic; new California. c per pound. KAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4-crown. ?ic; 5-layer Muscatel raisins. 74c; unbleached seed less Sultanas, oxc: Lonaon layers. 3-crown. whole boxes of 20 pounds. $1.85; 2-crown, $1.75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, 0IfS5ic per pound; sundried. sacks or boxes, none; apricots. lOSllc; peaches. 8104c: pears, nose; prunes. Italians, 4S5c: French. Zl&ffS&c: figs, California blacks. Sic; do white, none; Smyrna. 20c; Fard dates. 6c; plums, pitted. Gc DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples 4-tier Bald wins. $1.25; Spitzenbergs, 5L7582; cooking. 73Q80c: figs. 55ca2.o0 per box; cransemcs, $8. 50 11 per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $2,750 3.76: choice. $2.75 per box; oranges, standard. $1.3031.75; fancy. $1.00(32; mandarins. GOgGSt per box; tangerines. jl.&uu- per dox: grape fruit. $2.753 per box; bananas, 3go4c pe( pound. Butter. Eggs, roultry. Etc The market for chickens continues in good ehape for all kinds, with the exception of roosters, which arc in oversupply. Turkeys are in good demand. Gccr-e are weak and sell ing slowly. Receipts of ducks arc not up to requirements. The egg market is barely steady, as receipts arc Increasing and will be much heavier in the next few days. A decline Is looked for early next week. Game of all kinds arc firm and find ready sale. The but-. tcr market Is steady. BUTTER City cieamerles: Extra creamery. 308324c per pound: fancy creamery. 224 2S4c State crearoerlj: Fancy creamer-, 25 &3oc; store nutter. 12ftrl24c CHEESE lain cream twins. 136114c: Young Americas. 144J134C POULTRY Fancy hens. iMHSfec: oia nons. 12fftl2Wc: mixed chickens. llfi114c: old roost ers. 8itloc; do young, llT12c: Springs, 14 to 2-pound. 14(gl5c; broilers, 1 to 14-pound. 18 (S20c: dressed chickens. I3fetxl4c: turkeys. alive, 17fil7.ic; do dressed, poor, 17&18c; do choice. 22n22-ac; geese, live, per pound S'sc; do dreesvd, llM2c: ducks, old, $8j508; do young, as to size, f'JjJU.&O; pigeons. $11.25 fequabs, $292.00. GAME u Ha geese, hua.m: mallard ducks, $33.50; widgeon, $1.752; leal, $1.501.75: snipe, i5cfi$i. Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, buila. 25sST-iac: cows, 334c; country steers, 4&5c MUTTON Drcseea, ivc per pound. VEAL Dressed, loO to 125. bit 9c per lb.; 126 to 200. 5&tic; 200 and up. 4(;5c PORK Drested. 100 to 150. OVzQic per nound: 150 and un. 7c HAMS 1 en 10 1 pouna, i-tc per pouna; 14 to 16 pounds. 12'c; 18 to 20 pounds. 121ic; California ipicc. 8c; cottage hams, 9c; shoulders, 6'ic; boiled ham, 20c; boiled picnlo num. Ooneles. 14c. - BACON Fancy -breakfast. J 6c per pound: standard breakfast, 14c; choice, 15c: lngl!ih breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds, lJc; peach baoon. 11c SAUSAGE Portland ham, 1214c per pound; minced ham. 10c: Summer, choice dry. 17H: bologna, long. Site; weinerwurst, Sc: liver, 5oi lKjrk. 8c: blood, 5c; headcheese. 12)ic: bologna tautace. link. 4c mix aAi.ii.u jitA.io neruiar soon clears, 9?ic salt. '1031c ijmoked; clear backs, 8e salt. 10ff smoked; Origon export.- 2o fo 25 uounds. average, 10Wc salt. I Hie smoked: clears. 8Vc salt. lOUc smoked; clear backs, 8c Union butts. 10 to is pounds, average, be salt, 8c smokeo. pickled good fickiea pigs- reet. u-bar rels, $5; U-barrcls. $2.75; 15-pound kit. $1.25; pickled tripe, -barrcls. $5; U-barrcls. $2.75; 15-pound kit. $1.25; pickled pigs tongues, i.i-barrels, $0; U-barrels. $3; 15-pound kits, $1.50; pickled lambs' tongues, "-barrels. $9; ti-barrels. $5.50: 15-ponnd kits. $2.75 LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces. 84c: tubs. 8ic: 50s. 8c: 20c. 83ic; 10s. lOVic; Cis. lOUc Standard pure: Tierces. SHc; tubs, c; 50s. Mic; 20s. 8c: 10.. Dic: 5s. ComiKMind: Tierce?. Cfec; tutm. 6ic; 50s. 0?is: 10s. 7tfc; 5s. iSc Groceries. Nuts. Etc. COFFEE Mocha. 262Sc; Java, ordinary. 10 &20c: Costa Kica, fancy. 18Q20C : jrood. ICir 18c: ordinary. 10$ 12c per pound; Columbia roast, cases, 100s. $13.&o; SOs. $14; Arbuckle, $lb.38: LlOll, $15.38. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5.3714: Southern Japan. $3.50; Carolina. 4H&Cc; brokenhead, 2c SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1-pound fiats, $1.85; fancy, lQl-pound fiats, $1.80; it-pound fiats, $1.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound talis, S5c; red. 1-pound tails. $1.45; sockeyes, 1-pound talis, $1.75; 1-pound flats, $1.5. SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds: Cube. $6.50: powdered. $6.25: dry granulated. $6.15; extra C. $5.65; golden C $5.55; fruit sugar. $8.15. ad vance over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; half-barrels. 25c: boxes, 50c per 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance within 15 days, deduct lie per pound; if later than 15 days and with in 20 days, deduct c per pound; n dis count after 30 days.) Best lugar granulated. $5.85 per 100 pounds; maple sugar. 15&1SC per pound. SALT California. $8.50 per ton; $1.30 per bale. Liverpool. 50s. $15.50: 100s. $15: 00. $14.50; half ground. 100s. $5.25; 50s, $5.75. NUTS Walnuts. 13iic per pound by f-ack. lc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts. 15c; fil berts, 14c; pecans, jumbos. 14c; extra large. 15c; almonds. L X. L.. lGc; chestnuts. Ital ians, 15c; Ohio, $4.50 ocr 25-pound drum; pea nuts, raw. 7c per pound; roasted. 9c; pine nuts, 10(&12Hc; hickory nuts. 7c; cocoanuu, fc5&80s per dozen. BEANS Small white. 8c; largo white. 3?ic: pink. 3&c: bayou. 3c; Lima. 5Vic Oils. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 23Ke; iron barrels. 17c; 86 deg. gasoline, crfcs, 32c; iron barrels or drums, 26c. COAL OIL Cases, lc: iron barreb, 15c: wood barrels, none; 63 deg., cases, 22c; Iron barrels. 15c; Washington State test burning oils, except headlight. He per gallon higher. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 56c; cases, 01c Boiled: Barrels. 5Sc; coses, 63c: lc less In 25u-gallon lots. TURPENTINE Cases. S5c; barrels. Sic WHITE IEAD Ton iota. 74c; 600-pound lots. 7c: 'less than 500-pound lots. 8c Hods. Wool. Hides. Etc HOPS Choice. 272Sc per pound. WOOL Valley. 18Q20c per pound; Eastern Oregon. 10 17c; mohair. 2o(z26c per pound for choice HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 10 pounds and up. 1515Vtc per pound: dry glp. No. I, 5 to 10 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds. JCc; dry malted bulls and stags, one-third leu than dry flint; falted hides, etcers. sound, 1Q Sc; under 50 pounds and cows. 0Vifip7e; stags and bulls, sound. 4t4Vte: kip. sound, IS to 20 pounds, 7c; under 10 pounds. Sc; green tun halted), lc per pound lejs: culls, lc per pound; horse hides, salted. $1.50&2 each; dry. $181.50 each; colts hides. 25 & 60c each; goatskins. common., lOl&c each; Angora, with wool on. 25?$1 TALLOW Prime, per pound. 43c; Nc I and grease, 2liQ3c. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Feb. 3. Evaporated apples show no material change Common. 40; prime, 5U5f53Jc; choice, SfctfCo: fancy. 6V487c Prunes show no improvement. Quotatlsns for California grades range from 2c to .Vfcc. according to size. Apricots are tuichangcd. 10piO(sc for ch4ee, 11(T12c for extra choice, and 1114 15c for fancy. I'eaches show no advances In prices. Choice. 0it(10c; extra choice. lOloe; fancy, 11j4 12c Raisins are reported quiet, with jobbers well j-uppllf-d fer the time being, with the tone of the market easy. Loose muscatel. 2c- to 4c; crown are quoted at from 4Uc to CVic: Lon don layers. 10c to 15c; needed, Suj&SKc Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. The market for -coffee futures closed steady at a net advance f 5fr 10 iolnts. Sales, H81.000 lgs. including: March. 7.10i7.I5c: April. 7.15e; May. 7.40ff 7.45e: July. 7.00c; August. 7.7007.73c: Sep tember. 7.S5jr7.80c Spot Rio. quiet; No. 7. S9-lGc. Sugar Raw. quiet; fair refining. 4?ie: cen trifugal, 96 test. 5j;c: molassos sugar. 41io; rofiacd. steady; cruslred. $6. S3; powdered, 56.25; .granulated, $0.13. ' PRICE LEVEL ADVANCED ACTIVE SPECULATION CONTIN UES IN STOCK MARKET. But Movement Is. Uneven and Inter mittent Reading is Still the Feature. NEIW YORK. Feb. .3. There was continued active speculation in 'stocks today and consid erable further advance In. the price level. The movement was uneven and intermittent, the advance shifting - from one point to another. There was no definite news to account for the demand, which was fostered by the extreme abundance of money. Reading continued to be the feature ot the market, and the rapid enhancement in its quoted value had a material effect on the coalers and the Pennsylvania group particu larly. Anotaer motive for the marking up or the price of Pennsylvania was for the purpose of adjusting it to the recent wide advance 'in New York Central. A movement In either one of the standard .trunk line stocks is certain sooner or later to be followed by the other. Tho rate of accumulation of Pennsylvania, and in fact, of all the coalenv was very rapid. Blocks of 1000 to 0000 shares were constantly transferred. The announcement of the Southern Pacific refunding plan revived he demand for . the Pacifies, but did not carry the movement' In them far. This plan has already figured te such an extent In the previous rise in both Southern Pacific and Union Pacific that its In fluence as a market factor was largely ex hausted before Its announcement. There was some awaken In; in Rock Island, after a long period of comparative neglect, but that move ment also was not well sustained. It seemed to be based on the intimation that the sup posed change of control In Kansas City South ern and Colorado & Southern was designated in the Rock Island interest. Atchison hung back during the period of strength, and was one of the first stocks to weaken. The prospect of a prosecution in the Colorado Fuel rebate case Is cot relished by stockhold ers, especially In view of the present public Vattention aroused in the whole subject. The I extremity to which the grain rate war is be ing carried must be taken some account of in regard to the earning power of the Granger?. The Duluth. South Shore &. Atlantic stocks and the Minneapolis. St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie stocks were heavy. Chicago. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha preferred, tho purchase of 100 shares of which caused a rls ot 35 joints the other day, relapsed, today 25 points on a sale of 400 shares. The active realizing movement today was co incident with the appearance of the estimates on the week's currency movement. Indicating a lo ot cash by. the banks of upwards ot $5,000,000, due to the excess of gold exports over tho receipts front- the interior. Tho re newed strength of the coalers, however, and a rush to buy Missouri Pacific pulled the market up and made the closing strong, Bonds wero irregular. Total sales, par value. $5,744,000. United States bonds were all un changed on call. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Ooclng Sales. High. Low. bid Atchison 8.100 45 87 88H do preferred 7.000 102;i I02J4 102U Atlantic Coast Line. 300 122 121 12ixi llilllmnr. . DUn J!l "Oil 1 1 llMU. lllfkU Baltimore & Ohio .. 48,200 l05i lU4fe 1U64 do preferred ;i Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio. Chicago & Alton.... 8.600 135 1S4U 134H :.800 2514 lira-. tw 15,800 50- 600 43& 50Vt 5oia 4h 8 lo pret erred Chi. Great Western. 21.200 24U Chi. & Northwestern. 1.500 242 Chi.. Mil. ft St. Paul 10.1W 177?; Chi. Term. & Trans.. 1,600 17 lo preferred 800 31 C.. C. C. St, L.... 708 80T1 Colorado &. Southern. 3.000 'Yn do 1st preferred.... 100 04 do 2d pn-ferred..... 3.400 Delaware & Hudwn.. 26.300 184 23'4 23i 241 VJ 17B'.i 177 17 17' 30 34'. P8U t8i "X, 26 63 . JW'.s 1SS 3R75i 33 S7?i 44 6H 1HJU 81H 38"h 183 158 33 Del. .Lark. & Wet.. 200 358 Denver A Rio Grando 400 do preferred Erie 4f 1st preferred.... d 2d prcfercd..... Hocking Valley do preferred 'Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred Kan. City Southern.. do preferred i Louisville & Nash v.. Manhattan L. Metrop. Securities. . . Metropolitan St. Ry.. Mexican Central .... Minn & St Luuis... 11.. SU P. &. S. S. M'. do preferred Mlsaurl Pacific 3.000 47.500 5.000 1.200 700 400 4.700 88i 44h 81 OUfc 81 BIT, STii 44 bOH 66Ti 00", 1 4.3CKI ""3T" 800 5S?i 1.000 .11 6.500 67 57i, 67?i C5 65h 7.100 13ST4 137!a 138 600 170. 170 170 2.100 76 7S 78V5 12,300 117Va 116 lRi 1.800 22i 22U 22, 200 00 00 S3 2.6(H) KllU 100 100 400 lOlfe 1UOU ItSOtt a.300 108 1071. 10S4 Mo.. Kan. & Texas.. 700 :t254 do preferred 1.600 67 National of Mex. pfd. :t.40J 444 New York Central... 12,000 143,4 N. Y.. Ont. &YcsU 18.700 45Ti Norfolk i Western., l.loo 81Vi do preferred 200 84"a 32 31', 42i 148 44t, 14811 44 81 931, 83 Pennsylvania .... P.. C C & St. L. Reading 18.600 140- 138i, 1401; 500 S2-; 82 814 ..271.500 .. .200 .. 1JJ00 .. 8.000 .. 2.700 85fe 8R3 82 5?i 73'), 2ls ril 67i 82i 03! 81 34TJ SOU 72 25?i 1& do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... Rock Island Co V3 814 354 do preferred EL L. fc S. F. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do preferred Southern Pacific .... do preferred Southern Rallwuy ... (Ut preferred Texas & Pacific Toledo. St L. & W.. do preferred ....... M7i 2.700 3.50O 1.SO0 724 21 1V OTj 118?, 52.200 1.SC0 118!i HSU 32.300 35 314, 1.10O 8S 0"n 16.300 343-4. 1.000 36a 354 2.600 54 V, 5XU 34-i 364 S5i Union Pacific do preferred .... 106,700 123, 122k 122TJ 100 87, H7N H7V 7V) 23H 22 2 Wabaab do preferred Wisconsin Central .. do preferred Exurese companies- 10.200 47W 45 4R 000 -J3V, 23 St 2.3O0 524 5Vs Hi Adams American 200 235 1'nUed States 200 130 Wella-Fargo .... 216 2S44 235 128 12M 240 Mlscel laneous Amalgamated Copper 56.500 Amer. Car &. Foundry 1,400 75?A 33-S 83 34i "bV; 74i sx 821 3S4 '64 404 "4; do preferred American Cotton Oil. do preferred American Ice do preferred American Linseed Oil 200 2.300 1.300 1.400 64 40VI 164 do preferred ....... American Locomotive 4.O00 37?i 361 40 37 do preferred Amer. Sm. & Refining do preferred Amer. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pf. cert Anaconda Mining Co. Brooklyn R. Transit.. 00 110. 1104 110 6.000 804 88 86 2.200 1184 1184 Uf 1,500 142i 1424 1424 1,700 854 1.20O 10S4 2.800 61i 845i 85Si 108 604 464 2024 20 iua Colorado Fuel & Iron 1.600 4714 Consolidated Gas ... 3.800 204 & Corn Products 400 20 do preferred 200 70A Dlstllelrs Securities. 2.500 361 2034 20 70 764 204 General Electric 600 lS0!e 166 International Paper.. 200 21 20 do preferred IPO 76Vi 70 International Pump.. 300 38a 3S 2041 3S4 do preferred ....... National Lead .- North American .... Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... an 20 10( 2.800 204 28 800 104'ri 104 700 444 44Vi 44 1.700 I07i 1074 1074 7nn xr.u. trt4 an St! do preferred 100 80 SO Of 244 Pullman Palace Car. 160 243 Republic Steel S00 104 do preferred - 100 68 Rubber Goods ... 7C0 20 do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron... "700 724 U. S. Leather 8.200 144 do preferred , 3.300 104 1T. S. Realty 4.000 243 14 S -25i 164 S3i 81 71?, 14 14 1W 1(0 824 84 U. S. Rubber 400 SS do preferred V. S. Steel 20.600 . do preferred 22.100 85 Va--Carollna Chemleal 2.200 33vr, do preferred 200 108 Westlngbouse Eleo... 100 ISO 38 3?; 10M S9i 24yt 180 824 mi; 83V! 35h 178 Western Union 60o 82i 82,; Total sales for the day, 1.43S.G00 sbares. Ex dividend. BONDS. NEW YORK, Feb. 3. Closing quotations U. S. ref. 2b reg.l044'AtchlRon Adl. 4s. 80 do coupon 104 4 ID. & R. G. 4s. ...101 u. j. 3d reg hikiX. X. Cent, lsts.100 do coupon. .. .10ilNor. Pacific 3s.. 501 U. S. new 4s reg.!3041Nor. Pacific 4..105Ti uo coupon... .isuftisro. i'acmc 4s... 8tit U. S. old 4s' reg.!054IUnlon Pacific 4s.l05"i ao coupon. ... iuo 1 wis. fjent. 4S. ... 34 Stocks at London. LUuut. feo. 3. consols for money, SS 1-16; consols for account. S8&. Anaconda 5 4 (Norfolk West Atchison- 81 I do preferred.. do preferred. . 15 4 (Ontario & West Bal. & Ohio. . .1074 'Pennsylvania .. Can. Pacific. ;3S 'Rand Mines Che. & Ohk... 51i.!R.ading 624 8Ti 46U 714 11 474 C. Gt. West 24VJi do 1st pref.... 474 C. M. &. SU P.. 181 I do 2d pref 464 Do uerrs i& 1 bo. Railway ST. D. & R. G 33X1 do pref erred... 100 do preferred.. 78'Soi Pacific 68i Erie 434 jUaion ' Pacific... 123 H ao iBtprct...- ao prcrorred. . . 11H do 2d"pref W U. S. Steel SIM Illinois Central. 1W14 do preferred... 87 00 urcicrrea.. . :u Louis. & Nash. .140 "Wabash "..-...;.. 234 I do preferred... 464 iSpanlsh Fours... 004 N. Y. Central...!: Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Feb. 3. Money on call, steady. i62U per cent; closlDS b'd, 1 per cent: of fered, 2 per cent- Time loans, easy and teady; CO and 80 days. 3 per cent: six months, U34 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 34 44 per cent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.8864.8803 for de mand, and at $4.8570?? 4. S575 for 60 days. Posted rates, $1.86484.80. Commercial bills, $4,654. Bar silver. C14c. Mexican dollars. 474c Bonds Government, steady; railroads, irreg ular. LONDON. Feb. 3pBar .silver, firm", 2S'id per ounce. Money. 2624 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 24 per cent; three months bills. 4 per cent. , SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 3. Silver "bars. Bltie Mexican dollars. 50c. Drafts Sight. 74e;N teUgraph. 10c. Sterling on London. 60 days. $4.6011: sisht. $4.SS4. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. Today's statement of the Treasury balances shows: Available cash balance $140,640,861 Gold.. 50,282.743 Bank Clearings. Clearings. $601,763 775.543 316.046 378.312 Balances. $ 57.4S4 208.885 30,121 47.461 Portland Seattle . Tacoma Spokane - BREAK IX SAN FRANCISCO. Wheat and Barley' Futures Hammered Down. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 3. (Special.)-Con- tinued rains in California and a slump in Chi cago prices gave the "bears In the local grain pit an opportunity to depress option values, which was readily availed of. Wheat and bar ley futures broke sharply under their hammer ing, but ralllled sUshtly at the close. Spot prices for all cereals were unchanged, but the market was quieter, and the feeling was less firm. Hay arrived freely, but a large portion is for "Oriental shipment. Grain freights aro dull and depressed, but now th3t the crop prospects arc Improving. chartering ahead ynay roon be revived. ine wcatner was uniavorapie lor trane in the fruit market. The orange auction sched uled for today was postponed until Monday. The storm has stopped picking operations in the South, and made tho supply for public tale purposes temporarily light. The open market Is well stocked with oranges, but hold ers are less anxious to force sales. The 10th carload of Northern apples for the week ar rived. With- trade moderate and several more carloads close at hand, the market, asido from fancy stock. Is weak. Potatoes are Inactive and weak, except for prime Burbanks. Tho Costa Rica, with sup plies from Oregon, is not discharged. The onion market had a better tone, with fancy Oregon more firmly held at about $2.70. Butter is weaker. Cheeic is steady. Eggs are firm. Receipts. 44.S0O pounds butter, 2800 pounds cheese 1S.450 dozen cgjs. VEGETABLES Garlic. 8gl24c; green peas. 3tf0c: string beans. 6-124e: tomatoes, 75c $1.50: egg plant, 8124e. POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 10&21c; hens. 2325;; roosters, old. $4.503; do young. $6R 7; broilers, small. $303.50; large. $3.50fT4; fryers, $5$6; hens. $5f7; ducks, eld. $530; do young. $CQ7. CHEESE Young America, 11 41 -4c: East ern. i3fnc lUTTER Fancy creamery. 2Sc; creamery soeondF. 25c; fancy dairy. 25c; dairy seconds. lc. EGGS Store, 25c; fancy ranch, 27c. WOOL Lambs'. 16glSc. HAY Wheat. $I0(7H.50; wheat and oat. $1014: barley. $0fll: alfalfa. $9ffll.50; clover. $768: stock. $567: straw. 45JJ55C. MILLFEED Bran. $2121.50: middling. $20628. HOPS 1904. 27fi30c FRUIT Apples, cholce.v $1.5: do common. GOc; bananas. 7.'c4if2.50; Mexican limes, $4.50 f5; California lemons, choice. $2.50; do com mon, $1; oranges, navels, $192; pineapples. $1.5083. ' POTATOES Early Rose. $1.20I.S5; Rivers Burbanks. 75&00c; River reds. 53 g 65c: Sa linas Burbanks. $11.40; sweets. 75cfi$l; Ore gon Burbanks. $11.25. RECEIPTS Flour. 1740 quarter sacks; wheat. 178 centals: barley, 13,383 centals: oats. 258 centals: beans. 3043 sacks: corn. 1221 cen tals: potatd, 3226 sacks; bran. 800 sacks; middlings. 330 sacks; hay. 1125 tons; wool. 33 bales; hides. 32S. x LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards Yesterday. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 50 cattle and 130 hogs. Tho following prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers. $4fJ 4.2R; cows and heifers. $313.25. HOGS Best large, fat hogs. $5.50; black and China fat. $-4.504.75. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley, $4.2534.50. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Quoted at Kansas City. Omaha and Chicago. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb. 3. Cattle Re ceipts. 2000. Market, steady. Native steers $3.5085.65; native cows and heifers. $1,750 4.35: stockers and feeders. $394.25; bulls. $2.25 t3.75; calves. $30.50; Western fed steers, $3.50&5.25; Western fed cows. $203.73. Hogs Receipts, 5000. Market, stead-. Bulk Of tales. $4.65.80: heavy. $4.S3g4.85c pack ers, $4.754.80; pigs and light. $404.80. Sheep Receipts. 3000. Market. steady. Muttons. $4.254T3.65: lamb. $6.5067.50; range wethers, $5-36.50; fed ewes. $4.5093.15. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. Feb. 3. Cattle Re ceipts. 6C00. Market, steady to strong. Native steers. $3.40fJ5.C5; cows and heifers. $2.73? 4.15; canners,- $1.502.50; stockers and feed ers, $2.5094.25; calves, $2.5035.50; bulls, stags, etc.. $1.7502.60. Hogs Receipts. 4C00. Market, 5c higher. Heavy, $4.75g-4.S24: mixed, $4.7054.75; light. $4.6Og4.70; pigs, $4.234.40; .bulk of sales, $4.7064.75. ' Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 3. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alta $ .05 Andes ........ .33 Belcher 24 Best & Belcher 1.03 Bullion 26 Caledonia .66 Julia ..$ .04 Justice 13 Mexican 15 Occidental Con. .86 Ophlr 7.374 Overman . ... .31 Challenge C. Chollar Confidence .... Con.. C & Va. Con. Imperial. Crown Point. . Txchequer Gould & G.... Hale & Norcr. .31 Potofl 13 .26 .85 2.10 .01 .10 .47 .21 I Savage ........ iSeg. Belcher.. .37 .08 .43 .06 .US .18 .20 Sierra Nevada. Silver Hill.. Union Con Utah 5on Yellow Jacket. . 1.30 I NEW YORK. Feb. 3. Closing quotations; Adams Con $ .20 Little Chief $ .03 Alice .OSiOntaxio 3.75 Breecc .- iSlOphlr ."V.. . . 0.30 Brunswick Con.. .03Phoenlx uk,..'... .10 Comstock Tun... .lOIPotosI .10 Con.. Cal. & Va. l.SSlSavase .32 Horn Silver ).65Slerra Nevada... .36 Iron Sliver 2.00'SmaIl Hopes ,27 Lead ville Con... .02Standard 1.50 BOSTON, Feb. 3. Closing quotations: Adventure ....$ 0.751Mohawk 5 Alloues 20.2.11 Mont. C. & C. Amalgamated. 14.75i01d Dominion. Am. Zinc 11.00J Osceola 52.30 4.75 27.00 84.00 AlldllUC ..... u.lixiuiut ...... Bingham 32.30ulncy ..... CaL & Hecla.. eRO.OOKhannon .... Centennial ... 18.00VXamarack .. CoDner Ranee. CS.13 Trinity 2S.00 110.00 7.75 133.00 11.23 23.30 Daly West... I.i.uUiL . s. aiming, C4.00JU. S. Oil.... 10.50lUtah 1... 3.00jVlctorla ...... 23.75Winona 10.301 Wolverine .. 13.251 Dominion Coal Franklin Granny Isle Royal e.... Mass. Mining.. Michigan 0.8S 42.13 4.8S 12.00 108.00 Cotton Markets. NEW YORK. Feb. 3. Cotton Futures opened firm at an advance of 13620 points. and closed very steady at a net gain of 13g'16 points. February. 7.11c: March. 7.18c; April, 7.20c: May. 7.26c; June 7.31c; July, 7.35c; August, 7.35c - NEW ORLEANS. Fb. 3. Cotton-Firm; ur : I'imBland,. .25c Mo.. K. & Tex.i: SHIFTS TO JULY OPTION FEATURE OF TRADING IN CAGO WHEAT PIT. CHI- Possibility of Grain Shortage During Summer Months the Cause Damage to Winter Wheat. CHICAGO. Feb. 3. The feature of trading in wheat was the relative strength and activity of the July delivery. The temporary supplant ing ot the May option by the more distant months was due to an awaXened realization of the possibility of a shortage of wheat during the months of June and July. Fear of this t contingency was emphasized through a report by a St. Louis trade Journal that many com plaints of damage to Winter wheat by cold weather had been received. The market was also bulllshly affected by the decision of Attorney-General Moody, regarding "drawbacks" on wheat Imported for manufacture into flour for export. The action of a leading operator in buying July and selling May was a factor in causing disparity between the two leading options. At the opening the market was quite firm. From 884c July rose to $1,004. L3te in the day somn reaction occurred on profit taking, final quotations on July being at $1,004. The May delivery sold oft -to $1,164. and closed weak at $1.164tfl.l6sjL Trading In the corn market was quiet and prices showed almost no change. May opened a. shade lower at 44tI445ic. aRd closed at 44!ie As a result of selling by cash and some local bears, the oats market opened easy, but de veloped steadiness. May' closed at 30kc. Provisions were ncgleeted. At the close May pork and ribs were unchnaged, and lard was up a shade at $6,824. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. ...fl.1T ... .004 High. $1,174 1.O04 .84 . Low. $1,164 .884 .83 Cloie. $1,164 LOO .834 May July September CORN. .44?4r ".444 .43S .434 OATS. February May July .424 .444 -45, .444 434 February .... May Juty February ... May .23 .304 .304 30-V .304 .304 .304 .304 .304 MESS TORK. 12.674 12.874 .12.37"? 12.S74 12.824 LARD. . ." 6.87U 6.82 .S7 February May July 6.724 6.824 7.03 SHORT RIDS. February 6.65 May 6.ST. 0.S74 .85 6.874 July 7.024 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 2 Spring. $1.14?1.16; No. 3, $1.03 01.16: No. 2 red. $1.18491-204. Corn No. 2, 42Jic; No. 2 yellow. 43c. Oats No. 2. 284c; No. 2 white. 328324c: No. 3 white. 30$ic. Rye No. 2, 73c. Barley Good feeding. 37SR8c; fair to cholco malting, 42646c Flaxseed No. 1,"$1.16; No. 1 Northwestern. $1.22. Mess pork Per barrel, $12.654f 12.70. Lard Per 10o pounds. $.700.724. Short ribs sides Loose. $0.62490.75. Short clear sldos Boxed, $6.75436.874 Clover Contract grade, $12.50. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels ... What. bushels .. Corn. buhI ... Oats, bushels . . . Rye. bushels .... Barley, bushels . 24.I0O 18.600 .. 20.000 ..128.S0M .. 82.400 .. 4.000 .. 62.200 38.700 133.100 62,800 2V.8OO Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. Feb. 3,-Flour-ReceIpts. 12, 300 barrels; exports. S81.000 barrels. Market, firm, with light demand. Wheat Receipts. 800 bushels. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, nominal elevator and $1.22 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.27 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 bard Manitoba. $1.11 f. o. b. afloat. Options opened steady on firm cables and covering. Later the market reacted on bullish crop news, but closed ?c lower on May to 4c higher on July. May closed $1.16; July closed $1,044: September closed 864c Hops Quiet; state common to choice, 1805, 29tt35c HIdcE and wool Flim. Groin nt San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 3. Wheat and bar ley, stronger. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping. $L50fil.55; milling. $1.55 61.65. Barley Feed. $1.20f1.224: brewing. $1.22. Oats-Red. Sl.40ffl.35; white. $1.4249l1.574; black. $1.451.63. Call board sales Wheat May. $1,514. Barley May. $1.21,. Corn Large yellow. $1.25f?1.324. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Feb. 3. The London tin mar ket was firmer, with spot 130 15s. and futures at 130 5s. Locally, the market Is' quiet, but irteady. with spot at 20.60920. 85c Copper was a little lower abroad, with spot at f GT 10s. and futures at 67 15s. Locally, the market Is unchanged. Lead was lower in London, with spot quoted at 12 13s Sd. Locally, the market continues somewhat nervous, owing to the scarcity of Immediately available supplies, and spot la quoted at from 4.45c to 4.60c Spelter was unchanged In London, and at C. 15Q 6. 62c In the local market. Iron closed at 58s 2d In Glasgow, and 47s 74d In MIddlesboro. Locally, the market was unchanged. Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO, Feb. 3. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was firm; creameries. 1 Of? 204c: dairies. 194f23c Eggs, firm, at mark. 22fJ28c Cheese, steady, 11 12c ' NEW YORK. Feb. 3. Butter Strong; straet prices for extra creameries, 3031c; official prices, do 21$C0c: Western factory, 1723c Cheese, unchanged. Eggs, strong; Western firsts, 31c; do seconds, 2&fr10c Refined Oil Reduced. CLEVELAND. O.. Feb. 3. The Standard Oil Company today reduced. the price on all grades of refined oil 1 cent per gallon. No change was made in the price of gasoline or naphtha. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Feb. 3. Wool Nominal; territory and Western medium. 2122c; fine medium. 17lSc: fine, lo&17c AT TILE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. T F Guinea. Chicago J Leahy, San Fran W H Romalne. Newpt.H H Stuart, F Grove J M Church, La GrcdIH W Thompson, Eu- H H Smith. San Fran gene A J Oberholsen. S F L Black. N Y Mrs A U Fisk, . Galesburg. Ill Mrs W L Runyan. Danville. Ill E M Clark and wife. Ctty Mrs W A Roberts, Seattle B Rosejifeld. S F B A Bernhelm. S F H L Wakefield. Mpls A L Chandler, Denveri B E Wertheimer. S 1 O F Tllghman. N Y E T Pittell, N Y G H Eberhard. S F R S Howard, S F M S Helneroan, -Baltimore A Pollak. S F " G J Reiner. S F A D Cleveland. St L S Kaufman, Chicago A Garcia. New York iA C Osborn, S F G F Parson. Oakland W H Hare. Enumclaw H Rokahl. New York J C Slater. Seattle iC L Stewart, Washn G E Goule. Seattle IT B Sumner, Everett C H Wilson. Van, B CiA E Cagwla. Kelso C N Van Home. doiH Rasher. Spokcnc U S Wood. Wayne. IlliE E Johnston. Everet Miss E Purdy, do A W Blake, Vancvr M WInne. do U L Rand, Baker City Miss Sinclair, do jMrs J L Rand, do Miss Fabor, do Miss E Hyde, do F L Walker. Man- R P Braley. Tacoma ager C Hanford IF Roberts, Seattle I M Van Poole. IMrs F Roberts, do USA IP V Davis. London Miss Van Dyke. Ft Mrs P V Davis, do Stevens C A Gray. Salem R. Smith. City J E Sallalnc. wife and children, Seattl Mrs C A Gray, do G S Wright. McMinn Mrs Wright, do A Cohen. San Fran Mrs J M Rosenberg. A N Brown.. Olympla ! E Mead.7oiympla IE L Sackett. S F G II Miller IW Whittlesey. N " J J Smith iMIss V Sls.on. N Y W S Sherwood, St P R Mason. New York J C Hayter, Dallas THE PERKINS. f M 8 Woodcock, Cor- iT Walsh. La Grande vallls IJ Fish. The Dalies L P Endlcott. Har- rlsburg Mrs Endlcott. do F L Sherwood. Omaha H A Brink, Baker C L W Spencer, Santa Rosa. Cal F A Short. Grasham C F Slater. City E C Bedell. Dayton Mrs E C Bedell, do W E Walther, do C Ryder. San Fran Mrs F Schilling, waiiown D H Welch. Astoria W Belond, Seattle J Allison. Seattle J H Devlin. Portland R J Glnn. Moro G J Wagner. Enter ;T L McNefr. Seattle iMrs McNeff. Seattle prise iS I Belknap. Prairie C j a. LcmoD, aan r ran 1 jars w imams, uiiicu C Lemon, San Fran Miss A Vogel. ,Naslivll F F Spicer. Tomeroy L F Blrcher, do Mrs J K Van Dora. Wallace. Idaho F J Scroggen, Sheridn H M Boone. Olympla Mrs H M Boone, do S B Herman. Oaksdal Mrs s a Herman, do E J Deneen N Whealdon, T Dalles F R Stratton. Durur J W McCulioch. Vale C J Bush. Denver R r Garrett. Myrtle IP S Kln.'ella. Newport Point Is J Donaldson. Prairie S J Mossman, Tacoma E K Bartnesa. Hd Rlv C D Hoyt. Mlnnepls B F Wilson. Union G Holllster. No Bend J H Guerry, do S E Hlnes, No Bend W H Galllgan. Hood River Mrs Galllgan, do -E W Peters, Eureka A Matson, Eureka G W Brady. Spokane E G Davis, Tacoma C E J Wllley. Seattle Mrs E Weber, San F H D Smith, St Paul D A Snyder. Dayton N L Tooker, 1003 Miss M Glaze. Eugene N G Hyland, Mabet R T Smith. Seattle C B Watson, Newbrgi B F Pike Moro C R Hayne. F Grove E E Wickersham, Scappoosc Mrs Wickersham, do R W Jones. McMinnv A A Walker. Gaston Mrs Walker, do Mrs Philip Creason, Republic. Wash Master Creason, do W D Angle. Medford J H Halpln. Seattle J Swartr. Frisco E Meyers. Frisco J F Burleigh. Loallne G Federson. G Valley !J D Barber, Marlon H McCIary. Taooma F Trlplett. McMinnv L F Ridall, San. Fran THE IMPERIAL. J A Jones. Newberg iH Fish. Ontario E R RIsttrn. Tacoma jp Jones, Ontario A E Earn Portland tJ-B Femes. Tacoma Mrs A E Bacr. do !J M Mann. Chicago E J dough, ArllngtnjV A Carter. Albany Mr! C J Clough and II H Bingham. Cot Gr child. Arlington 1W T Smith, Sheridan W B Stone. Clty- lG W Balrd, Union Mrs K H Hobson. W Abrams, S F Astoria E Williams. S F Mrs H F Pracl. ;J O Booth. Grants P Astoria a A Grlssingi Browns- F W Benson, Roscbrg' ville C P Walker. WInnlpg I A Miches. Albany Mrs C P Walker, do !c A IMkc. Goldendale G G Linen. N York IT J Ormanrt, La Grd R G Collins. Seattle- IT Hahn. Michigan W L Whitmore. ChgoU M Haberly. Salem J M Keene. Medford -T Ti Kay, Salem J Brodkln. Medford jl Cohen, S F H I Tallent. Medford A Seufort. The Dalles J S Keating. AstoriaiW B Young. Tacoma J M Dabney, City IMrs W E Young, do Miss Southford. N Y IMIss Young, do S Edwards. New York'A Bennett. Lincoln A A Buchanan. City iMrs Bennett, do C W Hodson, IndnplslMIss Gullck. do .1 a cooper, do R G Baldurn. Eugene Mrs J S Cooper, do IW Mlchelbach. Tho Alice ?: Price. City Dalles D H Jaclcon. AshlndiL fi Bean. Eugene Mrs Jackson, do K L Mdlwain, Albny C E Cochran. Union 'Mrs Mcllwaln. do Mrs F A Root. Seattle' F Keene. Kennedy F H Caldwell. NewbgF H Feek. Ontario t u Hailey, Pendlton E W Bartlett. La Gra J R McClure, Mnnpls J . P Lockwood, Clty Mrs J R McClure. doiMrs Lockwood. do C E Belding. Ontario iW R Woodard. Union W I. Laughary, C Schmidt. Astoria Dallas IMrs C Koos. Astoria E H Fish. Ontario lc Williams, Salem THE ST. CHARLES. R C Reame. B Veil IE Craven. Dalles F Metzger. Seattle IF Filler. Buttevllle L D Butler. Dalian F E McCauley, Astora H W Rogers, Boston IE K Jackson, Tacoma W H Hobson. Stayton'Mrs Jackson, do Robert Barker IE C Carter, do E J Taylor. Arthur Mrs E C Carter, do C Galloway, Catlln IA Erlcson. St Paul IH B Willis. St Paul IB R Howard. Stella IMrs J W Clarke. ' Clatskanle w m Simon. Kelso A Fredrlckson H Fredrlckson O J Mealey. Foster W R Mealey. Foster iMrs M Casaday. do J A Thompson, SweetlH J Turner Homo !J J Kuntz. Or City H Crum. Vancouver IE H Bpach. City C R Watson. Dayton J W Reed, Estacada L .1 Ward. Salem IJ Van Horn Mrs L .1 Ward, d iChas M Gibbons H C Milter. Fat.tle J'Chas Burns. City G Relnke. MtlwaukeejC A Breeding Mrs G Relnke, do IMrs R P Burns N E Cottrell. do L L Shrevf, Hejipner Miss M Horigan, do tC Bakr and son Simon Mallanen T Blaylock. Newberg .1 W Fulton. FairfidlMable Blaylock. do C R Arnold. City IL C Rothrock. Tudltn C J Culleson. NewbglMrs Rotlirock. do J Popejoy. Cathlamet'G J Moody. City T N Simpson, Colo IP O Andarson. Palmr Mrs Simpson, do j Tyler. Woodburn H T Bagley. HlllsboriP Dolan. Kalama R H Tyson. Salem !C N Plowman. Or City A Morton. Dalles ) THE SCOTT. W M Mendenhall. IT P Allison and wife Tacoma I San Francisco H H Turner. Oakland Miss M Allison-, do E A Converse, do J B Ballentlnc and wife. Seattle C D Murran. Seattle W T May. St Paul G C Mallory, Tacoma T T Amen and wife, Tacoma C C Drake. City iMrs J Dunsmore and I family. Gales Creole G G Bancroft and wife. San FranclscoiC G Hunter and wife, J A Robertson, Lex- I Seattle lngton, Ky I If A Morgan, Seattle T A Vincent. St LouisIT G Froman and wife. Miss T Campbell. Al- Ashland bany iMIss Froman. Ashland C E Davis and wife, IMIss T Wnldman. do Albany J G Hooker, S F J J Hllllard. Albany . Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma. American pian. Hates. $3 and .up. Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma. First-class restaurant In connection. Fain In the side nearly always conies from a disordered liver and is promptly relieved by Carter's Little Liver Pills. Don't forset this; DM Ml O. QRAIIN and STOCK BROKERS We Charge No Interest for Carylng Long Stocks. GENERAL OFFICES: X. Y. Life BIdg., Minneapolis, Minn. E. K. AXDEN. CorresDondent. Room 2. Ground Floor. Chamber of Commerce. N. B. We will send you our dally Market Letter on request. TRAVEIEH'S GUIDE. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY guLA PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers Steamer Regulator leaves Portland 7 A. M. Tues day, Thursday and Satur day; arrives alternate days. Connecting at Lyie, Wash., with Columbia River & North ern Ry. Co.. for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. Landing foot of Alder st. Phone Main 014. S. ji'DONALD. Agent. For South -tastern Alaska Steauieis uf tale cu.uu,, u? for which it Is agent, iojlvo SEATTLE 8 A. M.. xACo.il A r65- via. iima;iuo ana &icku; Jan. '17. 31. SKAGWAY DlKEwi.i RAMONA (Jan. ly, 24. tKag way direct), both vsmms lung ing regular S. E. Alaska ports of un; uoiiage city calls at Vancouver: Ramoaa CALLS AT VICTORIA. r vii. VANCOUVER. CITY OF SEATTLE leaves Seattle Tuesday., Thursdayt. fcundays, 10 P. M.; call at Everett ana ici-.gi.i.m. lttfturning. leave Vancouver Mondays, edneuaays and rrtdaya. calling at BeilliiKCam only. SteameiA conuct at San Iranclsco with com. pany's steamers lor ports in California. Mex ico and Huniboldt Bay. For further Informa tion obtain folder. Right U reserved tu change steamers or k'ttulng date. TICKET OFFICES. Portland ...248 Washington at. Seattle 115 "James st. and Dock. San Francisco 10 Market st, C D. DUNANN. Gen. Pass. Agu, 10 Market st. San FrancUcu." D J Cooper, The .Dalles E E- Ferguson, do SSION 1 1 ;a 1 TRAVELER'S GUIDE. Union Pacific AMD 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and tourist sleet-Ing-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spokane; tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining caair-cars ueats free,) to the Eas; dally. UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO-POKTLANL j:15 A. M. 3:25 P. IL SPECIAL tor the iJu. Dally. Dally via Huntington. SPOKANE FLYSlf, 6:15 P. M. S:0O A. if. Daily. Dailr. For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Lew laton.Coeur d'Alene, and Great Northern point. ATLANTIC EXPRESS, for the Eat via Hunt, lngton. 3:15 P. M. 7:15 A.M. Daily. Dally. IUVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and way points, connecting with steamer for Ilwa co and North Beacn steamer Hassalo. Ash ctreet dock (water per.) FOR DAYTON, Oxe. gon City ami Vamhlll River points. Ash-strort dock (water permitting) 5:30. P. M. Dally, ex. Sun- FOR LEWI3TON. Idaho, and way points, from Riparla. Wash. About 5:00 P. M. ex. Frt. TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washington. Telephone Main 712. C W. Stinger. City Tlck et Agent; A. L. Craig. General Passenger Agent. San Francisco & Portland S. S. Co. For San Francisco every five days at 8 P. M.. from Alnsworth dock. S. S. Costa Rica. February 10 and 20; S. S. Columbia, February 5 and 15. . Portland Asiatic S. S. Company. For Yokohama. Kobe. MoJI- and Hong Kong. I taklw; freight via connecting steamers for ;agasaKi. bnangnai. Manna, rort Artaur ana Vladivostok. S. S. Nlcomedia. February 17. S. S. Numantia. March 8. For freight and further particulars, apply to JAMES H. DtlWSON. Agent. Telephone Main 2CS. 248 Washington at. PAQT Via SOUTH UNION DEPOT. litEaa 'xjitAx.Na for salein. liue liurg, Aalllaad. bac aiucniu, uucu. sua 'lnciauu, Jlwjuve, Loa ACgele. ci I'ajo, Nov urieaoj and the KtLai. 3:30 P. M. 7:23 A. M 80 A. iL Morning truo con 3:W I. M. . nects at Woodburn (dally exueui sun- day) wlta train lor Uount Aiigei. suvor ton. Brownsville. Springfield. Wend. I lug and Natroc 4:00 P. M. Albany passenger 10:10 A. M. connect at Wood bum uith Mt. Angel and Silverton local. 730 A- M. 114:50 F. M. Corvallis passenger. 5:50 P. M. 8:23 A- Jt. Sneriaan passenger. Dally. UDally. except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SHRYIC3 AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally 'or Oswego at 7:3ft A M.. 12:50. 2:03. 3:55. 3:20. 6:23. 7:43. 10:10 P. Uaiiy, except Sunday, 5:30, 6:30 &:&, ' 10:25 A. M., 4:10. 11:30 P. M. Sunday, only, 8 A. M. Returning from Oswego arrive Portland daily 8:30 A. M.. 1:55, 3:05. 4:33. 0:15, 7:33, 0:53, 11-10 P M. Dally except aiinda-. 0:23, 7iU, 9:30. 10-20. 11:45 A. M. Kxjfcut Monday. Ui3 A. M. Sunday only. 10:00 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter mediate points daily except Sunday. 4:10 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:10 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, connecting " with S. P. Co. trains at Dallas and Indcpend- 'lrst-class fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Francisco. $20: bmh ?v Second class fore. 5: second-clasa berth $2.30. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also t. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third aa4 gtonVixeets. Phone Main 712. 1IME CARD OFTRAINS PORTLAND Depart. JVrrlve. Pugst Sound Limitea tor Tacoma. Seattle. Olympla, South Bend and Gray's Harbor points 8:30 am 4:45 pm North Coast Limited for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane, Butte, St. Paul, New York, Boston and all points Eaat and Southeast 3:00 pm 7:00 am Twin City Express, for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane. Helena, St. Paul, Minne apolis. Chicago, New York, Boston and all points East and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pra Puget Sound-Kansas Clty- St. Louis Special, for Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Billings. Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 am All trains dally, except on South Bend branch: A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas senger Agent. 253 Morrison at., corner Thlra. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. 3:ou P.M. (5:00 P. M. Dally. Daily, except J except Sunday. Suaoay. Saturday. 10:00 P. M. . :00 A. ZS. Dally, ex. Sun. 5:40 A. M Dally, ex. Sat. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Liijy ior Maygers. xutiu.er. Daily Clatskanic, Westport, Clifton. Astoria. War 8:00 A. M. renton. FUiveL Ham- U:10 A. . moad. Fort Stevens, Ucarbart Park. Eea slce. Astoria and Sea shore. Express Dally. 7:00 P M. AstorDalbCpre"J- 9:40 P C. A. STEWART. J. C. MAYO. Conua'l'Agt... 243 Alder sc G. F. & P. A, Phone Main 80S. 1 BreatNorthern8 City Ticket Office. 122 3d at. Phone 630. 2 0VEELA2O) TEAI1TS DALLY 2 The Flyer and tho i'J Mall. SjPUENDID SEIIVICE HVl.o-iy.VlE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES For tickets, rules, folders and full la forn:ation, call on r address U. DICIiaON. City Passenger and Ticket Act- 122 Third street. Portland. Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. SHINANO MARU For Japan China and all Asiatic Ports, will Leavo beattle about Feb. 15th.